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Previous: >>486266393

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Version 4.8 "Summertide Scales and Tales" Trailer
https://youtu.be/m53wPdOoP48 (EN)
https://youtu.be/QJ0K-ejINDQ (JP)

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
MGCA18HB2727 (NEW)

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
>white valley girl bitch whose range goes from not acting at all to angry over-emoting with no in-between is good actually
The absolute state of ENkeks..
citlali is trans?
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Nahida is really sexy.
Brutal sex with Mavuika
yes (same colors as koko!)
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We love Koko here
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why does that baby have an aura of superiority
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>white valley girl bitch
Nicole Demara SEX!!!
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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No, it's not just Furina and Neuv. Listen to both and tell me with a straight face JP sounds better.
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The hope restored lands of Youtube...
Oh my god why did you post her
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The account that made that petition was created July 2024, had zero posts about Genshin and their account had almost zero traction until it posted that petition then their account blew up and got the attention of Kotaku, all of Genshin's EN VAs and a lot of prominent Genshin Impact accounts.

Obviously it's astroturfed as fuck but the question is, by who?

SBI? Tencent?
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JP sounds better
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Other anime has no problem making black characters. Don't know why Genshin can't.
her design is nice
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Nahida is really sexy.
KR Furina's shrilly pathetic wimp voice > Any other Furina dub
no wonder ENcucks are mentally ill, they listen to troons non stop
Jp sounds better
Post em
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for me it's jinhsi
they want to sell a product and make lots of money off it
IDK, I like the JP Furina a lot. Her slightly boyish voice fits her appearance and demeanor a lot
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Today begins in earnest Operation Sexpot. To acquire Navia and Yelan as a FTP within 40 days.

>Rolls needed: approx. 312, assuming 78 pity 4 times
Last 10/11 50/50's succeeded, guarantee expected to be required both times

Current Pity: 30 rolls
Current Gems: 30,996
Current Glitter: 10 rolls
Current rolls in pocket: 8
Projected gems from Commissions over 40 days: 2400
18 star abyss earnings because I'm a scrub: 400
Easy mode Imaginarium earnings because I'm a scrub: 220
Summertide scales and tales primo rewards: either 420 or 1000. TBD, assuming 1000.
Other patch events: up to 840 pirmos between 2 minor events
August pity shop: 5 rolls
Character trials: 80 primos
Downtime and version bugs compensation: 600 primos

>Subtotal: 280 pulls

Current story progress: Ei has left her basement
Completed character/hangout quests: none
Teapot set primos acquired: none
Rebate pulls from duplicates and weapons along the way: difficult to calculate. Retarded math truncated: between 14 and 5.

I'll bust ass, but short of some good ol' fashioned luck, I think I'll fall 10-20 rolls short.
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sex with alhaitham
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people dont pull because of how the character look. majority pull based on a character's kit.

if they're shit/healer, no pulls.
if they're a high dps dealer, pulls.
>JPcucks are still defending their retarded VA who uses Boku
JP Furina sounds like a pre pubescent boy...
Youtube comments are always slurping, I don't think this warrants a webm
brownbrox... no one is protesting
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ENkeks, how do we respond to this? Why did our line reading clash so hard with the character animation?
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EN furina acted like shes a spoiled brat while JP acted like an imposter archon
You can see EN furina changed her approach after she realized she got the character wrong in post 4.1 patches
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i just did something incredibly funny bros i will give you an update in a couple of hours to see how it plays out, dont want to reveal my hand too quickly
boyish giggles
Yeah. JP sounds better.
>JPfags will defend this
Kino delivery that made it better t.b.h desuneee
I believe in you anon
For me, its
only the small % of metafags do that, why did baizhu do bad despite being meta? majority pull based on looks
Yeah, I'm defending it. I like it how it is
You'd almost be tempted to think that it's like every platform turns into an echo chamber and isn't a good representative of what the wider userbase thinks... Wait no... Uh......
Some faggot on here will snitch, don't tell anyone until it's done.
>Raiden will reclaim her usage rate crown from that worthless duelist and remain the best electro character in the game
>Sigewinne will become the new rarest unit in the game and probably remain that way forever
God I can’t wait
Wormvillette flopped.
no its not. the highest pulled characters are always the best.
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ENfag here. Dori is one of the best ones. I thought you were going to post Yanfei or Neuvillette or soemthing.
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This is some of the best voice acting in the entire game
I hate the EN dub but I prefer EN Capitano's voice. In the end it will come down to performance. Just like I first thought EN Neuv was a better fit, his JP VA does a better job acting like an autistic dragon which is more fitting for the character.
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Furina EN = SOVL
Dori JP = SOVL

Genshin needs more inspired, memorable performances, not a borderline AI delivery.
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Fontaine flopped
Why the fuck do you keep comparing Sigewinne to Raiden? How are they remotely related? What's wrong with you?
Yup, soulful and warranting defending from unironic EN dub enjoyers
>doing it before battlepass updates
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I love jp dori, you're just a sovless metafaggot then, one of the best VAs in the game
that happens when both looks AND metafaggotry line up or if they are shilled enough like neuv and kazuha
JP sounds better, Dehyatroon
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Who's the father?
The voice work is fine. You're talking about a character who has been keeping up a charade for 500 years who believes that if she fails in her role her entire nation is going to be wiped out and she is now being pressured by an outsider who is well known across the entire world for arriving in various nations and causing drastic changes.

That's a problem with the animation team getting lazy. It's perfectly reasonable for Furina to be unraveling.
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they're both good until "eenazoomer" - Capitano sounds kinda gay, I hate Americans. for me, it's JP
Kino, Korean Dori is also great
No you don't. You just like her VA because you've fapped to Anime girls she voiced
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Migo a cute
Design matters a lot though.
Kekzuha was meta when he first released and everyone ignored him because he is a manlet.
Emilie will likely be meta but also skipped because she's ugly as sin.
The onpy characters whoms design do not matter is geo's, because def scaling means G*rou is BiS for them.
healers never sell no matter how meta they are
A random hilichurl
They aren’t
It’s other idiots who started it to spite me
I just want to see her burn as retribution
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good luck bro
I don't even watch anime retard
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What's going on here?
>You can see EN furina changed her approach after she realized she got the character wrong in post 4.1 patches
You're a retard. The entire point is the contrast. EN Furina didn't get the character wrong being an insufferable twat, that's the mask she wore.
It's literally in the cutscene where she first starts acting for the people... they didn't respond until she put on the farce.
I blame bennet
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bless you
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>EN vs JP slapfight
/gig/ is... healing...
This jewish merchant is fucking great, yes.
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>Ugh I can't stand EN Paimon she sounds like a screeching baby :/
>JP Paimon: https://streamable.com/5mg0ju
I think EN wonnered BIGLY....
How do the Natlan VAs feel when they'll eventually be told to hype their characters?
They literally rerecorded a load of Furina scenes in the JP dub and updated them in 4.1 because it was so bad.
Honestly, she sounds the same as EN Dori to me.
I think both fit the character well.

It's a shame her kit is SO shit because her design is excellent.
I had a Jewish Ukrainian classmate and Dori reminds me so much of her.
ENchads mog the shit and piss out of JPsissies
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no way, outside of echochambers reposting each other people actually don't care about nig representation????
except that is on purpose, when its intended its good, when its not and its how she sounds 24/7....
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Even when Aoi Koga is trying to be annoying her voice sounds like music
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three that were part of the boycott have already folded and are hyping up our sister games new character
Unironically how can other dubs compete
JP Dori is funny
No one like black women here except for black guys lets be real here
Genshin impact
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>lol dude trust me
>I only play in JP because I understand the language
Whatever you say you LARPer
Is Marius Cheld expy?
They are deleting all the negative comments
So now the abyss resets only once a month, but they will only change the lineup every 2 months? Fucking lazy.
JP paimon sounds that sometimes, EN sounds like that all the time. Out of all Paimons CN is the best one for sure though
Good to see I'm not missing anything by muting the game and leaving cutscenes on autoplay while I tab out
When does 4.8 Launch again?
youtube is just another echo chamber that sucks off mihoyo at every turn lol
if you were to trust youtube, shitstaine would be the best region when we all know it's a flop
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I 100% promise you the JPcucks complaining about EN dub probably sound like monotone autists or are SEApags with heavy accents.
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I play 95% of my games in EN and watch 95% of my anime in JP. Nothing's going to change. I like both languages.
all ENfags are ESLs who need the help with their english, please dont make fun of them too hard
I can't read it
>why did baizhu do bad despite being meta?
because healers offer virtually no incentive to roll for cons or weapons
the only time hoyo got it right wad with xianyun, you got a competent healer at c0 and if you enjoy ploonge memes c2 is valuable
meanwhile koko, baizhu, siggy all have trash cons and brick weapons
>JPfags will defend this

correct, she's great
>who need the help with
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It's still crazy that she chose to voice this hentai character
>weeb can't read the language they slurp up
fuck off shounenfag
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>who need the help with their english
stay shounenGOD
Spoken like a true ESL. At least you know how to use too properly
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you DID roll for SOULwinne right?
>JP Goku
>JP Naruto
>JP Luffy
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Post Neuvillette to trigger retards
yeah slurpers slurping its nothing new, they are the same everywhere, but it also shows that literally nobody cares about skin color outside of a small xitter eternal boycotters
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ENdub is for western games, JPdub is for weeb games.
Genshin is a weeb game so playing with JPdub is the correct way to play.
>siggy bow is up to 106.6% HP and 28% crit rate on burst
How is this bad again? Yelan at minimum would love it
>it doesn't count when it contradicts my shitposts
The (definite) help provided by playing Genshin in English, as opposed to help of any sort.
There's nothing wrong with that sentence. It's a good example of the kind of nuance only native speakers understand.
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of course, ive always said ill roll for sovlwinne since day 1
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Sure, here.
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We need something like this for /gig/.
echo chambers NEVER count
only acceptable regions:
>wherever the fuck Skirk is from
>wherever the fuck Lumine and Aether are from
I'm a retard and I doubt you could trigger me even if 80% of the thread was neuvlaugh pictures, get better material.
even Dawei knew it while making HI3
No we don't
Do not expect it to be much different.
Your brain is an echo chamber.
Poals always get botted on gig.
I prefer EN over JP because I speak English and not Japanese. Simple as.
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It's time to mix drinks and change lives!
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Hoyoverse just responded to my ticket about the English voice actors.
The pagpag posters are the majority here.
I want to give siggy headpats
Is this acceptable
this looks like an auto-generated response.
do they really have the faces in responses? lol
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except you cant get most of the passive without BoL so it wont work on anyone but siggy
t. rolled it
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Why dont games like Fate/Grand Order get boycotted for misrepresentation of historical figures?
how long ago did you submit it
The people who sent tickets to complain about the absence of blacks probably received the exact same copypaste response
Imagine being the poor intern-kun who has to scroll through all the retarded submissions just to find the occasional actual bug report, billing issue or something else that does warrants a ticket
Paimon would never...
That's just the auto generated response
>insufferable twat
What a fucking dumbass
She has always been an insecure girl who acted as a god. Even the flashback when she first went on stage to fool fontaine people portrays the same thing
If she was a brat she wouldnt even meet people in private and listen to their problem without mocking them
Proof? Jp furina sounds the same for 3 patches of AQ. Cant say the same about EN
What's with the emojis?
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Dehya is the best
Why not Khaenri'ah?
>natlan supports will give at baseline the buff of C0 furina by just equipping a set
disgusting powercreep
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speaking of paimon, anyone else REALLY feel like fucking paimon?
It changes with each new patch retardkun

It will be different for each of the next 3 months for example
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Who is triggered by a powerful White male being the focus of a story?
Tech otakus save the world
Can’t you get BoL from another character?
Like if Arle got it wouldn’t that qualify?
So you use Yelan E, get BoL on Arle, heal with whoever, and then you have 3 stacks
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Is the Abyss the one thing you shouldn't do before an update for BP pointss? Everything else is fine?
arle only gets bol on her, not yelan
All that matters is that progress is being made and Natlan will not be sabotaged by a vocal minority
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Nice to see natlan is pay to win
some fucking HORSE SHIT
>It changes with each new patch retardkun
>Emilie and Sigewinne don't have a voiceline about Furina
Do we have a case of other characters not having a voiceline for the Archon of their region?
i finished sumeru, do i do chingchong vale or fontaine first?

is the story im chenyu completely self contained?
I resisted. I didn't cave in and refused to C2 Furina

tough but rewarding choice...
Japs dont care
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>double leyline event is over
It's over.
It specifies “a value of a bond of life value increases”, so it doesn’t specify it has to be the wielder’s BoL increasing
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New patch soonish. Who else is looking forward to it? Too bad Emilie is on 2nd half since it means her friendship level will be around level 6 or 7 when Natlan arrives.
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Huh, maybe I should visit the Cat's Tail more...
Completely self-contained.
fontaine came first and yes the cv story is self contained
holy brick
Who is this complaint about? Which character is a white valley girl? Citlali?
Chenyu Vale is a completely self-contained area yeah
It came out after Fontaine in case you care about doing things in order, but ultimately it doesn't matter
twenty minutes left on the banner eurobros are we doing any last minute pulling or not
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Yeah I've thought about it a lot but not like that.
We're talking about Furina's voice, keep up
I'm addicted to blacked bbc genshin porn

I need help
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The answer is in the thread.
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Clit love!
>he rolled for c2 pagrina when c2 murata will be the best dps and buffer
Do you think hoyo will bend the knees or continue like nothing happens like last time? Part of me is scared that if hoyo bends then other chink companies would likely follow.
chinese companies act cute all the time not just mihoyo
>post pic of Archons together
>comments are about Furina not being an Archon
Did Fat Xiao's bait and switch fail?
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Im looking forward to moreeeee Navia. Also, I dunno if they add new poses to the IT store every month but I like the current poses and cant wait to see new ones.
>but it also shows that literally nobody cares about skin color outside of a small xitter eternal boycotters
This. Reminder that this already happened with Sumeru and nothing changed since twatterfags complaining about race are a vocal minority.
i roll for everyone i like
how do you still not understand this four years later
>turned into a shortstack goblin
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Genshin map devs really flop when it comes to border regions. You never see anything like Alsace-Lorraine or Istanbul, an overlap between two cultural regions
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Hoyo won't bend. They know the people crying will still play the game.
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>he rolled for 2 trannies thinking they will never be powercrept
its ok bro im sure they will let you refund your c3 furina and c1r1 neuv
I think that's more or a byproduct of their release schedule than the map designers t b h
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I'm drafting a petition to force MiHoYo to IMMEDIATELY deliver a Furina girlfriend.
Please, everyone sign it and talk about it with your local politicians
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nah, I just tested it with lynette holding the fontaine sword and it didnt get her the 3rd stack, confirmed it doesn't work like that it has to be on the character
Is Nahider drowning that aranara? What the fuck
>and buffer
Just because Furina can be a DPS doesn't mean she is one. And all Archons are c2 b8 so she probably won't be a DPS until c2 anyways
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If you thought fontiane was bad, natlan is going to basically erase the whole game and cast and pretend genshin started in 5.0
But hey at least your can use your permanent bricks in IT hahaha
The actual problem is the healing equipment
Yelan doesn’t heal so she can’t do it
The only bow character other than siggy that heals is Diona, who only does so with her burst, and her burst’s damage doesn’t scale with her HP anyways
It’s literally useless on everyone but her and then siggy’s burst is worthless anyways unless you’re literally C6
At least the donuts had some use even just as stat sticks
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I hope Navia's pose will have her with Sunglasses on.
the river the flows in the middle of sumeru looks like a great natural border why the fuck did rex lapis not expand all the way there
garbo worldbuilding
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The absolute fucking STATE of this game
I wish Hoyo would discontinue EN dub.

Anyone who absolutely needs EN dub in a chinese anime game set in a fictional world is more likely to complain about trivial shit like skin color or race respresentation.
Hoyo would also be free from things like looking for a replacement each time a VA gets into another groomer scandal.
does anyone remember exactly when did big boss dump all the concept art in /gig/ or the thread itself
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Should I get Nilou's sword?
Yelan can't activate BoL on command and she can't heal. The second conditions needs BoL on the bow user and healing to be performed by the bow user. It's intentionally bad for anyone except Sigewinne.
good morning cum2play
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I want to slap her face with my dick
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>Chinese anime
yeah unless you have the other hp sword
our fuarking hero, hat guy (murderer)
Somebody in China will get killed for this. I would double the security in mihoyo HQ if I were Dawei.
>imagine rolling for Furina
Best unit in the game, Neuv should be happy he's her personal buttplug for now.
Brown people
Holy crap, I'm going to get my camera!
I support your cause.
You don't actually think there's going to be an artifact set that gives your team 40% more damage do you? I can't see it being higher than 15%
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So now that furina got powercrept by an artifact set will you guys still post her or were you a metakek all along
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I wonder what Navia would look like without all that make up
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Good, don't roll for Furina.
She is all mine.
My bratty tsundere crybaby gf.
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God I wish I were Qiqi and Hu Tao would bury me alive.
No, it's the single ugliest weapon in the game.
I'm still pissed that I wasted my renaming items before I could name him Don Sombrero
>he rolled
what you thought they were gonna only powercreep albedo
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Probably like Jean
>every character will be dual burst like Childe now, a normal one and the one used in night spirit mode
Ummm based
Set 1

2: When the equipping character is on the field and is under the Night Spirit state, their DMG dealt is increased by 20%

4: After the equipping character has consumed 10 Night Spirit Points while on the field, their Crit Rate is increased by 40% for 6s.

Set 2

2: When nearby party members trigger Night Spirit Burst, the equipping character regenerates 6 Elemental Energy.

4: When the equipping character triggers an Elemental Reaction related to their Elemental type, all nearby party members whose Elemental type is related to this reaction gain 15% all Elemental and Physical DMG Bonus for 10s. If the equipping character is under the Night Spirit state when triggering the above effect, the aforementioned characters will additionally gain 30% all Elemental and Physical DMG Bonus for 20s. These effects can still be triggered when the equipping character is off-field. If multiple characters are equipped with this Artifact set, the effects cannot stack.
10 minutes left. Please roll for Furina before she disappear.
Natlan better have a farmable HP sword.
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>MH 2pc but bigger and not limited to normal attacks and CAs
>MH 4pc but bigger
is this the first time they directly powercreep a set by making a straight up better version?
it will be even worse if mauvika will allow old characters to enter schizo mode, imagine people that farmed MH after getting furina only to have to replace both support and set
Only if you have her.
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Imagine all those people who saved through all of Fontaine for Brickrina's rerun KWAB
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>Contact your local politicians
*Phone ringing*
Hello? Mr mayor? We have a serious problem! You see, there's this Chinese video game and they are making characters inspired by native american mythology but get this: the characters aren't black enough! We have to fix this! How does this effect our country? Umm... Racism effects everyone! We have to do something!... Umm... Hello? Mr mayor? Where did you go?
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Fun fact

A lot of Mexicans are White and love Genshin

You have White Mexicans doing cosplay of Genshin because they love it like WEBM related

Amerimutts should SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop talking on behalf of Mexicans
>retard trying to compare fiction to reality
Skipping poorina
Skipping floptaine
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This is going to kill the game
Last year spent so much time bringing up old units and leveling the playing field
It's a shame to see hoyoverse has changed heads and is going all in on powercreep that's exclusive
A 4* is going to be as good as furina C0 at FULL stacks just with this artifact set and NOTHING else in their kit lol
Mualani my Neuvillette support...
This is only usable on Natlan characters
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>c0 on her first banner
>lost 50/50 on her rerun
I swear MHY is always saving my account from disaster
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Time move too slowly, I need to inseminate the tanned sex demon
You forgot to mention the lack of vitiligo. Mr mayor will act if you do.
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>10 minutes
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Does /gig/ still think that Furina's burst clutters the screen too much for (You) to be able to see anything?
Not playing kuro games.
>mfw retards already forgot BS gives you 40% CR against frozen enemies
>mfw Ayaya is the only character that wants it
>mfw I have no face
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For me, it's
thx for funding our game xisters
>furina powercrept by an artifact set
>neuv powercrept by gawr gura with breedable hips
>zhongli and kazuha powercrept by a cougar hag
So Natlan is the straight man's region.
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I think Furina is the cutest and most punchable Genshin.
>Furina uses short boy model
>Mavuika uses tall man model
Im noticing
when does the beta start I need to see my wife Mualani in game already
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I really REALLY need a QT White Mexican Sucrose cosplayer gf

I wonder if she's making tons of money with her Onlyfans, those anime figurines are hella expensive.

Hopefully she will make a Citlali/Xilonen cosplay
Where’s the Nahida powercreep
Don’t tell me they forgot to powercreep her
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brown nilou > white nilou
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ganyubros ventichads can you make some space on the bench
Blame the retards spending on Star Rail and David Jiang philosophy of "don't bother rolling on the rerun". Bring back Cai!
>has to freeze something (LMAO)
>already crit bricked character in a crit bricked element with a crit bricked resonance
Yea nobody cared because it was bad lol
This is just use energy and gain 40% crit for every natlan character
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There is no way they'll ever make a set that makes your off-fielders do 75% more damage, are you on crack?
>everyone can now equip a portable Furina without the HP drain
Sounds good to me, not rolling for the macaroni slut
i swiped like 200€ for furina, will i get a refund?
>VV gives a 27% multiplicative buff to the whole team
this set is broken as fuck and was in game from day 1, why are people surprised by a set that gives a mere 45% additive bonus that is heavily diluted in most teams
Now that Fontaine has broken MASSIVE records, what’s next for Genshin?
>in a single player pve game with easy mode
Yeah I'm totally worried.
It says right here you need 10 stacks to get the 40% and it only lasts for 6 seconds
>j-just make a team of 4 Natlan characters
Yikes bwos, they're actually getting desperate if the new meta is so region-exclusive.
If you're a poorfag stick with the Iron Sting or a Fav Sword.
>they'll make it so pyro traveler can use the second set
>the fucking MC powercrept furina
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>up to 45% dmg buff (requires a natlan character)
c0 furina gives up to 75% and c1 up to 100% tho?
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Are you gonna roll for this Mexica qt?
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Dont worry bro.... theres plenty of space.....
Wheres the Nahida powercreep
Why does hoyo want to spare her
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I predict that none of this will actually happen, like all of /gig/'s "predictions", and you will cry and piss and shit yourself
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tasting mualani's pits
They’re punishing the Fontaine region for flopping this hard.
suck my pp and i will give you one
Her VA is trans so no
The only thing that's missing is CashApp adresses for all the brave POCs speaking out against the whitewashing
his name is baizhu
I'm talking about the EU server, dummy.
So how do I sigewin? Do I tap E or hold it until it's fully charged? What's the different? Also is it safe to stick your dick in her? Has any anon tried it?
>physical bonus damage
Night Spirit is exclusive to Natlan characters. Do you know why Furina is valued? Because she's the strongest element in the game, she does high personal damage, she can be used in virtually any team and she provides a party-wide buff which even at c0 and with a slow healer still averages higher value than that artifact set and at c1 and c2 averages 2-3x higher.

Get the fuck out of here. You don't know what you're talking about.
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>he didn't roll for Furina
Have you guys seen the Neverness to Everness trailer? People are sayting it's the Genshin killer

tap E, switch out
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What's stopping me from using Furina and the new set together?
>she does high personal damage
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>mfw the only character that remains relevant from this team is fucking baizhu
>and you will cry and piss and shit yourself
...but enough about Furina!
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Furina is such a stupid, idiot, qt dumb Hebe NEET
Kinda looks like shit. Project Mugen or w/e it's called looked more interesting.
She does not have night spirit, it's as simple as that
Also probably not worth dropping her damage for it unless she had it and I'm pretty sure night spirit is natlan locked because it's when they use their little pets
...the what to what?
This has to be the dumbest gacha game so far
I miss when Furina's most vocal fans were diaperfags instead of femcels
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sex with my husband
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I'm going to c2 both Nahida and Furina.
You can't stop me.
Retards, this new artifact set just makes Natlan+Furina and in the future Pyro Archon+Furina teams even more busted. Is gig really this retarded?
C0 furina gives you like 70% if you use neuvillette or gimp your team with a dps loss team-wide healer like baizhu, jean or sigewinne
in normal teams she gives an average 40-50%, there is a reason if a lot of people felt the need to roll C2
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>ZZZ with cars and no soul
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With this new power, Eula will save Teyvat!
Gaming sister..
>/gig/ hates the character most similar to them
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Let me clarify, I mean using Furina and a Natlan character using the new set.
Just like WuWa, right bwo?
>is this the first time they directly powercreep a set by making a straight up better version?
Hey retard. The set is only good on Natlan characters. Imagine if they made a set that gives 70% burst damage but only after triggering an Ousia effect. Would this mean Emblem is power crept? No.
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>this much seething and coping
>over a leak that is 90% likely to be fake
>People are sayting it's the Genshin killer
here we go
why waste 2 slots for furina and healer when you get over half the buff for free with 1 artifact set
Made by Kuro?
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Always on the constant state of life and death
My fucking HERO
>lives in a moldy sewer fishing village
>barely exposed to the sun
>diet of whatever fish fontainian fish gets down there and sugar
Navia is hard carried by superior Caspar genes, otherwise she'd just be a pasty, greasy, freckled eel-pie eating dock girl
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Furina's thighs are my demise
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welp stuck at 51 pity and only 6 hours left, I wont be able to get her c1 but thats okay, it was a good banner for me and I was able to get only one copy of each weapon, I think ill be able to get nilou right? I still have a welkin going too so I should be safe to start prefarming for her right?
I honestly don't even recognize it outside of Furina's initial burst animation.
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>Would this mean Emblem is power crept? No.
yes if they added a support that gives ousia to your characters, just like how furina gave HP drain to everyone
>6 seconds for a 40% CR buff that you need stacks for
>unlimited DMG% buff
It's so hard to choose between the two
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Hotta Studio
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I hate Snap Hutao's new abyss interface. Last time I'm posting it

2k sample size btw
This might actually kill wuwa
>Click on some random point in the video
>LITERAL trash can enemy
>close video
tired of urbanslop ngl
Only gonna be worth it for Wriothesley and Clorinde who both scale off attack and have HP mechanics I imagine.
>Drop furina
>Drop healer that's attached to her
>Add REMINDER HALF FURINA C1 BUFF IS JUST THE ARTIFACT EFFECT and of course the off field natlan in question who has their own buffs more than likely
>add a good character over the healer slop
I literally just want the Pyro Archon to be cuckshit free for once
Fucking hotta stealing Kuro's job.
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JP furina is great, best voice in the game
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Am I cheating on my Genshin husbando if I have HSR husbando?
Not the same thing. Go ahead and show me which Fontaine character gave everyone access to Ousia.
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>36% usage on siggy
What the fuck
are those...
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How the fuck do you 3* harder floors but job at floor 1, nigger?
>shonen region has massive powercreep
Well thats ironic lol
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I resin refreshed with primos once per day for a few patches & I just did the math & it cost me 40 wishes.

Not sure if it was worth it seeing how many that is but all my characters are built with artifacts I’m satisfied with
Ok boylover
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12-2 and 12-3 are both easier than 12-1
Looks like Teriteri.
You got one more star than I did, congratulations.
...said no one ever
wanna frot?
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Furina is now exclusive to characters who modify their HP
All that's been done is make neuvillette even fucking stronger when mavuika drops and can take full advantage of this artifact set along with furina and vapes
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Man, I was really hoping there'd be a buff that would work well with Arlecchino's +20% all stats buff. Guess not.
I will now play your game.
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it's ok to be filtered by Furina anon
She is quite literally, not for everyone
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>shitty UI
>building look like ToF and Wuwa trash

Why is it so fucking hard for these companies to give a single fuck about art direction and UI for the environments players will be interacting and immersing in?
They toned down the effect a lot on the final version. If compare that video to your Furina now, the bubble area on the sides was almost three times wider in the beta version.
Nta floor 1 is unironically the worst out of 3
That looming black monster salivating over and licking the little girl feels a little too on-the-nose.
Artifact set can only be used on Natlan characters
Damn Natlan is already powercreeping everyone from Fontaine. It’s over, Fontaine has flopped at everything
I hesitated because it seems to be wiped out from existence. I guess that and Celestia then if they're playable.
>exclusively to characters who modify their HP
So every DPS in the game with MH equipped?
She's one of Furina's best cons if you aren't going for C6
Doesn't this shit only affect floor 9-11?
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>another genshin clone
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our heroines...
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no, they WILL all get along and you can make sure they do
>mavuika drops and can take full advantage of this artifact set
Open the schools!
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>double retard that can't into hypotheticals despite bringing it up himself
I'll show you that character after you show me the artifact set that gives 70% burst dmg when you trigger ousia
Is that why twitterfags are upset? Powercreep?
1 is 33% of 3 bwo
>he feel for the doomposting again
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you can do it anon
not if you like him because he reminds you of your husbando
36% of 100 people
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Yet she still mogs the entire Genshin cast, curious...
No, Blessing of the Abyssal Moon works in all floors, 9-11 have additional buffs that floor 12 lacks.
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I wonder what her farts smell like hahaha
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Pretending that Natlan will powercreep Fontaine out of the gate is delusional but on the other hand it'd be funny to pretend that the developers are trying to sweep the entire region under the rug as soon as possible so I think I'll go with the doomers anyway
>from the makers of Tower of Fantasy
who are your husbandos sis
You're taking out the healer numbnuts
That's the whole point
Furina with a healer is bricked forever now and now only HP modifying characters can make use of the new archon and her
Cute. Saved.
The only thing she mogs is at being a crybaby bore
Try again anon. Apply yourself this time.
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I would like to fuck Amy in the mount.
Wait until they start mentioning Neuvillette out of nowhere
Now show her without the 25 filters.
Should've swiped retard
can you stop being so bad you piss me off
>b having sub 50% usage
>Arle barely having more usage than Raiden
>XQ just barely having more usage than fucking sigewinne
>XL at just 21% usage
What the fuck is happening
Cheld and Aventurine
>we want the weeb GTA RP server audience
I mean they have no choice. No character makes any sales so the only way is to up the powercreep
neuv shill abyss
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Hope you like the new artifact set :)
Because HE'S BACK
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That's all it is about in the end. Shitposters seeking validation for their nonsensical hate of Fontaine.
I don't think Mihoyo will deliver, but surely circlejerking with your fellow /gig/ schizos is enough.
Only Natlan characters use the new mechanics so that's obsolete. And I can guarantee you that you use healers or shielders in the Abyss
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What do you think people will complain about when Snezhnaya trailer gets dropped?
aventurine reminds of childe too, basically childe with depression
I will never use Troonveler.
gta 6 looking weird
Why didn't you open chests instead.
Just use any combo of Yelan/Xingqiu/Nilou/Kokomi/whoever else I'm forgetting. That chamber is a fucking joke and I cleared it with nearly a minute left on my Noelle carry team which has 2x Geo.
You could have simply gone into the teapot and put down a couple furniture sets for the primos. Retard.
Absence of playable harbingers
>loom has over double the usage rate of her brother
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Nobody likes gay twink femboys
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Had to use the Scribe for this I couldn't do 4* only clear... I failed.
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Is this real????????? This might be the most soulful thing ever
too many russians
>using healers
Healers are garbage conceptually compared to shields and their one lifeline of being needed for Furina is about to be powercrept into irrelevancy
Name one abyss since his release that didn't.
there are already twitterfags saying childe is Ukrainian lmao
it will be the russia vs ukraine war
aetherpags are mitachurls
men pick loom more than eather
men do abyss more than women
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god it feels good being pandered to
>b-but f-fontaine.. n-neuvillette!
*enters night spirit schizo mode*
*teleports behind you*
nothing personal, froggie
Aether is effeminate and ugly, it's really not that deep. I bought my account in 2021 and regret not getting one with Lumine instead.
Navia is a cutie and until Mavuika the only sexy tall white woman with long light-colored hair.
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she has 3x the ownership
>childe with depression
But Childe already has depression
Post your Abyss clear
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I’m waiting until after the maintenance
The fuck is that
I refuse to believe this is true
Retard rolled for Neuvi without Furina, LMFAO!
Childe is dead, it's different
he's a happy corpse
which game besides genshin should i play
The ENTIRE point is THE PYRO ARCHON is using the set
Furina will be the same as usual and neuvillette the same as usual
The 4th slot won't matter because neuvillette on his own already makes use of his HP bar far better than anyone else
But most other characters NEED 3 slots dedicated to not being shit and if you can simply drop furina for a character who does half her buff with just an artifact set ALONE not even counting their own kit which would be off field in this case and slot in someone better than the healer that guess what!
Your Arlecchino?
Why not post this current cycles abyss? Don't want people to know you used Bennett?
>has limited characters
>uses 4* only
>Asian vidya companies are starting to churn out Genshin clones at a regular pace
>No major western studio has yet to even entertain the idea
What gives? You'd think they'd be all over the idea after seeing the amount of profit they'd be able to make. It can't even be due to the west's (read: The US) less favourable views on gacha systems because lootbox systems exist in nearly all major GaaS or online games
I heard that wabble after she stopped running
bro your cheldnational?
with proper setup cheld clobbers the pyro shields
They'll accuse Mihoyo of supporting Russian imperialism.
>Chiori gives intel
>Navia orders the 'disappearance'
>Clorinde hunts them
>Chevy tortures them
>Emilie cleans up the scene

Heh, that was close.
HSR, zzz, hi3, gakuen, FlyMe2TheMoon.
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who gets a Celestia nail dropped on them first
Anon is based. Leave him alone.
no one cares about shitstaine anymore, stfu
Enjoy your 40% CR buff for 6 seconds while you wait for your stacks to replenish so you can get another 40% for another 6 seconds
Post library
thats just another potato
Why would u even wanna copy Genshin, it’s not like it earns DNF levels of money, they get beaten by fucking Naruto, Tencent, DBZ, and Shart Rail many times and requires 10 times the dev cost
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Disregard Natlan, acquire blonde woman.
i dont have cheld
they are nailing elliot again
Lawn mowing simulator
China and Russia are allies, so that probably won't work. Maybe they will make memes to spin certain character support of ukraine. Honestly, not sure if many will still care about it next year.
hopefully me
reverse collapse code name bakery
baba is you
a 2000 pieces puzzle
the binding of isaac
modded minecraft
the myst trilogy
learn to juggle
nier (the tree of dreams moggs fat xiao)
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Sucrose's English va IS NOT HAPPY with how Genshin handled Natlan.

But she IS HAPPY with how Hades 2 treated Greek Goddesses

Double standards much?
Is this also gahca? genshin clone?
>have no currency for the 5 limited wishes we get on shop
>i'm on 42 pity and 50/50
>fuck it let's roll, i know i won't get spooked, I need the 5 wishes
>roll #45
>fucking furina
>I already have her c0
yeah? and no other game currently out has them aside from Genshin.
nta but when the abyss lineup is the same it can get boring to clear it again with your most meta teams
>China and Russia are allies
When Russia inevitably collapses China will take the biggest bite out of it. Mark my words.
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it is
she's a mutt voicing a mondstadt character, she has no standards
With all the black people that are dying of hunger and diseases in Africa you would think they would care more about that instead of seething 24/7 on Xitter because the game made in the most racist country on earth, that they decided to play anyway, has no brown fictional characters.
I already own Jean, Navia, Barbara and Fischl though
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Why would I use furina who needs a healer in an older team when I can use the pyro archon and a character better than the healer?
The pyro archon at BASE is already with the artifact set half of furina's C1 buff at FULL STACKS
This isn't even counting the pyro archons OWN KIT
Let's give an example

>DPS support reaction healer
This is the furina cope
>DPS support reaction MASSIVE FLEX
This is the pyro archon
That flex is without a doubt always going to be better than the healer you're trying to force
Now what about wriothesley, clorinde, and neuvillette?
It's simple
>DPS support support reaction
Simply having the ability to change your HP means you can run BOTH furina and the pyro archon and get ALL THE BUFFS without any of the bricks holding you down
And china will collapse in 2 weeks.
Aventurine is a shit character.
What is that?
Right now I’m playing ZZZ, Elden Ring, FFXVI which I got on sale, and osrs
It will fall in the hands of the Federal Europe in its entirety.
Remember when we were not being raided daily?
>China and Russia are allies
not even the chinese believe this
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I'm not rolling R1 tho
>ANOTHER carbon copy Genshin clone
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It's over.
>Enjoy your 40% CR buff
Oh you're retarded and didn't read the second artifact set no wonder you're fucking stupid
Wooden figurines of Caribert and Atoss
you can find them on the tree you visited in that quest
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post your face when night spirit mode blocks all incoming healing
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Maybe, I'll get her next time because now she has really good mods.
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Would you really want to roll the gacha in a game with characters that look like this?
If someone does actually help starving children in Africa they're accused of being a White savior.
Until their combat system revolves around elemental reaction, none of them are.
>an actual Flash game listed first
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Got a little Raiden plush.
Is that the plot of Emilie's SQ or what
Moron mualani from the leaks heals herself as apart of her kit
Genshin made Aloy look pretty
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Tales of Destiny Director's Cut.
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you had me excited when you said "actual loli" then posted a potato is all
>new sets
>2 set bonus is not "+15%atk or smth similar" but some mumbo jumbo looking like 4 set bonus of 1.0 artifacts
Yeah, sure this leak is SO real
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Would you still love your Genshin wife if she got powercrept to obscurity?
except this is a modern genshin. wuwa is the carbon copy
flash games are great
love me some motherload or learn to fly or nitrome kino
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>made in pedo
One of the biggest pieces of forbidden knowledge you can NOOOTICE as a noooticer is how people online always start using full stops the second they either get butthurt or think they're making some really good remark with profound insight
It's especially nooooticeable in chat settings where someone gets assblasted and suddenly starts
talking like this.
using short sentences.

It's an easy tard detector but I hate seeing it because of how it's nearly 100% consistent no matter the person
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Its cute, congrats
/gig/ only tricked me into rolling one of these while telling me to skip Neuv and Kaz
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Deep and lovespace
Mystic messenger
Fire emblem three houses [only blue lions route]
Western devs are simply unable to pump out relatively high quality and polished content at regular intervals. Even more impossible if you want it stylized and large scale.
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My MillenniumActress girlfriend wife
>+6 energy when another character bursts in night spirit state is too hard to understand for the aranara poser
I thought you had to have the ability to read to enjoy that quest?
WTF? Genshin AND wuwa killer right herw LMFAOO. I’m unironically waiting for this game now.
Realistic Chinese driving
I already have her and she's 100:210 with 3k attack.
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the new mode is unironically the best way to determine what characters are truly shit since it levels the field by only allowing certain elements and the vast amount of characters required means that you will be forced to use even older characters
if you don't use a character you own and have built despite having a lot of open slots, it means that said character is complete unusable dogshit and you prefer using other 18 characters(about half probably filler garbage) over it
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Looks great
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yes yes we are listening, gweilo
Of course not, but ugly characters has never stopped US devs from making games which is why I'm curious as to why no one's attempted to imitate the success by genshin
Think about it, at the surface level all they'd technically have to do is create a basic shitty map and then add new characters every now and then
If blacks care about blacks in africa, then the african countries would be more relevant than what they are today. When was the last time any black eceleb did something like what mr beast did for an african village?
>Fire emblem three houses [only blue lions route]
based taste sis, dimitri my husband
Post enka
mualani is the obligatory sacrifice to please tiffany she wont use night spirit bullshit and just raw dog retarded multipliers
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>his last 47 pre release videos have been wrong, he's due to be right this time
My nigga. English is better
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You use furina because she is meta
I use furina because she's cute
We are not the same.
You need to be 18 to post here.
>he pulled for meta instead of exploration
Wanderer/C1 CR/C1 Yelan/Kazuha
Have fun watching your meta bs fall off a cliff while I remain king in what actually matters
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The point is that 2 set bonus is never that elaborate, not that you have to read it.
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>KGB is actually dindu
Seriously mihomo?
Damn I don't own anyone here
That doesnt change the fact that the first set only has a 6 second CD duration you retard. The additional energy and DMG% bonus doesn't mean shit if you don't have enough stacks for the first set.
That kind of falls apart the moment you remember there are characters kept afloat by comps/reactions that the theatre elemental restrictions don't allow for
Par for the course that a usage rate poster is retarded
Or I'm just not interested in that character's play style.
Post one that was wrong.
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>/gig/ filtered by discussion of the game and new content
I knew /gig/ got bad in recent times but I didn't think it was this bad
Lol. I remember the Tencent co-founder was disappointed in their video game investments in 2023 earlier this year, and cited Genshin was able to outperform their projects.
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I miss him so much
Enka doesn't show passive buffs so I don't use it. The only thing that matters to me is how my characters are actually performing in-game.
Pre-registering right now
>patternfagging after shitstaine
"characters with normal attacks constellations? fake lol, never happened before"
Elden ring, or an RPG.
Youtube comment section is somehow even more of an echo chamber than Reddit
Genshin is officially dead. No trends in China. West hates it. Koreans forgot about it. Only the Japs care but not even that much anymore. What can we do now?
People were crying so much about lacking characters but only 8.4% used traveler.
Bro, you are one year ahead of the scheduled shitpost.
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I haven't played in months. Is 4.8 worth coming back for?
if wuwa is a carbon copy of genshin then genshin is a carbon copy of BOTW
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Very organic post.
i bet yours is not even c6
its insane how ZZZ doesnt have this
When's the last time a western studio created beauty? And I don't necessarily mean a sexy girl with nice tits. Actual beauty, like a great uplifting landscape or story.
>gta genshin clone
holy kinoooooo
>characters are too black for China, not black enough for NA
>Mystic messenger
>in 2024
Yeah it’s strange that Natlan didn’t trend in China yesterday. It’s so over
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I'll still play Genshin for the archon quests but it won't have 100% of my attention anymore once this game comes out. Sorry bros. It has loli. I have to show my support.
>Youtube comment section
Why would you even go there, this is like picking up used cigarette butts out of the garbage and trying to light them up and smoke them
it's just china bro, imagine if wukong does well and china sees PC/console games are profitable you will then see a flood of video games like the genshin clones now in high speed
>When's the last time a western studio created beauty?
>That doesnt change the fact that the first set only has a 6 second CD duration you retard.
This set means NOTHING to the second set
>If the equipping character is under the Night Spirit state when triggering the above effect, the aforementioned characters will additionally gain 30% all Elemental and Physical DMG Bonus for 20s. These effects can still be triggered when the equipping character is off-field. If multiple characters are equipped with this Artifact set, the effects cannot stack.
it's still good to kill time, I still don't finish all routes
But enough about the profoundly insightful comments on /gig/
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the sovl trio
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frog poster would be able to identify this
they would just call it bond of life if that were the case
>Western twittertards hates it

Retro options:
Elder Scrolls adventures: Redguard

Upcoming: Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Too bad the game looks like shit.
Move on to a better game oh wait there is non in the market better than genshin
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>the lack of Sumeru characters
>>the lack of effort put into Fontaine characters
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buff Dehya
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We NEED this
I always read japanese comments, because they always have some interesting analysis.
He will now pretend the pyro archon won't have night spirit mode
If that were true, Genshin would still be at its Inazuma and early Sumeru peak
bellybutton sex with brown girls
rdr2 looks pretty good, I don't play the games though I just saw pics
I just want info on the geo potato
If her drill is good enough she’ll obsolete everyone prior for exploration and it’ll be funny
Baldur's Gate 3
You don't understand, how can people be expected to relate to a fictional character in any way unless they have the exact facial features, pigmentation, weight, accent, diseases and sexual fetishes? It's literally impossible for them to enjoy or take anything from a story otherwise. Some would even say not having every piece of media be a literal mirror of the real world (downtown LA) is genocide.
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I rolled C6 Wanderer
I don't think that he can be powercreeped without powercreeping all pre 4.0 characters
Kinich will have spider-man mechanics I don't think a land drill is going to do anything lol
RDR2 is Koult approved so yeah it’s a great game
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Will she release Cheld from being Xiangling's slave?
The real question is, how will it compare to project mugen?
>Deep and lovespace
Give me your opinion on this game. I've seen some videos and it look both good and terrible. Your opinion will decide if I download it or not
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Night spirit mode more like white power mode amirite lol lmfao
It might spare her from the run animation if she can move around on land in it like in the video.
I hope so, childe needs another support, it's been 4 years
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Le monde n'est qu'une scène, Il vaut mieux rire que pleurer, car le rire est le propre de l'homme!

Riez de tout cela, ne vous inquiétez pas,
profitons d'aujourd'hui~!
>first 3 for the yearly concert
>last one announcing a concert tour

what am i supposed to be looking at
She's gonna be slower than Yelan/Birb mommy/Sayu/the fucking nobody catgirl from Fontaine.
And I know this because of one thing and one thing only: she can also climb, so they'll balace it by making it faster than walking, but slower than running.
Why did Da Wei and the passionate devs abandon Genshin?
Why did you ignore the first part of the description where it says that only applies to characters that have the same element as the one with the artifact set. Where does it say it's a teamwide buff because it says aforementioned in the description. If anything that set is better for mono comps
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>Kachina with new set will be BiS for Navia
Sex with Verina
Mavuika's will only work with NORMAL ATTACKS

What the fuck is night spirit and why should I care?
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Neuv on MH
Furina on GT
Mavuika on the massive team buff set
The team to rule abyss
Probably not because Xiangling has technically infinite Pyro application which is part of why she goes so well with Childe. Several people were demonstrating how they interact years ago when he first released and people thought he was bad because nobody knew how to play him properly at first.
>Hotta Studio

>project mugen
Hmmm nyo it'll be Xilonen for SEX.
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NTA but I played 10 minutes today and got bored
Will try again when I'll have a mood for it, but I don't think that yume games are for me
the concert tour you are looking at is actually the yearly concert
also remember that pyro works with atk instead of hp
What are you talking about? is there a leak?
Both of them are powercrept, it’s time to let go of the flop that was floptaine
>desaturated gloomy toddslop
Show me one beautiful, non modded or enhanced, screenshot.
My chiori...
The buff is for all elements related to reaction so if you do Vape, you get hydro and pyro buffs for example.

Imagine this on a universal Geo character. Petra on steroids without the bad.
Skyrim probably, in 2011. People saying RDR2 are fucking delusional. What a snoozefest of a game.
You know how Fontaine characters have Ousia? Night Spirit is a mechanic exclusive to Natlan characters.

You should care because basically every team is going to want at least one Natlan character purely for the permanent team-wide 45% damage boost.
my fave is one of the worst characters in the game.
I don't know why people think Neuv will get powercrept. Mavuika will make Neuv even more meta if anything.
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Imagine not rolling for your favorite characters
couldn't be me tho
koult approved RDR2 therefore RDR2 is GOATED
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Can someone PLEASE tell me what to be excited about in 4.8???
Yeah I misread that, I didn't see elemental reactions
>have a thread long melty
>conveniently be forgotten next thread
Base usage of /gig/ really
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Explain this Mihomo
So I can one shot hilichurl with 45% more dmg?
The French flop...
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Way less wordy than Tears of Themis, I find the main leads to be more charismatic too, I also like the story more, it starts slow but after chapter 4 something happens that changes the tone of the game. Lots of fanservice too
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Nightshade DPS is the new meta
Thanks. That sounds forced and fucking stupid.
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We like Furina in this general
Does Genshin have any Italian characters?
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You now realize Rosaria has short hair
>Not even prostitutes in Japan wear clothes like this
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My saurian grandmother was turned into a lampshade by Natlan nazis
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My caretaker has become a lot better at attaching and uploading the images I tell him to
He used look confused whenever I demanded that he read the thread out loud and write the posts I dictated to him since he knows the housing will fire him if he doesn't comply but nowadays he some times knows which images I want attached without me even saying it
This wouldn't have been necessary if Fontaine didn't flop

usage posting will continue until sales improve
As long it's not an MMO again I will play it.
ok post furina instead of whoever that obese slob is
I'll give it a shot then
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MY HERO........
Uhm bwo ur event map for babies?
navia i think
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>Mualani will buff Neuvillette
Is there no end to his reign?
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bros are we cooked...
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But does she have long armpit hair, that's the real question!.
Clorinde status?
>Pretty much everyone "boycotting" Hoyoverse is still playing Genshin and HSR
What kind of boycott is this?
I don't give a shit if you're excited or not, I'm not your parent
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Why do japs always have such incredibly shit and gay taste? Something I've noticed over the past years.
>Entitled pieces of shit
>Asshole behaviour
>"white" from a brown country
>Delusions of grandeur.
Wanderer obviously.
this would be a money printer on par with the actual federal reserve
quintessential /gig/ post
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Hope you don't skip emilie lol
everyone already stopped playing after floptaine
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Natlan...... Americanized
Bro I already paid for my welkin, I gotta login.
No they aren’t. Boycotters never played Genshin in the first place
The mentally ill, tranny-groomed kind.
>hahaha abusive, rapey relationships are so funny right
There will a lot of blacked hentai in Natlan
Clorinde + Mavuika + Chevreuse + Fischl will break the game meta
>Boycotters never played Genshin in the first place
My gosh why is Emile so ugly?
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>What kind of boycott is this?
Virtual boycott, aka virtual signaling.
Twatter wonned....
/gig/nazis lost.....
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Why am I comfortable with and looking forward to this game, even though ToF was shit
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Kinich will bury Alhaitroon.
She's the last character made by the (now fired) old character design team led by Tiffany.
>Zero black males in Natlan
Yeah sure
This happened to L4D2 as well lol
I will enjoy hearing Sasuke.
I regret rolling for Furina Lawrence.
and Hogwarts Legacy
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Just wait until they reveal Xbalanque as the powerful black bull you know you want in your life, and have Mavuika slobbering all over him.
If you play Genshin but don't spend any money, you are exhausting resources for Hoyoverse so it causes a net loss for them
>/gig/ - boycott
Who's the token natlan ploonge character to shill kek retainer? No really, who's ploonge-coded in the teaser?
Did I already miss the baby blocks duplo event?
Are you new?

All internet drama are driven by people that has no stake in the topic in the first place until now
i'm not skipping her but im also never rolling wormillette.
emilie is very sexy
>/gig/ - boycute
they learned alot and improved tof after the launch
t. still plays tof
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sir, your murata
Archon for being claymore I guess
tof is still alive?
Didn't helldiver2 players tried to boycott sony by downvoting the game on steam, and then upvoted it after a tweet from Sony? After that, they found out that sony never intended to cancel their plan for helldivers2. Funnies shit.
yes, you should look up their 4.0 area
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Why is there 0 hype for Bottleland V2? Is it because the previous Bottleland sucked dick and was boring as shit?
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your honor my client did not even touch her and approached her calmly while unarmed it is not her fault that furina screamed tripped and hurt herself
Are they resseting the x2 primo offers this anniversary?
The first straight dendro character
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for the love of god get rid of that fucking chin tattoo it looks like a fucking beard
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Why don't we have a boy kot? Why does Lynette have cat features but Lyney doesn't?
Lmao, in your dreams maybe
I only get hype for lewd bikinis in summer events. This has none, so no reason to get hype. I'll play it for the primos and be done with it by the second or third day.
wanna frot?
Can't wait to see what anniversary rewards we'll get this year from the datamine!
I hope it's another PET!!!!
The aesthetics of a fairy tale playground aren't exactly appealing to me
sis your scaragato?
Yes, just like every other year.
Lol you think hoyo only rely on welkin income? They steal data too
Yeah it looks terrible.
I hope it's tears. Watching Google Classroom get mass downvoted is worth far more to me than a couple of ten-pulls
Anyone have that picture of Navia in her undergarments?
It's Candacebro, you faggot.
They could cup my balls and call me Nancy if they wanted to
seems like perfect world is actually investing into these devs and let them keep going
yeah and, i love getting ads tailored to my taste
Holy shit twittertroons are delusional if they think that looks attractive in any way, shape or form.
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but we are...
>bottleland but with fontaine shitters
ew ugh yuck
honestly sex with xinyan tho
So, you can keep that app on your device using excuses like exhausting their servers while they harvest your data.
>5.0 dendro claymore powercreeps Alhaitham, probably doesn’t powercreep Nahida unless his off field application is on par with hers
>5.0 hydro girl powercreeps Neuv
>5.0 freebie geo explorationcreeps Kazuha/CR/Wanderer, possibly just everyone before 5.0 period depending on drill speed, probably worthless outside of that but for a freebie that’s still broken
>5.1 geo girl powercreeps Zhongli and Kazuha
>Malvuka powercreeps >b and XL
>5.0 artifact sets make sure the above stuff all comes true, arguably makes Furina and elemental damage goblets obsolete as well
>healers fall off without Furina to prop up their usage, especially since there will be two geo shielders so you can just have one on each side of the abyss now
>cryo becomes “viable” at the cost of the only cryo characters worth using being the new ones, probably still terrible compared to actually good element Natlan DPS
>geo remains terrible outside of the new broken support
>EM based teams remain mostly the same
Do I have it right
I was promised delicious Brown babes, where are they?
What is Chiori feeding her?
>how do we make them pull new characters?
>Trust me I got an idea
>*Powercreeps every character for the past 4 years*
>>5.0 hydro girl powercreeps Neuv
Uhm... I doubt it...
>hebes powercreeping ANYONE in this homo game for homosexuals
Bro, your xinyan???
If Kinich powercreeps Alhaitham then Emilie will take away some of Nahida's usage too.
The Tsaritsa did nothing.
that's your Fu Nina after you marry and impregnate her

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