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Previous: >>486480960

>[From Chaldea PR Dep't] Watch "Chaldea Broadcasting Station U.S. Branch Lite Vol. 9"!
2024-07-17 18:00 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Commemorative Limited Servant Daily Pickup Summon
2024-07-09 21:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

I don't want a green woman.
im claiming merlina before anyone else. fuck off
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we live in a society
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Ati lust!
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>another event where we do chores
I claimed her last thread, you fuck off.
Ati is a dude.
They unofficially announced the event begins tonight by saying the male banner starts on the 18th (event and male rate up started same time for JP)
i wish they put Erice in the Proto Merlin banner instead of Gareth
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Kama Love!
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She could easily milk at least 10 anons a day.
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Yeah. Even in our world where people don't know, where people HOPE that there's an afterlife, we still love those we've lost and want to be reunited with them. To deny that desire is to deny the human experience. Your beloved pets, family, friends, etc. In a world like Fate's, the dead are literally still there waiting for us. Why leave them behind if we can help it?
I really like fate and get autistically mad that Nasu shit talks it and the people that are so central to it.
why not just let this guy talk instead of forcing us to hear Albert's SEAmonkey slurring accent?
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Gareth is a red (knight) woman
Will gareth suck my dick if I put peanut butter on it?
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let her cook
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I want to be Illya soo badly
Mom Love!
Did I stutter?
Need to have sex with Illya.
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Me? I'm picking the valk with pink hair (don't remember her name, but she's the best).
Remember to roll for Lady Avalon
So 12 hours? Less?
Prove it
She's a succubus she's for everyone (but mostly Arthur)
That's just Iri cosplaying as her daughter.
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Isn't it weird that they know we're completely aware of everything happening for the next 2 years but because they haven't explicitly said a thing in official capacity they must perform a humiliation ritual where they "reveal" the already known information and have to pretend like it's new, as if they're some sort of jester which must dance for us and ignore reality for unspecified reasons.
more like a SHITciety
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>Punch her in her whore face and close the door.
Medb is cute and sexy!
Disprove it.
Mom Love!
Auntie Love!
>Nasu shit talks it
He does?
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Reposting this again because I was a retard in last thread.
Which 5* CE?
>wants ilya
>posts slop that barely look like ilya
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I want to be inside Illya soo badly
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>veteran players
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Penth has delivered my zinc
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I’m choosing the girl with the pink hair because her green hair edit makes her look like the Joker
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I think asking nicely would be more effective
tryhard whore with dyed hair being desparate isnt cute or sexy
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She’s shit and ugly that not even ai can fix.
Albert seems to try and mess with NA here and there to squeeze extra money, like adding Destiny Order Summon early. But for the most part it's hard to shift.
>shilling Gilgameme on-stream AGAIN
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Started this Ooku thing about seven hours ago and only just now finished the final Kama fight, that was long
Also is it just me or was the Kama final boss a pushover and easier than the previous story fights against her
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You hear that kyodai? Albert's thinking of us!
The funny part is that they actively put in the questionnaires questions about how much knowledge people have of the future so they're aware we're aware over here.
bro that guy died like 21 minutes ago
Cute boy.
Uhh, I have sex with girls.
dont forget to offset it with a little copper or you'll go bald from zinc poisoning
but dont overdo copper thats not good either
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the difficulty scales with the bar on the left
You did Kama at 0 gauge, that's why. Her full gauge is an extremely long and hard fight.
Pick whatever
If he thinks of us then summer will start next week.
It's like seraph where the boss is really easy if you nerf her bit a fun challenge if you don't
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*chews loudly with mouth open and smacking noises*
He is dead jim
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>No rerun confirmed
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His forced themes of leaving servants behind because "only the living can shape humanity's future and the dead must stay behind" really get to me because it kind of spits in the face of all servants do to help us out and to give us hope.
He also gets pissy some times and grumbles about how he feels the setting limits him so he goes with depressing themes like that.
This series has so much natural love for the past and the present mingling together to create a brighter future and to inspire hope that when he has someone go "Yeah no servants are a relic and the living must forge the future" it just makes me frustrated.
>so jacked she can't even feel the cold
based shaka-p
Who the FUCK is Castoria??
She is Caster (literal real name woah great writing) who looks like an Artoria clone but is actually a Morgan lily clone who was made as a theoretical Artoria Caster clone?
Morgan and Caster are 2 separate avalon fairies who coincidentally just happen to be exactly the same looking as each other (before Marie Antoinette syndrome) and coincidentally exactly the same looking as Artoria
Near the end I thought she was a living manifestation of Caliburn or something but then she shows up again all powered up because we can't kill people off that will lose profit and we don't do high stakes around here on this mobile game
>musclefag produced Barghest CE and loves Penth
Does Albert read our comments?
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This has been going on for 7 years
This is what veteran redditors who complained all of those years ago about the game going too fast (They don't even play anymore btw) wanted
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how old is erice again?
For some reason I want to swap bodies with that cheeky JK on the screen!
has 2 mg of copper and 200mg of selenium with it so I think I should be fine
It looks better when the puffy vulva aren't spilling out the sides so much
Where the hell is Ericeanon
Out of 10!
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Not that related but I kinda got annoyed that Urobutcher nowadays talked about how he was embarrassed with Kariya’s character and he was just a chuuni or something. Like, god forbid a character trying to be a good person (albeit with some “selfish” desire, it’s not like he expected he would survive the war and take Rin’s mom for himself anyway). Apparently being unapologetically selfish and self-aggrandizing prick like Kirei was the “correct” way to live.
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How I sleep knowing that I'm going to wake up tomorrow, make 3 blue apples, and then turn the game off.
behind the ramen shop
Do Himiko
>Albert and Jesus both talking on stream about how much they want to go on vacation
It's so meta I almost missed it completely.
>His forced themes of leaving servants behind
Bro, your Medusa in HF?
do Penth and Nezha
Old enough to be legal in all civilized countries, but not old enough for the US.
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Haha yeah take your time, it's not like I'm waiting for you to reply or anything haha no rush haha.
yeah thats good, for me, its solary zinc/copper/iodine
I'm fine with normal proportions Illya, just so long I get to be cute and funny in the end.

No way is Iri that flat or tiny.
Aesc never stood a chance
it's 2 years old news
la creatura (adult)
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Is this true?
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I fucking hate to say this but Urobuchi is unironically a failure as a male. When you read his interviews and see the kind of shit he says and writes, you can tell he's a failure as a person.
Though admittedly, he's right about Kariya being fucking cringe. He wasn't even really a good person either considering his entire intent was hoping Aoi would fuck him and Sakura/Rin would call him Father then the moment that didn't work out he choked Aoi to death.
Nasu really loves doing the whole "This servant is actually multiple versions and variants piled into one!" It's really annoying how he cuts potential for new characters to show up by shoving in a whole bunch. For example, OUR Morgan is Morgan Penndragon(Sometimes Morgause, Moraine, or other names), Morgan Le Fay(who was a completely different person), and Lady of the Lake Viviane for SOME reason "because she's schizo." So we lost out on at LEAST the Lady of the Lake as a potential different servant.
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why did you buy Youtube premium?
>THIC tlaloc
AIbro I'm late to the game but can you make Morgan/Ishtar/Eresh in yabuki style in maid bikini? Preferably in mediafire because I can't access litterbox. Thanks bro.
A shame Ati didn't make it..
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Turning Wu into a hag will always be mistake.
Kama Munchies
this but with hairy armpits and asshole
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Can Quick deal with 90++ nodes? Otherwise not much incentive to go for Skadi.
>3 week event
it's so fucking over
bros...where's the speedup?
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>have to wait a week before rolling in the event
Well yeah, maintenance was already announced for tonight.
Those are some biting words niglet. Show me examples right now or I will pray that the rest of your rolls on this game are utter dogshit
>Skadi on the 24th
Wow that's FUCKING pathetic. What a shit stain. I hate how nowadays people just glorify evil fucktards as their role models in fiction yet pounce on everyone for even the slightest mean thing like they're literally hitler.
It's so tiresome.
and then he keeps fucking shouting at me through saber's lips or some other random servant about how "We're just irrelevant shades just leave us behind" and it's sad and lame and I hate it.
Only Caren can.
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She didn't become empress until she was a granny, she should have always been a hag
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Ati will be blessing our rolls from the big ice cream parlor in the sky...
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>all the rate ups last into next month
It's finally time to go all out.
I got l-arginine too but Idk how to take supplements. Zinc in the morning and l-arginine before workout in the afternoon fine?
Where's the trailer nude edit??
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Yeah but it depends on the servant
>organizing my AI folder
>not even halfway done
>10k pics left
>realize most of it is cups and abbi
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You rock
When does JP anni happen?
God fucking damn it I'm bored hurry the fuck up man. There's literally no reason to stall a day.
>'LATE' removed from LB7 release
Does this promo trailer have THAT edit? I don't know if I've seen it for this year
I hate this Wu.
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old hags can be lolis too
Bro your daily mat tickets?
>one whole week before I can BLAST for Skadi
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Here's some snacks, Kama...
obligatory ORT shilling
>Summer Ibuki is NOT barefoot
>loli Skadi
Thanks bro. Could you do a few more and see if you can get kinda the same kind of swimsuit as >>486499545 ?
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All Wu's are sexy.
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I still wasn’t expecting the 0 gauge fight to be that easy, also lmao Kama is such a fucking jobber I understand the memes about her losing to the floor now
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what about Tea?
it's almost time and ati hasn't appeared with his shitty ritual post yet
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I wish that ice cream was my dick
Is the summer event coming in 3 hours or 27 hours?
btw bro do you have a zip for any lewds made prior to today?
Please put teatime on summer Skadi. No one fucking borrows Oberon
She's garbage.
>l-arginine before workout
I used to take l-arginine before lifting to increase pumps. All it does is increase nitric oxide transiently which can lead to some crazy boners(or muscle boners in my case). Also there's another supp that works better than arginine but idr the name.
>SIX (6) quartz
Thank you massa Albert you're so generous
>doing the easiest fight
>wtf why so easy
I hate Albert so much bros
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yea but your more reliant on quick/buster crits than quick np damage majority of the time
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can you seriously fire this fat fuck already, NASU?! and 2-kun too while you're at it.
Well, I do have a Caren... At NP1...
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You Really more of this lmao
I can't provide anything outside of the interview from 13 years ago but there was one where he was basically talking about how Yu Meiren is his ideal woman personality-wise and you can tell from the interactions that her entourage have that he definitely simps pretty fucking hard considering she has three people trying to fuck her. Four if you include anon.
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>JP still doesn't let you have all the valkyries yet
WTF is wrong with 2-san?!?
Is Lady Avalon worth it or should I just focus on getting Summer Skadi?
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This! so much this!! arc was such bait
I will bro. I assume nobody will be using Caster Skadi any more?
l-citrulline which also comes with the l-arginine don't know if I should just get l-citrulline on its own
>At NP1
She's garbage.
I meant he only chocked her after she shittalk him about how he never love anyone and by that time he was pretty much in delirious state. He knew since the beginning it wouldn’t work out like in his dream anyway because he had like a week to live even if he somehow won the war due to the worm eating his lifespan. Not saying he wasn’t pathetic person but I always (tried to) give credit to character who tried to be good person or burned themselves for other’s sake.
>that's it
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Rate the stream.
>hating on Notorious KKK
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alright well back to fucking off for 6 hours.
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She's a cutie, that's what she is.
out of 10
Learn to timezone retards
18th 01:00 pdt means 6 and a half hours from now
There's much less reason to. Caster Skadi is better for some non-farming stuff, but who even uses Skadi for that these days?
Tell me about Albert, why does he wear the beanie?
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uhhh so where's the event? I'm not seeing it
Don't even bother then lol
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>AI nigger got banned
fucking finally, thank you based mods
*probably 1-2 days to be honest.
Okay so what servant should I masturbate to now?
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>alright well back to fucking
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They don't even have extra stuff they can give us which isn't tied to a specific event or story anon...next anniversary gives us so little. Also lite streams are almost always like this.
Sorry you got tricked, dont worry everyone is tricked by arginine at least once. arginine is useless to consume orally for nitric oxide production (blood flow), and can be bad for your liver in excess. you need l-citruline, which is turned into l-arginine in the body. citruline is often sold as 2:1 malate, which is kinda a rip, try to get pure citruline. take like 6-10mg 20-30 minutes before your workout.
i like to take zinc at night cause it can cause some wacky dreams, but as long as you take it on a full stomach its fine. empty stomach zinc is the worst stomach ache ive ever had
check the main interlude tab
why is Skadi so boring?
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Faces like joey fucking wheeler
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To the Bond 15 Castoriabros, you may want to consider using Merlina along with Xu and a support Castoria to loop.
Why didn’t you guys warn me to save. I wasted all my SQ chasing NP3 Arc. I thought we were bros.
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If you were her, wouldn't you want a more petite butt?
Citrulline sounds familiar, either way arginine definitely works too I just remember one was shown to work better. Zinc is best absorbed while fasted, so morning, but I took it at night anyway.
I have NP3 Caren, so I should get Skadi yes? I already have caster Skadi
Bald or bad haircut, like everyone else where it isn't cold
Finally, a happy ending for a stream
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just make a AI cups/abi folder thats what i did
extreme copium
i didnt even know where the stream was and can't find an fgo na account on youtube
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I didn’t watch, I was playing Master Duel event
>it's real
Fuck that attentionwhore, next time I'll also help.
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Wow Proto Merlin Summer Ibuki and Summer Skadi! 3 summer SSRs this has never happened before bros! I'm so shocked! Never saw THIS coming thank you Albert!
No, Summer Skadi is strictly better than Caster Skadi for farming.
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>Where the hell is Ericeanon
He finally achieved his dream.
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>no content for the next 6 hours
you know what to do
Which ones?
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I skipped it. /alter/ would mention anything important as it happened and given nothing got mentioned, not important happened.
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>Spend anywhere from 300 to 900 SQ to get back 150 SQ in return over the course of 2+ years
I'm not so good at this "math" stuff but something seems off here...
did you like check the official FGO USA account on X?
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Wait two hours for hunger games?
If you want to see her perform at her best yeah. At NP3 she will be able to handle a lot of stuff.
Why are you looking forward to maintenance so much?
oh. thanks bro. i appreciate you. no wonder i wasn't subscribed.
There I am!
Until 4 hours of /trash/ grail wars
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Zinc on full stomach fucks the absorption to varying degrees, if you REALLY care you should take it fasted but find the correct dose.
>arginine is useless to consume orally for nitric oxide production (blood flow)
I anecdotally noticed a difference and it was the only time in my life that I measured 19 inch arms(pumped), but I stopped taking it because it didn't seem to do anything other than give me arm boners.
can i use merlina, support castoria and my tamamo or is bride better?
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The first two I get. The top one is obviously just the Nobility conditions on two servants so Nobility must be a fully completed 120 but what the fuck are the conditions for peasants and serfs?
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I want the Castoria download banner.
Can you blame him though. The demand is there. Supply will meet the demand. As long as people are requesting art, there’s a product to deliver.
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One ticket, that's all it will take. Trust the plan.
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But I'm not banned or blocked or anything
Maybe the post was deleted because the slingshot Skadi was too lewd?

>you know what to do
Eceleb hunger games?
Being based
I volunteer as tribute
>not on the list
>only have illyabro added
I will be keeping mine since she's grailed, but Summer Skadi takes over functionally for most things. Caster will probably be used more as a possible 3rd support or when you need death immunity.

If your servant is more Quick card focused she may still be a good pick to bring too, as Summer Skadi loses that Quick crit to splash with Buster.
You showed too much of her vagina
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fucking retard
The Nobility tier are for people who have at least one maxed servant and the green is two. red is for people sort of close or not at all. idk the rest.
Is Taira's Bond CE even worth using if I already have a level 100 Divine 3-Legged Race? I spent so long to get it, but, now that I think about it, I get the feeling that the extra 1800 attack is more useful than the 10% more NP damage. I guess the cheaper cost is nice.
Tamamo has no charge, remember that you're trying to make up for the missing Castoria. So it's either Xu Fu or Bride since they both have 30% charge.
I did make a single cups folder, but Abbi goes on her own folder alongside Lavi
absolute retard
can you try Chiyome? wonder is she would still have the snake pattern in her skin
Politely requesting Medusa making out with Summer Skadi. Tongues and all
I'll give mine her bond CE and call it a day
Yes, I'm pretty comfortable still blaming someone under those conditions
her writer just makes all of her characters walking tropes and archetypes. I know it's a gacha game but sakurai servants in particular feel especially soulless when they aren't orbiting another character.
>fucks the absorption
doesnt really matter since most supps are way too much anyway 50mg every day is ridiculous, and id rather die than have another zinc ache
the reds were missing one thing from being fully maxed
The serfs were in their own failed/incomplete section of the spreadsheet
i dont know whether to put Summer Skadi on my first page with a lunchtime or my second page with teatime and the other skadi with lunchtime
I pick team piss
>have 2 maxed servants
>not on the list
whoever made this was clearly stoned
That's actually pretty accurate.
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Sure, slingshot as well?

No doesn’t have to be nude.
A big butt isn't a need for me; I can live happily without it, but I can't lie that seeing her with one turns on my neurons.
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Not his fault really.
bikini and a one piece variety if possible
>with a lunchtime
No, just no. That along with Foumes just shit up lists. Put Teatime on Summer Skadi and whatever CE besides Lunchtime/Foume. Hell, maybe even put Be Graceful.
why would you put the worse CE on the better Skadi?
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Summer Skadi but make her boobs even bigger and sweaty too and give her a cleavage view
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it will never end...
Do you have all appends, NP5, 2k/2k, 120, and maxed Beast paws? if so you can put yourself there bro it's not a serious issue
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The fate of Kukulkan bros
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interesting, didn’t buy it yet, still prepong my cart. Really don’t want to do powder tho if that it’s pure form
Merlina today, Ibuki Monday and Skadi Thursday, is this right?
Name a DPS servant that's not garbage at NP1
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It'd been a while since I read RAW. I thought Cosmic Trigger and Prometheus Rising were pretty good, you sort of have to be in the right mood for his nonfiction though so maybe you're just not feeling it now. Life of Johnson is wildly entertaining, imagine reading an 18th century tabloid on the most cantankerous man of word. You're making me want to read it again just talking about it. Do it!

>Penguin translation of Beautiful Star
I didn't know they translated it, that's fantastic. What did you think of it? I've only read it in japanese but I really enjoyed it. Most people seem to distracted by the dark satire and lose sight of what made it so clever. It's honestly one of Mishima's most vulnerable works.

>I think we've chatted at least once before
S? if I were to guess by your taste! Glad to meet another book friend either way. We'll have a Mishima bungo in our chaldeas one day.
/alter/ is healing thanks to the AI poster
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I like big butts and I can not lie.
Melu with BG and Koya and Oberon
Do Miyamoto Musashi in same swimsuit
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but i thought summer was the better skadi
what would i even put on normal skadi besides lunchtime? master exp CE?
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No one is bro! Just use MLB pic related. :)
But it does matter if you want a consistent intake of zinc lol that's literally my point. Unless you're eating the exact same meals at the exact same time you're getting a random (true) dose of zinc if you take it on a full stomach because it's so finnicky with absorption.
And yes the standard 50mg you see in stores is ridiculous. I took 25mg fasted for an extended period of time but eventually got a very slight zinc toxicity ache and backed off to just 12.5mg or 25mg every other day when I inevitably forget. This was at roughly 200 lbs bodyweight.
where is this form
Should I risk ever posting my FC again in case I get dumped onto that list
which sisters will add me?e
Arjuna Jalter
Super Orion.
I’ve stopped posting my Fc ever since that list. So far I’ve dodged it
show me her anus
She's better if you're just going to be looping with her or using her with Lancelot. Most quick servants have more quick cards than buster.
No one will ever pick a lunchtime. It's just how it goes. So if you want to put regular skadi up, you can either do TT, bond CE, OR just pick whatever kino CE you want. TT obviously best, bond CE super niche, and other CEs are just for visual flair, no one will pick them.
waiting for AI poster to start posting servants pooping
Afraid of being a reddie or something?
>but i thought summer was the better skadi
She is, put Teatime on Summer Skadi and whatever you want on Caster Skadi. Put Be Graceful for anons trying to max out their MCs, 2030 for more crit stars, her bond CE for soul points or maybe MLB Black Grail to be funny.
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Make sure all the greens are included, I want to see how this ends.
So rare for me. I MLB'd Kaleido but, even with the free CE pick, I've still only LBed Black grail once.
post fc for me
Why would you care about a list that is explicitly a gaslight from a discord group?
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So did you like the stream guys? Are you excited to roll Merlina today?
>no second strike
>hits 3 times
>not in the list
Only one Gareth? Disappointing.
Melusine actually outscales him with NP levels, but at NP1 she is worse than Li
Li Shuwen fucks, holy shit. Why is this man hitting like an SSR?

Makes sense. No second strike IS NEEDED. He's just being polite and giving you the first two for free. He's pretty gangsta like that.
Somebody post the old list with pictures
Or just use Ruler Da vinci
but i don't have two teatimes. otherwise i would.
alright. i'll throw on be graceful or something then.
Not bad for the only servant there without an NP upgrade
>SR Medusa beating SSR Melusine
I'm on the list
Which one are you using, bros?
I am...an /alter/ SERF
How the fuck does no one have otome's FC after so many attempts at this?
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I am not on the list.
I'm not buying paypig paws.
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My favorites
post her FC
Confirmation that Medusa lily is best Loli.
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arc if she historically accurate
Kintoki SMASH
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Would punching or karate chopping a Servant in their throat affect their NP at all?
Was watching another snime where a guy had screaming powers and that's how it was dealt with
>want to bond-farm with skadi for 90++
>wave 1 strat is crit cards
Average joe isn’t so zinc deficient he’s balding and has ulcers n shit, so it’s fine to not get a mega zinc dose as long as you’re eating real foods and are just trying to coom bigger.
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now in my FACTPINION she is ........

thoughever I must know......

What might you think?
Melusine outscales her with NP levels too, but not at NP1
But surely you didn't break your streak and you have enough to max one servant. Right anon?
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>w-we won't list 6CE because this isn't a lotto no need to try so hard what are you, a nerd? lmao
fuck this reddit guide and fuck you for soiling my general with this garbage
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What does Ati count down to after tonight? There is no more Skadi...
The first two are him moving his opponent's arms out of the way.
Thats literally how the school teacher rekt Seibah in UBW, secondary bro.
Looks like my NP4 Vergin is going to see some use.
Yes, you have to do the chant in order for the NP to fire.
>i am the bone of my GACK!
>marble fails to unfold
Ati is dead bwo, you have to let her go
It’s 321,927,637, thanks
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>Isn't it weird that they know we're completely aware of everything happening for the next 2 years but because they haven't explicitly said a thing in official capacity they must perform a humiliation ritual where they "reveal" the already known information and have to pretend like it's new, as if they're some sort of jester which must dance for us and ignore reality for unspecified reasons.
Yes, all of those things are why I maintain a JP account and use the TranslateFGO app so I'm not waiting two whole years like a retard to read the story. The SSRs I luck out on there I feel less pressure to roll rashly on the NA account, which means I'm less likely to be tempted to buy quartz for it, validating this intolerable abuse to which we're subjected.
Nobody in the history of videogames has been continually shit on like the English version of FGO. An early EoS would've been a blessing.
lucksucker and chintzy spitroasting kama while val strokes his microdick in the corner, gagged by lucksuckers shit streaked undies
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easiest 1 to count down would be summer morgan since we know when NA anniversary happens every time
Summer Hundred Faces will be announced soon
Ok, weirdo
>the vlad spook I got during Traum is useful
That plus however long maintenance is.
>and can be bad for your liver in excess
Source? A lot of amino acid studies are done in rats with ridiculous doseages like 2g/kg. Most supplements aren't going to have more than a couple grams which is no more than a protein shake. I'd be really surprised to see any liver damage from that.
Honestly I'd recommend ignoring both of us and just using examine dot com if you're serious.
So without an interlude and without a color buff she's only losing to those with interludes and color buffs? Not bad.
Okay but my idea is still the most correct. 2 for free and then one actual strike.
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sure, but it would be incredibly lame
and a show's gotta sell
the literal who clap waitresses since they're the next saviors of quick
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>anon says Melu with BG and Koyan+Oberon
>posts her ST Arts damage
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I'm rolling for CEs
I will use Ati's guide sankyu!
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>There is no more Skadi...
She does get this costume next year haha
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No plug required.
shut the FUCK up nerd
OK but nobody cares about that flop and the flopversary next year
I'd roll for her, but only to NP1
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*nukes everything in the fgoverse*
You could just switch to Lv.90+ or even Lv.90. This isn't a lotto and the event runs for three weeks.
What are you even on about I took zinc for lifting. It's not about mega dose it's about a consistent dose you fucking tard.
This is 1/1/1 node, she would deal less damage in her AoE form, Mobro
Probably her best outfit for seeing those fat ass titties
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So I guess a diet would be out of the question...
>What did you think of it?
I liked it; the weird family dynamic, the villainous faction, it all created the bizarre impression that the extraterrestrial elements were both genuine and delusion. I won't lie though, I did feel that it went over my head a little bit, could you elaborate regarding the referenced vulnerability and cleverness? I assume it's more than just "these people seem weird, but really we're all just as weird as they are"?
Nay, Iames.
Also, you would appear to have overlooked my
>What about you?
Yeah you're right

anyone who thinks otherwise may be retarded
At this point might as well use hokusai, she’s been collecting dust for years.
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>couldn't even put in a funny literal who like sacchin
>literally literally who
bad civ
What am I looking at. Is that Mash?
Can any of those 2x Castoria setups replace one of them with Purin?

I'm wondering if a Castoria + Hokusai + Lady Avalon + Xu Fu could clear for example.
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Say somethign nice about /ourguys/
All of them if possible.
Blue Mash, red barrel.
Yeah, the fucking faggot posted /fgog/ spoilers, she gets an upgrade to Black Barrel in the next ordeal call.
pov 69 Kama
Michael has nice hair
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>arc at least had the novelty of being TM's OG girl
>morgan is there to shill for fae summer and also have an anniversary servant
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I don't think anyone ever mentioned 1/1/1 over the entire reply chain bro.
What do you mean after tonight? She doesnt join chaldea until 24th
>Not on the list anymore.
When did this random survey go out?
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no it's ciel (remake) (powered)
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Henry Cooldown looking mf
My other Oni Loli wife
Not really.
Ati left us
he just grabbed a few supports at some time between 2 weeks ago and last week and then just grabbed some from google docs with age old FCs.
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Fuck, Marry, Kill billions to
>Extra 60% Buster Up from her own NP
>Extra 40% ATK Up from her reusable 1st skill
>Extra 30%*2 NP Damage Up from her reusable 3rd skill + Oberon's buff
>Extra 50% Buster Up from Oberon's 3rd skill
Fucking retard.
Fuck Skadi
Marry Ibuki
Kill Merlin
Huh, I realized that I never actually posted my FC this anni because almost everyone on my friend list is still active and I only needed a few new slots which I filled by sending requests, and I’m also not on that list
Shouldn’t she have to change to Archer class to use a bow
Well if it isn't Mr Sir Henry motherfucker
It's called overkill. He's making sure you are dead and then some.
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Prelati is kinda uoh

that's what i think
Eh, it's possible. I like big butts, but being cute is top most priority with me. I'll do whatever it takes to achieve that.
Kill the clown ass
Fuck the Raita booby skeleton
Marry Skadoo and have 32 children
Cu Alter and Mothman
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Marry Skadi
Fuck Ibuki
Kill Merlina
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Bros, I hope you're all making it through your week in alright. Summer is finally here. If you're going to be hitting any of the rate ups in the next few week, good luck, and congrats to anyone who managed to summon anyone during the anniversary rate ups. Don't forget to spend your AP before maintenance. Now let's do our best to make this a daishouri thread.

Looks like I'm using Okita this summer.
Listanon did a rather shallow dive into the archives. He missed a lot of people.
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Umm 7 more days until Skadi saves Ati's smile and heart and quick, I think.

Medbanon made a spreadsheet for SQ, it's in the OP. Yeah.
Fuck Merlina
Marry skadi
Kill raitabortion
I had never been on any list before until this anni. I had posted my FC a few times in the years before.
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Marry Marry Marry (I'm too nice to reject a maiden)
>No Kriem
B-but /alter/ told me she's meta
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Very nice A-san
>My NP1 Okita Saber might finally be useful
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Arc couldn't save fgo. Aoko turned out to be a complete joke. Just shelve fgo already and put all resources into the development of fgo2.
Serious question, do I need Summer Skadi for Quick memes? Desu I wanna blow my load for the thick dragon.
Soulless, just like Athi
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Those are some of the biggest harlots in fgo
three skadis ARE better than two. do whatever you want, ultimately.
Is double Skadi + summer Skadi very important for my (slightly underpowered) quick looping team (np2 Evil Cat, np2 Walkure, np1 Achilles, np2 Jet)?
That's a boy
Ibuki > Skadi imo
Skadi is a nice to have. But Ibuki is pure meta, if that's what you care about. I'm rolling purely because I want to fuck tall women.
ye. it's 50% more skadi.
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What are some police servants?
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Serious answer. She's better (for nps) skadi. Unless one of your favorites is quick, you really don't need her. You have buster and Arts options.
imagine the oni lolis engaging in lesbian sexual intercourse
How are you going to have 32 children without fucking her?
I definitely posted my FC in every previous anni (probably) and I just dived into some old google sheets and my FC appears on 2 of them, so the maker of the new list must’ve been lazy
Good quick DPs are much more costly than the other two since all of them are SSR and have a minimum requirement of NP2. Just be urself.
the funny thing is that I am actually an A-san
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Harlots?! Please apologize and take it back
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>can't do any of these comps
>activate Protection from Arrows
>activate Fragarach
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please understand the mushroom autism is too powerful
he wants to finish FGO until it's the 10th anniversary of the game
Now as a veteran who has slacked heavily on all 3, from my understanding
Interludes with 1 node > interludes with 2 nodes (skip) > interludes with 3 nodes (skip) = rank up quests > interludes with 2 nodes (no skip) > interludes with 3 nodes (no skip) > interludes with 4 nodes (skip) > free quests > interludes with 4 nodes (no skip) > interludes with a stupid number of nodes
Just cum on her tummy.
Okita, Hijikata, Saito
i want to rape shuten's mouth
AKSUALLY!!! The Hoyoverse company is at a pitfall right now for not having POCs in it so we're still good.
Literally Okita and the Shinsegumi.
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My Oni Lolibaba wife looks good in chinese clothes
Fuck Wu
Marry Erice
Kill Gareth
I don’t understand. For hundreds of days, diligently ritual post the countdown. Often to no replies. Summer Skadi is finally upon us. Less than a week away and she quits?
A normal human couldn't budge a servant like that.
While invoking the true name is required to release a Noble Phantasms's true potential, nearly every Noble Phantasm can be used to some degree without invoking it. For example, Ea can launch small waves without declaring Enuma Elish, but they are not nearly at the same level. Excalibur seems to be able to fire regular beams too, but they pale in comparison to the full scale blast, and Artoria doesn't bother unless she's in an advantageous position (e.g. with her sword already in an enemy, like the UBW anime) or has a vast excess of magical energy (Artoria Alter in HF used the lesser beams with every swing of her sword but still stopped to invoke Excalibur Morgan when more firepower was necessary).
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This is like slapping two onaholes together, you entirely misunderstood their intended purpose.
Where's ati's?
>she quits?
Is there any reason why Hoyo or Chinese companies in general never put in milktruck female characters?
Like, that one is barely on par with Scathach.
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He said her computer broke.
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Uh, Albert, can we delay the summer and have a dead week instead?
I still have homework left...
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Ap drained, 50k bond away from 30 sq and leftovers on my gift box + next login bonus in 17 days, my skadi funds are tight but better than nothing.
Good night bros.
So I’m boned for the first 90++ node if I don’t want to use my own Castoria to farm it?
To crush human men to death
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>Erice anon
These are the first of your bros that have been claimed by road to LB7 many more will follow them unless we speed up.
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I'm going to fuck your ass BB-Chan.
>but they pale in comparison to the full scale blast, and Artoria doesn't bother unless she's in an advantageous position
Also because using Excalibur to release anything at all is a disgusting mana hog, even with Artoria herself being fairly conservative in expenditure.
How many more /alter/bros will have to die...
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unironically chinese censorship. I think mihomo would, if they could, but the CCP has a tight eye on games. FGO CN also got hit for stupid shit like Cu's nipples.
Fuck, Kill, Marry
Somebody in the CCP hate big booba and woman in general
to be fair, I'm basically like him. I'm waiting for 1/2 AP, as usual. It's more efficient that way.
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Night night
All of us, there can only be one left alive to claim the grail.
You can use GOLDEN bro.
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>Viking and other barbarian shut in my Summer
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That's good, but I like Oni Highjinks.
Tell me about it bro
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>your bros
lol, totally.
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NP1 Arts Melusine vs NP1 Buster Melusine
MLB Event Damage CE
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>to death
The strong will survive.
I heard Xu Fu can replace one Castoria for the 90++ node. Did anyone run the numbers?
But Shaoqi just online a few day ago
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Me, soon. Or not soon enough I don't know
>Have a 9/9/9 NP2 summer Fran with first apend unlocked
>Have to MLB the event CE and use double summer Skadi
I mean aoko is cool and one of the most fun servants to play casually and pretty good for challenge quests too.
She just can't consistently farm without a habbycat + plugsuit, and even then you're doing some really convoluted shit to get her to work
I do agree they need to cut the bullshit and work on fgo2 though. Type moon is rich as hell they can afford the risk
Bros wtf. I’m actually being extorted to give BB QP to continue through Seraph???
Don’t have him
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Ati might still be warm...
Bro why didn't you just use the Chaldea image maker tool
You will be the first one to fall
Then use Ice cream Skadi with one of the quickshots.
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Good night bro
Can I have this with Melu, Merlina and Arc?
The softest
if its any consolation you get MLB damage CE from points ladder pretty quick
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she is
Shaoqi has been in veteran mode for a while now and hasn't been logging in again. I don't think he even puts up event CEs anymore.
>Bunyan mini event
>on section 10 in Traum

ZZZ leaks showed two milk trucks. But caesar has been precesored so the other will to
I don't know how, can you show me?
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She buffs arts? I thought she buffed buster
Not really
There are three points of summer skadi, and 1 is pretty minor
1. If you use summer skadi as an attacker she's kinda crazy with triple skadi + oberon
2. Two summer skadis plus oberon makes a couple servants just barely work over skadi + summer skadi + oberon
3. For challenge quests she's way more durable, which was always the biggest problem with skadi over merlin and castoria
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No, we...we shouldn't...
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Can an oni like Shuten get pregnant with human seed?
It is. Thank you!
Is Cu the only year 1 silver servant who is still useful in FGO's 7th year?
Because while I will do Diarmuid's rank up quest as any unleveled symbol in the support is an eyesore to me, I don't think I will ever use him in an actual important event (not counting meme like resting mechanic) or farming maps.
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Yes. The Tohno clan of oni-blooded had to come into being somehow.
No that's Merlin
On paper, Aoko’s animations and 2 NP animations, one for transforming and one for her Darklight Starbow, and her unique magic bullet buffs are really cool, but in practice she’s really awkward to use because she can’t easily get her NP up immediately to transform, her NP gain is gimped for some reason and she needs to get her first NP off to transform before she can farm with further NPs; that and her magic bullets can be awkward to maximize, am I getting this right
ai slopping truly is a part of the tranny pipeline
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Nah you're thinking of the one with the slightly larger cock. Easy mistake.
you were supposed to do those between the dog event and the anniversary!
By Cu you mean Caster Cu, right?
I think I'm more of a sorbet than ice cream guy
Ati called me a lipper and assaulted me
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>Shaoqi is a Miyakek
Why does he keep having such shit taste
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FGA has been acting weird for some time. Whenever I turn it on and then go into a node, it will almost always fade and then force me to turn it off and then on again to get it to work. Anyone know what that's about?
I didn't post my FC or support once this year and the list still got me. So I thought fuck it and started supportposting a little, did get some new bros which was nice.
No, Buster buffs are for the ones with a dick. Arts is vagina.
She is Arts Merlin. Everyone knows that Arts is feminine and Buster is masculine
So that's how Vitch inspects your prostate...
I didn’t know Koyanskaya was a dude
Ruler Skadi a man confirmed.
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For me, it's mint chocolate chip
Lancer Cu is still incredible for roaching his way through Grail Fronts.
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Does bedivere count as year 1? He came out just before the anniversary
Robin hood also has some extremely niche uses for poison memes
And Caster cu is good for some assassin quests because of how awful most aoe casters ate
id drop this game in a heartbeat for FGO2
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>all those oberons/ avalon/ bride
You don't even need 3SSRs to buff Hokusai if you're running 5CE
Is FeMerlin good enough to be a Castoria side-grade?
Is Bedi considered Y1? He's still very strong and even has usage for 90++ this event
Why do you think she knows so much about prostates?
I had a lime sorbet the other day that was really noice
Ah yes, that really comes up doesn't it
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Sometimes I think whether some people are only doing a bit or they really don't pay attention to JP at all.
I'm a Vanilla enjoyer, but choco-mint is a wonderful flavor.
Vitch does prostate checks personally.

Summer Skadi is obviously a hermaphrodite.
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>Does bedivere count as year 1?
>He came out year 1
Can you replace one of the artoria casters with something else as a support? I really don't want to waste my castoria's remaining bond on this event.
Diarmuid's just always sucked and always will. But David was useful for the Surtr raid half a year ago, and Euryale can 3T Super Arjuna Alter in the upcoming LB4 recollection quest. Caesar is quite good too.
>KP's VA is also Shikanoko, Gon and Akko
She seems too good at portraying retards
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Sure if you have Bond 15 Castoria or near Bond 15 Castoria and you want to save her bond.
reminder if you have merlin, there's no real gameplay reason to roll for merlina because window-dressing
What would you want from FGO2?
An art upgrade and a PC client are the two most obvious things.
Are you using the app or desktop version?
>newfag who has never tried out Caesar's ABSOLUTE UNIT crit because he either rolls Okita, Saberlot or Data Lost
Yea basically.
She works with like, double castoria habby cat (nu plugsuit where you first dump 1 castorias buffs into her so she can np turn 1) oberon, but you're gonna be tight on team building at that point and it's like trying to make some of the worst buster loopers work.
But her skills are utterly busted so she's really good for long fights, as often is the case for challenge quests if you don't have a whale stock of high NP servants.
Who, who, who and who?
Supporting a different card type isn't a reason? Anyway I'm in it for Gary
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Caeser can outdamage most NP1 5star sabers, same with LuBu. Paracelsus is budget Nero bride. Robin and Euryale are as solid as ever for making big numbers.

I'm assuming you meant silver specifically since there's alot of good bronzes aswell.
Maybe Merlina but I'd be concerned with Oi's less than stellar refund.
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>servantlet calling somebody else a newfag
l2d, pc client, new gameplay loop of some sort, but i dont want a hoyoslop clone
No, she's significantly worse. Lady Avalon is good but not gamebreaking so like Castoria is.
>disappears and forgotten post-FZ
>doesn't even get a mention in UBW epilogue or HF True End
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Me and Kama vibe like that...
The app
I'd forgive you for not knowing about the newest seasonal anime, but how do you not know about Hiatus x Hiatus sand Little Witch Academia?
>so a lot of 4 and 5 stars have surpassed this unit at np1 and made him redundant
>but if you own none of them he's not redundant!
I mean the problem with a lot of year 1 servants, like Hans, is that they're really good but they've just been made irrelevant by so many different servants at this point we can't say they haven't aged poorly anymore
>Sam in red
Sambros our response???
I know about them. Knowing their characters' names is another deal.
Disgusting, of course Jannu would enjoy the taste of toothpaste.
>Merlin, Ibuki, and S.Wu all on different rateups
aw fuck me
Low party cost will always have niche use
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I want to do Kama's laundry, not in a pervy way just to make sure she always has nice clean fluffy cute clothes to wear all the time
Almost like Fate/Zero was written after F/SN.
She's a Merlin sidegrade, there are no equivlants to Castoria. None.

She can sub into her spot if you're looping and don't need the extra charge, since none of Castoria's super-invuln stuff comes into play there.
She's functionally a merlin side grab, not castoria. Castoria has no real side grab. Purely for arts buff, xu fu does more than avalon and closer to castoria.
medb and guda's child
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Skipped brain day unfortunately
Just like every other "literal who" poster
Is it time for summer Oni yet?
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This is from Girls Frontline 2. There's also huge boobs in Azur Lane, but that gets censored repeatedly in the CN server.
It was her Fate to have Zero appearances.
>like Hans
Hans was always a cope servant for Waverlets and Merlinlets.
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>all your grailed servants come to life
>they all speak their native languages
How many of them can (You) understand?
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That's very kind of you to keep Kama fluffed up bro
>what is chatgpt
Repeat after me:
/fgog/ can't read the game
/alter/ refuses to read the game
/vmg/ doesn't play the game
Bros help, I need to know if anybody else is having this problem
medb would abort any child she has to keep riding the dick carousel
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Why doesn't fgo have any character as sexy and iconic as Atago?
Hasn't happened to me, sorry bro
>he doesn't remember the Nerofest when Merlinkeks were having a breakdown over being unable to clear the exhibition quests, only for a couple of Hansfags to go and clear it with Hans and no Merlin, then post the results and laugh while Merlinkeks seethed
Purin is only good in conjunction with a castoria or meme setups like double Joan, double purin, double purin castoria, purin tamamo etc
Her gimmick is that she increases your survivability and makes arts better long term rather than shorter term like castoria.
If you don't like turtling she's useless, if you do she's that final piece of the puzzle that makes some arts servants nearly invincible.
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Is this the most retarded woman in Fate/Zero?

>Married to a pompous fag
>lets her daughter be taken away and raped by worms
>gets choked by her biggest simp until she's a vegetable
LWA was the last Trigger anime I really liked before Dungeon Meshi. At least that's getting a second season along with PSG.
Half of the zerkers we use can't speak, so we are used to this.
Scroll down on the battle menu and tap the camera icon. Click "current view".

Use the buttons to the left of the camera icon to change the display of the battle simulation, the first icon breaks the sim image into two columns, the second displays the enemy breakdown, the third shows the team, and then fourth shows skill and servant names instead of just pictures.
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not a lot lmao
This didn't happen
You're referring to 2030/prismalets whose merlins ramped up slower and were less consistent
alread had this, dont have a sub right now bro, dont want to use credits too much
Unless you've grailed some of the few 18th century+ servants, I think the answer is the same across the board for all anons.

None. Unless we have some historian linguists lurking.
Kek FGO's mere CE (dangerous beast and condom nurse) alone force every gacha female to wear them costume to attract people.
>Supporting a different card type isn't a reason?
You already have no shortage of arts buff. Xu Fu alone is already an arts buffer than her (20% arts and 30% loop is better than just 50% arts for looping). Her real use is in CQs, in which case OG Merlin still does the job well enough. Hell, if you're running the immortal Morgan/ Himiko comp, OG is better because he buffs buster so your runs won't last 100+ turns.
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Here's an example with enemies, team, and two column enabled.
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She seems basically as guilty of bad decisions as he husband from the little you hear from her, but I'd almost give her the benefit of the doubt because she barely even says anything I can remember
Yea yea we get it kariya
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I was actually experimenting with lewds of Tonelico

>In that case may I see Shuten getting railed? not too picky with positions as long as her fat ass is getting plapped

>The thick lips tag on danbooru had results that matched what I wanted
Tell if you want specific pose, I used selfie since it's more focused on her face/lips

>Illya getting full nelson in the beach while onlookers stared at her.

>Penth and Nezha

>can you make Morgan/Ishtar/Eresh in yabuki style in maid bikini?
Yabuki Kentarou?

>loli Skadi

>can you try Chiyome?
>bikini and a one piece variety if possible
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Bro has some nice tits
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>go into sadpanda and look for illya doujins
>end up with a Mom doujin instead
how did this happen.....
It's her fault in the first place for leading Kariya on. He did nothing wrong and just put her in her place.
I have a Master's degree in Liperal Studies
>he's also a veteran in BA
Gold does look better shaoqi dono!
Goes by she/her, actually. He's embraced being a woman and even hints at wanting to be your woman.
disgusting design
I think it's because they expected merchandise sales to go nuts for klk, and while people liked it overall that just didn't happen, so it was probably a big loss for them.
That's why they've only done like what, 1 original movie since LWA if you don't count shorts?
PSG season 2 will be a huge breath of fresh air for the studio
Mom Love is how
That's just the fate of any babymaker married into a mage's family.
Their job is just that, making baby for the next generation.
I recall that Shinji's mom got wormed because Zouken considers her useless for giving birth to a failure like Shinji.
Sola likely will also face the same fate if she actually married Hotwheel.
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Melt is an AI. She would know English.
fgo gets no art compared to any other big chinese or korean gacha lmfao
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none of them. unless Oberons native language is somehow just Shakespearean English but i dont think that'd be correct, but it might be in the nasuverse.
Thank God twitter never got into this game because the discourse around this character would be insufferable
Because she's irrelevant narrative wise. She's just there to facilitate Kariya's downfall plus explain Rin growing up alone with only a shady priest as her guardian.
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The correct term is Lippx
Shut up Lipper
Can you do Gudao eating out Archetype: Earth in missionary and mating with her in bed?
>1 original movie since LWA if you don't count shorts?
Yeah, Promare which was basically all of Trigger's past work condensed into one work to sell to an audience unfamiliar with their work.
>PSG season 2 will be a huge breath of fresh air for the studio
It'll be Imaishi and the crew going back to their roots. Honestly really excited, especially for a new Teddyloid score.
You should learn to stop talking to yourself turd.
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futa luvia on rin please
>b-but i don-
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retarded schizo
She buffed Buster in Arcade, that's why.
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Yeah, there was NTR drama. In short Chinese players were outrage that a certain female character was penpals with a male NPC. That was literally it.
Why is an AI being trained to cook if she'll just take jobs from regular Servants?
Bro use the two column view, it drastically improves readability
I failed to get Arc...
T. Turd caught
Can you do Nezha spreading her asshole open? Normal attire would be great, but if the swimsuits are the theme then a one piece would look great
>Yabuki Kentarou?
Yes, TLR style, and on mediafire please! Thanks!
I disagree, I still use Hans because he gives good buffs at very low cost. I used him for that Achilles duel because the amount of crit buffs I get to stack on Herc/ Poo God for his cost is great. Outside of the rare few like Xu Fu, they mainly focus on putting big buffs on the golds, so cost is and will remain an issue to factor in, be it farming or CQs.
Even if you do understand Japanese, you still can't understand people like pic related, since they speak a more ancient form of the language, presumably Old Japanese that sounded very different to the modern language.
When is the mobile port of arcade coming?
Such is a life of gacha game. Not even FGO could escape it.
Remember the days when Serenity and Quetz are completely for (you) until Sakurai and Nasu come in ruining them?
>all the anal shuten pics
absolutely based
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I never got the Waver/Hans comparison. Waver is a battery machine and Hans is nothing of the sort. He is a tiny Merlin. Shakespear is closer to budget Waver than he is.
will spas-12 get the tank armor skin as well?
The fuck you just say
Nah, I remember that the devs kept reigniting the drama by doing some pretty stupid stuff, like having the girl not give the MC chocolate on Valentine's Day or something.
Second append unlocked.
Goodbye Bazett, you will only serve me for CQs from now on.
>leading Kariya on
Unironically incel logic
She was already married and with two kids, even.
Hate Bobfags but gotta admit that chest is hot as hell.
>I never got the Waver/Hans comparison
Crit and attack buffs. Waver that along with 50% charge.
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There's always the New Year's Lucky Bag and next Anniversary to look forward to.
t. the autistic kid that thinks he's hall monitor outside of school
Why is the AI so intent on giving Himiko green eyes
It's a bit weird how fate has so many instances of step sibling incest but avoids biological incest so hard, despite how on a surface level magus' would likely be super inclined to just inbred among the top families for ages.
Especially to avoid the zouken incident where only one of his kids had good magic circuits and he happened to be the kid that ran away from everything
She's more useful in farming than you'd think
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speaking of which, at what point am I supposed to use my teapots in Traum?
How does this shit get through QA. You're writing for the most mentally unstable and insecure people on the planet where your bottom line is entirely dependent on them feeling loved by jpgs.
Serenity never stopped being for (you), she just learned that it shouldn't only be because (you) don't drop dead after touching her. Then again I'm probably talking to some retard from onii-chan so whatever
It was intentional.
Sometimes it's about telling a gripping and engaging narrative that hooks and retians players not just about jpg
This. You would think that they had solved the problems with genetics deficiency for like centuries. No way the hardcore blue blood old money would let any outsider into their family.
https://litter.catbox.moe/voih0u.png (embed)
thank you, and good night
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>"Summer in mid July"
>it's already mid July
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Here's the guide bro
Because the real goodies are in their family crests, so it's not like royal families thinking they need to keep it pure by engaging in incest. For magus, they want good circuits, which can happen outside their bloodlines as well. Beyond that, they just need to pass the crest on.
read the last sentence again and tell me that's a good decision
Not him but mine is NP1 and I think it might bust her out more often when Summer Skiddipop comes home for some easy tier farming.
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Oh.... Master.... you spent all our money on ZZZ and now we are homeless...
Can you do Jeanne Alter wearing lingerie with heart shaped holes that expose her nipples and pussy? With another pic of her having sex with Gudao while wearing it if possible, please? Have her on top of him and one with her on her back.
Not really. I just think it's not really efficient to use her to farm because of how long it will take you to clear the quest.
You are letting the enemy attack you AND Fragarach duration as well. I'd rather avoid her and use anything else.
Cute Skadis, thanks.
While the devs were fucking imbeciles in how they handled this, the fanbase is also pretty fucking idiotic.

Like the whole book thing requires so many leaps of logic and bullshit you might as well get yourself a tinfoil hat while you're reading it.
you had one job
>That second Illya pic.
Illya was made to bred by master. Also, good job with Gudao on the back. Not many people can generate a precise male in sex generations.
>main feature is her thunder thighs
>buuuuuut let's put her in a costume where it hides everything except her face which reminds the audience of the other gigaslut
One day when FGO crashes and burns and TM/LS still refuses to learn their lesson.
Also, can you please do Achilles (or if you can't do it, just do Gudao instead) sucking Penth's nipples, licking her navel, giving cunnilingus and doing mating press on Penth who is bound and tied up to the bed? (Breasts must not be too big)
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The writers are still thinking in term of writing for a conventional story eg comics, novels, tv drama, where that sort of story elements are not out of place. They failed to realize they're working on gacha, where the audience is a Special Breed
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Mages, specially the ones from a long line of descendency are just plain assholes too high on their own farts to think they are too powerfull to fail, eventually they end up dying by their own stupidity or stubbornes into changing their ways of life, assholes are still stuck in 1800.
if fgo was even halfway alive still then there would be dozens of doujins about cnoc and medb fucking guda
Who is this slut?
Even compared to something like BA, FGO is falling far behind
Fake and gay servant?
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Sorry, Turkeyhandle. She's too cute to not steal.
Yea it should be good. I kinda hope klk gets a season 2, because it appeals a lot more to the west than east, which really was a timing issue due to anime being way more niche a decade ago
That or just have trigger make another totally original show on their own again.
>can do summer Fran
>less than 100M QP saved up for Proto-Merlin and Skadi
Guess it's summer Hokusai for me.
Literally Redman
I can do these if you don't want to spend credits, I'm just finishing the other anons requests as well
>Ati and Erice-anon die right before summer
Seems like fowl play to me
Who the fuck wants Kirei to officiate their wedding?
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who is the jabami of fgo?
>POV: You are Shiki
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>no content for 5 hours
>Maplestory is still down
Maybe I'll just close my eyes...
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maybe they got a message from a mysterious man in a red coat
Literally gets everything just because
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lmao, imagine what would happen if these autists played FGO, and saw a woman who fucked every Chad she could find while smirkingly telling the MC that he's not manly enough for her.
Looks like a Kiara
>I kinda hope klk gets a season 2
KLK wrapped up pretty nicely, no? I wouldn't it to get a sequel in the same vein of Darker than Black and Eureka Seven.
>due to anime being way more niche a decade ago
Relatively, I guess. Streaming was starting to catch on and every normalfag was watching AoT.
Well maybe if they weren't retarded they would have come to the conclusion Waver did which is that the crest is largely irrelevant outside of insanely niche shit
I mean Shiki's weird psychic family is a thing, so it's not like the idea wouldn't have occurred. They probably just hide it or relying on that too much might run risks of fucking up circuits, who knows.
Arc's arcs....
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It’s crazy because the paycheck for your work in Part One was so much that (You) don’t even think (You) could spend it all in your life.
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weird way to spell guda
kiara is a whore though
Holy shit did people actually pick that dialogue option
My wife
Whores do it for the money.
Fits like a glove then
Considering (you)r age, saying that means there's at least some chance it's merely a lot, and not some retire at 20 figure.
>gambling addict
>but win at almost every gamble
Reminder that in Vitch's valentine you somehow beat the whole fucking casino by yourself after like a few weeks or a few months, literally bankrupting her.
You are the fucking gamble god like those Hongkong/Macau movies.
I wish fgo could consistently put out girls like those train dluts BA has.
I'd want it to get a sequel like post time skip of Gurren Lagann if anything.
Really go all in on the ayy lmao shit.
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(you) canonically simp out your money to the koyans like a good little cuck
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>Shiki gets the short hair Arc
>Gudao gets the sheltered princess in the castle long hair Arc
What's wrong with this? Wouldn't Shiki and Gudao become brother-in-law and bro up?
I'd rather see Gudao supporting Shiki and covering his weak spots while Shiki goes in to use his eyes.
>gambling addict
Arjuna's oldest bro
>but win at almost every gamble
Ajuna's older bro after being exiled
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Better than letting Amakuso do the job, right?
People still play that? Jesus Christ
Bob was a princess and could get whatever she wanted, yet worked as a 'whore'. Explain?
>season 2
Unnecessary. It's more likely to get botched. Rather just let it be, and I say this as the biggest Satsukifag on Earth.
Is that Cnoc or Medb? Need to know if she's cute or not
It's Cnoc
eh dont worry about,
but make some Nursery lewds pls
You forgot that literally wore pendants with his symbol, only way to make it more obvious would be having his name tattooed
I think it's Cnoc. I'm not getting a strong whore sense
>wore pendants with his symbol

No they didn't. It had a lighting bolt and the first syllable of the dude's name was the same that the syllable for lighting bolt. The advanced schizos playing this game simply concluded that this meant the pendant must symbolize him.
dont worry bro im not actually trying to cuck you it's just memes. they even look the same.
She is just super conservative woman (mage wife+ Japanese).
Sola would have more rights I guess due to her father being some big shot? Aoi family was some nobody.
Also Kenneth simped a lot harder than Tokiomi if he ever.
Heart pattern kimono so it’s Cnoc
I mean, they have, but the discussion is less annoying on account of FGO being too risqué for the type of person you're thinking of.

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