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Previous: >>486421510

>[From Chaldea PR Dep't] Watch "Chaldea Broadcasting Station U.S. Branch Lite Vol. 9"!
2024-07-17 18:00 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Commemorative Limited Servant Daily Pickup Summon
2024-07-09 21:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Mandricardo love
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Kama Love!
liz sex
Kill yourself discord retard.
Liz love!
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Perlina love
retard list
how do we fix the liz problem?
thank you to whoevers FP botting with my support
you're a real one
Does your boyfriend play FGO?
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Fluffy summer soon.
You are a woman to me, Chrissy.
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That would be chink bot #83920
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>Best single target Noble Phantasm
You're goddamn right.
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when will you die, fag?
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Your welcome
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It's just the normal bots who come in during the anniversary for lots of free stuff and make accounts, anon.
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Posting again pls.
Which servants should I get for Bazett? I have all the 5 star quick supports. Is Van Gogh/douman worth it for her? I'm trying to prioritize. I have enough to hit pity for s skadi and attempt at Gogh/douman after.

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Theres nothing gay about one of the greatest rock bands in history.
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Grail tier list :*)
I don't have a boyfriend but my imaginary girlfriend hates fgo and thinks it's for losers.
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>way worse than this summer
Meh. Not saving.
no, he just silently judges me for spending my money on gacha. if he dressed up as a girl more often maybe i wouldnt need to spend so much, alas
thank you sweatshop bots for giving me FP
i expect more tomorrow
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Well that's mighty odd.

Yeah, but it's funny to say.
I think someone here is using my melt non stop.
Mom lunch
I asked jetsbro to be my bf but he didn't reply. Is it over?
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Lip love!
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Altera attempt 3
There is a Japanese man inside Raikou
Just how strong are Bazett’s fists? Would it be better to take a punch from her or Heracles
Yeah, me.
Im not japanese doe
Kill yourself Shrek
Kill yourself cucksucker
You shitters aren’t bros
bazett no diffs every servant in f/sn
Based true /alter/bro
Freddie was very gay though
Damn! Anytime? More like Caketime!
are you in shape? exercise can unironically both boost your mental health and your energy levels. if you manage to slim down on top of that, it's a plus. even if you are slim from eating okay, if you aren't fit as well you are debuffing your energy levels and mentals.
why must you post porn
he's not going to suck your cock
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Being gay wasnt invented back then yet thoughever.
Where’s veneno
>Mandricardo nigger
Lol he is a discordnigger
"If Bazett fought Medea, the battle would proceed with Medea winning overwhelmingly. As Caster doesn't have a trump card to use against Bazett, she's quite the difficult opponent for Bazett to handle."
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>Lime boss
>I'm going to take my lime with you!
I killed him for having bad taste
Arc seems like a good choice.
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How about summer event with just these girls plus Luvia?
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Why chrissy wears bdsm mask?
vn girls are too good for fgo
Melt is a good girl though.
I'm glad I didn't make it to this list
can i get a quick rundown on every person here? before you ask, i refuse to do archive reps.
Please read Hollow ataraxia.
90% of them are dead.
holy shit bros
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I got her to np3 luckily
90% of them don't often post here as they used to
i read it 10 years ago the details are hazy but im pretty sure bazett is the strongest because she's the cutest.
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We buying?
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Shiki wife secured.
huge asses are gross
Hard from his usual corner
sad that I started playing after she was here. now she will never visit my chaldea...
Then try double arc+ bazett
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evocations, anon
based irishman
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>Clock boss
>I'm going to take my time with you!
Huge asses are hot when they're on lolis.
No fully visible asshole, no buy
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Guda Guda 2025 bro. Just keep it together for a while longer.
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We buying
i never get namedropped, except as an /alter/ serf...
next year, bro.
holy based
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Its canon
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i only have 1 wife
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let her cook
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It was kino
Post dancing Kama
What counts as in shape? I'm a normal weight for my height. Exercise is a good mood booster but going to the gym is terrible.

It's time to re-read it anon. Why does HA get so little love?
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Oh shit, It's actually sooner than I thought!
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Can you name all of this posters, /alter/?

Comfy jail cell, pedochad
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Altera attempt 4
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I have never heard a guy in shape ask what being in shape is.
exercise boosts your fitness, not just a matter of weight, improved muscle mass, stronger heart, more lung capacity - all this helps boost your energy levels. you dont need to go to gym, just go for runs or get a bike, buy some weights, etc.
true that
Jack the ripper my wife
>Merlina with a womb tattoo is almost nonexistent
a shame
Version with no background
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Melu love
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>Miss Crane
Good for helping get more damage to min-turn Challenge Quests. Bazett has a unique interaction with Miss Crane as she can place her NP before Miss Crane's to benefit from the +35% NP Charge while still getting the benefit of the attack buffs.
>Caster Artoria
The party-wide NP Charge, NP Generation and protection can be good when the help of an AoE NP servant is required (Chen Gong for example, or Taisui to min-turn the Bakin event).
NP Charge for Bazett from her skill and from her NP, can clear a weak wave and has Skill Seal.
>Van Gogh
Helps a lot with Crits, but Swimsuit Skadi will solve the Buster Crits issues requiring Koyanskaya so you don't have to.
You can use a fully leveled normal Sherlock or a level 1 Sherlock with MLB Kaleidoscope. Bazett doesn't have Ignore Invincibility or Ignore Defense. For example, the only way to min-turn the Bakin event Challenge Quest with Bazett (as far as I know) required the usage of a level 1 Sherlock.
Decent party-wide buffs while helping with multiple enemies when Bazett requires an AoE support for Challenge Quests (this happens relatively often, Morgan is the best for that role but often you can take a support Morgan).
He's good but Bazett doesn't benefit from his "Chaotic - Evil" buffs.

>Koyanskaya and Merlin
Good before when Buster Crits were needed to break the 1st breakbar, but Skadi's swimsuit will solve these issues.
Can be good when there's an additional damage dealer since he can give lots of NP Charge and some NP Damage to Bazett but do NOT use his 3rd skill on Bazett. It doesn't have compatability with Fragarach and will put Bazett to Eternal Sleep before the enemey's turn.

Next year Kuro's swimsuit will be very nice to support Bazett.
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Liz Love!
Hi Bobchad, how many Big Macs have you eaten today?
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Hey, bro.
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>Thyme boss
>I'm going to take my thyme with you!
please PLEASE put me on your shitposting llisst please i beg of you
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>Lime boss
>When life gives you limes, make limeade!
This is more fucked up than the american food guide food piramid, and i say this as "/alter/ nobility"
One should be higher the most uncommon their maxxed servant is, not the opposite
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>Jaltur boss
>she grows a Saltur and gets Salt attacks in her second phase
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I love you so much anon. I appreciate the effort and will save this post. I have everyone here except Douman, Gogh, and Sherlock. Sherlock sounds interesting but I don't have enough wages to summon him just for esports. Seems like I'm pretty much good to go with what I have!
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>dodged the list
I will never get namedropped
Thank you for your input nameless serf #51992
Add 51993 to the pile too
I'm fucking Hassan baby
>Why does HA get so little love?
It doesn't have an anime. No one actually reads the VNs, and anyone that has read them when they were first translated, which was a long time ago.

Thinking about it, it would be worth replaying just for the hanafuda. I love hanafuda minigames in games.
>his name is bob
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I am but a humble cunny farmer
>taking pride in being a fucking nobody
Reeks of reddie cope.
we used to be a proper thread, with proper namedropping
now it's just a bunch of garbage posts with no balls
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>rat boss
>I'll turn you into swiss cheese!
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>wanting to be anonymous, an unknown factor, is reddit
>See a Reddie ranting about THE list on the street
>Run up to him and give him an Atomic Wedgie
>everyone claps
See of you're planning on impersonating Ati you failed at this step. That cuck never calls her morgan.
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>floor boss
>I'm going to wipe the floor with you!
Veneno is an honorary reddie
What really happened
>you saw a redCHAD
>you pissed yourself
holy based
You mean Antagonist?
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my queen
i just wanted 1 murasaki ONE! fuck this shit she is now my 5* with the highest np level... FUCK!
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I am... the upvote of my reddit
Can some Goghster explain how double Gogh 6CE works? There's no starting charge on the Goghs. And star gen is unreliable even with mighty chain.
I'm using this for now.
I wish I wasn’t a peasant but I still don’t have enough coins to finish my appends…
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Bro... at least there's next year's SR ticket with her on it
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>Me watching my redcuties fight the shitposters.
Sure thing friend. Bazett is a really fun servant to play with and it's also fun to try out different CC and CE for different situations, so don't neglect leveling up some more situational CE.
I wouldn't worry about Ashiya Douman or Van Gogh just for supporting Bazett. I also don't have a level 1 Sherlock and have managed without it for most things. For the Bakin Challenge Quest I did require one (I don't think it was possible without) but a Sherlockfriend had a 6th copy of him and was willing to help by putting him on support so if that's ever an issue you can try asking if anyone can help.
For a lot of Challenge Quests that require the help of an AoE NP servant, you can't bring x2 Skadi anyway since more party buffs might be required so often a lot of these SSR servants can be taken as supports and don't require your own.

Swimsuit Skadi is going to be amazing for Bazett, as one of the absolute biggest problems was breaking the 1st bar of a Challenge Quest with 2 attacks which often required 2 Buster Crits, which meant bringing Merlin + Koyanskaya and they don't really help Fragarach.
I didn't mention SR servants, but there are a lot of helpful ones. Wu, Liz, Santa Nurse, Calamity Jane, Santa Martha, Taisui, Swimsuit DaVinchi-chan, etc.

I'm still alive...
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Go back, Jeanne re'Ddit.
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>enter boss room
>he fires me for my low performance
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>yo mirando el hilo pasar (no entiendo inglés)
true greenlister queen right here
Schierke is an honorary green.
Remove iphone bobfag from your friend lists.
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But someone posted his balls 2 days ago? With caca
It's not something I enjoy if I'm being honest, but I do fine on 6km hikes and stuff like canoeing if that is any indication of my fitness levels. I do those weekly!

In my experience the answer is arbitrary or akin to "fit enough to do a variety of physical activities" without a scale to start from. Structured and constructive advice is appreciated but speaking in platitudes only makes it harder for my situation.

Who are the most /fa/ servants? I always think of Pako servants.
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>enter boss room
>he calls the cops on me
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Give me 5 good reason to do so that don't boil down to "I don't like him"
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But he's my friend.
i was going to remove you for your retarded message but i decided not to. im pretty sure you are ****
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>Sent, Jalter in all
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I have no reason to delete my BRO
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>enter boss room
>he signals for me to get under his desk
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>iphone bobfag
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Lippy got the drippy.
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Altera attempt
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only good one so far
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Why pale girl wearing huge ass platform heels are so sexy?
peak kino
Picasso servant when?
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Appropriate picture I guess, but no real, proper namedropping honestly
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Picasso un poroto al lado tuyo
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Orion protecting the dignity of Chloe, ironic
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Bare feet…
Humanity (True). Every time I see a drawfag crying BB took his job I'll post this.
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Shapely childs are ok too
BB took my job
I opened 550 boxes in Teslafest but I STILL ran out of proofs
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Yeah I'm excited to try her out in different situations. I have those 4 stars you mentioned so I can figure it out from there. I'm a day 1 veteran who clearly doesn't go sufficiently in depth with the games mechanics.
Get some soul fleshy
I have 3000 proofs and would give them all to you in return for 1000 dust if I could
Damn maybe calculate your mat needs better next time
Why does it feel like I’ve had no friend points ever since Anning
Fellow male servant appreciator.. I farm at least 400 in every single lotto with proofs and still need more. It never ends.
Uhh AI bros our response?
I don’t like him
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ushikeks have been real quiet ever since this banger dropped.
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>mom telling me about her amazing new telenovela she's watching
>It's just an adaptation of the Count of Monte Cristo
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when is that?
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>become real
>see what people are saying while posting my face
>turns out I'm the representative of gooners
You said you were going to post the pick little shit, not even an hour and can't back up your claims.
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OMG castoria hi!
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pretty sure if your using double gogh you'd need a douman since all the other foreigners only have 50% NP charge requiring you to go 5CE. Also requires np append on douman and either your gogh or friend support goghs but it'll be easier if you np append your gogh
>wave 1
gogh 1+2 use their 2nd skill, the gogh with 20% np append uses their 3rd skill first then 1st skill to fill np gauge to 100, then the other gogh uses their 3rd skill+1st skill. Then your foreigner/douman use their np charge and other buffs and you gogh NP gogh NP foreigner/douman NP to clear wave 1
>wave 2 and 3
gogh crits haha
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Next year
Is the new French movie good? The Three Musketeers movies with Eva Green that came out recently weren't bad.
I used to be a goghfag until she completely stopped getting porn
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I do not possess the hubris necessary to alter such a masterpiece. Even if it's just the image hash.
Then don't tall shit unless you back it up
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I present my concession
This piece, experts agree, depicts the Goddess Ushi known as the burner of crops, in conflict with Anytime, the Protector of the Fields. Truly a beautiful work of early /alter/ian art circa 2017+7. [4]

[4} Bluebook, David "The Condon Report"
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Aoko sex
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>Cover up, dear
>Your mother and I didn't raise you like that
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Watch Ana anime
Aoko marriage
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I didn't know there was a new French movie. I watched the old miniseries in French class during high school. I might download the new movie
>Orion EVER having sex with Artemis
Stop spamming
She is adopted
sure, if i wanted to hear japanglish russian edition
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Black and Beautiful
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I don't like BB but I wanted her just cause she was brown
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What am I in for?
It came out very recently, I'll check it out too.
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I'm out of fucking statues
you're done, bro..the ordeal call unlocks...
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a piece of one of my teeth broke off
should i go to the dentist
I ooku therefore I am (the floor)
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I am.
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Latelets will never know the joy of monument lotteries
What does that mean
lots of quartz
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How do Castoria feet smell like?
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Come on...
Euryale don't touch that you don't know what's been there
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Imagine fucking Ati in her tight bussy
Same, bro... only a heated frotting session could make me feel better...
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Afternoon bros, and Oni Love!
Nah, take vitamin K2 supplements.
This is what happens when you don't brush your teeth, fuckhead
And yeah
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You can get drunk from licking Shuten

She tastes great no matter where you lick!

Lick Shuten!
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Bro! Too soon...
That's a root canal or you lose the entire tooth
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I think Ati sold their account. That's all.
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What makes one do this?
Being based as fuck
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It Appears My Superiority Has Led to Some Controversy.
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Based /alter/ Nobility
Depending on why it broke and where they might just slap some resin on it
My front tooth has a big chunk of it missing because it got hit by a coin and now all of that is resin
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Cute Garchomp
Would Vritra send you her feet pic?
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Stupid Dog! You made me look bad!
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>using resin
How bout you git good scrub boy?
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C104 Bobcuck doujin
Good afternoon my bro
she did post earlier saying she's getting better
>resinfags are on /alter/ of all places too
gear 5 is old, accept it already
Bros, I really want to roll for Cima
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>10 toes
Not my Castoria
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>avoid dentist for almost a decade
>almost never floss
>finally go in
>zero cavities
Electric toothbrushes are op
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bros, why doesn't Hiroyama ever write anything for fgo? why do we get fuckass writers like Sakurai but the only Fate author that can write on the level of Nasu has not even written a single chapter?
No, her feet pics are behind a paywall that only accept some shitcoin you've never heard of so you have to go through three different payment processors (one of which will not be in english) to acquire them
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Worth it.
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Is this a Danganronpa reference?
>avoid doctor for 2 decades
>400 pounds
>massive coronary
Being a ghost on /alter/ is op
yes... a small piece of mine broke off but I didn't and I kind of regret it...
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Dog brings destruction wherever she goes.
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You and me both, brother
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what are you doing with your life bro
how badly have you been neglecting your teeth
Bros lately i've been getting hard only to stoned gooner bros, have become a goonersexual
The dumbest the better
She’s so goddamn fugly it’s unreal.
No wonder destruction follows her.
>the only Fate author that can write on the level of Nasu has not even written a single chapter?
We get a new Guda Guda every year...
They did?
Servant for this feel?

he did
Lowest test choice.
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it surely will grow again bro
>Master rayshifts alone with Kiara
Surely this won’t end with me getting raped, right?
Making a animation of giant Liz and giant Altera battling it out with their butts while sky scrapers fall araund them.
This is taking longer than i thought.
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Servant feels for this?
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I like fat tails but this is kind of ridiculous.
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Teeth dont grow back.
You are born with all the teeth you will ever have.
(Your adult teeth are hidden under your baby teeth)
Teeth can break more easily than you would think, bro. Always be aware of what are you biting
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She would never.
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If it's sensitive to cold water at all that means it's through the enamel and you have exposed dentis or w/e the fuck it's called which means absolutely go.

If it's not sensitive at all to cold or head or pressure then it might be a shallow chip and you "can" put it off but you really shouldn't. Either way start taking better care of your mouth, mouth/gum disease very quickly leads to cardiovascular and brain disease.
shut the fuck up and get back to the jar douman
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Thought on the just updated meme list?
>Dailies are now worth doing because of the tickets.
>Want to max out my Blapple farming
Bone mines... my ancient nemesis...
I miss when Mash had a good kit
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Can't stop the oni
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actually they do grow back for us. we are all rodents here.
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obviously you should go moron unless you want to risk losing the entire teeth
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Stupid bitch *SMACK*
I'll roll for this.
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bruh, your dental plan?
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You'd think Chaldea would have some kind of magical autorepair by now.
I felt my soul squirm
>Summer Skadi only A+
Anyone who goes for her over Ibuki is bricking themselves
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She used to be SS.
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You have failed me for the last time, /alter/.
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you read my mind
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Isemagu makes Lip look so soft.
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She used to be a fucking Nazi?!
Are we rating her as a support or a looper?
>Tesla two tiers below Gil
LOL. LMAO even
>Mid Bunyan above 1 million better servants
What gives?
Short NP animation.
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I guess you did nazi this coming!
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Neuron activation
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What makes Galatea good? I have her but never levelled her up.
Hyperborean Skadi...
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yeah, my grandpa knew her personally
I'm talking about the 5* version. OG Bunyan deserves it
That's just nips still being stuck in 2018 when the game could barely run and having a fast NP made you a god
sending these children to daycare
dentist is on vacation until 27th
yeah i need to go for 2 teeth if that's the case
one is completely rotten black at the back of myt mouth and i've been neglecting it for 6+ years and the other started being sensitive ~1 month ago, now a piece broke off so i'll go for extraction+cleaning of the new one
Bob love status?
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Okay, how do I know which way to go?
Uhhhhh Aokobros? Where is she?
BRO book that appointment goddamn
Doesn't matter. You're going to have to explore the whole map if you want to get all of the resources from it.
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Teen mom is no longer next to her Art and Buster avenger AoE buddies.
in my bed
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Jalter = /alter/
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kys faenigger
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Probably a CQ thing. She is a decent support.
Any, you will go through the whole thing.
Give me your hat!!!
just for tonight, my name is Arthur.
jalter == reddit
She's like Vlad
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>one is completely rotten black at the back of myt mouth and i've been neglecting it for 6+ years
GOon yourself faeGOD
had a dream we had a huge RPG to play with character romance routes for all our servants and unique endings and i felt so bad i didn't pick mash that i played through it a second time in my dream just so she wouldn't feel bad
my guilt for mash is immense
>spends a turn going super saiyan
What the fuck bro she will be late for our date.
Which studio would be best to adapt Hollow Ataraxia into an anime?
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>B tier
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And what is he like? Sorry I'm a retarded latelet
I care.... Poor shieldy..... She's a sweetheart and I have a renewed respect for kouhai.
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Oh, you got an ass on you alright. See that's what he's talking about. Spread your ass open, Jannu. You can do the rump shaker, huh? The saint shaker; gimme the saint shaker, dude, shake your ass! Take your hands off it and shake that shit. Pull your shirt up, I know you can shake it, shake it! Yeah that's some saint ass right there. Oh yeah, that'll work. You got the booty, dude! God damn. Look good, bro? Yes. Yeah nice, huh?
what the fuck bro why would she come to our date?
You'd be surprised at how many people are super fucked like you, people neglect their teeth like crazy
My cousin and her husband are dentists and they get a lot of people who go in to get teeth pulled
Why does Fran have the male symbol in her hair.
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That's next week bro, I need some time with her today.
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Am I wrong in thinking buying big packs support Nasu and all type moon works as a whole. I don't need to buy the actual VN, I can pirate Mahoyo and Tsukihime and just buy big packs instead. The money all goes into the same bucket of type moon as an intellectual property?
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Anytime thugshaker
WAY too big. We need to put her on a diet
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Oh-oh no I ain't come here for no underage saint. I ain't got no shark, no homunculus, no nothin'. I came here lookin for ALIEN butt.
omg you remembered my birthday and want my wife's help to choose a present for me...
that makes me so happy
None. Emiya Gohan already exists for that.
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Don't you feel like you forgot to support someone as well...?
Buy things you like because it shows the company you liked it when they look at total sales
They see the itemized bill, and when you buy one but not the other, their metrics say that people want gacha more than they want VNs and will cancel projects in favor of more gacha
This thread is very American. I have no idea what's happening but I can smell it through the screen.
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HibiChika is a good start for quick but I doubt if they could go any further.
Vlad sidegrade.
Her kit is very confusing. The nerf on buster crit of her is critical, and I genuinely believe that they have some designwise miscommunications. They wanted to make her strong but it ends up like... this?
>. I don't need to buy the actual VN, I can pirate Mahoyo and Tsukihime and just buy big packs instead.
what class will Summer Miyu be?
Ruler would make sense lore wise and also be funny in terms of class interaction with Chloe
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Make an educated guess.
>essentially Hyde kit on steroids
>is still garbo
color me fucking surprised
yeah i will book one as soon as he's back
i can't stop digging with my tongue into the teeth hole
Our wife. She is red for a reason
Ok this Ooku thing feels longer than I thought, can I be done with it in 3 hours before I need to sleep
lmao no
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Its just an old shitposting list, do not mind. I think this one here was funnier, though.
keep practicing....
Why do people feel the need to rush everything. There's no time limit and more dead weeks.
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man so many names here that shouldn't even be lmao
And there it is.
The 100% dead list.
>trusting the shitty japanese list
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Wait what
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trust THIS
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You're no bro of mine.
holy SOVL
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You think that nigga wants to sit through meaningless dialogue and fights by his own will? He either just wants to clear it for completionist reasons or sq. It's not like the story is decent enough to warrant a reread.
I only remember the bingo one
>Custom rayshift with 2hus
>It's not like the story is decent enough to warrant a reread.
It is
Is it good
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Do you think characters in game will ever acknowledge how skilled we are as a master and how our luck is so good we should probably get a sealing designation just for that?
The one no one finished
That sinclair dude was a pedo known in other gacha generals. Huntan on the hand was genuinely a nice person and fun to talk to.
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It's been like 5 years, let go already holy fuck
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Not even the best Russian from this season
bro did you not read Atlantis and Olympus?
Wodime constantly sucks us off in that regard
He is a smart guy.
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for you
I’m alive I swear
What's with the X artists drawing Alice like ghosts? I mean sure she's very pretty like a doll but usually it's just cute fanarts accompanied by Robin
>pushing Mystia fucking Lorelei
holy soulless
it's been a while so i forgot. all i really remember about him is "i'm going to show up in an unwinnable battle" and "humans should have god powers because it'd be rad"
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Continuing through the Ooku…. Is, is that….!
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how is he doing this?
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You're acknowledged in LB6.
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Do you have anyone who accepts you /alter/
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The Soviet Spirit
yaaaaaaaaay thanks for reminding me i'm glad my hard work was acknowledged
>Albatross CHAD
Holy soul
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If you wanna 6CE you need either Jaques, Koyanskaya dark, or 1 Gogh NP append skill(doesn't need to be leveled, just unlocked). You'll also need plugsuit to get your last member to their NP. After that it's the same as the normal 5CE Gogh loops.
I don't think so...at least I will always have melt.
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I refuse to. He's my main reminder of the better times I've had on /alter/.
Why is Ushi Gozen that high? She's quick and has 3 quick cards.
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What.. tickets..
And you faggots all killed it
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It's hard to not accept me. I insist upon myself.
Anon, we all know how competent Guda is will constantly change depending on the event and writer in question. We can be called a super special and great master who singlehandedly saved the world one day, to be called a shitty amateur who can't tell left from right the next.
It will just keep going until the game ends.
Material tickets. You get 1 for each with a total of 4 with daily login and the three dailies.
Have you seen her 3rd ascension? It's not Alice anymore. It's Yumina.
no... someone deep fried liz...
That's Little Kama...
Nasu is always prime canon and Nasu made Beryl say we're cool, so we're COOL
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it is precisely because nobody accepts me that i ended up here
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3rd Ascension Mahoyo collab introduced, Nasu pulls another Arc situation by making her an alternate "future what if". We got to see Wandersnatch in action for real too
Daily missions give you monthly exchange tickets now.
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I accept as you are, bro
Wait is that permanent and not just an anniversary event thing?
Not me. I didn't cum on his support. I never enabled sakurafag and his awful posts
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Look at these TOP TIER character designs!
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sigh.... yeah. i know. i just wish writers would look at everything we've accomplished and be consistent about it.
Top right reminds me of someone but I can't tell who
Yes, I came on his support.
No, I never posted it on /alter/.
You were part of the threads
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Taiga looking good there
Don't worry, Aoko is still top tier when used with Gogh in CQs, right?
That dude from Persona!
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so /alter/, what do we think of Melusine's first design?
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Wait, the hell is the point of that entire right path when the left path just takes me to the same place and is much quicker?
Earth or Heaven niche tends to be ranked higher. Also 50np charge as quick.
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We almost made it to the content, bros!
touko is top tier

inui maybe?
Ah yes, 11 more fou paws and I can meet the arbitrary requirements necessary to enact a change in both status and colour. While I will personally give no actual fucks about this, many will still begrudge such changes in my "apparent" station.
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That's cool but I just glanced over your posts and refused to read it. I'll learn about it all in Mahoyo 2 or when she's released in 2 years.
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Summer in 14 hours ?
What are the actual servants they're comparing against those 2hus?

This is a JP account, right? that berserker is Rikyu, right?
Haha yeah the gogh that I totally got...
Unironically true, I love them all
aren't both of them 5 stops?
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Oh yeah? Check out THIS one
its already summer, you dunce
From red to white or white to green? Grats either way.
Lower status nobles always looking to ingratiate themselves to those of proper status, pathetic honestly
What does this mean
I think it is weird al.
maintenance after reset so summer tomorrow
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why is small jannu naked
my daughter jack is also naked
>Nasu: Hahaha the events of the Mahoyo collab in FGO are more like, stuff from Mahoyo 5~6
You will read about it once she's released in 2 years. There is no alternative.
Does anyone play on Bluestacks? If so, how's the performance?
Bro, you shouldn't give a shit about any of that.
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Oberon love!

Thank you.
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Look at the stars. There is no logic behind the picks servant wise.
Sir is that your daughter?
Who did all the other paws go to?
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Cute and relatable.
Only him? Very cool of you """bro"""
It's great. I'm running it on a monster rig though. And it's blue stacks 4.
If I understand the silly thing white --> green. I still think it's all dumb, but I am glad to almost be done with the second set of those. Fou paws worst mechanic.
Don't ask questions when you know it's spoilers, anon...
There will never be a JRPG to peak as XB2 did.
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reminder to not abandon your servants in battle
yoooooooo grats. I've been putting off getting NP6 for my other 120s but I probably shouldn't.
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Kuma and her odd love for the passenger pigeon was interesting
Touko shouldn’t be on this page
It's a shame I didn't roll for Alice. I went all in on Aoko...
Her 3rd ascension animations is perfect that it gives me chills when I first saw it.
Isn't Jack's design kind of absurd? It's begging for the lust of normally adjusted men while also being a loli, simply unforgivable...
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maybe 9th anniversary will announce mahoyo 2 or tsukihime red moon
Then you're coming to the station with me, sir. You're gonna have to explain why your daughter is running around naked in broad daylight
>in office when summer releases
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>It's begging for the lust of normally adjusted men
I don't see it. You might just be a degenerate lolicon.
Now Dinchi on the other hand...
Why would they announce non-FGO stuff on FGO's anni? Wait for New Year streams, bro. Even though this year's is just the disappointing Remnant shilling...
>I don't see it.
The hips, anon, the hips. The entire lower half, really.
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Oh shit, should I be scared?
Mahoyo 2 and 3 are never evers, tsuki could happen this year yeah.
6 hours until EoS news (pre-recorded)
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I hereby vow! You will rue this day! Behold, a true Servant Warrior! And I, Altera! Your fear made flesh! Solid of scale you might be, foul dragon, but I will riddle with holes your rotten hide! WITH A HAIL OF NPS! WITH EVERY LAST DROP OF MY BEING!
You planning to be in the office for 7 days straight? That's when the locks are off and the only good rate-up is active.
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It's over...
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What kind of stuff are you having? It smells strong, pass me some of that EX grade copium you're huffing too
id unironically be happy with that, then i could just focus on my JP account, but realistically this game will never EOS since its just additional free money for them beyond the cost of the NA servers and a pittance for the shit TL crew.
The only summon used in the entire game, and you're a fucking retard if you didn't summon him
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no, bro... I'm usually like 2 to 3 days a week there... but tomorrow I'll be there so I'll miss all the funposting with you bros...
Tonight is the night that I have sex with Proto Merlin.
Good mothernoon
Mom its 2 pm…
I still believe in Mahoyo 2 & 3, Nasu surely wouldn't abandon one of his best works before completion, especially after the collab showing off his ideas for the future.
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Lord Grima...
i kneel...
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I genuinely don't know it was a spoiler
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Do people really like Mahoyo even though there’s no romance or sex
Will you get all your rank up quests and interludes done before maintience?
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bros... it's really really hot...
why would I do that?
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Hi hon
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then put your clothes back on, sexy
I'm waiting for Half AP.
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i miss him
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>Aoko has the most convoluted and unwieldy kit in the game
How embarrassing...
Meanwhile Touko will both have a unique kit and be SS tier at least.
Nothing to thank me for. You can keep avoiding the game, but at least you have a code and a password now, which rightfully belonged to you.
I had nothing more to say, especially for someone who sounds like they're going to do the same thing third time but without any excuse with some smugface irl. Which is, in short, the password. If you need me by any chance - you know how and where to find, still your friend.
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Teapartybros where we at
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I finished them already...
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Not entirely true, there's *some* romance.
I don't feel like doing interludes right now.
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Good night, bros.
Nice pair of tits.
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2080S, i7-9700KF sounds good enough to run it?
always ask yourself would LIZ do this??
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It could probably run on a potato peeler, the point is if there is a problem I won't see it.
Can Touko’s puppets get pregnant? I feel like Touko is ridiculously powerful if her magic makes her effectively immortal
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You can have more ice cream, Kama cream...
Good night Lipfriend.
is this boys love or why the one on the right so flat?
I am going to grail Summer Ibuki to 120, and none of you can stop me or the power of IBUKI LOVE
decent if you know what you are doing. download and run the 64bit pi version and use vulcan for rendering,
lmao you dumb zoomer
you don't even need a tenth of performance this combo offers
The chestlet gets the Chad, I don't make the rules.
Mark my words, once I get Skadoo, I will farm the everloving shit out of 90++ until she reaches bond 15.
I can't fucking wait
Do not use the 64bit version
why is summer wu not a cunny?
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Yeah, her puppets are perfect, or at least the puppets she makes modeled after herself are perfect. You'd think she'd be able to really push the envelope and make custom puppet pseudo-human magi with perfect circuits and stuff, but idk maybe Nasu wasn't interested in that.
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Someone post THAT image
I requested it
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>Can Touko’s puppets get pregnant?
Touko's masterwork is the ability to create a puppet that is completely indistinguishable from a natural life form. It will have all the functions, all the shapes, all the abilities of a natural life form. A functioning womb is a bare minimum, it will have functioning magic circuits and functioning cancerous cells, even imperfections imitated perfectly. As far as can be told, she can replicate souls wholesale.
She only uses this to make perfect replicas of herself, however. For other people she keeps things deliberately flawed so differences can be measured. And only one Touko is operational at a time, to activate whenever the previous Touko is destroyed.
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translate this shit
Don't worry, I love Touko
Post the whole video
Anons already explained how the FGO event is Mahoyo 5 or 6. Alice only wore that outfit in FGO too.
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desu the real question is why is normal Wu cunny? I love her for it but for most of her relevant life, Wu was quite old. Most of her subterfuge and her time in power she was well into middle-age and didn't actually become empress proper until she was 66 years old.
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She's more of a KnK character than a Mahoyo character in my dumb ass fucking opinion. It probably sounds blasphemous to you. She was cool until she stole Alice's first kiss. I like Beo though.
I get that being able to create an exact replica is a fantastical feat, but then that replica should continue to grow and get stronger as would the normal Touko. So in theory each iteration of Touko should improve upon itself and be stronger than the one prior. This cycle should go on indefinitely.
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this is horse porn isnt it
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You can hop in anytime
need cunny
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But that was doing half AP dailies!!! Why didn't you farm QP?
>You'd think she'd be able to really push the envelope and make custom puppet pseudo-human magi with perfect circuits and stuff, but idk maybe Nasu wasn't interested in that.
The end result is just making Arcueid Brunestud (the perfect human form) so the fact that the end stage is known and already formulated puts Touko in a depression.
why does jeanne have such a dirty mind?
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Touko is cool and beautiful in every incarnation.
Can she make a functional exact replica puppet of the power house that is her sister Aoko? With the same exact offensive capabilities.
>all the animation budget went into Alice
Yeah, Touko made Shiki's puppet arm stronger after it was destroyed, likewise she should be able to enhance herself to a superhuman degree, though maybe she avoids doing so to ensure that the puppet stays true to her original nature.
Why did Albert censor Demiya but not Junao?
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jeanne to meet you!
You can literally always do better. Anything short of omnipotence can be improved.
Touko's miracle is making an indistinguishable copy. Superior iterations are distinguishable and will tell you which is the original and which is the puppet. Making a superior individual isn't miraculous or even difficult at all. Every puppeteer ends up making a battle body, though few are so crazy as to end up permanently inhabiting it like Kashin Koji.
Hello my name is Jeanne D'Arc and today i will be performing the traditional french dance the "Twerq"
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I roll like twice a year so I'm always at QP cap after a lotto
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cute topless girls with no top who are also girls
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Uh, Jannu bros...?
Not a zoomer, just never emulated this shit before
Red-haired Frieren...
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Jannu was a mistake.
Aoko? No. That would require the Fifth True Magic, which Touko cannot use and does not understand.
She can copy Aoko's destructive magecraft but nothing more.
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>that 90++ quest
think she can do it?
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Why did Cornelius Alba even think he had a chance of killing Touko when even Araya knew not to actually kill her
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>why is the idiot so dumb
because he's stupid?????
willy wonka was dumb and crazy thats why
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I reinstalled FGO on phone. That's fine, this was a very good reminder for me to not get friendly with people for the exact reason you said. Thanks again, and take care. Sames goes for you, but I doubt you'll want to be reaching out. Not that I blame you.
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>Anything short of omnipotence can be improved.
So, Arcueid.
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>Why did Cornelius Alba even think he had a chance of killing Touko
He did kill Touko. What he failed to do was consider the possibility that Touko had a replacement Touko waiting in the wings in case her original body died. Araya played it safe but, because he has a soft-spot for Touko, allowed Alba to sabotage himself.
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>Not even stronger than ORT
lol lmao even. call me back when arc is a casual universe buster and we can see where she ranks in the lower tiers of fiction.
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i was told that kriem is a must roll but I noticed that she gets powercrept hard by cummer...
What are you TWO talking about??
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bro what did you do
you gotta take care of your mental health
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Cummer? I hardly know her!
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Jalter = love
Destiny woke me up super early today to see this. Add me back so I can be there first when you come home? If you feel like things are bad again, I will be here to protect your oberon so you can rest.
Arcueid and ORT are different expressions of Ultimate Ones, i.e. they're not really "stronger" than each other, they're both different expressions of perfection.
>Saber is the only class (aside from Shielder) that doesn't have a single servant at A+ or above
Strongest class my ass
Back when Kama was a serious threat to Chaldea.
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You can just apologise to those people, they won't really care after that. Not like I care as well, but someone doesn't get a vibe that they even want to talk to begin with.
>but I doubt you'll want to be reaching out
It's a bait to lure me in first.
Unironically a discord fun drama out of nowhere.
>less party cost
>more party cost
grats you are retarded
fate cunny
Personal matters, let them be
there is LITERALLY a difference in ability and power though. Arc doesn't stand a chance and neither are anywhere near omnipotent. By definition they will always be infinitely below omnipotence thus there will always be room for improvement unless something makes them omnipotent somehow.
I’m pretty sure he failed to kill Touko. Was currently being eaten by a projector. But was saved by Araya who then bequeathed her head to him after he complained like a baby
I am
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There’s more than one map to complete??? Fuck me
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sir, this is /fgoalter/
I want to be in on the drama. Who is involved. I too would like friends and the potential to be backstabbed.
not op but can I reach out to you?
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Arcueid in the fullest expression of Archetype: Earth is no weaker than ORT from anything we've seen. They are both almighty. You can't say whether Blut die Schwester can terraform Starring Invade or vice versa, only Nasu could.
>By definition they will always be infinitely below omnipotence thus there will always be room for improvement unless something makes them omnipotent somehow.
"Omnipotence" doesn't actually exist. Both are reality deciders in their field. What happens when their realities are in disagreement can't really be said by us.
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Get comfy bro. You're in for the long run
always, always pre-recorded. whats the point in watching?
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Is it? Check the Op closely.
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Oberonsisbro got hisher recovery code stolen but the other dude got it back
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Finally got my PC back from the repair shop after a whole ass week just in time to witness this abomination
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No one is backstabbing anyone. I am not that kind of a person.
You can, but why?
There is no point to watch it because they're boring. Even with the smallest amount of Japanese knowledge that I have, it feels more enjoyable to watch JP stream.
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Based on the charas:
>Super Bunyan -> Prismriver Sisters
>Beni -> Mystia Lorelei
>Summer Illya -> Gengetsu?
(I'm not sure)
>Melusine -> Remilia Scarlet(I don't get this one)
>Reines -> Patchouli Knowledge
>Castoria -> Lily White (Kinda soul)
>Jack -> Rumia
>Bunyan -> Sukuna Shinmyoumaru
>Summer Abby -> Yakumo Yukari
Interesting choices with some sort of logical connections, not a 2hufag btw obvious lie
That sounds dramatic. How was it stolen. And even more impressive, how was it recovered? There are actually good people here?
i feel it bros. they are announcing SPEEDUP tonight.
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>working from home tomorrow
>might be able to stay up and watch with you guys without feeling like shit the next day
Do I have to post the whole video myself again?
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Boring BORING! I did not come to /alter/ to read paragraphs of Type-Moon lore that will never matter ever. I've had enough of that stuff on /tee emm gee/.
otome got her account stolen!?!?!?!
It was me, I stole the precious thing.
It was stolen by one of his bipolar personalities, but the other got it back.
It wasn't stolen.
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Ordeal Call this September. Oh shiiiiiiiiiiittt
If it were me I'd put do Sigurd reskinned as Flandre
Can you guess why?
The sword?
I don't get it.
t. the one who posted that support
I don't want to ask in the thread for privacy reasons is all. I am a worried obefriend and I can send proof of who I am to reassure you.
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>I've had enough of that stuff on /tee emm gee/.
except tmg is a dead general, where the only posts are guys dumping pictures of girls and one faggot talking how much he wants to fuck redman.
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>Summer stream tonight
>POE new league stream tomorrow
Based Claechud, back with a biting satire on the silliness of /alter/
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>12 hours
>>Summer Abby -> Yakumo Yukari
It should have been kiara, haggest hag for the hag.
Anon, she is demonstrably weaker the Ort. Not only does she not have the feats, he's also hyped by Nasu himself as the strongest Archetype in the solar system. She's planetary level while he's confirmed solar level minimum. Dude would adapt to anything she could throw at him and then eat her.
>"Omnipotence" doesn't actually exist.
It is a factual term attributed to numerous things in fiction.
>Both are reality deciders in their field.
Is this your first franchise with reality warpers? This isn't impressive in the slightest. Being a reality warper is common in fiction and people smarter than both of us have been able to calculate how strong characters like this are.
>What happens when their realities are in disagreement can't really be said by us.
While Nasu can buff them later on we can take a look at current feats and statements. A no limits fallacy is a ridiculous argument to take, first off, and secondly they're either equal or one would have the edge. Both have limits and are able to be overcome so there'd have to be some sort of outcome and only one has been stated to be Solar Level between the two.
You're just factually wrong on all counts and you're just mad about it.
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>You can just apologise to those people,

Nice assumption for a very particular reason. That's fine though, as I said, a very good reminder. Thank you again.
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Forgot to say, can you Pastebin a throwaway if that's ok?
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Did I just witness an actual real life alter event of a smile being protected
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Any word from onii-chan what JP might get for summer this year?
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Would you rather punch Bob or Liz in the face?
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This true?
Well suck to be that guy. But ain't that funny as shit
Wait for JP anniversary, they usually show off some summer stuff then
Yeah I know what JP summer will have. You'll never believe me though
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I too despise them for treating this general like their own IRC when they can just exchange their discords and carry their discourse there
no. it'd be all over the thread if so.
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HEY PoE is fun
I would smash Bob's head against the concrete until it exploded
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Casually steps on the LB7 equivalent of Arc in your path
JP here, Jack Summer this year.
it takes time to upload..
>Anon, she is demonstrably weaker the Ort. Not only does she not have the feats, he's also hyped by Nasu himself as the strongest Archetype in the solar system. She's planetary level while he's confirmed solar level minimum. Dude would adapt to anything she could throw at him and then eat her.
Planets are above stars in Type-Moon. Solar systems are the domains of bodhisattvas and high class gods who are as nothing before Ultimate Ones. ORT eats stars. Arcueid, too, could eat stars.
The fact that Excalibur (a planet's breath) can effortlessly destroy Sefar (star-level) is an inexorable proof of this. Hell, Excalibur can destroy ORT. Excalibur is Arcueid's sibling!
>It is a factual term attributed to numerous things in fiction.
It's a fictional term that literally cannot work in Type-Moon's setting.
>Is this your first franchise with reality warpers? This isn't impressive in the slightest. Being a reality warper is common in fiction and people smarter than both of us have been able to calculate how strong characters like this are.
I'm not interested in your rudimentary attempts to catalogue across settings. Within this setting, all Ultimate Ones are the same. They don't "warp", reality, they assert it. It comes in one form and an Ultimate One says "here it is, obey these rules". Their reality comes with them in a bubble around them at all times. For Arcueid this is Blut die Schwester and for ORT this is Crystal Valley(human given name)/Starring Invade(real name). You can't say who wins and neither can I.
>Both have limits and are able to be overcome so there'd have to be some sort of outcome and only one has been stated to be Solar Level between the two.
Their limits are so close to each other that we can't make conclusive calls.
i know, right? even the weakest form of Ort is so much more powerful than any form of Arc we've ever seen. he's fucking top tier bar the shenanigans of the servantverse. guy is fucking delusional and just wants to lie constantly to defend his moronic post.
It's going to be the best league if all time.
Ixquic is not Arcueid and you know it. She's Archetype: Earth, but she is not an Ultimate One in any way, shape, or form.
Arcueid is both Archetype: Earth and an Ultimate One. They are different titles, and she possesses both. The only reason she's not Type-Earth is because Altrouge is splitting some of the Earth juice with her.
hai hai! Remi and Flan are associated with Gungnir and Laevatein, Odin's and Surtr's weapons, respectively.
Cascu in All and Sigurd in Saber would make a great lore relevant remi-flan rayshift reskin.
Me, I'm waiting for PoE 2. Aaany day now.
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She is permanent or story locked?
>Skadi in 2 weeks
Thank goodness. I'll be able to buy ice cream for a catalyst then because my shitty diet plan will be over
>i wont get to roll for 2 more weeks
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Teen mom is the best and will keep getting better as time goes on.

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