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Previous: >>486352568

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
MGCA18HB2727 (NEW)

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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GOATpitano status?
i think my launcher is broken. it started from 86 and is really slow
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Male hands and skin colored pantyhose.
Jean's Anemo trail looks like she's uncontrollably farting holy kek what the fuck were they thinking
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Which South American animal is missing? Are crocodiles or alligators common there?
Wormvillette flopped.
My bf doesn't want to take me to 711 to get hot fries and I can't drive, wtf, how am I expected to work and play this shit if I have nothing to fill the void during the cringey dialogue?
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these challenges actually makes u do strat and not oonga boonga.

i mean, minus the time gated bullshit, its legit kinda hard.
thank fuck i have skillls, and dont rely on being a whale rolling for cons and sig weapons
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This lakenight lily material is definitely maulani’s mats isn’t it? Gonna farm it
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I can't do this boss.
Tried getting another party member and it said I can't. This is the team I get, that's it. I have the rest of the month to figure out how the fuck to fight these because I'm pretty sure it has me locked in on their gear/level anyway.
How much Resin is needed to use the back up encounter point?
It’s for kinich
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any word yet on what's the limit for these?
even as little as 20 points means that I could just log in, spend my resin and log out for five days straight
only took nearly four year but we finally fucking won, genshinbros
fighting tabibito, pyro archon and sovereign 2v1 while columbine resurrects signora, so hes maybe able to get a little excited.
watch it get nerfed
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>enter new area
>baby music starts playing
Mihoyo is taking note of the sort of people who are taking part in their dumb twatter "boycott". They are going to reverse boycott them by making their favorite characters shit and irrelevant.
I hate paperslop
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>Extremely cute paper land
>new point system means you can just explore a bunch to skip days of dailies
>Natlan is just 6 weeks away
I'm feeling invigorated bros...explorationchads, we're winning!
my pov
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Imagine the farts
It takes resin anon... to use these points
get ready for more toddler minigames in natlan
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Can I no longer do requests from the reputation npc to replace commissions? I got no points just now from doing one.
>most of the screenshots I see have Arle pfp
Oh, no.
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*plap* *plap* *plap*
Who wants Xiphos other than Kazuha and Kuki?
So is the costume any good?
you spend resin normally and it automatically uses points to clear your dailies, retardbro
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>subhuman waifutroons seethed so hard they had to NERF an old character
>people who are taking part

Those people don't even exist to Mihoyo
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fuck bros the neuvilette nerf is pretty noticeable on floor 11...
Just jerked it to Nilou feet in-game
what the fuck are these retarded challenges to unlock the trails
How the fuck am I supposed to beat Kirara's enemies?
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Mihoyo is just killing the game instead.
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roll for me
these people are mostly twitter """lesbians""", sis
I like it better than her default outfits, but you can always use mods. It has no effects after all.
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Do they make the same sexy noise as Nahida's?
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>he hates it
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It's over...
i did you bitch wtf
now i have to save for the Natlan hags this was your last chance!
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my account has worms...
Confirmed faggot.
Imagine if one of them farted and it was really stinky. Would the guilty pleade as such or try to blame the innocent party?
Evisaged Echoes
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My qt Mexica Axolotl wife Citlali
>boycotting players are already eating themselves
What a pathetic movement. They might as well plaster themselves on the road to protest
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Are you only supposed to get the 1 for clearing and then 2 for unlocking the event?
Does it make her twin tails look better? That is one thing that always bothered me. It looks like two stiff rockets.
mihoyo doesn't give me enough opportunities to show that I'll bust out my wallet if the characters are barefoot AND NOT A FUCKING POTATO/MANLET
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this jean one is goofy, just get burned to death
Huh, the spinvillette nerf is actually more serious than expected.
Coming from someone who never used that strat, the bugfix effectively limits his spinning ability to a set DPI, which makes it pretty awkward to aim and definitely reduces his DPS by nerfing his ability to turn around quickly against waves.
Doomposters won desu
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Holy shit thats impossible
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TECTONE WON AGAIN without lifting a finger

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Ah shit they changed the order of the servers again why do they do that
You were an accident, I had to roll Chiori as well after
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confirmed: Aether is for Loom
wtf is sweet baby inc and how bad is it they're going after hoyo?
>was really thinking about buying a new car
>rolled on the banner
>realized that if I bought the car my monthly gacha budget ($600) would go away
>no longer want the car

I would rather gacha every month than have a faster car.
Ningguang one makes you actually use her screen for defending. I remember early abyss defend the monolith thing before I had the DPS to not care about defending and just blow everything away.
rats, rats, we're the rats
we prey at night, we stalk at night, we're the rats
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actually nerfing an old character after his rerun is completely normal and I will slurp because I'm a spiteful waifutroon
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Sex with slightly tanned olive skinned prematurely developed hebes
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>Nerfed one of the most popular characters in the last year so he doesn't...clear a few seconds faster
Honestly what were they thinking
new banner redhead girl's design and outfit is clunky and very uninspired, so generic.
definitely rolling for Novia.
By the way, the encounter point shit only applies if you get all 4 encounter points
You can't do 3 commissions and get 2 encounter points, the remaining one you get won't get stored and will be lost
The boogieman gamers used for any game that crashed and burned due to pandering. See Suicide Squad Killing Justice League
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ok bros here we go again
I want her to shit directly into my mouth
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>Be Wormvillete

>Make him one of the best DPS characters

>Oyohim: Sorry guys, it's a bug :)

>Nerfed him so they can sell you Mualani instead

This is why you don't trust Chinks
They're trying to treat it like Palestine except it's for a fucking game. These people don't know how to organize, it's run by teenagers with no life experience and who probably don't even do any organizing work offline. All they know is to cancel each other over playing the game or telling people to play some other gacha game that also only has two black people tops.
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I mean the only correct one to unlock is obviously Kirara, right?
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For me, it's Iansan.
she's the only useable character
Yep Nilou is for Aether
bwo i also unlocked qiqi's, the first part almost filtered me just like nilou in every abyss.
actually pretty difficult
when is the origami frogposting going to start?
The new land is super charming. Also, it is nice to have some Hexenzirkel lore.
Lorebros, things are looking nice in this event.
no one rolled for wormvillette (hes a massive flop) so its alright
Woke consultant for video games
>how bad is it they're going after hoyo?
mihoyo is a chinese company
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So is any add on or attach to Imaginarium Theater just going to be a big fuck you to the player for not investing in shit units?
Fuck off with these solo challenges dude
ewww w*man
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After playing the Jean challenge I suppose I'll actually need to build all of these characters to get these things.
Would be wise to find some old Crimson Witch artifacts and slap them on Diluc for when the time comes.
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Have to use full EM build for the Bloom dmg, worked for me
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lost the 50/50 on nilou, and now my account is permanently stained with a brownoid deyha

is nilou supposed to be good with mualani? should I keep going or just save my 50/50 for the slut
thank god, I can finally catch up
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Nevermind, but it was very tight with full shield build and Nilou's key.
twitch number ?
>nerfed a character 70k people owned who do abyss and 90% of them used him
>and that's just self reported users
I don't see this going through honestly
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Sad that she's pretty sidelined by Kachina. That happens when there are too many reveals within a trailer
Do I need to rush the event today? Or can I wait for the weekend?
Being Chinese can already be grounds for banning it in the West
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Why would you want goodies for characters you don't use?
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Literal pedos as if their name wasn't an indication, who are a "consulting firm" who give "advice" on how to "improve" games by making them more "diverse".
They are affiliated with pretty much every major dumpster fire in recent years.

Reminder they don't sell kids toys, or do anything related to children. They have that infantile logo because they are literal pedos.

Someone Noticed and then in comes the deflection force.
Reminder that if these people thought they were doing good work, they wouldn't have a meltdown over someone simply posting their resume of successes in public.
How many days till the first natlan hag drops?
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why does it cost 120 resin to skip commissions
why would i ever do this
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Let the nilou summoning BEGIN
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Grats on your new swarthy stacy
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How can I get a qt white Mexican Sucrose cosplayer gf?
If they're a consultant doesn't that mean people have to seek their services? How much power do they have to change a game?
just like TikTok amirite
>the fucking fart trail battles are impossible
Anyone else going through fairy tale land as Sucrose?
Mualani's feet! Licking between her toes!
why would faggots roll for a hot girl
Only keyboard and mouse users are affected, and it's a known fact mihoyo only cares about mobileGODS.
uh...why isn't wuwa on the top games list...
Cause I have the type of OCD that makes me sad if I don’t have the thing
Also since you only get to have 4 key at any given moment it serves no purpose to hoard them if you can just get more in a new season
it's going to get nerfed. isn't this this is the same patch the nerfed all the old domains too? lol
she's so pretty but I googled and heard she is ass
shame cus I like the lady gaga hairbow thing going on
Watch some Rick and Morty to raise your IQ so you can beat them
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its unironic gamergate shit, just ignore it. Every week they get triggered by some new game having black samurais or trans ghosts. Instead, appreciate the kino summer area we just got.
anon... that's a man...
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It follows the physics of Layla's drills, I'm just too lazy to record a video, but maybe you can find it on youtube.
>add a summary button and hide hud button
>still no skip button
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cat farts
it's for people who actually built and use the fucking character
I know nothing more than that, but I can tell you that every game they touched completely flopped.
They're still working on banning it.
this nerf is kind of a shitshow, it's clear the spinning strat is not intended behavior and raises his dps beyond what was intended but the facts that hoyo so long to fix it, did it one patch before the next hydro dps is going to be released and the "fix" affecting even normal gameplay make them look pretty bad
still gonna dab on neuvkeks tho lmeow
Can you get Kirara's skin already?
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They're in bed with journos so if you don't hire them you'll get the "Game X is problematic" article treatment.
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Navia or Nilou?

I think I like Navia a bit more gameplay and design wise but I also really like Nilou and her skin and I think she fits my comp way better?
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What do they smell like?
Baldur's Gate 3 flopped? lol you guys are retarded. Thats the wokest game of all time.
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is e0 fischl good, or do you need her eidolons. I have enough points saved up to buy either her or a xiangling eidolon from the shop (c3 xiangling).
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Nah, she's a qt White Mexican weeab girl

Those figurines are hella expensive, she makes lots of dosh with her Onlyfans
Nah it's noticeable even on mobile, it's genuinely difficult to quickly turn around on a phone now
Meanwhile Nahida is completely unaffected by this
Does Hoyo just love Nahida or something?
Thanks anon! Gonna look it up. It is only 7.5 rolls after all
If I have to break out my nilou key to beat it with Kirara than no it's not meant for casuals you retards
>Reminder that if these people thought they were doing good work, they wouldn't have a meltdown over someone simply posting their resume of successes in public.
What have they actually done and what games did they "ruin"? Is this is a conspiracy or is there a real source somewhere?
it's kinda hilarious they didn't have an actual fix for this, maybe they just wanted to shit out a quick one while they make an actual fix. or maybe it's unfixable, like original dead space being bugged at higher framerates.
i need a name
If it's affecting his normal gameplay, we may be facing a C2 Yae situation again. It sounds like they used the easiest yet clunkiest way to solve the issue.
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this also just dropped
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nigga these echo challenges are harddddd
Genshin isn't supposed to be hard!!!!
Where's my god roll artifacts and 5star constellation chracters???
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I'm still T0, fuckers. Just not above T0.
Uhhh if it's true that they've affected my aim sensitivity with archers, I'm just going to take a break until they send apologems.
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>it took them this long to add this
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The physics is unreal. They are beautiful.
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Got Nilou on her 2nd rerun, and bought her skin too. Just like ayaka
Now to prepare for nilou bloom to become useless, just like ayaka
Genshin will flop for being this racist. Gamergaters aren't a big enough market.
no one cares about your whores
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Done the ning one, it's alright if you save up your burst and deal with the caster hilicoon fast, how hard are the rest?
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anon that got added like 2 patches ago
no np levels needed, fischl's great even at np1
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Is it though? Would take some serious backlash for MHY to back down.
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>broke the game
>Broke the balance
>Broke the story
>Had to be nerfed for new characters to even shine
>His nerf is actually going to cause legal issues because he is now working worse than intended after 2 banners and 9 months
Can he not be beat?
Kill yourself Ortiz
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This is gonna take a while.
will we ever get a good skin?
this one has to be the most skippable one since the jean skin
I have over 15k crystals at this point lol
The Qiqi challenge was not hard.
But how do you get more keys? I only had one.

They didn't work on BG3. Just see the list of games they workes on
And there are far woker games.
holy shit the clorinde bartender

link source so I can see in non-dumpster quality
People simply listed the games they "consulted" on.
All of them are trash with cheap blackface pandering.
I'm sure it's all a big coincidence, but you're not even strictly wrong. The fags who made these games hired these other fags to begin with.
Can you only have 3 keys right now? Will there be a 4th one?
>league of legends came out in 2020
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Bros I don't think I can blooooom with this guy
Why do mexicans keep spamming every thread with their slutty blanquitas? Post about the game.
God of War
Last of Us
If you havent caught on yet its a boogeyman for gamergate grifters
The first part was easy. The second took me forever because I don't use sac sword or clam on my Qiqi.
Klee's outfit was good. But then, Klee's original outfit was good too.
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I like the hide UI feature
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>full clear IT
>do more bullshit challenges
Would it kill them to give away free skins? This shit is too hard.
And so far these are designed for shit characters, imagine Raiden ei's challenge...
hours on the new skin and reruns?
He became extra useless after I got c6 Gaming.
they're a company that other companies hire to improve their blackrock esg scores and get DEI gibs and gold stars, that's pretty much it. they help companies develop better strategies to diversify, create equity strategies, and have more inclusive hiring and content. on the corporate side that just means more non whites hired, less men hired, nonwhites receive better benefits than whites, all that jazz. for games it means more non white, non male, and also inflicted with some sort of non conforming sexual orientation characters in the game.
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I'm a phonefag who never experienced spin2win gamer mouse Neuv but his charged attacks feel slower to turn than usual now on mobile. Did they overcorrect or am I imagining it?
I caved and spent money for Nilou's skin. At least I don't see the horns anymore.
I don't remember another change that gimped normal gameplay besides Yae's. Of course, it depends on how angry whales get.
it's not any more revealing so it's shit
could have given us some shoulder kino at least
>industry plant and shitty zombie franchise that needs to end
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>people are complaining about the difficulty of minigame impact
Wow this is genuinely embarrassing, are you guys underage?
I don't even have troonvilette nor do I care about the skin colors debacle. Once my welkin expired, I will uninstall this game. I am just not looking forward for natlan, that shit already looks boring as fuck. I have seen the trailer, teasers, leaked map, leaked kit, everything and I am still not impressed.
Yeah, I just don't care about this game anymore lmao.
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Can't decide who to pull
Navia is so pretty but Nilou's feet... so erotic...
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I don't blame them. They are underrated women are rare.
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What kind of person hates Nilou's horns?
Are there Trinitards in my /gig/?
>The Qiqi challenge was not hard.
Yes it was.
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>I'm a phonefag who never experienced spin2win
skill issue

Stop being poor lmao
>buying dogshit skins
kill yourself, you're the reason we'll never get anything worth a shit
I bet you bought the dogshit jean """"summer"""" burqa as well
how do you have neither?
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This version feels slightly different. Has Dawei made any graphical changes?
That said, it's funny that they killed the dragon.
can't help i downloaded and installed it in like 20m
yes im flexing, deal with it
I dont get it. Why is it a big deal that Nahida can turn fast? Doesn't she just select enemies?
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Can't wait for them to finally fix this bug too
>Last of Us
Fact check: They are not on the list.

Was Neuv's spin thing even something normal people did? I have Neuv and I never used that.
You can't nerf Nilou bloom.
C2 Nilou laughs at dendro resistant enemies. Only dendro immune or cyro shields can stop her.
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>still coming to /gig/ even though you dont play genshin
get a life lol
Holy shit, trial Navia hits like a truck.
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Hoyo are just full morons if they can't find a way to prevent the spin exploit 5 tiktokers were doing without affecting everyone else's gameplay. I will complain.
I skipped
i did
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I do this with my glass pad and Viper V3 pro
How about you just build your character
nahida can only hit people once retard
Not the crazy spin, it's also affecting his CA and movement overall.
So that why she was mad at the lapillow. Rocky marriage.
how long should I stay up exploring the new area before going to sleep
>1 hour
>2 hours
>3 hours
>4 hours
>just sleep now
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you just know they will """fix""" snapshotting when the pyro archon comes out
>Alan Wake 2
>GoW Ragnarok
>Spiderman 2
>AC Valhalla

Ah yes, the critically acclaimed best selling flops
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>kurumi when she finds out about wormvillete's nerf
minecraft amongus?
You know you can change the setting, right?
Really? Then it was a bad way to fix the problem.
They should just find a way to stop the spin exploit without harming normal players.
>got my xiphos to r5
Time save for Natlan
Hey-ho, pistachio
when did you realize genshin is literally the best game ever made?
>new event/mode has X mechanic
>have C6 Zhong Li
>pop his shield and ignore everything

Zhong Li still proves to be the best investment I've ever made in this game.
4chan hates all those games lol, this place is just looking for a way to tie hating them to minorities instead of corporate greed.
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when are we getting steve from minecraft as a collab character?
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when he entered the scene
Holy crap Lois
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Is this unlocked framerate mod still working?
neuvfags are not going to survive THAT.....
I assume it's the latter, the spinning strat was known pretty much since the day of his release, if they could fix it properly they had ample time to do so
they might've figured they can't do a clean fix, decided to postpone the issue indefinitely, especially since neuv was raking in cash and he was clearly meant to be t0 anyway, but now that they want to sell a new hydro dps it's become an actual balancing issue
most people don't spin their neuv around at 8000dpi or flick their wrist back and forth like they have parkinsons so i don't think they are worried, this specifically targets speedrunning autists
Do they have power to enforce anything?
>There was an issue whereby Neuvillette could rotate at an unusually high speed when casting his charge attack
The particular "issue" being referred to here is 'moving the camera' , or what? lmao
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Finally we got a darkskinned person of color in our dendro rep...
I'm glad I skipped Brickvillette
Thanks for the 100 primos
4chan doesn’t like them=Flops
Gotcha anon
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I want a 4th key for Qiqi ghosts
Where is the 4th key?
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>just in time for Natlan too
This company is unscrupulous.
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Fuck that, I rather explore
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I always knew Emilie was a seafag in disguise...
>rhythm heaven puzzles
You are going to do your commissions today so that you stock up extra points right? You're not going to brick yourself are you?
It a terrible "fix"
now it feels like my camera speed is fucked up when playing Neuv, it caps out way slower than I normally move my cursor
No, but magically plot and characters suffer big deep in quality and more ugly women start to appear
Wasn't Alan Wake 2 considered?disappointing
And you are picking the few games from long standing franchises that are too big to fail and ignoring the many flops.

Do you really think ESG increases game sales?
no, and i don't know why people think they do. they're a company people HIRE, not an enforcement agency like the ESRB or some shit. they do have a lot of pull in the general gaming sphere because they are in with all the journalists and the twitter mob loves them (and are probably backed by people like blackrock financially) so they technically have a lot of "clout" they could make people bend the knee with? but genshin is also chinese, i don't think they care.
Can anyone with nilou skin post a pic of her cleavage from the top please.
the new area feels soulless as fuck
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holy fucking brick twink
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If they didn't do anything wrong, they wouldn't have had a meltdown from someone simply listing the publicly available information that they "consulted" on the games that they worked on.
You would simply say
>"Yes, and we believe in the quality and integrity of our services."

It really is like the old meme.
You can call them woke, degens, fags, etc... but simply provide a list of their "good work" and they recoil in shock "We've been found out!"
Welcome to post TORtanic 4chan
calling it now, old characters will be able to use Furina DMG% + Busted Natlan character (hopefully red mommy) ATK% scaling to exceed Neuvilettes DPS, HP%keks always had it coming
Wait, what fix on Neuvillette? I just got in
I already have every possible setting at max sensitivity if that's what you mean
they're trying too hard to convince people they're not brown
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do not post nahida or yaoyao
Yes, and the "fix" is capping his max turn speed to an extremely low speed that even mobile and console players are complaining about.
Don't know what it does.
Bought 20.
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>they had to nerf the king to sell their new toys
Alan Wake was widely praised and a great game, you sound sheltered.
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>log in
>buy nilou's skin
>make laps around mondstadt listening to the "PLAP PLAP PLAP" sound of her feet for a few minutes
>log out
the new area is soulmaxxing so hard
I WANT TO FUCK KACHINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Neuvilette was bugged, the bug was the absence of a turn rate limit when aiming his beam
the bug has been fixed by limiting the speed which he can turn while aiming
What the fuck are those Mualani and Kinich C6s. No fucking way.
My noble and elegant Ning!
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>the mythical Nilou belly button finally appears
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KEK, Krillin bros... Spicbros...
simping for a whore
Didn’t these fucks have a 6 week beta to fix Neuvillette?
This is AFK Journey all over again, don’t nerf shit you’ve already sold
what an absolute cutie
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nilou plays like complete crap in 2024 lol. even navia is a little better.
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>Furina DMG
>brick your team with a healer
You sound retarded
But they are going after Mihoyo for the Natlan thing. Genshin being Chinese means it can be banned by the US govt.
It didn't break even yet, as far as I know.
Padisarah sex!
Sex with Padisarah!
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Imagine this, but barefooted
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welp this is officially too cute
good night /gig/
I kneel asmonbald
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>patch day
>dead as fuck lol
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Why is it okay to post Siggy?
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Sex with Nilou.
nilou destroyed neuvillette since day one, cope
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>rolling for new cannongirl
>get these 3 retards
bros am I bricked?
>as far as I know
Thats like 2 centimeters of knowledge though.
>nahida isn't nerfed
>neuvillette is
This is proof it wasn't a bug fix but a nerf from the devs
Genuinely disgusting behavior
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Nilou Breeze skin 2k textures.
I hate that the new thing in the theater requires L90 characters.
L80 has done fine for me and I like using the levels above that to do a psuedo sort on my most common characters and favorites.
This game has too many characters now for the built in 1 layer of favorites.
I'd rather be in her sandals.
So, like, the idea is that diminishing return on dmg% will make Furina not good?
Guess that's why no one runs her with Kazhua
This new area is very good. Summer events best events.
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vale verga la vida, no era penal...............
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>off-field (kind of, like Navia)
>cannon bombs
>Ajaw kino
He's...nice..? I'm surprised.
the only way they could ban genshin is if they could link it to supplying russians in ukraine. that's the basis they are banning the importation of chinese thermal cores. i don't think mihoyo is giving free genesis crystals to russians in trenches.
Cunnygods never stop winning
So he can no longer 360° dps?
>drop one pull
Whooo! Won the first coinflip! Baby girl is eating good tonight.
>using your E and swapping off is "playing like complete crap"
neuv can spin as fast as he wants until the beam starts
>new hp scaler is massive powercreep, meaning that they can't release a neuvillette buffer without buffing her too
>new dendro is just arlecchino-tier, very strong but much more grounded, meaning that they can gigabuff him and other atk scalers with meuvika assuming she is 5* bennett
>neuvillette will be left in the dust by everyone eventually
you had two banners to get her to c2 anon, don't tell me you're still coping with healers when a few seconds of switching her to pneuma are already enough to max out the buff at c2
sorry i don't watch eceleb pissjugging unamerican no tippers whose idea of living well is eating cloroxed steak everyday
It requires level 90? Final ascension would’ve been fair.
It seems they’re cranking up the FOMO and power creep to get more money
RIP comfy impact
Nahida would FUCKING DIE with that turn speed, she'd get smacked in the back
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>kino new area
>thread quality nosedives while all the good posters are exploring
This is Remuria all over again

gas all /pol/tards
both are crap but if you think nilou is good just left clicking with shitty attacks you are braindead.
can they give us reparations for what happened to her original outfit's belly button?
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I just used Neuvilette in Abyss and he effortlessly deleted everything just like before. Why were you saying he was nerfed?
what is stopping Neuvillette from running Furina/Mavuika/Kazuha exactly ?
kirara puss on boots skin 2k soon™
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Nice, I'm gonna buy.
The US will not ban Genshin unless it starts being anti-Israel, somehow.
God Nahida is too cute
Her smile is genuinely contagious
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Reminder to play in focused mode for better Expirience
Nothing lol
Nope. You can move still so you can still abuse the tick rate provided your targets are close enough but the spin is dead
It's not really that big of a deal but I think they overcorrected just a touch, could have been a bit faster without reaching the retarded beyblade
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/hsrg/ won again
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
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72 rolls, no guarantee.
Didn't have to totally fuck up my Natlan savings

She came home!
Nothing and it’ll probably be his next best team
Camera movement speed was reduced, he still hits hard but he's clunky now
Neuv fucking WON
why are you telling us this?
>figure collection gacha
umm bros your pulls ?
hsr won bigly guys. it's not close imo
>chingchong literally who

zzz killed shart rail
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does kirara's burst crit?
tell that to all the citlali posters
read what neuvillette's passive is
then tell us why you'd use furina
3 furinatards replied to you btw
>"neuv is dead!"
>actual neuvillette is fine we just want the spin back
And mihoyo will fall for it
Didn't they already add this character to the game
if mav is an atk buffer she won't do anything for him or furina other than being a source of pyro for vapes i guess
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*overtly anti-israel
And yeah, that's why they went after Tiktok.
Literally 98-99% of posting there was critical of the DNC and RNC's mutual #1 donor.
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>new event is just more bloated wordslop and toddler puzzles
Is it really noticeable for console and mobile Neuv players?

Well, you can just Google "Alan Wake 2 break even" to see if it was profitable or not.
It seems it was not. I can't say it is the fault of the DEI consulting firm, but you picked a bad example.
your xiangling?
they’re all easy if you aren’t retarded
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>can store overflow encounter points now
>but you have to spend resin to actually use them
Wow it's fucking worthless
what would meuvika do there that xiangling doesn't do already? she will likely be an atk buffer
they gave sparkle a skin already?
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Saving for Mavuika. Save me Pyro archon!
Wasn't this bitch supposed to be a lamia?
>red scaly feet
So she changes to a lamia during her burst or something?
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Is that...
is she a hebe? that is one flat perky chest
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>US gov giving a rat's ass about a video game being """problematic"""
>especially when a brain melter like Tiktok is still allowed
because they do the same thing. nahida doesn't shoot a beam
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>left clicking
Okay so you've never played Nilou. Thank god you outed yourself as a retard immediately.
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Legit didn't know this is HSR until I saw the logo. Looks too wuwa
>have to spend resin to actually use them
No way I will use this. Resin is too important to waste like this. Resin goes to the artifact mines.
If there's going to be a cap of 4 keys for Imaginarium Theater, is there any reason why I SHOULDN'T just NOT claim the keys given for free until I need it?
holy sexo, firefly/rm/lingsha is going to be the first time I'll have a meta team in a gacha despite purely rolling for characters I like, I usually end up with suboptimal or even dysfunctional comps because I refuse to roll characters for meta but this time I fucking won
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He thinks there are C0 neuvillettes BECAUSE HE WAS DUMB ENOUGH NOT TO DUPE LOL
>what would meuvika do
read what the new sets do.
she would give him the buff from the new set too, that coupled with her personal damage would probably make it his best team
Space Tao 2.0!
No idea. Some people ITT have said it sucks on mobile but I can't try it out right now and would rather not play on mobile ever again.
everything crits, she is just more built for buffing and shielding then damage, but its one of those off meta things that still works if you really want to just for hell of it
No, they do not do the same thing
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You should smile more anon
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>boss reapawn time is now 3 seconds
>still have to teleport away and back for it to actually respawn
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what the fuck...
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>2 patch of space china in a row
hsr is finished

I’m not at my pc rn but I’ve heard the neuvillette nerf also affects every single bow character in the game and makes them clunky

what is this mental illness called?
>He thinks there are C0 neuvillettes
considering wormvillette's nerf i hope that's all they rolled lol
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It was doomed to fail.
Lmao >>486373049
>Most committed Twitter boycotter
I'm glad I didn't raise Gallagher yet.
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Tiktok probably has more accurate news than cnn, msnbc, fox *ews, twitter, reddit, facebook...
It isn't a high bar but it's funny seeing boomer fags bitch about it when they consume equal or worse slop.
No you just have to use resin anywhere, even condensing resin works so you can instantly complete all your dailies
a 45% buff won't do that much when furina and kazuha are already giving you 140%
you barely need to build Jean to do the Jean challenge
just get enough ER to cleanse the pyro and then use skill to launch enemies off cliffs + charged attack to juggle them
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Neuvyumi lore
You dont spend the resin on the encounter points, you get the commissions done just by using resin on other things.
>kino new area
lmao, the new summer area is boring as shit. even bottleland and it's rollercoaster were somehow much more soulful than this copy-paste garbage. my standard for a good summer event is GAA and so far this shit is looking like a kindergarten backyard. Truly a game for children.
they both float in the air and do not attack.
does it automatically consume the stored up points when you consume resin or do you 'redeem' them?
just relog you dumb shit russian ginger idiot
kleecuck melty
>off banner 5* along first xiphos
I kinda want one for kuki as well but I don't want to throw more primos when Natlan is soon
She's going to have such a melty
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Upskirting my boyfriend!
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>my standard for a good summer event is GAA
You know that he is pedo coded, right?
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They may even be getting a 4 or 5 tailed fox soon, on top of the TWO foxes they already have with fluffy tails...
Meanwhile where the fuck is Yae's tail huh?

And then they're getting Liz too!
i think it does that if you havent completed any commissions that day
>A 45% buff just off of her artifact set for 20 seconds and nothing from her kit or off field damage
>Is nothing
>a 45% buff won't do that much
furinatard read neuv's passive. she's the first character getting the boot out the comp
The "archiveschizo" disease
do weekly bounties not count for encounter points anymore?
zzz dead bro
I was unsure about rolling him cause of his personality, but I like his kit and Ajaw alot.
>lmao, the new summer area is boring as shit.
why are you larping like you've played through it lol
Nope. To make up for it, world, story and archon quests now give more.
I didn't even do Siggy's trial thanks to procrastinating... I'll never get to play her now...
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wormhill flopped
pagfly flopped
jade flopped

everyone is realizing HSR is just an autobattle simulator
You CAN get the passive to work at c0 if there's a permanent aura to react with
didn't most of those already just give you 4 commission completions...?
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favoritemeta is going to be the best meta soon
Newfag detected
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Good morning, /gig/.
Pumping Navia banner!
glad they got rid of boss spawn cooldown
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how can someone be this retarded
>firefly flop
proof ?
I guess they gotta drag out content somehow, that is so lame as fuck
no one likes kleeslop
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I'm out of the loop, is Furina actually powercrept by an artifact set already or are people shitposting
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HSR's designs have been fucking horrible lately
this is just sporkle in a different outfit, what the hell

natlan mogs the shit out of everything that crawled out of HSR's ass in the past 3 patches
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Nah, we love Klee here.
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Physicalbros... its over
Will we have the chest maps in the new area?
See you tomorrow anon!
Sparkle sama
I just want to say that Neuv feels like shit to play on mobile now btw, people are going to be mad
Also you now can't 180 instantly to hit the enemies behind you, the nerf unironically made him feel worse to play
ok but y
>doesn't try to deny it
lol newfag
50% of her C1 buff at full stacks is now just on an artifact and all you have to do is be in night spirit state and do a reaction to get it
They're shitposting
If people start running Kachina over her then she's probably dead
People are retards, you'd just use both.
Make a guess.
Chasca and Clit will save Pyro and Physical
complain. yae rollers complained and the nerf got reversed. you paid for neuv, you have the right to complain
oh, I am enjoying this paper frog choir minigame alright

fuck outta my face
>Has Dawei made any graphical changes?
I feel like the game looked more crisp and vibrant after this update, and the text bubble for NPC chatter is bigger, too.
Just roll for shark woman lolololol
>just slot in a character from natlan and jump through three hoops to get half of what furina does right now
I don't know, it sounds like hydro won again
just back him up like a truck so you can maneuver the beam into them
they can both be shit
hsr makes 4x what ZZZ does thoever
just use controller bro, like a regular person
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You have been captured while trying to cross the border
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I'm doing the story event rn and good news for cuckchads, you guys are going to be happy
And Nahida is rooted in place, while Neuvillette is moving around. Literally not the same.
Whatever, that's irrelevant, you gotta be thick to not get what point is. Nahida can execute her E at maximum speed by having high mouse sensitivity and doing a instant 360 to capture the entire room.
That's the sense in that the characters are comparable, they both enjoy(ed) an advantage by moving the camera quickly.
>recently got shonen kino arc
and wormposters actually think genshin does shonen properly?
>hsr get dragon girl
>genshin in region of dragon dont
its not fair bro
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is Kilala good with Nilou? I don't have nahida.
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Just stop lazering and turn around???
I legit don't see any difference. You line up the beam just like before and everything dies
>Put natlan character in
>Push E
>React with main DPS
>Get buff
Better than
>Wait for fucking Q because of awful ER
>Try to burst heal by switching wasting time
>Than do DPS for like half the time of the artifact set
While they should've limited his turn speed from the start, they really REALLY need kachinka or whatever the fuck her name is to sell.
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Barbatos, Baal, Buer, Divines, save me!
that's not "getting it to work". that's just bumbling into an enemy formation that lets you get away with it. if something isn't replicatable in the majority of situations, then it isn't a valid option.
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Physchl cannot beat day 1 abyss
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Why the fuck do they have to be 90? I want my Qiqi to stay at 77 forever. 50NCID
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I love the summer events and even got Klee's cute namecard and I'm fine that she isnt shoved into them all, its good that they do new stuff. My favorite was GAA2 though
chinese dori is pretty cute
>natlan finally has revealing girls
>shark girl powercreeps everyone
>wormvillette nerfed the same day
bros what's happening at mihoyo?
otaku patriots in charge? draining the fujo swamp?
The game looks 10x better on my phone now, maybe the change isn't so dramatic on PC though
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Been testing neuvi in the overworld, I don't see/feel a difference on mobile
>And Nahida is rooted in place, while Neuvillette is moving around. Literally not the same
both go up into the air to prepare something. the point is that neither are actually dealing any damage when their spin is unrestricted. functionally they are the same
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turning is now SLOW AS FUCK. look at the webm someone posted. it's like neuv is navigating a swamp.
I rolled for Neuv C1 and I think he deserves it
he still has busted DPS, hydro application, aoe and survivability, he should have had his turn speed limited from the start
yeah fuck this garbage
if they were bringing back GAA2 instead, I wouldn't have complained. I wanna reunite with my bro miitoboru & those birds statue. this shit is looking like another soulless #28651782 minigames event garbage.
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>is Kilala good with Nilou?
but only if you have nahida
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you missed the point where Kinich is the most broken character ever released
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Dori is usually cute and sexy.
>awful ER
sounds like a you problem
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Building crit on Qiqi finally paid off
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My hero
If Dehya is there I fear no dragon
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Anyone else a little sad about the lack of husbando releases in 4.8..?

I pull for both meta and husbando collection when trying to figure out who to spend primos on. Imo- 4.8 banners and characters so far are a bit of a let down. Maybe Fontaine spoiled us too much with Neuv and Wrio..? Maybe hoyo is putting all the husbando energy into Capitano…?

Wondering if anyone else had their hopes up for another “Wrio” in Nathan…?
I really wanna teach this brat a lesson
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do I need cons
NTA but that makes it a.....nerf to his damage
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I rolled for Navia instead of Emilie.
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is that it?
Can you try bow Charged attacks too? Apparently they were hit too
I think so.
That said, use your Baizhu if you don't have Nahida.
running around in box mode actually results in decent dendro application which is good, unfortunately you can't do NAs or anything during this time which is very bad if you plan to use xq or yelan or baizhu
the new Neuv feels like I'm playing on console lmao
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I can't do it. I can't withstand another word of this event dialogue. I'm going to bed, hopefully I'll enter a coma and 5.0 will be here when I wake.
Any Navia expert here, how much better is Navia weapon compared to R1 serpent spine?
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Call me when animations are in.
>"it's not a nerf!"
>they than explain how it's a nerf
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>otaku patriots in charge? draining the fujo swamp?
I sense a feeling I've not seen in /gig/ in over 2 years... Hope.
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The things I'd do to Dori...
Me I only roll females need more males so i can save up.
Ororon, Capitano, Xbalanque and Ajaw will carry
have faith sister
You can look forward to Navia's aim speed being reduced in the next patch.
someone tried to make a point of comparison that nahida she get nerfed too. she's not the one shooting a fuckhuge beam though
wtf i thought we were getting that emilie girl?
15%. you should roll it though because it's a fucking battle axe and not a lame claymore.
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I lost coinflip to tighnari...
please just add a skip mechanic mihoyo, I don't care about storyslop
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More nerfs are coming
can someone post a quick rundown of relevant changes for this patch?
This is a really cute event. Really feels like a fairy tale.
What artifact set for navia
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He is Natlan's for (you) character
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21 days until Emilie bros
he's arlecchino-tier according to jstern calcs
>crit rate ascension
its fucking over. there goes me just swapping all of neuvs shit to her.
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12-1 still filtering me
I'm pretty sure that Nahida does, something, while turning around at instant speed she places a marker on the enemies
Not sure what that has to do with Neuvillette being able to turn at normal rates while charging his charge attack without orbs
Oh God it begins
15k Jesus FUCKING Christ
Time to actually boycott this one
nah he's worse than mua >>486374560
aggravate and bloom are her best comps
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>Dendro Yae
>brutal metal lore
I'm pulling.
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>need c2 Italian for my chiori team
>Get dehya, one navia, and mona
It was not meant to be....
is manyo kazuha?
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>arlecchino-tier with 1/3 of his kit locked behind Mavuika*
he is going to be ridiculously strong when she releases
Haven't noticed anything different
yeah it's fun! do Nilou sequence, Barbara E, Kirara hold E then run around enemies to get blooms
what's your roster like? Easiest way of dealing with the second half is by using XQ and Yelan.
Jade flopped
Firefly won bigly
Boothill "flopped" by HSR standards. He sold better than Sigeloste/Furina.
What the fuck
enjoy HSR levels of power creep and FOMO soon
>I'm pretty sure that Nahida does, something, while turning around at instant speed she places a marker on the enemies
so does neuv, he charges his beam.
>Not sure what that has to do with Neuvillette
both are preparing an attack but not actually attacking when spinning
>ui hide
>dialogue backread
>Neuv nerf
>Stacking Encounter points (still not sure how relevant this is)
>fixing dragonstrike when literally nobody uses it and they actually made a character that makes it a viable playstyle
What are they smoking
It is talking about double swirling
I don't think the game is going to survive if they nerf national lol
physical has been the most sidelined playstyle since launch, it just took them over a year to figure out how weak it was and they still haven't done shit about it
Do I need Emilie?
so is shark a solar pearl user
>Nilou rerun
Semi-tempted but I already have C2 Yelan, C1 Furina, and Kokomi

>Dendro bloom
I use Dendro+Electro namely
isn't crit rate shit on her ?
it means nothing if abyss stays the same
they're just gradually increasing their HP, we might be seeing new floors soon maybe
baby girl Kaveh came home.
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defend this
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>mouse users brought to gamepad level
Finally some actual balance. Fix Nahida next.
rip dragonstrike webm...
navia is kit complete at c0. though if you want to flex navia you run her with F B & Z. chiori's breakpoints are c0 and c6 btw. she's more fun as an on fielder, not as 5* albedo. you can run c0 chiori with F B & Z for some limited time infusion fun, and that comp is legit strong enough to clear.
Neuvillette, 1st character to be nerfed (Barbara doesn't count, that was adjusting for a new elemental reaction being introduced to the game)
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no one uses this shit set anyways
Anyone else jealous that this guy got to experience being cucked IRL while we have to settle for having it happen to our player characters in Genshin?
im enjoying it because it has more of GAA2 then previous events, some actual sense of theatre, but ok
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He's not too faggy of a design so I don't even mind
Clit is superconduct Chevy
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nilou is real pretty
thank fuck, about time they dumpstered him
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Am I defending some idiot thinking it's overpowered or am I defending how it's a janky sidegrade to Clam?
Or am I defending the Yu-Gi-Oh card text?
With the free 40% CR she gets from being a natlan character it means you can pump CD all the way and care about nothing else, arguably it's a very slight balancing feature?
That puts her one HP point above Nilou for 4th highest HP in the entire game. Furina at 3rd with 15307, Hu Tao at 2nd with 15552, and Dehya in 1st with 15674.
For reference, Neuv's base HP is 14695 (tied with Zhongli).
If her multipliers are comparable to Neuv, she might actually be better than him for single target DPS
Skill-issued PCucks are really seething. Mobile and Playstation chads are laughing
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You know that meme about bullshit jobs being more than 3 words to describe?
I don't use sets with many words.
Broken beyond relief
Strongest character for one patch cycle
Buy those Welkins gweilo
I use it with Chevy
hope so
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>neuv spin unspun
>snap shot is getting deleted
>double swirl getting taken out back
>dragon striked down where it stood
Everything skill and knowledge based is being taken away....
A set so bad made for a character so shit they overcorrected and made Natlan
Then again the slug will do well with Kinich and Emilie, in case anyone doubted
yeah the problem is the only 4 star crit damage weapon is the fucking widsith and i'm not rolling on the scam banner. i also don't want to spend 6 months trying to get her usable in another artifact domain
I hope XL gets nerfed to oblivion, never liked her, her design, and her unmatched reign on any form of off field pyro app
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>brought to gamepad level
you are now beneath my level
bwo you're fidget spinner tech?
bro that was a chink shitpost
>skill and knowledge based
>exploit bugs
>"it's muh skill and knowledge!"
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More wuxia crap
>the slug will do well with Kinich
Oh nice
those motherfuckers gave her crit rate ascension to brick sacrificial jade on her
What's double swirl and what does it have to do with national?
holy total wormvillete destruction
enjoy your 100 primos lmfao
>>snap shot is getting deleted
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It's hard to get smart on what Mihoyo is doing. Won't the powercreep just facilitate even more saving from the playerbase, as they want the characters they actually like to be as strong as possible the moment they get them seeing as they'll be made redundant before they even get a rerun anyway?
it's a translated telegram screenshot so it must be true
Yup. They don't care improving the old characters at all.
>fixed the issue where we were killing our game with all this homoshit
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>got c6 Kaveh while i went to pity for Navia, only 2 kirara, 0 Ning.
Well okay then hoyo...
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>made fun of HSR's powercreep
>is now even worse than HSR
the absolute state of Genshin
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Natlan is cancelled. Imagine more than 100 thousand people not renewing Welkin. No more C6 R5. no black enough
>will have to use tome on mualani because I refuse to pull on weapon banner again
At least it's 88% CD and has HP...
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did everyone pick kirara, qiqi and ningg for the new things? what about diluc or jean?
xiaoslut set
Has HSR ever directly nerfed a character to sell the new shiny one?
wait are they actually nerfing double swirl for national teams the fuck
HP% too since she has high base HP, it's almost as good as crit dmg on HP scalers
I don't fucking care about whatever digging you're doing right now
genuinely don't understand why you are telling me a story about how Neuvillette got normal turn speed while charging

address the relevant point, that Nahida can do her thing faster and better by spinning the camera instantly around with high mouse sensitivity
Jean is stinky lines
Explain this in Razor language.
how good is the shark girl?
I don't have enough keys.
How do you even get keys?
They need my fox husband into the ground
I picked Jean
You WILL swipe for her weapon laowai! You WILL accept your lot! You WILL reroll your entire roster AND refresh your resin daily for good artifacts!
she's getting a sac jade and marecchuse set whether she likes it or not
anon the game tells you
do you people not pay attention to the in game text
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i'm so glad i dropped that game.
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Night knight
all that yapping only to be a brick set worse than clam lole
still a shit. even the overworld music is a shit.
Idk it took 4 years because the next big dps did 2 TIMES the damage of the previous
Took star rail 6 months
Retarded how much lower e2Dan is than E1S1 archon and firefly are
you will have to wait a few more hours for her kit to leak, nobody knows how she works yet
Broken beyond relief
Strongest character for two patches
Let my Ning at least have a pretty effect...
Childeyume's just lost their only team lmao
anon just use prototype amber
what are you talking about? there isn't a single limited 5* in the world that needs their signature, just use prototype amber
i addressed your point. you're trying to argue nahida should somehow be nerfed when she and neuvillette are doing identical actions. (preparing attacks).
neuvillette spins the camera just as fast as she does.
I-I sometimes need Paimon to explain me the story.
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They only gave 3, and said it expires after the refresh. So how can you get 4 keys if you've already got 3 from clearing this edition of IT?

It didn't say anything other than clear IT.
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That shitposter is refusing to admit that Nahida deals damage to all enemies she spun around.
Sebatos not looking Greek was the last straw
>prototype amber
where are the crit stats?????
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Its sad seeing the same neet /gig/gers doompost for attention.
I am playing the game right now. I came home from a fun day at work. Got Nilou's beautiful dress, won Navia her weapon on first coinflip, got my favorite gaming beverage. Life is good.
>Kazuha can't double swirl anymore
How big of a nerf is this to national? Will Cheld drop down to dehya tier useage?
Wait are they actually going to kill national?
What the fuck do you even run on the non-hyperbloom side in SA then?
don't reply to it
>make fun of star rail for having powercreep
>we end up getting powercreep AND nerfs to old characters just in case you thought you could skip
good for single target
good for natlan night spirit meme teams
good for marriage
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We paid good money for Naruto and Sasuke to come voice act in our game, you will just have to suffer the consequences gweilo
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I chose jean but I need 1 more key to choose a second one which would be qiqi
>That shitposter is refusing to admit that Nahida deals damage to all
strange, i don't see any damage numbers pop up as she spins
isn't she an HP% scaler? HP% is also gonna be good on her, crit isn't everything
I was shitposting obviously. Numbers are liable to change at any time, and pre beta let alone pre release perfomance is up in the air
Yeah, the event is really nice too.
How tf are you supposed to envisaged echoes for Jean?? Youi're taking tons of fire damage per second and just die before you got ult
>do not believe this

Anon, why didn't you read???
just found out pressing alt+a number key auto swaps and casts burst
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>cheldyume shit talks my husband
It's what she deserves
they aren’t native /gig/gers bwo, they’re raiders
you will run sasuke on one side and shark girl on the other gweilo
>gradient skin
If they nerf Xiangling’s ICD or Bennet I will quit this dogshit power creep game
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you can't get 4 keys
you can only get the 2 you start with+the 1 from july's IT
We need the physical archon.
>trying to argue bla, bla, bla
No, I am not. I have repeatedly told you what my point is, that was not it.
hydro dragon status?
so how does this work? she get CR ascention, 40% CR from artifact set, wouldn't any CR catalyst make her cap on CR
if i don't have 50cr/200cd at least on an on-field dps I'll go insane
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>This was assuming lower HP as well
It's fucking OVER bros
Everyone we loved in genshin is DEAD upon their arrival
It's like Vegeta and Nappa in the Saiyan Saga
>I have repeatedly told you what my point is
well it's not a very good point is it.
Why does Nilou have to be barefoot?
What's the point of having max 4 if you can't ever have 4 because the keys expire?
what the fuck the summer event this year is just playing with gay frogs while baby music plays
I was being lazy about changing from EN to JP voices then I heard this gay surfer frog.
I'm done.
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In Snezhnaya (no vision, no delusion, just gadgets and Dottore tech)
>neuv nerfed
>kazuha nerfed
tick tock baizhukeks furinafags im sure you fuckers have some bugs crawling around in your basements
Why are you talking about damage numbers?
they already lost to an artifact set bro
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Nah, I'd a
let the mighty be humbled
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>everyone gets CR ascension + CR weapon
what are they cooking
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fontaine dps didn't even last a year before being powercreeped into oblivion
>he doesn't know
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Does Kachina make C0 Chiori good?
If Kazuha can't double swirl and XL doesn't snapshot it's unironically ogre for Cheld
hey, he said it not me
because neither do damage numbers on their unrestricted spins?
hahahahahah exactly, anyone who is enjoying this garbage is either a newfag or lying to themselves. literally the most soulless summer event.
>my team is getting more SOVL by the second
Saving everything for vertical investment!
don't forget to catch the paper crystalfly before this world disappears
>listening to disclaimers added only to calm down retards
we already have her numbers and like half of her damage is automated with the homing projectiles, the final calc will probably give even bigger numbers since her base HP is higher than expected
that's why her sig weapon has a CD ascencion
now roll the weapon banner :^)
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The anniversary that killed genshin impact
Explain. I still haven't update the game yet
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Biding her time.
wriothesley forgotten..
Can you repeat back to me what you think I was trying to argue?
Just to make sure you didn't misunderstand
>generic chink in generic palette swap chinky dress
holy fuck almost makes me appreciate emilie, at least she's ugly as fuck in a sort of original way
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Kirara puss on boots skin 2k textures.
>nerf old characters
wtf where
>Source: some random faggot on Telegram
repeat it yourself because at this point i doubt even you know
I don't want to give out spoilers but its needed for the plot
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total lizard death
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What? Anon, they keys don't expire. The only thing that expires is the opportunity to claim keys.
Once you get a key, you keep it forever. The only thing that expires is IT rotation rewards.
If you miss the key claim for the July IT, then opportunity to get the July IT key will expire as it gets replaced by the August IT. But you get to keep the key if you already claimed it.
>neuv nerfed
Is this real? Can someone explain the nerf? I fucking hate him so this is good news for me.
that's on purpose, is to brick Sac Jade on her and force you to wish for her weapon
>40 + 24.2 + 36.8 = 101% crit rate
They are so fucking greedy, it already overcaps and every single new crit rate substat you roll would be a wasted stat on her
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i know im late by like 2 hours but HAHAHAAHAHAHA
How long before we get Kinich + Nahida teams?
waifutroons WONNED
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i wish i could knew what's a good average for characters equipment numbers.
Like sure, 150% crit dmg and 60% crit rate is nice but what if my attack is shit and that's why i cant clear floor 12 no matter how hard i try?
Nahida is an old character sorry, she won't be joining the new kids this year
well, guess she's getting widsith. can't be that bad right
don't forget the higher hp enemies, just to be sure that the gap with old characters will be even more noticeable
>No more double swirl
>Anemo nerfed
>Petra now on par with VV
Holy shit Geo bwos we wonered!
we will *cough* come back kokobros... *wheeze* stronger than ever!! *gasps painfully*
Okay, sure, very interesting. Guess they are similar in that sense.
Let me tell you something interesting, one enjoys an advantage from spinning 360 degrees in a 1 millisecond and the other does not (anymore). So in this other sense they are dissimilar.
Based NEUVGOD giving us free primo
damn homos going nuclear
Neuvillette flopped so hard that his entire region got powercrept
just wait for 5.1 lmao they need the pyro archon to sell
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fuk u
You still can't read??? I'm so sorry for your family.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE NERFS because I'm a waifutroon
Ganyuchad was right all along. You didn't just roll for who you liked and now you get punished for it.
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Is this true? I notice my Navia hitting hard just now
you rotation & positioning is shit
CV only amount to 5-10% once you reach the requirement
Are they actually removing double swirl
God I fucking hate this gameplay team
Yelan's skill is my favorite 0 damage move in Genshin.
>Neuvillette flopped so hard that his entire region got powercrept
More like the ENTIRE GAME LOL
>never roll neuv
>still get free gems
yeah I'm winning
based nerfvillette sis
don't forget to take the meds for the aids
It's not that big of a deal, they simply added a cap to the speed at which Neuv can rotate while he fires his beam.
This means that he can no longer spin in a circle and hit everything around him.
No more spin
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Nahida is probably one of the supports least affected by the 5.0 leaks currently.
They might powercreep her in a future patch but her role is currently still uncontested (especially if she's C2 since she's the one viable unit that does DEF shred)
You can stop lying anytime
He can still rotate freely while charging
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He doesn't know
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Showily creating life with Nilou!
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Who WON?
>neuvfaggot being disingenuous
holy fuck, are all homo enjoyers this disingenuous?
Zhonglibros there's no way Xilonen is a geo shielder right?
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>Fun day at work
If you don't mind me asking what do you do? I do independent courier work and its fun but i only found said fun job by looking at options
does not spin
Genshin Impact
Kinich burgeon is decent with Nahida.
Kinich / XQ / Nahida / Thoma
Ur welcum
Dendro got nerfed solely by the fact Natlan is a pyro shill region.
raiders who come here everyday for years aren't /gig/gers, they just are retards with a game stuck rent free in their head
>pulled for neuvslop
>"here you go, 100 primos"
humilliation ritual
what's her name then?
you heal
heal turns into damage for 6 hits
(basically, it gives you a 40k damage per rotation, which is very bad for current standards)
most of its twitter tourist doompostery, but neuv did indeed get his overall turning speed limited regardless of input method (mouse, controller etc)
they killed spin to win and made him play a bit clunkier but its not like his practical DPS is any worse since none of what you saw in calcs etc ever included spin to win etc
Bros... I dont have kokomid...
I have never claimed otherwise.

I just think you are being silly.
Focusing on the IRRELEVANT fact that Neuvillette can turn quickly while charging, rather than focusing on the RELEVANT fact that Nahida enjoys and advantage from turning extremely quickly while using her E.
Which is relevantly similar to what got nerfed/bug fixed with Neuv, the advantage from extremely quick turning.
Dedicating these beers im chugging to Fischlchan and her wonderful rambling Summer event of years past.
Strapping in for Kirarafest 2024 LEETTS GOOOO
You just made the claim he does not enjoy the ability to spin 360 degrees in milliseconds so yes you did. What you need to focus on is the fact that both do not attack as they do this. Neuvillette then gets limited as he begins to attack. This is why they are the same
What does that have to do with Nahdia enjoying an advantage from extreme quick turnspeed?
And how does neuvillette not benefit from having a quick turn speed while charging?
I don't really see a point to do a 360 degree spin in 1 millisecond while charging, no
you don’t see a point to be able to 180 to an enemy when you’re charging?
While with Nahida there is a point in doing the 360 degree spin while holding her E
which is the principial difference

you're so full of shit, holy moly
you can see my other reply assuming you’re not samefagging. both use the mechanic to their benefit
Notice you have to put word in my mouth, because I actually made pretty careful and humble claims

I'm done with this.
you must be amnesiac considering you just claimed you don’t see a point to doing a 360 while charging. you argue like a woman desu
Yes. Characters enjoy the camera to turn around, so in that sense Nahida and Neuvillette are the same.
Correct, realize you’re the dipshit attempting to make a claim that nahida, a character that does not attack and does not shoot a beam nor is she a dps must be nerfed to be like neuvillette who did. retarded argument
btw, why do you think Neuvillete was nerfed?
he could hit the entire abyss chamber 8 times from the center all the time
How did he do that?
with his spin tech
Do you think this sets a precedence for nerfing other characters that use spin tech?
no, because only neuvillette used it. Sigewinne has the same attack type as neuvillette and she has the same turn speed he does now when she came out
When Nahida does it, it doesn't count because the absence of damage numbers, got it.
nahida does not attack. you need me to repeat again neuvillette can do it?

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