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Previous: >>485995056
/wowg/ OP pastebin: https://pastebin.com/hVutVN5J
worgen thread
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fuck the horde
thread full of negrows
Anyone got the remix leveling thing?
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Worg time?
What class do they look best in? males specifically
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I thought most times were meant to be worg time.
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This is probably the cutest pic of your dog you've posted. I like those ears.
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worg time
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I always liked how leather looks on them. Males have a problem where all the shoulders are massive so its hit and miss with alot of armor types.
somebody post "that"
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oooohhh i gotcha
Captcha: DJHK
Gotcha, wanted to try playing them with a melee based class like DK or War, but didn't want to roll with a Druid. I'll take a look and see how they look as Rogues
whos the broad on the left
time to goon
Mage Warlock Priest

Needs a rogue for true RMP slut shaming
Haha, that's Tina on the right.
Is war within going to save wow? Please be honest
save it from what?
it will be a good expac but wow wont be hype until midnight at least
>still no cm sets added to remix
what are they doing?
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>prepatch soon
>full launch only a month after that
So now that practically all the major changes are done for the beta, what class/specs/herotalents are the biggest winners and losers of TWW?
This, Midnight and TLT are the real endgame, WW is just setup. Believe Ethereal bros
>solo q rbgs
This is enough to make it one of the best xpacs ever. Devs are finally adding GOOD permanent features instead of only focusing on shitty xpac exclusive gimmicks.
playable ethereals would make me 100% resub to the game even if its chock full of tranny and gay shit its been my dying wish since they were revealed in tbc
Man I wish that little slut made porn before quitting
>He doesn't know
>Biggest winners
Warriors, Mages, Evokers, Paladins, Priests (except oracle)
Warlock, Death Knight, Hunter, Monk
Rogue, Shaman, Demon Hunter, Druid
>Priests (except oracle)
why are voidweaver and archon looking good?
Archon makes Halo go back and forth 3 times which gives a shit ton of instant heal procs and Voidweaver is good damage.
Priest is my least favorite class but that new Halo thing looks like the most fun button to press ever added to the game.
hey, watch my knee grow~!
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>>solo q rbgs
how did warrior win? their new talents look mid
It's going to be the biggest pvp gamemode ever and arena kiddies are gonna have to learn to accept that.
god, brack is based beyond belief
i give it two weeks at best and then everyone will be completely sick of it and wont bother outside of the weekly quest
they're not axing the awc so any hopes of tuning for the mode are in the trash, best you can hope for is dampening being applied to the mode.
eat my arena-gym shorts, peasiante
>oh my god is that an extra visual lightning effect on a warrior? AHHHHH I'M GOING INSANE THIS IS CRAZY WHOAAAAAA UNGA BUNGA HOLY SHIT
-Basically every retard who doesn't play warrior but saw a clip of someone hitting a target dummy as mountain thane
um it reminds me of muradin from wc3 so it's kino, ok?
Why does it make you angry though?
kek i mean one of their talents is just growing in size like how lazy can the devs be?
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>how did warrior win?
They didn't. Pic related got cut as the arms/prot hero talent so I'd say Warrior lost hard.
i like wildstalker and i don't care what plebs are saying
>Pic related got cut
lmao did it really? this was probably the only thing i was looking forward to. maybe its not so bad since they wouldn't have given you the option to mog to 1h weapons if you wanted since fury cant
That's basically what it boils down to.

Because people are acting like easily amused children at flashing lights, they don't care about how the spec actually plays or how the talent tree lays out. I play the class so I do care about that stuff, and we're not in a great place.
best flying mount for worgs?
why do so many people run around with the grand caravan merchant mount when they could get the mammoth version for 1/6 of the price?
the mammoth doesn't have a mog guy on it
Yak has transmog on it.
Cause the yak has transmog and the mammoth doesn't?
death knights definitely won
did anybody mention the mog guy yet I dont think they did
>even art depicts frost as a 2hander chad
dual sisters...
Grand Gryphon
I have a question bros.
Is the crafting order system thing gonna be cross server?
My character is on a dead realm but I figured maybe with cross guild system coming maybe they are changing that too.
do you play this game an hour a week or something
100k is nothing
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Will I become an avatarfag if I start posting my based Goblin Warrior?
So if I'm in a cross server guild and put up a guild work order, people in my guild won't be able to fulfill it (I'm not in their realm)?
When will they make single minded fury viable?
Can you get this for bronze?
Also is there anything else worthwhile you can get for bronze?
I mean if you picked the other hero talent you'd still have to go 1h prot
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cartel master's gearglider for sure.
bronze rewards are all cosmetic.

also no the yak is not on the bronze list. it's one of the best gold sinks so blizz isn't gonna give it out for free.
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Fuck it, I'm doing it anyway. He's level 64 and you will see more of this based gobbo.
as long as you don't spend 10 hours a day in silvermoon.
my cock..
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Why did it take until the Shadowlands prepatch for Blizzard to add "high" elves to the Alliance?
they wanted to wait to completely sunder the lore all at one time
>in 9 days we will finally be able to dragonride the heroic edition DF mount
better late than never
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I am vengeance
>male goblin
why though
Because I'm not going to give myself gender dysphoria by playing a female.
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Same mentality.
Guild work orders are supposed to be cross server because guilds are. Normal ones won't be
Ok thank you, I might have to transfer my rogue but I don't want to pay
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>Kinda wanna try dragonflight for Evoker Mainly because my autism is gonna be shitter shattered if evoker class armor is the only thing I dont get and cause leveling there seems cool
>Dont wanna commit to War Within cause its 50 bucks
>Dragonflight is 30 on its own despite being done in 2 months
Does Dragonflight become free as of the prepatch or something? Or as of the expansion?
iirc an expansion becomes free when pre patch for the next one comes out
You get DF for free with prepatch but Evoker will start at lvl 10 after that. You can still level one really fast through Remix though
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read nigger
I know that you dumb fucking retarded shitstain Im forced by society to call a human being.

I DONT WANT to buy War Within for Dragonflight when its 50 fucking dollars
ok then fuck off
rogue has been officially designated to minigames, hasn't it?
I mean its just been a shroud bot up until priest buffs anyway. It was lucky for shroud to get brought to the keys it did for a long time. Rogue is a roleplaying class stuck in a action game.
>started playing warrior halfway through s3
>never got the axe
>completely stopped thinking about it in s4 because i only play retail for weekly heroic guild run
>get curious to see how many fyrakk heroic kills i have
Hang on, wasn't this shit meant to be a 100% drop at 14?
1 week to prepatch. Holy shit
You'd think, but it still took me fucking forever to get it despite trying since S3. Got it early S4 with normal and heroic kills in double digits.
Fuck them all night long!
you're the retard poorfag that thinks paying 30 dollars for 2 months of worhtless content that everyone has already finished is a decent idea to save 20 dolalrs
there are forum posts of people bitching about not getting a after 16 kills
check your armory i got mine in 12 heroic + 20> lfr/normal
The state of classes are going to ruin the expansion hype. Shit is fucked.
how hard is pres in arena boyos?
its my last class to get 18hundo on for the lulz dont know if i should go dev or pres, dev seems pretty free but i fucking hate casters so much its unreal
>how hard is pres in arena boyos?
You get shit-minced by Arms warriors.
It's gonna be hilarious (as it is every pre-patch) to read all the doomposts like it's everyone's first time.
ya thats something that concerns me, thankfully warriors arent very popular this season
rotationally where would you rank it among healers? i got 1800 in 5 lobbies on rsham and i got duelist on rdruid, tho im a dps main
A sure step to become one is to edit the pics of your characters so you can evade filters.
Most classes are fine. Also, first time?
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>prepatch classes are wack
Wow I am shocked by this.
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Best - Holy Pala, MW, Evoker
Mid - Holy Priest, Resto Sham
Shit - Druid, Disc

Best - Blood DK
Mid - Prot War
Shit - everything else

Giga broken OP - Arcane Mage, Augmentation
Very strong - Fire Mage, Affliction, Frost DK, Ele Shaman (on AoE) Unholy DK, Survival Huntard
Good - Fury (only slayer), Assassination (higher keys), Sub, Balance (high keys otherwise shit), Shadow Priest
Meh - anything not listed as complete and utter shit
Complete and utter shit - Feral Druid, Arms Warrior, Destro Lock, BM hunter (by far the worst)

Also, new dungeons are incredibly anti-melee. Think worse than DF season 1 before the million nerfs. Every pack casts non stop and has 5 abilities with a frontal and pulsing AoE combined with fears. A lot of curses so make sure you bring at least 2 people who can dispel curses and ALWAYS bring an Aug. If you do not roll meta you're simply not getting invites.
Yeah no. I'm dropping my warrior for the first time since fucking Legion because it's the same shit I am so sick of playing from BFA and the hero talents are utterly boring.
The early impressions i read in these threads are always wrong, specs people say are shit end up topping the charts in the first raid
>Also, new dungeons are incredibly anti-melee.
This is more tank related, but in some dungeons, it seemed like someone played vanilla and thought "yes, knockback across the entire room, this is good, let's put that back in the game".
Also ret seemed pretty good from what I've played, being semi-ranged, you can dodge the shit while keeping up with your HP builders and spenders, battle rez, many ohshit buttons.
Because at the last minute everything strong in the beta always gets nerfed into the ground and everything that sucks gets buffed way too much.
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new thread
new win.
hehe we won we fucking won.
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Post Your Character(s).
Is there going to be a glut of fotm spriests for TWW?
I just got back into WoW since Legion, I had no idea what was going on and based my velf/spriest choice on a character I like in another game entirely. I figured I would do that and also finally heal in wow for the first time as disc.
Now I feel like I seeing like every third dps an spriest while levelling in shadowlands and the first dungeon I queued in had 4 priests and the healer was also an spriest.
Also different scaling, some specs are good when shit geared, but sucked when geared and vice versa.

On the end-game testing realm, you always get scaled to the designated ilvl, but on the leveling realms, you don't, and until the last patch, you could simply get free tier set and endgame trinkets (and some other gear with procs including weapons), which I bet definitely skewed some's opinions.
Like the other day, I was minding my own business in the gear that I've acquired via normal gameplay to see how hard is stuff gonna be, multiple people tell me to "just go by the gear so it's easier".
Possibly, voidweaver had very nice visuals
If you would like to heal as well as dps I would still play priest since you clearly like the fantasy, all the specs are fun and you can always easily find a group as a healer if you're pugging.
If you're going to only play shadow like the retards you're encountering I wouldn't bother.
This, you'll get pressed into being a healsissy.
That's why I dropped my shammy and became huntard.
Thanks for responses, I hopefully have a line on not pugging with some friends.
As long as I don't get pressed into holy I'm good.
Disc has also interested me from way back since it seemed to share a philosophy with gw1 prot healer but I always heard bad things about it in the past. I don't know what kind of rep it has now.
We don't do that here.
am i crazy for wanting classic BFA and SL with some major changes?
built for hung valeborn bbc goddesses
nice mog sir
The only major change that would get me to replay those is I get paid every month instead of me paying them.
The Classic versions would be much better since they'd be based off the final patch.
I think BFA with changes has a lot of potential actually, this whole expac was essentially wasted by dogshit itemization/class design
Shadowland is a dumpster fire tho, they should let it be
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How would that even work for BFA since they added another system with every major patch?
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A fellow Fyr'alath enjoyer.
I mogged over mine when I got it lmao.
BFA was the last time they put in effort in storytelling, dungeons and zones. We will never get anything like that again.
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Looks better blue.
Hey man, I beat you!
duhhhhhhhhhhhh dis ohpee????
duhhhhhhhh no one read op
duhhhhh why op different if no one read op???
oh thats right u read op dont cha
mind broken
Reminder to report and ignore avatar and signature use by the way!
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We can't go back, and thats the most powerful realization.
Don't need to. TWW looks sick.
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Every single noteable hunter/ranger character in the lore has always used either a 1 handed sword or dagger as their melee weapon of choice.


There are probably more I am forgetting. You also have Rexxar dual wielding 2 one handed axes.

So why the fuck does survival hunter use a big two handed weapon like a spear?
>rogues have some "anima" shit in their talent tree
Just another proof how lazy the devs are, I know other classes have what is basically covenant ability, but at least they gave it a skin so it's more in line with the visuals and you can turn it into covenant visual via a glyph.
On the other hand, rogue visuals are non-existent, so it doesn't matter that much I guess.
Dual wield is retarded.
you mean bone spike?
more like lili gets caught by them on purpose so they can rape her. She loves doing that for years, or get into adult bars in sw and getting drunk, letting pervs take advantage of her little cub body.
I'm talking about Echoing Reprimand.
>Deal Physical damage to an enemy, extracting their anima to Animacharge a combo point for 45 sec.
one of the best worgs itt
Because surv had no planning or vision beyond "hey lets give hunter a melee spec"
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Overused, guaranteed "cool" points, never actually been practical irl (I know I know, this is fantasy, but again - overused)
A spear for hunting makes more sense than dual wielding anything.
survival should be a spear chucker spec
literally me
sylvanas didnt even have a melee weapon in wc3
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wowo wawithin
dumb baby
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someone photoshop >>486125879 in that bat's place
that cruel ( T w T )
let babu alone!
Please send me a timecard to discord. I can't buy
>level 70 cum'dorei fuckpig
Why not?
level 1 tauren rapist
mark my words: new cinematic today
is there a list somewhere with what's in the prepatch?
what makes you think that?
Is moonguard stormwind filled with faggy half elf arathi rpers?
20 euros is too much for me
depends where you're looking
It's 13.99 bro
lol sometimes I forget this place is full of contrarians
20 in my country. Guess where I live?
Well, 20 what?
timecards are now sold only from resellers for 20 euros. I want to create a Turkish account and buy a subscription cheaply t I'm afraid they'll ban me
Okay, redditor.
Ok, nigger.
Better a nigger than a redditor.
nah i don't think you'll have any issues
That wasn't a fun tier list. It's based on power and warrior is looking strong.
My real country will be displayed in the battle net. Do you think Blizzard doesn't care? I don't want to play for a lot of money and then get banned
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i mean, i don't think they care where the gamecards come from.
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How do you unlock these?
ayo wow gzzz
is that shadowlands? doesnt look like the typical waystone. those were unlocked with anima
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Yeah it's the one right before sanctum of domination raid, there's nothing to click nearby it, and i have lots of anima.
I only just took notice of this thing today... If i can unlock some kind of way to fast-travel in these areas and zones i'll be golden.
What exactly do i need to do? There's no interactive prompts when i mouse over it or stand near it or anything.
here is a larger picture
ngl I had an inner monologue gag upon opening that image
so when does the prepatch hit
i cancelled my sub 2 weeks ago as i was done contentwise in DL
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yea then that's unusable. you need to find waystones like this one
That's the graveyard.
Waystones are- >>486131282 Yeah, the thing with the orb above it.
july 23rd
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my loving yuri wife (she is the top)
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love her
there's two-three of those in all of SL
one in korithia
one right outside the robot dudes invisible den in the maw
and one in zerith mortis that takes you back to oribos
>That's the graveyard.
total ass
fuck whoever designed these zones and said BTW NO FLYING AND NO FAST TRAVEL like there's not even a flight master or something maw/sl equivalent...
i hate walking to this fucking raid (im farming heroic for a weapon transmog but it wont drop)
>ugly inflated duck lips
>make them more prominent by painting over them
women truly are fucking retarded
yeah shadowlands is indeed hell
While i'm here i just looked up the SL meta achievement for the newly added mount that will be able to dragonride soon.
Only people doing that are people that actually played SL and made some headway into this achievement, it's worse than a world awoken from DF in it's requirements... No way a newer player would start doing all this shit, such a grind and not worth it unless you super duper really really want that mount...
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Good thing the mount looks ass, so I never have to bother with any of that.
grinds like this are good for the game. there is no player power attached to them and they make people invest a lot of time in them
>fuck whoever designed these zones and said BTW NO FLYING AND NO FAST TRAVEL like there's not even a flight master or something maw/sl equivalent...
Literally the waystone right in front of you.
The flight thingy right next to Ve'nari to go to whichever waystone in the Maw, it can go straight to that one.
Surprisingly they're not THAT stupid to expect people to run all the way through majority of the zone just to get to the raid.
sex with the vain bitch goblin ex-wife
you can play the beta or a trial account without a sub :)
Get a job.
fist fights with the goblin divorce attorney in his office when he starts dating the goblin ex-wife
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There's no waystone to the raid SoD in the maw, there's a waystone to koritha which is far from the raid.
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pretending to love the gnome gf and taking her to restaurants in Bilgewater harbour hoping to be seen by the goblin ex-wife
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This thing in Ve'nari's Refuge.
If you've done SoD once on any character, as in the achievement for all bosses in the raid (Raid Finder included), then you can teleport to this waystone >>486131282 outside the raid.
It's a one-way trip, the only way you get back to Ve'nari's refuge is the teleport item you can buy from her.
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I have done just about every conceivable grind in the game. I have every rep to exalted. I have almost every raid/dungeon rare drop mount. I have loremaster. I have every patch zone's meta achievements including mechagon and nazjatar. I have both SL and DF meta achievements.

I can safely say the SL meta is the worst thing i've ever done. It really, really fucking sucks.
>I have every patch zone's meta achievements including mechagon and nazjatar.
are those really easier than the SL one?
I've only ever done the SL one
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I'd say so, yeah. Like every major problem with the nazjatar and mechagon metas are repeated multiple times each in the SL meta. It's true hell.
Biggest problem i'd say with the mechagon meta was really really low drop rates off once a day rares that are often on a rotation. A lot of those drops have been buffed since BfA ended and you can get most things in a couple of attempts tops, some are guaranteed i think. You have to wait for random daily quest givers also which sucks but it's not too bad compared to others.

Nazjatar definitely would suck starting from scratch now, cause you need to spend like 30 days leveling your bodyguards and wait many weeks to complete an achievement you can only do 1 step per week (do these at the same time obviously). It didn't feel as bad when it was current content since you needed to be there anyway. Still, like i said, you think those are long waits? You need to do those same-ish waits multiple times in SL meta.
yea SL is the worst so far
Thane prot looks sorta cool, since it has a lot of procs a- >>486102627 nvm warrior lost BIGLY
was gladiator stance that good
It looked cool.
I also just really, really fucking hate colossus smash and smash-like abilities. The arms hero talent side looks super shitty, having to stand there channeling shit is the worst.
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Ever catch yourself admiring your own mog? Hot damn, what a good mog.
yes. and that is indeed a good mog
She looks like she rubs pussies with male worgen yup
Original gladiator at the start of WoD was crazy good. Awesome and fun. It got nerfed into oblivion and was no longer a good build, but it was still fun to fuck around while doing tanaan dailies and stuff.
We hadn't seen gladiator since then until recently with SoD. SoD version is kinda weird, it seems decent but doesn't compete with normal warrior dps. I don't know how good it is to main tank in gladiator stance but it seems really good as an off tank filler in raids, you can safely dps in gladiator and probably swap to defensive to taunt and main tank when needed.

This potential version we could have got in TWW would have been amazing though. Just that base effect right there alone is fucking PERFECT as a flex spec for arms and prot. As arms you'd still playing as a two handed warrior mortal striking and cleaving, but now you would have a shield thrown on. Not only is it cool visually but it unironically would be the perfect addition for arms because one of arm's biggest issues is how much more squishy it is compared to fury. Having a shield thrown on for a boost to some armor, extra strength, extra health, a bit of extra stats, is perfect for it, that's exactly what it needs. It would help the spec immensely.
As prot you'd still be the same old prot warrior, only now you're swapping your one hander for a two hander so you simply get to hit harder and do more damage.

That version right there would have been perfect. Shame. Of course blizzard had to ditch it in favor for a completely made up archetype that doesn't even make sense, nobody asked for, and nobody cares about. They like to do this a lot. Reminds me of Legion when players came up with so many amazing legendary weapon possibilities, and blizzard said yeah nah and just made up like 80% bullshit on the spot instead that nobody had any connection to.
>Personally my character is from the undermines and, being a dwarf, he build a rather medium sized space ship to go into outer-space and find the asteroid the void elves inhabit, once there he plapped all the void elf mommies because he is just that much of a giga chad (see: rape) am i right dudes, anyway that was a good talk about WoW now time to discuss my daily life for the next 50 threads.
>btw guys did i mention i love rape? it's so moral and cool. (attaches pic of my avatar to my post)
Thanks anon.
The way you worded this makes it sound like Bea has multiple pussies? Or the male worgen do?
Either way, someone's gotta tell him. It ain't gonna be me, it's gotta be one of you guys.
What are you talking about? Is this a schizopost?
Sits in the park with Worgen, cat pets in their lap, scritching and rubbing them.
Ohhh! Yeah, definitely. Bea is a cat person. That sounds very relaxing.
>My character "Bea" is on topic so im going to talk about the lore and history of my original donut steel character and its lore for the next 300 posts in this world of warcraft general thread.
>Btw guys i love feet. (attaches pic of my avatar to my post)
>People were talking about how to get waystones open and achievements in shadowlands but enough of that, now it's time to talk about my next character that i am leveling up "rapemaster5000" she has a 30 inch futa cock and cries in bbc threads about their lost lovers ex sinful waif tee-nuh
>btw guys i must remind you that my posts are entirely on-topic but this is the wow thread and i am infact talking about wow right now (posts another image of myt character but this time its zoomed in on the ass)
You forgot it was also 3 buttons and designed for retards which is why 4chan worships it.
No because I don't huff my own farts.
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>Guys my charcter "troonlover" is a cat person just so you know
>anyway enough talk about WoW its time to goon-max and anon-seethe because the guy from fogen and some other generals like ummmmmmmmmmmmm redalertgeneral and ummmmmmm mylittlepony general on an entirely different board is here again
>well guys that was fun (attaches pic of my avatar to my post)
>so yeah did you know my feet smell like cheese?
>world of warcraft general
Basically what >>486137536 said.
Contrary to popular belief worgen are alright with cats, even if Guilneans are better known for their canine pets.
t. Not flexible enough
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>I just dogged in at the raid
>there was nothing to do
>so i dogged out
>By the way guys did you know im such a good poster in this general that i dont have any time to do the raid and totally play the game?
>Yep i play the game so much! It's evident by how many posts and pictures you can see here of my character (attaches pic of my avatar to my post)
>As you can see it was a hard fought battle but in the end i got 3/9 prog on a heroic raid, that was released nearly a year ago now
>yep im very good and totalyl have lots of friends to play iwth too (they all left me btw)
>Anyway it was good to talk about wow now shall we disucss my futanari penis some more for another 400 posts? dont forget to attach images
I mean the same can be said for most specs today. Don't see how that is relevant to how cool a spec looks and feels to play.
>LFR 9/9
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quality melty
just pay 20€ and shut the fuck up already you spastic
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>I dont like raids
>Uhhhhh im very good at m+
>(attaches pic of my avatar)
Interesting. I would have never guessed. No, that's not true. I totally could have guessed, given how often I see female Night Elf druidesses getting awful handsy with worgen. Cats *are* nice.
Isn't 2k high?
I haven't paid attention since bfa
By the way guys don't forget i have "more where that came from" on all the usual places and spaces, thanks for coming to my ted talk, so you in the next 50 threads where i'll also be treating this general as my personal coloring and picture book for 5 year olds because i have still not mentally progressed past the age of a kid myself, hence i always need to attach an image of my avatar to my post.
Yes it's true, i do it other generals and boards aswell. I just can't help myself. If there are no pictures in my post, how will anyone know it's "me" posting?
Did you know 4chan is an anonymous website? I didn't. (attaches pic of my avatar to my post)
It's welfare rating, niggalow, pissylow, if you will.
lol no
For a rehash season nobody wants to play, might as well be.
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Easily one of my favorite sloppa's ever made. Very cute nelf gf.
Nah, 2k is really easy to get. Despite anon's unprovoked melty, he's right on one thing: I am not grinding as much as I was in previous seasons.
Reason for that is that we're in a rehash season, and I'm just feeling like playing a rehash that much.
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Lot of effort for his meltie tonight.
Why is m*ye posting samefag melties to falseflag again?
Oh, hi, me. You're the best! Look guys it's me again! See i attached a pic of my avatar to my post.
>I am not grinding as much as I was in previous seasons.
Yes guys it's true, all my "friends" left me, as i said above, especially sinful waif, tee-nuh. Welp guys time to go shit up some other generals now and post about feet, see you in 2 posts when i'll be back here having a melty and posting my avatar again. I am totally sane and not a schizo btw. Enjoy guys see you again in 2 posts and then after that we can talk about me in the wowg for another 50 htread and my obsession with [current bogeyman] thing i just made up.
>btw did you know my character built a spaceship to go to the aesteroids and plap (see:rape) void elf mommys? lol theres more where that came from!
>I'm just feeling like
I'm just not* feeling like, excuse me.
I am happy I play on eu so I don't gotta see any of y'all freakazoids in game
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Oh yeah. That's a wife right there. Got any more?
>Medium booba
>smooth, yummy abs/belly
>Cute face, long ears
>Soft hands
Jokes on you, one of the Worgen and Gobbos is EU.
>I play on eu
have some self-respect
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Would you like to add on Discord or in-game or battlenet to air out your frustration with me instead of whatever you're doing right now? Please. There is no way this helps your case whatsoever.
Who hurt her?
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playable gnoblins
gnoblin city exclusively populated by goblin men, gnomish women and gnoblins
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NEW OP PASTEBIN? >July 11th 2004

I'll post what I want how I want and you'll just have to cope with that.
You are severely mentally ill and retarded. This general is your whole life. When you die, no one will miss you.
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remember the many times we all said schizo has a mental breakdown whenever he doesnt get to make the OP? & then remember how he vehemently denied that ever happening? well, there you go
I play on the regional french servers.
I don't even speak french, I just want to have the server for myself.
It's maye. He took over /lolg/ recently too.
Maye is the schizo. You've been proven time and time again, the biggest proof was the mass ip-clear of all his posts and yet you still are so blind to see that.
>I'll post what I want how I want and you'll just have to cope with that.
He is known as "diana anon" there

Why do you think there are massive melties any time the baker makes the OP. Yep, maye.
Dude. I made the OP. I made the last one too.
Id rather see avatars than AI trash
Exactly, you're Maye.
Just like the rest of us.
>Gotta "win" and all that
Do you want to be a thread celebrity or something?
all lower case post
you must be the schizo op
he types in lower case, it is known
I am in many ways, but nowhere near as much a lunatic as some others.
>the many times
Pleeeeeease can you point it out when there was a "schizo melty" because "the other guy couldnt make the op" in any of the threads? XD
For me? I prefer "the baker" and his OPs. Reminder that this all started because MG trannies got triggered by a line in the op.
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i've been having fun on my survival hunter this week
You know we all know you're the screeching autist, right? You aren't fooling anyone.
Fuck yeah. He looks cool. Great mog dude. Everytime I try Hunter I lose interest. Is Survival fun at max level?
Can you point out these "screeching autist" posts in question in any of those threads? XD
Stick to being triggered by a line in the op, chud. I'm sure baker will bake his thread sooner or later when you guys aren't jumping the gun on them. He knows he has our support.
Why are you short?
>Who hurt her?
She's depressed because her bf left her
No... unforgivable... I can fix her.
why would anyone do this
Ever played a level 255 pserv?
This would be fun if the power really was infinite. But after hitting stats cap at around 300k threads there's literally no point in getting more, so I have no idea what compels someone to go that high
I haven't this "remix" nor have I cared enough to read up on it, but does this mean people have been playing this game in the style of "me run fast me one shot anything" for several weeks (months)?
frogchads were doing it from day 2
hot take: sets haven't been good since tbc
hotter take: armor type sets were better than class sets
more like shit takes
No thanks, I don't like mushrooms.
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>poop raid means everyone wears poop armor!
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>new raid means you get "not-angel cloth armor set #75" as priest
fucking based, give me more of that
that's a good thing THOUGH
that's 300 dollars USD + Tip!
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M-metzen-sama, YAMEROOOOO
tww sets aren't bad. I like the mage, monk, evoker, sp, shaman and rogue. some variations are ugly tho.
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Warrior set isnt bad if you drop the helmet.
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Dogged in
He looks like he has a womb,. literally made for Big human shemale cock
No he has a big knot made for female nelves sorry
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the favs
top right won biggly
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Meet Matt Forbeck, author of World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 4.
who asked
is chronicle coming out today?
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Do not buy it. You would be putting money into the pockets of people who hate you.
Yep, in all sewers world wide
I already bought 4 copies
kek i'm not retarded enough to buy wow books
I got scammed into buying the first volume of chronicles which was retconned within weeks of release, I'm not falling for that shit twice, let alone 4 fucking times
Did the others get retconned too?
more like Sharticle
WoW lore cucks?
How do we spin this one?
some of the earlier novels are pretty good desu
I like the one where Thrall's owner cucks him by making his childhood sweetheart a concubine and the whole keep knows she's getting plapped against her will nightly and she has to face them every day knowing that they know.
that was a good one, christie golden did a really good job at exploring thrall's cuckold mindset
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Cope and hopepill mode ON
What are the odds he's been hired in the Danuser Marvelophile era and this is just the remnant, new stuff will be rid of this garbage just like TWW is rid of fags and troons?
Thrall's Buck Breaking arc is the best, yeah.
I found it strange that he said he, and I quote, "I BLEACHED her, Thrall, and now I will BUCK BREAK YOU"...
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Seems very unlikely considering the Chronicle volume he authored is releasing tomorrow and will serve as the definitive guide to the lore of WoW from Pandaria to Shadowlands like previous volumes did.

Danuser was not the only anti-Whitist at Blizzard. See picrel.
What was retconned about it? Or is it just another case of retards not knowing what retcon means
I think the druid one is pretty good too
Been a while but it was something about demon resurrection iirc
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Night Elves. Firmly at the top of my tier list for good reason.

G'night /wowg/!
And the hunter one but i guess this comes down to taste
don't wake up
I wish rogue wasn't a boring piece of shit to play, they have nice transmogs
And dream about Night Elf feet everlasting? Anon, you're too kind!
Don't forget he is here and online in the game doing god knows what for over 18 hours a day. He is for sure not working and he is for sure above 30. This is the type of sexual deviant which the fking jannies allow to shit up every thread.
>yeah... i'll save porn of his characters on my hard drive... that'll show him
joke's on you, thats from his public r34 gallery he maintains for some abstract reason

im surprised none of you have just spammed his twitter feed with his smut
I hate Turalyon
>heh... jokes on you.... I looked up an image on r34 and stared at futa cock while I took the time to censor it and then post it to 4chan....
Is there a single person left at Blizzard who does not hate White men?
dude... what
do you think he's embarrassed about commissioning and posting porn of his characters
He follows other WoW porn people on Twitter and is friends with all them. Wtf do you think is going to happen
Yeah, uploading and tagging is 'maintaining'. He runs the site and all.
I wonder how he would describe Turalyon's role in Legion?
>Bending over just to please Blizzard overlords despite them openly hating your country
Good cuck.
i wouldnt know anon, im not invested in this, I just like to watch one aspie retard getting bullied for being an unhinged avatartranny

if he found his calling as an unemployed discord trannie who spends his autism bucks on gay giant cock art of his Warcraft OCs all the power to them
its just a shame he then vomits his mental illness onto general threads
Won't you literally be able to find out tomorrow when Chronicles 4 get's uploaded to library genesis?
Oh so you just want to derail the thread with your off-topic spam? Thanks for admitting it.
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Probably Ion, I get the feeling he doesn't like all the twitter psycho shit but just wisely leaves them to it without raising the issue and says the right things internally to avoid getting accused of something.
He is wrong, straight white attractive blond woman is the lowest difficulty setting tho
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>spends autism bucks
My god you're mad, you can't even logic anymore.
>avatarfags 24/7
>gets pruned on other generals for being an unhinged attention whore and retard
meds, then go to sleep :)
You know nobody's falling for it, right?
>everybody who calls me out is him!
meds, then rope it.
Bro has an incomprehensibly huge meltdown this thread
Destroys any possible topical conversation or discussion
Then says "it's Maye"
Nobody is believing you faggot, fuck off
Unrelated to the meltdown going on full blast in the thread, but there are plenty of people who live on welfare (claiming that due to being on the spectrum they are rendered unable to hold a job) and then use said welfare to live like gremlins, sub to an MMO and buy character commissions.

There's at least one living example of this on Argent Dawn, ie Shae/Vaxir, a mentally ill FTM tranny: https://thevaxir.wixsite.com/vaxir/gallery
Uh what? See >>486147038.
because hyperfocusing on one autist troglodyte and his antics unrelated to WoW are as offtopic as the furries and other mentally ill posters in this thread going on about their fetishes and treating this like a second life chat room

its a back and forth completely separate from the game the general is made for
>literally talking only about sex?
Where, retard?
He's T*rk, I don't think these retards left at blizzard could even point it on a map.
oh no. he doesn't agree with my views
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What are the odds the CA cucks at blizzard will jump on this Katie Perry arc of "it's not for male gaze, it's for us queens" and start adding proper unashamed slutmogs with optional shiny skin?
Surely tomorrow is the day we get the tyrhold fishing hole
still dont like m*ye and no autist against them or false flag is gonna change my opinon
nobody asked
Reality doesnt agree with his views either, he is a fucking cultist. Someone like him cannot write anything good.
i asked
Why do you care about white men anyway?
I'm still waiting for #freethenipple to catch on
bro asked
Ion has to go, he wasn't even in charge of Legion yet somehow gets credit for it. He fucking created Shadowlands and DF, WTF fire him immediately.
Body 1 is not wearing a bra.
Ion was assistant game director for all of legion development then got promoted to game director just a month or two after launch
Can Reins of the Quantum Courser drop from DOTI heroic daily?
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Does not appear to be the case as per this WoWhead comment.
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There is a difference between "disagreeing with your views" vs. "believing you are inherently evil".

Because I am one.
>Because I am one.
You are on the wrong side of history.
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blizz expects me to sub to play this ???
it's literally twink tier thighs and butt
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Was there an assassination attempt on Turalyon's life?
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no? why would you think that?
he is white
and he is male
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No, but there was one on Garrosh.
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yes, but Alleria neutralised his would be assassin after he missed Turalyon
He's an alliance character. Zero harm can come to him
garrosh is already dead though
Demon Resurrection and a whole bunch of other stuff

If they at least fessed up that it was a retcon, fine. but no they had the fucking balls to call it "unreliable narrator" when there's no fucking narrator.

They sold us these books on the premise of being a foundation of the lore going forward but they couldn't go five minutes without invalidating them.
It was a very successful attempt.
Blizzard still likes them as a couple, they're going to be alright.
I like that Garrosh's supporters were made up of brown and dark brown orcs. Blizzard were wild back then.
What's the deal with demon resurrection?
god I miss Garrosh so fucking much, and I hate him for killing Rhonin
he was such a good character and the Horde is such a wet fart without him desu
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From left to right it is Malkorok, Zaela, and Nazgrim.
It's okay, they got Alternate Timeline FemThrall there to butt heads with Turalyon just for the sake of adding conflict. I'm sure she'll be just as good!
They realize they fucked up massively with how they were killing established popular characters and replacing them with forced donutsteels that nobody cares about.
Wonder how long will it take for them to get brazen again and start putting fags and troons everywhere.
I get people hate furries but the pandas have so much character like they even strike a pose after a jump
Yeah, but they're fat and asian.
I don't mind pandas as a race, it's just that the majority of male panda players are registered sex offenders who you just know have 30 tabs of gay hyper inflation diaper porn open on their second monitor
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WoW is not the same without Varian and Garrosh. And while Turalyon can potentially replace Varian, the writers won't let that happen. And the Horde doesn't even have a replacement for Garrosh. Hell, they don't even have a warchief anymore. It is a sad sight.
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You could have prevented this.
Wait a sec, Elune is a lesbo now?! Why? How?
Are factions even relevant anymore?
Err Cosby suite, err... rockstar behavior, err... breast milk fridge...
Do you really have to ask why?
God humans are fucking retarded, I was so hoping we were going to siege Stormwind under Sylvanas.
Gameplay wise, they do more damage than benefit, but millenials LOVE to wave made up flags, so...
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My favourite part of germanic history was when they were a bunch of niggers running around the jungle in straw pants. And painting themselves up in voodoo/shaman body paint and living in deserts in straw mud huts. Yes look at these proud Germanic folx representing all the culture of germans harking back to even their barbarian days and nothing else.
Transbian rep
Now post the orcs industrializing and forming literal SS squadrons chang
I know, but arent they meaningless since df as you can cross faction group for anything?
>They realize they fucked up massively with how they were killing established popular characters and replacing them with forced donutsteels that nobody cares about.
Yeah, I've noticed that too, it just took them too long to realise how fucking stupid that was in the first place.
You would have thought that they would have learnt after the massive backlash they received after killing off Kael/Illidan/Vashj in TBC, but I guess not.
God damn this looks so fucking BAZED
shut the fuck up
>because bad orcs were like nazis
if you put it that way....
>Now post the orcs industrializing and forming literal SS squadrons chang
It doesn't change anything. WoD really solidified them as anything but European inspired. You can sort of make a mongol comparison with the warsong being wolf riders and the burning blade started out as a hilarious racist joke about the nips but the orcs as a whole in Warcraft specifically, especially after WoD, are very clearly supposed to be africans.
concession accepted bye bye troony
Yeah, I guess there might be some spaghetticode-ness to it, perhaps in combination with the ineptness of nu-devs, that they can't simply remove them without breaking the whole game.
After all, we had to wait how many years since the announcement until actual implementation of the ability to mog shoulders independently?
You are fucking retarded
Tbh after what Turalyon saw the Orcs were capable of doing I think he treated her fairly well all things considering
>your taste preference is fine but you did just equate Orcs to literally Hitler in magnitude of severity

You fucking prick. You fucking arsehole. You disingenious cunt. Fuck you. Fuck you, gimpytheace. You fucking, lying, fucking cunt. No, I fucking didn't, you piece of fucking shit. Fuck you for saying that. Fuck you, you absolute fucking idiot. Fuck you, you cunt. Fuck you for saying that. You fucking piece of shit. Fuck you. Get the fuck out, you prick. Fuck you. Listen to you. Listen to your fucking words, you absolute prick. Fuck you. Fuck you. Get the fuck out, you prick. Get the fuck out. Coming in to this fucking thread and telling fucking lies like that. Fuck you. Get the fuck out. Who the fuck do you think you are, you fucking prick? What the actual fuck? You arsehole. You fucking arsehole. Get the fuck out.
They didn't just start making heavy machinery out of nothing, it's canon that Garrosh brough with him the plans for it, made by the Blackfuse's goblins that he employed to build the whole underground of Orgrimmar.
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>ok so the orcs were germanic
VGH, the African jvngles of Frostfire Ridge
Why yes orcs are niggers. What is the problem?
>remove post
>remove whole chain
>remove future replies
why are my orc children not showing up in valdrakken with my weekly illimited diamonds? I equipped them with machetes and firearms to make sure another garrison commander didn't steal them
>ah, so they are germanic?
I know I'm late to the party but I'm still pissed off that Thrall didn't end up with Jaina. Metzen you're a fucking coward.
Hitler was born in Austria though, retard
Wait.... Garrosh was born in Outland....
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good posts only
>is that a fantasy race that has a nonwhite skin tone and are much stronger and bigger than me???
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>The son of Thrall and Jaina could have grown up and united the Alliance and Horde under one banner.

What a wasted opportunity.
>you've posted porn of an orc having sex with a woman I find attractive?
>aha! that must be cuck porn featuring black people! I know that when I see it!!!
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When will they add white orcs? Every other race can be black now, why orcs can't be white?
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Meanwhile their daughter marries Anduin.
surely if they were germanic, they would be able to be white, right?
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If orcs aren't niggers (or as is the industry term: Black coded), then why are the leftoid queers pushing these heckin' wholesome orcerinos?
post the white shattered hand skin from WoD which isnt available to maghar for some reason
I take back every time i told avatarfags to kill themselves. I take back every time I said their attention whoring ruins this thread. These posters are worse by a large margin
nobody asked
Why do people want Orcs to be German, they're obviously loosely based on Africans
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gimme the bbw orc on the left
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It's just some fag who can't get over the fact that horde is the subhuman faction, he's been whining about this for literally years now.
reddit reply
Why do you people care so much about Orcs being coded for black people? If they are, great; if they aren't, also great. Who cares?
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new player experience (tm)
They literally were never meant to be african you subhuman fucking retard. Germans lived in huts as well at some points.
Orcs are Africans and Draenei are the muslim Arabs
>no one makes male nude mods
>TONS of content for females
I'm about to just learn how to make mods and do it myself this shit is infuriating
I want to pull Yrel's tail while sucking on her behind ear appendages.
I want you to look at Draenor and say with a straight face that isn't inspired by Africa
yeah, the early germanics such as the gauls that fought against rome were savages
>Draenei are the muslim Arabs
>Muslims are typically very devout followers of their faith
>Draenei are the same regarding the light
idk why I never made this connection until now
industry is germanic now? its east asian
What the fuck did you just say you faggot?
Obviously most of Draenor doesnt look even remotely like Africa, but which part of it looks like Africa the most to you?
Make them cuntboys and I will download your mod.
no? Everyone has at one point.

ancient germans are dwarfs , they were super into wood mason craft
point out where the snow, volcanos, and wolves are in africa
Technically, all males in the game are cuntboys.
Or have you seen any bulge?
>"DRAENEI ARE WHOLESOME TRAD ORTHODOX CATHOLIC RUSSIANS" because females have vaguely slavic accent
>ignores the fact that males have heavy middle eastern accent and demeanor
next question
I assume they are all tucking real hard.
The fact male characters have no bulge bothers me, but I try not to think about it.
dwarfs are based on jews
What, for real? This retarded mutt is even more pathetic than I thought.
I accept your concession
Fuck you the alliance is white we have no niggers horde kike disinfo piece of shit
There's one for tauren, worgen, and vulpera males.
They are based on a Germanic Myth about mountain rural people. Tolkien did add some jew shit about them losing their homeland.
Is that why they have Scottish accent?
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made for worgen
Which one has the biggest knotty?
looks like the beer was just pasted their lmao hands holding mugs of beer like that are less relaxed
Yeah to rub cookies with female worges!!!
>Massive noses.
>Stupid dances.
>Racial ability to find treasure.

>>486157867 is right. Dwarves were the original jewish stand-in before goblins were added.
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>play female
>call it male
it's that easy
dwarves are exploratory by nature. goblins are greedy
dwarves actually fight their own battles, though
is it working again?
had to use angieslist the last few books i was looking for
what about pandas?????
>rub cookies with female worges
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I want this mount but without the MoP aesthetic, or just more rabbit mounts. Who's with me?
That's hot
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not until they add this
but of course
What do we think of Xer?
Anduin is so lucky, it's not fucking fair
She's made for rape
Good point. Maybe I can wait... I really wanted to have "dragonflight" but i guess i can settle for dynamic ground movement.
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The "Armadillo Roller' this was originally attached to is still on beta, it just doesn't have a mount file. You can look it up on the beta right now. And there was a pangolin/armadillo model (unfinished) datamined

may be a patch thing
link full
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I wish there was a gunslinger type of class - and no, not hunter. I mean like dual pistols or heavier weapons.
Have you found your Bimbodorei Wife yet
Shut the fuck up Godfrey you are dead.
Twice in fact.
Can't wait to cut her head off to turn in to the local Sergeant for quest reward.
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should have been demon hunter's 3rd spec

Hope it's at war within xpac and not pushed back further. Do some work heckin' devs!
how are you niggers still playing this slop when all the devs hate the game and the players, this general should be in /lgtb/ where it belongs.
trannytrail flopped
ty based anon very nice
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wrong general
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it's mandatory to goon to her once a week at least
It's daily for me
troon design, don't see the appeal
cross realm /wowg/ guild when
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>troon design
that's the appeal
Sent you an invite
>Red v Blue bad
Only because Blizz wrote themselves into a corner.
>Only because Blizz wrote themselves into a corner.
They did so before the game launched, they cant have one player faction definitively lose to the point that the faction is dissolved. So neither side will ever be completely satisfied with an outcome.
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And this here is anons room, he's quite the WoW freak
>those posters
more like a kino freak
SoD won
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you sure?
We need a fucking guy like Metzen again, not Metzen per say, just a dude coked up his mind and dedicating his life to creating cool fantasy shit.
one guy won't change anything. there are too many woke people at blizzard that filter all the kino shit out of the game
This, red vs blue still being a thing after the end of WC3 is retarded anyway.
No way that's real I thought people wanted Classic+?
yeah thats what I said, look at the other faggots not even a couple of replies below already talking about tranny characters, this shit should have died 10 years ago.
All they have to do is hire madseason and give him a bag of coke
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Picrel: the only good characters in World of Warcraft.
not even a bag of coke could make madseason interesting
sod was just another streamer mode. it died once ecelebs stopped playing it
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ur gay
Are you homosex? Prancy homo lala man?
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No I am SuperStraight which means I am not attracted to trannies like you.
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I look like that
Hahahahaha faggot
God i wish human men were real
So far there is not a single likeable character in Dragonflight.
>you think you do, but you don't
That was outlaw rogues at one point
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it still could be if they'd disassociate the pirate theme from it
no one except an extremely vocal minority likes or liked the pirate/gambling theme
in fact, all of rogue's specs have zero class fantasy at the moment
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>at one point
you mean right now? spamming pistol shot and between the eyes is what they do
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>Lets make Thrall speak in the manner of 25yo twitter girl.

I hate NuBlizzard writers like you wouldnt believe.
God I wish tauren females were real.
Pic related, a tauren female.
Your Fyrakk bro?

>Varian Wrynn


>Uther Lightbringer

>Arthas Menethil

>Arathi soldier



>Joseph Redpath

>pre DK Bolvar

>Tirion Fordring

>Darion Mograine

>idk who that is but he looks like a chad

>sunwell tier enjoyer

>Edwin VanCleef


>DK Joseph Redpath

>Anduin Lothar



>Alexandros Mograine
The tauren physique... diluted through hundreds of years of inbreeding with human male paladins...... this shit is a fucking disgrace
that's not a tauren
Is so.
"We dindu nuffin. Old Horde, Iron Horde? Man, deys diffrunt orcs, dawg. Teldrassil? *sucks air through tusks* mane, dem wuz diffrent. Dem orcs wuz gud boys, bout to get dey lives on track. Go to shaman school every sunday. Dem alliance killun us, Lok'tar ogar, Valley represent."
I haven't dogged in in a week.
dog gone it
neither likable nor a character
that's barked up man
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>dragon expansion
>even has 'Dragon' in the name
>never references dogs
>no dogs in sight
>everyone dogs in
>no one drags in
>dog mount is the meta reward
holy shit
dogging up
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Glad to see the stellar quality of RP on Argent Dawn hasn't dropped in the past decade
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droppin the log
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I miss the old Argent Dawn.
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What does he smell like?
Booze and lili's cunny
Bat soup and fresh young boy pee right from the tap.
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Time to get a job, /wowg/
arakkoa RP or what is that
druid in crow form
Which armor type has the most SEXO transmogs?
It's someone making a joke and anon fuming about it
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Break yourselves upon my willy. Feel the length and the girth!
>"Fast-paced culture"
>On a blizzard salary
>In Irvine
Damn, I wonder who will be the lucky winner
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>legion was almost 10 years ago
I don't feel so good
how do people sleep without bedsheets?
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Behold, the average Argent Dawn player in 2024.
Doesn't look like he uses the bed desu
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rawr *pounces on you*
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>mfw realizing Blizzard is literally remaking the game piece by piece

Think about it: Quel'Thalas, Northrend, and this "Radian Echo" event. They are going for a Cataclysm 2.
femworg spotted
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Is this tumblr?
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I have the number memorized, you can't trick me any more.
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pic related were the Uldum community
by moon guard standards they were normal, by Argent Dawn standards they were a containment guild for weirdos, sex pests and pedos
siavash was caught a few too many times doing harems with femboys who looked and acted like they were teenagers, along with concern trolls berating him on forum threads about appropriating Arabic culture and language (without going full in of course as he was well known for his homo lust)

glad they are gone now
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This is the most infamous drama account on Argent Dawn.
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Why is everyone saying arcane mage is going to be God tier in TWW? Damage was never the reason the spec sucked
What the fuck are the things thats second from the left and whatever the Pandaren is holding? Is that a blood troll?
I'm more surprised the website as a whole still exists, how is it still sustainable lmao
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its just anti-pcu, everything else there is windowdressing

they advocated players to doxx and call the workplaces where PCU players were employed and to then report said players for being aligned with online fascist/neonazi groups
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Yes I remember them well.

I am convinced that CoAD may be Siavash himself or someone very close to him, because for some reason CoAD would always defend the Uldum clique no matter the evidence, while pouncing on any and every PCU-aligned or PCU-friendly player or guild with little to no evidence.

For those not in the know, there is also a well-known roleplayer on the realm called Shonn who has run the Bayerleyn Retinue RP guild for well over a decade now. Despite Shonn originally playing a character named after a Nazi general and clearly being into National Socialism, CoAD runs constant defense on Shonn while constantly calling random players Irredeemable Nazi Chuds for merely associating with the PCU. This makes me think that, like with the Siavash case, Shonn is either part of the CoAD team or is very close with someone on the team.

Also, in 2023 I was constantly sending anonymous bait messages to CoAD, maybe 80-90% of which got published. One of the ones that curiously went unpublished was one where I accused CoAD of being part of the Uldum lot. This is not necessarily proof of anything but it does make you think.

My final piece of evidence is that Siavah retired from hosting RP events late last year and semi-retired from roleplaying as a whole, curiously at the exact time that CoAD suddenly stopped posting as much.

If anyone is aware of an AI or program that can analyse two pieces of text to determine if they are written by one author, please link it, because I want to compare posts written by Siavash and posts written by CoAD to see if CoAD is Siavash.
The PCU was infested with rightoid radicals and CoAD is infested with leftoid radicals. It's almost like both sides are genuinely fucking terrible.

>muh fencesitter
Yeah nigger I sleep well not thinking about satanic demon pedo cults every 5 feet or HRT pedo parties with trannies.
Smart babu
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DESU it went dead mostly because the PCU died (despite the rabid retards like M*ye and half of AD malding about it every second week) and less because Siavash' gooner squad of pedo RPers stopped congragating around him

COAD rabidly defends those who were bullied on the Forums and/or Discord (Shonn, Vaxir - someone namedropped her earlier ITT, Famosium, Siavash, Jorrick/Frolbar, whatever that orc shaman was called in Frozen Paw Clan) because they need innocent victims they can prop up so the mean Pedo-Nazi PCU Cult would look worse in comparison

Though at this point I don't see the point dickriding this topic. The PCU lives rent free even in some mentally unstable American Avatartranny's cranium. Meanwhile the retards on AD claiming the PCU was some Nazi front want to organize pogrom groups and form the AD Gestapo to hunt down every former PCU member and ensure they are on a register and could never join a guild or community.
propaganda against sunfury
Second from left is a tol'vir by the looks of it.

And yes, from the Archives profile it is indeed a blood troll and the adopted daughter of the pandaren.
always thought I'd be alcohol with a faint hint of musk
if you play the beta you can see why
Why does the EU RP community seem so much more robust than any of the NA communities?
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I meant pic related
What the fuck is this, a dragon fursona?
euro rps are mentally ill in the autistic way
americans are mentally ill in a sexual way
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I love Goblin aesthetic. They are just so much fun!
Sauce? This is high quality
A panda with a mask and big scar on
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>hellcaller spec based on satyr lore
>can't play a hot femsatyr babe
Define robust, because I'm pretty sure Moon Guard is more active
just on Argent Dawn there was a solid backbone of the RP Community that aimed to adhere to the lore up until gatekeeping became a cardinal sin
I dont think theres much of a difference between MG and AD at this point in terms of quality, its just AD has some truly autistic grudgebearers
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Now there is a name I have not heard in a long time.

Man, Argent Dawn used to be good. Even the OOC drama used to be better. Amarae, Vaxir, Akru, Hrothgarr are some players I remember. Amarae and Vaxir turned out to be futas, cannot remember what happened with Akru, and Hrothgarr was a troll from the beginning.

I remember the rise and fall of super-guilds like the Moklohn Command and its spiritual successor the Irontusk Vanguard. Not sure what led to Moklohn disbanding but I remember they were absolutely huge back in the day. Hand of Agony, Stormguard, Gearfist IBS, Ironforge Mountaineers, and Anvilmar Iron Brigade were a few other guilds I remember.

I quit roleplaying back in Battle for Azeroth so I have been out of the loop for a while but I still browse the Archives from time to time. Good to reminisce now and again.
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Not good enough
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Looks like a pandaren wearing the Tier 13 Priest helm.


But yes, ICly they were roleplaying as dragons and the mortal forms you see in >>486175159 were their visages. By the way, this guild was active from 2018-2021 before Dragonflight was even announced, and it is scary just how similar their guild concept was to Dragonflight. Playing as a dragon character would get you nothing but mockery back in the day. Looks like the Dunedwellers are laughing now though.
>Moklohn Command
They disbanded because the officers and guild leaders were regular groomers ERPing with minors. This includes the likes of Braillor and Rakshu. It naturally helped that an officer, Eluziel, was a Blizzard GM in Dublin who ensured they never get reported or punished for being gooners.

There was one extremely scenario where her commissioned furry OC art was leaked on the Forums wearing a SS uniform and standing in front a concentration camp.
When people asked why she'd make such a commission she stated she didn't actually understand the context or the Nazi undertones. She just thought the theme looked cool.
At that time shew as either close to over 30 and living in the UK.
Bro you didn't need to dig through his twitter.
You could've just said he wrote Halo Bad Blood and could've saved yourself all the effort making this.
you did buy early access so you can exploit the intentional free raid gear/rare mount bug that blizzard is gonna leave open for the pay pigs who bought early access?
I brought early access so I can join Asmon's carry groups and spam nigger nigger nigger in front of his audience.
I post here everyday. I play everyday. I pay 13 bucks everyday. Why would it be a problem paying 40 bucks more for it?
there are no raids until september
You know the gear vendors are there only for beta, yes?
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Huh, I had no idea about ERP being the downfall of Moklohn. I had a vague idea it was drama-related but not that, nor about the Blizzard GM shielding them. On that note, I also recall back when MVPs were a thing on the forums and there was a worgen druid named Danellos or something similar who was a regular, and he later got exposed as an ERPer. Not quite at the level of an actual Blizzard GM but I remember being shocked by that back when it happened in 2012 or so.

Looking back it seems that ERP was the downfall of most too-big-to-fail guilds, and a surprising number of seemingly hecking wholesome realm-celebrities were ERPers.

Remember the Horsegate scandal? Lol.
>hecking peterino is le they because they can be he or she or even they!
God I hate Californians so much it's unreal.
rape, impregnate, knock her up with human semen
>Horsegate scandal?
Can you elaborate?
that's what you use when you don't know the gender of something you dumb gorilla nigger
which one is more fun to pick up, outlaw or subtlety?
I'm planning to mostly rbg/arena, and light pve
no idea about tww but right now outlaw is the meta rogue spec for pvp.
im almost convinced those kinds of posts are from bots.
why did their attempts to make a warcraft extended universe with Danuser fail?
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>enemy healer is literally afk in my first shuffle on pres
>somehow doesnt dc
>mmr shoots to 2150
>im still in mostly greens
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On Argent Dawn back in the mid-2010s, maybe 2016 or so, two well-known Alliance roleplayers - one male and one female - were caught ERPing extremely graphic sex with a horse NPC in the Stormwind stables. This was neither a joke nor their first time doing this based on how elaborately written and drawn-out the descriptions of the sex acts were. This was done in a public chat channel instead of a private party for some reason, which is why they were exposed. The two RPers left the server as a result.

I only found out about it sometime after it happened but I managed to trawl through old forum posts and piece together exactly what had happened, and I did eventually see a copy of the chat logs. They are probably still out there somewhere.
you should see what they did to the seagullfrom the war within. it's a gay tranny now. wouldn't have bought the expensive edition if I thought it'd be used to further tranny rights.
and who, pray tell, didn't know the gender of an animal except the first ever caveman to find a dog / dinosaur / horse and not be 100% certain what their dimorphism looked like?
anon here told me fresh characters start with 1930 MMR because they forgot to reset inflation. grab what you can while you can.
are you being exposed if you deliberately type in the pub channel?
>Remember the Horsegate scandal?
Yeah, I remember. I was playing Hearthstone the night before it all came out with Timiah. Girl nuked all her shit before I ever got the rematch and I didn't find out about Horsegate till like a week later.
Was for >>486180235
>This was done in a public chat channel
Interesting, did this cause any "controversy" at all?
I'm an ERP degenerate and even I know not to do that shit
I'm amazed Shonn hasn't been run out of AD yet because he's actually fucking insane. Somehow this man gets a free pass to ERP and even claims his character's cum is holy and has healing properties and this is apparently a-okay with the whole realm, but heaven forbid Level 1 "Goonslutelf" gets it on with some horsedicked draenei in GS. That's verboten!
here I am on moon guard wondering why people are so bent out of shape about that when we have people doing far worse in public channels
There's bit more to the over-all story. Essentially boils down to the lady involved Timiah referenced here >>486181438 was essentially previously erping with a guy doing shit like bestiality erp, father daughter incest, yada yada then stopped one day for what ever reason. Guy 1 got jealous and annoyed at basically being rejected in the end and dropped a pastebin of logs and shit he saved, as well as her nudes onto the forums.
Timiah wasn't really fond of anyway because of the guilds she was in and already had some enemies, so people ran with the whole she erp'd fucking Horse shit despite a 3rd of the women doing so on the server.

Ultimately everyone involved just deleted their socials and shit.
Cause Shonn has a service, despite being a massive creep. The guild he runs has a bunch of women in it, because Shonn will accept any chick who's had dire server drama in it as a safe spot, cause he wants to fuck them and they'll play out shit like his incest fetish to be allowed in the guild with other women 'harassed' by AD.
nigga even now there are animals which you look at and you have no idea what fucking gender they are
like birds
fucking moron
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People did not want to play a knockoff version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
should i play this or ffxiv?
depends if you want to play a game or a visual novel with shitty combat segments every 2 hours
When you encounter serious RPers on the EU servers - they just want to RP and have fun and have properly made characters, unless it's one of those Stormwind park "Game allows me to summon demons so i will do it near the church" snowflakes, but those usually get clowned upon by the town in-character and it's always an amusing sight when they do, especially when a guard or church guild joins in on the fun.
American RP servers, from what i've seen for a very short while when i managed to get on one of their servers, are all "EPIC UNKILLABLE DONUTSTEEL GOD OF DESTRUCTION SSJ6 PODER PROHIBIDO RASENGAN" types. Like, no matter where you go, it's always sensitive retards that want to turn warcraft RP into some low quality anime episode. It's basically in-game tumblr gallery and it doesn't help that modern Blizz writing also solidifies their standing. Also >>486177632
I haven't been on AD in 2 years, so maybe they're both the same nowadays, and there has always been lots of shit in our side of the world too, but I think the best way to describe the RP mentality difference between the regions when i was still playing is this picture.
which is which?
> It's basically in-game tumblr gallery and it doesn't help that modern Blizz writing also solidifies their standing.
That's cause a lot of modern blizz writers are from Moonguard, or Tumblr. Even in Shadowlands, there was Rpers who got into the dev team, sneaking in their RP OCs.
It's why there's two random Night Elf NPCs on Oribos who act and talk like they're supposed to be established characters.
Best class to play when you had a wisdom tooth extracted and it's hurting a lot?
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This entire server must be purged.
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An animal is an "it", you reddit tranny faggot nigger.
it is used for objects not living creatures you dumb nigger
So use "it"
but there's not in-game. the seagull is one. they should never, NEVER be used for an animal unless it's been castrated.
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Go on.
if you want to get technical
>For family pets, gendered pronouns are common. But for other animals, even domesticated farm animals, “it” is the more common pronoun.
there you go. hunter pets are family pets, so the use is acceptable
>another episode of sun-starved amerilards obsessing over pronouns
Learn English grammar, retard.
Looks kinda fun
kys tranny enabler
enjoy getting deep fried, frog in water. first your hunter pets next your kids.
now this? this is a good post.
Pure autism. Most of the people who still RP in wow have been at it since TBC and have never done and never will do anything else in their lives. That's all they have.
>be used for an animal unless it's been castrated.

The virgin Tame Animal vs the chad Castrate Animal. This is what will save hunters as a class.
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built to bear my offspring
Bitch wasn't alive yet when "they" was used for non-lgbt topics
you did well, anon: both are subhumans and the only winning move is not to play.
doesn't it get tiring to be a low life piece of shit like you?
>REally like Nightborne
>Don't like playing caster
>Nightborne Racial bonus to magic dmg is really tasty
So level with me, waugee: DKs and Sub Rogues deal at least *some* magical damage with their melee weapons, right?
I started levelling a Frost DK but that was right during the Obliterate bug so it felt like I was going insane.
just goblin players publicly erping, I think there was some violence, ageplay, forced stuff involved
>Nightborne Racial bonus to magic dmg is really tasty
It's 1% you mongoloid
gonna tell us more about old english you elderly nigger faggot? warlock placed a geis on your tongue that forces you to speak culturally irrelevant babble and think it's relevant?
Nigger, "they" is simply plural, you use it when you refer to multiple people or objects.
People had no trouble saying "he or she", but now faggots like you make it a problem because it excludes all the retards who have got no real problems in their lives, so they make them up.
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I am now reminded of the time when vulpera orgies in the Valley of Honor on Argent Dawn single-handedly killed public Horde roleplay because no one wanted to roleplay in Orgrimmar anymore lest they risk being associated with the vulpera.

This was maybe two or three years ago and Orgrimmar roleplay still has not recovered. Horde roleplay is now almost exclusively done in guilds.
It's flavourful and I think I can make a fun build with it. Now I just wish I could make a fun build for a melee class or something that is not a caster at least.
that never happened
1% is not noticeable, racial skills are more important
Shit i now remember it too. Fuck you.
It DID happen and it was exactly as described.
prove it
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>go on beta
>"how about I try this spec for once"
>spend an hour and a half studying talents
>about time to go offline and do something else
any non-physical non-bleed is amped. even hits which count as melee and can be dodged / blocked / parried will still be amped if the end result is elemental damage, ex. obliterate, envenom. even partially physical mixed school like chaos, flamestrike (shaman sundering) gains the full 1%.
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As it turns out, Battle for Azeroth would have been much better if it had directly ripped off Civil War.
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>spend an hour and a half studying talents
>log back in the next day
>talents have been changed and points reset
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So where's this supposed orgy? There's not even a single instance of the word in that entire thread. I'm starting to think this is a made up event....
>humans losing diplomacy
>getting two hearthstone charges in return
has there ever been a bigger racial nerf in WoW history?
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pres is quite possibly the worst spec ive ever played in my entire life
you have these massively long casts that are so free to kick its insane
and you literally cant line anything because of range
who ever came up with this piece of dogshit unironically needs to be hanged
I like that it makes the Forsaken racial more valuable
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>Jumping into this thread just to shit it up and clown on the OP until the jannies finally closed it
Good times those were.
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This blog has some info on it.
>belf silence became a dispel
>every man for himself went from being a full trinket to just a stun removal
these are pretty big if you play pvp
There are no reps, only renown now.
Which technically are reps, but all I guess they don't want people to force into human first to unlock the shit and then play other races now that it's all account-wide.
BfA would be better if it never fucking happened
Afrasiabi feeding into the Horde's desire for faction conflict was always fucking stupid because neither said can ever win, due to the nature of this being an MMO
Him writing every expansion as if it was the final expansion of WoW didn't help, either
Anons I have an issue
Tl;Dr - I want to play Blood DK again but don't want to play WoW, any suggestions on anything similar in other games or should I just suffer?
I stopped playing WoW when Legion ended, I did not care for BfA since I never liked direct Horde vs Alliance conflict, and I felt like the lore was taking a nose dive (and good god it did with Shadowlands, I completely lost interest in the lore after Shadowlands came out).
But even after I quit WoW, I've still had a craving to play Blood DK again, that euphoric feeling of tanking in dungeons and raids, outhealing the healers, that "rubberband" HP bar, it all feels great. Just thinking about it makes me feel great.
But I've got no clue how WoW is nowadays, and truth be told I don't seem to be interested in it at all (except for playing Blood DK). I never liked the Dragons in WoW, and so I'm not really interested in Dragonflight (surface level atleast), haven't heard anything about current lore, and I will admit I have no clue about what changed between Legion and now, other than the level cap being changed and the talent tree looking different. And new races and a new class but not interested in that desu.
That's all that comes to mind atm, so like I said in the tl;dr.
Are there any games out there with something similar to Blood DK gameplay? Should I just give WoW a try again and see if it sticks? Or should I suffer like some blood-starving vampiric creature of the night?
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>join +6 ruby just to get something on the board for tomorrow
>3 deaths on first mob
Okay, shit happens
>one wipe before first boss
>one wipe on flame dragon upstairs because i told the tank 3 times to be careful but he still pulled like an idiot and got us killed
I should just leave
>wipe on cow because tank won't pull her far enough to stop meteor from fucking us
>5mins left on clock and still have all the trash to last boss
>retard tank pulls all 3 packs in a desperate attempt to make up for lost time
I just left.

What is wrong with people?
Serious question, there's no FUCKING WAY there's people behind some of these screens. It's not possible.
I was 2nd highest dps as an Augvoker btw.
Now if they could nerf Shadowmeld.
The real outrage isn't even the fact that an option was replace with something worse.
The real outrage is that Blizzard, in their endless supply of incompetence and mental retardation and anti-consumer designs, introduced an update that suddenly, out of nowhere, made Diplomacy a million times better than it was before. Blind as they are, they didn't even think that their new content could somehow interface detrimentally (to them) with old mechanics. And then when they realized they fucked themselves they immediately put a lid on the brief glimmer of undisputed fun somebody might have had with this mechanic just so they don't have to admit defeat - And *then* gave us a replacement racial that fucking sucks. Like with Dwarves: They decide to make a cool little vampire-themed raid and only *after* the release of the raid realize that Dwarves could feel incredibly powerful and vindicated. Sure, some niggers were going to cry, but fundamentally they only did it so *they* don't look stupid.
That would piss off a lot of people
well the season end next week anon only turbo shitters are doing 6s right now
so it wasn't orgies then
just random erp in public
they should just disable racials in raid/m+/arena/delves/rbgs
Where does this meme come from? plenty of good players are still running low keys
Wait, it does? How long left do I have to get 2500?
Yeah bro I'm sure good players need fucking 6s before the prepatch.
I think your autism forces you to think nobody would ever play in a suboptimal way just for fun. For some reason I sometime list +2 keys and some 425 3k weirdos hit the queue
WoW is now a "total commitment or don't bother" type of thing, same with League of Legends. You either play for 19 hours a day or it's not worth it due to how the gaming industry has (d)evolved into a cesspit of either
>you live in this game and give a business 20k dollars over the course of 2 years
>its not something you ever touch or will ever play no matter what

Make your choice, I suggest the latter when it comes to WoW, it's not worth investing time in any more, I collect transmogs and stand around in SW sometimes but the idea that I would play this game just to make number go up is insane.
until the 23th
The twenty-thirth?
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this. i don't want to be forced to play dwarf to complete a tier 8 delve before the season ends.
Could you summarize that for me? The image is too busy I can't figure what it's talking about.
Just thought of a hilarious joke.
Season of Discovery
modern WoW design is what happens when all of the dev's time and energy is focused on making sure the top 40 players in the world have fun and no one else. Can't ever create an encounter or system where one race has an advantage over others, because then Liquid and Echo (((have))) to pay to race swap all of their characters. You can't make M+ actually drop worthwhile rewards because then they (((have))) to run them constantly
>5 paragraph long blog post claiming things without proof
Let me know when it's 58 pages long
I wish dreamtalons weren't cats.
Take a deep breath and read slowly. You can do it anon!
It's the same bullshit as every other expansion
>new zones
>new levels (talents, in this case)
>new raid, season, and tier sets

Warbands are the only real punch right now but if you don't play alts it's a non-thing. Delves will be boring after the first week and the raid is going to be Eternal Palace / Nathria (sans the last boss) tier in terms of a yawn fest

The game is for 14 year olds.
nta, but it's just a small roadmap of what is coming until the start of the first season of the new expansion
>ou either play for 19 hours a day or it's not worth it due to how the gaming industry has (d)evolved
depends on what your goals are. I usually go for smaller concent and play maybe 2-4 hours per session. Sure it takes a while but i hit my KSM goal for that season.
you can enjoy the game and not be attached at the hip. You can just play casually.
I've never played in a pre-patch before.
the vulpera in your pic fucks tranneys! proofs: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=8520756
I wish furniggers and vulpera players were gassed, cremated, then their ashes sent into deep space so when an actual furnigger alien race is about to reach our solar system theyd get blinded by the furnigger burial ash debris and die from a space crash

like my post if you agree
I do not agree.
I only recently learned of The Big Dig or whatever it's called and I didn't even know that was a thing, some quick maths told me that you'd need to be doing the quest for it once a week for 40 weeks to earn all the rewards.
Like what the actual fuck?
That's the sort of stuff I mean when I say devote so much time to it. Like it's just a way to keep people playing its not FUN content, it's just BUSY content.
You clearly hate the game so why are you still obsessed with it? Let people who like it have fun
its ok, just die in a fire then lol
It's nothing special.
Your logic is retarded. If they make a race OP, then those guys WILL pay for racechange and why wouldn't blizzard want that.
Legion had the best one, it was fun, had a good theme, fomo transmogs and it was great for leveling alts
because its toxic and against their lgbt propaganda that everyone is meant to be equal
sex with sexatath
I see, thank you anon. But I'm curious (also a question to >>486187667), what do you do ingame anons? Like what content do you do etc.
>Like it's just a way to keep people playing its not FUN content, it's just BUSY content.
I felt like that near the end of Legion desu, grind for the sake of grinding
>radiant echoes event
looks like nostalgia-bait desu
God I sound like a grumpy geezer, grognard even
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I need more troll content. I wish DF really did have elemental trolls they talked about in that one interview
I guess I red/blackpilled myself about a year ago when I finally accepted the painful truth that the game isn't really designed to be enjoyed any more, just consistently played.
I also re-watched Ion's interviews and after a few hours of listening to him I also realized that the devs are just so fucking divorced from the players at this point. Things feel uninspired and droll.

I don't HATE the game, I'm just bitter that the thing I put so many hours towards is no longer worth spending time with. If others like it, that's fine.
And nonces. Hint: kit RP.
nerfing is part of that process
take a popular race and gut its racials, people will buy race changes
then next expansion buff another racial or design dungeons/raids that make their racial OP (like dwarves in dragonflight)
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Sometimes they give good shit
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Remember that time they got a bunch of people to dump playing belf after "nerfing" their racial from a silence to a purge and then the next expansion made every dungeon have 10000 purges so belfs were OP and everybody bought race changes to go back again?
Sounds based, fuck meta slaves
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>what do you do ingame anons? Like what content do you do etc.
I usually just set goals for stuff, lke max out renown before Y date, do LFR to see the raid at leas once, try for the legendary if its in reach. I have a group of people I do M+ with though, so i never deal with randoms or the group finder. I think using M+ and the team there to get gear also colors my view since i never have to worry about that.
Oh, yeah. Shit like that sucks and is just a shitty player-retention mechanic. Maybe I'm blessed or something but I can just ignore something if I feel itll take too much time. Also I was out of the game from late BfA until patch 10.2 so the 3-4 year break probably helped my outlook a lot.
liked and subscribed
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are they planning something like "Free weekend" for this anytime soon? I remember them being more frequent back in BFA/SL/DF due to the dwindling player numbers.

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