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Previous: >>486499275

>[From Chaldea PR Dep't] Watch "Chaldea Broadcasting Station U.S. Branch Lite Vol. 9"!
2024-07-17 18:00 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Commemorative Limited Servant Daily Pickup Summon
2024-07-09 21:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Whose alter is this
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Yuyu love!
EoS in 5 hours
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Maintenance soon
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Kama Love!
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Hunger soon
So we have to wait a week for Skadoo and Ibuki?
Faeries are retarded and should never be used as a standard for humans.
did you retards just completely forget about her thing with the hearts flowing out of her?
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Even DaVinci (Big) was grumbling that it was a lot of money, according to Mash’s comment. Marisbury basically had infinite money so I think (You) got paid like two-trillion yen or something.
Nah, Goredolf was the one who lost all his money on buying Chaldea and probably spending on Koyan too.
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7 more Days to the Great Wurship
So .... Where's the titty version of the trailer for Summer?
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Bros I got the sharing size Lifesaver gummy pack if anybody wants to share in the Chaldea community room...
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Are the Summer 7 girls more for (You) than the Summer 8 ones?
Why do fairies have to copy human's culture
Why can't they content with skipping naked in the woods and kidnapping children
koyans valentines make it clear she's after the bag
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Gimme skittles
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Bob is unlike human princesses after all.
Why does money matter in the apocalypse
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>Politely requesting Medusa making out with Summer Skadi. Tongues and all

>Summer Skadi but make her boobs even bigger and sweaty too and give her a cleavage view


I can upload everything before heading to bed, I will quote your post once I do
I also will upload it to mediafire for the anon that can't into litter

Sure, positions? costume?
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>Gilgamesh's face when he hears me yell nothing but UUUUUUDREAAAAAAAA
(you) will never get to use those shekels since you will have to 'donate' it to the UN/MA so that they would ignore your records of saving the world several times.
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BB my BBeloved...
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I've got my 900sq for pity ready.
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let her cook
If Lex Luthor, smartest man on earth, realized there's value in pulling real estate scam in the apocalypse, then you're just too much of a pleb to understand the brilliance of the plan.
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to fund NFF which is a business that exists after the earth was bleached
Name one (ichi) human princess who is chaste and dignified.
Do a pic of breast sucking and licking pic related's delicious squirting pussy
Jesus that’s hot. Can you do Medusa in her classic servant uniform kissing Sakura in her school uniform? I know I’m being greedy.
What if you don't consent to it?
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let her cook
Real estate I can understand. Hoarding fiat tokens seems silly
I don't know what Lex Luthor did in whatever normal comic/elseworld/movie/fuck if I know, but I assume the idea is either that a post apocalypse will eventually end and he's planning for it, or he just went insane and just kept doing rich person things out of habit
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goona pop 20mg of melatonin and sleep soon as it starts
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>Knows Emiya and Muramasa
>This somehow isn't enough
What level is her sword autism
And I know you're trying to cuckbait but it's legitimately just her asking if you know anybody who likes swords and can cook because, unlike castoria, avalon can't make chocolate that doesn't end up a sword. castoria overcame this and that's why she handed it off. she wanted to give you the chocolate this year but couldn't cuz of that.
it's VERY silly. i look forward to it.
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The ones with a high Princess Dominion Force.
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Unlike Koyanskaya of Light, Koyanskaya of Dark loves humans (specifically, she loves keeping them like pets, tormenting them, and snacking on them) and therefore has no intention of eradicating humanity. If anything, she wants to increase their numbers even more, so that she'll have even more of them to do with as she likes.
I'm all out of money Kama... You can eat all the lifesaver colors I don't like.
is this safe for work?
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>Better animations, smoother performance
>faster rate of content thanks to not working with ancient spagetthi code.
>Most of your servants can be carried over by entering your transfer code

This is the only path forward for FGO
>AIslop gooner hours
Yeah I'm out
>>Most of your servants can be carried over by entering your transfer code
Has any gacha game sequel ever done this?
More Medusa please
This would only work if the combat system was the same and I really doubt they'd want to give us so many free servants when they can resell us the same ones.
>Servants carrying over
There's a higher chance of Trump getting assassinated than that
I'll be buying this.
Also, please do Gudao kissing adult Draco, breast sucking, cunnilingus, her licking his penis' tip and deepthroating, and handholding mating adult Draco, both nude in bed as well?
That just sounds like /alter/ loves chicken, pork and beef.
>we got LB6 a year ago
Take me back.
So when does the summer event start? Tomorrow night?
Maintain this *unzips dick*
>stream over
>still no summer event
What the fuck?
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More like a certain path to EoS like what happened with the Love Live gacha game. Its devs shut down the original game that had lasted over a decade and made a new game that was very similar to the first, but it went to EoS almost immediately. People simply had no desire to start over in a new but still very outdated game. This would be the fate of an FGO2 game.

>>Most of your servants can be carried over by entering your transfer code
You're insane if you think they'd implement over 400 Servants in a new game and then give them away to the players.
But he did (almost) get assassinated
at 4am.
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Hey Anon, there's someone knocking on your door.
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i can make her work with triple skadii right..?
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Do more close up face shots, they're very cute.
>SSRs also get far higher default drop rates
That's the main takeaway that I'll consider a new game
Haha that's right bro just don't look at Sakura Taisen haha
Fuck. I wanted to finish Traum.
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lasengle should just say fuck it and start releasing alts like "halloween aesc" or "cheer leader jane" like other gacha do, new servants just don't sell
Chaldea staff put your accomplishments under Romani’s name to protect you from being under Sealing Designation. Since he’s gone the trail goes cold. Unless (You) get careless with your spending, people won’t know how much you’re holding.
Mordred grabbing Gudao from behind and humping me. Not futa. Just humping his ass.
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I;m not ready
Bro we don't need another Morgan
Bros, how do I get an /alter/ gf?
>he pulled on arc
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Who is this "we" you speak of?
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British whores.
> FGO2
Please don't. I'm poor and don't have money for a new phone. Please keep this game as primitive as possible
Sorry all /alter/ girls have died
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Servant for those feels?
How many more hours?
>carried over
If they want to maintain their millions of players they have to onboard them with most of their sunk costs, otherwise they won't bother.

Think of it like this, if you lost everything on your account tomorrow in some weird server failure and had to start again from scratch, would you?
You don't work so it doesn't matter
Me and my /alter/bros(not you)
Step 1 is being ok with her having a penis.
>Save the world
>"Let's seal him away or kill him"
I know irl people are retards but why does Nasu make mages retards as well
>You're insane if you think they'd implement over 400 Servants in a new game and then give them away to the players.
If Pokemon lets you transfer the last gen to your current account, then I don't see why not.
It's not like they could possibly run out of servants. Better, they will be forced to put in fan's wish list like Proto-Gil, Percy, Archer Herc (not that blackgrailed fucker in SF) or Ciel.
Will LB7 be better than LB6?
>he doesn't have 2k left after NP5 Arc
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Oh yeah, just wait until they remodel and rework 500 servants before launching the new game, just so you can carry them over from FGO1.
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Kama in the Bahamas...
Kek, reminds me of my college days back then, where I pretended to be gay to be able to do this and that to bitches. Bitches loves gay "friends".
Okay, what's step 2?
Honestly it would probably run better. FGO is horribly optimized. Gil's Np still lags people.
I would if it was a new and better game with all the characters I still like
pokemon makes infinite money and even they've been cutting down on how many they actually move over
your servants have no shot
Apparently it isn't
Being on the green list
>have to get
>Lady Avalon
>Summer Ibuki-Douji
>Summer Skadi
>if you want to do anything going forward

Why the fuck did they overload this summer, man?
>Gil's np
>not Columbus's frame killer or Yu Yu's
Because with Pokemon, you buy the whole game instead of playing the game for free and buying each Pokemon individually. Gachas don't work like proper games.
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And your dick must be bigger than hers!
This person has never looked at Melusine before in their life. Did they give her such long legs just to match the original image? She's as tall as, if not taller than fucking Baobhan if she stood up straight.
Pokemon isn't a gacha game
Pokemon still expects you to buy the game first
Pokemon's real money is in merchandising. The Pokemon Company is now at the point where they mainly release new games just to ensure new generations of kids know about them.
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omg Vritra :D
It's a meme you dip
Because they gave out 1k SQ, dumbass?
Literally 2+2
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Kama on a llama and no drama...
I don't get it, why?
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What if FGO2 was like Another Eden. Turn based battle with your servants and nice 2D world to explore fishing and all.
>1k SQ
You don't even get 1k from having every servant in the game at max ascension during anni, retardbro.
oh you're right she's supposed to be an ugly as fuck little goblin. wooow why isn't it more accurate
>Summer Ibuki
You have other, and some are even better, farmers than her, so I don't get why she's so essential according to you.
>Lady Avalon
You're a Castorialet or something?
You're the fucker who put her there to be used.
No shit, but combined with the other rewards it's 1k.
You just know Nasu's gonna copy SMT and be done with it.
mages are a bunch of inbred retards, why do you think all of them often end up dead.
You could get up to 1.1k total, idiot
Yes, 915 from maxing your servants if you have all of them, but that was not the entirety of it
that never really comes up as a thing.
>People simply had no desire to start over
LLSIF2 carried over all your idols from the last game, it was just a gigaflop
Is that a bad thing? Persona turn based battle is pretty fun, with knock downs and all.
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Good night, hermanos
fgo2 with expanded soul hackers 2 gameplay and a party of masters with a team of servants would be kino
*SLAP* Wake the fuck up!
FGO 2 will be a Genshin ripoff
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Good night bro
>Lady Avalon
Only for waifufags,
>Summer Ibuki-Douji
Farming servant
>Summer Skadi
Only for quick memery.

Either eliminate what you have plenty of, or shut up and save for a full year like a fucking man would.
goredolf tells you how retarded they are very recently, theyre the
>There is no way this will backfire on me, im THAT amazing
type of retards, biggest proof is Medea's master who thought it was a good idea to punch her and then slowly spend his command spells
When does the event fucking start?
From a marketing and bottom line perspective. It is never a good idea to bring over anything old. You always always start fresh. Anyone here who thinks it’s actually a good idea just because they put so much time and money into fgo 1 is coping so hard.
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There's only two new Lancers for the next two years?
that's about the dumbest thing they could try in terms of risk to reward but it's not unlikely that do do something as dumb as that
Yeah and if they ever do FGO2 I'm just out so lol
Melt the best sakura...
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Honestly Nasu's definitely just gonna go with Hoyoverse type stuff with 3d areas and either TRPG type battles or action combat since he's mentioned playing their stuff a few times. THAT will be the death of FGO (at least in NA) since it'll be sharing the same niche, it'll be more expensive to make, and it'll take longer to develop stuff.
(You) won.
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It ain't easy.
They missed their shot anyways, This literally who Crypter bullshit should've been FGO 2. They should have just ended FGO with Goethia getting shanked
>Only for waifufags
She's actually not that good?
I refuse to pull for castoria or merlina.
>Barghest has the same VA as Jessica Ushiromiya
Sixty two new servants over the next 2 years
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>If Pokemon lets you transfer the last gen to your current account
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>still haven't redeemed my 5* CE ticket
>4 kscopes, and 4 black grails
i'll surely be lucky enough to get a copy of kscope/black grail within the next week right?
no i meant like the inbreeding. i knows mages are dumb and cocky.
I have nearly every Lancer in this game and I wish never to see another
GSSR more like GSSRL
Will Raikou be fine with Jack cut open her stomach and try to sleep in her womb
>only 3 Casters
>Sure, positions? costume?
whatever you feel is good, maybe inside a shower/bathube
that's like winning the special olympics
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Then what have you been using all this time?
She's Arts Merlin which is something that would have impressive years ago. She's a great CQ servant and sometimes a good plug option, not tha good for farming otherwisse.
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Always kiss your mother on the lips.
3x kaleido aoe
Sakuras are quite beautiful and charming so it isn't easy.
That's right
tamamo, bride, and waver like the good old days
oh, well do you doubt they ever tried or succeeded?
>big purple dino
>not in the purple version of the game with the robo-dino mascot
She's a Reines or Tamamo eqivalent. She's good for arts memes, so she's meh, and if you're on the Castoria train then she's really not that useful.
When we getting the ability to rank up 4 star servants with 5 star stats
Get Black Grail now before you forget.
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Also the same VA as Math.
And not a single Mooncancer.
They don't even let you use bond CE as a togglable effect. What do you expect?
You're rolling for Lady Avalon or Ibuki, right? Skadi comes a day after the exchange period ends.
anniversary bots. Don't question it
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Goodnight /alter/ going to sleep to lock in my gains
There shouldn't be any more moon cancers. It's the most specific of the special snowflake classes.
That's what Grails should fuckin do. Stats should be scaled at every rarity increase and level 100 so your Level 100 Riceman should have SSR stats.
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If they did it well it could work. It'd need to be different enough to stand on it's own but not crazy enough to be completely unpallatable. That and it'd need to give current players at least something to try and grab a decent chunk of those millions of players. Maybe like some arbitrary amount of 5star tickets or whatever to serve as a metaphorical trail of M&Ms.
Raikou and summer sashi
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>You have other, and some are even better, farmers than her
nice fucking try, melukek
yeah im going to roll mainly on proto merlin. i just don't want a scenario where i get a duplicate of the CE i chose and get fucked out of the other
i have a calendar reminder the day before the exchange ends so i dont get fucked by my indecisiveness
Do we have the biggest pool of servants/characters/units etc of any gacha?
If bond CEs were just a toggle then Heracles would rocket from an A tier unit to Literally The Strongest Motherfucker In This Game.
Fuck no. Just off the top of my head FEH has like 3 times what we have.
I genuinely don't know how you faggots don't have MLB Kaleido and Black Grail at this point. I'm a F2P and I have an MLB Black Grail and another that's one away from it. Also MLB Kaleido and a regular Kaleido as well. What are you niggers doing with your luck?
i will now buy your game
Not even close to a newcomer like GFL.
And? He should be. After all, my berserker is Greece's strongest hero!
Goon sesh soon
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Do Miyu like this but pissed and disgusted
Why would he need his CE to be toggleable? His guts stack either way.
Let me just pull up a game like dokkan where they've been repeating the same characters for over 9 years
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>Is for Arthur instead of (You)
Why even roll then?
Ibuki should be appreciated simply for being an original design. Most of his girls are reiterations of previous girls but with hair templates slightly moved around.
He is the strongest.
we have a lot but GFL, FEH and Dokkan fucks us up real good.
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I want her to turn me into a cuntboy
It would mean you could give him another CE, like Limited/Zero Over.
As he fucking should be.
Nah. We are also limited by history to some extent. Some gachas can just pull out Sharper McFarty who has huge tits and ass and move on to make 6 versions of them once they see they are popular.
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Mini mom looks like she’d peg you
I hate summer. This heat makes me sick
You can't say that!
...because then you could have 3 free stacks and any other CE effect, idiot
Why isn't your support updated with Summer servants bros?
By unique characters (excluding new costumes/versions), yes.
I have 3 MLB Kaleidos and a spare and 3 (three) total copies of Black Grail including the ticket we just got. I don't fucking know bro I'm just cursed I guess.
Why would she be blushing
>move on to make 6 versions of them once they see they are popular.
That's literally FGO, but worse.
my girl loves to skadi all the time !!
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Mini mom would expertly tongue your asshole and force many bitchgasms out of your puny dick, thank you very much.
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Wait is that how she works? I always thought she made small dicks instead of Merlins big dicks.
Maybe biggest pool of voice lines? Games with more characters tend to be wide but shallow. Then again in terms of sheer voiced line counts there are others like Nikke which would be higher due to voiced story.
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I'm F2P and my first and only Black Grail, besides the free one from anni, is from Christmas 2019
It is though, but with the obligatory Castoria/Vitch/Skadi spread across it
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It was the beginning of the end.
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I hope you get your servant you want
I just stay inside and goon to the girls in bikinis
Thank you jannu very cool
Kiss me Jannuposter
>Story: ~2min read None
>Story: ~4min read None
>Story: ~9min read None
>Story: ~8min read None
>Story: ~7min read
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Thanks Jannu
Bros???????????????????? Content???????????????????????????????????????
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I hear the southern hemisphere is having some weather event that sent the temperature in a lot of places down to zero or sub-zero.
isn't gamepress kill?
>the only servants that have evaded my serious efforts are merlin, jack, and nero bride
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Summer Lip soon!
They have the same titty size and Jalter is showing more skin why is she mad
content at the top of the hour
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That would be great.
Himmel the Hero would use Quick servants.
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Got all my rank up quests done just in time. Now at 0 AP, perfect for extended matienence. Bring it on.
we gonna get another maintenance after the one that ends in 4 hours! i can feel it!
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They're in the middle of migrating websites, apparently.
because she secretly likes it and is disgusted with herself
Book friend do you have a throwaway or something? I feel bad I keep replying in the next thread.
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Time to log in and clear my AP
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For me it's the humidity and the bugs, especially the mosquitoes. Literally considering selling my house and moving to somewhere dry and arid just because of them.
Himmel uses blue.
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Oh man what a day!
Time to unwind by logging in and farming a little with some of my favorite servants!
This mobro is smart!
At what point in the story do we choose which valk to take?
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The point when they make u choose.
I forgot to clear my AP before maint
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Uhhh okay then
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Post sovl !
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redo it
Uhhh bros where's the grail war thread it's been ages since maintenance started
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Surely no maintenance issues this time, right?
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Look at these sisters.
Post supports
I've never seen a bad post with Altera
I still hate how the Valk are assassins and not riders.
A throwaway email? Alright, I just made one.
ffbe had 2.6k units last time i checked
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What if they added multiplayer to FGO2, but instead of pvp it was co-op?
I still have the game open
what should I do?
The scariest servant of them all. Nothing worse than being given a pussy without changing the rest of the body to match it.
Wiki says after the main quest so you have to wait a week pretty much
But how would we coop
WTF Albert I can't play
i need assassins.
Hello hunger games??????????????????????????????????
What if FGO2 but it's an HSR clone?
I've spent a few hundred SQ just to get this pitslut. Do i still have a chance to get Skadi with just ~200?
>Try to play with /alter/ friend
>He's too scared to use voice chat or even type
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I will be hosting another HGW thread over on /trash/
Post tributes
once upon a time there were these things called raids
I'm feeling like going for Ibuki over Skadi.
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What if they added multiplayer to FGO2, but instead of co-op it was pvp?
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At least this seems easy enough.
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Kamaid spilled water on the server again...
It would probably play more like genshin if there was co-op
Only because I hate you.
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I’m okay with this. But we better have more than 2 fucking skills.
>Enkidu isn't divine
Kinda bullshit desu
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Tamamo Aryan
goddamn Lipper
it's all ogre
and a few wyverns, too
lovense and teledildonics
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Clumsy and Cutema...
Nah, there's already plenty of good looping riders. Valk are the like the first good loop assassins.
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Sent, Kiara in all
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Mother and daughter
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f2p (fake) here, have 750SQ right now, how are my future plans looking?
Puzzle time!
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Scathatch Padoru
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Liz (forma de fairy)
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Stheno (Brave)
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Sexy Alter Squad
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American Boy
Do you have Caster Skadi?
No -> Save
Do you have Quick Loopers?
No -> Save
Do you absolutely have to Quick Loop?
No -> Save
Yes -> Just wait for next year
But! -> Use "THAT"
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Yeah, I'm going to farm drops for this CE.
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Everyone's Ericeanon
haha it's gawr gura
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NP5 necoarc
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King Terrible
Ibuki’s Ibukis
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Whore of Chaldea
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Cum container
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Strange lady in pond
When were we allowed to have such indecent CEs?
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Explain how you're gonna use Tlaloc or Alice without Summer Skadi
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Hopeful Gareth
Try 3 days

I made a Jiggy
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Wait this is the higher quality picture
fuck that little mole on top left, i actually wiped my screen
It doesn't matter which Valkyrie you choose as long as it's not Thrud.
NTA but maybe he has caster skadi
you did it wrong you big doof
El mysterio
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It's been a hot minute since the last one...
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Arcueid Brunestud
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Horny Illya
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>That one anon who gets freakishly good at Bazett's counter and solos endgame raid bosses with her.
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little shit
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Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony
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The Sphere
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Old Man
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based villain
I got this old man randomly, is he cute?
>Do you have Caster Skadi?
Triple skadi is a meme
Shut up Mashu
>Do you have Caster Skadi?
No. I do have Oberon though. Is 70% charge not enough for quick looping?
>Do you have Quick Loopers?
The most decent one is just NP1 Caren
>Do you absolutely have to Quick Loop?
My Melu is still NP1 so she still can't loop everything. Maybe Caren will give better damage? Also ruler class = almost universal
maint for?
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Eric Basedaxe
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>Is 70% charge not enough for quick looping?
The issue is more so damage. You ain't killing shit.
The summer event, anon
>tfw Dantes and Caren NP2
They call me quickshot, the quickest shooter in the land
I like stadis little song/jingle when she does the thing. Does summer skadi do something similar
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i'm playing wotlk right neow sister
Caren is in a completely different league than Dantes
Gudako would never take money for sex.
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>tfw np5 Caren
She loops everything with double skadi
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go on without me bros... I'm too sleepy...
What are your AOE 4stars? There's a number of them which can loop pretty well.
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Isn't it cata right now? Wotlk was so trash
It's only 9:18
Goodnight Liz
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i play on private servers you stinky lizard !!
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The most decent one is Valk, NP2. Can they loop with double summer Skadis?
Is it me or is this Ascension too erotic?
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See you for the rolls, bro

when will janitorchads and modchads take action?
dangerously based
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how much of a difference is triple skadi over double skadi + waver/oberon/another charger
im off to bed bros, not like there's any excitement since im not rolling for another week...
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Good morning, bros.
That final art is so good with a gold border, holy fuck.
Oh, I'm murrican so I get like 200ms on them. Plus the only thing worse than the modern WoW community is the private server WoW community.
morning bro
Summer skadi is just better
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i am south american so i get 200ms regardless
i'm playing wotlk, cata and mop
Depends on the servant and wave composition. You'll usually have more wave 1 and 2 damage and better refund with triple Skadi but more raw charge and better raw charge with double Skadi and Oberon. Ideally you want both options available.
I forgot the event maintenance was today. my ap is fullllllll
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one of these is otome. otome, post fc. the list needs it.
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my bro has some great boobs
Yeah they can, I was looping with mine earlier today. The damage with an NP2 one might be a bit low on tougher nodes though.
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I don't see the hype with triple Skadi. Oberon is just better for damage if your DPS can run Black Grail or they have theirr own NP damage buffs.
>posts a picture of JETS failing to run blackgrail
really makes me think
Why is Lioz angry
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How will you react when the fuyuki lostbelt 0 has shirou (true)?
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How was the (pre-recorded) stream? Sad I missed it
My waifu and I will clap from My room
No, but it's better than the other ones. It's not even really far behind lb6, though that might be recency bias
t. just completed it a few minutes ago
Bro is probably going to die. :(
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>100% NP charge on turn 2
>50% NP charge for wave 3
>skadi tops him off on the final wave
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That was the whole thing
Yeah now how do you fit an Oberon into your skadi skadi bride setup, retard?
>3/3/3 regular farming node
I want to deflower Xu Fu.
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Would martha be a good wife?
That isn't failing.
Append, bride, and 1 skadi to 100% for turn 1, refunds 100% with +100% quick and +145% np gain.
wave 2 he'll refund about 63% and the 2nd skadi's charge will get him to full.

ur kinda retarded bro
Mo-sama, that was just an example of a Quick looper already being able to use MLB Black Grail without triple Skadi. Caren, Hopeman and Rikyu would be able to slot in Oberon instead of Bride.
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mine too
Indeed the true JP experience
Unironically yes. And she will definetly be a beast on bed.
Her sister would be better
I love Bobby Sith
At this point, this is the only real plot point I want explained. I don't care about Extra Class faggotry. I just want to know what the evil is, why it's there, why Saber Alter was called Defender of Humanity and which servants and characters are going to show up.
he's saying that the extra quick up from ruler skadi can enable the use of oberon
I'm not totally sure what servants that works with or what the skill order is to pull it off.
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i am... an arclet
Yes, so Jets CANNOT run black grail with Oberon, which is what I just said, your image is showing him failing to run Black Grail with Oberon, which is what your post was about. Thank you, Mordred.
Alright, enough about the 5*. Let's discuss Summer Gareth, Erice, and Wu. Any of these 4* good?
Buddy, nobody gives a fuck that you can farm basic bitch story free quests. Even NP1 Arc can farm that shit with lv100 Foumes. I don't know why you even think your screencap means anything in the current context.
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Lmao loser!
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bros i got my bro pregnant and his tits got even bigger what do i do
Yes, she is very much a wife type. Sex only after marriage however, and you will have a Christian wedding. No anal, you are supposed to be fruitful and multiply so she will be consistently requiring nakadashi to ensure pregnancy. You will also be embarking on a fitness regimen. Gym every day, and be aware that Martha may grow hot and bothered after a gym session when you hit the shower.
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>got Arc at the last moment while trying to get more Xu Fu copies
ciel mogs her so hard lmao
I don't think Ruler Skadi's quick up is enough extra refund to enable it compared to caster desu
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We are talking about Quick, right? The card type infamously confined to 5CE 3/3/X (3/2/X at most) and Lv.90 unless the stars allign and there's a Lv.90++ node with only two waves.
why did they stop giving out the girls 3 sizes with fgo?
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Wu is very good! Party wide buffs, gives anti undead AND deals big anti undead damage!
Aiming for Xu Fu really was the true catalyst needed to get Arcueid. Funniest shit I've ever seen.
>spent quarts on Xu Fu copies
You better intend to 120 her retard
I have regular Skadi, I think I'll just skip her summer version until next year, maybe.
There are 42 minutes of story before the first spendable AP in this event bros, I hope you're excited!
so she's perfect for camazotz in lb7?
Buffing quick alone really does have its limits. Unless a servant was just on the edge of being able to do something it really wont make a difference in that respect
Erice supposedly is, Wu is good for my dick
dont matter, convert a blue apple, then eat when finished. complain about something that actually matters
ok gook
Real quick loopers like Dantes and Caren can do 3/1/X or 1/3/X or 2/2/X nodes. JETS, being a pathetic failure, cannot do this, and also will do less damage while doing so.
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>Yes, so Jets CANNOT run black grail with Oberon
Yes, Mo-chama, because he's the only universal Quick looper I had at the time when we just got servant coins. I already tested out Caren out with 2x Caster Skadi + Oberon while running MLB Black Grail. The only caveat to that setup is that one of the Skadis has to have Lv.10 mana loading while the other just has to have it unlocked.
When is Skadoodle I thought she was supposed to be up simultaneously with Merlina?
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>+20% np charge
>cooldown 7
She can't even farm for shit, unless if you Arash'd the 1st wave or something
Are you the mysterious S?
thats what SKIP is before
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Lip love!
>he still refuses to accept the multicore
Yeah, diminishing returns with that much quick up already. If we get a quick support with NP grain up like Castoria it's over for Arts teams though.

Day of the NP gain soon.
Does Buddhism use Thought Keys? I know Taoism does.
Idk who told you that, but the stream confirmed the date for her and it’s the login reset on the 24th PDT
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some servants are just not wife material and that's okay!
Just the NP gain and 10 per turn from the rats even enables a little bit.
>sakurai event
I just press skip and then skim through it quickly on atlas to get the basic plot and scroll past all the pointless drivel that sakurai thinks count as interesting character interactions.
Conception accepted.
...no comment.
Lady Avalon will still be there for another week when Skadi's banner hits.
>give Quick cards NP gain so they can refund
>essentially just turning them into Arts cards
Nice try, Quickshot but everything always ends up just trying to copy Arts. Buster and Quick should be ashamed of abandoning their niches.
Both of them will overlap since they're available until the end of the event but her rate-up doesn't start until next week
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She was a good person until Zepar got her brainwashed by CCC Kiara. Wish we could have made her revert the brainwashing.
Thank fuck for Atlas, reading it ingame is a chore.
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Should I even bother getting NP1 Lady Avalon?
Her NP seems really dependent on high NP levels, is NP1 still better than Merlin in an Arts comp or would I just go Merlin anyways?
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>good person
some women think this is perfectly ok
What are going to be the first banners?
Borrow your friend's NP5 if it's critical
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God I want Akiha sex so badly...
No, she's a meme unless you're a whale.
she was a prophet and basically a would to be Budha, so yes, technically, until she went horny and became the anti Budha
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>confined to 5CE 3/3/X
Even mediocre quick loopers can loop irregular nodes with KScope nowadays. Good quick loopers can easily do irregular nodes with 50% charge. The best quick loopers can loop irregular nodes with no starting charge.

Your opinion of quick is like 3 years out of date.
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Did you not read Seraph? Her holding out so long against CCC's corruption helped buy time, otherwise CCC Kiara would have taken over earlier and done her dumb plan before we could stop her.
Plus the whole crux of the gimmick for that Kiara was she only needed someone in those earlier days to save her and a random doctor did so.
Unfortunately Nasu's fetish is the most impure women imaginable so she had to GO.
look at that forehead
Why is the water green?
I thought water is either colorless or blue.
Apparently I was in a free quest node all this time
Are there even any Arts servants you'd use in CQs?
I always feel like the worst part about Castoria for this stuff is that she's Arts when Morgan and Himiko are both Buster.
>Unfortunately Nasu's fetish is the most impure women imaginable
Truth. I wonder if Nasu can even conceive the concept of a pure woman with in the context of love.
For pure NP regen, she's worse than Merlin at NP1 (15% total NP charge), slightly worse at NP2 (22.5% total NP charge) and slightly better at NP3 (26.25% total NP charge). Merlin gives 25% over five turns compared to LA's three turns. However, she can pop her NP faster than he can.
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When the chlorine in the pool reacts with too much urine, the water will become greener.
Shouldn't that just be an Arcade release on PC? It would incentivize people to play both.
>Unfortunately Nasu's fetish is the most impure women imaginable so she had to GO.

Corruption/Mind break are the best tags.
This is why I don't swim
I've pissed in a lot of pools as a kid, and I've never seen this
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Why'd you miss it? Albert fucked and came inside a summer Douman plush while Michael sat in the corner and clapped. Shit was crazy.
Pure innocent women makes for a boring story. Look at Mash, she's the designated pure heroine and she's boring.
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Right? It would have been great if we could this personality as the final ascension for her to break free from CCC's control but no. He had to give this Kiara a fate worse than death. This Kiara is probably what he means when he says he can envision a Saver class Kiara.
baobhan's mom has got it going on
NP1 Lady Avalon is already better than Merlin, especially for Arts teams. Don't be fooled by /alter/'s shitposts. Lady Avalon can NP turn one with very minimal help which is superior in most use cases to Merlin. Merlin is only marginally better if you can use his NP twice in 4-5 turns but the tradeoff is that Merlin either needs dedicated charge support or a turn or two to get rolling anyway which negates the extra turns he gets at the end. In the current format of the game, going quickly is vastly more important than sustainability and Lady Avalon is Merlin but faster.

All of that being said, the kinds of advantages we're talking about here are marginal at best. If you already have a normal merlin then there is basically no reason to get an NP1 copy of Lady Avalon. Unless you really, really like Arts Crit teams.
You mean mind break into domination loss and then purification with impregnation/pregnant.
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>LIMITED: Party consists of NPC Supports Only. Command Seals and Master Skills cannot be used in this battle.
In a well maintained pool, there'll be filters constantly active to do their job plus filters being replaced frequently enough to keep working properly. Also, you peeing in the pool alone isn't going to counteractive the amount of chlorine in the pool.
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It's actually Baja Blast
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me on the right in the top hat
Me anywhere else
I don't know if you know this anon but impure women aren't any better. Woe be me bullshit isn't interesting.

Nasu, for fucks sake. I would love to have seen a Saver Kiara. Though admittedly part of me wants a Saver Kiara because I want the justification as to why Nasu's OC is Buddha's equal.
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Did you ever finish reading golden ass? It's great isn't it?!
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This shit fucking sucks. She's a big fucking hero and we're not allowed to even remember her in canon because "lol kiara powers i guess" and it's the only thing protecting servant kiara from getting HER personality rewritten back to her seraph self
4>2>1>3 in terms of ost
Also Zarool ha is a retard
ok I finally organized my folder for the most part
here's the entire Onsen collection I made for you like 2 months months ago, some new pics here and there, some anons asked me to upload them so here it is

im trying to compile the manga style pics as well, ill drop them soon
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Look at her go
>anywhere else
ah is that you in the red shirt? thank you bro...
I'm sure I didn't ask for this
Nasu has a chance to make saintly Kiara for (you) in summer 5.
He instead wants to pushes on his damaged whore fetish.
Cute! Did my mail go through?
No, no eternal onahole
Was not remembering this shit even a part of SERAPH or just locked behind room lines or something? I didn't realize that was the case until the Ooku
He loves damaged/used goods too much. Is Nero a virgin? Nero Bride probably is but if he sullies even regular Nero then I don’t think he can help himself. I think only Higashide could do a pure love story.
It’s “boring” to you because your brain is wired towards sex too much. Most people wouldn’t even know how to write a proper pure love story anyways since everyone is emotionally damaged these days, it won’t resonate with anyone. Mash isn’t even a love story at this point either. Her relationship (which is pretty much just a work related one at this point) with Guda is just stagnating. That isn’t love, it’s inaction.
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>I would love to have seen a Saver Kiara.
Same, I thought about having Saber Wars 3 and midway through it the title changes to Saver Wars and she appears
>random doctor
>calling twice pierceman a random
How to spot someone who didn't play extra
Nero Bride is just a version of Nero that didn't experience Extra, she still had regular Nero's life though. Obviously the Whore of Babylon isn't a virgin.
Whoa mama
>Whore of Babylon isn't a virgin.
You have proof?
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>update on App Store right before I go to sleep
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yeah i hate it. i was thinking "oh maybe he'll make kiara good for once" but nope it's more "haha psycho dangerous chick" just like sakura and bb.
"don't be tempted master, teehee~"
i think it was one of the post completion scenes where she shows up and pretends like she was there all along.
i barely remember him or extra to be fair nor would i know why he'd randomly show up and fix her in this timeline. it wasn't really an engaging game.
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>It’s “boring” to you because your brain is wired towards sex too much.
>I don't know if you know this anon but impure women aren't any better. Woe be me bullshit isn't interesting.
And yet, the results speak for themselves. You two faggots feel free to disagree, but all the works and reaction to those elements suggest otherwise. Unless you only care about SoL types of iyashikei stuff where nothing bad happens. In which case, that is indeed, very much a YOU issue. Evil and Drama are what drives the plot outside iyashikei/SoL. I don't make the rules, and if you're going to claim centuries old narratives are because of "brain is wired towards sex too much" then my man, you might be the one with the brain rot.
Yes, if you are referring to Apuleius. Recently, I've been in a bit of a funk related to reading and haven't tried much else besides reading old stalwarts I've read many times over. Currently, re-reading Tacitus. I might try reading Satyricon again soon though as I haven't read it in over a decade. But digressing from Roman stuff, if you have any recommendations for something new to try I'll gladly look into it.
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It's okay. I've turned myself into a carrot.
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Wait there’s something going on?
Personally, I think that you’re lying to your audience if you try to pass a girl who has had sex before as pure/ideal. It’s damaged control for girls who have been sexually abused by older men in their lives.
You do realize that for every narrative with damage goods there's one without them right? You're eating shit with your own confirmation bias.
If you find girls whining about themselves to be interesting that's on you, brother but I for one do not consider Nasu's repeated use of the archetype to be interesting.
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It used to be this, but I think at some point the game just treated Nero Bride as
>Nero in white clothes for some reason
I dont even remember when it started
look just because you're a doomer AND a coomer who can't get off to genuinely good people doesn't mean we have to be. i like mash plenty, there's plenty of good people that are interesting in this game. being impure and sleezy and evil is not inherently interesting especially when even prior to the seraph event we'd been exposed to that type of female character plenty. kiara and sakura were THE defacto impure and crazy women of the franchise.
Albert is patching in his nudes
good morning, bros...
I hate that I'm going to throw some sq at these summer rateups just for some event ces. I know ces tend to be more common anyway so my worst fear is kind of unfounded but literally every 4*/5* on rateup (across all 3 rateups) for summer 7 is fucking cursed for me and the thought of rolling any of that shit even on accident makes me sick.
are we going to roll?
Who's rateup is first?
Drop CEs are a meme with 3-week 90++ events bro, save your quartz
Anon, stop. Don't be a retard. Your FL will have plenty of MLB Event CEs for you to use to empty the shop.
Merlin with a vagina
i am.
merli. merlina is a dumb name.
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>Can you do Jeanne Alter wearing lingerie with heart shaped holes that expose her nipples and pussy?
>With another pic of her having sex with Gudao while wearing it if possible, please?
>Have her on top of him and one with her on her back.

>Also, can you please do Achilles (or if you can't do it, just do Gudao instead) sucking Penth's nipples, licking her navel, giving cunnilingus and doing mating press on Penth who is bound and tied up to the bed? (Breasts must not be too big)

>Do a pic of breast sucking and licking pic related's delicious squirting pussy

Anyone in particular?

>whatever you feel is good, maybe inside a shower/bathube

>Mordred grabbing Gudao from behind and humping me. Not futa. Just humping his ass.
Sorry I tried, but all I get is Mordred getting humped
not her fault, insane though I'll concede
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>I hate that I'm going to throw some sq at these summer rateups just for some event ces.
That's because you're mentally retarded and/or a humblebragger who lies to himself and uses "I rolled for CEs" as an excuse.
her name is purin
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goodnight bros
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I think we're all getting at least NP1 tonight.
Then after we get our desired Skadi/Ibukis we'll spend the rest and try to get NP5
sakura is impure because nasu wants her to be. that's blatantly his fetish. she's had sex a lot, gets sexually violated, couldn't be satisfied with shirou, etc. he even made her route the true end to FSN. that was explicitly the intention.
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good morning bros
>Anyone in particular?
Not him , but can you do more embarrassed or horny Illya faces. Those always turned out great
So what are you fags doing during maintenance?
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Merlina luv!
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It is undeniable fact that everyone, and I mean everyone in this thread has Albert's pic on their device
I'll probably stop at NP3, NP5 just seems like overkill. Don't even have the SQ for that, just 740.
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>Anyone in particular?
Whoever you think it suits. Melt is really pretty try her.
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Nasu's favorite heroine is Rin though.
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this one is my favorite
Remember how much of a failure I'm
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There are definitely alter bros who fapped to this…
Kinda cute sword autism... would have just taken the chocolate tho, she is (you)r sword after all right?
I really did not see to see an Albert x Jinako crossover
Finishing Eureka Seven. Ending is a bit rushed, but overall really good. Many thanks to that Anemonebro last month. She had a nice arc.
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Gawain says so
this is 100% what the kamaspammer looks like
>Eureka Seven.
Too bad the sequel shit the bed hard
>Arts looping
>Reliant on refund and therefore enemy wave count, based on arts cards which focus on np gain
>Buster looping
>Not reliant on refund, have to plugsuit, has the highest damage with oberon like buster cards are focused on damage
>Reliant on refund and enemy wave count, shits useless stars
Get off Buster's ass, it's still doing it's job
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Not this time, I refuse to let myself getting spooked by gareth
>aims for Tamamo
>an actual Mr Worldwide Nationwrecker
Bro, Nasu. You gotta stop, my dude. Let the blood travel back to the main brain.
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She’s dead bro
That's literally from MBTL.
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why are the other typemoon mcs such gigachads compared to gudacuck?
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i think she means the chocolate literally became an inedible sword.
Nice try Busterfag but the moment you start NP spamming you've moved into ArtsCHAD territory and no amount of coping will change that.
Oh yeah, where's the usual priest when you need him the most?
Just don't watch the sequel(s). As a standalone anime, it's great. Same thing with Darker than Black.
That doesn't say she isn't a virgin.
i do not understand the hate for guda when he's like one of two NPCs that are specifically supposed to be (You) whereas shirou and shiki aren't.
>Really? No kidding (smirks)
This interview came out just before LB6 by the way.
>Darker than Black
Thoughts on Suou Pavlichenko?
i'm like 99.9% sure you're wrong and that's just something ReDrop drew
Ex trials cause I'm bored.
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Shhhh Altera is sleeping
How worth it is Merlina if I already have Castoria and Tamamo blue?
Her and Skadi are the only ones I'm really interested in and maybe Wu.
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I showered
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all right guda, no hard feelings. let's do this!
Cute, that's all about the positive things I can say about S2.
Looks like 80% of the event wants point CEs which you can get from the shop.
you had i right with retarded. I hate every servant on rateup but I want the CE with vitch and dobrynya on it so I'll brave that hell. the zenobia one is also very nice.
Showering with Cleo…
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Guda has hundreds of virgin servants that exclusively love him
Shirou canonically ends up with used goods. Feel bad for the fella but he lost big time
Yeah, I really wanna twist, but I'm skipping until Skadi.
Isn't there another Lady Avalon banner without Gareth?
I don't want to get spooked by that fuckwit
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No, this is the one that came out when UBW was airing.
>This is a Q&A from a booklet bundled with the soundtrack found in the 「Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Blu-ray Disc Box I」, which was released on 2015/3/25. The questions were submitted by fans through the UBW website in 2014.
Really happy I finally got Cleo this year. I really wanted to reunite her with my bro, Caesar.
>exclusively love
You mean being brainwashed
self-inserts are boring. i'd vastly prefer if guda was an actual person as opposed to some vaugely nice boy/girl who's defining personality trait is that they don't give up. woo.
More synergy with Castoria than Tamamo for CQs. Decent plugsuit option along with 2x Castoria.

>Isn't there another Lady Avalon banner without Gareth?
>I don't want to get spooked by that fuckwit
Getting the rate-uo SR is NOT a spook.
Old good, new bad.
Also shirou was the prime self insert for most people
>Shirou canonically ends up with used goods.
Worst part about this statement is that it applies to both Saber and Sakura so HF vs True Endfags can have this applied to them.
which was just before lb6 and mash got dicked
i mean going to school with rin and luvia while they fight over you is pretty kino and mogs most servants easily
then why do you self insert as shirou or whatever
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Remember to watch the Hi Evolution movies where Dewey has super powers for some reason or other
Stop. I can't be rolling for Purlin. I'm already rolling for Ibuki and Skadi.
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I'm rolling for Gareth because she has Monica's 90s hair
>mogs most servants easily
Yeah but a lot of them mog them so it evens out
Nasu said to project yourself as Shirou and Shiki so they are self-inserts just not to the extent as Guda
honestly i might skip skadi. it kind of annoys me when supports aren't casters.
Lilim Harlot pre-release campaign if memory serves right
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>just before
>2270 days
people misunderstand the concept of self-inserts these days. shirou is an actual character, people find it possible to self-insert as him because the entire game is from his mental perspective, which makes it easy to put yourself in his shoes, but he's not a self-insert character. Guda is a self-insert in the truest sense because he/she HAS no actual real perspective.
Consider how many people have their own headcanon OC guda's. No one makes up their own OC that they pretend went through FSN in shirous shoes, do they? That's the key difference, the lack of an actual character from which you gain a lens to view the story
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Do NOT fall for summer bait. Save for them.
where is the content alter

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>cuckposting is okay when its mash
how do we stop you people being the way that you are
Smartest poster on /alter/, unironically
I actually only keep a handful of images from here saved. The only thing I really make an effort to save are pictures of my favorites
maybe the real content... was the bros we made along the way...
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Congrats bro, she was one of my first SSR's. I loved her animations
you do not understand how hard i am skipping these le CURSE YOU ARCADE basedbaits
then why guda hate besides "boring". it feels like people are just getting mad at themselves for being desired.
okay but people still self-insert and act like they're shirou or shiki especially when talking about waifus involving them. they get really mad like guda is cucking them so they do their best to try to put down guda while acting like guda isn't specifically them despite that being the case.
>2800 SQ and nothing I really want to roll on in the future after Skadi which I just only get because of good meta
What the fuck
I don't want either of them
Here's the official approved cuckposting list: Mash, Circe, Bob, Melu.
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I don't have any meta casters or any good arts or quick servants that could loop. What do I even roll during this event?
just be yua serufu
They are desiring the wrong self-insert if I had to guess.
Cool. I'll see if I can snag her then.
The big dick futa so you finally have a good Arts looper
Farming, but slower
Thanks for the Nursery bro
draco is somewhat meta
otherwise yeah
Can you elaborate on why them?
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i have a grailed arcade card of tiamat. i'm good. my catalyst is so strong it'll nab me an instant NP6 or even NP7.
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like I said, some people do still self-insert as shiki/shirou even if they're not typical self-insert bait characters. it's an easy trap to fall into when you're reading fiction that's heavy with a lot of internal monologue.
another angle is that people have become invested in the idea of shirou/saber(or rin etc) and shiki/arc as a couple, and they dislike seeing things that expressly diverge from that.
I have all the meta casters and top loopers but don't use them to avoid wasting bond.
Merlina (Arts) and Skadi (Quick) are great supports. Ibuki is a strong Berserker if your interested in an arts looper.
>bob and melu
>but no barghest
interesting. VERY interesting.
the three tam lin are all WHORES.
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Does Merlina with support castoria make servants loop just as well as double castoria?
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is it true that witch on the holy night is an incomplete story that's been in hiatus for a decade?
yeah i figured that was it but i was hoping there was a non-autistic reason where it'd be possible for them to see logic. oh well.
had to deal with a guy just like this in a different gacha, fire emblem heroes, except he was getting mad at the hero of the gacha because there were bride versions into the gacha hero of a character that was also into one of the previous self inserts with character creation and everything.
it's so bizarre how people get so mad at self-inserts that are intended to be the player.
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*there were bride versions attracted to the gacha hero who were from a game where they were also attracted to the literal cac self insert
good morning bros
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god, I used to be a FEH fag. Is this a new bride alt drama or something old?
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>shorter than Melt without her normal legs
How the FUCK is she that small?
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Do we like Coral here?
>they get really mad like guda is cucking them
Most likely shippers, or people who self insert as either Shiki or Shirou.
One thing you should know from these niggas is, when you bring their waifus to the picture unprovoked there will be problem, every single time.
Shiki/Shirou selfinserters of course will get mad if Gudao gets pandering scene involving Arc/Saber.
Also remember when Gudao selfinserters, aka /fgog/ and /alter/, went nuclear over Boggart.
>How the FUCK is she that small?
Alice is 152 bro
something old. i quit after the game got boring and stuck around until the release of a summer waifu i wanted to complete my collection.
it's THAT guy. tharjafag.
so glad i gave up on it. the story was garbage and i only stuck around for the waifu.
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>it's THAT guy. tharjafag.
I'd say I'm surprised that he's still around, but I'm really not.
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Holy womanlet
I'm skipping her
yeah but that's a literal self-insert getting treated bad by nasu because nasu loves his gross and offensive fetishes so i could at least see that.
Marry Nito
Fuck Schez
Kill Sheba
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>had to deal with a guy just like this in a different gacha, fire emblem heroes
Trying to understand Raul's mindset is a losing battle
Their resident tripfag despises the self insert of Heroes but self inserts as all the other self inserts from the mainline game
more for me
Literally everyone would marry Nito and kill bedwarmer
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Still the queen.
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puzzle time corrected!
i think he posted here a few times too. he'd post about the various other gacha but always come crawling back. haven't been there in a long time though.
right! raul. he also baffled me the same way shiroufags and shikifags do. honestly, every time that blackhaired OC holding a child with the ridiculous amount of negative space in the image gets posted it reminds me of him because it looks so much like the retarded ponytail dude raul had as an OC
Why the fuck don't they start maintenance beforehand instead of after streams?
Oh no, Illya has an ectopic pregnancy in the heart!
Shippers would rather see a character interact to other characters.
Take a look at /gig/ for example, they have this massive hatred toward Aether, calling his aetherpags or the likes.
why do you know the future?
when is the stream anyways?
>every time that blackhaired OC holding a child with the ridiculous amount of negative space in the image gets posted
what? Which one
Soujyuro a cute.
Already happened like almost 5 hours ago
why did they stream in the middle of the night?
i didn't save it or anything lmao. the one with the black jacket, jeans, hair looks wet and droopy, kind of comes across as a shiki rip off
What's got you in a funk? Satyricon is a good one to revisit, we experience literary intersectionality so differently as we age. I'll throw out a left field recommendation though- Flaubert's Salammbo. It's sort of the blood meridian of the classical age in a historical fantasy setting. He researched the setting extensively, it's wonderful! It's also quite violent so proceed with care. Give me a rec too!
Nobody self inserts as Sono-G cause the man actually has a personality
MahoyoCHAD's win again
The game's promotional stuff is mostly catered to burgers so the streams are usually during their hours.
more like because nobody read mahoyo alelelelele
Fucking mikiya?
>creats Anti Purge as ultimate defense
>then let Divinity breach it
>when most destroy the world attacks are coming from godlike things
what the fuck are you talking about
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a common mistake
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OH MY GOD YEAH! Whoever that is. I can't believe that's an actual character. This looks like bad commissioned fanart of an OC. Reminds me of tharjafag's lmao
No, she has no NP gain buff.
>not being able to identify authentic Takeuchi hands
He is shiki's (female(male)) bf/husband
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I like his Servant reviews.
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>Thanks for the meal, my Husband/Wife
I can't tell if it worked, sent another.
that looks waaaaaaaay better. feels completely different. i can't believe that's actual takeuchi art. >>486525490 looks like he'd post about how much he loves tharja in /feg/ and whoever else is the waifu of the week for him lmao
Beryl and Uther are not here
I wish I was Kuro's onii-chan...
Based, he was right to hate q*ick
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Now that Dumber Skadi turned out to be a bust, who's the best crit-type support for Douman, Douman?
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People hate Guda because he does unrealistic protagonist things. He's has no personality and simultaneously acts like a complete retard. So he's not just (You), he's (You) acting like a colossal retard and nearly killing everyone, only to be dragged over the finish line by plot.
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I'm saving these.
I thought he made her self-destuct faster (his curses are no joke), plus he isn't outside the domain; is she still his best support?
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>me in the black t-shirt
I'll look into it tomorrow. Violence doesn't scare me off. As for funk, I don't know, just some listlessness about seeking out new stuff and potential wading through some shit, so I tend to read things I've read before lately. I did JUST buy Hanya Yanagihara's The People in the Trees to try as it looked interesting, so I'll probably be reading that soon as well. Maybe you could give it a try and we can discuss, or you can tell what what you're interested in and I can make some recs off that (historical fiction, modern, military, classics, etc.). For now, I must sleep because it is very, very late! Sleep...
im still mad at whoever wrote LB4 and decided to fucking kill her off like that.
It was nice catching up, good night! If you leave a throwaway I'll reach out, no pressure of course.

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