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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous Thread: >>486514490

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/10 (Wed) After Maint - 7/17 (Wed) 10:59
Moe (Swimsuit) (3*)
Miyako (Swimsuit) (3* - Rerun)
Saki (Swimsuit) (3* - Rerun)
Miyu (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)
>7/17 (Wed) 11:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 10:59
Hoshino (3* - Rerun)
Hina (3* - Rerun)

3.5th Anniversary Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/W2loyvavYx8 - 7/21 (Sun) 19:00 (JST)
Special Summer Mission! RABBIT SQUAD and the Mystery of the Missing Shrimp - 7/10 (Wed) After Maint - 7/17 (Wed) 10:59
Grand Assault: ShiroKuro (Indoors - Torment w/Heavy Armor) - 7/17 (Wed) 11:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
Joint Firing Drill (Escort) - 7/10 (Wed) 11:00 - 7/17 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 6/27 (Thu) 11:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Hards - 7/10 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/17 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Bounties - 7/10 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/17 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions - 7/17 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/16 (Tue) 2:00 (UTC) - 7/23 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Atsuko (3* - Rerun)
Misaki (3* - Rerun)

Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2599241
Balancing Schale's Books with the General Student Council - 7/9 (Tue) After Maint - 7/23 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: ShiroKuro (Urban - Torment w/Light Armor) - 7/16 (Tue) 2:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 7/15 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/19 (Fri) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards - 7/19 (Fri) 19:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
I love putting spoilers in the OP
Nigger OP, kys
This is a JP general in every aspect except the server people play on
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>Your rights...
And what about the jpfags that haven't read the story?
>spoiler OP
retard, hang yourself
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
I'm ready shiroko
I'm going to cum on your daughterwife
Don't bother, idiot OP tries to defend his shitty thread with "muh jp players"
I will kill your mother in her sleep tonight, OP, she shouldn't have given birth to low IQ mouth breathers like you
I am going to cum all over your adorable daughterwife's belly
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De wolfseggs is at your door!
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My deplorable niggerwife
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Im going to cum in her mother who shot me
do you have dicks in your head instead of brain? faggot op, do a flip
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Hello, my cute wife.
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coom in doom
Be real with me Anon, should i exchange her or Midori with my purple coins? I already got Koharu to 5 stars.
The average/bag/got has cunny for brains anon
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What's with this nerd rage over spoilers?
Only seanigs get this mad or emotional over a fucking gacha of all things. Take a deep breath and cum or something.
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Everyone always focuses on Yume's tits, but her ass is likewise deadly.
you first
Hope janny deletes image at least, op must've had a brain stroke before making spoiler thread
it's just one nigger
even you have more manners than the OP
I’m really confused because the past threads have been rampant with spoilers anyway.
seems like there's more than one
You can always cum in arisu and it will never be cheating
Total robot gf victory
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Suzumi alt when
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You answered your own question.
Science says you enjoy a story more knowing spoilers. Spoilerfags can eat shit.
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My precious desert rose.
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>4am niggers unhappy about spoilers
don't come to /bag/ three days from now, you might explode
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sex on a train
Found the subhuman OP who can't spoil for shit, you are the sole reason why threads can't be good anymore, because everything is getting spoiled by retards like you, if you don't have enough braincells to CTRL+S, then I suggest you to eat your internet cable and choke on it
Science says my cock should be in your mouth for maximum health benefits.
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i want key
The OP images weren't spoilers tho
Ironman dies in endgame btw
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experts say you should kill yourself
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You can tell when the ugly schizo is infuriated by how many commas he uses.
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just be yourself
you'll be getting both sooner or later anyway so i don't think it matters who you choose first
but if you really had to choose one, azusa is nice for her def down
>don't come to threads for a week at all because one nigger can't spoil
wow, briliant idea, idiot
Maybe if shamed spoiling instead of letting it slide, we wouldn't be in this situation all together.
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How about you shut the fuck up and post cute students in sundresses?
Spoiling should be as despicable as scatnigger and yuritroon posting
i don't understand are you supposed to stick your dick in there?
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Maybe, just maybe, if I, type like an illiterate, then /bag/ will, finally die,
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Find it hard to believe anyone who visited /bag/ in the past 30 hours isn't spoiled at this point given the rampant Hina vs. Hoshino shitposting unless it's some tourist who doesn't even play the game anymore who saw the OP image and is mad about something he doesn't care about, or a schizo starting shit to stir up the thread
you first.
I mean it's not like this is the only time you will do a raid, you will accumulate more purple coins than you know what to do with.
Azusa is more useful than Midori for raids, so maybe get her first.
oh mai gotto
the hit new zoomer meme is galvanized square steel except it's not new and is basically an overused facebook garbage meme now.
but the sundress in your pic is barely visible..
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>Azusa (Sundress)
Give me this alt and my wallet is yours, Nexon
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post wak
>maybe, if, i, spam, spoiler, like, a, monkey, /bag/, will, use, my, thread, and, pay, attention, to, me
> Azusa (Sundress)
No one's gonna pull for that, bro.
wanking to wak
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>"oh hey that's a good fanart of blue archive character from a japanese artist"
>check out the artist's twitter/pixiv page
>suddenly saw scat outta nowhere
>close tab
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You're not supposed to notice. Stop that.
Why is that burger so red wtf
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*throws a spider at you*
>unless it's some tourist who doesn't even play the game anymore who saw the OP image and is mad about something he doesn't care about
or someone that left the general for another specifically to avoid spoilers but got spoiled anyways thanks to the OP
seaniggers might be mad, but I still have to show these white women how to REALLY fuck a dog!
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Just got back from work. Have a Wak while I get a vegemite sandwich
Unironically your fault
Not everyone is spoiled on terror Hoshino, the fighting webm weren't spoiled but the scene after the fight is hidden by usual baggots, only mihoyo tourist will spam spoilers to ruin the enojoyment for others
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based op making storytroons seethe
Did you forget where you are?
Go back to r.eddit or turn your computer off if you want to avoid spoilers, retard.
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It's Broodwich
I am a horse?
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My Lovely studentWife Noa
Mika should die
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Oh it actually is scatschizo pretending to care about spoilers in the OP lol
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I just realize that thing on her chest has the shape of Yume's note.
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night, naked, niece, ninja
Koyuki's body needs additional red 40 dye and seed oils in her body this is how she replenishes
>/bag/ is full of underage fatherless zoomer tourists who don't know shit about board culture
take me back to comfy pre-2023 /bag/
you're going to like neo-4chan and you're going to be happy about it
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Damn, so I can blame the scatnigger for everything?
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>spoilers are actually...le good!!
I know you think being a contrarian is a personality but it isn't. You're just brown.
don't you get it, bruh? get with the times, man. basic etiquette or an ounce of respect? wtf is that? fuck everything mang! as long as it feels comfortable to ME it's alright, yo. based! based! based! based!
yes faggot it always like that
Grey and white should be separate.
nah it's a schizo. It even happened during global release of vol 5
Why is green color so underutilised?
Number of blacks = Number of whites
Blue Archive removed racism everyone!
How cringe
While /bag/ is at each other's throats, nobody will notice that I molested Ibuki.
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I don't give a shit about whoever's pulling
at first glance i thought it was a sudoku
>only two green students
>both are from the same school
>The only green haired students are the Knowledge Liberal Front
Saori being in blue and Miku/terrorist Miku being blue seems weird
>was shitting up all previous threads with spoilers anyways
Talk about contrarian, brownie.
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Your wallet is empty, there's only an expired costco coupon in there.
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>unless it's some tourist who doesn't even play the game anymore who saw the OP image and is mad about something he doesn't care about, or a schizo starting shit to stir up the thread
it's tic tac toe actually
I already did that.
i hate arona so fucking much
I miss the Yuuka spam
i love arona so fucking much
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I feel like this exact argument happened already...
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>Yuuka in blue
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i love seia so fucking much
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that's a kids game
Enter Junko terror
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putting Mina into white/silver/grey instead of green is pretty fraudulent
>board culture
sorry old man those days are over
datamining/leaking/spoiling for clout has been 2020 internet culture no matter the medium
even if you're not gonna visit this site for a week you're gonna find a stray hoshino terror image on pixiv/twitter/boorus in the next 24 hours
I'm not dead!
in a 4by4 grid?
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died the way he lived
crushed under the weight of ambition
>you fuckers have made me drop my food for the LAST TIME
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I love gaming with kids!
>types like retard
>puts spoilers in OP
>projects his brown skin onto everyone
>spams spoilers then says to anyone who complains that they spammed it, not him
I don't really care about OP since I spoil myself on purpose but seaschizo really needs to take his meds now
>yuuka said she wanted to be on top
>sensei got crushed to death because she got too turned on and went at it a little too hard
Can you guys stick to one reply chain so I can [-] it please? I don't care about global seethe or virtue signaling for global players.
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literally how do you win
>/bag/ is timeloop
Steins Gate Chads won!
We need more reds
Horushino a SHIT
You won a collab with GFL.
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hmmm getting kinda bright here don't you think ?
Explain this necklace I made out of your teeth then
She is basically naked..
Seia =/= sexy
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As bright as Fortnite.
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Do the equal signs cancel out like a double negative? So like not not equal.
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I finally tried out the quad tank team to counter NYHaruna and god damn it really does work. I won all 4 of my challenges and reached rank 1 with a challenge spare.
>blocks 18 hits in a row
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>sexy =/= sexy
what did anon mean by this?
Here's your filter, 'bro'
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Jokes on you, I've never even gone to a Costco once in my life.
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get your eyes checked and get my wife nodoka out of the pink tier! she's not one of those crazies!
Arona will rob you on anni for that
Anybody in red category is a nigger
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you need to get your eyes checked
>Hoshino and Hina fought at the train with an absurd budget put into it
>some nigger sperged out hoshino after she got literally blew the fuck out with Hina
>Hoshino turned into Terror and now 1v1-ing with Set but them fighting literally ripping kivotos apart
>sensei got shit kicked out so hard he woke up in an another timeline where he and Yume talks
>Yume gave a hope speech to sensei while young Hoshino was yelling about treasure hunt
>sensei wokes up right in front of clocknigger who shitting his pants from seeing sensei
i dont have any costco present in my country
It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
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As a contrarian, I prefer Nozomi. Her bratty nature + shorts and tights combo make me hard.
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What did Maki ever do to you?
Are you sure?
Fuck you
Iroha is not a nigger
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That's a tritank team though?
How long have we been on T8 gears? I feel like they overstayed their welcome in the game. I'm basically down to my last four students and I've been basically farming T8 or T7 gear aimlessly.
She played World of Wowcraft.
She's automatically a nigger.
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Aryan Karin
>she's not one of those crazies
>literal stalker
She somehow manages to be the craziest one.
does she wear panties under the pants? can i take the pants off and fuck her right there?
Sumire is not a tank so you also posted a tritank team
>t. troon fantasy XIR online coomer
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I have 60k and 2 10-pull tickets to my name, I'm ready for whatever happens.
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Good Post
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Iroha isn't a tank
She HAS a tank
Big difference
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a little curiosity is perfectly normal behavior for a teenage girl!
Arona would look better if she had long hair
Yuuka should ride a tank
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nta but your thinking is good. no both games are inferior to warhammer online
a game so good they had to close it down so everyone else in the industry could stand a chance
Yuuka should ride me
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That's a good point
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Not him but yes she's blonde
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there are four tanks on the team, one of them is just a tactical support
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There are 30 traitors among us
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Why don't you pull them off and find out?
my boobied desert rose
Please don't tell me you count Iroha as a tank in a quadtank team
Marina gets assblasted by a single NYHaruna EX if you don't manage to get Iroha up fast enough
Sumire is a decent off-tank who can potentially kill off Yuuka/Atsuko in a single EX, Tsubaki can disrupt ongoing EXs with her taunt and TYuuka provides invaluable support by shielding everyone frequently enough (which also counteracts Marina's recovery debuff in a way)
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>tactical support
So she's not a tank.
why is noa there?
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Once again, I kneel to the momoiman.
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fuck you
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I didn't even read the rest of your post
She uses a tank therefore she's a tank student
Stupid dumb retard
does he know he's famous for the ni-ni- momoi?
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You only like Nonomi for her boobs
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Post GookAkos
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Shit, you're right
I'm sorry Chise...
I think JJK is hot garbage.
Blue Archive.
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Correct. It's not like she has anything else of value
I cant wait to see Kuroko's curse technique in the next chapter
Credit card actually
is she really inviting me?
yes I like her body and she's nice to me
what else does a man need in a woman?
much obliged
>warhammer online
I hate GW so much
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izuna izuna izuna izuna izuna izuna izuna izuna izuna izuna izuna izuna izuna izuna izuna izuna izuna izuna izuna izuna izuna izuna
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Suou is better than Nonomi in every way
Shut the hell up, will you?
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Love me some gook Ako in the morning.
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i may or may not have run out of petting ones
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I think
If they won't release her from NPC jail or won't give her more screentime, she will be forgotten faster than brown hyakki mob
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today is sunny day but its still 22°C...
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that's NOT AKO
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I struggle to comprehend the mind of a rank 1 refresher. Why would you attack me this many times when I was only rank 3? I thought it might be to develop a strategy against me but they only swap cheer Kotori in after about 10 battles and I'm using the standard meta lineup that everyone else uses anyway, so the rest is excessive. Is it to send me a message that they'll refresh as many times as they need to take rank 1 back? Are they an spreadsheet table coin flip stats autist? I think him and some other guy are having refresh wank wars for rank 1, I fear opening the game again to see how much worse it might get.
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*shoots you with a sedative blow dart*
Why did you censor his name
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nigger theres currently 41°C outside and possibly 50 inside my shitty concrete commie block
dont even bring up anything lower than 30 or i will slap your student
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I think I have one or two more.
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what's the purpose of attacking someone way under leveled than you?
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Oh no you don't
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ngmi chief ... tell buchou i love her
I didn't, their name is actually blank.
El cubano...
Who pays sensei medical bill when he's get hospitalized for half a day?

Does being Schale official grants him free medical services or he need to pay like every other citizens?
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Maybe he's testing out comps
or having fun with pvp
Let him be himself.
>one of the staffs of studio who made in-game animation is the one who made that momoi gif
stop fucking dogs /bag/
Which one?
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But I love my dogbird
Check the profile picture
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i wanna use a close but no cigar joke but no thats half the world apart
Give me your lunch coins, nerd
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>just below rank 200
>attack 5 times against comps that I can usually win against like low star tsubakifags, waifufags, and sshirokoslessfags
>still 0/5
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>going after the soul and the weak instead of the strong
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why are you guys so mean
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Has this always been a Roog general?
Dunno Marina doesn't tend to get one shot when I use her. Is yours not UE40?
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And I think that's it, every Tsurugi getting pet image in existence has now been posted in this thread.
I love this one it's one of my favorites.
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i don't get it
Which student has the cutest feets
it funny
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anything involving handholding with fingers interlocked is an instant favorite for me
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i'm doing it bros, i'm learning javascript and rpg maker to make BA fangame
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any jiggers?
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Inviting might not be the right word. Tempting, perhaps?
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I think I've got some handholding but not much interlocked fingers, which is a damn same because it's very cute.
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I thinking sex with Iori
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They made Hina a little fatter.
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dont sweat it theres like 3 images of that total
two of which are nsfw and i dont wanna crop
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thanks. this ones going straight to my twitter so i can farm engagement.
Quick, I need lewd Foom or I will die
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please consider implementing linux support
What kind of gameplay is it going to have?
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_ _ _ _
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please consider not implementing linux support
It's also not the first animation he made for Blue Archive
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The BA killer...
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Student Intro: Makoto

Introducing the chairman of the Pandemonium Society, Makoto!

Her hobbies are plotting, conspiring, and playing with Ibuki. Makoto's unyielding confidence in chasing and achieving her dreams sets her apart from the crowd!

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That dude is making millions of rupees by just stealing contents
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It's her
I would UE40 her but that would bring her attack stat higher than Atsuko's, which I don't want to happen
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makoto sloppy kisses
we will have retarded children
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which one
vampire survivor like or risk of rain, i'm still learning how to javascript though
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fat sexy seia
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hina is so cool
@weebs translate
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good op, it's retarded to not post fanart for half a year as though everyone won't see it before it reaches global anyway
>formal wear
there's nothing formal about that, slut
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final 3 days of comfy /bag/
>to become a perfect agent
prefect's perfecto
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Shes here!
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i want to lick hina's thighs
Mika=Hina>Hoshino (max power)>Neru

am I getting this right?
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I love my awesome wife!
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do you like this student?
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Destroy all Akos.
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Miyako status?
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Hmmm Ako's sweaty dress vagina juices...
do you run if you see this?
Chise would never say this
i can see them bro..
Yes. Especially her chibi models
Shiroko > Hoshino = Hina > Everyone Else
It's gonna be dead by the time it comes out
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Chise would say this
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Akofans around the world are cheering
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If it's an enemy, it's already too late for them to run.
If it's me, I'll run to her to give her a big kiss on the forehead.
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isn't that the (fictional)top cover operating lever and not the carry handle?
your understanding of english?
I was gonna ask how such a dress would help infiltrate a party but then remembered there's only 1 man in kivotos
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seia marriage
The love of my life
If we do get Seia, she needs to be voiced by a pure VA. I'm getting really tired of the BA devs hiring va's that have done eroge to voice students.
Student Intro: Ibuki

Ibuki from Gehenna Academy has arrived!

While young, Ibuki is exceptional, diligent, and just so adorable! Everyone in the Pandemonium Society truly loves to dote on her.
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cervix penetration
She's going to be voiced by mx2j and you will like it
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I want to smell Ibuki's asshole!
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stop that
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Well you're probably right and Tsubaki or some other blue would work better. It's usually NYHaruna, Shun and Nagisa who are all red damage after all. I'll probably swap her out next time. If Tsubaki isn't being targeted by sShiroko through positioning it should be fine. I'm honestly debating as well if I even need Shun or if I would be better going for another tank. Have to try it out.
sex the childs?
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>2 AI OPs in the past 2 days
Explain yourself /bag/
one nice thing about using Sumire is she takes the shots for Marina, if Shun is a consistent problem
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Stop insulting AI drawings! Arona worked really hard on those!
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It's /bag/'s first celebrity student!
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No, you.
It’s AI?
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Is this a good thing or a bad thing? If it were Corpse Party, we'd have ghost sex.
>Her hobbies are
Being a retarded gehennigger, so the same as the rest of her kind.
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I support my family dog!
Then make OPs yourself tiny whiny faggot
I've never really found Hina cool before. I think her big ass alien head and tiny body juxtaposed with her overly tryhard design(I hate default HIna's outfit, fight me) just made her look goofy but she was cool in the new story chapter.
No Gook Akos beyond this point.
You have been warned.
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For me, it's Junko.
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But he will nail it and unlike his monitor, audio equipment is going to be properly calibrated by someone else.
Who would pull for her? She had no fan last time I check
a 17 y/o should not dress like this
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Who could be behind this post I wonder...
I finally got a temp replacement phone. It's an old piece of shit Samsung galaxy but at least it works. Btw, this is how BA looks on the phone. I dread doing SrKr on this garbage.
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I will do it for the Prefect mobs
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>be on /bag/ 24/7 to keep it a cool place
I really wanna fuck again
bro everyone will be getting her within their free 100 rolls
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How many more bings do I have to wait?
Show me your butt.
3~ :poo emoji:
I think her design is a good balance of cute and cool. Her loli features mix well with her serious features
Globalcucks lol
I hate Hina regardless.
Yeah just do that
Lowest settings?
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I love you Hina
Outside of Hina and kayoko, which other students aren't flat out retarded?
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Sex until I can sex no more
Just wing it for ez 2T ins
Sexiest Pandemonium girl just got announced
Momoi is 1488IQ student
>outside of
all students are retarded
I disagree, she just looks stupid in her default outfit. Probably the single worst default outfit in the entire game. Swimsuit and dress HIna are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better.
You only like Ako for her boobs.
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Chise isn't retarded.
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Not only
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She also has a fat ass
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But Niya is.
Retarded bitch.
It's a pattern at this point that the smallest one becomes welfare, I don't get it
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Want to roll...
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I only like Ako for her vagina...
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>New ako alt drops
>Seia posts stop entirely
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Funny how they added a Hoshino and Hina banner even though everyone is getting Hina for free
Ako giving them or receiving them?
Do you take turns?
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I just wanked to that doujin where Hina wears a diaper , how cooked i am ?
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At the same time doing a 69
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cant wait for the daily DO MY ROLLS EXPIRE OR CAN I SAVE TILL AFTER THE BANNER daily question once the banner starts
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The Hinas...
forceful sex with ako
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tummycore students?
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Ako: 2
Seia: 0
They will expire
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I think Cath Palug sucks!
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>Hina is free
>both her and Hoshino are farmable
Mr Nexon...
You didn't answer my question you bunch of fucking niggers.
Is Shiro & Kuro Total Assault the same as Shiro & Kuro Grand Assault Special?
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thanks bwo
What is her weakness?
Yeah, absolutely 1:1 remake/recreation/remaster.
yes, but sometimes in Grand Assault, they shuffle which armor type gets the Torment difficulty
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Ako: 0
Everyone else: ∞
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>I play Blue Archive, therefore I am Sensei.
>I am horny, therefore Sensei is horny.
>You people play Blue Archive, therefore you all are Sensei.
>Sensei is horny, therefore you all are horny.
Now post sex.
Wakamo told me New Zealanders fuck sheep.
Is it true?
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viable ins team?
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I eat Akos for breakfast
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but I'm bad at sex!
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two 0s are still worth as much as one 0
worse yet theyre smaller
How easy would you anons say SRKR is compared to the other raids, at least for Insane?

This was my first Insane clear, and after a few mocks I realized I can do Insane for all colors and might get plat only after ~6 months of playing since people seem to not tryhard GAs.
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The same weakness as every student.
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Fubuki cunnilingus
Mutsuki would never rape me
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that's fine
it's been one fucking day you dumb nigger
>not Izuna
lol lmao
It's pure RNG on phase 1.
Bomb not stacked on top of your students? Then it's piss easy.
Otherwise? Welcome to hell. Use T.Yuuka or S.Shizuko, or get fucked.
Peebuki in my mouth
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izuna does damage?
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It's her raid...
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Is it true you are all pagpags here?
>Use T.Yuuka or S.Shizuko, or get fucked
Kotori, Mimori
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Chibi Moe's bouncy ass.
Which student has the most aura
look at those legs
She's a child you sick fucks
out of 10!
out of 10
Anon... I... I was looking for that exact video, but I couldn't fucking find it for the life of me when I posted that. Honestly, thank you very much, you fucking mind reader.
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Yeah, mine.
out of 10
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You know who
out of 10
out of my penis size
Yeah, but I'm not sure if you will ever have enough time to ako+maris during wakamo's EX
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Why yes, I will fuck a sick child.
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>be me
>global player
>sees op
Wh-what? Is the game gonna present dark alters now? Where's dark Shiroko?
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Pure sex
>She didn't snowball it into your mouth
Not the real Mutsuki
people say that nonomi and suou were shafted but Serika is actually the most nonexistent character it’s kinda baffling
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>went to see what's so good about this video
I'm sorry, but I can't take this seriously.
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let's make the bureau proud
>hoshino activated her inner one ahoge demon
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You are 100% correct, nonomi and suou are just more noticeably ignored because of the highlander/nephthys aspect to the chapter.
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I'd shaft Nonomi and Suou if you catch my drift
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>Nexon: Here's the new alt for Fubuki with the worst hair style we have ever come up with
Shuro gargling my cum.
I want to be attacked by these two like Ash and the mews
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>zero hype for dress ako
what went wrong?
I used the same team but less invested nyKayoko since that was all I had to work with. Worked well enough for 1t INS.
Miyako Status?https://twitter.com/kinnotamadx/status/1813861107091800449/photo/1
>dark Shiroko
Already in the game for like 2 years
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Who's the Chris Chan of Brue Arkive?
I remember when I started playing she was my favorite Task Force member, in hindsight it sucks to know her only real role in the story is being a damsel in distress
>that level of stomach deformation
>her halo fizzling out
Congrats you fucking killed her
What was your skill rotation? I'm definitely not getting 1t with the shit that I'm doing. I think I'm forgetting about something.
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As in playable dark Shiroko.
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Kanna beat Ako
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In today facts with Ako:

Did you know that every member of Cleaning&Clearing is based on a dog?
Asuna is a golden retriever, Neru is a pitbull and Karin is a black dog.
All the akofan are celebrating If you dont see them, that means there arent any
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More for me
The most attractive and fertile girl has shown up.
Is she retarded?
>students that can tank a missile can only be killed by extreme dickings
I wish this is canon.
Neru is a chihuahua actually.
You can't say that.
Can Neru actually have babies? She's too small.
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The real reason why Shiroko wanted to touch the Color is because she wanted big tits. No, she didn't want to help Sensei or Hoshino.
Hina and Hoshino can have babies just fine, according to fanart.
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3/5 girls already has an alt. What the hell were they thinking?
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Kaya terror with HUMONGOUS tits just you wait
>that VN
The most unforgettable horror porn game I've ever played. No other game had a bunch of elementary schoolers gangbang a teenage girl against a wall. And the teenage girl loved it. No other game I've played had a 17 year old bishonen guy drink a 14 year old girl's piss and chase her down the hall to rape her, only to wind up getting anally raped by a 32 year old fat man. I still remember the scene where a 16-17 girl was hiding under a bed as her same age best friend was having sex with that same 32 year old fat guy on top. She heard every moan, bed shake and sound. In the wrong end she was discovered under the bed by her friend and made to join. A most terrifying scene was when an unwilling girl relives another girl's sex memories. The girl in the memory consented but the reliving girl didn't. It didn't matter that she was mentally screaming, her body in the memory did all the motions and actions as in history. It's like mind control rape except the victim was fully aware. Another scene the same girl and a friend were almost raped in a magic sex ritual, saved by the girl's older sister, and the backlash made the older sister want to rape her younger sister and friend.

The loli in this pic is freakishly lewd and once disguised herself as a teenage girl, fucked a boy until he nearly came, transformed back saying
>You thought you were having sex with a highschooler weren't you? I'm an elementary schooler all along!
And leglocks that boy, forcing him to cum inside her unprotected, when he screams in fear upon learning this. This isn't even getting into the tentacles, the gay sex, the lesbian sex, the incest, the sequel's mother/daughter lesbian scene, etc. The first chapter alone contains lots of lesbian sex scenes with an unavoidable girl masturbating in the bathroom. Truly horror is intrinsically connected with sexuality.
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Thoughts on the artist known for the Racist Momoi meme helping in the animation of the latest JP update?

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I believe it
I like this pic. It's autistic cute.
I don't remember all that...which one was that?
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Total Momoi Victory
I don't remember Corpse Party having any of that shit.
Based and Bosnia-pilled.
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>In the climax of the fight against Terror Hoshino
>Suddenly Yume appears
>She says that she is a ghost and that she is in a better place and that it wasn't Hoshino's fault
>Hoshino starts crying and Yume disappears in a cloud of smoke

after the fight we have to invite Hiyori to steaks for doing the cosplay without crying
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Even Neru can't withstand these levels of dicking
We love racist Momoi here
he's also worked on the summer rabbits pv iirc
tYuuka out of the first bombs > nyKayoko on mAris, then wait for energy > Ako on mAris > Himari on mAris > mAris, and so forth.
I got better results than trying to use Wakamo and mAris simultaneously, but I'm probably just shit. I got to Kuro with around 2min+ left as long as I didn't fuck up with the bombs or get horrible RNG. Having tYuuka at 5 would probably have let me eat more damage and spend less on repositions.
She's asking for it tho.
Hiyori's tits are nowhere near as big as Yume's.
>racist associating herself with muslims
Zoomer memes are so fucking braindead.
So what you be sayin is that we need to feed hiyori more food?
But her belly...
I did 3 1t insanes last time and ended up rank 6k in NA
>can destroy a god war machine that could destroy entire countries
>dies to a small cylindrical shaped mound of flesh
She's weak...
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/bag/, do you miss her?

No, Kikyou is better.
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I like his art so it's nice that he is still doing work for them, either salaried or contracted.
No, Serika is better.
She was released as Dress Hina's sidekick.
No tail
No sex
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You can only choose one.
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1 week
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>retarded (just like me)
no contest
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Inject food directly into her tits vein
The best part of six months of foresight is it means when Globalcucks try to discuss their anni they're going to be overshadowed and spoiled by JPchads every time. I hope they never accelerate.
You forgot
>can survive childbirth
The Honored One
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All of them can survive childbirth
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neither of us will even be thinking about that, every child will be an unplanned accident
Me on top
Which BA girl will always survive childbirth
Sorry Ako, every single time I look at you in that revealing dress my mind immediately goes to St. Louis fron Azur Lane, which then makes the next thing I masturbate to her.
Overshadowed by Makoto
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Why is Tsubaki the only tank that can actually tank things in this game...
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Nah, I'd wi-ACK
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Oh you newfag...
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I could go for a nice 'za right about now
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What do you like the most about Kuroko?
her boobs
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What number do I need to roll for this outcome?
The only one rolling is your grandfather in his grave seeing you waste your lifetime doing this shit
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the sex symbol of /bag/
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I can think of two big reasons
Roughly 6 feet of rope and a good knot
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Her bweeehhh
Am I the only one who gets the feeling Kei is a boy? It seems pretty gay.
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I have never eaten pizza in my life. Is it really that good?
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I get the feeling that youre gay
what's wrong with you
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You still have the card, right?
Am I the only one who gets the feeling >>486545053 is a faggot? He seems pretty gay.
are you under the age of 6 or do you live in a 4th world shithole
no way this is real even the chinks have eaten pizza
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>I have never eaten pizza in my life
Dude what.
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Yes. My personal favorite flavor is "4 cheese" but no artists seems able to draw it.
Yes, and Nexon should stop being a retard and have a confirmation prompt for that shit already.
> Just click Use, bro, nothing's gonna happen.
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They better not sacrifice Kuroko.
I want to see her interact with the other schools in an event at least once.
>built as a girl and definitely implanted with a girl's personality
>brooossss kei might be a boi
you gay
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My personal favorite is one with red onions and anchovies.
>I have never eaten pizza in my life.
Nigger what? That said, I've never had a kebab in my life.
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post cats
why hasn't sensei asked her to be his bodyguard? she could have worked for schale
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>Hina gets downed by Hoshino terror.
>Ako walks in and shoots Hoshino before she can kill Hina.
>"Half as long, twice as bright." Ako says before shooting Hoshino again, clearly not doing any visible damage other than annoying her.
>Hoshino terror mortally wounds Ako, but this gives Hina enough time to gather strength to fend her off and escape with Ako.
Would this be kino or not?

Also, I do know that it would likely be Iori saving Hina's ass if this were the case. But I wanted Ako to have a moment of being badass for a moment.
Why did you post a fox if you want me to post cats
its just open faced sandwich nigga
>Girls frontline 2 EN website up
I've never had Costco $1.50 hotdog and drink combo
>asks for a cat
>posts a fox
Make up your mind.
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dont be a nigger anon
everyone no matter their skin color or nationality is welcome as long as they are racist
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You're an open faced sandwich
You're missing out brother.
Nothing hits like a kebab at 2AM when you're fucked up.
Does Kuroko respect my rights?
mari's a cat
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This thread is FAT.
But I'm always fucked up
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I respect Hina's strength
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My family also asks why I don't eat pizza, and I don't really have a good answer for that. I guess I'll just bite the bullet next time and try it for once.
I'm a flip
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Finally a good Ako post
why did you post a fox
Mari's a raccoon.
Nigga there's plenty of pizza there. Shitty yes, but you've been doing something wrong.
lust provoking ako
eat the entire thing yourself so i can call you a fat fuck
And so begins anons descent into being a fat fuck.
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Sunny days wouldn't be special if it wouldn't for rain
Joy wouldn't feel so good if it wouldn't for pain
Death gotta be easy, 'cause life is hard
It'll leave you physically, mentally, and emotionally scarred
This is for my niggas on the block twistin' trees in cigars
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I love Shiroko so I love Kuroko. Simple as
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>to me
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I dream of singing seia
Can somebody post the webm of Rabbit Hole Toki please?
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What are they saying
why are they mad at each other
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yes. he designed her as cat, what's the issue?
You’re going to watch /bag/'s favorite Vtuber play the latest story update, right?

Have you been avoiding pizzas your entire life? Like, have your family never ordered/made one?
any /bag/ approved vtubers?
He drew some shitty scribbles and Doremi did all of the actual work
Of course
Fuuka is cute as always
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Only Sana
Becauae the game is about (you) pandering with no real conclusion and having a canon ADULT wife might ruin that
Snowbreak is currently experimenting with it but they the fate route with harem so it's Sloppa
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yeah, dead ones lmao
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Aking kapatid, try Crosta or Gino's pizza
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I just avoided it for my entire life.
mari has a designer and 2 illustrators, DoReMi is just one of the illustrators, the other being CHILD
what the fuck are you on about
My instincts tell me that's a man.
I actually play the game and *to me* she is a fox so my opinion has more weight. Should have just said it straight up and not to me shit lmao. Tough luck.
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For me it's Shakey's.
I'm just noticing how big arius masks really are
nig, just go up a local greenwhich and order a meal that comes with a slice
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just don't be allergic lol
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What's the /bag/ consensus on Kaede?
Do people actually play other gacha games? I only play BA because everything about it sans the gameplay is exceptional.
Damn these are some good animations, source on the artist?
I play Monster Strike.
The gacha is miserable, but everything other than that is fine.
he designed as a cat. Tough luck.
just zzz and ba
Yes, but only the ones that let me choose whether I'll eat this month or not, instead of forcing me to pay for a slim chance of progress
BrownDust 2

Used to play wuwa and zzz too (waiting for new banners)
So why did Hoshino run away from Hina during the animated scene? Did she really just not want to fight her?
die, zoomer
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I used to play arknights but that got pretty tiring
Now I'm just playing limbus
I think people like gachas because they all have this continuous content cycle that people like, so it makes sense you have people play several of these types of games
the Mutsuki and Haruka animations weren't on kemono the last time I checked
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why are you, as a grown man, playing a game called fucking "wuwa"
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Which BA girl would lick my abs
She has to stop Suou, so she's trying to just ignore Hina
I deem her as a fox cause she looks like one. Tough luck.
She cared more about the objective than wasting time 1v1ing students
Hence the meme about hoshino being BA john wick
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There is a concerning amount of people here that would actually fuck Koyuki.
I like Honkers Star Rail
They're on hanime if you want them pirated...
There is a concerning amount of people here that would not fuck Koyuki.
None, head empty
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No thoughts, only tiddies.
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buy pakeji
Hello my /gig/ger
Because i like flashy action packed dmc style games and already got burnt out of V, it's been downhill ever since, recommend me a better one with similar combat system, dont mind if it's mecha
Is it concerning because the amount is zero?
designer's opinion > random anon. Tough Luck.
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Good morning /bag/
I hate Thursdays.
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I'm playing this and wuwa. Mostly BA though, I only do my dailies in wuwa until I care enough to grind for something.
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>not staffed
appearance doesn't matter
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I played Limbus Company, but I kind of lost interest.
Not because the story was bad; in fact, it was pretty good. But the grinding was more tiring than what Blue Archive has with stage sweeps being available, and the story stages are actually fucking hard.
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Sorry, Arona, I've already spent half of my salary on zzz, maybe next month
That's reisa
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Kanna is a cat
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I've started ZZZ since I like its style.
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Play Epic 7
>unofficial twitter shit
unironically anon's hold more weight
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i play several and ba unironically has the best gameplay of them
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Hina is a cat
Hoshino is a puppy
Granblue Fantasy and Azur Lane
opinion of the guy who designed her > random anon's opinion
official twitter* of the official designer
>bad graphics
>bad gameplay
>nigger music
Wow, such style
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All that bickering about whether Mari is a cat or a fox when she is nun. *ba dum tss*
Why do you hate yourself?
At least AL has coom.
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Oh shit, thanks anon
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I still play FGO. I also played FGO when it launched for about 3 years and it was the worst experience of my life.
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Mari is a succubus.
>opinion of the guy who designed her > random anon's opinion
>not a dev
invalid opinion
>loses to Hina
>turns into her Terror version
I Love Makoto so much it's unreal.
I've been playing mostly snowbreak recently while waiting for the dresses. But i also play AL once In a while
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Yume > everything else
This includes her kohais
That's rough
I'm pretty content with myself.
get back to me when it is actually said in the game and not on unofficial social media channel of one of not-devs. till then mari is a fox cause she looks like one.
sorry but he's officially credited as her designer so his opinion holds weight. Tough luck.
>not a dev
invalid opinion
>mari cat schizo doesn't even play the game
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Stay here until we're out of images
>credited designer in multiple sources, even including artbooks
>official twitter of said designer
therefore him designing her as a cat makes her a cat. that simple
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too many of *those* shills ITT
not official twitter of the game = worthless
not said in the game = worthless
>not a dev
invalid opinion
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my lovely wife Mika
glad we agree that the opinion of "mari is a fox" is invalid and the designer's opinion holds much more height
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>not a dev
your opinion is invalid, cope
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Left is cat, right is not. Simple.
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Ok, where is it said that Mari is a fox?
Surely you don't think that wikitroons are right.
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>same design but better
Right is same as left, therefore, it's a cat
>not a designer
your opinion is less valid
designer =/= illustrator
Remember when catfags said Mari is a cat, because she winced when drinking a cup of warm tea? That was funny.
Any proof from ANYONE that isn't anonymous from 4chan that Mari is a fox?
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BA and PGR
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yeah, me
Yeah. But that would require you to play the game which we all know catfags don't do.
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It is done.
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still waiting for you to post an opinion with more weight than the designer's
>goalpost moving
you're the one moving the goalpost, I said designer, not illustrator
Kanna's illustrator drew something completely unlike kanna, and only after talks with the designer did they Change it to the kanna we know, because the designer is the guy who decides not the illustrator
I say she's a fox, because that is what i see when I play the game. Vinoker might've designed her as a cat but her in game portrayal is definitely not that of a cat. Not that you'd know since you don't actually plau the game.
>shit that applies to design must apply to all of them
Nah, champ. Play the game and maybe you'll understand.
so? I and multiple others see a cat, what now? player's opinions are worthless compared to the opinions of officially contracted people, guy designed her as a cat and nexon approved
so you have no idea what a designer's job is? good showing
>guy designed her as a cat and nexon approved
Show me the signed document where Nexon's stamp of approval is placed and where she's officially listed as a cat.
>inb4 he said it
Yeah and he said that his vtuber avatar & her should "interact". Is that a canon event to you as well?
Show me the signed approval that gives your random opinion higher value than Nexon's approval of the design Vinoker made, keyword design.
Did nexon approve of his vtuber as part of the game? no? then stop the retarded whataboustism
But he said it so it must be true! Ypi don't get to cherrypick what's canon or not when he says it.
I don't like this guy.
It's apparent he's using AI but it's not marking it as such.
>guy designed her as a cat and nexon approved
the funniest thing is that the one who brought up regarding mari's artist first, is the one who claimed is mari not a cat, citing that mari's ear is not like other catgirls that the artists drawn.
Correct, I don't, Nexon does. And they did by approving the design he specifically made as a cat.
yeah sadly theres a bunch of artists like that currently
ive kinda stopped caring somewhere along the way as scanning every piece for AI help becomes tiring and ive got better things to do
still shitty though
Those AI grifters have literally no presence outside of their AI shit most of the time. They don't talk about random shit or post food or gacha rolls like other artists, they're just there to post their slop.
But there are no documents that we know of where it says that nexon hired the giy to design an orange cat nun. Vinoker used to draw his catgirls with a tail exclusively but for some reason didn't add one to Mari. Why? Maybe becuaw Nexon asked for a generic kemonomimi & that's what he delivered?
And you think the guy would come out and say she's a cat to him if that was the case? After being asked specifically if she was a cat or a fox? Kokosando is also fiddle with tails and he's official Nexon staff.
>And you think the guy would come out and say she's a cat to him if that was the case? After being asked specifically if she was a cat or a fox?
Again, he didin't say that yes, nexon hired me to do a cat so that's what I drew. To him, she's a cat, to you, she's a cat abd to me she isn't so unless there's an in-game confirmation that she's either of those or somwthing different, I'll stick to what I see in the game and not call her a cat.
>Kokosando is also fiddle with tails and he's official Nexon staff.
Except vinoker knows how to draw tails but he specifically didn't design Mari with one https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9651995
To him, the guy who designed her and from who the design was approved, she's a cat. Your argument is the same as that one guy who claims everyone without tails is not any animal in particular and by your logic he's right, so following that logic Mari is not a cat, in fact the only two cat in the game are Akira and Kikyou, and she's not a fox either as only Wakamo, Izuna and Kuzunoha are foxesand maybe seia, this is following your exact logic of just looking into the game. Do you agree?
>Except vinoker knows how to draw tails but he specifically didn't design Mari with one
Again, so does Kokosando and he's beyond a designer and objectively Nexon staff.
so is the designer's lol
Get a room
>the designer's opinion holds much more height
>not a dev
invalid opinion
>not a dev
invalid opinion
I am glad we agree.
yeah glad we agree that Nexon's approval of mari's cat design is valid
From the designer?
>not a dev
invalid opinion
>designer: designs cat student
>Nexon: approved
that simple
btw are you really going to keep replying to me or have you still not figured out that this is the laziest bait ever?
>I was merely pretending to be retarded
oh I guess that answers that >>486553574
>not a dev
invalid opinion

Not even pretending to be anything, it's literally so fucking obvious I am amazed you(?) keep replying
I'm literally not even changing the post at all
Not sure why you're bringing other people's opinions on the subject but I guess you don't have much to grasp on at the moment. Vinoker designed a kemonomimi girl and years later decided that to him, she was a cat. That's cool but Nexon refuses to comment on the subject, even after this tweet was made public so either they don't agree with that statement or spmething else is at play. I mean, with this statement, they'd have no problem with admitting it, right?
>so does kokosando
You just said that kokosando "fiddles with" tails, now you say he's good at it. Are you ok down there? Do you need a breather? We can stop this conversation if you got heart palpitations because of it.
>not even pretending to be retarded I'm the real deal
>not a dev
invalid opinion
>Not sure why you're bringing other people's opinions on the subjects
You said based on the game stuff, I just used your logic.
>and years later decided
making stuff up
>they'd have no problem with admitting it, right?
why would they need to approve a statement they agree with if nothing else they would've reproved it if they disagreed
>You just said that kokosando "fiddles with" tails,
I said is also fiddle with tails learn to read, he might draw them or not
I don't really get the back and forth
Noone but the rights holders opinion matters on the current form of the character.
See also how winnie the pooh used to be a savage or earthworm jim got bought and made to say some troon shit.
The artists original view becomes irrelevant once the character is no longer theirs because it becomes a different character altered by someone other than the original creator.
In the end only nexon can come out and have the final word. Since theyre not gonna do that anyone can claim anything and be just as right.
tl dr mari is a toyota corolla sprinter 10 cp
>>they'd have no problem with admitting it, right?
>why would they need to approve a statement they agree with if nothing else they would've reproved it if they disagreed
NTA but they've discussed designs on stream and reasons for designs before. Despite this when Mari came up in a stream there was no comment on her ears or animal status

Really just factual t b h
The back and forth is simple, one side says she's a cat because her designer said so, the other say she's a fox because they believe her to be so.
>Noone but the rights holders opinion matters on the current form of the character.
That's what I've been saying, ye
yeah so she's not a fox

she's a coyote
>You said based on the game stuff
My "stuff" is bassed off of mannerisms each kemonomimi girl shows whether it's a confirmed catgirl, foxgirl or whatever, not their physiology.
>making stuff up
Not an argument. This is the only instance where he said it.
>why would they need to approve a statement they agree with if nothing else they would've reproved it if they disagreed
Tell you what. How about you send a message to the BA support team and ask them directly? You can attach your screenshot, repeat your arguments and all that. Once they reply and confirm your point, you can then post it in the general and bask in your glory as every fox, dog dingofag eat shit. Quite simple solution, right?
Right so theyre equally correct or wrong as the designer does not hold the rights to the character, john nexon does.
Like in the example I used above, the creator of earthworm jim doesnt like troon shit but he has no power over what his creation says, does or how it changes in looks since he sold it.
anons being retarded. nexon could admited mari being a cat or fox on stream or whatever and anon here would jump into the next cope. >>486550328 like here saying that mari is not a cat because the designer didn't design her like her other catgirl and now that her designer called her a catgirl, it became doesn't count.
>nexon could admited mari being a cat or fox on stream or whatever and anon here would jump into the next cope
as someone who ardently says "the designer's opinion doesn't actually matter", no, I would accept it.

Actually, I do think she's probably a cat.
It's just, it hasn't been truly confirmed.
>My "stuff" is bassed off of mannerisms each kemonomimi girl shows whether it's a confirmed catgirl, foxgirl or whatever, not their physiology.
so you're selectively picking what counts or not to fit your narrative right? because the "cat's tongue" obviously doesn't count but whatever else you come up with does, their ear movements are included in physiology before you say anything else
>Not an argument. This is the only instance where he said it.
you're the one who decided that he just now decided that she's a cat, even though he only said such a thing because, obviously
someone asked him
>Quite simple solution, right?
Why would I need to confirm something a designer said? I'm not the one making it up, if the current standing of things upsets your headcanon, you send support a message to confirm or deny it. A designer's opinion has infinitely more value than a random guy's random assessment based on a random selection of random trait what he randomly decides makes up an animal classification
>so you're selectively picking what counts or not to fit your narrative right?
I because the "cat's tongue" obviously doesn't count
Of course it doesn't it's a phrase. Kokona is not a cat yet she complains about burning her tongue after drinking hot coffe.
>but whatever else you come up with does,
I didn't "come up with anything. It's in the game.
>you're the one who decided that he just now decided that she's a cat, even though he only said such a thing because, obviously someone asked him
And you just now decides that he always thought of her as a cat. This can't be confirmed unless you're the guy himself.
>Why would I need to confirm something a designer said?
Because it would clear everything up? Mari is nexon's property and if.the designer made her a cat, but they decided she's a crocodile, then she's a crocodile, despite the artist's original design.
Unless you're not willing to do it, because you've clung to this one tweet and are scared that your whole argument will be ruined by the higher authority. If anythimg, do it to prove me wrong. You've spent all this time, passionately defending yoir argument, you could end this whole flame war in an instant. Or at the very least I promise that I will drop the subject.
>I because the "cat's tongue" obviously doesn't count
and like I said you're selectively picking what counts or not
>Kokona is not a cat yet she complains about burning her tongue after drinking hot coffe.
ah so it's instantly invalidated because another character also does it good to know, so any mannerisms that you list, if another girl does stop immediately counting for your argument?
>I didn't "come up with anything. It's in the game.
yes, you did, you're making assumptions on what counts and not to fit your narrative
>And you just now decides that he always thought of her as a cat. This can't be confirmed unless you're the guy himself.
again assumptions, he was asked a question he answered
>Because it would clear everything up?
that's what you're not getting, designer's word > your headcanon, I don't need it cleared up, you do.
>Mari is nexon's property and if.the designer made her a cat, but they decided she's a crocodile, then she's a crocodile, despite the artist's original design.
you're correct, but small correction not the artist's original design, you mean the designer's not every designer is an artist
>Unless you're not willing to do it, because you've clung to this one tweet and are scared that your whole argument will be ruined by the higher authority.
I couldn't care less? Why even imply this? If I'm saying a designer's word is above yours why wouldn't I consider Nexon's word above the designers?
>If anythimg, do it to prove me wrong. You've spent all this time, passionately defending yoir argument, you could end this whole flame war in an instant.
reminder that no catfags ever moved goalposts unlike foxschizos which have done in the past and in this very thread as evidently shown and linked, I owe you nothing
>Or at the very least I promise that I will drop the subject.
You can do that at any moment, if you stop claiming she's a fox or anything else.
This is a serikot neighborhood sirs...
Right, well. If you put designer's word (in cases that only fit your narrative) and nothing else, then arguing with you further makes little sense. You haven't convinced me in the slightest about Mari being a cat and anything I say falls on dead ears.
I'm going to respond to your arguments once more but that's it. There's no point in arguing with you if you're just going to reply witj "nuh uh".
>and like I said you're selectively picking what counts or not
So are you? You just said you won't ask anyone else about the subject because one guy said so.
>ah so it's instantly invalidated because another character also does it good to know, so any mannerisms that you list, if another girl does stop immediately counting for your argument?
My argument involves at least 7 fox girls in the game who exhibit the same mannerisms as Mari. The tea schizo likes to post that one frame of Serika slamming her head on the table where her ears are down from the impact and calls it a rebutal of my claim.
>yes, you did, you're making assumptions
Again, I'm gathering what's in the game and making as assumption based off of it. If you see any typical cat-like things that mari does, then show it to me.
>again assumptions
And you're just assuming that this is his stance from the beginning
>i dpn't need it cleared up,
And Nexon's word > designer's word > yours and mine headcanon.
>you do.
I could, but would you beloeve me if I posted the screenshot of reply?
>I couldn't care less?
We know that's not true. You've been sitting with me in an empty thread for hours.
>reminder that....
I've stuck to my narrative and haven't changed a thing.
>You can do that at any moment, if you stop claiming she's a fox or anything else
Once i'm proven wrong without a shadow of a doubt.
>You haven't convinced me in the slightest about Mari being a cat and anything I say falls on dead ears.
exact same thing back to you
>I'm going to respond to your arguments once more but that's it. There's no point in arguing with you if you're just going to reply witj "nuh uh".
you mean just like you nuh uh everything I said so far?
>So are you? You just said you won't ask anyone else about the subject because one guy said so.
How is that related to selectively picking, what the fuck are you on about? I said the current highest weighted opinion rejects your headcanon, if Nexon said anything it would take precedence.
>My argument involves at least 7 fox girls in the game who exhibit the same mannerisms as Mari.
and the cats can't exhibit it? and what defines a fox then even? same retarded circular logic
>The tea schizo likes to post that one frame of Serika slamming her head on the table where her ears are down from the impact and calls it a rebutal of my claim.
go to the next thread and "it's bopping her head" just excuses for every single thing, like I said your selectively picking stuff, you're the one "nuh uh"ING everything
>Again, I'm gathering what's in the game and making as assumption based off of it. If you see any typical cat-like things that mari does, then show it to me.
you'll just say it doesn't count as you've literally did in the previous comment, her swimsuit with a cat's paw in an official artwork? also probably wrong by whatever retarded excuse you'll come up with next just like you did with the tea
>And you're just assuming that this is his stance from the beginning
you don't get how utterly retarded this excuse is, you're the one assuming he changed opinions for some reason, this is why I don't believe single thing you're spewing
>And Nexon's word > designer's word > yours and mine headcanon.
correct, a designer's opinions are worth more than yours
>I could, but would you beloeve me if I posted the screenshot of reply?
No, same reason as to why you wouldn't believe mine either, it's incredibly easy to fake, I can make something like that in a minute not only that but I have zero faith in you based on your replies so far zero
>We know that's not true. You've been sitting with me in an empty thread for hours.
I'm working and I glance at the thread every once in awhile, if you couldn't tell off my mistakes while typing all of this that it's obviously phoneposting
>I've stuck to my narrative and haven't changed a thing.
read two points above, I have no faith in you
>Once i'm proven wrong without a shadow of a doubt.
I know you do, but that doesn't exist as you'll just claim something else
But yuri is good. Just marry your favorite loli and let the other students be with each other.

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