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Previous : >>485706812

>What is Brown Dust 2?
A tactical turn-based JRPG that combines the classic gameplay and storytelling of the genre with the visual appeal of modern-day titles.

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July Dev Notes : https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/news/view?id=2744
Roguelike Tower Preview : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp6Y9yX8W5Q

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Elise a cute
reminder that pvp season closes in 55mins
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Who here is skipping this fiend out of principle? No one wants to actually beat up Rou, right?
You better run tubby
Any monthly Dia package users here? Is it worth throwing in the F2P towel for a 25 pulls a month? It doesn't seem like that much.
We aren't beating her up, we are merely beating her back into shape, two very different things.
Should I start my matches 30 minutes before season end or 15 minutes before? Aiming for Master 1.
Most people usually start queuing at 30-40 mins left and the number only grows as you get closer to the deadline. Good luck though, there's a big and I mean BIG gear/pots/stats gap between M2 and everything below it and M1.
That is what I keep on telling my wife every night but she ain't buying it.
Ended at Master 3...
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It could be worse, you could have a >90% wr with nearly 3.2k points and still not make it into M1. But hey, we tried.
>failed again to break master 1 because the defense team is useless
I want to fix it but i don't know how...
The answer is the same as for ranking in PvE, full dupes, perfect gear with high refinement, and tears invested
forgot to do pvp...was grinding a fight in another gacha
All that and most defenses are still useless outside the absolute top where they constantly change their team to counter eachother. There's no generally useful defense you can acheive with any level of effort.
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>Everyone desperately doing mirror wars at the last moment to jump ranks

Bros it's simple. I'm going to farm the fodder and climb the ranks next season. I've dropped from Sapphire I to Diamond I. Might post results if things get real juicy.
>30 pulls
>1 limited fatty
>1 pirate rubia

Next fiend is wind, right?
this is objectively not true you straight stat check people up to GM 1 if you actually invest in PvP, there are a variety of setups that f2p/non-pvpers just do not deal with like well built rubia, high tear justia, fully built gran/tanks, high hp rou with tears, the list goes on and on. Absolute top is actually the one place where defence doesn't matter since the strat for 1st place right now is to get 2-3 friends to cock block competition at rank 2-3 and then champion can never be attacked. places 4 & below can't climb because they can't gain enough points and your friends just change def to counter climbers offence.
>fully built gran/tanks
It's been a year, everyone that wanted to build their tanks built them already, 90/90 isn't special anymore, 30k HP isn't special. I mean sure, F2P and new players are at a disadvantage but that's the same in PvE and they will see a lot higher returns from PvE than building tanks to keep being oneshot anyway.
Can someone explain to me what the torches that we're getting mailed do
Also how do i get more exp slimes?
You use torches and cooked rice in the path of adventure pack, they are your daily stamina, rice is for gold/slimes/gear mats, torches are for costume upgrades.
>Can someone explain to me what the torches that we're getting mailed do

Torches are used to farm specific elemental stones. Use these on character costumes to enhance them. Tears are required for specific "nodes". These usually offer greatly improved abilities.

Use rice to sweep for slimes. Overworld map allows you to do this.
it's an event
do the slime dungeon
Which girl would definitely start crying if you slapped her? And which would definitely punch you in the face in retalliation?
If you're not strong enough to make every single girl cry with a slap you should kill yourself
Thanks guys. I must have missed the explanation for those things
you're free to believe w/e you want but the same group of people are consistently at the top of the ladder and it's not because defence is useless. At the start of the season they literally climb from Dia to GM for free because their defs stat check all the shitters in the pool. The original guy asked how he can fix his defence, and what i've said is basically it, it's not some unsolved mystery
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This little brat needs all the correction
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>0 Anniversary banners
>0 events involving her
>2 costumes in all

Rou bros, we have won. Yuri is officially no longer this games mascot.
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>forgot last minute pvp again
it's fucking over I'll just do it after reset from now on
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maximum edge
everyone has seen it already, retard
stop posting
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Real Lathel is alive fake one too. Yusti is a fatty John planned on her getting spitroasted. This will literally be the first spit roast that will finish her instead
everyone has seen it already, cutie
keep posting
Rou fat pussy
The same people are at the top of the ladder because they are whales, they have infinite cocktails to pump into their offense beyond having maxed out costumes and gear, and even among whales they spend enough time on the mode to constantly keep track of the meta.
Telling him to spend resources on tanks is extremely stupid advice and if he takes it he's still going to lose at the exact same rate for at least 3-6 months before he might get to "stat check" some of his ruby peers that don't care about PvP. Tell him to join the Discord and hang out with the PvP clicque and spend 3 hours a day watching replays to understand how popular strategies work and that might be actionable advice.
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soft and hairless rou cunny
plump and with a big mound
Name people who aren't fat. I'll start - Rou
newfag here, why yuri even considered as game mascot?
She's canonically chonky though.
I mean the fact you think you can pump infinite cocktails and get to the top shows that you have no idea what you're talking about. You get attacked 2-5 times more the higher you go, there's no way to maintain your points if your defence is shit. If he wants to get out of master at the end of season he has to invest in tanks, invest into PvP specific tear nodes, and refine his gear. There's no way out unless you put resources into it positioning in a high variance pool like masters can only take you so far.
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Definitely not clearing until 10 nor will I bother
>gamer rafina +5
>refi +5
>justia +5
And you can't maintain your points if you aren't attacking which requires cocktails because there is no defense that will keep you point positive at any rank. There is a considerable advantage to having more than the daily 40 cocktails to spend during the last hour.
>If he wants to get out of master at the end of season he has to invest in tanks, invest into PvP specific tear nodes, and refine his gear.
But he also has to invest tears into his offense, gear up his offense and refine his offensive gear so the advice is "whale more and be a veteran player" which is not actionable and does not answer his question as to how to fix his offence in particular.
What does his offence suffer from anyway? What will fix it? 90/90 Gran? 90/30k Gran? Lecliss? What is the first build he should be working for? If he knew the answer to those questions it would be because he PvPs enough to understand PvP, which is another place where having enough cocktails helps, and he would have his own answer as to what he's missing to be able to climb.
My point is, there is no generic way to improve your defense. For PvE you can tell someone to get Refi/Diana, get Lathel/Helena, get Celia, build VT and attack gloves and he will do better in fiend hunters 100% guaranteed.
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I just woke up
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might wanna add my wedding Refi on that list
I mean I don't know why I'm even bothering at this point since it's obvious you're a fucking moron. If you can give generic advice to do better in PvE then it's obvious that it would also apply for PvP. Get Rubia/Justia/Rou/Zenith/Gran dupes, craft 90/90 zenith, hp Rou, interchangable equips for dps etc. 90/90 Gran requires 2 BSS and I've only seen 1 person with it. You fuckers all act like PvP is some insurmountable wall & a playground for the elites but the joke is none of you actually PvP at a level where that's true lmao
Holy fuck you are bad. How are you failing with such good costumes so high?
read the last part of my post again
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I mean, no lathel and low B celia dupes, I can see it.
Ok well I can understand stopping at level 10 but if you're going to miss out on level 10 clear when you can that's just fucking retarded. You're not lazy you're stupid, and if you're stupid with means that's even worse
Cool. I'm more excited about the the new roguelike mode. Don't really care about fh.
I have no b celia at all and lower dupes on everything that matters and had no problem.
I'm new and blew up everything on Sacred Justia and her weapon. How bricked am I?
everyone is bricked one way or another
You are a winner
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Dozens and hundreds of Grans like these at GM3 and all the way to dia. It's not the fact that they're not perfect 90/90 that keep their owners from being at the top. Building a Gran like this will do exactly nothing for you.
You're either a whale in challenger completely oblivious to what any of the lower ranks are like or larping. Going +1 to +2 on your Diana will measurably increase your fiend hunter damage. Going +1 to +2 on Gran will do nothing because everyone that cares about PvP already builds to counter these +5 Grans.
Dick pull? Then you're fine.
Holy shit, do you guys auto farm slimes until you're out of rice everyday? Or do you do the thing that uses 6 at a time to get it done faster? I didnt seem to get as much slimes doing that
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nobody is a fucking whale in challenger i only have 2-3 tears invested in PvP and I mostly PvE. Grans like that don't work and serve the same functionality as a 90/0 or 0/90 gran, if not being worse. The favoured builds right now are either 90/0 or 0/110. But it's a perfect example of how you don't actually need bis to stat check lowbies, even a shit gran that's taking 10-20% more damage from both damage sources will probably wall people in master.
>everyone is bricked one way or another

Celia main here, I'm not lmao
Also dupes in both idol and void grans are absolutely a way to increase your win-rate generically. Dupes in idol hard walls non-dispel openers which are actually getting much more popular and dupes in void allows your gran to possibly sweep in situations where she survives. If you have that in place then you don't have to worry about no-dispel openers as much and can focus on positioning assuming your opponent is down 2 SP which is a huge deal, not to mention in masters people aren't geared properly which makes a strong gran much likelier to cause problems
post your -10 def/mr node
Thats not very nice bro
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Fuck you bro. Celia is enteral. My wife. inb4 bricked
And doesn't this prove exactly my point that there is no generically usable defense you can simply throw resources at and win?
>The favoured builds right now are either 90/0 or 0/110.
And these are extremely affordable builds that someone in ruby can pull off, so apparently it's not important to stat check people with BSS anymore, but to know the meta.
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I mean it's fine man, don't play the game and just keep endless bitching to spreading misinformation
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Low key cursed celia -2 turn cd is worth 2 tears. Idk about the other shit you're bricked for sure just down 7 tears for fun
Yes, I wish I had that this FH desu. I had to cope and miss a lot of dmg (I lack bunny celia as well)
You get some consolation paid dias to save up and throw at things now and then too.
>t.magic turtle offence
Misinformation like
>The answer is the same as for ranking in PvE, full dupes, perfect gear with high refinement, and tears invested
When you are apparently not a whale but still in top 100 PvP with only 2-3 tears spent so none of that is actually that important. Which means you, as someone who plays the game should have given him more practical advice like "join the discord and be part of a win trading gang" or at least "watch some PvP guides on youtube". But you didn't want to actually give anyone advice or help anyone in any way so you threw a few off-handed comments about stat checking before flaunting your rank which you apparently got without stat checking by not being a whale or investing tears.
Aaand, I'm done.
Dailys in this game unironically take 5 minutes. Do with that information what you will.
nope, the only reason I'm where I am is because the costumes I use are +5 which fulfills the damage thresholds required, I have tears invested into the important nodes that make my offence/defence work, and I have a completely separate set of equips for PvP with crit rate rolls, hp % rolls, etc. In fact if I had more gran gear, more specific dps equips I'd probably be higher, that and more dupes on rubia & rou
How often do you get tears normally? Is it 3 tears a month?
6 tears from the fortnightly FH events, and 3 from the golden thread shop.
>because the costumes I use are +5 which fulfills the damage thresholds required
>that and more dupes on rubia & rou
So you do not have fully maxed costumes yet are still capable of hyper competitive performance relative to the average player.
>I have tears invested into the important nodes that make my offence/defence work
So it's not a generic tear investment across all your costumes that is required but knowledge of 2-3 important nodes.
>and I have a completely separate set of equips for PvP with crit rate rolls, hp %
So it's not a generic "perfect gear" that is required but very specificaly tuned gear.
As opposed to PvE where all gear is exactly the same "VT with crit damage lol", all teams are exactly the same and you will absolutely get hard gear, costume and tear checked on fiend hunters.
PvE is 90% knowing the same basic build strategy and team building for damage and 10% optimizing that strategy for the encounter. PvP is 10% having gear, dupe or tear advantages over the average player and 90% proper teambuilding which you'd drop dead before helping anyone with. It's understandable, you had to do a lot of research and put a lot of effort to get wher you are and I don't expect to saintly dump all that on some randoms on /bd2g/ to help them compete with you. But at least don't tell them to just spend resources and their defense along with their win rate will be magically fixed.
Why are you so awesome? Teach me your way senpai
I don't use Rou or Rubia for that reason, I play a full magical team with all +5. The PvP tears I have invested are generic like Gran and Zenith, nodes like Helena's are not PvP specific and are also generic.

PvE is not just 'VT and some crit damage lol', you've now confirmed that you play netiher PvP or PvE at a competent level and are still using newbie principals. PvE gear rolls are highly specific to the character for FH and there are many cases where units will not use another Crit Damage weapon with VT like Yuri, Lathel, Rafina, etc the list becomes longer if they're paired with Refi which obviously changes from hunt to hunt depending on the team she's on
Should I prioritize using tears on buffers like Diana and H.Lathel before other damage dealers? I've used 6 on Pigstia and PPAngelica so far.
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My secret? I'm a Elianeerfag.
PP angelica is a brick, pigstia is probably fine assuming you're not talking about the kelbab eater. Buffers always get tear priority. Diana CD, Diana damage %, all hLathel, all helena, refi base cd, refi bride range, and nurse range should get teared and is pretty future proof
But you can't even spell her name properly...
>PvE is not just 'VT and some crit damage lol'
Yes, it's use the calculator and know when to stop stacking crit damage and get some attack instead. The calculator was posted dozens of times, so have been various top end PvE characters and their stats, it's not esoteric knowledge unlike what effective PvP builds are like which is esoteric knowledge that changes every week and you can't keep track of without dozens of hours of self research or being in a discord clique in which you obviously are because you know all about the high level win trading. Nobody will ever share that knowledge, it's just get more gear and more dupes te-he.
dark fh is looking like one of the least contested FHs, with almost no strong players with tears in Eleaneer/Nartas. It's going to be in 2 months so people will have some time to get a bit more but more likely people will dump it for fire since lots of people invested in lia
Surely they will release another costume for nartas with better tiles...
We use thread to buy tear not costume?
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if they release swim suit nartas this game is DONE
you buy both if you can, universal dupe is better for newbies but theoretically you can force roll costumes but you can never roll tears
When are they dropping regular nebris? I need more choco cutie
shouldn't she drop along the rogue tower?
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You guys actually 90/90 Gran if you go void? If she takes 0 damage she does 0 damage.
I kneel
Ceres next, then Apostle Blade, THEN, Mamonir. John has a plan and I believe in him.
If the predictions are right then eclipse should get the summer costume and if they really want to make dough they will make her the best dark dps
Trust the plan
BD2 originals> brave nine migrants
I want to gooning gooning I WANT TO GOONING
Rogue tower fucking when?
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Gooners would die
Glacia could single-handedly subdue a planet worth of males
Let's get one thing perfectly clear. I'm first.
I want to roll, but there's nothing to roll for...
Can only afford 3 rolls but, same...
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Your +5 Yusters?
What about my wife?
what is going on in this gif
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You get more tears than torches anyway. It's actually better to spend threads on costumes and tickets.
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I have an idea
How do they expect to make money when every rerun gives us 50 tickets and everyone has giant stashes for every banner?
>every rerun gives us 50 tickets
that only works once. You don't get tickets every rerun.
People stop rolling on a banner at +5 anyways though right? Would this even matter much if it did work?

Or do ticket events only come on the first rerun and never again?
Yeah and I'm getting 50 tickets every time they rerun random shit like Angelica and Rou.
>would this even matter much
I'd have like +400 tickets from all the hlathel/bhelena reruns
Do you get a 5* costume on every 4 free pulls or something?
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For anyone who is new. These people are bullshitting. Once you claim the tickets from getting banner characters, you can never reclaim them again. Next banner won't give you the free tickets again. The only way it would, is if you intentionally never claimed them in the first place and waited until the rerun.
>dies of epileptic seizure
thanks brown dust 2
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>Doubling down on the brick
No I just spend money
Yuti that isn't food, it's a dick.
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Well there's your problem then, that's why you have a giant stash.
>witness her massive
she's not there to do damage. She's there to make sure your other damage dealers survive until your turn
you don't get to claim the tickets more than once newglutti. and when it happens as an error they send Mr.Lee to take them back
It's hard to get into BD2 when you realize none of the girls are for (You), and instead all belong to Gray.
Is Ventana good for Last Night. I'm trying to break 100 million. I've got Lathels in the last 2 slots, I need more nuke power. Nartas is +0 and shit.
Why are you getting hard from this...
yall gonna be sorry when reddie hall rolls up with 6 packs on her 6 packs & crushes your feeble FH team
Loen or Maid Liatris for pve/pvp?
I can't even clear stage 4 in this FH...
Maid Liatris is only good if the enemy has burn damage prior. You need either Rubia or Lias other costumes to do the burny beforehand, so Maid can nuke. Loen does insane damage, only thing holding her back, temporarily, is 1 costume and the fact it requires a lot of investment to make her great.

TLDR- Loen, unless you've got Lia's other costumes or Rubia
Is Code Name Elise any good?
I have pirate Rubia if that counts.
She's a filler to use when her shred is on cd
Pretty awful, she's basicaly a SP battery side costume for the base Elise costume. In theory base Elise is pretty nice since at +5 she can do 6 turns of both def and res shred but in practice she hasn't found much real use, pirate Rubia with tears is much better for wind content since she also doubles as a strong chain generator.
needs HUGE investment to be decent.
Grab Rodev's star Liatris from story pack 8 pub and you'll be fine. Pirate Rubia is also good since she can stack up chains.
Void Gran is supposed to kill their DPS opening though did you even read my post? If I give her 110 MR and enemy Eclipse does 100 damage per hit my Gran will do like 300 back.
Genderbent Lathel when?
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>justify pulling for Justia since no Ventana and +0 Yuri only
>regret as 400 tickets only got her to +4
>justify it when I the numbers appear
>regret kicks in again that I didn't +5 her
I want off John's wild ride.
You can +5 her if you have 200 powder in 3 days.
Schera can literally do 31k damage through 90% mres with the first shot being completely blocked by energy guard, 90 resists doesn't mean shit when Zenith is 0 SP. Also it's possible for Void to be useful after tanking a dispel to receive Rou's shield and kill Justia on t3 who use lunar halo
Meant for >>486074116
so anyone rolling in 15?
Just dailies, kinda want to try my luck with 50 tickets (the minimun I throw at banner I'm interested in) on H.Lathel's banner, see if I can get him to +2, but I already tried and got fucked, so I will probably just save and powder him.
not pity?
If S Justia is an entirely new character, does Homo Lathel being the same character imply something about the plot? Did they actually put his original soul in one of the homunculi? Is Warlock Lathel with magic damage a future possibility?
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Hot time (again)!
I wouldn't read too much into it, it's just John being unable to balance her old costumes with her new direction. It didn't make sense for the main heroine to be mostly a PvP meme, but trying to fix it would have been a nightmare, not that they didn't try with the adjustments to blood glutton and pool party but it didn't really work out. Her new version can be a strictly PvE character which makes it more in line with what you'd expect out of a main character.
Now we just need some kind of awakened Schera that trades dispel for being a good generic water DPS.
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>fully optimized setup, this is it
>3.7mil damage short to finish lv11 tomorrow and start on lv12
>suddenly grand master 2
John fucked up, right?
>finished last season dia 1
>suddenly master 3
I can reach it, but I wanna save for Loen, Levia and the summer costumes, so I'm not too keen on spending too much on a banner I'm not too sure about (especially after Diana's last rerun didn't give me a single copy of her even after 214 pulls).
when fighting, people with more points than me have a lower rank, so it might be a bug. I got all of the promotion rewards, though
>got all of thr promotion rewards
yep, 800 dias to the bank + emailed ones

>but I wanna save for Loen, Levia and the summer costumes
i already gave up.. just gonna roll for limiteds and pray
>i already gave up.. just gonna roll for limiteds and pray
What will you do if Levia turns out to be the magic Grafina?
Why does John hates me
holy bricked
the only thing better than Glacia's pale slender feet is Yusti's fat plump ass!
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lmao even
chocolate diana sexoooooooooooooooooo
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imagine Diana sitting on my face
Everyone will start pulling once they see Levias fat tits and ass with a 150%added magic damage so stop kidding yourself and be ready to ROLL
both deserving of a good glazing (by me) desu
me first
You don't want that bros, you'll get my coom on you're face
>someone saved and reposted my webm
If I may play devil's advocate, they don't look that fat. She looks slimmer than Elise.
Thanks for the free tickets Angie
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>spend like 88 pulls trying for Royaldite then give up
Yesterday and today pulled back to free copies....John why? Thanks for Seir though, useless but collection I guess
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People will never understand the main rule: "Pull on the final day."
shut up monke
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did you guys know you could ZOOM IN with the mousewheel on PC???
you don't even know her
What you all don't know is that Apostle Blade always wears my cum on her face under the mask
Hoarders will burn in hell
I'll burn in hell with +5 Apostle Blade though!
what do you mean?
If she doesn't come +5 in 200 rolls she is not for you. Just accept it.
Alec THE STRONGEST wouldn't give up that easily.
i just dont want to +5 her ok??
im fine with +1
>my wife
go fuck yourself, yuti wouldn't be around a fag like you
But she's around homo lathel just fine????
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My cute tigerwife
doing the 2000 paid dias lucky draw where you pick 6 costumes
any can't miss costumes?
i'm planning on these six so far:
professor schera
spy schera
sword queen sylvia
admiral sylvia
medical club teresse
last slot i'm debating maid liatris or pool angelica or bride refi
I've been thinking about uninstalling this and downloading Tactics ogre instead
Game was so fun during the honeymoon but now feels like a chore with barely any content
i failed like 250 in a row last night
thank god for the fastforward button
im finally at the Lia story pack
Gray doesn't deserve her
Huh, just noticed her heart hairclip is broken in this scene.
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no spoilers but, is Lathel gonna be like this forever now?
i miss the pathetic beta Lathel already
>no spoilers
you gonna get them bro
I dont know.
When you clear the whole story this content does feel a bit boring of fiend hunt every 2 weeks FOREVER. I don't even know why I bought the monthlies again when I have such a big stash already. The only thing keeping me around is characters but they seem to be lacking a bit in the department of what you can do with them (outside of combat). Like when I tap my waifu on screen she only has 2 different voicelines?? That's it??? Come on John you need to give us more 18+ scenes this still feels bare bones.
>just remembered we didn't have home screen animations until January 2024
Lmao this game stills feels in beta. I doubt the new rogue gamemode will give me what I want (character interaction)
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who should i pick?
Inside you there are two lathels
One is a beta and the other is an edgelord
Misha loves them both very much
Diana is core and you just missed her banner
owari da, will uninstall life
>i miss the pathetic beta Lathel already
t. Justia
haha i was saying you should pick a copy from the powder store
how exactly is she useful?
i just hear people saying "oh you need her" but i never understand why
highest buff in the game, and doesn't overlap with any other buffs. Basically, you have DMG = ATK * (1+CRIT DMG) * (1+PROPERTY DMG) assuming you crit and have type advantage (ex. water beats fire). A fully built Diana triples the damage of any team that counters its enemy since you probably don't have any other buffs of that type
Only the biggest buff in the game.
the thing is, the range is a cross shape, so you need to always have your team in a cross before it goes off
i already have the blonde glasses girl that buffs my entire team regardless of position
ok i bea the story pack
To make it simpler for you she ups your damage by x2.2 agaisnt the weak element
you know, you can't ask questions on a topic you know nothing about and then explain why you don't think the answer's you're given are corrected based on your very limited understanding. if the cross shape being restrictive was consistently an issue to the point where she's worse than 3* Arinnes, who's buff isn't even comparable, people wouldn't use her. But instead we use her in all pve content so doesn't that imply that 'restrictive' positioning doesn't matter
You can use both and they work multiplicatively because they buff different stats. Also, the blonde only buffs physical damage
<3 if not doing 40 pvp
I posted a webm like a few weeks ago
Now you play the next one and meet the new even more beta Lathel
wew that was spooky
almost didn't make it
Simply KINO
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Gisgay bros...
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Gray-kun is weak to aggressive girls
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ok but will the story packs explain this costume too?
How's your daily roll, bros? My luck has been absolute dogshit lately. The only thing I've gotten from the daily is royaldite.
>started to lose more than win in pvp
I'm not even sure how I even made it to Dia in the 1st place.
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Real hot time
what does this mean bwos (i dont play mirror wars)
Clueless newglutti's joined when anni started, everyone ranked up in mirror wars as a result. Some left. Newgluttis got replaced by old who know what they're doing. It's not down to you, it's just the people you're facing are better.
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I love pirates so much bros
w-what is mirror wars and what level should i start doing it
Start grinding those pvp points as soon as you can for free costumes every month.
Kry/Rou KB comb can only carry so much I guess. I don't have +3 Eleaneer for a phys team, but I do have +5 BHelena/+3PP Schera/+4 Venaka. Sadly I am missing +3 Zenith to make a strong Venaka opening, and I assume if she doesn't kill the Granny, I'll just wipe.
They didn't reset the rankings this time
Should I also get the gear ticket?
If you get enough points then sure.
Didn't someone say that you're guaranteed enought points for ticket+costume if you did 40 pvp everyday. Is this true?
Only if you win a certain percentage of your matches. If you lose all of them then you won't be able to. You are guaranteed the costume, however.
Yeah, but honestly the ticket is a scam. I haven't gotten anything above 3* yet and I bought it every month so far
I got royaldite again today too kek
Bride Refi will help for LN and Fiend hunts
Medic Teresse is a very solid buffer
Maid Lia or Loen as your physical or magical fire nuker

Grafina and B-Helena are getting rerun so that leaves 2 slots for which dps you like. If you want powercreep get Venaka.
you can 100% get the costume even if you lose literally every match for a month straight. you're gonna have to win a few matches for the ticket though
I want buruma Loen and I want her now!!!
>try a 10 roll on the custom banner
>get spooked
Should had read the fine print, I thought only the costumes I put in it would come out.
Code Name Sex can completely fuck Granhildr strategies. Schera is very good for her silence.
It's 1.5% for a banner 5* costume and 1.5% for any other 5* costume, as always.
I want to gooning Loen
Sup faggots, John here. Due to lack of spending, I've decided to pull the plug after Apostle Blade's release. Thanks for nothing!
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Oldglutti here. Just pulled this off back to back in the free dailies, I guess hot time is now. Is This Yusti any good?
Should BD2 just go all hentai? I meant there are hentai gachas out there and it seems like they earned more than BD2.
Sure, but I can't fit Venaka in my 5SP opener with BHelena + PP Schera. I saw this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9SVH9PeTN0 and even if I could go with my +1 Zenith into +4 Venaka and (maybe) one shot the Gran, I don't have the SP (or the +) to protect my party with Diana during the opponent attack phase.
She's great in pvp but she needs +3 and tears
Justia retard here. What is the best setup for her and mirror wars? I have all costumes at +1 minimum and 2 of her swords.
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3x3 light true damage was great for evil castle but now that pigstia alter exists it's not worth the investment anymore. Still fun in PvP.
>3 tummies
I am cumming...
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Has there been a banner for Vengeance Lathel?
i thought you get 3 already? one for each of the sp6 chapter difficulty is what i read
You're a fucking retard.
Bro, only your damage dealer needs to stand in her tile range, the rest can stand wherever they want
Crafting gear for mirror wars is pure hell. Everything I've crafted over the last week or so is UR II or I. I've had like 3 UR III and 0 UR IV gears so far.
>3 PAWGs
I am cumming...
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>got a Mistilsteinn copy from the free draw instead of Angelica's weapon
roll nigga!
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Brap Dust
>Is Ventana good for Last Night
Zenith's debuff won't apply so Ventana won't deal extra damage
When will the devs finally implement a method to make the mirror wars be resolved in one single quick button press?
Even the option to accelerate it to x3 would be an improvement
devs please all more interaction in the main screen
i wanna poke Justi's butt in the PP Justi costume and have her get mad at me
Thanks anon
I got S.Pigstia from a free roll.
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>Olstein glasses
>Zenith's crossbow
Ok I guess
Is there any reason why I can't simply stack Lathel costumes in Last Night? Do all the attack buffs stack so Vengance can nuke harder? Or is this a bad idea?
When is the new costume reveal?
No free torches today?
Patch notes is every tuesday.
Adding to this question, do regular and edgy Lathel need to be put consecutively for the buff to work?
Thank you.
Costume self-buffs don't apply to other costumes of the same character, so Lathel won't be stacking his buffs, neither will Yuri, etc.
But his costumes are still decent if you have nothing else, and if you put your best gear on him to optimize PoV you'll probably do decent damage with his base costume too if you have enough dupes.
>decent if you have nothing else
Is it supposed to be that bad? What the average team of a ~100M damage LN player looks like?
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Good thing I only spent 40 rolls to get my first one.
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>only spent 40 rolls

Hahaha, sweet jesus.
A lot of variance since having bride Refi is an absolute gamechanger and having a ton of gear to throw around your entire roster to increase your damage bonus makes a huge difference. You can do it now with just physical or just magic depending on which is stronger for you.
But Lathel in particular has bruiser/semi-tank stats with lower base attack than dedicated DPS like Yuri so outside of PoV he doesn't scale all that well.
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>666kb gif
Has anyone here actually got more than 100 million in Last Night? If so, how'd you do it?
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that's a child....
no that's a PAWG
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...in need of correction
H.Lathel is the cutest Lathel.
I'll +5 new Loen in about 60 pulls. Don't even bother trying to pull for her, she is for me and me only.
That's princess Bernie for you, plebs.
I can't believe bernie is getting the next summer costume.
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My wife!
Your wife is too autistic to consent to sex.
Your wife gets licked in her erogenous zones by FREAKING GLUTTIES
When are we getting a dual wielding character?
Imagine getting NTR'd by Glutties.

Bros no, that is just a sign of affection. It doesn't mean any more than that.
She makes me wear glutti costume before sex
yes anon, it has to be a white one
I imagined Diana getting plapped by a guy wearing a Glutti mask.
She didn't care who I was until I put on the suit.
she's a PAWG so we know what she really prefers
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Old School Gym outfit... Praise John.
not even THAT posting is saving this general... it's over...
we already saw and commented (a lot) on it already
>Descendant of the Last Valkyrie
Does this mean Granhildr is Justia's aunt??
Is the next Fiend Hunter wind or is that just speculation based on the two fire characters coming? I hope it is wind, Liatris and Rubia carry so much, I might try for a level 10 clear on day 2.
They said it's wind in one of the recent patchnotes or devnotes
Free torches gone already?
I got mine like 10 hours ago
bro? your Kry?
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You had to remind me.. I rerolled for 2 hours to get that weapon and I get it again from my day 2 free pull with the crit damage stat even. And he can't even use both of them.
You can reroll the stats...
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>I rerolled for 2 hours to get that weapon

God of bricks, I kneel
I hope SP15 has a Lathel/Liberta pov.
yeah let's put the +18 rating to use, John
I rerolled for 5 minutes to get a second base Justia because I thought she was cute and I've never regretted it.
Metafags ALWAYS lose
I hope they'll make Liberta do naked dogeza
I hope we get a new character pack soon. I want one set on an island with my wives Rubia and Sylvia.
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Name ONE thing she's done that was bad. ONE. pro tip, you can't.
She's done nothing wrong, yet.
She made the MC and me sad when got herself killed
I just know she's evil. Let me correct her anally...
NEWGLUTTIES don't click the spoilers
I always thought she had short hair.
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How come Big Nun didn't find out
>Just started pack 14
>This thread
I clicked them but have no idea what they mean
I'm not a new player but I have never went beyond Diana's pack. It just doesn't feel rewarding enough to bother going through the later packs.
>rewarding enough
The only reward is seeing the story. It's the exact same for all chapters. What are you on about? The pittance of gems was never relevant considering how much stuff you get through other means.
Bwo your missing out Gran phat ass PV from SP11
Who is this?
The fiend hunter poster girl who used to be an interactable NPC in the game for the first couple of runs and would hint at knowing the real Justia. And then they erased her.
i mgoing to fuck your throat newglutti
yuti's real sister desu
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Dalvi mains rise up, we are better than everyone else here.
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She's still there thoughbeit
She looks like she needs CORRECTION
But she's dead and just a L2D now... old players will quit and everyone will forget Maman.
Amelie Watson my beloved...
>Lathel, Schera, Gray, Justia, Eclipse team
Absolute sovl party. But roll for Justia alter to unbrick your life.
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Bros I finally found content
>hint at knowing the real Justia
It's a reference to the ch1 green quest. Her adult version is there.
It all makes sense now, they couldn't afford her for more than a little while.
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I don't think they're meant to be the same person or that she was referencing that quest in particular, she sounded like she knew Justia a lot better than that one meeting. I had to go re-read it anyway since it's been a while.
More NPC quests when John?
I have her but I haven't done the related Story Pack yet so I don't want to use her because it would be "non-canon".
My headcanon is that she lolified herself later, when she became a time/space traveller.
Based but you're missing out on tickets, fiend hunter isn't canon anyway.
>fiend hunter isn't canon anyway
Bro? Your event stories?
That's a nice way to say that you can't beat them...
>More NPC quests when John?
The upcoming event with Levia and Loen is an NPC Quest set in the School Pack.
We're getting a green quest and an event actually
Tomorrow is when we get info on new sweaty Loen?
I'm starting to think we're not longer getting EOS'd
Two more weeks
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My sexy foxwife
Would you kiss her on the lips?
New Justia sucks
New Justia eats
my cock
my cum
I do regret spending over 200 rolls on her. She probably won't be useful past this FH.
She will surely get more costumes going forward
>strongest light character won't be useful ever again
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>strongest light character

It's over you lower form of life. Once Yuri get's her 3rd costume, fatty will be officially rendered useless forever.
This is the real cope
Newglutti here, which ones are the strongest per element? And by that I mean, strongest physical/magic/support.
Support is questionable. If it's pure damage output, Diana is the best support. But that's situational. Helena, MY WIFE (Notice how I said MY WIFE and not yours) Medical Teresse, Elpis, Homo Lathel and Arines are all great supports. DPS is far too wide to narrow down to one is the best for each element.
Forgot to mention Refi as well for the supports. Get your supports in line first, and the dps will follow.
>DPS is far too wide to narrow down to one is the best for each element.
Check the community sheet. Just be aware that Roxy is S and not A.
How would she not be useful, her only condition to do great damage is to hit more than 2-3 targets which is guaranteed to happen in 99% of encounters except maybe story fights with one single tile boss and last night. She has no cooldown, the largest AoE and the only slight negative about her is above average SP cost and mabye the front targetting which can always be fixed with Zenith/Rigenette and the lack of a self-buff compared to Yuri and Ventana but those two have much more complex limitations and harsher downsides.
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Who? Banner when
You forgot about Elpis. She's superior to you're waifu for newgluttis
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>Still no 3rd Ventana costume
>Still no 2nd Zenith costume
>Still no Apostle Blade
>Still no Ember

EOS soon?
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What other gachas do you guys play?
We all play Nikke here
Not a completely garbage chart but needs a self-support section. What the fuck is sword Sylvia doing in "other usable DPS", she's an oppressively powerful self-buffer for Sylvia's other costumes that is the central piece to making them work. Same for regular Yuri, being able to stack her 100% attack with the idol 100% crit damage is why idol is strong and dumpsters Angelica (not that it takes much to dumpster Angelica). Plenty of other things I'd nitpick, also get my boy Nartas out of everything else, he performed well in last night and the last light fiend.
Brown Dust 1
Fortress saga. I was going to look into Konosuba at some point. I did have Guardian tales going until recently. I only left because that game is dying.
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Blue Archive
Could John Dust beat John Nexon in a fist fight?
Her left leg has too much meat, it looks weird.
shut it fag
You'll never be able to see them both at once
Is nikke even good? Looks censored as fuck compared to BD2 with giant coats and long hair blocking the asses.
WuWa, Zenless and sometimes HSR, all casually
You mean her right leg has not enough meat.
Just AL.
AL, HSR, and Nikke.
Arknights and Alchemy Stars.
BD2 is my only gacha
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ASTRA Knights of Veda. Criminally underrated. Gachagaming hates it with passion, that should tell you how good it is.
wait you guys are getting torches ? i get 30 every day on mail but there wasn't a single day where i really got the 30, it just show in the mail but i don't actually get then
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>that should tell you how good it is
I have something else that tells me everything I need to know about how good it is. Also the fact that they started to give out super rare units for free in a panic move since eos is approaching fast.
they die on reset
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Yup, the fact that a schizo INMEDIATLY spawned to hate on it should tell you it absolutely deserves your time anons. Just peek at this 1 minute trailer:
It's such a spectacular game. No 2D gacha out there has done this much art in it.
well fuck i guess i wasted like 300 of then.
why did they do it like that ? as far as i noticed every other reward is in the bonus why is this one different
BD2's graph looked like this a few months ago
I wouldn't call BD2 bad
I would give it a try but way to many males for me right now, I would play it if it wasnt a gacha
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Some nigger was shilling this garbage non-stop here for I hate it by principle
BD2 Nikke and BA
>comes into othergame thread to shill his title
>wtf why are you hating on it, schizo!!
That indeed tells me everything I need to know. About you especially.
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That male right there from the trailer is free to grab as 100 day celebration. You also get a free 5 star selector on your 3rd login, and a 5 star weapon on the weekly. This girl right here is on the banner right now and is the best healer in the game. There are plenty of beautiful women in it.
yeah and apparently it is intended like that since John hasn't said a thing yet
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I dunno bwo, this doesn't seem as bad as that.
She's not it. Any low tier bd2 girl mogs her. If anyone wants to play a game like this then unicorn overlord is the game.
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looking at that graph, BD2 never got to be as high as Astra. The graph this month is also incomplete since the last 15 days didn't count, and a hyped banner was in it.
But she is anon, I'm a day 1 BD2 player, and not a single character has as much animations as a character in Astra. Unicorn Overlord is a strategy game, not an action one. You'll bring Dragon's Crown after: that's a 8-20 hour game old game, Astra has higher resolution, as well as lasting hundreds of hours of gameplay. There is no comparison.
I tried it. It's okay but a genshin-like gacha makes me puke, it's like Midas' hand but it's made out of shit instead of gold.
How do I run this game on my phone? Every time I try to log in it says there's a connection error.
Uninstall and reinstall
Ban all Nikkers
I've tried this multiple times already
Try to login with vpn or proxy
it may have been an issue at the start, but they give out so much free currency nowadays, it's fairly dirigible, even if you don't like the system. Having so many 5 star tickets lately and a guaranteed monthly 5 (repeatable) has done wonders to it.
Sub 1% droprates and useless weapons in gacha are unfixable. At this moment you're more buying a banner target than actually pulling.
>ban 90% of the general
Good idea. You have what it takes to become the next John Dust
>people still play censored nikkeslop
I played nikke for like am hour and get bored, linda weirs because I though that simple gameplay could be fun but Is linda meh after awhile, also they put more enfasis on the boobs than the asses
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Went hard at launch for months and got burnt out on the daily chores
Took a fair bit of time off and came back much later, regret missing out on Bunnies and JKs
Played a month again doing some catch up and the daily chores just smacked me across the face again

BD2 is such a relief that it's very fast daily ritual and when I actually want a longer play session I have a stockpile of AC to spend, gearing to do, Towers whatever.
I'm also completely f2p and getting all banner characters plus dupes on the ones I really want

>picrel the only good thing to come from Nikke
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They have really similar names so you it's easy to be confused that they're the same person. The older one (chapter 1 NPC quest) is Marien while the younger one (field hunter expert) is Marianne.
>People are often at a loss of words because, despite her cute looks, she talks like an older gentleman that she learnt from her sister Marien.
>She feels a sense of rivalry with her sister as detectives.
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>download nikke on the release
>beat the tutorial
>gacha time
>look into the tierlist
>40+ SSR, 10~ SR, 10~ R
>most SSR are useless tier
>unlock the main menu
>dozen of noname buttons
>long ass task list in the novice event
Also fuck these reloadings after an each shot, it's worse than coats
I like how plump some girls there are though
next question
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>this is censored
>12+ game while BD2 is 17+
Brown Dust 2 wishes they had swimsuits this sexy.
Last Origin...
I'd take Nebris over this any time
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just BD2
I used to play FGO a long time ago but I eventually got bored
tried Nikke and BA but both bored me to tears
Post her ass
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Brown... Dust.... 2?
Yusti would eat Zenith' apple...
Bad ISP, try switching to Wifi or to data
Anyone playing FEH? I used to around 5 years ago and have no idea what the state of the game is now
I still play brave nine. Never really took a break from it since global server got launched back in, I think, 2018.
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loli schera
nyo, no sexo
Is your data connection IPV4 or IPV6? That may be the issue. Some gachas only accept IPV4 connections.
POV: I just took off my pants
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Guild chat died?
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how would chapter 14 schera react? I think she'd blush and act evasive
Works on PC on IPv6 just fine, only have issues with mobile
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Will S.Justia go to powder shop after banner?
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Haters will convince you I already exchanged 200 draw points
>I already exchanged 200 draw points
sounds like a cursed rate bwo...
I play BA, Gakumas, ZZZ, HSR and AGA.
>have no idea what the state of the game is now
There are characters that can act 3-4 times in one turn without a dancer
There's a character that can solo Abyssal maps
The weapon triangle is merely a suggestion
There has not been another good bridal banner
does every fight just boil down to stacking dps with an elemental advantage and then diana + a second buffer using them buffs and then chaining damage
feels like they should mix element types up to stop this
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If you know the enemy's type, then yes it's Diana + B.Helena/H.Lathel + 2x Flex + nuke, where flex can be buffers, knockback, shred, chain, silence, off dps, etc.
Phys and Magic towers are type neutral, so you don't need Diana. New roguelike mode will have random types, so you will actually need to think about team comps
Schera's futacock...
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Is the shopkeeper from ch14 the only side npc that cares about the famous mercenary, Sharpshooter of the Mist Gray?
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why is Rou's voice so cute?
>japanese dub
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While the jp dub isn't amazing, the kr dub feels more hit or miss imo. I only switch when my wife Layla is crafting for better UR 4 odds
Pretty much.
Property damage buffs are extremely powerful, so Diana or bride Refi are a mandatory slot unless the fight hard disables it like the Eris fiend hunt or the non-elemental towers.
You then pick your choice of attack buffer depending on your team and budget, at least you have decent 3* options here. Some exceptions like this fiend hunt where you run Yuri and Ventana without an attack buffer because they both self-buff.
Then you need someone for chains, here bunny Celia and bride Refi are broken with their extra chain generation and most costumes at 5 chain and above are good for the role.
And finally there's damage amplification as the hot new thing that started with gamer Rafina or earlier with Zenith but Zenith being single target was not too favored, and now there's also cat Eris. Magic is probably up next to get their AoE amp with Levia.
And your last slot is a DPS, TL;DR: property - attack - chains - amplification - nuke is the standard and then you sometimes remove something to add in shred or some other gimmick the fight requires.
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The group would be pretty boring without gary

I started during the Roxy collab and so even I can't redo chapter 7 or whichever one gives V Lathel since I did it before learning about the voices being added
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Rou needs another costume for when they remove those braces
Last day of banner so I got both Justia's weapon and Sacred Justia's weapon like the guide said
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Rou needs a microbikini costume she puts on for Olstein because she heard men like that kind of thing
There's another day, you're finished. John is sending you the free roll weapon and costume tomorrow just to laugh at you.
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that's enough for 1 fh, it's wiggle time
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck I wasted so many rolls
You can actually, from the Settings menu -> Story
But it's soulless like that, we need a mode where you move through the map and not just tip tap buttons
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Thanks! Are we ever going to see Anastasia again in the main story? Is she in the original?
>Level 59 wiggle
kissing rou and having cat hairs in my throat all day!
Baby making sex between these two
DONT open 10 material chests at once
biggest mistake of my life
Just use them dude
im using up all my ability pills dummy
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>daily craft IV
>upgrade into this

wish me luck on the refinement bros...
wtf do i do here?
where do i get the ticket??
You buy them with real money
wheres my 30 torches?
You don't seriously play in gook, do you?
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this is too confusing what the hell do i do??
In offense you set up how you will attack the opponents. The order of skills and chars. On defense you set up how you will defend of opponents that attack your party.
where is it Jack
in Jhon asshole that's where they are go get em
Then sell them. That's what I did with two of those stacks when I had too many of them, and no desire to turn them into coal or something better.
>click on thread because of hot girls
>it's yet another gacha mobile game
I am getting so fucking sick of this shit. This genre has eaten up every single game with hot girls in modern gaming and I've had enough. We got Stellar Blade but it's on a shit console. I want jpeg gambling to collapse now.
It will never collapse anon, this is the future.
Most fighting games and JRPGs still have hot girls.
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>refine some gear
>choose the wrong one because I'm sleepy
>this happens
Am I dying tomorrow?
I get you, anon...
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Damn, that's the first time i've ever seen S S S
Yeah thats a Levia +0 in 400 pulls for you my man
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Anon, I...
Why do tards like you always pretend like every game is the same. The main problem people have with this system is they can't get every character they want. This game is so generous you can get everyone character in the game and roll on every new banner.
heh ive got 400k just in peat alone sitting in inventory
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I hate you
I curse all of your rolls into eternity
holy fuck they exist
it's always the shitters
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bros...I'm only missing floor 3 for a perfect evil castle clear...wtf do I do?
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>this has been going on for months and people have been mass reporting but devs can't do anything
>works on both costumes and UR resulting in hundred of millions of powder
>god seed account
Wonder what you could sell that for based on someone's superstition
it's not a god seed account bro his pity is locked at 99 resulting in every roll giving a guaranteed 5*/UR
Nta, but thanks for pointing out what was going on, was pretty confused.
On that note, how the hell does that even happen? Devs for fuck's sake get your shit together.
Curl up into a ball on the floor. Cry
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apparently a lot of account farms are also using this to make 'starter' accounts with +5 helena, +5 lathel, +5 diana, etc... So account buyers beware (that's me btw I'm an account buyer but I got in before the well was poisoned)
Well, if the video of the exploit have been uploaded to the internet, then it's only a matter of time until Agent Lee shows up
not good enough, i want a tear for every day john let this happen under his management
John needs to add a hag costume for every lolis in the game, I don't roll with this loli shit I want tits and ass.
Bro, the ratio of loli vs hags in this game is like 1 : 10
Man I know I shouldn't but I wanna FUCK Anastasia.
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Michaela soon
I hope bd1 has good lolis to transfer over
I know but it needs to be 1 : 100
Lolifags can go play Blue Archive or whatever
what am i supposed to be noticing?
>Every single free roll is a guaranteed 5* costume
Idk anon, you tell me
Who actually finds this hag attractive?
There is no way you cleared 13 with that comp
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I regret falling for the hype
This game is literally just Alchemy Stars where you get roped in by cool characters and mechanics but there's content maybe once a month if even that
What hype? This game doesn't even have ads
It's a pretty good side game though since you can do the dailies in one go and don't have to open the game again for the rest of the day
Why do you need a "side game" though? The idea of a "Side game" is just for neets with nothing to do other than juggling 10 different gachas

If I set aside time for videogames then I want my videogame to entertain me instead of be a list of chores for 30 days and maybe one hour of content every 2 months or whenever they add a new story update.
The last team is justia obviously I didn't clear 13 with wiggle lmao
if the roguelike mode isn't good then this game is dead to me
been saying this since it was announced since the anniversary was so barebones and summer was so anemic
Why would you limit yourself to just playing one game though?
Also this mentality doesn't really work on gacha mobile games. Since all of them are live service games with limited contents.
I was literally complaining about the lack of content and got 0 replies earlier. Anniversary was a rerun of last year and current maid "event" is a rerun of earlier this year. This game's only content is fucken Fiend Hunt and I am getting sick of it. Fuck just go interactive waifu route because this game is seriously putting in next to no effort right now. 1 story pack every 3 months that gets consumed in less than 2 hours doesn't count.
It's not limiting yourself, it's knowing when to quit. This thought process of "Oh this gacha game is easy to do my dailies in" is why games these days are so garbage and devoid of content because it's easier to get idiots to stay hooked and playing when 'playing' is just log in and press three buttons over delivering actual content and gacha addicts quitting because "game doesn't respect my time"

Yeah there's just nothing to do. Game doesn't really give you any reasons to stay playing or anything to look forward to other than titty, more titty and even more titty.
If you're not having fun or interested anymore then i agree, it's better to quit
If any gacha ever gets advertised as "Good sidegame" or "Respects your time" then you know it's dogshit garbage and barely pretending to be a game
>What hype? This game doesn't even have ads
Game got shilled daily on /v/ for a while and other generals. Where do you think all the newbies came from? Getting a revelation from god?
>Where do you think all the newbies came from?
I got a video on Twitter with Venaka's fat ass.
I need a 100 compensation ticket for this john or a guaranteed Levia and Loen + 50 tickets
Retard take. Not every game has to be job. This is a mobile game and you aren't meant to play them as such, only in short bursts. By that logic mmos are better than anything because they have more content.
*mercilessly ignores the retards*

Loen PV in a few hours?
*looks at time*


Yeah we get the next pair of tits soon and that's our content for the next two weeks
do they even have jobs over there in the phillippines? you should try to get one and do something productive instead of being proud of juggling 10 different gachas
How do they even set this up? I've only hit the 5* pity 2 or 3 times in over 2k rolls. I don't think I've even gotten halfway to the UR pity
Today is the patch notes. We should get the pv tomorrow.
I thought tomorrow was the update
Update is thursday
found the newfag
What the fuck? I got Mandingo effect'd into thinking it was on the 17th...
Did they make this mesugaki into a nikke yet? I stopped playing the game two months after release since everything in it is shit but this girl always made my dick hard.
is it just me or did they lower the prices for USD?
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pic related
Still 0.99 for me.
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just tested it, and apparently the price in the store is different than in game for me
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>Did they make this mesugaki into a nikke yet?
no, but they released a look a like in the campaign
>look a like
Whats with all the esl nikkers in this thread?
esl game
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Every time Idol Gran has 10% hp left after schera attacks I regret not getting +5
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Every time I'm about to quit John gives me good pulls. How is this phenomenon called?
Google Analyticsâ„¢
>last 10 floors of Wrath and Jealousy towers have -75% buff effects
Is it even worth bringing supports?
Not really, you want chains
yes, refi's chain count isn't affected
ok but how?
is it something you can trigger yourself?
Nice try, John, but I’ll never tell. I’m gonna +5 all of Gray’s costumes within a spark and there’s nothing you can do to stop me!
I wish this game would seperate Mirror wars from everything else. So presets stay in place, regardless of if we change character gear for story. I've just done like 20 Mirror wars battles and half my team had missing gear. Same should be for Last Night too.
John, where are the pochi notes
fuck this shit man, this has to be recent, I did a daily pull on pp schera on pity and it did reset

I don't even know if a ban wave is gonna be enough to please all people, I can't fucking believe this is a thing
seething exploitlet
Loen-sama soon. People will seethe, but she has won.
Loen tummy...
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what do we think bwos?
Boring pattern.
>Zenith in the powder shop
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L-Loose?! Virgin Gyaru bros?!??!
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are you fucking kidding me I spent 100+ tickets on the selective banner to get zenith the other day
fucking KILL YOURSELF john
Read the faq next time. You only have yourself to blame.
>Lame pattern
>Low dmg modifier
>Basically just a setup skill for her S1
Eh, I kinda expected something better. Will probably just grab 1 copy and dust for +1
Nice filler.
Loen now has full casting uptime meaning we're not getting new costumes for her anymore...
I was desperate ok???
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So Levia is 3x3, 4 chains. I assume she has a debuff on it, I can't remember what this icon meant.
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She's exactly magic gamer Rafina. Core and must pull for magicbros.
I assumed "vulnerable" was because of the element weakness. Did I get it wrong?
Copy paste GRafina's kit but make it magic, no need to think more about it
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Within expectations, a filler costume for her nuke. Self-buff is a nice bonus. Seems to be a +1 angle for those who went deep on her previous costume, which is a nice change of pace after all powercreep units lately.
I was curious if she'd have potential in pvp if the sp cost was low but it seems she'll really just be a pure pve nuker. Curious to see if they'll do a third costume for her or if the meta for buffers and any non-story pack characters remains at 2 costumes.
Food in the real world universe must be good because damn, that is quite the titty size boost.

The real question of course is whether Levia will finally be the first magic Rafina.
What faggot was saying it was Loen and not Levia? How do you feel, you brownoid?
lame ngl, +1 material. Are they limited?
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>Introduce buffstick for Loen
>Introduce magic version orc Rafina
>No Loen in thread/dust shop

Loenlet bros... How do we clear fiend hunt this time? Surely Lia will be enough right?
Just use Chadthel, do you even need more?
bros, I only have 60 pulls after getting +4 Justia...will I make it? I haven't gotten anyone from free pulls in weeks now
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bro... lmao
Save until summer
Lickable midriffs
Olsteinbros, our response?
Loen is injured, bros....
but Loen...
Why would you only +1 this? It's best to get +4 to get the highest magic attack boost.
because it's a filler costume, it 40% won't make that big of a difference, but spending less SP is always nice.
Are Loen and Levia being released at the same time?
Not everyone is a whale or swipes to just casually afford +4 or +5 on everything, anon-kun. Besdies I'd take Levia's vulnerability over 40% more boost in one (1) unit.
But I don't have the base Zenith so what does this do for me besides rub it in?
Cute newglutti
>Zenith in the shop

John-sama, I kneel. With this and the monthly, I can finally +5 her.
Levia is released a week after Loen
>Loen now has full casting uptime
No she doesn't, its 5 turns.
She gets a lower cd with tears
Tomorrow? Fucking finally, she is the only one I don't have
If you invest enough tears into her. She costs 0 sp. Well worth it for Fiend Hunters if anything.

>Lia's Neon stalker in the golden thread shop
It's going to be one year John since she. Just rerun her banner already instead of Lathal, Helena and Diana for the third time!
At what time (UTC) is the maintenance tomorrow?
Yeah, I know, I feel like a massive cuck using Rignette instead of her. No more impulsive pulling on a standard banner.
Is it worth spending 200 to get Yustia to +5? Or should I just go for homolathel?
>Is it worth spending 200 to get Yustia to +5? Or should I just go for homolathel?
go for both
Cope powder for zenith, luckshit pull or monthly selector for Justia.
On the reset
I don't think I can, I need Zenith too. Spent too much powder on previous ones.
I need a loop of Loens tits.
Does that mean that today is the actual last day of the 1st anniversary pass?
It's not tomorrow but the day after tomorrow.
No, it's around 35 hours until the patch
Thank you!
Loen is so cute bwos wtf
tbf it used to be Tuesdays then Wednesdays and then
It was always Thursday. The only thing they changed is the daily reset time, it's 4 hours later than on release now.
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Nooo. Where's my diamonds?
you sure? i swear a month or two ago we were receiving patches on Tuesday
maybe i also got Mandingo'd...
There was a brief period when they shifted patches to tuesday for some reason during the collab then shifted them back so you're remembering right. We're on the usual schedule now.
Sometimes according to the calendar, we'll get an early patch on wednesday.
But most of the times, update patches is always on thursday.
They did this once because of some holiday in Korea.
How much for a bottle full of Loen's sweat?
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I'm putting my head there
I want to +5 but summer limited micro bikini Eclipse is just around the corner
>Puffy vulva
God damnit. I want to save...
That's goon behavior anon, do not
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MY wife and I have agreed that her bodily fluids will never be for sale.
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All we know here is Terrese. Who are the bd1 transfers??
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we need more semen demons showing their tummies
It could also be new BD2 originals
Apostle Blade bros, our day soon?
Delusional and overconfident.
This won't end well for you...
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Skip something. It's safe...
I would choose one between phys / magic and focus on only one playstyle for now if i were low on resources
>Zenith, Helena and Rafinalet

Holy bricked, I kneel
Suffer the latelet tax, day 1 believers in his holiness John-sama maxed Helena for free with all the reruns.
Zenith only needs one tear and if you want the +3 for the 0 sp skill. Grafina only needs +1 but she needs two tears since she has the worst skill tree set up.
just +0 then use the selector anon
Bro this is a third rate korean gacha, why are you so stressed. Do you really need to show off to a bunch of anonymous users your super duper team? No one really cares and it makes no difference.
Just play the game and if you REALLY like a girl spend some money to +5 her
On what dupes Homothel start to outclass Arines? I have around 70 pulls left and idk if I should try my luck getting him or not
I really wouldn't. Summer limiteds coming up. He is good but I wouldn't risk it.
He's going to outperform Arines as low as +0 if you invest all 3 tears in him. At least for 1 turn burst. Keep in mind he has no crit rate so he's only comfortable to use in fiend hunter or if you're using him with Diana and are ok with crit fishing.
Plus how do you even make it up for the missing crit chance with Lathel
>Compensation tickets in the mail for mirror wars
>Retard idea
>blow them all on Chunky's banner
>Actually pays off

Now I've got a problem. She's +4 but won't be coming to the shop. What do I do now?
Yeah ok that ain't happening, +3 is pretty much impossible to have right now. Critmaxxing is the name of the game then
Thanks anon
Gunning down her potential, +6 SP is quite nice to have
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So which one is going to he used for the next op, Levia's ass or Loen's tits?
I'm proud to be the one that triggered him
Loen's tits are for me only, so that one's out of the equation.
le epic deductive reasoning hahaha
fun anecdote to tell future newglutties :'3
Lil bro thought racism was cool, now look how retarded he looks
>triggers dopamine release
o ye
i member 'dopamine releasing' for dj venaka animation ALOT
Shut up nigger
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Does pass will go into hours countdown after reset and i will be able to get 17 then upgrade it gaining last 3 levels or will it end with today's reset?
Racism against SEAniggers is always justified; I forgive him
>Loen will be powercreep!!!
>Save for Loen!!!!
>She's going to be godlike and break the game!!!!
l m a o
nice filler units
Everyone is saving for her because she smells
you still have one reset
Then i'm good, thank you
Hi, are you still here or did you leave in shame?

According to your own "deductive reasoning" skills, you have 54 IQ or less and you didn't pass the 4th grade. Is this true?
>80% self-buff into a 3x3 750% AoE with no conditions
>not godlike
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Boing boing
I love the [after sex] tag so much bros.
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Human Loen looks weird bros...
She's still cute though
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I said "I'll do a 10 roll and stop as soon I don't get a UR costume". Not a bad result, despite the Granny spook.
Racism is cool, nigger.
40000 powder for this
Forgot image, fuck
New game trailer out
Fuck shes always so sweaty bwos...
>neverness to everness
Koreans should be banned from naming games
Look forward to Shart Dust 3
It's japanese
>another souless chinkslop botw clone
genshit has done irreparable damage to the mobage genre
newbro here, im done with epic shit
can i still get the gyaru if i start now?
It's chinese, retards.
Too bad for you, her banner have ended a week ago. But she's not limited
why would you go from epic shit to shit dust
game unironically has less content than epic shit because it's like if you took all PVP and content away from it and said "this is fine"
That's BS(S) man.
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Oh shit its anime GTA
Ok but when is John releasing Brown Dust 3, the 3D action RPG with advanced jiggle physics?
Why is it always open world slops these days?
Do turn based again man
is it difficult to get her at the start? not bothered to buy a starter account

epic shit is a cuck homofest
i see hot girls that epic shit could never so i want to try this game out
none of the girls are for (you) in this game
there's no self insert either
and some of the girls are actively in relationships with male characters
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But this game doesn't have self insert
If you want hot girls why not go straight to Nikke instead?
For your question, It would be rather hard without rate up. But her base version should be coming later
This is a cuck game too though? There's males in it, there's no (You) and half the girls love someone else. It's literally epic shit without the PVP
Her base costume >>486288734 is yet to be released, if you want her bikini one you can pick it up from the powder shop with 200 points (200 pulls across any banners) in the next two weeks.
>shill comes to /bd2g/ to shit on bd2 and spam ads for his chink kusoge
I'm noticing things again
A snoozefest game that has hot girls but doesn't do anything with them besides locking them all behind a gazillion $$/real life currency only passes or the skin gacha. Imagine forking out $60 just for an implied handholding scene.
>shota studios
Nikke is unoptimized menu simulator.
The fact it doesn't have a self-insert is why I like this game.
>another chink open world gachashit
I'm convinced all these chink games are ripping off the models and animations from each other. They all look the same.
I'm sick of open world games that are actually empty as fuck, I'd rather have small maps with stuff to do.
her potential better make the pattern 3x5 or some shit why is it 4 SP
seamonkeys aren't people

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