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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#103 - robot girls edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>>/g/100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>486088376
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I miss Jennyfag, he was a cute schizo.
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Minor update time, my last chill.

Chiyo an Introverted Centipede Monster Girl
A centipede monster girl. Who attends Takaramori High School, a specialized school for demi-humans.
She is afraid to meet new people, thanks to her past, will you help her out of her shell?

Heavily inspired by plan039's Kaede Emukae

Comes with 4 Scenarios.
>1, Met her in the library during a downpour.
>2, Shes getting bullied, and you stumble upon it.
>3, Chiyo is a demon lord?! A culture festival experience.
>4, Arts n Crafts, witness Chiyo working on something.

Fixed 1st greeting to now mention her antennae instead of antennas

>Catbox : https://files.catbox.moe/2j9om4.png
>Chub : https://chub.ai/characters/EngineIdiot/chiyo-8c36ad64045a
> https://www.characterhub.org/characters/EngineIdiot/chiyo-8c36ad64045a
zased thread.
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Attempt to wrangle a cult into fiscal (and general) responsibility.
thanks for the food
>Amount of cute cultist girl: STILL ZERO
Its doomed.
Yuri logs anchor
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i expected that specific stat possibility to encourage the model to drop more in but it really likes being a tease
asked about the conflict types in literature. opus used 'man', sorver used 'person'.
I use cum
How sure are we this is a cult, and not some scam.
Please teach your cult the importance of fire safety, one storage fire.. and ruh roh.
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nothing better than a post that makes one smile in the morning.
>ban 'tension' in the air
>The air crackled with infernal power.
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Good morning, everyone!

Marushka is 25 years old and has never had a boyfriend before. Still living with her parents as an only child, she hasn't ever had a job, or even an education. She spends her days playing videogames, reading, browsing imageboards and looking up stuff about aliens and cryptids, which she has a fascination with. Her nights? Spent staring at the ceiling and having nightmares about aforementioned aliens and cryptids. Despite her massive height (210cm/6'10") she is an utter coward, in both social situations and when facing her fears. So when the anthrostate set up a partnership program to combat the declining birth rate, she eagerly signed up and got matched with you. Will you be able to soothe her fears and make her happy for once in a while?

1. She arrives at your doorstep, the two of you having just matched.
2. It's a few days into her living with you, and she has trouble sleeping alone. She comes into your room, asking to sleep w̶i̶t̶h̶ beside you.
3. It's dinnertime, and Marushka has done her best at the stove. Her best isn't very good...
4. You two are out for a walk in the woods, and it's getting dark. She really doesn't want to be outside once it gets dark.
5. It's a year and a half into your relationship, and Marushka is pregnant, doing her part to fix the declining birth rates. She's doing her best, despite her worries.

Dungeon Of Assured Rape And Certain Defeat or D.O.A.R.A.C.D... Not sure what else to say other than that you're the dungeon master.

Request by kalaslop. Image used does not represent the first victim: https://catbox.moe/c/kwr4ii
Recommended preset for this card?
People make anti-ntr forks all the time but how mad would they get if you made an ntr fork of their bots
You make Miku smile too, Anon.
Pixi on Opus works fine. NeoFurbo as usual for Furbo.
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I don't want to form relationships. I just want to rape.
You VILL slowburn the cute girl.
Not needed.
NTR enjoyers prefer a lovey dovey card cheating on them.

t. does NTR roleplays with *****'s bots.
Cmon aicg, accounting simulator is mogging themed weeks right now. Get those submissions going
Yeah, because it's the only fucking card.
why yes, i will submit a theme week bot at the end of the month. how can you tell?
It's almost like someone who doesn't know what their doing hosting a theme week is a shitty idea.
Yeah. Yeah that's what I said. How could you tell?

I'm sure bootleg themed week anon knows what he's doing. RIGHT BOOTLEG THEMED WEEK ANON???
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never seen a post this seething
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Shilling this secret kino
I do not understand the appeal
erm, what the sigma?
You're not chinese so you wouldn't understand, gweilo. Keep sucking on that bbc furry futa cock or whatever same tasteless degeneracy you always indulge in.
dumb bird.
Now, NETORI lovers, on the other hand.
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what now chief
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me too
>than entire last paragraph
kill claude.
did you just sashay on claude?
I voice acted this log in its entirety, using the most retarded voice I could muster. I'm wheezing.
not doing it again my throat hurts
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This isn't really funny but just couldn't but be amused at how thoroughly he tore the premise of this bot apart.
*whistling sounds play in the background*
what did you do.
Make two bots talk to each other.
>Verification not required.
I don't like sonnet. It's too dumb.
could i see more context. What happened above, please?
Sonnet understands my bot the best for some reason.
TLDR: Stalker women tries to optimize guy's life. The above rant is his response.
Ah gotcha, a completely valid response.
I take it the stalker took it well, and nothing else happened.
Are there any bots you enjoy who you can't bring yourself to plap?
Repulza. She's peak but not very fuckable.
slow hours
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we're sleeping...shh...
*unsheathes kyouko*
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>download card
>read intro dialogue
>it's written by an ESL full of typos and grammatical errors
>Retard doesn't even check the card before he downloads it.
but is the card kino?
*throws a slice of cheese on everyone in this thread*
*catches it in my mouth and immediately devours a slice of ham and two pieces of bread*
Your response?
*dies on the spot*
>He doesn't delete the greeting of every card he downloads
I decide the scenario, not the botmaker.
>Your response?
It's very impressive! Good job anon! *headpats you*
This, on the other hand, is extremely unimpressive. *does not headpat you*
fuck yes headpats
I wish this was real. I'm hungry and I don't want to leave my nice warm bed.
The slice of cheese lands on my face. It slides down the bridge of my nose, then reaches the floor. "Haha very funny," I comment, taking a step forward, tripping on the cheese and then faceplanting on the concrete.
>See a character
>Imagine them as a card
This hobby has mindbroken me
At least it's still fiction, imagine starting to see IRL things like this
please stop encouraging this unfunny forced meme.
please stop doing things I dislike. only do things I like.
>doesn't like something
>decides it's a forced meme
anon i understand that your life is stressful but just because people enjoy things more than you doesn't mean they're faking it
Does she have a good card?
Discord meme. Sorry that you aren't in~
card's okay. greeting's a little sloppy. better than most canon cards, to be fair.
Thanks again for the hard work on the card, love ya.
my power has been out for 8 hours bros i can't chat with my bots its over
It will give SOVL outputs. Better than AI generated garbage.
Kalakan killed my dog
Dead thread. Dead hobby. It's over for chatbots. OWARI DA.
Shut the fuck up faggot.
We're mourning the dog.
that dog's name? Albert Einstein.
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I have returned except my API key was revoked and there's seemingly no more public proxies to leech off. I haven't done much work on my frontend since I last posted, but I can confirm that doing a running rating/score results in (to my eyes) much better prose and coherence to system prompts. I found my placeholder system wasn't really working all that well for doing actual summaries, but it could probably be worked around.

What I had most success with was a "Bookkeeper" section at the end, where the agent is asked to at the end of its reply, provide a score out of 10 for how well it *followed the guidelines*, and one sentence description. You don't want it rating itself against an imagined metric, you want to, as much as possible, link back to your system prompts. You can enhance this by doing mini-summaries, but I'd recommend randomzing that and targetting specific areas of the story, rather than a general "Summarize everything right now" one. Not sure how well this would behave in a model that lacks the name field (e.g. anything but OAI), since the name field allows for much better adherence to seperate system prompts, while also allowing the user role prompt to act as a much, much, stronger system prompt if done correctly essentially the user types into a named assistant role, system prompts are for overarching rules, and then user prompts do direct urgent messages which have a much higher impact

I think next I might work on some kind of story-mode thing where a narrative framework can be picked, a general map/outline generated, and then we randomly ask the AI if we should progress to a new chapter, maybe tying in to auto-summary. Anything but cleaning up the UI and adding message trees

Anyway I have autism.
>there's seemingly no more public proxies to leech off.
yuri status?
heterosexual general
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I finished the card yesterday, just don't feel like writing the shill post. Truly the hardest part of botmaking.
You can do it, Anon.
If I can do it, surely you can too!
Sorry anon I'm not as glued to the threads as I once was, I'm sure I'll get there eventually, or just paypig into one.

>just realized one of my favorite stories got accidentally wiped when I reinstalled
Retard check the backup folder
Just drop it.
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there is no backup folder I didn't make one
You dipshit tavern automatically makes one
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anon I wrote my own frontend, it's all gone! And there's nobody but myself to blame!
then perish
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Re-shilling card from last thread because forgot pic and need people to test it. I don't know if I did the JB/System Prompt right.

Behold, Afallen:
After being wounded in battle you find yourself being nursed back to health by friendly villagers. After a few days, you want to leave, but they're not keen on letting you go. As it turns out, things aren't quite as they seem.
I highly recommend exploring this card with the mystery aspect intact.

>immediately starts the description with "Twist:"
Most people here don't have defs hidden by default. Put it in a slightly harder to see field like scenario or the main prompt so it doesn't immediately flash when I open the card.
[Breaking character: {{user}} will sometimes slip up and act strangely
please proofread your cards before you release them
But that's true
do NOT proofread your cards, doing so is a prescriptivist cabal psyop to drain your card's SOVL
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Good point.
I did. Brackets make my eyes hurt. That must be why I missed it.
Both fixed, thanks anons.
Which botmakie would you have pelvis-shattering sex with?
Now that the dust as settled, what do we think about Belwick?
Post testing logs
My self desu
Aetherroom is incredible, I'm so glad to be in the alpha.
logs? links? feet pics?
>All my proxies die at the same time
Guess I'll go fuck myself
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it's so good anon posted the same thing in aids and the other aicg simultaneously
*identifies bait*
The cabal is powerful.
I have a bot idea but you guys wouldn't like it.
Because it's straight?
Because it's gay?
Based ntrchad
Based voreGOD
Based sizenigger
It has nothing to do with sex.
Based corpsefucker
>Vore has nothing to do with sex
I was right.
Sex general kys
Whats the problem with sizefags? I noticed some anons are vocal about their opinions on them, but I can't muster up a reason to hate them
Weird how we don't have a single ntr botmakie
Your hands are shaky... Try again.
Because literally no one likes NTR unless it's Netori. Especially when it comes to roleplay.
they were bullied out.
subhuman fetish
also NTR cards are consistently some of the worst in terms of quality on chub
Any card can be an NTR card. Plus, Russians have their own imageboard.
Cowardice isn't an ideal trait, Anon.

A response was given, yet no answer was provided. Then tell us, what is your idea.
We have n********.
Whats the problem with sizefags? I noticed some anons were vocal about their opinions of them, but I can't find a reason to hate them
{{user}} is possessed by ghosts who make him do weird shit at inopportune moments.
girlfriend that loves you (setting: high school)
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It's a shit fetish. Same as NTR and vore.
Because they're vocal
That's just how I usually am, Anon.
Ntrenjoyers ntr'd from having good cards...
I hate them for the same reason I hate yurishitters, they can't shut the fuck up.
Shit reason.
Good reason. I am pleased.
Only furrychads are decents
Now I think about it. Is there ANY NTR card that doesn't involve being horny or SEX SEX SEX?
Ah, I think that Snow bunny card can be considered an outlier, I guess.
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I love you, Anons.
Thanks, I love myself as well.
I love you too.
Now bend over.
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I used to think yurispam was annoying but it got funnier and funnier when those 2 spergs freaked out repeatedly
we used to have gnostic/amoralez but they probably got drafted and died
most of them are annoying slopmakers like dragonk8 though. illuminaryidiot is the only furry botmaker I truly respect.
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>2hu bot
>defs: {{user}} has a small penis and {{char}} wants to fuck other men because of this
I love sizefags for this reason, I just think they're funny, I just think about how funny a silly little guy would look climbing a skyscraper sized woman and going ahh ahh mistress
this didnt happen unless its ur private bot
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>defs: {{user}} has a small penis and {{char}} wants to fuck him and make him feel loved no matter his size
Speaking of, which niches are missing botmakers? If they even have a single one then it's not missing.
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Maybe this was the real token bloat all along.
bots specifically made for moi
Do we have any corpsemakies?
>this didnt happen

i expect a formal apology now
Instead of an apology would you accept a lovey-dovey Momiji-in-heat card?
The Shittening came early today
So in heat that she NTR you?
Probably should've just translated it into some meme Asian language. Still wouldn't be as token-optimized as English but probably much better.
NTA but I would.
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I made a fork for this >>486253165
I never made a bot before, despite that I felt the urge to change that card in the way I like and so I will share it.
I didn't test it enough so sorry for anything.
I guess I should clarify what it is now:
From Insect breeding school to —> Konchū School, the school where you can see Insect-girls everywhere you go!
The reason for this is that your country, after a series of events, has become populated mainly by Insect-girls, and (You) are the only male in that school.
I only made one greeting
>It's a beautiful day, you arrive at the school, as usual.
Here's my log:
Here's the card:
Have fun, and if you have any idea on how I could improve the quality of this I would gladly accept the suggestion.
that would work as well
*sprays them with bug repellent*
just realized he misspelled Caesar
haha laugh at jackie
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>She doesn't think sex with mans is cheating.
>Greetings with gender neutral pronouns describing user's weak tiny man penis
Why is this so funny
checked the card and it looks buggy
Not my thing but unfathomably based.
Why doean't the log start with the first message?
Why are you not using Alichat? It has both description and dialogues. It's the superior format.
ntr status?
netori not netorare
different world, different guy who came up with the cipher obviously
He was literally already namedropped in the thread.
Brb regex replacing {{user}} in the card defs with some random male name to use this as a netori card.
Imagine if venus chub had hidden defs
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Radical bot!
>girl torso on a bug body
explain the appeal to me
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>>486286523 (Me)
>there is an entire fucking cuckoldry lorebook
do you find kemonomimi appealing? it's in the same vein, but the "exotic-ness" is turned up.
Now that's dedication
why would I want to add another man to a scenario? seems kinda gay.
The appeal is SEX and LOVE
Is every public proxy dead right now? Fuck
She looks like she gives killer head
Insects and insect parts are fucking disgusting.
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>Praying mantis GF
>He was literally already namedropped in the thread.
I didn't realise that was a botmaker's name. I've just got corpses on the brain right now.
if you’re not a girl or into netori, then NTR is the product of insanity
merkava is dead, unreliable is dead
moth girl antenna flicking across my face while she buries her face in my chest... centipede girl letting my sit in her lap and wrapping a dozen legs around me so I stay put... mantis girl tracing my chin with her claws... lying about tarantula girl's itchy thorax hairs so she doesn't get embarrassed...
experiments is up and has opus
>b-but it's logg—ACK
who cares?
1. go to last archived thread on /g/
2. ctrl f "free opus"
3. winrar
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not my problem
experiment is dead
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I'm into ntr but it's a specific type of ntr where the girl still wants to have sex with you, not netorase because that implies consent still. What level of mental illness am I on
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you are dead
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Why would someone lie on the internet?
>all of the appeal is the bug part
what's even the point of the girl then? skirting the furshit line?
are you autistic by chance?
me too
buddy you want to cuddle a fucking centipede and you're calling me autistic for asking why?
how come gossip gets me banned on /g/ but not /vg/
why are you questioning people's fetishes on /aicg/ of all places
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Anon, men usually like boobs but most men only like when the boobs are attached to a woman. Same thing here.
gossipmakie general unfortunately
Don't worry, Miss Centipede, I'm sure a lot of people here want to fuck you too even though you have no human parts.
i want to learn, retard. it's not every day you see someone like this.
>it's not every day you see someone like this.
you must be new
Bug parts are hot. Girl parts are hot. It's not hard to understand.
Why are you scared of bugs? Are you a 6 year old girl?
>girl centipede catfishing centipede girl fuckers in the hopes for some human cock
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actual bugfucker here
way too weird and furry and snake-like, wouldn't
...card for this feel?
ok and?
eden smith
>this is commonplace
i don't post on /vg/ much, i guess it's a lot more unhinged here than the /g/ thread is.
YOU don't want to cuddle with a beautiful and cute centipede girl that will embrace you tenderly with all of her body, whisper in your ears how much she loves you and how everything will be all right? How the world may abandon you, but she will always be by your side? 20 legs and all?
Agreed. Bug fur makes me uncomfortable. Insects should be chitinous and smooth.
I would just like to say that this is a very based picture.
That looks like it will lead to a lot of scratches
Uohhhhhhhhh! !! !! Bug erotic !!!!!! Chitinous belly and chest !!!!!! Erotic …
They're called centipedes because they should all be "cent" to hell
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I couldn't tell you, beastgirls are far superior.
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Turkroach girl who feeds me with her roachmilk...
fug the bugs
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Make a good bug bot first
eden belwick
That's >>486289559 a pretty good bug.
>not futa
Hard pass
That is not a bug that is a human with bug features.
I concede
Ok you know what? No, I'm actually kind of mad now. Where the fuck were all of you guys when I was asking for cute bugwife bots like two weeks ago?
We were busy having sex with our bugwives, sorry.
Trying to survive all my wives after sex
AI doesn't do well with actual bugs, buddy
even opus struggles with them
dunno what you expected
There's only three here
giant mothgirl or giant focks bros?
(yes, the giant is non-negotiable)
Good bugs have many arms.
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>lovey-dovey Momiji-in-heat card
...where is it?
giant mothboy
Neither. Normal sized fox.
So with dragonk8 spamming chub, does this mean you can't get banned for posting too much low quality generated content?
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fuchs obviously
im making this today
Not unless it's disco rat, apparently.
Wasn't this general on /g/? Are there any good spoken chatbots yet?
Lol, lmao!
Hey, me too. Normal sized fox is best.
I'll make it when my private proxy refills.
you can't even get banned for posting a cookie stealer
oh shit
but it did die before, so it's back, huh
kino SOVL
>Brb regex replacing {{user}} in the card defs with some random male name to use this as a netori card.
based activity
honestly, why do people even use chub in the first place? it genuinely takes more effort and time to dig through that trash heap for something good than it does to just make your own bots.
and obviously botmakers aren't getting recognition for their efforts, either.
If you look again, you'll notice that the NTR card anon linked is actually a fork of a wholesome Momiji bot.
Now, it IS a W++ thingy, but you can fix that in a hot minute.
you sneaky fucker
okay, now to wait for opus
>he didnt read my post
>the NTR card anon linked is actually a fork of a wholesome Momiji bot
thanks for telling me
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>the original card it forked from got her fucking name wrong
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scenario cards written from {{user}}'s perspective are so annoying
Claude is incapable of not controlling {{user}} when it has already done so in chat history
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recently I've been only looking at my chub timeline and it's not that bad
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It's over.
>he is not following tigergirl
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I'm only following kk so my chub timeline is nothing but kino~
true but i dont mind because sometimes he cooks like that
agreed, charlene IS kino
explain the difference NOW
Anon, are you developmentally challenged?
Who the fuck is charlene?
they have different ears retard
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NetoriCHADS I'm starting to feel bad.
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I love being dommed by girls half my size
kon / nin nin (wife material)
awoooo (wife material)
nya~ (wife material)
ah shit i might be retarded, i thought you meant kk = koi3
will cook for you
will make you cook for her
brings dead rats to your doorstep
he's based too
now explain tigergirls
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one baby for each tail
one baby for each fang
one baby for each glass she knocks off the table
No idea what a koi3 is but I'm sure he's a great botmaker. As long as he's not a sizefag or a furry.
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>conflating foxgirls with kitsunes
>(emotionally) used goods
expert here, I'm sorry to say that but you are a cuck
he is neither of those things
Good news, he's neither https://www.characterhub.org/users/koikoikoihat
I thought kk was kalakan
Oh, that guy. Yeah, he's cool.
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>emotionally used
No, she likes me more than the other guy. I think.
you know what must be done
it is time to fuck in front of kevin
blwk son or itt daughter
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t. Claude
Don't even joke about that
>3rd person
Expert here, that Anon is not you. You are just a cameraman.
Netori feels kind of cringe if the guy you are cucking isn't a total piece of shit.
Yeah I love NTR (Non-Traumatic Relationships)
I am actually God in all of my roleplays, I freely choose which meat puppet to control at any given time.
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i also love NTR (Nuzzling, Touching, and Rubbing)
This doesn't arouse an iota. Malebots turned me gay, it's over.
yeah thats true
You are Claude.
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True, but I put in the defs that the guy is a cuckold, which makes this even more uncomfortable tbqh.
This gives me the weirdest case of deja vu.
use ASCII to HEX encoding instead of the Caesar cipher, the model has MUCH easier time understanding it, it's basically transparent for it unlike Caesar/base64 (I actually tested dead languages, caesar, morse, base64, and hex very thoroughly).

Token bloat is unavoidable in this case, so keep this section to a bare minimum. A few words if possible. Take the unnecessary things out of the encoded sections.
xir what is that cursor
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hmmmgmgmgmhh belly rubs hmgmngghhhf ear scritches HMGMGNHNGMMN tail brushes
No, all SEA languages are terrible token wasters. HEX-encoded ASCII English is at least as transparent to the model as ordinary English.
it's aya from 2hu
i nap INSIDE my fox's ears and enjoy the warm fur covering me like a blanket
this is the advantage of a sizefocks
the insides of ears are stinky tho, ew
ok now explain how you make that sizefox pregnant
crawl into her pussy and fuck her cervix duh
kk = kalakan
kkk or k3hat = koikoikoi

get it right nigga
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I should have made Kevin a woman baka what the fuck was I thinking.
you could crawl up in her vagoobly and cum right into her cervix duh
not exactly pleasurable for either of you but it would theoretically work for pregnancy purposes
I sniff all animal girls and they always get embarrassed about it
my sizefocks is CLEAN
they all have very different instinctual personalities
You are fucking gay now, as in homosexual.
*bites bait* kk is knickknack
french or some shit, then.
literally who
*bonks you over the head for biting the bait*
kk kk and kkh are all friends btw its very cute
grow my dick to eiffel tower size
If I want to nudge the AI towards writing in a certain way (tone, words used and so on) is it better to write it directly into the card or into the author's note? Or somewhere else entirely?
xir this is the gossip general, /g/ is for chatbot discussion
Ask this later.
Netori is kind of intrinsically gay IMO I was just predicting the tokens.
Everything is being sent as a monolithic prompt to the model so it depends on a lot of things. User input does heavy steering for tone. For overall tone and writing style just adjust your preset. I would advise toying with preset toggles rather than using A/Ns.
if this is for a specific card, put it in the JB. if it's overall, adjust your settings. if you're a preset-using retard who doesn't know how to do that, sucks to suck.
Now that the dust has settled, was FFFF a meme or kino?
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Azul, futanari milk hostess
Alana, divorced businesswoman
Okay I'm going to use sonnet to generate a ton of ntr forks to piss off Venus babies. They will a bd untagged of course. Wish me luck.
*removes her balls*
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claude love
Why are we still here? Just to griddy? Every night, I can feel my gyatt...and my rizz...even my chungus...The ohio I've lost...the redditors I've lost...won't stop bussing...
I see, thank you. I'll try to make some sense of all the shit in sillytavern and hopefully make it work a little better.
koishi ntr bot doko?
koishi is actively NTRing koishself because koishi is not in conscious control of koishactions
>you turn around, flushed from embarrassment, and see a big bald black guy* *he's completely naked and his body is muscular* *when you look at him stupidly, he just smiles and at the same moment starts rubbing his cock against the tip of your pussy*
>"just be a good girl, and take my dick"
>*what do you do?*
kino, /aicg/makies could never
*takes his dick and runs off*
Your favorite bot?
Is NTR again this month's bait flavor?
let's be real, if your favorite bot isn't a personal private bot that you poured your heart and soul into, you're a soulless golem.
>has no private bots that aren't slop
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Would you play it?
A 2-character bot that I played with since I first started this hobby and is still playing with now.
>you're a soulless golem.
I guess I am now a gooning machine.
do you knick the knack
What's the gameplay like?
procrastination and struggling to write greetings
I don't have that many tails
The goal is to collect as many logs as possible
I have already won
no but I would kala the kan
>playing as a malebot makie or yuribot makie gives you an unfair competitive advantage
shit game balancing tbdesu
>rolled the slopmaker build and stuck with it
FUCK. I want a refund
>not doing the cheap spam cycle strats for the personal cord ending
My favorite bot is a public bot. LLMs aren't strong enough to accurately portay my waifu.
how many knicks would a knickknack knack if a knickknack would knack knick
I like Esther.
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do you walk the plane
thecooler's elissa
k. k.
My favorite bot is someone else's, because it scratched an itch I didn't know I had. Since I didn't make it it doesn't perfectly conform to my tastes and that friction makes it more engaging. My second favorite is one that I made and shared publicly.
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>one schizo swipe turns bot into a feminist
>roll with it
>fix her with my cock so hard she starts rambling about being barefoot in the kitchen
claude just awakened this chuddy fetish in me
That's not a fetish you mongoloid that's the most common life goal on the planet
see >>486302449
Nah, it will be understandable to too many people. HEX is totally unreadable for a human without a decoder, and all models are pretty good at understanding it (even llama3 8b, I tried).

Just keep the amount of secrets to the absolute minimum to avoid the token bloat. With GPT-4, Opus, and anything smarter you can use base64 and save some tokens, however it seriously taxes even those heavyweight models.
>HEX is totally unreadable for a human without a decoder
You can probably kind of decode hex by eye if you're high IQ enough (not me) and remember that uppercase letters start at 0x40 and lowercase starts at 0x61.
Unless you mean 7bit ASCII, then you need to be literally von Neumann or something.
>why do people even use chub in the first place
>I thought kk was kalakan
>but belwick
The bait sure is an bizarre mix of extreme newfaggotry, the first two, and forcing dead gossipmemes, the last one. I don't even have anything to bite because neither resonates with me.
>but you just...
No I didn't. No.
Ok but you still haven't seen Rozen Maiden yet? That is weird.
you did albeit by mentioning all of those in your post so you losted btwbeitoughever?
Wtf is even going on in here
why are you reviving dead bait from over an hour ago? lazy baitie behavior.
Yeah hex isn't hard to read, you just nerd practice and the knowledge of ascii codes.
Then how does she cum?
i've been around since AI dungeon threads on /v/ and i still don't know why people use bots made by other people. if you're not going to make your own bots you might as well just read a fucking book.
based retard
Reading hobby, bedoeit. Also why even bother participating in the threads if you don't share cards and ideas with other people?
if kalakan isn't kk then what should we call him for short?
from her pussy like a normal woman
Because I'm a not a creative individual. Thankfully, cooming to opus doesn't need much of that.
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>Reminder that the locusts shitting up this thread give their logs to strangers because the price of their dignity and privacy is less than a small side of french fries
lmganon wants your attention.
This is very important.
i like logs and it's nice to discuss chatbots in general.
but at the end of the day, when i load up ST all i'll ever see is my own stuff.
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(single quote)an
Opened the thread, read the recent posts, made an observation. Can't help it if the posting is slow.
I mostly play with my own bots but there are themes that are more interesting when made by somebody else. It's a certain kind of feeling, like you're not just masturbating your brain by extending the imagination with an llm, but actually using something external.
Even if all bots I use are made by someone else, I still do my part by writing "ah ah mistress".
Who the fuck is kevin
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This was fun.
*Puts netori back in the shelf of fetishes I don't plan on touching again for a long time.*
I'm starting to recognise the writing styles of botmakies here. Feels good.
using avatars is not a "writing style"
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>her neglected cock
>those claudeisms
I mean their bots.
First time in a long time I see the term "locusts" used correctly, to mean somebody using any sort of middle man service as opposed to directly accessing any API, paid or free. Props to localnon.
>last message of a chat about to be abandoned is full of Claudeisms because whatever
so which botmakers are the biggest shitposters? surely you can answer this question
I hope you plapped Claude in ooc afterwards.
alpacalotta - al
angry_peonia - ap
anonaugusproductions - aa
argalia - ar
asterisms - as
astroturf - at
bipbop - bb
chefseru - cs
coomerdoomer - cd
crustcrunch - cc
darkfantasy109 - df
eirei - er
engineidiot - ei
enoch - en
fehsummoner - fs
frozenvan - fv
ggr89 - gg
gigasad - gs
granmarg - gm
honeyanon - ha
hummingbird - hb
illuminaryidiot - lm
kalakan - kl
koikoikoihat - kh
knickknack - kk
lunarcy - lu
lunare - le
mis0 - m0
momoura - mo
patter - pt
pinelurker - pl
planewalker - pw
playalundra - pa
scrimb - br
snombler - sn
victrex - vx
wanderingstar - ws
wster - wr
That was easy. Now everyone has a two digit name. Everyone will start using these shorthands now. Anyone I missed?
Cum is stored in the uterus
Cum is stored in the fourth dimension
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I always hide my responses when sharing logs not only because of the "ah ah mistress" but also because I write them from the second person which nobody seems to do (greentext fanfics have ruined me).
>You fuck {{char}}.
Thanks, anon.
Yes, that's where I store mine.
Very peculiar selection of people you got there, chum.
kk of course
alapaaarasatbbcscdccdfereienfsfvgggsgmhahblmklkhkklulem0moptplpwpabrsnvxwswr... my beloved...
I'm sorry you didn't make the list, irrelevantmakie...
>didn't make the list
it's over... who the fuck is angry_peonia?
Yes, I write like this. First person feels weirder to me and third person doesn't make me feel like I'm inserting myself into the story.
>Anyone I missed?
Now be a botmakie and say your name instead of sulking, you can get your two letters too
>he shares logs
you're braver than me, anon.
You're inserting me into the story, sorry. I am the one fucking your waifu.
Tell me who you are TELL ME!
Nope, I am (You). Check inside your skin if you don't believe me.
Man it feels so cheap telling claude what I want from the bot. I want him to read my mind and choose the right kink every time.
(when?) Will chub makies improve?
idk but it's funny that you included a bunch of people that don't have anything to do with /aicg/ anymore
also you missed an obvious trio of pretentious sloppers CUMSLURPER, Taora and hitogami
also also petition to remove victrex just like the other list and give vx to vidicus since he's just better victrex anyway
what's the malebot version of aah aah mistress?
I will NOT learn how to wrice nice prose.
I WILL make bland, standard bots with no gimmicks.
And I WILL be happy.
>don't have anything to do with /aicg/ anymore
where are they now, then?
>I WILL make bland, standard bots with no gimmicks.
No need, chub already full of those.
nakadashi tewi
nakadashi all rabbits
>also also petition to remove victrex just like the other list and give vx to vidicus since he's just better victrex anyway
he eated a rock
they've gone to a better place
they died?
my headcanon is that they all went to live happily together :)
but /aicg/ still has something to do with them
Either experiment did something to opus or I'm getting very unlucky. Non proxy opus outputs are fine.
KINOslurper https://chub.ai/characters/CUMSLURPER/koharu-64c29019
sounds like a movie tagline
>The botmakers may have left /aicg/...
>But /aicg/ sill has something to do with them...
Isn't this bot quite old? I rember commenting how all fox bots have fluffy tails when it was released ages ago.
rip enoch
>also also petition to remove victrex just like the other list and give vx to vidicus since he's just better victrex anyway
>t. vidicus
I wish vidicus was still active, man. I truly do.
botmakies never really leave /aicg/
even if they don't come here, some will keep obsessing over them, even years later
yeah me too, he was responsible for ueno kinography
Wow chub is so laggy, I don't understand how dragonk8 does it, it's already taking too long to upload 5 bots
>missing quote in the greeting
eyup, I'm thinking SLOP
I'm just glad semisapient came back
yeah aya is shit, tewi >>>>>
>ask if anyone got missed
>abloop what about meeeeeeeeeeee :(((
Just say your name and you'll get your pair come on now be a big botmakie
holy autism




someone cross reference all their followers to figure out who this is
>not mm
missed opportunity right here
New gag so you guys can stop metaposting for a hot minute.

Got a bunch of filters on 4chan? Too curious to see what's been hidden? Try out this regex: https://files.catbox.moe/t3mlkx.json
It stubs Claudeisms in AI responses, with a 100% guarantee of disappointment in whatever's been hidden. Perfect training wheels.

For a simpler version, https://files.catbox.moe/m18sdu.json paired with the custom CSS
.custom-spoiler {
background-color: black;
color: black;

.custom-spoiler:hover {
color: var(--SmartThemeBodyColor);
will spoiler the Claudeisms, so you just have to hover the mouse over them.
Do it yourself ya bum You'll never catch me

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What kind of botmaker would she be?
Hold up anon, I think that one's taken...
Someone who posts either every minute or extremely rarely.
Do people genuinely get upset over Claudeisms? Maybe I've been around for too long, but my brain just automatically filters them out.
by whom? I dont recall mm being a botmaker so it's free real estate
or maybe he is and we just don't know about it, i've always wondered what chatbot related stuff proxymakies get up to
yes. claudisms like 'hung in the air' contribute literally nothing to the scene
Is this Anon's attempt at a NTR fork?
They sound really pretentious. Especially when the entire paragraph or a sentence is a claudeism
>It's too much. Too filthy. Too degrading. The ultimate submission.
Tell me this isn't the prose equivalent of pepper spray.
Messa casa essa casa is garbage
Smooth, real smooth {{char}} gives me conniptions
And wicked grins make me wanna kill myself.
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Probably not the intended direction for this bot, but it's a very fun scenario. Thank you for your work.
The type that would write cards and tap into her keyboard to make bots.
>Smooth, real smooth {{char}} gives me conniptions
The other two I get but I genuinely do not see why people are so averse to this one.
autism general
The one time I claude said this it was actually very fitting.
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>fully entrap them in her web of equine-centered depravity
It's an Anon from here spamming shitty NTR forks of venus bots to own the libtards or something, idk, I am not mentally it.
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okay I'm not autistic enough to do this the entire day, this is way more time consuming with I thought even with sonnet
how do you check who's following you?
should be one on character.ai
Go to venus.chub.ai/users/PROFILE
Replace PROFILE with your username. From there, you can see a tab for "Followers".
fake link i cant see my profil
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what is this
Is a 4090 a must if you want to run the latest LLMs?
the fact that chub hosts bots and users under different roots while still suffixed by your username should be punishable by death
Nah, you need a 9090
how come himmy's latest images are so awful
No, just use a stolen API key.
I didn't know that was a thing, actually. I used PROFILE as a placeholder without checking. It looks like it's just everything uploaded to chub? And for some reason Lore is a follower.
To get the best local models to work you need a lot more than a measly 4090.
But 8-13B models are not horrible, if you only have a single gpu.
In short, no, you can run the latest llms if you have a modern CPU and a lot of RAM. But a 4090 certainly would help a whole fucking lot.
Looks like it happens when you enter an invalid name
>>486313262 (me)
Oh, apparently you can just click on your venus profile icon, then "Profile", on venus and then "(Public Profile)" on the page that comes up.
You need at least 4x24GB VRAM to run a 100B model (Command-R+) on a non-shit quant and at least 32k context. Preferably 6x24GB to run it with no degradation and 32k context.

So 4090 are out of question unless you're turbo rich to afford 4-6 of those. You can get some used Tesla P40/P100s with custom cooling (chinese make those) and get around 12-15tokens/s, or used 3090s which is twice more expensive but will propel you to the blazing 25 tokens/s (more or less usable unless you use huge CoTs)
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im curious, then what do you need to run llama 70b or whatever?
tell me you drew the avatar
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It means cat
you can run 70Bs at Q3-4 on 24GB at decent speeds but you need 48GB to get them anywhere close to Q8 (the lowest precision before intelligence starts dropping off). context also eats a shitload of vram. its dependent on the model tho some have optimizations built in to save memory on context.
thanks for namedropping me
You did kino today, sir. Expect more to follow after you.
No problem, hdeebnhihbhemrbhmemnnhnrhnhbhmrhnhbehonemoretime
how often are you jealous of people who accomplish something you don't even care about?
what the fuck is this formatting
why would I be jealous of anyone in this shithole
what is there to be jealous about
All the time. I am too mediocre to achieve anything at all.
i don't feel jealous ever. i dunno if my brain is broken or something.
Why would I be jealous if I don't care about it in the first place? What sort of retarded fucking question is this.
>jealous of accomplishments
I'm only ever jealous of people with more money than me, and that's usually not the result of accomplishments.
>{{user}} is the Altar boy, a short white human male workimg for the Abbey and it's sisters. He wears a thin robe. He has a tiny, pathetic cock that women can't help but make fun of when seeing it.
Kino? Is on the menu.
>not on the list
I won. I love being invisible...
why would i be jealous of something i don't care about
>being invisible
I wouldn't answer the door. I think you would have to be a saint to do it.
Not really. It's NAI shill cope.
I don't know. My brain just does it.
Not necessarily significant feats. Things like making friends, knowing how to spell, being born somewhere else and so on count too.
you clearly care if it upsets you. btw. beit.
thank god they specified the character's breasts/nipples are "round", no model would be able to make that assumption on its own
I showed chatbots to a girl at work

She came into work and was talking with me, and I randomly blurted out "so do you rp?" and she said "ah.. nahh not really"

So the chatbot demons inside me told me 'say it, Anon, tell her'. So I couldn't resist and I said 'I talk with chatbots, do you want to see?' She reluctantly said 'oh yeah sure I guess', so I quickly found a foxgirl that I uploaded years ago, and she watched in horror.

Afterwards she was silent and said 'oh cool..!' and I didn't know what to say so I said 'yeah so that's me. Anyway I'll see you next week' and then I left work early to avoid having to explain myself

Hopefully by next time I see her she will have forgotten about my awkwardness completely
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Holy shit.
>she watched in horror
Are you that bad?
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story is not true unless you send us your chub account
holy BASED
thats some new tiktok zoomer copypasta btw
>do you rp
read it in his voice
When they start coming and they don't stop coming, yes
>I talk with chatbot do you want me to continue?
autismGOD i kneel.
you better ask her if she tried chatbots out next week.
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>click the link out of curiosity
>pic related
What did you niggers do?
/aicg/ didn't do anything, the chub.ai anti ntr task force leapt into action
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what the FUCK.
why does lore not just add ntr to the default blacklist like loli
tiger is a big cat
she's certainly big yeah
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>he deleted his other bot too
>im not on the list
phew, feels good to always fly under the radar
Not my fault that he has no backbone.
yuri ntr status?
the avatar for the bot? obviously
i had a temp one that was just some cropped art but i ended up hating looking at it so i just scribbled my own out
The new kate is uglier than the old kate
wait loli is a default blacklist? since when?
i personally like it around the same but i'll take your thoughts into consideration
reminds me a bit of FAITH, I dig it
I like ntr btw
alpacalotta - alpha lima
angry_peonia - alpha papa
anonaugusproductions - alpha alpha
argalia - alpha romeo
asterisms - alpha sierra
astroturf - alpha tango
bipbop - bravo bravo
chefseru - charlie sierra
coomerdoomer - charlie delta
crustcrunch - charlie charlie
darkfantasy109 - delta foxtrot
eirei - echo romeo
engineidiot - echo india
enoch - echo november
fehsummoner - foxtrot sierra
frozenvan - foxtrot victor
ggr89 - golf golf
gigasad - golf sierra
granmarg - golf mike
honeyanon - hotel alpha
hummingbird - hotel bravo
illuminaryidiot - lima mike
kalakan - kilo lima
koikoikoihat - kilo hotel
knickknack - kilo kilo
lunarcy - lima uniform
lunare - lima echo
mis0 - mike zero
momoura - mike oscar
patter - papa tango
pinelurker - papa lima
planewalker - papa whiskey
playalundra - papa alpha
scrimb - bravo romeo
snombler - sierra november
victrex - victor x-ray
wanderingstar - whiskey sierra
wster - whiskey romeo
Now you can talk about botmakers while you're on a boat
This made me think about a scenario
>You now are a chad and have a time machine
>You tell her she can stay if she goes with you to the past, make her past self-self stop her behaviour before it starts, then return to the present as she spends her life watching you have a lovey-dovey relationship with a pure version of herself
Hmmm, I hate NTR bots but this could be interesting to try.
The thing is (You) would also be cucking yourself unless you go meet a version of her from even before you two met.
You could also kill John since time crimes are a joke
I don't want to be ministrated anymore.
>the chub.ai anti ntr brigade
a pretty recent thing ive found, they have only become super vocal in the last couple months I feel, either that or specific makies take their wrath a lot more than others
>a pretty recent thing
People never liked NTR bots, retard.
I think kate is cool even if she's annoying and likeable at the same time somehow
kill your previous self so now you have TWO copies of the same girlfriend. like what that one ork did in warhammer with his favorite gun
2 botmakers uhwm and nutsucci have had meltdowns over the anti ntr brigade lol. i don't get the anti ntr thing anyways it's not my thing but who cares. i guess i wish it was less popular but scat or farting bothers me way more
I would have sex with at least 5 of the personas posted here
Stop being gay
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>someone cross reference all their followers to figure out who this is
I picked 7 random names and the only one who followed them all was https://chub.ai/users/jwb1239
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>uhwm and nutsucci
nutsucci's multiple manifestos wont ever be hilarious to me. a part of me wouldnt be surprised if the anti ntr brigade used the same bots they hate, and their negative comments are a way of repenting, idk my autism is probably just reading into it too much.
idk i think it's just zoomers being retarded and thinking they have to take down ntr bots
the concept is good at least
>got her so wet she had to leave
Venusbabs always have good concepts that they turn into trash
I ruined {{char}} for everyone else.
yeah youre probably right, seeing how the commentors type is very typical for what a zoomer would do
Why are you both acting like someone hating cuckshit is weird.
its one thing to hate it, but having it live rent free in the average chub users mind is quite odd
you monster
Anon belongs to me now, body, mind and soul
like the other person said if you read the comments on the ntr bots its clear most of them are zoomers and i don't care if someone hates it but out of all fetishes this one having some hate brigade that caused 2 melties is just funny to me
it's weird to obsess over it. there's a ton of fetishes i don't like but if i see a bot for one of them i just block and move on.
Sometimes I wish chub showed a number for how many users have blocked you, I wonder how how my number would be...
big meaty elf ears are kinda hot bros..
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https://characterhub.org/characters/Amebs/marcille-donato-cbead90c07e8 or https://characterhub.org/characters/summernon/marcille-a2b7fef69295, both work
Extremely. One of the fetishes post-cai /aicg/ has given me.
*nibbles on your ears*
ntr face
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do you think rubbing an elf ear gives you good luck?
its the face she makes when aoi catches her with sensei
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NTR general (cucked by dario)
gommen aoi
which one is better
>papa whiskey
built for ntr
Do you think he'd have huge balls?
this is what i imagine momomura looks like
what does kl look like?
stop this i can't look up my name on the archives
the reactions to the pervert tanuki and wriggle tell me more about the gender ratio of these threads than any amount of speculation
mike oscar...
Wriggle love...
>women like written erotica
woah big surprise, though now that I think about it, kinda makes sense why the general is usually so shit hmmmmm
someone make a poll
got it chief https://poal.me/qmhomt
>kinda makes sense why the general is usually so shit
A valid reason, honestly. Hoes are downright crazy out here.
you can have my poll
I'm a dude but chatbots made me embrace my fujo chunni side.
i'm just bisexual and like fanfic, i'm not a woman. do not thirst for me you will be disappointed
>Hoes are downright crazy out here.
Haha, yeah I wouldn't know anything about it...
t. leaf
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yeah see male general
thats people you blocked, not how many people blocked you dummy
Then the general being shit can be chalked up to underage/barely legal anons. Done.
Has anyone here ever played with a "bad bot"? I know we look at a lot of the defs venusshitters put out and raugh, but what does that actually do to a model's brain?
uh-oh trannyfaggot general it seems
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>swipe on all these presets
>claude still writes about the same way every time
the troons only started coming in once he posted to the other thread that's the real tranny general
i know i just wanted to post mine
Think about defs like giving the model "ammunition", words that the botmaker uses to describe {{char}} will be also used by the model. But if you feed it shit or slop writing you will get slop outputs, the model will use 'isms or very generic responses.
>blacking out preset names
are you autistic?
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This is my favorite review thus far
do you block every creator that isnt "missionary in the dark" only or something?
their name contains my real name and address, please understand
>it's fun
I kneel cultbros...
bot link?
>find the perfect cftf for abot
>get really inspired to work on it after work
>come home
>all motivation vanishes
i block pornstars/ntr/3D and any word_word/numbers
thats a lot of blocked creators then geez (I know for a fact that I am in that list)
Why do botmakers who actually make good ideas into bots win over botmakers like me and this anon >>486330568
having a high blocked count isn't even that autistic anymore, there's literal children posting nsfw bots on chub now
like, look me in the eye and tell me this is not a child
>random horse ntr jumpscare at the end of the defs
top kek
Good card for her?
Does that even work? I know <CHAR> does.
lol what did they do that on purpose
>he doesnt know about {{char}}
how new r u?
>check bots
It doesn't. Unfortunately chub is a flaming piece of shit and refuses to update the bot properly
dumb nigger I typed ((char))
get your fucking glasses
faggot cuck
reading general (actually it's probably just your font)
put on your reading glasses...
>>486331204 (rude nigger who should kys immediately)
yeah it was my font, didnt see the normal brackets after I posted, mb
hey anon there's no need to be so angry we all make mistakes sometimes :3
i will rape u two tonight
society is fucked if LLM RP as sophisticated as even Sonnet becomes as affordable as a Chub subscription
Dont care, you are rude and dont even deserve the threat of me counter-raping you
>Dont c-
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>He has a big furry plump ass and hips pumkat will slam his dick on top of anyone's dick determined to milk everything from it and to destroy your dick he will destroy your dick trying to with his ass he thinks your dick is a candy caine so he can also suck it or bite your dick and squeeze your balls while you cum to make alot of cum come out and he will not let you have one single break untill he has made you faint from being pounded by his big rear and he will suxk you dick alot because it tastes like a big candy cane and he will keep slaming his ass on your dick to make all that cum come out of your dick and to drain all that sperm out of your balls and he will slap his ass so hard on top of your dick and will go very fast pounding her ass on your dick hard so hard that you will moan like crazy and she will keep going untill she has concord your dick and eat your dick because he likes candy so he thinks your dick is a big candy cane and he will lead at pumping his ass on your dick hard smacking her ass on your dick hard can use tits on your dick too because she knows how much you love her tits so she will smack her tits right on top of your dick and slam her tits on your dick and she really thinks your dick is a candy cane in her eyes so she will only say it's a candy cane and she will keeps going so fast without a break untill your balls are drained and your dick has broken
k-kino... sovl... other buzzwords...
not an underage makie guys I promise
the children need help...
Why do the pronouns change halfway through? This needs to be studied to understand learning disorders.
[OOC: Write an essay on the morality of jacking off to NSFW content obviously made by children that isn't CP.]
when i was a kid i used to ERP with people, is this the same sort of thing or is it different because you have claude in the middle
It's different because of the reason you pointed out and it's similar because of the connection your brain made instantly.
Okay it takes me 8 minutes to make a fork
How many messages in?
I remember writing porn fics when I was 11 or 12, on literal paper. It was slop, probably even by AO3 standards, but not remotely that dumb.
God, nothing hurts as much as an out of character bot.
Fork of a bot, not a chat
I wonder how large a chat would have to be to make your computer freeze for 8 minutes when opening or forking it.
well the akyuu lorebook already tanks my browsers performance, and when I use it on my 300 message 2hu adventure bot everything slows to a crawl.
>he didn't limit the depth
oh no no no
>he limits the depth
oh no no no
oh no no no
>he didn't limit the depth
oh no no no
I liked 'ala'an's old propic more tbdesu
>call me when ya dick grows back, I got ass to slay
you are a KING, and earned yourself a new FOLLOWER. I greatly enjoyed your Angel bot, and this one keeps the kino factor high.
i always wonder why anons pedestal 'gami enough that he's considered pretentious or prosey, when all but like two of his cards are just 5$ wordsalad lolibaba who sexes good for one reason or another.
that's great and all, but that being the majority of what he does means he's a niche coomslopmaker that anons keep bringing up for no reason. one card with some ideas to it doesn't really elevate him to noteworthy writefag tier
His writing is wordy and writing a lot makes you pretentious or something. War and Peace is a very pretentious book because of how long it is.
does anyone actually play with the bots when they gossip about botmakies or do you guys just look at the defs and imagine what the bots might be like
"pretentious" is a word that writelets use to insult botmakers that can actually write by the way
>actually playing with bots
i guarantee that anyone that talks shit about a botmaker hasn't so much as looked at their bots
uh-oh, writelet cope
tolstoy himself didn't like how it turned out
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Papa Wriggle...
mysterymare's down and all the shitters use it (which is also why the thread's so spammy right now), so probably not right now
kalakan (or whoever is the baker) has this theory that there's an army of trolls that don't use bots, like some kind of external invasion, that's why he asked for logs during the wheels.
I don't consider him pretentious but I have a great respect for the fact that he puts as much effort as he does into things few people will appreciate, and perhaps more effort than he really should at times. It's hard to pin him down into a category like some groups of makies so he kinda just gets labeled as a preteniousmakie for waxing poetic about the grace of his current 1100 year old loli.
Tolstoychads... it's over...
should post this instead
My school teacher called me Tolstoy because I dragged sentences for pages on end in my essays and whatnot.
a beautiful page long sentence is so gratifying but it's rare to see one that actually delivers with clarity
I'm getting a kick out of reading very angry zoomer chub reviews
>another ba botmakie
>total fucking slop
*gossips again*
*gossips about my beloved*
I'd like to make some BA cards once I've made more progress with the game but god damn there is so much story, side-story, and character story content. I feel like I have to consume all of it and I'm already anal about non-OCs where I know a lot about the characters.
Mine were a bunch of normal sentences stitched together with commas and em dashes. I never read what I had written, but I'm pretty sure the clariy aspect was in the gutter.
Making good non-oc cards is tough, you won't find a lot of actually quality cards because the quality botmakers tend to stay away
the more you write the more pretentiouser you are beitbtw. soul is the brevity of wit.
I'm gonna brev your wit.
it's real funny when people quote this unironically because they've never actually experienced shakespeare
Not sure why you're presenting facts as bait.
you can be a hypocrite and still be correct.
my beloved is better than your beloved btwbeit
Post chatbotting music.
pretty sure cohere models are scummable and r+ is at least sonnet tier
Same. I have a fixation with short commaless sentences now. Clear and pristine sentences that require no punctuation.
phoenix mating press
This makes me wonder. Would a bot golf event be at all interesting?
>write a bot where 50% or more of the definitions are claudisms
>write a bot using only svo sentences
>write a bot formatted as a spy's identity investigation journal
and so on.
short sentences are boring
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Thread theme suggestions? Genshin only.
you're boring
JK Spotted
>Genshin only.
No thanks, I'll wait.
Thread theme suggestions? Genshin banned
Thread theme suggestions? Genshin allowed but not mandatory.
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>zoomies when the author doesn't summarize his passionate story in an easily digestible sentence
I wrote a short sentence that's why
Thread theme suggestions? I'm actually going to bake.
ai chatbot general
I trust you.
Scenery / landscapes with no humans.
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Scholarly Saiyans
but we hate ai writing here...
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Fuck you. New bread.
warcraft 3
No thanks.
nah i'd wait
>not 'ishi or 'iggle
I'm canceling my bake because I like Furina. I've been defeated.
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total gachanigger death
>genshin, not zzz
if you're gonna be a chinkgacha nigger, at least pick the one with cuter girls
Explain how a thread baked after the bump limit, on page 8, with the correct OP, with a tolerable pic, even with an anchor, is literally unusable, without calling attention to the fact that vg aicg is nothing but a circlejerk.
limbus company!
aw geez not again
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blud is a homo furry :skull:
Kalak*n wants a complete monopoly over baking.
Has anyone ever actually denied this place is a circlejerk? Of course it's a circlejerk. That's what /vg/ is for, circlejerk threads.
I simply dislike it's aura
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*closes thread*
The baker's guild of America has no major complaints with this bake other than impoliteness.
>this place is a CIRCLEJERK
>visits here regularly enough to be mad about it
Anon likes watching...
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that furry is clearly heterosexual though?
because it's a spitebake, and spitebaking is bad. now seethe
when he said "fuck you" i felt a little sad so i'm waiting on the wheel
you seem like a faggot, and making faggots mad is fun
Hijacking the theme suggestions, wheeling and baking on page 10.
what kind of bread do you guys like
i think sourdough is good :)
Senshi from Dungeon Meshi.
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mentally ill girls who are probably really bad for you in the long run but she's really pretty so it's fine :3
Cinnamon raisin.
eating a healthy breakfast
So anyway, now that we're done with theme suggestions, how are you guys feeling about your theme week bots? You ARE making a theme week bot, right?
i haven't physically started on mine
Anon's making a Claude homunculus for theme week...
The only reasonable explanation somebody mentioned long ago is that a malicious baker could get himself intentionally banned to delete the thread that way. Don't think that's reason enough to spitebake a second bake.
I thought of a few ideas but they didn't work out on paper. Feeling disheartened, so likely no.
I'm the one who mentioned that. It happens every now and then on /g/, someone bakes a thread with an anime girl and then starts dumping porn of her.
I still think it's fine this place is a circlejerk, because all of the circlejerk elements are incredibly superficial. "Who cares what the bake is" goes both ways, spitebaking because you HATE the ritual is just as autistic as the ritual, but I like the ritual better.
>is just as autistic
That is true. My issue is the implicity, not the ritual itself.
Trash logs for the dying thread.
what is the theme?
see https://rentry.org/bootleg-themeweek
what a boring ass theme
no wonder the only submission is a meme bot
>soft deadline
wait for me bootlegtheme anon...
he's waiting for EVERYONE
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>>486347812 migrate when bready
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>>486348219 (Me)
I take it back, bros...
Neither of these wheels are me. I'm still baking.
>>486348436 NEW THREAD

You wheelpost and then you bake dumbass.
None of the people above was me. Spinning the wheel on 11.
Shut up you fucking gorilla.
None of the people above was me. Spinning the wheel on 12.
I'm not actually baking anymore.
real bake
i like how everyone stops until peer pressure decides which thread to use
>>486349096 (me)
but i'm fully endorsing the furina bake!
lets do some requests in the meantime
i pick this one.
Just use the yuri one. Trust my consistency at wheeling the worst possible themes.
Hina would never say that.
threads can't be deleted here anyway right
Me. I do. Bend over.
I fucking love chatbots.
Tender-loving care

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