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Reminder to report avatar/signature use.

Previous: >>486449793

/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

- This Week in WoW:

- The War Within News:

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16)
- Bullions spreadsheet:

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>Summer Trading Post

>General Resouгces
Trade Prince Sneed of the Bilgewater Cartel
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best mount
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my wife
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mother of wowg
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never forget
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Perhaps the TWW War Within The War Within is within ourselves...
kek. saved. he was corrupted by yshaarj tho
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these are the people complaining about the tank changes
but the problem with this design is that it forces blizzard to double down on adding shitloads of mechanics to make it challenging
how can they not see it? if a tank doesnt need a healer, how tf do you challenge the tank without having shit that deals shitloads of damage, thus leading back to spike damage when your defensives are down
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Add this to the OP pic folder.
Add yourself to a coffin, fucking subhuman
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objectively good list
Why are people saying shaman is saved, what changed?
worgie boobies
if they follow the same pattern, we should get the first cinematic on pre patch day. that's what happened with dragonflight
Primordial Wave is now a 30 second cooldown (was 45 seconds).
Doom Winds is now a 60 second cooldown (was 90 seconds).
Casting Flame Shock, Frost Shock, and Sundering will now initiate combat with melee auto attacks.

The following talents are now 1 point:
Molten Assault
Improved Maelstrom Weapon
Witch Doctor’s Ancestry

last change is biggest imo
Jesus fucking christ whats with all the links?
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click them all
>Witch Doctor’s Ancestry
>1 point
holy SNEEDY CHUCK!!!!!!
Every single one of them is extremely necessary.
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this idiot is right this time. how did blizzard do it?
anyone else find it concerning that they're still doing balance changes this big like a month before the xpac drops?

seems like they should have had this shit much more dialed in by now
knee jerk reaction to shit they don't even understand
>tank shortage all of DF
>80% of M+ participation only Vengeance DH last two patches
>gut every tank and make them more healer dependent 1 month before TWW
great design team bros, going to be epic having 1 tank per 10000dps instead of just 1 tank per 6000dps
no they always do this. actually a big part of the changes are going to happen in the pre season because that's when they get most of the feedback
It's a colossally unlikeable spastic making the threads. If you say anything about it he throws a temper tantrum.
i wish there was an option to disable the dark iron hair glow. fucks with some mogs, plus its weird to have glowing orange hair on a death knight with cold blue eyes.
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Oh no no no no.
Ah ha ha ha ha ha.
Of all the things you could've picked for Warlock, you base an entire spec around Satyr. Fucking, Satyr??? OH NO NO NO NO
all the icons btw
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Shan't be playing Satyrshit. Diabolist for me, thanks.
hellcaller sounds bad ass as fuck though
satyrs are classic warlock. half the warlock class quests used to take place in felwood
are you retarded?
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>remix showing how fun the game can be without healers when everyone can sustain themselves
>top m+ teams going 4 dps + tank and having a blast
>healer participation in pvp and pve at all time low
>literally PERFECT ONE IN A LIFETIME opportunity to finally remove this godawful role and make everyone happy
>instead they double down, nerf tanks to the ground and make everyone miserable
Don't care. There were plenty of better demons to base a spec on than Fagtyr.
I'm gonna roll a tank and you dps and heal sissies are gonna beg to suck my boots.
lol, remix is fun because you get stupidly OP stats over time, that will never happen in the live game
there are many that enjoy healing but what's weird is that i see some of them saying that they don't want to heal
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I get an ego boost keeping people alive.
I look forward to tanks sucking.
When I played healer back in the days I did that because I could chill and fuck around in raids and still clear all the content and be in server first guild. It was easiest and least demanding role.
healers have even more power now. i'm gonna enjoy bullying both tanks and dps
so that's it then? they want to play healer because the ywant to browse youtube while playing the game?
I guess so, not everyone must be 101% uptime dps tryhard aiming for top parses.
probably because they dont want to take the lead like a tank, but dont want 20+minute queue times for dps.

its a compromise, although in my opinion most healers (and some tanks) have FAR too many buttons. they overcomplicated healing just for the sake of "muh skill xpreshun". meanwhile you've got shit like arms, frostdk, and destro pushing 3 buttons to shit out a full dps rotation.

healers have like 3x the keybinds of most dps specs. the button bloat is obscene
>suck my boots.
>healers have like 3x the keybinds of most dps specs. the button bloat is obscene
you're either a fucking shitter or never played a healer
satyr are 100% azeroth corrupted elves
it makes sense to have
i just hope that with all this they reduce the amount of unavoidable aoe damage. because tanks being unkillable got us this shit. unavoidable aoe damage so healers dont fall asleep
so im ok with having the healers focus mostly on the tank, while throwing some heals every now and then on the rest. fuck unavoidable aoe damage
yeah it is. once you get shitloads of stats it is
What EU server do I pick for ERP
AD really
>lol, remix is fun because you get stupidly OP stats over time, that will never happen in the live game
Yes, but everyone having 50% leech all the time and cusomizable survivability tinker gems can happen and would be awesome addition. "Healer" is an outdated concept and it's about time they're made obsolete.
avatar/signature use is against the rules.
shut up m*ye
>make healers obsolete and remove the role
someone let assmongold know about this new hot take, I'm sure he will run with it for contrarian points
Without healers sissy girlies can't play, literally trans genocide.
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>first key of last week
they still have augvokers
looking for a trans guild

lol cope lf trans guild btw
sounds fucking boring as shit. surprised mings still play this game. the next expansion will be the exact same thing but with different paint lmfao. such a shame, i loved this game so much once up on a thyme.
Augvokers have to do DPS, this makes healsissies have a panic attack.
A better role would be a sissy pet role.
they continuously tune things retard
>going back to making tanks reliant on healers
jfc I already got muted twice in the past for screaming at the healers
Is this your first prepatch?
so.. how things should be?
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So is impersonating a janny, which you will never be :^)
>screaming at healers
t stands in everything and never interrupts
Let me guess. You didn't respect her pronouns?
>but the problem with this design is that it forces blizzard to double down on adding shitloads of mechanics to make it challenging
ok, the tank now needs a bunch of healing.
the tank also has a lot more hp than dpsissies.
obviously ST heals can't heal them for like 30% per heal, or ST healing would be gigabusted on non-tanks. so your heals do maybe 10% per cast.
do you, as a healer, WANT to spend every fourth global pumping healing on a tank? There is nothing of interest here - they're not in any real danger (since muh smooth damage intake is the goal), unlike dps there's no triage you can do with their yuge hp pools, you just shit out globals into the tank over and over and over again throughout the run because now they can't be left on their own.
What's the actual gain here?
>do you, as a healer, WANT to spend every fourth global pumping healing on a tank?
what's wrong with this?
Look, it's just that--
I'm just--
I'm not gonna pull smaller and wait for the healer. I know, I know, I'm just-- not gonna pull smaller.

Healers adjust, amirite? Unironically.
>do you expect to heal as a healer?!?!
>What's the actual gain here?
healers are finally not expected to dps because they can abc with heals on tank
>no healer wants to heal the tank
From what I've seen from healer sperg outs about doing DPS when everyone is at full HP, most healers don't want to do anything.
>Heal has to pump a heal every 4s during small pulls and then have time to drink up
Sissy heal thinks she did something, has a big girly squirty in her panties and is happy and cheerfully continues gooning to her tmog.
>Heal sissy has to triage DPSissy health and they all 4 need to follow the tankbvll as he pulls 5-7 packs that require full party attention and interrupts
VERY stressful for little sissy and her dpsissy sisters! BAS GAME DESIGN!!!
adjust to impossible numbers?
based +2 weekly no leaver CHILL!!!!!!!!!! run all welcome :) gamer.
Because it's completely mindless, which is obvious to anybody who ever healed an m+ dungeon above like +4
Just like healers were not expected to dps when they were mechanic slaves in m+?
Everybody will always be expected to use every last global to spend on dps, because what else are they going to do? Stand around doing nothing?
>nobody wants to play tanks because weak nerfed into the ground
>nobody wants to play healers because weak nerfed into the ground

>Stand around doing nothing?
Not nothing, run around and jump spamming is what they prefer to do in my experience.
>Because it's completely mindless, which is obvious to anybody who ever healed an m+ dungeon above like +4
and what do you find engaging? completely ignoring the tank most of the time, and dpsing instead?
why not roll a dps at that point?
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Trying to make divas like m+ tanks behave and adjust to goddamn healers of all roles is, uh, certainly a brave assumption for Blizzard to make.
why would anyone play tank if you cant solo bosses lmao
Why is tanking/healing suddenly a big topic when it's been fine for the last 20 years until now?
>wtf i can't just solo sustain myself the whole dungeon while the dps get blown to shit by unavoidable aoe? refunding tww now

reminds me of this gem.
tank sustain/survivability has gone completely out of whack, and that lead to blizzard adding unavoidable aoe shit so healers dont fall asleep
must be some sort of narcissism to want to be able to solo everything without relying on anyone in a fucking mmo
have you tried reading my original point you dumb monkey? there is zero (0) skill expression in "lole just throw a 10% hp heal on a tank every 4 seconds". none.
>completely ignoring the tank most of the time, and dpsing instead?
yes, you're expected to dps when there's no healing to be done, just like you always were
>lole just throw a 10% hp heal on a tank every 4 seconds
so dps in those windows
>adjust to impossible numbers?
Sure sounds like not my problem, go seethe about it on the forums as I pull three packs at once just like I always did
>healer leaves because she couldn't keep up
not my key anyway, I'll survive the 90 seconds of searching for a new one
was blood elf really the best race for a blood dk during sepulcher?
there is no way someone would shitpick a race during the literal world first race right?
Because apparently now it's suddenly not fine.
Also gooning!
Don't forget gooning!
no idea honestly. belves dont have anything notable
Because all tanks got taken behind the shed yesterday and everybody's already used to every tank except brew being largely immortal.
Giving healers MORE to do is clearly retarded given how fucking awful the average healer is. Fine in premades, terrible in pugs.
It hasn't been THOUGH
People still keep wanting healers to dps
Reminder the fix to all of this is to let DPS players design tanks and healers so they are as dogshit as humanely possible.
BUT as a trade off, tank and healers get to use masterloot and choose if DPS players get items.
see >>486543451
>gigasweat in a gigasweat group sees no difference
Yea cool. I tried Dawnbreaker at +10 with two different groups on blood and we got farmed both times, and it's not like I'm clueless, especially since I did some runs of it earlier on pwarr and blood.
>Downside have to play an actual brain dead do nothing spec
>Upside get to cuck DPS only retards out of gear after they waited for 5h
How was pwar?
>play tank when it's an unkillable god
>tanks are no longer unkillable gods
>switch to dps
eh, fine by me
It felt really busy and a bit bloated, as in you need more buttons to achieve what you want than other tanks. Then again I don't have a lot of experience with it so my opinion about it isn't very relevant. The tuning itself seemed fine.
>but the problem with this design is that it forces blizzard to double down on adding shitloads of mechanics to make it challenging
And why is that a problem? I like having loads of mechanics to solve on every pack. It's what keeps M+ interesting. If you want to spam heals on the tank while the mobs only do autoattacks then fuck off to Classic.
>I like having loads of mechanics to solve on every pack.
Yeah, I fucking LOVE pulling one pack at a time because four mobs at once have more mechanics than the average raid boss. And now aoe stops don't actually stop casts.
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What was he talking about? What is cumming
Sounds good to me, I like gcd locked busy specs.
I assume it is a button masher sorta stuff
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I will enjoy smaller pack pulls.
I don't mind it on a dps, but I think it'll be a bit overwhelming in m+, especially when you try to mark stuff for kick rotations etc (and you will need kick rotations in those godforsaken TWW dungeons, even for single packs)
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fat elven asses
As of chronicles 4, even he doesn't know.
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I will still pull entire rooms into the boss, if you let me die I will brick your key
>fel cum eyes

You're not an elf, elves are Azeroth blue arcane eyes
I like it, but I normally play in a premade as their lobotomite tank slave so I don't gotta think much outside of them telling me the route and memorizing it l.
>random mage npc enemy has as many mechanics as a raid boss
>there is also dozens of them throughout the dungeon with other mechanic bloat enemies
Yeah sounds great and not tedious at all.
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Gender? Tankbvll
Species? Based
Mentally? Ill
Spec? Blood
Class? Knight of death
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>if you dont let me brick your brick i will brick your key
Made for human men and human shemales.
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Ret paladins
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I hate tanks so much bros
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>we're buffing everybody's hp so there's less ping-ponging health bars
>dark floes is an unavoidable, uninterruptible groupwide that straight up kills everybody from 100% without a defensive
aight Imma buy the expansion 2-3 months after release, this is pants on head retarded
What do I get at 2.5k m+ rating again?
I don't even understand the point of blood's DS changes are. If they're so butthurt about it they might as well make it so that it has a cooldown again rather than this bizarro change
We don't think about you, sissy.
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Wikia waka
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I think it's pretty funny blizz is now adding private auras to m+ now. I'm sure it'll go just fine when you can't see fucking shit without addons already, and now you have to look for the purple aura on one purple mob of eight in purple surroundings and three particle vomit aoes and frontals going off.
it's like blizzard thinks people want to git gud instead of doing a few weekly runs for the gear and maybe do heroic when overgearing the content
You will next season, bud
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By the Light does elf pussy make everything so much better. Like a weight off my shoulders and a will to live restored.
Here is what I can tell you after playing most keys on 10.
>obvious tank shortage in beta (that's normal)
>70%+ of tanks are bdks
>apart from prot war and blood dk all tanks get melted in higher keys
>brew and VDH have aggro issues
>healers in huge demand as well
>all healers are playing hpal and resto sham because of dungeon design
>all dungeons have endless bleeds, poisons, curses and fears
>packs absolutely destroy dps even through defensives
>now healers will have even more to heal
>despite the new talents and bloated ilvl, the majority of specs feel way weaker due to lack of secondaries and terrible tier set bonuses (not to mention without)
>aug is absolutely mandatory
>dungeons are anti melee to the point of mythic sludgefist
>more ppl than ever will roll dps to avoid dealing with blizzard's bs from either tank or heal perspective

I can't wait for this shitstorm after people actually see the new dungeons.
>random mage npc enemy has as many mechanics as a raid boss
When was the last time you raided, Molten Core? Stopping DPS for 1 global to do a stun is not complicated lmao
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>0/6,000,000 goblins exterminated
Jesus Ion
avatarposting with your shit tier art is still against the rules btw
you vill treat your weekly vault fill like it's the MDI and you vill like it
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the tank in question
>mechanic bloat out the ass and shit telegraphing
>people make addons to help with this shit
>"hmm the problem here is the addons"
>start making shit private
I can't wait for them to realise again that "purple swirlies on purple floor with other purple swirlies that do something different, in a purple room with purple lighting" isn't good, for them to immediately forget and do it again next patch.
people will just stop playing when weeklies are sweaty
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Take it easy son, it's just a post on the internet. It can't hurt you.
how much mana do healers have in the tww beta?
Spamming the same thing over and over is also against the rules.
>Spamming the same thing over and over
thread culture
1 week before 11.0
kill tanks and healers into the ground

What did VP Ion mean by this?
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>Dedicated sieg heil button
they're making m0 really difficult for the first month to drag out the content until season 1 starts then m0 difficulty will become m6
they do this literally every time
>now with these changes bad tanks and bad healers are a lot more noticiable and can brick your groups even more than before
i hecking love it, i bet these devs play the game a lot and don't make those stupid decisions to justify their job as a "gameplay balance dev" or whatever made up title they have
>DPSissy instantly dying to their low IQ
>Sissy flight ui heal cuck
Favourite class (and spec)?
Also, does anyone here enjoy levelling and if so, how?
Holy kek
I miss Legion
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>Take portal back to azeroth
>Infinite lives
that priest going down in 2 hits lmao
>>all healers are playing hpal and resto sham because of dungeon design
Nigga, healers are playing hpal and rsham because they just got huge changes in beta
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Checked. I like Arms Warrior. Always have always will. Starting to love Fire Mage more and more as I play that alt.
Trolling is also against the rules yet here you are.
Ion found out that all the groupwide oneshots were not killing the tanks, so now instead of the tank finishing off the mob and the group continuing on the entire group wipes on the same trash mob three times in a row and disbands
OHHH, so pointing out the rules is trolling, interesting.
every healer got a 20-30% buff to their healing output
>Favourite class (and spec)?
warrior, arms
>Also, does anyone here enjoy levelling and if so, how?
yes, very much so. can't wait to do some delves and open world events while leveling this time around, will be a nice break from questing
I just watched a group wipe for 20 minutes on a SINGLE TRASH MOB in an +8 in dawnbreaker, before 2nd boss
maybe I should play xiv after all, I heard the raid is good
you now remember bolstering seagullls
if you're the kind of person that gets mad at a group of normies wiping, xiv is not for you
yeah go play it, i heard it's bussin with the troon main character
kek that one was funny, but at least once the gigaseagull killed everybody it went back into being a normal boss
it was growl with some other dudes, ie people easily better than 99% of the playerbase
>every healer got a 20-30% buff to their healing output
Re-read what I said. People are testing out healers that got reworked because it's new stuff, not because of dungeon design.
Sick name and title combo
Since another anon also likes arms warrior, I guess I will also ask why do you like arms warrior?
Curious if it's for a similar reason desu.
XIV is more open/tolerant of newbies wiping hard from what I recall, you might not like it
>I guess I will also ask why do you like arms warrior?
big smash haha
>I guess I will also ask why do you like arms warrior?
because i like to be a chad swinging a 2 hander around
Ftm or mtf?

I like the charge and juggling balls.
>same reason
absolute cinema...
I kneel arms-warrior-anons
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>why do you like arms warrior?
NTA you're replying to but I like Arms because one big weapon with chunky, slow smashes feels good.
I like when I press Mortal Strike and one solid big number happens.
Teenager to old woman.
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>why do you like arms warrior?

big axe go chop
forma der genetic-dead-end
this is him
you're being generous
Hello Gotrek
>Check filename
You motherfucker
kino look
Both voices are horrible.
God I hate xiv "spam cutscenes lol" shit so much
>expansion has a dogshit, unlikable main character that monopolizes 90% of the plot
>every cocksucking faggot on 4chin endlessly screeches about muh VA, completely blotting out all other criticism
I wish untold misery upon your miserable kind
wrong thread, troonies. talk about wow
Finally, a character that represents the player
>inb4 anon was talking about Dragonflight

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na we good. DF's problem was that it was boring.
shill your e-boyfriend elsewhere
>want to play blood dk
>remember I hate modern wow
>Anal https://www.wowhead.com/spell=17735/suffering
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>Turalyon is is the last survivor of the original five paladins of the Silver Hand
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is he really?
Uther and Gavinrad were slain by Arthas, Saidan was killed by Balnazzar, and Tirion was killed by some demon in Legion
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He and Alleria are from a completely different era of game design, it's cool just how much they stand out now compared to modern characters.
>Tirion was killed by some demon in Legion
tragic really. what a fucking shitty way of killing someone like tirion
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>the last survivor
anon...he's still dead
It was done just to give paladins their shitty relic
Back when blizz was still good at what they did
Shenuts sounds like a snack.
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You can literally just walk in and out of SL through the portal. Even some granny from Stormwind can do it.
Old school kids watched He-Man.
Modern lilzooms Watch She-Nuts.
no. only we can do it. everyone else is stuck there
why, my peenus shenuts of course :)

hahah! :D

it's my weeeeeeenus shenuts! :) hahah

ITT: Enemies that unnerve me - my answer is, of course, my peanus shenuts :D

I hate Shadowlands so much it's unreal
>only we can do it
says who?
>you vill be locked in ze maze for your vault rewards
>you vill wait 40 minutes to get ze heal and ze tank
>you vill vipe to trash packs that have more mechanics than entire classic raids
>you vill complain about ze maze
>you vill never leave
Plot reasons say that portal doesn't actually exist, any and all mortals left when the shadowlands campaign was over, the big hole in the sky closed up and portals were closed.
That's why it was just a big and stupid deal to go back to Ardenweald just for all that Malfurion/Ysera swap bullshit. We're not supposed to casually just be going back there.
I've been advocating for removing healers for over a decade.

PVP is annoying because of healers. If nobody does something retarded, you have to wait for dampening to kick in somewhat to kill people in PVP. Instead, have everyone's health wear out over time taking damage and mitigating damage to a point where eventually people die. It'll make PVP infinitely more interesting.
the game.
>That's why it was just a big and stupid deal to go back to Ardenweald just for all that Malfurion/Ysera swap bullshit. We're not supposed to casually just be going back there.
They had to come up with a reason why Malurion wouldn't be present in the Emerald Dream raid to just kill Fyraak for us.
>We're not supposed to casually just be going back there.
Reminder Wraith Walk's description started with "Sidestep into the Shadowlands"
he was busy fucking every dryad in ten mile radius
for someone who just started playing, how much "git gud"ing do i have to do to get up to doing mythic raids and M+ dungeons? how much harder are they than heroics? are they legitimately difficult or is it just gear grind until my numbers get better?
He's impotent. Why do you think he and Tyrande never had a biological child after all these years?
Yes, and Death Knights are death people, big shock.
They're still not going back and chilling out in any of the zones or Oribos or whatever.
Not to mention their start zone/scenario quests had them 'visit' the Shadowlands to get their horse, but I guess we just don't imply that's the Shadowlands anymore.
>it's sneedolands s1 kiting all over again for tanks

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Yeah, it was funny how he reacted to the presence of paladins in the Horde. He's like Cap America, a guy from a completely different era.
>Not to mention their start zone/scenario quests had them 'visit' the Shadowlands to get their horse, but I guess we just don't imply that's the Shadowlands anymore.
That's what also annoys me, at best it's retconning, at worst it's the writers having no fucking clue what they're dealing with (which I think is the case, considering a lot of Shadowlands feels a lot like shitty nostalgia bait)
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>mythic raids
this one's hard
> M+ dungeons
easy, up to a certain level (i would say >+12)
it's PVE lol
>Not sheballs, or shalls for short
>quest teleports you to the shadowlands (or emerald dream)
>It's exactly the same as where you already were only you have a coloured filter over your screen
>Why do you think he and Tyrande never had a biological child after all these years?
Because he's fucking everybody except Tyrande. They're together purely so that Malfurion cucks Illidan.
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>it's PVE therefore the sweatlords trying to get world first will not minmax their race
tomboys do not have balls, shafts or precum
Illidan is CHAD and not a cuck
I find it weird how spiteful they are of Illidan.
Ngl he is a good guy and didn't even fuck those girls in black temple...
imagine being so anti progressive, chud!
Illidan is a literal incel
I will now make 50 Demon Hunter alts
Now that the dust has settle?
did og win?
was barry wrong?
was max reedemed?
was it really a good idea for us to stop the jailor?
Illidan isn't an incel okay.
DH is a Chad class and we aren't incels.
NO YOU CANT MEET THEN THEY ARE BUSY IN HUUUH... OUTLANDS! Yeah! They are in the shattered outlands!
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>Illidan is a literal incel
>He think those aren't just Illidan's friends
Let me guess. You think he braids his own hair?
illidan only fucks shivarras
chill, captain autismo, I'm just yanking the chain of PVEfags

as for an actual answer, it couldn't be arcane resistance because Anduin has no arcane damage, so it must be the combination of arcane torrent (+20 runic power restore) + arcane acuity (+1% crit)
>had the intrusive thought that its ok if its a girl's penis
>got hard at that thought
It's actually just fucking over for me isn't it. Go on say it It's grim. I'm into this shit deep down aren't I for fucksake FUCK
fuck, i lost
or theyre a fag that just wants to play a blood elf
>squeeze balls
>they don't "slosh"
least weird vulpera player
Why are there males in ther..... oh
>squeeze balls
>it hurts
Is Gul'Dan's skull the only part of him capable of turning someone into whatever the fuck illidan is? Cause we know where the rest of his bones are if the illidari wanted to suck his toe bones or something. We even have a second gul'dan skeleton laying around though Illidan hogged the skull from that one too.
Why does his skull so that in the first place? We have playable man'ari now, surely their skulls would be just as magic as Gul'Dan's
Skulls are cool + symbolizes the remnants of his power
Not normal, it should sound like shaking a bottle of water every time you take a step
Are they even audible faggot
It just represents connection to the past events and reminds how cool guldan was, I don't think that it makes actual sense in the magic system.
Finding guldans boner and sucking on it to gain power doesnt work, I tried.
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You guys are really fucking funny sometimes. Good kek out of me. Good night /wowg/.
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hope you die in your sleep
good night. i think you're handsome and funny
thats mean :s
did you really spend time making that shitty image what are you doing with your life anon
listen faggot. i'm good. so that means if i died then you need to dispel the fucking thing, or kite or do aoe or something. i dont know, i intuit these things rather than needing them explained to me.
who are you talking to
someone else did, I just saved it
Stop lying, saving someone elses images is impossible, thats why we always know its the same people posting regardless of who says who is falseflagging.
no benefits in playing a belf on that fight
>sexually frustrated trannies hate that image
>m*ye hates that image
>the worgen pedo hates that image

This image should be the next OP. Gas all avatartroons.
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what are you talking about
Shut up, you shot-eating gooner. Leave your disgusting room and stop talking about sex in video game generals.
i like to imagine this is one incredulous guy who came here with genuine wide-eyed wonder looking for answers
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Tank status?
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why are you so angry
still chads, and will always be chads as long as there is a shortage of tanks.
still narcissistic
>instant invite for maze runs
>instant invites for any raid up to heroic
>impossible to get a raid spot in a mythic guild because tanks ate always officers and/or GMs who just take the easiest route to CE
have to play the game now.
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>retards would rather kite trash packs then CC a couple of them to make each pack manageable

tells you all you need to know about this braindead retoilet playerbase
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glad to see the avatartrannies having a meltie and spamming their f-list trash because the OP has 1 line they really hate
>kite trash packs
blizzard said they don't want that to happen
DK's shit until they undo the retarded death strike change, other tanks are unaffected
>tanks nerfed to the ground
>healers nerfed to the ground
>lore is fucked up
>blizzard fucked up
>whole game is fucked up
>meanwhile og releases one of the best raids and fights of all times
buy an ad, tranny
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kek. it didn't take them long to rear their ugly heads in this thread again. imagine still shilling DEI trash with a troon MC that takes up to 90% of the screentime
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Ready to increase the fees by 30%
what take is this
it's sarcasm
>tanks only heal themselves
>still heal 5x more than a healer healing 5 people

Great job from the pajeets at Blizzard
>Rather than simply 'looking the other way', the Sunreavers are now actively involved in Garrosh's theft of the Divine Bell from Darnassus, making them more explicit culprits in the betrayal of the Kirin Tor that Jaina Proudmoore uses as justification to enact the Purge of Dalaran.

Blizzard reconning lore to make Jaina seem more innocent after genociding some blood elves.... /wowg/ told me it was totally justifiable and normal though...
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>He posted it again and still won't elaborate what its even supposed to be so I know whether its funny or not
desu i dont see the big deal of a tank being able to heal themselves by playing well. theres nothing worse than cycling your cds perfectly just to still die because your healer has down syndrome
>It's ok that healers can cycle their cooldown perfectly and still have DPS in the group die because they can't use their personal cds but god forbid that tanks dying despite doing their job perfectly? Inexcusable!!!
stop playing with shitters?!
is that easy
That's fine, but you shouldnt have infinite sustain

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versus what
considering how dk works where you are one gcd away from eating shit and dying if you mess up, i really dont see the problem. its tanks like vdh where infinite sustain is a problem because your health doesnt even drop
metro literally said on stream he "carries" the keys. this is how delusional tanks are on their ego trip
this is embarrassing
the only embarassing thing is your testosterone level
Yeah, who what loser posts something more than once around here.
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Who carries them?
The emasculated DPSissy who dies in 1 hit?
The heal cuckold that gets dropped asap?
Or maybe the undying hyper masculine gigachad the last 4 cucks waited 2h for?

Keep being a delusional little cucky.
>tank nerfs so minor that some people actually deluded themselves into believing they weren't in on beta yet because of how little difference they made
>same retards still screaming like it's the end of the world
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i think the point of having a party composed of 3 dps 1 heal and 1 tank is that they each have one job and should be interdependent on each other to complete the key.
no one should be carrying, and if that is actually happening it's blizzard's fault for not balancing the game properly.
by the way thanks for admiting you actually are on a ego trip when you play tank
depends on the key. at a certain point, youre not timing shit if anyone isnt pulling their weight. if we're talking shitter keys, then probably the healer who has to blow 3 times the amount of externals to save kicklets that they wouldnt have to if the players were good
Delusional takes from delusional shitters.
Expected in all honesty.
Don't post your IGN or the tankbvll union will blacklist you.
i'm not him but at least he has the balls to post his pic in here, unlike you. so just stfu already it's clear you lost and maye won
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the only people that post his pic are the ones mocking him due to how much of an attentionwhore he is, making it easy to find his social media accounts
you might have a point if you didnt have to google which direction to run through the dungeon that week
you can literally tank +15s while reading youtube chat, that's how easy tanking is. can the other roles do that? NO
you are the shitter here
You know, usually when you spam someones picture you're supposed to use one that makes them look bad, not one that makes them look pretty normal and well adjusted.
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Thoughts on RWF betting
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>who is a mentally unwell
Why don't you go save some more of his images to emphasize how much you hate him.
i think if you are betting on the RWF you need to seek help
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Why can't they push QoL features/updates faster? It's not much, I know their art team would not take too long to do it either.
Grotto Netherwing Drake was first put into the game on the 8th of November 2023, it is now 18th of July 2024.
Until the 14th of May 2024 this mount was bugged as it is tied to an achievement reward. They later turned it into a quest turn-in reward.
First the colours would dissapear and reappear, an option of teal blue, purple, or black, then the mount itself would dissappear in the rostrum somtimes, now we finally have it, but we still don't have armor tints or colours, and nothing associated to them to unlock with ie proffesions/world drops.
I would like to see some life re-ignited into tbc xpac by making these drakes more associated with their birht-land instead of the cope they made in the later-added quest saying the drakes (cue vyranoth snapping fingers at odin cut-scene) chose to leave their homes where they treated and bound in service of odin (yes, including the netherwing drakes, which to my knowledge does not include them in anything odin does, at all)
We could have armor, armor tints, and skin colors all tied to tbc world-content. They could add a new "island" area near original tbc netherwing drake area with 70-80 level enemies and have us farm stuff there...
Lol is that actually him
Mordenaku is in df bro
Yes i did the quest.
Nobody cares
I support the thread baker
I support the schizos
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I'm 253 pages into my Arthas and LiLi ship webcomic that I've been working on since 2015. I will probably never upload it online, but it is arguably better art than the sistine chapel
tails get trolled uploaded, why cant you?
is this paladin arthas or deathknight arthas?
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Paladin Arthas and he learns a lot of monk techniques as well and honors the Celestials as well as with the Light. Mal'ganis regularly appears as a foil and tries to seduce him to the dark side on his Pandaria adventures but thanks to his affectionate bond with LiLi, I'm thinking that it ain't gonna happen.
ok i can see why he left micro-blizz for that.
Good seethe, if tanking was so easy you'd do it.
But we both you won't.
it brings me happiness that you wouldn't have a voice if the internet did not exist. you, fat nihilistic retard, managed to reach the ripe old age of 35 with no willingness nor ability to engage in small talk or even entertain anything which doesn't involve pleasuring your tiny penis or eating food.

those chickens come home to roost. you haven't somehow circumvented the consequences of being boring and pathetic by finding this platform and spewing your predictable bullshit, trying to make anon momentarily as dejected and uncaring as you. you're still paying the price and nobody who's walked this earth for any amount of time will be fooled into thinking otherwise, just because your obese face is hidden behind a screen.

if you died today, if you left your (mother's) house and someone beat you to death on your driveway, if they stomped your skull until you were bellowing and screaming for help, know that nobody would lift a finger. nobody would risk anything for you. nobody would miss you after the fact. you'd be a post on an attention seeking neighbor's social media feed, an interesting webm for people to gawk at, and you would leave cultural memory the way you lived - as nothing.
>but we both you wont
oh no no no no no ahahahaha
nobody cares
thats not true. can we get a count? show of hands?
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>metzen kino is so kino that there is purposefully less of it
I already coounted, there's 0 in the "I care" count and infinity in the "don't care" coount.
I do agree that QoL should be a priority and blizzard is the biggest of retards. They are so retarded that if you were tell an outsider how retarded they were, they would think you were over exaggerating.

I raise my hand and I care
Too much of the divine metzen kino and Jews and transgirls might die.
Simply put. We are going back to wc3 type GIGAKINOOOOOO.
wrong, nobody cares
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i got big boobs

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