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/lolg/ OP pastebin
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Hello /lolg/!
I played League quite a bit some years ago and had fun with a wide range of champions (I got perma'd twice) however, my skills never really improved much (probably because Fiddle is braindead to play as) and I couldn't ever find myself getting out of Silver. I took a break for some years but had an epic relapse moment and reinstalled recently. Coming back on the rift makes me realize how much I fucking SUCK at this game. This time around I want to actually git gud rather than staying stuck as a permaleaguelet.
What would you say is the most important thing to do to improve at the game? What has helped you the most? I mainly play Viktor mid now BTW.

Also, the deer champion looks cute! Is she any good? All the other designs are pretty ugly, the diversity shoe-ins are blatant and my hyperborean hunter-gatherer instincts are telling me to punch the korean twink artist champion in the face as hard as I can. I'd still fuck the dragon though.
coolest jungler
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coolest midlaner
why do we always get the spammers
it feels like even come later in the game i sorta feel useless and im like just inting playing her since she doesnt win any 1v1s..
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>What would you say is the most important thing to do to improve at the game?
Playing jungle
What has helped you the most?
Top lane helps you gettin good at laning, but you should leave it asap once you got the grasp of it
why is he never played in lane? didn't riot buff his minion healing back again?
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what causes this
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Why aren't Yordles, especially likes of Kled, more popular?
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>niggerlow who can't press q and instantly win any trade on gwen tries to act cute
literally a bottom-feeder of this thread, doing the bare minimum to get a crumb of attention from permanently online 30 year old 30 IQ losers with 30 BMI and Norwood 30
worthless pigs. name one reason you wake up in the morning.
because everyone is a fucking pussy who can't comprehend picking something off-meta before streamers. i do it, it's great, give it a shot too.
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>matchmaking balance
who cares
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>permanently online 30 year old 30 IQ losers with 30 BMI and Norwood 30
I'm 22 and sometimes not offline when I'm working out (in my roomgym thoughbeit)
hairline is doing tolerable and BMI is actually 30 after the last bulk
>name one reason you wake up in the morning.
to dab on niggalows on my smurf
there's nothing better than beating platfags as silver in aram
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>You won't be able to use text chat for 365 days
KEK i thought the next one would be a 14 day ban
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>What would you say is the most important thing to do to improve at the game? What has helped you the most?
do not autopilot and do not play ranked when tired/tilted
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climbing in less games than ever. hell yeah!

>i do it, it's great, give it a shot too.
I'll do just the thing in a bit
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I remember that one time I jokingly said ITT about streaming, and anon said he'd watch. And watched me play league for a few hours and then I never streamed again.
stats: 3 games (15:22sec,15:29sec,17:29sec (nexus destroyed)) combined 48:17sec
top: 0/6/1, 0/4/0, 1/5/0
mid: 3/3/0, 1/5/0, 1/3/1
bot: 1/7/0, 3/7/5, 3/12/0

how the fuck do they expect you to play around three losing lanes that start solo dying when i'm still on third camp?
>What would you say is the most important thing to do to improve at the game? What has helped you the most?
autopilot and play ranked especially when you're tilted
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If riot goes back to making hot hunks i might reinstall
cheering you on my love!
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and heres the clip for the night. this teamfight won us the game

thanks, guys, I'll also be cheering you on in your journeys!
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>Have over 200 Mythic Essence
>Nothing looks interesting
>Really want a Hextech skin like Kassadin, Jarvan, Alistar, etc
>Shop rotation are the shitty Hextech skins
>Next Hextech skin after Nocturne is Annie
Well shit. I should have gotten Hextech Swain when I had the chance.
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I love you, Anon

also should i move to the UK or US?
winning in 7 minutes as full diamonds is better
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Hextech Swain is not that great to be honest, it doesn't offer anything special except being a bit more bling than the other ones. If I had to use my me once again I'd just buy soulstealer Vayne. Though last year's Christmas pass and rotation was perfect in getting hextech Swain hence I got it. If it were not for the whole me thing I'd say these hextech skins would be quite generic.
you can move countries just for a videogame anon...
>why aren't grimy little freaks popular
*licks your hole*
I know you're a boy but, ima treat you like a lady. <3
how about a kiss for good luck?
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UK is awful in terms of just about everything (weather, housing, salary, food). The only reason anyone would move here would be education, finance or to travel to Europe for pennies over the weekend.
If I had the choice I'd move to America, double my salary, buy a family house in a large city and a second home with a huge land next to a lake or something in Alaska, wage my ass off and retire at 50-55. I'll still try to do the same where I am regardless though.
You should move here on my lap.
getting the same retarded nigger support 2 times in a row should be illegal
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i'll get a job and then move to play league on better server

what country
why would you want to move servers if you are pisslow even on a shitty one?
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I ganked them a couple of times and saved them with flash ult once. Too bad that top and mid giga inted. Hope their date went well either way.
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i'm widderally challenger.
nice try but you type like a niggalow
What even are prestige skins? Is it just a chroma? Do they change anything different of the original skin?
I think they're just chromas, yeah.
pretty much a chroma yes
What a rip off
A lot of things in this game has been for quite a while. Playing this game as a ftp player doesn't even feel worth it at all either thesedays.
>the only reason to play a game is to get shiny things
does anyone wanna play norms
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why doesn't my game show fps and ping anymore? couldn't find anything in the options
UK is like malaysia but in europe, dont bother
USA is capitalism central, not worth it if you arent trying to make bank
learn danish and move to denmark
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that's why I chose the UK tho, I can't be bothered learning a language. is danish easy to learn?
today I will remind them
No. I'm saying the cosmetics aren't that great these days and the game, if you ignore the cosmetics, doesn't feel that great to play either.
they just don't make em like this anymore
why doesnt anyone wanna do norms..
was old lolg better?
>is danish easy to learn?
we are full nigger
I would rather play with complete strangers that I'll never see again than with a complete stranger that posts in the same thread as me, sorry
how come anon itd be fun
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ok i'll go somewhere else
I just popped in briefly, I haven't had league installed for 2 or 3 years now and I intend to continue that way
slightly but only because old lolg made OC memes
God knows why people still wanna migrate to the UK, place is absolutely in the state of decay.
People are legit retarded. Kled has been consistent A tier for most of his existence, time spent playing him is time spent playing evergreen, everviable champion(kinda like Aatrox, Fiora and so on).
post some
Look at the current state of /lolg/ with all the schizos.
idk i haven't tried, i just heard its a nice peaceful place.
but i've been to the UK, but outside of the touristy rich and historical parts, it felt like a knock-off version of itself, kinda rundown and poor. and from everything you hear it's expensive as hell to live there for no good reason.
depends on why you want to move i guess
did old lolg not have schizos
>with all the schizos.
it did
Why isn't he more popular in Korea then? Gooks love early game champs
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it had plenty and anyone that tells you otherwise has some of those rose-tinted glasses
Asians only play turbometa or pretty boys/pretty girls. Kled generally flew under everyone's radar, but asians are lost cause with finding such champs.
what do you even do in this heat, just goon all day?
I swear even league is unplayable at these temperatures
old internet was better unironically, the influx of tranny and all buzzwords pertaining to it only started post 2016. 2010-2015 was peak internet and peak league. right now we are in peak degradation before collapse
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Can't be worse than what we currently have.
As in he isn't good or under the radar anymore?
>2010-2015 was peak internet and peak league. right now we are in peak degradation before collapse
whats gonna happen if the internet collapses.. will it be kino again..
what do we have currently? it's just chill general
whens the new battle pass this one was shit
It is. Living in the UK is either Living in London and joining the rat race or moving elsewhere affordable with some sustainable economy going on where people don't just to drugs for fun or be surrounded by old people or something dead end. Places like Brighton, Edinburgh, Bath, etc are good but that's only because rich people have a second home there or they have things going on there like tourism and finance to sustain their economy instead of like mining. Mind you the salary in the UK has stagnated for like 15 years now. Buff Brands hitbox.
Blacked anon?
Syndra ERPer?
Seraphine poster?
I only got it for the chests and essences
that is true i think, but i've only been to some parts of london (both nice and run-down) when msi was there and then some city in the midlands. also anglo zoning laws are the enemy of mankind and i'm glad things are a little different on the continent where i live. delete senna
Where are you from Anon? Maybe you could live with me...
I was in the MSI too, Stratford was just a desert with a bunch of apartments being built but that's literally what they do thesedays, if homes it's those meme cookie cutter Americanised ones that break easily. The only good thing about being a tourist there is that you can walk 15 min to anything and take the train everywhere. The most incredible things to witness are seeing how everything is so pretty as soon as you leave London. And turning around from a nice touristy point to seeing vape and kebab shops in a boarded up alley lol. Anyways, I guess it's paradise to some people so whatever.
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can i live at your place, use ur internet and eat your food while playing league
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More like I'll yo-never play this champion
I actually wouldn't mind. I usually work all day long and now I'm too tired to play League when I come back home...
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seraphine fucks dogs
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okay where do you live

i hope you have a comfy room for me
I'm French
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Good. Keep your grubby hands off him.
The EUW servers are worth it I swear!
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i'm just joking

but every french tourist i've met has been creepy
is hot
I dislike this luxfag
but she loves us
Would be funny because there would be 2 UK lux posters sharing the same timeline, except one will probably have to rely on those sweaty craigslist ads where guys offer a room rent free but only if they're a girl.
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Briar in the new TFT set pog
they are both overweight balding men
is the set on PBE yet?
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i did good for the first time on gwen!!!
someone just have a heart and let the cute lux live with them
proud of you babe
Has a champion ever been as consistently overturned/broken as Gragas?
He's been op for about 3 years now, can flex into every single role, is played in pro play
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next patch I think
Time to become a sissy.
ok I did a viego lane game as top against quinn and it went better than I expected. however quinn dc early on so further testing will be needed
Gragas had a meme build that let him spam his E with no cooldown. Because it got popular thanks to Sloppy Walrus making the build for fun, they fucking removed it.
Keep in mind the build was fucking awful, required 4 Hextech Drakes, and takes 45 mins to even get full build.
top viego is way shittier than mid, he gets bitchslapped by juggernauts
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just did a real norms game with him and went 4/2/4! I think I pissed off that draven mid because he swapped lanes kek
>zilean supp onetrick is autofilled mid
>begs for support
>dodges when he doesn't get it
warmogs needs to get deleted from the game already, so many boosted players in que rn
like you can't just play zilean mid
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Song of the thread!
Theme: Viego in his quest for Isolde.

They make it as hard as possible to learn other roles so it's not worth trying, anon. They need to make a learner's queue for roles that you don't play.
What has Zilean got to do with warmogs. And don't tell me people are building that on him now.
yes people play tank zilean right now and it's fucking cancer both to play against and to have in your team
these faggots cannot hit Q stuns for shit but still manage to win just with their presence alone
i have never won lane with this fag as my support
Omfg lol..
it's meta on most supports now
its actually so bad with those people
i literally had to beg one to hit a stun after 12 minutes before he did
but wasnt warmogs zil a thing even before it got popular on all supports?
On tanks yeah, but stuff like Zilean is a bit annoying. Not sure if worse than tank Karma.
just realized i genuinely love gemerald elo. its such a chaotic shitshow that its actually fun as fuck to play even if you're losing. biggest fucking weirdos and shitfreaks lurking in this elo as well its great
mid will be my next game then
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My experience playing Samira in EUW Quickplay:
Nautilus: 0
Alistar: 0
Thresh: 0
Rell: 0
Leona: 1
Pyke: 1
Lulu: 2
Blitzcrank: 3 (one of them literally never even pressed Q, let alone hit)
Yuumi: 4 (one of them went top)
random bullshit like ASol: 5
Why are EUW supports such massive faggots?
nigga what did u expect from quickplay lmao
i dont play samira, but my last naut was 74 adc games ago
stream again!
don't you just love it when an otp wants last pick just to pick his otp and counterpick himself
for every match an otp counterpicks himself there are probably 2 where he avoided be counterpicked
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>Vladimir was D or C tier despite him always being a monster in late game
>Devs buff him
>Is now S tier
What did they buff again for him?
i've done something like this, kinda want to do it again, but i get so tilted playing
Nvm found it
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yes and then they type that they died in a 1v1 vs a xerath at 4 min due to jg gap
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Good job but now try hard mode (laning vs Vex).
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I can change my ign today
what should I change it to
>losing players by the day due to the chinese spyware "vanguard"
>Honor of the kings released globally taking all the lol players affected by riot(tencent) actions
>still making thread after thread like "yOnE" or "nAmI iS sOfT" thinking nobody notices the bots

lol is done for, accept it
You gonna main that new champ? What type of ign are you looking for?
>Stop playing League seriously for about two years to finish my degree and only play arams
>Get degree
>Hear how people say League's balance and damage are completely ruined now
>Hear about Emerald Rank being introduced
>Go into a normals game as Warwick and get flamed by team that doesnt even hold their own
>Leave for 5 entire minutes then come back because it's a norms and i may as well flex my nuts a bit
>Don't participate in a single objective
>Still absolutely donkey punch anyone that comes into my face and counter jungle the enemy by clearing their camps in 5 seconds with no items
>Completely shit on my enemy and have the most kills and least deaths of my team

I'm not playing anymore games, this game is completely broken in every way that matters. I shouldn't be able to shit on anyone after being at a 2 level deficit like that. It was like I was playing Iron 5 before Iron 5 was a legitimate rank. If it weren't for the million smurfs out there, I'd be plat minimum
we accepted it thank you very cool person for posting this
here's your reddit gold kind stranger
Literally didn't even know that game exists nor has it ever been mentioned here, is this an ad?
naafiri gank
Not a single person who quit League because of Vanguard is playing Honor of Kings aka the chink mobile moba
>dropping a game because of chinese spyware to play another game directly developed and published by the chinese
I know the average League player isn't that smart but I don't think they're that stupid
>try to stir my oatmeal in my saute pan in my hand
>it's so thick the handle breaks
>the pan drops and my oatmeal splashes all over my kitchen
great blog buddy, how do unsubscribe?
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>Making oatmeal
anything you find funny
nothing bunny releated, she'll be forgotten within a week
Oats are supposed to be creamy not whatever brick you're conjuring up. Might as well be eating hard tack. Buff Xerath hitbox.
you -> reddit and stay there
150 euro unsub fee
>Buff Xerath hitbox
eat shit
Bunny related name would get you banned for racism
Fuck you.
*Lowers Brands cooldown*
yea ur a retarded nigger
*Increases Xeraths range*
>piss texture oatmeal
you are a fucking nigger and your family will be raped nigger
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>want to play a few games without LP waging
>normals are filled with people that lack any knowledge on the fundementals of the game making it piss easy or smurfs leveling their 5th account
>flex is cursed if you're not in a stack of more than 2 people because you WILL get outmacro'd by stacks while your team is unaware
>no real rewards besides the scraps the ranked modes have
what kinda faggot eats oatmeal in 2024
shut your bitchless nigger ass up eat your fried chicken nigger
i bet he washes his chicken
Oatmeal is good for you, idc what people say. Tristana is weak.
relax ivan i get it we cant all afford the finer things in life such as human food
Devs should buff Alistar's auto attacks. Only his autos, everything else in his kit is fine. His autos do fuck all damage.
Peasant food
legit only knuckle dragger retarded baboon freak niggers type shit like him, ofc he washes his nigger chicken
remove wukong from league of legends g
Oatmeal enjoyers have been suppressed for far too long.
dont be mean to him anon, he just prefers his watermelon
would you like some potatoes and vodka with your oatmeal comrade
>Denmark tops the world charts for the highest oat consumption – 9kg per person a year – followed by Belarus, the UK, Finland and Norway
nigger kill yourself
Put her in league
it's killing me that you called him a nigger twice and I don't know why
Rioters have something against female yordles for some reason.
>retarded mongrel nigger can't comprehend people eating anything but fried chicken, watermelon, kool aid powder and bullets
buff oatmeal toppings
Denmark is the biggest white soiboi country
>denmark belarus uk finland
damn oatmean consoomers really are subhuman jesus
they can't handle the bandle
some real bad takes itt today
sorry for eating oats las palo del macaco joao deshawn hernandez ngubu II
low test food bet you're balding too
dayum D*le W*lson really dissin people ITT for not eating cereal with water for brekkie
>yuumi's voiceline says "you look kinda like my yordle" when she hops on a yordle
>all the girl yordle champs are purple/blue but norra is fucking orange
stupid color blind cat
literally serf caste food lmao
I'm the David Goggins of league so I eat oatmeal
run 300 miles
die for israel
eat the goymeal
>successfull niggas (David G.) eat oatmeal
>deadbeat 110k in debt niggas (Dale W.) eat cereal with milk
champs for this feel?
Erm, ackshually
op "drink the koolaid and eat the mofukin captn crunch cuh" gg
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im hoppin in game u better have my taxes and crop harvest ready by the time i win little slav(e) otherwise no more state vodka and borsch for you
the only thing you win is an early retirement due to aids + lead poisoning do not type sl*v in my general again you dirty faggot or I'll break your neck
when did lolg turn into /ck/
bronzelow eating cereal and drinking coffee with sugar and cream
gemeraldlow skips breakfast and drinks water
highlow eats oatmeal and drinks green tea
I will queue in niggalow and find this retard
will eating oatmeal help me reach masters?
real shit preach brother
when you faggot koolaid guzzling niggers woke up
get a room you two
if you want to get to niggalow you'll have to eat like a nigga not like a soiboi
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How do we make Nautilus a jungler again?
Yes it has no flavor so it will make your brain focus on league rather than unnecessary senses
who will carry the boats to lowmasta?
roach lewis
why the fuck are you carrying a boat inatead of rowing it
league of legends nerf brand
for the grind
your bitchass wouldn't get it
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She is soft though.
you are valid elo coaching
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goat lewis irl btw
what sound does the goat make?
>insert coach lewis saying the nword
shabash shaloom goy
I've never seen two guys go after each other so blatantly here like those two. Last thread had two of discord sessions.
my fps goes to 110 fps during teamfights but whenever I watch videos with same PC specs they never dip below 250fps
what do i do guys
Use the filters, bro.
u downloaded too much tranny porn nigga
Do you want to get stabbed by a pakistani or shot by a ugly beta male while blacks high on drugs laugh at you?
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Champs that trigger your AGP?
People like you are why spammers pick this general to shitpost. There's zero repercussions.
People like you are why spammers pick this general to shitpost. There's zero moderation.
Don't complain then.
Australia isn't doing so hot either, their industry is literally in mining, trades, farming and I guess education due to Asians. The cost of living is high due to their money being meme teir like Canada and they can only live in like 10% of their land making housing impossible. Also the politicians have sadly things going on with the Chinese. They also have notoriously bad internet quality. I guess it's bad everywhere in the Anglosphere except maybe like NZ. Buff Cait.
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>Australia isn't doing so hot either
fact checked to be true
It's winter there me thinks so yess.
fucking hate it so much when my support secures a kill but because of the heat making my hands sweaty i slip and right click to enemy nexus 300 times by accident shit fucking sucks man
this but when the adc lets them escape
Nunu genuinely needs a huge damage nerf.
that one gwen image
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this guy is high on crack
you already made this post
Lucian is an honorary aryan frfr. senna is a nigger though and kinda tarnishes his rep
senna is a hyperborean champ tho
Are Lux and Quinn the only champs that Lucian blacked
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this s14 match making is kind of cracked
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What champs to play for this vibe?
>random generic edgy mass produced dark fantasy knight #1582 like everything else in elden slop

Idk viego or something
you've gotten pretty sassy lately anon
>random generic mass produced balding anime avatarfag #1847582 on 4chan
How does it feel having no personality? Just copying others
kys kys kys kys
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What's the rune and build order for Nautilus jungle?
>in shit-tier games
>pick late scaler
>solely focus on farming at all costs
Its always been this easy?
ahahahaha you just shit on that niggers head. his fat bald head. fat nigger.
Offtopic champs for this feel posting is no better than avatarfags
yes kind of
Stop bitching and go back.
all me btw
schizo meltdowns > avatarfagging
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that's from dark souls 3 actually
anons is gwen like a late game scaler that i should be proxying on
how is the actual spam the only thing that doesn't get deleted
what spam
all me btw
just played with a TK support who clutch ulted me into me getting a double kill three times I take back everything I said about that fat frog he's alright in my book now
the guy having a schizo freakout over anime pics
kill yourself haha
dont be toxic, anon

Tell us more about yourself, Anonymous.
t. tranime tranny
*breaks her glasses and gouges her eyes out*
objectively false, at least champs for this feel sometimes gets some tasteful responses
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>Soon Riot is gonna release a fricking real Dark souls boss as champion
How are they going to do that?
who are some /lolg/ approved streamers? i was watching that black dude who posts here but he constantly had an annoying buzzing sound coming from his mic
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the things I'd do to rengar, warwick, and volibear are sinful and no amount of money would be a limiting factor in that situation
don't bother, qikami is confirmed lowest iq /lolg/
he can't answer the "please explain why dr. mundo is allowed to be extremely strong late game" question
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Because it's League related. Don't be an idiot.
the things id do to you...
me too anons
>shield with 2 charges
>skillshot Q
>cleanse/heal ult that the player has to time
should I just dodge milio supports in pisslow?
I think this champ is way too hard to play for support players
Why do people think leona is “heavily armored” when she has like 2 pieces of metal covering her body and the rest is a skin tight bodysuit
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she's more armored than lux or fiora. rell is debatable
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briarbros you were right
i'm jungle gapping people left right and centre
bitch nigga I'm boutta cash out my crypto account of 215 euros (starting balance: 250 euros)
what should I buy with the RP?
they should make a volleyball volibear skin
the peasent faker ahri skin and rest on lootboxes
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Someone answer me?
mobafire opgg
What does "top idfo" mean?
is down for opening
the hell does that mean at the end of the game?
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Briar won
oh, at the end it means "is diffed, faggot out"
he meant to type top idfoh
top illegal documents found on hardrive
"top I don't fuck outward"
Wait, is Hextech Annie coming back?
I need it
Do goypasses still give you 200ME?
I'm not sure how much they give now, but I'm pretty sure they do not give 200 ME. Maybe like a 100?
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>two days until aurora
>two days until I switch my ban
Nami, Ahri, Lillia
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>pick up lol
>learn the game
>start always winning lane in my games
>still always lose the game because my teammates do worse
I have fun but only when we ff at 20, otherwise it sucks hard. A lot of the team people are straight up bots or something, like legit bots made to farm BE or just accounts.
Racist champ
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Why do they keep doing new champs? None of them have been a mass success.
They have nothing else to do
>365 day chat restrict
yep this account is done, next one is a 14 day ban and i've had 6 punishments in a month so maybe 5 days until riot puts me in the niggercattle queue and i end up using gamer words again in the postgame lobby
Are they supposed to stop making new stuff
enjoy it while you can because they've already said they're interested in starting to ban accounts based on the hardware the player has
New champs are less of a workload than old champs with a bunch of skins. Also idk why they keep reworking old champs to be completely different (irony because I do like new Swain), apart from a few hits there seems to be a lot of misses. I think the game would be in a better direction if they just visually updated the champs but kept loyal to what they originally looked like up to a t, not Jax teir because they still visually edited his original looks but like maybe Morgana level. Honestly they should just import the models from wild rift previews into the pc game instead of making new champs, this game has enough issues already, adding more shit to the pile doesn't really help since it's more work to balance, make content for, etc.
Yes, no other competitive esports game does this
maybe they shouldn't punish you so harshly initially, you get one (1) punishment for saying one (1) word and it drops your honor to 1 and it takes two months to get key rewards back? you have nothing to lose at that point.

someone could commit petty theft in real life and they would get out of jail sooner than you get your honor 2 back, especially after it drops to honor 0 which extends the grind to honor 2 two 5-6 months. i doubt anyone has ever climbed out of honor 0.

so done with this game they would be doing me a service if i got hardware banned.
>Gay faggot wrestler with cat ears
>Gay katana faggot
>Gay undead faggot
>Gay artist faggot
>Tech scammer
>Gorilla granny
>Belle Delphine
>Tranny doll
>Scat pajeeta with whip
>Female dante knockoff
>Recolored dog
>Recolored cat
>Dumb latina whore
New champs were a mistake
Maybe you should pick a different game
>>Dumb latina whore

You take that back right meow
>after a million aram games , finally got lvl 30
pray for that i dont get an inting bot lane anons
become the botlane bitch
very funny
Based anime faggot spitting FACTS to butthurt soulstards.
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I wake up every day with the burden of being the best Zeri player in the world
you wouldn't get it
same but the best gwen player
i only play norms though bc i dont wanna get her nerfed
>Gay faggot wrestler with cat ears
>Gay katana faggot
>Gay undead faggot
Viego? He isn't gay, he had a wife.
>Gay artist faggot
>Tech scammer
>Gorilla granny
>Belle Delphine
>Tranny doll
>Scat pajeeta with whip
>Female dante knockoff
>Recolored dog
>Recolored cat
>Dumb latina whore
guessing he means akshan renata and qiyana
Qiyana is kind of hot to be honest.
I'd love giving her a rimjob and I'm not even into anal stuff.
Yeah I would let her vore me and im not even into vore
what the fuck did you say to get a year long restriction did you threaten phreaks mother or something jesus
lilliabros, what do we think about the nerfs next patch?
>>Gay undead faggot
it's hard to admit when you're wrong, isn't it?
Yorick bros
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no desu it's actually especially easy to admit when I'm wrong (even if I'm not) because I have a humiliation fetish
Renata / new champ from arcane coming up soon
no it's the wukong support otp faggot from that other thread
the same as always, it's not about severity (i'm always severe in league), it's about how many times you get punished within six months starting from 3, 5, 7, 14, 28, 365 day chat restriction
next one should be 14 day ban and after that permaban. this was all within a month
gorilla granny is the upcoming top laner aka mels mom from arcane. Latino whore is either qiyana or renata. Renata is suppose to be some vaguely hispanic woman
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He just like me fr...
>ask bot if he can dodge (skillshots)
>dodges the queue without even answering
>wukong support otp
bbc bunny whore is the upcoming character
Based man of the people.
is too weak for anything else atm
at least he can dodge something
its hard being a challenger gwen main..
*with your wife*
I got placed silver 1 after winning AND performing considering my lane matchup, what is this shit btw
Got a very rare Fiora skin out of a box but she isn’t a jungler is she?
whats the chance of getting banned for account sharing? i want to give my friend my old account to duo queue
>None of them have been a mass success
briar and yone are hugely popular what
someone's gotta do it
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Soraka! My Cute wife!
Yup, im just playin in norms to be more fair to other players in ranked
you only get in trouble if you're caught
Aurora is a mid laner than can flex top. Im talking about the champ after her thats intended to mainly be a top laner you retarded nigger worshipper
how come?
transgender poster
Getting to S rank on Samira when you're level 5 is actually the worst blueballing imaginable
100% if you're duoing in ranked and someone reports the account and Riot sees 2 different IPs from 2 different locations logging into the account. I dont think Riot gives a shit if its just norms.
that's every champ with a 6 spike
briar isnt popular she has the same pickrate as naafiri
Briar riding a car
I probably was one of the random bullshit supports
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by your command
still if i don't log into it myself again in the future?
now that you've posted about it here I'll tell Riot to make sure the account gets banned
Are you and namifag going to looking into adoption or a surrogate?
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Menace of the road
how do I play brand nami bot tell me quick rn
powerspikes n shit
yea but does that actually happen? some of my friends have done it before but i don't know if it's actually risky or not
With Brand you build whatever you want and do more damage than the rest of your team combined.

No idea about Nami tho
brand powerspike: level 1
literally anything will fuck you up in toplane, akali mundo voli etc, you can have your jungler gank you several times and get you 3-4 kills ahead and you'll still get FUCKED laning because pretty much any bruiser/jugg/tank will outpoke you

he's somewhat viable as a midlaner, partly because no one really expects him there and partly because most midlaners are squishy

and as a support you just serve as an all-in damage output with the tiny bit of cc provided by the ult, pushes some of the pressure on the botlaner since you can't do jackshit to protect them so they have to be able to avoid pokes and manage trades on their own, and ideally know when to follow in after you engage

you can also try playing bot ig but that's some weird bdsm role reversal shit where you'll be farming and your support will borderline have to protect you until you decide to engage
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reminder that Nami is warm
Brand hits his powerspike shortly after enemies enter the range of his spells at level 1, after that it snowballs.
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reminder that Akali is FAT
top or bottom?
the most low t shit ive ever seen in this game is some nohands tank player who just drafts amumu or sejuani and just s keys over their caitlyn raka bot holy shit get some skill
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I don't mind having vanguard installed but these updates that require me to restart my pc make me want to quit league everytime
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I have 30% WR in iron 4 with 0 lp, how can I climb to bronze?
you look like this
Stop feeding. Learn how to last hit. Communicate with team. With words, not spastic pings and incoherent swearing.
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*clears throat*

So uhm... any EUW gigachad player wanna play a few norms right about now?...
the average female weight is 170lbs
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Bros, I don't feel too good.
I don't even remember what it feels to win.
>Stop feeding
I try not to
>Learn how to last hit
How though? Without enemies I have perfect CS, doesn't do much ingame though
Doesn't really matter in my mind but I try
every adc item having +7% movespeed just because then trinity not even having movespeed on it is such obvious class favoritism lmao
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No. I had some guy used my account years ago and he didn't. Although it will result in a ban, this will only be the case if any outsider becomes aware of it, in this case if you play Soraka a lot and your friend plays Zed a lot, a person super pissed about a game they had may look up your op.gg and notice you are a support player for years and suddenly sweeping on assassins, they might report your account suggesting so but they'd have to be very pissed about it to check and data sweep. If you're playing with your friend they may also notice you two are duo queueing and one account is playing champs that both accounts have but not the other guy, it's just deduction and conclusion from info given. If both of you play assassin's and you give them it, they won't figure. Also accounts exploding because of sharing doesn't happen so commonly, else people buying accounts (which was created and played by someone else initially with a different IP) would get blown off left and right.
I swear to god top lane is completely irrelevant. The only way top lane is an impactful role is if the jungler ints his top or the skill gap between the two top laners is so big that one can snowball and 1v9 with their broken champion
My last 2 games my bot lane absolutely crushed and we won. I performed well, but if I got the enemy bot lane on my im sure i would have lost the game no matter what. It just feels so unimpactful.
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have... some...
do you get gangstalked too you paranoid schizo faggot
all forms of this mobility creep should be gutted anyway
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maybe in the land of goblinas
That skinnyfat faggot sneaky ruined this skin for me forever.
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pls don't ban aurora, I'll otp her.
*bans aurora*
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>looked up the mythic shop rotation for the next few patches
>it's basically all garbage I don't care about
Guess I"ll just continue to sit on my 475 mythic essence since Riot won't put the skins I want in the shop.
No. I'm just saying because people use op.gg and porofessor or other tagging websites or services thesedays, if a "zed newbie" tagged player goes 26/3/5 in their first ever game and so on consecutively as a Yuumi main then yeah the evidence is right there. Also if the guy is doing they might both get banned if the patterns are obvious because both accounts were made on the same IP so they can't say they got hacked or something.
Yeah, but it's a bit hot outside. Can she be as cool as the cool side of a pillow?
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>should i move to the UK or US?
My fluffy adorable poopsekin you shoukd stay far away from either of those places.
Dont trust the TV shows, america is a 3rd world corporate shithole with a gucci belt and england is full of inbred island monkeys
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unfortunately no, she only emits heat
Seriously, how do you people get keys? You're on 4chan, there's no way you don't say some shit after someone picks caitlyn top and goes 0/6 in 12 minutes. What's your secret to mental?
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Are they ever gonna update this shit?
can you fags go to trash or soc instead
How are you dying so much
I got honor 5 last week

never. riot is stingy
damn wtf I'm still on 4
We used to have the opposite problem and they just swung super hard on the other direction
Movement speed is supposed to be a stat that's hard to itemize because you sacrifice damage for it, but for some reason a whole class of champions just get 7% movespeed on every single first item they might wanna build
uhhh forced 50/50 bros??
is it still the same twitch and warwick skins + shards ?
man this game makes zero sense anymore
i was playing darius in aram, i had 6200 HP and 300 armor and i was basically dying in 3 seconds to a caitlyn and draven hitting me anyway, what's the actual point of tank stats
Then Soraka will be cool to Nami's heat.
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anyone wanna NA arena with me?
this game damage is off the charts and its all to cater to noob shit players
I got like 12 keys, I do flame and get a hissy fit and time to time break peoples mental but I guess it's written in a way it's not bannable. Also I play support champs and just can't be asked with typing which is still honourable as "stayed cool".
Imagine the throatpies...
If you go tank items on non tanks you are trolling. The game is so power crept that building items which dont help you achieve the goal of one shotting your opponent is suboptimal.
Do you remember when bruiser items were good ? Yeah...
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she'd be cool, if she had a winter skin
Damn erotic brat making my peepee hard...
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if you are chill to play with, your teammates will give you lots of honors
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damn this brand champ is kind of fun
The thing is I didn't even go that tanky. I had like, the crit spear thing, warmogs because it's beyond broken right now, steraks, dance and rand because it's good if they have 2 100% crit ADC
still was getting pretty fuckin melted
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Yeah, it's never been updated...
adc needs buffs btw
No but srsly though, how do I get out of Iron 4?
>I didn't even go that tanky and it took two adcs 3 seconds to kill me riot what the fuck is this?
Just start winning bro.
Turn on your monitor
If you're physically or mentally disabled you'll have to try x2 harder than a normal person which will be difficult but not impossible.
those are my tips niggers, I have them copyrighted
You are such a poser lol.
6200 hp and 300 armor which is 75% damage reduction, plus sterak's shield, plus randuin passive
taking the 3 second figure that means both of them were doing roughly around 1k dps into such a target, even account for LDR reducing me to 180 armor that's still around 3k raw DPS. that means anything that isn't going full tank would literally die in under a second
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Fuck you too
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sometimes I forget that my acc used to be on eune but then I glance at my friendlist
>gf 2/8
post a vod or something and I'll point out all the many, many mistakes you're making
Any way to anonymize it?
I'm actually trying to be a bit optimist here, a lot of people downplay people with disabilities pretending they'll be losers forever or will never perform as good as a normal person in life but that's just demoralization, just keep learning and trying.
probably not without a lot of effort
just play annie until you master your mechanics. she's hard to fuck up on
Change ign above champs to champ names.
Who cares bro youre iron 4
If you play on EUW i add you
Not sure if it's worth it.....

I play champs without skillshots already
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you expect 2 adcs hitting you to not kill you in 3 seconds ( lets be honest it was more than 3 unless youre willing to post a webm of them killing you in 3 secs)
also the only tank item you had was randuin
the rest are bruiser items and you built wrong, you never go those shit items on darius you go full tank after triforce + steraks because darius has all the dmg he could ever need
this mode would be so much more fun if it were actually balanced
nobody responded to my webm...
billions must die....
me hitting the ban button
What was your webm Anon?
Riot has vanguard now. They don't need positive incentives for good behavior.
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>fun mode needs to have its fun removed
youre a nigger
someone responded to it a milisecond after
was just me deleting two people with sett w
it was a funny moment

it's never going to be though so you may aswell just take a champ you like and try to high roll the most braindead shit possible
Are you NA or EUW?
all the things she said
all the things she said
running through my head
running through my head.
Not being a spastic retard in game is literally the easiest thing in the world. I don't find it hard at all to just be nice and say very little. If somebody's being a turd I just mute them and go about my business. If the game is ruined because somebody's inting or trolling then I just make the best of it however I can. I don't care, it's just a game.
You must post it. I will coach you and get you out of at worst to silver
>game can only be fun when unblanced
meta abusing ape
mother looking at me
You that guy who kept asking to play Aram with me?
mechanics are bot than just hitting skillshots
*more than
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good morning and afternoon bros
good evening non-us bros
it's time..
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Pls someone carry me...

Thanks, I'll think about ti
there's nothing magical about "tank" items vs bruiser items other than passives (of which Randuin is THE best into crit adcs, oh and i forgot dance delaying even more damage)
6200 hp and 300 armour should not die in 3 seconds to focus fire from 2 adcs no matter how you slice it, ADCs should not have that kind of DPS while also having a 400 HP shield, big lifesteal and 440 movespeed without ghost because half their items give movespeed up the ass
i'm not a spastic retard ingame, i've been chat restricted for a month and got 365 days more today. all of them except the first one came from the post game lobby that you can't disable for yourself like you can disable ingame chat to protect yourself from writing the n-word and the k-word and the f-word and the r-word and all the other funny alphabet words

and it's not just a game, it's your time. games are supposed to be fun and they're not fun if three of your teammates are 0/6 at 12 minutes multiple games in a row
post webm i have to see it now
Ah cool, hope you get yourself someone to play with.
Will Nexus Blitz ever come back ?
Always good to see lolgs streaming
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ok nigger
twink ahh voice
so with the vanguard deployment, they specifically mentioned the smurf issue. Whether or not it was just lip service is a mystery, but they did state as a matter of fact that vanguard allows them to do hardware-specific bans. For you zoomers out there, that means they ban your whole computer - er, sorry, I mean device, from playing ever again.

dont fuck with swain fag you troglodyte
How do you guys get milestones as a new player?
here they go again. Skewing statistics for the USofA
just turn off chat.
easy for some of us but not most
Is Jinx fun enough for a new player? I like playing ADC bcs clicking CS is easier but I only have MF and Ashe unlocked... Plus I have pic rel as loot
you just know he has that stupid broccoli haircut
If you want to learn and get better at the game playing adc is overall a bad decision. If you want to get good, play solo lanes(mid and top). Watch laning fundamentals tutorials(theres millions of them). As for ADCs, the easiest CS has to go to Zeri, because she has an autoreset on demand. Second would be caitlyn just because of her insane autotattack range so youre safer and under less pressure when farming.
dont bother queueing up today only pedophiles retards and nohands niggers who are so out of touch with reality they may as well be connecting to the game from the moon for the last 20 years
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female champ for this feel
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When did /lolg/ reached rock bottom?
Im scared to queue up ranked because theres a a chance i coinflip an inting bot lane and waste 30 minutes of my life
>the easiest CS has to go to Zeri, because she has an autoreset on demand.
seriously? because the rest of her kit is, you know...
i mean we've seen a lot less of her since vanguard
Top is horrible because your opponents are often smurfs
15 year old asian boy just played 17 games of ranked by the time you woke up and wrote this post out
just give up
accept you are gay and stupid and not good at games
enjoy ur q tap while it lasts ape
nohands dog
didnt make one aggro play all lane
just waited for me to misplay/get ganked
its ok bro
s14 was made for dogs like u
nohands meta
get cancer
u just fought a 2v2 idiot
imagine yapping when counting is ur weak point
i mean flash backwards wallhops arent easy
i can tell u didnt even watch the cait fight
stop typing
wild flank no team
yeah my team always dies
cant be helped
would u rather have a schizophrenic breakdown
or unironically 5 cs/min after winning lane
my q ran off unlucky
nah ur brand gameplay last game was sad
another disgusting nohands mage player in s14 gets a win
playing this game in s14 is so sad
sorry your bf is a zoomer fr fr
I got tired of all the stress of playing carry champs and having to carry while my allies don't do the bare minimum, I'm going to become something like a nami/lulu main, spam games all day listening to music and watching my allies try to win the game
Yeah, I noticed this as a newer player trying out top. Sure, it's the lane for mongos, but it's noticeably sweatier than mid or bottom
You arent going to learn how to play a matchup by playing against a retard. In top lane, matchups matter a lot. And if you develop a habit of perma fighting a bad matchup because the player is not playing it correctly and abusing you, eventually you get to a higher elo and youre in for a rude awakening
Yeah that's what I basically ended up doing so just picking up Soraka to main for years, laziest champ ever.
oh and what is the outcome of having 4 soft inters on my team? I get chat restricted for a MONTH because I typed kys instead of ky5 mb riot
This writing style is strangely familiar.
I remember the days when the only bad words were kys and nigger, everything else was fair.
The only enchanter I somewhat respect is Karma and maybe Taric. Everyone else is egirl ezmode.
name 1 good champ in this game atm
That's fine, I'd rather be at the elo where I should be
Eh, I wouldn't mind a Swain on my side. Though tanks are good too. But who am I to ask for anything. Just go with the flow.
tristana corki taliyah ahri aurelion yone
>irrelevant role
lee noc lilia karthus brand
anything that abuses 14.10 items
literally anything this role is SO fucking overtuned
Then midlane it is. Though midlane has the hardest champions in the game and the hardest roles(in high elo anyway). Though there are nice champs that can be flexed mid. Mages are super vulnerable to assassins and ganks. Assassins have to play their lane perfectly to snowball and impact the map. Id say just play galio or some super safe mage like lissandra and youre fine.
one you actually respect and enjoy not the broken ones
>brand "support"
>presses two buttons
>deletes half of enemy team HP
yeah I mean I main melee assassin mid im no metaslave its just so fucking cringe to just get gapped by numbers instead of actual player skill
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>irrelevant role
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>Been playing all season Briar with no one banning aside once in a blue moon
>Suddenly since yesterday, 5/6 games had Briar banned
Wtf changed. There has been no patch. What famous streamer or LCS game featured her and made people believe she is grossly overpowered while she has a lower than 50% WR in emerald+?
She looks really ugly when shes frenzied.
god how much of a fucking faggot are you akali is the most beautiful woman in league of legends and you post nothing but fucking whale fetish how fucked is your sex drive irl do u unironically jerk off with butter I would give you a shotgun enema if I ever met you irl
>39 years old
>121k in debt
>peanutbutter complexion + chizeled abs
champs for this feel?
Jinx because she says "I'm crazy, got a doctors note", and you're the doctor 121k in debt living somewhere in Zaun I imagine.
honestly movespeed shouldnt be in the game aside from boots and riot should just adjust base ms values accordingly
>spend 15 years of your life obsessing over some random streamer 24/7 because he banned you from his chat

Champs for this feel?
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YOU did it, people are sick of YOU playing briar and ruining their games anon
I don't live with lowcaste people tho
I moved to a white neighborhood
Never mind, you're like Akshan or something.
but what do hackerim?
hood gragas customz skinz coz u be guzzlin that koolaid nigga
Viego because he was obsessed with his wife enough to literally resurrect her and she still casted him out (he still orbits her though).
flawed as fuck champion design nerf it to 45% wr and ignore it for 3 seasons
Have you guys also noticed that whenever you open the collection tab it defaults to sorting the champions alphabetically ? When I set the sorting to champion mastery it works, but then I go to loot and back to collection and its sorted alphabetically again...
I mean that kind of makes sense
I hate this, i can only assume some retard at riot changed it by accident
Yeah I noticed that too, least of my problems with this client though.
No it fucking doesnt. It hasnt been like this ever and now it triggers my OCD and i have to select sort by mastery and i fucking hate it
Close your eyes, it wont hurt you if you close your eyes.
it can't be worse than your lowercase I you dirty nigger
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She occasionally gets banned in normals but not often enough for it be a problem
its kinda funny that I get a key fragment every time I reinstall the game
bread and circuses
akshan because he looks like king grey.
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we are so fucking back man
forced 50/50
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My experience playing Samira in EUW Draft Pick:
1. hover Seraphine, pick Neeko (DODGE)
2. Senna (DODGE)
3. Rakan (nothingburger lane, game decided by top)
Why are EUW supports such massive faggots?
Man you played all day on a Monday.. bit jealous.
You shouldn't be, my life sucks.
Wow anon you sure are passionate about women
he's actually that one gay nigga posting naked pantheon but won't admit to it
not a thing chud, you just need better mental
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Yet nu-fiora is okay.

Feels that way honestly. I'm sorry....

Yea, once in a blue moon. But this shit is repetitive. Now it's god damn 6/7 games. Wtf is this shit. I guess because I kept winning, rito's algorithm put me in the briar-ban pool instead of losers queue. I just want to fucking play her the game isn't even that fun using others.
are you retarded?
Got your chastity cage locked, sissy ?
qinoa is a CUNT and should DIE in a FIRE.
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Well there's always quickplay
Page 7
im having fun playing as fiddlesticks somehow
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Why the fuck are they nerfing Rumble when nobody plays him AND he wasn't even strong currently?
And why are they nerfing him SO HARD?
rumble abuser now tries to act as if his nigger champion hasn't been boosting retards 3 tiers above their real rank for several years now
watch riot go through with the massive changes as his winrate drops by 1%
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I enjoy Kled top but not gonna lie I only have one ban and Garen/Morde both suck ass to play against. However I love playing these feast or famine champs that snowball into something. I also enjoy champs that are simple point n click types. Still, if I just want to farm and scale rest of the game against Morde or Garen then which champs should I try out?

Gwen? Kennen? Vlad? Poppy? Gwen at least has true damage
>if I just want to farm and scale
Mundo is the best "we're doing exactly nothing in this lane" champion right now, and he's great into both Garen and Morde.
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just pick a tank ffs id have picked a tank if you had hovered master fucking yi but nooooo you dont ask for 1st pick you dont hover you dont talk then you troll our team comp and for what? for -20lp retard just lemme make an informed decision so we all have a better game experience thank you.
>enemy jungle spam ganking, all lanes behind
>call out jungle on this
>he says "i got grubs we are even in pressure right now" claiming 3 grubs is equal to water dragon and influencing 3 lanes into winning when we have 0 plates collected and 0 chance to even get to the tower to use the stupid passive
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I love Lissandra!
trist mid is so fucking unbelievably cancer

pick sylas, yasuo, cass, or even malphite
it's that easy, stop overreacting like a little bitch
>cass, yasuo, sylas
she runs healing runes and farms AFK vs them for free scaling you shitter
>w-well if you just shitpick fucking malphite mid it isnt a big deal!
I accept your concession
He's been sub 50% for over a year now mate lmfao.
Today I learned that if Poppy throws her shield at Kled and it dismounts him, her shield just disappears.
Pretty quick alt f4 with that one
>reactionary gameplay
holy pepsilow
git gud little bab, maybe one day you'll learn to read future patch notes so that you don't ask dumb questions itt
post op.gg subhuman permaplat shitter filth
>watched my veigar dump r on 1 hp mounted kled just to demount him 4 times in one game
>if i would have posted this loss screen here people would have told me i should have played better
little baby desperate for a counter lol
get over it noob, you're shit and tristana exposed your "i just wanna farm" ass, it happens, think why those 3 characters counter trist and apply that wisdom in ur next game
>doesnt post opgg or deny platfilth allegations
sad and subhuman, many such cases.
i am not the one who's shitting himself in anger over a 50% winrate character kek
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>Get up Donald
>Yas, is that you?
>Death is like the wind always by my side, but not by yours, get up and do your job now.
Yep, I think it's time to bring back assassin meta. Mageoids are getting too comfortable dictating who gets to be mid.
Ahri? Can't charm the shadow.
Leblanc? Can't dash out of the bleeding.
Sylas? You can stay, king, thank you for being melee and wanting to fight 24/7, very respectable.
Hwei? Try and sunstrike a pack of dogs.
Galio? That dagger deals physical damage.
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I'll only ever use the lewdest skins for females. What's the lewdest skin for Elise? Or is her base skin the lewdest?
>"You can stay, king, thank you for being melee and wanting to fight 24/7, very respectable."
>shits on Galio
sylas is not a retard tank who builds both AP and MR, both dealing damage out of his ass and tanking everything
>Tried to play Nautilus jungle 3 times now
>Get my ass handed to me and lose all objectives
I give up, Nautilus is unplayable in the jungle.
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>FREE Ezreal Q with true damage
>FREE waveclear
>FREE innate tankiness
>FREE cute emotes

Where are my SmolderGODS at?
competing in pickrate award with gutted varus and murdered draven
He has been since season 5, friend. Riot refuses to give him extra damage to jungle camps or %health damage like literally every other single tank jungler gets. Even Shen has more jungle clear buffs than Nautilus.
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>*puts my nakes soles right on lolg's face*
Imagine playing this n*ggergame.........
Imagine giving an audience to people who want to show off their 5000€ skin................
>*rubs and stomps you multiple times at medium pace*
posted cringe award
Either Blood Moon or Bewitching.
Best ADC for comfy farming till finish?
Is it normal to feel like a sissy playing Miss Fortune?
no, kys
no you should be playing support
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Unironically would feed a 500 dollar skinfag for this type of treatment instead of camping them.
*gets a boner...*
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Rough day on stream bros (in terms of lp) but it was a blast
Thank you always
briar butt
zoe tits
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had fun today <3
Just lost a game
I'm pretty upset
Crushed my lane but it didnt matter in the end because our shit comp could not deal with mundo + two marksmen dpsing me
I could beat anyone in a 1v1, but they played better as a team as well. I messed up a lot too, but I still did better than I did worse.
What's the difference between ashe and jinx? One has more utility? One more damage?
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These are the people I play with
Jinx is better at dealing damage and at teamfights due to her passive
Ashe is better in lane and has more supportive tools that give her some utility even when losing
Reputable site to buy level 30 accounts from? Wanna get back into the game/ranked, but don't wanna grind up from bronze or where ever I trashed my account to.
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Masters elo definitely hits different. Easily enabling my teammates to succeed.
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When will we get more buff men?
yeah, he draintanks
AI slop should be bannable
he's closer to viego than to red kayn, nobody calls him a drain tank
>inb4 swain ult
it's the HP burst.
that's 3 trolls and banevaders on your team and you're one of them
what the other said. also
jinx is if you know the team will help you or are willing to chance it
ashe is if you want to help the team
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Soon, hopefully
you all complained about viego, so never ever again.
there are way too many men in the champion roster as it is. Please, no more male champs for three years, Riot.
I have NEVER ban-evaded in league
I have only trolled, spammed ff, insulted my team, reported people without a cause, ran it down, trollbuilt, and refusing to group when I need to
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God Xin lategame is so painful. He would be fucking unplayable without his ult.
holy fuak
Who wins?
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tfw the people shitting on all 4 of your teammates at once come to fight you
I hate that I have to make these trash players gain LP.
Your health is a resource, take as little damage as possible to get the minions but you will take damage

Only girls play female champs. Why would riot cater to the minority playerbase?
egirl ashe
holy shit what is poppy
A gremlin that I want to sit on my face
>Only girls
but most of lolg plays their waifu or a champ they goon to
warmog buffs and its consequences have been a disaster to the aram meta
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You either build Warmogs or you get shit on, simple as.
lolg is like .00000000001% of the playerbase.
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He fun
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Another easy win in Masters? Almost like I got griefed for at least 60% of my games in D1 like I said I did...
>team forces several 3v5s and wonders why we lost
if it didn't work the first time what the fuck makes you keep doing this
>genderfluid tranny still begging for attention
aurora's plump pussy
poppy's plump pussy
What is the counterplay here?
anons im gonna try a new strat as gwen, im gonna just hit people till i die and see if i live
I haven't played league in a while, why is he so weak?
I remember him being very OP on release and getting nerfed, but he wasn't sub 40% winrate weak when I stopped playing
They burned 2 flashes and if that champ had reacted and flashed back he wouldnt have died
They nerfed him even more and people realized that he just kinda sucks
banning tristana
Why did corki become so strong after the rework?
Tristana has always been meta mid so seeing here there makes sense, but why Corki?
What changed?
I miss my lolg crush...
he's duoing with me
>Almost lose game due to Brand
>Get hard carried by Illaoi constantly in 1v5's
Fuck Brand, he still needs nerfs.
one shots waves
pretty safe for a midlaner
if I dump my kit with two Big Ones I oneshot every squishy in the game
t. bronze's strongest warrior
lol stream snipers drive quin to suicidal thoughts in bronze rank

account buying has to be stopped
Ive reached 1 game from bronze 1 playing quinn just add a 3 minute delay
Liderally who?
when is this going to end........
He needs a rework tbhchwyf
He is a cancer champion and his kit makes item balancing a nightmare
I'll rape you if you say Panth
Does anyone have that video of that rengar making that egirl cry and have a perma grey screen?
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i main support and i just found out one of my coworkers plays league and mains adc
i might actually have a long term duo here bros, feels good
will he be passive aggressive towards you at work if you lost lane?


I imagined this as yasuo and yone with shovels and vegetable tristanas sticking up out of the ground
summon them by posting their mains
delete rabaddons deathcap
that's an surprisingly good reply coming from you
but none of these are pro play picks
Viego isn't a buff dude
>to give @riotgames credit they did actually take action on a many of offending accounts which i appreciate
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faced against two tristanas today and shit on them both
but then again they were silver tristanas
what else will i build first item
Six pack ottermode doesn't count because he's not a body builder?
yes he's a skinny twig
He looks like a twinky faggot. Most of the time buff dude here means barashit.
lolg wishes they had a 6pack
can i get some even if im <18 bmi
New shadow isles champ when?
Soul Fighter Viego
Haven't you seen skinny people without abs? You also have to work out too
Lolg thinks the only buffs guys that exist are roided out monstrosities that are only achievable irl by abusing drugs
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>Play Twitch jungle
>Jax asks for help
>He spams Morde R
>Go in because he said he used ult
>He didn't
>Morde ulted me
At that fucking point, I'm just not gonna bother ganking if you give false information.
You have Ksante.
He will insult you for being trash and you will log off, cry, and masturbate to it as you look on your friendslist and see him playing with other people
I get honestly offended when you say I am the only constant when there are so many bad habits ingrained in League culture that the average player does without even realizing
>dont listen to your laner or help them in any way
>play a trollpick and ruin your teams fun all game
>your teammates troll you back
I bet you he didn't say Morde ulted but pinged his ult to show he still had it and that you can't gank him. Or genuinely thought it was off-cooldown.
But you are so fragile that you thought of it as a slight and not an honest mistake
If I spamping the ult it's to show that its up and that you should care. If I ping it once, often along with used summs, it's because it's used.
imagine worrying about your own rank and lp instead of your own daughter.
You are the only constant though because the same applies to your lane opponents team. Better players win more, it's a proven fact. No, they can't win every game unless they are extremely good, but any champ in their proper role can lead their team to win more often than not.
And those bad habits probably apply to you as well, be honest.
Looking to fix your own mistakes and improving instead of harassing your team over theirs is the best way to improve because you will never play with them again and you will bring your own habits and skills into every game you play.
Even if you are right and you are placed with 4 griefers it's stupid to focus on them because it doesn't help you improve, focus on what you can do in the situation to win regardless even if its a sub 5% chance.
I don't say this as an insult so don't become defensive and ignore it. I used to be the same, but being introspective and admitting my mistakes is what made me climb
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I play by a 2 strike rule. If a laner acts in a way that pisses me off twice, I pretend they don't exist even as far as freely farming their lane because I can use the gold better than they can. Game is a lot better once you stop giving a shit, I just allow for 1 mistake since I know shit happens sometimes.

You guys are outright bullshitting. That's like saying you ping flash to show it's up. No, when you ping a spell or ult of an enemy it is to show that it's down. Only a few ults in the game you do the opposite for, usually when you ping in fear like "don't do this objective gtfo retards, fid has ult!". In the majority of cases, you ping to show an ult is down and you're free to engage, especially in laning.
totally piss broken but its ok but she's le cute wholesome nigger :D
lolg doesn't know subtlety. a girl needs to have 15 pound literal watermelon tits to be big-tittied, a guy needs to be arnold swatsanigger mr.universe to be built. a skin needs to be completely naked to be sexy
>Only a few ults in the game you do the opposite for, usually when you ping in fear like "don't do this objective gtfo retards, fid has ult!"
Yeah and Morde's ult is one of those
Morde's ult, Fiddle's ult, Tryndamere's ult, Jinx/Ezreal/Draven/Ashe when you are low, etc
The ults that fundamentally change how you need to play tend to be spampinged when you need to care for them so you get the point and are more likely to see it in chat.
You honestly seem to have a "I can never be wrong" attitude. Like the type of person who will fuck up a gank, come in and the wrong time and be seen and then complain that your laner fucked up. Ganking isn't just walking up to a pushed up enemy and getting a kill. Sometimes they ping for help to help you push out the wave and recall (sometimes they don't and you have to tell them to do so yourself). Other times they are pinging that they are getting dived or ganked and need a countergank and for you to just show yourself.
If you have the mentality that your laner needs to do everything themselves and that you can actively grief them if you dislike them for some irrational reason you are shit jungler. And I'm not saying this as an entitled laner, I have jungled extensively in my league "career". If you gank to simply get yourself ahead and expect to be handed everything for free you don't understand the role, simple as. If you come in as a huge wave is crashing and they are low under turret you can't expect them to drop everything unless they see a high chance of success. If you come in too early and don't have set-up yourself you can't expect them to reach you in time.
If you pick a fight with a champ you can't 1v1 without knowing that your laner will back you and do it regardless you are stupid.
You have to adapt to your team just as much as they have to adapt to you. Being inflexible is your fault just as much as "theirs"
which champ voiceline is this
Mordes ult in lane is one of the ults you spam ping so your jg doesnt gank, he is literally ungankable with ult
>spam ping caution
>spam ping morde ult
>retarded jungler interprets this as ult down
The same applies to counterjungling btw. If you are knee-deep in the enemy jungle don't expect your laner to sack and entire wave and fuck up their wavestate and possibly die alongside you. If you can't track the enemy jungle and go in at the wrong time, e.g. if your mid is pushed in and your botlane is weaker, you will very likely die. You can't just push all the responsibility if your actions on your team. If I start dragon without prio and try to sneak it I accept my death if I get caught because I'm taking a risk. If you start spampinging your team for it you are stupid. The reason why I used to play so much jungle is because I hated the junglers I got as a laner and had to do the job myself. I was right all along, they sucked.
caution ping = morde ult up don't come
morde ult ping = morde ult down
like with any other ult pings
>"morde no ult"
i win the debate
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Because everyone ITT is honest right?
There is NO way that he lied about Jax saying Morde's ult was down to seem more in the right
>Tristana bot is getting nerfed because of trist midlane faggots
Welcome to Yugioh, where a deck gets abused by metafags and gets cards banned leaving the deck they borrowed cards from be shit.
dearest karthas
this meta is actually for no hands
>Tristana support is getting nerfed because of trist botlane faggots
say what you want about eclipse sundered sky meta or stormsurge meta but you can't deny it was a million times better than this
good thing tristana can go top/mid/jg/sup if her adc nerfs come in
>Tristana support is [headcanon shitpost]
you're not funny.
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You ping them right after they are used though. This depends. You ping the ults as a warning when you're doing an objective or on the way to the gank, but if you ping it out of the blue then that means it is down. Anon said the jax pinged it out of the blue while asking for help. Given that context, any reasonable person would assume "he burned it, help me" and not "help me, but it's up ha ha yea this is fine..."

Yea, if your jungler is approaching on his own you may ping it as a warning. You don't ask for help and then ping it, how the hell would I help you if it were up? Use context here to see why it is confusing if it meant it was up.

You're actually most in the right here and why I type flashes and ults burned in chat and don't even ping. But I play Briar, I can afford to type while doing things or even fighting.
>trist mid
That'll be +50 mana cost and -15% atkspeed on Q plus tax, thanks bald guy
*kisses your cheek*
You are so low elo that it isn't even funny
>Enemy picks trist Mid
>Pick Vlad
>[laughs in blood]
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oh my god I stole his penta
i am sorry
forgive me
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Why is Tristana allowed to be the best Mid at all times?
Is there are more
>win lane lose game
-champ than ash?
I've seen Ashe carry in korean challenger and piss smurf 2v5 (with support) the enemy team. But in pratice I find it impossible to carry well on her compared to other adc champs.
You can ult them, spot them with e, keep them perma-slowed, and keep them at a perfect distance. So against like 2-3 people you feel strong. But then you 5v5 and get focused from 3 angles or end up on the edge of the fight fighting 1-2 enemies and lose it as a whole.
Her damage doesn't feel bursty enough and it feels like she can only control two out of four directions at any given time. I admit my kiting is not challenger level certainly, but it works for me on other champs like Twitch, Zeri, and Caitlyn so I don't know.
I hover around high plat to emerald if that matters. She seems either useless or like a high elo only champ to me.
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>shit on trist in lane
>doesnt matter because she just one shots my tower when we are at drake
behead all trist mid players
I feel like if trist players weren't such inters her winrate would raise by 5%
Because solo exp for marksmen is really good and Trist's kit is more like a solo laners. Especially with her level scaling.
She has two powerful escapes and a great engage.
She farms really well and takes plates fast to punish people roaming midlane as they do.
She is hard to gank and can harass the enemy laner in a fair amount of matchups.
So she can poke you, push you under turret, take plates, and escape when she gets ganked. Or just roam bot if she feels like it. And being in control of mid is always good because of objectives.
She is an actually good ad champ with midlane tends to need with these strong ap junglers running around. Nerfing the champ mid means gutting her bot and riot have been unwilling to do that. And it's not like balance is their only priority either, they like to shake up the meta. If they want to see Trist they will let her remain strong.
That is literally 95% of the champs in the game tho
Sounds like your positioning is bad.
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RIP dog
most games i go like 1/7 so its a big improvement!
What about the season 13 duskblade meta?
no much like yasuofags tristfags are a special breed
N-N-No bro I-I swear
You are probably right, I consistently do well on a personal level but my winrate is trash
>draven adc
>can only think of cock, too distracted to play game properly
the self-fulfilling prophecy of not getting a draven duo... le sigh...
take care of yourself first before taking care of your lp, /lolg/.
I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused
You are saying that playing Draven makes you think of cock to the point that you can't focus?
Im drinking tea right now
I should make more I went through this pitcher pretty fast
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that is to say, i was playing WITH a draven adc... as lux
Sorry... i'm still a bit flustered... hehe~
I think she's saying that she got a draven adc. I imagine she plays support
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another gwen sweep!!!
You are a hairy balding turkish man in his 30s playing Draven and not a girl playing Lux though?
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i've never played draven... and neither have you since that's a champ for real men...
erm... yes...? were you trying to address me...?
Ah, I see. You're probably tunnel visioning on what you think is a free kill, but you're over extending into a high threat zone where you have to be on high alert to predict and dodge.
I see the same mistake a lot in the plat/emerald range, it's probably the biggest mistake at this elo, especially by adcs.
Start gluing your eyes to the map.
>that is to say, i was playing WITH a draven adc... as lux
>Sorry... i'm still a bit flustered... hehe~
always nice to see i have fans... didn't ask you to post a selfie though, let's leave that to the cuties, ok hun~
man the fags really try hard to make it seems like they arent ugly fat fags, huh?
everyone who posts girl champs is a man. and most of the people who post guy champs are girls or gays
Shall we move somewhere more comfortable~
How is Irelia still broken?

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