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We discuss Minecraft news, projects, build ideas, mods, etc.
Share server stories and keep the screenshots coming, we want to see builds!
If you develop anything Minecraft related, keep us updated for feedback.

► 2. NEWS

There is no news.


>Fuck Microsoft, play cracked Minecraft with these launchers:

>Mods that you will need 100% of the time:
https://modrinth.com/mod/no-chat-reports (removes telemetry and chat reporting)
https://modrinth.com/mod/sodium (optimizes (replaces) render engine)
https://modrinth.com/mod/lithium (optimizes various game mechanics)

>Classic skin textures for offline play:

>New and improved Minecraft Wiki:

>Seed generator and biome/structure locator:

>1.7.10 server authentication option (Got shafted by M$? You can still [multi]play!)

>Servers (Advertise them there, not here)


Last thread >>484893309
fixable with either mob switch or making prettier light sources (jack-o-laterns under moss carpets is cheapest and looks good)
you can't make minecraft act as an average survival game without adding dumb bars like hunger, thirst and weariness (hello CDDA), MC's survival game in nature is placing and breaking blocks in particular formation to stop mobs reducing your health bar and you thriving in result
doesn't make it less redundant by forcing me to hold right click to see slow ass retarded animation for a millionth time for 13 years at this point
i wouldn't be crying about this so much if there was a saturation effect in a beacon
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>i wouldn't be crying about this so much if there was a saturation effect in a beacon
i was thinking an enchantment or something, by the way i didn't mean it in a "this isn't a problem" way i mean it in a "we should ask ourselves if this even ads volume to the game anymore" way
kute kot
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very cute, like the creeper staring at the flower as if he met a long-lost relative
Is Mojang back now? Can we expect a new snapshot this wednesday?
>an enchantment
would be too overpowered and as desired as mending, deepening enchantment minmaxing hole even further
>new snapshot
no content snapshots before Minecon i fear
Makin' paths in my silly world
I connect
I trod
I lay
I'm makin' roads
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i think zedaph could do this with his orifice at the bedrock layers, he's using signs with glow ink and while i know both those and banners are entities and don't show till you're close enough a banner set up like this is more visible and also colour coded in a way that lets you know where you're going. for example if you were a hermitcraft member you would know that this orifice belongs to zedaph, if it was black banners with the letter i on in yellow you would know it was impulse's orifice. i just feel like signs along the bottom bedrock layer require more effort to notice and you need to be a lot closer to assess than you would have to with banners hanging out into the void like this
based homoerotica OP.
Who do you guys think is the top and who the bottom?
he could do water like the lava, not as bright but colourful
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Only way to reasonably make this system work is having a trail of dangling sheep between holes. You could drag them along and into position from above bedrock so it shouldn't be too hard.
who cares?
I only want etho to ride my cock
That's much better. By the way anyone know what's up with weird lighting some hermits have? Shader mod messing things up?
optifine's built-in shader, most likely remade to work under iris already
What's the deal with native next gen bedrock?
Gerg, what are your thoughts on face reveals?
A while back Mojang said they were rewriting the code so that they could code the game quicker and eventually roll out updates faster. Any updates on this? How frequent would updates even become? 2 a year? 3 every 2 years?
The changes they've been making will allow them to make, test and tweak stuff faster. Doesn't necessarily mean they'll release more frequently, but it can mean we'll get bigger updates, we'll see soon enough.
As a side effects of these changes, we can also add stuff more easily through data packs.
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Remove one active Hermit from Hermitcraft and replace him with another Minecraft twitch or youtuber.
>active Hermit
i lold
Ah I see. Sounds beneficial either way
Why is Python here he quit 7 years ago
And who's the old fart (not Cub's previous skin)
I didnt make the photo. Just took it off a search. Im not making one. Its not related, just semi-related
Wels is a free space but I'll spice it up and say Iskall

I'll replace him with Jimmy I guess
>we can also add stuff more easily through data packs
would this mean that mods also get easier to make?
Well the easier way to put it is that many things we meeded mods for before can now be done in vanilla
"Mods" for vanilla, in the for of data packs, without mod launchers, yes. As for mods in the traditional sense, I've mostly heard that these changes are also good for modders, but I've also hears that they don't like that they need to work more with json now.
Remove Doc and replace him with _Gerg
Joe Hills has turned into TFC now TFC has died, Hypno hasn't uploaded in ages and Wels shows up for a couple episodes each season and leaves. Keralis is also a flake and i feel he just copies builds off his patreon server. In terms of contribution i feel these people contribute the least. I don't like Doc either but he shows up (awkwardly (and then i skip his section)). I would remove all these people and add ME, so i can never log in and not commit any effort forward like a less competent keralis
Let's be real would anyone actually care if Hypno, Jevin and xB silently left
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I hate blockvomit. Even more so when it ruins what could have been a good build. Can't forget the obligatory shaders either!
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Are you ready?
Fuck, anoncraft is kill. I don't want to join vcrat because the map is too old and everything is already built, the most I can do is build my fucking dirthut somewhere far from spawn where nobody will ever find it and play singleplayer with occasional visits to public farms.
How do I cope? Are there other servers?
Have you tried playing singleplayer?
>5 blocks for a single chimney
You're just not creative enough, anon. Get some taste and a better palette.
New Tanger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uI6oKwyXWTI
Ok serious question time. Is this real and official?
The poster? No.

The movie is, but it's live action (wtf?) It's been announced for like 5 years. Jack Black plays Steve.
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Finished the game I posted last thread,
Called it Honey Money, I made it so it costs 1 diamond block to play, and rewards 1 diamond for every 2 points, so a player would need to score above 18 to break even, then they get profit.
idk if it would actually make money, but 18 points> points is hard to get every time.
Dressed it up nicely too
>build anything
>put some cogs on it
>airships are not inherently steampunk
for the love of god fix your N letters, place the 6 interior copper blocks all up by one. they shouldn't be that low, they should be the same height as the 12 blocks within the letter M
They aren't, actually. Have you never seen irl airships?
stfu and play vcraft retard. they're the same.
>she wasn't invited to the super secret server after anoncraft was kill
Birch wood and diorite is so commonly used and it always looks bad.
nice, finally
A year ago I converted an old bugrock world to java, everything worked just fine until a few days ago when I updated to 1.21 and now this message pops up everywhere all the time, how do I fix it? I play my vanilla worlds using the Simply Optimized modpack (Fagbric) btw.
just prune that chunk I guess
It's a livestream from 2010 that faked a Herobrine sighting, but obviously all the little kids who saw it thought it was real. It was lost media up until a few hours ago.
This is why we make back-ups.
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I built a fish
I like your fish
I literally explained why I vcraft is not what I want.
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Scar is STILL mining that entire mountain BY HAND
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I'll always love you Vcraft for making me love Minecraft
fuck i missed a ton of lines
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A little fishy, perhaps?

Thanks, anon

I'll probably end up doing just that, but since it's a really old world most of the explored chunks are pre caves and cliffs, I'll kind of miss them.
I have plenty of backups, that's not the issue, just 1.21 doing a funny.
I never played on a server with anons, is it as chaotic as one would think?
Powdered snow... Watch out! It's dangerous stuff... I fell into some and it terrified me. Apparently leather boots help to prevent sinking in it.
>pls stop wearing diamond armor 24/7
nice try, mojang employee
they'll show up in your single player hardcore world and kill you the moment you take it off
I wish minecraft discussion was still like this, I never got to experience this.
Where are you guys on cuberealm?
Thoughts on building trees?
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xB hanging out with anyone is great, especially Keralis, and the best build in server history is still Horsehead Farms.
Most of the other alternatives that are good and wont shut down (RIP) have the same problem of everything is already built. Or it's so close to anarchy you will be building off in some remote part of the world because all the farms that are already built need to be hidden because people can't leave things alone. That's what I've seen.
So you want one of the 10 new servers on >>>/vm/minecraft but haven't picked one.
Etho time
Anyone know of a mod for minecraft that's like Vintage story without becoming so fucking autistic? I can't even make a fire in that game, jesus.

I want:
-Realistic mobs
-I can tolerate some fantasy mobs if they're area/event specific
-Mob spawn being determined exclusively by local biome not random spawning at night because night is scary
-limited ability to mine through blocks
-more metallurgy and armors
-weather effects
-Good NPC's/Villager's that make village/town building worthwhile
-limited but enormous world map that eventually loops back on itself
-realistic geography
-food quality and/or spoilage
I want VS without the gay time shit, human NPCs, or naked mole rat enemies. So maybe just TFC.
Actually, I want a more polished TerraFirmaPunk.
I'm fine with the naked mole rat enemies I just wish you only encountered them in dungeons/dungeons attached to cave systems. And yeah the time storms are retarded and I thoroughly loathe the concept.
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Hi /v/craft, Mark here.
Did you know the server has a ton of New terrain? It's true! There's this little program called MCAeditor which we use to cull, edit and delete the region.mca files, the filter we use is time inhabited. If nobody spent considerable time keeping that chunk loaded with a base, farm or other activities, MCAeditor will select and delete it. After updating the minecraft version, we run a plugin called Chunky to regenerate the deleted chunks inside the world border, on the latest minecraft version with new treasure seeds so everything is mixed up and new. This includes the new Trial Chambers and Trail Ruins, and all the other things added since the server launched with current map for version 1.17. Finally, we update the dynmap plugin to rerender the world, and that takes the longest time, which is why /v/craft's dynmap doesn't show you accurate new loot locations and has weird artifacts! It's showing you 1.20 locations for things!
If one wanted to get started on /v/craft, now would be a great time!
New 1.21 terrain in all three worlds, nobody mass looting the entire world like happened in 1.18, and the players are quality people.
/v/craft isn't for everyone, but you should try it to make sure!
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Kiss Etho
Reminder Tango streams are just secret Etho streams
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>minecraft map made for 1.20.4
>thats fine since all my fps mods (sodium, lithium, fartium, fabric, indium, krypton) are all in 1.20.6 surely it will work
>the map in fact does not work
>go back to 1.20.4 in single digit fps
>map works
why would they do this
Alex appreciation thread
He's just like me...
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Refute this, you can't
Why would Steve have her dress up like this? What did he mean by this?
This girl looks nothing like either Alex skin
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I don't think they're doing a minecraft live this year
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Apart from the Elytra, i think the crafter has the biggest impact on how i usually play the game.
It is now possible to basically automate almost any obtainable block you could need. Even stuff like diorite can be farmed without ever touching a cave. Get z-piglin gold farm, trade it for quartz with piglins, autocraft with cobble from auto cobble gen, etc. you get the idea.
If we ever get an autoplacer, you could even automate the building process itself. What is then left to do?

It sounds dystopian. It already kinda is. I make farms for materials that are needed to make other farms, to make bigger, better farms. And after that, i build a giant castle or underground base to contain the farms and store all the items my farms produce. Sometimes, the spirit is lost in tedious, monotonous blockplacing, but returns again when the machinery is running, working, the castle finished.

And what keeps you going?
I live to automate. I automate for the sake of automating. There is no endgoal, just bigger, better automation
I always said, we're gonna get auto crafting OR auto placing.

I think we lost, but maybe it was a victory after all.
It sounds dystopian. It already kinda is. I work for money that is needed to stay alive, to work for more money. And after that, i rent a pod to store all the slop my money buys. Sometimes, the spirit is lost in tedious, monotonous wagecucking, but returns again when the slop is consumed.

And what keeps you going?
its only bad if you're not designing your own redstone, mindless copypasting will get tiresome eventually
Grind, Optimize, Automate, Thrive?
Just make your own modpack.
every day until you like it
potential prototype for my death star
It looks.
should i go with iron blocks or cobblestone as the final exterior material though?
Iron blocks for sure
yeah but problem is i don't have a viable method to grind out a shit ton of ingots for the amount of blocks i'm going to need, so if you got a good method to get iron quickly i'd appreciate it
Get go mining in the mountains.
Hermitcraft updated
dude boats lmao
>Iskall: I could never build something like that
Damn guess they've gotta kick you
I built an enchanting table for the first time and I got 36 levels of experience to use. What should I do or use it on?
Enchanting kinda sucks

Look for silk touch or fortune I guess, maybe looting
It's broken so bad that xisuma had to cancel his stream lmao
put your best tools in it and see
dont do this it makes mustard gas
This is basically true, don't fall for the other anon's bait.
Extremely helpful.
We need more alex
>the egg star
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any day of the week
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It's day ~850 in-game and only I'm only now building a house
I just put chests on the ground, enchanting tables and all the usable blocks too
I only lit up the surrounding area of several chunks with torches and that's it
God I was autistic
he mad
Craft some babies.
how do cross platform servers work? if two people are playing together but one is using java and the other is using bedrock how does the server control how each version operates or is it nothing like what i'm imagining? i know some recipes for items are different between versions, how redstone works, mob spawns and even combat so there has to be something going on
I fucking hate the villagers and all the mechanics associated with them. Any ideas on how to change them? The only thing I can really figure out is to remove them from the game completely
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>all future creative plans on hold
This is the reason Minecraft updates take a year. All the budget is being spent on things that aren't game development
Is there a ready mod(pack) that can bring back some difficulty back to survival, without adding new stuff? Like vanillla, but made for people other than retarded children?

I would like to eliminate the following:
>elytras eliminating the need to build any rail
>nether travel making you build ugly tunnels in the nether instead of beautiful, lushy rail in the overworld
>sprinting making you basically invulnerable at night
>food giving you nearly infinite healing in a single item stack, in addition to being everywhere in the world
>trading as a whole, it's so unfun and broken
>OP enchantments, perhaps all enchantments
>piss easy iron farms, enermite XP farms, etc.
>totems of undying
...and all the other stuff that makes the "survival" part super boring, you get the idea.
Imagine the quality of updates, and their quantity, if Mojang was still independent and run by Nocth or at least Micr*soft weren't such huge globohomo faggots.
updates are giving much less money than market collaboration bloat and merch, while bugrock kiddies keep feeding the corporate machine - we'll be getting same lackluster updates
>get my old pc working again to recover my old minecraft and ds3 saves
>still logged in to my deleted account from alpha
feels bad man...
If Notch was in control we wouldn't have gotten half the updates we have, i'm sorry but it's true. I even like Notch but everyone dunked on his work ethic back then
Desire to build. Load up Minecraft. Stand around. No idea what to build. Exit Minecraft. My own stupidity is preventing me from enjoying this game and I hate it.
>If Notch was in control we wouldn't have gotten half the updates we have
You say this like it would be a bad thing.
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Pic related. Should I continue building in this world or should I start a new save?
I'll always be fuck Notch. He screwed over so many people by selling to fucking Microsoft, yet people always act like he had the game's interest in heart. He literally didn't give a fuck about it anymore since release.
Notch doesn't owe you shit, dumbass. You paid $30 for an .exe file, not a 15 year support contract.
they would have just killed him and taken it anyway
an exe file that I can't even play without a microgoy accout
he probably owes c418 lawyer fees so he could keep his music safe
Continue the world. That's always the answer. If you really wanna restart, travel 10000 blocks away from home in that world, put all your stuff in an echest, then burn the echest and pretend your in a new world.
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>thanking iskall
Sure am excited for bundles.
how will this affect the local fish population?
It's snapshot morning.
very nice bulds anon, if you can then sure do what the other anon said and pack your shit, hide it and go find a new spot far away. I am one of those autists which cannot go back to an already played world, i just have to find a new, even more perfect seed than the last, and inevitably spend a few days searching for it every single time, its like a curse.
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Eefo on skizz stream!
Man I hate twitch their ui made me think this was phasmo only
>bugrock edition only
No thanks
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built a factory, thoughts?
Would be cool if you could build smoke out of the chimneys. Also I personally feel like the foundation is too small compared to the buildings.
i think you did a good job
why do merchants have such bullshit prices? its literally only viable to trade when you're in a vanilla server where farms are not allowed, even then im better off afk fishing or grinding spawners for xp and just spam enchants away.
mojang doesnt play their game. i only do the trades bc i made a spider farm for the sole purpose of making unlimited emeralds
You can literally sell sticks.
The Wandering Trader is for worlds where you don't have easy access to all resources, such as worlds where new terrain gen is far away, challenge worlds and worlds where the player can't be bothered to explore or doesn't know about silk touch. Also, they make some resources renewable.
oh, nvm, I guess those posts were about villagers
How to make singleplayer fun and worthwhile?
mining & crafting
Be creative
embrace farmer lifestyle
Adventure life is the way
>a more polished TerraFirmaPunk
Technodefirmapunk innit
Looks pretty good.
Though the roof looks a bit messy.
I think swapping the smooth clay out for another noisy textured block would look better.
The smooth and rough mix makes me feel like I have glaucoma.
I'm gonna live in a Trial Chamber.
I already am (i cant build for shit)
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SOUL blowing the fuck out of cringe chambers
I've found a TechnodeFirmaCraft, but no Punk.
It seems to be lacking in fantasy/enemy mods.
TIL that Copeland's Herobrine stream was found 2 days ago
TIL that the herobrine stream was found 40 minutes ago
Stress sounds like a dumb British bimbo who gives superb head
I believe in Total Sniffer Death
Steve is so lucky...
They're already extinct
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>Grian first tries to be Keralis
-Then BDubs
-and now he thinks he's Etho?!?!?
where is the new etho
where is the new snapshot
where is the new gerg
I'm thinking august, if they're following last year's pattern.
just blinked the day away finishing nether grinding and then taking hours trying to migrate villagers away - these tiny buildings are no joke. im really addicted now i want to go back and mine coal to sell then add a library building
Looks like there's a new cape for bugrock.
You'll have to bully a bunch of zoomers playing eSports bullshit on their phones.
Grian is such a cunt and I hate how he tries to pull all the family friendly and "wholesome" bullshit when he used to swear constantly in his old videos and when he was in CraftedMovie
>die in hardcore world
>quit game for a month or so
>come back
>rinse and repeat
What a fucking vicious cycle
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>I can't watch it unless someone's dropping f-bombs every three words
zoomie thinking
unironically autism
Uh bro, why are they black?
you can't call them that, that's their word
I have footage of Gerg saying p*gga. It would ruin his career if I released it
I'm going to be without internet, and the weather will be too hot to get work done outside. So, during the middle of the days I might just grind out a SP world. Any ideas?
There will be mass cullings of bunnies for bundles.
Gergfags have officially become worse than Ethofags. Grim.
will replicating village buildings make me a better builder?
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ok nevermind the game just make a tutorial for this thing
>build honey wall
>place dispenser one block away facing the wall
>place hoppers below honey wall
>funnel items back into the dispenser

To activate the dispenser you can get a signal from reading its comtents or just make a shitty clock
they need to be DOUBLE-extinct
He's allowed to say it, even with a hard R.
Remember, "pigger" is their word. But you can use "pigga".

minecraftbros...what are our thoughts on this?
never releasing
you're right...that is while they're still working on the new engine

once they're done with that, game will release within a year for sure
Meme game. We've discussed the latest news already
>meme game
>meanwhile vanilla minecraft still doesn't have vertical slabs
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Minecraft has vertical slabs, trapdoors.
I just wish the options for trapdoors where more versatile to building, dark oak, spruce and iron doors are the only consistent main stays.

Finding uses for something like warped trapdoors is far more niche.
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>I just wish the options for trapdoors where more versatile to building
yeah like if they were 2x as thick and solid i dunno like vertical slabs
the real problem is we still don't have concrete/terracotta slabs, stairs and walls
They should really just explicitly say "this is a building block and this is the building block set" so you get slab, stair, wall no matter. Maybe they don't want to do it with blocks of colour because you're gonna like 4x 16 blocks
Remove Iskall add Nebris or Arkas
>you're gonna get like 4x 16 blocks
>implying that's a bad thing
> Zoomers insist Minecraft beta is just nostalgia
> The itch grows over time
> Decide to just play old minecraft
> NO hunger
> NO sprint
> NO stacking food
> Terrain? Incredible
> Mobs? No running. No hiding.
> Wool? Doesn't grow back

Turns out it wasn't just nostalgia. While I don't hate a lot of the stuff added to MIcrocraft, the basic experience is lacking. Walking around is boring. Exploring is boring. Encountering enemies is boring. Even being swarmed by enemies is boring. I had more fun trying not to get blown up by a single creeper, because I can't just sprint away, than slaying a congaline of enemies.

Feels bad man. It's not like I hated Microcraft, but the slight tension everything has like this is just better. In addition to terraingen being so much more lively. Turns out I don't want 10000 unique biomes. I want them to be larger than a postage stamp and not all be flat.
>> NO hunger
>> NO sprint
>> NO stacking food
I'm still wondering if disabling all this stuff for modern MC will work out.
If memory serves, too many little things have changed to revert easily. Melee got changed several times. Mob and Mob AI has changed. If I'm not insane, more stuff spawns now. My betafied install barely spawns enemies at night, but frankly even one creeper divebombing me from a cliff is pretty bad because I can't sprint and have no shield. The entire game dynamic has shifted over time in relation to hunger, sprinting, shields, and small basic improvements to the player. This is why oldcraft worked so well. You're not being bombared with danger. It's just a lot riskier once you do get in danger, and the better terrain and smaller caves make being snuck up on a lot easier. One skeleton can ruin my day, and it's not like I can keep as stack of 64 steaks on me to solve that. My healing may be instant but I have to shuffle the next food item in to my bar manually.

Just wandering around the world has this basic tension to things, and being home is a relief. Things genuinely can just ambush you from seemingly nowhere cause clear Line of Sight is a myth.

In modern minecraft I can sprint away from everything and nothing can really sneak up on me in this wide open places. Even underground is too spacious. Without the ability to run fast and without enemies filling up so much of it at once, it would be kind of boring. The tension just isn't there to carry the day. The psychological impact of things is just different.
we have vertical slabs, but only one snapshot has them
get iskall out lol hes obviously not having fun and is forcing himself to play s10. replace him with Martin or another empires member who will actually play on the server and not just stream and upload the vods and call it an "episode"
There are adults who willingly watch Hermitcraft and other Minecraft LPs?
>Melee got changed several times.
And its harder for player. Skeleton turrets aren't going anywhere.
>Mob AI has changed.
For some reason it reacts way slower in SP than on local server.
Don't forget to destroy all the suspicious sand blocks. Don't bother with the brush, just use a shovel.
Anon I hate to break it to you but most zoomers are adults now, in fact the oldest zoomers are hitting 30 in only two more years.
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Come back to beta, bros. It's nice in here.
Why don't betabros build anything nice?
I like the free stuff. I just wish there was a Sniffer omelette.
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It's nice in here. The outside is a work in progress. I need to do something about that lava fall.
>b1.8 chests
>no hunger while exp exists
what's your modpack?
>this user is underage
>build anything nice = generic medieval shit
fuck off troon
That was not said nor implied, anon. Chip on your shoulder much?
>no 10+ blockvomit palette = build bad
I was wondering if someone would notice the inconsistencies. I'm caught.


It's literally just this. Nothing else except a player skin added to the jar directly. The mod lets you have the fake older version experience pretty well, but you can even go halfway on hunger and sprinting. I'm more just using it to fake a world without sprinting and hunger.
pretty good mod desu, but I hate the fact that it's for 1.2 because r/goldenageminecraft is 1.2
IMO 1.4 is better
I feel similarly. I'd like this but more modern minecraft. As I said, I don't hate all the new additions. I more miss the better terrain and how that interplays with the vastly weaker player. Of of note, I did enable the old AI option too. Though I may have set biome size too high.

Mostly this was an experiment to put my money where my mouth is. Are people right? Is it just nostalgia? No, it's a totally different experience. People aren't huffing their own farts on that. The dynamic of how you feel wandering around is inverted from Microcraft. At least this was useful. I should stop trying to play modern Minecraft as anything but an adventure game with building tacked on. The slow life experience isn't really rewarding.
>Is it just nostalgia? No, it's a totally different experience.
modern MC is smash n' grab rpg while on Infdev my ass is scared to leave tunnel because of mobs so I build everything either underground or above ground, beacons and towers are the only functional ground builds for navigation because no coordinates and sand is extremely valuable
>modern MC is smash n' grab rpg
We have fallen so far...
minecraft has fallen
billions must quit
just use mods and make your dream game
i want VANILLA minecraft not "NEW VANILLA" new normal bs
so-called modern minecraft is the mod they won't let me uninstall
brain tumor
my brain is the tumor it just keeps growing
I do not hate any group of minecraft players more than nostalgia fags. You can litterally play any old antiquated shit version you want via the launcher, yet they still bitch about "modern minecraft'.

Ultimately its because nostalgiafags cant build for shit, and use the limited block pallet as a cope. Either that or they say how survival was "harder" no it wasnt retard the mob ai was dumb as fuck and it the game was full of bugs.
>playing old antiquated shit version through microflaccid """launcher"""
Then pirate the version you want retard if it means that much to you.
Not a beta fag, I can't go back to playing on worlds with less building height than 320, but so much of the new shit feels too gamey, tacked-on or like bloat outright.
>Trail ruins
>Armor trims being only obtainable through chests and EVERY structure getting its own trim
>The trial chambers having built-in multiplayer support
>The sniffer
>Villages spawning everywhere
>The phantoms
>Polar bears
And what pisses me off the most is that we STILL don't have concrete and terracotta stairs, slabs and walls despite how much other useless shit gets added in.
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Post your base
its not about piracy, its about microflaccid providing subpar antiquated shit version experience that doesn't even play sounds unlike betacraft
and you can't really turn off structures otherwise you won't be able to access end
there must be a mod that allows you to space out structures, right?..
I'm going to enable a data pack to reduce the frequency of structures without outright disabling them once I'm about to resume exploring. For all that I'm annoyed by some of the new updates I have to give mojang credit for how much you can modify the game to suit your tastes.
>I have to give mojang credit for how much you can modify the game to suit your tastes.
don't forget to add pickaxe tool to glass blocks and panes group, i don't know why this isn't a part of the game yet
also they finally added a way to read an item that you're holding with your cursor, i had to use fucking bubble sort as a workaround to find out which button was clicked in menu (menu is invisible chest minecart and button is an item)
Cool base. Needs little details to make it alive. Even just adding barrels/benches/lightposts/haybales around the place would do the trick
which one?
april fools either this year or last year
>block pallet
not ironically kill yourself
It's really fun how dumbasses will cope to the ends of the world that new blocks that flourish creativity are bad actually
For basically every other game in existence I get bitching about updates, but Minecraft is one of the only games where going back to previous versions is so easy and smooth. You could easily just play the version of the game you like forever, unchanging. You could literally make the game the exact thing you want all the time, given the exact thing you want fits the grid. The only problem with Minecraft that isn't useless bitching are how lazy the devs are and MS's awful business practices. Everything else is literally your domain.
I don't think people understand how much of a privilege this is. Take any popular game, ofcourse multiplayer titles could never run outdated versions but even in SP or hybrid titles this stuff is very rare, you will probably only track down old updates by getting an out of date crack (why immediately by being out of date can also be sketchy) or on a console completely deleting all data related to the game and shutting down the online, if the game is even allowed to launch offline...
You add that with a data pack
*can add
but who will make the asset for me?
zoomer retarded brain can't understand that bigger is not better
micro cock wrote this
Sorry about your small penis dude but I'm sure you can find someone that doesn't really care about sex to begin with.
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I'm enjoying manual farming more than automating.
I'm enjoying automatic farming more than manual.
I'm enjoying farming
Posts as creative as the builds.
I can't believe jannies are trying to memory hole the leaked gerg sextape
Problem: Builders want more color variety in blocks

Potential Solution 1: For every single new point on the color wheel you want to add create a new block that you need to travel to a specific biome and capture a specific mob that you need to minecart 5,000 blocks back to base to farm for a specific drop that you need to feed through a bigass redstone machine to process to create the new block with RGB #3FB2AC, then hope that scar and bdubs and other famous youtube builders pog out over it instead of complaining you didn't add RGB #5FB6BC instead. Repeat every update for ten years.

Potential Solution 2: Steal yet another mod feature and solve the problem totally forever.

Are there any fabric mods that save how i organized my inventory so i can just press a button to auto sort it?
i should tell you to go to the modded minecraft general for stuff like this BUT just this one time i'll make an exception because we're on page 9 and i can't think of anything to post to bump the thread with so here, maybe this is what you're looking for

Nah, I don't need auto sorting. I just wanted a mod that saves how my hot bar is ordered.
If I have minecraft PC and minecraft for xbaux is there some way to heckin use my custom PC skins I got from gaysex.com on the 'ol console system there with the xbox live n shiet nigga?
nah, I don't think so
How do you use skins offline?
Hello sir you've reached Microsoft support, unfortunately we only provide service in english.

(No bedrock edition offers no customisation outside of the monetised marketplace)
Resource pack.
Yes, kind of, but it's complicated and may not work
For some reason my skin is stuck as Ari instead of Steve or Alex, most solutions I saw involved editing those two since they're the default
sex with old men
Ayyy nevermind, figured it out Im just dumb, thank you
Yeah I would try replacing the default skin you've set.
Doesn't minecraft reference your xbox live account now or microsoft account or whatever. Can you do it through that?
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can't even be mad when doc fanart is so fire
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We dodged a bullet, this not being posted here, oh well now it's spread enough that it's not an issue
Is this an official release or a leak?
>text for ants
fucking hell


>Please use only the creeper, sheep and the bee rendered character art on packaging.
>The creeper should always be on the front of the packaging as a priority mob. If full body will be visible, place the included shadow layer under the rendered character art and set the layer to multiply.
>The second priority character to include is the sheep. A shadow layer is also available for the sheep if the full body will be visible.
>The third priority character for inclusion is the bee. The bee has no shadow layer.

>Make sure creeper image bounding box and shadow bounding box are the same size and [unintelligible] to the same DPI
>Set the shadow layer to multiply and group them together

>Steve, played by Jack Black, has been resident in the Overworld for long enough that he crafted a blocky life for himself and made a best friend - his pet wolf, dennis, but then the evil Malgosha captured him, now his freedo m [sic] lies in the hands of four fresh visitors to his world...
>[unintelligible file names +] PRIORITY POSE
It looks like "priority pork" which makes a lot more sense if you think about it.
Thanks, I hate it.
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this piece of shit breaks one of the rules of Minecraft Game Design for spin-offs.
if this is Volume I of game design - its obsolete already
I speak for everyone when I say a Minecraft movie without Steve would be weird.
should've made MC porn parody with Alex instead
Who would /mcg/ cast?
>but they should not have an ACTIVE ROLE in spin-off projects and storylines
>but then the evil Malgosha captured him, now his freedom lies in the hands of four fresh visitors to his world...
Also, the first paragraph can clearly only apply to games.
I like how ugly the sheep is, i hope everything is ugly and weird like a neverhood movie

It will probably fit the tone of the movie but i always imagined Steve as a gigachad probably from all those steve images where he's jacked
Microsoft is getting sued again by the FTC lmao. Don't expect those update budgets to increase any time soon.
I want black dye
>squid farm or wither cage farm
I don't want back dye
A river one isn't too hard, i think you can use water columns then just stand in the sky
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Building a roman looking domus house but first how could I make the wall on the right less flat looking.
I am starting to think that if a survival or hardcore youtuber did not stream themselves making whatever build they're showing off then they cheated.
>Support columns rising from the garden
>Turn the cliff into an overhang
>Water feature
>Turn the sheer cliff face into a two-layer design
its the same shit with isaac streaks, if you're doing them off stream they're worthless
Have you considered Block Vomit, throw some mud bricks, brown mushrooms in there
I love Minecraft. Hope you all are healthy and well. Stay safe!
This, but unironically.
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sup' bros i have a question
i made a trading hall near a pillager outpost and despite making the floor with half-slabs, two of my villagers got killed by pillagers
they somehow spawned INSIDE or came through outside somehow
the villagers are standing on glowstone btw which is a full block .. maybe they spawned inside??
half slabs are valid spawning blocks if you put them at upper half (as you did)
>half slabs are valid spawning blocks if you put them at upper half
ahhhh that's why, thanks mate
Unrelated, but is there a mod that lets mobs spawn on stuff they can't in vanilla?
and granite, maybe some bricks
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Teams are out


This is the officially sponsored tournament by Minecraft itself announced during the 15th anniversary.
Also some dead brain coral.
>But that doesn't fit the color scheme!
When has that ever stopped people who use dead brain coral?
Did anyone actually play this?
Yes. This game is actually decently fun. Legends is the abomination.
hermit teams in mcc:
false in red rabbits
gem in orange ocelots
scar in yellow (also jimmy)
grian, joel & impulse in lime
pearl in purple pandas
That's cool but Lizzie's in so I'll be watching her
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What's the best/smallest way to build a lava smelter?
I don't know how practical a dripstone lava farm is for supporting a super smelter, not fucking very I know for sure, but it might be a fun project to size up.

For an auto smelter like your image sure, if you need a couple stacks bulk smelt passively but that's a very thin line between that and the investment of a super smelter being worth it.
If you want to maximize # of items cooked by one bucket?
Make sure there are comparators checking the item fill level in the hopper above the furnace or the furnace itself, so it wont dispense another lava if it doesn't have a lot of items to cook.
I've always played Java. Recently I started a Bedrock server so I could play with a friend. But my friend is almost never online so I'm considering starting a Java server and finding people on 4chan or plebbit to play with. Thanks for reading my blog post.
More basically: is there a mechanic that can pull the contents of a cauldron out and into a bucket? Dispensers and hoppers don't seem to do anything.
No there is not.
Three brits attempt to carry an american
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thanks anons
I see a face
This is some BULLSHIT
Forgot image
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Actually fucking disgusting.
It is funny how Mojang always chooses the B-Listers to love.
10 years ago they jerked off Mindcrack when dudes like Sky, DanTDM, Ssundee, etc., were by far more popular and relevant.
Now they're shilling Hermitcraft and MCC, while Dream's crew and others are still way larger and more relevant.
more like family-friendly
Tubbo and Tommyinnit are literally in this event too
Reminder large biomes is it.
I want to run a Minecraft server with some plugins. Is PaperMC good?
Probably "[rasterized] to the same DPI".
>ominous breeze spawners now spawn blaze alongside them
>ominous zombie/husk spawners now only spawn baby zombies/husks with a rare chance of trident wielding baby drowned
>ominous skeleton/stray/bogged spawners now spawn wither skeletons in armor and stronger weapons
>ominous slime spawners now spawn magma cubes with oozing effect
>ominous spider spawners now spawn spiders with weaving effect and cave spiders with infestation effect

i fixed your trial chambers to not be for babies
>places singular flowing water in deep ocean
>suddenly 40 squid falling from the sky
squid farms are free
Does anyone in this thread play on bedrock?
Mojang employees probably don't watch Dream due to being adults with jobs.
Nice AI slop; can you get some brown mushrooms in as well?
it's from mo' creatures...

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