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Yet another Narmaya edition.

Evo News(This Friday):

SilentOne tourney
Saturday July 27 @6pm EST

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2197859465 (Congrats Gran gawd)
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2185278056 (Congrats grimnir-anon)

>Older Tournament VODS:
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby
To join, turn Crossplay off in System settings so that you're able to join Platform lobbies.
Then you can join the (un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby at Japan Platform Lobby 1. Image version of joining instructions @ https://i.imgur.com/bCHqtDL.png
Playstation players cannot join the lobby, use the room if needed instead.
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ Rooms
Usually has "gbvsg" as password (check thread). f2players cannot join so ask people to join the lobby instead.
>Upcoming DLC
Versusia @ Evo!?!
>this week's F2P rotation
Gran, Djeeta, Anre, Seox
>Latest Patch Notes
>Steam page
>south americans:
>Twitter hashtags
>Match replays

Previous thread: >>486187297
neechang save us
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hmmm nyo
just saved an ai slop horse to my hard drive
please pray for me
I don't pray for subhumans
>by the time uwe has finished animating and the corpse hits the ground its cooldown is already 1/3rd back
I nuked it after noticing but I fear the harm to my soul is done.
I can't wait to try out the new balance changes on characters such as Gran and Lucilius!
siete double feature soon guys
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she WILL save rising
it's her game after all
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she already felled one menace
Made for quadruple pitjobs
sorry meant this for >>486432936
She is going to give you a kiss on the win screen and we are going to watch it every single time every single time
>She is going to give you a kiss on the win screen
I hope not. Metera's kiss already gave me herpes and I don't want to pass it on to mom.
getting herpes from mom is more likely than you think
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>15 minutes in EU queue
>get the occasional instant "match cancelled" but no game yet
Are we dead?
wut wank
your account is bricked.
instant match cancelled means they blocked you
Master in casual queue. If it were ranked then I wouldn't have needed to ask why it takes so long to find a match.
maybe all the euros are queueing on NA without you
>doo doo brown
>puff daddy
what is up with his largeness naming choices
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Jesus fucking Christ.
versusia will save thi-
how are these threads so fast when it has 500 players
I like it, the game is comfy and I recognize everyone, like going to my social club downtown!
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>shit balance
>shit reputation
>have to deal with vanillafags and the rest of the annoying community
>shit character picks (Vane and 2B lmao)
>too braindead to be appealing to pros
>high level play is still obnoxious somehow despite of that
Meh. Maybe Riot's fighter will be good. LOL
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There have been times when the last 8/10 replies have been me.
This genre is so fucking dogshit.
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Should've just added rollback to gbvs
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Another day?
>the game is bad because I call it bad
>no I won't boot up and play it
Well, why would I play it? It's bad.
>Nier backwards
confirmed, she's the anti-Nier
I am really looking forward to the big meaty. It has been MONTHS since I've played this game and nyow I am hyankering.
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and I stole Vira's pink
>Retarded Nier player giving it's opinion
Everyone gave them a good chance too which stings further. Cygames wanted to branch Granblue out from the sinking gacha but they're practically a joke now with Rising and Relink. It's not worth wasting time with a game failing from the inside.
>SMART Nier player giving it's opinion
Thank you Nier dayo.
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I'm more educated than you, in every way shape and form. Also more intelligent than you (exponentially so). I am better than you, in every facet of life, and I don't even know you, however, I just know, that I am. You are someone I assign less value and worth than my own feces. Your life has no value, and you will make no contribution to this world, in your entire life, because of your low intelligence, and lack of skills. How does that feel, you fucking bottom denominator. go back to you vegan subreddit to fill your useless void of a life, pretending it means anything. Am I a narcissist? I don't know, I am a fucking God. I will, do, and have succeeded in every facet of life. I have done more, in this year alone, than you will have achieved before you leave this world... let that sink in. You have no fucking clue who you are talking to. I am so vastly superior, and intelligent, that I can infer all of this, with 100% accuracy. You are like a fucking ant, and I am a GOD. You do not even fly on my radar, let alone get acknowledgement, from the likes of me. I know you can sense my superiority, my power, my intelligence,and you are trying to pretend you don't feel it, its real. To conclude, go back to fucking yourself, you meaningless water-trash bottom feeding peasant.
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oh doom Nier. you're back. hi
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Why would I leave? But yes, I don't post here as often anymore, as I stopped playing for now. Hopefully the patch fixes the game.
There is no way that a Nier player just said "I hope the patch fixes the game"
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>he never bullied the girl he liked in middle school
They should just add overdrive back
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a stark contrast to /ggg/, which each thread goes on for like a week while the game itself pulls like 3k daily players
fake news because that's me
I have posted so much in this gen since the game launched it's fucking concerning
if I stop posting here the gen dies for good
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at the bottom of the post
You play Nier.
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He looks like this, too.
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desu... why is this anon gay...?
>"Oh, this anon does like the village bike? He doesn't like the fucking loser whore who's pussy is filled with old, crusty semen? Guess he's gay"
Shut up.
Oh no no no, the Nierfags don't even know Nier's own lore.
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>more schizo babble
You LOVE Nier.
i like fraux
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Desu... there's something coming out of my pussy.. I think I got gonorrhea...
>literally has a closet full of dead ex boyfriends
>she's definitely a pure virgin though
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Haase supremacy.
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>s-s-she's definitely a pure vi-
No one questioned her virginity, though? Brainlet.
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this image brings a smile to my face
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>he admits to liking used goods
Considering you're a virgin close to your 30s, your only choice will be """used goods""" or your hand until you die (from diabetes in your 40s), you better get used to it.
Me? Lost my virginity to another virgin, we broke up 2 months later and I don't even remember what happened there to begin with. I had my biggest orgasm and best sex of my life with my 2nd girlfriend and she wasn't a virgin.

Why am I telling you all of this? So that you realize that you will never experience intimacy, ever.
meds, NOW
why is the doomnier poster having a melty today?

eustace gaming
2 days from the first signs of meaty
I don't even play Nier.
>Perfectly summarise Nier's backstory
>T-t-t-t-that's not true, i-i-i-it's only your schizo babble
Enjoy that crusty semen, faggot.
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Nier will be buffed in 1.5
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>Perfectly summarise Nier's backstory
>T-t-t-t-that's not true, i-i-i-it's only your schizo >babble
>Enjoy that crusty semen, faggot.
Buffed to Vane tier
you can be a spiritual niergger even so
mirri is sick but man I hate Nier
Nierfag crusty cum eater can only cope.
He can only cope.
Hmm, I think that this situation elicits a "KEKAROO!" on my part.
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thank you
i wanted to post something but I can't for the life of me remember what it was
fuck man
brain fogged
You wanted to post horses
It was this, wasn't it?
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I can feel the seething anger from the post above
kek funny. But who's that body?
Wonder Woman
As fucking if these chuds would DARE give one of their female characters muscle definition.
unfunny except for the 007 part
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It's pretty hilarious that post-nerf Bea won a major before Zeta
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I agree, you are a smart Nier play-

>shit balance
oh nyu nyu nyu, it's perfect
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The game never properly shows this, but this is how small the chibi partners actually are.
>with multiple cool combos
Shosan is doing them and look how far he got.
the three best zetas are a brazilian, a saudi and a jobber respectively
>Shosan is doing them
He's not. lol
Shoving chibi Yuel up my ass and waiting for the wriggling to cease...
and the Brazilian is the best one
he even came up with a safejump that sho copied
Bad post.
mmm... think shes the least achieving character throughout the game lifespan
I love the dooming nier poster
Would creampie her vagina
hmmmm ACKshually they show it in the profile tab in game
lance is holding his chibi while perci has his partner on his shoulder
I demand to know the specifications of this post grading system!
she's used goods
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I avow a mirthful quaking of mine bowels.
I exhale a humorous, sharp gust of joy.
I vociferate a cacophony of reverberating cachinnations.
I rumble the atmosphere with my chortling voice box.
I manifest audible, snickering fun.
I cackle a contagious, rhythmic enjoyment.
I giggle while I squiggle.
I snicker while I snigger.
I sway mine diaphragm in an undulating and steady manner.
Humoristic spasms manifest in my solar plexus.
Hilarity itself is condensing and solidifying in me, quite like a possessive spirit.
I sport an aura of raucous and incessant laughter.
QUAKING is felt and heard throughout my larynx.
My pearly whites get exposed as cortisol levels are lowered, as my roaring amusement realizes through my vocal spasms.
The definition of Humor takes over my all, and I express it so.
I smile.
I smirk.
I grin.
I express a smug and entertained impression.
As my shrieking, chortling spasms intensify, my lachrymal glans start working in overdrive.
I'm 'avin a knee-slapper.I hammer-fist the table in front of me as my guffawing disposition takes the proverbial wheel.
I lay my head on my inner elbow while trying to regain my breath, undoubtedly stripped of me by the intense, high-decibel cachinnation.
I convey mirth.
Happiness itself is manifesting through my involuntary, yelping cackle.
Endorphins are subsequently released after I visually experienced that clever use of rhetoric to convey a point.
And so it manifests physiologically.
I chuckle carelessly.
Vocal ecstasy can be heard near my person.I titter by the liter.
I can't stop fucking laughing.I'm "LMA(f)O"ing, or "ROFL"ing, as a youngster might say.
Both acronyms for laughing.
I'm 'aving a "KEK" which itself is a bastardization of the acronym "LEL" which is also a bastardization of the acronym "LOL", which stands for "Laughing out Loud."
I am aloft with a glee sonar.
Cheerfulness realization.
Most Zeta players don't want to accept the fact that there are players who are aware of her jump ultimate baits and parries. If those fails, they will say she sucks. Personally I would blender Zeta, Yuel and Faa players together for being so self centered. Those 3 groups of players just want to be buffed and over tuned like prepatched Bea.
Who the fuck says Zeta needs a buff?
If you have no proof that you are a male, I will simply think of you as a hot beautiful female with medium tits and huge hips. You can't stop me.

*creampies your vagina*
The eternal S rank playing her who kept entertaining us with his retarded takes for months.
Doomnier used to go by jukebox nier, aka the thread's bicycle
His name is HATSOON get it right.
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Me? Don't think I ever said she needs a buff. Or do you have a screenshot?
At best, I said that if they nerf her somehow, I'd like a minor buff for follow-ups on her reversal (it's not a parry).
Not the only Zeta-anon here, though.
The same nier that blocked 90% of the general because of autism?
Hatsoon doesn't type like he does, I recognize both's typing style.
Also not you. There's a person who either is the biggest retard on the planet or does it on purpose to make people (me, in particular) seethe here.
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How come there are people who don't like Existence?
I finally remembered it
>There's a person who either is the biggest retard on the planet or does it on purpose to make people (me, in particular) seethe here.
You're probably thinking of me, and I dropped Zeta like 6 months ago.
Is the pacifier a giant dildo that goes down her throat?
>the innocent S+ zeta anon got caught in the crossfire
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If anything, I do believe to remember one recognizable anon that thought she is genuine garbage, months ago.
Not me. I don't have a problem with Zeta being considered S-tier, as long as the usual suspects are put above her. Though think she is indeed overhyped, mostly by people that don't play her. Balance-wise, she's fine, even with her monstrous damage with that one meme-combo taken into account. A character with strengths and weaknesses.
Ah, hello there. Who are you playing these days?
awful fucking thread
i like it
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stop thinking about sex
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Jukebox Nier was brave for blocking Anons he did not like
Have sex with me and I'll think about it (the sex)
It's not either or any of these posters addressing my posts because the FAGGOT I'm talking about blissfully ignores all my replies or me pointing how fucking retarded he is.

He DOES it on purpose to make us (me, mostly) seethe and cause arguments here.
>awful fucking thread
Nothing makes an incel seethe harder than rejection
I only remember the thing about a guy not saying last match and getting blocked because of that
It was quite funny
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anon, I think it's time for them
I play Beatrix now!
>pizza comes early
>"sorry anon pizza came early, last match"
>got blocked
He gave up in a match we had. I like how gloom and sad he is.
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Give praise, for he has no equal
Worship him, a God has been born into the world
Cower in fear, he will not forgive any vice
Devote yourself, your fate is over retard
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those are just worse
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Metera, a lesbian...
Vane is NOT a homosexual
is gabriel really a lesbian too what the fuck
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1700 crystals reached
pink square restored
Do those lyrics imply that if you worship him, you can actually be spared?
Nah she's more bi
Good job katGAWD.
good job bwo
Thanks for the thighs.
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What part of "your fate is over retard" do you not understand?
zeta needs a buff
I thought Vira canonically wanted the Gran but didn't want Djeeta's Ougi, which caused yurifags to become quite upset?
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Faa-san absolutely deserves some readjustments.
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>opens Follow List
nyo i didn't

i remyoved you nyahahaha
got a new account its over for u
You get a 3% sword meter increase
Why are Faa players like this
Why are you such a little stinky stalker?
How did Neechang get away with stealing the thread op again
>anons larping as girls
Some things never change
I'm glad the gayness started taking over so I could stop playing as a girl.
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Gayness? Nothing gay here.
while his ultimate goal is the annihilation of everything, he doesn't concern himself with faceless masses
he wouldn't indiscriminately kill anyone outside of blowing everything up altogether
>yuritranny twitter faggotry
My boy Albert is NOT gay, Yurius is
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Let them change their names!
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captcha: kyno
My whore wife...
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>play charlotta
>barely every jump in a round
>mostly use my fucking spindash and 66L to get in
>use noble strategy maybe twice the whole match
>literally give them no reason to ever go for 2H
>try to jump after their knockdown for j.L
>they 2H within at least 6-10 frames of starting my jump
I'll just accept I don't have the reflexes for this fucking genre.
I'm not on some form of amphetamine and I'm not 20 anymore.
I'll just stick to Minecraft and VNs until I fucking die.
ggs it was me
do a safejump next time
ggs I was the VN with big complicated words you can't read
The old art style makes everyone look so much younger.
Imagine hebe Metera...
Personally I think her jump is slow and no different than most of the cast
Havent logged in in 11 days
Havent played an online match in like 1.5 months
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time to take some rest
At the end of the day noble strategy is the same as jumping really
So they were looking for a jump
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You don't need to use your jump occasionally, you need to mentally stack them.
Hence why Charlotta is mediocre, she has no real way to open up people besides jumping and her demon flip.
Better than the last one.
Cagliostro too low
Katalina too low
Vira too low
Vaseraga WAYYY too fucking low, what the actual fuck LMAO
Ladiva too low

Rest is fine
>vira that low
Try reading
>she has no real way to open up people besides jumping and her demon flip.
You say that like it’s a bad thing…?
Most characters in this game have no real way of opening people up period.
Reading what? It's just a picture showing the price of SF6
Yes, this game is a broken mess balance wise, thanks for pointing it out.
oh.. this is why katgawd wanted good luck..
he didn't even shill it lol didn't know it was going on
It is faster and have a sharper arc, but I'm convinced what fucks the most with people is her spinning when she jumps making them think she's doing something and instinctively just decide to block, it's quite detailed for a jump animation too.
Read the reply chain?
I wasn't complaining about that. I've figured out by now how dangerous it is to use. My point is no amount of mental games can ever really replace just being able to react to things. I can try to condition them to think I'm not much of a jumpy player and rely too much on X instead but if they can just react to things I can't then there's really nothing to open the playing field.
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Oh that's why katgawd was playing jita
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What did he mean by this?
when did cake block me lmao. why is everyone in this community so soft.
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What an awful game
>That DP
Nigga could've instantly fucking DIED there
>random rolls
these niggas are so dogshit LMAO
not like this katgawd
you'd think he learned not to do fire ball after fM after the first 3 sbas hit him for doing that at low hp.
i remember the manufactured outrage over this
>Open up stream
>Meaty DP from katGAWD
Today's gonna be a good day
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nah. every retard does fuzzy mash so i'd say it works 90% of the time, not even a risk.
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I kneel for DP Oki
This looks about right barring some serious WTF placements. Vaseraga and Ladiva are way too low, Vira is in A, Gran is fucking awful and belongs in D. Other than that it seems about right
is it really a victory when you go 10/9? you're not even the better player
next time stomp his skull into the ground
They’re back to making it sound like it’s just Gran and Luci again…
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i hope you enjoyed the show
It likely is just gran and luci and versusia.
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it was fun
good stuff katgawd
nigga u didn't even link it before it started
we missed half the set
Nier will not be nerfed.
already confirmed damage nerf, sit rat
Is this true?
Let this be true.
How do you even come up with this shit
>nier's damage gets nerfed
>everyone's else damage gets boosted to her levels
>game is still 2 touch garbage
yeah they ""accidentally"" spoiled it by showing nier do a combo on twitter, and the only hint that it was the 1.5 patch was that gran had a sword bar
the next tips and tricks they posted was no longer on 1.5, so I think it was on purpose
here >>486445585
figured someone would stick around
>won on a fucking dp again
matchmaking, please
>yeah they ""accidentally"" spoiled it by showing nier do a combo on twitter, and the only hint that it was the 1.5 patch was that gran had a sword bar
>12 days ago
Where the fuck di my time go?
If nier's damage takes a small hit and that's her "balancing" in its entirety the game is quite literally over
oh yeah anon that's obviously all they did to her
high damage fighting games are good
No they are not.
Based on the evidence from the tweet it’s probably a Bea-tier damage nerf. One more interaction on average to kill.
She’s gonna need a LOT MORE THAN THAT to not be top 1 anymore so let’s hope there’s more.
That being said, even a minor damage nerf hurts Nier more than most characters, because it makes her more likely to run out of stocks.
its ok when marvel does it
>gran's sword bar
The meaty patch might actually be good

Unless that's his U charge gauge lmao
Marvel 3 would be alright without X-factor.
X-factor is FUCKING RETARDED, holy fuck. The fact that you can activate it literally at any time unless you are actively getting hit makes it extra shit.
>Unless that's his U charge gauge lmao
That's what I assume, Djeeta and other characters with similar Us or skills will probably get one too.
Youre actually retarded, SAY YOURE PLAYING who the fuck is gonna watch some random eurotrash ft10 and stick around.
they sure are huh
>inb4 some retard goes ''hmmm actually this is the same thing as that Ferry with no BP getting OHKO'd by a 214U starter Djeeta combo''
Maybe they fear overnerfing her. A puppet character isn't your average shoto. She frankly deserves it at this point, but I'd be happy if there are just less Niers in the top rankings, she can still be "good" for all I care.
Garbage game
Any fighting game player in the world has the worst takes and dogshit opinions ever made
They should overnerf her.
If she was bottom 1 it would be much healthier for the game.
>They dodge
Let me guess: was it a Beafag?
>red bea
Close enough I guess.
Like you?
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i didn't wanna put pressure on myself and get obliterated
im glad we wished u well and u won
I don't play fighting games.
based humble katgawd
>Any fighting game player in the world has the worst takes and dogshit opinions ever made
I think you mean ''every''
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They really should reset the ranks when the season is over
fuck yeah d rank here i come
They will probably do that.
Oh damn I'm only watching Mirri vs Socky now but those spot dodges to fuck over Nier's setups are interesting
i play blocking games
I thought the game would be less of a clown show now that I'm out of B but now it's like 50% people from S+ and 50% faggots who get carried by their picks, which was really not that different from B
need rape correction
How the FUCK does Lucifer carry people?
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It would unironically be good for the game, I think.
the same way he carries them big ass swords on his back
Just bought rising. Never used gran's U in versus and will keep not using it here
what are you even supposed to do with it?
>beats S+ Vira
>gets turned into an onahole by A rank pink niia dayo

How much did you pay Virasis to job bwo
The game is too dead for that
Frametrap, whiff punish and combo tool
Well, he's -technically- not "carrying" them so yes, you are actually correct.
you can jump at vira
nier just sits under her desu umbrella and kills nyou
>plays gran
>paid for rising
Any character with gigantic moves I've been struggling against since I started. They get spammed at lower ranked because they can just block check people into oblivion. Most of my climb has been vs Lucifer, Sieg, and 2B with the occasional zoner player. I'm starting to learn how to counter them it's just fucking annoying and I get so used to fighting them that actual low tiers like Ladiva, Vas, ect. either completely obliterate me because I have no idea what they do or they're so unbelievably easy I feel like I'm clubbing seals.
ah, meant for >>486481379
It's that time anon
Post replays
it's literally what all modern multiplayer games do
but as always, jap devs are at least 10 years behind other genres
maybe in 10 years time they'll do things that should have been staple 5 years ago
relink was great though?
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Vira will be unavailable to play for 9 months following me getting her pregnant
Ahem that is MY wife you are talking about....
She will be unplayable because she will get nerfed for some reason and the next balance patch is in 9 months from the meaty one.
I'm willing to lose luminiera nonsense in the corner in exchange for open toed shoes.
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ruria should be playable
there was another one of these with i think zeta pregnant too what the fuck event is this from
what the ruck is this
>Jumps at Vira
>immediately get shit on by her amazing c.h

Seems like you played a fraud vira bwo
My god, anon. What would happen if she enters your house, but for real?
I super jumped over you and you look like a fool swatting flies.
did something happen to the game? i'm not waiting 15 mins in standby for a match today

nyooo its nyot my fault percy 2h sucks
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nyoull never catch me
thank you
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I was the newcutie orange perc you sharked to boost your square and for that I will never forgive you

Nyothing makes me happier than going through your replays and seeing pink niia fuck you up bwo

pink niia fucked me up as well bwo but at least she wasn't a dick about it
There's noting anyone can help me with that isn't obvious
>yeah you dropped your combo because you didn't think you'd actually hit him... uhhh don't do that?
>yeah you were mashing like a chimp during his plus on block move or in the middle of a blockstring, don't do that
>yeah you fell for the wakeup SBA, don't do that
d̷̛͖̫̮͎̠͓̫͇̟̀̉͑̀ã̷̫͖̂̈͒̚̕ͅs̶̢͚̖͈̻͕̹̬͆́̍͋̀̕͝͝ ̸̣͓̇̀͊̎̎́̓̃͝g̴̖̯̱̖͂́̔̈́̃á̶̢̛͈̼̙̪͔̼́͊͑̋̾̑͜͠ŵ̷̩͚̹̼̠͓̎͐͌͛̀͘ͅd̶̨̟̻̖͚̥̓̊ļ̸̖͉̹͑̈́̓̿i̷̧̡̢͕͈̱̺̯͝ͅk̶͈̣͍̠̟͈̿ḛ̴̢͖̘̜͔͚̥͎̠͊
Please no, I've already had enough of that with Path of Exile and Tarkov
>get through the shitfuck wild west of low rank that rubberbands between destroying target dummies and getting your penis inverted by people who are unbelievably better than you
>just to get to the point you were a few month ago because you dared take a break from the game
I don't play Tarkov but PoE is a weird example to use
it's not 1 month, if we continue to get 6 characters/season then it would be more than a year for a season
it's not supposed to be a full reset but a soft one, it can get a bit fucky but you give more incentive for people to come back and play
god knows its a lot more than 150 rupiees/day
>did something happen to the game?
No, and that's why it's fucking dead.
Room? No Neechangs, Zetas or Smelly Fox
i just hauled bricks for hours and want to die kizzington
cwub nyot fyound...
A Nier in grand finals
nothing but shitters in the bracket
all in on... sonic pikachu.
(⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
>english ferry
i didnt need to hear that today
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Forgot my Ferry.
That sieg was ass holy SHITE
>en dub
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Few things make me sadder than EN Sheep
IMAGINE having Aoi Yuuki as an option and still choosing... whatever the fuck that is.
Host and I'll play all 3
i like EN sheep
why cyan't i cyonnect to the syervers
I reported you for ironically using the "You are great!" sticker.
Tough luck pal, maybe try being nicer next time.
kots have been neutered in preparation for the big meaty
Nice fucking game you shat out FKHRT
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>randoms in bracket
>guy drops $350 in the bracket
That's a lot of Big Macs...
Should I "work" for 30ish hours or put 1000 hours in this baby fighting game to be able to beat people here and earn the same money? What a dilemma.

No wonder everyone plays SF6 instead kek
Are you calling Prada a random?
Nyou should relish in the glyow of our one twu chwist the lyord jeysus chwist
anyone that sucks might as well be a random lil nigga
to this day I don't know what Sonic_sol thinks he did for Granblue to be so mad that we ''shat'' on him
Are you saying that Prada sucks?
dogshit + random + whiny BITCH
Agreed, I think EN sheep VA did a pretty good job, competition is just tough
ktang finna get everything off the dollar menu after he wins ong
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>he makes 10 dollars an hour
>he plays Dix
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This is the best SSBA in the game.
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>he can't do basic math
No one pay attention to that. That's not how Verdrangen works...
this better not be our eu zeta
Verdragen here, that's exactly how it works. and I use deep tonguing
absolute nigger behaivor, feinting the cag pick and then swapping to Beatrix when senpai has readied up.
>i-i-it's ackshually 11.6....
shut the frick up pal
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holy fuck that zeta color
>i-i-it's the s-
This is why you'll die from diabetes, unloved and alone, you retarded amerimutt.
English djeeta voice doesnt fucking fit her at all
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nubian queen zeta
who the fuck is inochi?
he's HIM
the legendary ragequitting nier
Just want Id in the game for a Relink crossover
i'm eu
never heard of him
>almost identical kit to sieg but with a janky dragon install super
here's your id bwo
we already have one big sword dragon man
>i just want the worst relink character for a relink crossover
>zeta on profile card
>plays 2b
how do these pros manage to be so soulless
this guy is killing everyone with 66M
guran bilu
dogshit ass 2b jesus christ
fuck 2b
i wouldn't even fuck 2b
lol wait does sieg go extra low for charlotta?
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>30 hours of work
>for $350
Siegfried should have a unique SSBA animation when he's using his dragon AIDS color. Like, have him NOT stop himself from fucking killing his opponent.
some guy who ragequit/plugged all the way to masters and then kept doing it supposedly. he changed his name after getting called out for it.
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2nd smallest girl/"girl" as reference
i cant tell if charlotta is standing or cag is on her knees
I could have sworn I saw a unique intro/outro where Sieg was evil when talking to Lance. While was using color 22 or 23 or something
cag on her knees servicing my penis
does sieg get a diff end cutscene if hes installed?
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I like this back throw
what is wrong with you
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Whats wrong with YOU?
croak croak
Nothing, they made his install super boring
>the sakura rip-off has a rin-based alt color scheme
what did arcsys mean by this?
zamn the one thing they didn't give sieg
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That's not Ferry...
>$400 wasd pot
I could've bought two happy meals with that...
gubment takes half, then you lose 20% from capital gains tax, then you lose another 10% from sales tax upon attempting a purchase of a happy meal, then the price of a happy meal is currently at surge pricing for $250, so you don't have enough for even one
you die, hungry.
das not gawdlike
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>kills the game
dang they even put nier and death infront of the rest of the roster...
feels like we haven't had a bruise daily/weekly in a hot minute. bruise update at evo???
the 30 minute panel will be 28 min about grandbruise 2 min about everything else
Probably, they're also perfectly capable of spamming bruise missions while EVO is on
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Are there other original Relink characters? I never played it.
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It was supposed to be his long range poke when the game was designed around real footsies
>NA goes to bed
>Thread fucking DIES
EU also posts during NA hours...
It's 7:30AM over here, not exactly peak hours.
I like this image.
What do you mean? That's prime coffee and shitpost hours. This thread should be full of civil, responsible early-rising European MEN.
If you love her so much why arent you posting lewds of her hmm?
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That is some random steam review
im busy lurking
Hello gran gawd here. How does one get better at hit confirming. I'm having some trouble with em.
practice in training mode
set the training dummy to randomly block
then focus on doing that in a match, win or lose
they really polished the game from the betas to release
i can't tell exactly what's different, but at first glance i thought this was vanilla until i noticed the UI
first step is learn what you should be hit confirming and what you shouldn't
you aren't superhuman, you're not going to hitconfirm off a single jab
raging strike apparently only costed meter? nice game
it was also completely unreactable
Prefer confirming too late but correctly than on time but inconsistently.
Start with c.H and f.H, and/or enable counter on hit at first to make confirming easier.
You can enable the CPU in training mode too to try in "real" condition.
There was a beta Rising tournament during EVO (2022 I think it was), you can go watch that
It was... not great
When NA goes to sleep and this thread dies down I go to /gbfg/ to shitpost about a game I don't play
Just take a quick glance, scroll down a bit from this post
/gbfg/ looks like never ending hell of the same exact shitposts i dont know anyone still browses it
that sounds so comfortable
Thanks for the tips. I'll work on trying them in the lab. Gran gawd out
Oh also, quite obviously, this won't come in a day. Practice this daily. Good luck!
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Practice makes perfect. got it
was meter gain even higher than it is now
i cant actually tell but it seems like gran got 50 meter in 2 interactions.
that's a pig
that's my semen evacuation device
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imagine if we had all this shit on top of 66L ultimates and BC etc
it seems about the same to me.
at that point the character is just flavour, you'd be playing the system mechanics
That's Tekken.
or sf6
Nah, Dix's mechanics aren't that dominant.
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>Dix's mechanics aren't that dominant.
That's just deejay bullying an old man.
Everything in that game revolves around the drive gauge though
mornin gents
Dumbest post in the thread, congratz!
Yeah but characters use the drive gauge in wildly different ways.
That is not true, what the hell? You use gauge for oki, you use gauge for EX specials, the game is literally designed around the usage and management of the drive gauge, it's THE mechanic of the game
Saying it's not dominant should land you in an asylum
Found the silver player....
>you use gauge for EX specials,
You are aware that EX specials are different for each character, right? And not every character wants to drive rush for oki, so you're wrong on that as well. Yes obviously it's a central mechanic of the game, but it doesn't make characters play the same because the things they can do with drive gauge vary wildly, with even "universal" options like drive rush being very different per character. Zangiefs and Manons aren't using drive rush to skip neutral.
>zangief and manon not using slime rush to skip neuch
Holy fucking retard
>You are aware that EX specials are different for each character, right?
Doesn't fucking matter unless you are implying that for some reason characters aren't gonna use EX specials ever, you are still gonna blow drive gauge on those and it's in fact the resource that you have to keep in mind at all times, which was my point to begin with: SF6 is a game where system mechanics are the king, not the characters
>Because the unique special costs a resource all characters have, it means all of them play the same
What kind of Bizarro-world logic is this? Do all Granblue characters play the same because they use meter for ultimates? Do all Strive characters play the same because they use RC for their combo extensions?
Can you not spot dodge in Rising because you don't have BP or meter anymore? Can you not RC in Strive because you don't have burst (nevermind that GG in general is one of the series where system mechanics are and were always strong)? I never said characters play the same mind you, I said that characters use the drive gauge in the same ways and have to always have it in their minds, that's what a dominant system mechanic looks like
America and a few confused Europeans are all that's left playing this kusoge
>Can you not RC in Strive because you don't have burst
You can't super if you can't RC, and you can't burst if you can't wild assault. Meanwhile in SF6 you can super even if your drive gauge is empty. I'm not really sure what point you are trying to get across, that a meter having multiple use cases is bad? But that's the case in almost most fighters, fighters where you can only use meter for one specific thing are very rare.
>I said that characters use the drive gauge in the same ways
Except they don't because EX specials are vastly different as are drive rush speeds, causing characters to use their drive gauge in completely different ways.
>and have to always have it in their minds, that's what a dominant system mechanic looks like
If you don't have to keep a mechanic in mind at all times it's not a mechanic, it's a weak gimmick.
In addition, this whole convo started from:
which very much makes the point that all characters play the same, which was then suggested to be the case for SF6 two posts later.
a reminder that anyone you argue with here has a high likelihood of being a hardstuck S rank Beatrix.
Nah-ah, I made it all the way to S+ with my pre-nerf Bea.
Imagine arguing that slime shit doesn't completely dominate gameplay in SF6
What is it with people trying to argue against such self evident things?
>DLC character ineligible
humiliation fetish
>I'm not really sure what point you are trying to get across
I was making the point that not being able that not having a resource in those games isn't a loss condition, which is why I assume you completely decided to ignore the point I made about Rising. There is a difference between keeping a mechanic in mind and the game revolving completely around it.
Doesn't matter if the discussion stemmed from that post, saying that SF6's mechanics aren't dominant is retarded.
start with c.H/f.H counterhit
then c.H/f.H normal hit
then c.M/f.M counterhit
get these down and you're already better than 99% of players
>not having a resource in those games isn't a loss condition
Okay, how do characters without meterless DPs deal with unblockable setups in Rising? How about guaranteed chip setups?
>saying that SF6's mechanics aren't dominant is retarded.
I never claimed they weren't dominant (whatever that even means, it seems to me that universal mechanics having a strong presence in how the game plays is essentially mandatory but I digress) I merely claimed that they don't cause SF6 characters to play the same, which I still stand by.
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ah fuck
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>Okay, how do characters without meterless DPs deal with unblockable setups in Rising?
If you are at 0 bp and 0 meter against a character with that kind of setup (as far that I know only belial has this in the corner, vira has to clear multiple conditions and eustace's are fake as shit off the top of my head) you put yourself into that situation because in this game the opponent can't attack your meter. Most chip setups can actually be evaded but they have incredibly strict timings
>I never claimed they weren't dominant
then this >>486532570 isn't you
Correct, that isn't me.
>you put yourself into that situation because in this game the opponent can't attack your meter.
But they can attack your BP though, so saving your BP for such a scenario isn't a viable strat, meaning you are essentially arguing that characters without meterless DPs should never dip below 50% meter after getting there for the first time in these match-ups, and I don't really see how that's any different from "never use drive gauge for offense because your opponent taking away all 6 bars of it with their offense is extremely unlikely". In both cases, not having a resource can lead to a loss, but I don't see how that's a problem, bad resource management having a bad outcome seems reasonable to me. Opponent being able to interact with your resource in an active manner just makes the game more interactive and thus more fun (at least for me, I know some people prefer fighters that are single-player solitaire games).
>But they can attack your BP though
The only way to do it directly is to get super'd, which is somewhat different from blocking normals, I'm not gonna pretend I dodged every raging strike ever but it's quite different situation
>meaning you are essentially arguing that characters without meterless DPs should never dip below 50% meter after getting there for the first time in these match-ups
Yeah, that's called knowing the matchup and it's no different from getting meaty DI'd when you are in burnout and you have to super except you have more control over it since you have a double layer of protection evenif you aren't playing a character with a meterless BP
>In both cases, not having a resource can lead to a loss
My point is that not having BP isn't remotely comparable to being in burnout because you still have access to 90% of system mechanics unlike SF6, BP usage already dictates the pace of a round and even then it can't compare to drive.
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I survived another day
shut up
the big meaty is going to give 2B some of her SKL back making her unblockable setup practical again!
churara kat... home...
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I haven't played since Bea patch, convince me to play again.
I'll suck your cock... please PLEASE PLAY AGAIN
*unzips your pants*
Only if you give me the Maglielle card
>Toe cleavage
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>Umineko Golden Fantasia is getting a new update
Yeah, it's over for Granblue
I am so FUCKING hyped to see the newly balanced Gran and Lucilius
Unironically same
At least we'll be able to see the system mechanics changes..
dodged another day*
The system mechanics changes are the least exciting part of the patch.
If they don't wreck the top tiers this game is done for.
pipe down pisslow, system mechanics are the most exciting part
good job shuffling the top tiers around when the game plays exactly the same and it will bleed the same players weeks later
Nier's ultimate fatal waltz has one less active frame.
Siegfried's Uwe now deals 5 points less damage.
Seox's ultimate empty hand has 1 more frame of start-up.
Lancelot is unchanged.
Thanks you for your support and keep Rising!
I don't play against the top tiers every game
I interact with system mechanics every game
They should shoot the top tiers 100% but they are just gonna get replaced by the next top tiers
>I don't play against the top tiers every game
What fucking region do you play at?
The most common character here are Anila, Yuel, Soriz, Djeeta
i haven't seen a soriz in centuries
most common characters i see in eu are sieg, anila, yuel and charlotta
I actually saw less Siegs honestly, there were way more before
Oh I forgot about Bea too, she's still pretty popular
>good job shuffling the top tiers around
This argument is disingenuous and is mostly used by people who already play a top tier and just want a justification for why no one should ever get nerfed.
Even if the patch just dumpstered Nier and didn't nerf anyone else, that would still be very different from just "shuffling the top tiers around". Nier plays an entirely different game than everyone else. If current Sieg became top 1, he would not be as dominant in top level play as Nier currently is, because he's just inherently not as degenerate as her.
Manifesting the compensatory Bea buffs
any eu wanna play? i play bea/bel
i wanna play with your dick..
sieg is everywhere in master
I like the swole grandma.
Still at work, but are you playing around 20:00?
sure i can play around that time
Neat, haven't played with anyone from here for a while.
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Bet EUfags miss lobby Nier now, huh
nyo, i dyon't thyink syo
thank you
guitarman has had enough of your shit
shark gets sharked
Yet, if he popped in an asked for games you guys would immediately jump on the offer.
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I need a Lowain reskin but it's Helios and the other GSK
Nah he ran like the pussy he always was
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We just need playable horses
Is he? I almost never see a Soriz player aside from myself.
If we get another crossover character I would bomb Cygames HQ
sorry i meant to write plappable
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You want bombergirl crossover? understood gaijin.
I'm an hour late, but I could play.
where the fuck did that minigame-game with horses go
searching steam for uma/musume or pretty dirby doesn't show it anymore
where is my party dash party game
it comes out at the end of august
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he bailed on me after 3 sets of A.Belial and Bubs
Hello fellow Soriz player. How do we keep missing each other?
I crush you Soriz bugs with my dragon aids
soriz sissies your response?
Already got aids from djeeta (team assfuckers) so its negligible.
I only queue in casual matchmaking so that might be why.

Too late, Metera's aids already got me.
What the, who DOESN'T have aids?
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You can't say that
This game will fucking die when FGO Versus comes out next year.
You mean Melty Blood?
melty blood made me want that to be a thing because the only interesting looking characters in that game were the fgo characters
Genshin Impact Nen Impact When
>FGO Versus
Just remake Unlimited Codes instead desu
Where can I ask Cygames to keep the 236H+Sk and 236U+Sk shortcut for supers even if you turn technical inputs off?
it's just 236sk for SBA
The feedback form on the official site
Well still
Aight, time for them to not care
French Bread actually did pitch an FGO fighter, but were forced to make Poomina to coincide with Nasu's shitty VN releasing soon. The FGO characters are leftovers from that pitch.
>Eighting kuso
No thank you.
chibi horse erotic
I am not replying to that you did that intentionally fuck you
oh fuck
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>I only queue in casual matchmaking
Why are FG players so retarded
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wrong thread, fren
Unfathomably based taste.
I mostly get matched with masters and S++ so it's not all that different from ranked match, except that I find matches much faster.
Err can I even use notepad notation for when I'm talking about the shortcuts or do I actually have to do "quartercircle forward"
chinese gachaslop cunnyseur seeking genuine artifacts
Either no one reads it or it'll get to someone who understands notepad notations at some point. Thinking about it I'm pretty sure the in game glossary has it, at least the one in vanilla had it.
Fuck it we ball
No one is gonna read it anyway
Yeah nigger you know where you could find Masters and S++? in RANKED QUEUE
which you won't because other retarded masters keep queuing in CASUAL which makes NO SENSE
ask if any high elo League/Valorant/CS/Dota has even touched anything but ranked in the past month
I stopped at S++1
A pedoscum
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Yep, there it is
The best fighting game players usually just run sets with other top players or their discord buddies anyway. They don't bother with public matchmaking.
a pedoGOD
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Sho-san latest tier list
shosan said hes gonna hold a noob feedback tournament at july 20, NA free lobby 1
no masters allowed
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Now in the right place
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>"Zetachan can still expand his set plays, so I raised him up a bit."
My man is delusional.
>"Bearko has been weakened, but he can still fight."
Don't mess with the Balance Bear.
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Why the fuck are they rating Sieg so low?
Yes, A rank is low for this faggot.
Not everyone reacts like a deer in headlights to Sieg's H fireball. You're just bad.
The faggot who posted above me is exactly who I was talking about btw. >>486455657
it's a jappa tier list, results is everything
BA is Korean though
Also ironic of you to whine about gacha in a thread for a game made possible by gacha
shut the FRICK up
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a fellow man of taste
I think the angry guy is the Zeta/Vane player
Then where the fuck are Zeta’s results??
I can't tell if I don't find this funny because it's legitimately unfunny or because I associate Cagliostro with trannies
Korea doesn't exist.
FGC sucks
FGC = fighting game cucks
Please don't lump me together with whatever he's doing.
Haven't played in a while.
Has Yuel been buffed? Or at least gotten a costume?
>Yuel been buffed?
>at least gotten a costume?
Shes the next bp costume!
Fuck you, I got all excited and looked up the patch notes. She hasn't been buffed at all.
Last balance patch was Vane, then Bea got a patch solely to nerf her. Game is still the same overall.
yuel is the very last character that should be good
South Korea is just northern taipei
make yuel better
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Make your move.
ALT+F4 and playing better games
Holy based!
>innocent S+ Zeta player once again caught in the crossfire
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I feel like Charlotta's counter is so fucking situational you may as well just not use it
>know someone is going to try to sprint up from half screen 66L as soon as I wakeup because that's what they've been doing the whole game
>press special
>get fucking hit anyway because the startup takes 3 years
I don't get why people cry about counters in this game. This game is basically impossible to play without memorizing esoteric fucking frame data because how fast certain moves look like they should be never match up with how fact/active/ect they actually are.
Startup is infinite AND if you crossover her and use it it won't connect and you get hit kek It's absolutely dogshit.
it's 6 frames
Yeah, it's start-up is pretty much the same as he f.L sou you can't challenge anything you wouldn't beat with that for the most part.
>26 in EU lobby
Really don't like doomposting, but...
I am aware of that, I can read dustloop just fine. My problem is that 6 frames is a long fucking time for all the horseshit in the game and even if opponents are so fucking predictable you can guess a second in advance what they're going to do, it's basically better to use literally anything else other than the counter.
So, anyone in EU wanna play?
I'm godawful today, so free orange/pink squares!
It's time to admit 66L killed the game
Sure, room or lobby?
>200 ping
>7 rollback frames
>a Djeeta that literally teleports right beside me when she uses her rekka
>can somehow SSBA in the middle of my blockstrick
>turn it back to NA only
>same guy 4 times in a row
This game is so fucking dead
what rank
JP lobby?
We can meet in EU for all I care, but I won't stick around for too long.
Block him?
Well I'm here.
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Charlotta really isn't that interesting
She's really basic but her kit is very fun. While she needs some slight help, I hope they don't change her drastically
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Priconne collab will revive the game
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They should allow her air flip followups to side track like they did at the beginning of vanilla.
Kokkoro really isn't that interesting
you can be nice
being nice really isn't that interesting
Guys tell me I'm on the right track. My connection drops during the day when its hot outside. At night, everything is calm and I don't have connection issues. I tested two different modems and routers with the same results. What do I tell the tech that will stop by? My coax wires outside are getting baked?
I keep dying because I'm a monkey and I press after I get bced away
I actually can't break this shitty habit
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I would LOVE playable Kokkoro but she's not a fighter, if anything Pecorine would be the most logical choice.
>Open thread
>Click the bottom button
>I am not awarded a bottom
What thE FUCK
>[EOS GAME] collab will [UNEOS] the game
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Is your pc good? Crappy pc will drop connection if they overheat. Also connection tends to be better at night in general, if it's not good during the day maybe try upgrading to fiber. If you have family sharing the connection at home doing stuff like streaming movies that might also be it. If it's not any of that then idk, maybe it is the wires getting cooked.
we need a spell caster/mage character
we need kot >>486587836
I really hate it when I accidentally reply to someone
Goddamn it's fucking hot.
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Yeah a good PC that I was using with fiber while playing GBVS with no issues and then I moved and used cable and got the dropped connection. I hope it gets resolved...fiber is expensive..
>looks like Kokkoro but is actually a spell caster
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>Australian player goes to EVO
I thought Biden closed the border from Australia
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Hello Mr. Aussie.
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the only mage worth adding
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She's also Zooey's sister.
Yuni is a monkey paw
You add her, Cosmos becomes canon in Rising and Zoi becomes a trash can
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Just found out that Metera's butterflies don't fuck off when she's hit
What the hell
Shes dead in the gacha
Rare version of Schrödinge's panties.
they eventually go away... unlike...
Zeta players are cute. I will protect you
I just thought she worked like Eustace but I guess not
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Ah fucks sake
meant for >>486591203
Probably cause they dont actually do anything until she hits them with a projectile unlike gee gee or nades from eustace
red nade also doesn't do anything until eustace hits you...
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oops wrong picture silly me
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Golshi is the next character
They should add the Gandalf-looking dude, although someone said that he isn't a mage but a sword-fighter instead which sounds very lame.
In his Fate Episode he does actually cast earth magic at some point.
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Pic related is the normal version, but in that Mika pic several lines around her ass look like they could be her panties being seen though her dress but they could also be the dress's seams or folds, so it's whether we're seeing them rather than whether she's wearing any.
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Thanks Ladiva-anon, I genuinely had a lot of fun with the matches!
go away horsefag no one cares about your shitty gacha
i'm here
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Everyone likes horses
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>the hope that she might not be wearing any at all
hmmm... nyo, nopan is a giant meme, a pair of very cute, perfect, pristine pantsu are much much better.
i care
Damn some meteras fucking destroyed me
I have 0 idea what to do in this matchup
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ggs zeta-anon! i had a blast as well.
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ran into a cag mirror and the fags name was LGBTQ something this type of shit makes me want to switch mains
he was also laggy as fuck they had to have been doing it on purpose
I enjoyed Verus and Rising but any actual gacha Cygames make is fucking trash. Granblue makes miHoyo devs look like fucking legends.
Theyre very rare and as far as i know only ONE person players her here
>cag player is a tranny and laggy
Yes anon, literally every cag player will be one of those two things, sometimes both. Youre trans
good luck at evo king please remember to change the voices to japanese as god intended
you're our only hope
I'm getting sick of sf6 and looking to pick this back up. Is this game a discord fighter now, or can I find games quick?
NA or EU?
People are somewhat dramatic about numbers. You can usually find games within minutes, unless you deliberately play at dead hours.
youre just as bad as that fag i fought, seeing absolutely everything as a fucking tranny
Ok troon lol
If you give in to "le tranny! xD" brainrot there is no coming back. Just look at the replies you are getting from that other retard.
Just fucking play whatever man, no one sane cares. If YOU don't have some pro-LGBT or whatever message I am just going to assume you like cute characters.
>Theyre very rare and as far as i know only ONE person players her here
Well shit she is rare but unironically I kept encountering 2 different ones in masters
>cag putting trap after trap even higher, combo'ing you up the air
Never saw this happen before, is this normal?
in the corner?
yeah i know, the replies are basically proving my point some really just do this to piss you off.
Happened to me the other day, not cornered
Status of the lobby?
No, Yes
Also the game is about to get a big update which will bring lots of people back
j.236 spam is her cooldown preserving route but does mediocre damage compared to other options so it's uncommon to see.
>unless you deliberately play at dead hours.
Problem with Rising is that "dead hours" are normal hours if you're NA.
What do you mean?
I regularly find games basically any time between 4 PM and like, 1 AM or so.
the fuck? No they're not.
Holy troon cope, absolutely embarrassing.
unless you're in s++ you will find games in in na.
>66L literally teleports him on top of me
Is this normal or was it because of 200ms 7 rollback frames? (Matchmaking set to same region btw, still get lagging Brazilians)
You can think that but a high number of cag players will always have lgbt shit in their profile. Youre just coping. Even nezu is an actually tranny too
Oh right, I should have clarified this.
I have no trouble finding games but most of my characters are in S rank, I only have 3 in S+
I don't care nigger.
I don't think about trannies 24/7, if you do that is literally a (You) problem.
Can no games in the evening when I usually played. Now I can 1 or 2 people for an hour, fuck me for ranking up I guess.
he has a good 66l and yes that happens when you are lagmaxxing and rbfmaxxing. you just get people warping around and animations are incomplete. so anything with huge movement gets completely fucked.
Lag, he has a normal 66l.
Ok troon lol
I dunno what to tell you guys. It doesn't even take me 2 minutes to find a match in S+ at 9pm est on NA.
>1 or 2 people for an hour
That's still very odd.
When I play my S+ characters it does take longer but I wait like, 5 minutes at most for a match, 1-2 matches per hour is way too low.
Maybe it's because I live in Mexico so I get matched against both people in my country and people in the US?
It's usually 5min when I first queue, then it drops to down to <30secs, but it's always with the same two people I previously fought.
>1-2 matches per hour is way too low.
No, it's 1-2 of the same players for like an hour, the actually queue time is pretty short. I just stop playing after an hour because fighting the same two dudes gets boring.
>youre a troon too xd
proving my point
Are you west coast or Canada or something? I get a pretty wide variety of S+ players and master alts.
This might explain it. I get a lot of mexicans and south americans. I don't mind if the rbf is stable but some of you really are on toasters.
East Coast.
>1-2 of the same players for like an hour,
oooh OK I get it now.
Yeah, in that case I do have the same problem. I alternate between S and S+ characters to sort of work around it but yeah.

>I don't mind if the rbf is stable but some of you really are on toasters.
Most of my matches are very stable, 1-2 rollback frames. I block everyone who has a bad connection with me so I know I have reduced my own pool of players, but as a result I rarely get bad connections anymore.
oh, so what I imagined, just wanted to make sure
is friday evo watchable for eu?
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The ones who are better are probably S+ grinding a new character, the ones who are a joke are the ones who are actually A. Yes, ranked sucks. You have to be able to climb a whole tier since numbers don't mean anything.
because its impossible to fall out of a.
and you can luck your way into a by winstreaking against bad players or just fighting an idler in b.
thus you get the horrible skill gap that is a rank.
It starts at 19:00 here.
>people who don't belong in a (bad)
>people who belong in a (normal)
>people who belong in a (s dropouts)
>people who dont belong in a (s+ alt)
Who are you playing? Its unfortunate but ranked kind of be like that.
>3 in the morning
thats a no, then
>watching Nier mirrors
You're not missing anything don't worry
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vote for nier
That will be Sunday.
Euros can watch that after lunching for massive puking.
I still have yet to figure out what the fuck I am supposed to do for normal pressure blockstrings and how the fuck I am even supposed to used the flip besides as a trick that only works once.
All of my normals are so stubby I can't figure out what to do besides stand there and block against characters like 2B and Siegnigger.
>new PoE league looking good
>big meaty on the horizon
what a time to be a gamer
Watch Xerom
Demon flip everyone and win until Master rank
>>new PoE league looking good
I'm so fucking tired of doing the story
I would come back if I could just skip the acts and go to mapping with basic bitch white gear. Fuck, I'd even pay 15 bucks or something for it. But no. Same 10 acts for what, almost a decade now?
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Ok listen carefully
>press H flip
>press H
>command throw your opponent
>repeat until they learn
>what's that? they crouch?
>press M instead
>congrats you're now Master rank
>i-i-it doe-
It does.
>lowain that low
I feel like im playing a different fucking game man
Jappas strong @ mario party
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I hate Nier, why is she almost ONE-THIRD of the images in my Granblue folder
Even without SBA and SSBA Lowain is a fucking cancer character to fight with probably some of the best Ulti skills in the game, good mix and bullshit normals
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She's extremely memeable
there is nothing wrong with having a folder filled with cute girl
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Nier... that isn't ketchup...
>ADHD ladivafag on dub
I'm not gonna brick my ears, thanks
thanks brick
The problem with Lowain in NA is that everyone cried about how he's bad so no one plays him, but when I do go against one I have no idea what the fuck to even do. And then it will be so long til I fight one again that I forgot what happened last time so I'm back to square one.
I feel like everybody cried about how strong the character was for the first 2 months. There are no more lowiggers left
Like I said, I feel like I'm playing a different game then, even with knowing his gimmicks he's still a good character
yuel on stream!!
i like xerom. hes chill and stuff
>know I have to watch my own replays to understand what I'm doing wrong to improve
>would rather just play the game
I will forever be ass
thats why u post them here and let the computer hivemind so the analysis for you
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>never watched my replays
>just looked at ranked replays from tournament players that frequently get top 8s at majors
>copy their pressure
>shoot up to masters
>starting to shit on the ranked monsters
>only hard lose to tournament players
it was that easy
I'm unironically ashamed of how I lose sometimes, this shit can never go out into the internet
But I will
Watch 2 of your replays where you lose. That's really all it takes. You'll realize immediately that you're not playing as well as you thought you were when playing and see things to do differently
>never watched my replays
>never had to look at replays from tournaments
>got to masters with multiple characters giga fast
>only slightly lose to tournament players
it was that wasy
based retarded japanese man
>never played the game
>joined a major on a whim
>got top 8
it was that easy
the major? the /gbvsg/ golshi cup
im sorry lobby i swear my power went out i didnt rage q uit..
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too many grimNIGGERS now
erm blocked?
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You know Stockholm syndrome? People who get abused and start liking the abuser
Maybe you've got abused so much by Nier you started liking her
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Ive been failing eustace combos for an hour
damn im shit
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>watched my replays
>damn I'm good
>watched others' replays
>en dub
>go into ranked
>lose crystals and derank back to S
>accept I don't have the gene
it was that easy
This is the face Djeeta makes when she pisses her pants
ruria sex
>feeling horny
>Look up Vira on rule34
>Literally pages of nothing but blacked aislop
Virafags... care to explain?
black men have good taste for once
>accept I don't have the gene
don't give uppu...
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She was built for it
nyou bake it im dooming
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This picture smells bad
gonna goon to some golshi
i'll bake it
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Tons of R34 sites are being flooded to shit with racewar bait porn and AI made stuff, and they know what they are doing because they're doing everything they can to avoid the tags and filters that'd remove them from user searches. It was like during the bridget fiasco where every random cunts on twatter made it their mission to change his tags on these sites.
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thanks, lobby friends
I'm not your fucking friend, I'm here to train.
i still love you
Are they? The ones I see are just generic, faceless dude but black. Hell, r34 has a "raceplay" tag.
I lost my login info years ago
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Almost all of the shitted AIslop I've seen has been commissions because the retarded happas aren't even smart enough to figure out how to use Stable Diffusion themselves. Almost no artist actually wants to do it for its own sake because a small group of discord spergs doesn't make a very lucrative consumer base.
>almost all has been comissions
Sounds like easy money, then
The love of money is the root of all evil

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