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Previous: >>486439713

>[From Chaldea PR Dep't] Watch "Chaldea Broadcasting Station U.S. Branch Lite Vol. 9"!
2024-07-17 18:00 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Commemorative Limited Servant Daily Pickup Summon
2024-07-09 21:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Ati love!
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Kama Love!
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Lip love!
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We're the baddies
>Within the world of Fate/Grand Order, the United Nations works in conjunction with the Mage's Association to oversee the operations of Chaldea Security Organization. In the public eye, Chaldea is officially listed as an organization under the United Nations. Actions such as using rayshifting require explicit permission of both entities.
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Bro. I'm literally telling you bros. I'm so fucking crazy and bipolar and sadistic and something. I will literally do something unless i'm stopped. Im so fucking crazy it's unreal. I took 2 pills today. I WILL take 2 more if i have to.
>no rerun
will we really only ever get 1 summer Valk? fuck
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Pick your favorite ascension
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The correct choice is to steal them all.
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i want more already......
>(You) are a blue helmet
Oh no no no bros...
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Uhh holy based almighty.
Next year
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Vritra love!
they'll release them just like the other welfares. it just takes a while.
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She's here and keeps buying FGO stuff so she's alive and doing well, obviously. Other than that? Ask her directly. I don't know anything that has happened to her in the last 4 or 5 months.
By any chance, do you blame me for something? If that's because of THAT pic, touché, mon chéri.
Liz was caught saying the N-word on camera.
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Wouldn't they eventually show up in evocation festival even without a rerun?
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>Kama didn't wash her hands before cooking me dinner
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I will never forgive the japanese for picking summer 6 instead of summer 7 for their 2nd rerun
Oberonsis. If you are here, I want to apply to be your husband.
Thankyu friend. I'm glad for the kind replies.
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You remember me right Anon? you haven't forgotten me right?
I release in 12 hours and i'm even Saber class which is super effective against the main farming node of the event!
but i want 16 more right NOW.....
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Hey bro wanna talk? Everything ok? Pls respond.
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Bro! You're a fucking loser.
Given the LB7 clear requirement for this year’s summer what if we finally get Summer Ereshkigal, except it’s Eresh Alter instead
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Nowadays you get in trouble for making jokes about shooters needing to aim better...
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How about you kill yourself?
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>Rinface #73982317348217
I’m a latelet. How many different servants do I need not to get filtered by the ORT raid
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>Great cook
>I'm not sure about this one
>I don't get this one
>Fairy of Spring
>Manipulates darkness
>Manipulates boundaries
The red one. Black one looks too baggy and white one looks like a fucking zebra.
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I literally did not say that.
just need eric bloodaxe np2+
At least Charlotte is no longer the suckiest Assassin
Noted, thanks.
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she never was, Jekyll is a year one servant
It was always Sanson.
Shut up Tenacious Lip.
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Jackyll is better than Charlotte though.
just level all the 1 star, 2 star, and 3 star servants plus whatever 4/5 stars you get from gacha and you'll be good. just alternate between one servant and mash (you can reuse mash every other fight) and you'll be fine. theres a chance you'll have him mostly dead before you even get to your rarer servants.
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Kama was the Foriegner all along
melusine -> remilia is probably just 20000 year old loli with similar spears.
turd is turding up the thread yet again
Can I reuse CE’s?
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>Chaldea is an organization of the UN
>UN is just an extended arm of the US
And just like that, FGO was always about America.
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How about you fix your support page instead
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You can keep your projection to yourself next time.

I knew there was a TL version somewhere
She was mounted onto an airship by the Ka'an to fight ORT back while it was at full power, and the onus is on you to prove Dinosaur Altrouge exists to justify Ixquic lacking one of those titles when she is blatantly supposed to be LB7's equivalent to Arc. Cope and seethe
How many Tamamos does it take to establish a drug cartel?
Cute Jane. But looks too much like Castria.
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>I knew there was a TL version somewhere
yeah it was being passed around 2 years ago you retarded secondary
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>I knew there was a TL version somewhere
You're welcome!
No, it's Castria. The Cas comes from Caster.
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1. Shed seduce the cartel leader and turn him into a figurehead while pulling the strings from behind
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Does anyone give a single shit about summer Gareth?
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Yeah, I hadn't saved it, fun image though
Got a couple of slots.
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Sell me on Summer Skadi, Summer Ibuki and Merlin(Female). What about them makes me want them outside of gooning?
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any 120 saika planners?
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Why did they not give Aoko her normal outfit?
Don't forget to roll for Summer Ati
Several people do like Garethfujo if she's still here. And of course the YJK...
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This game HATES jeans
>icsw becoming /alter/'s kwab
The deed is done. I have 12 slots.
I think Lamington deleted me before I could delete him. Kinda based power move. Assuming I'm not just delirious, I respect the play. Well done.
what's it mean
They didn't even give Super Aoko the jeans she had in Mahoyo.
Isn’t the 5th magic have to do with time travel? How does that relate to guns?
I can beat up Illyasviel in a fight!
>just got the news
Rest in piece, Ati...
We crey evry tiem.
Never fiveget.
If you don't already know then you probably don't need them
So what are the differences between the Valkyries? Just designs? Voice actors?
I have a 120. Can we be friends Mr jets
Punch Morgan
Punch Marie
Punch Melusine
Punch Bob
Punch Medb
i do. probably the only servant i'm going to be twisting for.
It's not but time travel can be achieved utilizing it. Touko is confident that time travel isn't the only thing Magic Blue can do, but Aoko is a one-trick shitter. Melty Aoko can basically only fire magical bullets, hence gunner
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They did not reply to me when I asked in the thread and that's ok. My intention isn't to gossip, I just wanted to leave a path to connect because I'm not here often and was worried. Thank you for being a kind friend anyways!
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slightly better quick buffer than normal skadi and you get a ton more buffs/crit star absorb to help your main dps character loop, shes also stronger with her buster crits for some characters who have quick NP but BBBQA decks like berserkerlot. You can also use her as your primary quick looper too instead which gives you room to use 3 skadis+oberon
pretty stonk AoE arts berserker, besides having a 50% NP gauge she has alot of good party buffs and her 2nd skill reduces cooldown too. Means besides being a better edison plugsuit support for arceuid shes good in that new JP OC 90**++ free quest with a 2.7m vritya with buffing saber hokusai.
arguably the least impactful of the three, basically arts merlin which is kinda diminished if you already have him and her np buff only lasts 3 turns instead of 5. It scales with her np level though so if shes np3+ it dos get better than merlins
skadi: tiny quick powercreep. Enables some servants to loop that couldn't before. Enables some loopers to 6CE that couldn't before.

ibuki: queen of arts looping with a very wide reaching np supereffective mod. Supposedly can do 1/1/1s as an aoe arts.

girlin: a merlin sidegrade that performs better in arts stall than merlin does. Starts up faster and has more utilities but longer CDs and less potency in a long fight. Also probably the best alternate when you can't take double castoria for whatever reason.
Can I add you, bro?
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let her cook
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oh no...
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lol jobber loser
The English text should’ve renamed Kiara to Clara, a similar name that sounds and looks much better
Suicide stream when?
you should neck yourself
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why did people delete you?
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why doesn't fgo have l2d?
because it looks like shit
lmao you niggas are pathetic. i thought this was an anonymous image board?
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How in the freaking hell do you are supposed to beat scatch trainning session? She can crit to death characters in one turn during training phase.
She nps often, she can trigger death so it doesnt matter if are casters, you can only damage ONCE every four turns, and worst of all the buffs required to be able to one shot her during np phase are based on your cards and you never get the right cards! so one np is never enough and casters keep dying to gae bolg and the right servant is never buffed enough because it doesnt get the cards

I tried with Illya, tittymonk, Merlin, this shit feels completely impossible.
It already took more tries than any challenge quests, and I beaten all them three times

What the fuck Im supposed to do here?
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let her cook
I'm still here...
Late-stage generals always become this, sadly
redbros are the most oppressed group in /alter/
For announcing he was going to make a purge of his own of anyone without 120s, probably. Incredibly autistic move and makes me think less of him, but it's not like it affects me personally and we're all autistic in some way or another here.

TLDR average day in /alter/
What's wrong with you suddenly dumb slut?
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The English text should've renamed Kiyohime to Dumb Fucking Nigger. A more accurate way to describe her.
Should have renamed her Chiara honestly.
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/alter/ is healing
You can't post images, bro?
I used Tamamo, Big Vinci and Castoria, just keep doing Vinci>Castoria>Tamamo NPs when Scathach is vulnerable until she dies.
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you got imagebanned? that's sucks.
I run like this
how large are your breasts? please be in guatemala.
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the reason why you can't post images isn't because you're "sick". you got banned for 3 days and then also got image banned for your ISP right after for spam. why do you tell such lies, you cuck?
i play browndust only for sweaty slampigs
why are you surprised
r*ds aren't human. It's morally correct to spit on them.
Worse than AI slop.
Another chad joins the no-image group
Did they also ban the Bobnigger?
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Red status?
Should I get a pedicure today
I'll spit on you instead faggot
Bobbu rabu
Why would you moisturise them?
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I have an open slot and a few Mashus I'd be willing to cull, feel free to shoot a buddy request to: 224816647
faggots try REALLY hard, daily, to not be anonymous
No, my PC is being repaired since I think my CPU died so I'll phonepost for a while...
se- senpai can i...
s- s- sleep with (you) tonight?
FGO can barely handle running some NPs that cause even new high end phones to lag, just imagine FGO trying to make it's code and engine work with this
fuck off. and tell nobu that we're going out for a date tomorrow.
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i did this
Fuck off, ugly bitch.
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I thought that Summer Ibuki was Buster for some reason. Anyway, thank you for your input. It'll help me for making choices for my rolls in the future. Have this as thanks.
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Is there a problem?
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want a 4chan pass?
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Kama love!
She honestly has one of the worst swimsuits in the game
pfff hahahahahahaha look at this dumb motherfucker
Already buds, bro
Already bros.
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remember when that one fag asked why people hate gays? this is why
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would you fuck another man's dragon?
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Shut up loser he posted 15 secs before my reply, eat me
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What with the writing bending over backwards to try and make (You) not drink even though the story also literally says we have to get drunk to progress?
Can someone answer my fgo related question on whether craft essences can be reused against ORT raid or if they’re locked on the servant it died with
>Everyone that excessively posts images got image banned.
Damn, jannies are pissed that they need to scroll through conversations to get the AI and Cosplay slop they crave, huh?
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Oreo is peak sex but Ryouma is peak bro. I would only if he knew and was okay with it
You can sleep with your cat fairy and a bottle of wine. It’s practice for the rest of your life.
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Sure Mash. You're the only girl for me.
>The next day...
Use KurobaEx
idk maybe you should ask the general that has played it??? you know just a suggestion from someone that has a brain
sorry but i want to talk about ecelebs. now what's the largest cock ati took in his asshole?
I'd be honored, may I have your code?

Hi fren! What do you mean? I thought things were better is all, so it was worrisome to hear something happened! Friends stick together!
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If you're gonna use the new one at least take the fixed subtitle for the FIIIIILTHY CHEEEEEEEEEEATERS
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I deleted people who had no 120s and clearly weren't making any progress toward one.
We've known about it for 3 years and even got servantcoins over a year early.

The kind of people i removed weren't even redbros, not even serfs. they weren't even on the list to begin with. Not that the shitpost list of the week had anything to do with this in the first place.
craft essences can be reused repeatedly, its just the servant that gets deleted every fight. Your probably thinking of the olga marie CQ fight where you have 10 waves to go through and have to use servants in every slot who all use their own CE instead
Only in a three-way.
120 doko?
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Delete me as well faggot
You won't
Absolute literal bare minimum: 16 servants who can EACH solo a break bar as ORT rotates his typing.
Practical minimum: If you've raised all your bronze and silver servants along with Mash, if you have one or two quality SSRs to solo the tricky bars (Foreigner and Berserker), you should be able to manage. ORT is big and scary but not actually super hard due to all the crazy buffs you get.
You can use all your best CEs every time.
Yes and I would even make her kill Ryoma with her own hands.
I didn't pay too much attention to what's going on but I recognized you and it seemed as something happened to you or something? So I was wondering I guess...
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No, but I would fuck a dragon's man. Does that count?
i am 62% sure that she isn't a servant so you literally couldn't
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Look at my support >>486466849
As you can see, my Liz Caster is level 101, so I'm making progress towards 120ing her. As such, I will be expecting a buddy request from you.
Don't keep me waiting...
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Now, I did it and only lost Tittymonk

RNG quests that rely on the cards you get are the worst shit in this game. Sheba, that Saber wars knights of the round, etc
only if I can hold hands with Ryouma while I do it
Why would I? You're a good 120 haver.
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>grailed mash
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Oh look a dicklet!! Loser!!
Not with that attitude.
So you wouldn't?
Doesn't Schez have a massive dong in the full version of this image?
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Wtf? I thought Sardine died.
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Yeah, pretty much all that guy's art has a foot long dong on them
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I hated these 2 when they first showed up in Guda..3? but god damn the last Gudaguda was awesome and now i love them.
He faded to irrelevancy once 120 came out and couldn't call people split grailers anymore
that is not a footlong dong. That's closer to three feet. At least above two feet.
Bitch grail raped us. I want those two grails back! I want to burn the thief. Justice is needed. Give that witch Mash to Hopkins to the gallows with her.
The redman bro... You /alter/ lore, what the fuck!?
Him too
I wonder when we'll get NP5 and 120 mash. I doubt we'll ever really get her Bond CE untill the end of the game.
I want to get to experience a woman mocking my size IRL sincerely some day.
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What kind of date would Gogh enjoy?
I thought Mash is supposed to die for real
Soulless and Trash, iconic duo right there
she's a loser, she would enjoy anything as long as you pretend to like her
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Painting. After the painting, drinking.
a hike in the forest. alone. with you. and having you forceably take her, up against a tree.
Summer 6 was a good choice. We could have had Summer 6 and Summer 7 both, but instead they picked Arcade collab only because of a Draco rateup.
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She will don't worry. Once the REAL heroine comes back, that is, /ourgirl/, things will change drastically and for the best!!
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ikr? anyone who isn't redeeming Aya got a screw loose.
Take her to a rage room.
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staring at her like this
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Isn’t it really shitty that they’re forcing people to beat LB7, and therefore the ORT fight, for this year’s summer event? They’ve always made summer events newbie friendly until now
Gogh sweats so much I bet she has horrendous BO, good luck trying to enjoy the date yourself
mash called me her precious
It's the joke.
If the choice was between Mash and the clown I’d take mash without hesitation.
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Tell me about the sparrow Touhou. Why does she wear the funny hat?
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This is a post in loving memory of Wu Zetian (2017-2024)
You mean Ortlinde? Is this supposed to be one of those jokes where you get her name wrong on purpose?
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What kind of date would Caster Altria (Summer Berserker) enjoy?
Which ascention? The one in your pic?
raw anal date
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Rest in Pizza
She would enjoy the company of someone that knows how to cook.
yes please
don't worry auntie Wu, i'll fill you back up with magical energy pronto
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All you have to do is sit on her lap
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I really should get one, my fuckjng city gets banned every week.
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The kind where she sits in the corner watching me rail the rich bitch from school.
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Ortlinde, as a winged person with short black hair and red eyes, resembles Aya Shameimaru from Touhou, a winged person with short black hair and red eyes.

One is a Valkyrie, the other a Crow Tengu, and their personalities are nothing alike, but I will continue to draw the parallel until the day I die.
ass too big
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I can post images, but it's inconvenient. I don't like phoneposting.

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>sticking your dick in a filthy prostitute
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since gogh likes making puns I reckon she'd enjoy a date going to a comedy show and watch a funny comedian make jokes she can say as well or make her own gogh pun of it. since she also likes being dommed i'd also take her into a side alley after and then have sex with her hard while pressing her head against the floor
so she would love me?
Beryl would never willingly have sex with a woman.
>Ati is a phoneposter now just like me.
This is a great summer.
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I don't, never did. Not even sure what picture you're referring to in fact. Only issue I could realistically have is struggling to keep up with all the messages you kept sending. But this isn't an outright you problem, just a reminder for myself.

I just blame myself at the end of the day, it's all good.

You don't worry either, if I assume you're the person in question. Just having a melty. My apologies for shitting up the thread, I'll post a scan or two tomorrow to make up for it.
Meant for >>486469207
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Melt date.
>reddit spacing
It's good.

I'm not a fan...
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Ah, then carry on.
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How do you pronounce Gogh?
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this is canon btw
what is going on with this oberon faggot
Turquoise revy is so cool
That a tranny.
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And now you understand why I could never be pleased with fucking Mash. Futa pussy is the only pussy for me.
Bros before frogs.
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Heh, looks like quick is finally dead. All according to plan.
Why did summer 6 win though? Is Da Vinci Rider not in the welfare shop yet? Surely the chance to get another summer Valk and rerun the summer 7 rateups was better than whatever summer 6 had to offer?
Imagine a drunk Bargh fucking the shit out of that turkey with her massive futa cock, and then cumming into it so hard that it explodes.
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You should have said it. I though you're okay with art sharing and stuff.
>I just blame myself at the end of the day
For what?
Jesas look at that ass
you'll only force Mash to visit Merlin
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im just getting in from work thanks for checking in buddy
So how long from event start will it be before I can roll for my big snake wife.
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4 days.
Yes, would Ryouma be ok with raising another man's child?
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Yeah, I'm saving.
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Summer 6 had a pseudo lotto (JP was scared of rerunning an actual lotto because they thought the boxes would be limited), Da Vinci (not yet in the shop) and also the potential for Kama costumes. Also the Vritra and Gogh CEs.
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Wtf!? I love Mash now!!
>STR/INT build
4 days bro
short hop nair
you could farm mats "infinitely" because of the treasure chest system
thank m80s
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> I don't like phoneposting
>I'm not a fan
Ok, this is it.
good evening lucksucker
Hildr is so cute
stop avatarring you attention starved tranny
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I'm immune to porn, my PP doesen't even get up now.
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Go where? Answer the question anon!
My bro is no tranny you freak.
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How's your day going?
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Where would you take Guda on a date?
Just be nice to her and buy her food.
tits too big
This is a really nice Circe.
It'd be better if you took her to an open mic night and you reserved her a slot without her knowing so she just goes up on stage shaking and stuttering and tells a few goghks that all bomb and she pisses herself and cries and THEN you take her to the alley out back and pin her head to the dirty gutter, fuck her very roughly, then cum on her face, take her wallet, and make her walk home at 2am right as all the drunkards are getting out of the bars
Yes but who cares, there might never be another chance to get a different summer Valk and the summer 7 gacha servants are much stronger than the summer 6 ones
Nta but he's right. Fuck off back to wherever you came from.
The suicide forest
>my PP doesen't even get up now.
This is the case for 99% of male Masters, because weenies are redundant for those who exclusively take it in the ass from futa cock.
Sorry bro, I'm too used to having a physical keyboardand typing without one feels too different...
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who's bigger slut?
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Good, I am going to enjoy this 17C night.
Are they? Da Vinci is a decent charge support. Valks are a nice AOE arts servant but we have plenty of those anon.
Like shit, Like every single day.
At least we will get a fun stream. I know the question was for someone else but still.
To the fliperama, where I take all my bros.
ok, im probably gonna go to sleep early instead of staying awake since theres gonna be maintenance after the stream
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Extremely exhausting just like the rest and the upcoming days of this week.
Morgan/Aesc literally let fairies ravage her pussy for thousands of years until she got tired of it.
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Family went to a museum, i dind't want to go so i stayed home
last night i realized i'm 28 and still jobless, and i couldn't sleep thinking about how i'm letting time pass me by in my room alone
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excuse you, I only take cock from Astolfo and d'Eon (male) thank you very much
>Nta but
Nice try, freak.
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>worse than castoria
>worse than oberon
>worse than tamamo
what's her niche besides coombait?
JP players logic was "don't bother voting for welfares to be rerun because they'll eventually get added to the evocation shop"
when you need to keep arts looping but your castoria hit bond 15
kama did this with hordes of indian men and cows for thousands of years but never got tired of it
arts stall
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Night sparrow with birb-like ornaments.
I immediately realized the connection between her and Beni because of the game Mystia's Izakaya...
Goddamn hot...
>I know the question was for someone else
The question was to everyone. Sorry to hear you're having a bad time anon...
CQs with Arts servants
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That's gay bro.
Hang in there, we're over the hump now.

Bro... Have you tried a therapist?
im 33 and jobless due to crippling chronic pain, fatigue, autism, and fragile tendons that fray just from standing around too long. they nearly snapped doing regular 4-8 hours as a courtesy clerk just for a few days.
short of a magic solution, i probably won't ever have a normal life and will always have to rely on others for help.
so here's hoping for a magic solution, babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
I bet you have bad eyesight too.
I don't believe anyone cares enough
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i applied to 20 entry level jobs and none of them followed up a week later, i have past experience in similar jobs
I am very interested in Abby's special hole.
who cares. i’d love to be jobless.
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I ordered replacement rocker panels for my '03 shitbox today while sweating through my shirt sitting still
I want the sun to die and the humidity to fuck off too
I said the gacha servants, it’s obvious that Merlina/Ibuki/Skadi are on a whole different level versus Okita and Kama
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I've been busy for the past few weeks but it should calm down a bit now
At least you have a reason.
I'm jobless mostly because I'm too lazy.
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And I kept thinking I had to respond when I had no energy to bother. Eh. I'll stop the discord drama posting though. You know where to reach out if needs be.

Oberon love!
That's rough, but you have to be eligible for welfare at least, right?
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I'm 31, and I have been jobless since the meme flu. It's unironically for me, not even the local McDonalds wants to employ me. Just get any job you can get before its too late.
I hope you guys forgive me if I start the summer event kinda late, I've been working 11 hour shifts this week that start at 6am.
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God i fucking love Fate Grand Off Topic
Oh you said gacha. I thought you meant the welfares.
Go work at 7eleven or something. It's what I did
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I don't mind to share it.
You literally didn't have to. Good night then.
It's too hot...
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It's her year.
yeah, actually. and i know people who have it worse. why the fuck do human genetics suck so bad?
eh i'm lazy too. you should take the time that your family isn't home to do something nice like maybe vacuum and dust and clean some counter tops. it's not something you have to do all the time and they'll appreciate you doing it even once.
yeah but only like 1k a month unfortunately.
it's fine, even if balls touch we just say no homo so there's a backup plan
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>I want the sun to die and the humidity to fuck off too
excellent idea!
I have never seen you being on topic either, turd
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In the end, I kept procrastinating and didn't finish Ooku before summer...
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Did someone call for Doctor Jeanu?
Im on the way!!!
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You'll get to it when you get to it, bro...
I will keep procrastinating Ooku until EoS I think.
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>Merlina and Shiki are the only non beast servants who have Independent Manifestation
Merlina is a beast and a heretic DO NOT ROLL FOR HER
I was in the same position as you and the shame of being jobless is crippling. It doesn't solve itself by finding a job but finding any job is the first step and using that stimulus to propel yourself forward and keep moving forward and improving yourself.
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Hopefully a cat mulls you
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i’d rather slit my throat than play that garbage again
>Merlina is a beast
She basically said this in arcade
fucking sad
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I'm really disappointed
I thought you guys were chads
Not going to miss anything, get some good sleep anon.
But the quartz bro
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I'm still going to be awake, but good night to you. Good to know regardless. Too much overthinking.
OG Merlin is supposed to have Independent Manifestation at the same rank as his female self, but in-game he just doesn’t have it, was this ever explained?
so is regular merlin. they're both beast candidates.
hah, no. not yet..... but soon i will be a GOD. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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Yes, your life is sad.
>never will be officially translated besides by atlas/rayshift
Look around you at all the people who do care bro.
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>I thought you guys were chads
Why would you ever think that?
i’d sooner pay sq to avoid playing it
you're not clever tranny kun
>working from home tomorrow because everyone else in the team is working from home for different reasons so I just get to do so as well since I'd be the only one in the office otherwise
>Friday is also a working from home day usually so no more office this week
>summer event starts tomorrow
I'm comfy.
The Merlin you can summon is the fake Merlin clone from Babylonia not the real one.
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>Hasn't fixed schedule in 5 months
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>400k a year
>summerhouse at Tuscany
>5 million dollar inheritance waiting in couple years
feels good man
Bros I think I'm into cuckery fetish
in-game name Incarnation btw
Watch Mushoku Tensei bro.
How are you able to summon Merlin if canonically he’s supposed to be trapped in a tower outside of time
drop the larp
even if it's made up im jealous of the idea. good job, bro.
>AI can do Tsugumomo artist's style
Now this has potential
>Bros I think I'm into cuckery fetish
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>underage when FGO started
Hello, Human Resources?!
I did not expect arc of all things to enable a support-only castoria setup with no plugsuit uses but here she is pulling it off with mhxx (using foumes as her ce). man arc's cool.
>Bros I think I'm into cuckery fetish
because you call yourselves chads all the time
was that a lie?
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Anyone who portrays themselves as the chad is the opposite of a chad.
You cant.
You summon the fake Merlin clone the real Merlin created to help you in Babylonia without having to leave his tower.
He cheats
You must be supremely ugly or short or deficient in some critical area if you have all that going for you and still found your way here.
Is iphone bobfag a bro?
I have seen a lot of posts about him lately.
Majority of /alter/ is made up of NEETs and low-skill browns working to survive.
>Bros I think I'm into cuckery fetish
Stelio, Nathan, Enma Ai, Ellesitia, Sam, Jean, Slayer, June, 0%, Lauren, Swordb0ner, Claudio, AbbyBro, Veneno, Sam, Dian, Ellesitia, NoName, Nico, Victor, Lamington, Jaeus, Ark, Reid, Futaba, Addy, Baking, Beato, NFF, Ficsario, Breakfast, Asher, Wolfenkraud, Broybit, Blitzwei, ADO EDEM, Azure, Cyan, Cik, Kiaraman, Chrissy, Grimm, Val, Blocked, Jacku, Neclord, Miles, Jordana, Tam, Ati, Veteranimous, Isa, FutaChad, Rose, Ellesitia, Damanmen, John Smith, Julius, Chronome, Zeno, 月光蝶, Garm, Lime, Jesus, Wath, Magni, Schierke, Arae, Silver, Jackbro, Michael, Saphira, JDblank, Faris, Zexgen...
Working from home should honestly be the norm.
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please remove me from your namedrop list
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fgo bros, i just started playing and my friends keep warning me that i'll BRICK my account if i roll for Summer Skadi despite the servant i want the most being quick based (Jacques)
please convince me rolling for her is a good decision...
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No. I'm really a super human badass with a massive futa cock, the peak of beauty in all ways, unsurpassed both physically and mentally, and am immortal in my totality. Sorry, anon, but I was a STACY the WHOLE time!
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remove beato from your copy and paste list from now on. he is no longer with us...
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Last few weeks I was awake from 6 am, bugger off. You're right though, I jump around between times. What does it matter to a chronic neet then, huh?
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Your friends are retarded and also probably the average poster on /alter/ (retarded and anti-quick) so just roll for who you like and the S tier support that supports who you like.
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trying to get past the 1ap loading simulator tires me out so much. i can finish it after summer though...
He's a filthy little falseflagging faggot
Remove him from your list
I can't believe it...
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Thread mvp: Namak
Shit the fuck up nigger we are not.
your friend is a fag
ignore him and roll for whoever you want
what happened to him
Skadoodle will be rolled by 99.9999% of the people in this general
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>didn't have a decent job for most of my 20s, kept getting fired
>got one at 29 that actually stuck (mostly because I wasn't travelling to the next city for it)
>been there three years
>mostly just do what is expected of me for generic admin work and that's ultimately led to me being the most knowledgable person in my team thanks to people over me getting promoted so now I'm training the new people and my boss wants to promote me to senior (with a pay rise) since I'm basically already doing senior work
>live with my mother and even on my current salary am able to contribute more than half towards bills and shopping while also saving into an investment account
>struggle to maintain anything resembling a friendship because I only ever had online friends anyway and now I either barely talk to them because I have nothing interesting to say or they're bothered by me no longer being around
>these threads are the majority of non-work, non-family interactions I have with people
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Routines are good for you mentally.
>sam gets to be on there twice
wtf, that's not fair...
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Oops my bad i forgot
>bench press 300
>iq 145
>have sex with 4 girls a night on average
>im not in the list
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>Mystia's Izakaya
Why are birb businesses hard to flourish?
He transitioned.
The fate that awaits all Kamabros…
Summer Skadi is Quick Jesus, you'd be dumb not to roll for her when your favorite is Quick-based.
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>convince me
She is a good quick support
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Lesser chance for a headache. What about the other thing?
Because you're nobody.
Summer tonight or tomorrow?
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>got namedropped and am here for it for the first time
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Just took a light nap after having a big lunch.
Go back to /pol/ already you retarded troll.
>Surely the chance to get another summer Valk and rerun the summer 7 rateups was better than whatever summer 6 had to offer?
Like I originally said, Summer 6 and Summer 7 were not exclusive. They chose a Draco rateup over an extra Valk. Of course they had promised another Summer 7 rerun a while back anyway before the poll so it would be a thrown vote if they already planned to honor it. Optimally Summer 6 and Riyo for their respective pseudo-lottos and their respective high-end CEs could have run over a Draco rateup that could happen anyway or a Summer 7 rerun that could happen anyway, or otherwise have Valks in an evocation festival.
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You actually contributed the best post in this dumpster thread
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>>bench press 300
>thinks this is impressive
typical claecel can't even larp correctly
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Im going to Alice
The real question is how much do you spend on big packs with a 400k salary
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ill miss the bots that are spamming me with fp when anniversary ends…
Stream tonight->maintenance->summer 7 starts
You're doing well bro. Keep at it. Just try to find someone to spend time with through any avenue, online dating or friendship or picking up some kind of IRL hobby or whatever. You're in a good place.
I wish I was Alice.
Serious answers only.
As a Quick AOE offensive Caster, what could she have even contributed anyway? How are you meant to make her work when every one of those four words describing her works against her?
around 500k a year (someone please help me)
He only stays in the tower because he chooses to. He can leave whenever he wants, as depicted in Garden of Avalon.
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>gameplayfag babble
Sounds nice anon, love mid day naps.
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I'd say what your mother should've done while carrying you but that will result in a ban.
Lifestyle creep sure is real
Still gonna grail her to 120 btw.
>all other units in murrican
whore of darlington
Based. I'm getting her so my waifu has a friend.
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I wish somebody appreciated me the same way Alice appreciates a cheap bowl of ramen with an egg added
there's literally nothing wrong with being AoE
I'm getting her because I want to force Sono-G to get romantically involved with her.
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Thank you fren, sent with book in caster. Cute Bob!

You are always far too kind and you have my eternal gratitude for it. I think I owe you two birthday presents now, I promise I didn't forget!

How could I not worry when a friend is in trouble? No apologies though, all that matters is that you're ok now. I recovered my app if you're still there!
I'm 33 and finally doing a Masters degree. I want to start networking from there and keep struggling until the end. It's never too late bro.
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got tired of spamming kama everyday just to appease his tranny buddies, he has other tranny friends he roleplays with now
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>there are many like it, but this one is mine
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Where have you been, bro? Did something happen?
Bro let them be, they will reach that eventually.
i want to impregnate alice
Kill yourself you worthless /fgog/ samefag.
I am going to put them into a "you cannot leave until you have sex" room and no one can stop me.
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I don't usually take them, but I kind of went into a food coma. I have thought about beginning to take midday naps though.
Which one?
whore of visakhapatnam
Isn’t it sad that in another year, we’ll all just still be here. Arguing over which new jpeg is worth rolling for. Posting about how your summer funds are doing. Nothing will have substantively changed in your life other than being closer to death.
all of them
is there anything sadder than pretending to be rich on the internet?
>awkward 3 minute sex that ends in silence when soujuurou cums early, they get dressed and leave without looking at each other
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I have a stable job though
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Life is hard for any form of life...
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Life is pointless and you're just filling time until you die
Well he’s not ending up with Aozaki “Sugoi Sensei” Aoko so odds are pretty high he ends up with Alice or dead. He could have died
>Not on the list
Actually yes. Posting your 1k bank account thinking you're rich.
He is just like me....
meds retard
Pretty sure Nasu intends for him to end up dead and for both girls to die alone since he insists on not making Mahoyo a romance.
Let's rape Helena?
Sherlock pls
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Edison pls
Tesla pls...
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Calm down Anytime
game has no content so he stopped logging in
road to lb7 claims another...
Locked…Nice Oberon(s!)!

>Did something happen?
Not really, just don’t have an attitude for active posting for now.
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Can't wait for EoS, so I can finally pull the trigger
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already did
What's stopping you from leaving?
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it's my special interest....
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I want to quit...a bunch of people removed me for no reason and nobody seems to add me anymore.
>tfw no obersonsis to worry about you
Bros I'm so lonely..
>no reason
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Fuck Mash
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Y-you're dumb! You don't owe me anything idiot... You're always so dumb like that...
Turd is actively asking to remove you but the reason remains unknown
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Please leave.
>dressing like this and expecting not to get ryona'd
Girls are just so stupid.
Why did you purge your entire friend list last winter?
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The bobnigger is a known attentionfag
Remove iphone bobfag from your friend lists.
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You need to be a certified greenlister for people to want to actively add you
>imblying I added him
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Are you saying you hate Mash or are you saying to have sex with her?
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I'll never remove you, bro.
Which one is that? I have multiple bobfags
Would Charlotte be better if she wasn't a fucking gross cow with repulsive breasts?
I honestly don't know if this is a falseflag or not but I'll chime in to say appreciate your friends and stop worrying about shitposters and the easily swayed retards.
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Absolutely not
No, I like her tits
No, she'd be better if her breasts were bigger.
Damn, Rin has a nice body.
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QRD on the greenlist/whitelist/redlist parts of that new 120 list? I missed that /alter/ lore. My 120 didn't make the list again.
you are a homosexual
I know this isn't a falseflag so I will chime in and say I hate you and I will never add you btw
I hate gingers, especially Gogh
Why is this so hot?
Fou paws are garbage.
I love ginger, especially on top of my sushi
Bob is garbage.
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Post your code and I will add you.
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>eating the ginger with the sushi
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What do you mean, explain? What other thing?

You of all the people shouldn't worry at all, you have better things to do. I'm around on and off, I got my account back. Bless the priest for that one at least.
t. redlister
Post your fc.
>he doesn’t like cows
You some kind of Indian?
>the rent free trio
kino pic
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Uh, duh, I don't waste food. You don't either, do you? or are you an American?
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They could be larger.
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No reason, really!?
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2+ fully maxed servants (120, all appends, full fou paws, etc.)
1 fully maxed servant
missing something to be considered fully maxed
I can't, it's my autistic quirk that allowed me into the /alter/ guild. I don't post my FC.
I love Robin.
It's pickled(Gari) so it's not the ginger you think of
>low-skill browns working to survive
bro... you didn't have to be so blunt about it...
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You eat it between pieces of sushi...
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I literally cant get it up anymore without thinking about choking and blood. Bundy was right, dont fry your brain with porn.
Ok, post your 120 then. You can empty your CE slot.
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>eat it between pieces of sushi
Well now that just doesn't make any sense, why would you eat ginger by itself? It has such a sharp taste, you need to dull it with some rice and fish.
I clearly don't know anything about anything... You need to do it for me, use these chopsticks to place the sushi in my mouth.
*opens mouth*
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Bros, I've been thinking.
About hats.
Jack in the bread

>eating ginger by itself
Cursed, put it on the sushi
Nobu Hate
Cleopatra Hate
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Thanks. I wouldn't mind living with a magical birb.
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Whenever you guys make that "behind the ramen stall" joke or whatever is, I genuinely just want to feel that feeling I had when I was sat in that one ramen place at Nakano Broadway last year on my first full day in Tokyo and just eating real good ramen that was cheaper than anything I've bought over here in the west and tasted so fucking good man, holy fuck I want to be there in that moment again
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Here's your next american hag servant
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>Bros, I've been thinking.
Stop that
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I'm here for the stream with my bros!

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You're doing it wrong you're doing it wrong you're doing it wrong
I want to eat sushi off of Jack's ass.
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At the rate things are going I will never experience that. Shit sucks
Here >>486472868
Whoever this retard Rinfag is
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skadi's interlude was so retarded jesus christ, couldn't go 3 lines without some (Nods) dialogue "option". two nukes was not enough
don't delete your bros, bro.
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Why, traveling isn't that expensive
Pretty based
FGO Arcade is very arrogant...
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I hope your water heater leaks
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Please redlist me.
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60 friend slots open add me.





I wrote it in both traditional european and american horizontal writing and in asian vertical writing so asian bros can read it too.
Reminder that the girl that hated his guts instantly wanted to save him when he went to jail
What did she mean by that?
That's fucked up bro.
I hope Illya leaks
Thank you come again
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Arcade is powerful
>traveling isn't that expensive
It is afilty spic.
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Yeah she leaks alright
I can see why.
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Is Tamamo Aria the most rapeable Tamamo?
Thank goodness! Haha he wouldn't let me bug him to middleman chat you but I'll forgive him since he saved us. Can you send a note if you have my id (everything got wiped)?

I'll be taking that, water only!
the one most into anal too
Can you tell me so i can fix it.
Hopes and Dreams for the upcoming stream?
I'm still here bro
Punching Bob in the face feels... ?
Shota or loli servant in spats when
Boudica, Mata Hari and Nusery bikinis
Amazing. Orgasmic. Beat her to death.
I'm not expecting anything besides the expected info on the Summer event but I'm hoping we get a date for that FSN Anniversary thing they said would be soon at AX. That Saber is all I need to 120 mine.
Early...uhh...oh wait the 8th fucking anniversary gave us FUCKING NOTHING
I don't want to fuck shotas, I want to fuck lolis
Isn't beni in spats?
This is a really pointless post, bro. Don't waste your Nagiko images.
NA stream will just be the usual with albert hyping up the reveal of showing all the summer 7 servants before the event starts
How good is Summer Sei and Summer Barg?
Sent, Gogh in all.
How far are you into the story? Enjoying it so far?
What a cute kitty
>I don't want to fuck shotas
It's supposed to be the palatte cleanser to clean out the taste between every piece
It's a Lite stream
You might as well skip it bro, its a literal recording where Albert summarizes the new event.
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What did you to get that reaction out of her, /alter/?
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You can still add me in discord if you want, I just wasn't sure who you're, but now I understand.
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Sei is absolute sex
Barg is still 1 year away
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She's sometimes drawn as such in fanart but the shorts seem somewhat looser in her real art.
Do we get Skadi after maint or do I need to wait like a week for her rate up?
Asking for a friend, how the hell do I defeat 10 enemies in 5 turns
6 days
Sent, Kiara in all
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Which one is her real name? I'm confused.
Good, does good damage and has skill CD reduction for her teammates
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I don't have your fc and you damn well know it. Should I drop my discord or my fc or you share your email or whatever again?
Merlina after maint
Skadi is next week
do you have any AoE servants?
Turn 1: AoE NP
Turn 2: AoE NP
Turn 3: AoE NP
Turn 4: face cards.
Slut who needs to get punched in the face!
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Im at Babylonia
I could forgive it all if your Arc was 10/10/10.
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>when he doesn't eat the ginger with the sushi (picky eaters give girls the ick, bro)
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Your message is censored baka.
Just feed me.
Forgive what?
What did i do wrong...
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Open wide for your ginger+raw fish, dechi.
Can you namedrop them all? Might want to remove a few myself.
If I don't care about gameplay, why should i roll for them instead of gooning for them only?
Sei is shit at NP5?
I saw Barg's 1st skill needing 3*s for full power. Seems kinda sad they release Durga before her
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I always though it was a mini skirt because she's small.
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Yeah, but probably will need to rapidly farm to get the AoEs to maximum ATK
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Kama is the god of sex?
I busted my first nut to her.
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Would it be helpful if I put up my Douman with a kaleido? He'd be able to NP two turns in a row pretty much guaranteed.
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As you can see why, I need bros if bros want me.
I mean she's fine, she just has a 20% charge, two niche passive damage bonuses that barely matter (shadow servant and man), and a 1 turn star weight skill. She's just average as fuck
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"Purge complete. R.I.P." is apparently too crude. I'll have to think of something else.
check archives for poopoo list
Sei isn't really an NPer. She's a self sufficient 1 turn crit machine. Dumps stars, starsucks, two crit damage boosts. If you're not relying on consistency for automata, she can reasonably nuke out a single enemy without much help.
CATalante a SHIT
already bros
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Kama is my god of sex
>check archives for poopoo list
too much effort you nigger
Bros... I want more friend slots. I want more bros.
Already bros plus you're soulful
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Kama is really scaring me…
And you will bust your last.
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Just delete some of the less bro bros to make room for some new broer bros
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That sounds pretty unbrolike
Just grab her cock.
Post your support and I will make it happen bro.
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>Np5 arc
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Korean BB
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More free quartz
when is summer
need dragon pussy NOW
beni eats the ginger
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you wouldnt delete me… you love me too much…
Why did Merlin call her Vivian then?
I'm already full of bros sadly.
BB has waaay bigger tits
I am a racist because I am a gamer
in 10 hours but dragon pussy is in 100 hours
That's just Liz but even more retarded.
you have some nerve considering how much of a worthless veteran you are yourself you dumb fuck
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Ugh. So you need Summer Skadi to fully utilize her. Pain.
To love is to let go bro.
I will if I can.
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I got her NP5 in 420 free quartz.
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Bro your Melu? She's waiting on Your Room already.
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Who is the Lancelot poster? I didn’t lose any friends so am I safe?
Forgive me, it's still early here! I put a throwaway here for us to use: https://pastebin.com/bBqhkskD

We've been friends forever, water under the bridge! I put a throwaway if you're up for it but no pressure of course.
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its animous or however you spell it probably. you can tell because its him doing some dumb attention whore shit again like he usually does.
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I want to punch Melusine in the face and tell her she's the worst dragon.
This but Bobshit
Can I bother you too?
It's him because he's using lancelot, and it's also him because he's being based
that said he's also a nigger who will never be cool enough to namedrop
i dont know who you are but i sent you a picture of my wee wee
incase you're wondering the succubus isn't even close to as good as castoria...
So there is a /alter/cord that I'm not part of.... I thought we were bros...
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Bros I just deadlifted 315 pain-free for the first time since my injury(unrelated)
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Consider succubus pussy
Stop being a slut for friends
gz bro
Bro your summer funds???
But their last login is 15 hours ago, you sure?
You forgot to include your friend code with that!
summer dragon pussy isn't until next year anon...
Ibuki exists.
Just take this, it's midnight and I don't want to solve this riddle. funnypriest
I sent a hello, my paste expired early!
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You're being dumb again...!
Sure! I'll send you an email tomorrow morning, I'm busy working on the stream and guide tonight

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