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Previous: >>486168143

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


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>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
Scar jailbreak when?
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first for liv lov
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Tsubaki (ALT) supremacy
How do we save /wuwa/?
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Good wunight to all my bwos
Liv laugh love
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POV: you in a week
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My fellow wuwas, it seems that since there's nothing to do, "we" should all move to zzz or genshin or hsr where there's even less to do. it's clear that ""we"" are losing momentum. Who's with me?
Why is she sweating so much? Does she not have A/C (air conditioner, not alternating current).
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so /wuwa/ which game will we discuss this thread?
Is Rover infertile? Surely they would have some kids after all the reincarnation cycle, right?
Changli my beloved
she's literally dying skipkek.
>literal phoenix
>fire bird
>why is she sweating so much

The new WuWa killer
Baizhi rape
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zzzbros, not liike this...........
Bondage Club.
[Terrible News]
>no skin still in 1.2
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So for an organization that wants to save humanity, why did they name their company something ominous like The Black Shores?
why are you racist?
maybe because the shore is black
The Blacked Shores will save the human race.
Post her brown nipples or GTFO.
I want them to be called the White Shores instead.
Whos excited for summer event tmr? I cant wait to get new kirara outfit. she is so cute
who is this?
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Black shores is just where they live, and they probably didn't name it since it was there since rover last visit (in a timeline where WuWa didn't start with china wank).
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Honestly bros, I love WuWa
Is Black Shores gonna be not-USA?
No that's supposed to be a whole ass country while the black shores is just an island.

Probably New federation is notUSA if anything.
Why do you think they're called the Black Shores?
>more night city urbanslop
I’m sleep
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Me too bwo
yes, it's population is 60% too
they better release content soon (changli is not content)
Menopause heatflashes

Bwos, I think I like the combat in PGR better than WuWa. But WuWa is still in its earlier stages and PGR wasn't that crazy at the start either.
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In the wiki the only thing they have about the new federation is that they are obsessed with technology for technology sake, which I don't feel is necessarily US. There is also Sepunia, Rinas and 2 more nations in Solaris-3 apparently (that is supposed to be earth I guess).
Does /wuwa/ have any allies, like at all?
>The new WuWa killer
>Tower of Shit devs
>Tower of Shit
oh wow, its nothingburger dev
Rinas is going to be the Philippines.
>loli potato
nah, it aims for Genshin and ZZZ crowds
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Good night /wuwa/, I have another 10 hour shift tomorrow
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/nikg/ alliance
Asterite top up bonus resets every patch?
>smart Echoes
>implying pignoys are smart animals
uhmm bro?
Scar is out of jail
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I don't see any furries.
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/bag/got here
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what keeps you guys playing? for me it's fomo and sunk cost
As far as I know. No. I guess they will only reset after every big patch e.g. anni patch, X.0 patch.
Minute 4:00, it's a full pv with gameplay
Anniversary most likely.
I'm not playing. I just come here to look at you and laugh at you. first day of service I realized this game does not worth spending a cent
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Fomo and I like Kuro. They need to get more consistent with banner releases though. Feels like there have been more misses than hits.
a high quality and generous gacha game is what keeps me going
>does not worth
I genuinely like the models and worldbuilding
Kill yourself, nobody gives a shit.
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Who would be Midori of WuWa?
I want to play along with my vtuber wife
ESL spiritual shareholder pls understand
no it's grammar
Zooniggers how does it feel when your game gets infested by your gay ass siblings?
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you got him good lol
>Back to seething about ZZZ again
Like clockwork.
>spelling mistake
>generic catgirl
Doesn't really count if was something like lycon or ben then you would have the furry market.
Can't even differentiate between spelling and grammar mistakes lmao
Eww another Useless faggot in the op
I really hope they don't put the federation beside jinzhou. Place it on the map surrounded by a black void. Imply the world is large and we've only explored a small sliver of it.
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>falseflag squad is here
aight everybody SEAhours is here
They'll come here eventually better to put disinfection beforehand
I still don't understand the first scene in WuWa, why was everything upside down and the water in the sky?
SAR does not redeem that code!!! Fuck you bloody. What doing are you?
Chapter 5-6 should explain it
We're in a large space colony ship like in The Last Exile.
Because it's actually quite fun game.

Better than anything Ubisoft shit out lately
why is the UI in this game so soulless. almost everything else is good
i actually like the echo system, ill still just pick an echo and empty my world of them if im bored and want to kill 20-30 minutes
Etheric Sea.
read this
Feels good man because at least our game isn't at EoS levels. Kuro really thought they had it sorted by trying to clone what Hoyo does instead of making an actual good game huh, they're isn't enough mockery left in the world for you retards still playing and investing in this game like ZZZ is out now man why fucking even play Wuwa, ZZZ's got fucking mind blowing character designs and insane combat design, the Hoyo polish that everybody expects and its in no danger of EoS, just fucking insane that people still consider Wuwa relevant
I like the combat and echo system, lots of room to grow so I'll be here for a while
It's fun. It also helps moving around isn't ass, so I don't mind doing dailies because I get into a rhythm. Issue right now is the lack of content.
Tried a little too hard
>both dead game
makes sense
>why you even playing wuwa

Because it's Fun simple as
Holy ESL...
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This you?
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Camellya and the overall gameplay/exploration aspect already there (also boss design in 1.1 gives me more hope). If it was just fomo I'd be playing every gacha in the first place.
Someone put another disinfection here.
Can you just be sincere for like a fucking second you retard? Like why is the entirety of Wuwas players existence based solely around seething about ZZZ? I mean it's a better game, has so much more soul and creativity put into every aspect of it even down to the gacha system (you can clear content and enjoy the ZZZ even if you get a trash 10 pull, in Wuwa you have to pull until you get a deliberately OP character) and you guys could enjoy trash in piece sure and maybe comparisons are inevitable because this game is just a ripoff of Hoyo ones but no matter what youre always seething about a Hoyo game lmao
>wuwa tried to fight genshin
>tried to fight HSR
>"Surely we can dunk on the new kid ZZZ!"
>New open world gacha appears
>Wuwa gets wrecked even further
You sad sad losers...
imagine watching wuwa's awkward animations and listening to wuwa's terrible bgm still convincing to yourself spending hundreds of dollars in this piece of shit was worth it, and opening up 4chan, youtube and twitter to post how superior wuwa is to genshin impact, when everyone else is busy talking about the natlan drip marketing
Camellya headcanon: her hair progressively becomes redder and instantly becomes white as she's nearing and at the moment of climax
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>they're isn't enough
maybe the kids are alright..
Should have bullied him more to kill himself
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>less than 2 months after release
>threads are already full of "what keeps you playing" posts
Yikes, are you guys really that miserable? Remember when people used to play games to have fun, what happened? It almost feels like your main reason to play this game is to "stick it" to mihoyo in some twisted fashion.
faster banners/patches
more rewards to keep up

this was the slowest motherfucking path ever holy shit kuro lost all hype they had going
>they're isn't enough mockery left
Isn't this AI generated? How are you still fucking up?
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This looks like a soulless clon-
>Gacha Theft Auto
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>in piece
>enjoy trash in piece
why does wuwa still live rent free in their heads? Is it the free homo?
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>you guys could enjoy trash in piece
Indo bro please understand
New IP here, should I play this game or don't? I haven't played Genshin in years and looking for open world sloppa.
I dunno man, Hotta "mount" system is kinda wack...
minus the op character part this guy is actually right. but i'm still playing wuwa
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now now Woolie let's leave them alone
they come in piece
I am from /zzz/ I wanted to see if someone posted that new gta gacha here but saw a massive falseflagging faggot instead
ZZZ better according to the Hoyodrones, so try that instead since you can't form your own opinion.
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sex with pink girls
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>wow this looks pretty goo-
>made by the same people that did ToF
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>tried to fight hsr
tell me you belong in a zoo with genshit without telling me furfag cuck /hsrg/ was never on your team bucko
If you want a decent enough open world with pretty good combat, it's free and worth a shot. Skip the story until Scar shows up.
B-based hsr bros?
Just play genshin this game is ending service next week
I also quit genshin years ago and I'm playing this. I find it better than genshin in almost every way
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Surely this time it will be different
Well I can form my own opinion and I'll take your advice and try out ZZZ then? Kind of weird projection you have there mate, maybe next time just keep to yourself if you have nothing useful to say like what >>486231998 replied to me. That's all you had to do, fag.
havent been here since july 4th, but did you guys roll for the most beautiful and pure gacha wife?
I thought /gig/, /hsrg/ and /zzz/ united to bully the shit out of /wuwa/? That was in the agreement.
I think I've figured it out. The reason why this general feels so dead is because barely any fanart gets posted. You can see it in all the other active gacha generals, fanart is an easy source of engagement. Do artists just not draw wuwa or something? Forget about hoyo or blue archive since wuwa literally can't even hold a candle to those games, how tf does a niche game like Limbus Company have like 5x more fanart than wuwa? Their general regularly hits 200+ images per thread.
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my JLB
It's only /hsrg/ who sends out their schizos
That's reassuring, I was checking out the art style and and the world building looks more preferable to me than Genshin.
I don't wanna.
Sounds good, i'll listen to a synopsis of WuWa story if it doesn't mesh with me. I usually don't mind bad storytelling. A huge turnoff is bad audio and dubbing.
I'm /gig/ and I'm standing with /wuwa/
I don't want to accept those furryfags as allied
>Copypasted replies are useful now
Just go to /zzz/ and shitpost here whenever you can like a good boy, okay?
spy here. /zzz/ HATES reddit and twitter screenshots
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>check last 5 wuwa threads
>all have 250+ images each
Copy and pasted for you maybe because you lurk here 16 hours a day and have seen every single post.
Maybe you should actually take some time away from the computer and do something with your life instead of gatekeeping new players to playing a new game.
it's got a death stranding vibe and aesthetic mixed with wuxiaslop its pretty comfy and the breast physics are good
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you can skip act 1 to 4 and you wouldn't really miss out on that much, I recommend reading act 5-6 though, pic related just summarizes the whole story
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i play wuwa, hsr and ex gig
fuck you furry niggers
I feel really really really fucking bad about myself for quitting PGR for HSR during dead week even though Kuro is very genuine when come to development feedback. It turns out that game is just another Mihomo slop with even more omni-pandering bullshit. And I just can't go back to PGR anymore because I missed a shit ton of gen 2 S-rank
Now I decided to stay here and refresh my weeklin every month to make ament for mistakes
If a random reply from mongolian basket weaving forum is enough to gatekeep you then I got nothing else to say to you.
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>another week until changli
fanart posting is gay as hell and it's always the same autists or bots that spam that shit in generals every single thread. Generals should be for discussing the game in question not posting some deviantart garbage.
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i spent about 150 bucks. thinking about quiting most gachas im playing cause I hit that unfortunate burnout.
It will sound like a cope but I think it was worth it. A few months of entertainment and I am not mad with what I found.
>A huge turnoff is bad audio and dubbing.
you better play in JP
>Gacha games
These SEANig / Pajeets never fail to crack me up
Literally 80% of it are reaction images that aren't even wuwa related and the other 20% is that one faggot who keeps spamming Danjin.
I accept your concession.
>Generals should be for discussing the game in question not posting some deviantart garbage.
discussing other games you mean?
I didn't say I wasn't going to try out this game, retard. Projecting, once again. You are an idiot, aren't you. You can't even win internet arguements on your main board. Ngl, kinda sad, and a bit pathetic.
I won't read your next reply, trust me on that. So don't waste your time.
Will do, thanks.
i dont live here, so i dont know what you fags are upto, my wuwa has been on maintenance mode since ZZZ came out.
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gameplay btw
wuwa will proll be fine as it's open world too, but this either this or mugen is gonna kill ZZZ hard
Look at this thread, it's basically what every thread has looked like for the past few weeks. 90% seething about other gachas and 10% actual discussion about the game.
>bad storytelling
NTA but the early chaps are rewritten in a way its a loredump. Its a complete slog to sit through it but they did recently allow you to review past story dialogue so you can just skip it if you find it too much.
If you're a combat junkie I say give the game a try. Like the combat? You'll probably stay. Hate it? No matter how much you like its other aspects you'd probably uninstall eventually.
>I'm /gi-
Aaaaaaaaaand post ignored.
wtf actual gameplay
imagine wishing dead on somebone because they play a different game, lmao
more like i cum in fleece GET OVER HERE WOOLIE
ZZZ is a Hoyo game, that's already hard to beat.
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Have massive skill issue myself but first tried crownless with taoqi/rover while poke took hours(?) (Idk I don't actually watch him) to clear it with full e6s5. The game is less a dps check than it is just not playing like a copmlete retard. I'll finally get my first real dps with changli and even if she's "midtier subdps" memes, I'll still clear all the content in the game with her just fine. Use taoqi myself because she her shield is comfy. You don't need autistic levels of meta optimizations to clear as long as you're not playing like a complete retard.
>the hoyogame will be killed this time i swear 20th times the charm!
my god I hate the chinese, chinese products, and the chinese language
What are Encore's sheep? Mechanical dolls like Yinlin's? Or friendly tacet discords like Abby?
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Would you visit this place /WuWa/ bros?
>modern techwear style
yeah,not for me. im gonna stay with xinxia slop
and maybe gonna try azur promillia
Bros, WuWa is already looking outdated compared to Project Mugen and Project NTE
They should make Jinhsi's and FemRover's boobs bounce if they want to release Zhezhi with sentient tits
we have motorcycles, we can have cars too
we could even have a huge city with roads in a future region
wuwa is going to be dead
>Project Mugen

>Project NTE
same devs as ToF, so I'm skeptical
Just counted the last 2 threads. 30% is off topic images 70% is on topic either reaction wuwa images or fanart. Unfortunate for you. I'm vindicated again.
their vibe is more similar to zzz tho
and from what they showcase they're a massive upgrade from that snoozefest
Wow, are the games in the Projectverse connected lorewise?
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I don't think phones can handle this bwo...
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What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love?
Do they teach you how to feel finger to finger?
Do you long for having your heart interlinked?
Do you dream about being interlinked?
Next region will be better surely
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Of course, I play g-game, t-game, w-game, so why not another open world?
let's go
What's wrong with Danjin?
why is every thread the same
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Say something about her. Positive or negative it doesn't matter, just be honest.
I play WuWa on PC and PGR on mobile, so unless John Apple invents a new type of smart device I'm full up on gachas
doesn't look that heavy judging by the low details of the buildings
ofc, in the end, its up to the devs how they handle the optimization
How's their track record anyway?
Don't care loser go to your other board
you tell me
Stop fucking spamming, you're worse than the /zzz/ posters at this point
Holy shit, I don't think we are ever gonna get this level of mobility in WuWa.
Her walking animation is stupid
Developer - Naked Rain (no track record, their only game is Project Mugen)
Publisher - NetEase
cute boy

oh well, the game's gonna get irrelevant fast isn't it?
wtf this unironically looks kino
Do you not have a copy of Spiderman or something?
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Having a really good time. I'm just enjoying the game. I kinda stopped playing my other gachas because I'm just spending that time in Wuwa instead.
I don't even do my dailies all the time in Limbus anymore.
You see, movement = c o n t e n t
Waiting for Changli so im just doing the daily, already 100% all the areas
We posting gacha vaporware now?
Check this one out
I like the grappling hook in Wuwa, I just wish they reset, or at least reduce by a flat amount, the cooldown on it when you land on solid ground.
What is your point? This is the first gacha with Spiderman level movement
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They are just the manifestations of her Forte, literal imaginary friends.
Might as well play the real thing than this, gacha games aren't that good if what you're doing is basically just sightseeing with multiple steps.
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This is the WuWa killer?
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>works out new fucking teleportation tech for the sake of fucking cube puzzles over Lord Arbiter simping.
Fucking amazing.
The city is too large for them to fill it with curated content for a gacha. Good luck with ypur Project AIslop, hope the spiderman vibes are worth it
Okay I've been defending wuwa against hoyoshills all week, but this is actually impressive. I'm going to have to try this first though.
Azur promilia has even faster movement with true flying mounts thoughever
i have no hope for netease and i still haven't forgiven them for killing forever 7 days
Why are the NPCs in this game and side quests so fucking autistic?
Looks good to me. Try harder little bwo.
The map is too large for them to fill it with curated content for a gacha. Good luck with your hoyo clone slop, hope the Genshit vibes are worth it
This looks more like a zzz wannabe with extremely shit animations
It literally looks like shit an amateur anime artist would draw and make up for a portfolio
>recycled design from their moba game

The devs said the city would be partially ai generated by the way.
Kuro Games should have been more ambitious instead of just making an improved Genshin. It could have been as good as those games.
Replying to yourself, sir?
They should have made PGR openworld instead of a new IP.
I think there's a lot of room for Wuwa to incorporate new things into it, just like how PGR did. We're only in 1.1 still.
And the game is already losing steam.
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You kinda suck at your job detective
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/wuwa/ - Wuthering Waves General

No one looks at what PGR did because no one plays PGR, nigga. It's another dead Kuro game with a bland story nigga.
Kuro Games should have been more ambitious and added a permanent match-3 minigame with associated microtransactions instead of just making an improved Genshin. It could have been as good as Candy Crush Saga.
says increasingly nervous hoyo shill for the 10th time this thread
New but old PGR kino just dropped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rJ1hy3snbA
bro don't talk HI3 like that
Nice try.
I'll give you the single (You) you so desperately crave.
Raiding niggers from furryzzlop and shitposters aren't players of this game. Not all of us are retarded people who don't know this is a live service game that just started. We are also not terminally online like you.

It is impossible to have a game that is always at a peak and has infinite content unless its some ridiculous cesspit of maple story grinding garbage.
Dude, just admit you make a mistake and move on.
>It is impossible to have a game that is always at a peak and has infinite content unless its some ridiculous cesspit of maple story grinding garbage.
Not a problem for Genshin, HSR and ZZZ though.
>zero veins on changli's massive changlis
Why even roll at this point
Listen, I have to understand what animals are saying.
The fact that that quest chain is so long, spans so much area, and the reward is so small...criminal. It's criminal
Those games aren't always peaking and Genshin has even fucking less renewable content than us and it's been out for four years. It's hilarious.
Ah yes let's forget about the slop that is Space China in HSR
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>No one looks at what PGR did because no one plays PGR, nigga. It's another dead Kuro game with a bland story nigga.
Its extra bonuses for going around doing random shit and extra entertainment really.
You're never just doing the quest alone. You're picking up caskets, getting echoes, opening chests along the way.
you sniff those poo air from indo to think that?
I don't really understand why gachas can't pump out content at a faster rate given the amount of money they earn. It feels like they just give you 5 hours of content at most and then you're bored for the remaining 6 weeks until the next release. I don't remember being this bored between releases when I played MMOs.
this looks really bad, hopefully kuro doesn't goes into this direction for wuwa
What is the most based run you've haed in Illusive Realms so far anons?
For me it was the infinite gather wind bullshit with Yangyang I had recently against scar.
I am trying Sanhua Mephis stuff now. Turtle is real good but I want to switch it up.
Nothing to say about ZZZ content? Okay.
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>doesn't goes into
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>it's already starting
People reach the actual endgame content and get btfo. Who could have possibly seen this coming?
MMOs you're farming the same shit even more. But your annoyances are directed less at the game itself and more at other players as what you see as a bad experience.
No doing fucking daily dungeon runs so you get some tokens that'll EVENTUALLY get you some shit gear so you can farm the same raid boss with different people a billion times for one or two pieces of gear and maybe a mount in FF14 isn't good renewable content.
Nor is farming gold for repairs and food and items in WoW. At least echoes are fucking permanent and food is a nice easy bonus rather than taken as a requirement.
>Includes Genshin and HSR
>"Nothing to say about ZZZ?"
What is this mental illness?
well at least kuro has the excuse that they're a small company and just hired for a wuwillion roles after wuwa's success

I don't think H*yo has that excuse since they spend 90% of their revenue on advertising and funding nuclear reactors even after 4 years despite making basically infinite money
Go to /ZZZLop/ if you want to talk about that game. I have nothing to say about that game because it isn't fucking the same kind of game. It's also shit that's not worth talking about.
Ugly ass UI and ugly ass lighting. Get outta here furry. I don't care that wuwa is rent free in your head. The best solution to your seethe and obsession about the game is to put a bullet in your head.
I think my mephis run was with sanhua as well. His gimmick really forces you to not panic something I did several times and timed out on.
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everyday grinding disc
yeah i got nothing to say about that snoozefest game
Bwos, I think this anon main-games fucking gachas ahahahaha
It's that easy
A lot of Wuwa and action games in general are about just not panicking and staying firm. You also have to accept that unlike Genshin you may have to drop your optimal rotation and react. You actually have to deal with enemy attacks unlike burst spam after all.
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>main-games fucking gachas
Sanhua's gameplay really becomes unique in IS.
God I stillc an't believe that she's only a 4 star with her animations and how cute she is.
She really is good and its based that she's good with Anko. Truly a waifu team.
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Should WuWa implement something like this?
riding an echo would be cool
Nah. We already have echoes and cool resonance movements. We have launch pads in Mt firmament also. If anything I'd like for more autistic movement options that are something the character does to be available.
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Imagine Rover driving a Range Rover
WuWa needs some non-vanilla girls and no I'm not talking about NTR or whores.
Did she really quit Wuwa? I assumed she was taking a break until the next patch.
Just extend the duration of my Inferno Rider / Imp Heron and I'm good. Maybe like a consumable
No, we already have shit like Inferno Rider. Kuro just needs to add an Echo that can serve as a permanent mount.
I honestly hate modern looking urban environments so much bro...
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What was your favourite event so far anons?
Having Alloy Smelt + the new risk choice stuff in Illusive makes me hope for Wuwa Norman War someday.
I was eh on it but I'm hopeful for future parkour events. They show the promise for some real fun shit like that.
Amerifats can't stand walking to get from place to place and so find comfort in gacha devs implementing driving in their games.la tale as old as time
Imagine Wuwa getting as much revenues like ZZZ or any Hoyo game lmao
>I was eh on it but I'm hopeful for future parkour events.
Where the fuck are the parkour holograms in Firmament? Why are they replaced with ski slop?
Anon, variety is important. Even your favorite foods get stale if that's all you eat.
I want a hardcore ski event.
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>as much revenues
>haven't logged into wuwa in over a week
i shouldn't have bought the passes, what a waste
you will become a clang bang
guys, i haven't checked the thread in a couple days. did we get anything new?
True its just a major playstyle change from the other echoes available to you. Turtle and Rider shits out damage without needing much to think. Crownless gives you the good ol td to td battle.
Hit several times as your character to build stacks
Nuke with those stacks as mephis. But if you hit too much you slap like a wet noodle
Now go back to your character to consume that other stack
Glance at the timer and hp bar. Start panicking, mess up your rotation by spamming, start crying
If anything the issue is the echo transformation line the run character will keep repeating that your ears will be numb to by the end of the run.
>I want a hardcore ski event.
same, as long as they stop doing the auto-reposition thing that made me overshoot the rings all the fucking time.
The Zpag and Genjeet shills really better be paid for this shit.
Fuck, sorry guys, please ignore, I can't delete yet from cooldown...
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xiangli yao's and zhezhi's kits are on youtube now.
The former is also probably being given for free
pic related (though might not be the final design)
Drakengard 3 kino lets fucking GOOOOOOOOOOO
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This literally looks like shovelware
What game?
>flat hag
holy kino, thanks
Not sure how I feel about the hoodie
>half the amount of SSR's to pull to get 1 copy
>didn't half the amount of pulls
I'm thinking we're back
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how is wuwa losing to 4 NIGGAS IN A ROW????
Uhhh where are my CC's to tell me if i like it or not?
Hunt trash.
cute fox
>general dead and being spammed with Christcuck FACTS
NTE >>486233008
Here we go, more inferiority complex sperging, is there even any purpose for this thread?
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Didn't they just release the male version of this character?
We're slower than an embarassing coomerbait game thread like /snowg/
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>companion quest zhezhi
New harem member
Sunk cost. Now that I have spent 5 dollars I can NEVER stop. It's literally over.
>1.1 Livestream Codes

What does this mean
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don't worry about it, read that as another mail compensations
level 90 Scar actually has a lot of hp and damage.
i fucked up and died bros on my level 60 baizhi run...
kek, it's a fair bit of cash for third worlders
but you have to actually put in the code to get them no?
Kuro won't be doing any of that livestream thing, so just expect it to be delivered straight to your mail.
Haha she lost 50/50 to Lingyang what a lucklet.
better than having none like wuwa lmao. Sit down before picking a fight you can't win, trash.
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Good, always thought livestreams were a waste of my time and their money.
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>6 Days Remaining
It hurts, bros.
>enter general
>hundreds of off-topic shitposts
>come back 12 hours later
>hundreds of off-topic shitposts
I hate all of you for feeding these niggers
it bumps the thread so maybe its good
sign of a dead game
Bros kuro made too many "main character" looking ass plants, I keep trying to collect the scenic shrubbery
>feeding these niggers
Not our fault you guys can't stop talking about the better games, kill yourselves.
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just memorize every plants, not that hard right?
bwo that was over a year ago
are you implying that without shitposters this thread would fall off the board?
why not just move to /vmg/ or some shit then?
>are you implying
nigga you gay
which wawu should i masturbate to today
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>are you implying that without shitposters this thread would fall off the board?
The mining plant girl, or the expy mihoyo made of her in ZZZ
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can it be me?
wuwa lost
im on the verge of quitting
the character progression after a month feels like dogshit
the content is too slow
besides jue, we didn't get a boss
and jue is a SHIT tier boss, holy fuck I hate these janky hitbox FLYING bosses that ruin the camera and don't have good tells on attacks because "lmao my entire body is a fucking weapon!" design
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>running on ceilings upside down
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Where's my room sim Kuro?!
Hoodie exile
it's rover
why are people posting more about other games than wuwa in /wuwa/?
fine the haters win i quit wuwa. what gacha would you recommend instead?
game's tapped. I'm one patch away from dropping it
Because its fucking 5 or 1 or 11 at night in any civilized nation on a fucking monday night.
HSR, genshin and ZZZ
I'm having fun and the women are really, really fucking hot. I enjoy ogling my Jinhsi, Jianxin, and Yinlin.
im not going back to genshit but ill give HSR a try
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>It's ok when mihomo does it
Lightcrusher is way too fucking cool a moveset and fight to be just a random farm thing.
>lowpoly generic mountain range
>tv with tastefully detailed background playing fake in universe ads
unironically yes
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You're a slave to ZZZ nigger. Instead of playing your game or doing something productive, you literally loaded up both games to fuel the ZZZ baiters even more. You are literally hoyoshill's nigger slave haha.
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Don't listen to him, I love your presence
Fuck off, nobody wants you here
>SEA hours
the ZZZ one is running on SSD though? thats how the loading screen for ZZZ works, do you not play your game?
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erm how do I find the last echo
hey guys im going to post 'SEAhours' for the 100th time today all day long instead of talking about my game don't you just love our /wuwa/ discussion?
maybe get a better PC then SEApag, fuck off already.
2nd column, then scroll to the very bottom
>everyone complaining about SEA
>the mutant woman asset goes unoticed
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What's with all the battered wives?
>SEA hours
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good afternoon saar
now compare how fast you do dailies in zzz vs. wuwa
go on, i'll wait.
i cant stand genshin 1 for 5 minutes after playing genshin 2 i cant imagine playing genshin 3
uhoh melty
>posts reddit content instead of wuwa
at what point do gachas just become GTA V?
can confirm it loads like that dumbass
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How are our friends over at gachagaming coping with this?
There are posts talking about the game.
Give THEM a (you) instead.
And niggas say this world is bland?
you can try going to your favorite dick rider (cc) and see how they boot up zzz if you're so oblivious
Whoa thanks
When this one releases I guess
bwos why do we keep falling for mihomo bait!?
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>Spends all his day here every day being humilliated for our entertainment
I play it on PS5 that screen finishes almost instantly.
that webm has been fact-checked and debunked by real indonesian patriots

Bwo, why does this game live rent free in every mihomo tribal indog?
Funny init?
Please fucking talk about the game for one minute.
Are you rolling, are you saving, how many stars are you at right now, your hologram progress or struggles, FUCKING ANYTHING PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
The mad geniuses at kuro HQ have done it. They've actually compiled the fucking shaders.
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The game may be fine, but these threads are miserable
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I'm skipping every banner for her.
I look and act like this too when i'm off my meds
For me? It's Yangyang
uh oh hallway monitor melty
Is that for loading screens? Haven't really noticed a difference on pc. Though the game runs great ever since 1.1
I'm saving for Scar I want to eat his asshole out.
Who is making all these cute phrolova art??
Changli's banner is next week and excitement is at an all time low. Having Jinhsi's banner be 4 weeks was a mistake.
What happens if you cut her ahoge hair?
>Hysteric battered wives come here daily to get publicly spanked
You need to relax a little
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it seems to be korean lads, I can't find them though, weird
saving for zhezhi and then chun, 0/30 i don't give a shit about tower
Your game, sir?
Sometimes he feels like he's a gundam funnel user. God I hate it. But I like it. But I hate it.
changli wont even have enough fanarts to coompost for a week let alone 3
I mean it literally is ok when Hoyo does it and this shows why, the screen designed by Hoyo is full or artistic merit and creativity, it's designed fully in tune with the world its supposed to immerse you in and the loading experience isn't just a wait but it becomes something that's designed to draw you in and even before playing the game it establishes how much depth and creativity and soul there is. There's a reason why Hoyo games are so praised and it's because they go the extra mile to reward players with designs like this that are fully immersive and are miles beyond what you see in any other gacha, it's an investment into a whole universe to show off which is displayed even in how the game loads and not just a game. So it literally is ok
The ahoge is the actual monk.
The waifu body melts away and the ahoge starts to grow a new Jianxian.
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she becomes a hyper dps and mogs Jiyan
chungusli looks like if reddit or crunchyroll's sanitation department took Yae and censored her
They'll multiply
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>checks thread
WuWa still winning
Complete wuthering victory
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Me too after getting changli
post your meat bros
Looks like a dude.
This isn't your screenshot.
To counter, Wuwa's setup is a very well directed focal towards the center with the mountains, and river leading towards a standout bright white colored logo. The fact that it pulls back instead of going forward is a nice surprise, but basically brings you into where you were already looking.
I think the fact that they show the MC and both versions of them on the login is cool too. Finally you have the fact that they essentially have a underwater-like reflection of light on the island/rocks that they're standing on despite being on dry land fits with the idea that they're probably inside the retrograde etheric ocean that they pop out of in the beginning of the game.
You already have reverse gravity and water droplets, odd light and the characters presented.
I think the Wuwa loading shows off a lot and it isn't given enough credit.
All the text and options and loading progress information stands out really hard because its bright pure white against black, brown and people.
holy shit meatGOD
Niggas who say this is ok also complain about the dragon's dogma 2 cooking scenes LMAOOO
>Describe the feud between Genshin Impact and Wuthering Waves

>It seems there might be some confusion here. As of my last update, there isn't a known feud between "Genshin Impact" and "Wuthering Waves." "Genshin Impact" is a popular action role-playing game developed by miHoYo, known for its expansive open world and gacha mechanics. On the other hand, "Wuthering Waves" doesn't appear to be a widely recognized game title or entity in the gaming industry.
Oof... That hurts.
What site is this? Looks nicer than e-hentai.
Bwo most men in america have larger tits than coastguard
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>checks thread
Good job lads another day living rent free
Word to my nikker homies
Does any animation in any Honkai impact game compare to Jinhsi's drop down after her aerial stuff. Or the coom of Yinlin's plunge attack drop kicking Zapstring onto the enemy, tangling and making levers with her wire against her hand, and both feet for power?
The fact that you can't dodge/double jump out of Yinlin's plunge, and only her is annoying but at the same time its cool that her movement is such a commitment.
Good. Them being the underdog means they have to be more generous to keep being relevant. This only benefits the people playing the game more.
Is it normal that I'm skill issuing this?
AI tells people to put fucking glue on pizza.
Who the fuck cares what it says.
Is there a plot summary anywhere? I've been told it got better in 1.1 but I kept skipping everything because of how bad it was at release. I'll pay attention now
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And look what that recognizement did for the consumer, dear cameramen out there shout out !
Jinhsi should clear this easily.
yes and yes
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Who the hell is "UncleBirdieWindow"?
And why should /wuwa/ listen to him over an educated frog?
Semi-normal. Just keep at it and get a good run and also improve your play.
That said remember to level up the characters you use and give them a good weapon. That actually matters.
Even a fucking AI knows you guys are in the wrong, how long are you going to keep up this pathetic song and dance?
Jué mentioned the wutheing waves at the end and it was absolute cinema, thats all you need to know
I don't believe it.
Watch a cutscene compilation or something.
Also it isn't great but its not horrible either to begin with. I'd say it was below average but pretty on par with its competitors. Don't be a tiktok zoomie.
It kind of matters because it means not enough people google wuthering waves for chatgpt to know about it.
Reminder that the point of roguelikes is to have fun even while losing and having pure kino moments when you have a good run
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>So souless and so desperate he needs fucking CHAPTGPT to fucking validate his opinions on fucking VIDEO GAMES.
Just use the trial Baizhi with the turtle, hell just enable the green memes if you're having that much trouble
all you need to know is that Changli mogged Jinhsi in her own patch
Being a contrarian for the sake of it is just sad, just accept the L and go back to genshin already.
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I'm thinking about pulling for homoGOD weapon
>you wake up in chingchongland
>there was a calamity in the past called the lament
>the lament released monsters known as tranny discorders into the world
>dude sheep lmao
>scar's faction is trying to fuse with the discords as the next step in human evolution
>(You) are amnesiac divinity that has descended to the world to save it so go out and save it
there, you're caught up
>anon thinks openai trains chatgpt on google... searches
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uhoh mask off cringemelty
Fu Xuans is pretty and Acherons.
But where is the Jinhsi Rabbit Hole edit and video
Anon you are tarded
Stop holding back.
Get BOTH Jinhsi and Changli
Get BOTH Jinhsi and Changli weapons
What am I missing?
Will 1.1 have a combat event like Alloy Smelt in 1.0?
How good/bad will Changli's sequences be?
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>CHATGPT HELP ME I'M GETTING gangraped in /wuwa/
oof, that was something else
Yes. Herrscher of Sentience's moveset is mindblowing. Dea Anchora looks really sick too
Star Rail has nothing though.
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Forgot image btw
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Please ascend your floppy monk
Just got her to 80, best investment i ever made monkblender clears floor 1-2 both sides like a charm
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Changli does nothing for any of my characters. Shes hot af but shes an easy skip. I rolled for Yinlin because I have Calchero.
Your game, sir?
Why does Sanhua sound like a woman on EN dub but a young girl on JP dub? How old is she actually?
I don't think they're as good as Jinhsi's animations and flow. I think that the camera angle work is pretty nice but the fact that I think a 4 niggas in a row all about flash can be competed with at all by an action open world game like this in how it looks in abilities is telling.
My Changli set has 124% ER and I'm not farming higher.
Even 4 stars in HSR have more appealing animations.
Another fox ear space chink? This time it has boobs. How so daring.
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>easy skip
sorry bros but I'm a failure
ZZZ captures the essense of Wuwa without the tediousness.
I'm going to run around the overlord as Changli and Yinlin both.
My dick won't survive.
Take a break, have some water since its summer, and do it again if you feel like it. Its really fucking fun.
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Changli yes. Weapon no. There's too much flattie sexo on the horizon don't want to top up again for a few months.
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Good supports should come out AFTER the DPS imho..unless the supports broken and Changli isn't that.
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What kind of name is this?
Are you serious?
noob lol
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what the fuck this actually looks really good
what's the catch?
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Bros if I lose my 50/50 with Changli, I dont think I can continue in this game. Do you think wuwa is going to give enough freebies for another 90 roll on limited? 1.2 looks very skippable and if I dont login for 1.2 I'm not sure if I can come back for 1.3
Taje it easy. It is randomized to one run will be bad other can be a breeze.
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we're still winning because of our generous overlord. rejoice, fellow wuwugger, for we are saved, and they are doomed to run away until they circle back to us.
People say wuwa dailies are tedious but they're really not

>sign in
>use up all your energy; try to dodge at least one attack.
>synthesize something
>do the daily quest that's kill TDs 90% of the time.
>either use a consumable, level a weapon or tune an echo
Dailies done. Only takes a few minutes.
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Cahngli would never eat Miss Magistrate's ear.
Stop this smear campaign.
Any news about a pistol DPS? The leaked characters look like shit and their animations are too floaty, i want some CLANG or BANG if you guys know what i mean
She'd eat her kitty instead
With those damage numbers and that long of a rotation might as well be
People are just going to drop Wuwa though? It's not like the open world in Wuwa offers anything fun. It just takes longer to do your daily tasks. It's soulless as fuck.
holy what the fuck this shit is kino
Why do you type like a facebook mom or someone who just learned english?
To answer you question no there are no 5* pistol DPS or pistol tanks or pistol healers coming in. You asked this with almost exactlu the same wording already, are you just a little slow? Little stupid'
Open world allows you to actually use the characters you roll for when you want
Hit UL60 and try to farm echoes. Yeah you can do tacet fields but getting a Spectro set through there is a fucking miserable experience.
Is it e hentai but made to look different?
release the Changli trailer kuro please
saaaar do not redeem the WUWA! Fellow saaar !
That new game literally allows you to do that though. ZZZ is the only one that doesn't and I'm almost positive once the story progresses enough you'll be able to.
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My FUCKING sides.
I don't know why poorfags like you can't just admit you're coping because you can't afford a gacha character in 2024.
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Last day for download posting (tomorrow wuwa will be top >200)
Be honest with me bwos? How cooked are we in 1.2?
Pretty cooked unless you like the nerd girl. They should have made her a spectro support so at least Jinhsi waifuists would be happy.
>open world
Why the fuck would I even try to play the TV simulator now when this exists and I can see the characters I rolled for in the open world?
>their lolis are much more cuter
>there are no furries in sight
>no hidden cannon cucking by the lead artist on the character models
That doesn't look good.
I need to skip 1.2
To whomstever artfag is reading this: I'd pay for an animation like this. I'll even sub to your patreon, subscribstar, whatever it is until she drops.
I have 30k asterite saved up for her though.
Doesn't change the fact that her optimal rotation is
a) slow as fuck
b) less DPS than Jiyan/Jinhsi
c) suffers from the same issues as Calcharo
Her outro buff just solidifies her position as more of a subdps/buffer. Though she might also suck at that considering her weak concerto regen.
This is fucking sad. How is wuwa losing to a makeup game and my sushi story?
This is the first time i have asked about a pistol DPS in a /wuwa/ thread, why are you so mad?
it's exhentai with thumbnail enabled anon.
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Don't worry, even if things get really bad we will always be the lesser evil bwo.
I weep for the people that didn't invest in WuWacoin already.
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PS5 bros, we made it.
not really the exact same but does have hair color switching
You use selectors for that.
Watching this makes me realise how good Wuwa's character swapping is. It kind of makes the combat.
Holy shit, Jiyan's companion quest is pure kino. I think it's better than any pre-sumeru story quests.

Can Kuro top this in the future?
No one would type "pistol DPS" like a retard willingly.
Did you asshole pucker wwhen i pointed it out? Be honest.
I did it lads, I finally did it. Whew, thanks for the help.
>ToF dev
Ignore the mihomo trannies here to pick fights.
WE don't know but I'm hopeful for new pistol kino soon. I expect some in 1.3.
I wonder if Camellya or Coastguard will end up gun?
Not surprised. To block attacks you only need to listen for the sound. You don't need to worry about moving around if you can block the attack.
Is it possible to clear all dream with just trial character?
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Sword unless this old kit leak got reworked (if so then she's rectifier)
What will the general's name be? I'm voting /nevaeva/
I h ope you had fun?
What character do you think you'll use next time?

Abuse turtle and you will be happy.
Wuwa is still the king of gacha when it comes to combat animations and power trip
yes easily the early stages are clearable with anyone and the later stages you can just use baizhi and melt everything
This should go on the dictionary for "dumbed down gameplay".
At this point even HSR has more depth to it.
I mean that old kit is ancient as fuck and she looks completely different.
Its possible she isn't rectifier you know? I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted to handle her seed and fruits of war personally with her hands. Gauntlet Camellya would be kino.
Sheesh! Lay off the ketamine and jenkum, shaniqua. We know Tyrone left your ass with that baby right before you hit menopause, but it doesn't give you any sort of special treatment here. Go get your food stamps and tend to your babies, hun. Pray for a white knight to come by your way and bless you with his iPhone 15 Promax Ultra Supreme 2.5.
There was recently leaked audio of Camellya's attacks. Still sounds like sword swings.
Baizhi and the Monk I think, this is the only place where those two can really shine. I fell inlove with Baizhi's design from the start but her kit being kinda bad gatekept me...
Baizhi is pretty cool in the mode for sure.
Nah because in HSR I auto battle and full clear everything. Full clear MoC with one button press (turning on auto battle)
You've never played Baizhi in the roguelike? You're missing out.
Post your full star clears let's see those eidolons
you won't little bitch
Not yet, I started like a week ago
She basically becomes a basic attack god who shoots all sorts of extra pew pews. Real funnel gaming.
>Tower of Fantasy devs
>repeat the same mixed toilet garbage again, even tho they release only 1 male every 100 years since they don't sell at all
>perfect world
>devs already know for making a very unoptimised game full of bugs with TOF
>UE5 meaning it will be bugged and full of stutters
/wuwa/ - Seething at mihoyo general
How is typing "pistol DPS" retarded? You seem mindbroken.
I'm already wishing on the weapon banner so i can get a 5* pistol ready. Really liked playing with Chixia and Aalto, but i don't want to invest on them too hard rn.
I C6ed Clorinde and I prefer Wuwa
You're out Gobbie. Our of your mind
Chixia does crazy damage. Aalto is one of the most fun guys period.
On a unrelated note I finally got around to killing the 120 Lightcrusher.
He's cool.
Dunno bro, as a neutral observer it seems like the other way around and i'm a massive hoyofag.
zooniggers - Seething at /wuwa/ general
Devs took their time but listened...
post Jinhsi copies
I mean it's what Star Rail did right? The PS5 version is going to be the one free of all the bugs and shit.

PC players are always beta testers.
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All i see is hoyocucks seething nonstop in here though?
I don't even play wuwa yet nikg says hi
And yet ToF devs managed to develop an on-demand grapple you can use on any environment in the game 3 years ago while WuWa has shitty scripted grapple points to really hammer in the point that it's a themepark.
The normal SSR pistol is pretty damn good for Mortefi and Aalto for a support role. Even if a gun DPS comes out it has a lot of value.
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Aalto enjoyer found?
Chixia can melt anything if built (unless you're fighting those elemental cubes).
Aalto is very enjoyable, has the most fun kit for me so far.

Kuro can make very good and fun gun units if you look at PGR, one of the best is Hyperreal Lee (pic related), so you can expect more from them.
It's easier to optimize for one platform instead of one with multiple possible system combinations
Who do you find most cute in Wuwa?
do you like any of our homos too?
Grapple being a triple jump that resets your plunge attack mini-jump is fucking based if you ask me. It allows for more technique like some mario odyssey ass shit.
Is that xianglee yao?
>Pistol DPS
Once we get Vanguard composed battle themes I'll start giving Kuro a bunch of money...
Male Rover (Yellow)

Don't @ me.
>Vanguard OST
>It's a banner
>You have to pull for songs for them to be able to play in the game

Absolute money maker.
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>most cute in Wuwa?
Too easy
>do you like any of our homos
mirin cubeman
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yeah, Xiangli Yao is basically our Lee expy
Who's he calling
Fair enough.
I do think that the balance of Changli's head goes off with the fox ear edit tho.
Its what Mihomo would've done with her desu.
Xiangli and changli are the same unit
But you can still use grapple whenever
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Baizhi, who else?
Word of advice stop thinking about mihomo and just enjoy things
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>Log in
>Changli still not out
Do you think Cubeman likes Clang Bangs?
They're all Cube Discords...
uh oh, found the seething mihomo cuck!
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You will never experience this much happiness from a game.
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It's painful fellow friendly elf enthusiast.
Niggers release Changli now
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my general says jump i say how high, simple as
You can't grapple to environment, to enemies (except in the also scripted Jue fight) or grapple enemies to you. It feels like shit to use once you've experienced the better version. I'm just sick of going around the open world and hearing the sound cue for a grapple point being available, it completely ruins immersion.
Bladebros, we're so back.
was the date announced? I haven't heard when she will be releasing. Only Jinhsi and mount firmament's release was given
Sounds like you problem
>unironic tof shill
how's maintenance mode going?
What is a B a i z h u?
>Grapple enemies to you
Let's be honest nobody ever use this. That's just a niche thing for puzzle. Also ToF doesn't let you run while climbing which is big plus (or do they? I quit long ago)
Next week on the 24th.
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zzz won
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What a terrible day to have eyes
something you say after a long fun day with your jew friend.
yeah i will fuk u
how many victory royales do u have
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come home white man
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I think Baizhu is really pretty...
No thanks cameraman
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Wasn't expecting to meet a fellow connoisseur here still need to try out that new dlc
what is that game? it looks shit
>white man
Genshin is majority tumblr lesbians tho
Say that shit to my face and not online see what happens
meet me at the /vg/ lot
*teleports behind u* heh, nuffin personnel kid.
Depths of Illusive Realm is fun as fuck, i hope they keep expanding it.
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the fuck? guess I'll go do the pgr's 3rd anniv quests while waiting...
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Changli is getting added when her banner starts
It's a triple jump my nigga.
Uhhhh why is she white? That's like so offensive
she's out on the 21st/22nd
now post the in-game model
Twitter isnt gonna like this...
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How did Manko manage to be like a billion different memes?
Is there any loli as powerful as her in all of vg?
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It was a buggy mess that just got patched introducing more bugs (as usual) so i haven't tried it yet, to my dismay.
10 tidepods (yellow) on the f2pag
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Literally who? Bitch you are not even top 50 on the /vg/ loli leaderboards.
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>i lived to see genkeks get told "now post the ingame model"
24thanon, here. Fuck, you're right. I can't believe I'm going to be excited for Mondays.
Why the fuck is this titty bird so fucking smug about her wobbly milktanks.
>Manko manage to be like a billion different memes
doubt that ankobro, I haven't seen that much memes of her unlike the usual suspects
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Gencuckolds have been telling other Gencuckolds to be posting the in-game model of Kamisato Ayaka for years, thoughbeitfully.
I dunno even her ingame reaction images, her wanting to fuck (You) and Anko bros and Manko posting are multiple already.
I don't think Essex and not Nier! and Rabi are lolis.
Ok fine Jesus i'm going to give her 60 pulls and that's it you happy now?
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This bird is too fucking powerful..
You're getting 50 rolls in 1.2 instead of the usual 80-90, are you sure you're going to be fine with that? Camellya is in 1.3.
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Changli has the highest quality model and animations in all of gacha

Literally bricked if you don't roll
You're embarrassing yourself right now.
NOBODY outside of this general even knows who Encore is while Rabi and Kot memes are appropriated by literally every gacha general; it's almost a rite of passage at this point.
nice try gensharter. back to mint picking
Ok name any lolis that are memes in their generals to anything close to the level of Anko.
...That isn't from Blue Archive. Even then BA's memes are fucking Asuna and Rika. I guess you have the Shupogakis lately but lol.
You're not naming any lolis you retard.
and then there's you misreplying
>Mid damage
>Supports none of my characters
Why would I roll for her?
the dub in this game is worse than black lagoon's
I wish enemy in Illusive Realm drop shell and stuff like overwolrd mob. They could share the same daily drop limit.
Your chixia or anko bro?
The fact that she's the fucking hottest woman around AND involved gameplay?
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you tried so hard shitposting how 1.1 was going to only give 30-40 rolls. how'd that work out for you lmao
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Momoiposting alone is more prevalent than your forced shit bro lol. Wake me up when people actually make oc with Encore.
Lucy, Piper and Corin are prevalent in zzz too.

Again, you gotta stop making a big fool of yourself right now. Legit feels like /wuwa/ is your first general on /vg/.
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Guess i'll just have to use THAT if it comes to it but all you need is one pull theoretically right?
I'ts all good
There's shitpost and then there's not reading the thread.
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>dunking on zzz for a month b4 release
August 1st will not be pretty
My man really just wants some loli names
>Doesn't engage with or read what people say
Yeah makes sense.
Alright, do any of those ZZZ lolis come close to Ankoposting?
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>chink meme
makes sense. that's the only place that still prefers genshit over wuwa
>there's 50 rolls
how fucking braindead are hoyodrones ahaahahhahha
The mind of a terminally poor person everyone.
Does anyone else feel like you get weaker as you progress? When I first started, I was basically killing world mobs within seconds. I'm rank 5 now, character levels maxed, weapon maxed, skills maxed and world mobs take like 30+ seconds. Weekly bosses and such take like 5+ minutes (jue), the entire game feels like such a chore
Is the code in here limited? I only got two...
You asked for gameplay, and you got it.
Please understandu, battered wife syndrome
Kuro got really stingy really fast.
Just lower your SOL level bro?
your crit rate bwo bwo?
Probably some expired yeah. Only the first one gives astrite anyway so whatever they're worthless

Someone should really make a new rentry I don't know what happened to the original guy updating it
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>genshitters getting uppity
I felt the same way until i upgraded my echoes.
>6d 7h on Jinhsi's banner
Is Changli right when this expires?
No lol
Changli's banner is on the 21st/22nd depending on your timezone
I feel like this, but that's only because I've been too lazy with skill upgrades and could be almost doubling my damage.
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wuwa !
Anyone know how long the mount firmament quest takes roughly? I haven't started it still and I want to farm Jue for my Jinhsi
Didn't wuwa pick a fight with star rail when the game launched? Why did that stop anyway, you would think that an autobattler would be an easy target for wuwa or something.
Is this the secret sauce?
like 3 hours
Real talk, how old are you?
wu or wa?
It's bullshit, bwo. Don't bother.
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3-4 hours, less if you skip everything but i wouldn't recommend it
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Team WU
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ZZZ lolis aren't real lolis tho
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Today's forecast is: WU ! with a chance of WA !
You don't lose anything for trying it so there's that
The best part of this is that they tried to raid zzz on launch week and doompost. Now that one players have actually gotten further into ZZZ it's become apparent it's the better game. Now all the wuwajeets are in here crying.
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ZZZ lolis mog wuwa's any day of the week that ends in Y.
AHHHH slow down
hello saars this is ron please like punishing gay raven its better than zzz i assure you

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Faster !
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Do NOT overclock my frens
consequences will never be the same
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odds i try to s2 Jinhsi evens i blow my load on fire turkey
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[Good news] My twitter feed is giving me Wuhtering Waves art now. Enjoy this sweaty elf
have any of you found success with nofap?
leggy bitch
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NOOO don't do it anon s2 jinhsi is useless nooooooooooo
Is there any good anime airing this season? The v-tuber anime keeps on popping up on my Twitter feed, is it any good?
jesus christ
ok but when are we gonna get the 100 free rolls I was promised? I can't do this free hoyosucking forever you know...
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3 late my sunk is already cost, i'll stop if i get lion'd though..
New jankslop just dropped. I'll leave this here since I know you guys like that sort of thing.
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Ankobros status?
model a boy call it a girl. Mihomo slowly trying to gaslight their players into becomming trans and gay.
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>head to head banner combat (July 22nd vs 24th)
Real talk, who wins?
indodogs are mentally 14, their average iq is like 74.
>anime GTA
Ngl, this looks interesting
looks better than wuwa
Stunlocked on clang puzzles
We should have helped them instead of making fun of them....
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The memes about Western Genshin "fans" are 100% correct.

Even when they're "boycotting" over the dumbest non-issues imaginable, they still crawl back to play the game.

They don't even have the shame to pretend they aren't playing the game despite their "boycott" vow.
Did they steal the alert sound from cyberpunk 77? lol
ZZZ because it has way more players and she's not generic chinkslop.
I hate urban/city settings
it's stockholm
>contact your local politicians
are they genuinely retarded?
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What did you expect from battered wives tm ?
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wow so much stuff
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If I only have a standard 5-star broadsword should I get crit rate or crit damage on Jinhsi?
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You decide.
the shoes alone make the zzz design retarded af
crit rate
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Bro they're playing as unironic furries and getting blacked and humilliated AS WE SPEAK just because it says mihoyo on it hahaha.
You have to understand these aren't people in a strict sense of the word anymore.
this is stu-
On both 4/3 echo slots?
puffy bitch
the 3 cost echoes can't have main stat crit so idk what you're asking. 3 cost echoes should be spectro damage bonus
3 costs can't mainstat crit
So how woll ZZZigger react when one on the right get that crack censored on release?
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Changli not only is big tiddy but a puffy pussy also.
How did the CCP allow this?
Oh wait I'm assuming 4-4-1-1-1
Or is 4-3-3-1-1 better?
Spain, Portugal and France should have a say, they are the reason LatinX Americans are civilized enough to speak, read or use the internet in the first place. Also Italy too, the word "Latin" and "America" were theirs to begin with and they got culturally appropriated. I think they also soft-colonized the southernmost part of South America didn't they?
Probably not at all considering that picture is from the trial version already released
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Use 44111 until you can get a better 43311 set, preferably spectro/spectro if you're using standard 5*
I think 43311 is better unless you have her weapon. And even then it only becomes equal
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shit you're right
44111 is a cope until you can reach high enough crit stats with 3s.
43311 is always better
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I think that actual hentai fanart of her can't get as lewd as her ingame model half the time.
So crit/spectro/spectro/atk/atk?
Strongest loong
Shikano is shit compared to shit like Aho Girl and Popteam or plastic oneesan but I for one welcome our new loooooong overlords
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Ohai qt3.14
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Lord Arbiter...
everyone besides Phrolova, get out
>enjoy this sweaty elf
>her ears aren't even pointy
>b-but big tiddies
don't care... FOLOLA SEX
bro your supposed to say she looks like shit. now you're just making us sound concerned...
I think changlis tits and puffy pussy will win desu
wtf are they doing to that poor Rover doll...
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For me, it's yandere bitch
Wuwa is 16+ while Mihoyo makes games aimed for 10 years old.
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The fact they're already concernposting here tells you everything you need to know.
It was over before it started and they can cope and salespost all they want with their ps2 rendition of a favela prostitute. They lost.
the zzzchads are bullying us again...
Am I the only one completely desensitized to skin tights due to all the mind rot from western gymthots on tiktok? I literally feel nothing from that right pic's pose
Would Encore survive giving birth?
I love that smug critter like you wouldn't belive.
How many seeds does Arbiter have?
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zooniggers on suicide watch
out of 10 !
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The Great Changli Draining, as most players will statistically be likely to not get her without buying more rolls with average luck after putting their rolls on Yinlin and Jinhsi.
But I like girls in skin tight suits.
Reminder the girl on the right is literally named Zoo
>going on tiktok
you only have yourself to blame
But I have 140 right now
Yet this entire thread there's been no discussion about wuwa. Curious, isn't it?
Why are you watching gymthots in the first place?
No I don't use tiktok at all, What I'm saying is now my brain equate skin tights to gymthots and instantly lose all boner reaction because of it
So after WuWa there are like 4 other Genshin killers on the way.

When we will get HSR killers? Will Kuro also make one?
best part? ToF 2 will kill Wuwa!
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Enough for every Wuwa to ever wuwa.
If we extrapolate how many NPC's and playable characters and square by ∞+x
X being a number i pull out of my ass and considering he's an atemporal entity we might get a rough estimate.
You're too young to post here.
I agree, I go to the gym 6 days a week.
I'm also a bit desensitized.
Although when I see a cute girl (not your average gymthot) wearing one make my dick hard.
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Good thing that I skipped 1.0 so I'm pretty much guaranteed both.
sucks to be you
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What's curious is your timing, wording, and tone.
It's almost like you're angry at something.
Seething even like /wuwa/'s mere existance makes you lose sleep.
Curious, isn't it?
how long until tan hebe sexy?
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Thank you Baizhi, very cool
Thanks Baizhi everything is clear to me now.
It's lunch time here, mutt. Why have you been up?
new encore
Europe isn't ameristan. My little indog friend.
lmao eurogay how's your AC since the green new deal and kike zelesnky stole that from you?
europoor getting uppity
what a fucking nigger you are with your fucking homoverse general link you fucking nigger you fucking nigger bitch nigger ass fucking bitch just a nigger anon the nigger the fucking nigger anon fucking bitch motherfucker stupid nigger ass bitch you fucking nigger cunt yeah you fucking anon the nigger. FUCKING ANON YOU'RE A NIGGER YOU'RE A FUCKING BITCH FUCKING NIGGER YOU'RE A FUCKING NIGGER. YOU KNOW YOU'RE A NIGGER.


a fucking nigger
why do you have a flag over your head that says false?
Open world allows you to actually use the characters you roll for when you want
That new game literally allows you to do that though. ZZZ is the only one that doesn't and I'm almost positive once the story progresses enough you'll be able to.
what makes you think that?
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how many hours until changli?
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please bros I know its a shit piece but I only want crit rate PLEASEEEE

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