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Previous: >>485944735

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
screencap this, the moment we reach blackshore (1.3) they will drop lore video
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Claiming my wife, she's mine now
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Absolutely do NOT post sexy wuwa armpits in this thread. This is my final warning or else...
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Elf love!
Are you rolling, bros?
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Thoughts on her animations?
Are you rolling?
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This is now a barefoot thread.
i dont really like her design bros, ill see yao gameplay and maybe roll for his weapon instead. need to save for 1.3
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look at this fucking disgusting ass fujo ass stink ass nerd holy fuck what a revolting design you can smell that fujo stank through the screen looks like some MtF tranny makes me wanna punch that disgusting fujo ass thoughts ridden head and stick that fucking stinky dildo brush up "her" unwashed shit stained dingleberry ridden fucking stinky ass ass with a tampon stuck inside her yeasty bug infested cooch




>*nose bleeds*

>*glasses fog up*

>*retarded fujo smile*

>*stink ass rancid ass stinky yeasty pussy explodes*
>trans coded color scheme
fuck no
Mmmm nyo
Rolling for Changli
Not rolling for Xiangli Yao
Not Rolling for Zhezhi
Rolling for Camellya
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I want Phrololololo AND her weapon so no, god i hope the male being free is real or my gacha brain will snap and make me fomo
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So this is the power of the Genshin killer...
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Predict 1.1's revenue. Will it reach 10 mil? Remember that first days of Jinhsi were counted as 1.0 and Jiyan, Yinlin and Jinhsi only amounted to 40 mil which was even less than Solo Leveling.
ayy lmao
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Animation looks solid for me, question right now is will they improve the camera work for "floaters" like her and Jinhsi moving forward in the future?
The model needs some polish honestly but goddamn those are some child-bearing hips if I've ever seen one...
close your eyes anon and imagine her sitting on your face, while still wearing those stockings she's been wearing for the whole day
So where the fuck are the standard rolls? I had to spend 50 on the beginner banner and 80 on the selector banner because I'm always unlucky, at this rate it will take me a year until I finally get to pity on the standard weapon banner with just 12 standard rolls per patch from the shop and BP.
so this is the combat to rival ZZZ...
Take your med pagpag
lucklet get the rope senpai
Yeah she looks bad. The model quality itself is fine, her animations and effects are nice too. Her design is just bad and I hate her face.
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Brothers, human pussy is not worth it. Trust me, brothers. Think about what mother will think if she saw you losing to some human pussy
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Pretty lady
>I had to spend 50 on the beginner banner and 80 on the selector banner because I'm always unlucky
No, you spent them because you're retarded.
You should've skipped both novice and beginner banners and rolled for standard weapons instead.
>rival zzz
brother please, the enemy is bugging but moving around, our game zzz literally run perfectly because the enemy barely move and stay still.
For me it's Dreamless pussy.
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>The model quality itself is fine
Are you fucking blind?
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there, I fixed her
I honestly can't see the "tranny" angle that the trolls are posting, I'll post an edit with the short hair and I bet it'll still look like a woman (maybe it'll give her a hot noona look)
>saar has spoken
I do 3D models for a living I know better than you. Your cherry picked low quality screenshot means nothing.
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>I played FGO for Tamamo
>I played Blue Archive for Wakamo
>I played Nikke for Dorothy
>Now i am playing Wuthering Waves for Changli
and to my surprise every character have the same JP voice actor, the destiny is trying to tell me something?
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12 + 1.41% atk healing for 5 purple upgrade mats doesn't seem like a good deal...
good riddance
all im saying is if the boss barely move, its easier for me to play
Yeah it was me who shot ropes of cum on her jade-like face
>I do 3D models for a living
You must be really shitty at your job then if you can't see it.
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>I do 3D models for a living
You better be doing top tier porn models of WuWa soon anon
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I like the softer pastel colours that go well with her black hair. I think she already looks pretty enough.
It basically guaranteed her election as Magistrate for a second term. Cope you Tacet Discord.
content doko
pls some fap material misterpink
saar his post clearly meant he see your point but he said you cherry pick the video, he didnt say he didnt see your point, he clearly address it saar and he called you shit saar,
>mfw all the characters I like use the same weapon type
Its so fucking over for me isnt it?
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Wait for 1.3 anon.
is it wuwover?
I think people seeing tranny where there isn't any are projecting... Short-haired zhezhi looks like a noona that would give me meaningful advice when I reach my quarter-life crisis.
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All this cope that you love Zhezhi but NONE OF YOU will pull for her AND ONE OF YOU will pull for the FREE homo making the 1.2 patch the lowest revenue patch in Kurogames history. We will laugh, all of us from every gacha thread. For months.
Kuro did this to themselves and you are only supporting the death of this game by giving them a pass for this blunder.
I won't be renewing my monthly but I'll still play the game
a bit disappointed in kuro
6/10, better than I expected but I wanted more
I was wondering what type of hair style she had interesting
rope yourself anon or go back to your zzzooo
Why mention your father so much in your reply? You okay rajesh?
yeah i think im uninstalling
I love RIna so much
>AND ONE OF YOU will pull for the FREE homo
and half of your playerbase will roll for the furry uhhhhhhh not really good optic huh?
As doctor you fail to rescue
As warrior you fail to defend

Do you truly deserve your title?
>We will laugh
who? you and your seapag friends?
saar why suddenly become personal saar??
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Please Rovers, do not go anywhere!
I promise content is coming soon!
Meanwhile feel free to use me as you please!
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I just reinstall PGR the others day to spite you furry faggot, what are you gonna do about it?
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Same. I was going to buy the BP but it's not worth it. Game is just not good enough to support it. 1.2 looks trash anyway. Glad that ZZZ ended up being good because I'm burnt out on HSR and quit Genshin months ago. It's Nikke and ZZZ till Promilia releases. WuWa will go the ToF route looks like. Shame.
/wuwa/ will continue with their victim complex blaming everyone but themselves and Kuro for the failure.
>will pull for the FREE homo
>the 1.2 patch the lowest revenue patch in Kurogames history
True, the 1.2 designs are ugly, my hope is they press the emergency button and Kuro pulls a super coomer character that nobody was expecting or they let us date and romance characters
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I believe Wuwa not instantly making a bajillion dollars on release is actually a good thing for the player since the devs need to stay on edge. Not like Wuwa is a flop either, it's still going to make Kuro massive profits over the years, even if not to the point of being able to subsidize three other projects
Bring me Jiyan
Did twitter finally find out about waterkuma?
she honestly looks really fun. it kinda sucks that even the filler literally who characters can end up being appealing just for their gameplay
Changli soon, Camellya likely in 1.3, and Phrolova can pop up at any time. no rolls to spare for just fun gameplay. maybe on a rerun if she's not sandwiched between super desirable characters again
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Father... Is it Rover...?
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>victim complex
lmao at this retard outing himself as a redditor HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
But how do someone know about waterkuma?
I mean if you are not a lolicon you won't.
wait, thats not the ingame model, why the fuck you use koikatsu instead of the fucking ingame model, do you not realize how bad this is for your argument
The chinks’ change of perception about him is funny. In 1.0 they shat on Jiyan and called him a deserter general for retreating. But when 1.1 came and revealed that Rover basically built the nation they started to get angry at Geshu Lin for sacrificing (You)r people for nothing
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>blaming everyone but themselves
You mean like Kuro allegedly hired bots?
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>and half of your playerbase will roll for the furry uhhhhhhh not really good optic huh?
You talking about ZZZchads? She is the only upcoming furry. I might roll for her, true. Unless you mean the Shark maid? She already bead WuWa's revenue in 5 days.
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Post brutal mogging
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wuthering waves to genshin is what runes of magic is to world of warcraft
If you played girl's frontline you know
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people keep saying we have a "victim complex" but the constant barrage of "uhhh wuwa bad I'll play zzz now" posts just keep coming like clockwork.

if you like that game you should be at the zzzooo right furry niggers? You're just outing yourself as a mihomodrone sent here to derail the thread. Don't hit your head at the /wuwa/'s door and just go to your kennel together with the other furry faggots that constantly spam gooning content for hypersexualized underaged children.

wuwa's the last bastion for hagchads and it will remain so.
jiggling = fat and disgusting. We like tight, muscly men here. Be gone
And you think hoyocucks played that game?
>I just reinstall PGR the others day to spite you furry faggot
I don't even know who you are. I can see you're an ESL though.
I'd say its more GW1/2 to WoW.
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i mean this bad boy bro, i dont even know who that is, does liking the shark girl count as furry now?
>whenever this gets posted, the shitposters can't reply on this .webm
I'm noticing something and it's not good.... zooposters can't be from SEA right? Imagine completing the trifecta of
I'd rather unalive myself than live like that
>cinematic trailer vs in-game model
disingenuous faggot
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>She already bead
I'd really like to. I don't know if its realistic after Changli though. I basically have just enough (2 pities) to guarantee Changli if I lose her 50/50 so my options are
>lose 50/50 for changli, get her on the guarantee
>win 50/50 for changli, use the second pity to guarantee her sig
>win 50/50 for changli, use the second pity to try for zhenzhi (and if I lose that 50/50 I'll just be mad I didn't get changli's guarantee weapon instead)
How much crit is 'good'?
I can get crit dmg out of my ass but all the echoes refuse to give crit % upgrades. I'm stuck in the 20%s fuck me
that name is really fitting as the game puts me to sleep, go back in your containment general
I don't even know if this is bait or you're actually this retarded shilling a game for free on a fucking sunday of all things
Considering it's hoyodrones may be the latter
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>>will pull for the FREE homo
Some people will surely pull for cons and his weapon.
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wtf am I looking at anon? and is this seriously the hill that those zzzooniggers are willing to die on?
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what's the PS2 title on the left? oh wait
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NTA but i have that anon back, i even pick cinematic trailer for you guys!!!
Good point
zoofags are already dead!
Definitely rolling, she looks great, fun and a perfect fit with Jinhsi. Probably skipping Hagli too.
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That's literally her in game model you shitskin goblin
Not my fault you settle for ps2 graphics cause it from your corporate overlords
What is this intimacy shit I keep getting when I do waveplate activites?
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He's not a limited character though. He's giga meta and not gay at all personality wise also his gameplay is actually fun since he's like Sanji from One Piece. He's a classic stoic butler. As for shark girl I don't know, people are really weird about ZZZ.
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this is why 5* weapon is massive value of your time, but because ww has basic
5% crate
150% cdmg
if you ask me, its better to have at least 60 crate with 200-250 cdmg.

Obiously no lmao, the only people rolling for this fujo are femoids, contrarians or trannies, im going to waste all my pulls for Changli and if i get her in my 50/50 im going to save my asterites until they put somethimg that makes my dick and soul happy
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No Loong rules forever my son...
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>Mihoyo improves resolution of the Pampers texture and forgets to remove the crotch shadowing like they do in Genshin
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>She already bead
Indog bro u need to take english lessons
This is embarrassing
can someone please take the animals back to the zoo
>post pic clearly taken from the cutscene
Father... I see only Vulpera Death Knights...
Oh no a melty
Go back to your unity slop anon.
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>mindbroken by the fact that their new zoogame was destined to be mogged by our existence
Where in that post did he shill a game? Where did he mention anything other than WuWa?
>I cannot possibly roll for a female if she doesn't have anime colored hair
adhd tranny freak
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what they did to Anby should be punishable by up to 10 years in prison (for everyone involved)
this is why I'll never play a mihomo game
to be fair, that game has more incest than furryshit
Ok if we throw away any bad faith argument, personally because he's not limited he has chance to spook you and
if we look at HSR, WuWa, Genshin, standard character meta wont stay long, its the same as those sucker who already e6 ellen joe
>>>defending the yiffer in any capacity
lol it's actually just the furry concentration camp general. go back
Feels bad to wipe thw map clean off of spectro elites and get only 1 onset elemental damage one...
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What a massacre
cutscenes in this game are realtime renders
unlike bloated 50 gb zzzooo kekaroo
I am at 0 weapon exp now...
all of these were already restored by modders
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>slow af patch
>zzz bro offer their ass to our thread to become laughing stock
you know, its better you leave us alone and die with 12 hour thread instead of keep shitposting here
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Why is our modding scene so dead bwos...
ZZZ got 10 times more mods than us
>He thinks UNITYSLOPturds know what an "engine-rendered cutscenes" are
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mmmm yes I'm going to fuck this liv blob
Well to be fair their game already ran out of contents, getting humiliated is a hobby for them so they come here
spectro really gets shafted on their limited spawns

my zhezhi prep is going comfy though mushrooms + spider robots and use pity on tambourinists/frostwolves/lumine constructs
yes ofc heavily censored game need more mods to fix it instead of us
I'm more excited for PGR than WuWa [sppiler] lmao
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Oh for sure he will be powercrept but currently he is pretty desirable as he's basically Bronya and works perfectly with the maid. I thought I'd hate him but I actually do like him because he's normal and has fun gameplay. I actually wish WuWa had someone like that who attacks with kicks mostly as it's very satisfying.
wtf do not fuck the liv blob....
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>engine-rendered cutscenes
doubt their pea sized brains understand this, they'd rather fuck an animal nearby
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>>be a mihomodrone
>>choose between:
>"EoS Soon"
>>if you can't choose between those there are also other options like
>post zzz meta questions
>post zzz-related media
>post zzz-related news
>post zzz pics
>post genshin news
>post genshin pics
>>gather (you)s and get btfo by /wuwa/
>>uhhh guys why do you always have a victim complex??? M-Melty much?? a-amirite zzzaggot b-bros??
>>Screencap engagement and send proof to mihomo overlords
>>get paid nothing, they do it for free
Experience this everyday...
Being a wuwachad is like being prometheus, chained to a rock for giving a FIRE game to humanity, and having furryfags constantly peck at our liver (thread) only for the thread to grow back overnight (new thread) and have them peck at it again... Yet we soldier on.
You are attracted to a flat "fe"male and i am atracted to a female with big breasts and tick tights, Can you tell me who is the tranny again? you maybe could enjoy playing genshit since every character looks like "her", bland, ugly and with a "safe horny" cuck design
Did this go through two rounds of censorship? Wasn't pink a mesugaki oppai loli in the beginning?
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You see, if the game has a bigger filesize it means it has more content
It's still just a gacha, no need to make it your personality
assmen are higher testosterone than european cucks who like oversized breasts.
I'm at 0 echo exp... How is it possible...
smartest poster in this thread.
No, she looks very ugly.
Rolled for Jinshi weapon instead after the 1.2 character reveals.
This may sound like cope but...
UE4 vs Unity, which is easier to mod?

There's also the fact that 3DMigoto uses DLL which is detected by ACE (Tencent's shitty anticheat that is the root cause for the high resource usage).
>not long

bronya was meta up to robin release thats almost a whole year bro thats long as fuck for a standard character
Verina will even outdo one year I'm confident because no supports in sight
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What's your next cope hoyodrone? It's funny to see it
Must suck when you find out you're a resonator but can't float or fly like Jinhsi or Zhezhi
>to mod
Obviously Unity.
UE is C++ which is considered a 300IQ gigabrain hard language by an average front-ender.
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Serious question. Why is /Wuwa/ constantly seething about ZZZ? You do know that they don't even mention you or think about you?
It's weird. You're all weird.
To the trash it goes with Java.
t. Java developer
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Oh look at the time, it's humiliation o'clock
You see, the more words there are on the gacha title, the more yapping there is ingame
d-d-d-doesn't count
Are you me?
>seanigger being disingenuous faggot
Lol like clockwork call more of your discord buttbudies cause they clearly aren't sending their best
is it just me or did /ZZZ/ general slowed down ?
wow, you're really mad, huh?
Talk shit get hit
simple as
Pure fucking sex, why is Kuro shooting themselves in the foot with the shitty female in the 1.2 when they can release characters like that?
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Has the humiliation ritual started?
We get raided by zoofags every day, reminds me of this picture.
Zhezhi is for me fuck off
Kuro is a fujo/femcel company. Every PGR player knows this. WuWers are just finding out.
I could also hold up my mouse while a youtube video of a stage 6 hologram hitless run plays in the background...
>bronya was meta up to robin release
idk about this but i feel like the moment we enter penacony bronya team already dead for me even tho i have her s2 and her cone + jingliu e1 and her cone, the bloated enemy hp make jingliu useless and therefore no dps for me to pair with bronya and idk if comparing with robin is the right thing because i feel like sparkle is the one who outcreep her.

>Verina will even outdo one year I'm confident because no supports in sight

desu me saying wuwa will have quick outcreep is pretty over exaggerating in my part because i more specifically meant dps like calcuro and anko, wuwa meta kinda flexible imo because you 3 tower in ToA, so we might see verina level support but at the same time not gonna make her useless or replaced

i think yao can give that fix, rn wuwa has cool type weapon that is gauntlet but we dont really have anyone that straight up dps (lingyang doesnt count).
It used to be, but nowadays it's all bloat with useless content, fucking CoD is 100+ GB
Kuro just needs to replace zhezhi's clothes with body paint and 1.2 will be saved.
I never understood why you guys are bitching about a skip patch?
It makes it easy for you to roll for other characters like camellya or others why are you complaining?
You tell them sis, trans rights are human rights!
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>st-stop liking this girl, you are just coping
>meanwhile kuro just kill half of their female playerbase in pgr
holy fucking shit, i didnt not see them do that
I accept your concession filthy seagoblin
Good morning, bros.
Two of my friends quit yesterday to get Interknotted, you guys are all I have left.
No one is telling you that, we are just calling you tranny lover
ZZZgods has super detailed body texture for their furry character, even the bear has underwear ingame model
1.2 being a skip patch is retarded and will actually kill the game. This month we are back to 100th place. Imagine how far we'll fall down with Zhezhi.

Yes, revenue matters. If people see others are spending, they spend themselves and game can expand. If revenue for such a costly game is like 5mil then it's fucking dead and people move on. Already we lost to ZZZ. 1.2 will completely kill us.
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Another girl getting fallen for me!
Post your UID ""PGR"" bro
I guess you meant gayshit homopact with the fujo self insert
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>youtube video
nice cope kek
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The new approach is calling you a tranny for liking her design. Still pullan' cause when has online opinions ever stopped anyone?
This is bad for WuWa. I am worried and concerned.
That was a mod and a shitpost.
ANIMAL fuckers are here again, they'll shill thier zoo again, I'll see you guys next week when changli is out.
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>they don't even mention you or think about you
that's a lie and you know it
they constantly seethe about us being a lesser or better game
oh i was thinking while its disgusting furry, its kinda based they went full fetish like that but turn out they arent even all in huh
I accept your concession.
>100 place
No one cares.
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Qrd on Zhezhi? Is she just a shy girl or is she a yandere at least?
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Surely wuwas are smart to not take the baits and the schizos are just talking to themsleves
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>got 4 gold talent drops today
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seethe zoofag
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>or better game
You clearly haven't been there, they got dunked by literally every general here that they have a permanent jannie to keep their echo chamber and we became their boogeyman
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This is the only bit of personality we have about her. Shy painter? Don't think she's yandere.
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I still play GunZ even though there's barely any players in the servers, what does that make me?
So glad I never actually consume any content that has so many trannies that it would make me think that girl is tranny
The ones making fun of the hoyodrones are clearly my wuwabros
Now the others I don't know, maybe their discord sent more people to shill
>Don't think she's yandere.
That's a skip then. Now I can go all in on Changli with no regrets.
she has trouble speaking, maybe autistic painter
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Is Wuthering Waves Reddit or 4chan?
Shellcucks could never
Is Golang really that good?
Wuthering Waves is (Tacet) Discord
ngl bro i fucking pray for zhezi to have mid design so i can balls deep on changli banner,
if kuro games revenue is good enough to give out free 5* why would i care if they make 10 or 100 millions
Watch this.
I've yet to go below 7million credits even after maxing all traces I'm starting to think the shell credit shilling is a hoax
propagated by F2P that do absolutely nothing ingame while building too many characters and useless weapons + don't buy battlepass
yeah, desu her animation looks sick and her teleporting around seems will come in a clutch for some situation but im not really a fan of her design, i wish she has normal long hair instead of semi twintail like that
Do elements matter in this game?
I got encore and verina and I am debating if I should even bother with changli and zhezhi
Zhezhi is a maybe because I feel like I would have to win the 50/50 and roll on her weapon to use her on a separate team from encore
And changli is just the same element as encore
uhhh anon, if you look at >>486010080 and see trannies I think you need to stop consuming trannyslop so you stop seeing them everywhere else...
or take your meds or rope yourself
>he's STILL replying to bait
>I'm starting to think the shell credit shilling is a hoax
It was made by the people who was already leveling up a lot of Echoes in 1.0
The Shell costs for leveling up Echoes back then was absurdly high, thank god they reduced it by 75%...
Retards will tell you that Changli fits well with Encore.
Just put Sanhua on your team and you'll have a better buffer for your Encore than Changli. She's an easy skip.
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What should I use them on?
Golang is pretty much C except you don't have that much options. They went overboard with their "simplicity". You pretty much need to write your own boilerplate code to get anything useful done.
However if your main goal is to simply write SMALL MICROSERVICES or anything similar then that's where Golang's simplicity play into action.
>Do elements matter in this game?
Yes, they do. Enemies are either resistant or immune. The latter as far as I recall only applies to those floating crystal things.
all I understand is that if a boss has the same element as your dps you won't do any damage it feels like -50%
Holding mine till 60, or even 70 for Tacets.
There's no immediate rush to ascend everyone when my DPS are still carrying the open world and not immediately getting one or two shot and I can comfy clear 24/30.
Sitting at a comfy 70 cubes atm.
sanhua will have higher prio with zhezhi and camellya you don't want to imprison her with anko it's time to let go
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It'd be kinda nice if we can see enemy resists somewhere...
Just assume the damage that enemy deals is what they're resistant to + the element they are as an echo.
>Jue is resistant to both Electro and Spectro
What is your UL?
I'm at 55 and feel like I'm behind the rest.
Elements do nothing, it's literary just different color damage numbers and that's it
Even if an enemy resists a given element, you still can pick any of the 5 remaining ones and it doesn't matter which
53, I started 1 day later than everyone else and still have all my cubes.
As long as I'm 60 before the next double tacet field event, I don't give a shit.
Changli mains pushing 100y old
day 1 anons should be aroune 49~55+ depending on if refresh energy
Damn, my assumptions even without ever looking at the databank were correct.
Yeah but by how much? Like do we just assume 50% resist to same element?
If I see that they're just 15% resistant to my element I'd just shrug it off and oogabooga, but if it's like 75% resist I'm definitely switching teams right?
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UL39 day 1 player haha... I wasn't convinced on the game. Then I played the other big releases and now I'm back and enjoying the game.
Upwards of 40% seems to be about right.
>Jue blast by Jinhsi does 150k+ normally
>Does about 77-80k on Jue itself.
UL42, I started the game with 1.1 (had an account day one but I was too busy to play)
55, everyone on my friendlist on wuwa is lagging behind
Starting to think I should use my standards for a weapon for encore and the free 5 star weapon will be a sword for rover
I could just switch weapons between encore and zhezhi if I like her I guess
It's insane how much her face and hair don't fit her clothes and body
You should've used all your standards on the weapon banner and just picked Encore with your free selector.

The beginner banner is 100% a noob trap designed to waste your rolls on a 5* you'll get from 50/50s anyway.
i'm 54
feels like this is normal if you've not touched your waveplate stock much
>Do elements matter in this game?
Not really outside of some buffs and enemy resistances. For example one of the endgame bosses filters Jinhsi right now because it's the same element as her.

>I got encore and verina and I am debating if I should even bother with changli and zhezhi
Get them if you like them, neither is necessary or a "must pull."

>Zhezhi is a maybe because I feel like I would have to win the 50/50 and roll on her weapon to use her on a separate team from encore
Her weapon will probably be Encore's BiS btw.

>And changli is just the same element as encore
Changli can buff encore.

I think getting Changli just for Encore is retarded, but as far as we can tell Changli-Encore is still one of Changli's top 3 teams. It's hardly retarded, her field time isn't long, she needs somebody else to do damage for 10 seconds. Encore/Jinhsi are the best.
Chixiafags are the real copers.
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UL52, after finishing the main quests I just do dailies and consume all stamina and not much else.
I did mine some scareltthorn to make Danjin's sig but that doesn't really give exp now does it.
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I took a look using this site that is a famous dataminer on genshit and honkek, they have a wuwa version
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just hit 50 yesterday. I started one week after release
I won't be rolling either way for a very long time and getting cons is always a good scenario for a dps
Plus I like having my selector being on verina incase I need heals
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Umm is heavy attack dmg % good? I feel like this is decent
>her field time isn't long
Changli's? It's insanely long since you need to build at least 1-2 stacks for her optimal nuke and she has bad concerto regen.

Resonance Liberation and Heavy Attack damage bonuses are wasted on Jinhsi
Kinda works for Spectro Rover though
I have one account at 40 and one at 51.
oh wow this is what I'm looking for anon, thanks!
So everyone has a flat 10% resistance to everything else and have 40% resistance to their own element except jue which has 40% resist against electro and spectro. Nice to see.
Aiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee it wasn't decent... Back to the mines...
>ntr smile
If I roll zhezhi's weapon for encore, what should I even select for my free 5 star weapons from standard and the union level gift?
Feeling pretty confused about my options ngl
>need to build pity to buy store rolls
>only good 4* lineup is xiangli yao

risky business
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post 30/30 clear
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Is this potentially shiny dreamless in the datamined files? :O
>danjin jailed
Looks like it
That's... Holy Danjin nooo you're stuck on the free guy's banner...
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shit I need a shiny version of my waifu... c'mon KUROOOOOO
53 or 54. I still have about 10 solvents I havn't used yet.
Never refreshed with asterite, put off doing most of the 1.1 exploration until Changli came out.
I've been thinking how does Kuro feel about the community having the perspective that healing is useless ''just dodge lol''
They could design a fight where the boss simply fills the entire area with poisonous mist and switching in a healer is mandatory to top up the team

Very hoyo-esque thing to do
create worthless characters then way down the line create content for em
like full aoe characters in pure fiction
>tfw my team will be Changli/Yinlin/Baizhi
ah yeah
just dodge the mist??
They could just use the same thing they did in PGR.
>Bosses that bypass the iframes.
>Changli's? It's insanely long since you need to build at least 1-2 stacks for her optimal nuke and she has bad concerto regen.
No it's not, and it's far shorter than her skill CD no matter what. Jinhsi's field time is much longer than Changli's if you have to do both of her combos and she still often has to fuck off for 10+s since her laser has a long CD that doesn't reset after you use the big one. Changli will never spend as much time mashing as Havoc Rover, Jiyan, Calchud or even Encore herself do.
Changli's lib alone maxes out her stacks. The reasons he has stacks on her skill is so you can stay off of her for a long time (play your 2nd DPS), swap into her and skill twice without losing any DPS.

Sword for at least one of them. Usually 2nd recommendation is gun (since it has crit) but just pick a 2nd weapon based off of whatever characters you use are still on non-BP 4* weapons.
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just parry the mist, dunno whats so hard about that
i want to build danjin but i heard camyella will powercreep her...
negative if camellya is havoc then the one powercrept is rover
danjin will remain a strong sub dps choice to buff camellya
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About to hit 56 later today
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fujoshis are hot and cute and based and you're retarded for ever implying otherwise.
i claim zhizhi as my wife. we shall have endless nights dreaming about men together while you cope and seethe.
I dom't know why I'm farming for echoes when I have 0 echo exp
Camellya is support dude, if anything verina is fucked
Why the fuck are people drawing fanarts for her already
Thanks anon
I guess I will roll zhezhi's weapon banner for the guarantee BiS weapon on encore and then save my rolls for the future
I'll pull standard for the sword and use the union level for the gun since a 5 star gun user has to be a thing at some point
the next event is double tacet field drops
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>hot and cute and based
>why peepol like????!???
Perplexing indeed.
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38. I already have mats to get 2 DPS leveled up immediately and just clearing the map for every chest there is. The wait is driving me insane
Did you buy out the event shop?
nigga pls they already showed her cutscene which overlaps with the moves in the leaked kit

it's a slow build with several different combos that need to be executed to go into the red hair enhanced state for 10seconds

it will be the most main dps character in the entire game
Danjin wife
Yinlin, Jinhsi and Changli WHORE!
what makes Danjin wife material???
She's literally enticing people to have sex with her just so she could kill them, she's THE whore
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so.. when are they introducing Danjin and Calchud in the story?
Who are they what are they about
I'm going to waste all my rolls on Chang Li. The next shitters look boring. 1.2 is a save patch thankfully. Well I think most people who are not f2ps saving for Camellya feel like this.
She'll bake you blood cakes from all the blood she drains out of you.
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all girls are for (you). (you) are the whore
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is there really no other fucking way to farm echo tubes besides tacet fields
Both she and Calchud went through several rewrites(they were supposed to be part of 1.0 but lots of 1.0 got changed mostly for the better) so I imagine they will be part of an event or something.
But she didn't kill (You)
Do NOT fuck the blobs
Yep and I fucking hate it, there still isn't enough echo xp out there.
if we could we'd grind perfect echoes and complete the game in 2 weeks
umm this is just friendship haha...
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>Events with story
never gonna happen in this game bwo
You get a bit of purple tubes from farming ascension mats and you can craft some tubes weekly from the rocks in the new area.
time to farm fluoride anon
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will i make it then, bros?
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bros, I need something to play while waiting for Changli. Is smt v good?
You won't even feel it
Play trails through daybreak bwo.
But yes SMT V:Vengeance is good too.
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Day 1 players should be 58-59 now. 60 if they used cubes.
So, yes, you are behind. I'm 60 and got 20 cubes left, 100% F2P.

Holy fuck, why are there THIS MANY Ranklets ITT fucking pathetic losers.
None among you have the power to stop me
play Quasimorph
sanhua will lose her job and ...
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I saw this image in the last thread and it is what literally happened to me rolling on jinhsi
I never deleted an account so fast in my life
Thankfully I was just shy of UL 19 and only played the game for like 3-4 days
Made a new account with a temp mail and now I am scared to ever dare roll on limited banners unless its 100% guaranteed or I have enough rolls to hard pity twice
I rerolled 2 times.
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Will go to Rover
are you okay with srpg? Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga is an underrated gem

for regular rpg I'd recommend Chained Echoes wasn't bad at all
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Just reroll anon.
begone, YING
you've already spooked me twice and the fact that it was early doesn't save you
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>behind the rest
day 1 player player btw
where are the 1.2 story leaks
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>being this much of a ULet
did you not explore at all and skipped all quests or what
wuwa love
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Wish kuro would delete this fucker from the game entirely
I wouldnt mind being spooked by all the other standard 5 stars but he is a pure brick of the sturdiest material
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We will break Onigiri out of prison and he will help us get into Black Shores
Delete and give me a selector ticket for the one I own. I wish
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I did explore, I also consume my cubes before overflowing beyond 240
they should secretly reduce his rate to half of the other 5*
who are they even pleasing with this the furries are in other games anyway
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>I did explore
Clearly not hard enough
kuro would delete lingyang and add a female version
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My Yinlin: Killer Wife. uWu :">
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will kill you with her cooking
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Would you?
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Not like this wuwabros... We lost our strongest warrior...
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I'm getting hard filtered by the treasures that are hidden under the caves of which the entrances I do not know where to locate lmao.
it's rover
That's me, I rerolled.
Uhm...those don't look like lolis...
Alright the game really fun but i have to uninstall it thanks everyone for great thread all this time
Same, I'm deleting it rn
At UL61? What happened
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Aight see you sometime then bro. Take care.
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Epstein's wha-
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Nyo bro don't leave us...
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More people are leaving the wuwa....
Take a guess, Memphis exploit is out, you blink twice and the player with the highest amount of investment is instantly gone, really makes you think huh
Wanted more content.
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bro, get a life lol
bros I don't have enough xp tubes to level my characters to 80
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i've been enjoying the game on my own pace
level 52 and very happy with my progression. already could beat all bosses at 70, and now that my resonators are at 80 it's even easier.
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Is this canon?
Jinhsi or Camellya?
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Urmm 40% of my friendlist are not online more than 5 days.. and they're all from /wuwa/
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yinlin and calchud fanfic writer here
verina is also there, their daughter.
Where can you see the breakdown of all the different types of things you are missing?
Omniframes are cuter than resonatots, ngl
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the compass in the bottom right
when can we pull her bros...
baizhi how do i sex?
Thanks bro. I've been sleeping on a lot of side missions so my cope is that it's mostly those cucking my exploration %
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you kiss and then a baby is made
thanks baizhi. let's kiss.
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meant for >>486020779
dataminers already found audio voicelines for her in combat, so maybe 1.3
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Jinshi sex...
i look like this and say this
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I got rangbanned so can only post on phone now :(((
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Is this you?
She must be thinking of painting Jiyan and MRover naked behind that shy exterior. Stupid stinky fujo.
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>silently bullying Zhezhi while studying at the library doujin doko?!?
>lose to genshin
>lose to a turn base corridor game
>lose to furry tv game
>lose to snowbreak
>lose to homo love and deep space
What happened?
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I dont care if Zhezhi looks like some fujos self-insert. I will roll for her if she is the basic dmg glacio attacker made for Sanhua, Simple as that.
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find the chests lil gweilo
Love and deep space sisters what happened…..
Did you already clear all the lion dance challenge?
Right here *unzpis*
You mean the companion mission? Should be
same I need to make my Sanhua shine
I'm already using Verina what's one more goblin
I'm going to lose all my astrite
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This guy might actually be right >>486011690 you can see the blueprint of how mihomodrones try to derail threads a mile away now. When you actually see this noticeable pattern it's easier to not engage these niggers.
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>chink rankings
chinese people can't run wuwa, what do you expect?
doesn't count
>Nooo stop releasing hot girls i’m going broke
>Nooo stop releasing ugly girls i wanna roll
Which is it?
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I also got shafted dupe wise on Jinhsi's banner, I got more Jinhsi copies than Sanhuas so I HAVE to roll Zhezhi's banner either way because I'm not gonna risk my pity for S2 Jinhsi.
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If you aren't willing to sell your organs to afford your waifu, you don't deserve her
Good job emptying my wallet Changli
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Feeling bored from filler patch?
Go play AFK Journey:D
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I only roll for hags so I'm safe for now.
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Nah I'm playing PGR.
New patch is tomorrow.
afk anything is omega slop that becomes extremely p2w fast
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>yangyang survived
>changli survived
>trump survived
I just bought Disco Elysium for 90% off on steam
already have something to do
I thought these people got caught rigging the gacha drop rates? lmao
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uh oh melty incoming
nigger im not playing a second gacha only real games
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I got frostpunk on some sale, I forgot when. Maybe I'll play this until Changli drops. Or should I play timberborne instead?
>log in
>see what dailys are
>log out
Did they have to copy genshit's obnoxious commission system as well and make it even worse?
If you enjoy RTS Frostpunk is very good, I strongly reccomend it
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play rotmg
But enough about zoopag zoomer zlop
nigga you only have to either fucking kill monster, fucking skip a quest or fucking spend your waveplate, what the fuck you on
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>Everglowing Justice
i’m a day1 and 48 because i’m taking my time having fun so I don’t have to come here to cry about no content
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Quick how do I jump up to 40 aiieeee
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Cute glowie.
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use "them"
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I'm more of an RTS person but I wanna chill out so I picked up some city builders to play around with. The fishing thing in nikke isn't up to my liking and I think I've already exhausted the Dave NTR sidegame so I'll be chilling with either of these games. I keep hearing disco elysium and I think I already swiped it on a sale years before, Is it a good game as well? are there any waifus there?
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Is the Inferno Rider the fastest traversal unit or does the Heron match it in speed? Which echos do you use to traverse the world guys? Do you want them to add more variety?
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At last... Jinhsi.
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Inferno Rider is the fastest for horizontal movement, it's the best if what your climbing isn't a rocky mountain otherwise Heron would be better
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I think the sudden vertical movement of the Heron is underrated for traversal. I bet Heron > air dash > mid-air attack > zipline can give you mad hops.
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My wuwabros can't be this bad right?
>elf in the background
Corrective rape is incoming
we're getting laughed at again...
yeah you can do that, if you want to know some of those techs here's a video for it:
wuwa doesn't care, go back faggot.
whats our alive status?
We don't care.
Go back to your thread.
not great not terrible
>waa free character mean EoS
Kek battered wife going strong
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you guys know what zzz is better in than wuwa?
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Jue will be extremely pleased.
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I don't understand how can anyone find this slut attractive
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>Go to /wwg/
>People are talking about and enjoying the game
>Go to /gig/
>A bunch of racebaiting due to the Natlan designs
>Go to /zzz/
Its all so tiresome...
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ouch... gj bwo
Any anons who look like femrover itt?
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praise solon lee for giving us a good game for free
This could've been me if this whore decided to come home
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Wish we were really on EoS so monkeys would (You)farm another general
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/zzz/ here. I am very impressed with your free character that mogged us so hard. However I am having difficulty pronouncing his name.
Say his name with perfect pronunciation.
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I'm literally her
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bro I don't care about this general enough to wish for wuwa's eos. I wanna keep playing the game with or without you anons lol
But i thought we were friends:((
games before bros haha
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go back furfag. wuwa doesnt want your kind here.
It's wuover
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>I am having difficulty pronouncing his name.
What makes you think that we can fluently speak chink here? I want to get out of NotChina sooner or later......
Yeah our game has better animations than your hoyoslop.
Where do I get the best echoes for Jinhsi?
That’s the easiest chinese name I’ve ever seen
13 fucking seconds or i could 30 star the tower
jue + spectro tacet
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Okay I haven't really seen Yao's moveset before because I was uninterested in him and they're giving him away for free anyway, but that's kinda cool. I still dunno why his skills are cube-themed, but I get why he makes mortefi seethe lmao
Daily reminder for my fellow ChangliCHADS.
Chang Lee is way too far away...
So what's the tldr on Yao Li? Does he replace calcharo based on his leaked kits?
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skinny scientist nerd brutally mogs hardened mercenary dude

this is the consensus that everyone can agree with
hoyoverse: reddit
kuro games: 4chan
his kit is pretty much just an improved version of Calchudo's
Disco Elysium is basically LA Noire but slav instead
Ya he’s Electro main dps
I really dunno right now. In mortefi's story he was hyped as a nerd prodigy but it was mentioned nowhere that he knew kung-fu and upgraded his mortal body to have an automail that has a plasma cannon. lol
>requires more golden upgrade mats than purple ones
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Please don't forget her when new thots get here
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Why did a single shitpost derail their entire thread and make everyone in the thread reply to it?
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I come back here after a week of doing SL1 of DS1 and 3 and the threads are still just shitposting
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Oh shit, RIP in pieces calchudos, looks like the better Liberation damage-based electro character has arrived...
I will plant my seed in her until Camellya wrecks our home
It made people that mad? People want to be nickel and dimed by companies? A free 5* is nice. HSR did it and it wasn't 'EoS' spam. Guess it's because it's another hoyo game.
which wuwa would be victorious in an all-out free for all deathmatch sex battle?
For two completely unrelated games, wuwa and zzz sure loves hatefucking each other, what happened to the genshin rivalry?
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hsrg was rife with giggers shitposting how hsr was EoSing because of a free 5* male, and we rightfuly laughed at their free 5* being some Sony fugly
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Danjin wouldn't understand the assignment and would just start stabbing people
Anyone up for an Uttar Pradesh wuwa meetup?
In the end it always comes back to giggers.
Encore and I are indeed going on a date
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Never, i will remember all my girls
please i need to commit coitus
Yeah they were malding because HSR get the special treatment
And then gets ko'd by an unbuilt Maxiaofang
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damn poor lad, I knew something was up when they suddenly nerfed him, atleast the replacement is somewhat free.
What's the QRD on the new electro dude? he's apparently free and he doesn't look faggy so i don't mind building him if he's decent
>what happened to the genshin rivalry?
bwo... they're just in zzz right now
>sentinel dagger
Jue blessed our relationship then? What changed her mind?
I won't.
electro Calcharo
Does resonance liberation bonus damage from Echos increase the damage of Mortefis coordinated attacks?
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Jue allows it if you give Jinhsi a seed first
Making her a 4 star was the dumbest mistake. She blows all of the characters that they're hoping to make money on out of the water.
Stronger calchud
I hope he’s a bro to MC and not a flaming faggot
Bullshit, I don't see how genshinfags are interested in these kind of games
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Rolled 50 times and really only wanted pity after the first one but kept rolling my wife.
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You need to give 4* good designs too, they're the ones that's going to be commonly pulled after all
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This random youtube guy seems to think he's about as good as Jinhsi.
His Jinhsi prerelease analysis wasn't too bad, but not perfect either, so I'd say he'll be within 20% of Jinhsi's damage once you take errors into account.
>I don't see how a mihoyo fan tries out the new mihoyo game
why is jinhsi so popular? there is so much art of her
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Eh, I'm more prefer if he's a cocky rival type character tough
which resonator definitely loves taking it up the ass?
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wtf they'll give us a jinhsi-tier charcter for free?! Sasuga Solon-sama!!
I wanna suck the piss out of her soaked panties.
no, YOU are based jinhsibro
Would you try a Kuro equivalent of HSR or ZZZ? I wouldn't, I came for open world game so I'll stay for an open world game. Unless you're a corpo drone but that's just a loud minority.
>homo powercreeps all females
wow am i playing a chinkhoyo game or what
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odd hill to die on bro. zzz has names like these.

One of them is literally named zoo
pure maiden my ass
Bro in PGR we got 4 broken characters for free.
They are still meta.
So honestly that doesn't surprise me.
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>Unless you're a corpo drone but that's just a loud minority.
that's majority of genshin players
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Bro your rat furry literally named Jane Doe?
Giving F2P a chance to clear ToA, or at least entice them to 30/30.
>Unless you're a corpo drone but that's just a loud minority.
you're falseflagging aren't you. that's the majority of hoyofans on 4ch, no, all of the internet. a loud majority.
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this shit is so comic
I can't imagine a grown man seething over genshin combat difficulty
If you like a product that a company makes, it also makes sense to try out their other products to see if you like those as well.
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>Bullshit, I don't see how genshinfags are interested in these kind of games
Well, to begin with they're obligated to promote and consoom all mihoyoslop created by their chinese masters.
It also helps their digestion that the zzzoo is just a haven for furry and pedophilic content where they can consoom and engorge in cunny. See zzz threads all you see are cunny-posting and gooning. Look at gig thread, all they know is cunny-shipping and gooning to their cunny-ships. It's like a natural transition for them.
ZZZ? Sure, kuro can cook combat, ZZZ without dogshit gameplay and no TV sound amazing
HSR? Not sure, i’m tired of star rail desu, it’s just auto simulator, i stop spending last month
For my case it's the reverse.
I'm a day one PGR player.
And now I'm playing wuwa.
Not everyone on 4chan is a hoyoslurper.
honest opinion on 'Hsi?
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She loong
>19/80 pulls for Signature weapon
>7 days left
I have 100% exploration in jinszhou with 1 chest missing. I have visited every location on the map in jinszhou. This is the chest in the challenge that you get before imprisoning scar. With musical instruments. You can't enter there. FML I just spend 2 hours searching for it
Not usually the type of girl I go for, but I like her a lot.
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this guy moves in mysterious ways... what is his endgame?
Save for freehomo's gauntlets if you have either the basic 5* or Jiyan's broadblade already. Swipe otherwise
Throw down lootradars all over the place
To be fair, I also splurged literally all my resources on her and got her weapon and +2 merges. My Rover is devoted to her.
stats on yao's gloves? or we don't know yet?
How can one man be so based
>what is his endgame?
Make the game fun/clearable for f2poors?
>You can't enter there
Pretty sure I was able to go there again after that quest.
Also make sure you have completed the parkour things twice/thrice for an extra chest + the quest with the lighthouses gives you another one.
5 imaginary bucks on it being crit chance substat with liberation damage passive
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He's purchasing goodwill.
He knows the gacha market is competetive and saturated with games, and soon to be saturated with even more higher quality 3d games. To retain his playerbase, he knows he needs to be generous.
A short term monetary sacrifice is worth it, if by doing so you retain a ton of players who otherwise might have quit during a dead patch where they don't roll for any new characters. This is something that games like ToF failed to understand and it cost them everything.
Baizhi you are talking too much, bend over.
How do I get an echo with Spectro DMG? I have Jue for Jinhsi but none of my echoes got Spectro DMG I think.
hmm that doesn't sound better for jianxin.
My chigga Solon made it, and now he wants all his day 1 niggas to eat good as well. Dumb woman. Rape
only 3 cost echoes can be spectro damage
I like Changli. Can I get Changli immediately?
Her banner doesn't start for another week.
The door is open, but there is no button to enter.
>Also make sure you have completed the parkour things twice/thrice for an extra chest + the quest with the lighthouses gives you another one.
All done
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>This is something that games like ToF failed to understand and it cost them everything.
I never really tried ToF bcoz when it released was when I quit genshin and was burnt out from that shitty mint picker game and mihomo in general. What did ToF do, did they milk the fuck out out of their playerbase or something?
Nyo, Im pretty sure that all the powercreep that happened after the Fenrir incident is what cost them everything. Idek how ToF isn't EoS yet, at least in Global
next week
Fingering banzhi under the table while she has important remote meeting
I don't really like any of the new character designs. Yae from WuWa is best out of them and Yae from genshin looks better with exception of pointy tranny-like chin. At this rate I'll just save for Yinlin dupes and play mainly her because she's easily best design this kusoge has to offer.
They need to do 1.2 livestream with Solon talking to the viewer sexually
I don't really understand much about echoes because I spent most of my time doing the story and farming astrite for Jinhsi. Now I'm trying to build her and it's confusing.
>No 4* since release
>Had to go full coom like Snowbreak
>Whales are dominating everything
It was bound to flop.
Can I reroll her? How much roll a newbie can get at the start of the game?
I think its significantly less than we got in 1.0, but if you are dedicated enough you can. You could always buy an account with her when she comes out too.
>Whales are dominating everything
Wait it wasn't devised as an MMO from the very beginning?
If you played some WoW you know there's a sort of expectation to spend in some things anon, as most MMOs where back in the day. How is ToF more egregious than other regular MMOs?
Unless their gameplay loop isn't as exciting I suppose, or maybe if it was centered around PvP instead of PvE (see: Diablo 4 fail)
Fuckton, first 2 5* chars you want are pretty much guaranteed
Stingy as fuck
Bugs everywhere, do rollbacks and give shit as compensation, i don’t remember the last time they give something free
If you don’t have dupes enjoy doing 1% of the team dps
Just jewish but eh not as much as genshin dev i guess
Add fisticuff loli or I'm bouncing
You don't get limited pulls in the mail anymore.
this but a lanklet male boxer
Has anyone calculated how many days of only farming Forgery Challenges that it would take to get enough materials to fully level a characters skills?
3-4 weeks of 240 daily stamina at the hardest difficulty
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They fucked up with the powercreep, but if your entire monitisation system is built around powercreep, then why not give out a few older characters for free?
I might still be playing if they gave out Fenrir or Anna during the early/mid domain 9 patches.
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Give me old chinese kungfu man
Sirs, reply
oof, isn't around level 7 or 8 the best time to stop leveling character skills?
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Main problem with ToF after the initial dropoff was just powercreep.
If you don't play meta you're weak, game is multiplayer, if you're weak you feel bad because there's a huge dps leaderboard in the top left of your screen.
Even if you've got a nice crew to play with who don't care that you're weak, everyone knows you're weak. If you fail to clear a hard stage, you feel like it's your fault. Eventually this causes old players to quit once their dps falls off, new players could never catch up so they quit, and returning players are weak as fuck so they quit as well.
what the fuck
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You think wuwa will ever get choco-flavored ladies? Did pgr ever get any?
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t. retarded zoomer nigger faggot that only got the experience the dead ruined wasteland of modern day mmos and has no clue about the fundamental ideas behind creating the whole genre initially before the term "microtransactions" even existed
We have Yuanwu already, you turbonerd.
No one cares about old men
>back in the day
Nigger you clearly never played Ragnarok Online in the 2000s
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>Did pgr ever get any?
Only one.
Never been into the pure maiden type since I find them to be extremely boring but I would impregnate and start a family with her in a heartbeat.
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>rest of the stuff is in caves
I hate caves I hate caves nyoooo
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Are any of these worth farming the ore for?
Grim... At least this nubian princess looks legit.
Not only these zzz characters are probably the first of a series but hoyo being hoyo, you can almost be sure to get a chinatown/luofu part of the city, that will span over multiple patches, with everyone pondering about the meaning of life, immortality, birds or whatever plot they can come up with. I hope by that time, any zzzfags that complain about chinese names will be true to their word and quit unless they want to be called hypocrites.
>ever taking accountability
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How are we supposed to win against Natlan when the best we can offer next month is a fujo selfinsert?
She got a couple of skin too but yeah Sophia is the only one for now.
Not really. You can get a selection box from the lampylumen trader and that'll cover it.
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Yep, I'm rolling.
>I hope by that time, any zzzfags that complain about chinese names will be true to their word and quit unless they want to be called hypocrites.
You know they wont anon. You know they're just finding things to complain about wuwa. You know when it's ZZZ that does it "SASUGA DA-WEI SAMA!!!" and they'll shut anyone up that brings up the fact that they don't like chinkslop.
>we, us, our
>abhorrent post
That is a shitty ugly Rat and I C6'd Ellen.
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I'm gonna coom
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you know what, a nubian hebe gunner doesn't sound so bad for wuwa too, anon.
Next character will be a dark skin slut
Where do I find a girl as pure as Jinshi
get isekai'd into a wuxia story
why is she smiling
IMAGINE the shitposting when Wuwa releases a dark chocolate girl while all the normalfags are raging at Genshin for making all the Natlan characters white.
A jade beauty? Become the protagonist of xianxia and win over the girl from her sect. You WILL fight for her hand in marriage. If you're a weak junior you will die.
Happy to see her husband.
Enter Evolution Chingchong Realm and rape everyone because it's the rule of the jungle out there and they have to give you face or die for disrespecting you.
Why would a fire chicken have those giant milkers?
I mean nigger irl are fugly but chocolate anime girls are hot af, I'd empty my wallet for a Yoruichi
Do you guys like Wuxia?
My childhood is all Wuxia MMO so I’m biased
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Is 1.2 really that bad?
I agree with this post. Give us more flavors of choco Solon-sama.
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Don't worry about it.
I don't have a lot of contact with Wuxia, this is probably the first thing i've played.
become Gary Raven
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there's no chill with frostpunk harder modes
Gimme a choco elf kuro.
A decent amount. I enjoyed the few steam ones I've played like hero's adventure road to passion. I am a bit tired of wuxia novels because they all feel samey.
We need a 2nd Verina already.
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>chocolate anime girls
we have Yinlin so there's a chance we'll get a dark elf right? RIGHT?
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Overclocking can change your features, so that means we might get a girl who overclocks and becomes chocolate. That would be hilarious.
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No elves allowed
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gee I wonder what race typed this post
Doesn't Azure Lane's new game have a chocolate white haired angel?
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Who is the ice main dps to go along with the new fujo painter?
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Extremely based taste
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I... I-I'm slowly starting to understand what you mean anon...
If I can main her I would play this game.
elements don't matter bwi. jinhsi as a spectro wants every buff zhezhi has to offer
yes would
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They also have this one in the main game
Her sister chocolate CA is even more seductive
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nta, cute but I'm more of a scheheherarazaede guy.
Also there is Zenobia who is the sex incarnate
But the tower bless an element by 30%
Lingyang, but playing him feels pretty crappy
Nooo, anything but him...
I wonder if Sanhua is Ok with her.
Map is too small
Filler patch, though I'm hoping we get some QoL updates in it
we got new area?
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wait what? all of her sisters (Alabama and Massachusetts) are BB types tho?
Are you possibly referring to Indianapolis or Minneapolis?
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What if the ol "retarded commander that charged everyone to their deaths" was just a cover up for something darker or more sinister that happened during that fight in the retroact rain....
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I assume 1.3 and 1.4 will be the main story patches for Black Shores, and after those two patches, we will move into a new region with the 2.0 update
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ikr, like you, i was hooked on the "chill building game" aspect
but in the end, it kinda stressed me out with several adrenaline rush events and whatnot
super dopamine rewarding if you can do it tho, finished all the main scenarios but i can't see myself replaying that shit ever again keks
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Minnie I think.
Bro your 1.5/6/7/8/9?
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Oh yeah it was Mass
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Zero is too small
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bwos I don't think farming Shells with this is worth it
doesn't exist
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>the face of an average bus driver when he is about to learn of a whole new genre of jap cartoons and comics he never read or even heard of
And Jinhsi can't read any of that so she oneshots everything regardless
Isn't that.. Camellya, that goes from redhead to silver blonde?
Used to be that it was, but now I think you should alternate between this and skill mats since doing echo gacha isn't as expensive as it used to be. Although this is assuming that you already have like 2 million shells saved for Changli.
I'm about to get SoL Lvl 3. Also I got one of my friends to try the game out. He said he's going to grind today til we can unlock coop. I'm pretty excited to roam around with my bro and beat the shit out of stuff.
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i just use them to farm the character domain mats
and doing the credits without the double drop after the daily buff ran out.
God I really hope they make material/exp/credit farming for new units less fucking miserable, I don't even mind echo farming as much
Wasting double drops on weapon mats is garbage because most of the time you won't get a single gold
I use my doubles on skill materials and the rest goes on shells.
Weebs now live in a chink world until the end of time. It’s just a fact tywin.jpg
What else potential nation will produce anime? Thailand? They don’t have as large a population. China will always be our main feeding trough
>What else potential nation will produce anime?
How much shells are you at right now
Nah I checked out after watching that tower of god shit
Solo leveling is literally SAO but gook
>Weebs now live in a chink world until the end of time
I mean this is if your only interactions with weeb stuff is gacha...
Wish this game would stop forcing me to play as useless males
Nta but get the soup,it makes everything easier
>tons of hangouts
>Calchudo creep, 2nd Verina for tower
>reroll substat item
>new Backrooms-styled door

Nah, we'd win
How is this game actually "FORCING" you to do anything anon? Does Solon have a glock to your head, finger at the trigger the moment you stop playing male characters?
Only about 2m since I had to spend a ton of them recently, but if I do two shell runs a day for the rest of this patch I'll have 7 million, which should be enough.
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Yeah, it's best to farm Skill mats
Anime as in the stuff you watch is fine and dandy, but please tell me what franchises get the most fanart nowadays, the most talk, the most IRL events and content. I can assure you it’s not some seasonal CGDCT show.
I've seen Solon in my house at night, he used my selector ticket to get Calchud when i wanted Jianxin...
Do you upgrade your whole roster or just your main 3 teams? Because I don't see any point in stockpiling 7M credits.
The game is literally forcing me to play as Jinyan and not my actual team lol. It’s annoying I can’t stand looking at this dude
...It's still anime lol. I may not like it but One piss is is massive and so is JJK. Pokemon is more worldwide than Mihoyo. By extension Nintendo too. Hololive is Japanese and has the most irl events and pop-up shops by far worldwide. The dodgers stadium collab with hololive? Like don't kid yourself chink. I love wuwa but China isn't dominating anything weeb outside of the gacha market.
Fate and Blue Archive, one's from japs and the other from gooks
Honestly wish we had another artstyle than generic tranime shit. I can't stand playing these gachas because of it. Hell, I'd rather play duel links or dragon ball dokkan battle because at least they don't look like tranime
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Wish this game would stop forcing me on useless males
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>you will play the males that I made after my own chiseled image anon, this is NOT NEGOTIABLE
Yes that is precisely my point. If you compare gachas as a singular bloc on one side and anime shows on the other, it’s clear that gacha now steere the general direction of anime culture much more.
Upgrading a 5* weapon to level 90 will cost about 400k, I imagine upgrading the character themselves will cost about 400k as well, and each talent level from 8 - 9 will cost 70k, so you'll need about 1 million credits for each character you want to upgrade.
>it’s clear that gacha now steere the general direction of anime culture much more.
If you live in south east asia maybe lol
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Lol I still remember /gig/ coping that FGO mogged GI in JP
Which is their fault thinking they could win against Fate in Japan
zhuzie is a 2nd Verina? Wtf was the "glacio sub dps jinhsi support" leaks about then?
I tried doing the SoL 3 quest. I got fucking wrecked hard. All my characters are level 40. Fuck, what should I focus on to get to where I can beat it? I've gotten far enough in the story that scar is in jail now.
>temp mail
I imagine that could be a problem down the line, can that temp mail be converted into a permanent mail? Because kuro games don't allow email changes to your account
Umm you mean GIG mobbed FGO in JP, that sentence had the words mixed up. But yeah it doesn't mog FGO in JP at all
post team
She's not like Verina at all so no clue what he's on about
Anons do you ever do any soulful clears of holograms like solos?
If not, why aren't you?
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You either have shit echoes(get a full set), no 4* weapon or no combo at all. Unironically just go in, die and see what it shows you on a death screen.
I suck enough already bwo
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Going all in on the next banner and will probably have to skip 1.2 entirely. I just gotta have THOSE in my account. Straightbros will understand.
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376k to be exact, but you don't actually upgrade all weapons when you can just switch them around. Honestly I'd be more pressed on farming the EXPs
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Bwuwo there's only one way to get better.
Practice, practice and more practice in a insightful way.
Where are you failing. Is it reaction in dodging or countering ? is it keeping your rotation?
You must identify and separate the areas that you are failing in execution and improve them before you can add it to the whole.
Getting good is something that is forever and only snowballs in of itself. Let us all get better.
I don't bother with holograms. They're just endurance tests, not fun at all.
What makes them an endurance test bwuwo?
I think if that's how you feel, it might be fun to test just how fast of a clear you can get on them instead of settling for JUST killing them.
If you're leveling your first team then no, you complete a quest in tiger maw and you get a free 4* weapon selector, you also should get plenty of 4* weapons from your pulls, since 4* is guaranteed every 10 pulls, so it's either that or a dupe. You need this shit when you level new teams and all of a sudden you find out that there is no 4* for the character you have
Try the Jinhsi Yuanwu Verina team and see how you do
What's the enemies again on that stage?
kinda forgot desu
did you run out of time or they absolutely wrecked you?
try dodging more like this faggot >>486040085
Dodging I have the reaction times of a fucking geriatric
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I'll have to grind for a bit then, I ran out of level mats for Resonators because I just rolled the Jade Beauty 5 minutes before I posted that I suck. I wasn't thinking straight. I was thinking with my dick.
Then it is best to practice dodging with only dodging/not attacking. Every skill and facet of the human body can be improved and refined anon.
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Nah same, she's worth bricking your account for surely
They absolutely wrecked me. I was barely doing any damage, I think that one anon was probably right, because looking at my echoes, I haven't leveled any of them much at all, and have a lot of upgrade material I haven't used. I'll do some leveling on those and try again in a few hours.
Don't, level 1 is fine, he's just there to drop a pillar and then fuck off
Default TDs, 1 gigarock golem, 1 gigarock purple golem and the flute guy, 8 in total
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>zzz is just like persona if persona had action combat!!
Why do casuals and shills say this btw? It's nothing like Persona 3 reload, 4 golden, or 5 royal at all. It's something a person who's never played persona would say. It's something a person who only watched a yt playthrough of persona 5 would say. ZZZ caters to subhuman monkeys?
ToF problem is combining both gacha and MMO style of progression.
Weapons are gachable, but Equipments are never ending sink hole. Common players cannot satisfy both requirements and easily failed to catch up.
Weapons are divided into 4 elements, but Equipments also have Elemental ATK stats. Which means you cannot switch to another element easily if you already heavily invested in an Equipments set.
Hope that their next game will learn from these mistakes and improve on the unique points of ToF, separating weapons from characters, and good skin customization.
Don't level them, everything under gold is shit, just get a full set on all characters with +character_damage_type main stat and make sure that you have 1 character with moonlit set to generate energy.
ye, try levelling some of them if you really struggling, you can feed them to the gold echoes later on with some reduced total exp
but don't go all out on them because >>486041292
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OK, what the fuck am I doing wrong? I can barely get her to deal 100k. She's 80, talents leveled as much as possible, level 80 signature weapon, all echoes +25. 2300 ATK 70/280 CRCD
check again
it was 25k
how impactful are dupes in this game?
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Persona 5 already had a spin-off with action combat (persona 5 strikers) and it was pretty solid.
Just hoyofags trying to "sell" the game anon.
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begone, YING
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I only played persona Q1/2 as sidegames but yeah I saw that one. And I don't think it's a 1 button masher with switch in parries like ZZZ.
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Uh, excuse me but what the actual fuck?
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Least impactful of all possible upgrades. Perfectly rolled echoes are strongest, but chances are extremely slim, then 5* weapons, 4* char with 5* weapon > 5* char with 4* weapon. A Perfectly rolled echos, then levels and skills, then dupes. Doesn't mean they are useless, just the investment you need is way higher to get same DPS boost(at least on 5* chars)
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welcome to the endgame
credit maxxers, we won
Cute gook art.
>Take it with a grain of salt. There are hints that Wuwa might get some co-op activity or co-op rework.
>The difference from the current co-op will be that all players will have separate teams, and they will be able to use all 3 characters in their team.
Ermm Rover looks too tall here
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was it revealed to you in a dream anon? at least tell us which discord hole you got this from.
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Not that anon, but here you go
Coop tower pls
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how did coop missions in pgr work? How'd they make the difficulty scale enough to need at least more than 1 team?
Coop in PGR is just against bosses.
With just 3 players.
Other than that we had a couple of minigames.
If it happens that could be cool.
I don't expect it tho.
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Sex with jinshi in hot springs
pls be non mandatory
raids when
was it like raids? Did the bosses get new movesets or just became chunkier? How'd they make it more difficult?
big rover sex
play a real MMO
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Wait... is 100% not actually 100%? It says I have 100% exploration but my area quests are at 59%. Do those just not count towards full exploration?
Nah more like an arena battle.
You can choose the difficulty and the boss has different move set depending on the difficulty.
So think about holo but in coop.
Don't worry bro they missed. She'll only get stronger from here on out.
Ok it's one thing to have account progression and echo progression.
Anons do you feel like you've gotten better at playing your waifus?
I've learned that I can swap way fucking faster than I ever thought on a lot of echoes, encore and sanhua abilities. I've also been playing around a lot with Yinlin Calcharo swaps and movements too . I don't get people who say 3 death messengers are hard to do when you just dodge cancel his attacks to fill it up.
>asscheeks: spread wide
>G string: to the side
wuwa for this feel?
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Raid bosses next
Fuck you.
Yeah I got some Sanhua jump cancel tech and some Taoqi tech that probably nobody has considered so far. At least I haven't seen anyone use it.
Makes her a lot better than people give her credit for and charges her concerto faster.
I’m just going to stay on Act 1 and never progress the story if they’re going to force me to play as a male

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