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Previous: >>486226464

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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Ankobros status?
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How to tell them that she is a brick dps?
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I am half tempted to roll on changlis sword banner because we have so many sword units and one SSR sword sometimes feels like it isn't enough.
Also because making her the best feels good.
Ah but what if I want Camellyas weapon too?
Maybe don't care about meta when your only reward is clearing tower with a couple of rolls to show for it? Or 20 astrite for hologram bosses, what a deal
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tell them she's display purposes only
leave the bro alone
how generous is wuthering waves
as f2p how many limited characters can I expect to get per patch cycle(s)
>one SSR sword sometimes feels like it isn't enough.
camellya is possibly sword as well so worth saving for that if that's what you're worried about
>Using the dog from zzzoo as an avatar
>That name
>Play a gacha even through it's haram
>Mental illness
>Unironically posted this
By Allah I hope he lose his 50/50 and has to whale to get her.
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hi wwbros from wuthering waves
1 character per 3-4 patches once the exploration is done.
I think he'll be ok with her not being the meta in a single player game as long as she doesn't fuck another man in front of him. Or maybe he's into that, who knows.
When I first saw her in 1.0 I thought Changli was going to be a skip for me.
Now she's the one I want the most and the absolute must have. Every new part of 1.1 and reveal of her animations, model and dickhardening body just made her rise in my rankings more and more.
I've never had my first impression completely change like that before
>Based ChanliCHA-
His imam is going to hear from me...
one per patch. ignore the battered hoyonigger
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Brutal moggings
Used to be generous but not anymore
They are going Jew mode now
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Is there any point to lowering the phase? I don't feel the need to lower the difficulty of things but Im at just union level 30 so idk if I should be lowering it to avoid bricking or smth
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>Battered wives already seething on cooldown
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Similar to genshin but slightly more generous. 90 pity is now 80 pity. 0.6% per pull is now 0.8%.

More rolls per patch. more free shit like pic related is a limited character being given for free next patch.

It's like 90 rolls per patch f2p but the 50/50 is still there
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Hello fellow pgrbro.
I'm still mad Liv has to use her gen1 frame while Lucia and Lee uses their gen2. GIVE HER SOME LOVE KURO
By Allah I hope he eats pork and gets declared as heretic.
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If you want a easier time or find yourself taking too much time you can lower the SOL level without issue; it doesn't affect anything in terms of drops.
I salute the proholueooloong(dragon)ulova
So we went from attempts to push NTR posting, concern" posting, shill posting, well drying up posting, allegedly no meme or culture posting and alleged seethe posting and now finally to lies about generosity posting.
The mihomos and raiders are fucking changing to new shit within the same day ahahahahaha
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damm, I guess I keep being a chad then, thanks
Fucking stop this when revenuae day comes and you have to stand toe to toe against Copmommy from ZZZ you're going toto regret it. YOU'RE GETTING MOGGED too late to ask forgiveness.
Leaks and rumors aren't real until it's officially announced anon. I'm not believing shit about him being free for now.
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If this was Lingyang, would you still hate him as much?
+1 knot experience added to your account
as f2p you get a little bit around a little bit over a pity worth of character rolls per patch.
So if you get buttfucked by RNG you can guarantee 1 character per around 2 patches.
Doesn't matter left is a better game overall and it's poppular.
this can't be fucking REAL
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here, fixed it for you
They keep screeching about revenue as spiritual stockcuck posters and we are totally better game bros.
I'm going to bed now but I bet they'll continue all the way through my sleep too. Pathetic.
>anything other than a twink
Yes. Also, I want to fuck Enya
d-doesn't count!! Left makes more money to daddy hoyo!!
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I just started playing. Seibah is my waifu.
Are you actually crying?
It is. The edit is funny but that's legitimate
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reminds me of this lmao
Why do people say Changli isn't meta when she's not even out yet
What gaem, that's pretty good
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>left is a better game overall and it's poppular.
quality over quantity
We already have Chixia if you want AK design, do we have to steal everything from /akg/?
if you do not play 20 hours a day trying to squeeze every 5 aestherite, ur not gonna get what the people that replied to you say. Ur gonna get maybe one limit character every 3 big patches, 2 if you're lucky, and you're basically never ever gonna get the signature weapon.
That's still better than Mihoyo shit where you get maybe one limited character per year if less and its impossible to get the weapon as f2p, but I would never call WuWa generous.
The good thing about WuWa is that the game design itself and what the game is, is much more based around its exploration, questing and RPG feel, so the gacha is much less of a factor to ur enjoyment then other games, so if you only wanna get ur fav waifus and not everyone, you shouldn't have a bad time, but don't expect something like Blue Archive where you can easily have every character in the game as a f2p.
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it happens a lot in gacha games, people said Jinhsi was a brick too now look at what happened.
I fucking hate derailing but goddamn this is just too funny
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I see a hot woman I roll, simple as
He's watching a video.
Our sister game PGR, bro. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mj8AphRvqCA
I do have to wonder about the alternate universe where Changli is a Hoyoverse byproduct and the left one is Kuro, will hoyodrones still pick left over Changli?
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there's this pic which calculates everything we could get from the next update using the data we got from the beta tests, there's still a lot more to expect so you shouldn't place your trust on it
It's easy to counter zzzs revenue with the fact that they spent such a ridiculous amount on advertisement. They went ridiculously hard shilling that shit everywhere. Wuwa has some marketing but it's not on the level of how ridic mihoyo is being about zzz. I imagine it eats into the profits to an actual noticable degree at that point. How much will be actual fucking profit?
Stigmata is very fun to play and is mega for (you); (she's the favorite character of Solon and gets premium skins only)
You gonna love her chapter. (you gonna have to hit chap 20 for that tho)
Punishing Gray Raven.
>The most dysfunctional broken gacha game in history, with dogshit presentation, a combat system that is so weird not even the devs made it work, and character designs that are puke worthy
>amazing presentation, visuals, music and story, the game feels as if its an actual game and doesn't just exist for the online casino, and the combat is fun

How did they glow up this much?
The lighting, the eyes, the expression and the tits. It ain't about who made them you nigger.
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>unironically the same shitposting that /hsrg/ got in its first 10 months
they're the same people aren't they?
because there's no actual good fusion dps to pair her with? her anko/chixia teams don't come close to jinhsi or even jiyan. solo dps she's anko tier
>It ain't about who made them you nigger.
You say that but ZZZ success is all because of the "Mihoyo" name.
Kino and aesthetic, i was glancing at HSR but i guess i'm playing this instead.
Years of studying mihoyo
She probably wouldn't have the hideous hairstyle Changli has currently.
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I am not a hsrfag. Was it as desperate and quick to switch up like this? Or did it get more engagement and resonance with the players and general goers?
>barely 40 roles if you slave away

cant make this shit up
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Hey /wuwa/, wanna be friends again?
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Wuwa is an improvement over every other game bro
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tencent funding?
If we are talking about which model and character looks better then changli looks better no matter who you saynmade it. Id say it's good even if a Indonesian or Filipino made it. Or God forbid, a gypsy.
meant to reply to >>486259056
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I just found out Jinhsi has a secret thigh mole. That's so fucking hot and slutty holy shit.
I do not recommend PGR at all, its a game purely loved by the obsessed, its incredibly fucked up. Playing it for the first time is so garbage, you get locked into story missions and tutorials without being allowed to even change ur options and the has so many visual and presentation bugs it feels like those broken demos shared on itch.
Rent free
Everyday there is at least one complaint about the game running like shit and like the previous ones, they won't post their PC specs.
These fucking retards
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You should've seen the absolute state when HSR got a free 5star, if you think this is bad you have no idea just how deranged mihomochimps are.
Fuck off with your brick somewhere else.
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small details like those really makes me going
>Not advertising the game is considered a good thing
Holy kuro cock sucking retard. Mihoyo's been destroying the market since Genshin. You really think they'd spend all that money on extra animations, concerts, etc if it didn't outweigh the costs?
Where did this "Changli is a brick" notion start? WTF?
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It's also 3d modeled and pokes out of her skin
Nah you have shit taste.
Would both, but left first because I'm a hagchad.
>get called out
>r-rent free
the daily routine of a seamonkey hoyoshill
wuh? you haven't played pgr do you?
>Saaaar do not redeem New wuwa Unit SAAAR check out ZEEZEEZEEE
isn't it obvious? don't get gaslit so easily
>wuwa doesn't advertise
>"and here's why that's actually a GOOD thing"
Wow, just wow. Mf is actually neck deep in the koolaid with this take.
The sad thing is that the left will make way more money.
I did because the experience of having to see that red and black hair bitch fighting that random other girl 10 times in a row because the game kept closing by itself when I tried to leave to change the options gave me PTSD
I'm pretty sure I was able to change options in the PC version by pressing esc. The default camera settings were trash though and it took me a minute to figure out you had to press Y to change the camera.
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they outdid themselves
>its in plain sight
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>animations, concerts
>like clockwork
LMAO it's like flushing out roaches at this point
>Gets filtered by PGR
>Proceed to talk shit about it
Heh, Yowai.
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Post your setup.
Because Jin powercrept so hard that unless Changli matches or tops her she's an auto skip for some people.
Why are you letting a HI3/PGR slot-in live in your mind like this?
Reminder that kuros models are all tricks and lighting with the polygons being basically the same as launch genshin characters.
Imo that sort of quality that isn't purely file size bloating improvements is what sovl is
She has 2 massive bricks
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uhmmm bwo?
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Who's rollin'? Who's skippin'?
She's by far the worst limited character that's come out. Also ZZZ stole a large chunk of the playerbase.
The dailies are still taking too long on a bad day. I don't feel the changes.
Who is Jin? Does she have tits and vagina like changli?
That's literally a man in a dress.
I never wanna hear you faggots talk about the other games being trans friendly.
>wuwa - 23 gb
>zzz - 57 gb
rumao. Doing less with more. The mihomo special
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rolling if her VA doesn't sound like a retard, skipping if Phrolova is next phase
I've caught up on the story.

I'll keep exploring, but I'm honestly not that hyped for this. I hope that we get more designs on par with Taoqi (preferably strong five stars so that you don't feel like you're choosing between the hottest girls and the best units) and better puzzles.
I need more shots, she kinda looks like a man in a dress here.
You have brain damage anon, I recommend you to get yourself checked by a specialist.
WTF is a ""Jin"" ? Do you even play the game nigger your take is moronic on so many levels it's absurd.

>the characters we know are coming out after her so far are a sub par sub dps support, a dps that uses another entirely different element, and a girl that uses glacial but we have no idea what she does
>so changli, the easy to use strong fire dps is bricked

I love this youtuber logic.
Easiest skip ever.
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>Who is Jin?
Obviously I meant Jinhsi. You are retarded and worse at the game than anyone here.

meant for
Don't worry bwos. Ourguy has been streaming ZZZ every single day while shitting on it and praising wuwa.
yinlin was indeed a brick though
His pants look like he pisses on them. This is an edit, right?
Post holos with UID or STFU
It's that easy
>1 monitor
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I see this image getting posted a lot on arca's wuwa channel
Any gookbros can explain?
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>His pants look like he pisses on them.
He pooped himself

>This is an edit, right?
No, that's from the cutscene during the ending of Act 6 (after railing Dreamless)
Samefag here. Seriously, if this is what the designs look like going forward, I'm almost definitely dropping WuWa.

The only things about this that are better than Genshin are wallrunning and Taoqi. Everything else is worse.
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I still like her despite her performance issues.
>Doing what a non-reciprocating rando tells you to do
Best sub dps, don't speak lil gweilo.
100% going for her, especially if her va has a soft soothing voice
I love those kind of designs.
Post your taoqi
by the time she charges up her forte jinsi can have a 2nd nuke ready
What's with all the Elitists here? Is this what happens when a gacha game has slightly non-braindead gameplay?
I accept your tearful concession.
Pretty much, if you were around for HI3rd, you would actually be told to murder your entire family if you didn't reach the percentage damage threshold for you to activate some skill at the exact time to get a ranking in top 100 in ur region just so u gain one more roll than everyone else.
It's pretty clear. She's not broken like Jinhsi. She doesn't have the numbers nor the support like Jiyan. What she does have is a mechanic like Calcharo where you're reliant on not getting interrupted or your damage suffers.

I'm still pulling her of course, she looks perfect. But I'm not delusional about her performance as a main DPS.
I'm sorry for upsetting you this much.
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>Looks at bad quality leaks
>Ermm she looks bad
If you're gonna rate everything from non-official shit, that's a bad practice imo. I suggest waiting for official art because everything looks shit on sketching phase. If you really don't like it that much then quitting is fine, a game you don't enjoy isn't something you should continue engaging into.
Post hologram progress or KYS
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>it only took 1 (ONE) retard to say she's bad and now you're hesitant.
(You) don't love her and I don't respect (you)
>slightly non-braindead
your holograms, sir?
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This is, without a doubt, one of the ugliest character designs I've seen in gacha history. There is not a single person here who genuinely believes this character looks good. Deep down in your heart you know that you're just fooling yourself.
Come on now, what are we even doing?
I accept your dogeza, no need to do a double take but if you insist.
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I call her bad everyday and I'm still going all in
Metaggers don't deserve her
I respect myself, my plan was always Jinhsi -> Camellya after all, she might change things up depending on her companion quest and kits
>zzzoo fags already this scared
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>amazing presentation, visuals
Can't wait to see you guys change your mind once we see her kit and animations.
You guys said the same thing for Zhezhi and her animation is good.
Bigger tits will solve the problem
It's okay I insist, I deeply hurt your feelings. Let it all out. I'm here for you.
My wife doro (corrected) is so sexy.

And I'm not saying this as someone who wants this to fail.
>color cohesion
>every fabric elements ties in with her design
>butterfly matches her clothes on the back looking like butterfly wings
>cute depressed girl look

stop baiting.
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Wait... you guys still playing?
Is this how she really looks?
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If you call the best in slot character for one of the elemental types bad just because she's not like jinshi, you don't understand how video games work.>>486261351
>Thinks holograms are actually hard
its a screenshot with the texture quality on the lowest setting, running at 720p, with all other settings on low too, and without dlss

is right, she looks amazing.
We will servive this right?
Well? Your holograms clear?
You hurt yourself? Nothing i can do about it walk it out.
Wait are people actually saying Zhezhi's animations are good? Her attacks don't even correlate to her brush strokes and she looks like she's just randomly tossing colored water. It doesn't even look like ink or paint.
This thread will take all of their clothes on and get on their knees begging to eat the crusty poo out of a homeless man's asshole just to get a crumb of content from NtE. Next question please.
That game will be really fun for 2 weeks but nothing lost lasting
Hotta sucks so fucking hard at making good events
Who cares about the kit and animations of an ugly character?
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Those tits just don't work when you have THAT haircut.
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select ur starter wuwa
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>Eula with no tits and a butterfly eye for some reason
Did Kuro run out of ideas already?
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>take all of their clothes on
Why are you shaking?
You really think Wuwa has good events?
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If you're running the game on 0.001 render quality with FSR on, then yeah probably
No but tof events were worse
>you can drive a car
holy based, also if there are no m*les it's an easy lose for WW.
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Who are the characters AFTER the glasses girl and male?
A vernaisu for me pls
lmfao okay that made me laugh

Running around Filment taking photos with that soothing music was probably the nicest time I've had in a gacha game.
I'm getting a comfortable 24/30 tower and going back to playing 20 minutes a day.
>free 5* unit from completing an event

I'm just as lonely and miserable.
Why is she bad? I missed out a bit.
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lowres gaming
can't believe we're getting a switch port already
>no jinhsi
she isn't, her numbers are lower than jinshi but her element is entirely different and she's easier to execute.
It's just the NA metafags having mental breakdowns on youtube and twitter and braindead people here are taking their opinions.
I finally 26/30'd !!!
Very boring designs.

Save us Azur Lane. You're our only hope.
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Do i actually need to build sanhua if i just want her to boost Anko's damage?
Nyoooo :'(
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>trying to stir shit up between /pgr/ and /wuwa/
another futile attempt, we has always been brother in arm
I pulled jinshi
I will pull for changli
I will pull for camellya
Simple as
>wasting limited rolls on anko sidegrade
pull this
Sanhua does pretty decent burst damage in those 3-5 seconds but more to your question. No, you don't have to for strictly onko boosting purpose.
wtf I'm not a hobo
we need more non-vanilla girls like tsubaki
I don't roll for negative tits girls
Even Verina and Anko have bigger tits than her
skinny edgy bitch rape
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laughing at you because-
Lower damage output than Jinhsi and Jiyan on every resonance chain level, R6 even loses to both Jinhsi and Jiyan R5. The compensation for this is that she grants strong outro buffs. She's actually quite close to Jinhsi at R0 and both with their weapons, like maybe just around 5-10% weaker? Source is last beta test calcs from tieba and no I don't have that link anymore. There has been no more buffs after that
>she isn't, her numbers are lower than jinshi but but but
So you agree on her being weaker than Jinhsi. You can cope all you want with different elements and stuff but don't come complaining here when Jinhsi clears content faster
I'll pull for Changli with my saved up orbs, though I'm not enthusiastic.

I don't know if I'll stick around after that. It depends on them.
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okay but what about phrovolololo
I'll pull for Changli with my leftovers, though I'm not enthusiastic.

I don't know if I'll stick around after that. It depends on them.
Can't rape her if she agrees. In fact she may want my seed so much more she ends up raping me, sure hope that doesn't happen haha
>NA neets are starting to wake up due to their insomnia
>threads becomes a metafag infestation

Truly sadness
I'll pull for Changli with my saved up asterite, though I'm not enthusiastic.

I don't know if I'll stick around after that. It depends on them.
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Go back to tranny representation game or furysloppa
they should port Liv and Lucia to wuwa already
oh the im so burned out from 5 min dailies fag is back kek
>ToF dev

We are giga fine lmao
How did ToF devs get enough money to make another billion dollar game if their game flopped?
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i really hope they redesign her for her playable model, at least get rid of the blindfold
as much as people deny it, people still spend money even on PC, how the hell do you think Steam succeed?
They added hammerheads to the zzzoo?
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it becomes spooky if you remove the blindfold
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What game started this?

>Phone game
>"action" thats just Light and heavy attack
>they always have a break bar
>really easy to block attacks
>need 3-4 man teams for max gacha whoreing.

I have seen like 5 games that fit this exact thing, Anyone know what the first one was? At this point I just really want to know
honkai turdpact
I didn't come here to get spooked today...
dunno bout music. i just muted it day 1 and started blasting bfmv.
>>Phone game
>"action" thats just Light and heavy attack
>they always have a break bar
>really easy to block attacks
>need 3-4 man teams for max gacha whoreing.

besides the last one there's a 2010 game that fits your description, its called Infinity Blade
>people still believe Hoyo about needing a billion a year to keep shit going
they do need a billion a year to keep their nuclear reactor going
looking at both, I think its Honkai impact that started what I'm thinking of, example games include... but are not limited to

>Wuthering waves
>One punch man world
>solo leveling
>And perhaps tower of fantasy.
its rover
its dailies time
and I can't give a shit to do them
I have no purpose/feeling why I should anymore
dailies, dailies, dailies, for what?
if the dailies were easier I'd do it, maybe
but I can't be assed anymore to launch WuWa

Im sorry bwos
just quit if you're not having fun anymore, don't force yourself to do it
in the story mission where you can play her
I moved to ZZZ but its fun seeing how people cope with a dying game.
how should i build my yinlin and calchud?
calchud was my first 5 star and i already built him with maximum attack, electro boost, and heavy attack. how should i build my yinlin to better boost my boy? oh, verina's my third.
See you tomorrow with the same post, hell maybe even 2 hours from now.
then don't. It's just a game after all. Come back when they drop the next content patch drops. Most casual play like this.
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>how should i build my yinlin to better boost my boy?
Yinlin is built like a DPS (her kit is centered around being a burst dps), except you only swap to her once in a while if the Execution Mark disappears
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if you translate Changli's name she's called 'brick'

this info has been fact checked by /wuwa/
The best way to build Calcharo right now is to bench him for Xiangli Yao
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Ziggers and troonshin gaypact demoralization campaign, don't pay attention
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>nerfed hard in favor of the general
>yinlin doesn't help him that much and she is better on jinhsi team even
>some nerd is gonna mog him in a few months
why do they hate calchudo so much bros?
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How many more are getting added?
When is Kuro allowing us to pat our WuWives in this game 3 times a day bwos
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Women can prevent 100% of rapes. Just say yes.
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As /wuwa/'s magistrate i can confirm this information.
That said i regret to inform you that all characters are bricks. On the bright side this means free housing for everyone.
No need to thank me, thank (you) for supporting WaWa supremacy.
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Still waiting for a 5* Baizhi
All of them
She'll be in a burqa.
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Tick tock /wuwa/
>game dies
>wiped from existence
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solon is just giving us more time to save
Stop demoralizing us. Just fucking stop.
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literal MtF tranny discord. How are they coping over there or are they too much of a battered wife to even complain anymore...
we need to sic em with our local TD racist, Gasoline, who will genocide TDs at all cost
On your knees YapYap
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What's with the urban fantasy gold rush that's happening with the Chinese developers?
Zenless Zone Zero
Project Mugen
>Hotta studio
Neverness to everness

I'm glad Wuthering set itself apart with the xianxia/wuxia theme. After Kurogame started the thread of wall running, everyone is now wall running.
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the 10th repost this day now, jesus
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>genocide TDs at all cost
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>ToF dev
I don't trust them.
Also if the game is good it's not gonna stop me playing both.
I only play 2 gachas anyway so a 3rd one won't be to hard to squeeze in.
>xianxia/wuxia theme
I don't like it, they should have went with PGR style. But things will most definitely change once we leave China.
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stinky bitch
Is there a way to quickly switch teams in overworld? Something like CTRL + 1 = switch to team 1 etc.
I'll be honest I'm just rolling for Changli because her moveset reminds me of DMC5's SIN Dante moveset.

Post in-game model
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everyday I thank god I didnt fall for this shit
More like tacet waves lmao
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my headcanon that this is what dante does when he's not out for a mission
Did they really thought that hoyo was going to give them more "dark skin" character?
After the bullshit they pulled with Dehya?
LMAO those guys are delusional.
Why are they all using the same asset packs?
we wuz representation and shieeeeeeeeeeet
Jesus Christ...
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God has forsaken us
looks more like a zzz killer as if they need one lol
nah, thank god zeezeezee has furry and solon made lingyang a racetrans
imagine we have the furry fanbase
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so fucking true, its the only good thing they have changed from CBT1
So this is the average ZZZoo player? Pretty disgusting ngl.
The "Camellya will get no seed because you'll die from dehydration after we're done" gaze
Not gonna lie, playing through PGR and WuWa... their first game had a better story.
NGL no one cares
I care
God I need a Baizhi gf...
The first 9 chapters of PGR is shit tho.
Granted it gets better after especially from chap 17 and onwards.
the CBT1 had better story but the chinks were crying like babies because the characters weren't sucking your dick upon 1 nanosecond of meeting up
pgr's story was shitty early on too though, took them 1.5 years to actually be kino
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Not gonna lie, I detected that fast swimming gives you a good observation angle and after conducting a detailed study I have concluded that jinsh in fact has relatively thicc ass
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It's cause they had to hastily rewrite the story.
I mean it would be weird having Chixia in your posession while she still hates your guts
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Not gonna lie, i've been saving up my seed for Changli release 8 days and counting i'm going to shoot strings all the way to the roof.
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Man genshin looks like absolute dog shit when you compare it to wuwa.
Record it and make a tribute vid.
Makes less money too
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>knee kick to the stomach
>ovary destroyed
unlimited no risk sex for chixia
Genshin = cute
WuWa = sexy
I just might, but i'm worried i'm going to scare everyone with my 4 inch amazonian forest snake
No wonder she's such as bitch on CBT, forced period is not fun.
Honestly this shit is overly dramatic to be right at the start of the game when we didn't even have time to get used to these characters. Reminded me of tof prologue
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When are we gonna get out of China?
Im tired of the Chinese slop.
Japan and SEA when?
Play ZZZ then
I need a good Fate game. The fuckers made enough money for it to happen.
It can't be anything decent.
Bro do you even play the game?
Jué told us to go to the Black Shores Island we are going there next.
>Japan and Sea
I'm tired of Asian countries in general.
More like
Genshin = same model with repaints
WuWa = original models
Asian culture is cringe.

3... 2....
I'm already playing ZZZ just got interknot lvl 69
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Black Shores is possible in 1.3 because of the character named Coastguard that keeps getting leaked, it correlates to Black Shores being a small island instead of a nation (think of it as a huge military base). The possible nations we can go to so far is New Federation (notAmerica) and Rinas (smart Echoes like Abby the Nation).
>lvl 69
yeah Genshins designs are aimed at children and females. And adult men larping as such.
Hehehehe ;) *turns into Lycaon* Awoooooo !!!
wink wink*
um zoofuckers lol...
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The scale of the island isn't what it seems like, because we got the same picture for Mount Firmament and that shit was huge as hell.
that's fucking disgusting look what these fucking niggers have done to our society what a fucking nigger I hope if that freak reads this thread ever he knows what a fucking nigger he is
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Buy the pakeji, fucktards.
Endfield = cool
Promilia = cute
WuWa = sexy
Genshin = shit
Arknights = kino
only people left in /zzz/ are furries defending this lmao. normal people left a long time ago
Tell me what a pakeji is first.
I can't fucking wait, it's killing me inside. I want to feel comfy again with no males around in a game, where only cute girls interact with each other. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHY DO I HAVE TO WAIT SO MUCH!?
Arona has a halo?
Rational, objective, accurate, admirable, and real.
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Leave the Tranny Discords to ME
Remember when people look down on furries? Looks like ZZZ is going to be the thing that changes people perception after decades of unending hatred, it's amazing what a phone game can do.
bro your engrish?
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Absolute cinema
>each new character needs to be stronger than all the previous ones
I will once Changli's banner goes live.
keep dreaming furryfag, it's not gonna end shit, it's gonna kill the game because furries are never gonna be not disgusting
My Chixia will still clear though...
>each new character needs to be more sexo than all the previous ones
Although it would be very low on the list of priorities if ever considered, being able to do ranged puzzles without worrying about the teamcomp would be a nice QoL addition for exploration.

Basically it's the same deal with Genshin where some puzzles (in this game also some windchimes) benefit from or require the use of manually aimed shots. If you don't run a gun resonator in your current combat lineup, you need to swap a character or the team, do the puzzle, and switch back; if you or your comp don't want to use a gunner, this breaks the flow of exploration gameplay and gets annoying.

I was thinking Kuro could add a dedicated overworld slot to a gun resonator. To make the character explicitly non-combat oriented, the character can only be used out of combat and only do charged shots with capped damage
Hoyofags are all forced to be furries whether then want to or not, it's the only way they can keep their shares on the company.
Oh nyooooo I bought before her banner
It will be my fault if her banner flops
Can I get her to Jinhsi tier by getting R1 from the store?
Package? I still don't get what it means with no context please elaborate i'm not a cool 4channeler yet
We must maintain the Hoyoslurp agenda. My will to kneel and gargle corpo cock exceeds my hatred of furries!!!
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Honestly, if Mihomo continues releasing furries regularly this game is going to be full of skip banners, I guess they aren't so stingy after all kek.
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Did they fix the camera jiggle on mobile?
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I had enough with Gayshit cuckpact.
Are the girls here for (You)? Who is the most who should I aim for?
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everyone is for you
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Metafags are soulless pieces of filth who don't understand rolling for looks in a single player game. Metafags in gacha games are just people who couldn't get good at multiplayer games that require skill.
Many of the characters are your descendants. You already won!
Is it sick if I want to lick that droplet from her boob?
press the tts :)
...and that is completely fine, because it is still rolling for whoever you want.
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Not giving money to Jewgle is a civic duty.
Sorry not sorry you can all reply to bait saleposts until the world ends.
Metafags are like tryhards in public games, who think they are good using the current broken items/weapons.
>Man genshin looks like absolute dog shit
all you had to say
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What's your type?
We have
>Shy scientist girl
>Upbeat tomboy
>Self-hurting yandere
>The yoga goer
>Chill and shy magistrate
>The MC qt
>The blind girl
>The sleeper girl
>The poetlike
>The bdsm addict(currently not available)
>The massive milkers redhead milf
Metafags are in fact not tryhards, because all their theorycrafting is in the service of making the game easier.
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everyone, literally, even the villain is thirsty for your seed
Wrong, because the easiest thing of all is to just not do tower.
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I did NOT roll Jinhsi for meta. I rolled for flying sword wuxia kino
How bout you buy this package you stupid blue brat
that's fake, phrolova doesn't have tits that big, is that you taoqi?
>$10 for 7.5 pulls
no i don't think so.
i'm waiting for the good packs, i was a dolphin in PGR before dropping the game
The easiest thing by that logic is to not play the game at all
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looks like genshin and wuwa asset flips wtf
Is there a girl for healing my heart from gayshit? The type to cuddle, offer sweet words, actual lap pillow and shit?
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She cute and elegant as fuck
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I can't wait for WuWa to reach this level of kino anime combat and lack of visual clarity though some might say we are already there.
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this cuckqueen
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>absorb rover's seed into her womb
>tits got bigger

it's that shrimple
Not true due to marketing psychology. Actually.
You're milk truck has arrived
Who is wanderer? How long has it been from his release banner? Why does it feel like mihomo favorite is is that guy? Why do trannies keep screeching that he is trans? I need context
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hop in, you don't want to miss her
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Embrace the monk
If that's how lolis look in that game then I'll pass. I prefer ones that look like Anko and Verina. Potatoes are meh.
All of them fit that description, the delivery may care based on archetype
Nahida's boyfriend I think?
Do birds produce milk? If not why breasts?
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>offer sweet words
Say no more
Yapyap, at your service
>Kuro: we heard you wanted playable Lithos
Damnit kuro, his appeal isnt cuz he was a femboy with a deadly thicc ass, its cuz he built like a mechanical doll
Yeah, for some reason seeing these are very important to me and really changes a characters appeal for me
>undercover rat from another game
The best solution is still >>486261191 tho
ASMR birb my beloved
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You'll have to wait around 6 days for definitive proof though
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She even sings for you
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I always find it hilarious that literally broken hearted men just want that thing the most.

I feel bad for Genshitters.
See: >>486265931
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>all these yapyap shilling
Is Lady Arbiter a virgin, old as she is?
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Sorry, this is a video game.
Chixia can't shit after Crownless destroyed her stomach
She was born like a few days ago
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is this shit even worth it time/rewards?
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Biologically speaking only mammals have nipples which is why fish women having them is innacurate
And only women have breasts, all other females only have nipples, if you see a female dog/cat you can see it for yourself, they only swell when they are pregnant and have to feed their young
Meanwhile human women are the abmormality
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Not fast enough
Yeah right tell that to MY DICK
>fish women
bro your dolphin?????
Is it really 'shit' when you're having fun?
yeah only 1000 gems hoe
It's the only fun thing to do right now
Speaking of dolphins, anyone whales in this game?
Same chars are canonically your descendants, so unless they invented chink Jesus or something, I doubt that could be possible
I wish there was a reason to go back in there when you've collected all rewards
Why mihomo are like this? I unironically feel bad now.
>roll shit buffs
>scar is now a 1-hour dps sponge
Thank you Baizhi.. Pretty cool
Why does she reminds me of Hanako from BA? Anyone else feels the same?
Holy kino
Whats the equivalent to a wedding ring in Wuwa?
Im needing 4 or 5 right now and counting
That's not how it works
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Jiyan-0 pull
Yinlin-40 pull (reroll)
Jinki-11 pull
Changli- 1 pull
Zhezhi- 1 pull

You got like 15 floors to prepare bwo
I love fish women!
Dolphin is a mammal, just like whales
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An actual whale wouldn't tell you
It never ends
>Post proof
>Post UID
>No post bank account and passport with timestamp or it doesn't count
Fuck off
Abused, beaten and betrayed. This is the daily truth of a mihomo player. Many such cases, very sad.
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Yeah, I'm thinking we lost.
imagine the smell...
Where's the 1000? Is it just every time you clear? I only see 100 or so in anomaly investigation
DoA wake me up when wuwa gets a new loli they're the only ones doing it right ATM
Fun fact to completely destroy WW: there's no character fade when you set the camera low
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Sorry anon.
Wuwa is a hagCHAD game.
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this guy gets it
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She goes by many aliases but for me she's mostly Yae Miko alter
yinlin is 17
NTE look like a ZZZ killer to me
Now i don’t have to play that furry game anymore
she's a doll, in doll age that's old af
And don't tell me you're talking about Vera.
her name is kanshi tho
Be honest with me for a moment bros:
What are the chances for these characters to actually be playable?
>5* Yangyang
>Verinas big tiddy sister
ugly, I don't like the penis growing on her head.
Descendent doesn't necessarily mean blood-related Asian shit, it can just mean they inherited the will. For example, in Fire Emblem Marth is a "descendent" of a great hero who died a virgin, his actual lineage is from that dude's brother or sister (I forgot).
They use this with dynastic stuff and such in real life, too. And also, just becuase Chixia and Yapyap say it, it doesn't make it true.
Until it gets confirmed that one of the characters is biologically related to Rover we'l never actually know.
Changli, she sings to you at the start of the 1.1 quest
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So she was seeded some thousand years ago...
Glacio Dreadmane is so lucky...
1000% confirmed
100% Came to me in a dream
50% but it's actually her cousin from Shores
It's only fun the first time. After several times it gets old really fast, I hate weekly forced SU in HSR
They will.
Kuro already made a couple of villains playable in PGR and we already have some sound effects for Camellya datamined.
>5* Yangyang
Maybe in the future who knows?
>Verinas big tiddy sister
Maybe we'll see her in the black shores update.
femrover was given a futa dick to fuck everyone
Fun fact, all hoyo games also fade but it doesn't fit the narrative does it hoyodrone?
You have the whole patch to clear it, you can do it at your own pace. It can be a slog if you try to grind it all at once and I think them resetting you to the lowest level is retarded, but it's not that bad if you just pace yourself. Especially if you actually try out other characters/builds it can be pretty fun.
odds - I move to zzz
evens - stay with wuwa
>Until it gets confirmed that one of the characters is biologically related to Rover we'l never actually know.
I will never pay child support.
umm doesn't count u fcking bitch motherfker genshin is a classy game
I change it to a 7, post uninstall screenshot or your mom dies in her sleep.
sweaty bitch
You stole puffy and now sweaty bitch comment from me?
WTF bro what else are you going to take away from me?
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out of 10!
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Playable nun with fat tits in wuwa when?
Wuxia is cool but I want some variety.
They will have to get to a point in the story where they kan turn them into dindu nuffins, so probably more than a year
Most likely when we get to black shores, so when 1.3 drops
>>5* Yangyang
Unlikely, they would have to start releasing alternate versions of characters, but if they do we'll get her as Punished Yapyap a la Alpha
>>Verinas big tiddy sister
>what else are you going to take away from me?
Your balls. Hand them over to me right NOW!
Skins soonâ„¢ trust the plan
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gives more rewards than tower of adversity and is much easier, why not?
More like NTR LMAO
B-but i don't have those
I'm indecisive so I'm playing two accounts. One with Jinhsi and one will be with Changli.
>expected to release this September
Based and same. Us f2poors have to wise up.
Just filter the video URL retards
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>ToF devs
Can I trust them?
zezezisters our answers????????????
Bro all the people replying with Changli...
Don't fall for it, she's a cuckqueen
do you have the zip file for the phrolova pics?
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I just ignore it Fololobaba bwo
It's probably just Tokyo Game Show announcement, no way 2 years was enough to make such a game
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I want the Memory Sets from PGR to be playable
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>5* Yangyang
Honestly I expect the game to just kick old characters out of the main story and replace them with new ones as we visit new regions.
But if Yangyang somehow becomes Rover's sidekick I can see her getting an upgrade.
Yeah okay whatever dude market totally destroyed my mihomo fr fr. So when are they gonna give back to the playerbase more pulls hmm? Where's the zzz 100 free rolls I was promised nigger?
someone is scared...
Is the mouse accel still present in the game?
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Throughout Heaven and Earth type pose
I like the way the loli is running, not naruto shit, but really childish running. I remember myself doing that when I was smol. Cute
I don't think so anon.
The game is going to either be janky af or whale bait.
Female or trans?
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Danjinary Technique
>just filter giggers, gachagamaing posts, hsr, zzz, azur promilia and now nte
ngl this demoralization campaign is starting to get to me
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she looks good to me, I roll all flats, this just tells me you never seen yaka, emilie, firefly or >>486261181
they made the gigantic mistake to make traversal moves like wall running a character ability
dead on arrival
>bro wants a safespace
why is this thread so obsessed with mihoyo?
wait is this zzz? is zzz going to add real lolis now?
Because we were all there.
the model looks too good to be made by mihoyo
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First 4chan?
I looks to be in zzz style, you sound like you're coping
see >>486273430
I want to sexually fuck Yinlin if you know what I'm saying
get talked shit on 24/7 how would that feel like?
its basically talk shit get hit now, we were done ignoring them for the first month
it will be even a bigger disaster on mobile than WW lol
>I looks to be in zzz style
Holy esl + blind shitter
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Mnn nyo, that game is going to poach Ziggers like a gyp in downtown london.
It wasn't even a fair fight. RIP Zoo
the screenshot is literally from the video that's been posted multiple times by now ITT you nigger
Seems like they don't really care about shitty mobiles since it hinders creativity and tof was mainly getting money from pc anyways. Let mihomo make new shitty games looking like piles of decade-old crap just to fit mobile chink and seaniggers phones
so when NTE releases are they /wuwa/ allies and will they help in the fight against the common enemy of all MANkind?
I thought they where still working on tof 2 still, looks pretty good, ill def try it
sorry I forgot the T
you good?
hey no need to be rude, I dont just look at random links
thats Neverness to Everness (the new game that keeps getting spammed in this thread)
But then they won't have good Google or apple revenue
And therefore those games will be trash
Tofkeks were laughing at us when we had our release problems, so I don't think so. But they will have their own battles with zzz first and then mugen second, so let's prepare some popcorn, we have a bigger prey to hunt
>game that keeps getting spammed in this thread
Wondering why...
Don't reply to me ESL
I just woke up and I only ever look at pictures when I come in a new thread so I missed it, should have attached a more appealing picture to capture my eye
I think you're projecting
I can see most players are going to be ex ToF, and because ToF got shit on by the mihomo community, I expect them to be hostile to mihomo too (also the fact that its literally open world ZZZ)
phoneshitters get the rope, I play Wuwa on PC exclusively and will check out NTE too. Does it have male characters though?
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Yeah I filter them, with my brain
Nobody cares, if everybody watches Disney, uses iPhones and eats at McDonalds doesn't mean you need too
Don't remember asking for your diary.
I agree actually, it's just it will be unbearable for few months, seaniggers still think that ToF will eos "next month", but it actually makes a bank on PC lol
maybe not HSR levels, but enough to fund new stuff
wake me up when we get new gachas that aren't open world slop
>ToF devs
those guys add a male character every 100 years because they found out male characters give no money
Dumb nigger just stfu it's embarrassing.
aww are you upset no one is taking your baits today?
Tofaggots are dead and buried already anons, I let bygones be bygones.
Honestly if they can relieve some pressure from us I don't mind being allies with them.
Also i'm not a poorfag that can only afford 1 gacha game uh oh SEApags, if their dailies take like 5-10 mins tops like wuwa I don't mind playing it side by side. How was ToF anyway? I never really tried it as it was around the time I got the open-world fatigue.
ToF is a MMO so you have to grind and play with others.
At least open world gachas need to add puzzles and shit which are sometimes cool. Clangbangs alone have 1000x the sovl of EVERY shitty autobattler png collector phone gacha combined
FUCK. I don't like the gap moe bullshit gacha's do with female characters
NTA but you just took 4 or more back to back.
It was painful to read.
>grind and play with others.
ugh... jesus, will it be the same for NTE?
This isn't open world >>486267000
not really anymore, I play mostly solo and can get things done, not much to do in tof after story and exploration like any other gacha really
what are you talking about?
We don't know yet
that's like the only positive thing about it
I want to give yinlin daily love, care and affection because she clearly doesn't get that and would suffer an internal crisis if someone would do that to her
Yes, 100% according to official dicksword
this but yinlin to me
i'm so lonely bros...
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Why did a god job to this random patroller?
Rover lost to lust, Zeus is the living proof of that
What is she doing with her fingers?
Playing with zapstring?
I'm curious
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if what >>486275887 says becomes true, maybe it's a hard skip for me. I play at erratic times it's gonna be hard to find regularly grindmates for me.
Goodluck to /nteg/ tho wish they get a successful launch. We'll all take a nibble at the crumbling giant's market shares. lel
>being allies with them
How about you neck yourself instead
They haven't shown anything mmo-ish tho. Tof was promoted with mmo-features immediately.
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Game looks promising but they should cut down on the nekos, elves, and women in general
Every character in the game is weaker than Jinhsi dumbass
Genshin is RIGHT there bro..
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wawa bros....
i bought...
Thanks for funding this dead game
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He felt her boobs on his back and got uncomfortably hard
Anything below Rover physique might as well be a woman, so that leaves how many MALE genshin characters?
Holy shit it's Anko.
Speaking of i haven't opened the BP weapon boxes is any of those at least somewhat decent?
that's the gayest comment posted here at wuwa today anon and we literally have a mihomo tranny squad dilating in this thread, anon.
My head cannon is that FemRover and MRover both exist canonically and they fuck
Nice, did you use a jap VPN? I'm only buying If i win the 50/50 on Changli, especially with how frustrating it was needing 150 rolls for Yinlin
and i already have anko, i don't need a post-menopause version
Never reply to me again with your midwit takes retard
Rectifier is good
all worse than standard 5 stars. pure waste of money
gave the crit broadsword to jinhsi coz I dont roll for weapons. I know the effect doesnt proc in optimal rotations but if you just wanna ooga booga in the overworld it's nice. overall I think it's enough just as a stat stick.
Maybe I'll get the crit gauntlets later on for the dps gauntlet shortstack that Kuro will release SoonTM
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0, this is their most muscular character
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I'm honored
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based, I will never roll for hags
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Same, but i self insert as male rover and fuck myself (frover)
Thanks bro !
so that's the quality and polish they're talking about?
Wuwa is the only gacha I manage to enjoy without feeling cucked in some way
Genshin feels clunky in the open world and there is no content that allows me to tryhard
ZZZ feels great all around but the interknot grind is terrible and I don't feel like I own my characters at all

Echo farming is kinda shitty but otherwise I never feel frustrated playing Wuwa even if it doesn't reach the same heights as the others
You rolled a Cowqi
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please toot me bros
I know it's a shit please but all I want is a double crit
please just one crit rate please
6.3% is fine I am okay with min roll
just please crit rate onegaishimasuuuu
Isn't she like a teen that eeps 22 house per day
Nyoooooo...WuWa needs more younger girls.
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I might be the only autist who genuinely enjoys farming echos and picking up noctemint
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toot 10.5 crit rate
Encore is a daughter figure and if you think about her in any other way 120lvl light cruiser will one-tap your skull
>I don't feel like I own my characters at all
Why's that?
>Echo farming is kinda shitty
to be fair grinding end game items for most game can feel shitty if grinding isn't your thing anon.
>even if it doesn't reach the same heights as the others
Why do you say that?
I can't believe this is real.
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anything is fine besides this Ankobro who rolled straight from 0-25
El defense plain
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I try to casually pick scarletthorn every day. Not hardcore mint-picking just the obvious ones I pass when I go farm tacet fields. maybe just 20 a day is enough, so I can R5 Danjin's sig wep soon.
out of 10 !!
Should have done the substat ritual
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Sacrifice it to a superior SPECTRO PRISM and great substats shall come
Impressive, isn't that the highest roll for def%?
You critted hard
this faggot mqde me quit genshin cause of his gay ass events
You only need like 60 flowers to max level one character anon. There is no situation where you don’t have enough flowers to ascend a character everyday. It might take 2-3 days to go from 1-90 but otherwise yea, picking a few every couple days is enough
zzz has negative challenge so if that's one of your criticisms for genshin there's no way you can ignroe it in zzz
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wait c'mon... this twink-ass fag already took all aether's bitches, he's also gonna take away his hero title too?!? This is starting to feel like the plot beginnings of some revenge manga now.
>Why's that?
I can't fuck around with them, they're tied to small levels that more often than not have you spend more time in TV mode than the arena mode

I don't mind grinding but I like to be rewarded for it after some time, Genshin is so bad at it that I spent five months farming nothing but the same set and got nothing truly good

>Why do you say that?
I think that Genshin truly peaks with some of its arc direction combined with the soundtrack in some areas. Enkanomiya is a good example.
Meanwhile ZZZ has a great synergy between all of its elements and it's the first time I'm playing a gacha that feels like a complete package who isn't dragged down by a few horrendous flaws (namely the writing, ZZZ is surprisingly decent)
Meanwhile Wuwa feels fun to play and manage to be a great power trip experience but the writing, the combat music, and the art direction are lacking.
This is what happens when you skip arm days.
Wuwa can only get better.
kys hoyonigger
same, after I got lectured by some kid that this is great design and I should't bully males for wearing make up and nail polish, I realized that this company is mass producing faggots, which made me immediately uninstall.
I prefer Wuwa though
I hate every aspect of genshin I uninstalled it a year ago and I never looked back
best decision of my life
I still goon to genshin girls tho
>wake up
>no Changli trailer
and i rail your mom every night. rope
Now kiss and make up
You are so strong and threatening
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>I think that Genshin truly peaks with some of its arc direction combined with the soundtrack in some areas. Enkanomiya is a good example.
>Meanwhile ZZZ has a great synergy between all of its elements and it's the first time I'm playing a gacha that feels like a complete package who isn't dragged down by a few horrendous flaws (namely the writing, ZZZ is surprisingly decent)
>Meanwhile Wuwa feels fun to play and manage to be a great power trip experience but the writing, the combat music, and the art direction are lacking.
I get what you're saying but remember Inazuma popped out a year after release. I also thought it was peak and I really liked the bgm they got going with Inazuma and Enkanomiya, but alas it didn't stop me from quitting the game. Let's hope after this godawful long time they deployed 1.1 they start picking up the pace.
>I don't mind grinding but I like to be rewarded for it after some time, Genshin is so bad at it that I spent five months farming nothing but the same set and got nothing truly good
I know what you mean, I was trying to grind blizzard set for ayaka but the fucking artifact system just wont drop me a crit circlet and a cryo hourglass and you can only grind for the mainstat like 4 times a day or something. I actually like that you can grind the echo mainstat you want as much as you can in this game. Only problem is tuners and exp. If they allow us to trash other echos for exp it'll be golden honestly.
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Your friend sounds like a faggot but Itto is a reference to Kabuki which is an ancient weab art form, being upset about his makeup is retarded.
does using VPN change the pricing ? SEA has no regional pricing btw its all burgerbucks
Can I just ALT F4 to quit WuWa? Nothing weird gonna happen?
I want her so bad bros
ironically if you didn't, you have to sign in again
Weird like... balls in my mouth at night? Nah...
You SHOULD alt+f4 WuWa, because this way it saves your session and you don't need to login next time
She's gonna milk out so many rolls from anons when she comes out...
ugly whore
You forgot the part where male actors play female (onnagata)
They did that in Europe too.
Why tho? Is it because women weren't allowed to act on stage back in the day? or is it that women acting back then just sucks?
>Paint a mass murderer as a hero.
>Made one of his victims thanked him.
They truly tried their hardest whitewashing him.
You could kill for a gf like her.
a bit of both
ALT F4 doesn't do anything to literally any game or program that i know of
This bitch and Pavlova are distilled viagra and need way more fucking r34
yeah bro, what ever helps you sleep at night.
>tried their hardest whitewashing him
nobody likes him for a reason...
looks like a vtumor/genshit character.
you just have terminally shit taste
Yeah of course Wuwa has a lot of room for improvement and if PGR is anything to go by, we can be confident about the game's future even if I'm a bit worried by how bland 1.2 is looking, it's just one patch.
As for Genshin's artifact farming, you can't farm for any mainstat at all, it is the worst thing ever. Not even once per month.
Yeah? And you are just being a tsundere!
W-Which one is it?
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I alt+f4 to quit every game I play on pc. Kinda surprised many people don't do that. It's quick as hell
Don't reply to me, I don't speak with niggers.
Take your homosexual shit somewhere else you disgusting freak.
says the seapag hoyotourist lmao
I think new gadget for shooting puzzle would be enough tho.
Those two posts, share identical information, anon. If you alt+f4 you don't need to login the next time you open the game. If you leave the game normally you are logged out.
KYS disgusting homo
are you telling me there is a legit way to close wuwa on pc? I've always used alf+f4
go back to genshit and take the abomination with you
esc->power button on the left bottom
legit snap your neck tranny
>ALT F4 doesn't do anything to literally any game or program that i know of
old games sometimes have those problem where alt-f4 might corrupt the save files
Ah, I read that wrong. Nvm then
>redheads are super hot
>silverheads are super hot
>they make a char that is both
My cum wave will flood few cities
Ironic since scaramouche was well liked, wanderer is absolutely despised.
They are probably just mocking their male playerbase. I wonder how many kittens will have to die this time.
ugly little retard
ugly little retard (playable)
mihoyo needs the mica treatment
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we lost this because someone at kuro thought they really need a character design that panders to mihomo refugees. sad.
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who doesn't
Too big and backed up by troons and foids to be drama'd bc of that
There aren't enough heterosexual Men playing the game for that to happen.
I believe in our straight male chinkbros to do the job
I am going to pollinate their flower
They had enough reasons to do that before but they didn't
Wii would like to bang Encore
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That company is already a lost cause.
There's no fixing it now too far gone down the blackrock rabbit hole.
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how come everyone always talks about the NTR smile but no one ever talks about how she blushes 24/7
When she's 16 or smth
How old is Changli anyways? I see these factoids about le menopause and shit but no one actually tells me her age
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the fuck?
my man xi allows that shit??
its over
its truly rover
I might quit WuWa for NTE if it is as good as it looks. I don't have the time for two gacha games.
too old
>NTR smile
You are not immune to troonshit gaypact propaganda
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I like big boobs, which WuWa girl is for me?
if you guys could make a sort of clone of yourself (but partly another person's clone at the same time, you get what I'm saying?) with another wuwa who would it be?
So who's the next must roll?
you can't quit a game you don't play, shitposter kun
Changli and Zhezhi
Baizhi, Taoqi, Changli.
Which is actually not an awful team.
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this bird
this bird
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She wants my seed already
Whoa, holy mother of... I just looked for Taoqi and she's like OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH MAMA!
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You have 4 days left to get best for (you) girl.
You're not bricking your account forever are you?
>New region will probably urban style slop

Please make it stop.
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I like this bird
too bad cowqi fucking sucks
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You have 4 days left until you can get the best for (you) girl.*
>too bad cowqi fucking sucks
you smell like a metafag
I play almost every day. I am at union level 53
Out-of-date harlot
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Calchud bros, status?
>ntrs you
nothin personnel, rover sama
You can easily get 60 wishes per patch even if you’re not doing the bare minimum. It goes up to over 100 per patch if you squeeze out every source per patch
We dont call her cowqi for nothing, i find it impressive that her tits are bigger in-game than her art.
She makes my Jinhsi crit for 100k and also gives her a shield, so it really is skill issue on your part.
Changli's booba are bigger though
Any team with taoqi is GARBAGE
>muh shield
>talking about skill issues
holy fucking kek
Where halo?
I want Taoqi milk, but I'm lactose intolerant. Life sucks...
>metakeks with the hot takes
Bet you can't even get 24 doritos
>Gayshit refugees automatically assume beautiful women are added to fuck you
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What if I get both Jinhsi and Changli, what now?
you're talking about an ugly expired hag though?
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You win the game until Cumellya banner at least
Jinhsi already shows you the positive test
Time to make fire lady happy too
we're not talking about gayshit chars here tho
battered wife detected
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they are though? Rover is literally a God who wakes up once every blue moon to save the world and then sleep again, he sometimes have disciples who groomed their followers just for you
>dodging in the middle of your combo
Couldnt be me.
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as long as you're having fun that's all the really matters
-Aalto player
>he has actual brain damage
i'm sorry, i shouldn't have made fun of you
>using a mechanic put in the game on purpose by the devs
>skill issues
this is the amount of pulls genshin shits out in a day lmao
but yeah kuro is generous
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I don't like the setting or the character designs
However since it's the same team as ToF I'll give it a chance
Also Gacha Theft Auto is something I've never seen before
>this is the amount of pulls genshin shits out in a day lmao
genshinbros... can we get 1 pull for natlan pls... I'm tired of getting 0.00001 rolls per day...
Its still a year away at least
If I wear this, will I get a girl like Anko?
>using a shield on a character who will never get hit unless you have literal brain damage
yes. the team is fucking dogshit dps too, like anything with cowqi lmao
no troll but how many pulls does genshin actually give each patch cycle? and HSR if you're also knowledgeable. Just to contextualize if 90~ pulls is really generous as fuck
Only after impregnating a woman and waiting for ~9 months
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I use shields a lot because I use this lady a lot.
>Will never get hit
Show your holograms
110 in a bad patch
star rail?
140 in a bad patch
Didn't genshin just get around 80 last patch?
i'm sorry for your brain damage bro...
>lying about pull counts now
and this is just for the f2p? Then maybe the 90-100 rolls overall for f2p is the standard...
Post your holograms.
*with monthly card + battle pass
Yo post those solo Danjin nohit clears i'm a huge fan.
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Nigga you don't even play star rail stfu. And Genshin objectively gets less than Star Rail. We got 103 for patch 2.3 in HSR. You definitely don't get 110 in Genshin.
How does it feel to play a garbage game that only butthurt former giggers play?
does no one here actually know how to play jinhsi properly? lmao
which servant should I wish for in this game?
>Lying in the one place everyone knows what's up
quality and polished poster
sorry I don't play ZZZ
Yes.and that including BP and paid 30 days bonus.
Holograms, post them.
Ecstatic, fixes the major issues genshit have, primarily shitty summoning system and dogshit character models.
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The Ruler class servant Jinhsi
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Bro you are getting cooked, delete this to save some face.
guess that's a no
Holos, UID

>wakes up once every blue moon to save the world and then sleep again
It would be cool if this actually became part of the main plot: we defeat the big bad TD, say bye to everyone, go back to the void to hang out with the goddess for the next hundred years or something, and the next major patch is a huge timeskip with new areas and characters. RIP you're waifus
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so that was a fucking lie
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> pink Ganyu
Holy fucking stingy
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>110 in a bad patch
>star rail?
>140 in a bad patch
this is true, i can confirm that you can get only 120 pulls at most after using 500$
the guy wearing a red coat
rabi nyoooooooooooo
don't worry bro, one day you'll learn how to play jinhsi
open your eyes anon that's 51.6
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>seeing graphs in my waifu gambling simulator
wew lads i guess im too new in these scene
Sorry, my brain tried to make it better. No wonder Klee had such high sales LMAO.
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Well comparing 1.2s to each other, they're the exact same. 68.2 vs 67 + 7 wep pulls (limited).
At least wuwa's 1.1 patch gave a shitton compared to genshin's 51.6 lol...
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so Genshin invented goat characters now?
I didn't think it was that bad, but wow.
Maybe he's counting the extra pulls he's getting to shill
Thanks for giving the non-propaganda numbers anon. 56 is kinda paltry and a handful of those are apologems to booth.
Keep in mind the Genshin chart has been fact checked multiple times and the WuWa chart was immediately released the moment the Beta test started so we might see some improvements
There WILL be a Nier collab, right?
I like how you're the second anon to take it for 56
it's 51.6
Verina ult > 4 basic attacks > resonance attack > Jue > sequence and nuke > ult > swap
It's that easy
56 56 56 56 is not 51.6 GODDAMNIT
we're copers
you have bad eyesight Anon, it clearly says "56.1". Please get a weekly eye examination.
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the graph lines make my eyes hurt anon... im sorry
excuse what is sequence?
wow so HSR gets 110 with BP and genshin gets like 55 with BP? And then wuwa's getting like 90 free pulls in the next patch.
How are /gig/ not seething and feeling cucked by hoyo?
we're just too used to it at this point
same game who got 1 10 pull for anniversary 3 times in a row (and looking like this will happen for 4th anniv too)
the first time it happened they tried to fight back but literally nothing happened, iirc they just tossed them like 5 more pulls even though they had a giga melty and down voted literally EVERY app on google playstore (not a joke, look it up)
They love getting fucked in the ASS.
I hope not, everyone and their mother had a NIER collab at this point.
>same game who got 1 10 pull for anniversary 3 times in a row (and looking like this will happen for 4th anniv too)
That required the entire community to bitch about to even get, never forget the dead qiqi spam
Basic attacks after you used resonance skill, they all count as resonance attacks so you'll get bonus damage from jue
>90 free pulls in the next patch
pull lying now lmao
You forgot about the 108 primogems (astrite) given at the lantern rite (Chinese new year event)
I've played several gachas before, but Genshin was one of the few where I could get every character I wanted plus a dupe and weapon here and there with only BP and welkin, and still do all the content (no PvP and leaderboards contributing to that).
It's here anon... >>486258940 we get 90 free pulls in total in both limited, weapon, and standard banner... How is that lying? Or are you coping?
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Cuckshed. I don't mind HSR at all because 2 patches can guarantee any character and 1 patch can attempt a 50/50 soft pity.
But I don't shill a whole comapny if I like 1 of their games. Genshin is the stingiest piece of shit game I've played. Yes more than FGO. Also had very shit exploration and I knew that if I waited a few years better open world games would come out. Now we have wuwa, waiting on mugen and promilia. Genshin can be the blueprint but it's still an awful game.
2b collabslut is so passé
Somehow this thread gets comfy.
Open thread, see hoyo games, close thread. Holy shit we aren't even in 1.2 yet

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