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Previous: >>486464057

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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first for the elf
Thank god she's not in 1.2.
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We are dying bros... changli wont save us from irrelevancy
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My wife Jinhsi!
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looking forward to all the WuWa merch
>and now GF2
the competition is getting tight bros... can we survive?
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Elf love!
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Jinhsi is for marriage and handholding
How do you pronounce
Does that mean she can live for hundreds of years?
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Elf SEX!
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It's entirely optional to nibble on her ears. No one is forcing you
my wife lucia got a new skin bros https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XI0q_2OQQU8

Jihnsi troons are retarded. Forgot what general they were in.
Human cant marry a literal god silly
I am a literal human.
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Where are the story quests leaks i heard about weeks ago
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urban gta open world
comfy farm simulator open world
4 niggas at the same time open world

All fill their niche and I'll try them all out
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The ball tasing is optional too right Yinlin? Right?
Wtf is that Palworld?
it's azur promilia
How can anyone defend this "gameplay"?
You should be less worried about the competition and be more worried about your own game. 1.1 was already a massive fail because they extended it for no reason and 1.2 adds no new content and has two fail banners back to back. Things are looking extremely grim until 1.3 assuming people even stick around for that. Camellya might be the last hope for wuwa to retain any sort of relevance in the gacha sphere.
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This game looks like if you took the best aspects of Genshin, Wuwa, Stardew Valley, and the great character design of Blue Archive. I'll probably leave Wuwa for this when it comes out.
Yes i am
Palworld sold millions.
Wuwa biggest downfall will be copying genshit dying formula instead of something more recent
but we already have a pokemon catching system
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I'd just close my eyes and hope for the best.
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We lost bros look at this intense boss fight.

It'd be awesome if they got better at modeling too.
Imagine the heights they could reach if they mixed techniques and tricks with even better bases.
This game badly needs QoL for condensing waveplates like Genshin. Daily upkeep takes too much time.
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shill! shill! another essay please!
>jadeplume terrorshroom but fat
They're running out of ideas, huh?
I think they already announced a star rail like system where you still get a secondary resource but slower after you hit the cap
the war ravaged lands...
what the actual fuck....
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bros... do not kill the plant family...
Say what you will about genshin but they never miss with their music. This shit bops and fits well with the zone, I wish wuwa hired some composers with actual talent. I don't think the game even has a single track that stands out or is memorable in any way.
Oh no its hot
Whoever post off-topic are gay
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Industry analyst here
This general will be beyond salvation once august rolls around.
Prepare to get raided
No I do want to spend my waveplates, I just want a way to condense them and spend all of it at once when it suits ME, not when the game says my bar is full. With the new system in Genshin, spending stamina+doing dailies takes 30 seconds in the morning. I have to spend around 10 minutes in WuWa running around spending waveplates, and doing what the daily tasks require of me.
What makes her pants and her attitude so fucking diamonds?
All of 1.1/new regions music

You don't play the game do you?
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no one's gonna be playing this game in august lol, have you not seen the 1.2 leaks? are you telling me people are gonna stick around doing 10 minute daily chores for the next 2 months
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My wife has bigger tits then these!
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how many days/hours left
I usually just face-tank overworld mobs but these dudes force to me sit up and focus.
Where are the changli marketing... give me something to be excited...
Reddit made an effort post for Our General.
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jinhsi's trailer came out like 3 days before her banner

So...any minute now
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Her puffy bird pussy
What do I buy with Afterglow Coral? Just more pulls or worth saving for something else?
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just a reminder to always set up an assistant when cooking. there's between a 20 and 30% chance the things you produce will be straight up better dishes than what you intended on making. they'll also have distinct item text with lore tidbits related to the assistant you chose.
save it, if you desperately need more pulls, use it on pulls.

If there's a character you got with a must have first dupe, get that (unlikely this will happen though)
The modding is real bros
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Wuwa Quick Facts: Did you know that Chang-li's breasts are actually filled with Hydrogen? This is what provides her with the upwards lift necessary for aerial combat.
How did Aniki stop himself from raping this.
>picked mrover
desu I think Mrover's Squall ass jacket is pretty rad.
I want one.
Maybe they'll sell one someday.
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Holy fuck Changli's animation mogs Jinshi hard
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A little over 100.
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oh neat let see who's the extra chance character for the keba-
Has the community decided on a website for logging pulls yet?
okay, i got the filter
anyone got one they can share?
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good night wuggers <3

most of us use this
What's the best way to farm these?
the enemies and elites in the new zone are kicking my shit in...
*kisses you goodnight* mwah
killing any echoes, dunno why you would run out of them
>lost 50/50 on HSR
>lost 50/50 on GI
I'm not feeling my 50/50 for Changli bros...
Bought 2 of the monthly whatucall it so I have to
+1, nothing personal
>dunno why you would run out of them
I actually don't farm the overworld everyday and I'm done with every quest/most chests, I just spend my daily energy and move on
>dead patch to save up for camellya after losing coinflip on yinlin and changli
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Area around Inferno rider I guess.
Thats what you get for playing these 2006 korean MMOs
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>step away so her student can fuck
How kind of her
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>Free 5 star character in 1.2
>2 nerds one patch
No shit?
Chink version
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tangentially related, but here's an easy way to remember what TDs drop what. all animal based TDs drop howler cores. All humanoid-esque and mineral-based TDs drop whisperin cores.
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smart frog poster for once
your bad luck got used up so now you'll win the next 50/50. it's easy logic
How do I farm echo xp?
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bwos....this is unfair...
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Spend asstrite for cube and farm the tacet fields ez life
Tacet Fields
Tacet field or boss fight
You can Synthesize Echo XP from Fluorite (Mt. Firmanent ore).
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So why do their devices look like those Chinese gourds martial arts masters drink their booze from?
Life is never fair for the onkobro, every puzzle is calamity class challenge
We are the strongest race in retunr
pokeballs are for nerds, wuxia cultivators are just built different
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I gave up on gacha games' merch. All the good ones are usually CN only...
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This is such a comical framing when you really think about it.
>the 2 guardians are havoc(evil) and spectro(good)
>one is strongfat and built like a fridge
>the other would get no less than an 8 in a classic physique section of a bodybuilding competition
it's literally just the angel and devil on the exile's shoulder, but they're yoked AF.
in Chinese fiction, theres only 2 uses of Gourds;
1 - liquid storage
2 - demonic seal
Post resonators that wuther your waves
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Wanted this guy real bad but settled on acrylic stand once i saw the price tag
$400 is a bit outrageous.
>character design appeals to my penis
>he's the worst 5* and has an awful english voice
why does god do this to me
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Just buy it bwo
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I love this little nigga like you wouldn't believe.
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Yinlinbros status?
ok but wtf actually happens to jue at the end? kinda just undulates off into the sunset at the end.
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Man I hope we get coatings on the same level as PGR...
>4 niggas at the same time open world
Don't forget base bulding.

But yeah. Each of those is trying yo have thier own gimmic. Tho I wonder what's happening with Mugen. Why they didn't release any new trailer? They didn't want to blend with announcement of NTE? Mugen is also urban fantasy open world were we get to drive cars.

So NTE and Mugen will be main rivals with eachother as they compete for the same niche.
What do we think of the GFL2 EN announcement
real talk Zezhi making me nervous we need electro rover yesterday
i don't think about that NTR game at all
400 sounded crazy even though the detail is really good but then I saw just hoe fucking huge it is. Makes more sense but it's not in my budget range. But it's rad.
Why does Mingshao have so many beautiful jade-like beauties? Even the player character is a beautiful jade-like beauty.
Isn't Jue bringing Jinhsi back to Jinzhou to recuperate? But yeah, the Thaw of Eons story just suddenly ends. I hope we'll see a conclusion or epilogue when the Changli banner drops.
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mugen fills the vaporware niche.
But Jade is green? My wife is no shrek looking bitch
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I'm curious, how many wuwaggers are gonna be playing it?
Had a dream where this general was named /wwg/
I'm hoping jue acts as the bridge between our cohort and the sentinels/authorities of the other cities. we heard about there being a capital. and in the loading screen about sentinels they actually use a pluriform so there are surely others. I'd appreciate a second 4 * aero echo. the transform for felian is whack and whiffs half the time.
Not this wugger, modern setting slop is repellant to me. But i wish you the best.
I agree with the fundamental premise. the echo system is fun and interesting. I just wish that getting echo xp wasn't such a chore, because your gains in tuners always outpace your gains in echo xp.
I feel like if Nikke ever had a 3D action game it would completely BTFO all others, even topping Genshin.
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As a gachapro i agree with this 90%
Echo complaints make me chuckle considering the grand picture.
Tuners are a bitch. We should also be able to turn unlevelled Echoes into EXP not just the disappointments thrown in the trash.
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hmmmmmm do i renew or nah?
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is my wife in it?
>Tuners are a bitch
I feel the exact opposite way. I have like 1k gold tuners and even if I spent all my echo xp I'd run through about 180 tops.
After recent trIlers I'm suprised that there was no Mugen trailer or new trailer for this one
Renew. What's 5$?
>open video
>see taoqichad clearing tower 4
Ok maybe this retard is worth listening to
Fuck no if Nikke is anything to go by it'd be a pure stat check that plays itself.

Did you know that in that game if you're under leveled you get an EXTRA stat penalty up to NINETY PERCENT (90%) on top of the inherently lower stats from being low level? And levels are tied to dupes in that game. Shit's pure cancer and would absolutely ruin any combat
Pure high quality jade is white
What's with all these fucking action gachas and Chinese mythology
this shit is never releasing either. The gameplay they showed in this trailer isn't even real
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Holy fucking aesthetic. Wtf is this
Don't renew if you're so strapped for cash that $5 is considered post worthy.
Just hope it all gets better on your end.
I'm limiting myself to two gacha games, so no
Codename Bakery girl is giga military man /k/commando autism. In honor of some friends who love guns I'll try gfl2. Also because bakery girl is actually a fun game
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its a PGR skin
>PGR has more players than WuWa currently
why the fuck
Kuros other game
this retard should try PGR
Nah ZZZ is better atm. If you're really poor wait for the other action gachas to come out before deciding.
erm proof? I'm not seeing it having higher players by any metric (google play downloads, revenue, etc)
did YZ actually make a game this time?
The proof is because I said so
lmao I've been playing since launch and you're a dumbass that quit within 1 week and has no idea what he's talking about
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NTA but how is it better? Let's have an honest talk I just cleared shiyu 10 half asleep and still waiting for the game to get good.
Combat system actively tries to wrestle control away from me and it's getting frustrating.
And let's not even talk about the characters...
ngl he kinda cooked. I got level 5 CC & CD echos for all calamity and overlord enemies within a day after I decided to farm for them. I don't imagine something like this can be done in any other gacha.
Get the monthly card in ZZZ if you're looking for a better long-term investment.
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Only if they keept the same level of Coomer appeal. Story and sexapeal is only what keeps people playing,because gameplay itself is atrociously boring.
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Changli can't come soon enough, bros...
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Will people still use H.Rover after Changli?
btw is it always best to go for full house or is a 2:2 split between elemental damage and energy regen worth it? I'm doing the latter at the moment.
>in anything nu-oyohim
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Invest in Gardenscapes and CoD stocks for beeg earnings
Spend my revenue in WuWa for great success.
This is the way.
>Kill Geoechelon boss
>Drops moonlight echo
>Kill it again
>Drops no echo?

How does this work bros? I just want to build my Vereena.
the pity is 2 on the calamity class monsters.

So every other turtle kill will give you an echo
No one goes for energy regen on 3 slots unless it's a support. At best you roll substats on it.
You get 15 guaranteed echoes a week from bosses. After those run out, you get a 50/50. If you didn't get an echo, then the next one is guaranteed. There's pity for elites but keeping count is bothersome, so I don't bother.
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what the
you only get a chance at an echo dropping. this chance is greatly increased at the start of every week for 15? kills. also 2 kill pity >>486531240
geochelon is the only boss that can have 2 different echo types where all others get 1.
start merging
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Thanks :3
heh you think that's hot shit?
>atk %
Stop posting good echoes
I'm so jealous...
Are the fags at kuro planning on releasing skins in this game?
I mean I think he's fun to play so I use him sometimes. Tower means we want to build multiple elements and at least 3 different teams anyway
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Should have been me, happy for you wugger
Is it better to roll all substat at the same time or not?
Probably. It makes a good amount of money and drums up excitement and hype in different ways from new characters
That's just a grass version of that fucking fat fetish dragon from Undertale.
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please understand they blew all their money just releasing the game they need more time
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WAWU! assplode lucshitter
Level your Echoes to +10 and see what you get.
It costs more exp for every level so youshould only do 2 or 3 unlocks and see if it's ok before trying any more
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cope and seethe
How to deal with the doro infestation? This place REEKS
Absolutely not, do +15 max if you're feeling lucky but no more than that.
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You will assimilate
I haven't read too much into it, but I'll try it just for being a strategy game.
We crossbreed them with Ankos to tame them
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What did anon mean by this?
Do you also complain that you can't beat a lvl 100 boss in the tower when you're level 40 in wuwa?
People are clearing hard stages with hundreds of thousands of CP in deficit, just fucking get good retard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwUcRQqDjHY
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Spending Stamina in this game is neither fun or quick.I want out
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nta, but you don't get additional stat penalties in wuwa. boss clears are also fairly easy.even underleveled and even underleveled in hologram getting them within the 2 minute mark is the actually hard part.
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no way you guys are talking about difficulty or meta in this shit
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I will
Before anyone will give (you) a single (you), post holograms
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You know what Wuwa is lacking?
More pink designs
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he's talking about NIKKE retard bwo...

believe it or not their endgame is bullshit, actually requires you to have meta units
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>it's been weeks
>there is still no art of changli in school uniform
I need it
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Apply yourself.
Unlike Nikke WuWa doesn't slap an extra -90% damage damage and HP for being low level.
It's an objectively garbage system that does nothing but nerf the player cucking them out of clears they would have otherwise gotten. It's sole purpose is to make skill less important and whaling/waiting more important. And it's frankly insane you're defending it at all.
>focusing on absolute numbers when the system works on percentages
That epic "hundreds of thousands of CP in deficit"? It's only 35.66% in reality. Which is nowhere near the max of -90%

TLDR: You're a dishonest shill. Enjoy your last (You)
What is this? A Jinhsi for ants?
>idle game requires you to idle sometimes
wow who would have thought
Sex with encore's mom to make Anko a sister.
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where are the pixels william
how do I talk to the storyteller? I picked up some stuff he's apparently looking for, but I can't seem to be able to talk to him?
>resized when i downloaded it
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So why are we talking about cheese pizza?
Is it recommend to spam stamina on exp/weap/shell before UL50?
You need xp/weap/shell no matter the UL, so yes. Tacet fields are the thing you should delay the longest
>wrestle control away
The fuck are you talking about? Are you talking about being forced to swap when breaking the enemies? It's the same shit as rotations in this game.
This game is not hard. Stop acting like wuwa is more challenging than zzz when both games are casual easy toddler shit. 1 second iframes on infinite dodges and a parry system that half the time you hit just from spamming basics, gimme a fucking break. The only remotely annoying attack to dodge in the whole game is the flying shurikens from that white dragon that oneshot you and it's only because the hitbox is buggy as fuck when you're up close.
People who brag about this game wouldn't even get past the first miniboss in the elden ring dlc. Come back when you've actually played a real game.
NTA, but in ZZZ the quick swap just interrupts you everytime, it basically plays itself for you, hence he said "tries to wrestle control away" as in not even letting him control it properly...
My fellow wuwlies I have a question
Which weapon is the most aesthetic in this game?
I think it's Jiyans sword so far
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You have full control over switching in this game what the fuck are you talking about?
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>elden ring
Changli's looks good
I'd say yes if you have decent echoes built. At least 3 good stats on each between ATK/ATK%/Crit%/CDMG%/Energy Regen which isn't very difficult at all. I'm UL51 and I noticed a gaping hole in my EXP/WEXP fodder.
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you haven't fought Tempest Mephis Hologram yet?
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ToF dev, I don't trust them.
The combat is going to be shit and it looks clunky.
Auto battle open world lmao (not the mention the female MC is the canon one).
>and now GF2
XCOM with girl (might be good but the cuckdev ruined the game even tho they are pandering to coomers now).

We won't lose.
Have a picture of Yinlin.
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Post hologram + UID.
WuWa keeps winning on surveys against other gachas, so why does it earn less than mihoyo games
i like emerald of genesis
guys, i broke f2p to guarantee changli... go on without me
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Stringmaster looks fucking kino
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zigger detected, opinion rejected
Every single fromsoft game except sekiro is pure liquid shit btw.
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Changli's sword but it's mostly the sheath for me
>elden ring
Is anyone rolling for this? Seems like a pretty bad deal compared to the standard 5*.
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Stupid Zhexy nerd
Because mihoyo games are a fucking cashgrab, while WuWa isn't and is very f2p/subscription only friendly?
>How can anyone defend this "gameplay"?
What's wrong with it? Palworld was ok even when it was severely undercooked.
>posting Malenia in 2024
Again, play a real game baby boy. She's not even in the top 5 hardest bosses in elden ring anymore.

I beat mephis 5 like two weeks into launch with Danjin. I don't know if 6 has new moves but 5 wasn't even bad, the clone shit is easy to dodge with the longest dodge roll I've ever seen in a game.

I already quit and I have nothing to prove to you. I said what I said, gacha games are a fucking joke none of them are hard compared to actual games and if you sincerely believe otherwise then it is what it is.
Has fuckton of critmulti, so if you can fix crit rate with echos/char abilities it should be fine
They should go back and make danjin bouncy as hell as well
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>Changli doesn't have much to live
She must've been fucking like rabbits.
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>I already quit
Get the fuck out then.
I need multiple 5* swords let alone the other standard weapons and I'm not willing to wait years to get enough standard pulls for everything
>elder ring
You just wait for your turn to do an action and either hit or heal, the fuck is hard about that
>I already quit and I have nothing to prove to you.
idk if i should treat this whole convo as bait or some people are legit retarded, why would someone believe your argument when you dont have any proof to back it up, you can just say something shit and be like "it is what it is"
>still up
It's the same in ZZZ though. Wtf are you talking about?
Lol retard. Nothing in the dlc was particularly hard other than radahn phase 2. Let me guess you think rellana is harder than malenia?
>you can just say something shit and be like "it is what it is"
i mean you can't
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Someone please tell me Xiangli Yao flaws....so that I can feel my investment on Calcharo has not gone to waste....
If your dick has been up for 2 and a half hours you should probably go see a doctor.
pay attention to the story, she's the teacher
Who has the tightest hymen
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I know. That's why making her wear school uniform makes it extra hot
Calchudo is a brick
Changli, she's a phoenix so she can regenerate that shit.
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Pros: is 20x better than calculator
Cons : he's a skinny nerd
What did she mean by this?
I think all fromslop games since demon souls is liquid shit desu
Sekiro is just a glorified rhythm game kekw
Nah Armored Core is still good.
Xiangli is smooth and actually fun to play while Calcharo is not. He also does way more damage and pairs better with Yinlin. So if you use Calcharo over him you're better I guess.
sex, marriage and 4 kids. RIGHT NOW
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Xianglli Yao flaws....he has 1,004% scaling on his ult at lvl 4, on par with H Rover.
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seek professional help
>Same images being posted over and over
>Almost all AI
It's so over.
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playable when
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The magistrate of jinzhou...
spam their feedback/surveys and they'll actually add it, they do it a lot in PGR
They did them like Indogs and gave them DESIGNATED PARRYING sound FX, doesn't matter though you can get hit like 60 times and not die.
This is the same guy who whaled over 3000 dollars and couldn't clear Holograms in 500 tries right? Kek
The cocksleve of Rover...
Calcharo is literally cooler in every way.
Better animations, better voice actor, better design, better feedback.
You're crying because you're a metafaggot who'd rather play a flying turd if it did 0.0001% more dps than Jhinsi and Changli.
Isn't she like.....50 years old?
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>posting AI sloppa
It's unironically over if you can't even get artists to draw fanart for the game.
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True. Time to leave the thread then... Hope for your swift departure!
>kuro opening gook HQ
>gook voices
where are the fanarts then?
Jinhsi... will serve your will(y).
Yes, and?
Majority of art is equal or worse than that of AI, why would I care lol
Why is AI slop embraced here but shunned everywhere else?
because nobody draws wuwa art lol
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how organic, cheers to /wuwa/ for buckbreaking him this hard
Factoid: she immediately dies if she ever leaves time bubble island
My guess would be a lack of higher profile artists on the game's fan side.
They all got swept up by new hoyoslop because it would be easy money.
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Soon trust the plan.
Solon made a few npc and bosses playable in PGR.
So spam when they ask for feedback.
Thankfully there's no real artist/fujo here complaining that their art is now worthless
Not after Changli quest.
Nothing my godly seed and some dramamine can't fix
Guessing that's something datamined, because all the big patch quest did so far was unfuck everything getting chaotic. Time still accelerates hyper fast inside there relative to the outside.
saars do not redeem
just make her awaken her Resonance ability, quick way to do so would be making them experieince something traumatic...question is, how?
AI is embraced in normal places and shunned in lgbt+ queer friendly places. Since this is a game that is made for and panders to heterosexual males nobody hates AI here.
i will self insert as Xiangli Yao and take Danjin as my wife
She deserved a hot asian man
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you could just ask nicely next time
mating press
So what's the 1.2 area?
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I see... so the heterosexual male has no creativity in his soul...
Praying it comes home in the 17 I got to chuck but if not it's fine. I still haven't used my strongbox yet so I'll just grab the sword.
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>this is what Changli is going up against
Yup, I'm thinking it's wuwover. July is gonna be rough.
We lost. This is actually so good.

Yes, the Mourning Aix... Its cries are filled with mourn
looks like putrid vomit minecraft zoomshit
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Post your main team without naming anyone
>pitslut (forma de caos)
>flat schizo
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Plapable when?
>because they extended it for no reason
Unlikely, remember genshin's endless ayaka banner where a patch got extended by 4 weeks? And then 4 later patches got shortened by a week each.
Gacha schedules get set in stone months in advance, there's probably marketing deals and shit that makes it really hard to change them.
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>i can't see shit but i'm probably doing 34M dps (dragons per second)
>Dude weeds lmao
>mercenary dude with a tacet discord as his friend
>daka daka daka
>murder who entices people with her alluring appearance
I feel sorry for the sunk cost giggers still playing that game.
>I see... so the heterosexual male has no creativity in his soul
Nah, were just deocupying creative spaces, since we had access blocked to them for around 15 years now. To think that there is almost a whole generation of white heterosexual males that are denied the ability to study art without being corrupted and brainwashed with LGBT ideology
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>Sephiroth (forma type b)
I saw the pics, but do we know what it actually is in-universe? Like is it black shores?
Hot af but not flat enough.
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Dad the memer
His daughter
Her friend
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I heard Black Shores is supposed to be 1.3 but I'm not 100% sure...
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i just wanted a sanhua.... i fucking kneel kuro! i fucking kneel!
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Just use liquify in PS it takes 30 seconds
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It's Calcharover
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Congrats bwo
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Man. Feels like that setting would look good on HDR if they ever implement one.
You could try RTX HDR
Are we sure we getting him for free?
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thanks bwos
Havoc DPS, Havoc DPS that can support + any support that support Havoc DPS.
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Cute YapYap
I can't wait for the activity this general will get when changli drops, before coming back to a dead thread 12 hours later.
Comfy thread if nothing else. Imagine having to deal with 24/7 schizos instead of retard ai posters.
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so I used the sonar casket in mount firmament after turning in all windchimes and it produced a signal with a crossed out eye next to it? it's between one of the broken bridges leading to hongzhen and keeps saying it's even lower than the lowest level of the underground areas? where is it and why does it exist if all windchimes are already turned in?
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organically buckbroken
>Changli is going to bomb
>Homo isn't actually free
>No content when Changli drops
>No content in 1.2 either
It's going to be a rough 9 weeks. Will we survive?
what's the better get for an account between changchang and zhezhe?
>Homo isn't actually free
>No content in 1.2 either
Isn't there a new map?
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Trying too hard
Model? Also: >>486532720
1.3 is new map. 1.2 is just more story.
>Changli is going to bomb
nice try
>Homo isn't actually free
he's free, already confirmed by beta testers
>No content when Changli drops
combat event is coming in 3 days (same day as changli drops)
>No content in 1.2 either
new illusive realm
actual event for once (this is where you'll get Xiangli Yao for free)
I need to pat Jinhsi's head at least 3 times a day. Where is the dorms kuro
Wait those are AI images? Damn, they're getting good
This is more a critique on 4chan. There's not enough new users being introduced and there's a heavy amount of overlap between the 4 games. Every other Wuthering Waves community is doing okay.
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I will never understand why you fags want fast threads
>go to /gig/
>300x pics of Neuvillette laughing
>same drama argument every single day
>fujo vs yume vs yuri vs waifu
>500x pics of Cheld
>300x alliterations of pag
>occasional leak that descent into NTR posting
>i hate this game and story
>plays anyway
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>Jinhsi headpat
>gets excited
>Horns skewer hand like kebab
I just want the thread to be fast because of cute art. And no, not ai slop
If you're going to only post AI art why not post new ones every time? What's the point of reposting AI art?
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Say no more f@m
At least make a good composition, this is trash.
I'd rather look at AIslop than your gossipy grandma moaning. That's for sure.
unfortunately that's the unfortunate nature with this kind of game. Where we get sub 90 IQ people who thinks quantity = better.
Fuck off hoyoslop nigger shill.
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Kek, this is why i completely droppe those.
They're also mostly actual kids.
Kill all tourists.
Where did you get hoyo anything from that?
does the souvenir store rest when changli drops? I think it has rolls in there.
I feel so bad she's competing with havoc rover.
I'll still work on her, Rover will inevitably get a new form that's useful elsewhere.
I have mastered the useless art of swap cancelling collecting overworld echoes, tremble before me
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The wuwa killer...
>XCOM gameplay
>Killing an action game
lmao even
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Based, what team do you find more comfy for echo genocide?
There are 3 extra windchimes. It may be above instead of below, I haven't figured out the verticality myself.
Is that the xcom gacha that takes forever to do anything? It does not translate to gacha very well.
Oh boy, i can't wait for this to release so i can finally get cucked by Mr. Raymond.
I figured it out. there's a hidden area beneath the waterfall to the east of the noted location.
I don't guys, WuWa is kino and all but the siren call of cute gun girls is tempting
now generate one of her being chased down by an angry Hitler driving a hot dog truck
Modded EggsCum killed it before it grew legs.
So sad, love the art direction-
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Racism against elves is strictly forbidden in my prefecture
Do the schoolgirl changli
I guess JP is Mica's last hope. The game completely flopped in China. Fucking hi3 generates more revenue kek
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>sanhua with no sharingan
i want to bully this bookworm with my cock
Which resonator is sexiest when angry
more like
>my shitty lora chokes when I give it any prompt besides "cute animu girl in a static pose"
Sweetily leaked Changli is getting changes to her kit. We're saved.
Serves them right for trying to insert cuckshit.
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Please don't do indecent things to my subordinate.
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by narushio
stay cool ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ )
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I'm happy to announce that my wife and I are expecting a child!
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My go loving wife!
Making me think of getting into it for real this time (definitely).
If I could find someone to play in person with I would.
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Guys will literally see this and type "wife"
She'll see me for my soul and not my hideous body.
Sanhua only has Rover as an option if she wants cock from someone who doesn't appear as a monster to her, you did choose the Rover with a cock right?
Any recommendations for skin care? My wife has scaley skin.
A thick coat of coom works wonders for mine
The body is a reflection of one's soul.
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>open /wuwa/
>see ai slop spam
>close /wuwa/
Good riddance!
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will you buy it if its as big as this?
I'm going to check it just because it's one of my very first gacha (GFL)
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>school girl outfit Sanhua and Jinhsi
skin when?
I hope you don't mind all your old oathed raifus now having canon boyfriends.
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Last time I check it's just that white QBZ something. Surely GK36 and Springfield is safe...
It will lose when Natlan drops. I promise you the majority of unique IPs in this thread will drop the day it releases.
What is the meaning behind these chicken scribbles?
Ourwife is back bwos. Wuwon!
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Translate it chinky
Advertising? For free? Uh oh.
>willingly got KNOTTED
not my wife
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I'm subscribed bwo.
>opens /wuwa/
>zero lore, gameplay or art discussion
>closes /wuwa/
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>flopping in chinkland but flourishing outside of chinkland
Why do the chinks hate the wuwa so much?
I already dropped and not coming back hoyoshill, I'd rather play the game from ToF devs than ever coming back to hoyo games, NTE already mogs zzz hard and it's not even out
Jinhsi, can we see the ear
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thank you for leaving king, -1 faggot in /wuwa/
I agree with this user. NTE surpasses Genshin and Wuwa hard and frankly it's a much better investment for anyone interested in a gacha video game with longevity, stability, and quality assurance.
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its because kuro won't use their company funds on irrelevant things like building something for the government...
So this is why Zoo flopped and genshart is a twitching corpse. Interesting.
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The latest data from Sensor Tower Store Intelligence Platform shows the ranking of Chinese mobile game products in overseas market revenue and download volume in June 2024. The detailed ranking changes are as follows.
Kuro Games' open-world mobile RPG game Mingchao launched the limited resonator Yinlin on June 6, and simultaneously launched Yinlin's companion star mission "I Walk Alone at This Time". On June 28, Mingchao's version 1.1 "The Past Year Riding the Sky and Awakening the Awakening of Zhe" was officially launched. The version update and the launch of new characters have driven Mingchao to quickly usher in a peak in revenue. In June, overseas revenue increased by 121% month-on-month, ranking first in the growth list and ranking fifth in the revenue list, ranking close to "Genshin Impact".
Sensor Tower data shows that as of July 12, the cumulative global revenue of "Mingchao" exceeded 85 million US dollars. Thanks to the significant growth in revenue in popular markets such as South Korea (+168%), Japan (+164%) and the United States (+77%), "Mingchao" became the ACG mobile game with the highest revenue growth in the world in June, surpassing "Solo Leveling: Arise" to become the Korean ACG mobile game revenue champion this period.
Because they dared to go against daddy hoyo that is considered national pride for chinks and that is a big no no
Which is funny cause if revenue posting is any true then CN is irrelevant
>in popular markets such as South Korea (+168%), Japan (+164%) and the United States (+77%)
lmao, no wonder they're relocating their beta tests to korea now
>wuwa unnironically beating gook overrated trash in korea
Holy shit
>relocating their beta tests to korea now
will they spam "too easy" on every survey and give us harder content?
The "Patriots" from there will still consider this as a victory though.
It's like those betting leagues that "re-invest" a fracture of their income into sport they're setting the bettings on, to make people who spend the money on it feel a "bit better about themselves".
This is literally a psychological victory of sorts. They can keep launching rockets that achieve nothing long-term but will still win the hearts of braindead patriots.
God I hope, if they give more overworld enemies like clang and lightcrusher it will filter the shitters
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>Solo Fraud: Momonga's inferior on all fronts expy Arise
Nice Manhwa for literal fags there. Next time try to add at least one attractive female like JJK did with Maki and Nobara to at least make it look like its not a fujoslop.
The only those seem more difficult is because the enemy levels in that region are higher. It's purely a number game, they aren't harder to fight than any enemies we had before, they just have higher numbers. Literally just HP and damage bloat, aka artificial difficulty.
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Left or right?
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I'd argue the double red snow wolf was more cancer than lightcrusher.
Im not answering this question for free kuro yes
I want to flick her forehead
Why does she not wear a bra
Tennisball boobs
Why does she not wear contacts instead of those fugly glasses.
bras are banned in jinhzou
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Jiyan SEEDED this?

What's AP?
1.3 r-right?
Chixia is so fucking underrated
Based Magistrate
Where would Jinhsi land on the compass?
because there are people who are into megane characters and we don't have one yet.
Rover SEEDED THIS?????
please don't call me a homo, but this might actually be too much bros
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How bricked are her skippers going to be?
Azur Promilia, same devs as Azur Lane
Jinhsi is MAGA.
ok homo-kun
I agree. Way too much clothing. They need to remove at least half of them.
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t. Rover
nice slop bro, keep it up
how do they jiggle so much?
They should add a skin for every character with and without glasses, easiest thing to make ever.
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i think im developing a fetish for women with tiny heads
The tit jiggle makes her clothes even more stupid
Who in the right mind dress like this out in public, even if you are a show off slut its just dumb
I couldn't imagine putting something on my eye, just thinking about it makes me want to vomit. I'll never wear fucking lenses, even if that means I get to wear 3cm thick glasses
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yeah its too much gay bro
>leaves snowbreak for wuwa because of the blatant coom
>wuwa becomes coomy
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beyond brick
if you need a game for homosexuals, you are better off with Mihoyo games
>wuxia game
>chinks don't play it
>koreans love it
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I honestly think her design is very close to being really good and it just gets downgraded by details looking off, I think she would look a lot better without the stockings covering everything and the cape, the part with the hips showing on the side would be a lot hotter if it showed skin, and something about her hair feels off, I think it might be the bangs but I'm not sure. The tit jiggle is fucking great though, its kinda carrying her sex appeal at the moment.
Do you roll Zhezhi for her boobs or gameplay?
it's over bro, you have been diagnosed with gay
For real though, this is way better than talking about non Kuro related games
uninstall tier
Wuwa is more geared towards into post-apocalyptic and bleak settings though. Koreans love that type of thing.
look at manhwas vs manhuas bro, gooks already do martial arts fantasy more justice than chinks ever could
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Our competitors keep shooting themselves in the foot
We can’t stop winning
The only 5* that I'm remotely interested in.
Not at all considering she's the 2nd most boring character to play next to Jiyan
>"farewell gayshit" danmaku
>women with tiny heads
thats a normal asian head though (not the picture you sent)
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Here’s a design for people like you
but that's the opposite of what he said
Man hanying is so pretty it's insane, especially her S rank frame.
genshit imshart ripoff with horrible artstyle
yeah, i'm thinking wuwa won
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That doesn't make any sense, nigger.
wrong thread, here you go
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i'm so glad kuro respects my time and releases a dead patch with boring characters during Natlan release
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small head are a signature of asians, please forgive there poor genetics
Honestly, I like her S-rank frame more, she remind me of Yor from SxF

please dont say reddit please dont say reddit please dont say reddit please dont say reddit please dont say reddit please dont say reddit
I'm out of waveplate, what movie should I watch?
Bro your genshin and HSR dailies?
Oldboy (2003)
>hidden dangers in peaceful life

what the fuck, this quest is so fucking shit who the hell thought it was worth writing so much for this absolute turd
Genshin dailies only take 30 seconds since the update yesterday.
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I hope they complete the kowloong trio again, we just need a new Pulao.
I only play two gachas and those aren't one of them
>Obsessed with vengeance, a man sets out to find out why he was kidnapped and locked into solitary confinement for twenty years without reason
Interesting, I'll give it a try
burning stamina is part of the daily loop and takes at least 5 mins
kys lying whore
Cyberpunk Edgerunner
Wait 2003, I'm a retard
Josee, the Tiger and the Fish bwo
This region is going to be great.
For me it's Qu.
But yeah Pulao is cute, they could make her a gauntlet user.
>he doesnt skip any dialogue that does not involve a cute girl
Already watched both, great shows
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You said that with Fontaine
the description you sent was the right one
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sell me Qu, I thought she was a piece of shit in Kowloong arc, why is she so much likeable now?
Stop posting the garish favela prostitutes
I like to pretend i don't share this board with thirdies
Not really.

Fontaine > Sumeru > *, though.
>>486546130 (me)
nvm I'm retarded, I didn't knew there was a remake, the one you sent was the 2013 (burgerland version), and 2003 is the original (gookland)
i like the elf
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she actually got punch to repentance and she then did a 180 and go full queen GF experience
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based solon
>nvm I'm retarded
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My fucking HERO.
pull more. it can't end there
Discount Sephiroth is so fun
Jiyan will never get his sword back
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Too fucking BASED
>calculator gets powercreeped next patch by a free 5* limited character
Jiyan : Can i get my sword back?
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Why is there zero good gauntlet?
>I'm so bad at the game I have to play meta ugly and boring characters instead of the ones that are fun and stylish
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I haven't raised her affection yet but anons that did say that she basically acts like she's your wife, call (You) her partner and everything. I'm willing to bet that Kuro won't be able to resist the temptation of making her expy the empress of china again.
I will never forget Scar's onigiri pussy
Maybe they'll make her magistrate of one of the other 6 (or whatever it was) bigger Chinese cities than little ol' Jinzhou
When is romance&dating update? My wife needs headpats and kisses
Well she basically forces you to marry her iirc.
I think she became very attached to the MC.
I didn't play the CN version so I might be wrong.
Have to wait until November to get the new storyline featuring her.
I got Jinhsi a few days ago after 140 pulls, that's why I only have 28 here.
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Jinhsi's slow ass banner is killing the fucking game.
>tfw Solon Lee would make and act in a whole skit just to advertise the skins of the characters that he love
When will Solon do this to WuWa?

>he complains about having time to save and farm
It's rover...
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Since they are taking a lot of things from PGR, you can expect it soon™
NTA but, "X slow ass banner is KTG" is a common joke around here.
I agree it's not all that funny, but still.
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I'd rather buy a Changli water bottle in tokopedia than pull for her (she is a brick)
>That floor
>That door
lemao even
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FemRover my beloved...
the rocket launcher raiders are so annoying when trying to group mobs. they just run away nonstop and end up resetting from how far they run like little pussies...
oh, not meant to be a reply. was just disgusted by the hobo look of the house basement or whatever that is.
Why we should be worried about those? I think the only company that should be worried is Mihomo, WuWa is already the best gacha game in the market.
Bwo, do your laundry
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She's so close lads
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how did Solon concoct a pure sexoooo fmc? Made lumine look like a funko pop.
Just roll the standard gauntlet it's good enough compared to the 4*
>Neverness to Everness
Hotta Studio (ToF devs), delivers a game with bugs on the level of Cyperpunk 2077. They would probably never run male banners because they know they give chump change.

>Azur Promilia
I'm not playing where 90% of the characters are fetus-sized characters. Wouldn't appeal to the general audience.

Tactical open-world with base building. I kinda wanna play because of the design but the gameplay already looking like ass.

XCOM but anime.
Where can i find a girl that looks like this?
NTE will "relaunch" 4 separate times just like ToF to milk every cent out of you
Me at the top middle
censored shit lmao, literally genshin tier >>486544725
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based taste
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reminder that the ideal 'Hsi should look something like this
40-50% crit rate is more than enough for the hardest content in the game (tower)
you can just reset 20-30 times to make sure all 3-4 of your nukes crit
some anons had 80% crit 300% cdmg. it was nasty.
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>meanwhile me with 45% crit and 130% crit dmg
>most of the crit is from her sig
4 minutes of official Jinhsi ASMR
what the fuck is this
I want more
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h-how is this allowed?
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Chat is this true?
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Everyone is hating the on game's music, but it's more memorable to me than Genshin's by far
Triple-A gacha markets gonna undergo a major crash and pop like a bubble, just like western triple-A live service games did in recent years.

Anyways, the game can survive as long as Kuro continues pushing out solid content, but they need to fix their atrocious optimization issues for phones first; else they're fucked. They really need that Asian mobile market if they want to survive in the long-term.
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>he hasn't unlocked the secret relationship quest
only if you're extremely autistic
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sorry bwo youtube don't like earlicking
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Bwo this is a blue board
They have time and money to make this but not a proper companion quest
Since we're getting new BP weapons can we expect to get new standard 5* weapons, too?
Any precedent for it in PGR?
Mount Firmament main story your Jinhsi companion quest however
But what is she talking? I'm dekinai

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