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Previous: >>486200601

>Ellen Character Demo - "Uniform, Shark Tail, Scissors"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOW8XhUce38 [EN]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDjLXFAgsmA [JP]

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo [EN]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I [JP]

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began" | Zenless Zone Zero"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 [EN]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s [JP]



>Official Twitter Account:

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Signal/Pull Tracker:

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers
>Ben bigger
>smaller than other bears
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post snek scores.
Why couldnt she just be named anonymouse then?
Roster check! Post your level 1 Lycaon. You didn’t build Lycaon did you?
force Quingyi down to install a pussy into her
she's a rat
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This bitch's tits are way too big
I was watching a vid on ZZZ and the guy said the game is kinda like Marvel or Skullgirls where you dont need to run 3 characters if you dont want to, is it true? I kinda just want to billiymax
Isn’t she a rat though? That just creates a different naming problem.
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Fuck sex and romance. If you could choose an agent to be best friends4life with, who would you choose?
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Does /zzz/ like Piper?
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Uhn na-na
He hasn't spooked me yet
I'll also level him to 10 at least just for the free roll
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>this post survived the entire thread (2 hours)
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hmm, she looks "interesting" too
how about rerolling for zhu yuan then?
how many pulls would I be getting per reroll?
>if you're okay with skipping the only Ice DPS and the only Ether DPS until at least 1.3 then yeah, sure, go on
what is the significance of that?
>Just save rolls for her. You don't want to be a full patch behind
when is she coming? I thought it was sooner
not big enough
I don't think anyone can actually use money to upgrade Bangboos, its a separate no real life money shop.
Big Daddy
Female rats are called Does.
Unless that one character is Ellen, hell no!
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no such thing
I have the worst luck.
I might not get Ellen.
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Do NOT get the boon that lets you use two chain attacks in a row. It doesn't stop the stun bar and the boss simply won't get dazed.
>log in
>do a combat commission that lasts like 2minutes
>too tired to focus anymore
>log out to browse more youtube shorts
every fucking time
I don’t report porn on principle, whether or not it’s incest, loli or furry
lucky for me, I always get waifus from the standard banner, Koleda and S11
Nicole fucking Wise for discount on Belle's bed when she's not home.
sharkboo or bulterboo for the ice team?
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I do.
Ellen/Dog/Corin with Butlerboo
Ellen/Dog/Oni for Ice?
the significance is that it heavily limits your teams when trying to match enemy weaknesses
ice/ether weakness is currently meaningless to anyone without ellen/m6 soukaku or zhu yuan
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when are they adding better icons?
i will never use the friend feature in this game until this is addressed
Is Anby/Grace/Anton a viable team composition? Sadly no Rina.
Be a good person and cuddle Corin reassuringly.
Anal police
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So is this Thot worth building just for her Defense shred if i dont have anything else to synergize her with?
Not really. If you don't run a full team you don't get the maximum amount of chain attacks against bosses which is a huge damage loss
based brainrotted zoomer
Belle's legs look so weird
>what is the significance of that?
the lack of options, lategame content requires to use proper elements unless you want to suffer.
Also like half of the currently available content shills Ice and Ether and these two elements just so happen to be the elements of this patch's banner characters.
>when is she coming? I thought it was sooner
next week
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Ben is real chill.
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It just means you'll get Trigger in your first 10 roll.
cheese to meet u
>She’s a 4*
actually? I thought she was an S rank
unless you blew all your resources on ellen and regret it, I wouldn't reroll
or you could buy a starter account

her banner is coming in 8 days
i need it to complete the book medals
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>From government faction right after another government faction
>Boring clothes
>Mediocre face
>Not a kemomimi
>Only cool thing is her weapon and tits

This bitch better have a good gimmick/surprise cause I don't know what the fuck they were thinking.
Billy's kit specifically requires chain attack, the cunning hares is a package deal. Anby stuns, nicole groups everyone, and billy ults.
Pipe her? I hardly know her!
k i n o
I hope 1.2
whenever the outer rim arc starts
holy shit
autism seed
Absolutely, it works great, but it's a little worse because Rina makes shocks a lot stronger
>can't see how much trust you have with the cat cause it doesn't have a phone
Come on, game
Qingyi’s an S-rank in 1.1. We already know the A-ranks on Butt Cop’s banner, it’s Nicole and Ben.
She is Nicole powercreep. Unnerfed boobs
I headcanon this as something that happens regularly offscreen. It would be unrealistic to assume that a flirt like her hasn't given it a shot if anything.
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Ripping her clothes off afterwards so she has to walk home naked
BP is only $10
The $20 gives you 10 levels
Just like HSR, the Icons are Premium BP Awards
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Cute Sexy Fat Butt Big Tits Inverted Nipples JK Shark

This is a positive
Why does this shitty game need to patch every time I open it?
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you wouldnt fuck a rt right anon?
Ben is a pretty chill guy
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last one is me....
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holy brainrot
look at this anon
butler, unironically
you trigger its victoria housekeeping passive if you have lycaon
How is that based?
You get an icon of every character if you roll them
Although posting with Koleda’s icon might be really weird for Koleda
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What does Zhu Yuan's ass smell like after a whole day of patrolling New Eridu on a hot summer's day?
Game is unoptimized and bugged to hell. People with beefy rigs are still experiencing stutters in lumina square.
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>open game with controller already connected
>still have to change input to CONTROLLER everytime
>that tip about quitting the game normally by logging out still makes the game verify its integrity
Even Genshit did this at the beginning of its days.
why do they all look high?
Are you going to roll Zhu Yuan, if yes then you want to build Nicole because she's one of the better partners for Zhu Yuan at this moment.
>Inverted Nipples
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Do we get new free pulls when they release a new banner?
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Are tails erotic?
Nicole is Wise's girlfriend, it's clear as day.
If I want to use Zhu Yuan out of the gate next week should I start prefarming mats right now?
>game is 57GB despite being a roguelike
>need 110gb to install
did hoyo reserve its worst devs for this game or what?
bro just press start on your controller (and esc on the keyboard to go back)
She has canonical puffy outwards nipples on her art, not inward nipples
Also who the fuck like inward nipples
>still have to change input to controller everytime
just press start bwo
>that tip about quitting the game normally still makes the game verify integrity
because they're trolling you, the game verifies integrity every update, not because you alt f4 it.
Are you me anon?
the best they could do is the 10 rolls over 7 days i think but i don't think hoyo always did this
i remember getting 5 pulls sometimes
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I dont think people get the amount of effort and time that goes into the game's overproduced cutscene animations
at best, we'd get one or two agent stories per 1.x patch and probably get some real main story around x.4-x.5 patch so we're gonna be waiting awhile
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Amazing, I keep being proven right that giggers are the worst thing that happened to Mihoyo. My utter fucking distaste towards giggers keeps on growing by the day. They're going to drag this game next if the waterkuma shit goes out in the wider public

never let these retards take root in this subculture
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>count the Bangboos and rotate the camera
Isn't this game rated 16+? What is this baby shit? Couldn't we at least get some combat for the first event before we get the usual Hoyo minigameslop?
If you play or care about Genshin and HSR you don’t belong here. ZZZ isn’t for you.
shark for long term bulter if you’re going to quit after not getting the cop
but i'm le tired~
i'll play on my day off
You don’t? It’s hot as fuck.
So can I do a team like Koleda, Anton, and Ben? I managed to get all 3, and I wasn't sure ifnthey synergize together.
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Honestly, both Ben or Anton are fucking awesome. Great dudes with just ideals a heart of gold, who you could confide in at anytime and would do as much for you as you for them. The type of people who motivate you to be a better person just by virtue of being close to them.
I tried to invest in this for a day or two for shiyu 8 (anton c0r4)
It didn't work so I tried grace piper lucy instead and beat it in two tries with copeballs
geez don't know bro
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Please don't say that Zhu Yuan would smell bad
they installed 4 uncompressed audio from 4 different languages for you lmfao
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Should be bigger
if they go the HSR route you'll get 10 pulls over a week every new patch
I like them outwards. It’s better to suck on. Inwards nipples are a biological catastrophe, unable to sustain children
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nice hank hill ass lol
Stop masturbating and drink water.
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be patient, anon, the answer to your problem is coming very soon.
Incredibly so
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>farm materials for level 4 core skills for Anby
>need level 45 to unlock
its over...
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Even pressing Start does not work. The game just refuses to recognize inputs until I change it in-game.
Well it got me good.
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Character for this feel
They give you free 10 limited pulls every new patch, just like they did in HSR.
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>>>>>>>>no ass hair
Shit game
Which battle pass W-engine did everyone pick?
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>you can use the sky walkway thing when theres traffic
character for this feel
If you haven't noticed, they're test running a bunch of things.
>goofy gimmick maps like the ones with the cannons and mysteries
>combat that has no map at all and instead has all the map elements in game (rally)
>a mix of both
>stuff that involves finding cats, playing with the camera, etc
ben and koleda have synergy with their attacks, but anton only has synergy with grace/rina really
you can slot any attacker of the element you need into the team though
Well I don't know what to tell you, it works fine with xinput controller
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Yes. Her additional ability is just for ether teams but you can slot her in anywhere and still be valuable for DEF shred on chain attacks
>mint boba
is this good? I've been to plenty of boba spots and I have never seen that
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Emptying all my semen on her
>fat butt
>big tits
>fat tail
>freshly-painted nails
The expectation is that we will get main story patches for the next 2 patches, then it will be a break from big MSQ patches until 2.0.
I regret rolling for Butlerboo Lawrence
That's not for you to decide
He does continue to let her rack up more debt towards them even though it doesn’t make sense from a business standpoint…
It's kind of insane how many of those sky railways there are in China when I went there.
How the fuck do the chinese walk up those things everytime they want to cross the road?
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She is even more of a skip now from her video tape leak in 1.1
Sorry but S11 is the euler expy
what gives the most xp per energy? or is it all proportional
Is there any fire attacker besides Not-Anby? I feel like I'm stuck with Anton.
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your free pulls sir
It's okay, it's still the 1.0. If we don't like it they won't do it again, just like the ubereats event.
InterKnot exp earned is based on energy spent, it's all the same.
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I don't see how this would make her "more of skip"
must be like venice
Sorry, we gotta go to kowloon city, china town first because the game need its CHINA #1 area
Alright, everyone has very different favorite factions. But what is the definitive worst faction in the game right now? Obol Squad doesn't count
He's skipping because of he rolls he won't be able to play without having to stop to masturbate every 2 minutes
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Cunning Hares MOGGED by Victoria Housekeeping yet again...
soldier 11 is the only one right now, yeah
you could build lucy as a field dps though, she actually does do quite a lot of damage
Easy skip cause her best teammate is that male a-rank agent on her banner. No thanksa
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Well /zzz/ are you cheesed to meet her
It's pretty common from where I'm from. People here would laugh if they have to stop at a crossing.
she needs my DNA to use as evidence
XP per point of energy is the same across the board as far as I know
You're a very insecure small man
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I don't really mind. That's what holiday themed events are best used as fillers for these types of games. I hope we get one here. Would be really comfy if it snows in New Eridu come December and there's Christmas lights everywhere
In terms of how boring the characters look: Section 6. Soukaku can't carry her soulless teammates
They aren’t fat from existing off a diet of high fructose corn syrup and saturated fats.
>get locked into story chapter
>can't do event
>shit just drags on
Why the FUCK is that even a thing? At the very least let the player cancel the story chapter.
Nicole and Anby don't deserve this
Nicole is debt collector's gf
Belobog obviously. Vision's demolition plan was better and safer.
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Really though, what's insecure about it? I want to use a team of three cute girls in my gacha but I'm also an unrepentant metafag
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I heard the Cunning Hares are both incompetent ans terrible at managing their finances.
Ironic coming from a man who wears dresses and paints his nails
Don't forget to KYS (kiss your sister)
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>gets a game full of sexo and for (You) girls
>throws a hissy fit because of one (1) male character having synergy with one (1) girl
Shitters like you just love to feel miserable over cartoons huh?
Based and true.
Those rally missions where you run around a course with some mob arenas, hidden chests, minigames and obstacles are far superior to the TV slop and I wish they went with that as the base for all missions
Given the banners we will have main story chapters untill probably 1.3, from there on it will probably be events with a comfy story since the game is a slice of life and all
>I don't want her because a male works well with her
How is this not insecure as fuck?
Nice projection but I've never done any of those.
You literally can just not use him.
There's a chance they might be. Ite clear they're testing the waters.
So, rat/grace/catboy?
t. Perlman
>people are starting to draw ellen's hair glowing when she cums
I never thought of that...
You will never be a woman
how so?
But I don't feel miserable about it, I'm just gonna skip Jane's banner

I'm incapable of not metafagging

What makes it insecure? What am I supposed to be insecure about

I think so
One of the devs talked about maybe moving away from TV in the future. Guess they're waiting for feedback and maybe looking at TV stats that show if people skip through them if they have that tech.
The Cunning Hares are a group of dysfunctional retards. This also makes them the best faction though.
Why does she have such a fat ass? How does this help her apprehend criminals?
>snows in New Eridu come December
It would make this already comfy game absurdly more comfier
They're good but I rather they just up the amount while still keeping the TV to have a balance of variety.
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Alright let’s see who’s really behind this post
The clapping cheeks produce supersonic sound waves that help people her forwards
nigger, hoyo never do any real life holiday events except chink new year event because its the only one that matters for CCP
Belle and Wise stuck on the stage of pulling out...
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For me it's Ellen Joe
this segment was the only time this game actually made me laugh
good satire
Grace + Anby is all you need so fill in whoever else.
It tempts criminals, causing them to elongate their sentence by adding sexual conduct with a minor to their rap sheet
ZZZ isn’t your typical troonyo chink slop
nekomata taking a nice deep whiff of nicole's fragrant pussy
Cunning Hares are charmingly incompetent even if they have pretty clever people on board, it's the Problem Solver 68 of ZZZ
For me it's Section 6 because of how generic and uninspired they are. I may be dickrolling for Yanagi but that's it. Intentionally skipping Miyabi and everyone else
And what makes you so sure of that?
Why is Belle literally the perfect incest sister?
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Does she actually have a good team? I'm starting to think she might be the Kid/Qiqi of this game
why was 4chan down?
I genuinely not sure I understand the game. I've been trying to speed through the tutorials to get to the "real" game and it feels like this shit never ends. Also, I don't know if I understand the combat? It seems ridiculously simple; just mash attack and special button and then switch for an assist here and there? The story seems cool but a lot of the characters sound annoying as hell.

Not trying to troll or anything, I just don't seem to "get it"?
nekomata acting like shes asleep so she can feel the dick bump with her cheek
Weird, I thought Rina would bring more to an elec anomaly team (she's supposed to combo with anomaly characters and police,right? so her with grace and grace with rina). What does the catboy do that's so good for the rat?
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I'm sure Ellen and Corin will be heartbroken
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>But I don't feel miserable about it, I'm just gonna skip Jane's banner
Yeah you know what you're right, I made a retarded and overly aggressive assumption about you as a person, I'm sorry. Anyway, hope you're happy with whoever you roll for.
alien pic on /x/
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People should be ready since the producer of zzz already said that they want experiment with characters so we will probably get some weird shit down the line
Never mind I'm retarded I thought this was replying to the qingyi animations post for some reason
What's cat seeing in her dreams?
Standard banner DPS rarely age well.
Lets make a list of "realistic" changes we want the developers to make. Then everyone can add that into the next customer poll they do.

1. Add a "bail out" option for case replay or cinematic mode. I don't even care if I lose progress, just do it.
2. a toggle in settings to allow some modes to remain on high speed permanently until you change it.
3. reduction in fairy repeated conversations in some modes that are repeatable.
4. ?
criminals get distracted by her massive ass and it's easier to neutralize them
been using nekomata/anby/nicole since day 1, they work fine. probably not the strongest team or anything and she'll be replaced in the future, but it's done okay for now.
I don't regret her though
wtf means interior or higher? the purple one? above 1500?
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Based and truthpilled.
I imagine it more like a tense pseudo fwb situation. They've had sexual encounters semi-frequently but are too awkward to ever breach the dreaded "what are we" topic.
Shes the Yanqing of this game
No synergy with anyone
Mediocre damage
Janky gameplay
Soldier 11 is the second most powercreepable unit, but she at least works well in decently meta team
piper/lucy (lol)
I don't want HSR and the billionth iteration of China dress once again.
He means furries. He wants to add furries that were rejected from Genshin and HSR for good reason
It will be an oppai loli with a very noticeable jiggle every time they move
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I wanna lick Koleda all over
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Why're they pretending to be maids?
The melty when Big Daddy is fully revealed will be legendary.
100% copium
it's extremely sad if even lower rarity characters mog you
Make it so you can sleep as long as you want after beating the main story. It's a pain in the ass to do that box quest every single time you wanna advance the time cause you have no new quests to do
the attacks get more elaborate later
>has the same artifact grinding
>has the same simulation universe from HSR
>has [chinknames] characters shoved in
>has CCP approved censorship
>i-it isn't your typical troonyo chink slop
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It’s self evident, but a low IQ nigger like yourself needs everything spelt out for you.
Dont think i will be rolling for her, i dont hate her gameplay or looks but im not the biggest fan either
Yeah her defense shred sounds really good
Im not sure yet what 2 teams im going to run in the endgame
Im leveling Piper, Corin, Rina, Anby and Sokaku atm
I dont want to build S11, Anton or Ben so Nicole is all i have left for a 6th person
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>enters your room
>sits on your couch next to you
>falls asleep in front of you
you dumb motherfucker take the fucking hint
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Umm wouldn't her fat fucking ass badly distract her coworkers and reduce their work efficiency???
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licking koleda's sweaty, stinky pits
licking koleda's small sweaty breasts
licking koleda's sweaty tummy and navel
yeah because you can't spell it yourself, kys nigger
she needs a dose of D, obviously
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>plaps (you) instead
It's your fault for having such hips, you fucking slut.
Moving in TV mods is not disturbed by the incessant chatter. Allow me to skip ANYTHING, including stuff like the forced camera movement in TV mode. Add a "cycle lockon" button and add an indicator to show the current lockon target.
Are you an interknotlet? The requirement is to finish ch 2.5 for Lumina Square.
God I wish. Too few games with proper shortstacks AND NO I WON'T PLAY GRANBLUE.
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Ellen Joe
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they're already on track with this, good to see they're at least telling us they're gonna try to keep it up
not that guy but I think seething so hard over dudes shows an intense fear of getting "cucked" even in fiction, and indicates a crippling lack of self esteem where they think they're so unappealing that interacting with any other man will result in ntr. It's never just "i don't want to look at men", these people specifically talk about ntr and cucking so you know that the topic is on their minds. it's kind of repulsive
They are just some stairs bro
found and good mmd shorts?
semi-unrelated but this is adorable artwork if you imagine this is their first genuinely intimate encounter outside of nicoles occasional teasing
That’s why she’s partnered up with the thick robot. She’s the only other cop on the force that has a comparatively fat ass.
Reduce the amount of times you need to clear Hollow Zero to get your weekly materials reward. It should be scaled where by the time you hit 6000/6000 (7k this week) you should already have all the rewards instead of grinding out an extra 3 runs where you get nothing besides a pittance of dennies.
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Bros I have a suggestion for people who post itt, (baggers, nikkers, giggers)
How about: Biggers
(Any DPS)/Anby/Nicole can be a good team, depending on whether or not it can activate the DPS' team passive or if their team passive matters in the first place
that's good, most characters in other gatchas look identical and soulless
>3 patches of normal women and twinks
i don't think so
you won't find good MMD on youtube
Because Victoria housekeeping are really a bunch of stooges for a vampire lord and the only ones good at acting like servants are the dog and the ghost.
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Why is that hussy on the phone with my oniichan
>no tail
I hope he is like white beard and the sons of calydon are his family, that would be so kino
god, that's so hot. i need her to fuck me idc, domsubs are good
why would hoyo make a collaboration with 2K (australia) ?
We already have ziggers, benbro.
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>get insanely lucky on standard banner with like 10 pity at best
>ss flashes. hype.
that makes c1, now.
what are the fucking odds of this? of all the characters to pull from. i get the fucking furry, twice. insane luck, but i want grace or rina because i incidentally pulled for their weapons on the same banner before getting them, so understandably im annoyed.
its looking like im going all the way to the selector, whenever that will be. fucking knotted, bros. its over.
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>But what is the definitive worst faction in the game right now
the two that have furries. yes, both of them.
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I think you're either projecting big time or have a real fixation on these dudes lmao. I just want to use meta teams full of cute girls, its not that complicated
idk man, gosari's stuff is pretty good
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God, you just know Belle really wants the knot... She's not even trying to hide it
Damn, Lucy really is the artist's poorly disguised fetish, huh?
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there's iwara for *that* and then there's tiktok/youtube/bilibili for things other than *that*
I'm okay with my kpopslop, every addiction to the collection is nice, even if it's absurdly janky
Honestly? Grace. She's the ideal female best friend because her autism fends off would-be suitors. Would be sick if she started getting really lax and comfy, letting her guard down around only you. It'd be nice to have that one autistic friend, but also that friend has fat tits.
Which fetish
Huh? You can check Inky's trust below everyone's faction trust page. It's there.
He uses the same three animations and songs for every "animation", that shit melts my brain.
>you're projecting
I accept your concession.
Where do you get this?
I would say we already dont really have a plain character. maybe anby is the most conventional cute looking girl. we already have shark bear and rat. and still not sure what billy is. and what bangboo is. Im just glad they wont do boring design like in hsr or chinkslop. let genshin have the polular design. thats what suits the game anyway
>something not seen before
oh lord, i'm laughing
People in asian countries walk substantially more than we do in the west. When I visited Indonesia, walking in Jakarta was genuinely faster than driving because of the absurd amount of traffic. All of the cardio also helps counter the insane amount of salt they put in their food
Yeah its great
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My two favorites
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I can't wait for Billy to take us outside the city, introduce us to the bikers and then get an alt with his biker outfit
this shit is disgusting lmao
how do furries live with themselves
how am i gonna know that gear coin gates do not have smart components that would let fairy open them unless i'm told every single time i step on one?!
Snow in Sixth Street/Lumina square would be incredibly comfy. I hope mihoyo actually does holiday stuff for once, since this is a more grounded game
Yeah i guess my Issue is i dont have another DPS if i dont build Soldier 11. I like her playstyle but eh. I wonder if Sokaku would be a bad dps if i ran her with Nicole/Anby and have my other team be Piper/Corin/Rina
Kinda hard to build a good comp for Piper without Lucy
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>t. suburbcel
i walk constantly in nyc but i guess that's just one of the perks of living in the greatest city on god's green earth!
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Okay bro, accept it all you like lol
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yeah i also have a fetish for corrupted princesses
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when we getting the lore drop on Mr Panda
Who is your NPCfu /zzz/? For me it's Sharon
They're a quasi intelligence agency that does wetwork too, i even think they're professional hitmen as they'll do anything their employer tells them to
>fat tits
>motherly onee-san
>loves tech
yep she's perfect
I did, I made sure she was sleeping comfortably and covered her with a blanket so she wouldn't catch a cold.
Why did they make Corin such a massive rape bait?
It's Dawei in a costume.
>I just want to use meta teams full of cute girls
Based and same. The only time i ever play or roll for Males is if i really like their story or how they feel to play
Have to be knot level 30 and not be in the middle of a story quest
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That's a very weird way to spell Belle but yes, it's indeed clear as day that Belle is Wise's girlfriend and future wife.
I'll take Hannah and pamper her.
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gonna pull for Zhu, hope I don’t get BIGGER’d too much
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I want to marry this cute cop!
>cheating on Venus
I actually run her as a DPS on that very team. Unfortunately it doesn't activate her additional ability which is a shame hut she's quite strong regardless. If I ever get the furry I'll slot him in over Anby
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Why do you illiterate retards keep misspelling Ellen? Jesus Christ.
Kek people really got baited by this guy when he’s the worst one
Fucking Hannah in front of the noodle shop dude that watches her every morning.
damn that's an easy skip banner
Jane's best team is literally her/Grace/Rina
aka all the hottest big titty bitches in the game
you bet I'm rolling for this sex rat
I am rolling just for m4 nicole honestly
massive width increase on the succ, should make farming stages a breeze
As long as it's not furry, it's fine. I'm okay with monster types though, for example, all of the characters in Overlord.
Yeah I rolled Aventurine in HSR cause I actually liked him, what a lucky guy to be the exception
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>bricking yourself by not pulling for the only ether DPS
Nicole owes me sex
>skipping ether
enjoy your bricked account lmfao
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look, I just want to be jovial about what Mihoyo pumps out again. We used to have Valentines day, Halloween, Summer, and Christmas events before
Man, playing her in ch 2.5 made me not want to roll for her at all. Her moveset is trash.
Just don't touch her tail mid sex.
Will a Koleda/Piper/Lucy work or should i stick with Koleda/Ben/Anton?
i will c6w5 the vampire boy
>skipping the only ether dps in the game
>when she's also incredibly hot and fun to play
Are you mentally well, anon?
Just roll for the ether dps that doubles her damage that’ll get released in a few months? What, you don’t expect Klee to actually have staying power, do you?
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Section 6 is the most soulless I'm actually questioning if they were by Waterkuma at all
you dont need a stunner in a semi-anomaly team like lucy/piper
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>It'd be nice to have that one autistic friend, but also that friend has fat tits
I have a friend like that, but she's a cardio bunny with a fat ass. She's cool as hell and we keep it strictly platonic, but I always take the opportunity to stare at her ass when she's wearing those slutty gymshorts. Maybe that's why I like characters like Nicole so much. A cool and reliable friend that gives out free eye candy.
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You wouldn't...she's worked so hard to get her own banner...
That's was before CCP decided they were cultural ambassadors to china and moved in the censorship overseeing crew.
Anton has fairly low damage potential without consistent shock. Koleda Piper Lucy might work if you can get enough anomaly mastery to make burn consistent for disorder, maybe bring cryboo or rocketboo to help with that
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I will pull the previous kusoge I played only had flat asses
she's fun to play with, likable and really attractive. this is one i will NOT miss.
I spent $100 on standard to get Nekomata with 300 selector
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guys I think nicole is significantly better than sou, and more versatile. post lv.40
Pricunny had no fat asses?
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It sucks that Mihoyo's too afraid to do those now after the Xinnie cocksucker part of their chinese playerbase threw a tantrum, because they didn't commemorate some stupid chinese holiday in Genshin but had already done Halloween-themed art of the Mondstadt girls. The bugmen are something else.
Is it better to save up enough meter for Ellen's level 2 skill instead of using 2 level 1's?
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A clear is a clear
You need it just as much as you need a stunner for other teams. Stunned enemies also take more anomaly damage.
the elevens hate big asses
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Feels good to do this on curve
you dont need to use an attacker with koleda ben, just run lucy

as a side note koleda is pretty insane you just stun bosses back to back especially with ben. the ultimate's impact actually scales with the ben bonus. because he attack chain is so long you can time the end of the stun right into EX
I don't understand, you know you can just make another account and roll again right?
>brick brick brick
gacha faggots really are retarded
no unit is needed for anything that a man with responsibilities would ever do in these games
Seamusbros...we WON
They will probably come up with the bootleg version of these for new eridu
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Be honest with me.
How's the gear system in this?
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Do you guys think I'll have enough rolls for Qingyi and Zhu Yuan if I buy the Welkin-ish thingy? I haven't rolled Ellen and I'm at like 50 pity...
they do but the opportunity cost you pay is no buildup of a second element
the multi-anomaly is what you aim for since the damage is huge
like fielding soldier 11 until you burn the enemy then switch to piper and spin2win to proc both burn + assault
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My wife forever stuck in a kusoge
Have you played genshin or star rail? It is the exact same shit.
Exact same as Star Rail except there's no no high or low sub stat rolls. They're always static.
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Bellesisters, we won
surprisingly user friendly
Joe's legs.
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lycaon knots corin daily
If you win both 50/50s then maybe.
Rerolling is only for poors.
How to kek your imouto by having romantic relationships with other women.
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better than hsr or genshin, but not by a significant amount
The video game we all play
>Look guys I'm a retard!
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I feel like Grace is the type that would open her front door with her tits out if a deliveryman knocked while she was getting dressed. She seems to be ignorant of her insane body's effect on people.
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Zhu Yuan bros, do we get the Ether bangboo for her?
more or less same as other hoyo games but slightly better because less useless stats than hsr and more qol than genshin
if you rolled ellen and going for anomaly team 2nd then you can also just farm one place and gear up evveryone
Why did no one tell me that Nicole is better than the T0 support Soukaku?
Excuse me but I'm a poor and I didn't reroll (I'm afraid to lose my koleda and lucy)
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Uhh bwo? I'm pretty sure they meant to type Corin
No matter what they say, you are based. Never change.
I did, but it’s possible we get a future bangboo that’s better.
Presumably we’ll get a cop bangboo at some point.
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I kneel SOULgod
wait people actually unironically ship BelleXWise?
What the fuck?
Shw wants securityboo for mobs and devilboo for massive corrupt uptime alongside nicole, but maybe securityboo will be better with qingyi or something
>gigger shitter
Of fucking course he's a faggot
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you can if you try hard enough, heres my brick
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>tfw it will be urban xianxia instead of space wuxia
>meanwhile this is an official wallpaper
>Presumably we’ll get a cop bangboo at some point.
Ehn-na!!! (SECURITYBOO SOON?????)
/zzz/ is friends with /gig/ and /hsrg/
i always have them on the team
Look how much defense she fucking shreds. People are sleeping on her so much it's kind of retarded.

Although they'll figure it out when Copsex releases.
Nicole isn't bad but that guy's argument is dogshit when mono element is insane for ice anomaly stacking. Soukaku is best for ice team but if you care about flexibility for some reason then you can not use her and do less damage
why cant i have an imouto like this...
I just want a Halloween event…
ellen is massively nerfed in this artwork
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best ship in the game
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What is she listening to?
Corin is Wise's onahole, not girlfriend
Burger song
Bangboos singing "All I Want for Christmas Is You" by Mariah Carey
No. Now fuck off tourist.
Dun dada dun da dun music
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This, this motherfucker right here. Worst enemy in the game. Worst even than some dark souls bosses.

>LMAO just button mash
>combat is too easy
All of that until you encounter this mf baka
Why the FUCK wouldn't they?
99% of the time no ass
Nice cope, enjoy your brick.
can’t nicole just make asmr video and earn 5 billion dennies
So BP+Monthly is 27 rolls for $15?
What else does the BP give?
Koleda, Ben, Corin or Nicole
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Alright, ZZZiggers, which one?
>Here ZZZiggers, It's the new super broken character that will change the meta for at least 2 years.
>It's a male character
Would you roll?
I’m pretty sure the Cunning Hares make good money, Nicole just spends it on orphans and shit instead of their own debts
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>spending money on a game without a single woman with exposed feet
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Nicole could pay off her debts easily on OnlyFans
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Downloading this now. Who should I roll for if I like monks?
It'll be a chinese cooking faction with a tolerable amount of kung-fu (cope)
But you need to pay for that...
paid bp saves you shitload of stamina by making it so you don't have to farm for xp/dennies
So there's no point in doing agent's trust events after you get them to trust level 4, right?
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that's gonna be her back in 10 years time carrying those milkers around
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Piper is the cutest ZZZ Diaper Girl. I will be getting plenty of art of her and Lucy in diapers. Already dumping all my resources into her.
Depends on who you have/use and who lacks their signature W-Engine.
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Why does Miyabi look so ugly?
Probably the furry, his moveset is the most monk-like. I think there's a police woman with a quarter staff coming up too if that counts
Have you played uma musume? The girls have pancake ass
Do you see yourself playing Hollow Zero five times a week 3 months from now, anons?
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Uhh probably the robot loli in 4 weeks time if you count using a staff as monk-like
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All you need is some of that luck.
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He's the best big brother in the world, I'm so jealous
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Ellen Joe
depends on the design
Big Daddy or that giga knight from the lore video? I’m rollan
Harumasa or some other twink? staying far away

hold off until Qingyi in a few weeks, she has a nunchuck-staff
C6 your Grace
or she could spend 30min every few days training her back instead of lying on couch eating hot chip
you already have a dedicated footfag character, shut up.
Thanks, will save until then.
B-But they're horses.. Horses have strong legs which should mean a well-sculpted ass...
I would be playing Azure promilia by then bro
Wolf guy
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For this feel?
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>I'll have enough rolls for Qingyi and Zhu Yuan
yes you definitely can. I'm at IK 37 now, got Ellen in 1 multi pulls, and her weapon at 78 pity. and I still have this much pulls left
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Plot twist - She already has one but she's shit at advertising and only has three subs: Anby (pity sub), Wise (half pity/half horny), and Fairy (for research purposes.)
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Who's the Kazuha of ZZZ?
Qingyi (staff combat), Lycaon (kickfighter), Zhu Yan (gun-fu)
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haha, imagine waking up to Belle smothering your face with her tits and she's telling you she's marking you with her scent to keep the hussies away
tower of fantasy
The game is doing it
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>that line about balanced combat strength
Wtf... Corin is the strongest housekeeping member?!
>that face
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Stop posting porn
is qingyi gonna be rollable at the same time as zhu yuan?
Just look up Yusuke Murata's (OnePunchMan's mangaka) twitter. He animated it.
This shit is so cool
3 weeks after
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>It is the exact same shit.
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What kind of vids does she have on there?
Did I get 4 standard rolls from reaching floor 99 in the infinite hollow? The game didn't make it clear what the rewards were but I seemed to just randomly have 4 standard rolls afterwards. I'm like 99% sure I used the standard rolls from reaching level 40 and I can't think of anywhere else I would have gotten them.
erm, ACKTUALLY gweilo, Qingyi's weapon is a glorious sanjiegun, not the imitation from xiao riben
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don't uh.. wise and belle ever sit apart? They're going to raise suspicions around people you know..
Every patch will have 2 banners, Zhu Yuan is the second one in 1.0. Qingyi will be the first banner of patch 1.1
>Implying it's releasing this year
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they're literally the best ship in Hoyoverse so far
Lycaon is actually cool not like the forced shilling that Kazuha gets
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Really awkward ones where she doesn't really know what to do...
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That's my lovely, brave Corin! She is the strongest, kindest, loveliest maid I know! She is my world, and I know she is others' worlds too! My perfect lady... Oh, Corin...
Zhou Yuan Character Demo - "Leather Pants, Farting Ass, Farter"
Ellen/Lycaon/Oni and Sharkboo/Penguinboo
which zenshin is going to be meta when they release the pvp mode?
They haven't even started beta testing the game yet, anon. We probably won't see it until Q2 2025
>you can't play different in-game music while in battle mode in a game with a musical motif
definitely shit game
Honestly that's a good thing, I've had too many double crit pieces that rolled into crit but look +9 because of that dogshit
Huh? Rina isnt a fighter so Lycaon balanced her so Lycaon should be the strongest then Corin and Ellen are around the same level.
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imagine her in tha hood getting BLACKED in fourth of july
>worse than piper in the holding skill button down bowl
never gonna be a part of any good team
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some visual indicator that shows how often you get to switch when stunning the enemy. basically an indicator that shows if its a normal, elite or boss.
anomaly damage buildup indicator needs to be bigger too.
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man, that took a while
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The game ships them bro
the ok reward for level 40 includes 3 standard pulls
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Always was.
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It must be a struggle to dress every mornign with a body like that
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Belle, lets go have some fun <3
speed up some animations like opening the menu
why is she getting rimmed by a shark?
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i am 19 level in the basic pass plan. If i buy the battle pass i also take the previous rewards or not?
there's NO way she hasn't been raped to pay some debts at least once
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You probably got them from redeeming the level 40 rewards + doing the reach level 40 mission in the primer menu to finish the last tier of beginner quests.
>Japanese Shadman (AI)
should I save my engine crafting things or just buy whatever
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Why does Belle sit at home while her onii-chan is out doing trust missions with other women?
I just did 99 endless and prophecy quests today and you just get gold/purple chests and fun
how the fug do I reset hollow bounty commissions on a controller? I can't get to the icon
yeah you get to take all the previous premium rewards in the current pass
yeah you get the previous ones
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I find it hard to believe that Nicole doesn't know what men want to see
yes you do, otherwise it would be a shit pass and a scam
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They get shipped even in the official material bro
ubereats option for chops, having to go there each fucking time just to get food buff is a fucking pain.
Is level 30 where all the gibs stop? its just barren landscape of scraps until next version right?
Autoplay mode
I already tired fighting the same shit manually over and over again
>Have reroll account with C3 Nicole already
Maybe i will start skip gaming on that just to see how she pairs with Ether units in the future
how are people level 40 already?
I literally JUST got to 39 and I used all my batteries already
Late but I was trying to figure this out too
When you say "last" boss do you mean the hero or the other one?
You also can't fight pride at full strength, the game won't let you even attempt it
How to play Grace anomaly team?
My pure virgin maiden wife Nicole...
You take all previous rewards yes. Or you can double the spending and get the next 10 ahead. Though honestly it's still early enough to squeak out 50 without spending the extra.
the "Trust Mission" is about how they trust each other not to cheat physically or emotionally even when separated
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Which 4-piece disk drive for Ellen?
>lips slightly out
great googly moogly
BP buyers
Isn't it a button press? The cycle icon in the top right corner
no way skinny onions wise can princess carry belle
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You don't?
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pew pew pew grenade
Jokes on you some of those debt collectors are her bitches (including (You)).
If you don't have anyone in mind for a particular w-engine just save them
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So if we're getting a cringeblade/swagaxe character, when's the greatsword character
bwo your BP?
>Infinite Hollow
what? What's that?
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Lingerie pics, clothed twerking, and boob fondling. She's a cheapskate so she'd likely have the actual nude videos locked behind individual overpriced paywalls. She's weak to suggestion so her faithful subs could probably convince her to do something like this >>486228317 if the threw enough cash at her. Realistically, she wouldn't do anything more extreme than using sex toys to masturbate on camera.
Do the level 50 notorious hunts give 2 mats instead of 1 like the 40 fight? I'm real close to IK40 and getting those free points is appealing.
do side quests and all of hollow zero
I'm day 1 player and didn't even need to use all batteries to get 40 on sunday before reset
supposedly 4pc ice, then the crit 2pc or res pen 2pc if you already have the CR
Dash attack (optional) > three basics > special > one basic > special > repeat until shocked.

Optional: Add Piper for disorder
He looked op but i havent played through Penacony so i dont know his story yet
As a day 4 player I am bricked
Hell yeah I Love AI, more?
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I just need to play 3 agent stories and I'm 40. I'm f2poor
Nice try, anon, but I believe in my love! She is great at what she does, and she's my most used agent!
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you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
fun optional quests :)
surely there will be a ranked mode or competitive mode put in this game in the future? in hi3 they blatantly shows the rankings for clear times. I would be very disappointed if they dont bring these competitive stuff into ZZZ because of the fear of inducing stress on players. I mean there is nothing to play for otherwise. this is where ZZZ can differentiate to hsr or genshin. imagine doing simulaiton universe endlessly for nothing. thats what hsr is. and clearing abyss every two weeks for 5 pulls. thats genshin. we want something to play for in ZZZ. it can be a real game changer
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How did you get so many, even with Welkin into consideration? Mind you I've been playing very casually since launch. Haven't missed -most- of my dailies, but I still haven't finished the story or done most commissions. Do you really get that many out of just playing the game/doing achievements?
there's no need for rape if she offers her body as payment herself
this, Belle is a fatty who's on a diet!
Why is her right hand so much smaller than her left
Literally me, we're all in the same boat progressing at the same IK levels...anyone who didn't start day 1 or let their battery overcap need not apply
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Belle isn't a possessive girl, she lets wise hang out with other girls because she trusts him enough not to betray her
Bro, your snake?
Only by Wise
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I didn't think modern Mihoyo had the guts to make a character that's just oozing with hentai scenarios like Nicole.
Nicole's gaping anus winking at you.
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tb h I’m not into incest but I can’t really help it with this game because it’s so obvious
it's a different glove, just enjoy the tummy
i don't know why
>he doesn't know mona
She fucks everyone but wise
NTA but yes. I'm counting like 170-ish limited pulls for my account and I'm Knot 38 with a lot of stuffs still unfinished.
I might get 200+ at the end of 1.0 at this point.
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Nicole is so peak. My pure maiden slut wife...
You still only get 1 material, there isn't even a chance at 2 materials. I would post the rewards if I haven't done my 3 runs this week. You might have a higher chance at getting the w-engine puzzle piece to drop at 40, plus some slightly better disc materials. I would say just go for it if you want do play the game.
>"""so obvious"""
>no sex scene
>no kiss scene
>not even a hand holding scene
The way porn addicts perceive the world really baffles me.
Honestly if they want to keep the realism of not resting all day to skip time they just need to let you actually work at the video store instead of delegating everything to a single bangboo slave and host of unpaid part time workers
Give us a token amount of Denny for doing it and make it take slightly longer than resting
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Wheres your Diaper Piper Art?
You know what, you are actually right
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Thanks Belle, Wise is going to lead Corin into a love hotel now.
Porn addict, singular. I don't know why he posts so often but he's clearly touching himself at the same time since he talks about literally nothing except incest
Anton is literally the perfect bro
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how many breedings would it take to get anby pregnant?
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I skipped day 1 dailies but i bought bp and used all but 6 fuel, I'm 3k off from lvl 40 which I will hit tomorrow.
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Where is the saying how Ellen Joe has low stamina and cannot keep up in extended combat from?
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>pure maiden slut wife
A what now
>they say Corin is bottom tier
>meanwhile, Corin melting anything stunned literally instantly
Why the FUCK is she considered bottom tier? Literally doesn't make sense.
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Imagine Nicole whoring herself out to me, a fat bald old ugly bastard, for money day after day and her eventually doing it for free when I tell her I ran out of money since she eventually became addicted to my fat ugly bald penis
>he needs to see actual sex just to affirm things
It's like you have zero reading comprehension.
You’re the one that needs to see an explicit sex scene in order to tell when two people like another, and we’re the “porn addicts” somehow.
I feel like something in the cloning process probably leaves anby and s11 infertile, if corruption from hollows didn't do it first
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WOW, this game really attracts all kinds of people.
>game is 10 days old and we're already at the point where it's nothing but coom posting
holy shit fuck off you fags
I'm waiting for daily reset in 10 minutes and if i dont get enough xp i'll just do them to get 40
This game gives you options to choose who to "be close" with a la Persona.
I absolutely despise Firefly and Wanderer because they shoved these niggers into my face when I played their games, but when Ellen or Nicole are being flirty these tickles my heart and surprisingly Ben and Anton are cool mofos.
I can just ignore whoever I dont like here.
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Why do people think Anby and S11 are clones and not just normal sisters?
its because the narritive online
if web organizations said "free character" is better than S paid character then all the CN players would freak out
america is different, they would think its awesome and just not get the S rank character but in cn they will be riots
>look up twitter handle
>actual female diaperfag that posts her using the diaper and her breasts
Not what I expected. First Merunyaa now this? Are diapers some fucking girl fetish?
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Would it be a brick if built a c0 Sokaku to be my Dps along with Anby and Nicole on the team? I dont really have any other dps except S11 and Billy and i already have Sokaku leveled up decently
don't worry, we're sure to get a new wave of TV complaining as more people hit 40 and unlock infinite abyss/the prophecy
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Why did Mihoyo make our main heroines look like prostitutes?
>Corin - Housekeeper
>Soukaku - Bashful Demon
>Von Lycaon - ???
What should I try to equip Von with?
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If you loses ellen’s 50/50, and spend your guarantee on zhu yuan are your chances of getting qing yi fucked?
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you get what I mean
I want to ROLL on the next BANNER already let's GO
This is a coomer friendly gacha
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can you really blame them? this game is full of hotties
Because they have the exact (read: exact) face model and it's clear anby had a military background before joining the cunning hares
Also it's anime of course they're clones and anby's arc will be about living in the present instead of worrying about her past and the atrocities she committed etc etc
Nigga I'm f2poor
what's stamina?
Why are all these shills buying the 20$ BP? Wtf is wrong with (you)?
This game is coom central.
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bro? your nicole?
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Yes. They kind of falls into the category of women who like being little girls to daddy doms, they like to be babies
yes, "DDLG" dom daddy / little girl is a fetish
the "little girls" often wear diapers
>unlock infinite abyss/the prophecy
Redpill me on this bwo, I'm still interknotted 39...
S11 birthday in trust screen is redacted
so is the world outside of New Eridu just dead? New Eridu is the last bastion of humanity?
Press Q to call Nicole
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OTAKU gasha.
At least that shit It's funny, kazuha It's so boring even memeing him Isn't worth it (I even forgot he existed actually)
Whatever, to be honest. Stun W engines are all toe to toe unless you have S ranks.
The game gives us Nicole for free.
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Most of the casual population unlocked the dating elements over the weekend. It's gotten everyone's shipping brains excited as a result. Sorry if you're not a fan.
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pedal to the metal!
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If you're not a gracelet, you get that hug in the end.
I'm a BP buyer and just got to 39 as well. The difference is I haven't used any batteries. Its all in the batteries.

Just get Zhu Yuan in 1 roll and you'll be set for Qingyi
The most canon piece of fanart
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>imaginative desings that will surprise them in the future
>Implying they're not going to keep selling basic hot bitch designs or pretty ikemen boys like in HSR.
We already have three patches worth of characters already leaked and none of them are can't be called "not seen before."
i make $20 reading this general for 30 minutes
Stamina = Endurance
Was there any related story dialogue about Ellen Joe?
>still no Soldier 11 Trust Rank up event
Pretty good, you got me
What disks should I run on shork and cat? mainstat too if possible. I'm gonna use disk crafting to fill in some S rank disks because shit's getting rough and I'm not at IK 45 yet

I run kot with the Demaras + Amilion
Shork with Corin and Soukaku + Butler
i wanna pipe her if you know what i mean
that's what no content do to you
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Finally C&C fanart
Infinite Abyss is a 99 floor dungeon
The Prophecy is... well, without spoiling much, let's just say that it's the one mission in the game that outright warns you about how long it's going to take.
New Eridu is a city. There are still places outside it that's liveable by humans but they're ungoverned.
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hehe... benis... in vagen...
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how did china get away with offending Americas Gods?
>does what piper does but worse
it's not complicated
feel free to kill yourself at the soonest opportunity
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>How did you get so many, even with Welkin into consideration?
the '180 free pulls' isn't a meme if anyone's playing the game. I just bought that monthly, so it only contributed like 630 poly
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She's a fake slut and actual pure maiden.
Shark wants 4pc polar and (at this point in the game) 2pc woodpecker. Crit rate partition 4, ATK partition 6 and either ice DMG or PEN partition 5, preferably ice dmg
Not sure what kit wants I dont have her
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Bros is Zhu Yuan supposed to be partially robotic like the other chink officer or is she fully organic?
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Is Nicole NTR coded?
Same character
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What's a quick 100 exp
Koleda got the best tummy in the game
I keep getting polarizing answers on shork
does she want the ice set or nah
Meant kot
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>Infinite Abyss is a 99 floor dungeon
>The Prophecy is even worse
find 2 bangboos
Billy sucks
wait for 20 stamina to regen
I'm skipping the entirety of Section 6 faggots because of that.
Where do you think they are? Genshin?
You know whats funny. Corin and Piper are getting ABDL attention but not Koleda who quite literally dresses up as a school child and pretends to be one. Why is she so ignored?
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All this Nicole posting has me feeling hot and bothered. Can we fantasize about someone else now?
Literally the opposite. She's a loyal woman who'd rather go bankrupt then betray her partners.
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>M6 Anton
>M5 Soukaku
>M2 Nicole
>M1 Corin
>now M1 Lycaon after losing Ellen 50/50
Bros... what do I run for my primary team? I've been doing Soukaku/Lycaon/Nicole for ice but I'm a shitter who just spams wolf kicks into Nicole's black hole into Soukaku spin right now
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Yeah, she's going to NTR Wise from Belle
>The Prophecy is... well, without spoiling much, let's just say that it's the one mission in the game that outright warns you about how long it's going to take.
is it at least good?
Yeah. NTRing Nicole with Belle.
robots could never be so fat
the funny thing is that you're aware of this
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>get 2 fucking copies of Anton
>who the fuck is this fat
>he’s actually a total bro
>hes my most used dps
all that is to say, there’s a conspicuous lack of bros in this general
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>Infinite Abyss is a 99 floor dungeon
You say that as if thats an issue
we lost
probably because your a dark race
no lol, it's just 99 randomly generated TV floors
you won this time carlos!
Anton is extremely based but regretfully I don't enjoy his gameplay
we have only 4 male characters so far
>based android bro
>based schizo bro
>based bear bro
>cringy wolf fag
idk, go read that post again and figure it out
I’d like Anton more if his playstyle wasn’t just a worse version of Corin
both press and hold but Corin’s is far more satisfying
It's very unmedicated. To some, that could be considered soulful.
I use Ben. Zhu Yuan's banner is perfect for me.
Ass and tits and bear galore.
>is Prophecy good
Yes, best quest I've played so far in this game
>yet another game that tries to look exactly fucking identical to genshin in the ui
Instadropped, I've learned this is a huge red flag
Any other brickGODS?
>another genshin clone
yeah the furry It's more interesting than Genshin male characters.... especially kazuha, sorry sister
im still waiting to see what a female bear looks like in game
and the next male is a fag with a choker. pretty grim outlook
well anton has that infinite drill c ancel thing that makes him OP
what are you even rolling for? im getting close to 200
post that to wuwa and watch them seethe and melt.
Anton is my favorite character but I'm not building 4 star dps in any gacha
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Thank fuck, I'm rather optimistic now. Thanks bros.
>tower of floptasy 3
kek they just never learn
>can't pause cutscenes
What team for this pubsex?
i just peed my pants
Will they introduce cosmetics for characters or just new characters?
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Nicole probably left her and Wise's sextape just lying around in the staff room for Belle to find and finger herself to.
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right here bwo
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yea I'm at 264 rn
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I'm debating about just buying a big pack to get it done. I just want Grace.
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>no furries
instant drop
>i wont use my favorite character because of some arbitrary rule i made for myself and dont want to take 30 more seconds to clear a stage with suboptimal dps
It's quite good on her, as most of her damage comes from her basic attacks and on her teams freeze is very easy to proc. Some people will point to her chain attack and ult multipliers and pretend that all her damage comes from there but they fail to realize that only basic attacks benefit from the gigantic crit damage buff from her core passive
I imagine they might expand Trust events and put them there.
Ellen's JK outfit is already in game for example.
But then again it's jewhoyo so who knows.
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I can't find any images of Nicole where she looks like a pure maiden
>looks kinda co-
>perfect world
I don't care about Zhu Yuan and got Ellen relatively early so I just decided to spam the rest of my poly I accumulated on the standard to get close to the selector, I really want either s11 or neko.
How many rolls left until you can select her?
Is her right arm ok
How are you all getting over 200 rolls on the standard?
It's crazy how the only fucking thing china can make is derivatives of other things. Makes everything reek of that cheap feeling.
they spend all their chromes on it anon, thats why theyre brickgods
>anime boobies GTA
feel free to brick yourself by wasting resource on 4 star dps
I can like a character without playing them
I think it’s gonna fail
more like Genshin Theft Auto
>”oh so it’s a genshin clone?”
>skip to near the end
>high speed car chase
lmao what the fuck
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Is this pure enough?
>I can like a character without playing them
Based and truthpilled
Yeah, lost my fucking sides
China needs to stop wholesale copying success
early pulling ellen
Will pity carry over between banners? Since I lost the 50/50 on this one, would I be guaranteed the next?
If I want to guarantee Miyabi, should I skip every banner until her? I spent 0 pulls on Ellen. My only 5* is Grace
running a party that's only 2/3 lets you use your bangboo in every chain attack even against non boss enemies but that minor bonus isn't worth missing out on the damage of a third character
100 rolls. Part of me wants to since I still have the top up bonus for the last two packs, but I also realize that I should just save those for a limited banner.
it's a hoyo gacha so a 4* dps is never gonna brick you, i'd say whether or not you find him boring to play would be more important but who cares really
nothing is a brick in this game. ill happily use billy and corin just like how i happily use xueyi and sushang in star rail, and get the same rewards as meta comps
Permanent account damage...
Once a hoe, always a hoe. A bitch can't just take a bath and dress modestly then start calling herself a pure virgin.
Another chinashit-based setting
Reasons why Genshin, WuWa and to some extent HSR are dropped into the shitter for me is because of the soulless china shit
Big Benner
Those genshit copies keep flopping one after another but genshit also is kinda flopping lately so maybe they actually damaged the game by diluting the playerbase
nicole and anby/qingyi
>Not using alt+f4 really does prevent the game from verifying on start-up
well then i wish i could just fucking quit to desktop but no, these cocksuckers love to force people to go back to title screen and then quit, THREE FUCKING GAMES IN A ROW
Most Chinese companies just think mashing one existing idea onto another is enough to sell a product. Hoyo is actually better at this since they (usually) have a focus on having a singular look and aesthetic instead of "anime girls in GTA" or "anime girls in spider-man"
Car section with those anime models feel off. Like a weird GTA mod bit.
gacha numbers are down across the board but genshit is still making 100+mil a month and will never truly flop
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>genshit is still making 100+mil a month
But that's wrong
HSR took the throne
no, just save up 160-180 pulls and don't dip below that until her banner
>its another BotW clone
>like Genshin
>like WuWa
At this rate "Zeldalike" should be a new subgenre of open world games.
Too slant for my taste already.
>Most Chinese companies just think mashing one existing idea onto another is enough to sell a product.
Why yes, that's how we got wuwa and tof. People will eat up shit and even pay for it.
If you're f2p (true) you'll most likely be getting enough rolls to guarantee a unit every 2 patches. I believe that's roughly what it's like in Genshin/HSR.
Since Miyabi is not releasing until at least 1.3, I wouldn't worry so much.
Retardbro and his retarded reading comprehension.
HSR can make money at the same time as genshit bro

but no, it's not wrong, the revenue charts you see are iOS only, not counting PS (genshin always in top revenues there), PC and hoyo's own store that everyone uses now for cheaper prices.
I was too implicit
HSR took the throne because Genshit doesn't make 100 million a month anymore. Not even close.
it easily makes more than that lmao
we're finished
Retardbro digging deeper with his retard shovel
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Development time for these games takes years, and because they started soon after genshin release we're going to see all the clones start popping out in the next couple years.

Also goes to show you can't just be an unoriginal copy and expect success because by the time you actually kick your game out, people might not even give a fuck about that genre anymore.
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You can do that. I have a feeling she's gonna be 1.2 despite leakers saying differently, its best to be prepared.
If charts accounted for PC/Playstation I wouldn't be surprised to learn Genshin's never left the top spot.
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>character designs straight out of an anime dressup game
>(((Perfect World)))
Billy is freaking GODLIKE for the Ballet Twins.
You kept saying that with no source. Qingyi looks like a 4* and it's only right if she is in Zhuyuan's banner since both need each other to have their passive activated. Stop talking out of your ass.

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