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2v8 drops week edition

>What is Dead By Daylight?
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer (1v4) horror game where one player takes on the role of the Killer and four players take on the role of the survivors. The survivors objective is to repair generators and escape. The killer's objective is to catch the survivors and sacrifice them.

>8.1.0 | Lara Croft
>Tomb Raider Chapter Trailer

>Official website:
>Patch Notes:
>DBD Icon Collabs 2019-2022 Download

Previous Thread: >>485791017
>2 of the fog whisperers are drag trannies
oh gross
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Sex with Wesker.
>chainsaw no longer instantly downs
>exposes survivors near chainsaw sprint
I don't get the utility of this. So Billy has to chainsaw sprint by survivors, missing them on purpose, to Expose them so that his fellow nearby killer can M1 them? Or if the Exposed effect lasts a while, Billy has to chainsaw sprint to a survivor, stop near them, and then M1 them himself? This, while all the other killers are simply buffed to be stronger than normal with no downsides?
>people ask for 2v8 for years
>bhvr fucks it up by only allowing you to have the original killers with pre selected maps
no fun allowed everything must be neutered and "balanced" the only good gamemode was just them randomising perks
fuck billy and fuck you for playing him
>every survivor genrushing on comms
>killers not communicating at all and not getting any kills after 6 gens are done

jesus christ
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>not out until July 25th
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>another survivor sided mode
So far we have in this general:
>Nancy schizo (not seen for a while)
>Zarina schizo
>Susie schizo
>Sissy schizo (severely autistic as well)
>Elodie schizo

Did I miss any more schizos?
wait there are fixed killers? its over
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dino plague schizo
That 2v8 shit looks awful for killers
Where have you been for the last two months anon
Can't wait to see survivors crying about 10-15 minute queues because no sane killer will ever queue up for this shitmode.
>you want slowdown? fuck you
>also instead of needing to do 10 gens, survs need to do 8. fuck you!
>also, no unhook info, FUCK you.
ok so, i guess this is payback for anniversary being ez mode? and don't give me that "it wasn't killer sided" shit, killrates bumped up 5% across the board
I asked this in the previous thread right before it got axed, but should I buy Sadako? Is she really that bad?
they stopped making killeroid sided modes after realizing that nobody wants to play them
>all that shrieking and drama for the equivalent on a 1k during EGC

survivors are annoying
Why the fuck does the hatch mechanic exist in 2v8? What the hell?
Remember, this game can only be “fun” when survivors have the advantage and that’s how it’ll always be
the fuck you mean, axed? go to the previus thread and read the FUCKING replies to your post, RIGHT NOW.

but yes she's fun
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The lass gives me a right proper jolly good rumble for my Richard.
Yes, if you want me to be jiggling the johnson whenever you chase me.
basically you can't commit to more than a 6 second chase or you're getting a 0k
and that's a good thing. if you don't like it then go play civ 5 Jimbo
Yea which is why I roll my eyes when survivors mention anything about skill in dbd when it's all about advantages not skill.
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She's just an m1 killer with map mobility. She has no anti loop.
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it's happening
What about Billy before the overdrive mechanic?
>these gay fuckin trannies on stream talking like fucking faggots
man FUCK this stream. you guys started downloading the update?
non-hex ruin and pop should be basekit for this game mode
I am turning this shit off the second the update's done loading.
smartest killeroid
>the fat white guy is literally the guy doing every generator
I must now impregnate you.
is there dnd stuff in the rift
What are any survivor perk interactions with Hardened? Scene Partner... and...
if both killers stood at different doors, they would never be able to open them.
wait lmao... what the fuck. what an oversight.
much better to play against. Didnt mind him at all
tru is crying because every time he comes up with something to shit on the gamemode it gets debunked 2 seconds later and now he's saying that it's staged
white people have no originality or sense of humor
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>We have fixed an issue where players were unable to equip ‘Slippery’ on Sissy, despite it being available in her Skill Tree
fuck yeah!
#cromagnon power
dbdcels must suffer
Theres three doors
There's 3 gates
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bardic inspiration if you roll a 1
thank fucking christ, im tired of basement wraith/trapper
when do you plan to buy the exit bag
So is KWF a possibility or do killers need to solo queue?
Lara is now the official survivor pairing with The Plague. Jane is... forgotten.
Lara is probably the biggest who fucking cares addition to the game even counting OC survivors like even Mikaela was a new wafiu bait came with a new perk type and came with an OP perk Lara is just there with 3 shit perks no killer and no map
jane is obese
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Good. I hope they kiss a lot.
Killer mains don't have friends
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What do all these red exclamation marks mean? How do I get rid of them?
Do you have graphical evidence of this ship?
do people really play dbd on switch?
shut the fuck up
Post bouncing Elodie
new cosmetics in shop
>all dlc will have it price raised by 1 dollar
>no Legion / Oni blood fest
>no Doc / Dredge locker combo
>no Hag / Trapper trap tactics
>no Billy / Bubba chainsaw crew
>no Demo / Xeno monster mash
>no Sadako / Spirit spooky scares
>no Nemesis / Wesker virus synergy
>no Michael / Ghostface Stalky bois
>2v8 is literally just going to be double nurses
>still no Plague chase theme
They truly couldn't care less about this killer.
there's renthecat, basil and doze
the cannibal and the nightmare doesn't have a chase theme either
Peanits gets fatter every time I see him
Cannibal and Nightmare are licensed ips, they don't really have any control over them but their own original chapter being treated like this is just plain pathetic.
Can't double pick, sadly.
>No Knight/Singularity NOWHERE TO FUCKING HIDE
Who is going to play Knight now?
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the new rift cosmetics are so dogshit like holy fuck they had to try to make them look this bad
and then you get bodyblocked until endurance runs out and instadowned anyway.... cool
Noobs only.
They took away him working with his guards to get hits. They made a heinous bug into a feature because people couldn't be bothered to learn the counter. His phantom stun and re-route bug are still present.

If you see anyone saying this was a buff, kindly ask them to sniff a handful of cyanide.
>new clown skin
don't care still buying
they gave ghost face his own chase theme
The Lara Pros:
-Funny animation on the vaulting perk and a decent perk.
-Funny voice lines (bloody hell!)
-Non-gay British representation

-Two bad perks
-Yet another weird action star made inexplicably helpless
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my cromagnon wife is so stunning it's unreal....
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I'm a relatively new player, bought the game on steam summer sale. As a killer I've mainly been playing Huntress but I bit the bullet and bought some auric cells. I bought Michael Meyers and he's been pretty fun. I have 600 remaining cells and 4600 shards, who should I buy? I think I'd prefer to two 250 cost killers rather than one 500 cost, but I guess it depends.

I'm thinking about Deathslinger, Trickster (assuming he comes back any time soon), and maybe Legion or Knight. Any recommendations? I really, really enjoy Huntress and Meyers is fun too
spend iri shards on any killer you can buy with shards, unless you enjoy wasting your money. it's not hard to come by 4500 shards, and most shard characters will be 2250 during halloween.
anyway, trickster is fun, slinger is fun and feels quite a bit better after some tweaks he just got, legion is easy, but pretty mechanically simple, knight is fucking gutted and i'd wait before buying him. i play trickster myself, he's fucking lethal and he can completely prevent unhooks and shred people with main event, but he's admittedly pretty weak.
>huntress main

fall on a hatch irl
Keep your cells for licensed killers and unlock the other ones with shards. Knight has just been nerfed into the ground, Trickster is killswitched,
Deathslinger is a joke compared to his former self so the only option worth getting is Legion but i am a bit biased because they are one of my favorite killers.
Huh? What? Why?
she's fun especially compared to the other free killers
what the fuck is that censored classic lara skin
did you fags forget how to post images on an image board?
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why is the bonus on killer?
because the game is killer sided
take a shower
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>full face covering mask
fucking hot and cool
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Who is this?
trickster isn't killswitched anymore, but i'm betting the throwrate animation bug is still present as it has been since his """rework"""
I highly doubt this is BHVR's doing it was the license holders who told them not to put Lara's actual outfit I refuse to believe they can go from that Sable Bikini skin and then go "nah nah og lara was too much for the male gaze"
yui, level 1 premium track. also has a deep rift version at level 85.
at least they let us give her glasses and the teal top.

no shorts tho...racist.
it's probably crystal dynamics, they're huge SJWs and their new Lara "redesign" literally looks like a drag queen.
uh why does she have literally no breasts?
Yes just what you want to wear while climbing doing backflips and jumping over far gaps.
Tight pants that require a belt
To be fair, NuLara is helpless
>basekit bt is broken again
Tunneling off hook is back on the menu boys!
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they havent fixed the bug have they
they "fixed" it meaning they probably did fix it but its still in the game somehow so this is just to cover their ass incase someone reads "hey they fixed it" and has a fucking korean induced seizure
Nope kek. They already said they have no idea how it even happens. This is to just cover their asses from any lawsuits.
At this point is going to take 5 min to join the menu with all the fucking slideshows and trailers they keep stacking when launching the game.
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>retro fit
>full pants
>it was the license holders who told them not to put Lara's actual outfit
for comparison this is nuTomb Raider character design
Breasts are sexist
i thought crystal dynamics went out of business after the avengers bombed but maybe im just retarded and confusing them with another company
dude sex was eidos, not crystal dynamics. but both used to be owned by squeenix
what happened to doze
hopefully he's dead
>twitter had a meltdown because they thought sables hair on new skin was dreads
looool. they are still butthurt about the meg skin.
That's not nice
Do I really have to see these ugly exclamation marks all over my character select screen for the rest of the game's life? Yes I'm aware of the cosmetics available for purchase, I have ALWAYS been aware of the cosmetics available for purchase.
lisa b pegged him to death
you WILL buy the drag queen skin for yun jin
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He left after DESTROYING and DISMANTLING the browns here
>ghostface issue all over again
You should have known
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This skin would look so much better if she didnt look like she was ready to take a damn dump
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>yui gets new lobby animation with rift legs
sigh she's so cool and hot and cute...
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dbd femcels don't stand a chance
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speak for yourself
I really love seeing red exclamations over every survivor yes great design
this skin is perfect for stealth players lmao
this is like that punishment from gaki no tsukai's batsu game, where they chain a bunch of shit to the target so the oni can find them easier
when does this come out? (I turned off the stream after I saw a troon)
and thats on groyper
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iron will face
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Even her campfire animation is different
you lost
Why? Its still shit if you are exhausted
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>Get matched with 3 Yui's all wearing the new tier 1 rift fit
>They kept trying to hide 'out of sight' despite the bright ass fucking tails glued to their ass
that shit renders for yards ahead of me and basically removes any attempt to skirt along the map edges hoping they're out of sight but hey yeah go for it dude
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what in the actual fuck did they do to the end game icons?
More unnecessary UI "streamlining" I figure
it only took them 8 years to fix it. Bravo Cote
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>windows of opportunity
>dance with me
I can already see how fucking annoying this shit is gonna be.
small indie company chud
>new character selection UI still sucks
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Dinosaur representation when?
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Fortnite got OG and Golden Curse lara
I've been at work, someone care to give me the TL;DR on the things they've presented? I left while they were talking about Nu-Laura
>BHVR adds filter option to choose how the characters are displayed
>filter doesn't stay applied once you switch off the page

What the fuck is the point then
that's my fetish
you are gonna appreciate the hard working enbies efforts right chud?
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wait, weren't the guards supposed to have separate cooldowns?
why do they all go on cd when I use my power?
yep. is DS stun duration still bugged though or is it ACTUAL 4 seconds across the board on all killers?
I wonder if epic paid more to have the proper old skin
the fuck did they do to trickster why is he stanced up like that
dead perks btw
13/16 survivors have used iron will in my last 4 games, the only three not using them were lara, one of which was trying adept. It's fucking over.
Seperate coolsown was a bug
Thank you for playing dead by daylight
Iron will is fucking back I'm so happy. Fuck killeroids.
>no reward for hitting 200 besides a few pity bloodpoints
?????????? not even a badge?
Spirit mains are shitting and farting again
>play Singularity
>bring the airtank addon
>you're permanently exhausted as I keep tagging you with my pods
that's extra 570k bloodpoints
you should be kissing cote's feet, you ingrate
You're not actually supposed to go for level 200, it's just there to give you an incentive to keep playing after you finish the rift. All battle passes are doing this now.
fortnite has extra skins and shoves the 'deep rift' type recolours into it. atleast they try
is that new perk worth $5?
Honestly I'm just sick of the battle pass shit already. I miss loot crates. I don't care if it was anti consumer. I love gambling.
>survivors aren't coddled, ur delusional
>stop noticing things
jesus christ BHVR, all it takes for you to run your game into the ground is for you to keep listening to Xitter cunts
>croft cosmetics arent all linked
thank god
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Cant believe Puppers ressurected just to play 2v8.
wow bhvr is getting desperate to save the game if they're practicing necromancy now
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they dont know whats gonna hit them
This can't be a coincidence, come the fuck on. Lmao.
maybe it's like a curse and after the first puppers dies another streamer slowly morphs into him and gets ALS
To deal with iron will you gotta bring perks/addons that inflict exhausted or you could try stridor (they changed it to be additive instead of multiplying so it works against iron will apparently)
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yea but it was botched so he's black now
or you could use your eyes and maybe your brain
Shhhh, let them cry.
it's not that hard to mog ugly people (dbd players)
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Ive been gone for 7 months. did they change scratch marks or is this bugged?
>or you could use your eyes and maybe your brain
>yea bro just listen to their footsteps amidst the loud chase music =^)
I said use your eyes you dumb fuck
ok superman just because YOU have xray eyes doesnt mean the rest of us do
>2 million blood points for preordering the casting of frank stone
Fucking bhvr
you don't need x ray to see scratch marks and pools of blood. stupid fuck
>I said use your eyes you dumb fuck
oh yeah, lemme use my eyes when they turn a corner, which leads to 3 separate paths

fuck right off, sound is one of the most important parts of this game, having a perk that just removes is as fucking asinine as you are
And still its gonna flop
seething spirit tranny
yeah, because only spirit relies on sound
not every killer when the survivor enters a high wall tile, certainly not them

you surv mains are so fucking disingenuous and pathetic
wow scratch marks and trackable pools appear when the survivor stands still like behind a bush/corner? how new are you to the game you act like IW isnt a huge deal you're either new or you're stupid pick which one because IW wasnt a meta perk for fucking years because "lol just use eyes dude"
bad and mad.
stupid and ignorant
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that bikini Sable skin is so distracting, I can't stop gooning when chasing and downing them
Idea for 2v8: while there are more than 4 survivors alive, survivors do not see the auras of caged survivors unless they are within 12 metres of them. Makes it so they have to waste a little more time finding them so gen speeds are slightly slower
>first game on
>hard tunneling sadako
>everyone else gets out while I die
>close game
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>200 posts in 2 hours
Goddamn. Guess Big Cote Cock has your all pussies really wet huh? 2v8 is making you all cream over here. Keep spreading your cheeks. The load you’re all waiting for is about to delivered. Incredible.
Watch the intro when you load back up your game. One of the coolest details BHVR has put into the game
>if you finish a gen with specialist without letting go, all other gens you've used specialist on also pop regardless of their progression
cool, guess I'll just play survivor only until they killswitch it next month
i mean
>buffed shit perks
>knight turned out to be pretty okay after all, free fucking hits with long range sniper
>singu is better
>gay ass lara croft in every lobby
>stupid variations of maps nobody asked for, but cool i guess
>new tome instead of having to wait for no reason
i'm okay with it. also trickster is back, fuck yeah.
>200 posts in 2 hours is le good
lol this must be the only general you frequent
It’s good for this general. Which is what’s being talked about. Idiot.
That's a lot of gay text anon.
Simmer down.
Seethe bran
>>knight turned out to be pretty okay after all, free fucking hits with long range sniper
No power in chases. Bugs galore. Insane shared cooldowns, instead of the promised individual Guard cooldown. No working with your guards. 10m minimum distance to summon.

Oh yea, I just love BHVR®!
The Knight was fine in PTB. Why did they change him? He's legit the worst killer now
As much as we all like to bitch, it’s true that any substantial update has us chomping at the bit, guess there’s just that minuscule hope that the game can still do right by us. So yeah give us the BCC
good news everyone, the locker bug is back
expect survivoids holding you hostage by glitching inside with flashlights again
i didn’t even know about this but now im going to exploit so I can swim in your tears and hear more of your inane whining here
Languid touch.
I know but have you seen how he works in game? The meta is just throw out assassin at long range, the 2x banner spawn time and 1.5x hunt time is enough to consistently just get free hits. It's stupid and brainless but it works. Ignore carnifex ignore jailor, they suck dick. It's ALL assassin now.
What are the legal consequences of faking your death?
>everyone thinks the exhaust on bird disturb perk is useless on vecna
>reintroduce iron will
our game isnt p2w because uhhhh Nurse yeah!
>new update drops
>a ton of bugs including previously fixed ones show up
How does this shit even happen I fucking hate these developers so fucking much they’re terrible at balancing the game and they’re fucking dogshit at coding it too
>-Yet another weird action star made inexplicably helpless
Le nerfs
It’s also not nearly as egregious. Most of Lara’s ‘weird action star’ shit comes from her weapons and survival skills, neither of which are especially relevant in a straight up fight like Leon or Chris being H2H gods is, I don’t recall her doing anything overtly impressive in that regard so it’s hardly unbelievable.
i don't think there are any unless you do it for fraud/debt avoidance type reasons.
she’s not she just has a big booty
Oh, so that's every other match my gens go straight from 3 to 0 remaining. Great.
Pregnant women can’t get others pregnant
>tru is crying
What else is new
>make a shovelware peer to peer meme game as a garage project 8 years ago
>oh shit people actually want to play this lmao
>your code base is now doomed for eternity
it's depressing, isn't it.
i laughed at this post. not sure why. thank you.
found his calling in life as an outdoor crab salesman
well now i hope that is the case
i thought lisa was the bottom there…
Holy shit, new killer reveal!!!’

really though what a repulsive creature
>DH Decisive IW UB
we're fucking back except now gen regression has been gutted
>tfw no sexual predator finnish gf
Otz was so lucky and he blew it!
And if you complain as killer they'll just go "tee hee just have fun with it!" but they never laugh at killer exploits.
Also how in the fuck does this company keep having these game breaking bugs? They just went over to a new engine for God's sake
i knew this shit would be the meta
wait until half of them replace UB with OTR because you can't tell if they have it or not anymore. just you wait for it. just you FUCKING wait for it.
Sure but she’s my wife so just keep that in mind
Hey does anyone have that gif edit where it's dbd Doctor in the Doctor Dick musical?
I need it.
The Singularity is overpowered. He must be nerfed.
Let's all welcome Knight as one of the worst killers in the entire game with Twins tier bugs and an awful ability on top of it now too now do you see why they physically cannot do killers that arent just run forward fast/teleport/shitty stealth? Every time they try and do anything different the killer is just broken forever see Twins and Knight
not what that means
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That's an old one
There are more. Well, were more. They’re hopefully dead now
women cant be predators
that's sexist chud
the new yui skin makes my framerate stinky when chasing her
Bless you anon.
I lost almost all of my DBD shitpost materials and I need to try and recover the essentials.
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i got a 4k today
New bug allows survivors to get an extra gen repaired for free. Very cool.
Explain quickly before generators get kill switched
>klileroids already seething abut gentech
so how do we feel about the new knight?
i think he's stronger. 10m patrol path and 3x hunt shit is completely dwarfed by long ranged assassin snipes, which will be the meta either with dried horsemeat for guaranteed hits or map of the realm for easier detection. always call to arms because you need long range paths to get extra duration and banner duration.
of course he's actually even more annoying to play against now since there's even less killer interaction other than having a guard drop on your ass and follow you forever till you get hit but hey, double hits got removed am i right?
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so how do we feel about the new survivor?
no shorts for summer :(
so happy they added an sfm pornstar to the game
After playing so much survivor lately I've come to the conclusion that 90% of you are faggots. The other 10% are people embarrassed by you, newfags that don't know better, and bots
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This toilet is too small for a human being. Look at it compared to Yui.
She's Japanese, she can definitely use that
>Load into lobby
>Hex: Trashy Femboy (Leon)
>Merchant Thwack His PP (Bunny Fung)
>gamesplayer918 (Bill) (Globe)
How fucked is this game
So tell me, how much long till they nerf the ONLY useful Lara perk? Until next killer when her DLC sells go down?
>fakes out assassin with his bug turned feature
>guard never hits
wew, nice meta there
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ngl rushers have never been a big deal for me.
asian sized
Knight seems even worse now
>End game
>Everyone else is healthy
>No NOED or anything
>both doors open
>2 people just leave without trying
What? Try for what, nigga
Same shit as before.

Hes a garbage buggy mess who pubstomps because his counterplay is an obscure knowledge check.
He will still pubstomp but will get worse and worse over time as people learn how Distraction prevents guard hits from ever happening.
He will still be hated because his power is fundamentally anti-chase that stalls one survivor while you ethier wait at the chokepoint which is basically how the actually skilled players played him.
Town watch is now great on him for this reason. Slap on Jailer on a person and jumpscare them while they are too tunnelvisioned on evading the jailer.
knight died so singularity could crawl
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God damnit, that fucking broken Trickster fuck is back again. Keep this broken piece of shit killswitched.
>knowledge check
ah yes, the new dbd community buzzword
already seen it 5 times today
>A basic term is now a buzzword
Man dbd players really dont play games lmao.
Of course not, that's why they think running around a car and exploiting a smaller hitbox is entertaining
it's a fighting game term and the people who use it are very obviously trying to make DBD out to be some incredibly complex and skill-intensive game, same as when people refer to the most basic strategies as "tech". Probably to justify in their mind the fact that they've spent multiple thousands of hours playing virtual tag.
whats broken?
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just got the 2 for 1 gen pop bug
FOV Tech will always be the most retarded one to me. I play spy in tf2 and have a rough idea where a player's screen is based on where his model's head is at, so I try to avoid it. That's not a tech that's just knowing game mechanics, and survivors even have a red stain typically too help them out on finding where to stay away from
No the point of knowledge check is that it isnt skillful at all because it's simply just a surprise quiz on obscure details.
trickster has no counterplay is and is one of the strongest killers in the game
This update is proof BHVR doesn’t playtest their shit
>Epilepsy warning
>Lara trailer doesn't start with a voice line you have to hear every time you open the game
Why the fuck would a survivor bring a Nigsaw Piece
>he unironically says after the travesty that was his rework
pallet town is insanely survivor sided
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i'm sorry cote but 2v8 mode isn't getting me to come back to dbd
#sissy needs me
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cote couldn't pay me enough money to go back to that boring m1 simulator play dough map torturous solo q game
>killer HAS to get a 4k so he slugs while spending the next 4 minutes trying to find me and then complains in chat
Utterly pathetic. If its adept or tom i get that but otherwise i hope everyone who does this gets their hands crushed.
>or tom
>Sable got another sexy stripper outfit
man they really know what I want
I meant tome challenges.
Adept really should be a 3k. The amount of times I've had to slug for it and piss people off to get it is stupid
>not abolishegirls
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poor dbdcel can't stand the sight of a tcm stacy
Elizabeth from Bioshock in dbd fucking when?
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The secret survivor.
why are screams so fucking LOUD lara is deafening loud even at 25%
Instead of samefagging you should get back on the killing yourself plan
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hens: just got banned on twitter for telling a stupid nigger to stop speaking ebonics and start speaking english. i legit have no clue what these niggers are saying in some of these posts.
tcoco:get da fuk outta here wit dat raycis ass bullshit cuh.
Mask bros we are eating good tonight
Just like they fixed the knight bug by making it official. Now Trickster killing epileptics is a feature with a warning telling weak people to stay away (based BHVR)
If he didn't have a rift skin he'd have been left disabled for 6 months...
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>no cap on my moma cuh we be sliding and shiet frfr
>servers down
it's otzver
Give me a killer build and a song to listen to while I use it
Trickster too powerful for BHVR servers
no perks, spiderman 2 pizza song
Since the servers died, I'll meet everyone here in Outlast trials for the new childbirth themed update. It's all about psychotic regressive schizos so you'll fit right in.
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would you go to sissy if she told you "don't be afraid. i'm here to help you"
laura scream makes my cock hard
I like how it feels like every new voice actor is trying to outdo the last one with their screaming
Fire up rework: increases the speeds of actions that it currently does, but the way it works instead is that every time a gen is finished those actions are sped up by 50% for 60 seconds
>Fire Up is still the ONLY perk that affects pickup speed
what did Cote mean by this
>load into lobby
>4 high prestige ada's with flashlights
Mad Grit Nemesis with Get Back - Ludacris.
Exactly. They removed any nuance to his power, and added even more AI undodgeable attacks, which was what they were supposedly trying to avoid with the removal of pincer attacks and instadrops.
Now you just run Surveillance or Discordance and get free hits every successful Assassin snipe.

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>weekly charm bundle is Mikaela
>one of them is a coffee cup
it's like they're taunting me, they know I want Barista Mikaela
I simply cannot get over how they absolutely butchered the Knight, and everyone is cheering.
Fuck this community and fuck you too.
Fuck me as well.

you win some you lose some
It could be worse, it could be Skull Merchant and them literally just admitting she's fundamentally broken and they don't know what to do with her
cry more kid
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>Load into match as Lara
>"Right, time to find an exit"
Well done 47
Join the club, You're experiencing what C tier killer mains have been through for YEARS mate.
The ultimate survivor. No matter how much you hurt him, he cannot die, and he has determination rivaling Donald Duck's so he will always get all 5 gens done.
>gets caught in a trap
didnt they have an asym?
knight is boring as fuck anyway, why they added a zoning killer I'll never understand

I dont even play survivor but I played 1 game of knight and really scratched my head why they ever added such a lame design
Because he could do everything, kinda
Finding survs, area denial, anti-loop, gen defense, chase potential.
And he was fun to play, simple as
Just remembered when you could old dead hard over Doctor's shock
No Way Out, Blood Warden, Remember Me, NOED Deathslinger - Main Theme of Pale Rider
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the killer better have sunglasses too
weskerbros...our time has come...
nope it's a Demogordon, he doesn't even have eyes
why does Lara screaming sound like that girl who was killed in the background of that Ohio Players song
They killed the girl in the booth to get authentic sounds from her.
>Finish repairing 1 generator
>Vault 1 window as Yui
man these challenges are impossible
>chase two different survivors
impossible for most killeroids
What did Behaviour mean by this?
It means you should suck Meg's cock you faggot
I haven't played this game in at least 2 years. I just saw a video about 2v8. How the fuck are killers ever supposed to win in that mode?
It simple... we kill the survivors
I have no idea what you’re talking about idiot
weird request but ok?
>do gen
>2 pop
what the happ is fuckening
That’s… a lot of female video characters.
Would be cool
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>there's still basement camping Bubboids
unless they add some sort of super invincibility for survivors even better than endurance hits there's no reason for them not to
lore accurate pinhead
Pinhead Larry never actually touches anyone though
New basekit mechanic
>Half the hook drain progress if the killer is within 36 meters
>Quarter drain progress if within 18m
Yeah that whole map is ass regardless of the role honestly
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Need me this Cowgirl Rebecca, getting tired of the other one
Hawkins has had to be the ugliest most boring map bar none
Loving this game is like having a Stockholm syndrome
>Absolutely love the game, maps, characters of killers & survivors, gameplay all of it
>Perks are super interesting and for once it's a game where not everyone has to focus violence and instead use gimmicks to escape
>Community is utter dogshit, while it is fun to read some 15 year old femoid with weird Myers obsession all over her profile telling you "not to tunnel" when you win the game and didn't play by their rules, it really gives you an idea on how weird and disconnected the community really is
>Speaking of community, it's filled with LGBT freaks and r*ssians but there are still occasional cool people playing
>Good new perks are locked behind a paywall
>Bhvr does fake discounts
>After 8 years has the game started receiving any sort of game modes and actual settings
I hate bhvr but I really love this game

Fuck knight
>scotts back on dbd
nice. now I can finally know what opinions to mindlessly regurgitate on reddit
>stream snipe ttv (as is tradition)
>3 of them are in comms and they want to get the 4th random out no matter the cost
>they're not the best, kill them all and give the 4th hatch
>they are really happy that they managed to save her
feels good
Me but with macmillan estate
That's Reverse Cowgirl Rebecca
I am currently PLAP PLAP PLAPing her rn
So why does off the record need to exist again? Endurance for a whole 60 seconds after being unhooked is not only completely unnecessary but it opens the door for people to use an anti-tunnel perk as a weapon against a non-tunneling killer
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I'm a P100 cowgirl Rebecca and demand this skin
how does 60 seconds after being UNHOOKED help versus a non tunneling killer you ape
it exists so survivors feel comfortable body blocking then cry when i tunnel them out after hitting them instead of ignoring them as it states i should in the survivor handbook
How is it possible for a woman to be so sex
The force with which I’d ejaculate inside of her cannot be done justice in words
Have you never played against people that use the endurance to bodyblock you, mr. Baby Mmr?
Weird ass glitch
I just run to the opposite side of the map as soon as I hook someone so my make your choice procs
>How is it possible for a woman to be so sex
literally me when I see Sable
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My ass is itchy so I'm gonna wipe my asshole even though I pooped 3 hours ago and already wiped it back then. Also I'm obese and slowly leak poop oil throughout the day.
Chara for this feel?
any female survivor
>I'm obese and slowly leak poop oil throughout the day.
least obvious amerishart poster
They removed all skill expression from the Singularity.
Man that’s cool. Awesome stuff
reading through the passives theyre giving the killers, i dont even hate the idea of no perks, they have generally good ideas in that direction with the trapper and wraith passives. now dont be a pack of stupid niggers and make it so you only have 4 fucking killers. While i want licensed killers you should at least throw in all of the og f2p killers legion clown hag etc.

dont you fucking faggots wait like a year to add these things they should be up and ready within the first damn month. it actually looks FUN.
>My ass is itchy so I'm gonna wipe my asshole even though I pooped 3 hours ago and already wiped it back then.
Yeah that’s annoying. It’s like you have to dig the tissue into your asshole to really get everything
>Also I'm obese and slowly leak poop oil throughout the day.
What does this look like? I think I might do it too.
Buy a bidet.
Gentlemen, I formally announce that I got gud.
as a survivor, there is no coming back from this.
how many traps did you get
0. M1 only.
So what's the point of removing Billy's instadown chainsaw in 2v8? Sounds like shit.
survivors did not like it in testing, so we removed it to improve their experience :)
Just had 4 solo queue games
>Deathslinger, match result: 4k
>Trapper, match result: 4k
>Pig, match result: 3k, 1 hatch
>Wraith, match result: 4k
But I thought the game was surv sided
>running an obvious rancor/game afoot build
>get hooked the first time
>unhooked in his face
>tunneled IMMEDIATELY off hook
>run him for 4 gens and predrop shack
>stand inside behind the gen teabagging for 20 seconds
>finally vaults and I go down again as the doors get opened
>get out and get to teabag in his face because he missed
el oh el
what else did you dream about?
you, mainly
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>Lara cinematic
>She's wasting her flashlight looking at nothing while Dwight gets hooked
They really nail the feel of the average match in this one, almost as good as the Nicolas Cage one
>last tome's main characters were Zarina and Artist
>They got two ugly ass skins and Trapper and Doctor got the main two skins
How does that make sense... Yui and Spirit get the first and last skin and they actually put effort into designing them
I don't know but I was confused when I opened this one and saw there were 26 pages

How did it take them this long to realize a lot of rift fragments end up wasted
This holiday season, it wasn't programmed to harm the poor.
Good morning saars ¡
Spirit mains win again... IT'S NOT FAIR!
Is 2v8 a permanent mode? I dropped this shit ages ago but this mode sounds fun. If its temporary i dont care
You need to have sex with me before I can tell you.
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Temporary mode with later plans to make it permanent after gathering player feedback from trial period.
Thanks, i just unwatched this thread and closed it after writing this ofc
This survivor queue is fucking nuts.
Why would you watch a thread when you could just google it
holy shit is this the worst patch since twins? This game is legit fucking unplayable
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Now I understand why vinylfags are so smug. If you aren’t listening to music on a turntable, can you really say you’re listening to music at all?
i think those are cool but they’re kind of expensive
>she didn't get downed in the basement while using sable's perk
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>destroy everyone easily, 6 hooks at 4 gens
>one kate is really good at looping, duel her in shack for the next 10 minutes until i get 8 hooks
>let everyone stay and kate wants to get hooked
>refuse and let her go
>we all part away with 32k bloodpoints each * 5 cakes

You love to see it.
was it too much work to give her two gun holsters for her ""retro"" outfit?
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>play Oni
>listen to this on loop
>4k every time
simple as
I just like collecting them because it reminds me of my youth, dancing with my Dad to his own collection.
Post her
alright, you won


welcome to my permanent filter
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I did it again. 4k with M1 only perkless Trapper.
Naturally, the survivor that brought the map DC'd.
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>200 tiers of rift
>play singularity
>things going normally, first person dead at 3 gens
>suddenly things slow down massively because everyone starts hiding and trying to avoid chases as much as possible and only doing gens when I’m on the opposite side of the map and the gen pod is EMP’d
>start getting impatient because the match is slow and boring and dragging on
>once I catch one of them I immediately begin proxying and tunneling to speed it up
>immediate complaining in chat
You survivors are so pathetic
'slinger is the only killer that deserves respect
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t. tunneled the first nigger at 5 gens failed so hard they only died at 3 gens
die bran
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>disappeared off the face of the Earth
>STILL kwabs every DBD content creator in 2024
How does/did he do it?
Nope, that’s just how slow they were. Even when spreading the hook love equally someone died at 3 gens cause they were immersed gamers
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CDs are cheaper, just as collectible, and have a comparable sound quality.to vinyl.

Hipster faggot
wish we could get jack from final fantasy in here
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Bratty Neas make people horny
tcm was a cesspool with danny and no good counter play, hands is a gift from god.

As soon as they fixed bullshit like stunlocking Bubba and Slaughterhouse valve tank placement they drop Danny with fast hands which goes unchecked for MONTHS. Family finally gets something decent and everybody is up in arms.

I fucking have victimoids
Yeeeeeeup, aheheheh. I'll tell ya what pardner, you got it damn straightened out. Hands is a gift from god you can drink wit em, you can play hokey with em' *I blush and tip my cowboy hat more over my eyes* know what else ya could do with em pardner? You could use em to help yonder and reach over for a kiss.. *my hands wrap around the back of your head as i give you a mega size smoochie*
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This giggling retard WILL chase survivors across the map for you and all he needs is just some horse meat and a sharpened standard.
While true, fuck me I wish he wasn't so damn bad
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Could you please not say the R word?
Is he truly that bad?
He looked fun because he was the only guy with a gun
most victimoids are former survivor mains that use the same rhetoric
and chop top is going to be a gift from odin himself
Is anyone else getting maps with eight generator spawns?
This is true hands are really good for a variety of things like holding objects and all kinds of other stuff, truly a testament of the perfection of God's designs, tcm is still a dead pile of garbage tho
>tcm is still a dead pile of garbage tho
still better than dbd
>eating poop is better than drinking piss
Umh... OK?
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space jockey if he Xeno from the Disney leak
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>behavior caved in to complaints about megs dreads
I fucking hate people so much.
Yute pippo be stealing dem dredd n sheeet nigguh
imo ink_him charismamogs this nigcel to suicide
>ion know this ain’t find waldo bitch ahhhh nigga uknowhatimsayin nigguh i ain’t even know where that yt boi leland is no cap
tcoco:id be wearing the freshest jordan’s and dunks ong frfr
ink_him:they gon beat yo ass in the hood for wearing nike
tcoco:shieet nigga they gon kno bout me am tcoco remember that name nigguh
ink_him: nigga ion even give a fuck about yo bitch ass i’m chasin da bag and da hoes
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never gonna crawl back to tcm because i don't want to play against its pic related truecel players
He isn't mexican or black enough to properly represent the average tcm player
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Give Zarina the hatch or i'll break your legs
They need to killswitch that fucking Yui tome skin, that shit lowers your framerate by 15 whenever it's onscreen during a trial. And that's with just one Yui, can't imagine how much worse it'll get with multiple of them.
fine by me. dreads are an awful hair style
this is what an average dbd player looks like
survivors need all the help in this killeroid sided game
I would rather marry and impregnate Nea
what meg dregs?
Read my post again and point out the part where I asked
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It says so right there.
Lies, stop it. Stop that right now!
they complained about cosmetic from 2019 in the current year?
Bubba is the only well designed killer in the game.
he's the perfect killer for braindead fucks like you
It was cultural appropriation.
>survivors literally get one gen completed for free now if one of them has died before the last gen is completed
>if a gen pops, another one will simultaneously pop as well - this is how the bug works

>killer and survivors randomly t-posing in the lobby and ingame on the latest patch

>Yui's foxtails obscuring half of the screen whenever she's being carried while also cutting down the fps of any killer

>new menu looking and controlling godawful

>Knight has been rendered borderline unplayable

This patch is a fucking catastrophe.
Coming back to this game from a 2 year break, why the fuck is it so hard to escape now, killers just 3k at least every game I don’t even know what perks to run anymore
yeah he's the best killer in tcm the game
console survivors make things very difficult
This says a lot about the game when nobody wants to play him
i dunno my teammates always enjoy playing bubba instead of hands
has anyone else gotten the wesker bug? where he just turns you into a fucking pretzel for the remainder of the match
i mean they literally had to remove him as a requirement because nobody wanted to play him
dbd is an incel game
Buy an ad, tranny.
Too late, she will balanced landing on my dick and no amount of urban evasion skills will allow her eggs to escape fertilization.
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is her perks worth it?
that's joe merrick the pokemon shill, he doesn't play dbd
perfectly explains why you have 8k+ hours on it then
It’s the most killer sided this game has ever been but because killeroids lose 1 out of 24 matches they instantly go to reddit to cry about it
Hex: Devour Hole
I just won all my solo queue matches. maybe try playing better
is are her perk do be worth it tho?
Wake me up when 2v8 comes out, I'm bored of this shit game.
Yep I’m sure you did little buddy well done
wake up
Your fried chicken rations have been revoked for today.
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I'll need your home address, or at least a phone number to try and wake you up
I played Wesker for a few hours yesterday just because when you M2 someone they turn into a flying go kart
Even when they're downed they assume the flying go kart position
maybe it's a regional thing. I know how bad survivors are in yours
I’m what ever region you’re from then
prove it
We have guys posting 4ks with M1 only perkless Trapper ITT
That is 100x more skilled than anything a survivor can do.
Maybe only escaping from an exit gate (hatch doesnt count) while using No Mither + Object of Obsession only while wearing neon clothes would be the approximate equivalent.
>it plays a special sound alert when your hand gun aims onto a slipstreamed survivor + crosshair
These two changes honestly make singularity feel so much better, it was annoying as hell before when you thought it was aimed on a survivor and then then you shoot a pod on a wall by accident
if youre able to 4k with perkless m1 only trapper doesnt it prove killer is retarded strong at the moment?
half the survivors are retarded. the other half are focused on rift challenges and don't care about escaping
No it's balans ))) at 60% killrate at all MMRs according to the developers :)
4king as M1 only perkless Trapper automatically makes BHVR send you a girl to your house dressed as Meg to suck your dick
at least my wallet doesnt belong to cote anymore
time is worth more than money, besides it clearly does still belong to him since you crawled back to buy a shit killer like chucky
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Who did you main back when you played DbD?
wtf is this real?
anyone wanna hang out? im in michigan i don't mind driving a few hours maybe we could go back to my studio apartment and watch a horror movie
Which DbD character most resembles you?
Buff Sadako please this killer is so terrible I don’t know how long I can force myself to play her but I love her so much
killer: trickster
survivor: yoichi
I don't speak to 5'11 guys

I don't speak to oriental guys
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We can go out if you have a minimum of two commas in your bank account
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You won one game as survivor vs a baby killer? You must be very skilled. Here's your next opponent. Enjoy!
alright time to continue my solo streak. hopefully I don't fall asleep from how easy it is
>tome reward BP now stacks past cap
Let's fucking go
Ive noticed i dont get emotional about this game when I stop caring about who escapes. I just like seeing the BP numbers go up and levelling up my killers
Two can play should be buffed to 2.5 seconds.
Why are survivors so whiny and pathetic?
Niggers shouldn't start that train of thought if they want to keep posting on the internet
most of them are women and '"women"
Then how come when I play Wesker and tell them to stand still so I can WSWS them from behind while spam clicking M2, they enjoy it?
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Post deep rift version please. Google images failed me.
most people can't accept losing it seems
>went from 5 gens to 3 and then another popped within seconds
Sorry anon, we're all too busy changing the UI to look into gameplay bugs atm! XD
Shall be putting my willy in your bollocks swear on me nan right proper innit
If you run Deadlock, it stops the multi gen pop glitch and locks however many gens were going to pop
So if it were to be two more gens going to pop from 0%, now they are Deadlocked for 25 seconds at 0%
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>solo queue is le impossible

Im on a 10 win streak right now

im actually livid i have lost 2 games today because of it, i dont understand how a dev team can release buggy broken chapters this consistently for almost 9 years
>Knight has been rendered borderline unplayable
Literally just long range assassin and you get guaranteed hits.
Quebecois are just built different.
They are beyond understanding.
>gentech bad because i have no skills but still want free 4ks
go play a single player game chudller
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bro used 3 perks to get a bnp
All that progress….to be undone by pain res
How many killeroids are going to kill themselves after they get 8 outed?
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this counts as a 3 man escape since we had the door 99'd and they fed the cuntress camping her 1k

hopefully all of them
>new Singularity skin
>its a better reskin of a shop skin
HELL yeah
I have a question, was the idea of adding a fifth perk and third add-on slots was ever discussed amongst the devs?
my uncle works at Nintendo, he said they are actually more dedicated to creating a dating game mode
Why don’t (((((comp))))) players use rulesets that involve banning perks addons items and offerings? It would set an even playing field for everyone and focus on chase skill + strategy over being carried by perks, no?
>inb4 muh anti-tunnel
Just ban it lmao you’re already using made-up rules
they do though? wtf are you on
>(((Comp))) dbd
You mean the proxy camp the hook at 5 gens simulator? Or the "if its a stealth killer everyone camps the pallet untill someone finds him". Are survivors even allowed comms or do they rely on game sense?
silly beckers, your chest is too small for you to be a titcow
No but comp dbd is such a fucking meme. Its clear devs dont want the game to go into that direction but they constantly cry to be taken "seriously".
uh oh cvcksissies we’ve been exposed…
>hide while the killer slugs to deny them a hook kill
>whine about it
Nigga, you chose to waste your time.
it's the players who cry and want comp dbd, not devs
Looks… weird… not really what I expected
Yes but it’s about the message
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"Listen, you gotta understand, this 'Jews' thing, it's like... the stuff of nightmares. I've heard whispers about them, snippets of their plans. They're obsessed with ending this game, and they're ready to do whatever it takes.

Think about it - they're a secret society, shrouded in darkness. They move in the shadows, manipulating the game itself. And they're all about chaos, disruption, pushing the boundaries of what's considered acceptable in this twisted world.

I've seen what they're capable of, the kind of destruction they're willing to unleash. Their methods are terrifying, even for someone like me. They're not just trying to dismantle the game, they're trying to dismantle our very reality.

They're a threat to everyone, and if you ever come across them... well, let's just say, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes. Best you stay away from them."

Meg's voice tightens, a nervous tremor creeping into her words as she looks at the ground. A chilling silence follows, broken only by the echoing whirring of the generator. "They're the real monsters in this game, you know?" Meg says quietly, her eyes wide with fear.
>have a comparable sound quality.to vinyl.
Not him but it depends. If we’re talking garbage tier Crosleys and suitcase players then absolutely. But as soon as you start reaching the decent tables the quality is leagues different and immediately noticeable, never mind the high end ones. If you’re not big on audio stuff though CDs are still viable
Remember when people were complaining about Friends Till The End for...some reason? It really is fascinating how some perks get bitched about for weeks and then all discussion just drops off some perks are complained about till they get nerfed but most get complained about then all of a sudden everyone just stops its areally fucking odd thing that happens with this game and friends till the end wasnt the first
I have a HD800s with a Topping D90/A90 stack and it blows every speaker and headphone (really every headphone, nothing surpasses it) setup below $15k out of the water in terms of imaging and soundstage.
Iron Will being buffed to 100% is only a minor inconvienience for me when I play killer since I can hear footsteps so precisely, to the point where I know which survivor it is based off the footstep sounds.
Good vinyls do have the sleeve artwork however. I'm sure CDs have an equivalent but something like the booklet you get with the Giles Corey vinyl in addition to the internal art is really nice.
Retard, no headphone stuck to your head has better soundstage than proper speakers
You did see me mention $15k, right?
My buddy has a $30k 12.1 surround system in his theater which is noticeably better. But below the $15k price range, really nothing can compare.
You also need to account for the room acoustics where the speakers are.
NTA, but have you considered fung shui in the room? It affects room acoustics too.
as soon as they fixed bullshit like stunlocking bubba and slaughterhouse valve tank placement they drop danny with fast hands which goes unchecked for months. family finally gets something decent and former survivor maincels/victim mains are up in arms.
recycled post
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>played TF2 with a buddy for a while the other day
>keep aiming for the head on reflex as Deathslinger now and missing my shots
How is it these days? Are bots actually gone?
Should've been playing demoman
What's the purpose of this video. Like, what is it even for? It's just them running around with random filler shots.
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birdcel cope
i don't even have a reddit account
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>What's the purpose of this video.
mogging and validation.
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Just found a picture of Sissy's husband/brother
No where did I mention Reddit retard you literally made this exact same post last thread
he's severely autistic and has been regurgitating the same posts for quite a few months, he gets no (you)s most of the time so he resorts to reply to himself and play pretend, really sad stuff desu
my bog triad cowmangum husbando....
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>bog triad
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cromagnon women have strong bones in general because they generally reflect better airways.
Made for Big Neurotypical Cock
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she would never even glance in your direction
Friends til the End is still my favorite perk to run on most killers, but it's not the strongest in the game. It does provide decent pressure if you're getting body blocked by the obsession.
I'm 6'4, 220lbs of mostly muscle and I have a handsome face to top it off. She would be way more into me than she would be you.
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>I'm 6'4, 220lbs of mostly muscle and I have a handsome face to top it off. She would be way more into me than she would be you.
Thank god.
Me after Sissy headbutts me in the chin
lara croft is the hottest survivor they've added yet and she actually looks like a woman. really glad they didn't botch this one and i will be buying all the outfits in hopes they continue to not make hideous shemales
I saw one cheater but no bots, I was legit pleasantly surprised how much better it was, I asked around with some of the other players and they hadn't seen one either
Probably, love Demo, second most played class after Spy
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But we already have enough cute futanari in DbD?
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i have more smv than this whole general combined. also sissy still loves me and accepts me for who i am. i am not a relatively good person but I’m not a bad person either.
birdcel cope
you just cant handle sissy mogging your existence to shreds
Any builds that include either iron will or distortion? Just to be a lore accurate Ada.

I hate that they made Xeno to be a boringer ver. of nemesis/demo hybrid instead of having a genuinely cool new ability. Same with the map just being a fucking trash yard instead of a cool space station. Such a waste of a good license.
She is into women so not rlly
ok well i'm also female
Sissy tranny sisters... we are getting double cucked... wtf... it's over...
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good bye dbd
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it still shows up so you pussied out of it just like you pussied out of killing yourself
wtf is up with the difference in difficulty on these challenges for tomes? it's like the devs go out of their way to shit on killer mains.

survivor challenges:
>complete a generator in one match
>heal one health state
>unhook someone

killer challenges:
>have a chase last no longer than 60 seconds
>get 8 hooks in a single match
>close the hatch while the last survivor remaining is injured and broken
Killer is easier
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biden: we beat medicare.
tru3mp: i agree! he’s beaten it to death.
only when survivors are bad.
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Would you let (her) in?
That only works if survivors don't take the guards through windows. Looping them like normal completely fucks the AI so Knight is just basically a noobstomper killer and nothing more now.
god I wish she would sit on me...
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sissy is a perfect trad wife...
>play such a gigachad build that the survivoids just give up out of respect.
My trans cowabunga magnus wife keeps my boipussi full of her hot poz loads
#AIDS #PoolsClosed
Trans triad gang gang rules
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>a beautiful dark triad woman who smells good and cooks human meat well
sissy also earns money for me ngl.
#dark triad couple #mirin her wide palate son
I thought you had a job bran. Does your boss know you spam this general on company time?
It's not bran he's too busy wasting money on shitty overpriced vinyls, it's the designated gun media pajeet shill
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She'd crush you.
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who the fuck is bran?
some grown man who is sexually attracted to cartoon ponies
i wish i was indian. ngl being french ruined me...
I know hoarder wasn't the best perk out there but i still liked it. Now I can't even run it without risking it being a straight up detriment to me because of specialist now.
Frogs may be gay and do gross shit like eating snails and bread with piss, worship nig nogs and just voted for more nig niggs but at least they don't bathe in poop and worship cows while scamming grandmas
>Mikaela gets knocked down
>picked up
>Starstruck activates
>Meg and Fung get knocked down trying and failing to flashlight save
>Fung disconnects
>Mikaela kills herself because this was the result of 1 chase and there isn’t even a gen done yet
How can people do so aggressively uncoordinated
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i'd be fucking a cromagnid stacy by now if i was an indian man
>and just voted for more nig niggs
Only about 25% of total voters voted for the Left during last elections and a large amount of those votes were from second/third generation immigrants.
indian men live life on god mode
>i wish i was indian
good meme, got a chuckle out of me
That's some kind of spic
medniggers just can't lose
Wasn't it 32.6%? anyway they got the most votes and it's only going to get worse once the fourth and fifth gen set in and the replacement continues
>play yui with the new skin
>juice every killer
it's that easy
>open game
>juice myself to Succubus Sable
it's that easy
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Pretty much the only build you can use to win consistently with the new Knight
>Discordance gen lights up
>send a jailer (specifically jailer) there
>walk there while stealthed thanks to the torch add-on
>get a free hit on the other survivor while denying the hunted one banner and potentially get another hit that way
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Here she comes.
The return on the dino babe is probably the only good thing that happened in the dbdgassg this+last year
No, have mercy on my pelvis! Also she would roughly weigh 500 pounds based on her height and anatomy, very kino.
why do they list removing billys instadown as a positive for him
I get David Vittorio and Yui animals but wtf is up with clown and monke
what? are they nerfing him again?
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don't you call me crazy!
Clowns are silly
monkeys are silly

makes sense to me
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Give her a smooch.
This community is so fucked in the head its insane. People will fucking give up at 5 gens versus motherfucking freddy or dredge but will play out a nurse or blight game.
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>be me
>come back from 7 month break
>/dbdg/ tells me solo queue is impossible
two of them rely on passives to do the work for them the other two are pure skill based
i hate the squidward design, bring back original giant slug elephant man design
Just found out Freddy's TP always has the default outfit equipped so wearing the prestige outfit gives you a disadvantage.
A mid nurse is an easy win.
A bad freddy is an uphill struggle.
Nurse and Blight are high skill ceiling so if you get a bad one it's a free win as long as one survivor is good at looping.

Freddy and Dredge are total slogs and if someone dies while we're at 4-5 gens I either DC or suicide on hook.
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this shouldn't be possible.....
Specialist is such a shitty perk
Instead it should give you 10 charges after opening a chest. And you can't stack it, but you can use it again after you the charges on a gen. And rummaging doesn't count
Pig is strong im tired of pretending shes not…
It shouldn't even be a hex
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>Live cam of every pig player rn
im at 30 solo queue wins now
>Lara gets hooked
Lara so cute
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[spoilers that last reply though kek /endspoilers]
Starstruck + Make Your Choice is so fun as Wraith like two gens pop in the first chase and after that it's just 6 second long chases back to back kek
no one cares
You were not supposed to point that out...
Just play Ghostface.
You weren't supposed to harm the crew...
>Chucky with 10 sec cooldown
>But we only had to complete 4 gens because of the bug
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>Due to a bug generators have been disabled
>Generator bug
You are just kidding right?
If you get tunneled out then watch your teammates and leave as soon as you see that they're gonna complete the gen. This will proc the bug and the killeroid will get shit on for tunneling
Nyo, too stinky.
Well I sure hope they haven't decided you can now randomly have an additional generator activate upon completion of a different one.
This game was never meant to last this long. It's going to collapse under it's own weight at this point
For 2v8 billy won't be allowed to instadown survivers.
However he can mark them as exposed so his ally can insta down then(?)
He's up there with Trapper for the most fucked, considering everyone else got big buffs to function in the game mode.
>obvious bug
>i hope it isn't intentional
You doomer posters are fucking retards.
wow they really don't want this mode to be fun do they?
Well, not fun for killers.
The steamer examples during the reveal were comically bad and show that there is no answer for Gen rushing
no fun allowed
2 weeks then it's gone forever
I hope best girl Lara gets more cosmetics over time, I want some of her outfits from Rise.
>lobby with Yui
That post reads more like sarcasm.
>down someone as clown
>hump then for a minute or two
>finish by throwing a white bottle on them
I chuckle
I swear the only reason the UI changes is so they can have tax write offs for hiring 4000s UI designers even though the game barely changes like why the fuck did they decide "yes the end game icons didnt have an ugly thick outline over them we need to get on that pronto"
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the streak continues
>white bottle
Anon turn down your brightness.
Escape streaks are incredibly easy rn because of the bug kek. It's either hook everyone twice before the first death or lose
i never had that bugg . I'm at 35 wins now
>Never had that bug
I've played 8 matches today and it happened in 3 of them
the gen bug is fun and interactive and has plenty of counterplay why are killers so mad?
never had the bugg so my winstreak stands
>no fucking line at the start of laras trailer so you wont hear POOR or HOW MANY PAGES or THIS HOLIDAY SEASON x400
the only good part of this update
It wasn't programmed to harm the crew...
I understand that they will never ever touch freddy in any meaningful way because of licensing autism, but why in the name of god do killers like singularity and knight get overhauls before dredge? that pile of shit has been one of the worst killers in the game for so long now
1. I’m not bran (what the fuck is wrong with you)
2. They were very reasonably priced all thing considered
so true trans rights are my rights #transgender lives matter
sissycuckold doesn’t say retarded cuck shit for 5 seconds (impossible)
>Another killeroid caught trying to cheat by frying their retinas out
Wow. I’m shocked.
Don’t care but nice pic
Why would he play a black
I don’t know what a tax write off is (I don’t pay taxes where I live). Funny post though
>dredge is a slog
you do 5 gens you lock one locker if theres theres multiple together and I lost you survivor mains only find it fun if all they have to think about is holding m1 on a gen and whether or not they can just run mindlessly around a block of wood and then drop it
How many poor pages this holiday season…
nta but I thought you were Bran too.
You post in a very Branish manner.
Sorry for your loss.
I disagree but ok
but you could just zoom by a gen with 3 survs on it and expose all of them at once and get 2 or 3 quick cages with just the smallest amount of cooperation from your killer friend. it's gonna be great for early game blitzes and i think in practice it's gonna be better than it looks on paper
Is Furtive Chase + Friends Till The End a good combo? I saw a few videos on it and it looks like a decently strong build without running multiple slowdown perks cuz that’s just boring
yes, i told you this a few threads ago
I wasn’t here a few weeks ago
It’s fun but it’s inconsistent, and the value you’re getting from those two perk slots isn’t super huge. If you’re using both it’d probably be best to double down on the obsession stuff and make a full build around it I.E. adding game afoot + nemesis/rancor
Sex with the person below me…
I swear I haven't had a single game today without one extremely retarded teammate
Very Bran thing to say
I feel like most men are bisexual
You’re very mistaken
*fucks you*
*impregnates you*
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Not even gods chosen could break this 3-gen
The moment a huntress hatch hits me from 4 meters away it's a DC
No I am sure Bran has used those exact letters at some point anon, no escaping it.
id let that jane go just for the name, I think that meme is funny
i heckin love it when the gates open because two people suicided on hook and the 3rd gen got completed
>*three gens pop at once*
Who came up with the idea of the 2v8 mode having no gen regression? Absolute retards.
the moment a huntress hatchet hits me its a dc
The moment I hear huntress' lullaby it's a dc
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No kissykissy then?
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>2v8 has no perks for killers at all but survivors still get "perks" in the form of classes
>Billy has no instadown for some reason
>No way to slow down / stall / regress gens
Wow sounds like fun
you make a compelling argument
The moment I get in a game I dc
2v8 in its current form is going to be a disaster. Killers are in for a really rough time.
Killers get their own perks like wraith shared undetectable and huntress wallhacks
do dbdcels really deserve this suffering? ngl im glad sissy saved me from cote.
>Survivors leaving the game causes a generator to be completed

Legitimately how the fuck does BHVR fuck up this bad.
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>tfw you will never get to use her tail as a lovehandle while attempting to penetrate her impossibly large and thick posterior
>tfw you will never get to turn her plump belly into a makeshift canvas for your seed
>tfw you will never get to shove your junk into the gap between her underbreast and belly
>tfw you will never get to lay down on her belly and shove your junk into the folds making up her navel
Life is truly cruel.
Hope he got some videos of it at least.
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>filter '#, cromagnon, dbdcel, dino, ..., sissy, sissies'
>thread size gets cut by 40%
>quality goes up 10x
Should have done this much sooner
damn what an ugly ass incel factory
Hot. Brazilian shemale survivor when?
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>the troon fears the dino
>use plot twist
>retarded teammates come to me and ruin it
Make the perk hide your aura from survivors PLEASE im so sick of this shit
Why don't you suck Nea's dick while >>486547565 watches?
Maybe don't tunnel someone next time
>killer drops chase and goes back to hook make sure the guy almost close to being sacrificed dies
holy sweat
Should've traded.
sorry birdcel but i only fuck and date aryan/faelid women
based and blackpilled
nina was probably constantly cheating on him with ink_him and chadta1ent and cocksuckva knew it but couldnt leave her because he knew there wouldnt be a second luck and he would remain alone forever.
So would you sit on Kate's cock while Sissy stands in front of you and holds your head while fucking your face?
[spoilers I'm B gYYYYAAAAWD btw /endspoilers]
we can already tell from the ipad filename and barely relevant meme you stole from /v/
trans btw
me too
trans male to alpha male
Stop avoiding my filters
I have like 50 variations of gawd filtered and I'm getting tired of adding new ones.
Forgot to mention alpha male as in trans lesbian
JRM G*D do be streamin
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Yeah ever since Lara came out, solo survivor has been even more miserable than usual and I think it's the longer survivor queues giving you potato teammates. The longer you wait with this matchmaking, the more loose it gets in order to give you a match
Why do Sable’s get so much hate ?
she's stealing all the haddie cosmetics and that's not ok
>>486553841 New bread >>486553841
you’re dumb
Stop crying
>virgins don’t know what a fat pussy is
Just to be clear? I’m also trans

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