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Previous: >>486239259

>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
[Anima Squad] Illaoi, Aurora, Yasuo, Xayah, Seraphine (Legendary), Miss Fortune (Mythic Variant), Yuumi (+Prestige) & Leona (+Prestige)
[Primordian] Bel'Veth, Briar, Rek'Sai & Aatrox (Legendary)

>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest PBE Patch Notes

>Builds/Account Stats

>Model Viewer

/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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reminder that Nami is warm
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Stay positive /lolg/!
I have time for 1 game and it's not even gonna be summoners rift. Or maybe I should sleep a few minutes earlier and make it 10 hours...
fish are cold blooded
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Soraka! My Small Wife!
transcoded posters
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Cute Shark :]
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that one isn't
did you whisper sweet nothings to your lolg crush today?
My wife, Zyra.
>Cool down warm Fish.
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Most fun champs to play? Just name your main and I'll look it up
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i'm the best arena played in lolg
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that's bullying, please don't
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Another one of her icons too, probably the one that comes with the skin bundle
Is that stonethrower fun to play?
she is actually the most fun champ to play

Isn't she burning up?
Jhin was genuinely a player favourite for a long time if you wanna bother playing adc.
Enjoyment ultimately depends on what kind of playstyle you like playing around, may it be vision or cc or movement speed or low cooldowns or dots.
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no, it's comfy warmth, no need to extinguish her (yet)
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Jhin was such a kino champ.
No woman, minority or tranny shit. Just pure undistilled character design kino.
I wish Riot would release good champs again.
Le heckin' wholesome draggerino is fucking cringe.
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Have a wonderful day, Anons!
Well, Soraka will be ready with her smooth cool.
I miss mythic items...
why dont women play adc
I did but I barely got a reaction from him and he just resumed playing this stupid game...do NOT try this with anyone that might be on the spectrum
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Time To Wake Up
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didn't know she moonlights as a firefighter
it's probaply the most popular role for women next to mages and enchanters
the most loving lolgs are on the spectrum!
thats still like 2 steps down
does he abuse you alot? blink once for yes
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ur the freak that spammed reddit with ur
wins arent u
pic related consider it especially near ur frontal lobe area arena players tend to be lacking there so u might even survive
Any news on any current or upcoming lolg couples?
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Yeah! Nami can help, too, seeing how she's a water gun. What's very useful against fires.
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When he was released everyone hated him because he had no dps and people didn't get the idea of buying zeal items on him because those grant dps which was the complete opposite of what his aa was designed for, people also didn't like how immobile he was, how he couldn't even wipe the pinks, etc. The players playing him after understanding his kit and enjoying it was a total sweep.
He also got a lot of fun fanart and good memes but unfortunately probably the last champ to get an organic level of those. Thesedays people don't really make silly roleplay stuff like riven being a hobo or jhin being a fiji bottle water fan. I guess AI had some stuff going over it but desu the fanart stuff felt like it was kinda dying all in all for this game since I noticed a lot of people just posting the same images and such over the past few years.
I missed mythic items too however I do not miss the restrictive build order they had going back then. I never asked for it to be removed nor the recipes to be changes for items and then have a bunch of irrelevant items to be added. They should've just made mythics not restrictive and sorta nerfed or adjusted it so that stacking only mythics would not make sense. I guess they were lazy about it and just swept it clean. I miss galeforce and everfrost, same with the old liandrys and zhonyas recipes. New stuffs bland and retarded.
if loser's queue isn't real then the game is simply poorly balanced and excessively snowbally
and also the playerbase might be extremely thin, dwindling, small, due to the extreme elo/MMR disparity + autofilled players
so loser's queue isn't real?
and the game is just bad? and dying? and bleeding players?
that's even worse than loser's queue not being real lol
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she would, butt she's too busy watching movies
fires can wait anyway, right?
>when they remove mythics we can finally build whatever we want without restriction!!! no more build creativity being stifled!!
>still build the same thing 95% of games
People wanted shorter games because they were tired of seeing tanks or late game champs auto winning games by stalling hence these drakes and heralds being implemented along with those fractional tower gold so that the game does snowball and not drag for like 40+ minutes because those suck to lose against and I guess people have lower attention span/tolerance or just don't have time thesedays.
The LP gains and losses were totally screwed years ago and people would be crawling up ranks with like +4 lp, I'm unsure about now though because people are complaining about it less but that may be due to a lot more people not playing ranked or caring about it this year. Could also be because the ranked season is split into three so once people got their stuff they dropped it for the year. Though I did read someone complaining about something like this a few days ago, something like 3 wins 3 losses and still coming out lower than initially played ranked under.
Women do be shopping for skins doeth
yeah that makes sense
i secretly miss the longer games, but that might just be nostalgia from 2014
it does seem a bit excessive though, perhaps demoralizing?
knowing you lost the game because your bot lane went 0/4/0 in the first 5 minutes mentally gave up is a terrible experience
i'd honestly rather lose a 50 minute game to a stalling late game comp than lose 3 15 minute games in a row because one of my laners gave up after dying early
the strategy is what i love most about this game, not snowballing and stomping

i might be contributing to the problem then, i never play more than 100 ranked games per season lol
That is true, where there is cosmetics there is women.
Oh yeah, no problem. It's not like something is going on right now. What's the movie?
post your speculations
Because support is the easiest/laziest role they can still queue for. Because midlane is a more peaceful role where you can play girl mages that can do a lot more than adcs in terms of spamming spells, getting gold and levels. Because playing adc is painful and you also have to play with another girl who's totally not buying you that skin you want or getting you that lp.
Nah people just give up in their games too easily these days, I bet more people would rather the ff vote to be at 10 minutes than ask for a game that's longer. Anything inconvenient happens? They want out.
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they do. its 2nd most popular role for women
This isn't the place to develop actual relationships. The gooners erp with each other and others orbit the girl posters but it's shallow interaction.
>>486329732>>486329962 These two maybe have potential but its also just a surface level attraction.
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By playing any multiplayer game that caters to everyone you'll see that women don't like taking risks, being seen underperforming or playing anything that is not straightforward as to what they're supposed to do. This translates to league by playing anything that's ranged. Assassins, bruisers, tanks etc mispositioning is more obvious to other players. Keeping range as a mage for that stun+R combo on someone seems a lot simpler and appealing to them than surviving in a teamfight to apply constant dps as an anemic flea. The popularity of enchanters for casual players and women doesn't need an explanation, I think, you're basically letting other players make the important decisions for you.
the joke is incest porn
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just dropping by to say that this rework was a complete and utter failure in every way and I stand vindicated in calling it for what it was - complete shit that never should have happened
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aurora soon
I said this before and someone got mad at me. Atleast someone else agrees. Though his original statement wasn't that great either desu.
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Let's go.
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lil seras
This champ was released like 2 years ago and already had 9 skins. Absolutely inconceivable.
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stopped playing for a lot of reasons but genuinely the skarner rework was the nail in the coffin
everything about it was a joke, taking three years to come out should have made it clear that nobody involved knew what the fuck they were doing. fits perfectly into the modern philosophy of throwing more numbers and more words into kits, despite that not actually making those kits either more fun to play as, or more fun to play against
the irony is that one of the leading factors of the gameplay angle was to "lessen the power budget of a point and click r" when they just made his W an unavoidable screen wide aoe nuke+slow, kinda ironic actually
and the visuals, the voice, the lore are all just massive steps down. original skarner was fine and the ACTUAL OG lore, JoJ-era, was the best and if riot wanted to actually make him a better character they should have returned to that in some form
fuck anyone who thought modern riot could do anything right
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Because we love her
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The way riot makes money is making skins for egirl champs so their business or simps buy it for them.
Why do I get flamed in iron 4 for not having 100 cs 15 minutes in. Like what kinda person is at the bottom ranks and cares about "feeding"
Time To Wake Up - Adolf H.
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Game is just too fucking hard bros
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>plat 1 98 lp in tft a couple hours ago
>now plat 2 0 lp
>6 minutes worth of cs missing
>over a third of the game just idling in lane or greyscreened
what do you even do when you queue up a game? like why bother? hitting the minions is literally 1 single step above just moving around. i understand you are iron and not good but it sounds like you just arent even playing the game you queued up
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nevermind we still in there
Anima squad tomorrow lads...
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Males are so pathetic sometimes.
hitting cs is hard when your opponents hits you back
it's okay friendo
I struggle in bronzies

god I fucking hate double rageblade bard users
>best guy friend ever
why do they say this? why isnt it just "best friend ever" do they know and do it intentionally to get a little kick out of publicly demeaning them or do they not know and just subconsciously do it?
Like at this point I'm guessing the game has zero, absolutely zero newbies in it. Irons are full of seething hardstuck players who expect optimal cs or call you to get reported. CSing is bloody hard, sometimes two minions are low at the same time
>sometimes two minions are low at the same time
is this satire
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They can because chumps rise up and take each other's place. Donating to streamers is a poor use of money.
league sucks
the new champ is literally a chink bimbo with monster tits and freckles, like something out of a gacha. is this game dead in creativity?
Be free.
enemy has Boosted Ahmed#EUW on his leona gg
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Why the fuck am I on wintraders queue? How common is wintrading in Gold 4/Silver 1 elo? Look at my games I never lost lane in any of them and I lost 5/6.
league has sucked longer than it has been good by a long time at this point
It's literally a bbc snowbunny and yes
ever since season 3 really
They should just hire me at this point, and yes I'm gonna say it every time.
Sex sells
Garden party!
i have been for over half a year at this point and I have none of the urges that ever brought me back previous times
just wanted to see how gay this general had gotten and it's still full of troons wanting to be fucked in the ass, so nothing has changed
>is this satire
Of course not, iron is literally the lowest rank
Won't ever be, someone will definitely worship that new champ too. Just get out while you can.
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>come back to league
>rank plat
>so far so good
>having fun
>get to emerald in a few matches
>everyone starts playing like shit
>fun is over
Depressing but playing Ahri makes it bearable.
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Iron in 2024 is gold in 2014
>2/6/6 (8th)
>8/10/6 (7th)
>3/6/4 (7th)
you're shit at the game, anon
I’m iron
Oh wow... it's another master portrait in loading screen and he ended up dumping on my top laner for 20 minutes straight...

Uh oh, that's a max range Sona ult after chasing you down...


Oh wow talon you really got outplayed this hard by a Sona? Aren't you supposed to be an assassin? That's just embarrassing...
won lane by 20 cs, team was garbage so i couldn't play with a supportive character, we lost
won lane against Orianna (somehow with Aurelion Sol), team was garbage, we lost
lost lane against Swain because WOW Im playing Aurelion Sol, entire team lost, we lost

They're automatic losses, none of those games were real
is nafiri a jungler lads? be honest
euw pisslow (emerald)
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too cute
Clear speed is really bad but she has decent ganks. She gets dunked by pretty much any jungler though.
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Ws in the chat for euw pisslow
Champs for this vibe? (Complete cringe that is genuinely enjoyed by other people)
Want more evidence of the entire ladder in silver elo (platinum 4) makes me wanna puke just saying Im silver

the entire yuck silver ladder if rife with wintraders


look at this shit

averaging 7.6 cs/min and positive KDA with Kayle just to lose most games

Averaging 6.7 (at silver level) cs/min with Anivia and positive KDA and have a whopping 29% winrate

Positive KDA with Aurelion and 6.5cs/min and a whopping 45% winrate

Tell me this isnt just the most perfect evidence of wintrading when Im literally smashing retard with late game champions and still losing every game pretty much

This IS wintrading

It is the wintrading silver yuck ladder blargh ewhgh ewwwww silver i am silver erwwghh how disgusitnf im a silver player after playing for 5 years ewwwwwwgh lmao
im a fuckkng silver player bros

fucking take me out already

why caouldnt my parents have been asian or doctors or lawyers that im now a silver player after 5 years of gameplay

fuck suck nigger cocknigger cock non-lawyered players average IQ motherfucker

i disliek my genetifs that came from my parents because unless your parents are PHD or doctors or lawyers youc ant get past silver level gameplay

and you get wintraded on btw

i suppose both things are occuring at once

yuCK i am silver makes me wanna puke euuuuwwwww

whjat a despicable world you'd think my skills would go up with playing more
what's silver 4 3lp?
pure humiliation

i am a silver player
it don't matter no more brother. I dodged this >>486337704
right sorry, *they
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How am I supposed to learn how to CS getting a perfect score against bot/nothing is easy but my in-game CS score is 50 in 10 minutes?

>Got flamed again for that in iron
Feelsbadman, I almost want to play a jungler. It's so unrealistic to reach 70 or even 80 since you have to go back to base too, even if you're winning the lane and have kills
lux bot cs drill
why can't you fags make up your mind
>the Gold players of today would kick the asses of Diamond players ten years ago
Is there any way to make Riot stop sending codes to your email when you try to log in? Because it does this every time and it's beyond tedious.
sounds like a macro issue
omg you talk just like an irl anime girl thats so sexy kawaii hhh
maybe different people say those things
I am currently unranked
Let me grind this season and I will give you the objective rank tierlist
when you get older you'll learn rank is insignificant in the long run
they are naive and genuinly think the simp did it out of friendship and not because he has lofty dreams of a future/fantasy where she realizes hes the one, like a lottery ticket
the concept of male/female friendship doesnt exist unless there is no attraction on either side
When do I go Titanic on shen vs Sunfire?
if your parents arent lawyers you cant get out of silver plat 4
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>team unga me bunga
Not reading that.
I haven't played in about a year. Is the jungle meta still complete AIDS?
>ur the freak that spammed reddit
No? fuck off redditor
it's a different kind of aids, Brand and Zyra are the new top dogs
how many hours until swarm?
About 15 off the top of my head.
Some people are retarded, level of competition always rises as games get older. Just look at insec, bronze lees do that now or Rivens mechanics
same shit still, I can't CS and my teammates get mad at fucking IRON
>some chink has 80% winrate with leblanc support in challenger
>some retard youtuber makes a clickbait video on it
>some stupid retard watches it and wants to give it a try
>the stupid retard he was supposed to be a support for has a melty in lobby and says "if sup troll i troll too" and locks in janna to support top lane
>15 minute ff on a game i waited 8 minutes in queue for
i think everyone involved in this series of dominos should be killed
they are naive and genuinly think the simp did it out of friendship and not because he has lofty dreams of a future/fantasy where she realizes hes the one, like a lottery ticket
the concept of male/female friendship doesnt exist unless there is no attraction on either side
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idk why I didn't dodge this I'm such a boosted bonobo kappachino
crazy that I lost 2 games in a row against the worst champ in the game (kai'sa)
this is the most naïve thing I've read all year
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Cute white spandex short shorts!
kino webm
Apparently D1 is the new landing zone for boosted supports. 5 games in a row I've gotten some handless afk enchanter that looked like they would get rolled by gold players.
both are true
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Icons for the event
>Almost 30 mins between posts
Just rename it to vanguard general at this point
>toplaner hovers bard in subhuman nigger cancershit baboon ape disabled freak zoglow
>ask him to send his opgg
>"trust <3"
I am going to murder you in game if you are reading this you subhuman nigger
I will crush your cranium you monkey freak
I will rape your family nigger
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Chromas for the Briar skin
nobody else dodging this shit get cancer you retarded shit colored mooncricket
not a single one of these fiends are willing to dodge a fucking bard top who doesn't even send his opgg holy fuck just execute everyone who has ever been in the same lobby as me in soloq these niggers deserve to die asap
kai'sa is a hard matchup for twitch. it's not as tough as things like nilah and samira, but it's definitely kai'sa favored. also, i recommend building botrk > hurricane > ie or ldr (situational)
kai'sa didn't do anything senna 1v2d the lane against blind pick braum (with emerald skill)
every adc wins paired with senna against this combo
adc vs adc interaction doesn't matter in most games and it didn't matter in this one either
if the enemy picks literally anything else with senna we go 0/10 in lane
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sad MF looks like a man
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Briar won
Can Kayle ever be a rather technical champion or is she just a retard champion? By technical I mean, chasing down an Ornn in lane after he dashes on me with the perfect spacing and getting actual meaningful trades, or doing the same to a Pantheon. Or is it really just farming with 0 interaction? Im a mid nigger who can't play top lane for shit so I can't go a melee character. It seems like in teamfights shes even harder to play. More saying in lane though.
The bots are back
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post em xD

i am very bored as you can see
holy fuck i think vayne into kayle is literally the best counterpick in the entire game, not kidding
How do you do fellow human?
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nasus is more insane vs kayle
hey guys, my qt autistic bunny girlfriend will be in league of legends soon. please be nice to her.
You aren't black
*feeds her a plate of cho'gath's gourmet toxic feces*
holy homosexual
High KDA = lose

Low KDA = win

Win lane = lose

Lose lane = win

What explains this phenomenon? Is the bounty system shit?

My explanation is that I have good macro but bad mechanics, so when I get fed I can't use the gold in winning fights and only in giving shutdowns, whereas good macro needs no gold to suffice and then my enemies with bad macro give away the gold. Is that a good explanation? Another possibility is that when you int Riot gives you better teammates. Another possilibity is that when you int your teammates actually try to play well instead of trying to get carried.
aaaaaa vanguard sissterrrrs this general is not whoence it whoence was >XC:
ded gaem for reals this time nice knowing y'all
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Nidalee's new voice is so fucking terrible. Why do people want her design changed too? You've already ruined her voice, why ruin the look of her? Is there a mod that gives her back her old voice?
good color coordination and jungle/animal thematic
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>Just found out Varus had new voice lines
Was it better or as horrendous as Nidalee's voice update?
what role should I play if I only have played ARAM for the last 2 years
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my team when i get filled top
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Dare I say it...? I'm in winners q?
picking yone top these days feels like legit trolling, not sure why people still do it
The average topnigger isn't very smart
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Currently smurfing in Gold. Getting bored of alot of picks, what's some fun bullshit to play to challenge myself?
3 fucking years of diversity champions and this is the first white girl in a long ass time. You shut your whore mouth, be thankful this is the first female in many years to have tits as big as Miss Fortune and Evelynn.
All we need now is the devs to stop catering to China and start catering to Korea. Then we will get tons of lewd designs.
Riot Llama was in charge of the rework. He also created K'Sante and Smolder. He's gone now btw, he got fired.
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Someone explain the Skarner top meme I'm not understanding.
>Tumblr self insert autistic bitch
Pozzed diversity bullshit
She comes off as a basic bitch from her lines. Autism is just thrown in for pandering
My main. I'm gonna stop playing for a month or two so everyone can get it out of their systems tho. Tommarow will suck
what is best role for this slut? im only taking her to jungle regardless
This champ seems really fucking boring.
Red flag junglers you're better off dodging:
>Master Shit
urgot don't!
Do "not like the other girls" e-girls exist? Like they play Taliyah, Elise, Kayle, etc?
Not even doomposting but V*nguard actually noticeably killed off activity
listen up this iron is spitting facts
*bans her*
Doesn't matter that he got fired, the damage is done and irreparable. riot will never walk back on the rework because it's a sunk cost fallacy, three years can't just go to waste.
The gameplay designer was shit, the lore writer is literally some pink hair pronouns on twitter cunt, and the voice actor almost tried but it's still miles worse than the original. The art literally looks like it was made using AI and the ingame model is disgusting.
/lolg/ activity was dying long before vanguard
are you skarner kogmaw poster

iwonder what he thinks of it
this gets brought up around the same time almost every day
Your Yasuo buffs, sir.
red flags for every role
jungle player that also mains yuumi?
dont forget about shyvana, or fiddlesticks. these are known red flag junglers
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just the resident skarner autist that had 1.5mil mastery points between my accounts

but that faggot probably hates it too
And Yone equivalent changes
seems like reworks are usually a mistake
i don't know of any that i liked when i played
even the commonly liked ones i tended to dislike, i loved OG poppy but hate new poppy
sion was arguably the only champ that "deserved" to get hate reworked but even still new sion is so boring especially if you're playing optimally where you just buy sunfire like a good bitch
warwick is somehow held up as the gold standard of reworks when i feel it failed in keeping him as the designated babby's first jungler, yes it feels weird to want a champ that is designed to be piss easy mode, but in a game with 160+ champions you want some to have basic kits that you can't fuck up
i feel terrible for asol players because they got fucked multiple times and the new asol is just so...half assed

but with skarner it was always split where half the mains didn't want him reworked at all because we knew riot would fuck it up, and the other half that supported it for years have all now quit the game entirely because it's so fucking terrible. as soon as he won the poll I knew it was fucked.
a lot of words just to say "i think all reworks are bad"
i sink philosophicallly they have to be reaaaaaaal good to be worth it cus theres tons of people attached to the old character with millions of mastery points
most of them are though
arguably the only objectively good rework was fiddlesticks, though you can definitely swing some arguments against it
>yasuo gets a bunch of buffs
>yone gets a bunch of nerfs
yasuo take more skill than yone
Tons of people like the millions of old skarner mains (all 3 of them) and all the shyvana mains that dont exist because much like hecarim people only play her when shes op
but undoubtebly there will be people coming out of nowhere when shyv gets reworked to act like their life was ruined because the champ they mained forever (they didnt) was ruined (they will not post mastery ever)
Riot doesn't have a skin to shill for Yone unlike Yasuo right now
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>bot inting as per usual
>jungler invades without mid prio and dies
strongside thinks he's him and goes in 1v5 to just give his shutdown
when you realize every game is just a coinflip you stop raging at every inting retard
shyvana players from what I've seen typically wanted the rework, there might be a few that didn't but genuinely they had more faith in riot
skarner players were so heavily split and the only reason he won is because of seraphine's release putting so many eyes on him, despite not actually needing a full overhaul so much as just polishing up his QoL issues.
the other poll options also had problems but ultimately it comes down to this: riot should not have had a poll in the first place, because nobody at riot actually wanted to work on skarner, or did not have the skill necessary to do him justice
cute lux
>nerfing everything but the one ability people have the most issue with (E)
Is the balance team feeling okay?
this game gives off brain rot type vibes and same with this gen
Quit my job of a year and half due to burnout.

Champs for this feel?
i'd believe you if you were higher rank but those games are easy anon
I did that last month, realized all too late how oddly shit the current job market is even if you're qualified
Also, Yorick I guess because he doesnt seem to enjoy what he does he just seems to know it has to be done
unironically learn wave management anon
the entire game revolves around waves
cs is the reason why laners are in lane, the reason why they stay in lane, the reason why they leave lane, etc
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It can't be a coinflip when you get 8 roaming supports back to back and the enemy adc has his support glued to him. The ladder is absolutely luck based but it's not 50/50. There are accounts that are bricked, people who are unnaturally unlucky, and other inexplicable factors blocking climb. Tyler1 would play on 2 accounts with 1 being challenger and the other hardstuck emerald with a similar amount of games. I've had the same experience myself but up to master, had an account that just could not leave emerald despite me playing the same way and the same champs as my master account.
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balance team is smoking really, really good crack for years now
now im playing a lot of kayle (get autofilled secondary half my games) and winning

but it may be a random swing of winners queue
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I love Lissandra!
swain mid is broken
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I play so many champions so erratically that I haven't played an Annie game in three years, and she's still top three.
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aram god
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need to ask riot to take TF off of my account and then MF would be the third one here
is it true there is a pve mode in this game now?
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holy fuck this game is DEAD
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Another autoloss the Mundo Warwick Sylas retards weren't dying and to top it off they had a 14/1 Ezreal (most bitch nigger character to fight when they're fed)

i maek dis; its spposed to sound like briar is the one singing it
I honestly wonder if there has ever been a psychological study of people's actions in League. Like, you obviously have folks experiencing meltdowns or rage, but I'm more curious about individuals who self-sabotage.

Three games tonight have featured us at bot lane absolutely destroying before my Support has some sort of crisis and begins either roaming jungle or constantly getting caught out in the open. I have no problem with someone roaming to another lane once or twice, but completely giving up on what's working only to go 0/9/10 is wild.
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late night stream anyone?
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based trickle fan. pretty good start here
>constantly playing zac
reported for misleading title
>Even a gwen with subpar farm and k/d still has to be treated like a massive threat
Gross champ
an 0/10 brand with rylais is worse
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The collection grows
ill play graves RIGHT NOW
Trundle jg is kinda shit because you cant take teleport so you can't splitpush (or have to always be at objectives because of smite) and you cant teamfight for shit so you just die in teamfitghts instantly
Are Kayle top players boosted?
No Kayle players are based
late night my love
why did we as a society let """off meta""" adcs go mid
Why do WE let phreak get away with keeping fasting senna + tank champ be viable forever?
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>riot wants to "unskew" champs like akali and yone back towards proplay
>straight nerfs across the board
yeah i guess
the other classes didn't bitch hard enough compared to them
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>enemy picks tristana mid
>pick lux
>play safe early, giving her no opportunities to go in
>after 6 perma shove the lane from 2 screens away to stop her from roaming or bursting my tower
I think I found the counter for trist mid abusers.
if you really want to fuck with trist mid play sivir mid and rush shiv and ER. perma push the wave and never be in danger.
Im a KHV 30 year old with no education and a NEET with no work experience and today I played 12 games (had a lot of fun I gotta say)
how to lane against lb?
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>be jg
>have 3 losing lanes
what do
kissless hugless virgin

granted i am barely into women and more into abstract fetishism
walk into one and make it a winning lane like the enemy jungle probably did
lucky rakan
how hairy is xayahs birbhole really
I'm going to hover yuumi every game to weed out the weak
I've seen this question countless times here, “what do I do if my three lanes are losing?”, the answer is: nothing, wait for it to end and go next, the answer you're waiting for to miraculously save your team doesn't exist.
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>the new champ is literally a chink bimbo with monster tits and freckles, like something out of a gacha.
idgi /lolg/, is that supposed to be a bad thing?
MF is the only bimbo kino in this game nobody else can compete
>anons get mad if the champ is a brown girl
>anons get mad if the champ is a white girl
>anons get mad if the champ is a man
>anons get mad if the champ is a monster
Realistically the new champ is just a uninspired lux egirl champ. Not terrible but not good.
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Better than a gay ass faggy dragon shota or a brown shota.
>soloq support
>manage a somewhat positive winrate
>start to duoq with a decent bot
>stomp the lane 100%
>we lose 80% of the matches due to piss poor circumstances
so how is lp/loss gain calculated? some days I gain more than others
I think matchmaking tends to put duos against other duos when it can. at least that's what happens to me
nah bruh istg it's some riot nigga that sniffs me out every time I catch an egirl botlaner
24h lockout cause i left a game with a faggot retard
oh well
Log on your smurf account then
evening, anon. you gaming a bit as well tonight? don't stay up too late or you'll land in stoner hours kek
it unironically lowers the quality of the rest of your team if you have a duo. so if the enemy team has no duo, their team overall will be better.
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there is no way riot actually likes this degen double dot AP meta
Erm, thats Phreak buddy
Dark Cosmic is Lux's best skin
keep farming and hope that there's a teamfight that you can carry
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guess the elo
Buy Alois's fundamentos course #sponsored
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Song of the thread!
Theme: You're playing support and trying to keep morale raised.

I like her design. Not every champion needs to be boring like Naafiri.

Calm, anon. You'll get better games tomorrow. Treat it as a break!
alois's matchup knowledge is unrivaled and probably worth the money if you play riven but his fundamentals and tempo courses are so overpriced when he literally provides all the information free if you just watch his stream for a couple weeks
What the fuck is "runic ashes"?
probably what they called Fated Ashes during playtesting and he never got the memo that they changed the name
typically if you win more your MMR goes up and you gain more points and vise versa
I only play those champs support...

I love it personally... I think it's one of the most interesting mechanics in the game...
I really hate that they keep nerfing Lillia on things that have nothing to do with Lillia jungle...
bronze III
how many hours until the new mode unlocks?
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By the way, what do you guys think about Milio's giga buff?
Just for your information, Milio's Q already has a 120% ap ratio.
>24 kill talon yet the game is not over already
Im gonna say silver
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The verdict?
Ahaha cinco de mayo me love taco me super duper reddit mexicano jajajaja XDDD
excited to try it out
Powerful AGP energy.
the players on this game are so trash and all act like fags
built for
>implying it's acting
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what the fuck
wonderbreadlows, it's time to stop queueing, oatmealhighs are up
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I like being a marianalow
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Is Riot cutting costs on artists now? This doesn't feel like official League art, it looks pretty rough.
Half of the people they let go in the layoff were artists in the concept and skin teams
look real good to me
Aatrox looks like such a faggot, like this fish fag in zelda.
I need to cum really quick
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>pantheon doing the same braindead point-and-click combo over and over again for 43782934 damage isn't dogshit nigger design because umm... he is like my reddit chad meme!
seriously just delete this nigger garbage it's insane how you will eat up the most brainless cancer designs possible as long as it's not le girly champion. "here's your "modernized rework bro" and it's just an elo boosting brainless toplaner who isn't fun for anyone because we don't have enough of those yet
trist Q costing 50 mana is going to feel like pure shit, but i guess Riot doesn't give a fuck about shitting on champs because of their own meta fuckups
no kayle is elo deflating
nah fuck yourself nigger adc apologist your champ has a mana bar for a reason you got to enjoy manaless q for 10 seasons now take your fucking meds
non-adcs be like
>yea you have a mana bar that should be going down
non-adcs also be like:
>oh, my hp bar? that can literally never go down, adcs dealing damage is literally genocide
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It's missing that professional finish Riot art tends to have. This looks like something a particularly skilled fanartist willing to make a large piece could pull off, it doesn't look like the usual meticulously rendered to a gorgeous standard other Riot stuff usually has.
The splashes themselves are up to that standard, it's just this piece and I find it weird because they're using it everywhere for promos.
the other one was fine but wtf is this?
>tristana isn't a problem in like half a decade
>riot releases a shitty patch, shits on mages yet again, gives ADC the best itemization in the game, adds a mastery that heals you 100+hp per wave
>tristana and corki become broken
big L lil bro
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I kneel
i'm pretty sure i've seen a mihoyo bitch that looks like this in one of their 20 games
but i think it's supposed to be Xayah
like hob tristana hasnt been shitting up soloq for years and package corki doesnt turn competetive mid lane into a naptime scaling battle EVERY fucking season. these two champs are literally never weak it just took corki getting reworked into a traditional rightclicker from a poke mage for everyone to realize adcs are actually broken mid
quiet kid
average, normal
teacher's pet
the "military" kid
popular sociopath
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Wakey, wakey, sleepy fox
The artists have been dogshit for years with a couple of good skins here and there. After the firing, first female we get have giant tits and thighs. Pray Riot returns to their old design philosophy before they hired all those Blizzard employees.
all I got atm. other accounts are just swain xayah zyra ori vi etc, trying to play enchanters except soraka less.
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AWFUL day of league today but i appreciate everyone in the stream and once again i hope it was still enjoyable
I tried to be positive
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I'm not watching it.
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No worries anon I hope you find content you enjoy
Is he right?
Didn't ask.
bro is playing Ivern how low can you sink lmao
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Thanks anons!
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What's the best Yasuo skin?
ivern is a nordic champ
Ivern is the Yuumi of the jungle
you are the nigger of lolg
hit a nerve?
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>Grrr stop making fun of The epic wholesome tree of elo inflation!
Dude just say you like winning
>yo bro you have to play kool aid guzzling nigger champs in the jungle instead of Ivern or the Zogcouncil of Goyslop won't accept your membership
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if you dont put 5 hours a day into practicing a skill you dont deserve to be competetive with people who do. by definition any system where casuals can stand toe to toe with professionals is noncompetetive.
>I lose as a rengar jg otp in silver against autofilled support players how could you tell? ivern is broken btw. I really hate how some junglers play champs that win games, I play jungle because I'm le skilled not because it's freelo
Fanciest: either dragonmancer
Smoothest: nightbringer
Pretty effects and colours: SB
Best to steal Yuumi away from your ADC: Prestige inkshadow
Upvote if you le think high noon is le best skin: High Noon
why are you just making shit up?
everybody loved jhin on release and no his optimal build wasnt zeal items you fucking niggerfaggot
it was 4 ies with eelectrocute
retard alert
I love everyone in /lolg/
if you think deathfire touch or warlords or whatever the fuck was better on jhin than thunderlords neck it rn
>pick tristana mid
>autowin every matchup with 0 effort
>outscale every champ
>feel sense of pride and accomplishment at your drafting prowess
>go to bed satisfied you won at league of legends
enemy mid desreved it for not banning her
there is no other acceptable ban as a mid laner
either you are blue side and going to play trist, or you are banning trist
anything else and u deserve to die irl
New players are encouraged to pick one champ and to stick to it, is Taliyah a good choice since she fills two roles?
Swain can fill four roles.
you should stick to one champ and one role (mid>top>adc>supp>jg for learning the game)
doesn't matter if you play the same champ the few times you are offrole and taliyah locks you into mid jg which is not the greatest
I'd play a midlaner and an adc if I were you
What's so bad about jgl
PvE role, you don't learn much
you can only limittest on jungle after you know how lanes work
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>my computer is on its last legs
might have to be a normals player now
i really can't think of a company more completely undeserving of their success than Riot games
343 Studios
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not exactly the warmest of welcomes back to the game :[
played a game and now the game doesn't open, good one Riot haha
what champs are BBL DRIZZY core?
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I think he went back to minecraft.
from software
Blizz earned it until Activision came in and pulled an EA, a company that also farmed normies' money through sportsball games to become big
hate to say it but it looks like you boomed a bit up top
did they even add any new champ this year?
boom as in rage? no i wasnt inting i just kept getting ganked and i have no map awareness anymore
why dont you play vayne anymore firestorm
Made some of the best PC games of all time
Normie tier but at least they deliver what normies want
These are the Apex guys aren't they? On par with Riot
Making pokemon isn't earning it?
>343 Studios
At least they make games even if bad

Riot is truly a fucking anomaly. They made a game that they were lucky enough to have become Korea and China's pet game, then never improved, then tried to make other games and they were all shit, and now finally it seems like their death is coming soon, at least when it comes to cultural relevancy.
boomed; fucked up, flopped, shat up too bad and kept dying instead of playing passive
taliyah is hard as fuck and if your not particularly a talented gaymer who picks shit up quick may make you spend countless hours (upwards of 1 to 2k games) in bronze or iron. but it is soulful to pick who you like.
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yeah i always do that though
its just sometimes i also get a lot of kills
im a high death player
based double down mindset
they do a really good job keeping league modernized:
>kpop idol skins with actual popular songs
>egirl champions
>even caught on to the derpy goth trope with briar
>etc etc
they do a good job on keeping they finger on the cultural zeitgeist.
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bunny soon
thx anon :3
ranked only down for an hour, right? i'm tweakin
I'd play loldodgegame in the meantime but it bricks my fucking pc
someone 1v1 me in krunker.io while the servers are down
this did not answer my question at all
>constant remakes in aram because Riot broke something in 14.14 and people's game's do not start
somebody please bomb riot hq already
thank you
Can't wait for this chinky TFT season to finally be over even though the new one doesn't look any less homosexual with all the magical sissy shit
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I do though?
Have a clip: https://litter.catbox.moe/ohz37f.mp4
Normal matchmaking has been weird for me lately. This is a really low MMR game.
new ship
firestorm x qikami
i dropped your mmr manually
thank me later
ah cheers ive just been only seeing your apheliosposting recently i guess
>kai'sa is playab-
nobody care me anymore
it's ok the set after this one will be kino (arcane)
why are there so many koreans and chinese playing in the NA server
>win 3 krunker.io games in a row
>enemy is a hacker in the next one
wp riot
Do you have good tutorials on doing ai art?
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Yeah I suppose.

I spent a while forcing the manamune into AP build to get comfortable with it again and test some adjustments. I'm not a big fan of getting sorcs and shadowflame, I've been keeping tier 1s (magic boots 99%) and building BFT 3rd instead for abillity haste because it's like horizon focus with 5 more ability haste which is a big deal for being able to proc passive with 2 consecutive Ws.
Also I think a bunch of games of people ragequitting or my premades deciding they want out and me approving the surrender vote because I don't hostage friends (usually) so that tanked the winrate a bit.

Well send me back to like d2-master MMR then. Traumatizing gold players is funny for a couple games but then it gets boring. I'd rather test my spacing against low masters than be unpunished till 6 then win basically for free.
And make me stop getting gold elo BobbyChungus69 jungle volibears going RoA navori without jack of all trades. Thanks.
Do you have good tutorials on taking dick?
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Just ask your mom.
>Well send me back to like d2-master MMR then.
stop queueing with low elos and your mmr will get back there again
I will definitely ask your mom
i'll make you a deal, you get me the lolg gf i deserve and i make your mmr go to places you've never seen before
how did you feel about the vayne top boom earlier in the season? I feel like the champ is pretty much entirely pushed out of duo lane now
When Aurora?
>tristana mid nerfed
rare riot games competency, nice.
Swain jungle when? Allowing players to pick two roles for the same champ in quickplay when?
>brand karthus seraphine yasuo hwei swain terrorising botlane for eternity
>"shut up adchud and play them"
>tristana and corki are briefly good on mid
>"riotman save me midlane is being genocided"
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Mercury's Treads
>cost: 1100 --> 1200
>MR: 25 --> 20
Plated Steelcaps
>cost: 1000 --> 1100
>armor: 25 --> 20
>passive block: 8% --> 10%
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
>cost: 900 --> 1000
>summoner haste: 12 --> 10
Sorcerer's Shoes
>mpen: 18 --> 15
Berserker's Greaves
>AS: 35% --> 30%
Boots of Swiftness
>cost: 900 --> 1000

I always love when counterpicking is gigabuffed.
range is the most broken stat in mobas (by far) and it's based
league is down... what now
1v1 me in krunker dog
yeah man range is so broken when every champ in the game has a dash larger than my range and every champ can oneshot rangeds
Just load up Elden ring for a hour or so
Well too bad because the people I hang out with are chill. Most of them anyway.
High normal MMR comes with its own issues. At least I'm not getting angry handlevelers and people running 5 games because they got ranked restricted in half of my games anymore.

>earlier in the season
You mean
>people saw T1 zeus play vayne as a counterpick and proceeded to mindlessly copy SR tri RFC in every game no matter the situation
She has been better top than bot for years now but I don't feel like queuing that role. I have people I enjoy playing bot with so I just stick with them and don't really blindpick vayne. If I get a bad matchup I can handle it with the years of experience but someone who doesn't know the limits would easily get smashed.
Most of the random vayne tops I see are doing poorly because they get into some pitfall I can see from a mile away. They turn often into a liability when it could be easily avoided. The general negative sentiment towards vayne top comes from players like that but I don't feel like going out of my way to be a positive example when I'm enjoying myself bot.

Common tier 1 boots keeper W.

Play on a different region that is already post maintenance.
Much like the Vex fag, I here by promise, I will never play another champion besides Aurora. (Obviously unless she's banned or taken)

I will never main another champion and regardless of her state I will play only here to Grand Masters.
who asked
>taliyah is hard as fuck and if your not particularly a talented gaymer who picks shit up quick may make you spend countless hours (upwards of 1 to 2k games) in bronze or iron. but it is soulful to pick who you like.

What makes Taliyah hard though? Skillshots?
I did now shut up
her e is weird to use but thats something you get used to after like 5 games not 2000 games idk what that guy is talking about
>every champ in the game has a dash larger than my range
sound like your champ sucks because it has low range or you are just bad at the gaem
This is killing me I fucking hate patch day!!!!
Taliyah is not hard at all. That anon is retarded.
She basically only has 2 skills. You spam Q and you fish for knockups into your stones.
That's literally it.
And getting knockups is pretty easy, its fast and if someone is in range you can get it without much effort. Especially easy in lane since you get use your Q to slow people to set up the knockup.
Hopefully soon though I need sleep.
yea I dont disagree but I feel on NA at least vayne top was gaining traction before zeus really kicked it off. I just hate the ranged top trend in general and it feels even worse that vayne top got some nerfs with no compensation for adc.
>play on a different region that is already post maintenance
for the true addicts that cant handle not touching this game for more than 2 hours
taliyah is hard because she is short range and doesnt get a combat ultimate so you get fucked if you get engaged on without stones and you get dueled by pretty much everyone with a damage ult. if you arent finding good plays with your ult your pretty much a pisser waveclear bot that just slowly gets outscaled
how does that make her hard
thats like saying soraka is hard because you cant 1v1 people
Not gonna read all this, Taliyah is easy to play on manual spell setting than the quick spell because the game gives you more control over the direction of the spell in terms of preview of the range, direction, etc. some champs just play better on that setting.
>rework happens
>it flops
Many such cases
>rework happens
>champ is more popular than before
>sissybimbos say it flopped still
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Now that the dust has settled, why did the Volibear rework flop so hard?
It's fine. I love playing him top with that stupid AP build. Shits broken
>season 5 juggerkino like mordekaiser and illaoi
>season 14 juggerslop skarner
there is more to this game than mindlessly trying to 1v1 your lane opponent
Why do low elo supports always pick shit like Pyke/Zyra/Vel/LB/Xer and etc? I was smurfing in Plat and notice that the Gold/Plat kids always pick this shit, with this "i've gotta carry" mentality.
>season 5 slopperkino like mordekaiser and illaoi
>season 14 kinoslop skarner
Illaoi is the most fair, well designed, and high skill cap juggernaut
>I just hate the ranged top trend in general
What makes it worse is that a lot of the time when you get a ranged top in your team is that now that names are hidden in champ select you can't know whether your top is
>an actual ranged top player with a bunch of games on champions like kayle or cass
>BobbyChungus69 who mains darius garen sett but in your game he's playing vayne because he's mad he just lost to one and now he's melee ranging enemy fiora
>autofilled ADC main who has the mechanics but chain dies to predictable ganks and roams

>for the true addicts that cant handle not touching this game for more than 2 hours
When I wake up early on patch day sometimes EUNE is already up and running while EUW is still in maintenance.
You guys ever see big brain shit?

>Play mid
>Going even in lane
>Want to kill dude because I slow pushed a wave and want him to miss all of it
>Noc is top
>Enemy wards are on point, and dude knows to look at the map.
>Support coming to gank
>Ping the wards we know are there.
>Dude waits a second, then Noc pops ult
>doesn't even use it because he's just walking to their krugs
>Supp walks in my lane unnoticed, get a free as fuck kill.
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>manual spell setting
>some champs just play better on that setting.

list them please
>buy pink ward
>die twice without ever placing it
>sell it for component
I'm so happy. I wrote about my sup friend before and i started using female pronouns with her. Today I asked her if she wanted to be addressed by female pronouns and she was silent for like 2 minutes and I was nervous. Then she said yes and that she liked it
but name one situation where you would ever address "her" as anything other than "you"
Thanks anon, I thought Taliyah was late scaling champ but I guess that was pre rework then
very true, i agree with you that malphite, yorick, and other male toplaners should be deleted!
I meant the quick cast and normal cast, quick cast you press a button and I believe whatever mouse direction it is to the character it sends out the spell there where as normal cast you get a preview and drag out the spell box then press and move that up or down for Taliyahs shove.
So you press w or whatever that spell is then click where you want the shove is to be placed then drag it to where you want her to shove the enemy champ towards them release and it will do so, it's better because you can calculate it to what you like than quick casting which is faster but less methodological hence why people play on quick cast because it's just faster and easier but normal helps you set up your plays better on some champs. I'm not gonna name them now because I'm busy and tired atm.
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don't delete Sion pls
>Chuds trying to pick my wife just because she's released.

Fucking posers. They'll drop her in a month.
I miss Prime Capsules...
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Aurora is going to get the suck
Someone answer this question pls?
>na up
nigga just listen to them and form your own opinion
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there are lots of tutorials on getting started on either /g/ or /h/
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I WILL become silver today
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oh god, why is everyone in high elo korea spamming Zeri mid
trist and corki are probably banned and adcs are broken
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dont really like the new one its too nasally as well as being a bit yappy some of the classic lines got a lot worse
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do it for her
>Nidalee voice update

let me guess, they didn't want a white woman voicing the spear chucker?
what's wrong with that
lolgchuds be like that
swarm when?
ask muttistan
is there a game with worse client than League?
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I love Seraphine
>score is 7 to 15
>ff vote
>enemy jungle gets dragon
>ff vote
>enemy team collapses on person that is by themselves
>ff vote
>barely lose a teamfight, enemy team doesnt even get an objective from it
>ff vote
people do not actually want to play this game
play better
>gold iv
>silver i
>gold iv
>silver i
>gold iv
>silver i
Losersq is absolutely fucking real.
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how much longer until the bunny slut patch drops i wanna play
kill yourself
if you're going to spend any meaningful time why not learn the real thing? the point of ai art is that you can push out slop quickly
because he plans on using AI to generate PORN and then JERK OFF to it, why the fuck would anyone actually interested in art ask about AI?
aurora is gonna be a low pickrate champ, she really isn't fun at all
bit like gwen where you have a decent concept (mainly because of how hard it appeals to weebs) and a weak kit
>sub 1% pickrate champs "terrorising" botlane
why are adc players so fragile?
learning the real thing is completely pointless if your goal is just to make pictures of sexy girls.
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>he thinks artists aren't coomers
I'd wager wanting to draw pretty women naked is a top 3 reason to pick up a pencil
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how many years practise and then time to actually make do you think it would take to draw this by hand? Not to mention a large % of people still suck after putting all that time in
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you should consider suicide if you think getting paid to produce someone's porn is a desirable job or that it bears any artistic merit
i don't even know what to reply because i have no idea how you jumped to that conclusion, i think you're probably deeply retarded, off your meds or just wanted to make a different point and latched onto the first somewhat related post. either way as usual i think you're the one considering suicide and i encourage you to do it, not healthy to be this angry online
if you have no talent, just getting borderline good at art will take years, sound like the dumbest idea I've ever heard compared to a day of ai training
I'd hope not many because that anatomy is horrendous. You'd also learn a cool skill that you can use to make your life richer, but I guess if you don't enjoy the act of painting itself and only look at it from a "I want to produce content" angle AI is a better fit yeah
>that anatomy is horrendous
its better anatomy than 95% of internet artists lmao
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>Nooooo the heckin anatomy is mildly wrong (on average better than 90%+ of manual art) and maybe the shadow is a bit off
literally no one cares
Redpill me on Poppy top, I used to play her but then she got nerfed. Is she a early game bully, late game or midshitter? Pretty sure she hasn't received any reworks so there's that
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you should also consider suicide if you're such a low impulse control animal that you find the idea of drawing il sexo appealing

it's the same pathetic rotten mindset zoomers have when they sign up to the gym thinking they'll become sex machines and both behavior piss me the fuck off
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for example the hand is actually awful in that, but you can always fix these things (I just didn't care because I was looking at the boobs not the hand)
This is what I don't really get from AI people, I don't care if you want to use AI, but this envious animosity towards people that draw manually is pretty weird. Feels like jealousy honestly.
>mildly wrong
nigger her left leg is beyond fucked, she's missing half her ass and her torso looks like a bus, the picture is a fucking mess. it's just a polished turd
hey do you see those circular buckles on her chest straps? yeah can you please proompt me an actual readable pattern inside of them, just anything simple like a starburst or a crescent moon
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what? Projection much
It's the artists SEETHING constantly when the ai people just want to post pictures
I'm not the AI guy and I don't have any envy towards artists. I just think you're being incredibly unfair on the AI pic saying it has "horrendous" anatomy. You're trying to hold it to a standard far higher than you would for any other sort of art. Its not horrendous even if you can nitpick slight mistakes.
Eh not really? Artists are mad about it because it infringes on their livelihood (though gen ai in general seems to be winding down a lot so it'll probably not be that bad), you're the ones that immediately brought up "IT'S BETTER THAN ACTUAL ARTISTS!!!" the moment you felt slightly threatened lol
There's a lot of "hahaha get fucked artists your job is over! nobody needs you! nobody cares about your processes!" animosity in AI circles.
Eh the torso is way too long.
This one is pretty fine except for the mangled hand.
This one is mostly alright as long as you don't look at the details too much. The leg being fucked up is bad since it's a focus point as coomer art though

AI mistakes are more jarring because they make no sense yet are well rendered, whereas artists will just be less detailed in stuff they're bad at and it won't be as noticeable.
I'm not a "art is a reflection of the human soul a machine could never" guy. I think gen AI is pretty good, I just think the animosity towards artists is weird. Strikes me as people who wish they could draw, never wanted to put in the hours and decided to settle for the next best thing.
any animosity is 99% because of how insufferable twitter artists and reddit mods are about ai, calling all ai theft etc
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>i-it's artists seething
>i spend all day posting my gens for validation and the moment anyone criticizes it i just bring up that it's better than actual art
c'mon dude everyone has you pegged
truly I am the one that is mad, well done
desu the only people that got unemployed due to AI are the cel shade smut "artists" whose work was so bland and repetitive actual fucking AI could reproduce it
paper.io is the most fucking niggerlicious game I've ever played this shit is more tilting than playing draven with a zilean support holy fuck
Speak for yourself nigger.
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>oh woe is me I'm just a poor AI artist trying to bring a smile to peoples faces but those evil twitter artists are bullying me for literally training LORAs on their art
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maybe if you cry about it even more I might stop, surely your opinion matters
>crying about AI art again
Neither side will be convinced by the other so lets just stop talking about it.
he actually just wanted more coom material but won't admit to it so he's using reverse psychology instead
It's so obvious how insecure you are by how defensive you get over your stolen slop, keep posting and getting aneurysms every time someone calls you out instead of grabbing a pencil and learning something useful for once in your life
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why do you get so mad that I post some cool art bro
About to play my first game of ranked this split
Give me your energy!!!
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FUCK my head hurts so fucking much it's unreal
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say aaah
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Good luck anon, you got this!
opinions on TFT? is it pure RNG sloppa?
Aurora is in the ban screen but no the shop
this is normal for new champs, they properly release her at a different time but all info is in the client
Well gen ai is theft and the models exist thanks to a metric fuckton of it. That's just a fact of it, but the cat is out of the bag so it doesn't make much sense to get angry about it. Artists being pissed off about it is pretty natural: you perfect your craft, they make a machine that does what you do and aggressively market it as ala "hey you don't have to pay this guy anymore!" thing.
I dislike preachy people and people who get mystical about the act of drawing being like touching the face of God as well but the material reality is that.
I think gen ai serves a different kind of person, the person that wants to create images but does not actually enjoy the act of drawing. That's fine and I don't think anyone should take that possibility away. But being mad about the people who do it the regular way, the constant comparisons "haha this will do your job better without needing to learn it" is the silly thing for me. It's a different thing, it's like somebody who assembles models of things getting shit on for not buying it pre assembled. The process is the point.
its too illegal
>win every other game
when did nammers start typing butt again did he forget
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I like it. Its very chill and there is a lot of strategy to it.
It does use RNG heavily in multiple ways which is why most of the strategy is about risk management and adapting to what you are given to succeed. Its not a big deal though imo since you only have to place top 4 to win and a good player can place top 4 even with pretty bad RNG, its just that to get 1st place you do need to have some luck.
It changes a lot each season though, basically completely reinventing itself. I didn't like the most recent set so I didn't play it much.
No. It's more like win 4, lose 5, win 3, lose 4 etc etc
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i am neutral towards ai
fatkali tho
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I don't have anything bad to say about artists unless they are specifically whining at me, I do a lot of manual editing and img2img work on my sketches to do my stuff.
It's a tool but any nuance is lost in their screeching about all ai bad
>is it pure RNG sloppa?
the same people are challenger every season
Sakimichan is still a millionaire
no shot you not only defile the most beautiful woman in league but you dont even bother to show her the decency of drawing it by hand live a long healthy life bro you have bright future ahead of you!
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If its cool then whys ur art getting zero views? And why arent u making money
Where is the fat i dont see it
holy shit I hate this FUCKING GAME
>jungler goes afk after 2 camps
>ff vote starts
>surrender vote failed 2/2
>lucian says not to ff because jungle is his duo buddy and had to go somewhere
>trynda top (who ended up being 5 levels behind enemy top and lost 3 towers in 14 minutes) also voted no for some reason
and obviously I have to lose LP for this clusterfuck
god I don't remember the last time this game triggered me so much
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some of my stuff does get lot's of views
I could probably make some money but I just make stuff for fun ;3
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Imagine killing every single nunu player with your own bare hands
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He said "good tutorials" not bad tutorials, the ones you followed
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I'm level 20 but I am so desperate to grind ranked I think I'll just buy xp boosts. Hopefully it makes the last 10 levels go fast. Half a decade without league of legends (and ranked) really did my soul too much good, it must be fixed I MUST GRIND
show me one good character design made by AI
ok i will spend time out of my day coming up with a >haha cheeky and clever!
title for my disposable image on vg true
>Ai slop
will replace only already sloppy artists like whatever artists do official art for chinkshit gacha games
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really all you need to get going is in those threads, the guides to get the gens going and training a LoRA. Designing your LoRAs and gens is the creative side.
post hairline and iq plz i wanna laugh
tfw checked both boards for ai gen tut thread and ig i was too retarded to find them
/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General
/hdg/ Hentai Diffusion General #575
the OP has links
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They still got the GOATed bundle sale going, nicenice
ah didnt know diffusion was the keyword thank you
why do "AI artists" and AI people feel the need to just spam every place they go to?
>ezreal for a starter pack
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If I change my "icon" by selecting something, can I go back to having no icon? Pic related. I can't find it as an option on the icons page
Yes but only via additonal legal tools outside the client
Same with achievements under your profile
>buhhhh why do people share fanart in relevant places where people like to see fanart
I see, thanks. Guess I'm keeping it unless I get the Golden Draven Statue icon
i wish people would stop picking thresh its just not a good champion
>piss smurfed in lane
>fumbled every chance I had afterwards, every
>got outspaced by players 2 ranks below me
>missed every skillshot
>moved like shit
>only won because I got hard carried by a smurfing bot and everyone else doing well
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>this is allegedly the WR exclusive ultimate skin for Yone
They can keep it. This ugly ass undercut/sideshaved style needs to fucking die.
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>darius bans quinn
>play vayne top
I feel so devious
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fr fr
did tristana even get nerfed? she stomped both of my midlaners that faced her today and was exactly as ungankable as ever because they didn't remove buffering or resetting from W
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>decide to queue ad cause i havent played it in a while
>unironically matched with level 10 new player support
wahahahhahahaha RIOT
and you mentored them and were supportive right?
you didn't get mad and flame them for something outside of their control right?
That posture is probably terrible for your lower back, but to be honest I should totally get a height adjustable desk.
Zats grazy that you have shit matchmaking in normals
they won't remove either of those things because she's been good for two patches
The fun part about smurfing isn't sweating and showing everyone how cool you are. It's playing weird shit and making the enemy mad they lost to mid Rakan while you're barely paying attention and watching Hulu on the second monitor.
>One of the best parts about Yone is his beautiful hair
>destroy it with the side shave meme and an overall ugly hairstyle
>third fucking skin with sunglasses/shades
On the bright side I won't have to perma seethe about the skin being exclusive to a mobile game.
Does fagstorm still post here?
I wanna laugh at him
she has been broken since season 1
abilities that reset should never have been introduced in the game
no if I flame enough new players that get matched with me riot will realize that smurf queue is broken and rework it to actually be decent. few will suffer for the good of many.
Why do you wanna laugh at him?
scroll up sweety
because he is a faggot
>still stuck in emerald/plat
>and yet types walls of text trying to teach others how to play
ad tf really became giga dogshit again, unfortunate but i understand why
>play on my 365 day chat restricted account
>absolute nigger cattle queue, 7 loss streak with three losing lanes every game that has been going on for 3 days
>switch to alt with honor 2
>perfect matchmaking

lol prisoners island doesn't exist we don't think it would be a good idea :^)
I know it doesn't exist because Riot keeps putting me in games where everyone (except for a certain person) is nice. If prisoner's island exists, then everyone is locked in here with me
nobody gives a shit about resets, get a life retard
>champ is complete garbage for years
>nobody gives a shit
>becomes meta for just a little bit
Fucking babies, I swear.
oh yeah I love looking up fanart on boorus just to be flooded with AI art
>Riot keeps putting me in games where everyone (except for a certain person) is nice
that's because everyone is chat restricted, my games have maybe one person active in text chat
please don't speak ill of the chronically online trannyclique ringmaster there's nothing wrong with being gay
post your rank so we can laugh at you too faggot
literally every booru has a filter function and plenty of boorus dont allow aislop.
Even doe they are typing
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Good luck!

Drink water, anon!

I think he's one of the most fair supports. You either make mistakes against them or they make mistakes against you. He doesn't get free easy damage like Mages and his engage requires more skill than champions like Blitz, Naut, and Leona.
>get spamganked and flashed on by enemy jungler
>team complains about my kda
Look guys, my farm was trash and my movement wasn't clean I did not play well but that is wasnt my fault
says a lot that one of the fairest supports is entirely pushed out of the meta for being dog

someone post akali please im horny
>is entirely pushed out of the meta
he's top 3 picked support retard nigger, he IS meta alongside leona and naut
Gorilla granny is the next champ after. Don't get your hopes up too high.
nigga this paper.io is harder than league fr
How? He feels insanely strong to me. He has everything a support would want.
looks like an absolute fag. when is riot officially june'ing him?
bl*ck. damn aurora was right
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IT'S ALL FUCKING ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like damn, give me something juicy
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wait I just realised that throwmatic was supposed to be a word play on traumatic haha
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La Ilusion >= Soul Reaver >= Gladiator
Maybe they're all equal, maybe not, I just don't know
I thought it was like automatic throw
God all these new skins are so dogshit garbage. Give me crystal rose swain on sale again or nf swain. Also make a legacy skin shop because these new contents just don't cut it.
my wife
FUCK I just spent all my RP on gacha shit
I wanted that kayle and irelia skin
Maybe we can make an arrangement ...
hard stuck plat shitter cant show his rank lmao
its ok keep acting like a nigger thats also funny lmao
Holy shit old League looked like dogshit.
stop talk nigger
Aw hellll naaaah this tranny being rowdy with it
Boy you better behave before I whoop yo fat black ass I ain't got time to play with you fr
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whats the matter?
hit a nerve?
>pisslow tranny so low he thinks everybody is like him
>call them out
>they get so assblasted that now they have to deflect
schizo troon
keep parroting, keep parroting
you will be right one day!
until that day keep seething like the low elo shitters you all are
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reminder to stay off my rabbit girl. her ass belongs to me.
groomer kino
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oh no no no mcdonalds employee sisters.....
vantapink* "rabbit girls" hate you
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>playerbase complains about playing versus ranged tops
>riot releases a champ that is specifically designed to be a ranged top and kiting
why is caitlyn kneeling on ksantes dick i thought she was lesbian
meds. ksante stopped breathing in the hospital due to fentanyl overdose
thats an american thing they dont have fentanyl in africa
meds. caitlyn gave birth to ksantes son in the hospital due to her looking like irelia
2 wins
2 losses
I'm at gold 1 now
My last season peak was plat 4 (close to plat 3 ;)
Seems I will catch up to last split with no grind
Lets hope that means I can climb
>my noc says "its a coinflip game" because we both have 2 drags
>he proceeds to literally ult in 1v5 on cooldown
>never got a kill without immediately dying (hmm i wonder why)
this is the type of person that complains about "loserq" and says "i can only affect the outcome of 10% of my matches"
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OH HELLLLLLLL NAW i aint just been done dat doe ... nah on god i be throwing hands on dese hoes doe frfrrrrrr
should've invaded with the goat botgap
Wanna duo and play Milio for me?
remember the burgers you flip everyday
even those hate you
Holy shit the loot system is so fucked. Master work chests just giving 520 skins or the ugliest fucking skins imaginable. That or fucking OE. Fuck me, glad I don't buy this shit.
I don't think people here unironically work for McDonald's, though some probably work a similar min wage job because they enjoy consumerism.
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Freljordian women welcome refugees with open arms and spread legs, they are doing it in europe too
It was 2v3 for us instead
No, I haven't even played with or vs a Milio yet
What is this burger stuff? Who are you talking to?
>>riot releases a champ that is specifically designed to be a ranged top and kiting
Riot realized they fucked up though and shifted her to mainly being a mid laner. Now she basically only works as a top laner as a counterpick.
hes a mcdonalds wagie in finland
thats how pathetic his whole existance is
>Le champ eating burgers XD
Most cringe fanart possible
Predictions on Aurora?
Kino or Flop?
i got an emote (ONE SINGLE) from a masterwork chest
that shit should be criminal
Did the pass for the event, used the purple shit for skin shards. Out of the 5 orbs AND the 13 skin shards I got 9 skins below 975, like 5 of them were 520, and the rerolls on the shards themselves was the same fucking thing. Ragdoll poppy, Starcaller raka, infernal Mord, etc.

Fucking me running, serves me right for giving Rito my money.
Not true
Ohhh, that's quite funny. Explains everything.
whoops, forgot to reply to >>486423703
Same. Masterworks should never contain chests / keys / skins below 1350 / emotes or ward skins. Thats just fucking bullshit. I opened 5 MW chests and it was all garbage.
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thresh is fun on arena but is completely fucked by his augment choices/prismatic choices offering him random ap mage shit which just makes it harder to go either build because the other type pollutes your choices
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Scientifically speaking how does one win against a tank team when you are mages?
can you make her tits bigger next time?
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What are some evergreen picks for top, jungle and mid? Doesn’t have to be the strongest, just always solid and not often banned.
white* oops
Briar, Briar and Briar
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50% of kaisa fanart is her eating things
the other 50% is of her ass
Singed and Teemo are all you ever gonna need
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Because her suit makes her eat more in order to evolve her ass even further to attract more void mates and contribute to the void ecosystem
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Anyone able to play swarm? i am just getting a black screen after accepting match
How are you supposed to get CS when multiple minions hit the same one?
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smug yuumi greets you anon
yeah, i restarted my client and i can play
She has no personality so the playerbase made one for her.
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woooow....my pity timer...
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ok i will try that anon, hope i get in!
Most of the female champs are like this
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actually nvm, i think the servers are overwhelmed or something, i just got lucky on my first try
stop playing
What the fuck is darkinfolk?
Swarm is such a boring gamemode
why the fuck do eurocucks get to play Swarm while I'm sitting here in God's country and it ain't available? USA should have priority in all things. Riot really trying to pretend that third worlders are relevant???
>small white cock
>built for big boota

They literally coast by on properties made twenty years ago by people who got disgusted by the company and left. They haven't made ANYTHING good in fifteen years.
poppy kinda cute bwos....
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booooy yo black american ass betta watch yo mouf before you catch dese hands boy! boy im finna whip that obama ass on god you niggas betta stop testing me! you finna twerk on it for me tyrone!
lolg and league of legends are british protectorates
Fuck off to reddit
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Don't do that.
don't worry, servers are fucked
>hamburgers are reddit
You just call everything reddit
what? team fight tactics and Valorant are still really popular. their new fighting game is going to take over that genre as well. League has and will be the biggest game played and streamed for a long long time. Arcane is a massive hit. Riot can't stop winning.
>he's back
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I have not in 4 years of playing against gigafed assassins seen this much damage.
New skins suck major ass
wait two more weeks and rajot buffs all the other assassins as well :)
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what did riot mean by this?
You say this every time
How much does it usually cost to get the gacha cosmetics in tft
League at 144hz makes me want to puke, how do I turn it off?
zed gaming
niggalows and they niggalow mechanics
boy your black ass better start behaving cuz this the jungle nigga!
do you want more or less frames? there's a frame limit option in the settings.
Swarm gamemode but is Doombots instead
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You tell me.
is Swarm mode better than Vampire Survivors?
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starting to think it might not be happening.
gonna take a nap and see if it popped in the meantime
It gets boring really fast.
Where's my swarm battlepass, I want to unlock and buy all the tiers already.
Cho'gath, Renekton, Malphite

Jarvan, Ivern, Graves

Syndra, Orianna, Ahri, Syndra again
Crystal cat
dats grazy
when can i play the fat ass bunny girl
right now n
if I get a yuumi support and die before level 6 I just afk
when me and my homies get done with her I'll send her over to you. might be a few days tho
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Is the bunny out already?
Okay, so is Prestige Yuumi gonna be a part of the pass?
What about the Prestige Leona?
>Long queue times when too many people play
>Long queue times when too little people play
ap kog needs to be removed from aram man
literally 24/7 xerath ult
I still lost playing that on aram a few days ago ohhhh the humanityyy.
he should die
is there any point to playing current yuumi over an actual enchanter?
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I 1v9 with it, so if you get me (just ask if it's me), then you should pick it
>the rabbit isn't out on OCE yet
what the FUCK
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I'm on NA, and I can't buy her
im perma banning bunny for next month so no one can ever even play her and there's nothing you can do to stop me hahahahahaaaaa
>samira viego in aram
Seems fair bro
And I love versing them every game
14.14 fixed the defaulting to alphabetical champion sorting
I forgot Akshan too
I'm facing him this time :)
>queueing on 10 accounts like that bateman guy just to ban her more often
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New mode is interesting but its not League at all. Kinda mindless fun I guess. Never played Vampire Survivors so idk how it compares.
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Does anyone want to play League in a bit?
Got star guardian neeko from a chest, the only problem is i hate the weebtrash aesthetic AND Neeko.
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Fuck NA-centrism
briar tot uooohhhh
playing orianna this patch is fun with every single fucking character having 440 movespeed for no real reason at all
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How do I know if a champion is good for OTPing? I have a job, there's no way I can juggle 4 different champs for 2 roles
shut up tot briar is peak kino
Does it have 4 abilities? If so, then it can be OTP.
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briar galio ICBM botlane WILL get me out of bronze
tbf its not gay at least if it was itd be nasty
Depends on ign and server.
jayce/nidalee/aphel/reksai/elise/gnar/lee mains in shambles
can you get a new image now this one's not doin it for any of us anymore
lolg getting raided
no its not, its the exact same poster as usual anon, he's not even postin different images

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