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Previous: >>486103581

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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First for Anko!
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Yangyang love
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Which Hologram are you most looking forward to?
thick bitch
>finally have 70 rolls
God i hate women
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Anyone else feel like quitting?
I'm burnt out already.
Guys, the evil gacha game took my precious 5 minutes away from me and now I'm feeling suicidal, should I quit the game?
I'm looking forward to Scar Hologram! he actually has some cool ass attacks.
>specially curated and unique thread image every time
>the same 5 meme images recycle for 10 hour threads
I would have already uninstalled if Camellya didn't exist
Changli's banner will decide my fate in Wuwa. I will wait for 1.4 characters if I get her, if I don't I'll just drop the game since I need hags and these devs keep pulling out C tier character designs and males. Something that PGR would fking NEVER
> [+]
> [+]
> [+]
God bless the filtering
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>approx. 7 days until Changli time
How's everybody feeling? Stash, guarantee status?
>currently at 60 rolls, no guarantee
I really I hope I win the coinflip. I already lost it last time and had to roll extra to get Jinhsi
I'm still having fun. I just pace out things to prevent burn out. I did quit genshin 5 months ago because of story reasons.
I dont think I'm gonna wait that long. Half of EU /wuwa/ already quit.

It's Genshin. This game is Genshin. I thought it would be similar but I hoped it wouldn't be Genshin. It is 100% Genshin. Like a Chinese (lol) knock off of Genshin.
The only, singular good thing it has is that there is no stamina consumption when running. I didn't quit Genshin to play Genshin by Kuro. Also the upcoming characters look like shit.
18k astrites 20 yellow balls
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New player here, please bless me your luck WuWa bro
This is good right?
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>He plays the game for only 5 minutes everyday
I'll roll for though I'm pretty sure I won't win the coinflip with my terrible luck. If I lose then I'll try getting the painter nerd instead.
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Primed and ready. Might even consider pulling her S1, seems like a good QoL and also I want Taoqi dupes. Considering 1.2 is a skip patch for me it could work out nicely given non-terrible luck.
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If I win the coinflip, then I'm going for her weapon. If I lose the coinflip on day 1 of her banner then I'll start doing content to guarantee her for the next 3 weeks. I will get her regardless
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I fucking LOVE women. They're cute, beautiful, sexy and its fun when they're around. That said I despise modern women, femishits and aligned.
I'm at 60 pity too and have enough astrite for guarantee. If I win the coin flip, I'll roll a bit more anyway to try to get at least 1 Taoqi
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>15 golden ball and about 23600 jimmy

if I win the 50/50 I will save for phrolova and tsubaki, might roll for the cute nerd if she is a healer
I guess thats the biggest problem, when Kuro decided to just copy Genshin to make their game. It suddenly becomes the reason as to why people dont continue playing.

Especially since mechanics are fking puddle deep, elements do nothing except halve your damage and thats about it for combat. dodge simulator.
If you have her sig wep yeah,
You can also do +10 or +5 depending on how insane you are since jue is an instance based boss
Lost two coin flips so I ended up skipping jinhsi to get Changli. I'm saving for Scar, Camellya and anyone new who I think is just fucking rad homo or wife
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Based. Eternal glory to the prosperity of Jinzhou
The magistrate TANKED that btw
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I just read all of Changli's voice lines and profile story to see if there was anything about her condition, turns out that there were actually some pretty big reveals about Rover, so here are the interesting points
>She doesn't have much time left to live, she constantly mentions this in her lines, a incident in her childhood might have reduced her lifespan
>She had an old master that taught her weiqi (the game she plays) and swordsmanship, he was searching for someone and left the task of finding that person to her when he passed away
>When she first saw Rover's swordsmanship she felt that it resembled her master's, later she realized that her master learned it from Rover
>The weiqi manual that her master used to teach her, was a documenting of Rover's legendary games
>She knows a lot about Rover's past due to researching historical records while trying to find them
>Her last profile story actually confirms that Rover is god
>"A celestial being descended, wielding the limitless might of the universe"
TLDR: Another GROOMED.com but by Rover's disciple instead of pet
Also new meme to contrast Jue
old man: master Rover please fuck my disciple
Jue anon, you better get ready because this shit is gonna be hilarious.
Yeah if I still don't feel like playing the game when I get Changli, I don't know if I'll stick around that long either.
Lucked into Jinshi C2 because I thought "I can't possibly get a dupe this early" and losing the guarantee getting a Calchud at 5 pity. In penance, I will swipe for Changli.
>be Rover
>a celestial being descended, wielding the limitless might of the universe
>drowns after swimming for 2 minutes
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Sadly I only have the 5-star broadsword...
When you say +5 / +10 it's just for leveling to see the substat roll, right? I might do that because this looks quite bad... different echo with crit rate since I already have crit dmg in 2nd slot
>It's Genshin. This game is Genshin.
I thought this too at first, but man, not having a Paimon-ish character hovering around and speaking for you is a breath of fresh air. Sure, there's Abby, but if the recent quests are any indication, he's more of a side character rather than the MC's mouthpiece, and is asleep more than half the time.
You know what? 10 pulls for her, that's it.
>It's Genshin. This game is Genshin
Lmao you wish shitposter
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>there are anons itt who are skipping Changli
Are (you) gay or a woman?

kekw so what are we? Some kind of god that dropped to earth from time to time, seed'd some woman then fuck off?
Rewrite HATE
Beta testers HATE
Delet that tranny Yinlin. Have artist never draw a woman face before?
How are the waves withering today guys?
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Moral of the story is to become a Sensei (Master) and you'll reap the rewards later
If your decision to continue playing this game hinges on whether you win a coinflip for a character then it means you already have one foot out the door. It makes no logical sense why you don't just quit at this point since you clearly aren't having fun anymore.
The sooner you realize you're in a sunk cost situation and leave, the better it is for you in the long run.
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>Are (you) gay or a woman?
I'm male, a poor SEAfag that hates genshin and mihomo to the core. I'm skipping her because I'm saving for Phrolova S6 and weapon sig
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people just have different taste in woman(or man)
I continue and suffer through countless lost coinflips. I cannot be broken for I have the strongest power of actually playing and liking the fucking game.
I workout, I read books to educate myself, I play real video games, I do my job and then fit in some time in Wuwa to do my dailies, farm a few echoes and then sweat it out getting better at holograms. Life is comfy when you make it comfy.
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>Rewrite HATE
Sis you are literally me….
>>>sub dps
its over...
Good luck bro
I think zhezhi looks with 3 but I also get why it's too the taste of others. Not understanding the preferences of others is legitimate autism
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Good luck to you too
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I also forgot to mention, someone please edit that pic with Rover as Lucia, old man as Alpha and Changli as Luna. Because its fucking perfect for the situation.
I just realized, I haven't encountered Danjin in a story event yet, although I think I've met most of the characters already. Even Yuanwu showed up for a bit during the TD invasion of Jinzhou. Did I miss a quest somewhere?
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>quitting because of lost coinflip
Why wouldn't you just plan ahead with worst-case in mind?
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substat picker on wuwa when?
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Well done, Vishwajeet!
You are one of the few lucky to to win in our media contest~
You are hereby eligible to claim the following rewards:
40 primogems
1 bowl of grade-A pagpag
Please don't forget to redeem your rewards in time~
Brehs I drank a bottle of vodka and gamed with wuwa until I passed out. I had a kino ass dream where Geshu was fighting lord arbiter (me) and a super crownless at the same time. It ended with camellya growing plants to grab the super crownless while I used my spectro powers to time slow him so we could throw it at Geshu and knock him into a sonorous sphere jail.
I can't wait for the future bruhs
Gachaniggers are always like this.
>failed to get an SSR? Quit
>lost the 50/50? Quit
>game didn't give me what I want despite saving for 2 months? Quit
I hope these losers leave and never come back.
While you are absolutely fking correct in everything you said, let me counter with some of the points as to why the one foot still inside could factor a lot in my future in Wuwa

I prefer the mature designs of this game, I started to dislike the childish looks of other games, especially when it comes to characters.
Wuwa is very beautiful but I feel the game hasnt hooked me, but overall I haven't done much, and 1.0 was completely rewritten so I cannot leave without experiencing some future patches to see where the devs are going
I like exploration but I dont need it to enjoy the game. if it drags the game quality down, for example story, I would rather not have it as a focus.

to me, its not winning a 50/50 or sunk cost, its about rolling a new char to keep me interested in building her, while I give devs some time to figure out where they want the game to go. If it goes a way I don't enjoy, I then quit.
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>just got home
>visit my bwos at /wuwa/
>look at previous thread
>ah shit the faggots are here again to muck up the thread
>furry niggers derailing thread with eos posting, revenue posting, and posting zensored zeroaction zlop content
>as usual janny nowhere in sight even with the myriad of off-topic content
>see these zzzaggots get a few (You)s but the general is slowly being immune to these furry niggers and some are not even engaging them anymore.
>When the thread count's almost at the end start noticing a different kind of posting
>"Uhhh guys why is this thread discussing ZZZ?! Rent free much?!?" "Uhhh came back to wuwu after a long time and you're still seething at ZZZ..." "check zzz thread 0 wuwa mention, check wuwa thread bajillion zzz mention.... curious...."
>all of these usually with wuwa imagery pretending to be wuwabros making it look like we just keep discussing zzz just because
These faggots don't get tired don't they? It's like 2-3 persons that just keeps on replying to their own posts and posting on cooldown in the last thread, trying to get (you)s to derail the thread on some inane gachawar talk.
Yeap, you are essentially fishing for a crit line earlier.
You do end up burning tuners faster then exp tubes though so do take note (might also burn your sanity faster)
I'm willing to save for 3 years just for Phrolova, what does that make me?
Didn't flashbacks that Rover had at certain points of Beta Story before rewrite also shpwn how Rover was absolutely overpowered super special warrior? IIRC when they absorbed Croenless then Rovlver had vision how with single swing ofvsword clearded a battlefield filled with TD.
>CBT 1
>kino Crownless + flashback sneak peek of Rover's spacesuit past
>Danjin accompanies you in Tiger's Maw
>Calcharo's edgy storyline in Dim Forest
>Yinlin accompanies you in Aix's Mire
>Lingbrick in Port Guanzhou
>Companion stories for Baizhi, Yangyang, and Chixia
fucking CN man... we could've gotten kino... and the Avengers-like shit in Act 6 would've hit harder, instead of appearing out of nowhere. not sure where Taoqi and Yuanwu appeared in CBT1 story though.
>Did I miss a quest somewhere?
Nope, everything related to her got nuked out of game before release so nothing remains
How much "tuner" do you get per Tacet field..?
She was supposed to accompany you in Tiger's Maw. Got replaced by an NPC in the end for retarded reasons.
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It's time
Alcohol coma cultivating anon... I kneel.
50 pity and 70 rolls. If I lose 50/50 I'll spend to get her weapon.
They moved on from the NTR posting so they're trying yet another new tactic I guess. Has any other general had some faggot so desperately try to get something to stick?
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Well, that sucks. Hopefully they'll still use her character in some quest in the future.
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>thread looks good so far
>bro bro bro what about the shitposter from last thread bro
I only lurk in /haniho/ and this is my second place so this is a first for me.
You wouldn't fuck a dying person right /WuWa/ ?
Honestly I feel saving those characters for later is a better idea. They have a better chance to shine rather than be used for these exploration quest things.

I think it would take too much focus from establishing zones and the world and various things to juggle shilling and showing off characters too. If you added say more mortefi stuff to the inferno rider and city quest line it wouldn't make it better. It would be another element added that splits away from the meat of the story.
I'll wait for her to die to do that.
i have it the other way around. i have like a 1.2k tuners but barely any EXP (i haven't gotten the ones in illusive realm though).
There's character sigils in game so dating with characters is going to be implemented soon, with Danjin's character being a psycho murderer its going to be interesting.
>Azur Promilia, Endfield, Project Mugen soon
>ZZZ is more fun and less tedious
>Snowbreak anni made more money than Jinhsi
>Players also quitting every banner because they lost 50/50
>No marketing or player engagement for 3+ weeks every patch
Tick tock bwos...
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I will change the phone theme like this
fair take. if that's the case, it's kinda weird that we get to use characters for 2 patches before we learn more stuff about them outside their character bio/voice lines. and honestly, it would've made the world feel more lived in if we had them accompany us in exploration.
I feel like Danjin or Calcharo would work as Rance designs with a bit of tweaking.
I wonder how something like a Kayblis boss fight would be in wuwa style gameplay. Someone like Patton playable would be awesome too.
All they had to do is make main story about bulding trust were in the end people would start seeing Rover adls as Hero of Jhinzhou. Instead making everyone sucking Rover dick.

As for Taoqi and Yanwhu. Well I bet there could just make two quests with them. Yhanwhu quest could be about finding and fighting Tempest Mephis. And Taoqi about assisting with Inferno Rider. At the top of the bulding there is a broadblade for her.
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cant wait until project mugen is released and all the furrynigger flocks to their thread to shitpost since this thing looks like a direct competitor to zzoozone style wise
>slim shady in the friendlist
The thing is in writing and storytelling it usually is less is way fucking more. Every story benefits from cutting shit out to focus on its actual essence. What is actually being told and done? What is superficial or "cool ideas" added to it? There's a lot of shit that normies think is good that can be removed and you have all the meaning of a story more clear and better.
Danjin wouldn't really add to or be reinforced by a story about exploiting the abilities of t.ds are beneficial and maybe we can try to introduce them or work around them for a sort of "ecosystem" or as "natural resources" in janky coexistence. Along with guilt dementia and other stuff, and how rhings keep repeating because everything is an echo (just like my t.ds) of the past
>Chixia being schizophrenic
>Lingyang being even more of a shit than what we get
>Sanhua attacking you while you are accompanied by the fucking general of the army and Taoqi, an important government person
>Actual no reason to stick around this shit place when black shore and fractsidus were gunning for you but without the schizophrenia associated

Focusing on the good and ignoring the bad would have killed this game; Kuro was retarded in scraping everything off, but changing it was necessary.
>shield-hero level of plot
ser chinks are incapable of writing that kind of shit
Even if Mugen seems to have more in common with WuWa. It had wallrunning and more advanced grappling mechanic. But graphics does invoke colorful urban fantasy feel that ZZZ wants to have.
>I feel like Danjin or Calcharo would work as Rance designs with a bit of tweaking.
Danjin can be some Dark Lord, Calcharo can be just Bernard.

>I wonder how something like a Kayblis boss fight would be in wuwa style gameplay.
Probably like Phase 2 Scar especially his attacks have more range, I want this to be a raid boss that players will team up against.
>/hsrg/ is dead
>/wuwa/ is dead
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Finally killed difficulty 5 Mephis, I knew I don't need another character built and Encore is enough. My girl is the best, I love her.
Yeah that works.
Hanny echoes would fit in really well for T.D shit meanwhile. I could see clangbangs, car spiders and disco turtles be picked up by alicesoft too
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I don't think zensored zlop zerocontent players can run this bwo...
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now thats a nice skin
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Shouldn't we get more funny emoji like pic related made by Kuro Games by now?
the masterposting gonna get really gud.
Rover kami-sama... my disciple...
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go back retard
The gooks fucking love wuwa.
Chances of El director playing it and getting interested in a hamhanpangpang collab?
Think its 20? for UL50? Havent done them recently so my info might be wrong
the official wuwa discord has them
The Jue fight track really reminds me of this one boss track Sekiro has.
>the gooks love wuwa

proves? will the gooks GDP is enough to sustain this game I wonder, I heard their country is like our current time lines dystopian cyberpunk setting
UL30 - 10
UL 40 - 15
UL 50 - 20
UL 60 and above - ??
We're getting Baizhi and Yangyang stories soon; we'll have to see about the others
Skipping, I don't need her to 30/30 and my resources don't allow for another character yet.
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potato potato same techwear garbaj design
but yeah PM aboslutely mogged zzz in exploration cant wait for the hoyomelty event
ul60 is still 20
20. There's already people who reached 60 and have shown the reward.
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Will you build her now?
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Shut up nerds, take this doro
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I wanna pull for her because I already built my Chixia and having another waifu would be a nice add to my collection.
UL50 is max already
whats after are just funny numbers and milestones for free packs in the shop
mod out the stupid ass cape then we'll talk
Manjuu has no idea what to do with that
Unless it has nice gameplay and a story at least on par with Arknights i doubt it will get much success
I thought it was dead
After people catch up and reach the waiting phase it's going to die really hard

We have a chance but really as long as it makes more money than what it costs we are good.
>Ayla's skin
18.5k astrites, 26 golden balls and ready to blast Albania's national anthem while pulling.
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Will build her if there's a skin where Taoqi is instead a glasses girl nerd that is very serious about academic.
man that kinda sucks, hope the still increase it even if it's just diminishing returns, like UL 60 - 80 get 23 tuners per field then UL 80 - 100 get like 26.
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>gooks love wuwa
Then they should start shitting out as much fanart as they do with blue archive.
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what if
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>How's everybody feeling? Stash, guarantee status?
Pretty good, have 20K astrite and 30 into pity, no guaranteed but I hope to win the 50/50.
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Masterposting is gonna be fucking gold, and her voice lines and profile are amazing, Changli might be the most for (You) character in the game right now.
There is also a lot of meme potential in Rover seeding their descendants/creations and the other characters being the young person trying to fuck an old man/old woman
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Glasses on - S Tier
Glasses off - Shit Tier
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they love danjin so there is that
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Should have posted full
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lucier would never
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After playing the game for about 3 hrs I want to bring up something I’ve noticed about Kuro but didn’t want to say before I played this game. I was honestly very optimistic and excited for this, a bit wary after the livestream.

Unfortunately what I’ve gotten so far is a boring story with a badly directed dub, missing subtitles, with some decent combat and visuals when they don’t bug. For example when talking to the children at the City Hall their faces were gone. Just gone, some of the creepiest stuff I’ve seen.

I take the approach that there is no problem with taking inspiration from something and then adapting it into something new and original. Hell I love Genshin and they themselves admitted how much Breath of the Wild inspired them.

It is no surprise that Wuthering Waves takes inspiration from Genshin Impact, and I had no problem with that. However, there needs to be substance there and from what I’ve gotten so far WW is mostly style with little substance. The trailers look good, the combat looks good, and the world at least from a glance looks good.

However, the game isn’t optimized well, there are very distracting issues like missing text, and the focus on anything but the combat is missing. I tried out PGR a while back and felt the same way: a meandering story that was a lot of word vomit with little getting to know the characters, all in exchange for cool combat.

But I’m sorry, combat alone does not an open world game make. It needs good world building and investment to thrive. I’m not feeling the same passion from the developers that I got off of Genshin.

I really want to see Kuro succeed through innovation but all we’ve gotten is similarities to Hoyoverse and with the exception of combat, done worse.

The troubling pattern I’ve seen is that Kuro takes a Hoyoverse game, puts their spin on it but it turns out like a cake of all icing. Pretty on the outside, but hard to stomach for a while.

Timeline: 2014 - Gun Girls Z (Hoyo 2D chibi fighting side scroller) 2016 - Twin Tails Battleground (Kuro 2D chibi fighting side scroller) 2016 - Honkai Impact 3rd (Hoyo 3D Action RPG with stage based content) 2019 - PGR (Kuro 3D Action RPG with stage based content) 2020 - Genshin (Hoyo Open World RPG) 2024 - WuWa (Kuro Open World RPG)

A pattern of just following what is popular and trying to ride a hype train emerges and that isn’t cool. I want to see Kuro innovate and not constantly be riding the coattails of another company saying, hey we can do it but “better” to varying levels of success. I hope that they can differentiate themselves with WuWa in the coming weeks but first they need to put the icing on the f****** cake and not on icing.
Ain't reading all that shit bro
Not again...
Fuck off with your reddit copy-paste faggot.
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You didn't forget your elf right?
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My Yinlin: Killer Wife.
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tooted anon. No def stats onegai
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Hold up, if 1.2 is an empty patch, how many rolls are we getting there? I might not be able to lose 50/50 on Camellya if we don't get any rolls there
flat def and hp% on 15 and 20 :)
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For a Jihnsi with her weapon, is pic related better or another Crit Rate echo with Crit Rate and Skill Damage, but no attack? I'm not sure if 2 attack substats are better than 1 skill damage substat.
prob a taiwanese or indo
could be worse anon, that's probably decent enough to get you far. Who is that for anyway?
indonesia but im whiter than most mutts bwo
Probably will want more ATK. Jinhsi already gets so much DMG% especially with her weapon.
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>our turbouggo fujo has to compete with THIS
Is it over?
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Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. But now I just got pic related, and I think I will just pick this and finish farming.
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I don't feel so good...
Sounds like a fair competition to me bro? Our turbouggo fujo against Ochako le Bleu.
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>literal uoohh body
damn bro, your dick really reacted to this fake nigger?
Show ingame model and animations lmao
Is another humiliation ritual happening again?
what's up with those slippers?
i swear hoyo has so much sh*t going on with their characters
If that ugly ass freak is actually going to compete with her then it's unironically joever. Zhezhi would be lucky to earn 5m. Seriously, not only is her design ugly but even her name is fucking disgusting too and nobody even knows how to pronounce that shit because Kuro is fucking retarded and decided to give 90% of the cast chink names that are impossible to remember and leave no lasting impact.
i have 24k stashed for changli.
I wanna go for at least C2 so I'll make up the difference by swiping.
That said I initially wanted to go for c6 because in gachas I like to whale for 1 character and ride them out to oblivion before I whale someone else a year after.
Decided to hold off on C6 until we see what coastguard brings. I'm a sucker for Ice / Maritime characters.
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she actually looks good i admit
wont get me to reinstall though
1 character won’t fix your shit game sis
the shark looks like it should belong in another game. Also the wings on the shoes are just plain dumb.
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Jinhsi and I'm looking for double crit on my 1 costs/Jue so her nuke doesn't whiff half the time. Ended up going through all my atk% 1 cost echoes before rolling double crit at 25 on my equipped one. Now I'll repeat this for another double crit one cost and Jue. The problem? I bankrupted myself on both xp and tuners. I'll go hard on the tecet event, finish Jinhsi's set, then start optimizing Chixia's set in preparation for Zhezhi
and people will call it "soul"
I have 40 pulls. I am going to buy a big packeji for the first time 2x. I WILL guarantee her through 50/50s. Can't say the same about her weapon tho.
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>tribalism hours
see you tomorrow
lmao wuwajeets on suicide alert they are obsessed with homoverse
Burn yourself alive subhuman trash.
stop talking to yourself bro
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>anon posts a cute as fuck girl
>"ugh look at her shoes though!"
>"and that shark, ohmigosh it totally looks out of place"
You can't be serious.
You would have a point if your post didn't include one of the ugliest genshin characters in existence.
can't even talk about your own game LMAO
Said the mentality illed avatarfag
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Monk (formal)
still valid complaints. You can't go wrong with half naked Ochako blanco, but the stuff they added like the gloves and shoes look retarded and overdesigned.
don't you guys have "presentation" to bitch about right now
holy shit actually looks good, kuro when are you adding skins to wuwa?
I'm regretting Calchud for the selector...My long term plan is still to get him to RS6 though
skins skins skins
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Sex with the magistrate!
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will you eat
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The magistrate wears black pantsu.
bros is this true?
thats a special date pantsu you dingus
they must have lost a lot of revenue if they suddenly do a 180 and do characters like that, lmao.
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That's just hoyocucks trying to spread misinformation because they got cucked again by wanderer.
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>already reply to IT

you fucker are fucking retard, call yourself a stupid
what a fucking nigger this guy is just a nigger a fucking nigger if kuro doesnt give us the option to kill this fucking nigger im not giving them anymore money ive never wanted to kill a character more since mindy what a fucking nigger
What's Zhezhi's deal, is she going to have strong sexual tension with the Rover like each of the previous banner waifus?
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Femboi Wuwa soon?
how did arle do? she is fully covered up with 0 sexual appeal, I hope "she" flopped
Wait wtf I thought she was coming out on the 18th or 19th. Not another fucking week.
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Madam Magistrate without her ponytail when?
nice character from war torn lands retard
I really love Xiangli Yao's animations. Big fan of cubes. Just a shame that he's male.
Kuro had to make up for Yinlin's early release.
Just cut his dick bwo
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You know with designs like these after their other 2 years of pure safe shit... I'm starting to believe the leaker anon with all the change in target demographic stuff.
>cucked again by wanderer
He's a wingman for you in the quest retardbro
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gj artistbwos. get to work and draw me more zhezhi
Nice cope bro.
I'm gonna be honest, ZZZ's gameplay has been really fun. But the story is the usual hoyo slop, especially the character quests. Like holy shit, I do NOT care about this random fucking NPC taking up 90% of the quest. I can see how the game will get very boring a few weeks in tho with the way they designed chain attacks. Your characters are very literally playing themselves half of the time. Meanwhile I actually almost died to Scar and Dreamless after going up the world level because stun locking wasn't quick anymore.
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giggers literally lusting after things that are the size of toddlers...
I will never get why Nips hate our design more. Too uncanny valley for them?
hol up, is this a wuwa npc that missed my radar... Where'd you find this anon?? Where is she?!?
Is this Bennett's wife?
I mean the events will probably give some more rolls so be diligent.
already gave up after that cringefest on Belobog it was just pure cringe funny enough even on this game hoyo is still shit with their facial expressions
they're all have the same overcomplicated garbage fantasy fashion
i think the nips simply hates the harder gameplay on phone
and also why the gooks, being a hardcore gamer by gene, loves wuwa more
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aaaaanyway, how's your tinyhead doing?
Explains why they like ZZZ. It's easy to play on the phone. Like I can do dailies for Wuwa but anything else is kinda of a pain like collecting materials is a pain.
>Hugs you after cucking you
You retarded doomposters faggots need understand something, the revenue in PC REALLY matters, for example if you look at games like Snowbreak you can say "hahaha what a shitty revenue on mobile" but the key word is "mobile" since the devs recently say that 80% of the revenue comes from PC and just go and search their revenue and you would notice that if you take the word of the devs they are really making a lot more money than what retards here say and this is because almost none one play it on mobile, same shit with wuwa, we are not making mihoyo numbers but we are not doing bad either.
And now after saying that, the state of the game is kinda bad even for a game that was recently released and i fear for the future if Kuro dont get their shit together, i been playing for almost 3 weeks and i am already UL 44 and i finished every quest, my highest lvl in every hologram is until 4, i am 12/30 in the tower of adversity and i almost open every chest, but there is a problem i dont have motivation to log-in, sure i would log to burn my plates since the cost to upgrade a characters is fucking expensive or i could go to have "fun" farming echos to get better stats, but why? to clear holograms for 20 asterites? to clear the tower and gain 3 pulls more?, fuck no, its not worth it, they need to give a better rewards or a better incentives to log-in and im not refering to give more asterites for example they could give echo reroll items in the tower or holograms, since farming echos is pain in the ass, they could put random elite enemies in the map every day with special rewards and they really need to release companion quest for almost every chracter, we dont have mindshare with artists and the people need to get attached with the characters, a lot people say "i loved the history of X character, He/She is my Husbando/Waifu" and they log-in every fucking day to just upgrade thier favorite character, but meh i am just a simply anon posting at 5 am.
what are you guys playing while waiting for the next patch? (assuming you've 100%'d everything)

personally i've been playing a lot of

You say that but they like BA and Nikke which are pretty much braindead
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That's crazy bro, but you didn't tell me about your fujo painter with fasd like I asked, she still ugly as sin?
>what are you guys playing while waiting for the next patch?
PGR and HSR.
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I don't read posts longer than 2 sentences go find real friends for that losers
TF2, the overwatch killer
Do genkeks really?
You get 2 scene after 4 years of cucking and you are happy with that?
Meanwhile Rover got a lap pillow in 1.0 by Yangyang twice.
ikr, exploring on phone is super painful

BA have hebes, hopes, and guns
nikke have Korean coomer aesthetic
Nobody cares, kill yourself
Doing my 12th run of Swordflight.
It's a playermade adventure within NWN the guy who made it is a genius I rate it above BG2.
>SEAnigger hours
>aetherpag vs roverpag bickering over who gets more pagpagpandering
Yao gameplay against mob
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>comes to unrelated general to shitpost with genshit
>lol cuck cameraman traveler
>nobody cares kill yourself
Haha... So weak...
bondage club
been playing l4d2 with 8 lobby
I do believe, and what is more damning is that hoyo is a private company so they don't answer to no one
Which if you stop to think, things must be bad, is like a complete different game if you look at Navia and Natlan now
Hell even Furina looked like a twink in shorts, at least not Himeko looks good
Still won't make me comeback
Nikke isn't popular in Korea because the feminist cult prevents their men from playing it. It has higher playtime globally and in JP.
newfag taking a snailpace for PGR and playing dark and darker but the meta is dogshit right now
This was in the recent update or was before she was sucking Alhaitham dick?
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>the feminist cult
oh well, each country and thread really must have their own schizos huh?
>copes with fanart
Meanwhile in game cuckther is the camera
Lol genshindrones really are beaten wives, they are so deprived of females that one forced pandering after years they forgive everything
You've obviously never been to Korea. Look at the situation involving Ishmael in Limbus Company. Feminists prevented her from getting a swimsuit skin like the devs had previously advertised.
>comes into another general to shitpost
>people dunk on you
Fuck off hoyodrone, back to the cuckshed like the faggot you are
what about BA?
I care. But don't worry, once the revenue goes up again, Mihomo will continue to all over you.
Why do we have valvedrones here? Don't you have better games to play on your PC than this gacha game?
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If genshit wasnt a cuckfest i would glady by a mihoyodrone, KYS faggot, i still remember how they shipped Yae with the blue retard too, also pic related
This game
i can play both unlike some faggots here who have been invading this board
>ii would glady by a mihoyodrone
Then go be one of those fags and gtfo of here seanigger.
Any wuwa mods yet?
None of the anons you are replying but there is almost no good new games, the last game i truly enoyed was Dying light 1 and Doom eternal
skippu skippu. jump to daybreak
model mods as usual
Would do it but I feel like I'm missing out on a lot so I'm planning to start the first games till the last
Korean women are the most vile and soules bitches i ever have the disgrace to know and date, i unironically can see why their men dont want to fuck them
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good luck then. I don't expect many people to get through the great filtering of having to 'catch up' by playing 11 games before getting to the latest arc.
You don't even need a beefy PC to play this game, it runs just fine with my 1060 but I do have a lot of VRAM
Persona 5 unnironically stutters more but I guess it's because of Denuvo
people were rioting in front of their office and wanted to burn it down last time I heard
Junshi and Camellya are the cutest girls ever
/bag/gots are feared even by the goverment, you dont mess with cunnyCHADS
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Farming echoes i got a triple crit Jue yesterday, i feel elated
Also finishing up DD2
The feminist cult in Korea has more power than even Samsung does when it comes to swaying politics and culture. It's honestly even worse than American feminism at times.
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wtf, BAsed senseis
I honestly like it more if there's a lot of games I have to catch up to; Rance and the Ys series are the major examples (I almost had to quit on Ys 1-2 because the combat was so shit).
We got Unko as Ellis, Jinhsi as Coach, Femrover as Nick and Camellya as Rochelle, basically all the fan favorites
Tbh as someone who cleared the series until CS4, in CS3 they do a give kinda of a resume of everything that happened because of a timeskip so you don't feel lost so you can kinda jump if you want
But why would you? The 2D games are good and everything is indeed connected since there's characters from Sky/Azure that appears in the 3D games and Coldsteel is a continuation of Azure
Well if you ever played HSR the combat in Trails is similar since the devs straight used their system
Baizhi rape
>still in PGR but managed to escape the powercreep rat race, focusing resources on SSSing BRS, Luna2 and Lucia4 just 4 fun
>doing fuck all in Nikke, somehow completely lost interest in their fucking summer of all things
> quit GI, quit HSR, know that Z3 will be the same wagie DV bs but the power of ACAB compels me somehow (all cops are breedable)
>almost Lv50 in Wuwa, immediately dropping a world level to not make the overworld miserable with dmg sponges
im hopeless, aint i? Spineless, even
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I am going to Alice
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Im dying in Frostpunk
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>(I almost had to quit on Ys 1-2 because the combat was so shit).
lmao. I get it. catching up to a big story but having to play archaic games.
yeah it was even advertised as a starting point but... why would you. it's cs3, to people it sounds like it's in the middle of an arc and it is even if it's a 'fresh' start in the same arc.
I commend people who make it through all the games but series popularity would show that most cannot which is why starting from the latest of a new arc is ok, even cs3 back in the day.
yeah I definitely saw that, it's just a straight rip-off
the shining poms being the trotters is so blatant its laughable
I mean it's something to look forward to, Daybreak just released in EN and NISA won't put 2 so soon
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I thought that was no longer true after they ousted many from politics.
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Thanks anon, another fine addition to my collection.
You thought wrong.
Yeah that's retarded cause if you didn't play them you don't even know who Tita is or seeing Renne in 4 won't have the impact they want you to have
Jue. She'll be Aix 2.0.
Did you built the kitchen with soup?
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We stand against furry
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better start somewhere and play the series backwards than not play the series at all right?
and instead of being excited for returning characters, people who play backwards (like me starting at cs1 when it came out) get excited when they meet the origins of the character.
How do you get burnt out doing dailies? Why are you even playing gacha if dailies aren't your thing?
The loading times take forever
I'm gonna be honest, I've nutted hundreds fat loads into jinshi and today she came to show me this, ima be a dad
>anytime you come back Changli reincarnates to be with you again
game is so bad this thread has to talk about other games lmao
Yeah I can get that it's definitely better, but I did feel some whiplash after finishing Azure and going on CS1 because of the 3D
Also I miss the chest jokes i felt an emptiness opening my first chest in CS and there was no joke
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Here, I'm BACK

It's good to be home...
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Jue predicted this
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I wanna lick her tacet mark ngl
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She deservers a happy ending...
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Outerplane as a side game and having sex with my automaton wife, unrelated to >>486139890
New patch for PGR dropped like 2 hours ago, so I'm trying to catch up on the story chapters
>when your hand is bigger than your hip
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Where's WuWa h-doujin?
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Say his name
Burnt out on what?
poopy pants
Begone, Ling!
oh anon i dunno you tell me
>daily in 2 minutes
>forced to echo farm daily routes or never get anything good
>0 interesting stuff happening, devs absolutely fking silent
>1.2 is a fking disgrace of a patch with a tranny and a kpop star
furry sharter
yiffle beast
abandon account and reroll ling
>sees cute girl with wide hips
>thinks of trans people
Why are you like this (gay)?
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>forced to
>1.2 is a fking disgrace of a patch with a tranny and a kpop star
You don't know what burn out means
Good job outing yourself as a shitposter by mentioning echo farming, which no one in the world does anymore past the first week of the game because of the XP/tuner TP bottleneck
the one who shits himself
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I'm still waiting for someone to say his name correctly
Mourning Aix has to be the most buggy piece of shit boss I've ever seen.
No clue how that got through playtesting.
his name is huanglong, its right there
the one who left it all in his pants
and his overwhelming stench
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>>forced to echo farm daily routes or never get anything good
noone does that bro
absolute mid design. you thinking this is hot shows how desperate you are for any kind of news on the game.

>You don't know what burn out means
>Burnout is a state of complete mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion
exactly what I feel, having to follow a route to kill some random shitters hoping I can get something decent enough to slot in a character that will be powercrept in a couple of patches anyway
are you gonna drop the game?
just drop the game
>having to
Just run tacet fields whenever you're not in dire need of upgrade materials or credits
>mid design
I agree, but other than the color of her eyes, nothing about her is even remotely "trans"
shang lee yao.
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You should drop the game then if you really feel that way.
There is no point in playing a game if you have zero fun.
You're stealing the playerbase and revenue games so no. I won't stop until you stop playing.
can you please answer honestly ? I'm genuinely interested in what goes in the mind of a brand slave. what do you gain by spending siginficant time daily false flagging here? even if every single one here dropped the game it wouldn't make a dent on their revenue. So what do you gain exactly?

Are you guys new here?
is it really difficult to identify Indonesian hoyoshills?
Yeah I think they're new, I got surprised by the bombardment of baits after I alt-tabbed while playing Trails in the Sky
well im just asking question, i need something to wait while hell rider in cooldown
dont worry about it, im just killing time and bumping the thread
>we completely ripped off spoder man and put in an anime girl
gachaniggers piss and shit their pants over this?
Not the other fag but I'm taking a break from wuwa. Not interested in the next 3 banners and already minmaxed everything I have for now. I'll probably be back for tsubaki and phrolova desu.
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>Are you guys new here?
No I was here since CBT2 (I also played the beta)
>is it really difficult to identify Indonesian hoyoshills?
I'm not.
Why do people always assume the thread is full of SEA people?
I live in Europe and it's 2pm over here.
I'm just saying, if the man is not having fun and he feels like shit every time he plays then he should just stop and maybe take a break.
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>calls other people fags
>leaves before Changli comes out
okay gay anon, see ya when they add another male like Jiyan
>I'm not.
I was referring to the shill being Indonesian, not you.
>Why do people always assume the thread is full of SEA people?
SEA hours + SEAmonkeys went insane as soon as wuwa released + ESL
here's an example below:
>well im just asking question
all wuwapags can do is start conflict with each other
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Gu ritual, only the most hateful and venomous of us will live to pilot Geshu Lin
I see, fair enough anon.
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Stop replying to bait
Hit the gym
>raise genuine concerns about the game and its continuity
>oh nonono indonesia!!
>brand slave!!!!
>muh revenue!!

what goes through your mind to have a company, you probably hate, and a region live rent free in your nugget? what do you gain? get a fking job and go to a therapist
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>got to that fight where you unlock havoc rover
did I reach the end of the story so far? the game just instantly teleported me back to the city sitting at a table
also my review so far of this game is that the combat and exploration is top notch but the cutscenes and sound design really need help
music can either be really good like the login screen or forgettable like jizhou background music
have some baizhi feet
>feels like no one is hyped for coastguard
>she’s probably gonna end up mid
>no one will roll for her
>I’ll roll for her
>l’ll be the most SOVLFUL player in the thread
Feels good man
>did I reach the end of the story so far?
No, you still have the 1.1 area to do now.
I already do anon.
6 days a week.
PPL twice.
But thanks for the reminder I need to buy more Creatine and Zinc before I forget.
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Me and my wife
what you did was launch content you still have the entirety of 1.1 left
should be a quest in your log to continue the main story
thats me on the right
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>>>80% gold echo
>keep getting purple
Fuck this gay earth bros...
>not UL 21
Oh btw what's considered a good amount of critrate in wuwa? I notice that it is quite a bit harder to stack to 90-100% in this game
60-70 is the gold rate
She did well but not as well as a character who was shilled that hard should have done. They also intentionally made her be the pyro character to EoS Hu Tao, something they avoided doing for 3 years.
74% is the max that you can get without relying on crit rate passives and crit rate weapon
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Thanks bros. Need around 10% more then
anyone here screaming burnout on a gacha game that takes less than 5 mins to do dailies at needs to really rope themselves. I bet they're burned out from living too...
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>go back to PGR
>immediately get filtered by Pain Cage

aaa my muscle memory...I got too cocky, dodging feels too different from WuWa
you need as much as you can get but try to keep cr cdmg rate 1:2 as it's ideal (but substract 100 from cdmg)
for example if you have 70 crit rate ideally you want (240-100)=140 cdmg
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>I need the casket things to get ascend mats for Rover
Damn...I should have done this shit sooner...
I am going back to Genshin because of the Natlan characters but outside of that I've just been playing ER/FF14. I work from home so I can shitpost here 24/7 but I don't actually have a lot of free time to play games so I only hit level cap in FF14 this weekend, and I haven't even unlocked the DLC in ER on the new char I started yet.
>in PGR
bro doesnt have any gen 2 units lmao
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I have some of them though
But I need a couple of day to get the hang of them again
Everyone who says this is a casual or gacha tourist, it happens with every new game. I'm surprised it took this long because most people will quit after 2-3 weeks when they finish the story and there's "nothing to do."
It should be common knowledge that the vast majority of players across all gacha are seasonal players, they will login when the new banner char they like comes out, either pull them or fail to pull them, never finish building them then quit after a few days until the next one comes out.
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finally under a week away
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bro why does this image get progressively choppier every time it's posted?
If those 5 minutes are not giving you any satisfaction or sense of progression it's easy to get burned out. If your experience every day is logging in to roll an echo and get shit on you'll associate logging in with frustration and disappointment and this association is what people call burn out.
This is why I don't bother with echoes and just build random characters. At least I can say I got a level or a skill upgrade that day.
PNGs suffer from bitrot in the same way MP3s do.
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did her latest "buffs" they put in that postget into a beta or datamine? or is it a wait and see until she hits live situation?
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A lot of these "burnout" keks will be back in a week to post their rolls that no one asked for and them vanish into the ether until 1.2. This shit isn't new or surprising at all lmao.
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It was this sort of situation.
I only roll for meta
cute girl who is meta? roll
cute girl who is not meta? skip
homosexual disgusting fatso who is meta? roll
homosexual disgusting fatso who is not meta? skip
I perceive this world only through numbers

China Loves Jinhsi and Rover
what you thinking so far new trails player?
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To be fair, does anyone NOT love Jinhsi?
how can he be a boy if he has le boobies?
Based, me too.
This. The constant echo farming concern that keeps being raised is a telltale sign that its from a normalfag anon. How are they unable to tell that its the endgame loop? If they ever touched KR MMOs or other gachas they should be able to know echoes are the goto AP sink once they've built their roster.
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This magistrate can't be this cute
Gay men and foids who are above 20% bodyfat.
what fish is this
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Who should I build, R0 Monk or R6 Yangyang?
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God I love Rover
but my wife is Changli....
Wait for her release for more bilibili™ content
Wifewife, at R6 she's really good, build her offensively and she can do a ton of damage on top of being a battery and having the R6 buff.
True, the feather should spark some stuff.
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I did it bros. Only had to get UL40. 60->70 level jump is huge for stats
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Fuck this piece of shit boss.
I need her so bad bros, then I can threesome with Jinshi AND Zhezhi
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What the fuck is genshin doing
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As always.
Can't wait to see the Natlan characters ingame lmao
1.0 was really short then wtf
Is 1.1 bigger or is it around the same length?
I still need to explore around the world since I didn't think 1.0 main quests would finish that quickly
I only started like 2 days ago
>1.0 was really short then wtf
They rewrote the story pretty close to release and cut some character quests
>Is 1.1 bigger or is it around the same length?
It is a bit shorter
There's just not enough content, and it's their own fault for listening to chinks and deleting it. Should have postponed the release until they remade the side quests if it was going to be like this
If you mean the main quest is around the same, but exploration is another matter
your wife posts naughty pics for @Dafouer_
I own Changli's vagina.
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you're obviously a gacha tourist or a newbie who had genshin as one of your first gacha games. When you play gacha, you're in it for the long haul. You play these things for the long-term story that they potentially offer and the gacha gamba that comes from the waifus or metagame characters that they roll out for you on a cyclical basis. Before the advent of things like genshin or even some things like Dragalia gacha didn't have much semblance of what normies today would consider "gameplay" they're basically spreadsheet simulator if you're a hardcore gacha gamer and you just roll with it.
Granblue Fantasy and Rage of Bahamt were just glorified excel sheets and FGO plays like an average turn-based hentai game ffs.
>If those 5 minutes are not giving you any satisfaction or sense of progression it's easy to get burned out.
bitch you do it for the long-haul. Gachas have always been a daily chore that leads up to the reward of basically gambling for things offered later on. The interesting parts from gacha come BECAUSE you're in it for the long haul, that's why the developer continues the story and makes seasonal events for you to enjoy. You think my dopamines spikes when I do my Nikke dailies? Of course not, but it did when they finally released their summer event and I had something to do. After this summer event it's gonna be back to the 10-20 min dailies everyday until the next event comes out and I have something to roll for.
Excitement and satisfaction in playing gacha games, whatever genre of gacha games they are, will always come in spikes and troughs and veteran gacha gamers have learned to accept that and live with it.
Sometimes I feel like the people that bitch about gacha games dont even know the genre of games that they've entered into.
So what's with the fixation on hating Zhezhi?
shitposters need something to shitpost about
Why isn't the mod linked in the OP?
Yeah I meant the main quest
I mean I am okay with the story being short if its because they had to rewrite it
I genuinely wasnt interested in the first half around when scar gets arressted but after you meet verina I actually started to not skip anymore
I don't even know if scar is a part of the black shores because he seems so chuuni that I got bored instantly as soon as the whole black lamb lore cutscene came about
I am assuming this part of the story is what they couldn't cut kek
>Comparing chink slop with literal whos to the absolute kino of KR MMOs where you farm huge bosses with actual mechanics and great designs

the lengths you retards go to try and cope your game isnt a deadbeat chink slop with shitty standard combat of MB->SHIFT is deplorable
Cool headcanon bro, but I've been playing gacha since GBF got an english translation. It's funny you bring it up because GBF was a game I played while doing something else, it was just a browser tab I'd switch to, dump my EP to wanpan some raids and didn't have any real expectation, sure it was a letdown to get hyped about flips and get another Levi bow but at least I didn't have to log in to a fully featured PC game, move around in an open world, kill something, tune it with the rare resource I get from beating my one instanced fight then get HP lmao. Also if I saved 3 months for a spark in GBF I'd get a bunch of random useful shit and bars and sunstones existed instead of having le gachagaming vets like you tell me how I akshually don't NEED constellations/sequences, whereas in WuWa you log in for piddly drips of currency so you can get your crippled S0 character and pretend that's fine.
KR mmos are anything but kino. Maplestory is fucking slop. The 10% of weekly bossing is great and then the 90% of manual fucking monotone farming is ridiculous. To the point where I botted when I reached the unreportable level at 250 back then.
>first half around when scar gets arressted but after you meet verina I actually started to not skip anymore
tends to be usual sentiment, Scar onward is fine.
>I don't even know if scar is a part of the black shores
He isn't. Camellya, Alto, and Encore are.
>I am assuming this part of the story is what they couldn't cut kek
Yeah that is what I guessed too whenever I played through it.
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>Ignores your i-frames and punches your gen 2 to death
I wonder how long it will take for WuWa to get a boss that is this kino.
so if they can ignore i-frames what do you have to do? is this when healers and supports become necessary?
So, Zeus?
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You need to actually get out of the way, basically if it makes contact with your character you are fucked because it will hit, and Trailblazer is fucking brutal because his anti i-frame is a true combo so if you get hit once you die. There are characters that can block it though, the new characters with a royal guard mechanic like Bridget and Noctis, those two actually block if you stay still and press dodge. For healers some of the hard content includes DoT debuffs, so you need to constantly trigger healer QTE (intro/outro in WuWa) to stay alive and to not lose score due to ending the fight with health lower than 100%
But the game already implies that rover existed in the past and then disappears to come back in the future when certain conditions are met
I actually had to read scar's wikipage to figure out who he is
Well I guess now I am all caught up and just need to do 1.1 to finish the story and then move on to exploration and end game
I will be taking it easy however
>Anon complains that he is burnt out
>mentions that he echoes farm daily to get stronger
>frustrated that anon get nowhere

in BDO you farm huge bosses with actual mechanics and great designs then what?
Failstack equipment to get stronger

in maplestory you farm huge bosses with actual mechanics and great designs then what?
Starforce & Cube equipment to get stronger

in Closers you farm huge bosses with actual mechanics and great designs then what?
Tune shitty conditional lines on your equipment to get stronger

You would know this if you ever reached endgame KR MMO gameplay. That theres always a shitty end game loop to keep the players engaged for the next big number or thing.
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fucking finally bwos
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How long is 40->45 bros... I want my 5* gauntlets for her asap
im ngl that sounds kino. If that's wuwa's future I don't really mind. How strong's the powercreep in PGR tho?
Do we know the banner order for 1.2 yet?
>Well I guess now I am all caught up and just need to do 1.1
Enjoy the bird tits
good job bro I'm still a filthy 21/30 zako
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Slow but significant when it does happen, the fastest powercreep that happened in the game was 1.5 years with S rank fire tank Nanami being replaced by S rank fire tank Watanabe, this actually generated quite a bit of controversy since it was a female character being replaced by a male and there were other elements that needed a new tank, and what happened is that he ended up being one of the biggest flops in the game despite being the strongest character at the time of his release because people didn't want to replace Nanami, so I don't think Kuro will ever do that again. The slowest powercreep was Rosetta, she lasted for like 4 years, she only got replaced in the previous CN patch by tank Hanying, she was the meta physical tank since her release.
No but I think the general consensus is that the free homo banner is first
Hello /WuWa/, what music are you listening while farming?
>Have to wait longer for the nerd
Life is so unfair bros
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Congratulations bwo, hope you win firehag coin toss to unlock full power onko
forget maplestory
BDO, Vindictus (Mabinogi Heroes), mabinogi, blade and soul, and many more, are 10x the game these chinkslops ares. problem is you have to play those game as a second job and people leave
I hope she doesn't make me want to roll her immediately...
I want to save my rolls for weapons of chars I do have
Also I am sad I missed yinlin and hoping she has a rerun sooner or later
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Nature documentaries but i'm the one getting farmed by Beringla 6
how the fuck do you kill aix he is way too tanky
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gj bwo
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>I hope she doesn't make me want to roll her immediately...
You are in for a treat then, she has a cute cutscene at the start and a cool one later
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I just play Bury the Light while trying to do a no-hit danjin run with Holo 5 crownless... I still haven't been able to....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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you're not motivated enough, bwo.
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bwos, I think BernardGOD is right, this is real
puffy bitch
buy an ad
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danjin is love danjin is life, one day i hope for a danjin wife,
as i arise in the morning i gaze upon my danjin wife yawning,
with eyes like dazzling gems, and gems 10/10,
all i know, all is well in life
when i have myself a danjin wife.
>game is all stuttery for all of 1.0
>gets better when 1.1 drops
>2 days ago or so it went back to being shitty
what the hell is it now
I checked the spreadsheet a week ago when they had less data and re-checked again now that they have more data.
All the stats seem to normalize around 10-12% chance. It's all bullshit.
Sorry spiritual investor-kun, go spread your ass for them and apologize.
Then don't look at it
Shrimple as that
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Thank god I never got into the placebo hype. Imagine how much tuners and echo exp people have burned for this.
>scroll through the thread
i feel bad for whatever father birthed this shitposter, what a fucking waste of time and life
You're just as bad for continuing to fuel that lowlife.
You should filter and move on.
>spend 8 minutes scrolling the thread
enjoy eating his shit too, lol
>listening to corrupted area music in the background while I do stuff on the internet
>all I can think of is how much better this is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1QY1CAFiK0
Anyone who gives these worms a (you) should go ahead and decorate the walls of their rooms with their brains. Some people aren't built for this.
Bros...her booba is already too stronk
Just imagine her hugging your arm as you two walk side by side together h-haha
yes anon, I am aware of how KR MMOs work because I played a bunch of them and some I got far as fuck to being top 20 in the server. In those games you actually have to put in the work to get somewhere, but it is enjoyable as fuck because they are mostly online games, and you can interact with other people and see how far you have come.

In comparison, chinese games have nothing, lore is absolute shit, and the only thing they care about is money making and shilling the NOTCHINA region in every game. You spend, just to get a unit, to be able to play a time-trial mode to get more currency to roll more units in a single player game with online mode on.
And there's 20 other retards making posts like you do, encouraging the shitposters to continue.
Just because you didn't (You) them doesn't mean you're not being a fucking retard about it.
The 250mb update broke the game for me, can no longer launch it. Anyoe has any tips? Crashes on launch to black screen. Windows 10.
Turn the PC on and off
Its hilarious how the more data that autist keeps adding to his spreadsheet, the more the percentages just even out like how they should be.
I already tried, it doesn't work
no, those are for dumb people.
You can go back too faggot. You already linked the threads.
Well this is strange, have you tried the repair function?
Any message you get?
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I don't have it on this computer but the shot with her standing under her umbrella is close.
When is kuro release PGR 2. My UID sucks because I'm a day now player...
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just report and ignore this fag... I bet the thread's scrolling too fast for his nigger brain back in the zzzoo so he came here where it's more chill.
Are you guys ready? Its less than a week left
wuwa is in danger...bigly
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Has science gone too fat?
Best part is, no edits to the model had to be made other than removing her shorts/underwear, she's just that thick by default.
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science? I dunno... but doro... Yes.
Fem Rover's ass is huge wtf
been playing ZZZ while waiting for Changli
might get through elden ring dlc during the second half if my hands allow it
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Post stash.
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Nice humblebrag
No i'm not ready i'll have to use "that" for the fist time i think.
Isn't crafting those copecubes a net loss because of shell drain? Haven't done the math but looks bad at a glance
>this actually generated quite a bit of controversy since it was a female character being replaced by a male and there were other elements that needed a new tank, and what happened is that he ended up being one of the biggest flops in the game despite being the strongest character at the time of his release because people didn't want to replace Nanami
uhhhhhh based? nanami a cute
is the cost worth it for converting all of these to echo exp? I think some mongoloid hoyofaggot was complaining about the game being as mint-picky as genshin and thus the mint-picker allegations goes the same for wuwa because they had to mine the floramber mineral to convert to exp or something and that they didn't have enough shells for it. I personally never bothered to but your hoarding made me curious now. .
Just some underrail and battel brothers
Triangles are a SHIT shape
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>what happened is that he ended up being one of the biggest flops in the game despite being the strongest character at the time of his release because people didn't want to replace Nanami
that's actually pretty based from the pgr bros. Really put their wallet where their mouth is.
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How do I play DPS Chixia? Other than Verina, what supports are good for her? Will try playing as a gunkek
>DPS chixia
WTF Chixia healer mains our response?
As opposed to what? Tank Chixia?
yeah I'd let monsters beat the shit out of chixia
You MUST parry its aerial attacks, they have a different indicator for the parry. watch a yt vid to learn how to time it.
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For what reason?
Be normal, anon.
Ah. Then its just a big misunderstanding. The reason I mentioned MMOs with gachas in my comment was because the normalfags that come in and comment about the echo system, be it bait or out of genuine concern, fail to recognize that it's essentially wuwas current endgame loop.
Something present in both MMOs and gachas. I'm in no way comparing any other aspects of either genre to each other.
ryona is good bwo
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Get supports like Cowqi that enhance her resonance skill damage. She eats a lot of field time and I think that the more dupes you have of her, the less she deals basic attack damage. You can get a healer, cowqi, buff her then just go full BRRRRT
Learn2Kite anon
Idk if this is considered controversial for these generals, but I actually feel the exploration and questing/world aspect of the game is its biggest strength so far and geniunenly leagues above any gacha game that tried to do similar stuff like Genshit.
Exploring the world and doing the quests, I just get a feeling of geniune artistic intent and maturity in the kind of presentation and atmosphere they wanted to present, and its the first gacha game where the world feels like something that expressed an actual artistic vision rather than just the playground to support an online casino.
I also really like how the story is going so far, and I like that in our main quests so far, they didn't cramp in a showcase of every single character just to go "here's the psychothic pink hair girl! you can roll for her starting now!", going through the quest with just Rover and the people she actually met and built up a connection with felt really natural.
Idk what the content map looks going forward really but I still have most of the map stuff and side quests to do and so far I don't feel burnt out at all on this. Maybe its cause I've been pacing myself and playing only a few hours a day.
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Can't argue with sound reasoning.
I'm not a VAfag usually but they absolutely nailed it with Calcharo
I'll keep playing him fucking forever
fucking kek, no it's not worth it bwo credits are valuable at this stage in the game, Genshitters are just upset that people have endgame echos within the first month of release where in gayshit you have to wait around for a good part of the year to gear ONE character
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Seriously talk, chat.

Why do you like this game but hate Genshin Impact?

Both games are essentially the same. Besides Changli even the character designs are the same level of safe and even Changli is not that special as she is basically Raiden Shogun tier from Genshin.
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Why did you lie?
I like both, but the feeling of power I have in wuwa is several degrees higher and I value that a lot in a gacha since it will never be able to provide me a thrilling gameplay experience through mechanics alone
2 reasons, genshins combat is a snoozefest and mihomo treats their customers like shit
combat and character models are in a class of their own, that's all it takes really
popular thing bad, even ToF had defenders initially.

read what >>486156373 said
playing mihoyo's crap feels like getting raped in a van by 60 year old gross men except they don't even fuck you until you give 100 bucks to each.
WuWa is like an actual game that's just in the gacha genre but they didn't kneecap the game itself and what they wanted to do with it for the sake of the gacha existing. Also playing a gacha game with actual functional sound design is a godsend.
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Shut up niggas
I hope you recognize this as the bait it is and moving forward realize the worm is just replying to itself.
The story sucks in GI, can't skip it.
The story sucks in WW, but I can skip it if i want to. It's currently not nearly as wordy so it's tolerable enough.
yes anon, there are just 3 posters here, you me and that fag with bad taste.
I like both, but fast text/skip button and single daily mission makes wuwa a lot more comfy (plus genshin keeps adding more unnecessary filler in the story to pad time).
It's not a great endgame loop, plenty of those MMOs and other gacha are equally punishing when it comes to top end optimization, but most of them let you do something on the side to feel like you progressed a little bit. MMOs had infinite exp grinds so even if you broke your legendary sword on the +8 to +9 upgrade you still got higher level in the process and probably dropped some rare stuff to sell or made some friends along the way. Plenty of other gacha let you grind some stuff on the side like character fragments that amount to free dupes, or have some other progression system that is more guaranteed and not constantly slapping your face. Maybe WuWa is too young to add other systems on top of this beyond levels and skills, but you don't want your entire progression to be fuck you, nothing today, come back tomorrow.
>/vg/ threads trying to not create imaginary monsters challenge: impossible
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What did he say that was not true and why did the question he posed trigger you? He didn't say anything negative about WuWa, he didn't praise Genshin. Why some anons can't handle a simple discussion here?
Genshin Impact is made for children.
I played until a bit into Sumeru because it was very apparent the game wanted to go a different direction than I wanted it to, things I saw during then only proved my point. (Wanderer and Noelle + Mika)
retard,i can smell the battered genshitter from here
based, only people burnt out on the game are cucks who literally only came here to pump 2000 dollars into the game for their gambling addiction and leave
I have little reason to invest in Baizhi for the endgame and I don't want to spend my scarce resources but she gets me so horny...
Just use her in illusive realm like me. She's pretty fun there
then be a good lover and pay attention to her, no amount of metafagging will make you not regret giving your girl love
Why did his post trigger you so hard that you even had to avatarfag?
Hit a nerve there?
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I will raise her as I only have 1 healer. Unless you don't really need a 2nd one for party #2. But she's got big jugulars so I must
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follow your dick anon it's the only way to avoid burnout
I don't hate Genshin, I'm just not interested in it at all ever since I finished Dragonspine. The characters do not appeal to me, especially fucking Fontaine.
Can you guys stop being an incel for a minute and get along?
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Unironically you are the problem. Your hatred has blinded you. Those are gacha games, one of the most predatory games there can be. Neither Hoyo or Kuro are your friends. They are corporations. They want your money, desperately. They don't care about you. They want you to buy their product. Your tribalism made you unable to even hold a simple conversation on an anonymous malaysian basket weaving forum. Rethink your life. This is not healthy for you. All that's left is you accusing me of being a ZZZ shill.
lower level heal slut for the tower, I've got mine at 60 and she gets the job done
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>it was him again
you fucking idiots got baited again and me too for saying this
That's a buttload of of projection considering nothing about that was in my scope. I'm just calling you a retard for falling for bait.
Uh oh check yourself..
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meta always changes, roll with your dick.
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bros what are the two best teams I could make for the tower?
no Verina, I know
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imagine she catches you going through her underwear drawer and she repays you with a swift kick right in the groin with those sexy bootlets she wears
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>Why do you like this game but hate Genshin Impact?
That's a wrong assumption anon. I don't "HATE" genshin impact. Hate implies that I have a significant amount of emotional investment on that game, enough so that it makes me think about it often with a certain amount of vitriol or at the very least negative feelings.
I don't care about genshin and at worst I can describe it as something I've grown to dislike after giving the game a shot and playing it until Sumeru.
After you play Genshin Impact in a while you realize that the learning cure there consist mainly of stacking the most optimal element reactions on top of an already gathered enemy cluster so I stopped playing. Simple as. Maybe I had fun with it back when I wasn't fully geared and I had to play the dodging game versus the likes of Azdaha or Raiden Shogun but the novelty just drops when you can wipe them out in a matter of seconds. So basically the gameplay has turned me off after I reached what was then the endgame state and I just uninstalled.
Meanwhile in wuwa, I literally have Crownless throwing hands at me the moment I hold the hologram. If I miss a dodge in his sequence of attacks I can potentially get wiped instantly. I'm still on the ladder towards getting good so the game has me engaged. I'm not going no-life and consuming all content at day 1 as well so I have plenty of things to keep me occupied. The game's a mix of dmc-lite and Elden Ring-lite but not really AS hardcore, but just enough to keep me engaged in the long-run I suppose.
Do you know what I hate? The faggot and nigger drones from mihomo games that keep derailing our thread with their shit. The zzzoo animals that constantly post their dumbass furry shit here and try to bait (you)s. Can't leave our comfy thread alone because they're too conscious of it having such a good central gameplay framework.
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You have no idea what's coming.
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TBF he mentioned nothing about this "tribalism" or shilling or anything else. He accurately called you for chomping on bait.
You're just having a melty and tilting at windmills at this point almost like all of these are this haunting you personally.
I saw some screenshot that had Nilou hugging (you), can't wait to see what they do in the quest.
wuwajeet melty lmao
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>The zzzoo animals that constantly post their dumbass furry shit here
I didn't notice a single furry post by a zzz anon here. I only see wuwas seething about furryshit in zzz in /wuwa/.
A mix of the community being shit and hoyo treating me like shit made me quit
I don't believe that. Why would she be hugging a camera and not the prince?
UL 56 tomorrow, ez UL 60 before the tacet field 2X in august
>80% of community discussion is what heacanon lesbian is fucking the other headcanon lesbian
>hoyoverse actively treats its players like shit
No thanks
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Yeah good try faggot replying constantly on cooldown. We know your kind. The thread was getting comfy and then suddenly two posts out of the blue comparing wuwa with a mihomo game.
Then you fags try to spin it as "why are you guys so tribalistic.... ugh..." "zzz rent free?? can't stop talking about hoyo games???" if you're not a tourist and you're not a mihomo glowie you should know we get a barrage of derailment from those zzzoo niggers at the constant, that's why people are vigilant.
ok fag
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I tried...bringing up the actual game...
what the fuck is an aix and why is it mourning
>80% of community discussion is what heacanon lesbian is fucking the other headcanon lesbian
this reads as satire but it's 100% accurate lmao
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>Thanks for recording our sex scene Tabibito-san
>80% of community discussion is what heacanon lesbian is fucking the other headcanon lesbian
Better than seething at other games like what you guys are doing right now
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This is a big one. Shipper troons are way too common in mihomo games. I guess it's from the female audience they bring but holy shit I don't give a shit about playing matchmaker and shipping x character with y character.
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>still with cum flowing between her legs...
poor tabibito... just can't catch a break.
alright, fair counterargument, nitpicking any further will make me sound like a slurper/shill so Ill end it here
Now this is something good for once. I like it, at least it feels like Aether is actually the correct MC choice.
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>>80% of community discussion is what heacanon lesbian is fucking the other headcanon lesbian
>Better than seething at other games
faggot detected
go back
Now reply properly without seething or shut the fuck up, the grown ups are talking.
It seriously feels like I am playing Fire Emblem, like I seriously remember some fujo writing a essay on how Dan and Blade are 100% gay lovers. Meanwhile I just want to enjoy my Kafka chest pic.
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>Better than seething at other games like what YOU GUYS are doing right now
go back to your shipping simulator fag. why are you even here? To get (you)s? Your ship lost in the shipping war or something?
>Better dailies system
>Can skip dialogue
>More map mobility
>Better combat
>Significantly more generous gacha system
>Depths of Illusive Realm mogs the shit out of Imaginarium Theater
And for reference I still play GI alongside wuwa. I just think Wuwa is overall better and I can see why people play only Wuwa
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Is this a trap?
I'm removing her robot amputee arm during sex
that's our Verina alternative, so ill be rolling on that flat chested cutie, 1.3 is going to rape our astrite stashes
Not a fan of her look desu. I bet her story will be kino though
>bird style hood
>awesome hair
>ice butterfly theme

Ughhhhhh if this is not bait she would be my dream but I am not quitting on rolling Changli. Hopefully I'll be able to get some stuff during the entirety of 1.2
>And for reference I still play GI alongside wuwa.
I used to play GI back in the day but I can't remember how bad the stamina is anymore. Humor me anon, does it really feel like being crippled when you do your wuwa dailies and then you do your genshin dailies right after?
I didn't roll for kazuha back then because he was a twink and I felt like I bricked my account compared to my gf's where she could just traversal skill her way to the fucking oculus thingies.
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Legendary feet...
>all these flat chested character leaks
NTA, but yeah. Without a character with a movement abilities it feels shitty.
I want to sex this white woman
honestly she looks super cool
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I need more hair down Chixia
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Not farming anything but currently listening to Scharzessmarken's OST, makes me wish we got a mech unit (similar to Starfarer Nanami)
too flat, short hair - not a fan.
But I'm happy for all the flat lovers.
One thing kuro always nails is the hands and feet
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You will listen to this vtumor loli slut's song
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Unironically, dev listened, something I wish Mihoyo could do the same with Genshin, 1 month of WuWa has more meaningful QoL change than Genshin ever did in 4 years. And I am already familiar with how Kuro managed their previous game so I trust Kuro to polish their shit more than Mihoyo.
> For (You) games, so the community pretty much filtered a shit ton of the undesirables
Mihoyo generals would have already given me an answer...
The suggestions you gave yourself are your options
I cannot answer you when I'm a 0/30 tower gamer
You gave yourself the best answer since you cucked yourself out of verina and out of leveling the other characters. Soooo get to leveling Baizhi I guess
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PGR ost by Vanguard Sound of course.
i was writing an answer but deleted it, you shit stirring tranny, kill yourself
Good for you go back and stay there.
What is this "m-muh mihomo wuld have answered" shit literally neck yourself.
Anybody else feel bad over killing Hoartoises?

I'm not an animal rights activist or anything. It just feels bad, especially with the whine they make when you hit them.
daily self-humilation ritual
Maybe they should stop attacking me while I'm looking for fish

This general in a nutshell
>bring up the game and only the game
>radio silent
>start mentioning other gacha
>(you) galore
>for (you) game
Pretty much this. Filters out shiptards and their ilk and I get to enjoy cute girls.
Let me guess, you're trying to get healing% with healing set?
Completely useless echo btw.
I just need easy echos for my daily sometimes bro, also they drew first blood.
Ah yes! Genshin is truly made for children compared to this manly game made for masculine men that likes doing manly things like playing video-games all day long and lusting for 2D women since 3D scares you!

You are sounding like fucking tectone you stupid faggot.
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And in the following devstream? New Nanami announced for a devs listened moment.
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how the fuck are you supposed to beat 30/30 tower with a f2p team
it's genuinely impossible
kill yourself already, we can all see through your seethe, /wuwa/ breaks you by existing, we get it lmao
say this without crying next time
terminally online post
Tearful concession accepted
thanks for proving me right
devs literally listened. But anon, how do global pgrbwos cope with them having delayed release compared to CN? Do you guys just play on CN or what exactly do you do?
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I wanted to reset my Genshin account and they said NO.
So screw Genshin, I hate them!!
In genshin we’ve already memorized all the enemies and kits and we all have dozens of teams built already and know the game like the back of our hand. Idk what you’re expecting here especially since you made your own question redundant by answering it yourself
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Post your best /wuwa/ cut scene that competes with this. I will wait.
>traveller = camera
fucking kek every time
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god i am so fucking bad at this game
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>You didn't beat tempest holo 6
I wasn't sure about my suggestions that's why, especially Jianxin maybe it would've been better to forego shielding at all and just try to avoid taking damage
>Spamming Impact frame
Jinshi is more attractive than chongli and I already have her thoughbeit.
This is getting pathetic hoyotranny
Impact frames are kino and I'm tired of reddit critics calling everything "forced animation"
For now, should be much more doable once you reach lvl90, though you may still need to spend astrites on the weapon banners
I just skin this thread for leaks and sexy pics now
>zzz always posts here intermittently everyday
>we still have fags that say "why are you always talking about zzz wuwakeks?"
Okay i'm convinced that there's really a daily derailment thing going on that consists of homofagggot game posting and then subsequently someone asking why we're always talking about mihomo games. I thought the other wuwabros are just going schizo and that the really are just posters that are genuinely asking why that furry game is always mentioned here but honestly it's too consistent at this point not to consider otherwise. Occam's razor and all.
I have a question regarding this:
Surely the devs will not release Changli to catch us big tits enthusiasts and then leave us out to dry right?

We will get more big titted characters right?
I don't really understand why picking a server means you need to a start a new account, that goes for this game and nikke as well. Why can't you just transfer your progress if you decide to move to a different country?
I unironically want a dorm system
i mean we already have changli, so there's that
but looking at the phrolo, tsubaki, and coastguard
the drought is maybe upon us cowtits lover
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>Surely the devs will not release Changli to catch us big tits enthusiasts and then leave us out to dry right?
considering her kit, i think hag and tiddybros are doomed
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lmao take your meds. The most likely reason is that most people left already, and the only ones left are the humble (YOU) farmers trying to suck out the last vestiges of life left in the barren soil. It dosne't help that anyone that's trying to let some steam off about some of the worse aspects of the game gets called a mihomo shill, and the few that actualle tries to ask some questions about the game gets ignored
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i tried that gachaslop echocalypse and by god it's super bad but the dorm system was the only thing that left me hanging... Dropped it eventually later on tho for good.
I think a dorm system for wuwa will do it heaps of good. Let us buy currency with astrite or something and get a bajillio dollars Solon.
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Fag I told you I'm omega casual and can't respond unless you want my advice anyways. You want it?
Team 1 - Danjin Chixia Yinlin
Team 2 - Jiyan Calcharo Aalto
I enjoy both games and play them regularly. The issue with Genshin is that it has become too popular for its own good, attracting too many mainstream and wokefaggots. I think hoyo still does a decent job dealing with them, it could be a lot worse.
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Kuro's music

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Zhezhi's flopping tits
So what if Cammy isn't 1.3 and those sound files are actually for the character who uses her old design
i don't mind waiting if all of them are going to be as supreme as changli
fuck off nigger, you cant gaslight me. go back to your own faggot general
we already have a few big chesters, we need some flat chesters.

only one flat chester right now
>coastguard soon
You already gaslit yourself
We need lolis
lick my belly you nincompoop
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i kinda forgot that yinlin is pretty big too
probably because of her outfit
skin when john solon?
Then what the fuck am I supposed to use. Nobody tells me anything. And I don't know of any other places to look up how to build someone properly. At this rate Prydwen is going to be more helpful
is yapyap not part of the big chesters club?
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The foresight helps a lot if you are not planning on just getting everyone, because it allows even a F2P to be able to plan ahead and get some gacha skins, dupes or see which weapons to prioritize, and PGR is not big enough for people to go around spoiling everything, usually the only CN spoilers that are discussed from time to time in the PGR general are the ones that are massive reveals or twists, basically the ones that are so important to the plot that they can't be ignored, like for example (You) having a daughter. Honestly CN being so ahead only really hurts youtubers because there is absolutely 0 theorycrafting since CN already figured everything out.
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for what purpose, anon? what are you planning to do with them?
I need livlov
Use your brain. Prydwen is horrible.
The better you get at the game, the less healing you need.
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She's part of the perfect chester club
Don't like potato models of genshin, don't like toon style of zlop. I like hsr. Simple as.
Grrr bratty Chloe... Need a Chloe or Illya wuwa so that I can correct them...
Your free 5 star is here
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yapyap and xiaofang are mediocre sized
>no tits
nah, she ain't it bwo
Use whatever, it’s not like a little bit of extra healing is going to matter anyway.
How do I deal with the visual clutter? I can't see shit, and it's especially bad in ER. The Camera also feel quite detrimental, is there any changes in the settings that could help deal with this?
>after 1.2 going to have spectro, fire, havoc and electro DPS
feels good bros
only missing wind and glacio
I was looking at leaks and seems some patches, if they release story characters woun't have a lot of them and I am going to be honest, I love cowtits and I need more! I'll collect them all!

What? So should I be using moonlit instead or something?
inb4 he's not actually free and "leakers" were just having a giggle.
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why does it feel like Yinlin's is bigger than hers?
Yes moonlit is nice
Devs confirmed it, you need to grind an event I believe
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Humiliation ritual
you want moonlit on your sub dps and the healing set on verina
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because yinlin's beeeg
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Camellya's tits are actually the perfect size
That’s the likely scenario because modern Camellya just can’t be sword
Then what Mainstat for the 4-pc if not Healing5 Just ATK% ? I am honestly getting so tired of farming Echos at this point...
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just gonna spray some disinfectant. dont mind me anons...
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You use the healer set because it provides buffs, you use moonlit because it provides buffs. They have different activation conditions, so use whatever set makes more sense on that character.
nooo left is better because you can feel the weight of her attacks... it's more grounded in reality and much simpler... so it's cooler... just like my souls games...
Why farm hours for something that doesn’t matter, when you can just dump an attack% turtle on her instead after 5 mins of work and then be done with it?
by not having a bricked account. if you don't have the bare minimum of anko, verina, yinlin+weapon, jinhsi+weapon and at least three standard weapons, you fucked up your account
I used to play Genshin. Day one player. Not a whale, but I would buy BP, Welkin, and top-ups, do a dolphin. Then I saw the leaks of an upcoming world quest that had an important female quest NPC from an older quest come back to have a brand new quest. In this new quest, this female NPC was blatantly in love with the player. But only if you play the female MC. If you play the male MC, she treats you like a friend, but nothing more. The second I saw dialogue differences for male and female MC, I uninstalled the game and never looked back. Never touched a single other Mihoyo game, never will. I have no idea how any self-respecting man can still play their games after that happened.
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Oh yeah, I've been waiting for this.
I haven't gotten a single fucking ATK% turtle for the healing set....
>Missed Yinlin's weapon
Welp might as well uninstall
Yeah I can really feel the weightiness when she taps her bouquet looking thingamajig, I kneel
>Op mod
>Then this guy that did mods for genshin is gonna start doing for wuwa too
We're winning BIGLY
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Rerun when?
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>self-respecting man
>Plays Gacha

Choose one
Is energy good on Verina? If so how much
Zhezhi's weapon is like twice the effect of yinlin's though
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>only one flat chester right now
You can't just forget about all the other flatchestbros...
There's Linyang, Yuanwu, Aalto, and many other flatchestbros......
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>3 electro males
>3 gauntlet males
>2 electro gauntlet males
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>flat chesters
Not really, you want Verina for her outro and unfortunately ER doesn't affect concerto regen AFAIK
What Nintendo Switch game is the girl in the left from? Why are you guys comparing Wuwa models with that?
Yea its kind of nuts for her and anko. Makes me regret grabbing Jinhsi's a bit
Brutal. It's like comparing Teletubbies to Breaking Bad
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Going to need a giant paddle for this one like we're talking oars here
One of the few subs that are good for her.
Try to get it on all echoes as subs and as mainstat for 3 costs
Is there a name or term for that sound effect that plays when you use a liberation? It reminds me of like a really heavily stylized water drop sound, but I don't know if there's a specific instrument or something that makes that kind of sound.
but bwo, there's no dodging on the left.....
What's your f2p team looking like? I cleared middle tower only because had pulled jinshi and her weapon
Yinlin with the craftable, havoc rover and verina were enough for Aix
Spectro rover and verina were enough for heron
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mfw she's done sitting on my dick with her ginormous gyatts.
>just like my souls games
>laughs in Farron Greatswords
>laughs in Friede's Great Scythe
>laughs in Ledo's Great Hammer
>laughs in Ringed Knight Paired Great Swords
>laughs in any power stanced weapon from DS2
>laughs in bonefist
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Wait, whats right click on genshin again?
not dodge?
or is it just run?
i left around inazuma and forgot a lot of things
In two months this general will be banished to /vmg/ We tried our best bwos....
ummm being guts is realistic
Do we have an estimate of how many pulls we'll be getting in 1.2?
Idk but here's something similar
no, even ToF survived for over a year or more.
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wtf bwos I can't hear Crownless's epic boss music over the sound of someone clapping.
Surely there will be content on 1.2...
nu-hoyo just sucks. 60ncid and make your lead artist a man
also nice gameplay :) i hope azur eminence kills nu-hoyo
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ah yes the very realistic and grounded Greatsword moveset
Maybe next time don't pick a fight with other games just because you're butthurt for absolutely no reason.
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About 35
It is for "dodge" but mostly for sprint.
There is zero need of dodge in genshin you just spam elemental skills swap do it again and ult.
Most mobs are dead at the end of one rotation.
And I'm not even talking about Neuvillette and spin tech.
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"genshit killer"
"Honkai slayer"
"dark soul mobile"
"changed gacha game forever"
"god graphic"
"dark story"
"Solon chad"
"super slop"
"greatest combat mechanic"
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How do I get a gf like this?
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How did you get this footage of Changli story mocap
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Disgusting boobies.
True chad love loli
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Kek, based, I can't wait for masterposting when Changli releases.
it is said you can hear her ass claps echoing across the entire continent
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its a sexdoll, you wont get a chance with real women that looks like that unless you are a saudi oil pimp
thanks bros now I'm gooning
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It's nice to see you admit to being butt tickled, prolapsed even.
Wuwon, Hoyo lost, we live rent free in every mihomopag head out there.
Cope seethe and mald until Kuro inevitably puts you down.
What is the motivation behind revenue posting? I've been seeing it for years and still don't get it.
I have to win the 50/50 but even if i don't, i'm still getting Changli.
Of course you wouldn't get it wuwagger, not like your bootleg of a game is generating any money anyway.
when they post in footage of gameplay, combat, or even hoyo character models they get humilated so they post the one thing they think gives them the upper hand, which is especially hilarious because none of that revenue gets reinvested into the game, straight to nuclear energy
Dick measurement contest
Even then it doesn't make sense.
People think that if a game doesn't make 30m+ every month is gonna go EoS.
it's the only thing validating their game as the "best"... outside of actual gameplay and endgame loop...
Yeah the fact that THEY give more money to their mediocre game than other gacha players do to their own game is the only thing validating them right now. That's why they talk as if they're spiritual investors of the game and that they gain spiritual stocks whenever they see revenue. lmao
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Because more money = more gooder
Unfortunately most of the people who revenuepost are third worlders, so using their own logic this means their opinions are irrelevant.
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How do remove SEA from internet?
It's just the new face of the console wars, a bunch of retards going "my number bigger than your number lol lmao" because they've got nothing else going on in their lives.
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it gives the poor socio-economic-fags some kind of dopamine release when the company they fellate have a bigger number
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1 anko
>genshin + star rail + zzz
0 anko

wuwa wins
it is always funny seeing zzzoomerniggers getting btfo by ingame footage and then start posting revenue. lmao good job piggy, keep funding your ps2 game lemow
people are competitive retards by default, don't worry about it.
At least console wars kinda made sense because you could argue over who had better games or better features
Revenueposting is just sad
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Keep in mind this is just a PC game that happens to run on mobile and it gets even more funny.
It's like nintendogs suddenly showing up on the same chart as MP shooters and making them panic.
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It's easy, just bring back flag to /vg/
So this is the power of otome husbandos
Just hope that there's an earthquake+tsunami combo big enough to wipe them all off the map entirely.
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There's no new fusion echo so Changli still uses inferno rider right?
>inb4 moonlit schizo
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New thread
Come home white man
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man i wish the nips succeeded in conquering the whole SEA back then at ww2
but nooooooo
they have to fuck around the pearl harbour and drag the burgers into the fights
Next year more likely

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