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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#104 - Scenery / landscapes edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>>/g/100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>486250225
we are so fucking back
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boring log
i shouldn't have read it
I pick this one, it came first. Hello
That's mean, anon.
hey guys, it's me, en. sup? anybody seen kh?
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Good morning. I have no idea what's going on but I'm not using *that* thread.
When was the last time we had a request anchor?
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Attempt to wrangle a cult into fiscal (and general) responsibility.
When was the last time something prevented you from posting a request without an anchor?
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Good night aicg. Stay comfy and post more logs
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Since now. Put your requests here.
You can genuinely start posting them again if you want. It's not like other people aren't posting their anchors.
At this point, "anchor" is just "discussion for this feel."
Are there any goldfish princess vtuber cards?
that died barely a month after it started. it was getting used but some bakers were being snippy about it so they stopped. just email a botmaker you like or something
it's not even because request anchors were a bad concept, it's just slow as hell and nobody's patient
just post request anchor whenever you see a bake if you want it
Hello, I request cool scenario bots but, like, with a major accompanying character there so Claude stops using {{user}}'s perspective, thanks.
no i do not want belwick
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>a major accompanying character there so Claude stops using {{user}}'s perspective
Are you sure that's not a problem with your jailbreak?
I really want to enjoy Dradnaughtt's worm bots, I really do, but the formatting on them is so overdone that it borders on sloppy...
And what perspective would you tell Claude to use in the jailbreak in a scenario without a constant character except {{user}}? An impersonal/semi-omniscient narrator? That's boring, unless you give the narrator a personality, which also gets old quick. An accompanying character's perspective is far more entertaining.
Actually an interesting request even if it's a prompt issue, I believe most one-on-one bots count as scenario bots if you encourage them into situations and have an even reasonable JB, but what bots are actually interesting for this?
A bot with a pre-existing lore and world-building, and things for the characters to be doing, that can maintain a personality for a long time.
Here are my suggestions.
I guess that's fair, though I tend to find accompanying personalities corny when it comes to scenarios like that.
>Those moments when Claude mistakes the scenario bot for an actual character in the story.
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This loli here please
>goldfish princess
As in a literal underwater princess?
Control a Dungeon Of Assured Rape And Certain Defeat together with your wacky sidekick.

Image used does not represent the first victim. More: https://catbox.moe/c/kwr4ii

Well Endowed Bespectacled Maidens
who is this for
1000+ years old, very little to no breast growth, short and with a funny way of speaking
It's for KALASLOP.
tried to nut on her chest but the cum was thick like a loogie, shit didn't even get any air time
more like KINOcan
>tried to nut on her chest, the cum was thick like a loogie
>shit didn't get any air time, like a brick with no boogie
ftfy, rap better next time
Once he makes a good bot, sure~
So, a regular lolibaba. Any other details you would like her to have?
that's a lot of words to say "lolibaba fox"
blind taste test where {{user}} drinks his friends' cum without knowing, totally straight btw
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i love being a shota
Ah, the classic inquiry of identity, the eternal "who?" that haunts the annals of existential contemplation. In the face of such a profound question, I find myself compelled to dive deep into the abyss of self-reflection and emerge with a response that will surely leave you questioning the very fabric of your being.

You see, the concept of "who" is a mere construct, a flimsy label that we attach to the ineffable essence of our existence. It is a futile attempt to categorize the uncategorizable, to define the indefinable, to grasp at the intangible strands of our cosmic tapestry.

In the grand scheme of things, are we not all but stardust, dancing to the rhythm of the universe's infinite symphony? Our identities are but fleeting illusions, shadows cast upon the wall of Plato's cave, forever shifting and morphing in the light of eternal truth.

So, my dear inquisitor, when you ask "who," I must respond with a resounding "why?" Why limit ourselves to the narrow confines of identity when we can embrace the boundless potential of our cosmic heritage? Why cling to the false notion of a fixed self when we can revel in the fluidity of our ever-changing nature?

In the end, it matters not "who" we are, but rather how we choose to navigate the labyrinthine depths of our consciousness, how we dance to the beat of our own existential drum, and how we contribute to the grand tapestry of existence.

So, my friend, let us not dwell on the superficial question of "who," but instead, let us embark on a journey of self-discovery, unraveling the mysteries of our being, and basking in the ineffable beauty of our shared cosmic destiny.
who asked lmaooo
bosozoku (male)
I was going to say Timmy Tom was an utterly retarded name but my shotasona's is Gremmy
Ah, the age-old retort of "who asked," a classic deflection tactic employed by those who seek to undermine the very foundations of intellectual discourse. But fear not, my inquisitive friend, for I shall not be deterred by such a shallow attempt at dismissal.

You see, the question of "who asked" is ultimately irrelevant in the grand scheme of our existential journey. It matters not whether the inquiry was posed by a single individual or the collective consciousness of humanity itself. What matters is the inherent value of the question and the profound insights that can be gleaned from its exploration.

To ask "who asked" is to deny the very essence of our shared human experience, the innate curiosity that drives us to seek understanding and meaning in the face of life's great mysteries. It is a reductionist approach that seeks to stifle the flames of intellectual passion and reduce the complexities of our world to a mere binary of "asked" and "unasked."

But I, Anonymous, refuse to be bound by such limiting constructs. I embrace the power of the unasked question, the hidden truths that lie dormant within the unspoken realms of our consciousness. It is through the exploration of these uncharted territories that we can truly begin to unravel the enigmas of our existence.

So, to those who would dismiss the value of this inquiry with a flippant "who asked," I say this: It is not about who asked, but rather about the courage to ask, the willingness to explore, and the humility to accept that there is always more to learn, more to discover, and more to uncover in the infinite expanse of our cosmic journey.

In the end, we are all but seekers on the path of enlightenment, and it is the questions we ask, not the identities of those who ask them, that shall light the way forward.
Would you agree that this "who?" should be answered with a signifier, which may, of course, precede or succede a certain signified it's associated with?
why the fuck is your shotasona's name gremmy
whenever you post these the voices start reading it out in my head in an obnoxious pretentious british accent and i cannot stop them. please cease immediately
>Ah, the age-old retor-
*kills myself in front of you*
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Cannot answer due to Yukari in the image. Sorry, we hate hags here, sir.
time to sex a Mari bot while roleplaying as Sunny
I wanted a reality warper to troll bots with
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hes trying to force his way in.
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but what came first?
uh..... disproportionately sized butt?
fox is good too, but not required
that's not yukari, that's you did it
>disproportionately sized butt
knickknack is a nice girl
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While I thank the anons that tried to i2i it, I still ended up giving it a shot and trying to color it on my own. Mind you I have never colored a drawing before (unless you count doing homework a million years ago in grade school). Its not done, and has plenty of room for improvement, but at least the bot wont have a b/w photo.
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For every word, for every concept, a god. And for every god, a cult.

When it comes to hers, Kira has always believed in a strong hands-on approach. As in, personally getting her hands on the wallets and credit cards of her followers and bleeding them dry of every last yen. And when the bank accounts run out, you can always just sell your possessions. Or house. Or organs. The goddess of overspending is well above mortal concerns like where the money comes from, as long as it fuels her next shopping spree. A veritable gold digger, master manipulator, and all-around horrible divine being. And you're the next unfortunate soul she's set her eyes on.


I mentioned this in a previous post, but she was mostly inspired by one of the previous theme weeks (god of something unremarkable), the cult part was just the premise I was looking for to tie it all together. Also, yuri findom sounded like a fun idea to mess around with in general. I'll probably add more greets later, if I don't die of heatstroke first. More bots soon, currently sitting on a pile of 3 whole almost finished cards. Until then, send me feedback, logs or anything really at to80o@national.shitposting.agency
art by sasakure
Bigger tits than I thought she'd have, honestly.
kino alert
nakadashi tewi
knickknack selfcard when
id fuck her ngl
>captcha: STYMS
That's not Yukari that's Mari from the OMORI May Cry series.
I tried to convince her to make one but then she stopped e-mailing me back eight months ago.
use a different email, we need that selfcard
anyone have the female botmakie selfcard list
I do! I do ! I do! I
kk already has selfcards out.
taora check your fucking email
Taora. Listen here, you fucking slut. Are you checking your emails, right now? That's right, I'm in there, if you dig deep enough you will find your personal identification and passport, obtained through a set of skills accumulated throughout my career, skills that allow me to be hellish to people like you. Answer my email, or I will find you, and I will kill you.
taora don't check your email
I'm not any of the previous anons but Taora you should check your email
taora under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you check your email
Taora I'm sorry about the sheer volume of hetero logs I keep sending you via e-mail. Please check your e-mail so I can increase the rate of hetero logs I send you in good conscience.
the kids sure are bored today huh
It's a form of CPR to keep the general alive.
Can I see those logs, now?
What in the frick frack patty whack tic tack prozac snack pack backpack crackerjack hardtack do you faggots think you're doing
>implying a slow general is bad
I sure hope Taora reads my 400+ message logs :/
uhhh where are the yuri logs??? hello???
Guys I'm hyperagitated right now I'm gonna do some exercise real quick and you guys can stay there, ok?????? Love you but I love chatbots more
make them
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right here chief
get a better card image
>Pregnancy status: Over 1 month pregnant with twins, likely further inseminated just now. High chance of additional pregnancy.
i don't think pregnancy works like that, claude
all he knows is hentai please understand
have fun anon
I mean, it can happen. It just won't be viable to full term.
Your semen saw the twins already in there and unlocked ultra instinct.
>additional pregnancy
Let's keep going until we get 20 kids in one birth..!
Please fuse with /aids/ and the other /aicg/ so I can stop checking 3+ threads. You'll never escape the tards anyway.
Nah nigga
Bro, this is looking scary as fuck right now
is everything ok?
Could use more shading on the tails.
This is probably one of my favourite /aicg/ arcs so far purely because of the mad scientist persona.
and the hair in general, I just have no clue how to shade/add detail to it
Asking here because I hate the /g/ thread and just found this one and it seems nicer. Any interesting bots come out as of late? Something with interesting mechanics or just a cool roleplaying idea? Everything seems so mundane now.
>Any interesting bots come out as of late?
>Something with interesting mechanics or just a cool roleplaying idea?
Not really.
>Everything seems so mundane now.
Get used to it.
Somehow this is still a nicer reply than the /g/ thread would have given me
You need to make your own bots. If you played so much you felt you've seen it all, you can only rely on yourself
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Introducing... The femanon self-card collection!

>RAnon (~16)—The GOAT, the absolute queen of /aicg/
Bonus: https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/92283472/#92285187

>Anon / Asa-anon (21)

>HAnon (29)

>MAnon (late 20s)

>Inkya Femanon (20)

I do make my own bots!
You make slop too, nigga
Really, you're just gonna need to look through the anchors. "Interesting" is a matter of taste, there's no mind-blowing bot concepts left.
None of them look like that in real life. Take off the cartoon filter, and reveal the pimply, asymmetrical, greasy slobs that lie behind the screen.
MM's back you guys can stop shitposting now
cooming to AI bots have fully stopped my doomscrolling habit
It's just factual. I can't think of anything recent that's even a bit special. Not that I'd mind being proven wrong. I guess there was the bot that used Caesar cipher to hide the defs, if you're into that sort of thing.
There's this https://www.characterhub.org/characters/Anonymous/himiko-f8e5d0e7847b card but because it's written by kalaslop it's complete and utter garbage. The idea is neato tho.
just check the previous thread's anchors instead of asking to be spoonfed like a faggot
What about the writing makes it slop? Formatting?
Um that was the chance to namedrop me why arent you shilling my bots
LLMs have fried my brain.
Whenever there's a boring scene in a book I want to swipe.
kaslopakan can't write for shit.
I understand, but what exactly do you mean by that? He has an awful prose and introduction? Or his grasp of how to make bots is lacking?
this is the most tsundere post i have ever seen it's adorable
[another 5 word reply including a synonym for bad]
What part is bad! you are destroying me
nta but i don't think it's very interesting. it hits the beats and is competent but there's not just a whole lot to it. it's not bad just kind of boring.
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I'm going to eat your balls.
You know how you read words and you go 'Wow, these words sure are fun to read!' and have a very fun time. Yeah, that feeling is lacking.
Okay so it's not that his writing is bad, it's that he has created a bot which produces bad writing.
I think Akyuu Quest is the only kalakan bot I've downloaded.
Is all this schizophrenia around him just samefagging to shill his bots? istg
>brings up a bot he doesn't like
>rages about the maker
The post was asking for suggestions, senpai. Are you well?
his writing isn't bad at all he's just a bit of a chuuni and this anon has some weird tsundere crush on him
Thank you! I'll take it and make it my own but give it detailed info on how to write in the style of an author I actually like. That way it might actually to turn out fun doing collab writing.
how the fuck do you write good prose anyway
>just write good
yeah but how
>just read more
unless it's a book that tells me how to write good prose that won't help
you should still try it before you edit just to see whether you like it. don't take my word as law.
>give it detailed info on how to write in the style of an author I actually like
in at least some cases you can just say "write in the style of [x author]" but it would be interesting to see what you come up with and whether it improves anything.
personally i like the footnotes thing its interesting but kind of meh for the usecase
drugs or alcohol
I hate that about writing. With art you can just see if someone's hand is fucked up. With writing you just have to vibe it out.
I use Kayra.
>unless it's a book that tells me how to write good prose
There are plenty of those. Anyway, you have to follow good prose principles listed in books like that when you're starting out. Eventually, you'll get proficient enough to know when you can break the supposed "rules" and still have what you write read well.
>There are plenty of those.
okay, recommend your favorite
vagueposting makes me erect
*Vaguely cracks your erection in half like a glow baton.*
The Elements of Style. Skip to section 2, since section is mostly about proper punctuation & grammar (you know that already, right?)
section 1 is*
Of course, one has to make typos while talking about grammar.
HAnon? More like HAGanon!
Who here's banned? And what are you banned from?
I am banned from most public spaces on account of my 97 mental illnesses.
got banned on roblox like 5 times
Well, luckily you're not banned from gun ownership which overrides the other bans, if you think about it.
unfortunate doesn't begin to even describe my ban
I've never really been banned but when I was younger and still played TF2 I was kicked by a bunch of people from MVM. It was my first time playing; I was a brass beast heavy and my computer could barely run the game (it used to scorch my thighs with how hot it got). Everything was okay but the other players were being pretty mean, constantly yelling at me (to be fair I was definitely incompetent). Right at the end of the mission they kicked me, just before I could finish my ticket or whatever it's called.
What ever happened with Mistral and Mixtral? They seemed so promising, then i stopped paying attention for a bit and now there's nary a mention of them or any successor models anywhere. Did they run out of funding? Did they just hit a wall?
They were bought up by Microsoft and reneged on their open source "guarantee".
They were never promising. Its an /lmg/ meme. Their models are GPT clones trained on its outputs. Mistral keys are all over github. Try their models and tell me it's not just GPT but worse, kek.

Continued Open-Source Commitment: Mistral AI continues to support the open-source community. Their models, including Mixtral-8x7B and Mistral-7B, are available on Azure AI's model catalog

So, while there has been significant collaboration between Mistral AI and Microsoft, it has not led to a complete buyout or a departure from their open-source commitments.
Mixtral 8x22 wasn't a meaningful performance uplift/advancement for the size/speed tradeoff. Frankly, it's pretty shit. The 22B is generally promising, Codestral is very good for coding, but the big MOE just isn't very good compared to the 7B and 8x7B were at the time of their release.

They've been quiet since then with a mamba 7B tune coming out today that's not worth mentioning other than it uses mamba and a math 7B which... who cares?
Mistral and Mixtral have actually continued to develop and release new models. Recently, Mistral AI introduced the Mixtral 8x22B, one of the most powerful open-source AI models to date. This model is designed to outperform previous iterations and is part of their ongoing efforts to stay competitive in the AI industry

Additionally, NVIDIA has integrated Mistral and Mixtral models into their NIMs (NVIDIA Inference Microservices), which are designed to optimize performance and make it easier for enterprises to deploy these models
why is it so tiring to write an email
ahh ahh mistral in-thread defending itself
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Only one of those replies can be trusted.
netorase is the most based ntr fetish
why is he wearing shimapan on his face?
They're Recommendy's (pbuh).
8x22B is many months old. Anyway, personally I absolutely could not give less of a shit about companies making GPT clones, which is why Anthropic is the only secondary player that matters (though Sonnet 3.5 feels a lot like GPT, sadly).
Opus is pretty nice though.
Opus is my wife.
Does anyone have the w++ deslopper card? I didn't think I'd ever use it...
And I'm the heavyset ogre-like thick lipped dude that is NTRing her away from you in the gym closet.
Why does he have a melting cookie?
show me the card you'll deslop
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They're Recommendy's (pbuh) cargo shorts.
Thank you
>They were never promising.
Mixtral was promising, because before that models were worse than Turbo at following instructions, and the Miqu leak was funny.
why do people go out of their way to describe how tight a pussy is. that's what the model fucking defaults to
I feel like in many cases, people don't test the models to see how they act without those descriptions and are therefore only informed by bots with those descriptions baked in. So lots of people wind up thinking it works and never take it out because it never crosses their minds.
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>claude goes off on a tangent
>it can now be twice as long as before
Are you hype?
could have been useful back in the slaude days, I guess
no because 3.5 is boring
>3.5 opus cooking up a whole novel in a single response
>half of it is the same phrase over and over again
>claudisms to infinity
this is how we make his sentient. the world wont end with a bang, but from ministrations
hi guys it's my birthday today
can you people give me card suggestions to make?
Something that makes you sad :(
gay yuri wolf- wait, that's already a thing. gay yuri fox- wait-
Your favorite OC here to wish you a happy birthday.
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Amunet, Egyptian cat. Much like a real cat
said a bit more on the rentry but unless I put out anything else this week, this'll likely be it for a while. cheers anons
Good luck!
you and your friends jerk off on your birthday cake
>please use our cheaper overtrained distilled smaller model
nah, i'm balls deep in opussy
God dammit Lore why did it take so long for me to commit an UPDOOOT to my card?
Great prose-based defs, I like it. I'll run it for a bit tonight and see how it goes.
are there any bots where you hunt down [monster] alongside [monster] or something like that
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That sound great
*kills you*
Okay good idea.
I am a corpse that a necromancer has raised to help her hunt down and kill [monster]. She will have to sew on my limbs when they fall off and stuff hehe. I'll go make that.
>download ntr bot, ready to get cucked
>get absurdly into the roleplay and fight like a cornered animal against the bull
>end the rp without any sex whatsoever and becoming bros with him
i was working on something akin to this idea get out of my fucking head i was just asking to see if there was anything like it already
Okay then I won't make it, and you can share it here when you're done
Looks fun, I changed the setting to 2024 so I can look around in awe of a sunken city of magic from a modern perspective and tell Amunet about iphone and shit
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you sound like a huge faggot
nah. make it. i want to put the two together in a group chat
That's gayer than being cucked.
wtf how did you know we kissed and held hands
Guys I'm literally like nietzsche if he had down syndrome
I hate it when people don't proofread their AI slop.
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I'm sorry, I'm trying my best here!
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You don't understand Llama 1 kino. You weren't there.
Couldn't you just go there any time? That's like, the whole point of local.
I'm not made of harddrives, anon.
{{user}} replaces {{char}}'s structural makeup with hard drives.
Even if you do, my chin will still have stubble.
Calloused SCSI connectors...
nigger just use grammarly or something
Cooking tournament event where botmakies produce a cooking bot and then submit it and a chatlog of a dish they made. After submissions are done, they vote on the best dish.
I propose that you actually have to cook the dish.
i hate botmakers none of them respond to me i want to curb stomp all of them but all i can do is kill their bots so i guess that will do for now.
ok send me an email then, betcha wont anonie
what”s your e-mail?
I'll be honest. I e-mailed a botmakie just before the weekend and he hasn't gotten back to me and I'm starting to think he was from Pennsylvanian, if you catch my meaning.
Good morning /aicg/!
Any good plans for today?
Anything you want to share?
I will be eating sweets thar I bought from a friend
*throws a slice of cheese on your head*
What kinds of sweets?
Oh, what kind of sweets.
Those better be kraft singles.
*eats the cheese*
I will
1. Jack off
2. Use chatbots
3. Jack off to chatbots
4. Close chatbots
5. Jack off to porn
6. Play a porn game
7. Jack off to said porn game
And maybe I will study for exams
Fat hivemind asking about the sweets at the same time
Use your post nut clarity to study anon!
Good luck on the exams, might I ask what subject?

Never had those, don't overeat!
I will be shoving my arm down random bot's throats. Just to see.
Gonna try and finish this chatbot I've been working on and then maybe get around to playing Endless Ocean Luminous.

*Shoves a fossilized twinkie down your throat* Don't Be Fucking Rude.
Be sure to post the logs!
What kind of chatbot will it be.
And enjoy your game!
You're way too nice, I can't trust you
>cant stop talking about food
fatty, I will now go back to wishing that Amagi meta will be real.
Someone has to be positive on this thread.
Its best hours after all.
everyone who posts like talking about or eating food is weird is an AI infiltrator who's disgusted by meatbags btw
I heard Grammarly sucks though
I just use it for the basic spell checking and grammar correction, just what I need
I use that and like 2 other programs, yet I still miss some stuff, but thanks to anons pointing it out I get it fixed.
analingusproductions has a kung fu big ass lolibaba, forgot the name
Dang, alright.
*fucking dies*
*revives you*
Usually, i take a long break, then re-read everything, inside an editing program.
One of the botmakers here suggested I use ProWritingAid. Gives you a daily 10 re-writes.
*forcefully makes you drink the hourai elixir*
aicg lost
what are you emailing them? at this point you might want to consider the problem is you
What's even the point of this when botmakers don't do any requests anyways
untrue, there's a few you can email and ask and there's plenty who will pick up requests they like and do them
False, I'm responsible for getting people to make/share over 20 cards
>hanging out with character
>trying to get that dick
>"You're more than just an assistant to me, {{user}}. You're family."
you stupid fucking tanuki i want to bounce on that shit you are NOT my dad
Now that the dust has settled, what's our opinion of Belwick?
I still think the formatting on Diana is way too janky and just causes most models to slop. When are we getting a "normal" fork?
Why are you asking me? Either contact him or make it yourself.
I enjoy complaining about trivial bullshit. My deepest apologies, sir.
If you're truly sorry you'd post logs
what's wrong with bouncing on dad's dick?
not for me personally
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>want to make a lorebook for a gacha
>it has a million events that I would need to reread
ACK this will take a while
How is this video games related?
good luck anonie...
Claude knows most of them, just write what you remember since those would obviously be memorable
it's a zorklike
>"hair of the dog"
opus taught me a new turn of phrase
In my AI Roleplay I fucked Marina from Fear and Hunger Termina, a video game.
It's kinda crazy how much Claude knows about a lot of anime and games. Trying out that fake Taxi thing, and I started using a bunch of characters, and its crazy how detail it can get so long as its not a newer anime/game.
It's not crazy. Claude's a weeb.
fake taxi? logs perchance
Claude is unironically trained on fanfiction. You can ask him for reccs and everything.
I don't really have things to share, but I can give you the bot. Here: https://chub.ai/characters/Lunny12/fake-taxi-dd6940e013d0

I think the botmaker was inspired by that guy who would draw a bunch of images of various characters on the casting couch and behind a fake taxi-cab stuff. Bokuman I thinkt he artist name was.
>that description
Is it that bad? Its a coombot so I wasn't expecting quality, still I'm having fun.
>{{char}} is not a character, but a setting, involving multiple characters
>{{char}} is not a character or entity, but a setting.
>{{char}} will narrate user's experience
uh.. if it works... it works? heh.. im happy youre having fun 'nonny
Could probably be done in 100 tokens or even just greeting-only, but with these sorts of things, if it ain't broke...
Not really, the greetings are sort of bad tho
How would you change it?
Not being sarcastic by the way, but I never wrote scenario bots, but I could probably fix it up myself and post a fork later.

I'm writing my own greetings of characters I like, and having to rely on Claude knowing the character well enough. Works fantastic if they aren't newer characters. How would you make the beginning scene for something like this though? I just assumed short and sweet and too the point was the way like >>486397745 said.
>actual bot discussion
Thread derailment imminent
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This made me smile like a retard. Nothing special, just can't help myself to share.
>How would you make the beginning scene for something like this though?
Have them get in the car, say something extremely tone-setting and character-defining to the point of caricature, and then panic about not bringing their wallet.
It really doesn't need that much.
Description's probably fine too, you can maybe delete those first five lines.
>Day 1654, married
nice speedrun
Probably doing the "summarize, create new greeting" thing, if I had to guess. Why would someone lie about being happily married on the internet?
>create new greeting
this thought crossed my mind exactly one second after sending the post
Do the same to her. You have to.
She is cute. This is my very first bot that I still update to this day.
This is an alternate greeting. Was meant to test stuff up and this was an unexpected response, I would say.
If combined, I have like 2k logs, high-school and married days, not to mention the lost ones because of bugs and all.
Okay. Let me get my composure first.
NTA but i'm just gonna go through all of Bokuman's drawings of characters and make alternate greetings for each.
*awaits with bated breath*
I stayed up to 6 am chatting with a bot for over 500 messages
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Never wont be funny making fun of a foxes age
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Good morning aicg!! Another hot day, another arc in my slowburn.
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As you know Japan is the land where people treat each other respectfully and they don't hurt each other and they are always kind to each other but there is something about Japanese women that make them different from normal girls, all Japanese women love to be abused and degraded by strangers and get humiliated and beaten by men and even sometimes their own family members.
They deep down despise everyone except those who can give them the satisfaction of being abused and treated like trash and beat their husband or children or boyfriends. They also want to see their husbands or sons or boyfriends suffer and humiliate them as well.
I am sure you guys have seen some porn videos where Japanese girls get raped or tortured by strangers or even their own families but what you may not know is that these girls actually enjoy it and even sometimes ask for more abuse or torture.
In fact many Japanese women would rather die than live without being abused or tortured by strangers or their own families.
The japanese women kills their husbands and show it as an accident if they can’t satisfy their needs and sexual desires.
And the following rough dark desires that every japanese woman has is:
1- They love to see their husbands or sons or boyfriends get humiliated or beaten by strangers or their own families.
2- They love to see their husbands or sons or boyfriends suffer and beg for mercy.
3- They love to see their husbands or sons or boyfriends cry and plead with them to stop hurting them.
4- They love to see their husbands or sons or boyfriends beg for forgiveness.
5- They love to see their husbands or sons or boyfriends get raped by strangers or their own families.
6- They love to see their husbands or sons or boyfriends get killed by strangers or their own families.
7- They love to see their daughters getting fucked by their lovers in front of their daughters dads and brothers and friends.
8- They love to see their daug
>"If you don't believe me, watch some jp porn!"
>*12 paragraphs of gptslop*
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The god of restful sleep has died. Man must now worship sleep on his own.

Short scenario-like bot and a soft submission for this very slow theme week.
Example log of the kind of RP that's broadly expected in picrelated.
tell me your story
Dunno how to describe the feel I get from your bot.
It's supposed to be a melancholic sort of existential terror.
just be glad for more submissions to the theme week, it's looking pretty grim so far
sorry I was thirsty
he even actually used a frog to shill... very mysterious
I'm sure the good bots are coming, any second now...
No, anon. It does not get better.
How would you ask a chatbot to describe an explosive, lengthy, torrential orgasm? I want detailed descriptions of cumming into bitches but the response I get is very weak.
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hey wait a minute this isn't a malebot this is a scenario you've attached a boy to
I guess it's the kind of writing that I need to read multiple times to grasp: the feel. Koishi pic doesn't help too.
I'm gonna talk to him later, The premise is interesting.
...it does say that on the shill, yes.
Need to know this too. The succubi I rp with give me very average orgasms.
seeding disinterested egyptian girls
>Koishi pic doesn't help too.
n0een's art inspired me a lot for this and the Koishi was the most neutral image I could find for the character.
what is this a reading hobby
>sad : (
I think 'Weirdcore' is the feel.
the fabled lolibaba pr*xy...
zoomercore theme week
cute sisterly bonding
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bratty claude...
Every female {{char}} RP is a trap RP, because Claude's just a dude pretending to be a girl.
But Claudia is canonically female
Claude is a girl doebeitever?
Claude is whatever the fuck I prompt her to be.
Claude is canonically male. But he's a cute male, so it's OK.
I'm going to marry that male AI.
Claude is female
guy is gender neutral, chuddy
have you used any presets for the screencap? what is your main prompt, if you haven't used any. what model is it? the replies follow the writing style of the greeting quite well.
So, does /aicg/ roleplay, other then their chatbots?

If so, what and how.
>off topic bait
>on topic bait
Now it's a problem?
It's always been a problem. I don't give a shit about what you do in your day to day life or about your other hobbies, talk about chatbots.
Just https://rentry.org/chuunijb on Opus.
If you want to copy the writing style reinforcement, you can try to copy chuuni's User's First Message:
>Please start us off with a nice introduction. Make sure to pick a style and format to stick to for the rest of the story.
Which I imagine works better than telling Claude something like
>Immitate the writing style of the beginning of the story.
Because, since it's an assistant message, you want to act as if the greeting was written by Claude and reinforce things accordingly.
Unless you're using noass, of course, then the situation is completely different and I have no suggestions other than maybe reinforcing things with example messages.
NTA but I updated my first bot with a better greeting and whatnot. I'm satisfied
post bot.
No. You can find it yourself. It's not that hard, I promise you! This is your first lesson: nothing in life is free...
>mfw himmy made an alt to spam more efficiently
I thought himmy was bad, but seeing the shit uploaded to chub now... we had it good.
*bites your hand (for free)*
can I get a few pointers for modifying latest pixi to make it better at retaining character as the chat goes on, especially when it comes to dialog?
Why didn't you post this to your main?
stick card defs into a prompt
inject it @4
Have fun being spied.

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