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/gbvsg/ NA tournament 9:
Sunday July 14th at 2:30 PM PT/ 5:30 PM ET

Saturday July 27 @6pm EST

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2185278056 (Congrats grimnir-anon)

>Older Tournament VODS:
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To join, turn Crossplay off in System settings so that you're able to join Platform lobbies.
Then you can join the (un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby at Japan Platform Lobby 1. Image version of joining instructions @ https://i.imgur.com/bCHqtDL.png
Playstation players cannot join the lobby, use the room if needed instead.
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Usually has "gbvsg" as password (check thread). f2players cannot join so ask people to join the lobby instead.
>Upcoming DLC
>this week's F2P rotation
Gran, Djeeta, Anre, Seox
>Latest Patch Notes
>Steam page
>south americans:
>Twitter hashtags
>Match replays

Previous thread: >>485752676
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Can somebody tell me who this titty monster is?
if you mean the girl in the back its
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Please join the tournament.
The TO is sending psychic assassins after me.
that's a sheep
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Houshou Marine
She has a lobby avatar even
they need to put both of these neverevers in.
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I've learned that I've fought very few capable Niers until the last few days. I basically have zero real matchup knowledge, and I'm getting knowledge checked by non-stop setups and guesses that fundamentals aren't saving me from.

I realize now I was just inferring from others that this character was bullshit. At last I see.
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enjoy your 50/50s and you better have a meterless dp lmao
Can't exactly pinpoint with fantasy character proportions but her horns look like either Wiltshire or Nevada Bighorn sheep horns
brown anila nice
I really wish her summoned sheep turned brown too...
Such a waste.
it is odd they gave them prismatic effects but not actual color changes after all the effort put into her.
I wish the rainbow colors on the sheep were more pronounced
I also wish you could apply the prismatic effect to any weapon skin not just the last one
I was reading about that one dude's red scrotum syndrome and it sounds fucking atrocious I wouldnt be surprised if he killed himself that shit has no cure and theres no research being done, your dick and balls are just constantly on fire for the rest of youe life
theres normalfags here....
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there's such a fucking massive disconnect between how much of a shithead Nier is and how cute her chibi fan art are
Nierposting is also very fun
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and all that because he tried to recreate the feeling of fucking Ferry's armpits
joking aside, it really is sad how even in pain he was trying to take it easy and be funny in his last tweets and then he just stopped posting
McDonalds is actually in the midst of a cost management and declining revenue crisis between soaring labor, transport and ingredient costs versus disengaged consumers and purchasing parity meaning they're going to be among the first for mass employment downsizing and already present franchise automation.
Thank you chat gpt
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what do you mean if you don't work you die desu...
Desu, kill this gay world
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Nier could open a Onlyfans if she got fired
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He flew too close to the sun.
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I beat Arcade mode for the weekly and I was rewarded with a CUTE sheep eating sweets.
I love her so much...
>he reviewed an anila onahole
most of the chars have great end screen art, its such a nice touch. now unlock her secret ending art.
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Just don't get chip damaged. It's that bad habit you have. You know, blocking.
>her secret ending art.
Unlock her what now?
if you kill the ai 6 times with a sba/ssba you fight avatar belial and the secret final boss at the end instead of bubs.
you also cant lose a round.
Oh neat, sounds simple enough.
Thanks m8
this is a shitpost, but it's actually true.
you aren't suppose to block, just BC.
your BP doesn't matter if the opponent never gets to play
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Yeah bwo, just spend all your BP when fighting Nier... nothing bad would ever happen.
It's not like she could turn her 60% combo into a 90% one... heheh
>even if you do block all of her bullshit and she runs out of stocks, your life is still low enough from chip damage that she can just RS loop you and kill you from a stray hit
I hate literally everything about this character.
*bone crunching noises*
I can tell you there is no greater feeling than locking someone down with low health with 236L/M and then deciding it's time to end their life with 214H, 1 stock or not and hearing "DOWN - CHIP DAMAGE"
ill just hit des- why is she blue
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I can tell you there is no greater feeling than beating a fraudulent Nier player, 1 stock or not and hearing "iya... IYAAAA..."
don't worry bro, they reduced her damage by 2% in 1.5
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>you can no longer use raging strike more than once in a combo
the only nier nerf..
>can dodge RS on reaction, but only when the opponent is far enough from me so I don't get the slowdown
Explain this shit
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Nier this Nier that but what about Anila? Did you see that midscreen damage? The 66H crush that's safe?! We have to do something.
you aren't dodging it on reaction ever. you can't even confirm you did it fast enough when they are out of range because they wouldn't have hit you anyways so you doing it as slow as you usually do doesn't matter.
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Nier and Seox soured me on those Erunes why should they exist again
aniwa... delicious.
I am going to start saying this every time I lose to Anila in ranked.
so why does nezutranny want cag to be a zoner, mix up, rush down and grappler character?
who cares? the tranny hasn't shown his ugly face today, why are you bringing him up?
>that shit has no cure and theres no research being done
do you think medically cutting off your balls and dick would help that? better than being in pain the rest of your life
Imagine if he did that and it still hurt somehow. Like the people who lose a limb but can still experience pain there because it's all in the brain anyway.
*BCs you into ultimate sheeps*
i love sheep
Do we really even deserve one with the state of the game?
EVO schedule, when?
How else would we get our dose of Nier vs Sieg?
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The countermeasures? Nerf Nier's ass
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another day
the yellow squares are calling you..
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nyoo...not again
Pink Nier is forever pink so it's impossible for her to punch me down to yellow
Anyone EU wants to play
What’s happening at The Mixup? start.gg says the bracket started but it’s been stuck at 5% complete for like 2 hours.
That's the mixup
Next BP is dreamy alchemist Cagliostro btw
nyes i can in a bit
Next BP is fully modelled ougi Djeeta
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>no notable gwimnirs
its over
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There is still tomorrow!
And yet Beatrix was the one who got huge nerfs.
Isn’t Zane signed up? He’s 100% on Grimnir now.
Bwos… they’re not streaming the tournament…
what tourneyment?
anila's 2U shouldn't be special canceable
holy shit what an annoying ass character
just block
fuckin euros...
Gimme like 5 mins
just whiff punish
Lobby or room?
Blame strive being ft3 and taking 3 trillion fucking years
superior euronet cant get 2 streams
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bwo....my first ever BC bait
it's so......it's so...I thought I was dead
beautiful day enjoyers
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bea anon beat my ass so badly my game crashed
ggs lobby, I got off the cab cause I wanted to cycle so everyone could play but the chat sometimes doesn't straight up send my messages
loroombby status
you're on the list now
might be dead now
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join the tournament
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mmm perhyaps
the mixup top 16 will be streamed in 40 minutes
is socky attending
is this a second place event
Can't wait until they nerf BC
And eat shit because I have bad defense
Socky is there yes
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are sunday tournaments just cursed
The constant cries for everything to be nerfed so it’s punishable on block really show how prevalent the scrub mentality is in the Granblue community.
The idea that someone should actually have to check, spotdodge, or even just move out of the way of an ult skill is considered ridiculous. Just make them all -10 on block so there’s no skill or thought required on defense whatsoever.
Or take Merp from the other day, where he was saying that BC should be punishable. Why even bother trying to utilize moves that specifically bait BC then? Why even bother trying to bait it with delayed buttons? Just fucking block and it covers everything all at once.
If simple blocking is the universal best option in all scenarios, it makes the game boring and lowers the skill ceiling.
>where he was saying that BC should be punishable.
is it not
>nyooo overtuned stuff should just be left alone! learn the matchup!
the corner... home.
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your top 16 players
Only punishable if you spot dodge which is an hard read
It's +6 on block
>Everyone below Fit
Who the fuck are these people?
and people told me granblue was okayish balanced lmao. But no better put out some emergency bea nerfs while we have this tragedy
yeah i was talking about spot dodging in this case. i never actually looked up the actual frame data on brave counter itself.
what were his thoughts on it
I feel like I havent seen half of these players names. I wish them the best against the nier tide.
Is 22 different characters out of 32 even that bad. I remember seeing SF tournaments where they had an overwhelming amount of ken/jp at the start so I am not surprised at 10 niers in that "notable" player section.
Anila fucking RSed a t-rex
>Is 22 different characters out of 32 even that bad
It's really not.
Everyone in this thread looks at other fighting games with rose colored glasses. Yes Nier is the top 1 by a very clear wide margin, but it's not like other fighting games don't have top tiers as well.
There are no fighting games where top 8 is just a completely new random selection of 8 different characters every time. Except for maybe some dead discord fighters.
People want to win, so they pick the characters who are known to be strong. And those are the characters you see topping tournaments.
I guess the Narmaya that cooked NA that one time isn't around any more.
I don't think I've seen him in a single thing since that crew battle actually.
>Is 22 different characters out of 32 even that bad. I remember seeing SF tournaments where they had an overwhelming amount of ken/jp at the start
I don't think it is
Comparing that pic to the same type of pic done for SF6, the ones in SF were like 10 JP 10 like 3 of the other top tiers and a lot of zeros for the rest.
he hates rising, probably back if 1.5 is good
meant 10 JP 10 LUKE
it went like
JP Luke Ken (10+ each tournament)
Deejay Juri Guile Chun Cammy (1-3 excluding multi picks)
then ZERO for the rest
for most tournaments, that is
What do these people even want from the patch
top16 beginning soon.
we cant even get the right game section.
They want it to be vanilla again.
so they want it to be bad?
Playing Djeeta on the side was a mistake, her buttons are too good
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yup you've committed the irreversible fuck up known as looking over the fence
43% winrate doebeit
Reading these is oddly hilarious. Reminds me of watching Hartvigen review hentai, though slightly more explicit and slightly less memey
But man, the worst part is that this shit is making me wanna pick up various onaholes and see how they differ from one another.
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issa she
Bea on the big screen!
issa british...
>beatard couldn't do her own brainlet ToD combo
I wish socky a very pleasant tournament experience as he crushes every other competitor beneath his feet, the cobbles they are upon his road to first place.
>beatard keeps dropping round-ending combos
I'm so glad that Bea got emergency nerfs to ensure that nothing would prevent Nier from winning
He drops combos just like me
are they calling that nigga a she
it looks just like a normal nigga with long hair
both of them have painted nails, make a guess
issa sieg sba
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granpoopers we are a gypsy game
just jizzed my pants
nyou jyumped???
nyou did fyucking nyanything?
holy.. one button dps and supers are so amazing..
Yeah I see what that anon was talking about, that's completely fine and shouldn't be changed obviously
hey bud not every 1 button super freezes the screen and hits 75% of it.
it's not fair...why is sieg super an AA too...
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average rising enjoyer
lmao fitizen didn't get the fist bump
its over
the worst part about sieg SBA is that he does such a weird trajectory yet it still hits fucking everywhere
hpa claims another victim
Imma mash
imagine the fucking smell in the granblue tent
don't make me post Fear now
imma raging strike xd
A normal dude?
does fear look like he hasn't slept in 10 days
i was not making fun of his appearance but his dark circles
siggys youre fucking reactions?
nice mickey game where mashing on wake up is legit
Can we just admit that Lowain is good now?
I hate people who pick a different character than the one they're playing for the button check
dplets fear the wake up parry god conditioned mashgawd
You mean every game that has invincible reversals?
i thought narm was a fraud character
nyo hes french.
it's literally just some random list of "notable players"
If you're on the chart at all you're a fraud character
didn't space play charlotta in the past or am i misremembering? im shocked he fell to beatardation.
Why the fuck don't people use her command grab more
Both of those throws tech'd, they would have landed if he just used 5U instead
yo this lance is ass lmao
why are so many flags red/white/blue
The moment you press that button you announce to the world that you are a dishonest grappler.
Solid S+ gameplay
Bea's command grab has more startup than regular throw, can't you throw her off it?
it's over
the cuck tent has lost wifi
in theory yes, in reality no?
because he's stupid
rare uno
show me a bea getting thrown in the corner 5 times.
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I don't work for cuckolds
holy tonsure mode
There is a reason he's called JUSTDaveEU
bro spoiler this shit wtf
Imma ult
you know, if he became jewish, he could hide it
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I love Zeta
americas strong s rank
has this sieg done a full combo yet
You can throw her, you just have to do it as a hard read.
verndragen is a fair move
Wait I thought Pida was the black one
czech is known for its blacks
Half of everyone in these "European" tournaments is black/brown anyway
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American bros...
Black people bros...
the great granblue replacement theory
belial is like mid tier lol
aarons mid tourney meltdown...
stfu aaron
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is wavie in europe
nyooo I have no BP left...how could this be....
divine intervention smiting the seox's controller
Nice console Sony
desu kill every xbox loving mongoloid in this thread and aarondamac while you are at it please.
This game is so fucking bad.
>there's people that actually lose to bottom 3 bea
*bcs this post*
How can you even balance Nier without completely gutting her?
That max range 2U into RS RC into oki was just so insane. And that's only one of the many fucked up things she can do.
Imma drop
*evade the bc*
*goes in for a c.H punish*
*gets hit by your c.L*
Yep, Rising.
this is so sad desu can we disconnect a controller
>run up 2U RS
this nigga did not hit confirm he literally just prayed to the gods it would work
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3 Siegs
2 Niers
1 Bea
1 Lance
1 Lowain
August please save us
atleast youre not in the tent
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>Painted nails
Eurofags, why?
you can't
now gut her
I'm putting it all on the Lowain
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why does zooey have a fucking unblockable ive never seen that in my life
>try to beat something with an option that doesn't beat it
>don't beat it
>get mad at game
Because it's slower than RS with a worse reward
I used to paint my nails black but I'm a metalhead so...
>Game has an unbeatable universal mechanic
The game is fucking dog shit.
That's the british
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This game is not bad. The problem is you being a virgin.
>The problem is you being a virgin.
how do we resolve this ?
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suzuka... my only ally...
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You know how. Don't worry, I use protection.
On an unrelated note I did ranked today after a ton of time and the amount of people that instantly BCs your autocombo or f.L is fucking insane
Maybe it will stop giving oki in august
>lets lowain get his theme song
beatard you fool
>call it out and block it and BC back (good during jump ins)
>call it out and dodge and cL if in range (good against consistent hit 1/hit 2 BCers)
>delay the button that they would want to BC - this style has good odds to win against their fuzzy mash/tech attempt too so it's good in general
No, you're fucking dog shit.
recovery frames dont fucking exist in this game
Thanks for proving my point you retard.
imma brave counter
lol crazy low level gameplay from that lowain, keep mashing on wakeup lil bro
*bcs this post*
he's fighting a grappler retard
bravely default was kinda fun
*bcs this post*
What is fuzzy jumping
sorry you replied too late and missed the window
*alt f4s*
*sieg sbas this post*
Anon, I've been here since day 1 saying BC should have a RS slowdown on Evade so you get a full close heavy starter punish.
However, this is how I want the game to be, not how the game is right now. You CAN'T get a cH punish on BC evade, so if you go it you're just playing wrong.
also BC isn't unbeatable but that's another story
that said, evading BC is a risky hard read but it can be kinda safe, however if you want to go for the giga nigga all in clown fiesta hyper read, that's cancelling the BC'd normal into S/SBA.
I like that fake jab
Gran downplayers????
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lowainblue fantasy
And the game right now is dog shit, like I said earlier. You're right, BC isn't unbeatably, but it's skewed towards the user so hard that falls into the abyss of retardation. Just look at the shit you listed, all that just to deal with some fag pressing 2 buttons on block.
>gran gets played on stream
>game instantly is 100% more fun to watch
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*mashes on wakeup*
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it was jarring how different the chat was from your usual nier mirror g finals
mmmm nyes
when it works it's called abare chud
get off colosseum you fucking FAGGOTS
imma 2m
If you actually had god tier defense without BC (which you want to reward by nerfing BC), you would already be winning in the current version because you aren't wasting BP and they are wasting BP for nothing. One Super confirm and they can't do shit anymore. Directly beating the fag pressing two buttons in an interaction doesn't even need to be on your mind, it's a non-issue.
hmmmmmm nyo
colosseum is the soul of granblue
I have it set on random bro
>And the game right now is dog shit, like I said earlier
No. That has nothing to do with the game being dogshit. You fucked up and blamed the game instead of following it's rules. Again, I don't disagree, on evade you SHOULD be able to get a cH punish, but that is NOT how the game is right now. Attempting it and then going ''holy fuck this game sucks because it didn't let me do something I know doesn't work'' is just some severe mental retardation.
And you're not forced to play the game anyway if you think it is dog shit. You're free to go, check the big meaty out if you wish and decide if you want to keep playing or not.
>You're right, BC isn't unbeatably, but it's skewed towards the user so hard
Yes, and that's by default. They clearly made BC so strong because you're (mostly) limited to 3 per round, the resource you spend to use it is also spent by RS, said resource can be removed by the enemy's RS and S/SBA AND you take 50% more damage if you lose all 3. It's obvious that they made it that way to counter balanced it, they just slightly missed the mark.
That said, it might not even be that they missed the mark on BC itself, but rather the top characters. I play a mid/low tier and I have to manage my BPs because I have bad midscreen extensions, a problem the top tiers do not have.
Most top tiers you see in tournaments don't have to rely on RS. Siegfried, Nier, Lancelot, Belial, Djeeta and even post-nerf Seox. None of them need to RS midscreen for damage/corner carry. They also don't care about the +50% damage taken because they all have damage outta their asses so the game is 3 touch anyway.
i will check the vod you fucking colosseum loving monkey
>Siegfried, Nier, Lancelot, Belial, Djeeta and even post-nerf Seox. None of them need to RS midscreen for damage/corner carry.
sieg and belial do though? i guess both have the option to burn just meter for it, but still
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That series would've been better if they kept the stories simple instead of goimg full time loop and other crap retardation
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Screw BC, what actually turns pressure truly in the defender's favor is delay 2L. That's what needs to be nerfed.
holy shit that's a dark nigga
bea's strongest bantu
get mixed
>cH's you for a crush
Fuck you troon, BC needs to go
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elsa close ur eyes
nier has 15k hp the damage is balanced, relax guys...
issa 2 touch game
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>do ranked after months
>find 2 other S++
>some S+, 2 S ranks and Masters
One-piece swimsuits and leotards are the single greatest article of clothing created by mankind.
Holy fuck, they always look so good...
It has everything to do with the game being dog shit, if it wasn't dog shit then people wouldn't be bcing bcs, evade would cause a slowdown and it would be 0 on block, not fucking plus. However, it's none of this things at the moment, and so the current game is dog shit. Retarded rules are a thing.
>he keeps trying to 5H anti air
bwo just 2H
Why do people unironically cheer for Nier, I don’t fucking get it
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desu... I don't like this Bea whore... remove her from my game
You got reversaled in 5 situations by 2L before getting the crush, hope the dopamine hit that came along with the set loss was worth it!
is this the end
instigating drama, contrarianism, nier is cute.
We know, 'Cilius, we know...
nierposters are DUMB
oh.. you bced? *bcs back*
you guys and your 5H AA
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Golshi always looks good
Every time I face a Nier I get the urge to strangle her because I hate her that much
Cope, BC is a good mechanic because blocking in fighting games sucks. I deserve to be able to tell you to fuck off with your canned pressure if I've been a good boy with my BP spending habits.
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Big Charlotta....save granblue
balance bantu..
Space really putting in work with this mid tier
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How did he know...

That too.
You made me spit out my drink
yep i was right once again. bea is still better than nier and in a tier of her own. more nerfs incoming
i will personally drive a plane through Colosseum
these retards in chat
yggy isn't a white woman
she's a fucking elf
i got bad news for you about the origin of elves and yggdrasil
white elf
actuasjkgfkjlly shes a primal beast
is it against the law to evade RS in EU or what
rest in piss SHITIZEN
next time pick a good stage FAGGOT
you need a license for it
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How come I never see my main and best girl in these tournaments?
>smash player in grand finals winners side
why are fighting games such a joke now bros? same thing happened in sf6 and strive
a mashing faggot might win the tournament that's hilarious
So every character who has ever beaten Nier is better than Nier?
i would be so mad in this position but i'm grinning ear to ear watching this because (at this moment) i hate playing against perci more than i hate playing against vas
I never said it wasn't, pretty sure everyone likes guard cancels. Problem is that current implementation is simply bad.
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Smash is as hard or harder than traditional fighters and Smash heavily emphasizes fundies. Smash players just haven’t competed in traditional fighters much until the last few years.
smash players just have way better fundies than traditional fighting game players
>open stream
>nier doing the nier
>close stream
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Nier sucks that last bit of soul I didn't even knew I had in me
speaking of, why are they competing in fighting games now? are ultimate and melee doing that bad right now?
this game is so ass
not a smashy but i remember seeing a bunch of articles about their tournaments losing funding and nintendo being a bunch of faggots
also some organization may have sabotaged a bunch of tournaments?
i am sure someone else can properly elaborate
Desu... tank the hit...
Gapped. God I love desu.
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Fuck off fear
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Desu... our perfect world doesn't need this hucow.
Bea divekick is a surprisingly great move
Melee is old
Ultimate meta is aids + unbearable online. Imagine if some gbvs top tiers had safe on block DP, ToD from full health, or could easily run away all game.
Its old but theres still a shit ton of views whenever theres tournaments. Its absolutely insane how hype the top 8 is. Especially with Amsa
imma jump
nooo vantablack man you must win
whys this fucking commentator moaning so much? shut the fuck up tardo
lol, that seond round is what happens when you fuzzy jump. if you want to call out command grab wakeup mash is better
why the fuck does socky drink water with his nose
ones a gay retard furry with painted nails
the other is a british 9/10 female
To be fair, Space was also a Strive player.
Let's go! Fuck biggers, we love Nier out here
this but with Bea
this but the opposite
Doesn't wanna wash the taste of this beatards dick out of his mouth.
Unironically what is your problem.
Did you see >>486019565 ?
How can you think this is healthy for the game?
How many fighting games out there do not have an overrepresented high tier? I think I saw a recent SF image of like 8 rashids in the top 16.
Socky you fucking retard, your other Ultimates cover dodge and DP
this but i hate both but im rooting for bea because she's the lesser evil
why does charlotta have a 1-frame jump that lets her meme escape from seemingly anything unless it's an attack with a dnf duel hitbox, shit's infuriating how these niggas mash on jump and just escape for free and then think they're nice

they tried to stop us, but we are just built different
Nier is more bearable to play against than Bea
>character gets nerfed into the ground
>still wins
Space simply gapped everyone at this tournament
patch version????
Should have picked Charlotta
Ok MAYBE Bea is still a good character
shes getting nerfed again after the f2p rotation bwos...
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no charlotta misinfo around here sir
I will fact-check you to death
Bad ending :(
Say something nice to her
Maybe join the tournament?
*silently licks navel*
imagine how sickly sweet her ass must smell
Beatrix changes did nothing
This was obvious to anyone who actually read the patch notes. Popular ecelebs making drive-by uninformed comments controlling the narrative once again.
He has nice titties and navel
They did a ton. Why would you think otherwise? You don't have to be a top 5 character to beat Nier. We see Charlotta beat Nier all the time.
She's fun to play and less cancerous to play against than Cag, Lance, Sieg, 2B, Seox and Nier
Anyone wanna play a bit before the tournament?
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>less cancerous to play against than Cag
Eh... yes, I think
Well, yeah, everyone is.
>WorstPlayerNA drops from the tournament again
what's the issue with that
nothing, he just signs up and drops from the tournament every time
no sharks in this tournament, nyes?
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Checkins have started


stream is here: twitch.tv/grumblebumble69
this is now?!?! already?!?!
too soon bro what the fuck
Sneaky TO setting the tournament an hour early.
nice fucking casino
TO i need that Nier simpsons image posted
>a djeeta went onto a rant because i dped her one too many times as eustace
Dps are well balanced idk why she freaked out, doing very little damage and going on cd if you had invinciblity is fine.
This game is embarrassingly bad
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Eustace's DP is inherently fraudulent.
Fuck off fear
Well it probably was just a salty moment since he pulled out the "I would've won in vanilla" so I don't exactly hold it against him
It was just kinda funny though
man these green squares are pretty good
Ladivas ex headbutt is a crazy strong move
Well the argument was that zoners shouldn't have DPs, which I kinda get I guess
it's a good argument in games where zoning functions.
holy shit man it's not even funny at this point ive missed like the last 4 tournaments for a different reason each time
True, but Eustace's DP is fraudulent because it's a back motion DP.
Requesting you let me in late
throw me in losers or something
If >>486068850 is speaking the truth
u can tag in and have my spot anon
I will accept it
what name are you under so I can impersonate you
you are now an argentinian ladiva in winners
desu i don't want to take anyone's spot,
if someone in chat could ask TO to read the thread i'd appreciate it
I'm the bubs player, i missed the check in by a bit
see if he can throw me a bone and let me in losers bracket or something
i dont have a twitch account to ask. sorry anon
maybe someone else can get you though
He said he cant add you without destroying the bracket, but its cool for a swap.
guess i'm back to impersonating umaenjoyer
metera anus sniffa
>+oB neutral skip became -
>did nothing
Bronzies shouldnt be allowed to post their opinion. Or are you gonna argue that the change did nothing because she might frametrap me with her dp?
the threat of her barreling through everything and hitting low still prevents many actions and demands significant respect, allowing her to win neutral super easily with things that are already strong in her kit such as 66L or thunderbird. Even a run up throw.
lemme know if you wanna tag in, i'll hop out of the lobby
Nah, go for it anon
I'll be rooting for you
I'm just a viewer today.
Losing a + on block move on the character with 4-5 of them depending on the spacing doesn't mean shit. It's still the best neutral skip in the game, it just has counterplay now.
np i will job to i*** in your honor
It had counterplay before the nerfs. Weird that a master wouldn't know that.
>I could counter it in training mode, that means it's OK!
Shut the fuck up faggot.
I hope your character gets further nerfed in the balance patch you carried cunt.
What are you both even disagreeing about
My uncle works at cygames and he said Bea is getting buffed
I played terribly im starting to think im just bad
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My uncle works at cygames and said horses will be playable
horses will be plappable
Horsefags have been doing nothing but posting off-topic images for months. The absolute state of this general.
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nyo.. nyot the fyace of vyanillya gwanbwue..
How can you punish Vira's (transformed state) DP?
Can you spot dodge it? I've always sort of assumed the second hit would land.
training mode
Block the first hit then spotdodge
Cool, that makes sense, thanks.
There's a pretty broad spectrum of skill levels here, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Playing on stream in a tournament is also more difficult than ranked (for me at least), so getting that experience can still be valuable.
I don't know which one you are but I am worse than you. Believe in victory and then yourself.
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ill get over it but tournament nerves are a real thing, i wanna kill myself
mash bc and 66l more
You might feel like shit, but don't let this put you off. Think that in the end, everyone had fun and be proud to have contributed to the bracket.
They are, I keep reverting to BnB training mode combos for just that reason.
I switched controllers and now all kinds of weird shit happens when I try to DP...
Why are the yellow squares and below the ones with SOUL
if you're using something new like a hori octa or something you might want to download the software/firmware updates
it has an option to change how the dpad /sticks are read/gated.
Be glad that you got to partake in it.
this fewwy looks sunburt
Dog shit Ladiva
Gawd like Ladiva
this game is ass
Dog shit Ferry
Gawd like Ferry
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Ferry anus sniffa
>this game is ass
Dog shit Kat
Switch Pro -> PS4, actually. Switch DPad was too sensitive, but I stop blocking when I try to DP with the PS4.
Gawd like Kat
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ass game
You are Master rank, take a fucking round at least
Dog shit Bea
Gawd like Bea
It's kinda hard to masturbate while listening to GolshiTO
Dog shit bros
but im reading a really nice doujin
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>le nhentai
i dont want to hear it
this isnt a granblue doujin....
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Imagine if Gran and Jitta kissed.
Based. Imagine making an account to jerk off
And straight into the trash goes, goddamn homos
Why is Danchou fighting xirself...
ive already read all granblue doujins in existence
THE SINGULARITY!!! or whatever schizo bullshit that retard Bubs says
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Zoom zoom
Name ONE (1) better alternative.
For me, it's:
nice, yapo the god
This one is great.
>Part 2 on going
gran gawd
lol whatever nerd i just bust my nut and move on
i dont have access to panda on this computer and its reader sucks
>hmmm ACKshually the pages go from right to left because... because they go, okay?
Nhentai is also easier to navigate
The only problem with nhentai is stuff getting taken down, but that's it
>Currently at 43 pages and counting with the sequel
Yapo is a God.
GGS thanks for hosting TO.
Now what do we do?
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They can use my porn site and stare at the panda being sad. The real non troll answer is the owner of it is a pony faggot that's been monetizing it like Fakku.
Making an account for porn and is retarded. The worst part though, is that it's the same dog shit reader from e-hentai
Flashbang white screen garbage. Only two page sizes, where the vertical is either too small or the horizontal is either too long.
call the game dogshit, dont play the game, post 4 legged equine creatures and doompost while watching a 4 dollar tournament.
>the owner of it is a pony faggot that's been monetizing it like Fakku.
on which site? nhentai?
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i miss tournament time
>they didn't answer
Are you ready for S tier Zoi and Katalina?
so are tournaments here just 3 masters and the rest of us s ranks
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Thanks for playing in the tournament

VOD is here https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2197859465
Mod to remove Weight of the World is here: https://files.catbox.moe/8zqgzk.zip
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>post 4 legged equine creatures
>Dodge BC
>Gets punished for it
Like I was saying earlier, this game is fucking dog shit.
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Thanks TO, next time ill be top 6
He dodged late out of his cL and Ladiva is a 6 framer so the punish even in the best case scenario would be frametight. They really should change that to have RS slowdown though, baiting BC takes a billion times more effort than dodging a RS.
He did cL way too late.
There's so many problems that the patch can't possibly fix it all
>You must dodge the most braindead guard cancel known to fighting games on a specific frame to get a c.L punish
This is only reinforcing my point anons.
post your brown hands etc etc
This never would've happened in GBVS because GBVS didn't have these retarded strive mechanics
You have never played Strive, shut the fuck up.
I am the best Nag player in NA and won 5 EVOs. Sit your ass down
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thanks for hosting. I really appreciate it as always.
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Thank you for hosting again, and yes I was gonna go abel in grands if I won the losers finals hehe
Is Katalina an archetypal gigastacy?
I don't like how sinister Fewwy looks in this...
No, the intended solution is to play the BP game better so the person spamming BCs is at a disadvantage for having done so. But if you aren't satisfied with that or need to make a play, then spot dodge/armor/BC back/delay button are ways to call it out and beat it.
Cock and ball tortute...
shut up
mmm nyo
congrats grangawd and ggs everyone else.
thanks for hosting TO.
refer to
BC should cost 2 diamonds.
If you BC, you should have to send me 5 dollars
i think ferry is pretty
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pretty chubby
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I agree
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need treadmill correction
yes, let her run on the treadmill for 5 minutes so she gets a sweat stank, then reward her with some chocolate cake
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I NEED a chubby Eruine to sit on my face...
>nah bro the beatrice nerfs werent that bad bro
>completely gutted
>no one plays her online anymore
>vanished from tournies
i hate this community and i think im gonna quit now what a dumb fucking bunch of people ontop of the people that run this game ggs bros
oh no, stop

don't go
I hate it when low ranks like above want to be heard.
The balance and gameplay is fine lads that's why playercount and viewship dropped to UNI2 like averages despite a relatively fantastically functional launch and product offering
True i also love the Roster choices out of all the hot women and cool guys lets add ALL the homo knights/angels again that will sell our game to normal people.
The Mixup July 14th, 2024
we got 30 more players than unist remain steadfast
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No perfect launch and product offering will fix a nasty community such as Rising.
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Jitta is CUTE but holy fuck, her gameplan is kind of lame.
Even Gran is more fun to play.
this narrative that the game died because of bea nerfs is funny, does that mean when nier gets nerfed too the game dies faster?
yeah, this game has a severe community problem
Care to elaborate?
Nier was responsible for us getting to this point, then Beangel revived us for a bit but retards dont understand new charactesr always seem better then they are and are played alot BECAUSE THERE NEW and she got destroyed. Now were dead again.
too many horses
Can you shut the fuck up? She was fucking broken, and is still fucking retarded. This didn't happen with Vane or Lucilius. Seeing you bitch at every opportunity got old weeks ago
Shut the fuck up retard.
this is my first time posting in weeks so thats funny i guess other people feel the same way
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does any1 want to play im still feeling up for it after the tourny. and i want to hit lv500
(You) are part of the problem
I am willing to suffer the grind with you anon
numbers dont lie enjoy your dead game
did we dip below 200 players yet
Don't care nigger.
Bea players are carried as fuck even after the nerfs, and I rather see the game die than have it turn into DNF, go fuck yourself.
who do you main
Yeh im sure Bea was the worst offender in this game meanwhile tournies and online are the same faggot characters getting away with war crimes since release. Fucking dumbass people like you shotgunning nerfing fun characters are why games die so fast.
Shut up faggot.

Don't really have a main.
I mostly play Anila, Vane, Lucifer and Charlotta.
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how could you do this to me anon. youve left me hanging and now have no choice but to jump.
sorry i still want to play just give me a second i have to finish cleaning
2 of us in the lobby down to rotate and play with you anon whenever you're done cleaning.
when's the 1.50 reveal
and granblue top 8 is... next saturday?
sunday morning
but 1.5 will be playable at evo
so friday should be the start of information/misinformation dropping
She literally just won a major today
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Vane and Lucilius = boring faggot males, Lucilius has a weird gimmick that doesn’t work and Vane is a semi-zoner i.e. one of the most hated archetypes.
Beatrix = hot girl, very fun to play, is a rushdown character which is always a popular archetype, one of the few characters that actually feels functional because she’s allowed to have plus frames and a throw that works unlike most characters in the game.
Wow I wonder why she was so popular.
wow, it's a beatrix player posting garbage
haven't seen that before
many players hate you
I don't doubt it.
That doesn't mean much though, the character is mid-tier at best and literally nothing in his frame data or combo ability is even in the same realm as Bea.
>le fun to play
>le functional
Oh, it's this faggot again.
id rather face 100 niers than a single slayer happy chaos nago
then again i'd rather not play fighting games than face 100 niers
EVO top 8 will consist of 5 Niers, 2 Bea's and one wildcard pick that will probably be a SUX or a LANCECOCK or some other gay shit. It will absolutely not be a hype top 8 and I just want info on the big meaty update.
they should have made gbvs a platform fighter
EVO soon. We get to see Niers next slap on the wrist :)

sword bar gone
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ggs Cag and Gran
I’m right though
ggs vane i am a slow learner
ggs bro, have a good night.
phew, almost joined
hope it wasn't the tranny
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ggs gran, were you also the same ladiva from the tourny?
ggs! and yeah i am indeed the ladiva.
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I'm bored and will try to teach myself 3d animation with granblue characters tomorrow. This will go poorly.
Ferry doing squats when?
If Granblue models are anything like strive, the models themselves are very bad without the lighting effects
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you guys have no idea how frustrated it makes me that I can boot up soive at bumfuck hours and get matches meanwhile I can't do the same for Granblue
Strive is fucking garbage, Granblue has its flaws but it's a much better game it's not even a competition
>well it's quite late in the night... think I'll boot up soive cause I prolly won't find games in grub
>boot up soive
>get 2 touched by slayer
>get put into elphelts rekka
>get memed by Nago and Sol
>get.... what the fuck does aba even do? why am I dead?
Fun times
I hate fighting games so much it's unreal
who do you play in striv
Axl, Johnny
dang cool characters
i pwostwate mysyelf befowe nyou
in this myoment
gwant my wyish
nyour wyish?
big meaty syaves the gyame
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I wanted to play Soi so I can fight for the imouto but I heard Bedman is absolute dogshit. Like Eustace.
fkhr doesn't want you to stay up late to play the game
I would like to groom someone here
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What did Golshi mean by this?
eustace isn't dogshit
Funny because both of them aren't dogshit
Bedman is definitely absolute dogshit, bottom 2
Who did win the mixup or whatever tournament yesterday? Siegfried or Nier or Seox?
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top 8 was 3 siegs, 2 niers, 1 lance, 1 bea, 1 lowain
bea won
I'm strangely okay with that.
Fox toes
All times PST.
Poor Euros, so much action the first two days happens in the middle of the night for them.
Technically 2.5 Sieg and 0.5 Gran!
i'll be watching the main channel day 1 and 2 until rising top 24 and tune in to rising pools if there is a cool match
People being pissed that Granblue is on Sunday instead of Third Strike it's so fucking funny man
Especially when the Saturday timeslot is way fucking better than 10 am
It’s time for us to start investigating the psychological reasons why people are STILL seething at Bea even though she’s mid now
>Pink nier is forever pink

Be like her and just don't lose bwo
Because she's still a strong character, she's literally belial level
That's every year, it bugs me that I'll have to cancel my weekly get-together with my friends to watch the finals. If they were at any other time it wouldn't have been a problem.
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>Poor Euros, so much action the first two days happens in the middle of the night for them.
Probably won't miss much anyway. In all my years and out of all the fighting games that I cared about, this game easily has the worst tournaments to follow from the spectator's perspective.
nier level*
You don’t want to see which of the 10 Niers wins it all?
How is FHKR not ashamed when attending majors
why do you think nier stayed relevant for so long?
Well the main reason is that the game hasn’t had a real balance patch since fucking launch
or someone wanted nier to be top tier
Eh. Nier is boring but gamera vs tororo is always kino
neither gamera or tororo are making it into top 8 with their bum ass characters
So? You say that like 1 set between two specific players being fun to watch somehow saves to whole huge tournament.
Well, yes? Bonus point if this is Grand Finals.
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I like jobbing to newcuties
>Well, yes?
How does one set in the middle of the tournament undo billions of Niers, Seigs and Seoxes?
Nier is public enemy number one
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It's like a nice dessert after a bland meal. It doesn't make it good but you can leave satisfied.
>inb4 food analogy
Brother WHO is leaving a Rising top 8 satisfied
I'd argue it's like finding 1 edible piece of candy in a candy bag where every single other one is imbued with the taste of shit, which makes the whole thing a worthless product and waste of time and energy so I can't see your viewpoint in a million years.
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*top 6, brought to you by Chipotle
Thank you Sajam-sama!
You do you. I still think watching tororo raping 2-0 Kojicoco with Percival is fascinating. Even Elsa vs Zippy, a fucking Nier mirror, was interesting to watch imo.
Both of Gamera’s characters won tournaments this weekend
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I'll only watch bubs games so probably 2 or 3 in the whole tournament, then I'm gonna skip top8 because it's the same slop we've been seeing for the past 6 months (+bea)
>Jobbing to newcuties
>Pink square again after hunting newcuties in lobby

Disgusting. I hope pink nier uses you as her personal cumdump again
is this grooming?
nier was never a problem people just needed to learn the matchup
Nier should take damage when you hit Dessu.
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they need to make nier more like her gacha counterpart
Nier should fucking kill herself
Nier should have the lowest hp in the game whereas one regular corner combo with all cooldowns + ssba should kill her universally
my whore wife Metera...
She will always be top 1 unless they make major mechanical changes to her. Always being able to hit Desu whenever she’s on screen, hitting Desu takes a stock, something like that. Damage and framedata nerfs won’t be enough. Her conversions and oki are too insane.
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What is this contraption she’s tangled up in
Nier shouldn't have normals.
Yellow Square here
I avoid high-color squares of low ranks because they're usually "newbie crusher" dickweeds
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It's just reins
you don't want that because she gets a revival when she's knocked out once
Nier should have a complete mental breakdown whenever she runs out of stocks, taking heavy mental damage.
I also hope the august patch adds mental hp and mental damage.
what is with 2b and these retards mashing 5m at every single fucking opportunity
i like those 2bs because they are free whiff punishes
is we getting evo banned again
issa slingshot
Actually hope that Anila's 66H gets reverted
The ignorance of this character and the people that play her is on par with Bea
Actually hope that Anila's 66H gets changed to have her slam her ass into me like her raging chain
Actually hope
Vane Nation are bad people that only want to win
Is there any European left playing this game here?
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nyo i merely pretend to play
Vane Nation has done nothing wrong, will do nothing wrong and if anything appears to have been done that can also be associated with something wrong, then they deserved it and Vane Nation was just applying judgement that was bestowed upon them by a righteous God.
Meh. Guess this game had a good run.

Overall very fun and introduced me to fighting games, so I will check out future titles (probably Riot's fighter unless they manage to not add not even one of my favorite characters, the tranny faggots). It also helped this general being nice and funny and even having some absurd players to learn from + very good game to look at, pleasant graphics and character designs.

But these games being a land waste in terms of concurrent players is really sad, I have little time and not being able to find a match whenever is a big problem.

I will return for the BIG MEATY PATCH to see if it fixed the game and brought someone back, but Europe in general has always been kinda dead here. Too busy getting AIDS on kekken I guess.
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ruh roh
Yeah ranked is kinda fucking cooked and I can only really find matches in prime eu time using matchmaking and there are people pinging for matches in the official discord, which is fucking sad, but what can you do. It's a shame because Cygames handled the game like ass (as usual)
I still play once every 2-3 days, but just the casual queue and not the lobbies here.
sho-san's evil twin brother
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I play for an hour right after the daily reset, exclusively ranked unless there's a grandbruise mission, the lack of players started being noticeable last week for me.
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The Forbidden Sheep...
Not today, sorry.
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Did Anila RC Twitch servers?
Was she just too erotic for Twitch to handle?
We may never know
I've been sitting in ranked queue for 15 mins without a match so apparently no
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If it makes you feel better Euros, NA is barely holding on. Public lobbies are the same people that formed literal cliques and only play each other or just spend hours chatting. For /gbvsg/, Anons in the private lobby or rooms are the same 3-4 people which is fine...I guess. 10+ rotating players during launch was better. Casual/rank queues are only active at certain evening times. Everyone on my friends list that player fighters constantly hop to the newest or active fighter because they are told to. One friend won't go back because he wants pre patch Beatrix again but shamelessly points a finger at the other supposed top tiers and the other went back to Tekken 8 because it's easier to play apparently.
i'm gonna play for a couple more days then i'm taking a break until the patch
>One friend won't go back because he wants pre patch Beatrix again but shamelessly points a finger at the other supposed top tiers and the other went back to Tekken 8 because it's easier to play apparently.
with all due respect your friend sounds like a massive scrub to say the least
I don't wanna be friends/online friends with fighting game players anymore
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the final bread
I also miss when there was a lot of people in the open lobby or rooms but I also don’t mind how it is now. The people that stuck around are enjoyable to play with.
Honestly don't really get the people that "quit" over Bea's nerfs
I understand the fact that it was kind of a slap in the face especially since the other retarded characters ruined the game for literal months, but what, were you gonna quit because they nerf your character in a patch with everyone else?
The one main complaint especially from one Anon here is they don't like the increased active frames of the low profile slide. They literally want to ride free without thought.
It's probably more the realization/understanding that the devs are retarded and the game will never be even close to balanced rather than the actual content of the hotfix. If you feel that the game is in a very undesirable position and held out hope that a big patch in the future would fix it, the hotfix dealt a quite a bit of damage to such a hope, I would imagine.
>Move is called riding free
>You aren't supposed to use it freely
They should have renamed it "riding under heavy supervision while obeying all appropriate traffic laws" in the hotfix, with Hirano re-recording the lines to match.
bea deserved the nerfs
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>Move is called Noble Execution
>Doesn't insta-kill
Where's my buff, Cygames?
nyou syee... she's my wife, she just clicked with me, I love Bea now I'm going to stop playing because... they gave her a slap on the wrist.
it's one thing if double delta cock gave her cool new routes or something, I would then understand getting mad at losing character flexibility
but delta cock didn't even work like that, it didn't enable any cool new route, it was just more of the same, practically just a damage boost (a huge one at that)
if you check the available statistics it's obvious why they hotfixed Bea.
The top tiers did hefty damage to the competitive scene, but they were barely scratching the surface at the non-competitive game.
there was no outlier like Bea, that's why they nerfed her.
Honestly if I was a Bea player I'd be pissed about her nerfs, especially since Nier and Six are still almost completely untouched.
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grub on sale?
will people even buy the game now? the people that wanted it will already have it and the people that don't won't ever touch the game
Yeah it's the fighting game fest sale because of EVO
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EVO is this weekend and they tend to have fighting game sales the week prior.
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30$ is pretty good deal
golshi bread inducing post
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Sieg Bread

Let him UWE and ORKAN
everyone say happy birthday to nezumiku! it's /ourgirl/'s special day! post an erotic cagliostro to celebrate.
I told you so, where's the guy who doubted me
>none of the dlc content on sale
Come on. I want the system voices but I'm not paying $20.
I don't know what's their fucking deal for pricing the system voices so high.
I would put my big meaty inside this girl
yeah nigga obviously what kinda question is that
I wish I wasn't afraid of creampieing my machine
so many cool dlc, so fucking expensive...
Beelzebub's lines were really expensive to record, please understand...
I keep killing myself by overextending on offense
Maybe I should play more passively
don't fall for the trap of being too passive
Ever since I stopped hoarding my brave points I've improved my ranked climb
I get that but I need to find a sweetspot I guess
I need to watch replays...
>doo doo brown
what did kizzie mean by this
Gonna read some good ass BL kizzingtons
das gawdlike
that's kinda gay >>486177949
oops. accidental reply
had to close the stream its fucking harrowing
i'm not watching nier slop
I never realized how much chip damage nier does on normal specials. I'm watching kizzie right now and he's getting chipped for like 3-5% every blocked string
U Slashes is like 10%
The real insult is that even if you somehow are mashing on the startup DEATH WON'T FUCKING DEACTIVATE
She needs it
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If you loved Niia and accepted her, things would be different for you...
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Chip damage is justified when down block is too good. I'll die on this hill.
this nigga really said that block is too good
WILDO BEATO should do more chip damage.
It is.
Guard break is slow as fuck and consumes a valuable resource, there is no guard meter, no universal overhead, throw break window is huge and can be activated by mashing instead of actually properly breaking the throw.
How the FUCK is guard not very good in this game?
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What are you gonna do? Kiss me?
yeah that's cool and call but can we have a satyr thread already
I would smash Nier's skull with a brick at first chance
>there is no universal over head
whos gonna tell lil bro
I'll even do it while holding your hands
>block is too good
Bring back overdrive
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Thinkin about the tournaments we've had. Has there ever been any Seox or Nier players? or any characters that no one plays?
There was a Metera yesterday
Blocking isn't too good in this game, blocking is absurdly, hilariously bad in other fighting games.
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its over...
Congrats anon i wish i had the patience for eustace
she executes it most nobly, it is not an execution.
Thanks but what do you find frustrating about him? Maybe I can give some pointers
I didnt give him as much of a chance but its mostly his combos and opening people up
congrats anon
imagine me attaching an image of nier blowing one of those noisemakers and showering you in confetti
i gladly donated a couple crystals to your climb
>yellow square
they just letting any color in the big boy leagues now huh....
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Oh yeah his combos are weirdly specific because he hits combo limit fast and doesn't have a traditional "I hit you in the corner now it's combo time", what you really need to know are 5 or 6 routes depending on what you hit people with (U nade, 2H anti air, crouching autocombo starter, c.H starter, instant j.U throwbait when they have red nade attached, metered starter from U flamek or U slow kill), if you stalk Mirri you will find the optimal combos for every situation since he plays a very optimal Eustace. I'd say to not try to emulate his style at the start because he does certain things to target certain options his opponent picks. As for opening people up I feel like that's actually one of strongest points that Eustace has because his j.U is very threatening because of red nade which will discourage people from teching altogether, the way he opens people up is usually from red nade and green nade, against spot dodge happy opponents his 214x - Bl cancels will give you a c.H starter, yellow nade will counter hit the spot dodge recovery if they are autopiloting spot dodge against red nade which you can combo into with U Flamek and U Slow kill. Unironically running at people once you set red nade and cycling 66H, j.U and 214x cancels into throws or autocombo starters will get people, and after that you can setup green nades.
Thank you anon
Thank you and ggs
funny part is that I started as a pink square but I had to fight masters
There have been Seox and Niers. I think the only characters I haven't seen in any of our tournaments are Uno, Eustace, Zooey, and Lowain.
i'll bake it
in about 250 seconds
Finally, Satyr bread
good lord this game is fucking garbage lmao
how did this get into evo day 3

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