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Previous: >>486325209

>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
[Anima Squad] Illaoi, Aurora, Yasuo, Xayah, Seraphine (Legendary), Miss Fortune (Mythic Variant), Yuumi (+Prestige) & Leona (+Prestige)
[Primordian] Bel'Veth, Briar, Rek'Sai & Aatrox (Legendary)

>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest PBE Patch Notes

>Builds/Account Stats

>Model Viewer

/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
Retard rabbit
Бpaйep выигpaлa*
Russian is a gendered language
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dey be realized top niggas be so tranny they got dem niggas another self insert tranny ass nigga!!!!!!! yall still be a tranny ass nigga doe on god i aint capping on dat nigga lucian as well doe!
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Stay positive /lolg/!
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The verdict?
>event cinematic
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Oh shit, we have PVM shit now?
is league really for 12 year olds now?
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Ah, faggot mode
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Shes so cute bros
i'll never be able to play briar again after this thread...
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Lel riot wishes 12 year olds would play this game
No, it's for man children trannies
They're not on a free rotation? I thought pve modes let you play whooever you want
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How do I know which champions have or don't have horrible MUs? I don't want to spend BE just to pull my dick through the cheesegrater everytime I play against a Garen.

Pic rel
You have to unlock them by playing the mode I think
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nigga stop yo bum ass whining tired of you niggas fr
oh and make sure you filter by last 30 days instead of by current patch
when is swarm live on NA and is it replacing the cringefest that is arena
you can play both
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>and is it replacing the cringefest that is arena
how good is my main in vampire survival mode bros?
arena is just 'which team gets either runecarver or chain lightning = free win'
its getting rather stale
wow this shit is giga boring
lolg spammer is a gay pedo
>you have to restart your pc
>you have to restart your pc
>you have to restart your pc
holy fucking autism riot
>All femoids and a windshitter
Battle Bunnys are all female shocker
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pls follow if you enjoy the stream :3
Bee-ra skin fucking when, niggers?
Could Zed carry my new ass from Wood tier to Play/Diamond tier?
yes, now that he's be gigabuffed
The game mode is not there. How the fuck are they this incompetent? Where is the event? Where is the battlepass? They say its live but its not.
>no BP
>no Missions

WP Riot
no boypussy?
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Forgot the prelude
Maining Jungle for a split has ruined me, every other role feels awful to play.
how to lane against leblanc?
I've only played Jinx, Seraphine and Leona so far but:
Jinx is high DPS glass canon as you'd expect. Can be hard to survive but she is great at clearing lots of enemies out.
Seraphine felt kinda bad, I think she'd be a lot better if you play with a group since you can shield allies as her but its not as useful solo.
Leona felt really strong. If you max health, armor and regen you're basically unkillable and can just walk straight through all the enemies.
same. I had to stop maining ADC cause got sick of random retarded supports. Jungle is so nice and comfy. should have tried it out sooner, actually like this game again.
Same story, I was playing Marksmen mid before it was the meta because I like playing them but I can't stand the role of ADC.
Now I just play Kindred, Kayn, Lillia, and Viego mostly. Want to branch out into K6 but I need to practice him a bit.
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Beat champion for these feels? This is almost 60% of the toplane champs
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She's up
>want to try a new champion
>he's a toplaner
>remember I have to play against all those niggerfaggot top lane champions
she is mid who can flex top
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who cares about Aurora I'm trying out Kled right now
so... support? got it
who asked
wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

rivensissies eternally btfo
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lucky bigL
Werent we supposed to get a free capsule ?

How the fuck do you counter these bruisers if you don't get ganked too?
in the pass
Its an orb, not a capsule.
level 26
Wow look at that European player!
I don't think so, she is only unlocked earlier if you buy the pass, you can check the challenges that have to be done to unlock the champs in this mode.
>top is priority
lol what happened to EUW
I have been unironically hatefapping to the blackedposter here for the last month or two and its starting to be a problem
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aight I'm going to have white male on white female (swedish) sex, behave while I'm gone
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a few minutes after the update and the game is already shitting itself
you aren't fooling anyone retard
yeah but it was meant to be free

>not an octopussy

Riot one fucking job
riot should've known any champ that appeals to femoids will be played support no matter what

It is free you fucking retard.

Stop licking batteries and look it up.
Corki's rockets do no damage now or what
I think my lolg crush might like me back
>long wait time for single player solo game
how does Riot keep doing it?
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they're squandering their CCP Tencent money in brazilian whores and cocaine
Fuck you
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Aurora seems like discount Viktor
Aurora is korea only/esports champion but a mage
shes Azir 2
shes gonna be dogshit on launch because players are retarded, get overbuffed, be pick/banned in pro play and 100% ban/pickrate in kore, nerfed to zeri tier, and then kept down after item reworks because riot will find her a headache to balance
it called keeping you on the backburner
There is absolutely nothing complicated about her though.
I am not him. I'd say something more about myself but it might be too identifying in public and I could lose some friendships. If anyone wants to talk on discord though I can leave an alt and then add on my main if I trust you. (warning, i'll probs send you a LOT of porn)
>shaco invis
>with resets
>on a mage champ
>and an ult that can get her killed
literally made to make first time ranked retards look bad
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Experience status? Changed.
I have 10.4k blue essence left
should i waste it on Aurora?
Oh you are transitioning alright
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reminder that Nami is soft
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We wuz soccer kingz and shieet
Is Zed hard to learn/play?
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false banned by riot
He is.
Ignore the seething magoids / bot laners. He's not even good this season.
>shaco invis
Its 1 second with no blink
>with resets
makes the champ easier not harder
>on a mage champ
A battlemage
Na, he's chill
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>Shark monsters
Jack Confirmed.
fags are literally trash tho
She will come to league next
you can boil down Zeris kit to very simple terms and yet shes a champion only koreans can play
Aurora is the same and on a squishy mage which is far less lenient than adc
God, she's so hot, I'm so horny...
Lucky viego
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Finnish tranny nigger LOL, what an existence
Is he your first "hard" champion ?
Have you already played and mastered a "hard" champion ?
Piss easy.
W E Q spam until you get opponent into below 50% hp then W E Q W2 auto ignite and youll probably need 1 more auto to finish them. After 6 its even easier. R on top of your target, W E Q, auto if possible, ignite and as long as you hit at least 2 out of 3 Qs, they die. If you get fed you only ever need 1 Q to oneshot them as long as you ult. Dont use your W when youre overextended and expecting gank. Thats it
who /streaman/ here?
I want to watch the Aurora gameplay, i guess i could check twitch actually.
If some anon wants to stream that will play auroroa though i could check it out!
god the players on this game are so trash man
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aight fuck it
Briar skin?
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Niggers are disgusting.
no i dont stream sorry
What the FUCK am i supposed to build on corki? i saw people with triforce manamuna, full lethality, full crit with essence reaver. FUUUUUCK
Can someone explain the yamato folkenburger meme?
4 egirls is too just heavy
Your team has 5 incels freaks
Tough luck buddy
/streaman/ is cute
youre a girl
You unlock them super easily.
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Coming in the 2nd batch of anima skins later sadly
got primordial belveth from an orb just now
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This nantokaku guy... I'm not gay but his voice turns me on like crazy...
Another billion dashes 200 years of collective game design experience champion, hey at least shes hot and will be a great subject for r34...
uhh I just won a ranked game and got no LP?
people who say you're the only constant so there's a higher chance of an inter on your team ignore the fact there's a higher chance of a smurf on the enemy team if you're not one yourself
Why does he hate briar
He sounds like a submissive and breedable cutie
>I'm not gay
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Aram time. This game is just not functioning as intended. Also I have a terrible migraine, this gaming sessions gonna be a short one.
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Forfeit your life
But literally nothing in Aurora's kit requires skill? She is literally just Viktor
time to ban bunny
>vbl is namedropping himself just how kg used to do
im sure the 2 viewer streamer has someone thirsting after him nothing suspicious at all
>lillia dropped from 51.9% wr to 50.34% winrate today (6400 games)
>schizo anon thinks streamers who have lolg viewers name drop themselves
You sound like you give great head
boosted retard correction
I'm being mindbroken by the BBC poster again.
Aaah... I won't relapse...
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I'm stuck in bronze how can I be boosted
should be iron, SLUT
you guys Aurora looks boring af
>wanna come back to game
>"hm lets check spideraxe and patch logs for recent changes"
>first thing i see is fucking windshitter buffs
no thanks fag
Viego players are such disgusting worthless do nothing pigs. It's like Yi players if they had no chance to carry.
Shame he's from NA so we can't play together...
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Ok doing good so far, just need to win 1 more and get a champ shard to disenchant and get that new champ to try out.
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I bought the pass with the Yuumi skin, the Aurora skin, and the Xayah skin. Now I need the rest of the skins. I'll buy the Briar one and the Leona one, and I might buy the Illaoi and Aatrox ones
Cute paypig
okay paypiggy
Don't know anything about Aurora, explain her gameplay to me in 3 words
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no lp but at least the loss streak has ended
I'll be in silver by the end of summer
our aurora mid came bot and took adc's wave which made him rq
I HATE aurora and I HATE adcfags
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play swarn doesn't upgrade the pass? what's the point?
stupid autist rabbit
First Briar now Aurora, why is Riot suddenly so interest in making white champs?
It may sound strange but there are people who play this game for fun.
They've been jewing it up on every fronts... the faker pass didn't upgrade with bots games either, when it historically used to... it's very cringe.
Now playing the main event doesn't do shit for its own related pass, go figure.
made some bunny art
she's gray. that's like saying ryze is white
Really nice, anon...
>false ban
sure it was son. just like all the niggers in prison dindu nuffin. Chadguard wins again. getting rid of cheaters left, right, and center. I love it.
Briar is a white girl with vampiric skin tone
why won't you come do an ama on rdrama we want to know more about you
>pass comes with a shortcut to unlock character that would otherwise be a challenge
I love cocks
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Poorfags in shambles oncemore
stfu already
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china did this
no one bought skins for the more unique champs so now you get safe slop
If any NA anons wanna play, add me

monsterinos aren't unique they look like shit
I like her visually but her gameplay is boring battlemageslop.
>what if we took viktor and game him a shitty non combat ult like taliyah
what are chud items?
You say this about every champion
no just come say hi and make a thread https://rdrama.net/, you don't need an email to sign up
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Lost this game but can finally try the new champ, god I feel sick, hopefully no puking.
>Fakers pass has better shit in it compared to the Swarm pass because you're getting 125ME without having to save

Shit pass confirmed
Milio is so broken it's crazy
He is better than Nami but easier to play
He gives you bonus range
Bonus damage
Has anti-engage and cleanse
And has healing and shielding
Who came up with this?
nami can peel 4-5 people off her adc. milio can only peel 1-2
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Can't even load up the practice tool. Yeah done with the game for the day.
They need to make the cursor more visible in Swarm
At some point you just lose track of it
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need botlaner egirl gf with anger issues that'll lash out on me for not magically winning horribly positioned fights that were led by her
as whom
i just use auto-aim like the lazy fucking bastard that i am. ez gg
these new skins look awful
aatrox cant stop winning
the thread was 10 times better without bbccuck shiet
an immobile mage
catch her when she goes to jump on you with your cc
Some anons said they liked it better WITH the spam though, a few days ago.
we always knew this
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>3 sec ult runs out before I can leave a rango snare
I knew this shit is gonna be short considering you can barely bounce twice during it (who even needs to bounce twice?) but sheeeish, that is short
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I main Aurora and HATE niggers
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Is matchmaking broken on swarm? Does the first level just not have multiplayer? Keeps starting a game alone. And I consequently also been dying repeatedly, 5 tries still can't clear this.
mantheon has a nice butt
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He has a nice everything
Where is the Briar one? Have they just not released it yet? I want to buy it but I can't even find it.
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Briar's skin is part of the second wave of the event
you gotta have friends to play multiplayer. so figure out how to make some or you're on your own. Riot legit didn't even put matchmaking into a multiplayer survival mode...
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Soraka! My cute wife!
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I am a female aurora main and I dont like black people
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>manual spam for over a year
dm me pls i wanna date u

still buying all those skins though
Where's the battle bear illaoi skin?
Please please PLEASE be my bf
billion dollar company cant handle servers for a pve mode lmao
Well, everyone and their mother is trying to play at the same time because retards can't wait a day until the hype dies down a little
i main heimer nunu udyr yorick taric and sion
i don't get that issue
this but in paper.io
why don't YOU and YOUR mother wait a day then cunt
I am
>Nobody likes balding white males not even the other balding white males like balding white males!
firestorm loves aurae though
ok sure ^-^
sorry my bad didn't mean to be rude
niggas I'm legit hardstuck 30% on paper.io does anyone here offer coaching?
what lol champs were designed for this particular feeling?
Yay ily
honestly feel bad for the lil nigga
noone deserves a life that shit
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what's inside that egg?
because he loves black cock
my offspring
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Is it butticorn
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This bird woman. Soraka and I adopted her to get even more chill and cool..
The belchier I get at the game the more I realize Lissandawg has some interesting value as a schampion.
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Fuck. That sucks, guess it's a waiting game.

What the actual fuck? That just immediately sapped all my excitement for this mode, good job dropping the ball riot, back to arena when not wanting to do ranked I guess. Absolutely retarded. That's like saying make friends to play arena, that isn't how it should work.
who are they
What makes a fat Finnish autist McDonald's hopper shitpost about bbc for 3 years straight?
is this really the face of /lolg/?
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Woohoo I love building wits end and kraken slayer so im a squishy glasscannon melee champ that cant carry if theres a fed assassin present on the enemy team haha!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Riot games for destroying bruiser items so hard that not going full dmg is trolling on everyone except Darius!!! Very wholesome haha!!!!
>gold 3
Sorry lil bro but no matter how much you yap its your fault
ilu2 can we exchange discords?
yeah i wanted to play team mode Swarm with some randoms. but I guess it's too much programming for Riot to simply add matchmaking. makes no sense to me to not have it.
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I finally had a Nautilus while playing Samira. Night and fucking day compared to enchanters.
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Yo laddy wanna have sum sex

Yes mine is esweel#420
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Why did Riot games forget Qiyana exists?

I've been playing just fine, bro.
ok ill add you when i get home soon ^-^
Qiyana deserves to rot in hell with all the other assassins after they could build bruiser items and still oneshot everyone for years
I want to rim Qiyana bros...
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strange, doesn't look like any goat I've seen
you trigger me so damn much and then i cry afterwards
why are you so shameless, whats the point of posting all of this
Solo queue is just a coinflip simulator. I could easily get to diamond if i grinded 8 hours a day but im not actually insane enough to do that so id rather play a few games a day and bitch about losing the coinflip.
ummm ACKSHUALLY I could easily reach rank 1 if I wasn't being target inted by riot games
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>load into game
>black screen
>boot up league for the 2nd time this year
>notice CPU fans revving up constantly like it's under heavy load
>check cpu usage in task manager
>everything seems normal
>play league
>my cpu is running 10 celsius hotter than last time
>close client
>still persists
>close vanguard
>it cools down

what the FUCK is going on
Reminder never do krugs
xi jinping is farming buttcoins on your machine
Oh it's a Vampire Survive game. Huh, it's still fun, but I was expecting a top-down hack'n'slash.

What's wrong treeman?

Yeah but now we can get some really cold ice for our drinks. It's gonna be great.
>oh hey pve game mode
>ask gf if she wants to play it (she doesn't play league other than TFT)
>we watch the gameplay trailer
>it's vampire survivors
>she loves vampire survivors style games
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good, I need my cola ice cold
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Alright, read around, actually there is matchmaking. It's just after the story. Which sort of sucks, but w/e, least it is there. If you complete the 4 campaign maps, you unlock matchmaking. I cheesed through the first 2 just going tank leona, so this is probably doable. Got Briar and gonna try her now.
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butt I have diabetes and im thirsty butt i only have cola left because lux drank all the water, what should i do
new champ - sneedlord
q - sneed in a straight line, sneeding enemies hit
w - utiltiy sneed
e - aoe sneed
r - bossmode sneedman
Yes. Our daughter will put everything on Ice. Also, how the computer going? This new game is pure PVE goodness.
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Oh it's a rape simulator game. Huh, it's still fun, but I was expecting a top-down hack'n'slash.

butt how cold will the drinks be? cooler than the 'rora?
Is the battle bear illaoi skin coming out later whenever the other prestige skin comes out or what?
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I didn't buy another yet
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Can we all agree league is shit right now and has been ever since the first item rework(mythics) ?
The devs are doing an insanely poor job at preventing or just slowing down power creep, games are uncomebackable nowadays etc
Now give her huge muscles.
tag doesn't work..
>try new game mode
>last for 3:50
is this supposed to be good? my entire screen was covered with enemies
several years. problaby several more
Only the mentally ill are left playing this garbage and this general strongly reflects that
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Have you never played a Vampire Survivor game before? You start out shit but build your way up with upgrades and boosts. Also, Jinx > Sera for starter champs. I just did 11 minutes without any upgrades.

Well damn, at least you're keeping the Fish well freed with sodas.
Mythics are the worst thing they ever added to the game, and itemization hasn't recovered since.
I remember coming back after a break and instantly thinking "this is bullshit" only to see everyone who had been playing the whole time saying the same thing
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yeah, I also don't like "seasonal" modes. I'll stick with warframe for now.
i am playing jinx, i managed to break the wall but there are so many enemies and the abilities have such a long cooldown that i can't live for like more than 10-15 seconds after
>inb4 just dodge shit
i am a certified bullet hell enjoyer so it must be strategic error
aurora is so fucking clunky jesus
1s lockdown after moving with e
half a second delay before reusing q
1.5s lockdown on your entire skillset when ulting
she fucking sucks to play
nvm i just realized you get shekels to buy upgrades from the client
i thought this was roguelite without the ability to upgrade outside of the game
stop replying to me you dirty fucking nigger and neck yourself instead
gonna cry?
lucky! make sure first though
Why would the canon faggot care?
le heckin bbcrino
aurora is so fucking bad lol
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Why does no one on lolg wanna play together anymore...
> and itemization hasn't recovered since.
Very much agree with this. They should have just reverted to the patch before and everything would have been fixed.
>Oh it's a rape simulator game
>Huh, it's still fun, but I was expecting a top-down hack'n'slash.
they've been calling it a fighting game for years
>topchud beating up a fair innocent maiden
shame on you
Oh great now he's telling us about his grindr dates...
isn't she a scaler
that wasnt even the first time that game i did that to her

didnt feel like it when i played her
half of lolg left with vanguard. half of what's left don't even play to begin with
I would scale her peaks if you know what I mean
im retarded and replied to myself
Riot games please add her to summoner’s rift
is Vanguard gonna ban me if I use Porofessor? kinda want to try it out.
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Swarm is fun bros
Feels awful that we have to wait for the Briar skin but at least I can play her in Swarm
no, big streamers use it and are fine
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Yeah, there are a lot of small steps you have to take to progress; it's really a grinding affair. How long will it take to "clear" the first map, and how many upgrades will we have to buy to get there? I just bought three upgrades, and they just got me to 12 minutes.

Did you like the SG and Space Oddesy modes?
but big streamers get away with tons of shit that normal people get banned for cause they are free marketing for RIOT.

i ain't risking it!
>Every mage should have 0 cast times like Syndra and Ori!
How is Hard so much harder than the normal mode.
there's a reason why those two are more popular yea
even then Aurora feels like shit to play, she'll find some players due to coombait but the champ's kit sucks
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Do getting event basses make you gain more tokens faster? Besides the obvious extra rewards
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I didn't even play them. I quit caring after doombots.
I'm having a hard time with normals I imagine hard would make us it's bitch.

Oh you missed out on some Bullt Hell Fun
do you wanna play with me and some White gal (that said she is a snowbunny on /trash/ but now says it was just to get paypigs or whatevs). We are EUW
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>me and some White gal (that said she is a snowbunny on /trash/ but now says it was just to get paypigs or whatevs). We are EUW
say sike
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oh well, let's hope for some good PvE games in the future
It is easier with 4 people, but you really need to farm easy for upgrades and get BIS items for hard. And it's not even the hardest difficulty
>play with my duo
>winrate drops to 30%
how do I let him off easy bros, I'm hemorrhaging LP
how do i get the attention of the blackedposter.. i love him...
Ok I got it. League of Legends... but it plays like Warframe.

>It is easier with 4 people
They don't scale it up with the number of players?
can I please have your discord
help him get better
Okay but when the do to the freaking ko does Qiyana receive her legendary pool party skin again?...
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that could work, but it's not gonna happen
Playing Swarm, NA

A few missions and unlocks in.

I don't get it
idk but i'd lick her feet
become a semi popular avatarfag
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i've lost it.
Be my gf
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Seraphine won.
It does scale, but if you die you can get revived, and teammates can get "support" items like the more xp passive item or the vacuum every minute
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she won my heart
i need sex with the new illaoi skin
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Just cleared the first map with Leona. Just wow she made everything easier.

Make it happen!
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if youre trying with jinx solo, put points into damage in the upgrade shop, your main goal is to clear mobs as fast as you can so they dont get too close
in the first map try to save ult and rockets for the shield mob surrounding you and blast your way out or it gets ugly fast, i forgot their timing but i think the first one spawns at around 4 minutes in
for the 14 min mobs you can try to save the heal at the center of the map and try to play around that but its not gonna end well most of the time, try to get as much dmg as possible for that round
in the second map try to time the canon energy with mob waves, some of the waves are too big so you need the canon to clear them, you can save the last energy cell for the 14 min wave
disable auto aim to clear mini-bosses faster
for ingame upgrades, prioritize filling your passive and weapons and have at least 2-3 weapons that synergize with passives so you can evolve them
best passives for jinx: health - regen - projectile - crit - ability haste - ms
try to have 2-3 weapons that aoe clear fast and evolve at least 1 of them
the best yuumi challenges: dmg based on ms - health drop on enemies (this ones insta win)- more dmg to closer mobs
your main weapon is a dps machine so upgrade it as fast as you can, the evolved version goes really hard

overall its ez with jinx once you get some upgrades in the client menu and get evolved weapons, i cleared briar in less than 30 sec or so because i had dmg based on ms upgrade and crit 5 so i shredded her which was hillarious

also put at least 1 point in gold in the client upgrade menu and leave it there, the 1 point is enough for your first 2 maps
Holy fuck this champ is boring as hell. You have to be some kind of NPC to unironically enjoy playing this trash.
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kinda fun game mode
thanks dude, really wanted to have a new gamemode solved for me on day 1
LoL is boring as fuck but everything else out there is even more trash
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well, Warframe suffers from lack of cute girls
thats just jinx, and i havent even talked about the bosses and gave very basic tips
also you couldve just ignored the post once you read the first damn line
>want to play ADC but always paired with a retard and then get massacred
>want to play mid but find it boring
>want to play top but always seem to lose cause people can't push empty lanes when I've got three on me

Is it time to quit?
should I buy Anima Squad pass yes or no? tell me now.
New gamemode is boring.
me & gf got pretty close on third attempt after two really short games (I didn't realize there were active abilities first two games kek)
Only had like a single armor & damage upgrade
Leona is great
shut up diana
nobodyh care me anymore
Does vanguard take up alot of space?
How much is he paying you for this?
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nobody ever did
a friend of mine who works on this hates leeg but loved this mode. they also love vampire savior.
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Good to know, thanks. I'll try to beat the first map with Jnix. Any tips for Sera?

I know, right? Watch out; these sorts of games can be addicting.

lol one of you should use >>486481751 Leona, just stick together.

>Lack of cute girls
I mean, some people are into the Bio Robo girls.
so, I just played and loved, loved Nilah for the first time
>early level 3 all in thanks to passive
>easy double kill
>Yuumi support
>literally immortal in teamfights
>top dcs after losing lane to Aurora
>win 4v5 easy
final score: 18/1/5
only about three fiddy
How the fuck do I play swarm wih others?
I select Matchmaking Island and it just puts me in solo?

Average Qiyana play.
so I just bought Aurora. now what?
you can only play with people if you invite them. you do have friends, right anon? right?
ignore her and play seraphine
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>Unlocked matchmaking in new game mode
>Now already burnt out and don't want to matchmake
Was this part of riot's plan?
now you pick a different champ cause I banned her
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i'm glad i kept my virginity intact for 25 years because now i get to lose it with Aurora and it will be wonderful
i need a qt brown gf so bad it hurts
brain rot
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>Bio Robo girls.
that's kinda disgusting
you know bunny just means young woman
like cardio bunny
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Power creep in every fucking new champion, every new patch is making Riven look like a troll pick and it makes me mad as fuck

After jayce, volibear, and renekton got the Riot triple buff special to every ability, picking riven is just asking to get annihilated. She can’t contest the wave against these champions. If they have half a brain they will take a combat summoner to match Rivens all in window and you cant farm whatsoever. In masters+ these 3 are going to be the meta picks after the giga buffs. Meanwhile vayne and twisted fate gatekeep every melee from farming.

FFS en simply needs sustain and durability buffs. She gets oneshot by everyone right now because her base stats are worse than Adcs. Her passive should have some sort of health regeneration added to it when procced on champions. Why does Ahri get buffed to have more hp/lvl than an all in melee champion? Her cooldowns are too long. 13 second flat Q is a joke with every champ getting 5 second core abilities. Renektons W is 8 seconds at max rank. W being a second longer than E when they’re always combined is just awkward.

The Laning issue: if the opponent doesn’t grief the lane and simply plays for push, riven is forced to waste her dashes to gap close, and the champion is worthless in lane.

Eventually The champion sandbags your elo. Because every other pick keeps getting buffed to be more durable and have more damage. Her pick rate is steadily declining every patch because she suffers from power creep more than other champions. Due to binary laning, Riven feels like trolling your team every other game.
TLDR: if you are looking to pick up riven don’t bother until Riot does something about her 0 sustain, yuumi-lite base stats durability, and 13 seconds at all ranks Q main cooldown. The champion is a complete joke in masters+, and only thrives by exploiting dashless champions that are even more troll picks by OTPs.
>canonically has autism
aurora is /our girl/
autistic girls are worse to interact with (will treat you shittier) than stacies althoughbeitfam
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holy KINO
i actually love this game mode,having way more fun with it than i had with league in 10 years
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don't worry 2XKO will redeem her
So youre saying..... youre rotting here for free?
>replied 13 seconds after
literally no one has picked or banned Aurora in any game I've played today.

flop champ
Your just bad kid, learn to all in with flash and you cant lose a single lane with Goden. U dont deserve to play her garbage dogshit ratfuck nigger
you are so fucking autistic and retarded but its hot and gives me a boner so
now imagine what he looks like irl
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sorry but i have no tips for her
Iktf, but for me it's more that I want to be Qiyana herself and to fuck me you have to beat me first.
Spoiler : you can't beat me on Qiyana.
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Tell me about the porncel spammer, why does he like black men so much?
poor self esteem and porn addiction
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he's triggered by certain posters
can i coom to the pics you post...
you deserve an even worse fate
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>mfw pve game mode received more work and love than summoners rift in the past 10 years
multiple years of seething at people erping in a lol thread
You know full well that if they dared change the rift to any real degree people would flip their shit.
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any second now
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>forced to pick Lux as supp because every single mid in my team lately is a 1-digit IQ nigger Yasuo/Zed/Fizz that ends up 1/8 and doing fuckall in terms of damage
I hate this elo so fucking much
coombrains gonna coombain
you can go zyra, brand, xerath, belkoz etc too
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Renekton is a late game champion now? Why the hell do champs with strong laning seem to scale better than their peers in nu-lol?
I feel like Swarm is gonna get old real quick
I've played five games with all of the characters I have unlocked until now and I'm already getting bored of it
Wait are you really??
I am lurking it now and don't recognize you. Can I PLEASE do edits for you on discord or elsewhere and help you? I am obsessed and you are literally corrupting some people that I know personally, I can tell you about it
The absolute state of lolg...
more fun if you go above journalist difficulty
Remember when this spam wasnt going on and people were bitching about how terrible the thread quality was
Where are they now I wonder
stop posting porn and play swarm
it's actually fun
i cant beat the first map of Swarm. does it get any better cause this is sucking right now
holy nooblord
doing this right now because you said so...
Is it true swarm is literally the elden ring of league of legends?
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Play Briar in Swarm
Shes OP
buy upgrades dummy
is she melee or what?
why is lolg so famous?
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love me winning lane agaist Volibear with Kayle so my retard jungler forces a bunch of 3v3 without mid prio so we lose the game lmao.
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>roguelite with metaprogression gamemode
Seems like winning lane in League is actively a detrimental force
Which female hero should I draw? Dubs auto win.
kayle counters voli
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I love Lissandra!
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oh no no no not doing that

trash mode
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What kinda men is :freljord: :bunny: into?

It's her birthday!
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Yeah but she heals like crazy
i just wanna forget this day and this thread already...
>oh no no no not doing that
lyra is that you
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Bunny ears and being a s***bunny is already synonymous

Thank you tiktok

I see black penis antennas
I type black penis antennas
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enemy supports be like xD
does anyone want to play swarm with me?
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can you please be my friend or play with me or whatever else
jesus quickplay is fucked right now. I had 2 supports in one game and 2 midlaners in another one
about to try briar
what do i build and stuff
Anyone want to play Swarm?
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Gotta say this was fun last game today THOUGH
hello my cute sissy gf
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round 2!
they banned aurora... so im playing graves mid i guess
thanks these stream remind us what the thread can be about...
All brusier items except for boots go berserker greaves
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wadup blud xD
i see what this shit mode is. just walk around for a few minutes and die. then unlock more power and walk around a little longer and die. rinse and repeat. no skill low IQ ape game mode. it's the cookie clicker of league of legends. just time grinding for peanuts. hard pass RETARD
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gets more difficult with projectiles and more mob spawns the further u get in. bosses are also pretty fun dodging and needing a tank in some scenarios
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>If only you knew the context of the hell I go through because all of this, all because of you and similar people. First its hate, then less than 5 seconds of involuntary pleasure and then back to hate (mostly self-hate). I'd lose my best lewd friend if they knew I go through the archives and stalk your posts, and honestly my whole online identity. I have every type of slop saved besides blacked, I hate it, just cant give the whole context publicly because its pretty identifying.
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LF Swarm NA
why does timmy eat pooop
Seraphine is 17 #NA1 Swarm :)
Where the FUCK do you get bombs for the objective?
oh fr?
thanks riot great mode

this shit was on pbe too
does timmy fat tard like bbc?
why is he replying to himself
hes not, hes chatting with lyra
>main got permabanned just in time so i can get freebies from both faker and anime squad passes at the same time on new account

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>starts drawing NTR
>it's Senna and Thresh
Based or cringe? Automatically cringe for making me pull this gay meme from reddit
Swarm has no matchmaking?
What the fuck
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>play new game mode
>keep getting vanguard errors
>but if i play SR it's all good
alright then faggots
It's no use, anon. Gaymers nowadays love their shitty mindless grinding and hectic braindead gameplay.
Better play a MMO then, more meaningful grinding at least.
Seems like Ezreal is broken af currently O_o
Works on my machine
How do I not live in constant fear of a gank while playing midlane? I always have junglers more absent than my father and supports who think wards are only for his lanes bushes.
>friend sends me a webm of emiru gaping her asshole unprompted out of the blue
you ward, youre playing the safest lane in the game
was thinking about trying FF14 heard it's good, but yeah I don't want to just grind as the main gameplay with nothing else involved
try to actively track where they are roughly and play on the opposite side of that
Hey retard. Quit getting in melee range of bruisers in the late game.
don't play seraphine it's impossible to beat tutorial with her
>riot game(((((((((s)))))))))
>they only copy other games
>swarm is just vampire survivors
>0hp clutch
>synced with music
kino kino kino
i died not long after but i had fun
after you complete all maps, it's unlocked the matchmaking
new expansion flopped hard don't play that
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Hosting an arena league tourney on July 29th (30th if alot of players sign up) Add me at devildan on discord so I can inv u to server. Prizes involved for winners.
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been used since she was 13
Join my game please.
No, join mine.
im scared to pick off meta and my adc bans / dodges
im bronze btw
can briar go top
Yes but its not ideal
ok i will try it in my ranked game
should i take ignite and barrier like warwick players do
The lines in the new game mode are not even voiced LMAOO. Even the star guardian and odyssey modes had characters talking.

And why is it so fucking janky? Can my character not spaz out left and right after pressing 2 command movements at the same time?
>come to /lolg/
>ban-evading blacked spammer talking to a guy who makes "whites-only" edits of hentai images
this is the pinnacle of epicosity
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Why is KDGay inversely proportional to winrate?
white bros how do we cope
pay lawyerstien more money than you'll ever have
No matter how weird the shit you post is, BBCcuck, you are at home here. We are an inclusive place and we are your friends, even if you are kind of rude to the general.
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Swarm does have matchmaking you just have to unlock it
>Is Irelia the most successful rework ever?
no that's sion before ri*t completely cucked him
hes our lil bro
>be jailbait 17 year old highschooler
>make tiktok video #BBC #snowbunny
>one trillion views from amerimutts
nah ban evaders are human trash
Fuck that, if the maps took a few minutes to beat, but they don't. What a shitty fucking game mode.
>snowballed on a hypercarry
>crippled the enemy laner and jungler for the rest of the game from multiple gankspanks
>secured objectives, lane pushed to inhib tower, haven't died and fed bounty gold
>4/5 surrender vote because the team isn't having fun
i see.

so the only way to play this game is being a perma ganking tard wrangling jungler so you can manage morale. there is no "carrying" from a lane. i hate my teammates more than i hate the enemy, like a single mother of 4 regretting her poor life choices and silently resenting her bastardspawn. i hate faggots with every fiber of my being.
how the fuck long does each map take to beat? i tried the first one like three times then got bored and gave up? probably more fun and chaotic with multiplayer matchmaking but doubt I want to grind it out to unlock it
I already played my daily 5 games and I'm twitching to play more AH
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I left when vanguard was first announced and haven't looked back since. Occasionally I come here in-between bouts of /d2g/ and pretending to work, and boy, I don't miss this shithole one bit. Sad that vgs seem to be dead now.
vg vs vg was the worst time I ever had in this game
>have the opportunity to make something great with the Ruined King
>make him a fuckboy with a leather jacket
I'll never stop being mad about this
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i am stuck on the lab map with jinx
every time i have so much fucking damage that i 1shot everything and then i get swarmed by the shield dudes who just seemingly refuse to die to anything but my ult
what is the strat here? should i just get the knockback blades just for them?
the matchmaking is locked because the maps are in hard mode, the normal mobs deal a ton of damage, if you can't beat the maps in normal mode and you don't have the upgrades from the shop you'll only fed, that's why
jinx is bad on that map, play illaoi or briar if you know how to play her
>We fight mid and everyone burns everything
>I leave to go shove bot and recall because the play is over and it's free money
>Whole team stays mid on 25% HP and enemy Jinx walks to fountain and back and collects a quadra because they all die in one auto each.
>"Bro why are you bot"
"Come die mid with us bro it's the play OBVIOUSLY staying one rocket from giving Jinx a reset is the optimal strategy here wtf"
i tried briar but she didn't look fun
jinx is fine until the toads or shield guys, i use the freezer stations for them but even that isn't enough around 13-14minutes
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fun hero :3
I don't want her to
I went 11 minutes and the game still wasn't over. I also only collected 800 gold, so I'm not even going to fucking bother wasting more of my time.

It makes no sense that you CAN QUEUE UP with friends, but you CAN'T with strangers. It's too boring. Back to Arena.

>the matchmaking is locked because the maps are in hard mode
This is an oversight on their end. This game isn't fun if you can only pick 1 character (Seraphine who is a support and dogshit) and are slogging through the first maps, but still need to beat 3 more, just to get a common feature.
>mfw its the 8th time in the day someone dodges the ranked queue because I banned Aurora
ah yes, champion release day, my favourite day of the year
I'm still banning Ahri desu
battle bear illaoi is so sexo, do you guys think she would let me smell and lick her sweaty body after a mission
if i were the malphite i would've immediately typed "you need to get banned for this"
unlike that briar who needs to get banned for inting, you need to be killed for being such a fucking faggot
someone please tell me its replying to itself and there isnt an actual human being who would knowingly beg/simp for the spammer
i want to believe no one would have less than rock bottom self worth
this swarm mode thing is kinda retarded, vampire survivors never locked your max upgrades behind an artificial "lose this much to have fun" gate
What champ do you main
dariusfags its fucking over
how come Diana doesnt have a cute anima skin to go alongside Leona???
seems a bit racist
Be that as it may, you have nice tastes in coomershit, anon.
old ass tranny lmao
you are enabling the very worst part of these threads
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why did nobody tell me that briar is fun
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>uhmmmmm.... are you gonna turn your tank stance on?
thoughts on rageblade?
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You wouldn't a cat, would you lolg?
ive only played like 3 games of her but i cant imagine its good :o\what are your houthgs on rageblade anon
alright /lolg/, i beat the first level of the swarm thing or whatever and honestly its kind of boring and not really as good as vampire survivors even when that game was first released and had like 3 characters and the skeleton guy was the best
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If you play on EUW we would play together, anon. Better than being a nuisance to society...

Schizos are enabled by their 25 something years of porn addiction and rejection, and nothing else...
Stop victim blaming... This anon needs help, not your death threats.
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you should pretend to be his friend for a while then manipulate him into killing himself
are you attracted to black men qikami?
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Sure anon!
Feel free to add me anytime!
I usually play around midnight and early morning!
Sometimes during the day on weekend days...
Discord is same name as IGN...
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Uuuhhh we have been?
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Been saying it for months
>steals another person's champ
don't be asking for advice again
some people have their thing being they play a certain champ
my thing is stealing champs
cant you just respect that? be nice
kys XD
idk i don't think i go in i kill
battered tranny syndrome
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what the FUCK was this
but the knockback blades ended up carrying me through it, i don't think it's possible without it (atleast not with jinx)
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yah the bible (blade equivalent) in vampire survivors is also pretty broken when evolved, it seems like this game wasnt really balanced around having damage upgrades though because i just bought some and literally stood still for the entire final part
>sissyfag shit
makes sense
then again, maybe ur thing is getting mad at me for stealing champs
so carry on ig...
league of legends?
why did she win?
>come back to league after years of not playing
>getting +35-40 per win from iron to plat
is this normal?
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come join me for leaguue of legends :)
there are characters who are trash on some maps and op on others, even if you survived that last wave with jinx, the boss (belveth) would insta kill you because jinx is too squishy and her combat boss area decreases over time
can i choose what to evolve? sometimes i get the default shot's evolution first, there is no way to skip or reroll from what i've seen
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what a dogshit fucking general
? i completed that mission with jinx
she didn't even hit me once,unless you are talking about hard mode or something(i am still on the first playthrough)
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forgot to attach image
If I think this is who I think it is (a literal guy who enjoyed getting groomed) then yeah good riddance. And same for all those dogshit garbage attention people.
>with Vanguard, Riot can now hand out hardware bans
>all the """toxic""" people get hardware permabanned
The great carebear redditor gentrification is about to begin
jannies don't get paid enough for this shit
that is a terrifying swain
ah yea looking forward to the baus hwid ban
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The constantly whining guy is nowhere to be seen. Strange
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late night but lets get it
stop posting bbc u freak
>we're looking into ways to punish soft inting
You can by definition not punish soft inting. What, you want to ban all females that play enchanter supports and feed their asses off? You want to ban earlygame champs for not snowballing? You want to ban someone for getting into a fucking bad mood in a game and playing worse? Absolute authoritarian shithead behavior.
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Illaoi seems a bit busted in Swarm
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>I am a loner ... Never been single or talking to someone longer than a week or two single 13
By this scale I'm a nun. Just the first post is an irk because it means she's always and I mean always had another guy in the back of her mind as a backup to jump on to. The game was over from the start. I guess dick hopping till she got emoney and fame was always the status quo because I'd presume the next guy was always an upgrade as a means to get what she ultimately wanted with her current position. Not gonna read further since I don't wanna rationalize her thoughts and behaviour more.
do u think she fw wihite boys
She had sex with gangplank I think which utterly btfo'd that woman who drew herself with him on this general in the ancient years.
you're giving her way too much credit, even if things did actually turn out this way it was at the very best subconscious
post some Sona please.
Post it
I remember when she played league of legends ):
Well I don't know much about her, she could be one of those dumb bimbo types but I'm unsure, haven't seen any of her content. But I don't think her socializing herself with her boyfriends to dating dyrus in his peak as a bf to dumpling him in his irrelevance to whatever self sustaining position she has now (typically gets featured for twitch gaming stuff as the token female of the group thesedays?) is all subconscious. Maybe luck comes to play but all those years of socializing you learn a thing or two.
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Does anyslop want to play ONE game of sloprena........?
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Maybe in another life...
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>oh hey, that's a pretty cool skin for MF
>it costs 200+ euros
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Comedy god will rest for 36 hours

I got wife and kids bros no joke :D

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Wow, that new PvE mode is absolute garbage, what the fuck were they thinking releasing this crap?
They thought about riding the vampire survivor trend only they're 2 years late.
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>You wouldn't a cat, would you lolg?
stfu already Shitcat of funny NTR
>But I don't think her socializing herself with her boyfriends to dating dyrus in his peak as a bf to dumpling him in his irrelevance to whatever self sustaining position she has now (typically gets featured for twitch gaming stuff as the token female of the group thesedays?) is all subconscious
with no offense you must've never had a girlfriend before if you think this behavior from women is not subconscious, this is how attraction works for women, the reason they can suddenly let go of a decade+ long marriage is because the moment the man seemingly start to go down is because they immediately lose any attraction they've felt towards the (previously) strong man once he starts to get any weaker

not saying it's justified or anything, just explaining how they function
You’re not talking at all
Are you a boy or a girl
Gwen sissy or my gf??
Why stream league of legends with a title that says ELDIE BING
>enemy sup camping in my jung
>bot wont rotate
>figure whatever, they should have an easy 2v1
>they somehow get double killed bot
I have no words
Kill yourself Phreak
duoing with the biggest asshole on lolg
he owns you
only fag with low enough standard to stomach his ways
Panth seems so bad top these days
It's the most fun and skill expressive lane to play him in which makes that sad
I'm not a furry but
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Would people watch and give me tips to improve if I streamed my iron 4 slop games? I'm hardstuck
Yes. I want entertainment. I already watch salty teemo, literally built for me. Please have a mic.
I'd watch but probably not give tips to improve
League advice is useless most of the time unless dealing with someone who is very new to the game, anything I could tell you you probably already know but just struggle to put into practice
I took the day off today, please do. Now if must.
league isn't a complex game at all. What makes it hard is having to make decisions quickly
If you go watch a replay of your game and you look at a teamfight, in the moment everything felt so fast but when you watch replay you will see it's actually fairly slow
This general is too slow for these replies to be different people, nice try
I was those 2
We have been starving for an iron streamer ever since dieirlifyoufeed left
dead general
This guy reads like fresh blood, I don't want to see the list of preestablished people here a lot of the name people here are annoying.
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you should all play the best voidling
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Reap what you sow.
>first map
>get walled at 3:30
>belveth trial has spawned
>limited vision so i can't see anything
you're back!
Would rather this place be slower than filled with spam.
Meanwhile, /xivg/ gets a full thread in about 2 hours.
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of course, I drop by most anon's streams regardless of elo. I'm not too good myself but I'll help where I can
what's your role/champ pool by the way?
I do not care about other thread or other place. Am I supposed to stomp my feet in jealously or something?
does kyoppi still hang around there
>what's your role/champ pool by the way?
Still trying new champs
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Wow riot really cooked up some premium slop in all those years...........
Really great content trying to adapt vampire survivors but where you're not allowed to be OP and everyone got bored of that genre years ago.........
*rubs my feet on lolg's face*
Wasn't worth it..........
>*rubs my feet on lolg's face*
yes on my face
post new feet pics
bbl drizzy
The only thing I want on my feet is a massage, same with my shoulders and my left shoulder blade, sorry.
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I look like mantheon (if he was 5'7) so I do believe I could fulfill said massaging needs easily
oatmeal + greentea + niggalow decimation hours
oh fr?
God morning, hope you do well today.
god morning to you too god sir. time to slay niggalows
hi salia. missed you even tho i wrote a rude post about you the other day. but desu im not that sorry bc i honestly think you could do better. basically just ctrlc ctrl v posts what you did. anyway hope you been good
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kill yourself turbonigger zoglow npc cockroach rat
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Wakey, wakey, sleepy fox.
blame is lame BLM
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Thanks anons!
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Ivern has been picked! Have a wonderful night, Anons!
>Ivern has been picked!
koolaid guzzler bros...
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these are your very human laners for the day
say something nice about them
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What, Oner just picked him.
koolaid guzzler silver 4 rengar otp niggers hate based champs like ivern. that's what I was referring to
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playing panth adc makes me nostalgik for vg vs vg .......
>Yike picks Ivern
>good old G2 with the creative picks
>Oner picks Ivern
>koolaid guzzler
make it make sense
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>you post in a similar way to when you post in /lolg/ which is bad....!!!
Has it ever occurred to you that it might be because I don't change my personality to fit in.........?
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Ohhh, my bad, Anon. I get what you mean now lol
it's ok, have a good evening bro
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>Log into my account first time this split
>Washed up against diamonds
>Everything thinks im smurfing because 80% winrate last split
Well that wasn't fun back to uninstallville
>>you post in a similar way to when you post in /lolg/ which is bad....!!!
>doens't even know where he is
>can't even comprehend a simple sentence
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You should always dodge drafts like this, right?
your draft is great except for the part where it has a zoe support
seethe metafag
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LoL used to feel like a melding of the best parts of other Genres.
LoL now feels like a melding of the worst parts of other Genres.
What happened?
your side wins in scholarlow but enemy wins in niggalow
>Has it ever occurred to you that it might be because I don't change my personality to fit in.........?
erm sweetie... you forgot to blur out the chat
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The logic makes sense, the poster accuses me of doing that in another general....
Anyway not my snipping problem and I don't care about drama.......
yeah I just realized too kek, but whatever you can roast my opgg if you want to
I thought you quit because you hated vanguard? why are you back?
Please let me worship your feet
he quit because his os was linux (one of his many lies to fit in)
stupid fucking chimp lux hard lost lane so she started to ult my camps. if she wants to lose so badly I'll help
your sentence was fine salia, that guy can't read
still think you're an attn whore tho >_<
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>Has it ever occurred to you that it might be because I don't change my personality to fit in.........?
XD muslim bro you're literally the biggest no personality 4chan npc ever.............. please like me........... anime pic to fit in.........
briar is so fucking unplayable in this game mode it's unreal(on hard mode,first map)
>can't go near golem cause can't outheal his damage even in ult
>can't go near nocturnes cause i get insta raped
>can't go near bombs so i have to rely on passive ranged attacks or tibears to kill it and sometimes they just don't lol
holy fucking shit this makes me so mad
I'm a prophet I'm a doctor I'm a mathematician I'm a priest I'm an astronaut, I'm fucking everything
You got this, ST33L!
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plz be nice to other lolgs
kys lyra
why? they're all failed males, nobody likes them in real life
Battle bunny riven is on sale atm btw if anyone's interested.
stop projecting
stop coping incel
so then why kick them while they're down
I'm only nice to my crush
>open thread
>save all the pictures of seraphine
>close thread
because they are disgusting? XD look at this gwen muslim tranny
just because you and your discord friends are incels, it doesn't mean that everyone else who posts here is an incel too
I'm sorry you had to find it out this way
whos your crush? mine is bleghblegh321
I would crawl over broken glass and hot coals for a taste of your feet.
my crush is too good for this general
Why should I be nice with awful people?
Failed males are CUTE!
Sorry I didn't read this, for some reason I don't see this post in my pc.
You're right I never had gfs, I have had girls who were friends but they were all sort of sheltered or religiously devoted or only cared about work being done. Apart from those extreme niches every girl I've ever met has had some sort of a thing going on with them that I immediately pick up and just don't interact or try to get close to them in a non professional fashion.
I am aware a lot of women dump men if they're not a rock in terms of emotions or don't earn enough or whatever else they find inconvenient but I still don't think it's a subconscious thing because they clearly have some thoughts on their decision making to do so. Though it feels more like modern day version of Darwinism.
Tbh I'm glad I'm not gay so I don't have to give an ounce of shit for women, most of them genuinely so bad thesedays. Feel bad for men though.
>completing pass missions but not getting the exp

One fucking job Riot
what makes them too good?
theyre the nicest cutest lolg
no one here deserves them and their lovely outlook on life
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thank you anon, we managed to get it done, their ashe was really good and probably couldve carried if we didnt happen to litearlly have pantheon and nocturne in the same team lol
As a new player is there any reason to play these new modos?
Hint on who it is?
they sound like a keeper
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Some of the missions require the player to play the gamemode as a must to get extra event exp and such.
how the fuck did bunny's release fuck up the team order
nice try they're my hidden gem

even in a cesspool like lolg angels can be found
It's Dennis isn't it
Maybe you'll find them fun.
It's impossible to not love Seraphine, you'd have to be heartless.
I only love her default and new skin
All of her other skins are slop
I hate seraphine
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True. So true
dead internet theory is real btw
the bbcuck is unironically a bot, I figured it out
Can I get a quick rundown on who Salia is?
turkish sissy who posted his crossdressing pictures here beforeq
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her default skin is KD/A, the piltover version was an afterthought
I think it's that gwen main who's into attention and socializing, they post and play gwen a lot. Lot of drama were probably had with that character. They were supposed to quit this game but came back.
shuddup nigga
THAT is leagues latest champion? Jesus fucking Christ. Trannyfornians are speedrunning this game into the ground as hard as they can.
>Feature unlocked: Matchmaking
No, thank you! I like Swarm precisely BECAUSE I can play on my own.
i-i-is that a sexy girl?!?! fucking californians...
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sexy bunny champ is the best design in a long time
so sick of these drututt spawns in my game first timing random ADCs they've never played before top/mid
she's mid desu
gotta be ai briarfag
i don't think they playtested this game mode on hard
what the fuck is that hp value for the bombs? even on lvl5 an ability can't even kill them
>hardmode is hard
>thatats a bad thing
this was not playtested
leona needs 2 hits with 50% damage + statik proc + lvl5 shield bash on a fucking bomb
that's like 4 fucking seconds for a singular bomb and there are 5 on my screen at once
once my ult expires i get swarmed by even more bombs so it's game fucking over
Bunny butthole is for me!
Is it me or is Seraphine fucking sucks on swarm
is it just me or does riven fucking suck in swarm
her starting weapon is just suicidal so if you dont get a good first weapon its just over
I think their system can only handle certain threshold of players, it's like wow's login screen queue but for a gamemode lols.
literal skill issue
just play journalist mode :)

Lux status : corrected
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uhh t1 sisters?
Seraphine is good if you're playing with a group because you can shield them. Not great solo
her problem here was standing on the same screen as an assassin
when people cry that mages just stand back and spam spells, this is why they do it

Don't blink.
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sometimes chat is fun
jellyslothfish, my flesh craving wife
full picture please?
jellyfleshsloth, my fish

Knock yourself out, anon.
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thanks qkm <3
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I'm only attracted towards the divine and the mystic. Mere humans cannot thaw my heart.
Reminder that there is LITERALLY NOTHING WRONG with being filtered by a casual game mode dumbed down for the League of Legends audience consisting of handicapped children
It is simply a balancing issue
me on the left
Are people unironically struggling with it?
just scroll up
what about cute, obedient boys?
>top 0.1% for enemies killed in Swarm

Man either people do not like this mode or they are dog shit at it which results in them not liking the mode.
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How did her 20 dollar skin end up being higher quality than a 500 dollar one?
imagine getting to watch qikami worship a BBC while dressed as qiyana
how do u see that
Is buying this pass worth?
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EUW niggas dear lord
don't ever buy a pass unless you already naturally completed most of it
sona players
but is it worth
idk do you like the skins? do you want the stuff?
technically it's never worth because you won't make as much money from it so it depends is it worth it to YOU
listen you dumb whore, don't make me act up
is it worth?
Only you can answer that question for yourself.
Objectively speaking the passes are the most cost effective way to get random skins and mythic essence and are the only way to get event specific things like prestiges, chromas and icons.
If you don't care about any of these things then no its not worth it.
If you do then obviously yes.
i knock out philosophers with a sideways elbow
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The RuPaul thing is a reference to RuPaul Drag Race which is some sort of drag queen (faggot in makeup) show.
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Interesting, the name did seem kinda familiar

Challenge tokens on your profile
What is the song she dancing to?

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straggots when the joke is anything other than "women bad": *aol dialup noise*
I don't understand your post, sorry
>*angry sissy noises*
Sorry i dont speak your language

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