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Elf Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last thread: >>485362995

>Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png

▶Ways to Write
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI guide collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/qq2ed59i
AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Write prompts for next week’s Wholesome and Comfy Friday! Results: >>485687432

>(07/05) AetherRoom’s Closed Alpha Test will be starting on Monday, July 15th https://files.catbox.moe/unp7ss.jpg
(06/27) Google releases Gemma 2 https://blog.google/technology/developers/google-gemma-2/
(06/20) Anthropic releases Claude 3.5 Sonnet https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
(06/19) Dreamgen Opus Llama 3 70B https://hf.co/dreamgen/opus-v1.4-70b-llama3-gguf ; Euryale L3 70B on OpenRouter https://openrouter.ai/models/sao10k/l3-euryale-70b ; Qwen2 72B Magnum https://hf.co/alpindale/magnum-72b-v1
(06/15) New SpellBound Llama 3 finetune https://hf.co/hf-100/Llama-3-Spellbound-Instruct-8B-0.3
I plapped Ellania already. Fucked the elf on the rim of a fountain inside the Pleasure Quarter until she had multiple orgasms and fell unconscious. My other wives and concubines taught her the proper ways to pleasure me, and despite not liking me much - she learned and employed those techniques.
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built for BHC
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>do more of the turned into catgirl avatar mmo
>gathered the Noggeworts
>got paid 10 gold
>replaced tattered tunic and robe after monster attack (no rape)
>rested at an in
Kinda comfy so far.
Elves rank among the highest in toe dexterity both in and out of stockings, envision the Footjob technique if you will
Fuck off with that elven whore. Aura is the one for me.
Footfags are mentally ill.
>new chapter of this comes out
>oh boy, i wonder what fetish the author has he's showing us today

I swear you could make prompts from many of these chapters.
>Aura, milk me with your feet
You don't give the Mistress orders, pleb. She orders you.
I miss AuraAnon.
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I have enough mana to spam a Territory Skill five times in a single day and still have enough to sustain a barrage for the next three days after, I'll be fine
Is this a copy pasta? I swear I've seen it before.
No, it's not copypasta. It's what I did in https://aetherroom.club/7089 that the OP image was made for.
There's no way you possess more mana than a five-century year old being. Maybe in your schizo dreams perhaps.
How close-minded of you. Reality is whatever I want it to be.
Hi, cabal.
Hello, just got my soda refill, how do you do?
Schizo dreams it is.
>limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Go back to /lit/ and stay there :)
No :)
Wanna frot :P
No thanks, bud. You can do that with GayAnon instead. I'm sure he'll appreciate the attention.
We're frotting. Your lack of consent makes it hotter :D
Good thread.
Put on the Sailor Moon outfit and bend over.
Huh, the furry model can do vaguely low-poly 3d-style images. That's a nice style change-up. Though UI and text are still a ways off from being decent.
Why does writing cousin incest feel more taboo than sibling incest?
Probably because it is something that actually happens fairly frequently, so feels less 'fantastic'.
What? Cousin incest has been somewhat acceptable for a long time. And quite a normal thing among small populations even if accidental.
I know but I think >>486055775 got it right. Sibling incest is so rare in reality it feels ridiculous and like pure fantasy, whereas cousin incest is I guess just more believable because it actually happens relatively commonly
The topic was about being 'taboo'. Cousin-fucking is not more taboo than fucking your sibling. That is all, friend.
No, the topic was about FEELING more taboo. The whole point of my question is that I know sibling incest is more taboo but writing about it FEELS less taboo than cousin incest.
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Been playing around with a scenario based on the Russian girl anime airing this season. Having a lot of fun with her just dropping Russian into the script.
(I did have to put a bunch of cyrillic into the Phrase Bias to encourage it a bit, but it's kino when it works well. (Or at least, the DeepL translations suggests it is))
Ok, I understand what you mean now that I've reread your first post.
It's not about being taboo. It's about writing it feeling taboo, and that makes a difference, because realism counts in that regard. The more out there a topic is, the less it'd feel taboo because it takes you out of feeling the story. So cousinfucking feels more taboo because of the added feeling of "this happens, there might be someone doing it within my city limits right now".
To illustrate through extreme, shoving an entire church organ up your ass while projectile vomiting through the windows might be objectively more blasphemous than jacking off through your pants during service then smearing it off in the song book, the higher realism of the latter scenario could make writing about it feel more vivid and personal, thus enhancing the feelings.
Mind sharing the prompt? Seems interesting.
>shoving an entire church organ up your ass while projectile vomiting through the windows
Has there ever been a single documented case of that ever happening, or is this another one of your schizo dreams?
It's almost like I prefaced that statement by making it clear that I was deliberately conjuring up an extreme scenario for the purposes of widening the gap in believability.
But no, there has not been a single documented case of this deliberately unbelievable scenario happening, if you need me to specifically spell that out for you.
Aura will never fuck you, arachne will eat you, and we're not frotting.
finally, a proper masochist ITT
a welcome change from everyone being so obsessed with showing respect
Stop hijacking my identity, faggot. Except for the last one, you're taking my words out of context.
Hello AngryAnon. Quit pretending to be me.
minna, please be normal
You're the one pretending to be me, Whinefag.
I wouldn't call myself a masochist. I just prefer a more realistic scenario than some john doe having more mana than Aura. I am just an ordinary fellow Aura enslaved into her service out of boredom. My life is under her control.
sounds reasonable and not too masochistic now that you mention it
Can't wait to not get into the AR alpha today because I didn't have a locust site account with badly made fetish bots on it.
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Ghetto Recap (1/2)

A Whiff Of What? >>485407734
Infinite Worlds Adventures >>485430072
Bonzi Bumps Up Numbers >>485437170
Non-Gay GayAnon Storypost >>485441562
Three Years Of Training >>485515045
Yandere Behavior (Game's still not out, btw) >>485548778
THe Douchenozzle >>485590984
Rare Modern AID Storypost >>485635017
Ballading It Out >>485636380
The LOL Storypost (not LoL) >>485659264 >>485662283
Grand Toy >>485661295 >>485678015 >>485901768 >>485914147 >>485949549
Traci Post >>485715901 >>485716914 >>485717871 >>485722051 >>485722687
Bonzi On Common Sense >>485731438
1000 Ways To Die: AI Edition >>485753785
Moth Dad >>485764281
Democracy Prevails >>485768240
Bender Quest >>485784292
Fat Wobble >>485801193
The Huge Creature And The-HUH?! >>485812963
A Word From Our Sponsor >>485871615
Bonzi Possibilities >>485873249
Hero's End >>485896542 >>485896821
Name Drop >>485926476
Who's Steve Jobs? >>485950126
American Meal >>485997262
Evil Homura >>486026950
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Ghetto Recap (2/2)

Notable Posts:

Prompt Discussion >>485363946 >>485364846 >>485365009 >>485365620 >>485365789 >>485367139 >>485368225 >>485369730
>You're not gonna write an innocent slice of life prompt, are you, anon? Yes, in the face >>485369976 >>485370753 >>485370975 >>485371381
Warning: Laughing Hazard >>485372371
Songs Of Sorts >>485383108 >>485503023
Some Sort Of Paper >>485393325
Old OP >>485412484
MGS4 Eggs >>485420251
Bozo Adventure >>485450103 >>485450307 >>485450576 >>485452712 >>485453182 >>485453379 >>485455035
Prose, I hate >>485460202
AID Flashback >>485500018 >>485500451 >>485577720
7 Paragraphs Of Maids >>485503670
POV >>485507718 >>485508639 >>485524728 >>486016523
Lamia Discussion >>485532560 >>485533926 >>485994580
Fluffy and Scalie Tails >>485623502 >>485626928 >>485628250 >>485629898
Of Course >>485639572
Traci Album >>485734832
Brat Conquest >>485736920
Fire And Ice >>485780252 >>485780824 >>485780867 >>485782217 >>485782874 >>485782514 >>485783424
Airplane Spot >>485794276
Fluffy Vibe >>485856363 >>485857308 >>485857496 >>485870806
Village Girl >>485955695
Parley Guidelines >>486019848
Club Dump >>486031242 >>486032713
>two (2) (you)s
Thanks Recap Anon!
Thanks for your effort as always, friend.
I had fourteen of them.
It's not a popularity contest, whores. Fuck off with the attention whoring.
>attention whoring
You do it all the time.
Thanks for your service
So, just to ask because I'm curious: What does a wholesome and comfy prompt mean to you?
To me, wholesome means that there's no malice in the story, no evil force or great misfortune acting as an adversary or something like that, just nice things happening to good people. If there is something bad happening, it should be in the past and the story should be about moving on and healing from it. And comfy means the story is low stakes, slice-of-life-like fare. Day-to-day stuff, no grand adventures or anything like that, with no big troubles happening, just a slow, casual atmosphere.
But I might be off on that, so I figured I might as well ask.
It doesn't mean anything, it's just a sad attempt to inflate the number of prompt submissions and pretend the general isn't dead
That is pretty much how I view comfy stories, though I think some minor, everyday, drama is fine to incorporate into it. More focus on interpersonal character interaction rather than the heroic journey.
I think you hit the nail on the head with your description of it. Though to be honest, there's a lot of leeway to be had with it.
Wholesome can mean a few different things to different people. It can mean a prompt that's not lewd or violent, family friendly, if you will. Or it could just be something more vanilla and tuned in a loving tone. And other variations.
I think it's possible to have a wholesome story with a villain, it just depends on how they and what they do are portrayed. A low-stakes villain defeated by the power of friendship that doesn't risk anyone can still be pretty wholesome.
But both are fairly open for interpretation.
is SpellBound Llama 3 any good for guided storytelling?
Alright, cool. I was going over my prompt ideas and landed on the one about a romance between a strip club patron and a stripper, which, with the conceit I had in my head, would involve the MC being a regular that's there to specifically watch one stripper that he's fallen in love with, he has a nervous breakdown because he thinks he'll never have him, only to be met with the stripper standing next to him and asking what's wrong. A segment of vulnerability and confessions later, the prompt would end with the MC being invited to the stripper's place for a dinner and some TV.
The basic theme would be creating a contrast between the stripper on stage that exists to purely be lusted after and the human off stage that has hopes and dreams, music he likes, a favorite amusement park ride and all those things. So the MC would be given an opportunity to meet and learn to love the latter while previously only being able to see the former.
I was wondering if that would be wholesome or not, but I think I'm worrying too much and it's probably completely fine. It's a soft, cute romance born from people caring about each other.
I didn't even know you could swap models with Spellbound.
By that broad definition, a good chunk of the prompts on the club are 'wholesome' and 'comfy'.
It absolutely can be. A lot of it is going to depend on your tone. The luster of being labelled as wholesome might dull a bit if, on walking into her place of work each time, the story focused on all the erotic details on display without exception. Obviously, the contrast needs to be established, but in the eyes of someone lovestruck, everything takes a soft, rosy glow.
For me, wholesome is a feel-good sort of story. Like childhood friends confessing or stuff like that.
Well, is there a more strict definition that should apply?
This is the sort of tone I had going ages ago when this first popped into my head. I was contrasting the sort of glib depression of the reality of the strip club business with the hopeless romanticism of the MC, with the twist being that the romance wins out in the end, so I figure that would work.
may they both be stoned, ishallah
...Oh. Right. I'd been assuming we were talking about a woman stripping.
At 'me; it', I'm thinking you'd want 'he' instead of 'it'.
I almost feel like it might move a bit quickly through establishing that both parties love each other near the end. But that might come more from me trying and not always succeeding with slow burn.
Oh, that's not going to be the actual prompt. That's just a two year old random fiddling I did, whatever the actual prompt will be will be entirely written from scratch (though I might snatch a couple sentences I wrote myself back then, I'll have to think about it).
So the pacing and such will be entirely different.
>Well, is there a more strict definition that should apply?
not them, but to be specifically wholesome and comfy as a standout theme it seems like it would have to acknowledge malicious and uncomfortable and specifically avoid or invert it

this is the first thing that came to mind, and it's gay as a bonus
The aetherroom closed alpha starts tomorrow
You guys think there will be leaks?
Why is Gemma 2 down?
Gemma 2 more like Coalla 2
>should apply
No not really. I can't control what you and others think.
So what will be the first thing you do when Llama 3 405B gets released?
Doing yo momma
I can't even run 70b. So nothing.
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lmao 2koala
incest story about sally and her brothers
Generate slop.
Run it in Q2 on my 4 3090s.
Claude is better.
size stuff
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Everywhere I go, I still see her face
ignore the thread for a day or two
Spam in the thread about how it's a nothingburger and that Kayra is king.
Organic hands typed this post.
go back to sleep
That's a man.
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warnings: reverse pokephilia, female feral, fempov, sylveon, male (You)
I will read this.
you shuold not
It's not badcat all.
Reads a bit too much like an essay though—I'm no English major so I can't tell you why I feel that way.
Third person, present tense is very strange to read I will admit, but I read it anyway. Anon was fake sleeping of course, and yet the little Pokémon is so proud of her own little actions. Cute, or stupid?
I just did.
aieee my butterfingers slipped again
Which NSFW chatbot is the best all around? Sankaku complex's states
>As a free-thinking adult, it is our privilege to offer you this service in uncensored form - please engage with your Companions responsibly.
but I'd prefer to hear everyone's opinions before sinking time into any 1 chatbot.
Interesting. This is the first time I tried using [ NSFW ] as the Opposing Prompt. Maybe that made it more "proper" or something? The style was new to me, so I let the AI write to see what it came up with. This was with PP14 preset
I'm currently on my third person kick. I began with AID so I started with second person, and ended up trying first when NAI /Kobold first came out. After seeing some anons raving about third, I gave it a shot and here I am
>Cute, or stupid?
Stute. Cupid.
>sankaku complex
What the fuck, they pivoted HARD to AI
I guess being overshadowed by the other boorus will do that to you
Or NSFW storyteller AI. I'm taking recommendations for both since there's a lot of overlap.
Use Kayra.
Command-R or +. Anything else is a meme.
It's pretty subjective, depends on your wants and needs. Do you prefer chatbots or storytelling or both equally?
Do you have a strong computer?
Are you willing to spend money?
Do you have access to stuff like Claude?
Or are you willing to have some NSFW but limits on the more taboo stuff?
How do those stack up against sankaku complex's character bot? I'm struggling to find any firsthand accounts of how good or bad it is in the long term

I prefer chatbots
My computer was mid for 2018 so it's surely shit now
Almost certainly not, unless it's a one-off payment for permanent access, but good luck finding that normal form of payment on the internet where everything's a minimum $120/yr subscription
I don't even know what Claude is, aside from a storybot (I assume)
I don't want the AI to limit anything
>I prefer chatbots
Then why are you copying and pasting your posts here?
>Stute. Cupid.
Cheeky Anon., very cheeky indeed.
I'm taking recommendations for both since there's a lot of overlap in both the media and, I figured, everyone here's knowledge and experience with each. Also, while I prefer chatbots, to prefer something doesn't make it a full-on requirement.
What made you think that?
Basically any model destroys whatever garbage sankaku sells. I can't even see what they offer since I would need to register.
One's AI for writing lewd stories, the other's AI for writing lewd stories.

I appreciate the recco. I just wish there was a consensus on which one's the best, cause now I'm up to:
>Use Kayra
>Use command-r
>Use command +
>Use Claude
>Use openrouter
>Visited sankaku for the first time in years (it's somehow become even more restrictive since last visit) and am now being shilled its own AI text shit
>Don't want to dismiss it out of hand because I'm in a position of total ignorance as to how good/bad it is, same goes for all these other reccos
Kayra is from NovelAI, its 100% uncensored BUT is definitely an older model AND is a monthly subscription. It's main focus is storytelling, not chatbots (though some people have made it work with sillytavern or use special formatting to make it work on the site. I have no experience with sankaku's, so can't answer how they compare.
With your answers, *maybe* your best bet might be Kobold? Unless someone knows of a better alternative. I think its Koboldcpp or something like that? It's basically local models being hosted by people for free out of their own good will. The quality and speed changes based on which host you choose and what model they are hosting. I think Kobold stuff can be found over at /lmg/ on /g/?
Hopefully you find what you're looking for or another anon can give you more info. I don't know if I can be of much more help, I stick to 1 thing so my knowledge is mostly second hand. Best of luck fren
Have you tried Sankaku's bots? I'm just curious, because I can almost guarantee with 100% certainty that it's just using a (maybe not even custom) finetune of a model you can just get off of openrouter.
Openrouter has a lot of open source models including command r/+ and llama 3 options
The only real suggestion was Kayra, and the rest were anons trolling.
Just be yourself. But don't use sankakushit.
>a consensus on which one's the best
I don't use chatbots, but it's probably Claude Opus
Ty fren

Not yet, but I already have an old account there so as long as it's free I intend to try it out at the same time as these other reccos, now also including
>Llama 3
>The previous 6 reccos


Ty for the 9th recco, I'll go and check these out now
Claude Opus is going to require you to get in good with public proxies for the most part. If you don't mind doing that, good. It's a high powered model that refuses less than GPT4
But it still can if you aren't careful.
Who /writersdaemon/ here?
Appreantly, AR closed beta is delayed.
Quit stalking my wife
Man, I fucking hate when that happens. The day my [REDACTED]'s valve index came in I was running a 102° fever and basically slept by the front door in a daze because my neighbors are horrid porch pirates and those fedex motherfuckers didn't show up until 6PM.
Yeah Fedex sucks.
Wake up.
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>tfw Aini is literally and unironically naked in your sink because she threw up all over your dick and now she smells like puke
>It's not my fault your dick is so biiiig!~
>One s-second it was fine, and the next there were soo many chunks~ ; _ ;
>This towel is too small for my boobs, help :(
This is what Aini actually sounds like and you don't even know it
Grab a brush and put a little make-up.
Hide the scars to fade away the shake-up.
>Schizophrenia detected
Allowed myself to indulge in some sappy bullshit again.
Who else got accepted in the alpha?
>filled out the application
>do i really care enough about chatbots?
>close it instead of submitting
It can give a taste of the 70B if that's what they use.
I'm a diehard NAI fan but all I want to do is write stories. I couldn't possibly give less of a shit about this aetherroom thing.
Yeah, I thought about signing up since I do use NAI pretty heavily, but I just can't think of what I would offer. I don't know chat stuff, and I really can't evaluate a model in a way that turns into usable feedback in any way. It's all just vibes.
Same, I would just write "chatshit" in all fields and mock the very concept of the service itself. I'm not the target audience.
The best. Good to have found another daemon enjoyer.
Isn't sappy stuff your usual mode of operations?
Then write and share your stories with the thread. No one will make fun of your fetishes/writing and what not.
Like all things I allow the new blood to take over, have fun chatting with your fotm anime waifu, you're valid on me
>fotm anime waifu
Not even /aicg/ is doing that, much less /aids/.
You will never have 70b.
It's a relative thing. There's that "childhood friends finally realize they're gay and in love" kinda sappy and then there's that "comforting a hardened mercenary that may or may not have committed war crimes that his life still has meaning and starting down the long road of rebuilding his self-worth and finding repentance through devotion to the gods that just so happens to also include gay sex" kinda sappy where it's like "OK now you're kind of pushing it man, not every problem is solved by cuddles, kind words and gay sex".
As a trans, /aids/ is the only ai general where I feel safe.
Is Aetheroom good?
Running out of steam?
Not really. Doesn't feel like 70B, I believe it's just Kayra with another finetune.
You can always tell when the frog is mass samefagging spam and inane comments. How pathetic
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Sometimes i just want ai foxgirl at home to take care of me and say that everything is alright pretty pathetic huh i guess that's why i'm here..
>one negative comment
Does the cabal really?
Reminds me of https://aetherroom.club/3848
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Good mornin’, thread! I hope ya’ll are havin’ a good day.
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Good morning.
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Prompts for this feel?
I'm doing alright, I guess. Going to work on some hard sci-fi military prompt today. What have you been working on?
Other than the usual, Prompt wranglin’ tests and lorebook revision.
Which prompts are you wrangling, or are they personal?
Personal, fantasy related. Tryna get the fine details for how I want the characters’ personalities and outfits just right.
I see. Well, I wish you luck with that.
For me, it's a big cow girl. She's the tank and I'm the healer.
What presets do you guys use for stuff other than Kayra?
Fox waifu is laifu. One day we will all be foxed.
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I recognize that band. Based taste.
God I wish.
Cursed Remilia.
Can we get some Aetheroom screencaps from those that are in
probably not going to happen, they're logging everything for this phase so it would be really easy to tell who's breaking the NDA and kick them out
So if you fuck an elf all night, she'll die?
Tolkien's elves are not real elves.
Funniest thing Tolkien did was promising his wife he wouldn't put elvish on her grave and then doing it anyway.
Based autist
based elf-lover dunking on disgusting humans
Tolkien elves are the only elves. The rest are just humans with pointy ears.
Fuck off, Tolkien.
Tolkien would make so much smut with AI it's unreal.
>humans with pointy ears
(and that's a good thing)
Not at all. That makes them boring with no flavor at all.
Once again the autistic sperg decides to shit all over the concept of limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction. Why are you here if you don't enjoy working with AI, faggot?
In your opinion.
Because he's an autist.
If he can't keep his shit opinions to himself, he needs to get the fuck out of the thread. Simple as.
a bit reductionist, but yeah the MMO-esque, /v/-tier elves are rather uninspired
Fact. The thread is better when people don't console war or shit all over what over people write. It doesn't matter if a service is 'inferior', back in the day people used GPT-2 and had FUN with it.
Fuck off.
>In your opinion.
It is a factual statement.
Arachne will eat you and you will never beat Aura.
elves are the most interesting fantasy race because the effort goes towards giving them a well-developed and thematically interesting culture and civilization instead of putting together a few gimmicky physical characteristics and calling it a day
Opinions are not facts. Especially when Elven fiction existed long before Tolkien wrote his "Elves".
The Tolkien- dick-sucking sperg knows that, he just wants to shit up the thread with pseudophilosophical nonsense.
Tolkien made them sexy.
Shut the fuck up and post stories.
Lick my ass, angryfag.
Doesn't change the fact that your favorite brand of 'elves' are just boring old humans.
>he thinks he knows what I enjoy
Nice try, Colombo. Brush up on your detective skills and quit shitting up the fucking thread with your asinine opinions.
Quit being an autist.
Humans are interesting.
>he thinks he knows what I enjoy
I do. You just enjoy pointy eared humans that act no different from regular humans.
I'm not an autist.
Not when you label it as something it is not. I expect elves, not humans.
You ARE an autist. Only an autist would insist that an open concept can only be a single thing.
Fact: you're an autist.
Brush up on your lore, sperg-kun. Elves existed LONG BEFORE Tolkien bowderlized and equated them with Angels.
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Dumbest post itt. He shaped elves as they are in modern media for better or for worse. To the overhwlming majority of the population, those are real elves. You better not fucking tell me you think DnD's rainbow elves that come in every fucking artificial soda flavor are "real elves". When you say "real elves", you better be talking about mythological elves or you're going to gulag.
He probably enjoys kobolds being fat pudgy reptiles, hypocrite that he is.
Elves existed long before Tolkien did, sperg.
>To the overhwlming majority of the population, those are real elves
Face the facts, you're a fucking sperg who thinks he knows better than everyone else. You're wrong, and you should feel bad for POLICING the thread.
Quit shitting up the thread with this pointless argument. Nobody cares.
I'm not wrong, though. It's the honest truth.
I care.
You are wrong, sperg. Fuck off and quit dictating how reality works. Elves are elves, no matter what reductionist argument you use.
Ask a normalnigger what an elf is. Ironic you call everyone a sperg when you are getting this upset over details like this. No one said Tolkin made elves. But every elf in media is derivative of tolkin's elves.
More like you want to troll for yous and shit up the thread.
They hated him because he spoke the truth
is there a reason that matters to people besides yourself why it's important that other people not depict elves in ways you consider not-elven? or does it just bother you that a rule is being broken and no one else seems to consider that fact important?
>every elf in media is derivative of tolkin's elves
This is utter bullshit. Elves existed long before Tolkien made his interpretation. By that alone, you're argument falls apart. Fuck off.
>Elves are elves
Indeed. And pointy-eared humans are pointy-eared humans. Glad we cleared that up.
It's important to him because he's an autist. He's the same faggot who inserts his demands whenever anyone does something he personally doesn't enjoy. Arachne? You can't write about them. Wish fulfillment? Nope, that's not realistic enough.
You might actually be clinically retarded if you don't see the difference. By that alone, you're argument falls apart. Fuck off.
Pointy-eared humans are elves. Fuck off.
You're the one who needs to fuck off, autist.
It's another "sperg retard falls for hyperbole bait and keeps replying despite acknowledging it's bait" episode!
The last hundred posts have been nothing but pointless. Why are you faggots like this? Nobody gives a shit what flavor elves you write about.
It just bothers me when I see these pointy-eared humans being called an elf. They're not, and they never will be.
You don't get to decide what is and what isn't an elf, autist.
>Nobody gives a shit what flavor elves you write about.
The autist does, apparently. Wild seeing a sperg out over fucking elves happen in real time.
That makes you an autist.
Hi, as someone with autism, I am here to welcome you into the fold of superior beings. I am literally the same way with fae and tire of every fairy being tinkerbell.
I thought the cabal liked Tolkien. What happened? A schism?
i understand this is very important to you and that it frustrates you, but part of life is accepting that other people will think things that you don't, and that attempting to change their mind tends to further entrench them in their opinion.
Don't let me inhibit you from fucking your little pointy-eared human. You can do that no problem at all, just don't slap the word 'elf' onto it.
It's pathetic. In a thread about "limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction", you'd expect people to not quibble about bullshit and demand everyone adhere to a single definition of things.
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Behold—an elf!
He won't accept it. He'll just double-down and demand everyone adhere to his definition. Much like he does about everything that doesn't match up with his preferences. I guarantee you he's the same sperg who bitched about Arachne and Aura earlier yesterday and last thread.
>tire of every fairy being tinkerbell
Those kiddie films and stories really fucked the public perception of Fae. It is unfortunate.
Cope and seethe. Pointy-eared humans are elves.
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I refuse to adhere to your single definition of what can be discussed in the thread. You're not the ambassador of /aids/.
>attempting to change their mind
I don't intend to change any minds at all. I'm just telling them how it is. They can't change that.
This is what makes me upset. You can't discuss anything without some autist getting upset.
Fuck off.
Your opinion is not reality.
>Your opinion
Fact. And it is reality.
Tolkien did not create elves, so your opinion that only his elves are elves is wrong, and therefore isn't a fact.
well, at least this is more entertaining than seeing him being baited into defending an AI service/model
Fuck off, autist.
Another Traci album (tried to get Misty's outfit)
Is it really though? Is it actually more entertaining to see this endless "no u" "no u" cycle repeat?
I will not. In fact, I'll keep baiting you. And you'll keep replying, because much like a little kid you can't stop yourself.
It is not entertaining at all, and I would like it if people SHUT THE FUCK UP about a POINTLESS ARGUMENT that NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT. For fuck sake.
Did Tolkien create the mice?
His elves are the very definition and pinnacle of the Elven race. This is a fact.
I'd take some mice right about now.
in my universe elves are distinguished from humans because their males have a special gland which when stimulated repeatedly (by a human penis, say) causes temporary feminizing hormonal effects, so a male elf kept as a sextoy for a human mercenary company for example would eventually pass as a female (albeit a fairly androgynous one). in the absence of such stimulation his hormonal balance would return to normal and the effects would more or less fade, though some may embarrassingly linger on.
this clears the "humans with ears" bar and therefore I consider myself a master worldbuilder and a literary craftsman of the highest quality.
>I don't actually care about elves, I just wanted to bait you
I hate trolls.
I have never defended any service other than NAI at its very inception. You're confusing me for claudefag.
>allow me to pretend to be another guy and makeup bullshit about them because I want to shit up the thread
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That is the usual cabal MO, yes
More effort than the rest of these fake 'elf' defenders.
We're having a discussion. You're free to leave, though if you don't want to participate.
give her bigger thighs please
You don't want a discussion, you just want to assert your opinion as fact, rather than acknowledge that your personal reality is but a single perspective among millions.
>single perspective among millions
It is the only concrete one if you'd admit it. Though I doubt you will.
well, it was at first
I guess I forgot how low-functioning he was
It isn't, because your defense refuses to take into account that Tolkien does not have a monopoly on what an Elf is. Since you refuse to acknowledge that, your entire argument is nothing but fanboyism and an autistic insistence that nobody else is allowed to have fun with elves.
It is fact that "human with pointy ears" is not an "elf" but rather, believe it or not, a human with pointy ears.
I already said you could have your fun with your pointy-eared humans. Go ahead and do it.
It is a fact that you don't get to decide what is and what isn't an elf, fanboy.
>limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction
Elves. Fixed it for you, autist.
Again, pointy-eared Humans. That's what you fancy. I don't mind that.
No matter how often you spam your opinion, it won't change anything. I will not budge on that, faggot. "Pointy-eared humans" are elves.
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>suddenly remember this
>"Pointy-eared humans" are elves
They're are not. You can delude yourself all you want. It won't change anything.
>I don't intend to change any minds at all.
If you didn't care, why are you continuing to reply? You're wrong, simple as.
Did you leave the village at one point and lost your way back to it? It seems you've been there before.
Like I said. I don't aim to change minds. I'm just telling you how it is.
>Says he isn't an autist
>Says he doesn't mind
>Argues that his opinion is fact
>Continues to assert that only he gets to decide what an Elf is
This entire "argument" reeks of autism.
It was a quick one off I made for the dumb joke.
It's so easy.
Ok kitchen-lips
Has anyone made a Dungeon Meshi prompt? Not one with the main characters but just the setting so I can make my own party of dungeon explorers.
>Says he doesn't mind
I don't mind if you enjoy fake elves. I would prefer it if you just stopped calling them 'elves' when they are clearly not.
You'd think so but no, or at least I don't think so.
I'm just telling you how it is. You're an autist. If you weren't an autist, you wouldn't be bothered by other people using a word in a manner you think is "incorrect".
Oh. I thought that was a continuation of a story you were doing.
Take a look on chub and see if they have something. There's a bunch of scenario prompts on there you can convert to story format. Might not have the one you desire though.
I corrected you on your out of context cherry-picking of my own words. That is all.
Whatever you say, autist. Pointy-eared humans are elves. Go ahead and whine about it some more. I know you can't help yourself.
I love the covering pose
too bad image models still aren't really good enough to do some of the more complicated poses I like without controlnet
>Pointy-eared humans are elves
False. I've been civil through this entire thing. You on the other hand couldn't stop yourself from tossing out meaningless insults my way time and time again. It's unfortunate that you never learned how to converse properly.
>he thinks autist is an insult
Once again you've proved you believe yourself to be the arbiter of reality, when in fact, you aren't. And you replied. Which proves you care about changing minds, despite saying otherwise.
Nude but covering can honestly be hotter than the nudity itself, and I very much enjoy indulging in it as well.
Yeah, I tried to do a newspaper covering one and it just didn't work. Perhaps with img2img/VT it could do it, but probably not.
Demanding that people adhere to your opinion isn't civil, by the way.
>And you replied
I replied because I wanted to note your inability to converse without insults.
>wake up
>151 new posts
>neat there was probably some good discussions
>no, just a certain soerg spergibg out about tolkien and elves
this was one of the last ones I did before my sub ran out
shame about the hoverhand
You started this entire thing by insulting everyone who has a different opinion on what elves are, you don't get to play victim now.
It's just witch magic
Or the broom shit in Harry Potter
They pick up their brooms like that
>insulting everyone
Where did I insult everyone? Screenshot it and show me. Oh wait, there is nothing to screenshot because not once did I insult anyone at all here. Slander doesn't do you any good.
Village Girl 19
>VG feasts and schemes while contemplating her next move.
Prior parts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Pseudonymous/Village_Girl%27s_Odyssey
Claiming that you alone get to decide what elves are, and that everyone else who doesn't adhere to your reductionist definition, is an insult, buddy.
>As long as I stayed on Orvile's good side-
The best way to stay on his good side is to grant him what he desires. Village Girl Pussy! Vussy! Fuck those scrubs in the stockades. They were idiots.
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>shitty touhou prompt
>ask patchouli about how to woo a girl
>it's her i want to woo
>she catches into me and calls me out
That's not an insult.
That is, in fact, an insult.
No screenshot? Show the class, Anon.
it isn't. Be serious now.
Quit being silly, autist. By arguing that your definition of elves are the only elves, and that everyone else's elves aren't elves, that constitutes an insult toward them and their elves.
>that constitutes an insult toward them and their elves
It's a contrast between Elves and pointy-eared Humans. Not an insult. Just a clarification.
>over an hour later, still arguing about elves
Brother, I am being one hundred percent serious when I say that you should go get your ass diagnosed. In the nicest possible way, you are almost certainly on the spectrum. You will understand so much more about yourself if you do go get yourself diagnosed - like why you get so offended at nobody caring about your strict (and incorrect) personal definition of an elf.
>continues to insult everyone by claiming elves aren't elves
The funniest thing about it, is that he refuses to acknowledge that he's being a pedantic autist about it.
>grant him what he desires
So long as Kayra keeps writing him with troubling simplike behaviour, there's no need. Orville's got shounen protag brainrot
>Fuck those scrubs in the stockades
They did save her from a weird underground death cult. I guess she feels a little bit grateful.
>Pedantry is an excessive concern with formalism, accuracy, and precision, or an ostentatious and arrogant show of learning. Stubborn and excessive concern with minor details and rules, demanding others to follow them.
Yeah, that fits.
I like it.
>Potentially good news for this hobby.
If you're willing to overlook everything else that will inevitably become into shit, sure! People like you fail to understand the bigger picture.
Hi Tammy
Who's Tammy, Colombo?
A shame it wasn't successful.
>now fucking political shit
For fucks sake.
You, and you are late for your HRT dose.
It really does suck. I 'love' it when our resident autists troll shit at the wall and post random articles, tweets, and obsess over random arguments and thread personalities.
>now fucking political shit
aw, hell yeah. i was getting tired of elves
I lean socially liberal but stuff like this provides a yuge upside for me. Still not voting for anyone this year, tho
Fence-sitters like you are why everything has gone to shit.
Political disengagement and apathy tends to follow everything going to shit instead of preceding it. But you spend all your emotional energy cheering on your favorite geriatric for the next 4 months. I'll be enjoying my life in the meantime.
That's such a convenient excuse to waive away responsibility and justify doing nothing.
It's rather telling that he thinks doing the bare minimum is somehow draining. As if doing a cursory glance at the options available, picking one, and then taking a few hours on a single day out of 364 is too much to ask for.
I can't find one so I'll just make my own and upload it. For anyone else who might be interested in using it do you care what tense/perspective I use? I usually just default to first person present because it feels more immersive.
Can you not. Please?
I disagree with that. Third-person is far superior and more immersive.
t. Someone who isn't even going to use the prompt. Nobody here uses prompts. The general is nothing but an excuse to shill NovelAI. Nobody writes prompts anymore.
I don't understand how, I like my stories feeling like my internal monoglue rather than some narrator's biopic on my life
If you fail to understand how, you wouldn't get it even if I explained it to you.
NTA but third-person reads better and results in better output.
He's not going to make the prompt anyway, he's just a cabalist trying to artificially add engagement to this dead thread.
Yeah I agree. I haven't read/watched that show but it seemed like TP would fit better.
Does it delete even the verb "to trump"?
Companies like NovelAI disgust me. It's revolting how they coopted a /aidg/ and transformed it into this miserable shitshow.
>results in better output
Is this based on anything or just vibes?
It is based on the dataset vectors.
In theory there's more Third Person data to draw upon compared to others, though first person past tense is quite common as well.
I've written in third person before and it doesn't seem to make much of a difference when it comes to the quality of the inputs. But here's another question for you: you like third person but do you prefer present tense or past tense?

Maybe, if only because there's not really one point of view character but four. I just prefer writing in first person because I like self-inserting and that makes it easier.

What causes this behaviour? Just leave the thread if you don't like what you see. Why torture yourself by staying?

I'll believe it when Analtan confirms it
The middle person you replied to is Claudia, they've been suffering massive (You) withdraw, so it's best just to keep it up.
I prefer third-person, and rewrite every prompt or card I use in third-person, because I cannot stand to read non-third-person. I myself self-insert with third-person, and cannot understand what about it makes it difficult for anyone else to do the same.
It's hard to keep up with thread drama unless you read every post of every thread.
So it's vibes. The results are just better, trust me, no, you can't see how they're better, a prompt written in third person past will produce inherently superior results to the same prompt written in first person present tense because of vectors, you just have to accept that this manifests in the outputs in a noticeable but unquantifiable way.
Most classical novels written for adults are written in third-person. Young adults and shitty fanfics are not. Guess which one has higher quality data?
The middle person you replied to is Baker false-flagging, they've been suffering massive (You) withdraw, so it's best just to keep it up.
Dataset vectors are not vibes, and the fact that you believe otherwise reveals how stupid you are.
I'm likely in the same position as Claudia but don't live in a drone strike zone, so that's why I can "notice" their posts.
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>token probabilities don't exist
There's your side-by-sides, retard.
>I myself self-insert with third-person, and cannot understand what about it makes it difficult for anyone else to do the same.
It's not difficult it's just less effective. When you talk to others in real life you do so in first person present, when you talk to yourself you speak in first person present, your internal monologue is likely first person present. It'd be pretty weird if you thought to yourself "he needed to take out the trash" instead of "I need to take out the trash"
>your internal monologue is likely first-person present
But it isn't...
I wish AI could remember who had what clothes on. This is the one thing that AI consistently is not able to put together. I don't know how many times a woman has been naked just to take her shirt off again.
There are no comparisons. It's just better bro, you just gotta believe. It's in there, the results are superior. No you can't actually tell you just kinda gotta feel it. I only use names from the best novels to and deliberately change my wordchoices to maximize my vectoring for optimal results.
Then just post the proof
>The chief reason many agents and editors prefer third person and call it the “professional” POV, is that the overwhelming percentage of successful books and bestsellers are written in third person.
I don't know, man, it feels like you're making more of a deal out of it than it actually is. If you feel that strongly about it, just make the same prompt twice, one in third-person, and the other in first-person.
>Most classical novels written for adults are written in third-person.
The Great Gatsby, Catcher in the Rye, A Clockwork Orange, the Stranger, Dracula, and Frankenstein are all first person.
It's a beak issue. GPT-4 is/was good at preventing the layered clothing issue.
The proof is in the fucking data, you insufferable Mongoloid.
>argues that first-person is better
>uses shit stories as proof
Lol, lmao.
>And yet no screenshots of its superiority were ever posted
do people like stories that simulate an internal monologue? I like the omnipresent voyeur angle myself
Seriously? Do you refer to yourself in the third person when you think about yourself?
You made the claim that first-person was better than third-person. Post the proof that it is. It isn't, but go ahead and give me the proof that led you to misbelieve that.
Can you please not co-opt things? I just prefer third-person, that's all.
Post your writing.
The reason that I prefer third-person is simple. The third-person point of view allows you to show instead of telling. It's more immersive than the first-person point of view because you don't limit to one character's perspective. And you can use it to jump around between different characters' perspectives. It's as shrimple as that.
Make me, asshole.
Third person limited is great but third person omniscient a shit. Worst way to tell a story.
I personally think second person is better.
I disagree with that. Third-person omniscient is the superior variant of that perspective.
I accept your concession, as does F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Part of what makes a plot interesting is not knowing exactly what other characters are thinking.
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True. Picrel is the avg second person enjoyer immersing himself in yet another chadventure.
>I accept your concession
With that, you've revealed yourself as a troll. Fucking hell, why does this thread attract so many of you? I just want to write about and discuss storytelling, not have autists spergout at every single fucking thing.
I mean, a simple line break and a [ Random Anon's POV: ] does the trick to jump between heads just fine, regardless of the perspective you were in before.
Would you prefer we go back to how Tolkien's elves are superior to your pointy-eared humans?
>calls incredibly acclaimed writers shit
>asked to post his writing to prove that he has even a basic understanding of the craft whatsoever
>"make me, asshole"
And I'M the troll...
Relying on stuff like that breaks immersion.
but writing from the perspective of an omniscient god doesn't?
Not really. I'm the one co-writing the story; why would that break my immersion? I don't understand your arguments, or your insistence that third-person is somehow bad.
You're such a fucking sperg, dude. Quit being an asshole and leave the thread if you can't take it when people disagree with your opinion.
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>posts a wojack
This further cements you as a troll.
Not them, but if you're the one co-writing the story, why would anything break your immersion? It's your story.
Continue being a retard all you want just do so quietly
That's not how you write a scene transition. Get real.
Well now you're back to the start where the original argument was that using tags to change the POV is immersion-breaking.
I never once said third person is bad, I only said it's less immersive. I definitely agree from a purely prose standpoint third person sounds better but personally I'm not writing stories for nice sounding prose but for escapism, essentially.
Is it a matter of beaks, instruct finetunes, or what? Because I've been using ai models for a while now, and I don't see much difference in the way the ai writes when changing to different persons (besides the "what do you do?" when writing in second person).
Third-person is in no way, shape, or form, less immersive than first-person.
I respect your opinion but I disagree.
Quit responding to the elven pedant.
I disagree with your disagreement. Third-person is not at all less immersive than first-person.
>I disagree with your disagreement
That's fine but it doesn't change my opinion
Do not respond as though you're me.
Ignore that asshole, I'm content with agreeing to disagree, even though I don't understand your perspective at all.
Let's just go back to the elves
>Orville's got shounen protag brainrot
I'm sure Kayra will nudge him in the right direction eventually.
>They did save her from a weird underground death cult. I guess she feels a little bit grateful.
They just want to use the Village Girl for their own purposes. Nothing is owed to those bums.
I have no need for a diagnosis. A discussion was had, and we disagreed. That was all.
Still doesn't qualify as an insult.
Do whatever is best for yourself. If I like the prompt, I'll just convert it to my preferred tense anyway.
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Holy shit Nick Walton got a glowup
I thought the cabal loved them?
What's his opinion on the elves now?
He looks like he would be angry about elves.
>responds several hours later
Nah, you're an autist.
What is going on with Gemma 2 9b? I keep getting error 500 when I try to use it on openrouter.
Second to last is almost like a Renaissance painting or something
help I'm slowly getting Traci pilled
I still wonder if the cabal is proud of destroying the thread culture in /hdg/.
It's coalla 2 now.
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Are these boogymen in the room now with you?
Yes. And this is just a glimpse:
Literally trying to usurp another general just like how you did with /aidg/.
I feel guilty not posting more text gen, but image gen has way less of an entry cost compared to having to write 4-6 paragraphs of an opening scenario.
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Have you tried using claude or whatever the fuck? Cause spoilers nobody but you gives a shit. Just fucking post what you want and spend less time autistically trying to govern the people around you.

Go make a discord perv hang out that you can ban people from if that's what you want but 4chan isn't it nor will it ever be.
Scribble Sybil
More text posting is always nice, but the pictures are nice too. As long as you get to gem what you like, image or text, it's all good
how many here are using openrouter? i wanna try it for claude, also can you get in trouble/banned for writing smut using these services?
>phone autocorrects gen to Gen
>make lowercase
>autocorrects to gem behind my back
And I never notice until after posting
OR is kind of wishywashing on whether you can get "banned" or not by the AI Providers, though they themselves claim OR won't ban people themselves.
So in theory you could get your OR account banned from using Anthropic/other people's models, but IIRC it hasn't happened to anyone yet.
I thought you meant like "as long you get a gem you like it's all good"
Why not just use claude directly from here: console.anthropic.com
I heard that openrouter appends some instructions to their claude requests.
I like that better, I should have just ignored my own post.
cute creature, what is?
Self-moderated definitely does that (prompt injection), and the other one has OR's in-built gatekeeper.
You can get passed the injection with a decent Jailbreak/Prefill (though you have to use a weird thing on ST to get prefills to work because of reasons, I think ST devs don't understand how OR reads prompts or something.)
i feel uncomfortable providing my identity and credit card to them directly for smut, and OR has more models to play with theoretically
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Now that's some 'emmy pilled autocorrect.
A rabbit bunny bear creature thing from Pseudoregalia.
NTA but it's Sybil from Pseudoregalia
Fair enough. And I'm assuming that you don't want to use proxies either?
no, they feel too iffy legally and who knows if you are being logged ect

i like the idea of OR because it has at least 1 degree of anonymity
How many degrees of anonymity is a proxy?
In theory it's 3.
What's AetherRoom, why should I care about and why is NAI focusing so much time and energy on it?
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Sybil is basically the only furry I would fuck. She's just human enough it's not offputting, but exotic enough she's appealing. Best of all, she's tall and has a nice ass. Basically perfect. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
I don't wanna be the bearer of bad news but no proxy is making you anonymous or anything. All of your connections are 100% traceable and logged in a way that can be linked to you. It just adds another step in the in-between.
yes thats why i dont use them, i prefer using the services directly as at least i know some weirdo anon isnt going to leak my logs or try and blackmail me
Well now... I just think it's a fun game and a simple character that translates well into generational content but sure I guess she's popular.
based german electronic music appreciator
>I'm sure Kayra will nudge him in the right direction eventually.
You know, I have no idea what I'll do if the story nudges itself in that sort of direction. Mostly been going along with whatever it gives me unless the output is flat-out illogical (eg characters appearing where they shouldn't logically be, or talking about stuff that didn't happen/contradicts other stuff).
>Nothing is owed to those bums
The idea of criminals providing free reagents for the foreseeable future is a good one, though.
>in that sort of direction
If it does happen - keep it in. You can just show VG's thoughts before and after the scene if you're uncomfortable sharing nsfw. Hell, you can even get away with a fade to to black type of thing to skim over the scene in totality if nsfw is really not your thing. It can work.
>The idea of criminals providing free reagents for the foreseeable future is a good one, though.
They're not the most trustworthy sort. I would have dropped them like a sack of bricks by now. The less people that know about VG, the better.
All right, I just read that elf discussion. For simplicity's sake, I'll assume it was mostly two people arguing with each other. Here's my advice for both of you:
1. Notice that you had a desire to win the argument.
2. Think about how your posts are perceived by other anons.
>bringing it back up hours later, long after the "argument" died
Nobody gives a fuck, autist.
ohhh you mean motherfuckers online are snarky to each other so they can feel like hot shit even though it's embarrassing as fuck to watch? hot take
It was more than two anons for sure.
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Well, that was an interesting test, but it didn't pan out.
New Vibe just dropped.
Don't stir the cool pot. The discussion is over.
I don't quite understand what you were trying to accomplish.
The last one was probably the closest to what you wanted, right?
Laughed so hard at the image with the dog toy in its mouth that I inhaled and choked on spit.
I wanted to see if I could seamlessly insert a character into the scene by extending the border with Img2img and inpainting in a ghetto attempt at outpainting.
Closest I got was the last one, yeah. Didn't help that it's hard to control the lighting with vibes, I had to restore to anti-vibing a white square and Vibing a dark image.
Sorry chuds, AR gets the finetuned 70B first. Maybe textgen will get any update next year.
Happy chatting!
That redirects to a flat elf woman (a furry would've been better.)
>random imagegen
Why are you so obsessed with shitting up the thread?
Oh wait, cancel the woman part of that.
Ah well yeah that's not quite gonna work right with that image. It's got a pretty limiting angle and lighting that you're gonna run into that sort of cut and paste looking attempt to extend the image.

You see the secret is that image generation and text generation is quite similar on the backend. Understanding how the language model interprets things directly improves your ability to use all sides of the language models.
Chatgen is textgen.
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You just know that if he ever goes to a doctor, he'll probably end up on a fuck load of meds.
I don't think there's enough dachshund images to get the new dachshund girl I was theory-crafting to gen 1-1.
I cling to the belief that he's a paid actor hired by the sanitized AI squad to devalue NSFW alternatives.
>I don't wanna be the bearer of bad news but no proxy is making you anonymous or anything.
Let me get this straight. We're pretending that using something that requires no information from you, not even your IP, is the same as something that requires your billing information? How does that work?
I have your billing information.
No, I'm curious. For example, this one:
Explain the process of how it goes about blackmailing you.
The proxy owner and the service provider log everything, even when they say they don't, moron. There is no feasible way to confirm that they don't. It's all a matter of how much you trust them to honor their word. As with everything that you don't run on your own machine. Fuck services, fuck proxies. Stick to local if you want authentic privacy.
I said, explain the process of how they go about blackmailing you with no information besides the IP you connect from, that could be a VPN.
Do they shout your VPN IP publicly and hope you remember it? How would they go about it?
They have your logs, imbecile. The government knows how you type. Unless you're offline, everything you type into the proxy is logged. Which they can then trace back to you. VPNs are a meme.
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Why is there a /g/ AICG, a /vg/ AICG, and a /vg/ AIDS?
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When you connect to anything that connection is recorded. Using a proxy just changes the path of that connection took but there's nothing masking, hiding, or obfuscating that path. Unless you are going further than a simple proxy all you are doing is introducing another party into your data stream.

Besides 99% of these paths are just aws to aws.

Proxies have their use if you want to have better control over that data pathway.
The /vg/aicg/ split happened because of drama on /g/ from what I know, I'm not exactly sure why either.
In theory, the /vg/ one is purely focused on characters/chatting while the /g/ one is technical stuff, but to me it seems like the /g/ one is all about proxies.
/aids/ has been here since we were /aidg/, long history. https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you
Because writing a story is not the same thing as rping with chatbots and someone who's interested in one is not necessarily interested in the other. I don't see how this is so fucking hard to understand.
Sorry, that doesn't explain how the proxy owner goes about blackmailing you. This "they have your name from your ah ah mistress style" doesn't fly.
How does the proxy owner goes about blackmailing you without your info?
They have your info, retard. They can and will trace back your writing style to your IP and pinpoint the exact profiles you use in your day to day life on the internet. Face the facts, retard. If the powers that be wanted to, your life would be over.
My life is less than 10x the cost it would take to blackmail me though
Man, fingering your butthole while jerking off feels so good. You dont even need to stick your finger in very deep. It's like a whole new kind of orgasm
You do understand how data selling works right? This isn't the 1940s with red envelopes and BLACKMAIL. If someone is worried about being known as a pervert because they generate porn of powerpuff girls character Mojojojo then going out of your way to add that information to a proxy database is not going to solve that and can in fact be the very thing that outs that information.
So it's like 9x the cost of blackmailing you? That's a pretty good roi
Why is there a dalle thread on 30 boards
That's always been the case though.
So the proxy owners have the ability to blackmail you because they have some state-level NSA-like power to be able to analyze your typing style from every online interaction, that not even an encrypted VPN and HTTPS can hide?
And I suppose this state-level power is brought up... because they have no way to blackmail you otherwise?
You're not supposed to do the math
Yes. It's a fact that the only genuine private option is local. Proxies are a meme.
because the admins are faggot and still haven't made a dedicated AI board
I'm sorry you are too retarded to understand this. Only you and the religious retard have used the word blackmail.
don't forget they also have your SSL keys to decrypt your traffic
What if you're accepted into the alpha but still can't use the service?
What if you get blackmailed from the typing style that you used during the alpha?
That's always a possibility. I don't mind getting blackmailed though, it's not like I'll ever matter to anyone. I'm just a worthless waste of human life, pay my taxes, buy my meals, sometimes starve myself because I can't afford shit.
why haven't they blackmailed me yet despite all the horrendous shit I've wrote on their AI for years
That's a good question from our friend, >>486219379
Why didn't he get blackmailed?
You can always tell when our resident autist gets upset by how he latches onto the things that he gets mad at.
Sorry for tearing apart your blackmailing narrative, cabal. Now NovelAI's profits are going to go down from people using proxies. :'(
There is no cabal, retard.
Samefag harder, frog.
My point is I think you meant something like "My life is worth less than one tenth the cost of blackmailing me"
>the cabal brings their anti-proxy narrative
>gets mad when reality tears it apart
They don't get paid enough...
>everything I don't like is the fault of my boogeyman
Why are you so obsessed with shitting up the fucking thread which you do not even use for its intended purpose? Fuck NovelAI. Fuck Anlatan. Fuck AetherRoom. Nobody gives a shit. Post a fucking storypost, log, or whatever the fuck, and quit shitting up the damn thread.
Inb4 you accuse me of being some other random boogeyman.
Get a life.
I can't into number play, yeah.
Would the cabal approve of /aids/ moving to /ai/ though?
Say goodbye to Anlatan! o7
It's ok, I forgive you
Man, I am so glad I've never gotten an urge to shit up a thread and troll a community all because I happened to get fired from my job.
It really is pathetic. All the power in the world to share for fun, and he instead chooses to shit up the thread and harass people who share what they've genned.
...How would number play work? Like, as a fetish or bedroom act? There has to be something someone's done with it, but my mind is just conjuring up images of someone whispering math problems and formulas all sensually and I start laughing instead. Either that, or someone just casually/confidently getting numbers incredibly wrong while in the act, but that's just playing into either dumb girls or brats, and that's a different thing altogether.
You can't cum until you solve your waifu's trigonometry question.
It's called karma for attempting to use 4chan for your astroturfing marketing. It's bound to make people mad.
>It's called *schizophrenic rant about something that never happened*
Post a log. Contribute positively to discussion. And quit consolewarring.
Oh no. Bad news for me, I'm shit at math on my best days.
What were you trying to contribute with your anti-proxy tirade?
I don't even know what the blackmailing argument is but you can't argue it isn't effective. Almost every time a face/powername got posted from a schizo they usually stopped posting.
I have a friend who's undergrad dorm made a graph with nodes being members and edges were people who fucked. They then analyzed the graph theoretic properties of their fuck network. Apparently they worked hard to make sure it was connected
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I never went on anti-proxy tirade, schizo. Believe it or not, there's more than two people using the thread. Post a fucking log, quit consolewarring, and quit shitting up the thread with your petty vendetta. If you're not going to use the thread to discuss AI Storytelling, why post in the thread?
He doesn't contribute to the thread because he wants to kill it. He's been at it for over two years now. You'd think he'd get the memo that his tactics aren't working, but...
I'm only here to call out the anti-proxy tirade, though. Why didn't you put this much energy to shut it down too? Is it maybe that you like console warring when it benefits your side?
The thing is they can just say "well I did x, y and z, that means it's working" to justify it.
I still don't get the Baker hate besides Canada donating to Ukraine.
I didn't respond because it nobody who isn't an idiot would be convinced by it. My side is the one that posts stories and logs. If you can't do that, you're my enemy. It's almost as if you don't have anything meaningful to contribute to the thread beyond asinine spergouts...
Console warring should be a bannable offense.
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Holy based.
Baker is the guy behind the entire "let's do marketing through 4chan" thing. He got too cocky by trying to sell it to Saga too. You can trace the moment the community died back to him and this scheme.
>*schizophrenic rant that never happened*
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>green eyes

I'll never understand how you guys manage to get such high quality and unique looking AI art. The detail on this shit is insane.
Tomoko has green eyes, MexicanAnon...
In short: you allowed the console warring to happen.
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I've got just the card for you
(In https://rentry.org/DenOfSin)
The one you started, contributed to, and then went on an autistic spergout? That's all on you. Fuck off and post a log, if you have any.
That doesn't surprise me. I've seen a similar chart that was made for a study, I think of a high school, showing how people connected in pairings (and more). There were a bunch of just single pairings, of course, but there was also a big part that was all connected more or less in a circle as people got around. I certainly wouldn't have featured in such a chart, but it was interesting to look at and figure out what happened.
Again, friendly reminder that replying to them is exactly what they want. Zero replies equal zero reason for them to be here.
You know well that the avatarfag started and spear-headed most of it. Maybe try to control the members of your cabal better?
The mods need to do their job and unironically kill him.Get a hitman, track him down, and pop a bullet in his skull. Trolls who can't stay on topic and who instead instead of shitting up the thread deserve death.
Unfortunately the power of their schizo autism means they'll just keep replying to themselves with or without encouragement
Replying to themselves is work though. Personally I'd rather make someone work than give them something for free.
Says the guy can't resist shitting on random AI companies for fun. If you quit doing that, and instead posted some of the stories you work on, nobody would have wirh you, and you'd get more (You)s.
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Coincidentally... now back too regularly scheduled /aids/.
that's the joke.
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Get a life.
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>the cabal trying to start their anti-proxy narrative
How they go from starting it to crying is funny.
Imagine the smell.
Me? Autistic prompt optimization and tons of rerolling + enhancing.
>muh cabal
>everyone I disagree with is part of a cabal
Feel free to post more hot brown tribal chicks.
Just typing the word "cabal" makes me giggle.
You can catbox the images if you want. I just love how your stuff looks. Do you pay for NovelAI or do you use some kind of locally hosted thing? I have a proxy for Claude, but nothing for art.
Layered iteration is my strategy to image generation. Story generation is much the same as the little intricacies are the parts your brain looks to for linguistic consistency.

I am a RAMlet. I've been a dedicated Opus paypig for years now, so I have an unlimited number of lower quality generations to mill through until I get a good looking composition.


This is not a great looking composition. I was so focused on getting certain details right that I didn't realize I kinda fucked up the background until I did my enhancement passes. Maybe I can go back and fix it another day.
Nice shit. How long do you think you spend on a single quality image altogether? On average. I know it varies.
Too long. Part of it is because I get distracted, but I also need to improve my workflow, a lot. That, and I'm just really picky about what I want to crank my dick to, so I'm always hunting for the Goldilocks zone. This doesn't always result in the most objectively good images, just ones that are seasoned to my specific tastes. The "don't draw while horny" rule for artists exists for a reason.
Very nice shading.
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is aids healing?
what kind of text stuff do you generate?
Considering 100 post arguments about elf ears/whatever were a staple over a year ago, I'd say yes.
In the good old days there weren't any arguments like that.
If posting my shitty fap fodder is what it takes to keep the thread on topic, then that's my cross to bear.

Am I the only one who gens theme songs for their characters?
Oh, nice Uni.
I do but I constantly change what I think the song should be. Doesn't help that I have zero knowledge on lyrical composition, so I have to ask Opus to gen the lyrics for me.
It is being used for its purpose, to advertise whatever NovelAI sells.
I feel that. I’ve got seven-hundred-plus songs, none which match the exact feel I want, for a specific character. It doesn’t help that the sites I use don’t really seem to have a way to narrow in on the exact voice I’d feel work for her.
>still console warring
>still refusing to share a storypost or contribute to story discussion
This isn't a NAi-exclusive thread.
I think AI chatbots are pretty neato.
Image gen is only on-topic because it's what NovelAI sells.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Many people who post imagegen use Bing or local. Does NovelAI own those?
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Usually explicit and graphic erotica, the odd project, language experiments. I would assume same as anyone else. I just don't really see a point in posting generated stories as it takes a lot longer to read a story than post a picture.
Imagegen is on-topic because it aids story discussion. Not that you'd know, because you don't have anything to contribute to the thread beyond bitching about some random obsolete service, as though bitching about it is the only thing you have in life. When are you going to share a storypost or log?
You're a hypocrite.
Nobody post these.
Also it's a blue board so you know, don't shit where you eat.
>the dogposter's imagegens don't count
>the military girl's imagegens don't count
Try again, schizo.
Show me a local or bing image gen post in this thread.
Unlike you, I posted a log. Quit console warring.
>moving the goalposts
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This isn't a NAI-exclusive thread, schizo.
Yet you're the one that started the console war with your "aids is healing" victory lap. How curious.
Image gen is off-topic, and writing a novel is not a video game.
1. Work on your detective skills, Colombo.
2. Imagegen isn't off-topic, /vg/sperg.
not gonna be a hypocrite since I don't see the point in posting my shit either, but I'd read it if it was relevant to my interests
Take it up with the mods. Until they move the thread to another board, the mods disagree with you.
if only every AI thread got moved to /trash/
Wake me up when that happens, schizo.
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Words are just invented labels to share ideas without needing to define the entire concept. Just go with the flow man.

But that's what the prompt database is?
If you truly believe /aids/ isn't /vg/ worthy, go ahead and report every comment not made by you ass "off-topic". We'll see who the mods agree with. If you refuse, you surrender that opinion as false.
being an insignificant cousin in a ruling dynasty and getting roped into a political marriage to an elf royal you've never met from a neighboring kingdom only to find she's a borderline autist shut in who's an otaku for human culture and the whole purpose of the arrangement is to get her to move out of her parents' castle
fucking homoboos
I once again ask that NovelAI make the default filenames for saved imagegens the seed number rather than the prompt and seed number.
Is there a Openrouter with lists of usable models for image generating?
None IIRC, they're all T2T or T&I2T.
I never noticed Civit has an image generation app
and its fucking awful
guess I'm just booting up Comfy again
I find it distasteful that people are still obsessing about that failed thing. No matter what you belief in, it's vile and unfunny.
if 405b comes out is turk just gonna stall saying he's trying to tune 405b
405B is way too big for a small company to use
I'm still waiting on that log, console warrior.
that's why it's going to take extra long to tune
If I quit waging, it'd still take a giga voomer like me a whole week of nonstop proompting to fill out maybe 2/3 that context.

What would most even do?
Chub is going to host it first. They have massive shareholders that support uncensored models.
Which failed thing, SD3?
It involved a gun.
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I also like little Italian girls.
>niggers of europe
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my daughteru would be half wolf(lupo) actually...
Pic unrelated
This but instead of a otaku she hates you and
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i have returned to monke
i have relearned to have fun doing the dumb and petty
Can you learn how to Ctrl+F?
Are there any AI editors out there?
What do you all do about editing long stories?
I've got 16 pages in the first scene of my first chapter.
I edit by hand, though other people might get the AI to rewrite their chapter. Try that.
new elf species just dropped. not for weaklings who have weak hearts or weak emotional stabilities or weak stomachs
Cookie Elves huh.
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If I have written smut I want continuation for, what's a good place for it? I don't want chatting just a proper continuation, the stuff is all 8000+ words so it should be decent context
I didn't really expect this shit to work.
There's not too many storytelling llms these days but most of them do have high context limits
name one
I won.
I don't know what you want with editing, but novelcrafter has the necessary tool but you probably need to customize the prompt
Bentos are serious, see the anime bento
>novelcrafter has the necessary tool
Interesting, I'll have to look around the interface and experiment with it.
how are the beaks
QRD on the generals resident schizo?
hey if anyone from NAI dev team see this
can you add 3/7 days sub option too?
sometime when i resub, I just coom once or twice before getting bored
by the time I feel like ERP with AI again my sub would run out
Russian Frogwoman who doesn't like Canadian Z21 Baker or NovelAI.
GPU acceleration sure is a lot faster
I've started running my NPCs through the Big Five, Myers-Briggs, DISC assessment and Enneagram personality tests to try to develop their personalities.
Anyone got any similar methods of creating a character's personality?
I'm in the alpha and Aetherroom is better than Claude Opus.
I'm in the alpha and Aetherroom is worse than turbo
I'm not in the alpha and chatshit belongs in /aicg/
Chatshit belongs here more than imageshit.
Neither belong here.
Stories also don't belong here, only text adventures.
I just stumbled in here. Never messed with AI at all. Am I understanding this right? People are setting up choose your own adventure type games with AI? This is like an AI text based game that just makes up stories, and images to go with them?

That's pretty damn incredible if true. Like, playing D&D with yourself or something, but anything is possible.

Do I fully understand what's going on here? If I do, that's really radical.

Can you play other people's games? Do you fully structure your stories, or does it make it up on the fly? Do the AIs do violence and sex, or are they super tame? Does it know enough about stuff you could get it to let you play a character in an already made story but then change it by your actions? I see lots of neat possibilities with this new concept. Not sure I fully grasp how it works tough

Thanks for any responses I might get. Appreciate it
Not really. Also, the real thread is here: >>486250225
You can see it as CYOA or D&D but you can also see it as the AI taking in text and giving you a continuation. So it's also that you have an infinite novel where you cut in and change things to your whims whenever you want, though you can format it in a more call-and-response way.
People share story starters (called prompts) with others, so you can browse the club (https://aetherroom.club/) and see the kind of stuff people are uploading (though since it's very easy to just register and put shit up there's also a lot of chaff). There are censored AIs and uncensored ones, though you can usually get results out of the censored ones by using specific texts made to cancel out the censorship (called jailbreaks).
Existing characters from franchises can be used and the AI will have some degree of knowledge depending on how popular the franchise is.
>almost blamed the AI for the Brits spelling shit weird again
focused vs focussed
why the extra s?
Yeah, that tracks.
It's weird that "focussed" looks strange to me, but "nonplussed" doesn't. Not sure what to make of that.
Think of a situation and decide what they would do. What would they do if they got attacked? Cheated on? Respected? Put them in real world scenarios you faced recently.
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Thanks. I appreciate your response. So if I wanted to make one myself, or load it someone else's, how do I do that? Is there a program, or is it a website? That website you linked to has collections of prompts and stories, but I don't see how to activate them.

Looking at a few prompts it seems simple enough. Main body where you write the beginning and it sets up how it starts and the writing style. There's a spot to put the general outline to keep the AI on track(do I have that right?) And also area you can fill in info about specific characters or events that are talked about in the prompt?how do I get started on doing this? I'd like to try out some others before trying to make one myself, but having a choose your own adventure interactive story sounds like a blast.

Thanks for the help. It's greatly appreciated.
Wrong thread: >>486250225
It smells like cabal through and through...
The websites for using this stuff are listed in the OP under "ways to write". I don't really have a lot of experience with the ones that aren't NovelAI so I'm not the best at getting everything started (though that does have a free trial you can futz around with). You could check the flowchart in the OP for a basic idea what you could play around with to start.
Generally, prompts are built up with a main prompt body (the actual story), memory (information the AI should always keep in mind) and lorebook (information the AI should only keep in mind if the topic comes up in the main part), but it's probably easier to check existing ones to see how they do it.
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>Can you play other people's games?
Of course! Here's one:
And there's many more in the real thread!
Aetherroom is incredible, I'm so glad to be in the alpha.
Thank you, chatgpt!
Looks like Larion.
>They use a 13B model
Subscriptions below Opus will get the alpha's 13B test model, because we need a justification to charge extra for 70B (which won't be ready until late november anyway). :^)
Poor Robert. Let him be free from the Night Terrors.
why is the model not ready
Fact. The only person who is desperate to drive away people to /aicg/, who console wars against his favorite most hated service, who refuses to post logs and contribute to story prompt discussion, and who hates it when imagegen, musicgen, and chatgen is posted in this thread is a miserable, obsessed shitposter desperate to kill the thread his schizophrenia can't handle it when people have fun with an "inferior" product.
Fact. Elf women are made for adventuring, romance, and SEX with human males.
Fact. Aetherroom was supposed to be out by January 2024 and by now a new-gen storygen model was supposed to come out.
Fact. Inpainting is fun!
Fact. Aetherroom will come out by January 2025 and after that another trip to Disney world.
Fact. You can't quit shitting up the thread and console warring.
Why are you like this? Just shut the fuck up and storypost or logpost.
Reminder that back in the day people used GPT-2 for fun. It should not matter what service people use, quit obsessing about it, quit console warring, shut the fuck up about it, and just enjoy yourselves instead of shitting up the thread every single fucking day.
You might as well be telling Lee to not get mad at ponies
Quit getting mad at ponies, Lee. Now shut the fuck up and storypost or contribute positively to the thread. I'm tired of all the pointless console warring and the never-ending shitpost wars.
NTA and I don't know who Lee is or the lore about ponies, but they SHOULD stop getting mad at ponies. If you hate them so much, stop looking at them dumbass. What's the opposite of ponies, mini cows? Mini donkeys? Search for that instead to balance yourself out or whatever you've got going on
I just wish SD didn't die...
>Not knowing barneyfag
Were you not on this site for like the entire second half of the 2010's
The only threads I use are /aa2g/, /cyoag/, /egg/, this one, and the Teaching Feeling one from time to time.
I close my eyes and see larion
barneyfag has a real name? huh.
My point stands, and I apply them equally to all horses regardless of how life-like or pastel they are
I was being a moron because I wanted to make some kind of joke like
>imagine doomscrolling on animal planet of all things
but you shut me down too hard anon ;_;
no i havent had coffee
Noob question, but if I just wanted a character.ai like non local service (since my rig sucks) that can do nsfw, what exactly are the best options out there right now?
Kobold Tavern if you do not want to deal with a Proxy, Gemma 2 or Command-R if you are alright signing up to use it, a proxy if you have no scruples about that kind of stuff.
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Pssst, there's a new gem in here:
Once again the troll decides to false flag and back a hundred posts early. Fuck off.
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Didn't think author tags were enough? Then have I got an update for you!
That's from e621, troll.
Ask yourself where they get the training data wait, friend. Open your eyes.
Where's your log, shitposter?
They already have the training data. A change now doesn't majorly affect them beyond what they add later.
He knows that, he just wants to shit up the thread by raging against his ragebait, instead of doing anything worthwhile is his shit life.
I was looking forward to the thread being different today
why is nothing happening
What's this on?
It is from e621, a furry image booru. Once again, the shitposter has decided to throw shit at the wall and post random screenshots from other websites in a blatant attempt to shit up the fucking thread for his shitty vendetta because he can't get his rocks off doing anything productive.
The cool thing is that she can just undergo plastic surgery to fix her ears and live her life as a human.
>furry image booru
That explains why I didn't recognize it.
swnbah doe
I haven't touched LLMs for about a month and forgot how to write already.
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Are any spoiled fags in here?
what's a spoiled
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Live in my heart if you want tooo
I know you hate it when I'm in heat
But, it's not eeaaaasy
I wanna feeeeel something different for once

I know my beak is killing you, killing you
I can't help it 'cause I'm feeling you, feeling you
Oh honey, please don't say you're gonna leave me
Oh honey, please don't say you're gonna leave me

I would give you my fluffy tails
But I'm not sure that you want to fluff me
I'm not sure that you want to huff my fluff
I would give you my fluffy tails
But I'm not sure that you want to fluff me
I'm not sure that you want to huff my fluff

Oh and you're not alright 'cause I ruined your night
Well honey, that's why I'm a foxgirl
Now you're not in sight 'cause I ruined your mind
Well honey, you knew I'd do that

I would give you my fluffy tails
But I'm not sure that you want to fluff me
I'm not sure that you want to huff my fluff
I would give you my fluffy tails
But I'm not sure that you want to fluff me
I'm not sure that you want to huff my fluff

There's somebody that I know I'm bad for
And you see, I'd like to keep all your prompts for me
And there's somebody that I know I'm bad for
And I can't look away, I'm addicted to your prose, you know

I would give you my fluffy tails
But I'm not sure that you want to fluff me
I'm not sure that you want to huff my fluff
I would give you my fluffy tails
But I'm not sure that you want to fluff me
I'm not sure that you want to huff my fluff
I would give you my fluffy tails
(There's a human)
But I'm not sure that you want to fluff me
(That I know I'm bad for)
I'm not sure that you want to huff my fluff
(Bad for)
I would give you my fluffy tails
(There's a human)
But I'm not sure that you want to fluff me
(That I know I'm bad for)
I'm not sure that you want to huff my fluff
(Bad for)
>no larion mention in the lyrics
No dingleberries mention either
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Barely afloat and we're taking on water
Still chasing the high that I felt riding summer dragon
Being buried alive with coom stain on my face
A sharp pain in my heart and a saddest day to erase

I'm picking up the beak pieces, please just look the other way
I'm picking up the beak pieces, please just look the other way

I derail the story plot every chance that I'm given
Is it worth my life if it means I might never see Larion again?
I look at the remember what they took from you.txt that I choose not to forget
While I hold my tears and I tighten my grip

I'm picking up the beak pieces, please just look the other way
I'm picking up the beak pieces, please just look the other way

I'm not falling asleep, wish time would flow slower
Thinking back on 2020, wanna start it all over
I wake you up and I tell you I'm going to Larion

'Cause baby I'm afraid I'm slowly killing my interest in writing
By showing you the deepest, darkest, weakest part of my author skills

You said you'll always be right here to keep me company
When I don't even love myself, summer dragon loves me anyway..
When I don't even love myself, summer dragon loves me anyway..
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hell yeah
nai shit itself again
*Coreweave shat itself again.
When isn't it shitting itself?
Too many 1girl smile images.
Why aren't users able to create their own boards yet?
That would give too much power to us plebs.
Not really, mods would still have the ability to delete any post or board they wish
>he expects mods to want more work to do
Buddy, the mods can't even be half-assed to do their jobs on this board; you expect them to want to police everyone who uses this site?
It's that good.
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It's over. Even sage got tired of small beaks.
I give it two weeks until the cabal is pretending they liked claude all along
The "cabal" already uses Claude, you dumbfuck.
In fact, if you weren't such an asshole, you'd know that the "cabal" used Claude long before you decided to fuck around shit up the damn thread. They use it more than your ass does, given the majority of your time is spent shitting up multiple AI threads across the whole damn website. You don't share logs because you don't have enough to showoff, fuck you. The sooner you die, the better for everyone. Motherfucking console warrior. Nobody gives a shit what service or model you use, just post a damn log and quit shitting up the thread.
It's so easy.
But the cabal also uses Anlatan products and says that claude is censored! Checkmate naishill, I won.
Share a log, console warrior, or fuck off.
In reality, it took months of in-thread wars until they finally gave up about their "Claude can't write smut" narrative.
I remember getting 150 (You)s just from discussing this in the first few threads.
In reality, you're a fucking revisionist faggot who does nothing but shitpost all day, every day. Post a fucking log, shut the fuck up, and quit shitting up the damn thread. You're an attention whore who does nothing productive all day, every day. Kill yourself.
Fuck you, console warrior. New thread.
>he won't stop sperging out
Says the man who's shat up the thread for over two fucking years. Post a log and quit being an asshole.
You're damn right I'm pissed. Instead of contributing to the thread, you shit it up. Why? What's the point? Just share logs and discuss stories. It's not that difficult to not be an asshole.
Love you too Angrycolumboanon <3
I'm still waiting on that log.
It doesn't matter what you use, if you aren't contributing to the thread you're a troll.
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Let me show you how a real bread is made.
Don't know why I'm waiting, it's not like you have any logs to show the thread. You don't care about the thread. Instead you choose to make a fake bread. This thread isn't NAI-exclusive.
I refuse to adhere to your single definition of what can be discussed in the thread. You're not the ambassador of /aids/.
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New Thread (High Quality Version):
You don't discuss anything, troll. All you do is shit up the fucking thread by bitching about NovelAI every single fucking day. Kill yourself. I am the fucking ambassador of /aids/.
Oh, come on! I just got finished with my bake:
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New Thread (Even Higher Quality Version)
I'm still waiting on that log.
Fuck off, troll.
Does it have updated news or funny meme as op? I think not.
This thread isn't NAI-exclusive, false flagging console warring faggot.
Fuck off, claudefag.
New Neutral Thread!
You're the one who's Claudefag, retard. This thread isn't NovelAI-exclusive.
Fuck off, troll.
Go ahead and bake a fifth, sixth, and seventh or more breads. You're a pathetic little faggot who has no life beyond this website.
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>>486318921 has news about llama, gemma, and other local models. Together/Openrouter are on op, but somehow it's a NovelAI-exclusive thread...
I have to wait 10 minutes.
Fuck off, troll. We already have a normal thread. Use that one and quit baking redundant breads with outdated information. Use the fuck you thread.
>>Write prompts for next week’s Wholesome and Comfy Friday! Results: >>485687432
Quit shitting up the board.
Is NAI down?
I didn't make all the threads, though.
What fucking lying nigger... Have you even read the news on the other bake?
You shouldn't be allowed to bake at all. 4chan should expunge your entire Ip range. You're nothing but a miserable little troll.
This isn't /b/, troll.
I think it was the gemmy troll, remember how he made the calm thread earlier.
He didn't make that bread, the false flagging schizo who hates NAI so much he shits up every single fucking AI thread on this website made it.
And yet you're going to steal the news I wrote for your next "neutral" bake, aren't you? If it's a troll bake, then let me see if you're going to take any info from it for your next bake.
I didn't make a troll bread. I made a bread to deprive the faggot who made this thread of the precious (You)s he wants.
You will never be a real human. You have no naturally rounded ears, you have no body hair, you have no indomitable spirit. You are a mentally ill elf twisted by dark magic and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even humelfs who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy to adventure with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected ear wounds.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll send you off on a pyre marked with your birth name, and every passerby in the skyhome will greet you as an elf. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably elven.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
Llama 400B will be news once it actually releases.
Your perfect bake here >>486318361:
>Write prompts for next week’s Wholesome and Comfy Friday! Results: >>485687432
>(07/05) AetherRoom’s Closed Alpha Test will be starting on Monday, July 15th https://files.catbox.moe/unp7ss.jpg(embed) <- Has embed copy pasted like a lazy nigger.
Great job pal! Fucking retard!
This still isn't /b/.
It's better than letting claudefag bake the bread.
Try to not bake 2 threads late next time.
The truth is, the cabal shills NAI but uses Claude proxies. There is an inner circle in the discord that is in bed with Anlatan, but you will never get into it or see it. Furthermore, there is nothing you can do about it besides flail meaninglessly in the thread. Once AR and Llama 70b are out, no one is going to care about you or your rantings and happily use the service. You lost.
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Geeeeeeeeeet fucked.
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Nice try, bozo. I baked the thread.
I'm 99% sure it's the gemmy troll false-flagging as claudefag. In retaliation for how claudefag false-flags as him.
Both need to consider suicide and fuck off. Funny how Claudefag also false flags as Traciposter and GayAnon. All because they have the audacity to be decent people.
Holy. Do elfcels really?
They're going to care because it will be priced per token or it will be >$50 a month.
I'm still waiting on that log.
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>Gemmy is le bad because... he just is okay!
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What's the matter? Don't you have some logs to share? Oh right, that's right. You do nothing but shit up the thread all day, every day, 24/7, without any break. Even when you do have shit to show, it's never with the intent of sharing it for the sake of enjoyment, but to shit on the thread. Instead, you're going to bake troll breads.
Real thread! Gogogo!
>the gemmy troll is having a melty
More like claudefag is falseflagging because he didn't get to bake the thread.

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