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>What is /feg/?
/feg/ is the general dedicated to the discussion of games from the Fire Emblem franchise.

>Fire Emblem Series Summary

>Fire Emblem Series Emulation Guide

>Fire Emblem Heroes Event Calendars

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Latest FEH Trailer

Previous: >>485766232
How does she do it?
Based we had almost 8 hours without nono I was scared
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Take me by the tongue
And I'll know you
Kiss Nowi 'til you're drunk
And she'll show you
All the moves like Naga
She's got the moves like Naga
She's got the uoooooouuuuoooohh like Naga

She won't need to transform to show you
Look into her eyes and she'll crit you
With them moves like Naga
She's got the moves like Naga
She's got the uoooooouuuuoooohh like Naga
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I wish Myrrh was real
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Breed Dragons
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Man, so this is what /feg/ looks like now?
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Should I make a real /feg/ thread that isn't just one samefagging freak?
This is the real /feg/ thread whether you like it or not.
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FE does not inspire me.
There is no grand strategy pulled by an enemy to fuck with us, like Hannibal's strategy at Cannae.
Our enemies are mostly morons. In a few games, mostly older ones (except Conquest), they're intelligent.
How can a person feel challenged if they are dealing with someone that can be beaten with any strategy at all?
I don't have to accept anything. See ya later, faggot. Enjoy your dead general.
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Cowgirl, Missionary, Blowjob, Mating Press, Anal Reverse Cowgirl
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He's talking about Nowipedos
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I respect the committment
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The antagonists can't be smart cause they might overshadow the supa kewl protagonist and/or self insert. Let's be real, the writers and the players aren't interested in the logistics of an actual war.
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No, he was talking about the Laguz. Did you even play the game, stupid head?
Mad that fire emblem three houses is wayyyyyy too easy and sad
Also engage has way too much micromanagement

I don't want to start a new three houses save file just to play on hard
The difficulty is retarded

I wanna learn how to use a real weapon in fire emblem in real life
She wouldn't say that
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Adding to this should I try three houses again on hard? Maddening was really really hard so idk I don't wanna do the monastery bullshit again
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Apparently even Hard is supposed to be easy from what I've heard so better that than maddening.
Monastery is fucking gay as shit. It's the only reason why I didn't bother with the other routes
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You really need a 4chan Pass if you're going to image dump.
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I'll try it again but sometimes I just wanna play a game and not fuck around
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Could you imagine trying to do that while also having to solve captchas every two minutes? Sheesh.
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You should post Nono
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I wonder how long anon can keep this up?
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People always compare Fae to Tiki because FE6 is so similar to FE1 but Myrrh is the most similar to Tiki
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They're both Tiki clones. Nowi is really the first to deviate away from the archetype. If Tiki herself wasn't shoehorned into Awakening that might have gone differently.
What's with the image spam?
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Fuck if I know. I think it's just one guy posting a bunch of random shit at this point.
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i want to become a fir emblem character
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>marries cunny
what a chad
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decided I'm like kronya so whatever weapon she uses I'll use
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I remember reading an old story where they had sex with a guy
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Hilda's feet are so smelly that she took her shoes off in a cheese factory and all of the employees ran outside!
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>he's been spamming for about five hours
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At this rate it might be the first time the general hits image limit but it will also be in the gayest way possible.
we don't have a team anymore because nowitroon "filtered" fake fans like the team manager
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good night fellow spambro
total nowifag death
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You know there's just gonna be another Nowi thread right after this one, right?
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At least if we hit image limit this will force people to talk about the games
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i want to cum on her face
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we could have had a protagonist frozen in time and comes back for vegenance.
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Why are fujos incapable of recognizing normal interactions between men?
Their minds are too rotted by gay coom. They'll also get mad at any other kind of coom that isn't what they get off to
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welcome back king. did you enjoy your dinner
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kek nice answer
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I find this image to be extremely adorable and wish we had more than just the two.
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More like this
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generic peg knight my beloved
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what romhack
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I think if I smelled her armpits I'd just cum
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>random image/meme every 2 minutes with no next whatsoever
What the fuck is going on in this thread?
I do agree with this, however. Generics should be romanceable.
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Some schizo spamming
Some fag got mad that the previous Finn thread got rushed so now he's image spamming for revenge I guess
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It's Nowizilla!
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You lying faggot. The nowithread hit the archive before the Finn one without hitting post limit and nowifaggot took it on on the Finn thread.
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>>486240719 see >>486206697
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He says, for the 13th month in a row
>image spam provides art of my waifu
blessed thread?
I know it's spam, but I'm actually digging some of this art desu
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It's Nowi's Discord, it's their bread and butter to spam
I haven’t found a single one of these memes funny
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If we get a Genealogy remake do you think they’ll have the balls to give us a Seliph/Julia romantic ending?
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>If we get a gena-CK!!!!
Retard. It's literally one guy doing it. You tell by the gap in post times. What's more he's not using a 4chan Pass so he's working over time solving captchas for every post he makes.
Dude got mega butthurt
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Nowi has a Discord?
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I thought there was some compelling piece of evidence it was in active development.
Don’t tell me all the rumors stem from a twitter leaker or some anon on /v/.
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Hey bwos does Thany ever get good in fe6? She is so shit rn but she’s super cute and I wanna use her
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It’s cancelled. Iron18 got shelved because of the meme virus
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M-my wife is not a slut, anon!
Pic related is Tate and Thany in my last playthrough at chapter 22. As with everything else, your experience may vary, but I found her very useful.
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It would be so funny if a mod wiped all of this guy's posts with a single button push
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ok ill keep trying to get thany going! every enemy almost one-shots her in chapter 8 rn...
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12 hours at the computer spamming… wasted
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So this is the power of the infamous Ketecord? Not 100% sure why he's still at it
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Ilia is a hard place to live, anon. She did what she had to!
To be fair, I did use the arena for 3-4 levels in chapter 7, and a few more in chapter 17 (can't remember about chapter 11), but I didn't savescum. All her levels were legitimate. She's difficult to get started, for sure, and she'll always struggle to do serious damage to things.
Are you playing on normal or hard?
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zero damage... but twice!!! :D
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she's level 2 and it's on normal since it's also my first playthru, I've never watched sailor moon before, but she looks like the hot blue one >.>
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update: she just died because i accidentally misclicked the a button here >>486249359
and then she proceeded to get one shot... I'm not resetting 20 mins of progress for her even if shes cute... FUCK


i think it's over anon
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There is no monster in Karla'a game
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She's holding her uterus because she thought he couldn't make sperm yet and it's a risky week
Peg knights in general sort of have the sailor moon aesthetic going on.
RIP the queen of :D
I think you can still get her sister without her, but I understand the pain. FE6 can be a bitch like that, even on normal. Who else are you using?
Kill yourself
If it was all those posts would be Nowi posts dumbass
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Well I think that's about it for me. Even I have to at least pretend to have a life sooner or later. Hope whatever anons are left in this god forsaken general might've enjoyed any of the images posted. I just wanted to let off a little steam after seeing what happened in the Finn thread. /v/'s Fire Emblem threads weren't exactly great, we have a lot of our own schizos to deal with after all, on top of the usual tribalism, but once /vg/'s drama started migrating in, shit just went to rock fucking bottom and has pretty much been that way for a while. I finally come over to /vg/ and find that /feg/ thread enjoyable enough, but then that Nowi spam happened and pretty much killed the whole vibe for everybody. So being an anon with nothing to do for the day, and nobody else to take it out on, I just felt like doing this to see if anything would happen.

I even like Nowi too, she's the one I always marry in Awakening after all. But I feel like I can't even post her on /v/ in any good faith without feeling like I'll draw suspicion for being associated with, or trying to instigate, this fuckhead.

But man, now I'm just tired. I'm ready to call it a night. Apologies if I disrupted any threadly activity, though it's not like my images were really stopping anybody from talking about the series in the first place, and if the Nowi faggot can do it without any repercussion, then I don't see why I can't, only I thought I'd give a little love to everybody and every game instead of just one single character every single time. Goodnight /feg/.
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anyone who's still alive... the chapter 8 final boss was tough and i had to luckgod it with Dieck(lol) using an armorslayer... no one else could even damage the boss

i did upgrade alan but need to upgrade more units
I didn't read any of that
Yeah, FE6 hit rates and character growths make a lot of boss fights a crapshoot, particularly early on.
Did Lilina survive to get you access to 8x? That map has some good training opportunities for weaker units, but the boss usually ends up being a Rutger kind of fight, or at the very least a team effort.
It's interesting following your progress, anon. I have to sleep now, but keep putting out updates if you decide to stay with it, I'll check it out later. You're also reminding me that I need to finish my hard mode playthrough sometime soon.
Lilina… is dead. Ok I’ll keep posting here and there ttyl anon, so far marcus has carried me hard but he’s falling off super hard recently
TLDR: he got btfo by nowifag and spammed his folder for 12 hours (and he is a NEET)
All that and for what? If you were gonna go full retard at least buy a Pass and make your life easier. Guess he can't afford it
What no job does to a nigga.
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Has anyone every actually thought about questionable ages of Fates Characters? : r/fireemblem

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5 hr. ago

Has anyone every actually thought about questionable ages of Fates Characters?
The picture is old so the names are their Japanese names, but it was the only picture I could find with all the characters.

So I've been replaying Revelations lately, and I decided to grind out some of the support conversations... and... well... some of them are extremely concerning...

Of course there's the infamous Soleil supports with male Corrin that's basically conversion therapy/tricking her into thinking you're a girl... then there's the other infamous ones where she's basically harassing Ophelia. Those aside though... some of these should illegal. The reason why is because these characters ages are questionable at best. Ones that stick out the worst are Elise, Sakura, Midori, and Kana.

Elise acts likes she's 10-12 years old, but Leo exclaims at the beginning that she needs to act her age because she's "technically an adult"... Leo what the fuck do you decide is technically??? 13??? It's even more bizarre when you see her support with Ryoma, where she's picking flowers and making crowns and Ryoma even talks about how innocent she is... bro then why can he marry her??? It comes off as really reeeeeeaaaallly gross.
If it wasn't obvious the line about Elise being an adult is Treehouse meddling. There was no way to alter the game in a way to not have her as a parent like how they removed the petting mini game so they just made some bullshit up.
Semi related picrel: more Treehouse faggotry
No because if you've ever played a single JRPG you know the number is just there as a tacked on addition. It means nothing. Every single character is far beyond what a person at that age can do with a weapon, many of them look like they're in their 20s, but because of Japan's culture of youth and potential, they're assigned ages that don't make sense.

Please stop being so literal just because some random designer threw on an age that you don't like. It isn't a real person. Lyn's JP age is 15, not a single 15 year old is able to wield a sword the way she does.

Also if personality is how you determine someone's age, I know people who act like Elise and they're in their mid 30s.
>just beat all 3 routes of Fates
>go down a rabbit hole of looking at fanart
>see a bunch of Awakening art
>want to play Awakening again for the first time since launch where I played it 4 times back to back
>make a relationship chart for S ranks in MS paint so I don't forget
>spruce it up with HD textures so it looks good on a big screen
>turn the game on
>smile at the intro, god I love Chrom Lissa and Frederick
>play the game
>it fucking sucks
>unironically numberfagging
the age of anime characters is 100% arbitrary and actually caring about if an anime girl is legal or not for any non-fetish reason is retarded
>play the game
>it fucking sucks
That's nu-FE for you.
You must marry the oldest woman option available or else you are a pedo
But what if the old women look like little girls?!?
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My daughter-wife!
Don’t be a pedo, you can only be attracted to her if she also looks like the oldest cast member
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Foot tranny kys
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>your game has ぃてらぃ め having sex with Bernie
I will play your game now.
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I just started Engage with uncensor and holy fuck why do the promoted classes look so dogshit? Chloe lost her black seethrough tight bodysuit that made me diamonds and now I think of benching her.
Game is fun though, Hortensia my beloved.
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If you're playing with the uncensor already, why not add some other mods like the outfits one, or all the convenience mods that make the Somniel stuff faster/available everywhere
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Do you have some links for those, bro? I wouldn't mind not having to return to the base after every battle, that thing lights my cpu up like a bonfire.
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I love Mangs.
What is she agreeing to?
Wrong answers only
I’m surprised more people don’t shove out low effort FE clone slop considering how simple everything is. There are so many JRPG indies from RPGmaker already
People that like FE seem to make romhacks or in rare cases LT fangames
SRPG studio looks like shit and everything else is just as much effort to make work as regular RPGs I imagine and making any game with more than just stock assets is a ton of work
Sex (pp in vv)
To assassinate Rhea
Yeah, Shamir only likes VV on VV sex
Brown inside brown and pink
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Why is Cathy w*ite?
Me on the right
Is it generally accepted that the balacing in Fates is at the point where I can hack in upgrade materials and the game is balanced around the cost of the base weapons?
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>your SRPG project only has consensual sex in-between chapters
I will play your game.
Just do whatever you feel is right, on a vanilla copy you could have gotten as many forges as you wanted simply by waiting for the timer and exchanging even without visiting other castles
In Conquest without using any DLC I think you're limited enough by available quantity of weapons and gold for it to not matter that much
Cheater cope. There’s no need for forges so be happy with your RNG weapon type of choice
I do mine during the chapters with a full FMV and everything
back to your containment general, retard
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I want to watch a manakete lay an egg
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Don't mind me, just gonna murder an entire village full of people. No need to stop me, the king said it's okay. I'm also gonna fuck the corpse of that cute wyvern girl.
You can just stand over there while I finish up.
>gave corrin all the credit so his father would like them
What a bro
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I'm going to become a fire emblem girl in real life
I'm buying an athame soon so I can look like kronya
She rode up and down the bike path until her Nah was ready to hatch. If it has bad IVs, she's throwing it away and going right back to fucking and making a new Nah.
I will not play your romhack unless it has a fancy juu-yon sai princess with fragrant armpit pussies and drill tails to S or A rank
Nah is best manakete btw.
Nobody asked you
Best builds in 3H? Ferdinand with sword avoid +20 I know, I wanted to see if there was any other exciting oned
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Please take your meds
I wonder if that anon from the other day got around to writing that Nowi fanfic
Those castle invasions are the biggest shit shows I've seen in this serie
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how many times do you guys think Nowi got raped before she joined the Shepherds
Zero. No mention of rape in the script. Just your filthy head canon.
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13 years old
Out of 10
i need another Doot alt
Would Delthea pity fuck her brother?
she knows that won't help him
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>Your SRPG project has netori
I will now play your game.
Which version of cuckshit was that one again?
Gross degenerate fetish
What game? The sprites look nice.
Using a tomahawk to finish off a 12HP enemy
Is Delthea a mesugaki?
Fucking no one? Is this the sad reality of Nowishitter threads?
Do you really not know 3H builds 5 years after the fact if you are so familiar with /feg/ that you say nowishitter threads?
Here’s an OP build:
Dimitri, his battalion, battalion wrath, battalion vantage, death blow, lancefaire, str 2. You can give him the chalice of beginnings if you are into that
just spam wyvernlord retard bro, 3HRT is a dogshit balanced game
Don’t archive!!!!
>str 2
2 extra damage, 6 with a crit, wow
Dimitri doesn’t have any problems hitting and he’s going first so why not take the damage
Dimitri has the best tax policies
Dimitri should've gotten solo access to Life and Death as a skill
But that begs the question of what Edelgard and Claude would get as well
Rightful King/Ruler on Claude for more proc rates
Weaker versions of Warding Blow and Armoured Blow rolled into one on Edelgard for more tanking
Thick Bush on Rhea reduces all thrusting damage
That's Edelgard
Absolute Retardation on Shez makes attacks either do half damage or double damage
With Shez's movement ability how would that apply in 3 Houses? No movement penalty sounds too simple. A short range self warp or higher movement in a straight line?
>A short range self warp
This sounds closer to what Shez does.
It was either that or some renamed duelist blow for the whole "teleport behind you" thing they have going on.
no that's Bernie
look how soft she looks
>wonder if you can bypass the 80HP cap with Avatar statues
>do a +HP avatar
>Berserker subclass
>go through the whole game
>spam Seraph Robes on him
>turns out the 70 base HP cap (before tonics and the HP+5 skill) is either unaffected by the Avatar statue, or a hard system limit
Fuck I hate and love how solidly this game is designed mechanically
don't die!
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what did the fates designers have against juggernauting?
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Zealot died. Dieck has been hard carrying me though, along with Astol as a dps/evasion tank somehow.

I have no magical or flying units but the items that upgrade both to the advanced classes kek
good, juggernaut fags deserve the rope
melady is my wyvern mommy and she's the strongest and none of the baddies can hurt her
futanari pegging/frotting session
Byleth=Silent Hero/Heroine
Support bonuses to hit/avoid are doubled (Houses)
The fewer maps they are deployed on, the stronger they get once they are (Hopes)
post roy stats
I wanna jiggle her bum until she farts
Damn, anon.
I assume that means Lugh is also dead?
What chapter are you on now?
Lugh is dead.
Chapter 13, many died with Lugh since my last update. My only archer is freckle bitch who I promoted :) she’s actually pretty solid
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Can you post stats for your main team right now? I'm really curious, since so many of the "usual" suspects are no longer with us.
Dorothy was pretty decent the one time I actually used her.
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Not enough since you can still juggernaut with some skill combinations but at least they require some work to get and/or don't work for every single situation the game throws at you
Needs correction
Not bad there. If it's any consolation, my Ellen is always just as shitty at level 20. I usually drop her as soon as I get Clarine, just because I think Clarine is cuter lol
Cecilia can do most of what either one of them do, but Cecilia sucks HARD in her join chapter. Dieck looking very solid as well.
If you want a flier, you can always (carefully) grind a few levels for Miledy at Chapter 13's arena. You said you're still holding onto an Elysian Whip, right?
I believe I have multiple elysia whips in my storage yea, along with some other advancement mats. Oh… that’s what you meant by grinding the arena. I tried it once and it killed one of my units when they were at full hp haha. I can grind miledy when I get her though

Also, Ellen does her job, all she does is cast heal(same with Clarine), but she could def get one-shot at any moment. I think Clarine is cuter too! Even if she is kind of a bitch about it
I want a clumsy handjob from both Ellen and Clarine
Who died to the arena?
Clarine ties with Tate for my second-favorite girl in the game desu
She is one also of the few characters to consistently cap luck, so there's also that. If only she and Ellen were both a bit more durable.
Ellen would be adorably clumsy, blushing and self-conscious.
Clarine would either be way better at it than she wants you to believe, or just as clueless as Ellen.
I wonder how good St. Elimine's handjob technique was
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S-she would never do something so impure, anon!
But I like to think if she did, she'd be about the same as Ellen.
I'd like to think just a single caress of the tip of her fingers could send a man spiraling into a cum frenzy
For me it would be enough just knowing that I somehow had St. Elimine herself, the pinnacle of purity and light, touching me in such a lewd manner like that. I'd struggle to last thirty seconds, no matter how good she was.
It'd be cute if she didn't know how to react to my immediate release and awkwardly apologized for not making it last longer and ask if I was okay.
hmmm i dont even remember the name of who died in the arena, i have a list of everyone who has died(and how) but maybe i forgot to add the arena bozo lol
You're doing pretty good without any of them lol
How is Echidna actually working out for you? Of all the people you posted in >>486512649 I think she's the only one I've literally never used at all.
she's ok... i got really lucky with her being alive after chapter 12 because i had her and astol tank the dragons/wyverns that flank you from the east... with no healer or archer... she's pretty much Dieck but slightly worse it feels like
Is fe6 anon doing ironman? Come to think of it I never played ironman in any game before because of wanting to see endings for everyone.
Go for it. When someone kicks the bucket it makes you think on your feet. Sometimes it's enjoyable watching your B te- C team jump a few archers.
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>my romhack does not have lolis yet
I would not play my romhack.
What are you waiting for? I added one recently. She has one of the best strength growths in the game
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out of 10
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lovely Doot
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Do I try to make this adorable brick work or save myself the trouble and use Staruk instead
Gemmy go up
Her voice is surprisingly deep in FEH, but I like it
FE has a lot of young girls
More young boy toys please
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Damn son, early promoting wrecked your Alan.
He still fucks enemies so it’s ok

Kind of, Roy died once so far but I don’t go back to previous save states if my characters die
Go for it. Daggers are rather cheap to forge and poison is great for bosses. Worse case scenario she body blocks another unit.
I tried to make full use of the crit passive on my first playthrough by making her a sniper with a killer bow but I ended up grinding so much that the game became too easy so I started over. Maybe I could try to use her with the melee crit dagger, but that STR isn't looking good...
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Anon, if you've got DLC on the table, you'll be fine. Honestly, I considered trying the Sniper Yunaka meme on my current run, but one of the things that bothered me about the prospect of switching her to sniper is how garbage its speed is, to say nothing of strength. I would say if you're concerned about her STR, maybe go the warrior route? Her personal still procs even without the covert bonus providing extra avoid, and that will give you the killer axe, revanche and killer bows to play with. For the record, you only need about 120 crit to max on about 99.9% of enemies in the game.
Probably gonna start a new playthrough of Hard Mode Radiant Dawn soon. I finally caved in and started emulating even if I have a good copy still. Well, my copy is my nephew's hands currently and is currently playing it.
Post stats when you're done. Is it just a normal run or ironman?
Hmm, alright, I'll stick with dagger for now. I got enough ingots to make her a peshkatz+1 so that should be good enough. Honestly there's too many cute girls in this game and not enough deployment slots.
Normal hardmode run, nothing special.
No... No fucking way. Why are you not in jail?
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anyone else seeing the resemblance
Didn't they pretty much say they were inspired by
Mars symbol intersecting another Mars symbol
Cyanide intersecting your circulatory system
Why is /feg/ so opposed to women who like yaoi?
>Petra loves Claude
>Hilda loves Claude
>Claude knocks them both up
Cute and canon
The nipples of both girls are larger than the image implies
they have rare tiny nipples. That makes them more perfect
Who is more breedable? Yunaka or Ivy!
Ivy is a royal women designed to pump out kids.
That's what happens when Shitwi is the OP every time
Anyone knows if skin mods work on Ryujinx? My uncensor works fine but skins don't seem to appear in the game. I copied it in the same mods folder.
Okay nevermind, apparently I need Cobalt mod manager. I also found out I had version 1.1 and not 2.0, guess my save isn't gonna carry over, fml.
Why would he be in jail?
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bors is dead. sophia died as soon as she joined. milday? thriving
Got everything working now and much as i hate starting over for the 4th time, at least there's more dlc to discover now. Also it runs smoother.
Nice. Miledy is one of the best characters in the game IIRC.
What about Cecilia? She has one of the worst join chapters ever, so I think a lot of people get the idea that she's complete shit from that. I think she's useful but not great. Really comes in handy if Clarine/Ellen/Saul are dead or got stat screwed.
Also, what chapter are you on now?
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Cecilia is... alive! She hasn't done too much, but it is nice having a magic user after not having one for so long(rest in piss lugh). She also does decent damage.

Currently on chapter 16, I can add u on disc if you wanna talk more about it btw. If not that's fine too but I don't have many friends who play fire emblem, especially the older ones
>not level 23 after recruiting mission
might as well not bother
Igrene or Louise, anon? There's no wrong answer, I'm just curious.
If Douglas survived 16, you're in for a hell of a time in 16x.
I'm always shy about giving that out, but I've made a friend on here before and over on /fesg/ as well, so I'll add you if you want to post yours. I'm sort of the same way, I don't know anyone who really plays the series, or they don't emulate, so they only have the newer games mostly.
I can screenshot this thread to prove I'm the one who adds you, if you're as paranoid as me about that stuff. Discord gets a (possibly deserved) reputation here, after all.
I just looked up Louise and I don’t remember her! But so far? Igrene is a top 3 for me. Also I killed Douglas, I kill everyone I see unless there is an option to talk to them or recruit them. You can add me then: kinoyeppp
Corrin or alear sex?
I've been playing Tales of Vesperia and in some ways Raven kind of reminds me of Claude. I would go further, but spoilers.
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Shut up nigger
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Racism outside of /b/ is stinky like you
berserk is such bullshit wdym you can just make my miledy murder my entire team for 4 turns straight
Nowi sexo
Yunaka's personal str/spd are just inherently bad for her join level. However, if you're running her as a Sniper, then its pretty much guaranteed that you're using Lyn as her emblem as that's the only worthwhile way to use the class. So all you really have to do is give her a good weapon + momentum for damage.
That's what I did the first time and she could solo the whole game at that point, not fun. Maybe I should bump the diff from hard to lunatic so I don't feel bad about making OP builds?
Yunaka is good once you have access to Corrin
Fog botting isnt good on Maddening.
Only 1% of players play Maddening
>not playing on lunatic
literally baby mode
>not playing to break the game
engage is terrible for casual play

if you want to gimp yourself by not running dragon corrin
Well early chapters were still pretty tough for me on hard, I mostly just don't like lunatic for how retardedly strong the final bosses become. But maybe it's worth it this time since engage modes and attacks just feel overpowered
aside from axebros and hortensia, there is not really anything in early engage either
I want to hug Lucina
Finn OP here. Just going to say that the Miriel OP a few months ago was also me. That's 2 W's for me. Couldn't say that earlier because I was bullshit banned
I heard engage on lunatic is really hard but I'm also curious to try it. I'd absolutely use the dlc though.
You have to play the whole game on fixed growths, and it makes your first lunatic run much more fair because no one can get screwed in growths
How do fixed growths work?
Pretty sure it's like every level is the same across all playthroughs. No one seems to know what the basis is for that though, nor a list of levels on which character in which class
Their stats are never good enough for the final chapters, so they can just stay at the castle raising kids.
Just noticed we're at image cap.
What the fuck guys. This is the problem
with Nowi
It was one guy spamming his folder for like 15 hours thoughever
I unironically came playing this Paralogue.
Lyn best girl
Page 10? Not today!
Kek you were also the one spamming for 12 hours here too.
Okay anon, you convinced me, I'll try lunatic. Hope I don't regret it.
I think we all know what Fire Emblem game is the easiest, but which would you say is the simplest?
The last time someone mentioned their nephew and playing Radiant Dawn, it was a literal pedo who molested said nephew
Shadow Dragon comes to mind. Poor list of classes and weapons, same easy objectives, no skills or anything
That's an oddly specific combination, but it gets a "what the fuck" nonetheless
Hopefully it's not that same guy?
Sacred Stones is notoriously easy, even on hard.
Don't know if it went through, but I added you.
Welcome to the FE6 lategame lmao, where damn near every map has
>siege tomes
Or some combination of the above. Did you end up on the Ilia or Sacae route?
Damn, Lunatic doesn't fuck around...
Nowi smells good
This is fine
That’s one of the hardest maps the first time around
Is it true that some maps have infinite reinforcements?
Yes. Not that one though.
Damn. Guess I'll have to switch up my usual strat of killing all reinforcements before finishing the stage.
Bonds of Fire, Connect Us
Love provides, Protects us
Man... why are all the hottest girls like Lapis, Framme and Chloe so weak...
Just change her into a sword griffin knight and have her be a levin sword bot that doubles everything
I was thinking mage knight, is griffin much better?
They are about the same
She was in human trafficking before Gregor saved her, it's not that hard to imagine.
What are some unusual class + unit combos in Fates? Has anyone ever actually used Bow Knight or Hero Felicia? What about Sorcerer or Dark Knight Camilla?
Oni savage corrin
That's an incentive not to stay and grind until you break all your weapons, I suppose.
Weapons don't break in in Engage. I think it's more of an incentive to get the objective cleared quickly since on lunatic those reinforcements are really tough and will overrun you. Honestly, it's a good thing.
Did Gheb canonically deflower Tana? He was pretty obviously on the verge of raping Amelia.
Alright, this is already much tougher. I didn't play as well as I'd like, didn't save Marth ult for the boss. This is already a lot more fun than soloing the whole earlygame with Louis though.
>did the rape CHAD rape
if you take the porn as canon like most people do then yes, she got mating press raped by him the entire time she was held captive
I've used Felicia in both Hero and Bow Knight. Her damage output falls off quite a bit, but she's still fast. It was fun having 3 Breaker skills at the end, but I wouldn't say it was optimal.
Lapis does well in a good class like Wyvern or Warrior. Swordmaster doesn't have great class bases.
If you're using DLC, Framme makes a great Enchanter.
>This is already a lot more fun
Glad to see you're enjoying Engage, anon. Looks like you picked the right difficulty.
Nohr and Hoshido boss themes have no tension at all and then when you fight a Valla boss it's like the whole world is ending
I jerked off to Hortensia
t. Hortensia
Why do people hate fire emblem engage? It's legit really fun and three houses sucked
Because they were filtered by it not being Three Houses 2
We dont like Alear >:(
imagine playing trash like fire emblem when zzz shits on it
Nice bait. zzz is how I feel about bad games
are literally top-tier units
Chloé work in nearly every class.
Lapis is kind a meh in most but she does well in GK/General.
Framme has a lot of little things that add up into her being a good unit that works in the short/long term but also doesn't take up much resources.
Thanks for enlightening me bros, I'll raise them
What went wrong?
But she's really pretty
How do we feel about Ingrid these days
She saved my run in Maddening for Blue Lions so she gets a pass for me.
It got hit with the worst trannyshitcalization yet, way worse than even Fates or 3H, the reviews all just parroted "it's worse than 3H", also the MC's visual design didn't help either. Get the uncensor and some visual mods and it becomes an incredibly good FE game with some of the best gameplay yet.
I'm making an FE romhack. Give me suggestions for what I should do (or what I shouldn't).
Godspeed anon
Is it your first romhack? If so, I’d say to keep it short and simple. Focus on one thing (map design, character writing, new game mechanic) and do it well. Don’t overextend and burn out.
Make one of the main characters your self insert
Have one minor character do a self-sacrifice for the MC that was 100% preventable
All self-sacrifices are preventable
Make a Jeigan that dies to the story to screw the players
I want to eat Nowi scrambled eggs
This thread will last at least another week since the image limit was reached
It's still good without it. I played teh game with and without it.
Sorry but I'm not gonna trust you on that. I played through 10 chapters of Echoes without the patch and it was a total shitfest. Not touching any localized games without uncensor nowadays, many examples other than FE.
Make sure to have decent enemy AI. It’s boring if all the enemies just stand in place until you engage them.
I will play your romhack if it has a heroine like
page 10 is scary...
I wanted to post pics from my rev playthrough since I finally have some time to play and I can't even do that
You can thank Finn schizo for ruining the thread
Give me the rundown anyway, anon. What chapter are you on? Which units have been standing out so far?
page 10 is comfy
>t. /eog/ crossposter
But it was Nowi's goonies that ruined the thread?
I just beat the first map of Valla. Kinshi Knight Corrin was a mistake, wishing I went malig knight again. Kaze maxed out strength as a ninja which I never saw happen before. Saizo somehow has more luck than speed, first time using this guy. Hana was good early but now everything one shots her. I'm taking my time to train all the units I want to unlock all supports child units etc since I probably won't play Fates again for a while after
Images are banned this thread because the finnfag posted his FE meme folder for 12 hours straight
Nowifag was gaslighting again. Nothing new
Pube time
Bring back raider weapons
Engage doesn't have conventionally unusable units but ones either super redundant or "who greenlit this" like Etie/Bunet, some of the early game bases handed out and Avenir as a class. Alfred in Avenir is actually worse than a GK Lapis/Chloé/Alear/Veyle and Golden Lotus only halves physical harm off a 1/5 chance at best.
Which class do you feel is due for a rework/refresh?
Yeah it's like he's trying to be a GK with res but his atk and def aren't there. I wanna try coping with Halberdier since I like Kimura Ryohei, but I feel like a melee glass cannon is so much harder to protect than a ranged one, and Lunatic doesn't fuck around.
Playing blind on lunatic you can absolutely get misled by the game into some unusable units, for example Sniper Etie
You can scroll up little guy
I don't like page ten
pretend i posted a really lewd pic here
Not like the mods care
we have those?
lets just get thread over with by doing a deep gameplay discussion.....

Which units do you use despite them being pretty awful?
All myrmidons
>shadow dragon echoes
We want FE4
Ryoma and Kagetsu are some of the best units in their respective games. I think IS has solved the Myrmidon question.
I want to impregnate azura
Is Kagetsu any good in Swordmaster? I really love some good ass swordplay combat animations.
Hector dropped out of the race
Engage was a flop.
>sold 1.6 mill
It's not even half of what 3H sold
seige tomes and status staves.
keep them or not?
Remove both + warp and rescue
3H killed the series
3H doesn't even have status staves
Sleep is the only tolerable status staff
t. biggest Thracia fan
Kagetsu is strong enough to make any physical class work. Obviously he’s better in a strong class like Wyvern, but he kicks plenty of butt as a Swordmaster.
I like Freeze better. Still stops you from moving, but you can act, and it’s only for one turn. It’s just weak enough to where giving it to the player is strong without feeling broken.
Using archers is my guilty pleasure. I’ve used every one in the series at some point.
Would a Berserk staff on /feg/ be rampant pornposting, or the schizo posting his shit?
I like to use my favorite girl from every FE I've played in every chapter she's deployable in, regardless of how shit she might be. I have her fight too, even if I have enough deployment slots that I could just park her in a corner and let everyone else do the work.
Not always a challenge depending on the game, but still fun.
I maintain that archers don't suck as much as people like to say. I think they're fun to use.
I do the same with peg knights. I may be the only FE6 player to ever use Yuno for more than unlocking 20x and carrying people to the bottom of the map in 21.
Post Fujos
imagining nina and forrest getting married and it's just nina sitting in the cuck chair shlicking while forrest gets buttfucked by other men
Since /feg/ is crawling on life support right now, maybe we could have a non-Nowi thread next?
Watch the next thread be at image limit in its first 30 minutes. Wish someone would ban this tard
i have a feeling we're due an FE announcement in august or september.
I'm expecting something good FE4 Chads
Hmmm... Sure! I'll take a break next thread. Someone else can have the spotlight.
Guys... I really love Fire Emblem so much.
>your SRPG project was ok-ish
I will play. It's not like there's any new games to play.
Jade should sit on me
Me too. Had a ton of fun replaying games lately after not playing since 3H
Hear me out:
No Nono for 25 posts next thread. Then you lot can go to town. I'm just tired of the brat
make all of the pegasisters have penises
do you think the back of lyndis' loincloth moves visibly when she farts
Find God.
I keep forgeting the image limit is up
>Is Kagetsu any good in Swordmaster?
Good growths but Kagetsu's extremely bloated base stats carries it hard. It seems like there was a miscommunication in the team on the numbers they were giving out. That or they saw Kagetsu's stats at a really late part of the development cycle and just threw numbers at him+SM to end up with what we have today.
Only for about 30 more posts, then the pedocord will make another thread
Yeah, just 2 more weeks!

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