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niggalow's client two minutes before posting about how he does not care about ranked on the lolg edition

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We do not care

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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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Stay positive /lolg/!
Kill yourself
what da loserq doin doe fr?
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what champion should I play if I respect sexual and racial minorities
Live yourself
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I just read through this file and I truly truly TRUUUUULY deserve to be put down for the stuff I typed, holy fuck I am about to get cancer and die IRL from the cringe
I am glad I archived everything
not a troon
Soraka, my _______ wife!
I should start typing the same way I used to back in the days
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EUNE just made me type stuff man
eune really do be like that fr
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What's crazy to me is that it was only a 25 chat restrict for having typed 100+ times and it's just pure racism and me saying I will int
Want to see what you are wearing
I've 10 year old eune accounts on which I've advocated for the genocide of every eune nationality
it is what it is eune mods must be russian or something
Whats actually crazy is you insulting greeks when odds are you are a complete subhuman like polish or something disgusting like that
Read the end of >>485927092 you little low IQ greek turkbaby
Maybe, maybe. It would make sense, but I think all servers have become more strict the last 2 years or something.
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back to my negative mmr account
leveling an account in this game takes too long
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reminder that Nami is soft
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how can losted ?
best tf in the world bruv name a better tf bruv
dopa is better
topixo clears
holy cope batman
Delusional low elo FREAKs
GG is G (Gross Gore is Goated)
gonna need u to post the whole log this looks spicy
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real and bazed
He has aids
why do adc sissies cry about their support instead of queueing up a solo lane?
Zeri, Kai'sa, Vayne, Smolder, Ezreal, Varus, Cait, Lucian are all very powerful in solo lanes
all adc players are nohands freaks that dont actually have the skill or knowledge required to lane solo so they just piggyback off their lane partner(supp broken role btw)
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Forfeit your life
>no trist
>but lucian
what kinda retardation makes a post like that? very interesting
Tristana is not an adc, she's a midlaner.
2 sec, ingame atm
playing with these players is fucking pathetic
kill yourself + troon
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what's your problem
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how do you cope when you go 0/4 in lane despite trying really hard followed by your entire team flaming you
my support for some unexplainable reason typed let's lose once again and then proceeded to lose us the game
I don't know how/why this keeps happening but it does
I guess I need to watch another 50 hours of slop capped: league of legends guides, that way my teammates will try to win or I can carry games where atleast 7-8 people want me to lose
I'm sure TF Blade would carry these or something like that
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Helping a friend get the sona skin, not looking too bad
because without someone to scapegoat every game they'd be outed for the shitters they really are
League needs a greatsword champ
Yeah it has garen and tryndamere but I want an actual greatsword not a comically large berserk/dark souls type thing. Plus those champs are boring and nooby
Stats are public so it's quite easy to see when someone is spouting retardation you little shitskinned tranny
how would you know
/deafen then try to solo bolo my opponent until it works

I'm bronze btw
TELL ME RIGHT NOW THE FOLLOWING (in the context of solo/duoq):
>how often (% of games) do you think you get inted by your teammates
>how often do "people" in your team actually type that they want to lose
>how often do you win the games when someone types that they want to lose
>how often do you suspect atleast one of your opponents is trolling
>how do you prevent your teammate from trolling
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why are lolgers so fucking retardedly low IQ? are you all a bunch of 70 IQ third worlders?
>y nice african turk language
>keep speaking it
how do you think he knew? are you able to figure it out? u fucking piece of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thats funny holy shit

just dump it in the thread ig idk
jungle diff
It's a team game incel
Go play something else
bro my fucking retarded support dies for no reason and then types jungle diff have fun playing against fed enemy botlane and then ints 10 mroe times into them and never press renata w on anyone while also typing "ff maybe?:)"
this shit happens in atleast 50% of my games
this cannot be normal. it just can't
Endless stop being so delusional, that does not happen in at least 50% of your games
>umm askchually you forgot this one champion
ok? thanks for proving my point even more
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around 10%
around 1 out of 50 games and it's usually me
half of my wins lol
I don't
>>how often do "people" in your team actually type that they want to lose
just had our jungler yesterday int the game till we lose. he said it in post game lobby but I'd count it
>>how often do you win the games when someone types that they want to lose
almost never. somehow 1 man trying to lose is stronger than 4 trying to win
>lowtiergod is in this
>just had our jungler yesterday int the game till we lose.
what does this mean? daily occurence? how many games per day do you play?
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Had to hop on EUNE and int some niggas for old time's sake, too lazy to type this into a translator but I know this nigga was FURIOUS
>m-muh statistics
yeah and K'sante is actually the worst champion in the game xd
who cares that Smolder is giga scaling for free when playing against a tank, he has 47% win rate top so it must be shit XDDD
nobody ints YOU
they int and you happen to be in the game
get over yourself
>dude ksante is good i promise i watched it in lck
Get your shitskinned tranny face stomped in for larping as a pro
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Oh wow! Another game where the enemy support is substantially better than mine! Amazing how that works for last few games huh
I wonder if my lolg crush talks to me today
show us the cs
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i will behave from now on, !BUT! only if teammates don't flame me for picking jakes adc
bruiser retards can't play marksmen
too used to being immortal, being a squishy that dies the moment anyone from the enemy team looks at you is way beyond their ability
Quick play time.
Im better at Draven than I am my main champ
just reminded myself that i could swap to any role/champ combo here and outperform anyone itt
pretty sad for the rest of you, but that's not my problem
Irelia has to be one of the worst top laners in the game surely. Riot just cant fucking decide which lane she should be played in so they keep her dogshit in both.
Lol? Gave FB to Xayah so I had to hug turret early. That Xayah was so bad she couldn't dodge my ult. I'm getting consistently griefed by my support every game and I just want 1 that is good.
kayns are boosted by their champ and belong 2 divisions lower. somehow manage to go 2/50 every game without ever doing anything on the map
just /fullmute at the start of the match and you won't have this problem
So now that the waves of brown flood are receding, will they make her the next demacian champ in like 2026 or something?
i am looking for a reason to int
>senna has more damage and assists than their support for the same 3 deaths
what about this is griefing
you know what the next champion looks like right?
dei is not receding
probably not 50% anymore but it's really high still. it has to be well above 30% (I try not looking at it too much anymore because it tilts me)
I've no idea how I'm causing this but I'm sure it would be obvious for an expert or something
genuinely what the fuck could I be doing to make my teammates not want to win so often? what the fuck is this?
she gave fb lvl 1 due to bush cheese, so i couldn't lane the entire laning phase. she then went on to almost never go bot, so i get dived. just disgusting how someone like that can gain elo.
>jax adc and draven support
KEK. this would actually work in low elos is the sad part
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that isn't a cs score, friend.
Snowbunny is blacked not brown
looks bland
Record your next game so we can analyze it and tell you what's wrong with it(we're experts in this)
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Good morning /lolg/
I got woken up early so I went back to sleep and now I’m here late
I love league of legends
not that one retard
take initiative and turn that maybe into a certainly
I can stream it maybe
Adc, Supp, Jungle, mainly support.
15%, though theyre not hard int just poorly played soft int making it a difficult game.
None unless you mean pulling up ff's then probably 40%
Unsure, sometimes I too pull the ff vote because I'm jungling and get a bit of a hissy fit but people think i'll be fine and to calm down and we win.
None, probably because I rarely read the chat, only times enemies type is because they want a rise out of you.
Either handholding and perma healing or body blocking them to prevent feeding or just letting them die so they give 0 gold, though I only get bad players not trolls.
I just get people who play like they're new to the game or bronze/iron basically, which is fine sometimes I pick Morg or Soraka and feel like I should've done better too.
Good morning my love
he means black granny ambessa
Throw that ass back
biting my flow
The arcane champion is also black not brown afaik
لله إلهي
Someone post the brown flood of champions pasta
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what did he mean by this
champs that know how to twerk?
enemy team ezreal = hanql on crack heroin and adderall
my team ezreal = billy bob mcjohnson jenkins picking ezreal because its le safe pick
yea fuck it I be streaming till morning maybe
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Can just tell this nigga plays janna and twerks irl
Snowbunny twerks for K'sante
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it do be is are dat be up

jeffrey epstein aint raise no bitch fr we up despite bigly on the case
>about to kill enemy laner
>they flash away
I hate cheaters
my mom cheated and she flashed away with another man
it's my only defense against all the blinks, point n clicks, cc immune, dashes and speedups in this game leave me alone
Soraka! My Wife!

Can I be un-reminded?
actually though how much better would this game be without flash you would have to actually have some game knowledge instead of just flipping a retarded engage then flashing away because you got slapped
stfu assassin abuser
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wasn’t me so no idea kek
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actually yes, just look at this picture for a while
in what situations is red kayn better than lillia?
this but with hourglass
every attempt at enjoying this game again has failed
i dont even have fun shitting on low elos anymore
i think its time to quit
be free
bee free
Take a break and relax.
learn to position freak
oh great, my support is on 9 game loss streak :D
Its the forced 50/50 its not his fault
all me uwu
>T-the brown flood is ending
Delusional as fuck.
jungle is lowkey the easiest role once you learn basic fundamentals
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Awww our eyes!
It's extremely boring doe
Farming is genuinely boring, albeit pathing isn't, but still doebeitever farming is so boring overshadowing the not-so-boring pathing albeit
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poles just seem to be in the capital of the butthurt belt. Their butthurt extends to everything and everyone in games I've noticed. I dont usually see german or dutch or french or even italian words in these chat logs... but polish? 1 out of 4 times and that is putting it conservatively.
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did it work?
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>I don't usually see french
he can't be serious, right?
*flashes out of your point n click ult*
cya fag
must be a jacques el parisinigrotino frfr
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Emerald 4 (last season, cba playing ranked right now)
I can't stop them from trolling, so I /deafen and start going schizo mode, i.e. limit testing the entire game by making the most retarded plays that have a high payoff if I win (I usually do because I win the lane and snowball) and hard carry the game.
too bad it still feels like shit when everyone is in your jg and no one rotates
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strange, it should. Oh well, I'll find another picture.
Lieutenant Commander
>how often (% of games) do you think you get inted by your teammates
Legit coinflip if our support is an npc teemo (while not actually playing teemo) or a sapient human being
>how often do "people" in your team actually type that they want to lose
extremely rare
>how often do you win the games when someone types that they want to lose
extremely rare but I did once ban warwick while a player had him hovered. He proceeded to int very hard by playing Yuumi jungle. His retardness did not cost us the game because luckily there were three or so of his inbred kin on the other team it would seem.
>how often do you suspect atleast one of your opponents is trolling
75% chance that someone on your team is either a smurf, troll, or ban-evader
>how do you prevent your teammate from trolling
You don't. It's the internet. You can't do shit as a civilian.

where do i redeem this for RP?
i want to treat myself to a 4800BE champ but I don't have his shard and i'm jewish like that
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Please don't that was still a crit hit.
Being Jewish over BE? Now that's GRAZY
4800 is not that bad desu, just do it.
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you WILL look at fish pictures
Champs for this feel? I am the man tricking the dog
either botlane role either as an engage support or an adc that can disengage easily
You sexy bitch, answering me seriously
I hope you get 5000 lp just for that
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Oh god. It's Namover.
>Farming is genuinely boring
not if you're playing Lillia. also I find it kinda relaxing desu
Hey I cant use my passive on camps as Ivern or put a shield on daisy
What gives
Ok rapebait
i don't think im getting out of lobsterlow unfortunately
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Bronze 2
>how often (% of games) do you think you get inted by your teammates
I think the majority of games at my rank are decided by which team ints the most.
>how often do "people" in your team actually type that they want to lose
If you mean players giving up early on and throwing? 30% of the time.
>how often do you win the games when someone types that they want to lose
If we can turn their mindset around maybe 50%.
>how often do you suspect atleast one of your opponents is trolling
Almost half the games that I win if the enemy lose their lanes early.
>how do you prevent your teammate from trolling
I try to keep a positive outlook and ask them to calm down.
Don't bother. That other anon is being disingenuous. I've seen supports self-tilt all the time. Anyone who has been Bottom has see it just like anyone who has been Support has seen many an Ezreal ping and cry about shit.

It is normal just like it's normal to have one sociopath player have unlimited access to the game via multiple accounts
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>want to smoke
>all out of cigs
>every shop around me has already closed
what a fucking bummer
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nah, you'll be fine!
mirror mirror on the wall
I miss LWB so much it's unreal
nobody ever said that
t. LWB
whoever the fuck that is
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I'm sorry I can't be him...
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good morning
here's zoe on her way to give you a hug
EUW players are not humans. I miss EUNE. People would flame you but at least they wouldnt run it down because of a fragile ego
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my friend that plays janna all the time says Ezreal is not a safe ban. Coincidence?
forced 50/50
You miss your Janna support doncha.
how are the players on this game so trash at all levels??????????????????????????
nigga u just ASS fr
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Idk, Soraka looking pretty beat.
imagine doxxing a guy who actually played league unlike the two troons who use this general as their personal discord
not coach
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>Control Ward 0
>Control Ward 0
>Control Ward 0
>Control Ward 0
>Control Ward 0

>one game where he clearly babby-raged hard and sold everything

decent CS though, faggot
how do i unASS myself
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damn, I hope some meth will help
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holy shit this game is easy
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Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a heartache
Tell me why
Ain't nothing but a mistake
Tell me why
I never wanna hear you say
I want it that way
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>Come to gank a lane (the bot lane)
>Expect the Thresh (the support of bot lane) to throw his Q (hard CC) (not on cooldown)
>He waits until a random point in the middle of the fight to do so (misses)
>The gank is unsuccessful (2 of us died)
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Caitlyn players I slap you with my cock
lilliakings who do you alt when she's picked or banned?
i cut my veins because i am a boosted otp and don't know how to play the game
Feed it to Kog, first.
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champ for this feel
is bardinette's playstyle the solution to toplane?
hold on nigga
the fuck is "superior mastery chest"
it ain't a masterwork chest??? as in it doesn't count towards the milestones?
Bel'Veth and level 2 invade
Kayn, Briar, Nocturne
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Don't want to talk much about my games but man I had to be so patient with my adc here.
If the adc don't got me I know my jungler got me, thank you junglers.
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nothing happened, see?
Stay positive /lolg/!
my day got worse now that you've posted ai slop, thanks and fuck you
it only works because hes funneling all resources into his high elo adc who will actually carry with the advantage given to him
if you try to do it in a normal rank it wont work because adcfags in low elo are stupid animals who cant carry even with a 10/0 start, theyll just overextend and die, end up 10/10 and then you lose
considering he peaked Masters I would imagine not
so feed your mid/jg
I don't give a fuck man my account is monitored
this just cannot be fucking happening I fucking tried reviewing my fucking games I tried fucking having a good attitude
I tried everything the behaviour of my fucking teammates isn't fucking normal I refuse to belive this shit i am so fucking done there is no other conclusion to be made other than that the outcome of my games is predetermined
this shit is fucking ridiculous
Ever since those matchmaking changes climbing has just become hair tearingly painful. Even tyler1 dropped to emerald elo.
Want to know something?
they arent good either
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no bigger enough!
you are in the same rank they are not worse than you
it's just not fucking real I don't even get to play the motherfucking game most of my games, I am not even outclassed or anything but something complete retarded bullshit happens everytime that put me out of the fucking game
like don't fucking tell me that my alistar burns flash before minions spawn, he recalls THEN HE FUCKING GOES TO SOLO LEASH MY REKSAI JUNGLE THEN TRIES INITIATING LVL 1 VS LVL 2 WITH NO SUMMS WHILE WE ARE A LVL DOWN
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give it to me straight lolg... am I getting banned for this?
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My dad was a kwabologist before he retired and he says he's never seen anything like this in the history of kwab. he took off his readers, looked me dead in the eyes, his face pale. with a concerned tone, he said "this is more than a kwab". I felt my heart fall into my gut knowing he was almost certainly right. He rolled his office chair over to his bookshelf, flipped open a textbook. I saw him trace his fingers over the page. he looked over the scaled classifications (he mentioned it was logarithmic). he said quietly to himself "lmao... kwab...kwaboty...kwabotc...ronaldo...", then he ended in silence. All he said after several tense moments "I've never kek'd what a bitch more in my entire life".
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Ok, now let the scuttles try it.
I'm blue ba da be da ba da...
Did you type on top of it? Probably
so? what the fuck does that have to do with anything? why are you arguing for the sake of arguing?
I did not type and didn't ping anything other than wards
No unless you typed.
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told you it's safe, you gonna lie there and wait?
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surely not, this guy is still playing (he also said that he wants to lose multiple times but it is what it is hehe xd)
It do be like that sometimes
>so? what the fuck does that have to do with anything?
your teammates are bad and your enemies are bad so your bad teammates can carry the game against the bad enemies if you get them feed
why are you so aggresive
nice play vs morde
every single player is useless
I swear if you executed every single teammate I've ever had in this dogshit game, everyone would be a billionaire and we would have flying cars n shit
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I'm bored
ah ok, so my support inted me because he was eating, this is completely normal behaviour I guess losers queue isn't real after all hah
watch this guy play Smite Unsealed Spellbook Kayn Top
Doing 15 reps over multiple sets with 1,5 plates with a neck harness while I am in low prio queue. I'd fucking snap every single one of you faggots ITT in two, watch yourselves
I'M A BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
imagine unironically believing in the vision jew and buying control wards
i will sexually molest my team mates
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He doesn't look safe...
fun fact: I've dropped my discord tag here not long ago
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Based handicapper
thanks brother, hope you have a good day :D
The only poster ITT that manages to make endless not look like a niggalow, well done you NIGGGGGGGGGGGGAlow
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just a little side effect, nothing to worry about
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control wards in niggalow are the biggest bait on roles other than support prove me wrong
you need it on adc late game just to auto attack people who you lose vision of
they're great on jungle too
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oh heeeeeeeellllllll naw
not on draven because you have full slots albeit
full slots?
nigga i'm raping, i'm going
and i'm not talking about hots
because i'm loaded up on dextro pots
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Poppy support is great. Too bad some people can't execute even if you literally push the low hp enemies to your team.
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>do my full combo + enemy ult + 5 lich bane passive autos on a wave
>creeps are still above 50% hp
CSing on this bitch ass is borderline impossible
yeah its his singular only weakness
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she's so cute
She was designed to be?
single mother by the age of 30
and Seraphine was designed to be a mid laner yet here we are
then fuck off :D
Seraphine was designed to be cute and whatever and now she has a billion skins, your point was irrelevant.
fair I forgot cause I dont play that role lol
just broke my 5 game losing streak all i had to do was go 0/7/0 in lane and ragesplit for 40 minutes straight while watching family guy on 2nd monitor its really that easy
>a guy who actually played league
revisionism goes crrrrrrrrrrrrazy
nigger actively used the name field then decided not to because everyone just filtered his ass, complained about his life, shat up the thread with irrelevant garbage about how drunk he is, ERPed in the thread, and was begging for attention every single time he "blessed" the thread with his presence
bitches get stitches and snitches. kys.
she was also designed to be sexy.

and 17
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Dead game
Dead general
how is that any different from the daily nonsense from your other ecelebs?
I stopped buying pinks because I just know my support would be saying some dumb shit in their head like "wow finally I get an adc that buys pinks yaaaaaaaaas" and I don't wanna be that nigga nam sayn
last leaverbuster game and I will OHP your fat ass for 20 reps while waiting
>no niggerdick spam and no gay yuropeon erp = dead general
they don't use the name field
fairly simple
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sett in arena is quite funny
it didn't work
Is Briar at all in a playable state? There are literally 0 challenger games on record. I know highelo hate frenzy and it doesn't apply to pisslow elo but is the champion just bad in general these days?
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my pyke wanted to lose, inted my lane and we ended up winning
I think there was a lesson to be learned from that game
I am not sure what it is but something along the lines of "play fullmuted and assume that everyone is a massive retard"
is for rape
shes ok
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There's no difference between the shitposters who are anonymous and the ones who use tripcodes
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She has a 50% winrate or higher in Emerald and below so Id say shes playable for most of the playerbase
drututt makes it look broke idk
where are all the fat balding losers @? why nobody posting cropped porn and their fetishes? ain't no way we're having a good thread
What do these people have that you don't have?
kak dhela?
thanks for posting this
schizo meltdowns saved lolg
im not even mad at riot for being incompetent subhumans im just depressed at what this game has become. like what the actual fuck has league come to man
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I would rather erp with the boys than post no2929291929383 complaining about bad teammates in a multiplayer game
>I would rather off-topic than on-topic
yeah nigga we know xd
You are the fat balding losers, normies go outside on the weekends
u tebya kak bratan?
you're here
But I'm not balding (yet)
the best way to figure out someone's gender is bring up balding (if man) or body count (if girl)
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I earned my fishy fish fishdish!
cant see shit
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i'm literally Soraka
I don't think Soraka is that flat.
at first I thought 'this guy is smart - doing workouts while queue'

Now, I realize I was gullible as shit. Again.
I got my first girlfriend at 16. She was a 29 year old Chinese exchange student in Scotland and she one tricked Soraka (we met ingame). I lost my virginity to her and I some times wonder if that was right. I say this because I feel like I have to get it off my chest some times and because you posted a Soraka that looks Chinese to me.
unfortunately i wasn't blessed with big knockers
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then how about Jinx cosplay?
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Move the fuck away faggots, this is a 2v8 game
you could say the same about bardinette
there's someone that can make any schizo bs work
well, maybe, but I cannot speak your language yet
even with her at 29 and you not being fully matured, I bet that was the tightest hole you've explored
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My Brand literally dies 5 times, doesn't poke once, makes me cs all lane then for some reason goes all in because he got his 5 death powerspike or something.
Nigga the only other hole I've explored was another Chinese girl
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>My Brand
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This is after he had a hissy fit over me and went roaming, like what?
nigga its quickplay
hes probably like 12 years old irl
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Early mornin' wake ups practicin' on day-offs
Tough love, bottled up, no chaser
Neat, no chaser, neat, no chaser
Neat, no chaser, neat, no chase
Early mornin' wake ups, practicin' on day-offs
Tough love, bottled up, no chaser
Neat, no chaser, neat, no chaser
Neat, no chaser, neat, no chaser
ugly ass acne
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Every rp exchange between nonnies is unique experience whereas game complaining is the exact same
>hurr durr losersq
>i ooga team booga
Not getting cancerstomped by Jax - FAIL
Flaming your 12 year old support playing some games on the weekend - SUCCESS
I know but when I play bad atleast I admit it, people are so cringe and uppity.
>ooo garen sexo
>durrr darius garen
don't ever talk about "unique" pls
i bet you have pimples on your neck
>when your team goes 0-15
anyone know a good single player competitive game, this team shit just aint it anymore. ruining my mental
ermmm caitsisters? whats our next move?
i drink so little water my tongue feels funny when i take a sip
champs for this feel?
*inserts my pp into ur ass*
Youre my lolg crush now
Oh, too late.
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ok but why the fuck does this keep happening?
my support inted my whole fucking game again
enemy support didn't int the whole fuckign game again
>afks in bush lvl 1
>we get lvl 2
>he starts shoving every fucking wave under enemy tower for no fucking reason
>dies under enemy tower
>dies 3 more times pre 10 minutes
>runs around doing random shit on the map until we lose
I checked his profile he wins like half of his games on swain, why the fuck does he do this in my game?
why the fuck do 90% of supports do similar shit in my games?
why doesn't the enemy do this shit?
how THE FUCK does this work?
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>single player competitive game
i don't feel it
you mean 1v1 competitive game right?
I like SF6 and Marvel Snap but NASB2 was pretty gud too
cute boy
You are fucking delusional you niggggggggggggggggggger
Too many games of you blaming your support while you're obviously playing like shit, delusional shitN00000B, go to sleep
i mean solo, so i don't have to rely on any more braindead retarded teammates. maybe i'll just start playing Team Fight Tactics even though it looks terrible, but can't be worse then League solo queue
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see? I told you Soraka will be fine
like what the fuck is going on in my games?
even if I'm being generous towards riot, at minimum the algorithm has to have put my account in some sort of demon queue by accident at one point
this is not normal
this cannot be the experience of the average player
don't care about iron opinions, sorry
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>don't care about iron opinions, sorry
woah, the guy in losers queue is complaining about losers queue?? that's insane man
>those win rates
>those KDA
this nig got carried or bought an account HAHAHAAA

>target marked... I never... -ACK
imma just consider all my teammates as literal bots and disregard their opinions and existence completely. that's the SECRET.
im getting tired of all these aram dodges

fuck off to ranked instead of wasting my time
She's not looking good... again.
Ok lost that game. Think I only tolerate playing Xayah, and that's probably because she's broken or something atm.
dis nigga really posts his webms on catbox so that he can avatarfag ain't no way bruhhhh unreal sheeit xd
>single player competitive game
shmup scoring runs, maybe speedruns but the scene is kinda yikes as the younguns say

Fighting games. Tekken 8 and SF6 are both alright and pretty populated.
Yeah that's lame.
Yeah that's cute.
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she should ask Ahri for something stronger
Scientists stumped as to why it is always bot lane
>I pretend they're bots
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I love Lissandra!
Dishonest champion
Rakan has, let's be real, two actually damaging abilities, and they only happen during all-ins. It's like saying "wow that Milio did NO DAMAGE what happened?"
Bad communication all the time, wish people were a bit honest or learned to control their impulses.
>One retard ints
>The slightly less retarded player now has a significantly greater chance of inting
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I love Lissandra too and I think both are dishonest, but it's a dishonest game to begin with...
No! They'll make food!
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fine, whatever floats your goat
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imagine actually planning a shooting but missing because you didnt bother to brush up on marksmanship before
more like lvl 1 cait auto vs someone lvl 18
That's basically endless' ADC skills transferred to an irl shooter
Oh she floats all right. Floating away!
hold up, are those Soraka's feet?
Would anyone want to carry a gold support to plat? I want the plat Sona chroma this season but I suck
>Dota2 allows the most absurdly OP things in their game because that's just how it is
>But they still removed jungle because it was TOO OP in a game filled with broken things
>League still keeps it...just because
Don't worry the next "rework" followed by slight tap on the wrist nerfs (that get immediately reverted the next patch) will fix jungle this time!
Ok but like why is it ALWAYS bot lane
you realize if there was no jungle people would just go roaming support top and then there would be two roles nobody likes playing because they get no gold income
Hi is there anyone streaming league of legends as of now?
>Bad outdated champs
>Useless until 3 items
>No viable defensive items so they die in 1 skillshot
I'm not sure what kind of mass psychosis caused the League community to think bot lane adc is good now because Trist mid is pickable
I'm sorry you lost me there, what would you suck exactly?
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Yes. Like how Nami has legs and feet.
yeh I'll start it up in a sec
Bad communication and synergy. I don't want to parrot this any more.
Ill ask again when my bot lane ints this game (3rd time in a row)
damn toplane kinda sucks
not gonna give up mid to someone that asks again
Jungle and support are already permanently priority roles despite being the 2 most influential ones as agreed upon by most of high elo. Jungle was still priority when it was even more disgusting. Riot failed to get people into it early in the game's life cycle and now it's too late regardless of what changes they make. Rather than keep poking at the symptoms and making us deal with their failure to balance it or make it popular they just need to cut it and be done with it like Dota.
cute name be my gf?
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The answer to that would change based on who's asking
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should i stream bros..
lets hit it
u were just waiting for me
got mid back and bloodchud didn't get banned this time it's comeback szn
An uppity burning man typed this post.
create a new lane then
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a lot of things are funny in arena if you try hard enough
downplay harder
omgg, yesh pls
Don't pretend like she's some 1v9 machine retard. She hasn't even approached the cancer mid lane previously had with things like pre nerf Sol, Sylas, Akali, Azir, Trynd, Yone etc.
if you pretend to be a girl kg will
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will you be here in an hour? out of respect for kg i think i'll wait a bit :3
i hope you'll join me then
>two back to back ads.
>one 30 secs and another 1:30 seconds
child support ain't gonna pay itself.
that'd be ironic that the one guy who goes after all the women here already has a baby momma
You'll never guess what happened in bot lane for this 3rd game
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what happened
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They need to get rid of these regional watermarks, so fucking nasty.
of course!!
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you nibbas excissed for the bunny bitch or dont give a fuck
I've saved enough BE to get her and try her out, she will be fun from the looks of it, atleast for me.
Though I find midlane to be extremely boring so I'd probably rather play her top or support/adc as a test, though practice tool + bots would probably be most helpful first.
I was but shes not my playstyle
and her not having an accent was so disappointing I dont even think I can waifu her
>cait/jhin/ashkan ult the low enemy support
>full hp ezreal doesn't bodyblock
>one even teleports out of the way to let the shot kill their support
this happens every time i play against ezreal, and i've yet to see other adcs do this
>try out talon in quickplay
>enemy is lux
I swear to god i get autolose matchups everytime. Lux players are a particularly annoying bunch too. Takes 80iq to play her and win. Disgusting champ. And yes i won the game. Still i gotta ask, how is it fair for Lux to outdamage my combo with one eq
talon/panth champs like that with a simple dash suck ass lmao
fuck supportfags
>lane vs dshield fleet second wind absorb life
Played Panth top against a shyvana. Level 1 one e and 2 autos and im down to half hp wtf...shits unfair
get fucked quinn abuser
every time i play shyvana against melee it feels like playing yuumi, no idea how people pull it off
I spit on all the Dravens you've faced that haven't done this as well
>play fun character
>have fun
ain't no way this is so easy
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Post Lissandra
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damn the evening chillgaming returned all my lost lp from rage queueing during the day
maybe this is the way to gain elo
or maybe winning and losing is just completely random, although the game quality felt way better than during the day
nahh bro coach lost his draven skills
it's legit over for /lolg/ now, every draven main left draven behind!!
bro you don't understand how tilting it is to play draven in s14
I'd be cracked on draven if I practiced him for 2 days but it's pointless
Interesting that this coincides with me, the best Draven this general has seen, returning to the game
Says a lot about how shit the Dravens here (besides me of course, just need to play for a bit) are that they think Draven is shit with old BT/IE AD back
life's a waterfall
what comes down goes around
NA bros, where did you go? This game really is dead in NA :-(
Ive been playing most of the day, but it was not a good run of games
What mode did you play?
Normal draft
who this
too busy going out with my vel'koz gf.
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>have a name that indicates I play rs
>all these dorks saying "DUDE MY ACC IS BETTER DUEEEEED LOOK ME UP"
Ye bro relax, no one cares. I played rs when I was 6
Someone that was here when I was a student (i.e. I was up at this time) and saw how active the thread was
Never ranked?
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ok bros
it's time
they raped each other for over a thousand years, practically the same gene pool now
>not much (it is generally me)
>I don't type, that is a dead giveaway for jannies to ban you
>again rarely
>if someone is trolling, I am probably doing it too
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i think i will abuse lillia for a bit
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Qiyana legendary skin where
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>wrist hurting while playing after a workout
Lol I'm fucking old, what the fuck is this shit
When is Riot going to update Leona's icon? Look how old it is.

Also, Riot should make Leona look more cutesy so that egirls actually play her.
>Never ranked
Not really, ranked can be frustrating and I normally dont play league outside of 3+ man premades
Gay ass nigga
People dont seem to enjoy this game much when they play alone
Playing for enjoyment is for gay ass niggas
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rumia get on we need to talk about the zed buffs
w posts desu
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why isnt kindred playable bottom again?
is that actually my ticket to challenger
she is outranged by every adc
she also needs to rush 4 marks to get her big power spike (about equivalent to kayn form)
only one way to find out!
>she is outranged by every adc
so is kaisa

>she also needs to rush 4 marks to get her big power spike (about equivalent to kayn form)
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how did they fuck up so badly?
lol, you are just bad. the support saved the game by not supporting you and focus on other stuff instead
>needs to rush 4 marks
well, shit. there's gotta be another big, gaping vulnerability that im not seeing here, right?
she cannot scale without her marks
and she doesn't have the bullshit damage or wave clear of kaisa
she also has to waste her escape to have any wave clear
she also has even less range than kaisa
she also has less mana and less move speed
he still plays once in a while
you sound niggalow. be quiet.
t. raped by lillia cock
go away and shit on something else. let us have our schizotalk, fascist
wtf anon half of those are kids
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I love you, Anon
here's a better question, why kindred over any other adc?
name an adc with a fatter ass than kindred
I can't believe a pdf died for our sins
Don't use those words so lightly... :(
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carry on
not how that works!
*kisses you in front of /lolg/*
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But I'm not saying them lightly, I really do love you
I hate 20 death botlane episode reruns so much it's unreal
Vayne's butthole is quite large, though her ass is quite small.
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I will be heard.
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>Riot trying so hard to force me to not get masters they put me in a D3 MMR game so I get -25 LP
>Match me with the WORST rakan in the game gave first blood level 1 to Soraka Kai'sa

Just 2 more wins... But we all know what is going to happen next time I queue...
>play aram
>roll jhin
>some bitch wants him and begs to trade
>decline saying I wouldnt give away the best aram champion
>dodges just to cuck me out of it
fucking niggers even in aram I swear
she's fine but because adcfags refuse to learn how to use her w fucking meme neeko support is played more than her kek
if only there was a gamemode that let you choose your champ
I need physical evidence, sloppafags get on it
its only fun in aram you schmuck
you can have varying butthole sizes? I thought everyone was just equally proportional
When is the next patch releasing?
He got MVP doe
>We have Smolder Lulu
>Enemy team has Lucian Nami
>Our mouthbreather of a jungler picks Shyvana and then goes nowhere near the botside of the map for thirty minutes while the enemy Lee Sin literally never leaves it
>"gg can't win useless bot"
We hate you, we only like Zaunites here.
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Why is Vlad early game so horrendously bad?
>Autos do jack fucking shit
>You're mainly just sitting under turret the whole laning stage farming
It's so fucking boring. At least he becomes fun once laning stage is over with and you can start fighting. Your only hope to actually snowball in the beginning is if your opponent is a fucking dumbass or you're jungler is amazing.
he died level 1 to kai'sa soraka. how does that even happen? yes he did better after laning phase but holy just give me a good support just one time.
>Scaling lategame mage is bad early
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champs for this feel?
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jcs fan here
why are you pitting anons against each other
He got MVP
So he carried
Seethe and cope
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It seems like Riot designed her kit so situational she's functionally very weak unless picked last.

I love you too, random person.

I'm listening, anon. What would you like to say?
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>Play mid
>Opponent chooses LeBlanc
be my gf
I legit forget this champ even exists. Definition of a will only be played when op champ.
is quinn boosting me? i feel like this champ just lets you be everywhere at once and thats kind of op in low elo
>enemy leblanc playing like an absolute ape next to my tower
>jungle doesnt exist
>the second the wave resets and is back in the middle of the lane after 2 minutes of lb retard pushing the enemy jungle is ready to flash in to gank
yeah, im thinking its farm my jungles camps until we lose time
Not at all. If you die as a support level 1 you destroy all ability for your ADC to come ahead. If I didn't stable the situation we would have lost. They also dived me twice because rakan kept dying.
>troon thinks mvp only counts when they get it and others don't deserve it when they earn it
stop being a bitter cunt
I would have gotten MVP if he didn't die level 1 to soraka though...
>>how often (% of games) do you think you get inted by your teammates
90% of the time, 100% of games minimum have 2 people with a 1/10 esque score, very rarely are they all on the enemy team, you usually always have 1-2 straight up retards on your team
>>how often do "people" in your team actually type that they want to lose
10-20% of the time, they only say this in retaliation to shittalking while inting, so if top lane gets his shit kicked in and is 0/5, and jungle says get your shit together, they will respond "nows i's is trollings :)))) good luck!!!"
>>how often do you win the games when someone types that they want to lose
10%, normally the rest of the game is down the shithole if one person is this far off the edge
>>how often do you suspect atleast one of your opponents is trolling
anytime an adc is picked top or a mage is picked jungle or any off meta support pick. people arent usually intentionally trolling they are just so beyond stupid naturally it feels like a joke when its just literally the best they can do
>>how do you prevent your teammate from trolling
i dont, you cant, go next
shit players for the past 20 hours...
>plays on the weekend
>expects quality games
i want to climb all over sett and kiss his chest and abs
calm down, aphelios
i fucking hate ezreal
i want to climb all over Ksante and kiss his chest and abs
I sink she’s hard to play. So many things can assrape you late game
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>got a second behavior warning
nigger, i haven't even been playing league recently with SotE and yawntrail coming out not long ago
Stop flaming lil cutie.
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What did you do to get it, anon?
Did you finish it? I fucking hated Wuk so bad.
Its a serious discussion that this game chat restricts too fast. I dont think its good business wise at this point.
i'm pretty slow on MSQ and the Wukker makes it harder
did you talk to your lolg crush today anon?
I have 5 lolg crushes! I talked to 3 of them today!
name them crushslut
anon wtf
theres no lolg thats my specific type and the one that comes closest doesnt really care for me
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Anons I think i just watched the greatest melty in my post game lobby I will ever see.
Mind you this is silver.
who comes closest?
Why would I crush on anyone? People are just noisy piles of decaying flesh. Everybody's the same in that regard, we're all worthless so what's there to crush over exactly?
who are they?
Jealousy is not a good look.
theres an anon here who gives me hope with their cute positivity
pessimist boy + genki girl is one of my fav tropes
hoes ain't loyal
I've had multiple crushes but only one at a time, don't be a hoe anon
I wonder if anyone crushes on me
Send that to Riot Sup please.
who are you?
if they did youd know
anons are very obvious when they give someone attention and special treatment
well i always get cute replies

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>rumble dot com
nerf rumble
i am not a hoe!
do not call me that!
an anon who hates on muslims regularly, but would wear a hijab
this generals crushhoe
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I need to reunite the Kinkou.
wtf is kennen in lore
I wonder if the crushhoe is crushing on me...
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I think Illaoi could crush you, anon.

It's weird how long some people will stay in chat even if no one seems to be left. Players throw a fit over odd things; one spent an entire ARAM match rage-typing because I used the signed Ahri skin.
A ninja yordle.
buff Shen or a buff Shen?
they should give hints
I care about you, Jelly.
Jelly is aromantic
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Tfw no /lolg/ gf.
if you had to kiss one boy in league who would it be
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Obviously a buff Shen since I'll play him with or without buffs.
I'd give Ezreal a deep tongue kiss so good he'd think about it every time he gets a boring kiss from a girl
the summoner (me)
would you let me kiss you too?
no. i'd ignite you if you tried
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I wish I knew what to do against aphelios but I dont really have the time to read the 12TB worth of text about his abilities
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hwei, on the cheek. he seems like he could use from friendly affection. maybe he is even a little touch starved

that's not me kek
*kisses your cheek*
I love Lissandra!
Uhm... put the helmet back, baby...
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me irl
Damn, you look like you date Yone/Kayn players.
what is this meme
just me joking, damn
yeah thanks had no idea
anger is motivation without purpose
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so close to being able to play her support! yay!
he's not being a cute kitten for the twittoids?
what are they gonna do anyway, he's owned by china already and no one cared about that either.
Idk I will most likely play her a lot support as well but her kit doesn't look really fun...
>ywn have racist obese kayn/zed/riven/vayne main bf
what's the point in living?
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>Senna and Thresh
>Leona and Diana
>Fiddlesticks and Swain
>Lilia and Hecarim
Are there any other mirror kits in the game?

>American politics

I don't think Kennen fits, anon.
rate my song of nunu drawing
God, I'm so tired of all of this.
sovl out of ten
can we talk about a relevant country instead?
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Well after today you quite literally will never stop hearing about it
No escape for anyone
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there are currently 10 bulgarian challenger players on euw
bulgarians are statiscally the best league players on average
hey diana poster, I really like your pics they're pretty and high quality

can you dump them all here? it's not like the thread is fast and you'd interrupt anything
new Lux skin is so cute!
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healslut me?
i was thinking of trying out gwen but all the /lolg/ sissies already play quinn
i meant gwen but i was thinkin of quinn and they rhyme..
Jelly has a wife and her name is Lyra.
didnt the gwensissies all retire already?
I dont like Seraphine but in my sissification hellscape mind I am bummed that I dont have all the skin borders and icons from her, as that would signify higher order sissification and beauty.
why are you letting anonymous posters dictate your champ pool
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I forgot to mention Sona and Seraphine!
they'll probably be back..
because i dont want people to dislike me
this better not be you steel
theyll only hate you if you try to attentionwhore, no matter what champ. feel free to become the gwensissy of your dreams
>Sona steals all my kills as Twitch
>Malphite feeds Veigar
>Sett feeds Yorick
>I can't get ahead or farm safely without being 1 shot
>We can't surrender
>Sona won't stop shitting on me and spamming pings
I hate this game
anons will call you an abuser no matter what champ you play so just play what you want
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play her
zyras are so "fun" to lane with
I don't know how
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3 more days till swarm bros
it's agp poppy i think
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Leveling an account has to be the most unfun grind possible.
good, hope you get banned
you gonna be my personal support when she drops?
go back to your negative wr main then
she will do nothing in lane for you
one day you will look at me like this
I think you should stick with Yasuo, he's fun and rewarding.
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I don't think I have ever been accused of abusing a champion. My ADC when they get smart with me? Maybe.
i like to play toplane and he doesnt really work there it feels like.. it feels like he is kinda useless there..
Try Yone then, he has a better matchup spread in top but I think he's not as fun.
ive tried him before and i dont really like him very much
also i think 2 katanas is too edgy
Stop playing Yone in top. It's cringe.
This weird crusade of yours is what's actually cringe.
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What are some easy to learn jungle champions? I was recommended Trundle and Lillia.

With a small amount of fear and confusion?
Amumu and Nunu are easy to learn
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Sorry anon, I should have mentioned ones that aren't tanks.
Anything with good sustain and clear so you can learn to path better do objectives and gank
what's wrong with tanks
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>Play Vlad
>Opponent builds anti heal
thats a look of lust and excitment
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Rammus is a good jungler. Come on, do it.
what do you even mean
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What's wrong with Lilia? Her character seems interesting and I have skins an eternal for her in my loot.

They aren't enjoyable to play.
pick what you think is cool babe
that's kinda gay anon
She gets raped to death by the jungle and has bad ganks
she's pretty good right now but is getting gutted soon. she's more of an intermediate jungler than a beginner one
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wakey wakey eggs n bakey
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Time to play some Azur lane, and WoW (World of Warships), while watching e-sports anons!

Might even top it off with a game of Stellaris!

Thanks for the streams VBL!! :3
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LoL season 15 leak
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Thanks anons! <3
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Thank you for stopping by
I appreciate you
How do I get good with Twitch? I die too fucking much.
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so soft, so smooth...
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>Watching e-sports
>Team goes in for teamfight against Aatrox; top lane Kisante tank as usual
>Incapable of stopping aatrox, life leech keep aatrox alive while he get a quadra; while Kisante, having built all tank, is incapable of putting out the DPS to stop the outheal, no capable of doing enough damage to take down a carry.

Lifesteal anons, whether poke/sustain or all in certainly know that strategy; but why is Kisante so big in the Meta still?

Why don't we see initiators like Kled, or innate heal/armor champs like Moakai instead?
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Damn it I missed out on Fox.

Looks clean and healthy too.
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and very huggable
because ksante cant lose lane if you know what youre doing
he is just an extremely consistent unstoppable wall that can easily keep up in cs even if he gets camped, he has no hard counters, he at the very least always goes even. and his soft counters are all not good in a coordinated match ie garen darius and kayle. he has a point and click lockdown too
hes basically the ultimate defensive lineman if you know anything about football
in other words hes just renekton 2.0
stream consistently and be friendly
also let us know when youre on
What about carrying? Can you princess carry her?
>win - feel nothing
>lose - feel like getting a pentakill irl
how do i fix this?
stop playing retard. find a hobby u enjoy
or just kill yourself
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yes, straight to the limo - which I don't have
i dont enjoy anything except shitposting
get a job
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No. They had one, but the Cops took it away after they hit that Deer.
i do have a job and i enjoy working more than having days off bc i literally have nothing to do
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do you have a photo of aftermath? you know, for insurance reasons
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can someone call morde to punch this guy
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biego dindu nothin
Yes, and Soraka's quick thinking is why they aren't in jail. But it might be too brutal to see...
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I love Briar posters.
*lick lick*
Any slopmasters able to make some Diana feet?
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show me, please?
i'm literally viego irl
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holy crap are you ok? how's your punch wound healing?
don't be racist like king grey.
literally me every single time i encounter a minor inconvenience while playing the game
how do i change for the better?
that's not nami poster!
>words words words
it's a lefty meme alright
how do these people live life
I need headpats to feel better...
also I am 5'11 so you might need to step on a stool
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Well, you see. When the kart landed on the deer, it only flattened her backside. So Soraka wasn't able to save her hind legs. But she did save her tail.
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neither will you
start the engine, we need to finish the job
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>ezreal whining about his support
I need a briar poster in my lolg harem
pro tip for anyone playing against me just spam emotes and i will immediately start seething, frothing at the mouth, shaking and crying and pissing myself irl while steam comes out of my ears and my face turns red, unironically.
OMG why did you have to tell everyone that???
Can't. Cops took it and she's in witness protection. Her new name is Blossom...
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What is Soraka looking at?
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oh yeah this looks like a really enjoyable and playable attack damage carry game. i cant wait to get spitroasted under my tower while my support walks toplane to right click scuttle crab this is gonna be such a fun league of legends game
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you're in luck, I always keep some pats in stock for the coolest jungler. good luck in your games tonight bro, I hope you are the one clocking people this time
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I'll find her, don't worry
My cock.
how do i stop being so horny bros this game keeps doing it to me
pick one you degen
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Shitliyah is the only fun characters I play everyone else is too simplified on my champ pool Coincidentally she is the worst character in the game for mid lane. Seems like I enjoy to suffer. Something satisfying about throwing rocks like some cool fag
your champ pool just keeps getting more sissy
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Post em Bluds
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xth for my hotwife Syndra!
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Why is Fish gunning for Deer? Surely, she didn't do anything that bad.
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stop playing briar...
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>the only posters left are mage players
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she ruined our limo, so there's that
It's Tyler1's old trailer he used to live in.
He'd rage about the game and punch holes in the wall hence the printed pages covering them.
He moved on to punching doors because you could actually replace them and bought spares.
Eventually when he started getting big he moved to a cheap home where he had to prove he wasn't still living in a trailer by showing the house's shady basement, etc.
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wtf how did you know
They drove it into her...
do you not see all the briarfags still around?
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doesn't matter, she needs to go
ty bb
I can't stop laughing at the pic of the christmas tree hahahhaha
ah yes
the champion that literally plays herself
and then there are some enchanter players
there's a couple mage hating assassin mains
a lot of jungle hating adcfags
some junglers
a lot of briarfags
some enchanters
some mages
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More spit nonny!
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Im new to adc, can someone explain to me wtf you're supposed to do when the enemy picks something like jhin karma and your support picks shen? Literally I couldnt even cs that game, all i could do was sit under tower and try not to die
good little adslut
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Phone posting cuz am b&. I don’t dislike Vayne by any means but why are the players of her so fucking insanely toxic?
karma is only useful every 30 seconds, just bait her mantra and all in with shen
also sometimes the support pick can't do much into their lane comp. at that point it's just better for them to roam while you let the wave push to your turret
he never went in and the one time we had a chance to kill he decided to ult toplaner for 1 assist instead
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>wake up
>not a single lolg stream
Damn, sometimes I hate living in EU.
so just tell him to roam then
That’s just league a lot of the times it’s about sacrificing your fun and brain and just farming like a moron. Other than that just get better at playing defense like dodging/baitint Karma Q standing behind minions to not get hit by her Q.
you missed 2
I was a mage supremacist but then they killed my guy
now all thats left is adc
why does that look like admiral renata?
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Ours was pretty fun anon
I hope to catch you tomorrow maybe :3
spicy lewd chat
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I would talk about this more but it might be tmi
I really like briar!!
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Streaming for the EU frogs and late night NA bros.
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hmmm nyes nyes
go back
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should the lolg streamers should make a consistent schedule so everyone can know when to expect them?
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When you can't even say my name
Has the memory gone? Are you feeling numb?
Go and call my name
I can't play this game, so I ask again
Will you say my name?
Has the memory gone? Are you feeling numb?
Or have I become invisible?
post fat kaisa ass
Maybe once I can make money off of it but otherwise I got stuff to do anon!!
I can only be semi consistent until then
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Since consistency is the key, do I now repeat this? bronze pisslow elo, yes I wanna train in flex ranked
i will now buy tickets to your show
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>"He can't lose lane"

That isn't the same as winning the game; or being capable of winning the game, and those "esports pros", should know it by know. There are champs that are far better, when it comes to winning team fights, and being able to take advantage of openings in positioning manuevers, than him, and it shocks me that they would opt into simply "sit in lane and not lose" when the option of playing for the win is open to them; most espically since winning in esports isn't found in being a boring player who's the equivalent of playing a "hammer the gopher" player for 30 minutes, with minions, instead of making exciting plays that make the audience interested in the game and give the casters something to talk and get excited about...... something that makes them love the players, the game, and eager to spend money not only on the game, but on merchandise and more esports games as well.

>Secrets of Roon Tyrra.....
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Gn lolg
I’m finally sleepy enough to go to sleep
bismilla mishsmashamishmallaharajashmilla ommami elocheim alhamdulilla er rahman er rahim
winnerq inc
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tft bros no trundle this set again... very sad he's my favourite... they even had a frost trait that he would fit perfectly into
good night and sweet dreams :)
get raped
by briar
im gonna try gwen maybe.. i think she looks fun..
groomermaxing for lp
it is what it is
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is it better to play late game or early game champs in low elo
late game
late gold and below early otherwise
OCE least populated region but somehow they have the hottest egirls on twitch
link me
there are champs that are good early and late. you should pick those
these champs include:
note: most of these champs are meta dependant and aren't strong every patch, however when they are in a good spot, it's always worth to add them to your champ pool if you want to gain elo (when they are good, they are usually good for atleast a split's length)
ocelux looks like that??!
just got an egirl support on yuumi that was an unironic actual female woman irl ( she linked her twitch ) and i completely pissinted lane. just absolutely choked so fucking hard man im so retarded and subhuman its unreal
it's okay, after that match she got dicked down by her bf. she won't remember your shitty performance.
sylas belveth yasuo are not good late, sis
shut your niggalow mouth coon ass nigger
hahahahhaa what the fuck
L rizz
when ritard post on lolg that's a big problem
How do I get good with gwen.. i tried and fight a sett but i just died like 10 times..

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but its like i know exactly what he means

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