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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Admiral Nakhimov
"Baker of Heart into Sweets" - Hai Tien skin - 7/11 - 7/24
New PR7 gear: La-9 Fighter (UR), VIT-2 alt, 254mm CA gun, 152mm CL gun, F8F Float Plane, 410mm BB gun
Leipzig and Centaur augments
Foch META(Cruise Mission) & Attilio Regolo skin(Cruise Pass) - 6/1 - 7/31
Wichita META - 6/13 - 9/4
Scylla ASMR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imoLBlHPImQ [Open]
Alsace Memory

Golden Hind ASMR - 7/20
Pledge of the Radiant Court rerun - 7/18
Shimakaze Archive
Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1RLo09l6_4

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
PR Research Data: https://azur-stats.lyoko.io/research4-blueprints
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>486204160
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We need to update the Cavour seethe chart
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Lovely fox
Gorizia and Napoli are going to kill her
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y j k
Why do botes force me to smell their feet so often?
Eventually you will like it
>Pictured: dumb fucking idiot (cute) even stupider bote (cute), circa 1945, colorized.
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certified american babes
Bros, I'm low on oil. I may have to tap into my reserves...
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Don’t do it. Save it for an event you retard
grope Niimi
Niimi is pre-lubing for the gropings
>I may have to tap into my reserves
With the new oil storage it's a non-issue.
But I need to griiiiiiiiind! I have a few hundred thousand in my mail, I should be fine, r-right?
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gamer girl bote
>few hundred thousand
Nakhimov has a ghost secondary gun?
>all those figures of her
I can't believe NJ is such a
Speak for yourself
bro it's the first fucking week of the new PRs
how are you going to survive the rest
This is after I accidentally redeemed all of my mail once upon a time.
New Essex sister when.
No, at least I don't see it in her dev level improvements.
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Jesus. Yeah never mind, go fucking nuts.
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But there's one here
So I guess that she has it since Dev0
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My account is basically bricked, should I reroll?!
If he started with Napoli then it means that everything else after that is much easier.
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Fine, you win
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Don't worry, Essex sooner or later will get her retro or augment.
Not sure if that's enough though.
Weird, I haven't seen it in simulation, maybe the range is really short.
I did. I'm a masochist and I want those Pasta tits.
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Essex is still the flagship. And now she's directly related to her beloved senpai.
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>2 days until the second ur hpfcr
I love retards so much.
Just got raped by retards
Threesome with Guam and Owari.
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It says 65 range, like most DD/CL guns.
Seems like it's simply an intercept gun for suicide boats.
You just KNOW
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Care to explain to me how the FUCK did these girls pass Xi's strict censorship?
I regret not buying this skin. Can't wait for black friday sales.
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holy shit I just know!
Why is she so sad?
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She's not a retard you
>This is after I accidentally redeemed all of my mail once upon a time.
a million indians told you to not redeem, why didnt you listen...
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Do burgers really...?
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what is my lovely aunt-wife saying?
>molten face
Sametranny just can't calm down without a good old sneedful, huh.
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To be fair, I redeemed before not redeeming was cool and MY Indians don't have a problem with it.
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Cute biscuit
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Veneto mia amata
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I love this boat like you wouldn't believe
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You could go the extra mile next time and not point him out because, using his own words, "you just know" he's him having withdrawal symptoms.
Surely we'll get her party dress this JP anni
Nutting inside a boat in a fun night and regretting it the day after.
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Well she's lovely
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Fingers crossed like for every other occurrence where we get party dresses in the past years
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Happens to the best of us.
just post more frogs
This is me with any maid or boat cosplaying as a maid
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I'd eat it.
That bath skin should have been Guam's
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NJ's butt on my lap while she's playing vidya
Only if she filters it through her cleavage first.
I’d rather SMOOCH
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Guam impregnated me
I impregnated (You).
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But I'm already pregnant with Littorio's baby.
lovely husband (female)
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omg it miku cake
Botes help! I was masturbating with my legs wide open and now that I finished my tendons are tired, I can't close or even move my legs!
If you're part of a guild, you canonically share all botes with your guildmates, as all of you live in the same home port. Botes have their own excludive bote version of 4chan where they anonymously shitpost other botes, humans and SKKS. There are botes that are (You)fags and others that are (OtherSKK)fags.
I ain't clicking that shit
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Vodka sexo.
I think that it's cuckposting from genshinfags.
Aside from that the gif looks like some shitty flash game? I don't even understand.
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Belo party dress anyday now
Feels good to be a who lover, because I know that even if Manjuu makes the multiple SKK port canon I know I'm the only guy here who loves my botewife
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>preparing my fleet for the second PR grind in about 10 hours
>decided to go for Halford
>completely out of Burger frontliners to level and have to use purple and blue shitters
>ended up with Hammann 1 and Morrison on the fleet
>they have the exact same skill but different icons
can't believe they turned Hammann's exclusive skill into a generic
no I will not talk to cat
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Date a live collab soon
I can feel it
You will talk to cat
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what do you mean you ran out of vanguard ships to level up.
I'm at 93% on Napoli, I'll cut it close but I want to sleep now.
Nakhimov will be easier thanks to the flagship bonus.
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Why would you regret it? botes can't get pregnant so what's there to worry about
I finished my 2nd napoli exp req yesterday, don't know what to do in the meantime.
Save up oil or something.
She locked the door, and looking at me funny..wait put back on your cl
Speak english nigger
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I'm in danger and I love it
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There's nothing worth levelling left.
Only purples and below with generic and bad skills, or child boats who give zero fleet tech point and not worth giving exp to beyond 115.
I'm not sure if Wichita, Hammann 1 and Morrison could even survive 12-4 at this rate.
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Dumb shitter
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Give Fletcher the Beaver Badge and sortie her with Charles Ausburne and another Little Beaver. For extra US DD buffs use Bunker Hill off flag. They should have no problem surviving 12-4, they've done fine for me in 13-4 on auto.
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Threesome with Yorktown and Hammann
Kys (Kiss your Slit)
Foursome with Yorktown, Hamm, and Simms
Fuck off retard
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>using Fletchers to farm for a Fletcher
Now there's an idea
Unfortunately Bunker Hill and Charles already have enough exp to hit 120-125 so I don't wanna use them, and I'm also stockpiling exp on backlining shitters for 125 too
If this is too greedy and the fleet gets fucked maybe I'll add in Charles
Nice, 30 medals.
the PR farm.. it cost me everything.. my oil...
Your reserves?
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hello where is the novel and innovative content
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bwo, your mail storage?
sorry but the card builder minigame has been put on hold indefinitely
Spell her Sisters name without looking it up!
Guiseppe Garibaldi
Tortellini de Ravioli
fettuccini alfredo
trashieli garbaggi
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Congrats you win one free Pasta trip the Pasta Dorms.
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That one's too easy
Gelato Guanciale
I will never forgive manjuu for taking away her tattoo
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But it's basically my second home already!
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I heard AL got into some drama due a collab from 6 years ago
What happened?
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What if AL shuts down before Essex ever gets an oath skin
literally who fucking cares
>What if
Fuck off Shay
I'm glad I'm not a Kagakek, or a foxkek in general.
It will shutdown someday and at least half of the girls won't have one, so?
>remove boat from memory by deleting her from pool and banning her VA
>throw her into a NTR collab
Grim as fuck, manjuu truly has no fucking mercy
>Doll's Flatline still have Azur Lane living rent free in their head and had to dig up some nothingburger from 6 fucking years ago to stir up drama
that's just sad
>deleting her from pool
You've never played Azur Lane, go away.
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Dumb secondary
it's not them >>486343531
If you had any sort of knowledge on CN AL you would know you can still get them...but you are just here to shitpost.
What's MICA?
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Yukikaze retrofit soon, I feel it in my nanoda
Am I allowed to say I would greatly enjoy if this collab drama caused CN to cancel AL and force it out so they can focus on JP and EN removing any worry of censorshit altogether?
>deleting her from pool
Several botes were removed from the pool because it was too bloated, not just Atago
You can still obtain her
everyone else is dying while they grow bro
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He is talking about Kaga bro, you can still get her in CN though.
>because it was too bloated
Sure thing Zhang, sure thing. How's that CCP yellow microdick taste?
only the nigger who reposted this shit to multiple different threads would know exactly where they are to quote

no one but your schizo ass cares about this, retard
it started here btw, that tread is full of schizos shilling shitbreak
Yeah, sounds exactly like Shay then lmao
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milk delivery
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Where do I sign?
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the womb
>It's my boogie man trust me
fuck off schizo
so this confirms shayjay is also the one behind the shitposts here, probably a given considering his obsession with NTR
I might be falling in love with her
nah, the only time it was shay cuckposting was when there was the insistence it was dollsfags.
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This is so fake and gay.
Literally nobody has ever brought this up here before at all.
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wake me up when the forced drama retards decide to go away
bro you don't understand the SIX year old collab just SUDDENLY got brought up? Totally legit drama.
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amagi my beloved
akagi my beloved
kaga my beloved
tosa my beloved
Looks like you got him
I doubt it since once of his posts revealed he also took part in the attempts at the richie "cuck drama" shit
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Why is Napoli the strongest ship out of PR7 and possibly the strongest tank in the game? Does Manjuu not understand powercreep is killing this game?
every one of these games is dying
Ah well I stand correct then.
>Troonbreakers are mentally ill.
What's new?.
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Cute I think
>hand on hand contact
bro its over for you, you didn't even wear protection
When will you fucks learn to wear your gloves before engaging in handholding.
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Step away from the computer, Toot
I was told it was a safe day so no protection was needed
Don't care. Would still impregnate EVERY SINGLE fox until I can host an entire divegrass tournament between the offspring
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Why is /alg/ incapable of ignoring obvious shitposts?
>implying its not him samefagging for 75% of them
if you ever had the displeasure of entering a shay thread, it will soon become obvious he samefags hard, just like a certain somebody here, a certain somebody he just so happens to share a few shitposts with
I hate that Yorktown II got fat.
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can someone invite me to the discord server i'm just like you guys lol
im also posting on my phone lol
Didn't know who that was until now, one quick look of the archive and it kinda makes sense.
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Imagine being a foxcuck
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lmao, that shit game is making less money than a png collector bro.
Why did Manjuu do it?
Why would anyone believe that shit after Manjuu's reaction to the vtuber shit earlier this year. Fuck off tourists.
the end of gachas is approaching
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gnight lads
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My loyal crane wife
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Everyone loves White People.
There's a reason why the thread loves to grope niimi
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goodnight shitcan
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skk IS canonically white though
That's a simulation secondarybro
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post bote milkers
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why would he change his skin color in a simulation?
or are you saying he hates being black so much he wishes he was white? not the own you think it is
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Hakuryuu's gigantic saggers still get me riled up
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Is this nigger going to repost this in as many generals as her can? He definitely likes stirring the pot.
>remember that SKK is canonically white
>posts alleged proof that is not canon by definition
>moves goalpoats
skk has some wonderful milkers
that is just the tip of his usual schizo autism
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Fat pasta
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You're basically saying that every shitskin wishes they were white.
first time seeing Shay do his thing?
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Nice goalpost move lol
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I heard this bote loves being rimmed
>it's a simulation!!!
>tb looks the same as she does outside of the simulation
>every single other bote looks exactly as they do outside of the simulation
>every single siren looks exactly as they do outside the simulation
She is a blowjob bote
You keep moving goalposts lol
PR6 fate sim... Agir fate sim... where...
next month probably, thats when pr5 got theirs.
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>14 deleted cuckposts
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It's not much, but it's honest work
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Beautiful casual Head Maid
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thanks sheffy
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cowfast coming through
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casual head maid, more like cool maid
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goshujin-sama, check this out.
I must smooch
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>it really is the same guy
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Where is Eugen in Bel's clothes, she steals everyone elses outfits.
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ask you shall recieve
Post Implacable.
I was caught in the crossfire
Belfast offered to let me smell her feet just now
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here is also another version I found
hmmmm I dyon't think I will post Nun then.
You deserved it
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She is sampling the choco she made for you, don't be mean.
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Man these Dido class sluts are something else
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Just got done smelling Belfast's feet
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imagine Bel and Eugen cornering you in a dark alleyway, with their bote bros (female)
>the entire maid corps
>the entire Hipper-class
I don't think I am going to survive
That's impossible...
Joffre a cute!

and thats not even counting some of the nobles like Lusty, auntie, or monke herself, or Kronk, Niimi, Z2, or any of Eugens other drinking buddies, your hips are certainly in for a ride with that alleyway
Asian skin tone.
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It is a fucking ploy to get me to pay that green shit to upgrade my hips to titanium.
yeah? looks white to me
>TB is actually white
>SKK looks nothing like her
Lmao what a cunt
no real human being is as white as TB, she has an artificial skin tone
skk looks like a real white (caucasian) person in terms of color
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>skk looks like a real white (caucasian)
He looks Asian though, not white. He lacks the natural pale pinkish color all white people have. Asians on the hand are simply pale.
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Monarch was extremely cute here.
What's up with those waists
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he looks about as white as i do, if anything he's paler than i am
Zhang... I...
i'm english...
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this is what happens when you drink bote milk, your own milkers will grow
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can robots be impregnated?
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Your wombforce?
imagine she has a tummy ache and just starts spraying soupy shit from her asshole in that pose
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>scylla doujin
ah, naturally
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Play Minecraft with your Aunt
about to go purposefully spread misinformation on botechan
I post my feet pics there for fun
holy cute
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It will be made into a skin...eventually.
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This time Manjuu chose the correct dr for promotion.
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I can forgive not getting taco meta if we get this skin
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what the FUCK did she mean by this
I'm a few weeks new, what is the best way to spend oil in dead weeks? Near the end of the event, I started dumping oil into the event missions till I reached 25k points, and managed to finish off the huge oil surplus I had since I started. However, it has built up again and I don't know what to do with it. I can only do 3 hard missions a day, and the stories are too slow and I don't know if they are worth it. Should I spend it on autosorties for regular levels or should I hoard it?
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>I'm a few weeks new, what is the best way to spend oil in dead weeks?
So technically it isn't a "dead" week since we have PRs to farm, you are new so you probably aren't there yet.
You should be farming the furtherest campaign stage you can for bote xp and/or weapon blueprints you might need.
You could also farm War Archives for a specific bote drop.
You should at least play for the XP book bar to fill enough to last until you play again.
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say something nice about this canonical nopan kindergartener
>what is the best way to spend oil in dead weeks?
grinding tn shitters to level 120 in 12-4 for fleet tech
made for mating press, with handholding
probably the most erotic bodyguard i have, she's as sexy as she is effective
ever since i appointed her to my room, i haven't gotten raped by a single bote
sorry im only interested in real choco
>i haven't gotten raped by a single bote
It isn't rape anymore if you consent
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Can /alg/ go one thread without obessing about race mixing?
so it was a bot, good to know
Botes are literally created for miscegenation
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Cute feet.
Musashi and Shinano made me a tail cocoon
game is alive solely because people want to fuck hot burger, nip, kraut and other girls
I want to fuck all the bote
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yall numb diggers
Is Belfast the only maid that has 0 issues?
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Are you guys bringing home a paper bote tomorrow?
Kot will be mine tomorrow, I have like 10% xp left to do in the morning
Share your exp grinding secrets with this casual. I'm trying to get Kearsarge done before moving to the new PRs.
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Mog's mogs
As long as you drink your fucking tea. There are probably one or two normal maids, but why walk about them?
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I wouldn't describe them as issues but Belfast is quite pushy and has a manipulative streak, she just knows how to hide it well from you.
Sheffield describes her as greedy in her secretary quest, and I think Glasgow says she's super strict when teaching other maids.

Hermione is perfectly free from mental issues as far as the Dido class goes.
How do?
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lovely robutt
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The context here is that Sheffy is hesitant to cross the line between master and maid and pursue a relationship with you. By saying Belfast is greedy she's implying Bel will actively cross that line and will pursue you romantically.
Herm, Glass, and those twin maids from what I recall are also fairly normal without any of the usual issue or being clumsy the other maids have
I would say Bels pushy and manipulative aspects are more like something a mom would have in pushing a loved one to do better
sexual education of a virgin skk
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Look at this incredibly rapeable goober
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>sexual education of a virgin skk
She put her bed next time mine, what does this mean?
this teacher is a menace, raping as she pleases while being flustered during it
Newcastle is a good girl
For me it's awkwardly figuring out sex together with your shy girlfriend. (eventual wife)
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Essex education
>premarital sex
Ranger is a fanfiction reading spaghetti dropping autist.
I'm the one doing the raping.
The rapist teacher would be Sara.
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this sex is deceased
thats what they all say, until the raping starts
the end of sex
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I do runs of 12-4 with the double exp thing. Try to do two clears every hour or so, any more and your morale drops below the exp boost.
Enjoy your robutt.
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bataan is the best looking one here
cute > sexy
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collab literally when
>Yuki Mori - SSR CV
>Kaoru Niimi - SR CVL
>Akira Yamamoto - SSR CA
>Melda Ditz - SSR CL
>Makoto Harada - SR AE
I don't like bote who's intentionally designed as bland and her only defining feature is being bland
ok but enough about north carolina
>>Kaoru Niimi
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she's pretty gropable
Which bote would immediately show me their panties upon being asked?
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>say hi to bote
>they say hi back
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I would not expect Ham to do anything I say
We get it you're a contrarian
taihou and her daughter
>Wearing panties
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This crane
She'd still show you
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She's actually very loyal and obedient. I'm just not an asshole that abuses my authority. Which makes her mad, sometimes...
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which bote would let me use her holes as toilet?
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>"If Shido wants me, then I'll gladly give my everything to him. To become his lover, kiss him, have sex with him, marry him, give birth to as many babies as he wants, grow old together with him. But, even if Shido chooses someone other than me, I won't mind. If Shido thinks to marry Tobiichi-san, I'll bless him with all my heart. Of course, it also applies for other person as well. Even if Shido chooses Tohka-chan, Kotori-chan, Yoshino-chan or perhaps someone that I don't know. Of course, I don't mind if he doesn't choose to be with anyone, or even if he chooses everyone I'll support his wish. I'll do anything for Shido's happiness. If Shido wishes it, I'll grant any of his wish. I don't mind becoming his childhood friend, his lover, his wife, his younger sister, his older sister, his mother, his daughter, his superior, his subordinate, his enemy, his nemesis or even someone unrelated to him. As long as Shido is happy, I'm satisfied....Oh sorry, it seems I got too worked up by myself. But it is true that I don't mind whoever Shido chooses."
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why is she like this
I mean look at them
looks like some kind of fucked up dog
what the FUCK is this goofy ass motherfucking doing jesus christ
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did somebody say dogs
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They look just like my dog.
At least it's not a duckbill.
hello I am a new player I only started the game a few days ago, and my birthday is coming up, is there a birthday feature here that I can set my birthday date to get some rewards?
Lmao no
Okay then I uninstal the game. Thank you for answer Anon. Bye
not the bote's fault that manjuu is stingy
bro I think your turle has autism
Is the game worth getting into at this point? NTA but I've heard that EoS is soon and I only lurk here for Esseggs images
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Thank you Sirius.
Game is doing fine as fuck. Tons of money. Even GFL1 is still afloat and this game earning so little.
Stop listening to shitposters.
>Is the game worth getting into at this point?
If there are botes you are interested then sure, it's never too late

>NTA but I've heard that EoS is soon
It's a 7 year old game, it has obviously declined but it's nowhere near EoS
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7YEARS OLD? oh damn... I don't know if I can handle the pressure of joining... Is there a way to view past events or have I missed too much? I guess FOMO is now stopping me from starting playing kek
why do you keep posting this off topic drivel?
Nibbling on Hai Tien's nipples!!!!
This but her labia minora.
This past night I had a nightmare where manjuu was predatory as fuck and sold PR/DR and UR gear prints for $0.99 each.
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Queen Annie's Revenge UR
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>Shimakaze's event getting archived
>Still no Chikuma skin
We're not getting a Tempesta UR this year.
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Sex with Howe
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Good morning!!!
answer me, is my FOMO justified?
>is there a way to view past events
yes in the archive
Honestly, I have never felt like a shitcan. I'm more like a manjuu, doing maintenance stuff on my girls and I get squished, sit on, abused, but deep down I enjoy it, even if it hurts sometimes ;)
Any shitcans have designated shitting streets on their bases?
Good morning sir
Game's dying bro, the devs have already moved on to their new genshin clone game.
Promilia? Can't fucking wait.
They've already began shutting down servers since last year
Oh shit, I heard things were bad but I didn't know they already began shutting down.
damn jannies must have really beat his ass hard over the cuckposting if he is resorting to old bait again
It's just JP, EN is still doing well. We even have an art contest this year.
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>all this blatant misleading info
I hope you accidentally castrate yourself someday.
>shima is so powerful on jp they are giving her a special lucky bag deal
Why would you pick anything other than the l2d costume lol
They're limited like most things in azur lane so this is one of the few chances you get at picking them up
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I'm just wondering, if I'd accidentally castrate myself, would I become asexual?
>anything other than the l2d costume
Which one? She has two.
Also, I prefer Shima's Moon Rabbit skin over the others anyways.
There are people who have had to get both removed due to testicular cancer being present in both (though it usually only affects one). Your testosterone levels and interest in sex would go down dramatically. It also would be very difficult to sustain an erection or reach orgasm without testosterone replacement therapy.
weebs translate it
I got a vasectomy and it didn't turn me gay
Just get a translation app for your phone or desktop browser, faggot.
Because of how a vasectomy works, the testicles are still active in the body producing testosterone, but sperm cannot leave the body.
only thing of note is they are adding some more QoL to the mail mostly so you don't accidentally delete your valentine, and the voicless prs will get their VA added with this maint, they didn't give any hints on whats coming next since they confirmed its getting revealed in the upcoming stream
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Uh, auntie bros?
You do remember that NJ and Shinano got that too, yes?
Didn't they say you could do a resend of a Valentine's message if you accidentally deleted one?
never knew my auntie was so ticklish
could be but I am not certain
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>tried every login
>kept throwing me into the tutorial
>heart sank, gave up
>"wait, wasn't my server washington?"
>almost get emotional seeing this
i'm happy like you wouldn't believe right now
Uhhh... imagine playing AL after this...
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What made you come back? The game isn't the same as you knew it.
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Gib missiles
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Man I can't believe how much prime shitposting material we are missing on.
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These little yellow chicks are so annoying, I want to squeez them.
I would pay even more for gold plates. You can catch up to everything in year or two, but you will never have enough gold plates if you joined late.
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the breast movement in some of these looks really off
>I want to squeez them
Stop, that makes manjuuce.
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Not canon
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So that's why they crawl under my botes!
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We need more Noshiro content.
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I 100% agree then I remember it's MMD inset preset slop so I don't expect any better.

I wonder if I should find Essex ones for essexposter materials.
This is highly unethical
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Oh my yuri
Post the version with the bush in full view you coward
Yeah? And that crunchyroll gacha had a big collad and then without warning they closed the game
Yet I though ship girls are for the commander...
They are for each other
So is this true? The game is shutting down?
as it should be :)
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i just wanted to look at all my characters. it might actually be too different for me though
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Here we go.
Join the 41% faggots
Napoli my beloved
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Cute pasta cow anon, she is coming home soon for me too.
So who is the artist
Holy milkers
I'd say it's zelda.
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New Kot

Did they change away from Alvitr? I liked the Alvitr one more.
Please post Naples's Napples
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Smug succ
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You don't even care about the gameplay.
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I'm here for the full release of the card selector game mode
The thought of having to say goodbye to all my botes one day is depressing
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I love Hori
My benis will never forget them.
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I plan on never saying goodbye
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Could Drake be fixed with an MGM+1 aug?
is foch meta a good ship/ worth building?
>purple meta shitter
Answer that yourself
She is unusable tn trash
Dropbote pity when? I am tired of running 15-4 for houston 2 when she literally refuses to drop.
>Soyuz is a contrast enjoyer
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hmmmgmgmgmhh belly rubs hmgmngghhhf ear scritches HMGMGNHNGMMN tail brushes
okay calm down, you’re going to OD on floof
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Thoughts on this bote?
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had to start farming xp 4 days late but still made it in time, can't wait to fuck this horse
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Wichita is so fucking strong
now post the results when you put ships that do actual damage in the same fleet
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I love gyaru girls.
I especially love gyaru girls who are literally demons.
she needs more skins
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How would you feel if Manjuu removed all META ships from the game? Why would you feel that way?
Why is Kumano pointing at her cleavage?
They're not giving MGM+1 aug, else Jean Bart would have got one.
Pseudo-MGM+1 like Sandy's are the best bet.
I love Kearsarge. I want to marry her
Nothing is stopping you
me being a progresslet and her devlvl being 26/30 is
Not really, 26/30 is enough to use her as a support to your carriers.
Did anyone happen to save that new Ibuki that MayaG posted last night but then deleted in the past couple of hours?
I hate artists so much bros...
As an outsider, I think she's cute!
They've already deleted them, they're not taking up space in the dock.
why would they even do that? such a stupid question
can you not oath botes that are under dev lvl 30? sounds like an excuse to me, I guess you loving her was just a lie
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Very cute
Why wouldn't they do that? META ships have been one of the biggest flops in this game.
that's fair I guess

you shut the hell up, my feelings are true for her
ok, and how is that a reason for their removal?
Is she a Power knock-off? Definitely looks like her, or some kind of mix of Power and Zero Two.
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I'm pretty sure she existed before CSM was a thing.
Why did they remove the card selector game? There was no reason for that.
Why haven’t you married her yet then
Bel? Head!
no idea what the fuck "the card selector game" is, but why are you comparing it to botes?
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Nakhimov buff

Napoli anon... Believe in buff too.
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>fine tune
Fixing something that doesn't work properly doesn't count as buff.
Biscuit hardly gets any fanart wearing her Zwei outfit.
Sometimes they don't even fix some problems with ships. Mogador still feeling suicidal.
>still feeling suicidal
Working as intended.
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>>Playing Azur lane while watching ST:TNG on Pluto tv
>Thinking about World of Warships ST:TNG event.... why didn't they put Enterprise on sale with the camo? Seems rather odd that they didn't, there isn't any way to get the ship in the event either; if anything they should have just sold the Enterprise D "Camoflouge" as it's own permanent ship type variation of the Enterprise....
>Thinking about the event we just had with the school house and little Azur lane girls
>Episode "Rascals" comes on.....
All DDs are suicidal by nature, Laffey2 is the exception.
Mog was a bad ship IRL so it's historically accurate
Damn. Mogador should look like Emo girl.
She already looks brain damaged though?
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>Dear Commander,

>Headquarters will carry out maintenance on 7/18, 12:00 A.M. (UTC-7) for approximately 8 hours. Highlights of the upcoming version are shown below.

>For detailed information, please check our website: https://azurlane.yo-star.com/news/2024/07/17/maintenance-notice-7-18-12-a-m-utc-7/
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Mogs horniness is honestly quite charming.
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Yeah Mog a cute
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Based brain fried gooner
>useless brain damaged bimbo
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Nah she cute
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So if Mog is a smellfag, will her sister be a soundfag?
Nah you are just a porn fried gooner that masturbates to her
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Why is Essex's chibi so stupid when she's the most mature and responsible boat of all in the game?
>this year's biggest disappointment
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Side milk is good, but the ample cleavage is hard to beat.
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Nah she cute bro
What? Is she about to naked dogeza surrender in front of the enemies?
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Mog has a sister?
Nah she is just goonbait for gooners like you
Yes, her name is Volta.
based mogchads
>schizotranny is having a melty again
Yeah some equally shitty surrendermonkey
Why does this shitter look like she has brain damage?
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Nah she cute bro but keep repeating yourself over and over like a sperg that will surely change my mind
She's french.
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Watch her be the near-polar opposite of her sister.
>well dressed
>only masturbates on occasion
But have a far plumper, outrageous body.
>mog suicides into the enemy team
>volta will straight up surrender and empty a vanguard slot
She is just cheap goonbait and no amount of cope will change that, but I understand a porn fried brain like yours does not care
It would be cuter if her sister was the tard wrangler and not Joffre. I guess two wranglers would be fun too since Mog is pretty insistent.
i want to get Mogged by Mog
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Basically peak french tactics then
Doubt surrendermonkey are capable of wrangling each other
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>(You): aggressively sucks cocks all day, every day to sate his demented homosexual desires
>Me: posts frogs unfettered
I visit this place at most twice a day and somehow every single time there's a meltdown
Kek now that would be fun
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She is as retarded and incompetent as mog or any other frog, she just larps as some judge
because he quite literally spends most of his day here, and barely sleeps.
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>Mogcel sperging again because /alg/ doesn't care about his shitty destroyer
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Yeah well, that's why they need other factions to control them.
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Its the same antifrog autist losing his mind every day
Joffre won
It's pretty fun to watch him writhe every time he is not able to samefag kek
Ah yes the other brain damaged surrendermonkey everyone forgets about
Shitcan, this entire timeline must be purged.
Lmao he's going into samefag shitpost overdrive
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Mog won.
Pierre is that pathetic. Should have learnt by now
>literally only posted by shitposters
Frogs are not capable of winning unfortunately
you got him, king
>Sharing the fanart made to celebrate the shitposter who hates mog
The shitposter... won
if this was a normal general, this shitter would have been hardware/range banned a long, long time ago
the jannies only do their job after he's done chimping out, so best learn to filter
They won 2 more world wars than you, akhmed.
But enough about Britain or the US
You got the second gen krautroach.
You weren't supposed to humiliate me like that...
Sportswear is a huge turn-off.
Has jeetland ever really won anything though
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Essex is emailing me
Nice cope
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Okay but seriously, they've done locking the office door and the dark alley so far, and Owari runs a produce store...where the fuck is the farm Manjuu?
>She is farming the (You)s
BASED take mine mog bro
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ah yes, the Sex
Nice cope Pierre
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You got him, he's now seething
*gets her brains blown out by the siren she lunges on*
>covering herself with the french national flag
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Thus begins ArMOGgeddon
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It's time to build a wall. Berlin wall.
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>losing your shit over cute frogs
>already forgotten
I guess to some people braindead shitters can look cute
>essex hands typed this post
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What does she do? Surrender to every nation on heart?
How big is shitcans' apparel selection? botes steal his clothes all the time, are these auctioned on Manjuubay or what?
This is when the Office AC and the home AC go out at the same time, and all the AC Repair Manjuu are distracted by ACs on the other side of the base.
No, it's when she makes multiple copies of her and she suicides onto every enemy at once
*gets her brains blown out by the siren she lunges on*
Most of those are just boat delusions, like in the case of mog. In reality she is so pathetic she couldn't even get close to skk
But she just wanted to take a whiff!!!!
>In reality she is so pathetic she couldn't even get close to skk
damn bro...way to just prove you don't play the game at all
Imagine: Graded Shirts on a giant slab.
No, everything she says is simply a delusion. Fitting for a clearly brain damaged character.
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More of her?
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Her whole faction is just brain damaged characters
What would even be the grading criteria?
Only a few select boats have access to SKK clothes, mog isn't one of them
Can't wait for all the deleted posts
Threads going to look like a wasteland
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looking forward the secretary memory, we are off a good start with Alsace raping skk
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>so mad he can't even write properly
Probably not tomorrow, maybe with a few days. It's not like I've got the materials to bring them up to Dev 30 right away anyway.
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>Mog memory thingy
Oh my
It's just gonna be her masturbating alone
you got him again
>>Mog memory thingy
Ah yes you are very interested lole
What's it even gonna be, Mog's just a onahole with no personality
ESL kun...
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you mind broke xim
emo sex
Enterprise failed her
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It's over for shitcan, botes can't contain their lust any longer.
>sniff sniff uoooghh commander I am cooming I surrendeur
There's your memory
I unironically need her, the ship I've been looking forward to the most in years.
That's it? I was expecting something naughty, this is just shitty baity talk
To find anything even remotely sexual in this shit you must either be a gooner or a woman.
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No brakes from this point onward.
i kneel frogGOD
lmao now you remember that fag peddling his fat octopus nobody bitch a couple weeks ago claiming she was way hornier than alsace or mog
People remember hind way more than the last two frogs though
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Lame falseflag infight bait
Hindchads and Mogchads are frens
Lol sure thing ahmed
Nah frogcucks are genuinely that obnoxious
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based, through horny, unity
No one cares about your forgotten flop
Sure, they are just funny when they claim she is any close to GH's horniness
More like through seething bumplimit.
Imagine the threesome, tentacle slime and sweat would make it fun.
What's the point dumbass, the slime is way more abundant than the sweat, it will overwhelm it immediately
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mmmmmmm based!
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We can have mog play as Hind's fucktoy, she's french after all so she's easy to make her submit
Sounds hot
>mog is too lewd for youtube
>gh but is not lewd enough
gh got the short end of the stick
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>Mog watches and masturbate and can use the tentacles
>I fuck Hind's pussy
win win
Did you listen to Hind's ASMR? It makes mog's look like childplay.
Ah yes the publicity stunt to further shill the frog anni that flopped anyway, good memories.
>>gh but is not lewd enough
It is WAY lewder what are you on
>not lewd enough
DLsite literally has a 3 minute longer PV than what is on youtube.
congrats on your 4 samefag (You)s bro!
>implying the mogcel knows that and is not just shitposting
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Yup, Mog shoot up to 3rd place off all the free asmrs quite fast, they underdelivered with Golden Hind, it's not fair.
You kept on pressing that free download button until now Pierre?
Damn wish that easily riggable free downloads counted as money like the event revenue, it would have sweetened the flop that way...
t. Didn't even listen to hind's ASMR
Nice cope
you got him, 4 times actually.
If you are this delusional people are gonna take the piss on ya, mogbro
Hans really is a free (you) slut.
Why is the mogcel such a sore loser?
Inferiority complex. It's a french thing.
kek congrats on all the samefag (You)s again
damn, you got me, please don't make fun of me
He's tsun tsun for frogs
He's just that bad. Look how pathetically he samefags
I didn't listen to Hind's ASMR. I don't give two shits about her.
He got buckbroken so many times, he just can't take it anymore
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Someone make a non vandalized thread
New, non shitted and on time
Lol get fucked stupid frogcuck
You don't need to reply to your own posts, bro.
Cope harder frogcel, you got btfo

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