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>Recent News
S.Cucouroux (Light), S.Hallessena (Dark) & Summon S.Mars (Light) now available
Maintenance 07/22 (1AM JST - 7AM JST)
Extra Drops Campaign (Light) - (07/15 - 07/22)
Summer Live Stream airs on 07/27

Side Story: Kappa Summer Chronicles - Live
QOL Update: Skyscope Raids Search - Live
QOL Update: 101 Rupie Draws Button - 07/22
Clarisse (Fire) FLB - 07/22

Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>June Schedule
07/15 - 07/22 Tower of Babyl (New Layers: 23 & 24)
07/15 - 07/22 False Heroes (Rerun)
07/23 - 07/30 Dread Barrage (Light Favored)
07/31 - 08/07 Story Event

>Future Schedule
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Previous thread >>486325164
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yea i really love my wife
De La... SUCCESS!!!
Cantante... FLOP
>Had perfectly brown skin
>make her orange
I fucking hate this.
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Alt soon!
I think there's something wrong with your screen
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the last grub artist in existence..
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This is finally her year.
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wyhere's tyhe cyontent????
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I ate it
shilled flop
haase is sexier
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why nier cri
gyame nyot gyood...
She saw the numperscord
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lichu would vomit on you way before that
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>three arms
Would a sexo summer alt that is 9.8+ be enough to save her art status?
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>hnrrrrg.... urACK!
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is lack ok
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why is she such a big bully?
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Jingai Modoki is still holding the harvin front. Even if Cy doesn't give him many harvins to draw.
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I needed to transfer some emp to new cuc so I brought my expedition back.
which wind girl have a lot of debuffs aside erune from rotb?
He draws the occasional non harvins too
Preggo scat when
i dont have her. looks like i have missed this collab
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It's over
>Pant... Pant...
wish they would rerun this bitch. she's so cute
>no more collab fever
fack this poopge
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enjoying the MSQ grubbas?
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God. I hate m3 Tiamat so much.
This fight would be so comfy if not for the fact that she can swap out your units.
Why did they have to keep such a stupid mechanic?
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your zako?
is it true that grub is dying
tiamat is the second easiest to FA m3. only light is is easier. She swaps your units only once and it's somewhere at the end
I didn't say she was hard. She is very easy.
I still don't like the unit swap.
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I am really enjoying Granblue Ar
Or you could use Gachapin
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>left side of bikini split
>isn't split in the uncap art
They're unironically using AI now. AI will do that with bikinis sometimes, guess they forgot to fix it
I think the other side is just covered by the skirt. the real weird thing is that she is wearing the yellow bikini on top of the weird white thing with sleeves.
wouldn't surprise me if the same thing happened with lily's uncap and her straps/arm openings not matching on each side and being generally too large on the left side.
>the weird white thing with sleeves
her bottom is also white so i suppose that weird white thing is her real swimsuit, but it would fall off on it's own. absolutely retarded design
Galgeniggers arent rank 300 let alone 375
And they are too weak to do Faa0/Hexa
Grancels are just weak shitposting maggots.
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Blue toilet papers?
How hard is it to get into/do faa0 as water?
Also rank 317.
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you guys *do* have your sparks ready for legfes, right?
IT's pretty easy with kengo team. After 10 runs, you don't even need to think anymore.
I only have enough for the free rolls banners
>dodged any new water units/other units I need or want on this banner
>means next two galas are free real estate for sparking
Nice... blowing draws on the first banner worked out after all...
wow japanese twitter is really mad at the obvious draph humanwashing going on
They should make a petition
i bet they already reaized that it's probably AI
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They can get fucked.
When they started changing harvins no one said anything, this was back a couple years ago, so get fucked draphtards.
hwo did they changed harvins?
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midget dragonragers are fucking nuts
Chubby shorter limbs.
To be fair I think it was inconsistent before, some were like that and others not, now everyone gets chubbier short limbs.
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>started changing harvins
looks fine to me, except that she is still not playable.
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should i spark cosmos nigger (race play sex) or cuc baby (sweaty vanilla sex)??
this is my light chara pool, i wanna prepare for DB
i didnt even noticed. im good as long as they wont try to make them taller and more humanlike
That is the question
Aaaaah~ Perfect
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I guess not just the limbs, they look chubbier in general, just compare these two.
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Bro... she just put on a little weight in this picture... don't worry about it...
looks the same to me. you may think that her legs became bigger but it's because of different pose
Look at her torso
Cuc. You need horus/nehan/s. Seruel to make cosmos great for kengo. Although you shouldn't be sparking for db out of all things.
dunno, but even if i assume that you are right, i dont think there's some agenda
NTA but right actually has a very slightly longer torso than left.
Cosmos is essential from my experience
meant to say
>left has a longer torso than right*

if we are purely discussing this example they actually shortened Nio very slightly
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god, why is nio so hot, bros?
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Tailoring the old character's uncaps against m3 raids is probably the only good idea fknr ever had. Metafags doesnt use those characters anyway, only casuals do. And casuals enjoy boosts like that for grinding m3.
I wish they would came up with this idea much sooner. Most of old uncaps are completely worthless and didnt added anything actually gamechanging that would make them useful again.
bros where is our msq...........................................................................
>Against M3
I'm dumb, explain this to me
I'd say next month for sure but it'd be funny if it gets delayed because they can't reveal Sandalphon in the MSQ now
have any other suggestion?
im still rank 156, so i think DB and GW is the one i need to focus on
yeah, watching some stuff online makes me think cosmos and nehan is kinda core, but sparking male feels so wrong, so i prefer cosmos

this is all the character i currently have. im making okto rn but running out of pendant, i think my earth is already pretty nice
I have no rolls and I must roll.
absorbs levi's nukes and have a bunch of auto triggers with good damage plus debuffs for even more additional damage
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nyoooooooooooo my 10 rolls
baked and breadpilled
we love used goods around here
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Anyone have or recall the copypasta that I think was accompanied by some variation of this pic, it's a schizo rant that starts something like
>they're out here
and it includes players farming bahamuts
>one goldbar/blue chest *PEWW* two *PEWW*
some sorta onomatopoeia anyway, I'd like a good laugh.
Nehan is very core to light but I agree with you, sparking male feels so wrong.
I don't think your light team can benefit much from Cosmos or Cuc, at least Cosmos weapon is better?
>my earth is already pretty nice
I think you can try Hallessena although she's kind of outdated, but she still hits hard on your current team
You'll probably roll cuc during free roll after you sparked her so just be yourself
>other game got a huge update
>thread became even deader

how im supposed to clear 76 floor if i dont have water character who deals 1.5m plain damage
or maybe it's because it's 4am in the civilized world
what time is it in your SEA shithole, friend?
why is it still awake at 4am if he's living in the civilized world la
Yes, and it looked better before.
That is the point.
the toiletcleaner FLED
SR Pengy. But seriously, your Bubs? Everyone has Bubs.
anon, your original point is that there agenda towards changing harvins, but looks more like just artist drew a character slightly different after all those years and it's barely noticable.
It's nothing compared to obvious anti-draph bullshit
>muh anti-draph agenda
oh nooooooooo don't make sexy draphs like dragon, make them hideous goblins with ballon tits stapled onto their chests noooooo
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I lorv towrr :)

playble bubs when
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These paint splotches look worse the closer you look. It's like when someone accidentally smudges an image in their phone's gallery app with the highlighter tool selected before sending it.
The nigga is now pretending to like women so he can slurp more and defend the sad state of the art department.
So what's next in this "year-long celebration"?
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our art team has been washed for a while
maleringing trolls are nuts like that
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post grid la
What the fuck is the point of girls that aren't for (You)?
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there's nothing stopping you from making art or writing a fanfic
you don't need the dev's permission or anyone else's permission to actually enjoy a character. that's why there's a bunch of OOC aliza porn. artists saw a character they liked and created a situation they enjoyed.
That does not answer my question.
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shoot super baha bullet twice
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>that's why there's a bunch of OOC aliza porn
Curious how most of it is from years ago and her once-constant stream slowed to a crawl even after her summer unit.
for what
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*punches timecard*
yep it's gebefege posting time
to keep this dead contentless general alive.
it's either this or "post rings", ever notice how we only used to do survey posts like that once every few months and now it's an almost daily occurrence?
the point is that a character shouldn't need to be a dick sucking golem to be interesting or have appeal. considering there's hundreds of characters they probably wanted to explore different ideas without using "sucks the MC's dick" as a crutch.
is it really that interesting reading dozens of contrived reasons for why a character suddenly falls for the MC? there's only so much they can fit into a fate episode and going through those motions over and over seems tedious. ox is a good deconstruction of this. she's so blatantly over the top for the MC that it becomes a spectacle, and that becomes her character. the devs and writers probably think similarly when making characters who have personalities that don't revolve around the MC. at the end of the day it's gacha writing so whatever attempts they make to flex their skills are going to fall short. in a roundabout way I can agree with the frustration in your original post because the audience that plays gacha games wouldn't be able to appreciate any sincere attempts at writing and the writers should instead make nothing but schlock to satisfy paypigs and brainrotten porn addicts
>going through those motions over and over seems tedious
Nobody tell her what game she’s playing.
>the point is that a character shouldn't need to be a dick sucking golem to be interesting or have appeal. considering there's hundreds of characters they probably wanted to explore different ideas without using "sucks the MC's dick" as a crutch.
>is it really that interesting reading dozens of contrived reasons for why a character suddenly falls for the MC? there's only so much they can fit into a fate episode and going through those motions over and over seems tedious.
Vira was explicitly written to tied to Katalina and nobody else (at least during her first iteraion) and she was one of the most popular grub characters we have had.
You think "people stops caring because the characters aren't sucking their dicks!", but in reality people stops caring because the devs couldn't write a character worth shit because they either cannot or refuses to give a character meaningful development.
careful now, blud's gonna pull out the "she was only popular because she was attractive and you want to fuck her!" card anytime now
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alright then
hell, Sandalphon and Belial are characters that barely interacts with you and were both constantly fawning over somebody else (Lucifer and Faa) and they were the most popular male characters of this game.

he really didn't think this through huh
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Vira was my biggest disappointment in grub and i'm usually pretty positive about things
they split her in so many directions i just wish they sticked to one, omnipandering on single character simply does not work
Also slowly washing her yandere trait was an assassination.
I love it when people talk about this as if it’s impossible for writers to make girls who are both interesting and for (You). You’d think people so desperate to god-defend this game would have more confidence in the people who make it, or at least enough confidence to know that you can do both.
Playable when?
>gacha writers can't write
yes I wrote this, but maybe I should've been more explicit about it
every character and story is the equivalent of playing drunken darts and yes, they can barely if ever follow up unless they're making an extremely simple shounen setup.

sandalphon and belial aren't girls i was responding to someone crying about girls.

i'm not defending the game at all. the problem is that good writers aren't working on gacha games.
cy or grub's writers in particular are schizophrenic IMO
they both HATE pleasing their customers yet they also kinda wants their audience to like their characters at the same time.

Vira was the most visible example of this, you can clearly see that she was meant to be a serious yandere lesbian but over the years the writers trips over themselves wanting to please people who only wants to fuck her because they want to maximise her fan appeal I guess.
In the end her characterization became so diluted that she ends up losing all of her fans.
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>good writers aren't working on gacha games.
so weird when I see many japs tweets praising a certain gachage title for the main story writing today...
>the problem is that good writers aren't working on gacha games
You don’t play enough gacha games or read their stories to make these claims.
sadly the exception and not the rule
>>You don’t play enough gacha games or read their stories to make these claims.
i'm extremely grateful for that
blud's gonna bring up kamihime any second now
nips historically have shit taste
i wish you learned his timeslots so we don't have to recycle posts like this
he's also back to namefagging
You say it like how him getting BTFO will stop him from making his dishonest posts.
take the recent halle-fiasco for example:
we went from
>they haven't changed the proportions!!! they still look like draphs you idiot!
>the new proportion looks better anyways! you are a freak if you like tits ductaped to midjets!!!

You can't get rid of someone who is fundamentally dishonest because the idea of "shame" doesn't register in his mind.
i'm not saying anything other than futility of talking about someone who is not in the thread
anon you're talking about is asleep, simple as
you seem to be obsessed with "schizos" so i suggest you to learn their schedules, most of them are pretty consistent
The four heavenly queens of /gbfg/
not who you're soft-name-dropping but yes it's also sad seeing the art team's decay in real time. we can't even cope that whatever shitty project they got poached for would make it worthwhile because SV2 already got delayed and >yet another hero shooter when nips only care about apex
many words to say "he's not even here!" for the 100th time
>he isn't even in the cord!
yet you seem to know when he's online and his other life schedules?
if you want to continue talking about him, you're free to do so
this is gayboyfriends general after all
I just pointed out at the fact, don't get mad at me
when will hexa become not annoying to farm?
what's happening here? I just came here.
that's right, run away with your tail between your legs
no one runs away from a galgetard, it's just that there's nothing worth staying to discuss with it...
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Im at 76f right now and still cant clear those two.
Now go home and get your fucking shinebox.
surely all of saige artists are working on the mysterynigga mobile game they've been doing...right?
When is the next cyberackgent FY report? I don't pay attention to this.
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should I?
when they add ascendant prayer to it
too many gorilla brained morons pushing triggers before the last place sloth can get a single 2m omen in so they don't instantly die to 40
Is it possible to leech hexa now
yeah it just feels so frustrating and a waste of time with randos
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Since I'm busy playing good games, how are the new summer units? Flop or nah?
is it more important than 000?
halle is "perfectly dark"
cucu is just average
Hal is core!
Roll now!
>good games
skippity flop
Not grub
inb4 he names another gacha
i can't even remember what their gimmicks were, but look up clears on youtube for ideas. they'll be outdated by now but that means you can probably make up for it if you're missing certain chars or grid pieces
Granblue Archive
that's not a game
I think I just FA through them with my magna grid
Finding sneks in my summon list is becoming quite the chore so I've been thinking about doing the bare minimum to go Luci x Varuna, what would you guys recommend to add on the empty slots?
>what would you guys recommend
If you're just stacking dingers you can go luci x baha
dead thread
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>GODmoi is once again core for torment
meanwhile p**? unused
what did she mean by that
>the point is that a character shouldn't need to be a dick sucking golem to be interesting or have appeal
maleringer moment
i didn't notice purple, i kneel GODmoi...
Why are you replying to a 2 hour old post? Can't breathe? Good.
Maybe the reason we no longer get edits is because we are above that, we only get REAL art.
I went grocery shopping, that retard(Let's be real, (You)) took too long to write up his brain vomit.
You guys are being retards again, I’m going to go watch Anthy play Elden Ring.
the only retard here is this mentally ill retard >>486409475
i saw an artist drawing wilnas with the wilnas ink, that's 3 out of the 6 dragons that i've seen drawn with their own ink

still think it's the dumbest fucking merch you could put out
what's next zodiac element?
This isn’t your discord, maleringer. 4chan is still a forum first and foremost, and one of the perks of such is anyone can respond to old posts without it being a problem.
Wait for it
Next is the snake right? So fire, Fukutroon isn't competent enough to make dark snake that bully Rat.
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I think I finally understand where "momoi" is coming from. Being born a male, in a lesser asian region like southeast asia, is pretty much losing the lottery of life. You're born ugly with zero prospects of ever finding love, with a culture completely subservient to China and Japan. No wonder you start wishing you'd be Japanese, or even better, a Japanese women instead of the creature you were born as. Of course you want to live in kivotos when the dirty streets of Jakarta is your reality. You have my most genuine pity Umaxister, and I really hope you find peace in your life one day. I thank God everyday that I wasn't born into a situation like yours.
>responding to an old post with literally nothing
sheesh this retard literally has no shame
There it is.
quality post
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fire already has a snake
/gbfg/ is my trolling space now
i will say false things and enable schizos just to annoy you and you cannot do anything about it
I have read this before, stop spamming or false-flagging.
Mars butt
that's actually a good news for me. My fire characters are outdated as hell. FInally some fresh blood.
>Keeping seraph's post rent free in your head
Holy broken.
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Nice, you even fixed it before pasting
stop cooming and you will also have a good memory like me
Pagpags eaters are seething at GODraph
Maleringers are freaking trans
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Is there nothing worth discussing in the game that this general had to recycle the same dumb shit?
You can thank maleringers for that
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When is there ever anything worth discussing?
Dishonest retards shit up any genuine attempt at discussion so much there is no point doing anything but shitposting here
Nobody plays the game here
The game doesn’t want us to play it.
>cuc’s ougi
>only human npcs
>no draphs, no erunes, no harvins
post the ougi. I don't believe you.
It's a human only beach(they snuck cummy in)
>same banner as Halle
yeah THEY really want you to forget about fantaji.........
Cygames suck at doing fantasy
I think my dog is a maleringer.
#BoycottCygames #StopHumanWashing #DraphLivesMatter
>"wh-where is the diversity??????"
found the kike
Put him down before it's too late, let his legacy be an honorable one.
Dogs are usually pretty smart, they wouldn't ring males for ((META))
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Copypasting the characters and changing some swimsuit color is the fastest and cheapest way of doing that animation.
TLDR: Laziness
that's because its owner is a tranny
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>just want to see draph girls
>brings up ESG shit out of nowhere
Go back, muttly.
They could've given some of the girls cat ears to pretend they were erunes
triggered the kike
i'm banned from miZAKO site
Game status? Washed
The only kike here is the one I left on your mom’s chest.
MSQ update just flew over my house
This may be one of the best ougis I've ever seen! Beautiful, so beautiful!
Saw it too, crashed into a building
Heard rubble killed a cute little girl from aftermath.
the kike has lost it
>7 hours
>not even halfway into bump limit
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Lack of galge content has killed this game
yeah it's definetly on the more complex side
i like it as well
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S.Sochie would've prevented this(assuming Fack didn't sabotage her fates again). S.Inari too
Ask for bumplimit and you shall receive
Enjoy the beginning of foxcuck timeslot!
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Fact checking.....yep, no lies detected. Imagine being able to get this with your grubfu
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trvth nvke too real
prepare for seething replies
literally /gbfg/ monkey's paw
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>game got popular because of draphs
>game does not release draphs
One of those things that’s “too basic for a sophisticated game like grub”, I guess.
What do you think if our latest summer releases Shay?
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Reminder that to this day Fack hasn't given Naru a event
Evens I log in
Odds I keep cuddling with my grub wife
you can do both
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Mirin ____ ____
Shion ____
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Shion kisses.
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Boring picks to be honest, flop banner
They won't risk ruining her appeal with an entire event focus
I find Halle to be an excellent pick but the art is questionable and the fate is big fat FKHR slop
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Remember what Pozpozhara doesn't want you to have
i thoroughly enjoy using Agielba's S3
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Did her fates get summarized yet?
I'll do it for you:
>nyit's nyowable
Faa says this every day
The problem with this thread is the majority and the majority are the galgeturds. I hope this helped clear things up for you.
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Where the fuck did my image go?
Anyway, Rape Sexo.
ami and qilin carried me for the one on the left, just used characters with multi hit skills besides that
Stop posting this guy so much im getting bored of him
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Nice thread, cucks
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Faa ties for popularity with 7man in this general
You will have to deal with it
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Oh no…
It's some real stupid shit about evil watermelons infecting other fruits and her befriending a mech watermelon and upgrading her saw with it, 100% slop
i look like this
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Go back to your Dave the diver collab so you can watch your nikkes hang with other men faggot
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Coincidentally i as about to post doro too when i got empty reply but it was just a mistake
lol he got triggered
>shay gets attached to a character
>gets cucked
>migrates to other games
>gets cucked
really makes one ponder
wtf is her problem??
Fat bitch
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am i seeing things or does doroposting almost always coincide with faa spam?
The faayume has admitted to doroposting nyes
I hate people like you.............stop noticing...........noticing causes problems..........
faayume has admitted to posting doros before
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I thought this was a yukata unit and used a few more meme draws to get it than I otherwise probably would have.
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Yeah, on opposite day
nikke and faa is such a weird combination
huangyume confirmed she doroposts but i don't know who posts the notFaa portrait
I only ever reply to it and she's not one doing it either.
HOOOLY.... what game is THIS?????!!!
Is this from a porn game? It looks disgusting, delete it from your computer.
Did you get her?
All your posts fellating nikke are publically available for everyone to see in the archive
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Yes. I didn't have to use more than 30 or so draws but still. I don't particularly care abou Mirin: I just want limiteds. She is pretty, though.
what does mars smell like?
it's just discord raid with her buddies from the faacord
meds retard
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i need an invite for faacord...
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>faaposting instead of faahosting
You will not disrespect the captain of our divegrass team.
I don't wanna do it again until I uncap Katze
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Snowbreak, also known as LORDbreak, also commonly referred to as GAWDbreak, and even Snowpeak in some circles
faacord definitely exists going by the sheer amount of faggots that try to bolster his (nonexistent) likeability in a general full of straight men
horse chestnut flowers
With the girls affectionately referred to as snowbunnies
I uncapped Katze and I STILL don’t wanna do it until I figure out the safest comp at least
nyo it's a regular homocord not faa specifically
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I’ve always been curious, what do snowbunnies have to do with niggers?
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I only marry cunny wives
>ummm well we might raid these threads regularly but our 'cord focuses on homos in general, not this one homo specifically ok!?
outta here blud
It's not that bad. I went in with the Cow Kengo comp without Katze and managed to cancel most of the omens. And when all else fails just hit Siete FC. His autos hurt though and sometimes I fuck up by not paying attention when to eat the apples
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Blud ain't ready for that trvth nuke
It is just an approach that aims to frame things by labeling them and attaching certain attributes to them. An approach that hooked noses love to use.
What is this forced melty over 1-2 Faa pics
Is it revenge for the Galleonraging yesterday?
Should I?
i mean if you play earth it's a solid gridpiece
From what I can tell 5* Katze replaces Siete so you are trading an emergency button for general sustain, right? Can Kaguya/Cow/Katze really cancel everything? Also I’ve seen zephfags run chrys instead of kengo but only them. Is it a no go with the basic sette grid?
If so they are really bad at it, nobody's even implied yet that Faa loves the bbc
Everyone knows he secretly loves Big Bahamut Cock, no need to shitpost it
There's a Kengo Siete Katze Box comp too which I hope will be safer than the Ox one. And yeah you need a barred Sky Ace or something for the Chrys Katz setup
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this galleon posting is wack, back when anilabro was here you could tell he actually meant it, this is so fake
>admitted his attack on galleonbro
disgusting behavior, but not unusual from a faag like you!
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Kumuyu, no!
that's the difference between a real waifufag and a falseflagging maleringer
Do all passive skills take effect when a character is in the backline, or does it have to explicitly say so like with primarchs?
Don't scapegoat it onto Faafags
You should improve your reading comprehension
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>stop posting this dr-ACK!!!!!!
Passives that work in backline should always mention it, i don't recall any oddities.
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Dr. Ack?
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This windbro carried my faa0, is clam the better/safer option?
Only works from the backline if it's mentioned
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>Fights after naked Bub are just bunch of HP sponges
Why are they like this
she was robbed...
Our devs are fourth-rate. Making content that’s actually engaging is beyond them.
why would a developer put in effort when you don't pay him his dues? No, it's the players' fault.
Why does Mack hate Camieux? Like legit what did she do to make him hate her so much?
What's your idea of engaging content?
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>Mack hate Camieux
Mack is one of the alterego of our director
Camieux is a nickname for character called Cummy
Kummies ssr promotion with neo-draph proportions.
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xe hates draphs or draphlikes
are you okay?
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Don't you hate it when this happens.
Total Assault and Grand Assault
I tell ya, nothing would save this game like giving every girl the exact same generic body type
they ruined my boy...they made him crazy...
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>Marge, where's SSR Camieux?
I want to stick my face in
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are there any lolige gacha without any males or hags?
I was searching for pregnant art on twitter and found posting about doing 400 rolls in BA without getting either rate up.
Granblue Fantasy?
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Are you guys excited for m4 announcement at the stream? I bet it’ll take less than 5 years to release this time!
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I'm pretty far away from the screen. The thumbnail looked like those foot fetish artworks where the foot is very close to the viewer, making Bampi look like Sara's huge foot.
Just found out that my first galge love was voiced by a very prominent Grub VA. I had played lots of galge before it but she was the first I truly loved.
I posted in the wrong thread. Some /bag/gots were shilling how good their rate ups were in a different thread.
well she doesn't love you
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>the other granblue general got 6+ threads today just from discussing their latest MSQ

surely our MSQ will generate the same amount of reaction
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Where is our MSQ update thoughbeit?
I'm legitimately surprised they haven't tried to get these into Side Stories (or maybe they did and their glacial pace of adding them is the problem).
grub could never...
Grandad face reveal alone will make us go 8+ threads
You faggots will just sit here and spam unmarked spoilers within the first few hours anyway, so anyone who actually cares about it will avoid the thread like the plague until they get a chance to get through it.

So no.
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I finished reading the whole thing before going there albeit, it's your fault if you stay online because you just KNOW there would be fuckers to spoil the entire shit on minute 1.
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They are definitely saving the *announcement* for summer stream
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>look it up
Yeah, we’re not competing with that. Whatever FKHR puts out will not generate nearly the same amount of buzz.
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Jita upgraded
where is da follow up to this lah
>japs are straight up comparing the MSQ to JJK and Bleach
I kneel...
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Is there any particular reason they didn’t save that final reveal and narration for the MSQ? By all accounts the event timeline Gran hasn’t given a shit about estalucia in a hundred years, and the last time it was even brought up was Old Bond.
Why do the
>at last, the end of our heroes’ journey seems within reach
shtick when the journey’s been on pause for forever?
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follow up?
FKHR wasn't kidding when he said he wanted to do avengers shit
>Heh...looks like it's time I made my move
Cringe as fuck
Recommended a work to read
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>meanwhile grub gets no comparisons, compliments, nothing
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imagine if they didn't do it
>shart of the sun ends on phoniex flying away
>"stay around for july for the next MSQ update!"

it was a rare good decision from cy ngl
it's all coming together, granblue: endgame soon
arbitrators who?
A gook work called "Eternally Regressing Knight" there is one female iirc so far which makes it a good work.
They're so fucking weird about the timelines shit. The MSQ made it so 000 and a bunch of other events didn't happen there but everything else has no problem bringing up the True King stuff along with the anni events as if it still happened
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I guess, the alternative does seem worse. Why did they have to forget about the main plot of this game for so long? Everything they do now involving it feels so rushed and forced.
I aint clicking that shit nigga
Zaako Zako Zako Zako Sensei.
See how good Chichiri could be if she wasn’t stuck in a kusoge.
ZAMN I gotta put a ring on that!
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It's not toddlercon; I promise. The baby Cag is just fromt he same artist.
>Why did they have to forget about the main plot of this game for so long?
my guess is they thought they had all day to do it so they just drag it on and on and on and on like they were being paid by the hour.
my guess is someone higher up is telling them that they really need to get their shit together and pick up the pace, so they suddenly stops slacking and finally started to get a move on with the main plot.

the whole bit where they suddenly stops slowly touring the islands one-by-one, killing everyone and tells you we can just go estulia now screams EOS to me unironically.
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I wonder what happened between 2019 and 2020 to make them slow down updates by this much
Nothing killed MSQ more than FKHR deciding to do batch updates and being too incompetent to get out more than 1 a year
i will never stop hating ch*nks for the rest of my life.
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Nothing killed MSQ more than FKHR and KMR making the call to not include gacha characters in it. I bet that "other Granblue" didin't make the same blunder.
>Pant... Pant...
gonna for a walk behave
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see I understand and
Even if we blame covid, they still put out events and whatnot all the time, even during the pandemic. Some events and character releases were unvoiced, sure, but there was nothing stopping them from going back to business somewhat like they did with everything else.
ultra instinct doro solos jjkverse
Grub is the only gacha where players and devs alike care about events more than main story
Grub is also the only gacha with infinite and invisible revenue, mihomo could learn a thing or two from us.
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cute and canon couple
1500 ygg animas and I don't even have 3 completed exaltos fucking pyosg
Grub is the only gacha where the devs do the exact opposite thing of what the players want.
Not true
every raid has:
>2 filler weapons that are almost unusable outside of meme grids
>1 weapon you actually want

>tunes down the drop rate of the weapon you actually want
>retards kept grinding and complaining

the issue?
we don't sign our posts here
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can't wait to be done with this faggy grind
She could have been our Kafka...
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I am really sorry...even if no new Summer characters
mars likes you
>Cummy and Forte and Carm
all shillclub and shillclub adjacents
I genuinely thought they are pretending cow Forte didnt happen. They definitely would have went with half-demon or something Forte if she was made now
I genuinely don't understand why /gbfg/ chooses to die on the hill of saying Rosetta doesn't have enough content. She has a 5* Grand along with Summer, Christmas, and Halloween SSRs.
>Relink 2
>now has V2 battle system, which means enemies can get their special attacks outright cancelled by doing certain actions, also free damage once after doing enough ougis
expired content and quite honestly expired goods
>no good units
>no pandering
>pathetic pixivbux a decade later
Wasted potential.
here is a protip: if you don't like grinding x, don't grind it.
no such thing when singularity cum can impregnate any womb.
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>literrally just a human but totally a super secret primal
*dies out of boredom*
Because she’s a main party character, that should be the baseline for all of them. And despite all that she has, she still has less than Sandalphon.
The true mark of a shillclub is 9.8-10.0 tier kit
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>5 SSRs
>all garbage
Why is this allowed?
And I don’t. I pay SEAnigs to do it for me.
smart but also stupid
he was born in dirt and got molded by it
an eternal dirt oppression curse
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Very nice literally totally human
Not a homoangel.
His fire was good when release
Sandal's alts are all unusable trash
that's literally a human in leotard so i know who is creator
yes yes and erunes are just furry humans, and harvins are midget humans
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>a girl on a tree branch
*double dies*
art team interns really do be like this
Wrong, humans are not comparable to inferior beings. There is no similarity between them
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Shut up, retards
I know the writers get new ideas all the time about what direction to take next, but I gotta quite wonder what went through their heads when they made grub Forte in particular. Guess they were just throwing things on the wall, particularly thinking on all those Rs and SRs (and many early SSRs too) that have lingerning stories.
Maybe Forte will someday get her own event like Drusilla
Erunes are literally definition of superiority since they have fluffy ears
Mortals can do anything that a (humanoid) primal can. Primals are literally pointless and shouldn't exist.
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Totally just a girl on a tree, boring, grubbers need more sophisticated characters like barafurs in saunas, hey here's your sauna 3 event
dont tell 'em this but the only angels that arent backline sluts are gabriel and uriel in carpal tunnel comp
draph Forte>original Forte
His dirt grand will fix him like Percy's and Zeta's trust the plan
This. What does original Forte even do? Lead so gay dragon knights or something? What is her personality?
He's a d*gitigrade, that's a beginner's mistake, he's not sophisticated at all
The answer is on the left. They stopped releasing 2 chapters at a time and started releasing 8+ at a time. Also COVID.
Yabba dabba doo!!!!! I gotta ring that!
it was already slowing down, covid wasn't a problem for the december update and shouldn't have been a problem for the update after it either.
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Granblue will always be known for its very intelligent and sophisticated writing such as this masterpiece
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Should I watch The Flintstones? I don't think I've seen an episodes since the 90's or ealy 00s.
where's primals that looks like draphs and harvins(6D aside)? why all of them looks like h*mans?
member when Bennu jobbed to a tranny?
Your Ganyu angel?
You know that makes sense. 3rd arc has been pretty dense on the Lore(TM), it'd feel much worse even if the writing was the same because every ohter or so chapter has a bomb and get old if you got a hard stop and had to wait 1-2 months for the next line.
COVID was only a problem for 2020/2021. They had 8 chapters both of those years compared to 12-14 the years immediately prior. For 2022 they had 16 and 2023 had 13. People bitch a lot, but the pace literally has not changed except for those two years since 2017.
Why not simpsons?
I have no idea why they decided that his group should be all given playable units. At least Ra is cute.
It’s pretty good.
People love us for this!
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maleringers do be like that
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The Jetsons are superior
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Due to the Yabba dabba do "meme", even if it's not that common anymore. Also, I've seen Simpsons much more recently. Although I have been thinking that I should rewatch the first few seasons at some point.
Bunny would be a Wilma
I've seen very little of that. They didn't show it much around here when I was a kid.
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I need smagisa
Human superiority is overwhelming. Their high status makes the molluscs liquefy like an egg on a very hot day. Stay angry. You have no chance of winning. #Human_Supremacy
Which male does /gbfg/ think is the sexiest?
Poz and Mugen
me, the main character
Sahar bar none
>The Maleringersons
Poz makes me stutter and panic and play with my hair...
>galgesons disrespect
Considering both are classic cartoons made by the same people there’s no harm in watching both.
t. bald monkey
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I failed to get da Cuco...
She has a good fate?
my head is full of thick hair.
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in what world is this twig sexy or attractive in any way?
2022 rerun… doko…
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You still have a lot of time...
Gluing pubic hair to your scalp won’t make you less bald.
replace "yattemare" with "POZ"
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Shitposter-kun? You are posting the single ugliest art he has. Of course he'd look unattractive in that specific piece.
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this cutie
I would never waste this gem on that dust.
No pulls
Her fate is good?
it's cute and canon
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you're so obsessed with hair. I think this is what they mean when they say, “The one who loses something is the one who yearns for it the most.” grim but you probably deserve that
Haven't gotten her yet but I'm probably sparking.
I think someone posted a recap of her fates in an earlier thread.
Seethe baldy.
cute girl
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Who the fuck is this? Summer Ilsa?
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Nina Drango (maiden in love) thinks Mr.P is peak sexy too
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I don't look like this
I workout
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when was the last time grub had a "everyone liked that" moment?
Christmas Magisa
When Cupitan killed the villagers and stole the bread
Randall probably
And You is the most universally beloved event in the history of gachas.
I remember getting pissed when the alt uncap art from archive was posted.
When Cupitan fucked the villagers for the bread
The 60 seconds between Cupi in a swimsuit and everyone reading her fates.
You wish lmao

This is the correct answer.
>And You is the most universally beloved event in the history of gachas
SSR Yaia singlehandedly added another 5 years to grub's lifespan, everyone loves her
>everyone liked that
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When this was released
when goblina died
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i brainfarted and read your post as "cuco"
seethe maleringer
>Faacord is raiding us again
That strapping lad on the right? Me.
Wait what happened with Cuco? I was out for a week and came back today
The yaiacord...
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Cope, slurper. You vastly overestimate how much care about GBF.
do what
We Yaia dads and oniichans congregate organically in the IRC, I'll have you know.
ok maleringer
My night is bright with your face and its darkness prevails among the people.
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The only reason this kusoge still allowed to exist
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maleringers are freaking nuts
If you keep up with a lowly person, you and whoever you keep up with are the same.
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Speaking of Yaia, this is pretty new.
Yaia really isn't that interesting
Would you consent if Yaia asked to have sex with you?
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Fediel approves your relationship. Even pushes for it.
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bros... ruria left to be a top tier character in another game... again..
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It's okay to admit your bro is a lady killer.
>GBF ain’t got memes so they stole doros
you are right...................we are the meme...............
but that doro creature isnt native to nikke too. they stole it
elephant legs
our schizos regularly steals things, why is it a problem now?
/nikg/ stole it from a Korean Nikke forum, which then stole it back and made it more popular throughout the global community.
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This is ((our)) colony now
why cant we have cultural exchanges....its always us one sidedly stalking sisters
its a creature from another article. koreans slapped nikke face on it and then nikke devs picked it up
when was the last time grub had a "everyone disliked that" moment?
Heart of the Sun.
GW betting removed
the moment when i wake up
you'd think this'd be easy but there's too many gigaslurpers here that defended shit like the sette nerfs
That's not a last time. That's three different times.
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When Fediels uncap art was shown, but then turned into a no one likes that moment when the fates were read
Anything with dykeshit homoshit and shipshit.
This fag loves to get cucked doens't he?
Revans Mk2 + Sette nerfs
No, Slurpraph being a contrarian does not count.
the Siete rape scene, I've been a Djeeta player ever since
maleringing slurpers do be mentally ill hivbrains like that
>tricked into rooning out
Mack's plan worked...
Tell em transbian sis
Which male should and is likely to rape danchode next?
twitter and maleringers loved that however
it's not rape
Lobelia already trapped you in an inescapable dimension so you couldn't escape in one of his seasonals. Like Babu, it's only a matter of time
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>male seasonals
Why’s Trooneraph going nuts today?
maleCHAD here, I'll rape that galgetard.
Who gave you permission to post my cock for everyone to see
The HIVbrain is terminal
um, what is cock holding?
Faa will trap Gran in Point Zero and ravage his arsehole on the next Rising story update
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too galge FKHRTBBQ+
Translate it Serbs
maleringers finna goon
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Why hasn't Sochie been able to get a single seasonal alt? C.Sochie for (You)? Hello?
BBQ is great albeit
FKHRT really do be thinking xe’s cooking with that one
Guy saying that frivoulous spending on idols/characters is self destructive while referencing a tweet Suwabe made about seeing elementary schoolers being "oshikatsus"
Does the K stand for KMR?
Slurpers be like let him cook then fkhrt releases a literal homosexual sex scene with siete
start a fight, I want to wreak havoc.
not if it's mystery meat
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>a business presentation
>"Now, on this slide you can see the impact of selling all of the aforementioned services as a PACK"
>anon chuckles quietly, coworkers on both sides give him an annoyed glance
>"As you can see, establishing an enclosed ecosystem and fostering brand loyalty would protect our sales even if the entire segment is forced to JACK up the price"
>anon starts hyperventilating, shuts his mouth with his hands, even the presenter shoots nervous looks at him
>"Moreover, the standalone desktop versions of the product have also been flying off the RACK"
>anon bursts out laughing and convulsing, security get called out to get him out of the room, presenter, shaking in his boots, tries to finish
>"To conclude, the main vector going forward with this project would be to expand and diversify our development STACK"
>"Kekaroo, Fukutroon do be like that, Marge, mack pack won't save you from -0.1b, maleringer slurpers are freaking nuts, working really isn't that interesting, I'm too galge for this company anyway!" shouted anon while being carried out of the room
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I unironically say Marge irl now
>"Anon, the doctor who prescribed your meds is clearly a QUACK"
You spent time typing this
didn't read
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A big pencil
based skipchad
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>the artist has completely stopped posting anything since like 2016
I hope he's okay.
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shut up faggets
I’d be promoted on the spot if such a thing happened.
Maglielle could have saved grub instantly, but alas... she is too galge for Fecalhara
sex with my drug dealer
Fake doctor
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Let's go on a date, zako!
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I'm not a zako...
Someone EXPLODE this dude.
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what did Pholia mean by this?
She means that she's not into sniffing other people's buttholes.
MR P won so hard....
since it's the climax will our next story update have anime cutscenes?
Why im doing arcarum's missions? What's the fucking point of them?
LOL you get some low res CG of some males and thats if you're lucky
I know you want to shill gook archive but no this a browser game.
that's what I'm talkin' about
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nothing a doctor cant deal with
rape thighs
Lil blud 'bout to get v& lmeow I hope that shitpost was worth it
Are you sure that's not Bai Ze talking?
We couldn’t even get those for our 10th anniversary.
Just embed like a video file into the webpage, flash games used to do it all the time.
Are you trying to kill the local schizo
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I gave up bros I just dont have the katerpillar and I used everything i had it just doesnt work
Yes, but that requires more effort than doing nothing and telling your players to eat shit, so you know how it goes
cupitan did that mission for me
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I haven't touched this shit in forever.
nigga why are you grubbing? you stupid or what? uninstall this kusoge NOW
Your plan falls apart in the first step considering his sexual preference
go cutie
You certainly know a lot. Did he make you crossdress?
God, I wish this was me
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Nyoooo don't make me show my grid...
ringing males
freaking nuts
you do the math
Kissies for Heles
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Is it normal to feel dizzy after masturbating 7 times in 4 days?
that's barely 2 times a day
That's a fairly small number for an average healthy person, I'd say?
Hearty kack
>7 times
What are you doing, you idiot? Are you trying to commit suicide? Stop wasting your body's resources and exhausting it in harmful activities.
You're probably just dehydrated, get some water and some salty snacks, piece of fruit too for good measure.
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Drink more water
Stop eating crap
I'm plapping this
jacking off really isn't that interesting
It's a pathetic activity
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eunuchs are freaking nuts
coomers are subhumans
I told you galgeturds are coomers hence the retardation they suffer from
If you ringed males you don't deserve human rights.
I did it thank you, was done to the last attack of the last team to almost failed
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On normal days the thought of it is indeed not that interesting however ovulation makes me super horny so I cannot help myself during that period
imagine the smell
I hope not, last thing we need is Cygames wasting resources on mediocre looking tranime
Style change
guess he needs a few bans again until he learns his place, like a dog who hasn't been whipped in a while
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just maleringer things
Uh oh Lil bro is BOILING
Women don’t deserve human rights
brain atrophy
Has someone done the science on just what it is that makes people who wring males so freaking deranged?
This but maleringing roons
dog needs to be physically punished only a few times while they are young tho. thats enough for them to learn their place.
Wringing males is based albeit
Seeing the life go out of their lil homo eyes is just the best feeling ever.
Element Change
I would call this a deranged post, but we both know your weakass hands couldn't wring anything lol
What da sheep doin?
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>Orisries, a PvP Hentai gacha has waifu character defeat sex as mechanic, players not wanting opponents cucking them resort to using exclusively male characters, turning the game into a giant sausage party
Is this the future of grub?
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Easy on the burgers...
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eat more
You will never get your unoring back, or your penis for that matter lol.
is nack ok?
unowives...... we must retreat to the cord
List da /gbfg/ 'cords
>heheheh you ringed uno instead of waifuflop with an esports ring that I pretend is for my Barbie playhouse larp marriage hurhurhur
Lil bro needs to stop thinking everyone else is a loony roon like him, nigga I don't care
unowife is LOSING it

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