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Previous: >>485643438

>What... is this?
Put simply, a simulation of Pro Evolution Soccer being competed between teams which are embodiments of boards of the 4chan imageboard. The players represent facets of each board's culture. All of the matches are AI versus AI. However, humans "manage" each team, creating their tactics and giving input during games as they happen to make substitutions and tactical changes as they see fit.

>Where can I watch the cup?

>Current Cup

>Current Invitationals



>Other videos

>PES Info

The kotless era of 4CC has begun
Guys...the formations...
>no formations
cracks are forming
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i'm going to crack some eggs
Intense breeding.
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Only after you marry her
Marrying horses can't be legal.
Tell that to /mlp/
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There is a few examples of a trainer-uma marriages in Uma so it's fine. Of course, none of those involve (You).
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Catching up, kino match.
What are some must watch 4chan cup matches for drama and fun?
>horse isn't for (You)
Then why even play
Most of hors is for (You), you just don't get to see the aftermath.
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Egg Salad vs Potato Salad
/mu/ GK Merzbow
/a/ CB Nah, I'd Win
/f/ CB Integral Story Bro
/mu/ CB <-- Clueless
/x/ CB Self-induced Mental Illness
/a/ CMF Vapeduck
/f/ CMF Xiao Mei Mei
/tv/ AMF Frank "sheev" Palpatine
/a/ SS Pierce The Heavens
/mu/ CF Jeff Mangum (C)
/sp/ CF Tsuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (V)
/x/ GK Jesus Saves
/int/ CB A Fvcking Leaf
/jp/ CB Jestress
/his/ DMF Carthago Delenda Est
/sci/ DMF 300k Starting
/jp/ CF Billy Herrington
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Crack crack crack
The egg into the bowl
>Of course, none of those involve (You).
didn't know uma was ntrkino
Are there any actual difference between the teams in terms of stats? How are some teams just consistently better and stronger than others?
manager difference
some teams run 77 strikers, those teams have an overall stats advantage
luck difference
Luck is a skill.
gamblers be like
haha, remember th
It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it


/aco/ GK Buenos Dias, Mandy
/x/ CB Hermes Trimegistus
/vg/ CB Random Crits are Fair & Balanced
/tv/ CB Days Until Avatar 3
/toy/ DMF Rapedog
/c/ DMF Homuhomu
/int/ AMF Spvrdo Sparde
/mlp/ AMF Numget
/vp/ SS Miror B. (V)
/tg/ CF Doomrider
/pw/ CF Hulk Hogan (C)


/vrpg/ GK /mon/day
/a/ CB Nah, I'd Win
/sp/ CB Please Watch Our Copa
/m/ DMF Gunbuster
/v/ AMF Christopher Robin
/y/ CF Gerudo Link

string: 49599,49990,c49896,v50159,49761,50286,50150,49851,50061,50034,49639,b,50192,50298,49589,49956,50121,49825
I refuse the kotless era. I demand new kots
KewDiePie still has his cat
/u/ vs /mlp/ 2018 4chan Winter Cup Final
/vg/ vs /mlp/ 2019 4chan Winter Cup Quarterfinals
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no kot for you, boris said he's taking care of someone's dog right now so be prepared for the dog era
/mlpol/ in Summer 19
her breasts are drawn too small here
Her breasts are drawn too big here.
>How are some teams just consistently better and stronger than others?
Luck, autism, and a little bit of ball skill.
Luck and autism are going to be your best bet though.
Seconding /vg/ vs /mlp/ quarter finals from the 2019 4Chan Winter Cup, easily one of the most fun to watch back-to-back-insanity match ever recorded.
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/a/ vs /sp/ in winter 14
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Winter 19 /vg/-/mlp/ is the best overall game. Winter 18 /u/-/mlp/ final is the best final. Autumn 22 /vg/-/x/ is worth a mention as a Babby /vg/-/mlp/. World Cup [s4s]-/mlp/ is also a cup peak.
...what's with /mlp/ and good games?
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Big Bote Boobies


/vt/ GK Negligible
/a/ LB Panzer Vor!
/vg/ CB Wild Cunt
/u/ CB But We're Both Girls
/r9k/ RB Maidcore
/a/ DMF Kill Yourself
/d/ CMF No Cock Like Horsecock
/vt/ AMF Lia from Phase Connect (C)
/tv/ SS Real Human Being
/vt/ CF Super Hyper Ultra Deluxe Perfect Nenechi
/vg/ CF Jefooty (V)


/tv/ GK High Ground
/vg/ LB Shonbori Rudolf
/mu/ RB Gusic
/x/ CMF Glowie
/tv/ CMF Sneed Feed And Seed
/u/ CF Homucifer

string: 50198,c50218,50215,49675,49593,49585,50147,50096,49913,50065,v50136,b,50092,50130,50070,49856,50273,50081
Autism, luck, skill, etc. Generally /mlp/ autists are also rare in using their testing to create an offensive team, most super autists try to be FM-ball ultra defensive.
uuuuuhhhhhhh what happens if I forgot to save my Fantasy Footy password?
They're good, and also good at jobbing in memorable matches
What's the /vrpg/ POI situation looking like
The /vp/ duology from last babby (vs. /vg/ and vs. /sp/)
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last guy that did that got ligma
How many teams die after this cup?
all of them
I've never done fantasy divegrass, is filling out your team on the website all I need to do?
No, I also need to rape you after
Is there a discord server for the cup?
he said cup, not vgl
Ask in the subreddit, they'll give you a proper link
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(I may be stupid)

Dumbsex forgot the password to the team


/vt/ GK Negligible
/a/ LB Panzer Vor!
/vg/ CB Wild Cunt
/u/ CB Onee-sama
/r9k/ RB Maidcore
/a/ DMF Kill Yourself
/u/ CMF Mistress Baiser
/vt/ AMF Lia from Phase Connect (C)
/tv/ SS Real Human Being
/vt/ CF Super Hyper Ultra Deluxe Perfect Nenechi
/vg/ CF Jefooty (V)


/tv/ GK High Ground
/vg/ LB Shonbori Rudolf
/mu/ RB Gusic
/x/ CMF Glowie
/tv/ CMF Sneed Feed And Seed
/u/ CF Homucifer

string: 50198,c50218,v50136,50097,50215,49585,50147,50084,49913,49593,50065,b,50070,50130,49856,50273,50092,50081
/mlp/ is the cup's protagonist
I don't pay attention at all between major cups. Are Dusty and Joe actually dead???? How the FUCK did BOTH the kots die in the time that's elapsed since spring? Where they assassinated by the 4ccc for blowing the whistle on their rigging?
Wtf is a Jefooty?
They sacrificed their lives in order to seal Dark Boris in a magical cupboard for all eternity
They actually died, Joe died a while ago and Dusty died recently, both died of old age
jefooteez nuts
Posting it here helps keeps it 4chan
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Blame this faggot for jinxing it >>464368494
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I was hoping it was just the usual gaslighting we so enjoy around these parts. Thank you anyway, anon.
Rest in peace, wonderful critters.
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Who is this WHORE??
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Both passed away from old age. Both were roughly the same age, but wouldn't surprise me if dusty coniditon was worsened with his buddy's passing. Happened to my old kot when his lifelong friend passed he wasn't too far behind.
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Yeah, when my grandma died my cat also died not long after
crazy it happens with people too. my neighbours were quite an old couple, and the wife had cancer. she got taken into hospital and of course he went with her. she passed away that morning, and while he was still an older man he seemed quite healthy. he died that evening, they admitted him not long after she passed away and he just died, out of nowhere. their kids were just stunned by it. it's like he just gave up staying alive after she passed.
he followed her to heaven
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clean it up, boris
Does anything interesting happen in the server, such as people arguing about tactics and matches or watch parties in voice chat?
that's what /offtopic/ is for
no all of those happen in this thread, unless you REALLY want to become a cup-personality, then >>486179793
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server is basically just for announcements and /admin/ shitposting
nothing of value to be gained unless you're a manager really
That's one big melty right there.
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he looks angry
>put on medication because parents are retarded and can't realize a sleep-deprivated child can make terrible decisions
Poor guy
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Jefuty is the main character of the Mica (GFL devs) game Bakery Girl and its recently released remake Reverse Collapse. She walks on her bare feet, hence the footfag meme.
>such as people arguing about tactics and matches
You'll need to enter the team servers if you're really willing to subject yourself to that, mainly the vglel's.
>join my team's server to see if they're asking an extra hand doing aesthetics or the like
>it's just other team's managers posting memes
It's a common diversion tactic, offer your help anyway
why does she walks barefeet? is it autism?
you know why
She's a hobo
I'm surprised they made a spinoff character a medal, let alone putting her forward for their /vg/ rep
Bakery Girl gets respect since it's the predecessor to GFL.
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The timing of this roster's poll played a role. A lot of people were playing reverse collapse since it finally came out on steam in March, which defintely drove up her stock. Remember they annouced the steam release back in 2019.

Wa was sort of the same, she had been recently revealed for her event in gf2(where's the EN version news mica?) at the time the poll was run, so she got a good boost as well.
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In the end I was happy how the medal lineup came out. Results aside, /gfg/ sounded like they were content with how the roster was organized.
The formations...I hunger for them
It's more of a game than girls' frontline itself.
The gacha always takes priority
that's just how gacha spin-offs work, the spin-offs are the real games
>check /vt/ league SEA edition wiki page
>streamed by not beebs
Is the bloom off the /vt/ rose?
It's still not a spinoff since it came out before the gacha game, if anything it's the opposite
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I'm so fresh you can suck my nuts
/his/ GK Taft
/c/ CB Bocchi&bocchi
/wg/ CB Communism
/tv/ CB The Vessel
/f/ DMF Party Hard
/a/ DMF Kill Yourself
/sp/ CMF My Reffies :)
/wsg/ AMF Gondola (V)
/u/ SS Akkarin
/d/ SS Mom!
/f/ CF Lolicatgirls (C)
/vrpg/ GK /mon/day
/i/ CB North Park Gang
/co/ CB T.o.m.
/toy/ DMF Rapedog
/x/ DMF Mothman
/v/ SS Dante

string: 49643,50240,50073,49698,49593,49958,v50250,c49701,50088,49669,49725,b,50192,49748,49667,50034,50278,50124
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/mlp/ GK Jackie Chan Tulpa
/vrpg/ CB The Nameless One
/a/ CB Inferno Cop
/pw/ RB Perc Angle
/m/ DMF Gunbuster
/vg/ CMF Grigori
/v/ AMF Its Pizza Time!
/tg/ SS Book Of Groodges
/jp/ CF Billy Herrington (C)
/x/ CF /x/-TAN (V)
/aco/ GK Buenos Dias, Mandy
/tv/ RB Lynched
/mu/ RB Talentless Hack
/vg/ DMF Giant Man-Eating Jews
/y/ AMF Dio Brando
/wsg/ CF Ricardo Milos

string: c49793,50006,49975,50134,49877,50180,49825,49841,50122,49580,v50268,b,49599,50144,50311,50075,49869,50253
Imagine the smell of those feet haha
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hey lookatdat new logo


2 slots still open
>fuck you
m i x the flower into the bowl
the what?
Cool logo.
I'm a regional powerhouse rapist, and it's time to shine on the international stage at the olympics.
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4cc/VGL teams for this feel?
/sp/ and /bag/.
Wyell wyell wyell if it isn't the FUCKING FOX I HATE
Maybe /gbfg/ isn't that bad after all.
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Delicious Flat Chests FC
/vrpg/ GK /mon/day
/c/ LB Fluffy
/c/ CB The Haya (V)
/f/ CB Haaaaaaaaaaaaaan~
/vp/ RB Specs Weedle
/a/ DMF Kill Yourself
/wsg/ CMF You Should Kill Yourself... Now!
/x/ AMF Let's All Be Lain
/a/ SS Cowboy Bebop (C)
/sp/ SS >he Does It For Free
/vp/ CF Fug
/vp/ GK Omp Omp Omp
/pw/ CB You Tell Me
/vg/ CB Wild Cunt
/a/ CMF Vapeduck
/his/ CMF Tiktaalik
/f/ CF Lolicatgirls

string: 50161,50192,v49641,49704,49634,50169,49593,c49598,50248,50270,49952,b,49701,50162,49592,49736,49884,50147
yeah but this is way better
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The 2huminati have gone too far.
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>no formations posted
I declare I SHANT be watching this cup
KYS formation tranny and BE
You'll have plenty of time to admire the formations when day1, 2 and 3 are going to have 5 hours of unrigging before each game.
don't like this
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dude just punched a millionaire
/mu/ GK Merzbow
/a/ LB Panzer Vor!
/mu/ CB Aphex Twin
/sp/ CB Please Watch Our Copa
/f/ RB Eddie!
/co/ DMF Carl Brutananadilewski
/vg/ CMF La Creatura... GRANDE (C)
/vg/ CMF I believe in the happy ending (V)
/sp/ SS Owen Goal
/pw/ CF Hulk Hogan
/jp/ CF Billy Herrington
/vt/ GK Negligible
/vp/ LB It's Me, Nemona!
/vt/ RB *flips*
/v/ CMF Post Them Yellow Characters
/f/ AMF Da Hood
/pw/ SS I Believe In Joe Hendry

string: c50133,49896,v50135,49585,49793,49863,49855,49956,49709,49658,49960,b,49880,50215,50119,50167,50209,49700
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Didn't ask
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leave miku alone
Imagine, it's day 1 of the cup, and you're excited for the matches to kick off, but then you remember the tactical autism you're going to have to suffer though. But wait, what's this? Boris hovers over the player names... "Yeah, this team doesn't match the one you've got on your wiki page, so you don't get to make pregame changes. Them's the rules, sorry." He hits the game start button.
>mfw my manager has the wiki in order
One star please.
I want Ichika to rape me
Instant cum. And I'm not talking a little drip or like a few heavy spurts. In spite of no preparations, I will cum like I have been edging my entire life. You read that right, my entire life. Every liquid in my body will be turned into cum the second that happens. The actual cum, water, my blood, stomach acid, brain fluid whatever the fuck, everything. Pow. All of it is going to turn white and jettison out of my cock like F15s after they got told an Arab went inside a boeing. In the fraction between the menu disappearing and the game tip coming up, know that my entire room, hell, my entire house and garden will be covered in my cum, and salute, a man died that moment in a flood of glory.
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Baiting for pictures is cringe
no i genuinely want you to stop posting, this makes me uncomfortable
Bondage is based.
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And by saying things like that you're baiting for more pictures, which is cringe
i'm not baiting, if anything its YOU who is baiting me and i'm falling for it because i love miku so much
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How much Miku, is so much?
Leftmost is all you need
256 ideal but 1TB beats 128GB
also where are the viggle auties
>1TB beats 128GB
Fatfags do not deserve human rights
you deny your nature as a living creature and will not see heaven
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This would barely apply to anyone
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No 4chan cup moment will ever top Hitler denying /pol/ a goal because he had to steal it from Jews
>slurpgate retired
will kwabellum follow in his steps?
What a shame, I guess englel's final-losing streak is over. We'll be lucky to even see them in the KOs next time.
who's the ten hag of vgl
>Taba AND Cipher signed up
quick /4ccg/, who's gonna spoon this cup?
what's wrong with alg manager
didnt suck my balls when asked
but /myteam/ is also /yourteam/
I thought you left, CriticalStrike.
I'll give someone a hoagie if they post the starting lineup of each board
>this got the janny mad
nah he'll be replaced by Norfgate
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Ramen hates him
What is the greatest plot twist?
Hey retard, why is /offtopic/ still not banned?
There is no reason to ban them
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>Nene has finally been named CAPTAIN of /vt/ and ogey rrat has been demoted to silver
finally the passing of the torch has been completed
Nene sucks.
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>nenechi is the new captain
>a phase connect girl is the new #2 gold
>but it's not the reddit rabbit, who isn't even on the team anymore
...is /vt/ healing?!
what the fuck do half of those words even mean
what is a reddit rabbit
A close relation to the reddit dragon
So you don't know
best AIslop I generated in a while

Cool. Too bad it's AI, I would love to listening it live.
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>/mlp/ manager is also a manager in /vt/ league
does that make /vt/ a horsefucker plant or vice versa?
I wouldn't worry about it
The fact that Lia is a gold medal over Pekora is kind of incredible
Is the reddit rabbit the one who wrestled for the draw? That's kind of funny.
I need to know who is pulling who's strings.
That's like saying any cup manager in VGL is a plant or something.
>he doesn't know
Sounds fun.
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>that one team idea you've had for years but never pulled the trigger on
What's her name?
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A proper simpsons team, although i feel that'd be more a /co/ thing than a /tv/ league thing.
A WoW team for any of the invitational leagues. The thing is I don't really like to participate in invitationals cause it's more work on my plate.
Thomas the Tank Engine. Even have an awful gimmick to go with it.

Engines 1-10 always the starting outfield players with the Fat Controller in goal. Anyone who gets a talking to or card from the ref has caused confusion and delay, and is immediately subbed off from one of the benched players who are just my 12 favourite other characters.
/nkp/ - nekopara
Name ONE (1) good team.
/hc/ has never lost a game. You can't get better than that.
akkolel full

unless tendies grows a pair and bans /offtopic/
qi 0f\i-p]
That's what you sound like
now say that without 4309dslkjq5k62k3kn3

>tears streaming down his D3J3980FDGKN3KTLNERGHOJKT
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Which 5 players in the 4cc have more aura than everybody else?
Shut up, new Pannenkino video just dropped.
Auties NYOW
/bag/ won everything who cares.
Todd Howard, Yotsuba, >rape, Madokami, Daily Dose
unironically there was a fag begging for votes in /bag/, lmao
Why did Denko do it....
Proud of its Power
Not just /bag/ since the retard posted it here without knowing
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Pekora was always the jannetty
Nice example of code golfing
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Random group stage trivia no one cares about

>Average rankings per group
A: 17.5
B: 28.5
C: 13.75
D: 15
E: 19
F: 24
G: 12.5
H: 18.5

>New matchups
/pw/ v /his/ (Group A), /aco/ v /tv/ (Group B), /vrpg/ v /wg/ (Group F), /sci/ v /toy/ (Group H)

>Random shit
There are 14 (or 15*) stars among all Summer competitors, with four groups (A, D, E, F) having three each
Group D is a near-repeat of Winter 24 Group B (with /v/ instead of /ck/)
/d/ v /tg/ is the 8th time this matchup (including >official friendlies) occurs
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>New matchups
>/aco/ v /tv/ (Group B)
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Aeon of Satan
/r9k/ GK Neet
/a/ LB I M A G I N E
/vrpg/ CB One More God Rejected
/tv/ RB I'm Gonna Say It
/trv/ DMF >travelling with gf
/vg/ DMF Giant Man-Eating Jews
/vg/ DMF Duce Duce Duce
/tv/ AMF Frank "sheev" Palpatine
/v/ SS Dante
/a/ CF Yotsuba (C)
/vrpg/ CF How Can You Kill A God? (V)
/vrpg/ GK /mon/day
/a/ CB Nah, I'd Win
/tg/ CB Gw/wotc Legal Team
/tv/ DMF Anatoli "3.6 Roetegen" Dyatlov
/x/ CMF Goatman
/co/ CF Aku

string: c49597,49584,v50174,50183,50069,50063,50124,49898,50051,50144,50145,b,49589,50192,50078,49652,50003,50275
2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies, /pol/ vs /lgbt/ iirc. What a phenomenal game.
Didn't somebody say /a/ and /m/ is a WORL PREMR too?
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I guess not!
Just because people want to pretend Irishmen never happened does not mean Summer 2012 and Winter 2013 never happened..
More interesting facts please :)
when you're born you're the youngest in the world and when you die you're the oldest
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>when you die you're the oldest
It never happened
>when you die you're the oldest
brother that aint right at all
So you don't get it?
I unironically don't know.
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Life's a dream
Is that beebs?
Shut up Vivec
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>reddeerit show if it had soul
Buzzwords aside it is kinda bad.
Why doesn't the SuMMMMMMMMMMer Cup logo look as good as this?
Ask the WWE
Unity Cup Dark liv
Every logo has to be host themed now instead of good
>cup logo is both host related and season related
>it's le bad
Now say it without crying
/ss/ - staright shota
i have the minimum skills of blender but i dont want them to end up as cardheads
plus ill only sign them up if /ll/ is present
but the counter part to /ll/ is /gs/ or something
it was better when it was only theme related
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but /cm/ is a thing that exists
/lm/-lost media
2011 summer cup as gold striker captain :^)
Reviving /ss&m/. The best invitational team there ever was.
hello /4ccg/ who are the heels this time
the usual suspects, /mlp/ /vt/ /u/ /sp/
why is /vt/ a heel? especially now?
so you don't know?
you forgot /vg/
do you really need an explanation?
come on now
/vt/ vs /vg/. Who are you rooting for?
>has the most fun
>loves this players
>votes for new exciting players so the team is never stale like 99% of the 4cc
>trying to prevent their league from becoming a manager slurpfest like vglel
they're the babyfaces
I am a redditor ,who should I be supporting ?
/t/, /v/ /u/ /tv/ /co/
/sp/, /tv/, /co/, and /vg/
/bag/ league 2
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/vg/, but i would change my mind if it was /holo/
"Oh, one more thing, you said during the time of the crime you were away watching /sp/ win their second star, right?"
Soon, /holo/ will return in the near future.
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>My wife you see is a very big fan of 4CC, watches every game in it, she even knows the voice of every commentator
>Now, I'm not saying you did anything, but you claim that you were busy watching a game when the crime happened, but according to the VODs, they spent 10 minutes on the menu!
>Oh well, I'm sure that it's just a problem with implying.fun so I'll get off your back
they're not over no matter how much they pretend they are
needs to be wider
top 3 biggest draw the cup has
they are over.
I think representing the current state of the board is necessary, but some 4cc players are just timeless now and they just can't be substituted. /vt/ doesn't have this problem because they don't have a lot of history. They are still a pretty new team and board.
/vt/ also doesn't have the problem of their team just being [Character Name] like a lot of the 4cc
/vt/ has like 1 player who is [Character Name] tho
That's more of a vgl than a 4cc problem, the only 4cc team I can think of that is mostly just names is /mu/ and it's pretty clear why
Nah, it's /v/
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>that's more of a vgl problem
This would be /vg/'s roster if every vgl team named themselves like /co/
viggle... auties... d-doko...
Admin suddenly basedfacing
/vg/ if it was good
filtering out the 200 /bag/spam ballots, please wait warmly
He's Son of the Fallen.
>>loves this players
good morning sir
Git Gud isn't actually Giantdad, that was a separate /dsg/ player although I do remember GG having that model in the past.
Git Gud is shit, don't care about muh legacy
/m/ is the biggest offender for this
He just takes his armor off for divegrass
What a casul
If you need armor to win divegrass, you didn't beat the game.
Also, if you take off your armor so you can lightroll, you didn't beat the game.
Replace him with Kot
He's been the most consistently good player for /vg/ for ages now. Cope
Kot is washed and in Fraudwatch alongside Senaldo and Rance.
mark my words Susie will score YOU WILL SEE IT
not hard to be that when you're the only player who ever stays in one place on the roster and that one place is the one where you get max stats
this also goes for most normal teams' golds. like yeah of course homu and PFOL are /u/'s best players, literally nobody else ever has been a gold for /u/!
this is a big reason why 4CC is stale because people are attached to "best players" and refuse to take them out of gold medal spots because of "muh history & tradition."
Sanic, Homu, Rape etc are 4CC house hold words. You know what else is a house hold word? garbage and it stinks when it gets old too.

how many golds are different from each team in Summer compared to their last cup?
2020 Summer /u/ vs /sp/
Why would they reward a shit team like /pcrg/ with a perm gold?
then make it a Rabi instead, since /e7g/ will never be a real thing
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There is a reason why teams cling to certain Golds so much and that's because fans love having that rep around. Nobody ever raises any stink about those household names and they dominate roster polls because they are loved and adored. Imagine trying to take >rape away from /mlp/, Fug away from /vp/, Cowboy Bebop away from /a/... you are trying to rip those players away from teams because you as an outsider are of the opinion that they overstayed their welcome and try to sell teams random shit to put as a gold nobody wants. Actual fans would tell you to fuck off.
>4cc is stale because people are attached to "best players"
I think the opposite is the case here. Those legacy players carry around great memories and are memes still relevant from days long gone so even neutral viewers start taking a liking to some of them. They aren't being kept around for shits and giggles and aren't still on teams because management keeps them on against the will of the board. Fug has been around since 2014, Sanic since the early 2010s, >rape has been /mlp/'s gold since its inception in 2013 and they are all still loved by fans as they are still relevant memes which pop up frequently on their boards. They carry around way, way more significance and are more relevant to board culture than your fotm memes that will die after a few weeks. If those players left neutral viewers would jump off even harder. For instance I can't imagine having any interesting in watching /a/ with the deer girl as a goddamn star player just because it's dominating the catalogue for a month
>because people are attached to "best players" and refuse to take them out of gold medal spots because of "muh history & tradition."
Attachment is a good thing, means fans care about those golds. I would understand if it was about some literal who that stays around on a roster only because the manager wants to, but new players usually come and go for the other spots, having new stuff with the classics is a good combination, teams like /a/, /vp/, /u/ etc also bring in new players often even if they aren't golds.
>I don't like [player with lots of history adored by the board] I think they suck now!
>Well how about we use [flavor of the month meme that will die out very soon]
VGL in a nutshell.
keeping things fresh is what 77s are for
Even VGL has teams that will never ditch their golds.
t. /vt/ user who doesn't know what he's talking about
But that's /4ccg/ right now?
yes I remember when Rance got sacked from /hanny/, Zero Sanity from /akg/, Essex from /alg/, Bad Times from /utg/, Pottis from /tf2g/, Belka from /aceg/, Life from /skg/, Gogeta Da from /dbg/, You have angered the gods from /indie/, Sopdog from /gfg/, Finally a Break from /alter/, Woomy from /ink/, Perfect Heart from /nepgen/, Unity Chan from /vrg/, Smug Redman from /fgog/, Your Fate is over retard from /gbfg/, I'm going to Alice from /hgg2d/, Pls rember from /2hug/, Nonowa from /@/ and Sugoi from /kfg/.

Fucking retard
It's what silvers are for. Which is one argument VGL has for 3 silvers, it allows better rotation.
>Belka from /aceg/
You jest but he was, he was just a GK though
GK spots are also rather prestigious. Like Bane on /fgog/, Thanks Doc on /dbg/ and Jannu on /alter/
C-team niggers ruin /v/ loli threads
Essex was not the original /alg/ gold medal, it was Jewcat.
Gogeta Da also wasn't the original /dbg/ Gold but they are a group of star players emerging after the team was already made and standing the test of time. Jewcat fell off really quickly
If teams run one goalkeeper they're about equivalent to a medal spot
Are we getting any more memevitationals? The window closes in a couple of days
/tv/ runs more than one goalkeeper yet I feel they're both pretty iconic players.
not really. goalkeepers are way worse at their jobs than even the worst silver due to stats. especially in PES16. sure they play every minute just like medals but they don’t perform at anywhere near the same level
You're thinking of this from a stats standpoint. Who gives a shit about stats. Silvers come and go but there's only one player standing between the sticks. In my mind I think of Thanks Doc only behind Gogeta and Vegeta, Bane only behind Regend and Redman, Clapped only behind Danteh, Sleepo only behind the Sops, etc. there's a lot of teams like that.
Surely Boris wouldn't forget to book a slot for BCJL, right?
/mu/ league with teams based on bands/genres and their members and iconic albums
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looks like this post struck a nerve

all these niggas replying to you acting like bringing out the same fucking squad for the 8th year in a row is somehow based and exactly what the board wants, then wondering why their teams have no fans. maybe no one gives a shit about your perma boomer meme golds? maybe your board does not see itself reflected in your team so they don't bother watching?
i agree with this. when /ss13g/ changed one of their GKs into being an outfielder to fit the heights they were going for, some people were pretty upset he was no longer a GK option. a lot of players picked to be GK are picked for that role for a specific reason and people like to see them in it.
hello I would like to order one sex please
which teams are the most reddit?
which teams are the most 4chan?
Contact Aoba in his DM
Most reddit is /vg/ since it gets posted there
what the fuck man
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here, catch
stop ERP'ing with aoba
well yeah no vtuber lasts 8 years so it's understandable why it'd confuse the average /vt/ poster
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Imagine being so shallow and petty that you discard players from your roster because they're "stale". That kind of behavior reeks of social media clout-chasers desperate for social acceptance. You're not refreshing your roster so it doesn't get stale, you're refreshing your roster because you're acting like a woman who's worried someone will see you wearing last fall's fashions this spring.
Imagine abandoning your waifu just because her anime ended. Imagine breaking up with a friend because he's not part of the "in" clique in high school and can't bring you to sit at the popular kids table like in shitty high school movies. Imagine divorcing your wife because it's been 6 months since she made a viral twitter post, and her recent twitter posts only get 200 likes instead of 200,000.
Imagine being so shallow and petty that you'd discard your team's longtime gold or silver who's been with the team for over a decade, from the roster, because they're "stale". But I don't have to imagine it, because /vt/umors exist.
please touch grass
'fraid you touched some nerves with this one
You are worse off than most vtumorfags I've seen on this site. Please seek help.
/vt/ niggas post shit like this and then wonder why they're kept on a leash by the horsefucker conspiracy
truth nuke, /vt/roonies have no response other than "g-go outside please"
/vt/ is the Miz of the 4cc, a heel who thinks they're hot shit.
But that's already /sp/?
/detective/ would be a kino team for /tv/ league
post roster now
Monk (always slightly out of position)
Mulder & Scully
Herlock Sholmes
I agree but holy cringe.
New thread was a better meme and it is more relevant to /vg/ as a whole. You can't even git gud at gacha you just have to pay more.
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Autism of 24
/pw/ GK Vacant
/c/ LB Fluffy
/mlp/ CB Horsefucker
/jp/ CB Giant Yukari
/vg/ RB I'm going to Alice!
/toy/ DMF Rapedog
/vg/ CMF I believe in the happy ending
/wg/ LMF Boss Nigger
/vg/ CF Jefooty (V)
/jp/ CF Billy Herrington
/sp/ CF Tsuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (C)
/sp/ GK Exposed
/co/ CB /co/lette
/jp/ CB Love Is Suffering
/toy/ CMF Mechagodzilla
/vrpg/ CMF Why Contain It?
/pw/ CF Hulk Hogan

string: 49895,49634,49831,50129,v50136,49793,c49954,50135,50034,49786,50226,b,49955,49896,49655,49785,50027,50176
sounds like pure cope
New Thread isn't even a meme, it's just asking for a new thread. There is no joke or anything else behind it. Git Gud is objectively much funnier since he is competing against a normal ass question
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In the name of fairness, the permanent gold spot on /vg/ should go to the most reposted image not already associated with a VGL player, which means that Pepe aka 4chan frog should be the new gold medal
Isn't that specific frog the most posted image on multiple boards
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>a heel who thinks they're hot shit.
That's like 50% of gimmicks
Luck is a skill
going by your logic /gig/ and idk what ceobe is would be the golds and 4chan frog would be a silver
Barneyfag should be a silver medal on /v/
I think they represent their boards just fine because they absolutely dominate roster polls. You are acting like those perma Golds are being kept on teams for absolutely no reason and managers refuse to sack them even though the board is pissed and want them gone when the opposite is the case. Fans would raise goddamn hell if their favourite player got discarded for no fucking reason but "it's been here too long".
>idk what ceobe is
/akg/'s prestigious CB
No can do, /qa/ management refuses to trade him
Explain John Cena
His board fucking died
No, he was demoted long before /asp/ died
John Cena aged and was voted off because other wrestlers got better narratives? I don't know man, just because Golds have been around for years doesn't mean they HAVE to stay around for even longer after they lose relevancy. There can be cases where long running memes fall flat and start to die, even more so when they are based on real people who slowly lose relevancy in their field.
Boards change over time and rosters should reflect those changes
>most dimes /akg/ meme
>only a CB
what did they mean by this??
The people who use the boards don't want that, though.
But they are still relevant. Memes like Fug, >rape, Messi and others aren't being kept on teams for no reason and they didn't stop getting posted about years ago. They are still getting posted to this very day which makes them prime candidates for Gold medals because they carry around a legacy as well as being part of proper board culture.
Cena stopped being much of a wrestler by that time, which is why his last player name before getting sacked was Hollywood John. Besides that, he wasn't a perma gold, he had long stints as a silver while /asp/ tried out other different players as golds for brief periods. Him getting the boot entirely is an example of a board actually doing what people like >>486398937 complain about and removing the player they've fallen out of favor with. >>486398937 is doubly ironic because /pw/'s medal lineup has been far more rigid comparatively than /asp/'s with two golds and one silver unchanged in their history so far, with the wrestlers in question, if not the team players being even more boomer-tier than Cena was.
/pw/ has had the same 2 golds since day 1
Rabi > Git Gud
Holy shit, can you all stop posting.
That's what I said, yeah
Thread didn't want her as a Gold as the games' protagonists have that on lockdown. She got silver once and then got demoted to non medal when other memes started popping up and were more relevant
So you can post obese anime shit? No.
I would suggest if your team has not had more than 4 different Golds in the last 4 years, your board has no culture, is unoriginal and is dead.
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How often does someone have to use a general to be a manager and not a merc in VGL?

I'm considering signing up my thread for a try, but I only use the general for a few weeks when new content comes out, then stop for the next couple of months when it inevitably descends into circlejerking. And repeat.
Permanently so you'd 100% be a merc
You can actually see the divide between the cancerous reddit boards and the good quality boards by checking if it's the top image actually.
Just do it
you are the perfect person to be a manager. the people that actually jerk off in their thread are usually not only horrible people nobody wants to deal with, but also just shitty managers who try to insert themselves and their own opinions into the team rather than trying to be a representative of the thread itself. you need to be levelheaded enough to see through shitposters and circlejerking otherwise your team just ends up like shit that those who might actually care about watching don't like. see /gig/ and the AI slop.
as long as you pass verification, which requires you to answer questions about your thread, you should be fine.
/hsrg/ and /gig/ already have teams, sorry
Rabi would get rightfully called out as circlejerk shit if the council ever even considered putting it on /vg/'s roster

If you know the thread memes and recognize that they in the thread gets to decide what goes on the roster, you should be fine. Don't talk openly (example: while namefagging) about how much or little you use your thread unless you want to attract shitposting
You can do all of that while actually using your thread. It's not mutually exclusive
The council does not actually decide anything about /vg/'s roster, only the /vg/ managers
And they're on the council, so what's your point?
The worst thing /vg/ can do is actually listening to /4ccg/. It's like taking life advice from someone who hates you.
That people like Denko and Toki cannot force whatever their shitty FOTM opinions are onto /vg/ without persuading Reso BOB and Streak to do it
Don't shoot the messenger

Considering Rabi is more of an /akg/ meme than anything else, they aren't the two you should be worried about
As long as you're not completely out of touch with the general you'll hardly get called out as a merc
Rabi is in almost every gacha thread
That just implies you believe two of them would act in bad faith
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/vg/'s medals should permanently be Rabi, Essex, Kot and Doro
Cynthia a shit.
And >>486428231 doesn't?
lets check it different Golds by team since 2021
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Blud thinks she is part of the team
4 seems to be the money spot balance between legacy/new.
also KWAB at all the 2 gold soulless shitters they haven't been able to get new memes in 4 years.
That implies good faith by the actual managers
That post could easily be turned around to something about the actual league, where they do have power. It's a bad faith post in general
Forced Korean slop. Kot too kinda
Slow boards aren't going to have a high turnover of golds or memes in general. If anything it'd look ridiculous if /wg/, /lit/ or /n/ was getting new golds every other cup.
Those types of posts have been made for years now. The council takes blows like every game
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how many vidyabutts are posted?
or are they disqualified because each one has a different hash?
>I only use the general for a few weeks when new content comes out, then stop for the next couple of months when it inevitably descends into circlejerking. And repeat.
Kinda sounds like you like your game but don't like your general
Maybe his general is fucking shit when there is no new content, we all been there don't lie. My general gets terrible sometimes and I just tab the fuck out too, doesn't mean I don't want to keep doing the team for them.
Ps. Range ban SEA
Being a fair-weather fan isn't great, but it's still infinitely better than being a merc
The archive counts images with the same hash so yeah, but his own counter is at >10k so who knows how many of them are there
I understand tabbing out for a week or so but several MONTHS? Dude is worse than even Try
These are funny for boards like /a/ that bans you for posting frogs or wojaks.
If it's a gacha general then during dead weeks it's usually just the same discussions on loop so it's pretty easy to guess what happens. Fresh discussion and memes will always coincide with new content after all.
And for generals that go through 3 or 4 threads a day it's understandable if someone isn't on literally every thread since non-NEETs need to sleep and work/study.
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That's just their not-ritualposts on their not-generals
Precure wave for medal. Based.
He might be talking about xivg which has months between content in which the threads are literally just e-celeb drama, with some ERP and unironic groomers thrown in it.
same goes for the barney TV schedule, it's gone through dozens of different hashes
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Literally all the most reposted images in /vmg/ are from dragon ball
>I nearly applied to be a 4chan cup coach when I was in high school
>decided I didn't want to ruin my life by dedicating myself to staying up all night to do that shit

Given how my life has gone since that moment, perhaps I would have been better off doing it.
the cup is the reason I don't want to have a job
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I like my general when it's actually talking about THE GAME
fuck it, i lost
That's the only active thread in there perhaps. That board is just the second division VGL with games no one cares about like tokyo 7th sisters and the like.
which gacha general is it?
/mygen/'s game was announced in 2018 and still no news about it so /mygen/ devolved into schizo doomposting ;-;
How is it even alive? Fucking zombie like /ddlc/
Silksong general?
>How is it even alive?
spin-offs, rereleases and other material like anime and tcg
There used to be a thing on the stats page where you could see the average tenure of all the teams but I think it got moved because I can't find it anymore. I think that would be a better measure of roster health than just checking the golds.

I mean posts like that trying to play the council off against each other, which is just generally dumb and petty.
/vg/ is for posting bosomy gacha girls
Hercule Poirot and Ms Marple too. Also would KITT in goal count?
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I am going to become manager of /umaEN/ and win two stars in a row!
Kill yourself
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Stay safe
fat whores
but enough about your mother, sister and aunt
nah that's you
Satono Diamond isn't fat.
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True, flatties are better
she's still a whore
>she's still a whore
she is a woman after all
Woah what a SLUT
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And that's exactly why you should pick boys instead.
this cup is a dud if there is no 4cc version of this

if it wasn't a couple of days away I would redub this
Anything above 3 means your board has no actual culture and just latches to whatever fad is popular at the moment. Shows lack of vision, lack of legacy, great tendencies for offboarder influence, huge numbers of newfags, never a good sign
Road to victory starts in 2 days
Oh yeah, they'd be great. Thinking more, I'd also add
Harrier DuBois
Frank Drebin
Blues Clues
Courage the Cowardly dog
Scooby Doo
Persona/Danganronpa people if you want weebshit
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Would just be this image, bro
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pls be lucky /vt/!
How would Columbo gaslight Kira into revealing himself? How would he not get his name writen in it?
Diamond hands sounds like a stand name
can someone smart explain why Courage, Blue's Clues and Monk are where they are on the chart
Blue's clues is a great detective
>costanza is no longer a medal
bald fraud deserves it
>mfw my spot got stolen by taba and cipher
damn, maybe next akkolel
cipher's a bitch like that
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>Phoenix not being able to intuit the mechanics of the Death Note
>Layton can
I'd swap the two. Layton deals with "real" problems that come across as supernatural and never* the actual supernatural while Wright is dick deep in it.
Wright also has Maya or Pearls to assist him with the supernatural.
Just the live action ones for /tv/ league
Is live action Phoenix Wright /tv/?
If Capeshit and Joker are, then sure.
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Is this the trans cat girl
fake cat
no she's a bio girl from Basedlue Aryanchive
The smartest people in the world are in /admin/
What does Boris have a PhD in?
Really sick at the moment guys, can somebody post formations to help me get better?
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I'll never post formations.
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>only played by SEAniggers
help!! I'm dying of a special disease that can only be cured by seeing 32 formations!!
433 and 442. Every team has those, with only a few weirdos using 3 atb
You just need some Vitamin BE
Given /tv/ has occasional threads about detective shows, I'd allow it. The same reason why I've allowed /fishtank/ for one season - it was discussed on /tv/.

General 'reps' work too, that's what /trek/ used to be.

That being said - Sign ups are open as of today.

If you want to do the team, contact me and I can surely help out with some aesthetics (not all of them mind you). Management is not required, wheel of formations (or what's in the box) is always an option.
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the box! THE BOX!
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Oh and final version of pape.
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What's the audio version of "kino"? Because that's what the 16 soundtrack is.
link the page
Kot really let herself go.

Last time I've checked, the discussion was banished to /bant/, but my mistake. It's back
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So that's what the plapneseum looks like.
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The captain's spot is taken, Frenchie.
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>/tv/ League VI
>not /tv/ Leauue VI
shant be signing up, round here is a leauue neighbourhood, we don't like them fancy league things
What is his alignment in that chart?
Deals with enough supernatural shit that he'd find out about the shinigami, but would be too scared to go after Light unless Muriel and Eustace are threatened which is unlikely unless Kira wants to kill two elderly people living in the middle of Nowhere.
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fix your wiki
>It is written in the Death Note Eustace Bagge dies tripping over when getting out of his chair
I thought he called it the Spanknasium
but i thought /a/ FC was the place for FotM anime
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But there's a guy with deer horns in Kinnnikuman, why not him?
>literally nobody else ever has been a gold for /u/!
Befriending has
If your team has had more than 5 (FIVE) different Golds in its history, then it is basically a non-team
Buffaloman took her as an apprentice after beating Ganman, just like how Terry Bogard adopted Rock after beating Goose Howard
Acceptable. The Devil Chojin could use more members after what happened during the Perfect Origin arc anyway.
If your team has had less than 5 (FIVE) different Golds in its history, then it is basically a non-team
real and true
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Same thing
I voted against her.
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Instead of relegating teams based on in game performance, we should do it based on chat stats
If your team doesn't have gifs on tenor, it's literally a non-team
Wow I can just make 20 of them right now, more gifs than fans for my team.
You shouldn't though, because it's funnier when teams like /lcg/ get associated with discord
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at last i truly see
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IMAGINE the servers he posts these in
Most Proseka fans are SEA, so one of those
Is there any gacha without a SEA majority
The older ones like GBF and FGO.
man what the fuck
what are the playerbases like for those then? latinx majority?
Most jap ones, especially the ones without a global version.
Ones that don't focus on waifu pandering like FGO or Dokkan
JP only gachas are very SEA-core
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Just switch SEA for spics
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>don't focus on waifu pandering like FGO
It has men and women that aren't for (You) which is basically kryptonite for anyone born in asia
FGO is homo/fujo shit
I'm not Asian but I also don't like cuckshit
It doesn't surprise me one bit.
>gets third place
>tourists keep spamming "kys kys kys"
>has a mental breakdown and retires
>deletes discord and disappears from the internet
Managers for this feel?
>lose once
>organizer of the event tells you to kill yourself in a humilation ritual in front of everyone
tournaments for this feel?
She doesn't love you bro
Cucknigger projecting already.
Nor/mlp/erson worked that guy into a shoot.
>lose against /ink/ on qualifiers
>end up getting 2nd place on the tournament
Ludos for this kino?
I just said specifically Git Gud is shit and should get sacked, never said a shit about other teams golds
That brat needs some serious correction.
GBF is full of seaniggers
Dumb statement anyways. In terms of performance he's always consistent when most other /vg/ golds aren't despite always playing further back. In terms of what he represents "Git Gud" is about as universal a video game meme can be as well as connecting with VGL history. Essexes and Kots don't really travel outside of gacha, Rabis are also mostly gacha and there wouldn't be a good name for one. New Thread is just shit. He's just Git Gud but white, he was forced in, it's not something funny or anything.
>New Thread scores!
Hype killer. He's never happening again, especially since /vg/ management seems to like Git Gud.
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but aren't they are the same thing?
No, c-team niggers ruin some loli threads but not all of them
What the fuck is C-team?
what's so /mlp/ about him
He was a horse fag.
Raids from shills for the game Onirism in other threads they don't belong. I say shills because there is zero organic interest in this game otherwise
https://arch.b4k.co/v/thread/682864284/ is a recent example
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I think the better question is why isn't the GOAT Unity-Chan the perma-gold since she actually won /vg/ the star
you have an excellent case here; now just retire her from /vrg/ and/or kill the team and she can be a neutral representative
The cumshot that destroyed Gura's career
She's not as much of a universal meme and if you set that precedent then every single VGL winner who subsequently wins a Cup would need to be made permanent.
Why does /vg/ need a permanent gold in the first place?
You tell me.
/vg/ fans vote for a legacy player to be the gold captain each cup
>inb4 permanent >greg gold captain
>/vg/ fans vote
This is how you end up with current flavour gacha players forever
>very gacha league
Have some continuity and allow for a difference between finishing 1st and 2nd
I fail to see the issue, it's the only thing /vg/ deserves
I don't see why someone who started watching the VGL when it entered double digits would care about >greg to be honest
Just how many /aog/ fags do you think are still around? It would probably be Senaldo or Gogeta, but certainly never Greg.
I can only name literally two.
legacy player
He did say legacy players
He said legacy, you illiterate retard.
The 2nd /vg/ gold should be picked randomly from the pool of players who earned a spot on /vg/ in a previous cup but never got to play.
not that i agree but i wonder how long that list of zero-minutes reps is; figure one or two a season... 30 players? enough for a final boss???
he literally founded the /mlp/ 4cc team in 2012
check out the /mlp/ managers, it's denko and a df persona
And I guess there is no point in making VGL anymore.
/drag/ nyonners this is our chance
Well we can just check https://isthisliv.com/teams/vg or it seems we can't.
We say niggers in this website brother.
So /jp/?
That's just /2hug/ 2.0 now.
/jp/ has no seiyuu rep
I prefer /2hug/ B team
and i would just be recycling models from teams like /a/, /c/, /e/, /u/, etc.
So you would use characters the seiyuu voices instead of the seiyuu for the models?
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I wouldn't say it's shilling more like shitposting, considering for how long those threads are happening, i just thought it would be funny to make a team about them, that's all
>So you would use characters the seiyuu voices
yes. making my own models would be too time consuming
I remember when /vg/ tried to get rid of Git Gud for a single cup and an actual vote was taken and like 99% of people wanted him to stay and expressed how the very notion of even asking that was retarded
meanwhile on /vt/
>nenefags says ogey rrat needs to go
>voters agree
>nene named captain and ogey rrat gets demoted
Didn't ask
Almost like people that want to retire certain golds are always a vocal minority.
New team, new fanbase I won't also blame them for finding out what they want.
these sea guys seem really mad about that rat girl
people power in action
It's great to know that /vt/ actually has genuine discussion and management listens to them. Imagine /vg/ would listen to /4ccg/ for advice
>/sp/ gets relegated
>Messi gets demoted for Penaldo
>Penaldo sets the record for most goals in the cup and leads the team to a babby final
Both were gold the whole time they just switched which one was at CF and which was the secondary gold.
This, the bufflet thing they are running needs a gold to become a CMF box to box, Messi still scores sometimes though.
Controversial opinion: I fucking love Stack, bros.
More like BASED opinion
Should've brought back the worst general award for /bag/
Melty in cord
/FoE/ - Fallout Equestria
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Melties in my stomach
Half the main characters are being hogged by /oc/, you'd have to get them freed up.
If that was an issue they wouldn't have 50 different players that are just Pinkie Pie
honestly? a respectable sidegrade
EVERYONE is nene's husbands after all
damn what a whore
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>pipeline punch
I don't have taste buds btw idk if that matters
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>tipping competition

Same old rules.

Wiki: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/2024_4chan_Summer_Cup_Tipping_Competition
side bet: which happens first, VGL autie results announced or 4CC goes LIV
You get your ass raped by me.
I love my wife
me taking you to the spanknasium buddy
fellas, please... settle it either on the pitch or in the ring
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V2 Save after fixes
how big they cock
3 inches erect
fat bitch
I still love my wife
Leaf and her sister?
3 feet flaccid
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Too plump, needs to be flatter and smaller
>Too plump
Nonsense, she's just right. And if you're going with Moriya Shrine you can at least have the superior taste to choose the snek.
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>choose the snek
no, she just a hag and not even good hag by 2hag standards. its clearly cute and funny frog 2hu
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If Suwako is so great how come she lost?
There are precure and kukki teams on wiki but they never played.
The person who made precure teams even chose the same songs I'd chose.
Type advantage, no-one actually likes the hag or wants to give her faith so she has no choice but keep the frog girl around to survive, despite her 'win'.
But it's not really a win if you can defeat someone for control of their realm but can't rule it without them because no-one supports you and you have no legitimacy without them around to keep everything together. Kanakofags are the eternal 'b-b-but technically I won ackshually' while being eternally cucked by their more loved, faith attracting defeated opponent despite their so-called 'win'. Classic case of Kanako is the de-jure deity, but Suwako is the de-facto deity of the shrine.
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>this is what frogfags actually believe
>go on /4ccg/
>look inside
>2hu powerlevels
Get used to it, /jp/'s elite and muscular 3-3-4 will win this cup and they'll be months of this afterwards.
/jp/ is going to get fodderized in this group
2huminati replaced horsefuckers
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It's not real
I remember reading a doujin where kanako told suwako to leave cuz she gooned too much.
Situation doesn't look good for froniggers imo
How many teams have 2hu players?
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Not enough
It's cheating using a1 for USA, all their future service rifles look much worse.
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Ok, but what if
Hot and hard breeding sex with Yamada
bitches with horns for everyone I guess???
Nobody would watch.
/holox/ just played a game in front of 35 people.
So if nobody watches, does it really happen?
>0fans vs 0views
Why does vtl always insist such dimeless teams win?
so you're saying VGL is rigged for the team with the most views to win?
But /bag/ has no title yet and is the biggest team now ;)
VTL has a holo problem. holo teams except for /baubau/ can’t draw.
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I would watch it
VGL would riot because they want absolutely nothing to do with VTL
>VGL would riot because they don't want to get humbled by VTL teams
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Roadmap for isthisliv, weigh in with suggestions if you have any:
-Migrating old misc stats
-Requiring tags when uploading on booru
-Text/copypasta/flash support on booru
-QoL UI changes to booru like right click to save
-Time graphs like Elo or GD
What? The M16 looks like ass.
I'd rather kill myself than watch a VTL team play
I want a best of 7 between VGL and VTL.
Each team sends 7 teams, they play 1 match h2h.
>holo teams
That's like half of the VTL. Most teams are hololive, hololive generations or hololive individual tubers
It's funny how only VTL wants this. They just can't shill enough so they try to force some random shitty tournament nobody asked for
>tryhard gacha addict managers vs. people just wanting to have fun with teams they enjoy
I'm sure nothing would go wrong
Yes that is why I called it a “holo problem”
>it's funny how [HEADCANNON]
>tryhard gacha addict managers vs. people just wanting to have fun with teams they enjoy
Isn't that true to every divegrass event?
winning is fun
and they don't draw because their threads don't give a shit about divegrass
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>holo's make normie content and appeal to normie fans so they can get mass normies to watch them
>shocked when they don't care about divegrass or other board related events
/vt/ is the one with the holo problem, not the league
so you're saying there needs to be a... holocaust?
>Main team/medals/multiple players

>Have a single player
/vg/* when there's a /2hug/ rep

>Don't have one but eligible to by virtue of having a 2hu general or regular threads

Now if a certain commissioner would allow the invasion angle we could unite all of them into a single faction to form the 2hu World Order.
Sou HATES Touhou. Reimu RAPED and KILLED a youkai girl in NINETEEN NINTY.
Legitimately no interest for VGL fans to watch this.
Well yeah, mostly because /gbfg/ doesn't have fans.
>>486563891Well yeah, mostly because VGL fans don't like to watch things they know they're gonna lose in
/vt/ as in the the 4cc team /vt/?
old news. holo got half of its roster spots cut in half. the lig revolution happened.
how many elite final days has VTL been in again?
if my VGL team would have to face a VTL team I'd just go "here nigga damn" and forfeit so you get a 3-0 victory and I don't have to actually deal with this garbage
Only 3-0? That's better than your VGL performance, maybe you should forfeit there instead
listen man it could be a 99-0 loss and I wouldn't give a shit. I'd rather drag my balls through shards of glass than making my team play against VTL shit
>I wouldn't give a shit
holy fuck, your performance during VGL22 was you giving a shit? ahahahaha
>he doesn't want to destroy the teams he hates on the pitch
Low test, unironically. Go have you tested, you might be infertile
nah no interest in that. The very thought of just having a game against these clowns is vomit inducing
nobody asked you, retard
>>486566142 (me)
I enjoy stroking my 2cm dick while watching my girlfriend get fucked btw, don't know if that matters
VTL niggas getting uppity that nobody wants to face their teams I see
You don't want to open this pandora box pal, you don't know how DEEP the horsefucker conspiracy goes, 4cc, VTL, VGL, TVL, Akkolel, POLeague, UEFA Champions League, MLS, NHL, Copa America, MLB, WEC, F1, Japan Sumo Association, and even the FAGs has horsefuckers involved deeply inside ready to form a mega group to take over everything
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Even in this conversation they are the only ones that care.
>VTL niggas are the only fans that care about divegrass in all shapes and sizes
...are they the good guys afterall?
they think they are hot shit so their brains short circuit when teams from other leagues genuinely dislike them and want nothing to do with them so they have massive melties
NTA, but as much as I want /myteam/ to destroy any vtl team, I'd prefer to simply not play against them instead. There is no need for my team to touch garbage that is vtumors, and what's the point of having a match I couldn't even look at?(I would poke my eyes out the second they see any vtuber)
the soul and creative passion of original 4cc still lives on in /vtl/.
they love the game and love the memes above all else.
no as they push their garbage into spaces that don't want them around. You don't see /mlp/ turning up and forcing VGL teams to participate against FAG teams because even /mlp/ is self aware enough that there is no interest in such a tournament from one side
sorry I meant /bag/l
it do be like that
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how about /vt/l vs /ag/l teams in the abysmal dogshit leaaue
>Had a 2hu player before but it got kicked from the team
Can I get a list of teams that are a part of the horsefucker conspiracy?
sorry, I meant /vt/ vs /bag/!
>Triangle's autopilot league
how would you account for the medal differences between the board leagues anyway
It'd be easier to name teams that aren't
OK then. Which aren't
there is different kinds of hate. You hate your rival teams because of certain history, shared characteristics/topics, match history, etc. You want to beat these teams to show that you're the top dog and the other team can kneel. There is an established connection here. Then there is the other kind of hate which is just thinking that the other team sucks with no actual connection established. You generally don't care about those and want to avoid them because nobody is happy facing those teams. That's why people don't line up to face teams like /ddlc/. VTL teams have no connection to VGL teams and therefore are in the 2nd definition of hate
Who is forcing you? You're getting angry at one single post
uh-oh VGL's inferiority complex is showing again
this but 17cm and without the girlfriend thing
I don't see the VGL begging for an inter-board tournament though
this isn't the first time they brought this up. VTL fags have been begging for the VGLs attention over and over again but never take no for an answer. So yes they are forcing it
So the council of VGL told you that you have to play against VTL or your team dies? When did that happen?
did you read the post you were replying to at all?
You hate to see it.
One day they will remove that giant chip they have on their figurative shoulder
Currently /pol/ and /biz/ are the actual /mlp/-run farm teams but most other teams have had some level of horsefucker involvement over their existence
Just think about any general and telling them we are facing [whore name fc]. Absolutely no one would care, compared to beating some other VGL team.
Not enough people are talking about the chuubaspiracy
exactly. Nobody would care because there is no established connection and they have no idea what this is so the average discussion would look like this:
>"Hey guys we are facing [whore name F.C]"
>"uhh, that's not on /vg/, what is that?"
>""wtf why do we have to face this cancer, retard?"
>Absolutely no one would care,
conversely, you go into a chuuba's general and say
>we are facing [vidya general fc]
they would care because they LOVE the game of divegrass. period.
to VTL fans, divegrass is a lot like SEC football: it just means more.
VGL fags have no passion
did you read the post you were replying to at all? Who is forcing you? since when conversation is forcing you? Do the words make you submit an export?
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>No one watches VTL
>People only care about VGL!
Meanwhile in reality VTL gets more views, more board activity, more hype, more memes and more reaction from anons
I call on Sou to resolve today's 'my cult is better than yours' console warring with a fatal four-way, no holds barred, cage elimination match between a VGL rep of their choice, a VTL rep of their choice, a pony and a 2hu.
This is only true for the handful of /vt/ threads that actually give a shit about divegrass to begin with, 10 of the teams contribute 90% of the activity
nobody says that. People are saying the VGL doesn't care about what the VTL does
thats fucking great, please continue to jerk off to numbers and fuck off with your shit already
We just had one of the worst VGLs in recent memory and it still completely BTFO the most recent VTL (which had fucking /hlgg/ as a semifinalist) in terms of numbers
PeKEKora got destroyed by Bebop already
melty in /4ccg/
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>since when conversation is forcing you?
Sasuga V-tumorfags.
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go take your 500k viewers and stay at /vt/ then instead of begging for another tournament to care about you and have games with you
Yes, we can tell you are excited and care a lot about facing our teams. But it's not mutual.
Weedman, consult all four parties for a champion of their choosing and add this retard fight to the card for Ssssssummerslam wrasslin.
really struck a nerve with this one
>Don't post about divegrass on the divegrass general!
So when is /vgl/ getting their own general and letting /4ccg/ just for Board cups?
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>the only 4cc team I can think of that is mostly just names is /mu/
actually we only have 11 players right now that are "just names" although 8 of them are starters and 5 of them are new players for this cup
/vg/tard treat divegrass as an e-sport while all the other invitationals treat it as something fun to do, they really get angry at anything, kek
sorry we don't have fun facing vtuber cancer bro
>no you see you MUST face our teams that you hate otherwise you don't like fun!!!
Terminal Shikanokonokokoishtantan
/pol/, /biz/, /fa/, /i/, /d/, /vt/, /co/, /an/, /vg/, /vm/, /vst/, /vr/, /f/, /c/, /s4s/, /vp/, /x/, /umg/, /ddg/, /tf2g/, /2hug/, /ddlc/, /fgog/, /ink/, the entirety of VTL, the entirety of the MLS, the Ferrari F1 and WEC teams, Ishegahama Beya, the Arizona Diamondbacks, the Las Vegas Raiders and the Jacksonvile Jaguars, TNA, and possibly even /mlp/
they had that once and then /4ccg/ cried that a split is retarded as they couldn't keep themselves alive any longer
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>possibly even /mlp/
what the fuck is /umg/, surely you didn't mean /uma/ which has no horsefuckery whatsoever
what about /umamusume/ though?!
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That's good. I don't have to >9 post in two threads (and moreso in the 4cc one)
/umg/, Universal Music Group
>more viewers
how do i get an uma gf?
Start gambling
wait for the EN release and play the High school Festival game on August 30
You get one when you join the Horsefucker Conspiracy
The /pol/-/pw/ tag team plotline is real
HH brother
New thread???
>Cup starts in 24 hours
>Still no auties
It's lucky /vg/'s first home game is the last day of grip weekend.
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It's going to be funny looking at the uma secondaries actually finding out how bad the game actually is
Gacha players don't have standards, why would they complain?
gameplay? stonetossburgers.jpg
Why is the wiki so shit the last few days
Bad gateway
hoshino has been ddossing it, he wants to take the vgl & cup down
How can one be a secondary if there's no uma fan game
dunno who this gateway guy is but he's an asshole
They're keeping it open until the /bag/ sweep happens
go to the hell /4ccg/
Welcome Hell /4ccg/
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<( = ω = )> Frieren in the 'log
/tg/ GK Muscle Wizard
/aco/ LB Clussy
/tg/ CB Local Lord
/x/ RB Machine Elves
/a/ DMF Kill Yourself
/c/ CMF Korbo
/x/ CMF Take Your Meds
/c/ AMF Every Girl Best Girl
/vrpg/ SS >Human>Male>Warrior
/x/ CF /x/-TAN (C)
/c/ CF Do It For Her (V)
/a/ GK W I D E F A C E
/a/ CB Nah, I'd Win
/vt/ RB The Age of 30 is in Demand
/aco/ DMF The Writer's Barely Disguised Fetish
/tg/ CMF Stat Me
/aco/ CF Shygal

string: 50283,c50268,50000,49640,49593,49623,50185,v49629,50004,50274,49606,b,49589,49576,50002,50205,49608,49612
isthisliv too, and implyingfun as well.
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Hmmmmmmmm. Normally I wouldn't throw gas on the fire like this. But with 2K23 a War Games match is on the table... Sure this will likely solve nothing at large but it would be entertaining regardless.
You better have a William Regal shitpost ready when you announce WAR MEMES
Give me until Rigglemania Night 3 to come up with it. I still got a lot of CAWs to redo. I refuse to go without my ded team midcarders. Dumpster Diver deserves screen time damn it.
Mmmmmmm that would be badass
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