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Previous: >>484747774
>Asimo's run ruined because they sent him to fight a -4 MU for Ryu ( Kirby )
God, Mexicans are so trash.
Skyjay came inside her as her boyfriend watched btw
>Another thread of absolute shitters with the most awful takes and maybe 1 or 2 productive conversations
Just let this general die until the next LG invitational, people ain't even watching these mickey mouse tournies...
>And if he won he got to fight G&W (13-1 in sets vs Miya lifetime)
Truly they hated him
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>Gackt's controller stops working mid-game
>He still wins the set
Imagine losing to someone with a broken controller.
Typical Mexican bracket rigging.
Meanwhile Danny gets feed Snake/ROB on top 64/32. 2 MUs absolutely free for Joker.
Japs and Americans should just dodge Mexican Mickey events in general.
that zomba leo set was hype
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>Tweek outta nowhere
>No Tweek
>No Light
>No Shadic
Sonix will prob win this whole thing
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Just tuned in. Who is that horrid creature commentating next to the Mexican?
Thats a whole lotta of touching and hugging for a girl in a relationship... she almost wrapped her leg around him.
>Counting Shadic out already
He will farm PAJEETima once again
spargoofy really be losing to anyone these days
acola would never
Shadic is strong but Pajeetma just counters his gameplay too hard and he can't adapt enough. He got lucky in their last encounter.
Also other Sonix's counter, Capitanfaggot, is also in losers, Sonix's run looks clean.
Guess the duration of Sonix vs ShinyMark
I agree, Spargo would never lose to ACKola!
his record against him is irrelevant at this point
acola worst result EVER is 9th and that was like 2 years ago
now watch sparg0 get a miserable 17th in a region that isn't even the strongest
>Losing to Aegis
Spargo lost to a character, not a player.
He plays Steve so everything he does is automatically invalidated
Let the weeb dicksuckers think a dude who was a 0-2'er before Steve and got mindbroken so hard he doesn't leave his backyard to compete anymore is somehow relevant.

Acola will die with the taste of Spargo's dick in his mouth. Imagine being farmed this hard. Even Dabuz got a set outta Danny once.
Tweek, more like twink
how original
mang0 with his red cheeks drunk as usual

acola was never a 0-2 he got 2nd at his first offline event (wich was a major) then won the second event he's ever been to (wich was a supermajor)
sparg0 can't reach acola anymore anyway
now watch as acola get ranked 1st again without settiing a foot in na
Why are there so many trannys in this community. I miss the old days so much.
He can get #1 all he wants, no actual respectable player thinks he is the best.
acola beat sparg0 the first time they met in bracket at the ludwig smash invitational
>t. Light
watch the spanish streams, they have actual women in those >>486055103
Did Mang0 really stop being washed for 1 whole tournament and then dive into the dumpster again
What's (You)r favorite non-smash platform fighter?
he decided to care and then fucked off
if you ignore the furfaggotry, rivals (1, not sure about 2) can be pretty fun
There's literally only one good one, which is Rivals of Aether. Hopefully Rivals 2 is good.
lmao maybe he isn't the best in your head but in reality he's the one winning everything with the cashprize that goes with it

that or slap city
falco is gay and cringe

lets go lucky
He was a DK/Luigi main who used to go in 0-2 or 2-2 at best in his locals, they erased all the records to make look like he is a "hecking prodigy!" that has no presence, legacy in this game but when Steve released.
Next Smash game people's only reminder of Acola will be of "that dude who everyone hated and fell off completely without his Mickey Mouse character"
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the only good one is slap city
Even other meta-whores frauds like Danny actually have a legacy and presence in other Smash games.

ACKola going down in history books as a mistake and a proof of Smash being a party game.
based and true
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Gotta pump those rookie numbers if you wanna be the GOAT!
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anon that's your game isn't it
>Look into leo's numbers
$222,877 in ult alone
now those are goats numbers
All these numbers and some other kid playing Fortnite won x10 the amount of money with 1 tournament.
>literal conspiracy theory
cope and seethe
acola is the goat
>No respect in the community
Even Zackray still has vids popping up of people glazing him because he is just THAT good
Meanwhile Ackola is known for being mindbroke by SparGOAT
>dood i played secondaries so it doesn't count!!
go and find me all his results as luigi then
im still sad they got picked up for nasb and nasb2, im glad Ludosity got money and all that but slap will probably never see content again and that's a real shame
STEVEGODS about to get another Top 8 rep kino
Are Melee and Ultimate finals just going to run at the same time?
he played online retard
I agree, I doubt they will even want to touch platform fighters again after this when slap city with more resources dedicated to it would be great
omg leo sucks massive dick
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>sneedve cabal is real
STEVEGODS are a thriving community that, with unison, can accomplish anything
Other communities are simply too busy with a top player either riding the boat alone or stroking his ego so hard he can't value advice from comrades.
You forgot ShinyMark.
Ngl their set was mad hype. Cancer x Cancer truly is entertaining.
how did zomba win genesis
almost all his other results are garbage
>Danny has to actually face a MU that isn't free for Joker
Typical. He needs his Steve-tier of broken pre-patch Jokek to do anything with this character. Omega would've won btw.
Danny is literally ACKola but fat and brown.
how many gamer microphone ads do they need to show? isn't this shit like an hour behind?
>result-oriented thinking
>Ness is -2 vs Joker and -3 vs Aegis
>Farmed Danny and now farming Cosmos
Gackt? More like GOAckT
Danny needs home-field advantage to play a decent Joker.
so no results? lmao
Gackt is one of the few soulful and agressive Jap players, he is absolutely goat staus
>Not evenworthy of a popoff
Gackt smoked that weeb nigger fraud lmao
>Approaching Top 8
>Not even 20k viewers

Looney Tunes tournament ded gaem
man watching these two characters makes me mad, they're both so fucking bullshit and it's just a battle of who can outbullshit the other
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>Mythra is supposed to be >NO DMG ALL SPEED!
>Shits 0-60% in 8 seconds and has safe smash attacks to close out a stock with consistency anyways
Aegis players gotta be the shittiest playerbase. This character is a an abomination in this God-forsaken Mickey Mouse game.
You can tell Smash's playerbase in general is dogshit when people think Cloud is somehow better than Aegis because he gets a meme comeback mechanic while Aegis got her Bayo's counter, a switch to another character to change the tempo of the game, more hitstun...
>You can tell Smash's playerbase in general is dogshit when people think Cloud is somehow better than Aegis because he gets a meme comeback mechanic
People think Cloud is good because of SparGOAT
If he wasn't winning SuperMajors everyone would admit Cloud is a midtier.
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Spargo is such a sperg faggot, but goddamn his Cloud is a work of art. The way he maneuvers, the spacing, the rotation between different options and combo routes... Is no coincidence every other Cloud is >bair spam while his is in his own tier. Masterclass.
Why is Danny so fucking trash?
The way he moves is extremely smooth, Cloud feels janky and is not hard to SD with him specially if you try to edgeguard, but Spargo makes him so fast and rarely SDs.
>maister vs shinymark in one stream
>sonix vs kirbydude in the other three
what a snoozefest
I used to be a Spargo's hater during his peak, but over the years specially after DLC2 plagued the meta I learned to appreciate his Cloud

Is impossible to call him carried when all other Clouds are years behind his and his Cloud still puts results after being "figured it out" by the meta

He tried to taunt/do mental damage by picking the same character Cosmos used to delete Spargo instead for going for Joker which is a -2 MU for Cloud
>>sonix vs kirbydude in the other three
It's a tilted Sonix vs one of the most tilt-indulcing characters to fight
It can be kino
>English stream descends immediately into rapid Spanish the second a match became exciting
Try to imagine what compels a grown ass man to think "I want to main a ball with shoes"
The Kirbyfaggot looks like a Macaulay Culkin reject.
i cant even imagine a grown man playing smash outside of family/social gatherings at all
Kirby players have the low t. male phenotype; JejaJeja looks like a goblin rapist.
doesn't this general have a kirby/Mk main?
Of course, /ssbg/ is a dumping ground of social rejects. They unironically have a laggy Sora who thinks they are hotshit, a camping Zelda, lots of Ganon shitters...
what are you doing here then
Spargo and Sonix are the most boring motherfuckers. I would rather watch and root for 8 Steves before them.
>a camping Zelda
Kinda redunctant, most if not all /ssbg/ locals are Elite Smash campers. Even the dudes who play aggressive characters like Palutena, Joker, ROB or Hero do nothing but camp.
>Can't appreciate Spargo's Cloud
Permabeg moment. Just unninstall the game, bro.
It's a Dannycuck who got psyop into thinking a mashing Joker is hype due to it's animations, but can't appreciate a Cloud perfectly dancing around the stage with the elegance of a ballerina.

Is like a retard obsessed with drinking red bull who can't appreciate a exquisite glass of red wine or a nice tea. They lack the ability to taste, literally.
I don't give a fuck to "appreciate" it. It's boring as fuck, and I feel nothing when watching him.
Why give a shit about a characters design when you have fun playing them?
t. Kirby co-main and straight occasional Daisy and Bayonetta player
There is nothing respectable about being a smash ultimate pro player
theres nothing respectable about being a pro smash player at all to be honest
if you were an outsider looking in would you really respect someone who says they play a childrens game for a living?
Can someone explain why ultimate's competitive scene hasn't shifted more towards squad strike?
We're about 6 years from the games release and on paper it seems like it would be a better determination of player skill, since you have to use multiple characters instead of only one per game.
Is there a particular reason competitors don't like it? Besides it being a new format.
Can we do it Hax bros
I agree with this dupe
The only fun top players to watch in Ultimate are Light, Leo, Riddles and Asimo(FGC are fun to watch), Lima and that Japanese Bayo player, Hurt, Tea(sometimes), and Tweek(though I hate Diddy),
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le missed tech face
um hax sisters....hbox is fucking our pussies...
technicals save us
You guys spent months shilling this Jim Belushi looking fucker, he had better reach grands
I'm surprised hbox was brave enough to show up. Doesn't he know hax and his fans are a danger to events?
HBox is a fellow Victim of Leffen, the hax boys won't target him.
i get home for top and and some random dude named many upset leo for top 8?
who tf is this guy?
steve prodigy #329
leo would win if he wasnt so fucking dogass at the matchup
the best steve of his region
I think
he also beat muteace and skyjay in his run to top 8
midgame warcry is unreal
Mexicans are alright when they stay in their own country
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Man I really wanna like Gackt since he has such a cool playstyle, but Ness is one of those characters which gets hard walled in certain MUs so the end result is predetermined.
Hax just 4 stocked Lucky. Apologize
didnt lucky sd all 4 stocks?
Has Lucky ever achieved anything in his Smash career? This is a guy who plays with the top level players constantly, yet I've never seen him perform.
he's a choker in game 5s
Is there a youtube stream for melee or am I stuck watching mango?
Also reminder to join the thread tourney on the 20th.
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mang0 is the melee stream
Oh Cosmos is a weeb? I guess he is one of the good negros.
>This is a guy who plays with the top level players constantly, yet I've never seen him perform.
that's most top players
I remember plup calling him names because he liked a suggestive pic of kanna
>Cosmos is a weeb?
As if his twitter page and trips to Japan didn't give that away.
Before pythra came out, he mained inkling because he thought she looked like an anime girl.
That Plup nigga sounds like a massive faggot who should kys (in Minecraft).
Haxchads, we are going to grands. Do you think leffen will give a response?
hes lost cognitive function from the excessive drinking
is there no /v/ thread?
Is everyone collaborating to let this nigga win? How does he make grands at his first major in like 3 years
he is top 1 slippi for like forever now, if you think about it, hes had the most practice of all
not quite stacked enough to be a major, so it's more of a regional
That was a clean reversal by Cosmos, not gonna lie.
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tf happened to hax
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Where's the guy who usually posts the twitter drama here? What are they saying about hax?
He's back on the bottle.
The guy who usually posts crazed posts about Hax and Twitter is currently playing a GRAND FINAL, have some patience
>leffen vs hax$ grands
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Stress ages you
That flub up from Cosmos hurt me.
Hungrybox dominated that too hard
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Really? I'm surprised leffen would go to any tournaments right now with hax being a danger to his family and all.
What are the chances that Hbox says Hax should be unbanned
I got tired of hugbox winning every tourn so I stopped following smash like 5 years ago
>is m2k still around? I know he got some bs metoo and had to talk about how his dick is broke
>does armada still play?
>pp still play?
>is plup still around?
>is black guy that wears a pokemon hat and plays pikachu/samus still around?
>did that kid salem that beat m2k in a brawl tourn ever pop off after?
>did isai ever play again after that troll exhib match?
>is leffen still around?
>is that guy neo that played roy still alive?
>did that faggot nigger hbox get cancelled for something or die yet?
>did that "respect your elders" diss track guy ever unfuck his shit?
spoonfeed me brehs
Everyone is gone but HBox and Mang0. HBox usually doesn't win the tournaments anymore.
gz on segundo, Hax Dinero
Alright switching to the ult stream, who are these people and who do I cheer for?
Many unless you are a fag.
There's nobody particularly hype still in bracket but personally I'd root for Shadic because I think he has the potential to be top 3 in the world but just hasn't had enough chances to prove it yet. Everybody thought his character sucked until he started getting results recently.
If you want to root for underdogs who probably won't win, Shinymark or Many.
If you want to root for japan, Gackt.
If you want to root for the actual best players in the tournament, Sonix or Spargo.
>hasn't had enough chances to prove it yet
He's gone to every big NA tournament this season. He's had plenty of chances, but he jobs too much.
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Was pikachu the steve counter all along? Surely just stop approaching and build a wall in the corner like in every other matchup.
Imagine watching all this late-Ult degeneracy GW/Steve/Sonic/Aegis/Pikachu and think Spargo's Cloud is the boring one.
Spargo is already good but near these degens he truly looks like God's gift
Dude has been a threat for a while and even farmed a few coinboxes, everyone knows he can beat Sonix, Spargo, Danny etc...
Shadic also had great results all year long, it wouldn't be unlikely to see him win. Corrin broken.

The craziest thing: Not even ShinyMark has a fully-optimized Pikachu. His Pikachu is pretty strong but is still a Elite smash campy Pika that relies on mental fatigue by camping his opponent to death and cheesy bair edgeguard, he lacks the deadlist comfirms and combos.
>Another -3 MU for Ness
If Gackt wins this he wins the whole thing.
I'd much rather see Spargo occasionally losing but sticking with Cloud than seeing him dominate with soulless Aegis/Corrin. Not even Spargo can make those 2 sluts look good, absolute sterile gameplay.
>bullied by leffen
>wrists exploded
>wrists exploded again
>got his controller design stolen
>banned indefinitely from the community for 4 years
>accused of being a *soiface* tRuMp SuPpOrTeR *soiface*
>got his patent stolen
>then threatened with a $100k lawsuit for fighting back
>court appearance
>had all his private messages leaked by his "friend"
>blackmailed into not talking about his ban situation with an even more indefinite ban
>suicide attempts
>all leading to depression and alcoholism
>entire community mocking him
>now accused of being a transphobe and pedo
dunno man, i think he's fine, probably just a little tired
Smash factor champion Gack
>losing a 90:10 matchup again someone with a broken with a broken controller
The absolute STATE
He's been playing for as long as mango, if not longer, and has attended just as many tournaments. Sadly, he just doesn't have the gene, and that's all it really boils down to at the top level.
>90:10 matchup
Gackt has won all his sets vs Neo
>Sonix vs a Steve
Predict how long this will take
>literal who against someone who dabs on onin and acola
under 10 minutes
not much, maybe 12 minutes, sonix eats steves for breakfast and he actually uses sonic's speed for offense
oh ok, things make more sense now
>Literal shit eaters think ROB and GW literally made gayming
At least when Gayben faggots say FPS wouldn't exist without Half-Life, they can kinda back up by saying that nobody else was even close to making them at that time.
Even tho it was bond for someone else to eventually make FPS. Gayben was just the lucky one who did it first.

Now saying GAMES or NINTENDO would never exist without some forgotten dogshit products for 70+yo boomers is insane.

At worst the timeline would change so instead of Nintendo it would be a new company to make those games, but saying that videogame would not exist in the whole globe at all for GW/ROB is peak shit-eating schizo behavior.

PLEASE, and I mean PLEASE take your meds + BBC.
Gackt is insane. Ness should never win even 2 games in a row vs Corrin.
>If gackt wins weebs gonna get uppity
Best scenario: Sonix x ShinyMark for the salty runback with Sonix winning the reset then losing final game 3-2 last hit last stock for maximum salt.
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need big tiddy mexican gf
mexican women don't have big tits unless they're landwhales
Gackt is funny. I'd be fine with either of the non-Sonix players winning.
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>Best scenario: Sonix x ShinyMark for the salty runback with Sonix winning the reset then losing final game 3-2 last hit last stock for maximum salt.
SparGOAT, CHADnix, GOAckT and shadic already outplaced Danny everything else is a bonus.
>and shadic
bruh the shade lmao
hax should just move to mexico and change his name to hablo
Oh god elite is gonna be filled with corrin AKA SHITRRIN for several weeks
I dont even hate him like I do with shinym*rk I just dont see him in GOAT status because he plays Corny Corrin, but I like him a lot he played great last LG invitational.
Still better than shitty ass jocuck players thinking they are sweet at this game
>Mythra is supposed to be >NO DMG ALL SPEED!
>Shits 0-60% in 8 seconds and has safe smash attacks to close out a stock with consistency anyways
Aegis players gotta be the shittiest playerbase. This character is a an abomination in this God-forsaken Mickey Mouse game.
What the fuck kind of combo does she have that does 60% in 8 seconds kek
W dupe
Cosmos literally won vs Dabuz ages ago by doing like 60% in 5 seconds vs Rosalina and winning by timeout
i fucking hate pikachu so much
i fucking love pikachu so much
>an actual good set
tournament redeemed
shinymark is on a country very close to mine but idgaf he's a faggot for using pikachu
>an actual bad set
tournament ruined
why did all of the brawl/smash4 vets fall off so hard
wow good thing pikachu was never nerfed huh?
so epic to see the fag do up tilt nair fifty times and see him run away the entire match.
So Cool!
They either got old or they got cancelled.
>t. gACKt
ah yesu herro you caught me anon-san hory shito
I am so fucking over the ads in-between each set, it's a shit ton of them too, and production has been a crapshoot for so many reasons.

Vgbc will literally always fuck it up.
Troon loser mentality
The Gimz always winz
if you don't have an adbloker you're a retard
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You are funny +1 internetz

What else am I gonna do, watch a please wait screen or listen to 15 mins of mid/bad filler commentary?
Hurt out at 49th, lost to Teru (Fox) and and Mairudona H.O (DK)
Troons are the ones cooming to grotesque anime drawings 24/7 to the point they wanna go trans. Kys for projecting this hard.
yes, because at least you won't be giving the jew any money that way
Is truly interesting how trannies tend to be degen gooners.
I wonder if its some sort of hormonal unbalance that causes them to jerk off too much, or if its because they jerk off to much they cause the unbalance and go nuts?
I never noticed this until I created a twitter acc months ago. These coomer accounts reposting hentai 24/7 are 80% of the time troons.
Friendly reminder we are here

please let this happen
sonix ruins another grand finals
sonix heals another grand finals
>Having a salty runback between 2 cancerous camping rivals is worse than having soulless shadic or gackt
Best timeline considering GOATweek is not there and SparGOAT is out
Sonix would be my favorite player if he repped US and played a cooler character. Let's hope we get shadow in smash 6 and he plays completely different from sonic
nairo carries this game on his back, everyone else is just a moon orbiting the true goat nairo.
KAMInix clears.
>miya upset
>hurt upset
>spargo upset
sigh. that's another season for aDODGEla
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what char does Sonic/Pika favor?
Sonix about to get cucked to 2nd place again
Damn did I get lucky? I'm a huge coomer but I'm not delusional about how I was born.
ShinyMark sucking some good dick in his cam
he can't mask his autism anymore
Best timeline, hype ass set
If this happens...
cucked in 2nd again KEK
nigga crying for a timeout that's crazy
good final game tho
I love him so much bros
>sonix got timed out
this is why eternal second place KEKnix is such a joke
It's the only way this poopwater community can understand a character is broken, if they win a big major.
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This game is a joke.
>t. JOBnix
>Best scenario: Sonix x ShinyMark for the salty runback with Sonix winning the reset then losing final game 3-2 last hit last stock for maximum salt.
Good timeline moment
GOATweek and Nairo both GOATs, but Nairo is the best streamer, while Tweek is one of the last FundieSCHOLARS to rep and win shit at top level of mickey game.

>Best players/Characters are the most wi-fi ones
That being said, pleasure to watch. But playing this shit? Nah miss me with this faggot ass shit.
rat infestation. if it's not one rat it's the other
I don't even know if I'm happy or sad we will never see top performance Min Min/Aegis so their dogshit ass players can stop pretending their characters are bad, even tho Aegis already won lots of majors and it doesn't stop AegiSCHIZO from bitching about them.

I guess I am happy. The game would be twice as toxic with trash like Min Min being meta.
Things could always be worse. At least Sonic/Pikachu are somewhat iconic and respected. Imagine these cuckass characters being meta/in a grand finals.
but enough about discord
me on the left
> DK


The cheese factor of DK will always make him super dangerous and a good secondary at the minimum.
Shinymark is really good
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>japs call shinymark shanima
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nene bussy
Sonix faces immense pressure to perform at the highest level, and it's not uncommon for the stress and expectations to take a toll. Let's hope he has a strong support system and takes the necessary time for self-care, ensuring he can continue to thrive both in and out of the game.
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Went to bed after melee grands. TLDR:
>couple of figureheads/top players supporting an unban, m2k being one of which
>axe tweets "Ok what's the deal with Hax? Is he still banned? Unbanned? Why exactly is he still banned? I have been getting many different answers and I'm just trying to understand"
>Jackzilla reply gets ratioed (I can't find what he said since his account's private, but take a guess)
>multiple mexicans tweet about hax being based + chill the entire tournament
>pic related may or may not be true
Has Lucky ever achieved anything in his Smash career? This is a guy who plays with the top level players constantly, yet I've never seen him perform.
He's consistently placed well at tournaments and has taken games off top players
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Based spics.
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Powerful. This is how we defeat him.
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I don't lose, I win every single game. I am a porsche with no brakes.
dupefag fell off.
OG dupetranny
>well timed, relevant dupes
>never responded to victims with "le duped!" or communicated with the thread at all
>many people shitposting under a common identity
>seeks attention at every chance, desperate to have an identity in a Friday night, dead general
>frog avatarfag (indicating either underage or 4chan newfag)
>shit irrelevant dupes thrown out like a net to bait, missing the point of duping
It's important to respect the etiquette and purpose of dupes
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I knew you would do that. I have the most superior intelligence. I am as smart as I am beautiful. I truly have no brakes stopping me.
TamaP double-elimininates Shuton at Seibugeki. Bayo's first major win in Ultimate.
Did you inspect element this so it says -tranny or did ChatGPT somehow not detect the word
based Axe
based mexiGODs
jACK!zilla needs a prompt roping
chatgpt didnt pick it up, i dont inspect element it would be cheating
a suffix is not a word, retard
>shinymark uses the female pikachu alt
Um based
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Where's the guy who usually posts the twitter drama here? What are they saying about hax?
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>was super busy all weekend
>apparently missed both a Mexican Supermajor Pikachu win and Japanese Supermajor Bayo win
So is Sonix gonna be ranked #1 for the season or not?
Pretty sure it's ACola
Melee samus is cool, I wish the extendrurr was good
he's in
if you play any of these you are hard carried

uncatchable, unreactable, one of the best punish game in the roster, lose one time in neutral and take 60%, bitch shouldn't be killing until 130% since she combos you 2 times and get you to that after all.

Links, samuses, snake
Can't approach them, you are always on disadvantage when playing against them, proyectiles that are so good that you can spam them the whole match without any problem, not even reflectors help since you are always throwing shit that will cancel a reflected proyectile anyway, and their normals are fast as shit too so don't even try anything that's not safe or prepare to lose a stock.

Lucina, marth, roy, cloud: lingering deceiving hitboxes, retarded, and again deceiving,frame data, deceiving length of swords (specially cloud), when you play against them you are always saying "why did that hit, why is that attack so fast, why does that hitbox last so long" they win neutral with anything they do, in a game that tried to be more precise than it's predecesor these characters stood in the past.

the indisputable king of the game and the tryhards choice, nobody likes ROB as a character and it's in because Sakurai thought it's cringe backstory in brawl is something deep and think gamers feel the same, easiest character to master and get results with it, if you don't win as ROB it's because you are throwing, also, hot take NAIR, DAIR and BAIR should consume fuel.

Minmin, Kazuya, Steve:
you are playing a one player game when you chose them, it's your world king do as you want.
If you dupe bait posts you are hard carried
why do people just quit after losing first stock
True, Geno IS in.>>486178052
Watching tourneys makes me depressed because I'll never be good at this piece of shit game
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>Doramigi wins his first major, becoming the world's youngest player to do it
>Immediately establishes dominance over his sobbing opponent

Dora's a psychopath!
look at that ass, it's nonexistent.
You do not play the game if you think Cloud is midtier. That character does not know end lag and has disjoints out the ass. His recovery isn't even bad, great up b OOS, easy combos and damage output, etc.
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Watch Nairo's stream and see him farming Elite's Cloud left and right.
>inb4 doesn't count!
He also played Cosmos' Cloud, NaitoSharp's Cloud, Light's Cloud and recently the second most relevant Cloud, the brazilian girl Blank and he farms them all.
Just watch someone who actually is good at the game (Nairo) play it.
You people don't keep Cloud in disavantage, you people don't edgeguard Cloud. Everyone playing this game sucks so hard.
>muh endlag and disjoint
Aegis, Roy, Lucina, arguably even Chrom do a better job at this point than him.
Cloud glazers act like his recovery is good when if you hit him once after he burns his jump he is pretty much cooked even with limit.
Some characters don't even need to make Cloud waste his resources, a properly placed Joker F-tilt near the ledge sends Cloud in such a nasty angle even if he jumps if he is not dead right away you can two frame him with another F-tilt or D-tilt and kill him for sure.

Cloud is not top tier. Spargo is.
>His recovery isn't even bad, great up b OOS, easy combos and damage output, etc.
Describing Corrin/Aegis right there
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>Still insanely good
>Only has dogshit reps since Nairo got banned
Even Peach had a resurrection with Muteace but nobody reached Nairo's level with Palu.
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>a properly placed Joker F-tilt near the ledge sends Cloud in such a nasty angle
Like this? At the start and at the end.
You can tell Smash's playerbase in general is dogshit when people think Cloud is somehow better than Aegis because he gets a meme comeback mechanic while Aegis got her Bayo's counter, a switch to another character to change the tempo of the game, more hitstun...
Pretty much. I know about it because I play vs a good Joker so I get cheesed by this move and gun a lot. Cloud can only win this MU if the Cloud player outplays the Joker a lot, theres so many ways for Joker to gimp Cloud.

I think Aegis is a more fun MU because I get to foresight the bullets and punish Joker, or Byleth because if I get a good read with a Smash attack is a easy kill and I can go offstage more often to edgeguard Joker. I think Corrin is also a good MU, or at least better than Cloud, but I don't really play Corrin much, my Corrin is pretty bad.
>make a twitter just to call people faggots among the hax chaos
>actual figure heads of the community seething at me calling them names
holy shit trolling on other social media sites is actually hilarious, no one can take any bantz
did you get told to kill yourself by that nycmelee guy who got banned from twitter?
LOLOLOL yes, i've garnered blocks from jackzilla and thecheat as well by posting memes, not even text words.

genuinely hilarious picking on autistic nintendo kiddies.
Spargo is such a sperg faggot, but goddamn his Cloud is a work of art. The way he maneuvers, the spacing, the rotation between different options and combo routes... Is no coincidence every other Cloud is >bair spam while his is in his own tier. Masterclass.
>Joker this precise and aggressive online
Losing Nairo to bullshit cancel culture was an irreparable damage to the competitive Smash community.
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Even a pedophile can get jacked
So why arent you
The moment he stops taking just Creatine he already loses all this bulk. Gymtrannies are pathetic.
You could just eat the right amount of calories and work out and be fine
The eyes tell me all I need to know. He is still dead inside.
Even working out for years won't get you this bulk, unless you got some Godtier genetics AND money for the best nutrition.
I do agree, most people should eat right and work out for a bit, but just to stay in good health. Is not healthy to chase these unrealistic bodytypes that require supplements or in some cases even roids for maintenance.
Literally had his dick sucked by a child, admitted to it, tried to take it back, and then admitted to it again after lying to everyone about a fake ass document that "proves his innocence"
You fall for the dumbest shit
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>I do agree, most people should eat right and work out for a bit, but just to stay in good health
Based. Walking/Cardio + doing a heavy set of push ups every 3 days or so to get some tone in the upper body and that good pump is the best medicine for me.

Shut your faggot ass up, American subhuman.
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Honestly, even if we accept the american logic 15yo = literal child, he is so talented at Smash that he wanting to fuck 15yo teens is still perfectly fine. We let worse actual pedos or sexual degens off the grid for way less.
Nairo got his competitive career fucking ruined and troons still trying to ruin the dude over getting a blowjob from a 15yo fag thats crazy, they really want someone's entire existence to be ruined because they got sloppy toppy from a little fag.
Lowkey blessing in disguise. Making a bank at home, without needing to travel around smelly venues to have his performance judged armchair critics on the internet if he loses to late-Ult degeneracy.
Yeah. He probably made more money on his return stream than he did in his entire Smash career.
post screenshots
Online sephiroths are all fucking faggots ngl
Been gone for a bit over a year, what the fuck happened with Hax? Seemed to have a bit of a psychotic break. Also any of the melee heads still in here like PROX and END?
Hax is a literal schizo manchild freak, He shouldn’t be allowed back in the scene regardless of anything. He needs help and a fucking job. No wonder y’all sympathize with this freak
nobody plays melee here anymore except for gomad, who pretends to play with someone else
I like the guy, but he definitely seems to be Manic-Depressive or something. But he didn’t do anything violent or say faggot or something. Seems pretty unreasonable he’s been banned for 3 years or however long it’s been. I can see you faggots are still seething that melee gets played, so that’s a good sign. Makes me want to pick up the sticks again.
That’s a shame. Melee people still lurk though, right? Must be some people willing to play once in a while. Missing this game but I’m dreading the insurmountable grind to be mediocre again
What is your honest opinion on this creature?
Meme character in a meme game
Lowkey one of the few characters that you are forgiven for being a campy bitch.

You need to be a GOD to play aggro Seph, character is just too slow and his narrow hitboxes don't help online either, he gets nothing outta parries, but his parreable movies always guarantee a decent punish for his opponent.
Why are palutenas so fucking toxic
All of them teabag and I'm sure a fucking tranny beat me up, had a tranny name with stars and shit
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While I like her idea, I hate her kit. Shes such a snow-bally character that can be great on a lead, but her Neutral lacks so much, she can YOLO out a victory but when you learn her rotation shes pretty much figured it out.
I don't know how I feel about her recovery. It's boring, but 2frameable, I wish more recoveries were 2frameable as hers.

They think they are nice at the game for playing base-game Aegis and doing gay teleport cancels.
Good % of them are low t. trannie-coomer-weebs type of degens like Chag or Chase.
No fucking wonder this general died. This unfunny faggot still hasn’t ROPED itself yet.
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>No fucking wonder this general died.
People have been saying that for months, but we're still alive and kicking.
That’s cute and all. But the duper(s) should still LiveLeak himself.
I wish everyone who beats me at smash dies in a fiery pit, or gets their micro jobless dicks cut and thorn in a bloody manner
>t. Sonix
Sonix faces immense pressure to perform at the highest level, and it's not uncommon for the stress and expectations to take a toll. Let's hope he has a strong support system and takes the necessary time for self-care, ensuring he can continue to thrive both in and out of the game.
Thank you, ChatGPT
besides whatever he's taking for the bulk i'd say the important bit here is him having lost all that fat, now that's a good goal to work towards to

no one knows what this word means anymore.
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>who you calling "scarflard", gringo?
He's the Robert Oberst of Smash to Mang0's Brian Shaw.
go back
Guys, I have a very important question to ask. Please think about the answer very carefully, for it is of the utmost importance. Who is the strongest poster in these threads in terms of power?
the way I would devour his hole, balls, and pits. goddamn he's hot
Used to be END or PROX back when the world was just.
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you think people at his gym know about his very bad sexual misconducts with minors or whatever? You think someone there teases him with ice cubes in a dark triad red adidas shirt way?
ChatGPT poster
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Incorrect, there is an unstoppable poster who's immune to his power.
this samefag is embarrassing dupetranny
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>get banned from smash bros tourneys
>dramatically improves your life
How the fuck do you deal with Palutena
who do you play
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Seriously tho, where does everyone find all the cool textures for Melee?
The usual repository site only seems to get like 10% of the texture mods uploaded to it.
Do these still cause desyncs? Or was that the character models?
nigga said repository lmao go to ssbmtextures.com
I believe it's all on ssbm textures .com but I could be wrong
That place is missing the majority of them because more than half of the people don't even know it exists.
Griffith/SHARK/Kizu is literally DIO of JoJo. Even tho he is "dead" his actions still influence the thread, his lingo is still used, some of his acolytes still come to the thread for tournies, even the rageposter is a spawning of him.

I don't play ultimate
>I say mirror matches are corny
>Retards disagree
>Some guy makes a vid about it
>Retards finally start realizing mirror matches are indeed corny
dittos in ultimate are mostly non-existent though, so who cares. the most common one you're gonna get are steve dittos in japan
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Dittos are just gay in general. There are some exceptions, but in general they just play weird and are boring to pilot.
I also very often end up winning a game, or sometimes even a set against people who actually main a character, while I just pick for the fuck of it when I feel like it.
I think is something about the person with less dominance with the character just winging anything without overthinking ends up being a more effective strat against the guy who actually understands the character and is trying to hard to counterplay.
idk about the melee side of his shit but this channel is really meh for ult
a lot of coverage on literal who events or matches nobody cares about, feels like its done by one of these localfags that always voted for their PR'd "homie" at summit type events that would always end up getting 13th taking no sets and coming out of the whole thing hardly a better player.
>No opinion/content matters unless it's done by a Top 8'er or a japanese person
This shit is the cancer of FGC culture.
Keep in mind, I don't like that channel either, but dismissing it's analysis because it covers matches outside top players, or that the channel itself is not a top player, is being really ignorant.
Even people who enjoy and practice mirror matches get cheesed sometimes, imagine the ones who hate it/avoid playing it.
They don't present themselves as particularly analytical of the game either, mostly just as a "Moments of Smash" moment.
Enjoy your microcosm all you want, but the world doesnt care about it, all these 5 viewer twitch tournament streams of Smash at Buttsville ft. Lenny, Blorp32, and Seriri are permanently stuck there for a reason. There will be a time where that culture will be completely obsolete, it is merely something we accomodate with because online gaming is too shit for fighting games for now.
Sad but true. Online communities are going to become more and more relevant and the internet chips away at social skills and inflates social anxiety among the youth. I can’t even complain, because I’m a product of it. Doesn’t help smash people are fucking off-putting.
>50k views in 4 days
>ehhh nobody cares bro!
Crab mentality.
Same faggots who complain "Smash is dead" but don't support any community and instead just bitch there aren't SuperMajors happening every weekend so they can have fun clowning players for losing to shitters in Bo3.

Watch/Support smaller creators.
Aegis and Mario
That is mostly mutts and underages saying that. If you've been there for longer than just Ultimate and aren't autistically attached to a country you'll find Smash's providings plentiful as is. Perhaps there was a time where there were more events but looking at the bigger picture we're clearly not lacking in entertainment.
I want to play other people but I have a hard time believing myself, so the thought or act of playing against someone gives me anxiety. How do I get around this?
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Watching through some shinymark games from last weekend and I cant help but be impressed by how optimal he plays even if it's incredibly lame. Im surprised how hard steve seemed to lose to pika since steve usually outcamps everyone, although that could just be a skill difference between the mexican steve and shinymark. I need to see acola vs shinymark now.
play someone
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Play in elite smash or tryhard discords, places where there's no emotion attached. You need to focus more on improving rather than winning or losing. When you lose, spend less time thinking about the last interaction that got you killed, and instead think about every mistake you made throughout the game and what things you could be doing better overall.
Avoid circlejerk discords that cope/brag because it will make you develop a scrub mentality where you feel the need to avoid people who can beat you and you will come up with some bullshit excuse every time you lose.
just force yourself to play anyway (just quick play will do), it'll disappear with time
This game genuinely makes me want to fucking murder somebody.
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Some of you guys are alright...
...Or get murdered. I don't care which. Fuck Smash Ultimate.
pl*y m*l**
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Sometimes when i’m fucking around with a random low tier i’ll quit the game if the matchup is too dogshit (Pichu vs Peach, Roy vs Puff) since games like that take a long ass time and aren’t fun to play not that low tiers are fun to play in the first place. Sometimes I try to play the match out but I usually end up quitting because I start getting frustrated and impatient. Should I stop quitting these matches?
Only good post in this thread
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It’s been 10 years.
No it hasn't. You probably work up the courage to play somebody once in a blue moon and then go back to not playing anybody for months/years. You have to consistently work at it to see any progress.
Come on anon
Spent the past year trying to make Sephiroth work as a main and I can't do it anymore with that fucking dogshit character. I'm thinking of switching to Corrin since they seem to share a similar game plan while also not having every weakness a character can possibly have. Thoughts?
What strand of autism is this? Have you considered the person at the other end of the screen is just as autistic as you? Try picturing them naked (this may be easier if you are an ultfag since your opponent will be underaged)
Dupe of my post from multiple threads ago. In case anyone was wondering, switching to Corrin has been one of the best things I've done when it comes to actually enjoying this game. It's nice using defensive swordie where playing neutral and advantage doesn't depend on your opponent generously giving you your win condition at least eighty times a match.
Based. God bless dupeanon for bringing our attention to your positive update.
Stop being such a sweaty bitch and try something goofy for once.
I bet you've never tried any of the other game modes or other silly shit and just play Quickplay and/or 3 stock 7 minute hazards off arenas 24/7.
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It all went downhill when he swapped names, the golden age was Griffith.

>Implying I don't play with meme rulesets with friends and family, and sometimes even in online arenas as well
However, mirrors are already boring 90% of the time, and losing to someone you know doesn't have the same Mastery of your character as you just stinks.
I had a dream that a New Smash Bros game was announced, and one of the first newcomers was fuckimg Infernape. His moves et was so fucking dope, my god. Put me back to sleep
its the top of the players when i walk in all the others flock j-j-jv3 stock if i play against sonicfox
>Tierwhoring when you don't even go to tournies
Seph is way more swaggy but I get why anyone would do that... can't blame you.
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I could never swap to shit like Corrin or Aegis because their gameplay is just as captivating as playing with a box of used condoms.
You can rarely go for sick, deep edgeguards, all your stuff is super safe so playing like a total bitch is 200% optimal, your shit just outframes almost everyone, or trades well with anything.
>but Seph is even worse! You need to camp more with him!
I think since characters like Seph suck, you are forced to take risks and gamble otherwise you lose if you play too safe. Which is kinda of a reason why I think Tweek's Seph while incredible, always falls short because in practice he sometimes goes for these deep reads offstage, but in-tournament matches? Neither him or any other Seph main take the risks this character needs to succeed.
Most top tiers are so boring, if I ever wanted to tierwhore I would pick either ROB or Steve since their kits allow you to do some crazy bullshit offstage and be aggressive as well.
can you guys stop mentioning the discord if you’re not gonna invite people? i wanna join it and play with you guys it sounds like more fun than this place
Why did Corrin only start getting hate recently? Did no one look through frame data and see they’re good? No one shits on Doc but if he started getting results would the same thing happen?
Seph for me is a ">Weights off" type of character.
I pick him, and when I start to job, I switch back to an actual character like Cloud, Aegis, Lucina or Sheik and holy... it feels like I am moving at the speed of light, I suddenly can properly put pressure, weave out bad situations, whiff-punish, don't die at 70% and is just such a liberating feel to play a character with actual options.
Are you the type of person to only play the same 2 or 3 characters? None of the dittos I think are some of the best are with my mains because its easy to learn the basics of characters in Ult and explore the entire roster.
I'll be honest though if the other person starts playing like a tryhard in a ditto then its not fun anymore.
Dittos are just gay in general. There are some exceptions, but in general they just play weird and are boring to pilot.
I also very often end up winning a game, or sometimes even a set against people who actually main a character, while I just pick for the fuck of it when I feel like it.
I think is something about the person with less dominance with the character just winging anything without overthinking ends up being a more effective strat against the guy who actually understands the character and is trying to hard to counterplay.
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The golden age of 20 man watchparty with a couple more in text-chat and some even shitposting in /ssbg/, moneypot tournies every 2 months and daily activity is over. Last tourny there was only 3 people chatting about the tourny during Top 8s and nobody in watch party channels, owner pretty much left to rot after he got tired of Smash, and most people pretty much moved on as well. or got banned.
It really is useful to find people to play/practice with consistency. Is both satisfying to lose to people better than you who give you good advice and you finally start taking games of them, as well playing with noobs who you see improving and getting wins on you making you feel proud of their progress over time.
But at the same time, you don't need all of this, anything is better than /ssbg/ as well since my experience playing with people in the thread was always bad, just enter a bunch of Smash-related discords for a similar experience instead of our dead one. I do this sometimes when I want to find new people to play, even tho their communities never stuck to me the same.

Even Light was throwing shades at this character months ago.
>Comparing Doc to Corrin
Doc is never getting results because the character is legit midtier. Yes he has some cute comfirms and decent MUs against other midtiers, but he has an actual bad recovery and gets pretty much deleted by every high-top tier. Corrin can win vs Pikachu or Sonic, what can Doc Mario can do anything against Sonic or Pikachu for instance?.
I think Online definitely helps him a bit, but even Online he is not that crazy. Mario is the high tier character and even Mario looks tame in this meta.

I am definitely biased towards Seph because I love him and his kit, but I get your point. He sucks hard and I also feel somewhat "free" when I pick faster characters that aren't combofood by being tall as Ridley and light as Kirby.
Bro, I watched Nairo (Joker) play Sharp (Seph) the other day, and both at like 140% last hit last stock at Hollow Bastion, Seph's F-tilt did NOT kill because it was sourspot, Joker comes back and kills him.
Next match, Town and City, Joker gets Arsen, does UpSmash as Seph with WING does Down Smash, somehow Joker tanks the hit (I did not know Arsen gave him superarmor as well?) and since he is way faster, as Seph is pulling his sword from the ground, Joker does ANOTHER UpSmash, and this time Seph does not have the superarmor, so he dies at like 110% during the hit (dont remember the exact % after the hit) by exploding to the ceilling in Town and City. Character is fun to mess around but he is not finished I swear Seph is in beta, he is a Smash Brawl character or something, even Nairo admitted he only plays Seph because all he does is online, if you ever think about competing drop this character please.
>months ago
Too recent. I remember when no one hated Corrin because they were a mid tier (I think? I forgot what tier they were originally in). Then some results came in and I've seen people say they're better than Aegis.
I'm not trying to compare Doc to Corrin, I'm just wondering if people would start shitting on another character that was considered meh when they start getting actual results.
it's a tuesday night. no tournaments. what's with the flood of discord shitposts?
>and some even shitposting in /ssbg/
i remember when the autists who REEEEd at discord said it was coordinated raiding. never thought thyd actually turn out to be right
also if youre advertising discord in general and saying the thread sucks why are you even here?
NTA but Corrin was always a sleeper though. Great buffs, no nerfs, had people believing her, but like you said, no results so Corrin was kinda rare and exotic, now shes everywhere and even the worst Elite smash Corrins are doing edgeguards and 2frames now
>just enter a bunch of Smash-related discords for a similar experience instead of our dead one
shitting up the thread because your discord us dead
>us dead
learn eglish
Assuming this is a dupepost. Was the discord ultfags doing? I played an SSBG tourney that was posted about in here once but that was 2 years ago and for melee
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dumbass work on YOURE own english before insulting someone elses next time
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I know he is bad, but like you said, is just online right? No need to worry so much. I enjoy my husbando too much to just stop playing him completely.
Fuck Joker though. Joker, ZSS and Sheik need to end themselves. I just respect like 1 person each that plays these abomination characters. Actually I only respect 1 Joker player, and 2 Sheik players, fuck ZSS players so much, downplaying bots.

Every character will get people bitching if they get results, but with Corrin is deserved. Same with Pikachu for example, where we had cases of people everywhere saying
>oh well this character isn't that good really nobody wins with him anymore since ESAM
Even top players like Tweek were downplaying Pika really hard, so a character getting results is crucial for people to see the truth. Same with ROB flying off everyone's radars until Zomba's run at Genesis.

It was never a raid. one of the reasons the discord imploded was because a decent amount of people wanted to open gates and invite everyone in the thread while the owner always had a purist view about who should be in, which led to lots of fighting, banishments and the sort. He actually was pissed when people started namedropping him to a point he couldn't even post anymore and when people leaked his second tierlist here it was more of a reason for him to avoid contact with /ssbg/ altogether and distrust people on discord. I obviously can't speak for every user because neither I, or anyone else really, have the power to control all these people, so if some came to just shitpost thats on them. There was never ill intent to sabotage discussion here, at least from the people I know the most, but I can't speak for everyone obviously. I myself never posted here even in tourny threads since I was in the watchparty channels and only came to the thread after it was over. Mostly lurking, still. Which is what I am about to do again.
I think your discord owner legitimately has writing problems and is probably a high school dropout. It's funny how instead of improving his grammar, he literally ragequits this general.
I don't know your obsession with saying everyone you hate is the same ESL you have a vendetta with, but you are right about him being a ragequitter bitch.
It's always the same posting style with the same grammar errors. It's actually hilarious how easy it is to spot you: just look for a subject omission and there you are.
>Rageguits on Elite Smash
>Ragequites on Arena
>Ragequits /ssbg/
>Ragequits his own server
Its amazing how he not only bred his own followers but also an opposite force of even worse schizos who hate him for example, now ever since last year we have this anti-ESL-obssessed retard who falls for easy bait like >>486386253 and >>486386331

Truly one of the most posters of all time
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He is the GOAT.
He manifested the downfall of Danny.
wonder what zero is doing right now
is it loaded with pac pellets
FD shouldn't be tournament legal
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>play a low to bottom tier character the entirety of 4 and Ultimate's lifespan
>pick up a high tier for half an hour
>finally have fun with the game
This is what I've been missing the whole time. I get it. I finally get it, bros... I finally do...
true, no one can stop fartmada
his legacy is just a fart now
this is the ESLschizo talking about himself in 3rd person
Figured this out in Melee where the difference between high and low is 100x more prevalent. Low tiers aren’t necessarily not fun because they’re bad, they’re not fun because they tend to be extremely one dimensional or gimmicky. A bag of tricks that if your opponent can deal with, falls apart entirely. That being said, mid tiers are still fun but your goal has to be having fun and not winning. P+ is also fun if you’re playing low tier, lvoe Kirby in that game.
I miss playing Smash 2…..
melee is still alive because the top tiers arent fair. melee players would never play a fair and balanced game. this is why leffen plays happy chaos in strive. these people cannot survive if a game required fundamentals. the fact that melee fox can input the most garbage smash attack in neutral right in front of you, missing, and still not get punished because they can immediately shield or spot dodge before you can grab them is exactly whats kept this game alive for so long. youre all just carried shitters playing this game because it allows you to be carried shitters. its why melee players all like steve in ult.
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Not only results-wise, he was having a glowup but now he looks ugly again.
new schizo power ranking

1) dupeschizo
2) rageschizo
3) dannyschizo

and it's not up for debate
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Aegis would have not be gimped due to foresight btw
They are currently dragging mew2king on twitter for not worshiping trannies hard enough
Mew2kings twitter account?
if m2k got banned just 5 years ago he'd turn out identically to Hax desu
>Smelee fags go 1 day without talking about e-celebs challenge (impossible) (GONE WRONG)
ok sorry lets talk some more about some spic that plays pikachu
I do compete at my locals which is one of the reasons why I considered switching. Whether I did well or not, I always felt completely drained afterwards.

That's about the best way to describe playing as Sephiroth. For what it's worth, I feel like that year I spent trying to make Sephiroth work made me better at the game than any amount of time I was putting into it beforehand and I've been playing since launch.

I love Sephiroth too but I was reaching a point where I just felt completely stuck. My motivation to play the game was rapidly disappearing even though I was objectively still doing decently at worst.
why are peach players such sluts
how much can i get for my 2nd wave frame 1 heavy controller, i dont see shit on ebay about it
check etsy
Shut the fuck up
DRBR#629 if anyone is around. Will be playing like ass since it’s been around a year and a half. Will be watching while I solo practice
>simply says Hax shouldn't be banned and uses the #freehax hashtag
>"NOOO YOU MUST BEND THE KNEE" and general reeeing continues from the community
>mew2king continues fall down a moral hole where he feels like he's doing the right thing but his peers are telling him he's doing the wrong thing
I really hope that comment from the Mexican smash community that everyone laughs at the USA figureheads/leadership is true
last arena for the time being
Down for the down smash
Up for melee afterward?
you gonna be around tomorrow? I can play then. nice to see you again
Are you leaving because of the state of this general?
Dinner real quick, will play more in a sec if you’re willing. Turbo rusty, but there was glimpses of competency sprinkled in those games
yea sure i was eating between sets/stock lol
Arena closed, ggs everyone
That and life getting busy but I won't blogpost
Take care man.
Dupe is a unloved faggot but when he samefags as some smelee trannie about to play with the other is so fucking funny nfl
Where can I find groups or other players that are super casual, don't know shit about competitive jargon and will actually let me win? I can't win against anyone and I can barely beat lv. 3 cpus so I want to find players that are worse than me in order to beat them and enjoy this series.
Likewise, lots of fun memories here. Still hosting the final (for now) monthly this weekend, $100 prize pool: https://start.gg/7243
I hate smash bros.
ggs, the more we played the worse we were getting
GGs, fatigue kicking in at the end, fingers need to callous a bit so I can play longer. Temporarily using a Power A USB dogshit controller so I can’t light shield and the snapback is abysmal. Either way, I’m excited to play again.
Damnit! I wish I picked up the game again a month or so ago so I could be prepared for this. Shame you’re going, would love to start playing with the melee boys again. Your Luigi will be missed.
Will be around tomorrow, what’s your code? Unless you’re PROX
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>ultpedos cant comprehend someone enjoying their game, let alone playing it
Kazuya is such a faggot core character
Only faggots play him
>didnt even show the game he won
what a humble foxbro
I got Final Destination like 3 times in s fucking row and I lost all three fucking games because I either got chaingrabbed or camped. Great stage.
Honestly, same. The way he does it just cracks me up, is like watching a street performance.
Who do you play, friend?
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The trolls have won.
I think something else happed at his life, last time he played with us he didn't even rage for a second even tho he was playing like shit and he gets salty fast if he is not on point, didn't even ragequit either. He doesn't have the same energy. Or probably just matured.
>Be Salt
>commentators constantly suck your girlcock off when you play
>only real point of pride is your melee "career"
>go 3-1 and 3-0 in GF against a Project M DK player 10 years past his prime

Yeah no wonder the melee troon circlejerk is taking it out on M2K right now
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Racism is bad.
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He still a dick tho
not wrong, fuck bazinga players not even his animations/sounds are cool
Smash ultimate is on such a large decline that it's almost sad to see.
Seeing the guy who pioneered the Goatweek hype trash talk Tweek is crazyy
He is right still, Tweek sandbags way too much by doing manchildren stuff instead of cooking a proper secondary like Cloud or Sheik

We desperately need a new entry, ever since the meta got solved by proving that playing like a bitch gives you consistent wins, everyone been playing like a total bitch, you could be playing the weakest; most meme character you can think of, and people would still run away for 7min in Elite smash because this is what has been taught, and the results are there, Online warriors who were nobodies suddenly becoming top worldwide players by being top campers: acola, sonix, shinymark, miya
This engine is broken, even if the next game is trash too, at least it will take a while for people to figure out how to play like a bitch and in the first years shit will be fun to play and watch
Those trannies should kill themselves to make everyone else happy
>latest game is like 6 years old
>smash as a whole is fading into obscurity
>new game is released
>smash as a whole is at the top of the world
and before you go "b-b-b-but!!!" i'm only saying the truth, if stuff like melee was flying unlike <latest game> you would see it reflected here too. Instead, it doesn't, all i'm seeing is people not being interested in smash at the moment cause the latest game is not new anymore.
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You all type like fags
join the thread tourney anyways and have fun
y-you too!
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I love this lil niggeh like you wouldnt believe.
snake is honestly the coolest projectile character in the game.
he's all about stage control. and creating setups with explosives.

a good snake will corner you,cut off your options, and react and punish whichever escape route you have.
didnt he literally just tweet "transphobia is... LE BAD" though
A blind guy could’ve seen once the DLCtards were no longer getting content, the game was going to go south. Simply put, the game is not deep or interesting enough to keep people invested. Yap about the “meta” all day, latency alone makes camping utterly broken in Ult. Platform fighters in general have a bad camping problem, but Nintendo is so terrified of making the game actually fun they refuse to let other movement options in to make approaching more viable. Not even talking about wavedashing (although, that’d be a good change). But the fact that ground momentum doesn’t carry over into the air means people will run at you and just space aerials. Such a small change would shake things up massively.

I do get the feeling that they are going to Mario Kart 8 this game and just port it with extra characters. The man-hours that went in to making a game this full of content, yet so unfun, is nothing short of a miracle.
Why did Corrin only start getting hate recently? Did no one look through frame data and see they’re good? No one shits on Doc but if he started getting results would the same thing happen?

Esports has been imploding the last year and a half and they stopped supporting this game in 2021. Rosterfags have nothing to nibble on either; this is the longest smash info gap by over a year, by now we’d know the new game and first round of new fighters
>Simply put, the game is not deep or interesting enough to keep people invested
i don't see people talking about melee either
almost as if nobody cares about any of that, and in this specific context almost as if people only like melee when they can use it to hate <current game>
plus, as you said, nintendo never pushed it as an esport so there's less "prolonged" life there and as >>486573650 said esports as a whole are dwindling down anyway (just like they were booming when smash was also booming a year or two ago, cause they were riding the same wave)
>Mythra is supposed to be >NO DMG ALL SPEED!
>Shits 0-60% in 8 seconds and has safe smash attacks to close out a stock with consistency anyways
Aegis players gotta be the shittiest playerbase. This character is a an abomination in this God-forsaken Mickey Mouse game.
>i don't see people talking about melee either
Fair-ish, but on the other hand, no one in here is good enough at the game to give MU or character advice beyond a surface level. I guess you could say the same about Ult, but from an objective standpoint, they’re not on the same level. It’s like asking someone how to drive a car vs pilot the space shuttle. Most melee players don’t even come close to knowing how to actually use their character properly, myself included.

>almost as if people only like melee when they can use it to hate <current game>
Melee is the benchmark for competitive smash since that’s where it started, all games will be compared to it. Just how it is. But on top of that, I don’t even think you believe melee people don’t like their game.

>nintendo never pushed it as an esport so there's less "prolonged" life there
No doubt, Nintendo absolutely stunted the growth of competitive ultimate. But on the other hand, if the game was deeper on a competitive level and more fun, you have to imagine the scene would still be doing better than what it is now.
I don't know if you noticed, but melee is winding down and has been for a while. It isn't getting any significant new talent, the proposition of getting sponsored as a melee player just straight up isn't happening anymore, and melee content creator also isn't a thing.

So once again, good job killing smash for a community that was already two steps away from going off to hospice. Just fucking thank you.
i just stumbled in chillingdude's stream. Is he doing ok? I remember he got a stroke and he looks different. Brain damage?
>I don't know if you noticed, but melee is winding down and has been for a while
I haven’t been around, but I figured as much. I’m not upset at this, the game will inevitably die at some point, even more reason to play it now.
>It isn't getting any significant new talent
I’m not sure if this is really true, but I dont doubt it. Slippi may make practice so easy that the most dedicated people rise to the top and stay there, leaving not much room for people to catch up.

I’m Reddit spacing this so you actually read it:

>So once again, good job killing smash for a community that was already two steps away from going off to hospice. Just fucking thank you.
I think this is just foolish. If you aren’t completely removed from the outside world, the real reason for esports dwindling is painfully obvious:

Interest rates have risen
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This is so silly just add chat so people can communicate things much easier by simply typing to each other
that would make too much sense
forgot to add that it's why unranked is so dogshit because with the dpad chat you're dehumanized off the bat and so for some reason everyone assumes everyone else is a piece of shit by default
Fucking around with Falco a bit DRBR#629
>Melee is a solved g--
Sorry for delay, searching assuming you’re not duper
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>Sorry for delay
It's alright. Searching.
Foiled again! If anyone wants to play, DRBR#629
I love playing sheik and making spaceniggers seethe. All that time spend on tech skill cant save you from the ftilt at the ledge you stupid cunt LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
ggz well played my hands were getting tired towards the end fox is hard
Sorry for the lag and thanks for the ass whooping! I remember playing you a few years back. Hopefully it won’t be long before we are on more even footing again lol
>no one in here is good enough at the game to give MU or character advice beyond a surface level
point is, interest is so low right now nobody bothers to do surface level stuff either. That was my argument

>all games will be compared to it
sure but what i meant is that <new game> is what foster and trails interest in the series as a whole, as we're seeing now. Ult is pretty old and with no new game in sight discussion just isn't there, for any smash game. Which again was my rebuttal to
>the game is not deep or interesting enough to keep people invested
cause even the bestest game everest that is melee still isn't enough to keep people invested to the point you want them to be, as in talking about it here (i'm assuming). Cause again, that's really not what people are about, no one really cares about that stuff to the point they can keep talking about it 24/7 non-stop, no matter how good the game is. Hence it not being a reliable gauge of how good, deep or interesting a game is, cause again again even melee can't keep that kind of discussion up. And if melee can't either it's shit too or it's an unsolvable issue that lies on people not being autistic enough, and i'd wager you agree it's the latter
The game is not deep or interesting enough to keep people invested. Yap about the “meta” all day, latency alone makes camping utterly broken in Ult. Platform fighters in general have a bad camping problem, but Nintendo is so terrified of making the game actually fun they refuse to let other movement options in to make approaching more viable. Not even talking about wavedashing (although, that’d be a good change). But the fact that ground momentum doesn’t carry over into the air means people will run at you and just space aerials. Such a small change would shake things up massively.
>And if melee can't either it's shit too or it's an unsolvable issue that lies on people not being autistic enough, and i'd wager you agree it's the latter
Solid point.
>isn't enough to keep people invested to the point you want them to be, as in talking about it here (i'm assuming)
I would much rather have people playing in here than discussing, because frankly, 90% of people aren’t good enough at the game to have super meaningful discussion about it. People playing melee slowed down here mostly people there’s an autistic person in here who drops fake codes that chased everyone out.
Case in point >>486606920
Melee gameplay discussion is hard to do not only because 90% of players are complete trash and have no idea what they're talking about, but even the actually good players hardly understand the characters they don't play.
I cannot believe how boring a game SSBU is. It genuinely makes SSB4 feel fun, and that was itself a boring game. A boring game I regret having spent so much time playing.
SSBB was fun and remains fun, despite its flaws. The games legit got worse and worse.
>smeleefags really saying "oh well we dont talk about the game because we aint that good anyways!"
Bunch of trannie-sucking losers having more fun having parasocial relationships with top players than actually playing and debating the game they claim to "love"
This is why Ult is better by default, the community with all its flaws never devolved to e-sport drama circlejerk like in smelee
>This engine is broken, even if the next game is trash too, at least it will take a while for people to figure out how to play like a bitch and in the first years shit will be fun to play and watch
Even though I agree Ult's engine is deeply flawed, I still feel like this game could be 100x more fun if the online wasn't catpoop and the balancing was acceptable
Game-breaking abominations like Min Min, GW, Steve, Sonic, ROB, Pikachu, Fox is what truly makes this game suck
We could have a great engine and decent online, but as long as these cancer-ass character exist they will kill Smash
Just give everyone more endlag, make being safe something hard to do, stop giving safe recoveries with magnet hands, stop giving everyone spotdodge and a safe OOS option, make the game be about scrapping and taking risks
Ult's biggest problem is not the engine, or even the online really, is how the balancing is all over the place, rewarding safe-defensive play by making it way too easy and strong, while simultaneously being inconsistent and giving some characters nothing to work with while others have them all
Speaking of melee discussion, how do you fellas deal with blistering fingers? Usually I play through it or rest, but it sucks when I subconsciously stop myself from doing an input because of pain.
>Game-breaking abominations like Min Min, GW, Steve, Sonic, ROB, Pikachu, Fox is what truly makes this game suck
There’s always going to be high tiers.
>Just give everyone more endlag
This is a buff on camping. The guy is right, Ult has a shit engine. You think you want something you actually don’t want lol. What you really want is approaching to be safer and more encouraged.
Doesn't happen anymore but I remember my thumbs bleeding from some controller that didn't have a grip when I first started getting into it again after the doc came out. I guess I stopped back then but mostly I would say just play through it for a bit (if youre not bleeding which you probably wont) but don't force yourself to grind for 10 hours like that you know?
I've only ever gotten one blister from Melee and I just slowed down playing for a little while, now I've got a callous there and it's fine. If you're getting a bunch of blisters you're probably doing something wrong.
>If you're getting a bunch of blisters you're probably doing something wrong.
I think it’s mostly a Fox player problem, specifically from sliding from Y to B for shine-OOS, double shine, jump cancelled shine etc. Consistently been a problem since I first started playing, and I’ve gotten some nasty blisters from it.
>don’t use those then
Shine OOS is really fucking good against Falco though….
Want to play some secondaries?
This but with Marth.
Secondaries DRBR#629
this is marth not falco
It goes
>Lowest Level: Any floaty
>Low Level: Marth
>Mid Level: Falco
>High Level: Fox
Simple as
even the bestest game everest that is melee still isn't enough to keep people invested to the point you want them to be, as in talking about it here (i'm assuming). Cause again, that's really not what people are about, no one really cares about that stuff to the point they can keep talking about it 24/7 non-stop, no matter how good the game is. Hence it not being a reliable gauge of how good, deep or interesting a game is, cause again again even melee can't keep that kind of discussion up. And if melee can't either it's shit too or it's an unsolvable issue that lies on people not being autistic enough, and i'd wager you agree it's the latter
Drop code dupecel
Because no one wants to be like ibdw
>raped his mom
>can only fuck trannies
>snorts coke to the point that his nose is bleeding on stage
>plays fox even when his opponent is playing yoshi in grands and almost loses
>had some weirdo sugar daddy buy him a house like he's his spoiled child
>passive aggressive posts on twitter
Love the game but absolutely despise the community and its players. I hope Nintendo keeps raping their asses for the foreseeable future.
Some guy just spent 30 minutes (yes, seriously) spamming "lol" at me
Why are Melee players like this
Sorry, I'm about done with my Melee sesh
All good, just trying to avoid unranked for as long as possible
Another reason why Ult 2.0 would be a terrible idea. Without some proper balancing this game is doomed unless they release even more powercreeping DLC.

The engine is bad, but is not the engine's fault this game has clown balancing. Even for a "party game" there no excuse for some characters to be forever safe.

Theres a clear difference betwen being high tier and some unholy spawn like Pikachu or Sonic that have so little endlag and can literally recover from the depths of hell and back from across the entire screen with no way to punish them for it.

Palutena is a high tier. Lucina is a high tier. Joker is a high tier. Wolf is (mid) high tier. Sheik is high tier. Wario is high tier. Links are high tier.

Garbage like Steve and the such are above high tier.

>giving people more endlag is a buff in camping
Quite the opposite. The reason why characters like Steve, Sonic, Pikachu and the such are so oppressive is because they never have to commit for shit, so they can mash and throw random shit without worrying about punish.
You want to make everyone have no endlag? The matches will become even more about timeout than what they already are, since characters with lag are the ones forcing interactions, and the fast ones the campier ones.

If everyone has lag, you play aggressive, force a move from the other and can punish him and the same for you.
Without endlag, you get shit like Pikachu who can legit run circles around the stage, poke your shield and be plus, and shit on you if you touch his shield.
We desperately need a new entry, ever since the meta got solved by proving that playing like a bitch gives you consistent wins, everyone been playing like a total bitch, you could be playing the weakest; most meme character you can think of, and people would still run away for 7min in Elite smash because this is what has been taught, and the results are there, Online warriors who were nobodies suddenly becoming top worldwide players by being top campers: acola, sonix, shinymark, miya
This engine is broken, even if the next game is trash too, at least it will take a while for people to figure out how to play like a bitch and in the first years shit will be fun to play and watch
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Haven't been into this psyche ward in a while.

How are you guys feeling about Ayumi Tachibana in Smash, now that she's getting a new entry of her series?
Dupetranny doesn't play VNs, sorry lil jimmy.
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Is that Koby?
>The reason why characters like Steve, Sonic, Pikachu and the such are so oppressive is because they never have to commit for shit, so they can mash and throw random shit without worrying about punish.
If everyone had lots of endlag, no one would commit. Imagine if the only move in the game was like Kirby’s Down B. So laggy and startup so slow that there’s a severe second mover’s advantage. What encourages approaching is both having a lot of different options to chose from so your approach isn’t predictable, and to have enough hitstun so that approaching is actually worthwhile. Melee Fox gets to be aggressive because he can chose from a bag of different approaches and melee’s longer hitstun makes it so he can rack up a lot of damage or set up an edge guard. There is a fine line though, if a game has too strong of a punish game you’ll get Smash 64 where everyone is afraid to approach since their enemy can take a stock of a single hit.
Isn't Mexico ruled by a jewess now? You fellas are cooked
I stopped trying to deal with it and now play pichu because it's much easier on my thumbs. A real solution would be picking up the b0xx.
pikachu feels like shit to control compared to pichu. slower in every way possible as has much worse landing lag. god fucking dammit why couldnt pichu be the better character in melee? i HATE pika
So ultfriends, when BrawlBack comes out and P+ has rollback, would any of you be up for playing?
That's happened to me before. Slippitrannies are mentally ill
He looks like a porn star
new york melee is absolutely cooked
>Mythra is supposed to be >NO DMG ALL SPEED!
>Shits 0-60% in 8 seconds and has safe smash attacks to close out a stock with consistency anyways
Aegis players gotta be the shittiest playerbase. This character is a an abomination in this God-forsaken Mickey Mouse game
Fox is the fucking ultimate double edged sword, holy crap. He can beat the shit out of you, but he’s combo food for the entire cast who can zero to death him with ease.
is hax unabnned yet
I fucking love this character. Been playing unranked and losing a bunch, but having so much fucking fun. I love melee so much bros.
Hax is a literal schizo manchild freak, He shouldn’t be allowed back in the scene regardless of anything. He needs help and a fucking job. No wonder y’all sympathize with this freak
>Every speed demon in this game plays like a bitch including the poster boy of speed sonic
>But if everyone was a speed demon as well they would suddenly approach instead of playing like a bitch because they just would
Yea whatever bro
The entire reason why Ult is slow is because they tried to force a fast game, by making everything faster and safer, trying to emulate the feeling of melee.
Thinking it would fix itself if we went even deeper in the "making things faster" end is just insanity, forcing the same mistake.
Clearly giving characters no endlag is a mistake, it doesn't make the game faster or more aggressive, it just makes the game mashier, people keep circlecamping and turtling spamming their safe shit to lead into a stray hit so they can snowball.
>But if everyone was a speed demon as well they would suddenly approach instead of playing like a bitch because they just would
Did you even read what I said, brother? Fast characters will still be played campy if they cannot combo well. This is because there is more incentive to the safe thing and get stray hits rather than risk getting hit by trying to do combos. What I said is characters need approach options and taking risks have to be rewarded. If Fox couldn’t combo, he would just fucking laser camp and back air because it wouldn’t be worth the risk of approaching.
>Clearly giving characters no endlag is a mistake
This isn’t the problem, though. They just need to add more hitlag. It’s not a fucking mystery as to why Steve, the only character who can consistently combo to death, is the best character in the game.
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>This isn’t the problem, though.
It definitely is. When you can't even whiff-punish people because they can mash away another option is definitely bad game design. You are forced to play even lamer and safer, or throw something while turtling in hope it sticks so it's your turn, instead of having a clean punish on someone mashing on your face.
>Steve is good because he can't combo and not because he can place blocks everywhere, has 2 of the best projectiles in the entire game and his smash attacks are all good, fast and safe
Combos are a meme. Sonic is full of disjoints but he is game-breaking. ShinyMark's Pikachu is all about edgeguard and ledgestall like an Elite Smash bred player and he just won a SuperMajor.
Steve is privileged for a lot of things, but his 0% to 70% is not what makes him the best when half the cast can do something similar or even a ToD. He wins most of his last hit interactions with a cart, bair or anvil, combos are not the problem and you overrate how important they are, this ain't SF.
>When you can't even whiff-punish people because they can mash away another option is definitely bad game design
The game has pretty shit delay even without considering netplay, which is absolutely part of it. You can whiff punish Fox and Falco who have frame data that shits on any given character in Ult pretty consistently. Should not be understated how much difference even a few frames of delay can make. Using your logic, melee Fox, who has blatantly retarded frame-data, would be better off just spacing bairs in place and double lasering (2% for free with like 3 frames of lag). Fox players play that way, but they do so specifically against characters Fox struggles to combo I.e. Puff, Luigi, Samus. Against fast fallers, sheik, Marth, they don’t, because they can fucking drill+waveshine+grab+whatever the fuck they want.
ShinyMark think it's time for men.
Miya isn't a campy player
>Tweek sandbags way too much by doing manchildren stuff instead of getting better at playing a childrens game competitively (manchild behavior)
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I think there's nothing wrong with characters having virtually unlimited recoveries. Yes. The Grand Finals between ShinyMark and Sonix was lit specifically because of the sheer amount of under the stage interactions.
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>5 years into melee
>still a shitter who consistently loses to new players
It's so fucking over. I guess I should've been realistic and understand that my reflexes and adaptability were never gonna be able to keep up with 15 year olds overdosing on adderall spamming tech on a cheatboxx.
A mid 20-something is a decrepit old man by vidya standards.
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I disagree. Most characters being able to almost always make it back makes the games drag on much so much longer than they need to. It’s one of the biggest reasons that Ultinate has so many fucking timeouts when compared to other Smash titles. If a new Smash game is ever made, I hope it’s not as easy as Ultimate. Let people accrue some skill, for fuck’s sake.
This post was made on July 19th, 2024 at 8:06am EST. Suck my cock, dupefag.
acknowledging him as some all-powerful entity just gives him more power anon, it's best to ignore him
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I disagree. I think acknowledging him as the all powerful entity he is, is better for my mental health. If you try to resist him, you're guaranteed to be mindbroken.
>I disagree. Most characters being able to almost always make it back makes the games drag on much so much longer than they need to.

This isn't what I'm talking about, but I vehemently disagree with this even more. The boosted recoveries sets it as the default; if you don't knock the opponent into the blast zone or hit them at a low angle and they have a weak recovery, they won't make it back. This is fine. You didn't kill me, why the fuck should you be celebrating? Hit me into the blast zone! It'd be shitty game design to not hit me into the blast zone but my average character can't make it back anyway with his recovery. If that's the case, why not just pull the blast zones closer?

That being said, with the recoveries the way they are, we have a much more dynamic off stage play. Take the risk and try and edgeguard and you're rewarded with an early stock at the risk of getting reversaled and losing your stock. Or you can sit there like a lil'bitch and wait for me to take my time to come back on stage and ledge trap me to rack up easy damage to push me back into KO percentage.

If you think this is boring, know that I'm pleased with how the game is setup. I think it's the perfect ebb and flow for Smash.
I prefer characters having worse recoveries, but I will say I didn't think sonix vs shinymark was a bad grand finals even though people called it boring. It was long but it was very back and forth because they're two very strong characters with equivalent tools. It felt like watching some modded out version of the game most people play.
That Grand Finals was the most optimized and most technical I've ever seen Smash Ultimate. Every option and every strategy was used on all parts of the stage.
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Which Assist Trophy character do you guys think would win in a Battle Royale based on canonical feats?
Melee wins again
are you guys excited for the rivals 2 news at evo?
>A mid 20-something is a decrepit old man by vidya standards.
True. Worth noting though all the top guys are like upper twenties/thirties, so it’s not all bad news. Also, how do you know how long your opponents have been playing? They could’ve been playing for just as long brother. Don’t assume the worst. Even if they have started playing after, consider the potential gap in hours of playtime between some college kid grinding daily to you. It’s not worth playing the
>im so washed
mental game.
>ultbaies think getting to stage should be free
The level of handholding expected by some of you guys is crazy. That one anon is right, getting ledge should not be something taken for granted. Otherwise, why control center stage? Why go for anything other than guaranteed kill setups? Getting to ledge SHOULD be something you have to constantly mixup. At the very least, a system like melee’s where you have to position well to snap to ledge rather than ult’s magnet hands would mean some skill would be involved.
no dont care about rivals 2 at all
Pretty much the same as the guy above
I'm still a solid 75% into this series because it's Mario fighting Pikachu
What's wrong with recoveries being good if edgeguarding is buffed by a similar amount?
It’s usually either one or the other. Ult edgeguarding is basically “do I have a move that can 2 frame easy” or “do I have the air mobility to go off the stage”? The only game I can really think of that has both good edge guarding and a cast with good recoveries is Project+. I think that’s a fairly good balance. Melee I like better, but I understand that’s a bit unforgiving. Haven’t really played Smash 64, but that’s too far in that direction.
Melee Dr. Mario is actually a good character and is going to be the next low tier that suddenly starts winning events
Sadly, I disagree. Hes one of those characters that is close to greatness, but just not there. His recovery is just atrocious. Probably second worst after Ness. I’m pretty sure Up-B cancel, which has a 1 frame window to pull off, can be SDI’d so it doesn’t true combo into f-air. If he had Mario’s speed and recovery, he’d be viable.
yeah, no. otherwise shroomed wouldve never dropped him and franz would be doing well
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I have played DKs, Ganons and Links that have convinced me that their characters are viable but I've never played a Dr. Mario that impressed me. I haven't played Franz but his only really amazing win is Kodorin and that was a meaningless pools set.
Doc's only impressive on FD v spacies but his strength moreso relies on the idea that he doesn't really need bracket luck. You mentioned Kodorin as best win when Marth eats Luigi, he's got consistent kill confirms or pill camping on floaties, he's got one free game of leeway in B05 vs spacies because of CGs into Fair on FD.
But yeah outside of that FD pick on fastfallers Doc doesnt have standout matchups vs Top tiers where you can capitalize on weird shit the opponent doesnt know, and playing vs the character like you're fighting diet Sheik kinda works.
>Smelee strawman
Lots of Ultchads wish recovery was harder, including nerfing the magnet hands.
Getting off-stage should be a death sentence in 60% of cases. The only broken character whose recovery ain't free in Ult is Aegis.
Melee troons trying to grasp at straws when Ult on it's worst days still better than a 20yo game with nothing to talk about but gossip about the trannie community gatekeeping each other.

Imagine having a game so dead and devoid of life that you "people" get hyped to see the same manchildren boomers compete again, getting all uppity to see Hungrybox timing out people playing like a bitch floating all over.
I'm gonna fucking say it even though I'm a nobody posting anonymously:
Leffen has a horrible Mewtwo and he only understands how to use 27% of his kit. The character was basically getting heavy-carried on his years of experience and good instincts for neutral. Hell, chances are he can pick-up any character capable of basic whiff-punishing and get it to 1st place in EU by abusing his opponents' worse neutral.

Also Ness would be a high-midtier if he didn't have the objectively worst recovery in the game. It's barely functional.
Link is so cool. Just spam boomerang and if they shield, throw them off stage, so if they get impatient and jump from ledge to attack, just shield their attack and go HIAAAAHH like a retard and you win.
i thought the pic was talking about taj
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damn melees a lot of fun
Friday night, dead general
Its only active when you all masturbate and salivate over trannies and obese men playing this piece of shit game, or when one mexican sweatlord who stinks of COMINO EN LA AXILA makes an arena to feel better about himself
Fuck every one of you and I wish you'd all fucking die.
Posted my code all day yesterday and only got one response
Sorry bud. I just shitpost this post every Friday.
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kek last time, bro
>early 30s now
>been playing since 2004
>go to tournaments on/off between 2009-2017
>never made it out of pools outside some small locals a few times
>lose almost every set I play
This is what "it's so fucking over" looks like. I never even had a chance.
Based, love the little png. Who do you play, friend?
ggs dude
jess christ stop samefagging
That fucking faggot marss was right
she only sucks at the top level. if she sucks at your level, that's a skill issue
You mean the level where she can't fucking kill unless I fish for nair down b setups or run away and bait for side b?
yeah, it's definitely a skill issue
Ok you fucking nigger, care to enlighten me how she doesn't suck at medium level?
Clearly you're a ZSS main.
he's in
announcement at evo screencap this
They’re just going to port Ult with more characters/stages like Mario Kart 8. How do you go back from this many characters from a casualfag perspective? Everything will feel like a downgrade.

theyre holding smash6 close to their chest for whenever the fuck they decide to reveal the switch successor. granted im all-in on the game releasing nov/dec next year

They ported MK8 because no one bought the wiiu or its games
Everyone ever owns a switch along with 34 million copies of ultimate
As long as casuals get their dose of kirby pikachu sonic link theyre good to go, they will not give a wet fuck if roy dr mario duck hunt min min dark pit are not in the next game
> tried playing Aegis years ago during Mainstage and Shine where Leo, Cosmos, and Spargo were duking it out with their Aegis mains
> was total trash with the character
> fast forward to S Factor 11, watching Cosmos play, confused as to why he even bothers with Pyra half the time when Mythra is a win condition by her own existence
> Decide to pick her up
> Decide on a play style of 95% Mythra, 5% Pyra for burst options when the enemy is in disadvantage
> gradually go from 7M to Elite Smash over the past few days with sporadic hours of play

Yeah this character is... fun. And Mythra is hot as fuck when she's charging her Lightning Buster.
You cannot deny there is a serious aura of finality to Smash 5, it’s literally called “Ultimate”. Where do you even go from here? You have to have a justifiable reason in “trimming the fat”. It can’t be “smash ultimate 2 with less characters”. So the gameplay has to be fleshed out. The only problem is, Soccer Guy fucking despises the idea of doing that. He only reluctantly did so in Ult by haphazardly bringing back *some* movement things, albeit heavily nerfed, like directional directional airdodging, dash dance, etc. Even then, he couldn’t help himself and still ended up removing shield dropping lol.
Sure would be nice if the faggot actually had some kind of weakness
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>headed to page 10 again
he's in
Registration closes in about an hour: https://start.gg/7243
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annndd he deleted it
anndd it's back up
The indefinite part is what fucked him. It was basically their way of permabanning him without facing any negative criticism from people
>don't give a clear time frame of when there will be an unban
>retarded conditions like you can't bring it up at all
>years go by and frustrations grow as nothing seems to be moving along in favor of Hax
>agitated, he begins to make his case publicly after personal DM's to TO's are continuously ignored
>"We told you to be quiet and gave you totally fair terms but you didn't follow them, oh well I guess we'll keep you banned :)"
They pushed him to the edge, what the fuck else did they think would happen?
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I'm so close bros!
Just another push!
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What tag should I use for today's thread tournament?
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This is the "constant harassment" to TO's that we keep hearing about
>NOOOOOO I cant enjoy my bingo bango wahoo without Duck Hunt, Mr Game Watch and 50 different shades of echo characters!
It will be my pleasure to see shitters like you get completely filtered. I hope they cut the cast to like 30 fucking characters.
I would prefer this. Just give me patched ultimate. Hopefully with some big fixes and a new SSE campaign.
>be 29 y/o boomer.
>want to play smash bros with IRL friends who live far away
>learn about slippi
>DL it and figure out how to load the ISO.

>Play unranked matches
>everyone is an edgy lord who plays falco and will d/c if they see im playing Dr. Mario or ice climbers.
>every match is autistic min maxers who obviously have watched too much of the internet content about Melee.

>I never even owned ssb 1 or melee just played at friends houses and played Brawl a good amount after we got a wii when I was a kid.

Why are gaming communities like this so destructive?

Is there a way I can choose the map or item settings and still be able to play online?
>what the fuck else did they think would happen?
They're sociopaths powertripping on a half-dead niche scene, they don't care.
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Spectate code: xlf66e1EaOUBuSe6BlkNeN2dnby1
Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/gomadssb
Glhf everyone, and Ult bracket starts in 3 hours
This retarded argument of "I don't care for a better online/engine/balancing! just keep the cast!" would make some sense if Ult's cast was something outta a dream, like KoF 2002 type of cast where it truly feels like some ultimate edition type of shit.
Ult's cast is full of dogshit forgettable characters, the FE spam, the boring echo fighters, the lack of reps from other franchises, and even from Nintendo's franchises as well.
Yeah Ridley is nice I guess but I wouldn't lose sleep if he had to go, much less for Dark Samus or the 9 different flavors of Marth.
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Unloved motherfuckers really want 5-6 more years of this absolute disgusting engine that feels like trying to race with a broken leg with abominations like Sora, Banjo, Kazuya and Min Min plaguing the game.
I swear roster fags play against the CPU or just legit put the CPU to fight as they watch. They do NOT play this game, brother.
The CPU has been completely unfun to fight since Smash 4
I play melee dummy. I am talking about a strictly CASUAL perspective. Which, if you didn’t know, is the only thing Soccer Guy gives a flying fuck about. Your average dude who plays smash once a month with buddies doesnt give a shit if the game actually sucks to play. The little balance patches they did were strictly a symbolic gesture.
Even some characters, like Cap. Falcon were so much better in Smash 4, while in Ult's engine/design/balancing they made him some unholy satanic character whose buttons are so trash you can never do anything swaggy with him like a sick F-Smash read/punish. Instead, peak Falcon gameplay is just mashing like a madcunt fishing for some corny ass spike or knee and Up-B OOS. Ult did some things right, but in the great scheme of things, this game needs to go already, it is overstaying its welcome.
>Some guy in the ult tournament named GYATTNoLanStanley
This is what I'm going to lose to
Every pro-Ult argument boils down to:
>something something MUH casuals something something
>something something MUH sakurai something something
You all seem to have mistaken my pessimism for smash for optimism. Porting Ult fucking sucks, which is exactly why it will happen.
Have you never played casual Smash? Even in your childhood?
They just spam Kirby or Bowser Down B on Temple with high items. The tilt and aerials are foreign to them.
This is 80 to 90% of the market for the game, the rest being another subset of casuals who got drove into tourneyfaggotry with no intent to git gud, and actual compfags, but it's still a bubble.
It's like asking Pokémon to have a teambuilder like the internet apps. It'll never happen. Either you take your dose of copium and accept the baby steps or go play real fighting games/clones that have less than 100 players past Month 1
>something something MUH casuals something something
Most people who buy the game you mean
power you gotta check in!

Nooo you don’t understand, Smash 6 will crash and burn without… Duck Hunt and Corrin!!!!
>He thinks casuals give 2 shits about bum ass characters like Duck Hunt, Game Watch or the Fire Emblem Spam when that franchise is a literal WHO franchise everywhere in the world except Japan
Oh yea, casuals will riot because they removed iconic multi-generational characters like... Duck Hunt, Hero, Pit, Byleth or Min Min.
Then they will buy it anyways because its Smash, and will buy even more once they announce some Fortnite character or something like that.
Casuals don't really give a shit unless they would remove some actual iconic character like Mario, Pikachu, Kirby (unfortunately because fuck Kirby) and the sorts.
>dashizwiz dq's against 2 mid tiers
That's cool bro, do a more drastic cull on , it'll do even worse than the Smash 4s.
The best part? The gameplay will still play worse than Rivals 2
revised doc that directly calls out the cheat
>guy who goes by "the cheat" ends up being a rat
go figure
So it turns out the dm here >>486862331 that Hax censored at first is actually a convo he tried to start with the cheat. Seems that after the positive reception he received from competing at smash factor, m2k support, the freehax movement and the technicals video, Hax isn't holding back anymore
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Bros, my Internet sucks too hard to play Slippi and I have to cope by playing CPUs.
Seethe. Smash 4 still did great since Smash always sells, and what ruined it was Bayo being fucking cancer, and not the lack of characters.
Armada trained by playing against Level 9 Fox. Don't despair
wtf is that real
I’ll play you bro. We can do 3/4f if we have to.
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I'm a complete N00b like I started playing yesterday, go easy on me.
Give me 5 minutes. Tag is DRBR#629
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ggs everyone, Ult bracket to start in about 15 min
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Were you done playing? I’d be up for more games, this lag isn’t even close to the worst I’ve played with.
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ULT BRACKET HAS BEGUN, GO AHEAD AND CHECK IN: https://www.start.gg/7243
Sovl stream: https://www.twitch.tv/gomadssb
Glhf everyone
GGs. I started with Kirby when I first started playing too and know a few tricks about him. Lmk if you want some tips I found useful for him
GG I hit the B Button trying to select a different character. Then my Dolphin crashed. I'll try again on my PC.
All good, I’ll continue searching then
You get it working on PC, brother? If not we can play some other time. Otherwise searching for your code rn.
GGs my Internet is too bad for Slippi. See ya
It wasn’t that bad, bro. Felt more to me like the stuttering was more an issue with the computer than the internet. Have you tried diet melee?
>Have you tried diet melee?
this, get crystal melee that plays on anything
Thanks, will try it later.
what's with the sheer amount of
that i keep hearing? is smash really for trannies now?
melee is
Any space that has a lot of autistic people is. Even games with a far-right player base like Hearts of Iron 4. Just how it is now.
Melee has ostracized evwry single player who isn't trannies. There are only trannies left because all humans have been banned. Now a melee tournament = tranny pride pedo festival
He didn't know.
ZSS sucks.
is gay
melee? PROX#389
New controller. DRBR#629
>Even some characters, like Cap. Falcon were so much better in Smash 4,
It's the jab, isn't it?
pre-DLC and pre-Cloud Smash 4 was alright, i agree.
So what is it then?
gtg, ggs
GGs. That was rough lol
dabuz made a girl cry at evo
This retarded argument of "I don't care for a better online/engine/balancing! just keep the cast!" would make some sense if Ult's cast was something outta a dream, like KoF 2002 type of cast where it truly feels like some ultimate edition type of shit.
Ult's cast is full of dogshit forgettable characters, the FE spam, the boring echo fighters, the lack of reps from other franchises, and even from Nintendo's franchises as well.
Yeah Ridley is nice I guess but I wouldn't lose sleep if he had to go, much less for Dark Samus or the 9 different flavors of Marth.
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ggs everyone
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along with her country
gonna miss these
FP2 ruined this game
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seethe peter
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>yoshi lost
My win
>GoMad leaving before hosting a Project+ bracket
Not like this….
when we get p+ rollback he will come back...
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>Ranked Mode out coming out to MVScam before Slippi Ranked is fully out
I’m gonna be honest guys. I like Hax. But removing the obvious culture war bullshit, you guys have to see the dude is clearly unstable. I’m sure we all have someone we hate in our lives, but can any of you say you hate someone so much you would sacrifice your true passion and sense of community to go on a crusade against someone you really don’t have to interact with often? At this point he’s past being his own worst enemy. Not even saying he has to be friendly, act friendly, or even say anything positive about Leffen. Just don’t double down on another 20 page hate manifesto and repeat schizo takes to TO’s for Christ’s sake.
If you weren't all shitters you would play Project M Plus 3.0 right now instead of an awful gam elike Ultimate.
The Smash community can't even remove homosexual pedophiles from community events, going after that fag Leffewn had zero chance of success.
The cheat is an extremely obese disgusting extremely stinky pedo
Wow I can't even read this shit because he types like a fuckin retard and doesn't even finish some of his sentences. Lay off the autism meds a bit you morbidly obese fat smelly fuckin pedo waste of life. So obvious he has a napoleon complex and just wants to lord over all the trannies because he wants to be King Pedo.
He made 1 video to out him as a piece of shit then had to make a tons more because groomed Twitter bot pedos didn't understand because they're retarded
Muh word is duh law cuz I eat the most hamburgers and pizzas and french fries and lard and horses and bacon and ice cream and candy and soda and bread and soup and chipotle and five guys and mcdonalds and burger king and wendy's and pizza hut and papa john's and cheese and mayonnaise and steak and butter and cream and biscuits and gravy and cream and corndogs and deep fried oreos and deep fried butter and deep fried lard and oil and fried chicken and I'm the stinkiest pedo at the tournament with the most and biggest skidmarks and shit in my pants and I didn't shower the longest so yeah if you aren't a tranny pedo I'm going to sit on you
And donuts and cake and cookies and chips and golden corral and ding dongs and ho hos and twinkies
And macaroni and cheese and mashed potatoes and salami and spaghetti and meatballs and angel food cake and cheesecake and jerky and lasagna and pasta
The only reason the cheat hates hax is because he isn't underage anymore and didn't transition as a child so he is nothing to him
At least the cheat will die soon from being so unbelievably fat
Disgusting parasites like the cheat really ruined melee for me
It destroys all motivation to play when a fat retard is just going to cockblock your whole life if you get good because you weren't tranny enough
And I made the most kids transition by threatening to ban them and blackmailing them on discord
i skimmed through this whole thing, why is this cheat guy allowed to decide whether hax can come back or not?
I empathize with all of hax's shit more than the average person (on twitter at least lol), but it's a bit tragic that all he really had to do was wait a few more months for leffen to semi-retire from the scene. Obviously you can't read the future for something like that, but still, it's sad to think that this shit probably all could've been avoided, regardless of whose fault it was most.
If there's any silver lining, the technicals crowd isn't gonna shut up about this and, as long as the same douchebag TOs are active on twitter and replying and bitching to anyone even half involved in the scene, it's just gonna make the outside crowd + bystanders even more and more bewildered. Their collective 'holier than thou' pride-fuck reaction is gonna cost them plenty in the long run
>Sakurai praised Cyberpunk 2077 last year. https://twitter.com/Sora_Sakurai/status/1708478577950466102
>Lucy is in GG Strive
Yeah, I'm thinking HE'S in.
Meet your new Smash 6 rep.
>To the tournament organizers who I discussed this case with at some point: I am sorry for being of trouble to you. Sheridan, Kevin, Ohan, WillyP - I am sorry to all of you for taking up your time.
When will he realize that constantly apologizing to the people that outright hate him and want him dead only gives them a massive egostroke boner and will only serve as reason to keep the ban in place.
Hax is a literal schizo manchild freak, He shouldn’t be allowed back in the scene regardless of anything. He needs help and a fucking job. No wonder y’all sympathize with this freak
Epic. I'd rather just get V though.
Dupeanon, this is the seventh week in a row you brought that exact hax line to the thread...
game and watch will be the next character to become viable and after that pichu will go from low tier to mid tier
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What are the best beginner characters in Smash? I mostly play Robin and Pit.

I play the 3DS version since I am poor.
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Playing some smash fangames
mario, lucina and cloud.
all for their own reasons and with slightly different specialisms, but they're all good to get yourself familiar with the mechanics and game feel.
oh damn is this crusade?
Its a mod of Crusade yeah
this combination of words will do the trick
for fuck's sake, again??
look i don't think hax should be permabanned or some shit like this, most sane people would agree he's served his time by this point
simultaneously he's really not helping his case by constantly shitting out documents explaining that because at this point it's obviously not going to get through to the sociopathic cunts keeping him banned
like if they're willing to essentially nuke relationships between the mexico and us smash communities over fucking hax then a google doc isn't going to do anything let's be real
don't get me wrong i don't think this is fair on hax by any means but it's difficult to vouch for him when the to's can just retort to anything with some variation of "well um he didn't follow our instructions so we're totally justified"
He's too powerful.
Pick one
your racism is not welcome in this community
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lol m2k
bread baked

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