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Previous: >>486370936

/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

- This Week in WoW:

- The War Within News:

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16)
- Bullions spreadsheet:

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>Summer Trading Post

>General ResouŠ³ces
>big m+ changes literally 1 week before prepatch
this isn't something you plan out of the blue. there's clearly a bunch of effort that went into it. and you implement it, uhhh... at the tail end of m+ testing?
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best mount
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At least Blizzard seems less shy to do work mid expansion now unlike back in the day so it is not too much of an issue
what changes?
wouldnt it be the result of m+ testing?
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Join <BLT>!!!
this is really weird shitposting anon
>do m+ testing
>introduce yuge changes one week before the end of m+ testing
>all your previous testing data is worthless as to the post-changes behavior
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BearGODS we won
>introduce yuge changes one week before the end of m+ testing
I don't understand why you think beta testing is ending because of the prepatch. Doesn't make sense at all.
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Is it even possible to get into mop raids anymore if you haunt been farming since day 1? I'm not even max level yet and there are people on the forum bitching about how they don't get invites even with millions of main stat.
bro you got your ass gaped the worst after veng and pally, you're just too fucking stupid to even realize it (not that it's surprising, what with you playing bear)
The most special tank prize!
>m1 is cool
>m2 is vtuber cancer, fucking kill yourselves
>m3 will be kino on savage but is ass on normal
>m4 is mid as fuck on normal and the horsecock catgirl is mid
ehhh could be better, could be worse
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Made for my gnome warrior
>horsecock catgirl
The what
xivg is even more pornsick than this general
the new raid has a bunch of furries
fourth boss is a catgirl that transforms into a schmeaty horse-thing
bro your raid finder?
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Another day, another Blizzard developer blocking me.
fuck this shit, I'm off to hit on girls
i forgot that existed
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based blockmaxxer, what truth did you drop?
Remember when people shit and cummed and pissed everywhere when Blizzard removed abilities nobody had ever casted on purpose in 8 years like Blood Strike in WoD? I'd like to personally blame them for me having to use Death and Decay as a Frost DK.
whoa okay faggot, I hope you suffer for the misery you caused to every other dk
what did I do
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Called Matt Forbeck a nigger.
>now ret paladin has abilities that require shield
>survival hunter has abilities that require ranged weapons
that was ez mode but good efforr nonetheless
how to get a job in california at current year:
but you don't understand, I need smite as a shadow priest
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give me pollaxes
>covid kills mostly the old and the obese
>REALLY bad for obese people, like hilariously bad
>nogs are most likely to be obese, something like 4 in 5 black women are obese
I'd like to know how a white person becomes a total retard like this
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they are beautiful
>no evoker tank spec
why are people so dramatic about the changes? everyone acting like tanks are unplayable now
because the streamers I pog out to every day might only be able to push +19s next season instead of +20s!!!
Blood is giga fucked
All the tanks are considerable less fun and engaging
what's fun and engaging, being able to cover all 3 roles with 1 hand?
aehm, hello based department?
>being able to cover all 3 roles with 1 hand?
need the other one to goon to assumi
ok it's another case of shitters with an ego getting butthurt
because this is a mongolian basket weaving forum and it is the center of hyperbole and contrarianism. sometimes both at the same time.
i could slip under your guard and drive a thin blade into your armpit if you were wielding something cumbersome like that
>enhbros won bigly
thread theme
they weigh 7 pounds and are usually not longer than a man
>aug became stronger when they introduced the new emissary affix
>now they are even stronger because the tank nerf
LMAO and blizzard confirmed no more supports because of the original Oracle reactions.
>the original Oracle reactions
please elaborate
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to the tank players, specially bdk: seethe.
Oracle (the priest hero talent tree shared between holy and disc) was basically a new supportm instead of PI they had a skill with lower cd they could use on the party members and basically every streamer and raider spent weeks shitting on it until blizzard announced they will rework it. You should be able to google the old one and check the current one on wowhead also during one of the interviews (I think it was Nagura doing the interview) she asked about supports and the blizzard guy said the playerbase said they don't want supports.
Ret reworked into support would be kino
honestly, remove subtlety at this point and make rogue's third spec a support bard for giggles
>dawntrail flops after having a shit msq
>blizzard has the chance to make wow look more appealing
>the devs one up yoshi p and piss off both story and pve players in less than 24 hours
it's incredible how the wow team manages to fuck up every time
kill yourself
ion said they wouldnt turn established specs into supports but that was before tww beta when they said no more supports

>not assassination
>when they said no more supports
Which is retarded without reworking aug into a "normal" spec.
Only noobs are mad
I know but still.
everyone, from ecelebs to casuals, is against these changes
assassination has a purpose as the most baseline rogue spec, it's trash to play but w/e
outlaw needs to have the pirate shit removed
gun is cool, but maintaining a dozen little gay buffs and then requiring it to play around stealth windows, what the FUCK do they want with that spec is it a ninja or a swashbuckler
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>everyone from noobs to noobs
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>getting fucking slaughtered in dungeons because magemcfuckface over here never kicks or the healer dad with 20 minutes to play a month due to his four step kids didn't press holy light in time and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it

boy i cant wait
>healer doesn't heal
>you die
as it should be
these people complaining have no idea why they're complaining. just for the sake of it
they think that changing something from 15% to 12% is the end of the world
then they also say "damn, tanking and healing used to be so fun back in the day"
blizz tries to go back to that era, and they go "NOOO NOT LIKE THIS"
incredible how stupid people are and how strong the sheep mentality is
I say this and do this
literally me
Need more 'strasza with beasts
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"dude why can't I just solo and ignore mechanics"
what is it about bdk that attracts players like this
> Death Strike can now only heal the Death Knight for a percentage of damage taken from a given damage event once. Death Strikes that heal the minimum health amount do not count as using damage events in this way.
absolutely gigantic unneeded nerf to DK. no more saving RP and death striking yourself up after massive damage. you will get one solid death strike and the rest will heal for pittance.
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sounds like you'll need a healer
maybe people will remember this: back when the doti mega dungeon was released the first runs were hard carried by tanks. it happened basically every other boss. dps and healers would die but the tanks would stay alive and finish up by themselves. to me it was clear at that point that the tanks were overpowered as fuck and could easily solo the entire thing and were grouping with other people simply to finish it faster.

basically this was happening a lot and i'm sure it was a very common occurence
everyone knows this. defensives creep and self sustain is what got us here in the first place. mfs are utterly retarded for complaining about smoothing out the damage instead of spiky one shots
My goon queen
this is honestly the single worst change in wow history
bdk is LITERALLY dead in the water, borderline non-functioning spec until they revert this
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tanksbros... remember the good old days

fucking lol
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>tanks when they need a party
>noooo my death strike will overheal me by 80% of my health bar instead of 150% of my health bar aaahhhhh dead spec dead speeeeec
t. +2 chill run
It's funny how the best tanks in the world calmly explain why this is bad but people posting frogs and wojaks know the truth with their greentexts and great experience.
unless it receives enormous buffs to its mitigation bdk will not be able to function in the latter half of mythic raids or anything above a +10 key
the entire point of bdk is that it sustains through damage rather than mitigates it and theyre chopping of its legs to not allow its sustain to outpace the incoming damage
how the fuck is the spec supposed to stay alive if it doesnt mitigate damage and doesnt heal back the damage its taking
they already said they're gonna nerf pretty much every piece of content
there is a lot of complaining already and max has already said the changes are a big L and that he's going to "yap" a lot about them later, so expect blizzard to either revert the changes or delay them till 11.1.
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>Unleash Life now calls an Ancestor for 12 seconds (was 6 seconds).
they compared death strike to a reverse shield block. it's clear someone there considered its throughput mathematically rather than the implications of healing up after the fact.
so theyre going to turn the entire game into a kindergarden playpen with foam swords just because they want to kneecap bdk?
the other tank nerfs are peanuts in comparison, if they make content that this iteration of bdk is able to clear then every other tank is going to be able to literally stand afk in front of bosses and clear the content

I'll be here waiting when servers go up and BDK is fine.
>tanks are by far the most important role in m+
>even a relatively slight decline in tank population leads to the average PF tank being a diva and/or a shitter boosted by groups taking way underqualified/undergeared people just to run *something*
as a dpsfag: make both tanks and healers filthy overpowered. as in 5 key levels easier than dps. just make it so that there's no 60 minutes of queues for 30 minutes of m+
when healers are weak it's pretty shit times. when tanks are weak it's godawful.
As a tank player: the thing making people not want to play is how braindead these fucking specs have been for 7 years
nerf the fuck out of them, make them actually play the game again.
>being able to double dip death strikes is overpowered because it's like.... going back in time broooooo dude weed lmao
can you name some?
if you think bdk will be "fine" after this change you fundamentally dont understand how bdk and death strike work
ur a retard
i just wish there was a way to punish dogshit dps'ers without it hurting tanks or healers, if someone doesnt kick or use stops correctly it only literally affects the tank and healer, like why do we have to suffer because you cannot bind counter spell. they unironically need to make way more "you're slowed for 90% for 5 seconds for not kicking you dipshit" or "50% less damage until you actually start kicking"
>the thing making people not want to play is how braindead these fucking specs have been for 7 years
kys you disingenuous pile of shit
a full 2/3 of the tank population jumped on veng bandwagon this and last season when it was op, wholly uncaring about its design. in 9.1.5 half the playerbase played bear despite it being boring as shit to play. only a tiny amount of the population plays what they like, the majority jumps on what's good, and no amount of "muh braindead" has any influence on the choice.
>b-but people would play the bigbrain tank!
Brew was the non-braindead tank recently but fucking nobody played it since it was also shit numbers-wise. fuck you
>dpsshitter trying to lecture me on my role
stay in your lane retard
you have no clue what you're talking about
just think of it as adding a cooldown to death strike which isn't reduced by haste. this nerf doesn't care about damage profile the DK is taking.
based mastro of world of warcraft design will save us
I'm not that guy you colossal faggot
again: swallow glass. you're completely full of shit. tank players are more shallow than a teenage girl and bandwagon even harder.
damn that's crazy you mean like what death strike had for years before legion ruined tanks?
The best part about tank nerfs is less tanks.
That way I can be mode demanding of the dpsissies I allow into my party.
>Your tank Chad face when a DPSissy with less M+ score, GS AND cheevos than you pretends they are getting in
You're dogshit kid
Are you out of your mind? Its the literal opposite
People don't want to tank because its an insane amount of pressure and bullshit you need to deal with. You have to have the route clean shot calculated perfect 100%, you have to pace the pulls and dungeons to coincide with gay shit mechanics like sanguine and pride, you have to know the mechanics for LITERALLY every single mob and what they do to you and your group, if you fuck up and die then the whole groups goes with you.
Also did I mention having to be the m+ route manager on site?`
I'll mention the routing again because THAT is the reason nobody wants to tank on top of all of that
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>to the tank players, specially bdk: seethe.
but... blood didn't actually get nerfed all that hard
the people seething have no idea how blood changed in TWW before today's tweaks. you didn't spam DS anyway, literally nothing changes.
the amount of orange score DPS that literally throw themselves at your even mediocre keys as a tank is crazy
didn't happen
Cope dpscuck
you're wrong
i hate max so much
what did blizz do story-wise?
are the ppl complaining playing on the beta in full raid or at least dungeon gear characters? Tanks were unkillable
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you know death strike used to cost runes right
not rp
you know the things you had to sit there and wait for recharges on
and guess what
dks did fine
you just had to heal them a little bit
never reply to me again
doomies aren't people
the runes you only had 1 of? stop trying to lecture anyone you're clearly too stupid.
>Tanks were unkillable
and everybody sane wants them to continue being so
tanks: obviously main character syndrome people want to be op
healers: they're dumb as rocks and barely manage to keep others alive and do mechanics at the same time, much less do some tiny amount of dps on top. them not having to babysit tanks is something they want
dpsissies: they seethe about being a dime a dozen role but they're also aware tank shortage is awful for actually playing the game
Two things that makes me hard as diamonds playing world of warcraft:

1) Declining a sea of DPS'ers that have probably sat there applying for keys for the past 40 minutes

2) Verbally abusing the living shit out of healers (usually women) for my own over pulling
new chronicles book is out. apparently it has made the story even worse with its retcons
You did get the epic edition right? Don't want to be left behind!
literally a cope
it doesn't exist
people will just play tank to get faster groups, it happens every time
>apparently it has made the story even worse
wow. genuinely impressive, I didn't think things could get better than in SL
they fucked up BFA so much its unreal
>people will just play tank to get faster groups
'member 9.0?
guess not
>talking all that shit
>go completely silent when you offer them the option to leave
wow this really is like my relationship with my gf
I'm a tank speaking from my own feelings
you dont play the game
Yeah I do remember 9.0
When nothing noteworthy happened and tank mains kept playing despite bitching the whole time lmao
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>no mitigation
>no tank stance
>constantly lose aggro
>extremely sub-optimal tanking spec
>(if using a tanking spec at all)
>kick the DPS for bitching at me
>report the DPS for using swear words
>still complete the dungeon
>fuck the healer afterwards
i love being a tank
>The damage reduction effect while standing in Consecrate of Mastery: Divine Bulwark is reduced by 20%.
>Improved Holy Shield increases your chance to block spells by 8% (was 10%).
Sentinelā€™s duration reduced to 16 seconds (was 20 seconds).
>Eye of Tyrā€™s duration reduced to 6 seconds (was 9 seconds).
>Righteous Protector: Holy Power abilities reduces cooldowns by 1.5 seconds (was 2 seconds).

It status: Over
all trashcans except dorki
and dorki is drunk as fuck and has no idea what he's talking about
Healers, categorically, has above and beyond the dumbest pundits of all the roles right?
Oh I see so NOW listening to the 1% is a good thing. While we're at it let's make raids 100x harder, make it impossible to get gear outside of raid, and make sure not to focus too much on any other content that isn't raid and high end push keys. Listen to the 1%!!!
just need more enemies that cast damage down debuffs only on dps. watch kick rates immediately skyrocket
desu this just makes healing more fun
Prot pally is borderline non-functional afaik. both they and veng got nuked from orbit, with huge gaps between defensives, except pally can't even kite
this guy jokes, but...

why does this game need a kick vote in lfg? it's only used for shit like this. give me one example where you'd need to kick someone to progress rather than out of spite.
why are all healers masochists? like unironically

you NEVER hear tanks going like "gee boss I wish threat was harder to get" or dps going "I wish there was more ground stuff I had to dodge"

it's ALWAYS healers going i wish there was more to heal, like why are you guys like this
cope dorkis team lost the tgp during classification stage

I guess
Raiding is cringe!
If they ever removed kick I would just queue dungeons as tank and then alt-f4 out of the game and do something else for 20 minutes.
a lot of these complaints just sound like people lamenting not being able to pull 5 groups into a boss in a +10 any more
retards are just mad they actually have to respect the dungeon and not just pull 4000 mobs and AoE stun them for 30 seconds straight.
>Healers, categorically, has above and beyond the dumbest pundits of all the roles right?
who would those be? only ones i recall are zmok and jb and not because they're healers but because they're lolcows
Because it's the main function of the class, dummy! It's more like tanks saying "I wish my mitigation was less RNG" or DPS saying "I wish I could have higher uptime on the boss"
It's why healing is so difficult to balance, too much incoming damage and healers struggle to keep up, making it not fun, but too little incoming damage and healers have nothing to do, making it not fun.
>or dps going "I wish there was more ground stuff I had to dodge"
like hell you don't
I want the most miserable experience for both ranged (endless swirlies that need them to move) and melee (point blank aoes every two seconds)
t. BM hunter
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Don't care, still pulling half the room into the boss. If you let me die im leaving and getting a new key
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tanks will walk forward for me in m+
you vill tank ze dungeon one pack at ze time
jb, automatic, cdew, healers are retarded as fuck its unreal
that sounds like exactly what's going to happen. was it SL season 1? where melee damage was so high that you just kited as tank. no one is going to single pull, no one is going to sit with a stranger for 10 extra minutes to single pull a dungeon.
people have no idea wtf theyre talking about, as usual
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Is shamanā€¦ saved?
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yes, it is
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Today, I shall remind them.
soul / soulless
whats wrong with enhance players
holding this healer down with my feminine draenei arms and plapping her with my monstrously large 3 inch cock
enh is dead like how non-aug evoker is dead
ele is dead unless really strong or in shitter guild
resto will steal all the raid spots (or rather the only shaman raid spot) in tryhard guilds unless wildly undertuned
why the fuck isnt max on yet i need to know what to think of these changes
and tanks are nowhere near that weak now
they went from unkillable gods to slightly more killable.
Next expansion is the good one, we just have to make it through TWW trust the plan bros
tryhard healers like the change so you know it's really awful
good to know soldier. that combined with the dungeon pool would've made me take a hiatus.
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>tryhard healers
Make tanks invincible and remove the healer roll entirely!
>and not just pull 4000 mobs and AoE stun them for 30 seconds straight
but that was already the case, since aoe stops cause mobs to just recast when the cc ends
See you in august!
i like devastation evoker but spamming Disintegrate/Pyre is not the greatest
it feels bad when you dont get any clearcasting procs and youre out of essence too
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Here's exactly what's going to happen
max is going to just say L CHANGE L CHANGE while barely being able to explain why he thinks that
dorkie will seethe and shit his pants like he does any time tanks get any changes at all
and then JB will step in, call them all retards, explain why it's good, and they'll all change their minds because he's the only WoW player with an IQ above 100 and actually understands the game.
>healers biggest interest is keeping the group safe from harm
>they somehow went more danger for the party

its like police wishing for more crime
As a healer I want random shit to nuke people for 90% of their health and give them 1 sec to get out of shit or die, and then I can rescue them under that 1 sec and get a good feeling.
i mean these changes are making me consider playing a healer for the first time ever (dps player since TBC)
stupidest post in the thread, impressive
>we want your button presses to matter less and for you to be passively tankier so that skill expression is neutralized
who proof read and okay'd these changes lmao
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snowbros... i dont feel too good...
Listen I only logged in and did a few quests and I have my Nat Pagle fishing dailies to do later on. It's tough being mentally ill but I'm still playing because you guys are the only ones on the internet I can actually express myself to. I hope you're all having a great day!
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Female tauren slop

Not quite hitting the mark yet. Keep training the AI.
this is unironically good tho
I don't like tanking
I dont have wow friends to play dps with
I tank
sir do not redeem the wow token
stop shilling asmongold here
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is azeroth flat?

>Required 25

Anons, what flying mount for dk? Faggot NuBlizzard didn't reduce the basic flying mount to level 10-20 to learn and the thing is rotting in my bank
it takes like 30 minutes to level up who cares
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Stop being poor and buy a sub
anyone here played shadowlands s1?
i did
Nah, not paying a sub for a woke ESG DEI infested game
>anyone here played shadowlands s1?
played for 30 minutes and then refunded it, yes
was it ass for tanks? I'm watching dorki and he said it was the shittiest season for tanks and healers
they think they do, but they dont. every healer who says things like that will immediately start bitching the moment it becomes too much
*infernal strikes away*
Tanks were fine especially DH and healers were fun as fuck because you did a shit ton more dps than right now. Stop listening to streamers so much.
post your credentials
much better now
>Asks for advice
>Receives advice
>Immediately starts shit
Nah. Go ask Dorki actually.
he already exposed his case and credentials
jokes on you I'm a prot warrior
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Lore nerds, I have a question:
So it's long been theorized that there's actually more continents hidden on the other side of the planet.
Blizz seems to slowly be hinting towards this theory in fact, apparently there's some new NPCs which are from beyond the permanent storm which blocks it off, so it's canon now even.

... but wasn't all of Azeroth just a bigass Pangea? We know exactly where those pieces of the former singular continent ended up.
How can there possibly be more continents on the other side of the globe?
Why are you coming here to ask us then?
>... but wasn't all of Azeroth just a bigass Pangea?
yes, before the sundering
I want to see if a qualified person disagree with his take
the Titans forgot to look and see if there was anything on the other side
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cute story, but this is you in reality ;)
Ask him to come here then and I'll argue with him instead.
What I'm trying to say, if it was a pangea which was then sundered, and we know where all the pieces are:
How can there be new mystery continents on the back of the planet? We know where all of the Pangea ended up
>no credentials
he is not going to waste his time
>14pt font
what makes you assume that we know where all the pieces went?
ya the other anon has no clue
S1 shadowlands meta was not tanking, but getting enough aggro and being able to run away before you get 1 shot

thats why demon hunter / monk were meta, best tanks to do some dmg and maintain aggro while kiting mobs
There is actually 0 reason to think about this shit anymore, they will retcon stuff for their needs like its nothing.
god i wish i were my dracthyr
>and we know where all the pieces are
we don't know this
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>me playing prot war half that season before quitting tanking
Plus rogue was meta and they helped with tot.
comparing current m+ with previous seasons makes no sense. keep in mind that the problem affixes are gone
no more bolstering
no more raging
and so on
M+ babies are fucking autistic af. I feel bad that Blizzard has to deal with you spazzes.
If he wants to act like a precious princess then that's his problem. Tanks weren't ass and healers were great. Season 1 also had that fun affix that boosted the shit out of your dps but it had to be timed right so planning a route ahead was important.
In pugs, it meant tanks actually had an important role and this route planning separated the good tanks from the bad ones. Overall it was a good season and I had a good time pushing 18s on multiple characters. That's my non streamer take so take it or leave it. If Dorki has an issue with anything I'm saying, he can come here and defend himself instead of sending a paypig.
The pieces fit together pretty damn well for one, but also they all ended up perfectly surrounding the Maelstrom, and the Pangea maps show location names which confirms where the pangea spread to:
>northern-most part has Scholozar and Ulduar, so that's Northrend
>Southern part goes south to become Pandaria
>the western side goes from Hyal to Un'Goro, ends up going westwards as Kalimdor
It all split to surround the Maelstrom, maybe there's some tiny missing pieces but it's mostly there
are bullions dropping again or is it still fucked
Imagine holding a dracthyr while sleeping.
>forced to kite because the void emissary spawned
and more nerfs
>Tanks had to kite and pull smartly
Ya, that's why I'm saying it was fun.
Average day of playing TWW
>log in
>servers getting DDOSed, takes 30 minutes to come back up
>season has reverted back to DF S4 for the 3rd time this month, no fix until tomorrow
>decide to do some world content instead, WQ to kill one elite where the model doesn't load and is just a cube and Alleria refers to us as "player"
>get a belt reward, the 3D assets don't show up on my race
>fly into Dornogal, chat function are broken so you can't split channels into different tabs, flooded with boost spam until I leave all channels
>servers go down again
>log back in and find I fell through the world and am stuck in an infinite DC loop, unstuck feature doesn't work
>put in a ticket, after 3 weeks get a ChatGPT response asking if I kindly checked Wowhead
>No-Show Solo Shuffle Penalty Now Account Wide on The War Within Beta
toxic pvp bros....
we lost...
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now add this to m+
Prot paladin bros...
>leaving keys is toxic
you're obviously a shitter
That will only make people more toxic desu
fine but the visage stays on
>play tank
>die instantly after a certain keylevel if you actually tank

i mean i played OP afflock this season so i had a blast but the whole meta was "kill this bigpull before they are able to reach the tank" which was horseshit.

Tanks who could not kite were unplayable and your whole rotation as a tank was "WASD" with a roll/jump if you had one
>Death Strike

Ironic. Since pressing it will lead to your death now.
>watching a bdk
>purgatory triggered on the first pack
>his self healing plus the healer and ring of peace is not enough to save him
>Blizz dev
He's a freelance author??
All my friends quit in Shadowlands and DF was a miserable experience playing alone. Will TWW bring people back?
I'll also molest your slit ;)
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That'll be 89.99 + sub + tip
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where are all the faggots that said this was a nothingburg now?
Is it safe to play ele in TWW? I miss my shaman.
>watching a bdk
>he's living fine with no healer at all
uhhh bros?
i did but i was a dps cuck
fuck off retard you just infected my entire youtube algorithm
right now shaman is high tier but next week they could go back to trash tier
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What spec is the Garbodor of wow
yeah shamans are in a good spot rn
>inb4 asmon reacts to the change even though he said he wouldn't play tww
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I've tried to visualize my confusion:

>pangea explodes, splits, and the new formation surrounds the maelstrom
>some mystery continents somehow instead slide across the entire planet instead
>despite the former edges of the Pangea (Northrend, Kalimdor, etc), being in the way

Where did they come from? How did they get there?
Yes I am overthinking this shit game
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>It's a Blizzard makes huge changes the last two seconds of the expansion beta episode
I'm getting bored of this rerun
Originally it was just a big ass pangea, but when the writers came to realize having one central continent on your planet tends to fuck up future narrative options. They made it so the Titans were sending expeditions to other places on Azeroth, but never heard back from.
Ultimately the Pangeas had the focus, because 4 Old Gods were stuck there in nu-canon
i mean thats the best PVP change regarding queue-system
shitters would leave because the system actually made leaving very profitable if you just wanted to gain MMR, cr would catch up quickly even after loosing a lot
>WW takes near 8% blanket nerf
havent got to the pala changes
That was long overdue
Only nerfing Tyrannical was stupid. Fortified felt overturned.
they will get a fifth round of buffs just because of this post
Can someone TL;DR the changes for a 5 year old IQ like me?
Dorki is playing right now
He's still outhealing the healer
He has only died when he tries to do something stupid
He's also extremely undergeared and doing a 10
he also said the dancing rune weapon change almost makes up for the ds nerf
so what now doomsisters?
Changes bad.
dude no one fucking wants a WW in their m+
im too fucking stupid to play monk, vengh dh i guess?
Shit like this is why I cringe whenever I see someone recommending monk to someone.
It's the end of retail and the worst change ever, sensible people are deleting their account over it
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Horde bros, how do we feel knowing Xal'atath owes us a favour for getting her a new body?
I birthed her, Ill unbirth her.
>The War Within

Heh more like The Wait Within with the lack of tanks.
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Gazlow specifically
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Adventurer bros..
Dam, blizzard calling me a playa
>want to play an MMO
>not in the mood for WoW
what should i play
Realm of the Mad God.
god i wish you were your dracthyr
god I wish for her wooly rambledoodle?
EQ1 on the teek TLP if you want some old school grind.
There's always OSRS ironman mode
I'm one of those weird solo playing autists when it comes to MMOs, unless grouping is actually necessary. OSRS can optionally be an MMO in name only, there's like... two mandatory player interactions ever (the 'Shield of Arrav' and 'Heroes Quest' quests). Otherwise it's just you, the massive MMO world, and the comfy grinds.

My go-to non-WoW game. But again it may be the autism
is shadow getting an aoe button in tww?
all healers got buffed as well tho (apart from holy paladin lol)
i shall be playing ghost resto sham :)
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Ion if you can hear me
Give us Chain Harvest
Ion get Cringewave away from us
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i cri evertime

We must deport the filthy orcs back to the outland where they came from. billions must die. Make Azeroth Great Again.
whats going on here?
>The Map for Khaz Algar changes when you mouseover it
>killing elves is somehow now bad for alicucks
osrs ironman mode is fun until like 1.5k total level. getting d scim, barrows gloves, torso, drag defender, fire cape, and some random "impressive" rare drops from treasure trails is great. then everything becomes turbo aids and gescape is unironically better. grinding barrows for 200 hours with a d scimmy and ibans blast for a set you could buy in 2 hours of grinding sucks balls
>Make Azeroth Great Again.
we tried but they just grew another tree
you're witnessing kino my friend
Yeah even as someone who has played that meme game (and this one actually) for nearly 20 years, I totally agree.
OSRS' early to midgame is absolutely perfect, I love it every time. There's hundreds of important feeling things to aim for, so much to do and earn.

When it slows the fuck down in the endgame, boy does it slow down. Now it's dozens of hours for one item. 100 hours for one skill which doesn't even unlock much more at that point.
At least questing is still a 10/10 experience, Desert Treasure 2 is the singular best MMO quest in existence.
>apart from holy paladin lol
10% WoG buff
20% flash buff
ret got a 20% WoG buff
palachads eating good
most plapable race?
male vulpy
nothing beats the raw hype of the original while guthix sleeps, but dragon slayer 2 > desert treasure 2 just because of the part where the main theme kicks in when youre jumping across the ships while fighting dragons
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man i wish i hadnt lost the account i was botting canon balls on...
fuck me
had the slickest lil ahk script i wrote myself
pissed it all away trading with my free account botting anchovy pizzas in edgeville
Male vulpy>male dracthyr
You get Isekai'd into WoW. What race, class, gender and expansion do you choose.
male vulpy rogue wearing nothing but a loincloth
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>changes are barely even noticeable on almost every tank that isn't bdk
>bdk only gets bad if you make big mistakes and even resto druids are keeping them alive with no problems
>fortified getting nerfed too so even less tank damage will be going out
>other unspecified changes intended to slow damage intake down coming soon too
All that screaming for this? WoW players truly are pathetic.
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do you have any recommendations for horde classes and races to get to 70 before remix ends? trying to make sure i make good use of the experience boost before it ends.
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You die of thirst in the desert
For what
face 5
platinum parted short
green eyes
ears, long
preferably a paladin
i want to make sure i have a good roster available for when i feel like changing things up
holy truth nuke
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I'm resubbing but mainly to ERP with Maye again. I'm not interesting in discussing game balance or changes.
>Nelf for functional immortality (I'd rather not be purple, but blood elfs are crack fiends)
>mage because teleporting / blinking is fun, plus free food
>female, no homo, it's just that male nelves are lame doofuses
>expansion doesn't really matter because canonically there's like a year between them, max (but post-Scourge at least I guess)
Vulpera onahole
Dracthyr, cuntboy, Aug, dragonflight uwu

You die of semen overdose sis
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I didnt appreciate BFA enough. I didn't realize it was the peak of WoW.
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Based. Looking forward to (You).
fem nelf druid in Cataclysm so I can give the worgen a proper welcoming to the Alliance
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>join mog run
>people are using reddit vernacular
Just escaped the endless fall in Dornogal thanks to heroic leap, proving that it's still the best ability in the game.
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orc warrior
>it's all gay furry porn and child furry porn
Holy shit you need to kill yourself asap
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i certainly dont browse that shithole, i was here when they launched it and shilled it itt
its a FAR more appropriate place for you to talk about erp than here, not surprised the message flew over your head.
your gay anyways so i dont see what the big deal is, kek
Orc is probably the most versatile on horde. I like plate female orcs for the looks.
Oh that explains it
i dont hate femorcs but i dont find them particularly attractive
morcs look cool as shit tho, especially in plate armor
After reading many opinions about chronicles 4 i have reaches the conclusion that people lack basic reading and text comprehension from both in game and book sources, each retard is understanding whatever they want as headcanon. Some retards even thought that Arthas was 100% in control after he became the lich king(which was disproven multiple times in game even before shadowlands)
I would like them more if it wasnt for the shoulders
>i have reaches the conclusion that people lack basic reading and text comprehension from both in game and book sources, each retard is understanding whatever they want as headcanon
Yes? I play alliance and good luck trying to explain the events of the broken shore, they will tell you the horde did it on purpose and they are evil.
even metzen said that once arthas picked up frostmourne, he lost it
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for me, it really sells the space marine look
Is it true that bullions aren't dropping from LFR anymore?
they should.
i got 4 out 4 bosses 2 1 and 1
somethings up with this HORSESHIT
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This is ditzy bimbo erasure.
Bring back airheaded goddess Elune
the dumbest part is it sadly isn't even a nerf for 95% of the playerbase, but holy shit this makes blood fucking dogshit and crazy low skillcap for a spec that already has very little going on.
>Stormrider set looks great for Mountain Thane
>Matching hammer was from the trading post months ago
>Matching shield is only available to players in black and red, not gold and blue
Why is shit like this still happening? How hard is it to go "Oh hey, there's an item design/variant we aren't using, and there are duplicates for this design, let's just swap one of them over"
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this fetish makes me hard
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Lightforged DK or Dracthyr Evoker
Female (Male)
male orc warrior in wod
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im still playing havoc
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in all fairness, they've gone out of their way to give blood dks ways to get bone shield up between combats when between DRWs so they don't eat shit and can focus on picking up mobs, but it's still dumb.

making tank sheals not generate threat was kind of dumb to begin with.
I miss being able to just press FR on bear or WoG on pala and get threat on a whole room.
Male blood elf paladin so I'm immortal and the earliset expansion so I know the most future events.
Your magic addiction bro?
Ill just bubble it off
Nelf male druid, TBC, hang out in exodar...
Maybe TWW is the year of the nelfie gf
>nose ring
>receding hairline
>man hands
dracthyr, druid, bodytype 2, classic (so I stay a sleep for a while)
just came to maye r34...
does maye have wowg in his fucking tags on r34 or is he posting about himself again?
slimy dracthyr tongues
cant you canonically be a magical tranny in wow? like you can go ask an alchemist to make you magic hrt and instantly switch genders
You can just ask a barber
>still has prim wave
shit fucking ability
prim wave is good for enh tho
What kind of clippers do they keep in those drawers?
it's an unfun playstyle you fucking nitwits
Not really feels great for enha when you spread shock with lash and then blast them with lb.
nah it feels like fucking ass ur wrong im right
dogshit fucking ability that should have died with the shit expansion it came from
>ur wrong
no, im right
Nope, I fact checked it. ur wrong bitch. Snopes said so. Politifact said so.
>Snopes said so. Politifact said so.
max debunked this
wowhead rebunked it
wowhead sucks
i win
shaman will always live (read: rot to death) in the shadow of paladin so long as the mechanics revolve around rng and building rng stacks
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>one filtered post
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Fine I'll goon to nelfs okey
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I wanna play Frostfire Mayege right now. It looks so fun.
would it be a social faux pas on moon guard to play a gay frog?
Thats a warlock.
nah, you'll fit right in.
thats a firefire mage
still waiting on gay frog race. theres heavy lore for them and hints that they'll be added soon, with reps in the current story (beef, many others).
if you play a druid and use the charm woodland creature spell and bring a frog with you then pretend to roleplay as the frog, or use a battle pet frog and use a growth biscuit on it and pretend to be the battle pet frog, its considered good roleplay by most RP councils. some frown on it but they're looked down on by other servers for being unable to suspend their disbelief.
sunfury is goated
>RP councils
nuremburg tribunals?
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No that was on my mage. I had my Mayemog on both lock and mage.
Well, my mage is a nelf now as a new OC for RP.
Going for a spellblade look with Felo'melorn and working on getting Legion Archaeology achievements for an artifact appearance.
Firefire mage is just destruction warlock.
Is it? Haven't checked yet. What's it do?
>What's it do?
cataclysm and fire phoenixes
>fire phoenixes
... like Kael'thas in Heroes of the Storm?
Fuck yeah.
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>new Azeroth World Map in TWW

What do you think of it?
We have room for growth (ie more islands)
No you.
Kinda running out of space huh? Is this still only one half the planet and there's still another side?
kinda ugly
try again
we need to start adding things to the left side of the map
>Biggest nerf in tank history
>Announced 3 weeks before expansion launch

reddit, wowhead and the forums are absolutely not happy. I play warrior tank myself (so I'm used to nerfs, no problem) but DKs seem to be the most affected...
season starts in almost 2 months
I already saw high tier tanks running keys on the beta and they say is basically the same minus the dk the change to ds is really fucking them, they are at complete mercy of the healer and we are like 2 months away from the new season
A tank nerf just means healers will be even more respected u:)
(The u is my druid cresent moon)
Dorki said changes didn't achieve anything, and that tanking is basically the same.
as usual players overreact
earthen intro cutscene
Yes and no, tanks won't be able to pull as much as before unless they giga kite as long as you can keep aggro (or doing dungeons with a trickster rogue) but the dk changes are brutal.
what a fucking shitty race
they should just remove m+. m+ is the source of all the problems the endgame has
They should remove m+ for a season just to kill the game.
trying out diablo 4... kinda of boring desu. anyone know a fun class/build
Wow doesn't have enough furshit.
Because m+ is the only important endgame we have, raids are a joke.
m+ chads run these threads
how the FUCK did Thrall make it to Kalimdor without crashing into 50 other things again???
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last one
The in-game map isn't representative of the actual canon sizes, all the giant islands are actually pretty small
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>Naked human female starts to ERP with me randomly in Stormwind
>Get biggest boner just after a couple of messages
Ah damn, I know it's 99.99% chance of being a dude, but seeing a naked human female just induces some kind of lust that makes me not care in the moment.
those types of games were never fun
>It's still just beta, they'll fix it by release.
You are here.
>It's just early launch, they'll fix it in a patch
>It's still season 1. They'll fix it by season 2.
>It's just season 2. They'll get it right by season 3.
>It's just another awakened season. You can't expect them to fix anything during an awakened season.
>They'll fix things by the time Midnight comes out for sure.

this doesn't apply anymore really as they are very reactive now to feedback
Post full
NOT gay frogs for once
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literally me
what if Thighmane was a femboy
did you make that post on wowhead or did you just copy it
eu hours are so much better its unreal
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Do you regularly look at attractive women and fantasize about them being men
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are you really asking me that
because he
>regularly looks at attractive women and fantasizes about them being men
>be me
>femboy human player
>milf night elf starts sending me sexual whispers unprovoked
>cum before I even get my pants off to fap
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y tho
Fuck t*nk players lmao my ass off
hmm... cute~
its not rocket science retard, hes a fag
>all the "good players" talking about the tank changes on max's stream
>none of them actually have any good ideas on how they can make m+ fun for everybody
>they finally just have to admit that no matter what blizzard does they are always just going to optimize the fun out of it and there's not really a way to design the game to avoid that
Who could have guessed that minor tank nerfs would cause such an existential crisis
I copy pasted it cause it's true. I don't know how many times we must go through this song and dance before shills give up with these cope responses of "uhhhhhh they have 2 weeks to fix it it's gonna be okay!!!"
She kept saying how big and strong I am even though I'm small and lithe
It made me so stiff i couldn't think

Then she went on about milking my balls until she's full of my kids and I had never had a girl say that to me I came so hard i saw stars
What if when you started a M+ group your house gets nuked irl?
that's a keeper
I'm so used to getting off on being bullied but this positive attention just changed my life
Why are the ret and prot spec pictures women and the holy one a dude Blizzard hmmmmmmmm
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Think im gonna be bearing into tww
Legit does not fit in there, it's too cramped. If it's an underground zone why couldn't they place it in the corner like Zaralek? With cracks and below the map.
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You VILL wear ze dress
You VILL support strong womyn.
I swear I watched that cartoon growing up.
do you shapeshift mid sex?
I haven't followed TWW too closely because I didn't want to spoil too much, but I think some of the expansion takes place on the surface? I don't know, though, if it's just the entrance to the underground zone or if there are actually quests and towns on the surface.
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>BDK walks in
>Procs purgatory instantly
>Gets healed to full
>Dies one second later
>erm you're supposed to go disci because it does marginally better dps than holy with quadruple the jank
>no i'll go holy so i can actually heal as a healer
both ends of the spectrum are nice
wife the nelfie
Being alone in the world with a lil bear dog would hit a lot different
Depends on the circumstances.
"AUG IS BAAAAD FOR THE GAAAME" - xXxxIllidanThEDesTroyeRxxXX 500 rio
"Aug is bad for the game" - 21st man raid leader that hasn't actually played the game since BFA
What spec has the most anal sex?
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>You will never live a cozy hermit life with just you, your vidya, and a bear dog companion, and your fem nelf wife
The fuck is the point in this clown life...
Game over man, game over...
preservation evoker
Giving? Ass rogue. Taking? Most certainly aug or pres vokers.
>Ass rogue
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>Reminder to report avatar/signature use.
I don't play wow but I was browsing the catalog and saw this lmao
What kind of aspie spaz you got making your breads wowg? who cares zzz
Please don't bring attention to it. He'll destroy the thread.
is avatar fagging not allowed because like 80% of vg threads have them and nothing ever happens
it's a "rule" that never gets enforced
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>how it's written:
Don't post avatars or signatures
>what it means:
Don't use stuff like picrel
>what zoomer backseat wanna-be jannies think it means:
If you post your WoW character you should be banned
A literal autist who larps as a janny
I miss forum signatures. If someone uses a trip, I don't see why they shouldn't also use a signature image.
& you guys just let him make the bread lol? nobody cares about avatarfagging. chase the spastic out
Forums were cool but when most of them started using a rep system it went to shit
Khaz algar is an island. There's a tunnel that leads to the other 3 underground zones
fuck off fags
He makes the thread 30 posts early and cries to the jannies in IRC if you happen to link a new thread before he does because "I MADE MINE FIRST WAAAA"
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Forum siggies were soul. I liked them.
>found a fix, sent you a pm ;)
>thread locked
He goes on a tantrum when it is brought up and then says he doesn't go on tantrums when it's brought up. Have to pick your battles. If getting to make the OP satiates his autism to spare the rest of the thread, so be it.
holy paladin
pathetic beyond comprehension sorry you guys deal with that but you have to chase him out anyway bye
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>all my friends have early access
They'll all be max level while I'll be stuck with the Dragons..............
you had 2 years to get a million gold to buy the epic edition
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No way they have some world drop loot bug that us pay pigs get to exploit this time.
the way it stands, it's under 4 days once per 2 years. I'm gonna see how it is, but if it affirms my theory that poor people & spiteful non-supporters are the ones who bring all the malcontent and shit behavior to the game, I'll start screeching for premium servers.
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What will it even achieve? Unless you're already in cliques you'll still have to contend with the screeching retard faggots in M+ because that's timegated like almost everything in this game now.
Pay dogs*
nothing on its own, just a taster I suppose
It lets me flex my superiority over the poors.
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>Make new thread to ask a question
Did you just hecking make a new thread instead of using the search???
>Use search and find old thread
Did you just hecking necro???

Forum jannies were ritualistically mocked on the daily and now we have zoomers worshipping them. The west has fallen.
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>premium servers
h-how much would they cost..?
written or unspoken, people take the rules way too seriously
anons still get fuming pissed for sharing cool things itt because it's apparently "spoonfeeding"
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i can't wait to play my shaman next week hnnnnng it's a gonna be crayyy
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I never understood the "PM'd you the fix" meme. Why? Why not just post it in the fucking thread!?
I will humiliate wanna-be jannies until the day I die.
That feel when no
>huge titty elf wife
>smol flat titty elf wife
"male" elves have flat tiddies
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I'm afraid a vagina is required to be my beloved.
>LF2M need tank and healer then gtg :)
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I've been mocking these groups since wrath. Never not funny, never not a little sad.
you could... but most likely you would just get your brain splattered.
Daily reminder that Howlah indeed lost
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Whoever could pull my mouth off her tits would be crowned king of Stormwind.
chad Maye owns this thread
>name dropping people like we're just supposed to know who they are
We're going to make our thread great again.
any wowg mg guilds repopulationg for the war within
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Norf status?
>stealing ceegee gimmicks like we're not supposed to notice
i invented that gimmick, though
Guild will be cross realm next week
Join <BLT>
need nelf mommy to rub my tumtum and make the tummy aches go away
me as the nelf (i'm a grown ass man with sweaty cock and balls irl)
Maye is literally Donald Trump. The schizo tried to assassinate /ourfuta/ and only clipped them in ear.
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>Groups are still getting hard stuck at frog boss in HOI
>In season 4 2024 anno domini
>3 wipes all to same mistake
I was even super helpful. Bring all frogs close to boss, tank gets eaten as well, self-defensive if you have to and it's gg :)
But nope.
>mage and paladins
>"hmm why are they retarded?"
truly a question for the ages
Never underestimate the average pug retard's ability to fuck up the simplest of bosses
I find shamans can use the slow totem is pretty strong to handle them since the smol toads get kited easily by it.
>Mage please use frost nova or warrior use shockwave
>neither happens
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>mage stands there staring at a frog slowly leaping toward him
>it makes contact
>1 stack
>2, 3, 4
>he blinks away but doesn't keep running
>5, 6, 7, 8
>he panics and only now starts to move
>he screams
>his healer is a mistweaver
I'm a druid I can dispell anything.
Are you ready for another kiting m+ season
Dispel my dick with your mouth (in cat form)
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>Pablojuarez - Nemesis has joined the group.
>hola summ
[Pablojuarez] Level 70 Blood Elf Paladin - Valdrakken
insta kick if its my group
Maybe a quick lickk, but only in dreamtalon form.
im a brewchad
Dreamtalons are built for sex.
>everybody freaking out about tank nerfs
>all the tank player streamers log into beta
>all of them agree that DK is the only class that even feels any different
what does BLT mean?
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My queen
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He looks like he fucks Tyrande
troll men are made for him...
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>Tank gets as close as possible to a pack before pulling it
>Mage and I think he is pulling and start to DPS
>Tank does nothing, die
>Drops this gem and "you spank it you tank it lol"
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Is it worth buying the latest pre-sale and rolling an ORC HUNTER ON AREA 52?
i do this
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>Accidentally cast Implosion on a single target boss
wowg's favorite Tales of ____ game?
My favorite Tail game is Tail Concerto
i played the free trial for this game and it sucked. i cant believe people pay 15 dollars a month and become morbidly obese to play this.
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best mount
Every time I leave WoW or think about coming back this is the main thought. Why does still cost so much for this?
after playing for the entire expansion i finally got the recipe for one of the primal illusions
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Why is it so desolate and empty bros...
tales of androgyny
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We're all partying
Maybe I should remix a character on moonguard.
Stormwind's where all the good ERP is.
femworgen spotted
yeah but all the goonbait is in goonshire
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Fellers. Human or Dwarf Paladin?
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only if survival

leveling is boring the fun comes after getting to max level

some people just NEED a personal yacht collection and they need your money to do it

you should be playing something else and when you come back it will feel even more fresh and exciting
>trying to quit drinking
>insomnia like a bitch
time to drink and play shuffle!
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Human and then Earthen (horde)
Same here I drink then stay up all night. I'm gonna drop dead some day soon.
no, beast master
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same brother, cheers
i used to smoke weed then it started fucking with my stomach and giving me reflux, thinking about going back to it right now just so i can kick the habit
really need to get to the doc and get back on my adderall to even me out but cba honestly
And also what looks like a femtaur there on the right
drinking makes me fall asleep sooner
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>be me, an honest avatarfag who lives for the honest (You)
>the moon guard cliche happens
>suddenly a baker shows up that condemns avataring
>probably the oldest oldfag that still visits this shithole
>no more (You)s
i wonder if microsoft is going to try to merge the wow subscription into game pass
I should add I only want to play 1 character, will just get a boost through heroic raids, little interest in m+ pretty much just wanna screw off, only pvp is bgs
shut the fuck up koragon you lil bitch
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give me a few worgen like that rule34 link that the janny deleted earlier to shut me up :3
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the mg clique literally showed up out of nowhere kind of insane honestly, i swear it was an inside job, that fucking nochestmogger, you know the one
baker doesnt like maye, and the baker is unironically based, but honestly this thread would be so fucking dead without his maye antics all over the internet
i think its hilarious, lmfao, hes contributing at least
abolish skyriding
good news is that all the zoomies jizzing their pants over it are in for a rude awakening!
they're we're going to have to aquire new doragon riding points in wawawin
this is all against the rules btw.
I want to go dragonriding with (in) Alexstrasza
>delete alt (level 40) to reuse name on different character
>error message saying "that name is taken"
how long do i have to wait? it's been 3 days so far
a month
maybe 30 days idk
that should only be for people that arent on your account tho
i always save names i want to use on level 1s...
there is an exploit to jailbreak characters out of remix by doing something similar so perhaps it has something to do with that
heh avatar trannies uppity
dang. at least it'll be in time for tww
I had the same problem, wrote a ticket and a gm solved it the next day.
That was in Legion though.
Imagine typing this shit unironically
cope, faggot
Flying is available right away THOUGH
it's because people talk about this thread openly in Goldshire.
like regular ASSS tbc flyinfg?
threads like xivg would be completely dead without them
No, Skyriding or whatever they call it.
Disabledfolx flying is available after you explore the maps.
Holy rent free
why havent the mg tronns gotten these chuds b& yet?
where do people buy elite boosts
This is not true.
trade services
why would you just boost to elite tho
>weā€™re nerfing the fuck out of healers now to open up some design space to tweak encounters to be less bursty later
>later: encounters are tweaked to be even more bursty instead of less
>weā€™re neefing the fuck out of tanks now to open up some design space to tweak encounters to be less bursty later
lmao pugs are gonna be dead as fuck this expansion, people just want loot from their weekly welfare wall instead of tryharding and improooving
i do not pvp but i want the set and would pay $50 for it
>post opinion or hot take
>attach a screenshot of their futanari avatar even when its completely unrelated

what type of mental illness is this?
you want an 1800 boost not an elite boost
what spec do you play
That's why you never listen to top players ever. You design your content around the mid of the pack and you give the middle finger to the tryhards. They're addicted to the game anyway so they're not going anywhere.
i play ele but i dont care what the booster uses
It's blizzard, they design it around esport
>1 poster gives you a hot take accompanied by a sexo screenshot
>Another complains like a whiny bitch and throws a tantrum
Jee I wonder which poster I'd rather have in my thread
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Who asked for this?
neither you attention whoring retard
>Post WoW character
>Some spastic has a psychotic mental breakdown
What's the cause of this phenomenon?
I hate their hair.
What is the cat looking at?
>TWW has single trash packs with as many mechanics to play as a raidboss on normal
>now tanks got fucked and itā€™ll take at least a month on live before blizz admits they fucked up
I think Iā€™ll just wait two months or so after release until they unfuck everything
It makes sense story wise they become playable (freed of Titan's program as repair drones, looking for new purpose, clinging to those who helped them), but yeah it's just another dwarf.
Leading theory was virtually cucked or denied, and they couldn't handle it.
>faggot got MAYEBVLL'd
>couldn't cope
they've done it on purpose to collect data before season 1 starts
they always do these huge number alterations 1 week before a major release
Should add
>obvious seething replies without the post number he's replying to
Whatā€™s weird about the tank nerfs is that ultimately itā€™s going to be the healerā€™s problem (as usual), and healers are by far the least skilled role in the game
>"we are taking story seriously with THE WORLD SOUL SAGA"
>release chronicles 4 which is just a shitfest
>make less campaign/mainstory content because "lol no one does it"
Combine that with the gameplay stuff makes me really question what the fuck they are doing.
Iā€™d be fine with the nerfs if they made it so that the healer has to pay everybodyā€™s repair bills
Blizz noticed that Dawntrail had a mixed reception and are desperately trying everything they can to make sure TWW isnā€™t accidentally better
I look forward to suffering everyone elses inability to avoid damage then.
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i have an spriest and demo lock. what range dps i level next?
If you have been here long enough you would know it's just losers overreacting to any change + insecure OG players
mage :D
I want Maye to throatfuck my XIV character to prove that she not only owns wowg but xivg as well
Its blizzard monkey's paw-ing people like me who want Dark Iron to be a Horde race.
So the idea is to get portals and then go back into baby dungeons like +5, play like total garbage and make everyone believe itā€™s the healers fault so everybody dogpiles on the poor, clueless greenie whoā€™s doing their best, hopefully causing him to quit
the dogshit racial is a huge "fuck you"
Just pull less, retards need correction.
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Healers will be relegated to be the group's stress relief. Like the Primus intended.
That can be arranged easily.
Anybody has the torent for Chronicles Volume 4?
Would buy it, but previous Volumes cost 65 euros here loool.
You mean the "just select your food buff instead of eating food" or is there more?
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yeah guess I'll just have to keep rolling more elves draenei and femhumans for all time cus blizz will literally never add anything better.
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>Join M+ group
>She pits in key
>Heart out
>pull less
Why would I? Pulling big is the only fun part of m+
As a tank Iā€™d rather wreck 4 keys and finally time the fifth run while having fun all the time rather than time 3 dungeons in the same time playing like a robot
Not even worth the effort IMO.
>hmm the top 0.01% are doing keys with no healers
>we can't allow this to continue (for some reason), deploy the tank nerfs
Why are you RPing as a male human
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this you?
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Because brutalizing Horde players with TRPs from my own realm is incredibly fun as a human male
>>hmm the top 0.01% are doing keys with no healers
but that's not the case
the only dungeon where you can do a fair bit of the dungeon without one is AA, every other dungeon the healer swaps back after like 2-3 minutes
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6 more sleeps
not you fat faggot
What is the best race, and why is it manda?
who u talkng to lol
he knows who he is.
mmos are more fun when there are broken strats and classes that are overpowered for certain situations
nerfing things to bring it back into purely trinity gameplay with stat checks is boring
Why are you stalking me bro o,o
>Blizzard nerfs tanks and balances some dungeon mechanics
>playerbase makes guides andd tutorials on how to best do each dungeon with specific tricks, CC targets and mechanics being described
>playerbase just copies what these guides do and optimize every dungeon after a month or two
>by the middle of the season 90% of the playerbase knows exactly how to do a dungeon and just clears it with ease

the only way to combat this is to randomize mob packs and potentially even bosses or their abilities each M+ run
no I dont give a flying fuck about the MDT, the Great Push or any other competitive scene for this game mode
no I dont give a shit that this may generate certain mob packs that become nigh-impossible to clear unless your party CCs most of the pack
extend the dungeon timer by 30 minutes if needed, but the fact the community just apes the most optimized path and encounters saps the fun of M+ entirely and it becomes a matter of how good you are memorizing someone's guide
I should randomize the location of the organs in your body
>what this game REALLY needs is to be fully randomized
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no this is me
I want to learn about the lore of WOW so I can understand wtf is going on(started playing in dragonflight), before war within starts. It's really stupid from Blizzard that they don't do story recaps before the new expansion starts, like they did it for Diablo 4. Wasted oportunity that Would get more people playing imo.
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dont care, now kiss my plate boot
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For the horde lol
gotta keep my hand in.
been out of the world, of warcraft, for a while.
been hauling lumber, trash, firewood, scrap metal and 40 years worth of my elderly dads bullshit around for three solid weeks helping him move, filled a 20 yard construction dumpster and a 26 foot truck emptying his old house. GOD DAMN why do boomers own so much useless retarded junk
Here's all you need to know about wow's lore
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Fucking traitor.
post your duelist enchant
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im sick of pretending i like having big man boobs. I DONT. there i said it.
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look closely at the weapon
Hi, I was a lorefag from before SL completely ruined the entire canon.
Don't bother trying to understand any of it because there is no concrete canon, and anything can get retconned at any moment.
but chubby boys are cute anon.. :(
LINGER9999 draws cute mandarens...
You could just come say hi to me anon. I'm not that bad.
I know that feel bro, I had to clean out century-old records cabinets and freight containers out many times in the army. NO fucking idea why boomer brassfags kept all that shit.
The sigils
>anything can get retconned at any moment.
nu-writers failed to grasp this.
by invalidating OG foundational lore/canon they also invalidated every word they have ever or will ever write because a setting that does not respect its own canon simply doesn't have respectable lore that anyone will give a shit about.

IMO og canon is still canon and all this new shit since legion is entirely fan-fic teir and just waiting to be thrown out.like for Sure SL is non-canon, virtually all of it. Some of BfA was workable, some of Dragonflight is workable. But likely everything to do with the jailer, the first ones and the arbitranny is just awaiting deletion.
the covenants sort of work standing alone but they need fixing. the fact that maldraxxian soldiers, of "The Undying Army" *die when they are hit with sword or w/e* instead of falling apart and needing reassembly, is unforgivable. Everyone in the shadowlands should be functionally immmortal and "killing" them just disperses their spooky ghost ass for a while and then they come back.
oh Im not like scurred, you know me, I know know you, I was actually just play-stalking you like a cat cus I was bored and saw you made bea into a dude and was appalled by that fact.
Oh lol. Just a different RP character. I still have Bea's profile for when I want to play her.
Why are there no milking tables in wow?
There was an interview with some of the writers last year and they more or less said
>mistakes in quest text? no. it's just unreliable narration.
After I read that it firmly cemented the thought that it wasn't purely Sylvanas waifu man's fault the entire narrative is fucked. If their own writers can't be bothered to keep things consistent why should anyone even read what they write, let alone care about it.
erp shit is off topic
>nnmooooooo you canā€™t erp in the erp general of an erp game
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maybe thats how you treat it in your mind palace joshie, but not everyone plays the game as a dress up gooner simulator for their futa avatars with absolutely horrendously written backstories

now go to sleep and dont wake up
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Way to cherry-pick your hatecrush making a simple response instead of the guy blatantly saying sexual stuff.
Just let the retard babble, it's okay.
>TrollAnon faction swapping with Male Draenei
What role reversal foreplay is this and where can I read the fic
>doesn't md5 the ritual goon posts
what class should I make my male kultiran?
Plate looks good on them, the sole reason I went DK because death grip, asphyxiate and then their racial remains an extremely funny combo to knock Horde off a ledge

Bonus points for Death's Adcance as it gives you knockback immunity. You can grip eg. Shaman to a cliff and they cant even knock you off.
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how far does the knockback launch people?
Same as typhoon or thunderstorm afaik

Since asphexiate lifts the character model into the air they fly further a bit and dont collide with terrain as much
meant for >>486531184
literally me
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Guess I'm not a retard then, good.
I wish they would add kultiran paladins, after all Hallowfall is full of them, so maybe at some point. Doesn't matter if they had to have pointy ears.
I wonder what's going to happen to Khadgar
He's basically Azeroth's greatest hero, would be pretty lame if he died
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>the changes didn't do shit
this community likes to overreact
no shit
the is the kind of shit that makes me play with wm off and I can only assume it's also one of the reasons pvp in this game is dying.
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Moon bros...
veng sure as fuck didn't feel the same, you run out of stuff halfway through a pull and have to haul ass out of the pack
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>what it feels like to play ttw
pretty sure you're just a shitter.
8 weeks ago, we had a 24 man roster for mythic.
7 weeks ago, we had a 21 man roster for mythic.
6 weeks ago, we had a 16 man roster for heroic.
4 weeks ago, we had a 11 man roster for heroic.
GM puts something on discord about getting a feeler for who is excited for prepatch and who is interested in just getting together and running some stuff for fun.
4 responses.
Puts a message out just asking people if they don't intend to return or are thinking about it, he wouldn't be upset or hold people to it. Just was wanting to make sure what he should be planning for.
13 responses.
Think my guild is dead lads.
you had a full mythic roster for s4?
"you run out of stuff halfway through a pull and have to haul ass out of the pack"
gee I dunno
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>guild dies a slow painful death over the course of expansion
>new expansion comes out
>all the "officers' old friends" come back as well as plenty others
>they get a guaranteed spot in the raid
>literally 40 people signed up for raids so that there are debates who's going to lead/tank/heal the second raid
>nothing comes from that so people (including those who were consistently attending all the previous raids) get benched so that the shitters that are friends with officers could play
>benched people start raiding with pugs or join other guilds
>returnees suck nigger ass, because the game is at a different spot than it was in tbc and wotlk when they were "good"
>returnees quit before the patch even runs its course and get back to playing LoL and Valorant and such slop
>guild has to resort to filling up spots with pugs that just snatch loot and never show up again
>repeat come the next expansion
Why is updater downloading over 9GB of shit?
old paintings were replaced by 128k textures of pride merchandise

>was in a very competent mythic guild in legion
>it blew up in uldir duiring bfa
>joined another mythic guild in nyalotha
>it went on "break" because of stone legion generals then died in 9.1
>came back just before 10.1 and joined another guild
>blew through mythic aberrus
>guild gets defeated by tindral and dies in s4
I'm not even sure what the fuck I am doing now.
go outside and enjoy summer
prepatch content is available for download
What melee specs are shaping up to be fun and good in TWW?
>Heart of Fear done by Horde
>Terrace of Endless Spring done by Alliance
Why in the fuck...
>the klaxxi tell the horde their gods are not your gods
Lmao. Who the fuck even have gods on the horde except the tauren?
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kek, what a shit show
Trolls, Pandaren, Nightborne
ww ret arms enh
Nightborne were not in the Horde during MoP
Use past tense then.....?
Use your brain to understand the context of the reply chain you're replying to retard
$15 a month to play as a manlet midget
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Worth every cent.
>Pay $15
>Make character a handsome, rugged man
>Get Quel'dorei footjob
Uhm, it's that easy?
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Today I learned fundamental truth: Quel'dorei women love human men. I shoulda done this long ago.
they love those that turn into wolves at night even more
I'm not at that powerlevel yet.
all in due time
Next on my quest is femworg cookie.
nice. they do taste good
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nuffin personnellllllllll
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really nigga? is this the common opinion out there? what the fuck is the point of healers then?
they heal dps and help tank if tank does something wrong
I think they should cater to the eporters, nothing bad ever came out of it.
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What head piece is this?
>the og team beat the wow team
oh no no no no
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Seven hundred and fifty
Just a shitpost chief no need to be so sensitive
Your post was 751

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