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Previous: >>486532768

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Are WE really using this?
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
So back in 2013, diluc's voice actor (Sean Chiplock) was in an 18+ fury chat room having sexual conversations with a 14 y/o trans girl. In said conversation, he sent 3 audio files of him moaning to his supposed victim and ask them many intimate questions about their sexuality.

The victim reported about it in 2013/2014 on Tumblr and deviantart but there wasn't much public exposure or people caring about it at the time. The incident then resurfaced on r/anime voice actor subreddit in 2018 but Sean addressed said accusation by accusing a jilted female lover, who is a voice actress, to be the one that had spread said malicious rumor to cancel his career. The victim of Sean's crime was not able to come forward when Sean made these claims because she had disappeared off the internet.

Now in 2024, the rumor resurfaced again, but this time on X, where it got over 4 million views. Sean responded to said tweet by claiming again that it was just a malicious and false rumor to smear his career. However, the victim from 2013 resurfaced and replied to Sean this time calling him a liar, and urging him to confess to what he did. Sean went on to apologize to the victim in a way that framed him as guilty.

When people ask for clarification On whether he was confessing to his crimes, he backtrack and said no and was just aplogizing out of good social graceses. He then double downed and denied every having sent any inappropriate content to a minor because in his words " he has foo much to lose with respect to his career in doing that"

Is Loom a Stacy or a femcel?
she is sigma female
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for me it's jinhsi
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this one I guess?
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Does he have any yumes?
skibidi toilet rizz
Stacy she fucks
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just better
Loom is the girl that bullies people at school
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my wife collei is so cute
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You're welcome /gig/
>t. fellow neuvchad
When will we have something this sexo in Genshin?
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Alhaitham is such sex
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big if true
i am literally duolingo
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Thank you based spinning DRAGONGOD
I'll spend these primos wisely
Genshin version will either involve both males or have the yume self insert get cucked by some other whore
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Explain this Mihomo
need kachina sex
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It sure is another great day to love Alhaitham
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She even has the same face as him in game. I’m gonna pull for her just so I can take screenshots with Alhaitham surrounded by Kavehs
You will never escape the worms.
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Any EU anon that can spare some Navia Ascension materials?
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Who is Genshin version of Aventurine?
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good afternoon
Where's Sandy?
second best hydro catalyst dps sama
>Massive amounts of shilling
>Obnoxious western fanbase
he's in 2.7 I think
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Friendly reminder that she's Italian and runs Sicilian mafia
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Alain's basement
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I miss azar
Sure thing
Thanks bros!
>/gig/, hyped about the pixelshit dragon shaking its butthole in the face of the new manlet
I wouldn't have expected anything less of you, my gay niggas
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
Thanks, now I hope he gets powercrept lol.
why do you post this flop every thread
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Post BLACKED edits
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>Neuv finally gets nerfed
>wasnt ever intended to work out like this
>every Neuvstacy under the sun spreads their vagina
>stinky yeasty rancid pussies explode
>stank up Mihoyos headquarters collectively
>stinky rancid yeasty pussy juice splatters everywhere
>Mihoyo dials back the nerf and gives us a 10 roll
Yikes, dawg. Yikes!
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Imagine flopping harder than brickwinne
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T0 GODS...
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The Hydro Sovereign alone dictates the course of Genshin Impact. Remember that your favorite will never compare to a fraction of his power.
If the first two aren't enough.
The last three all have sex together.
This thing shows the percentage rate based on ownership, right? What do the total usage numbers look like instead?
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Why are these different?
All anime characters are Japanese
Cheldbros what happened? Cheld international used to rule the world...
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She's not from Fontaine thoughever.
>p-pls use my cancer ridden thread
Kys tourist
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I love gyaru Yoimiya
>instead of this cancer ridden thread
Finished that for you.
Capitano vs neuvillette?
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Journey from Edo/Tokugawa Japan
To Ancient China
To Persia
To Rome
To (Belle Époque) France
To Africa
I love Genshin so much it's unreal. TRVE JOVRNEY KINO!!!
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I wanna watch..
siggy will go to lowest soon dw, still honeymoon period
Damn her flop is even more impressive then
That's ownership dummy
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Preparing her spare Katheryne just in case Natlan Katheryne gets thrown into lava.
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Fully ascended Neuvillette clears him
I didn't roll for Sigewinne because /gig/ told me she would be weak, but I like her. /gig/ lied to me.
fontainebros what went so wrong
Capitano is transmasc, Neuvillette is transfem
We told you to roll for who you like. Why didn't you listen?
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>but I like her
>didn't roll
assigning ranks based on what percent of the owners use that unit IS retarded thoughever
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Get fucked metaslave
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The Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale's verdict is in: No blacks in Natlan.
We dont know because he hasnt done anything yet
Neuvillette is stronger then every single Archon in the game because Sovereigns are thé original owners of the Gnosis, and he has his former powers
Capitano is the first Harbinger -- 1 to 3rd Harbingers are able to challenge Archons and Nahida said she couldnt beat Dottore
We'll have to see how he does against the Pyro Archon in a due
my new OTP
Neuvpags won...
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...the gayest, most obnoxious fanbase award
Capitano's appearance in the story is newer than Neuvillette's so that means he's stronger
>inb4some retard tries to apply this logic to jobber NPCs
first one is overall ownership, the other is what percent of owners used that unit to clear abyss (this tells you nothing about their power btw)
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>doesn't care much about kaveh
>shits on him all the time
>is a certified loner
>only ever praises women and enjoys their company more than kaveh
>never got a gift for kaveh
Somehow considered a faggot

>has been thinking about wrio for years
>asked sigewinne to take care of him
>fought for his title
>handmakes a gift for him for lantern rite
>sees wrio as sigewinne's other father
somehow considered cool, chad and not a faggot
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>only use Furina
>in a fucking Noelle team
Reminder that giving a shit about meta in genshin is mental illness.
I find it funny that nobody complained when Mihoyo made Mafia look like the good guys
>clunky ass team comp reliant gameplay
I regret rolling for Nilou Lawrence.
now you remember razor
Other than Neuvilette, is there a single character that's not completely jank? They all play like clunky shit.
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You had ample warning so it's your own fault for being retarded. There's a very good reason for why she has a low usage rate.
What else could we possibly complain about for more free shit? Stuff that would actually force Mihoyo's hand to give us 3 rolls.
My Chiori... at C6...
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klee ate the duolingo bird
but zajef told me Siggy was bad?
Isn't mafia an anti-French organization lmao?
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I love Navia. I want to roll her cons but it looks like Natlan character animations are going to be on a whole new level.
try doxxing an employee
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Thank you very much, Godvillette-sama
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She's possibly one of the least clunky characters in the game if you have a decent team for her. You literally just press buttons and everything explodes. She even has high interrupt immunity while using her E.
cons are whalebait anyway
Is Mualani's exploration movement that good? It seems she can ride the shark forever.
She is, that's 37% of the 13% that own her, that's less than 10k people in a sample of 140k
If you have problems playing Nilou Bloom, you have huge skill issues. Nilou Bloom is the easiest comp in the game and one of the most powerful ones as well.
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Is he right?

C0 Mualani looks strong
GODlette-sama... Thank you for the rolls...
If you want Navia cons save for Chiori's rerun or Xilonen.
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Holy fuck, Kinichads won so hard. His gameplay looks fun as fuck unlike a certain hydro DPS character.
nta. But I haven't played for a while. Do you just spam the E or do you charge it?
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quick a summer song
It's the dance step, gwus. I keep pressing the skill button.
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I really enjoy the Candace/Yaoyao combo. Also going dendro/hydro aura and just boxing around with Kirara is fun.
>zero black features
>just tan white people

Cheldbros we are a JOKE.
I will only get mine in October at best
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>Fat Xiao

>making up something original

>instead of rehashing the same shit he's been rehashing for the past 4 years

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They're shilling Mualani now. She's so bad. She's so pathetic. She's so fucking bad...
Why did Floptaine flop?
zajef said xiangling bennett is her best team
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>There's a very good reason for why she has a low usage rate.
Yeah because metatroons are retarded. Almost 2 years since her release and she's still one of the strongest and most f2p-friendly characters in the game, but stupid redditors can't just slap her in one of their generic bennett kazuha teams so they think she's bad

You literally just press E a bunch of times and then switch to your other characters and spam dendro and hydro application. It's that simple.

>I keep pressing the skill button.
You're supposed to press it
Not enough focus on the GOD OF GENSHIN Neuvilette. The savior of all.
Capitano is the strongest human and Neuvillette is a sovereign, so this is a no-brainer.
why is a badly designed french fag the most shilled character in the game?
>unlike a certain hydro DPS character.
This refers to almost all of them kek
Best way to boycott is stop playin the game.
˗ˏˋabi go ftp!
actually, no.
Going ftp is; as soon as it hits a point where revenue is less than what it costs to keep the vast, extremely expensive servers up and running, hoyoverse start losing money and might consider addressing the problem
So how's everyone finding 4.8 so far? I just skipped the dialogue, couldn't even be bothered to care about whatever plight this origami world is facing. Just kept tap-tap-tapping until I can move again and get primos.
Nice looking area, though, very colorful. My 10-year-old nephew would probably like all the colors and paper animals.
he is not even playing the game anymore
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i will not roll for bloom
i will not roll for dendro
You can't out "black features" on anime art style, it makes it look like racist caricature.
>day 1 player but never built x*angling
Do I have to if I want to use Mualani?
So what am I doing wrong? I used Nahida skill then Nilou aqua ring from her skill.
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>apply dendro
>3 nilou skill presses
>everlasting starts blowing up
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Childe is FUN
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why would they do this?
Thanks bro. I have Nahida C2 do you think it's worth getting Nilou to C2? I am wondering if the Defense shred stacks
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>he lost to Tighnari
XL will 100% be replaced by Mavuika
Faggot/femcel devs made him their ideal boyfriend pet.
he didn't say that, he retweeted someone saying theyd quit over the natlan cast.
did he see her gameplay? is he retarded?
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Can anyone explain to me why people care about numbers while 1.0 characters still clear the hardest content?
brave statement
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I know I dont matter, because it was the avalanche of CN complainers who changed it for the better, but I did wrote them a ticket regarding that. I even mention that I just lost trust in the company, and they did mention trust.

I did my part, and this made me happy
>gf plays genshin and wants me to play too
>give it a shot and play for a while
>she decides to give FFXIV (my game) a shot
>fast forward a year later
>tell her there's a genshin event with a fairy tale theme (she loves that kind of stuff)
>she replies with "cute" then promptly asks when can we go back to farming the extreme mounts in FFXIV
Sorry for stealing your playerbase, /gig/
>14 years old

Nuke America.
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My nemesis...
metafaggotry is a mental illness
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Mualani c1 or her weapon is better?
/gig/, I need your help
How important is Emilie for Kinich? Is he like a Xianyun/Faruzan for him?
having a 120k dps ST character means that they will raise the HP pool of bosses
Yeah i've never understood why people obsess so hard over that metric instead of overall appearance rate (i.e. which characters are actually being used more and are seen as the most useful by the most people)
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>mathfagging with beta 1 numbers
can't wait for this spreadshit to be irrelevant in 4 days
Wanderer is French?
>strongest DPS in Genshin is some random happy-go-lucky girl
What did Hoyo mean by this?
metachurls are just low functional autists, BEEEG NUMBERS = dopamine rush
Autism, muh spending justification. Few of them are really THAT bad at the game for 12yo.
You need Kinich C2 to benefit from Emilie
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Clit love!
It's probably good, but if you don't have key you should get that first
Nahida E Q
Nilou EEE
Yaoyao/Dendro Tabibito/Collei and whatever abilities they use
EM Kokomi

Can you shill it more? We've been trying to get rid of women for a while
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Kinich is fem pull trap, don't give in
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>I even mention that I just lost trust in the company

kek what a faggot
She's made the right choice bwo.
>no I will not elaborate it just is
you have anal worms and severe brain damage
>ideal boyfriend
those are wrio, wanderer, kazuha and childe
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c0 btw
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kinda lame that i did this quest just before the hide UI button got added, now this screenshot is ruined
you're on the same level as him with your spacing
not hard to adjust a spreadsheet tho, thats the whole point
>idk some other nigga uhhhh maybe thoma
Isn't this team god tier? Emilie already deals fuckhuge off field damage in Burning teams, all she needs is a good on fielder that actually wants to be in burning.
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>chinks unironically played with 3 billion dpi fidget spinner neuvillette
>Enough to make them really mad stir shit up so big, dawei caved in and rolled back the fix
My last remaining crumbs of respect towards chinks disappeared.
Any chink tier list is no longer valid, their opinion on meta is useless.
Jesus Christ.
From a lore point of view, where does Natlan stand? Is it an important nation? Have important events taken place there in the past? Are there any notable figures from Natlan?
>EM on Kok
No you can use burgeon instead, and you can still do burning its just Emilie personally does more damage if something is burning
>metafags have a meltdown about neuvillette nerfs
>metafags have a meltdown about mualani being strong
why can't metafags stop melting down
do they even enjoy video games?
He felt like shit to play no matter what retardGOD, if you moved your mouse a bit too fast he would slow to a crawl
any perceived nerf is gonna invoke the lawyer threats, its not about the fidget spinner tech
I prefarmed for Emilie because I believed the doomposters that Natlan characters would all be ugly men and now we will have tons of cute women...
I don't know if I can roll for Emilie anymore because I want to roll for all Natlan females...
>from an aryan people that were destroyed because everyone hated them
Hebes weren't supposed to be strong, they're meant to be cute supports or at best off-field DPS.
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Unironically based and an amazing way to close up the Fontaine chapter.
Thank you Iudex, these extra Emilie funds are greatly appreciated. You are now forgiven in my eyes.
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>1.0 characters still clear the hardest content
That is factually untrue, you can't clear abyss with dilic, keka, klee, monaz, cheld, ganyu and etc
It's impossible, the hp bloat has became too big.
>1.0 characters still clear the hardest content
Uhh they don't? Post your abyss clear with only 1.x characters, we'll wait.
>retard with a skill issue
so dont, boring bad characters deserve to get forgotten
Kokomi is built full EM if for Nilou only
why did he talk about natlan to us instead of furina?
Post your abyss clear with only 1.0 characters
Because the calcs have been predicting his downfall for 3 DPS straight
>Navia will powercreep him
>Arle will powercreep him
>Clorinde will powercreep him
Ect ect
I don't think I can, the only two other girls I know who actively played Genshin already quit.
One thinks the gameplay doesn't really go anywhere for late game Genshin so after IT kinda flopped she switched to WuWa, another was playing solely for the Harbingers but quit after Arlecchino's story about made her a super goody two shoes who didn't do anything wrong

I'm holding on to Genshin just in case they fix IT, cause it has the potential to be a fun mode, but if by 5.0 it stays the same, I'm also gone
At least I didn't spend much
no one cares, post KINOch
neuvilette is a mistake they probably wont repeat all too soon
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>do metafags even enjoy video games?
no, but they think they do
You would play Sucrose National and it would be very easy.
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Reminds me of mona vape showcases early on
Who's the biggest slut in Genshin?
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>wah wah muh mualani muh neuvillette powercreep
>everyone ignoring how a free 4* mogs the absolute shit out of albedo in every single way
Post your clear if it's so easy then
Arle is at least as good as him in a not anti pyro abyss
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>From a lore point of view, where does Natlan stand?
The Mare Jivari is important I guess
>Is it an important nation? Have important events taken place there in the past?
No and no
>Are there any notable figures from Natlan?
Vennessa from Mondstadt
You can clear with anyone if you use op supports.
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>powercreep this
>powercreep that
What's the point of selling so much power via cons and weapons if there's nowhere to use it?
If my 9-month old account can 36*/8* with no cons or 5* weapons, what's the point of getting stronger in Genshin?
Abyss really needs a challenge floor and IT really needs to be fixed
>after IT kinda flopped she switched to WuWa
Imagine, just imagine, switching from one slop to another.
It's like switching from eating shit to eating diarrhea
Bros! I need some help in regards to stats! This is my level 80 Navia using the current cope relics I farmed today. I still haven't equipped a flower, looking for one with both Crit Damage/rate. Should I aim for more Crit damage now? Or?

I was also wondering if this is a good weapon banner to be rolling on? I have Nilou so no matter which of the two weapons that may drop I could use either of them. Currently Navia is using R5 Serpent-spine
>ever enjoying game
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Yae Miko. She fucks everyone.
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>he needs to roll for characters to 36* the latest abyss
skill issue
>Mualani is t0 exploration destroying Yelan
>Mualani is t0 single target DPS destroying Neuvilette

Guess im rolling for her
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Are you doing your part anons?
>Since they scarcely change from birth, axolotls have zero teeth. “How do they eat?” we hear you ask. Well, that’s all down to suction power. Axolotls have a surprisingly strong sucking force which use to crush and devour their prey.
venti has drunk sex with extra patron at angel's share
i'm on the fence about buying a welkin for emilie or not and this is really starting to push me towards the buying side
Is she not supposed to be a normal attacker?
Still cursed.
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she just has to normal attack once
Damn that looks cool
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Who is Genshin version of Stelle?
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There are no real metafags in the west at this point only chinks care about that
It’s just ammunition for pvp shitposting gender wars
You mean Keka alone? Or Keka in a team? Coz I've cleared every single abyss since the beginning of Inazuma with a Keka team.
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>play neuvillette c0 without a shielder
>Use my skill
>Hehe yeah boy, ima bout to fire muh laser
>Abyss lector farts towards my direction
>Cast is interrupted, droplets are wasted AND IM FUCKING TURNED 180 DEGREES for no reason
Why THE FUCK does the last part happen, every time I get interrupted in him camera automatically turn me from enemies
she only fucks her brother
wormvillette was 100% intentional
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>Are you doing your part anons?

Yoimiya, the townbike of Inazuma.
neuvillette likes flopping, it's just how xe is
Yes, 80 crit is good, aim for at least 160 ctdmg now.
If you plan to use both Navia and Nilou for some time you can roll on the weapon banner but it depends on you further rolling plans. I wouldn't compromise them for any of these weapons. SS is really great on Navia.
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>neuv is apologizing to the playerbase for ruining fontaine by giving everyone a free 10 pull (+100 gems)
you are forgiven in my eyes, hydro dragon
It’s for flexing how your favorite character who represents something you like is better than someone else’s favorite character who represents something you hate
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Have fun resetting abyss 1,729 times in order to not-even 36* it in one try
MetaCHADs win in one try
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Say something nice
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Thanks for saving Fontaine
lynette and dendro are not 1.x. you lost.
Neuvillette is so generous...
Floor 11 would've filtered me without diluc, fuck cryo slimes
It's good to see CN fans being on the same side as us on the husbando mistreatment. These companies love underestimating female spending power. You see evidence everywhere that women can be unhinged on spending, but they just love mistreating their female fanbase.
Like look at Tencent's biggest game Honor of Kings which is miles ahead of Genshin. And then look at them having 54% percent of female players despite being a hard-core game. Like they linked the huge success of the game due to it being able to rope huge numbers of female players. But despite the hard proof, men still continue to downplay the female players.
The best way we can let our voice be heard is by not spending on all mihoyo games. Like let all of these Hoyo games revenue reach an all time low and maybe they'll start to treat their female fanbase better.
>3 max pities for my paddle
>if there's nowhere to use it?
Uhh yeah there is, it's called abyss. Have you not noticed that HP of abyss enemies goes up by around 15% every cycle? Non-powercreep characters are slowly getting locked out.
>Contact your local politicians
*Phone ringing*
Hello? Mr mayor? We have a serious problem! You see, there's this Chinese video game and they are making characters inspired by native american mythology but get this: the characters aren't black enough! We have to fix this! How does this effect our country? Umm... Racism effects everyone! We have to do something!... Umm... Hello? Mr mayor? Where did you go?
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>week ago I was top 1%
back to the relic dungeon we fucking go...
Any female within a 5 mile radius of Lord Kazuha.
so polite suddenly
>be western metafag
>shill chinklists all the time
>masturbate to top 4 units on daily basis
>never rolled limited weapon
>seethe about cons
Is there more pathetic being in existence?
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You CAN clear the abyss with a good keka or diluc team, but you need to be very good at the game and none of us here are
I don't have two full teams of 1.0 characters, I didn't even start in 1.x but you can find videos on youtube of people clearing with all sorts of shit like 4* only, 3* weapons only or 1.x only etc. Just use google mate.
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I got a second one of these instead of Navia axe. The fuck do I do with it? Keep it or merge?
bwo just wait until 5.0, hunter is added to the strongbox
You could literally clear with all those characters and easily too, some of them are even top speedrunning units
If you’re gonna shitpost at least do your research and say something like Yoimiya or Eula
Yeah I spent $200 to get both Navia/Nilou their weapons
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>4.8 gives out suspiciously low amount of primos for a patch with new area
>Even less than fucking patch with no new zone
>Suddenly amidst controversy there's another one that is fixed and huge compensation is given out
There's no way this all wasn't planned
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Thank you, Godvilette-sama.
Don't forget to complain about Kazuha's double swirl bugfix next.
good plan, but you should stop playing as well so you decrease the active player count. and stop talking about genshin online so you decrease engagement. you can do it sis!
Keep it separate since it's the best HP sword you can get.
HP% swords are valuable, keep it

N_ r_____e, n_ B______i v___s...
When will we get something like this in Genshin?
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>Remarkably, axolotls are only found in a single location on Earth. That’s the freshwater Lake Xochimilco and its surrounding canals and waterways, which are located near Mexico City in North America.
>Axolotls are solitary animals. You’ll rarely find them in a group or even pairs, though they do exhibit some unique behaviour as a mating ritual. That’s not to say they’re unfriendly, but they do seem to prefer keeping themselves to themselves.
clear doesn't count
give it to your layla, kirara or kuki if you use her for spread
>Cries about Western art being bad
>Unironically posts it constantly, especially yaoi and furry shit
I am nooticing
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Still waiting on that 1.x only clear
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For me, it's Cynonari.
Yeah pretty much
dilux with
I hope you are joking
>should I keep it or be a retard?
Duh, I don't know anon
A________O A_D N_________E G____N F_____D!
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That sounds exactly like her from the bit of info we have.
>n k
nice 1.x characters retard
you cant even post ur own clear fucking shitter
Im glad Im not the only one who absolutley hates the battle animations for these new units.
Natlan will be even more of a skip than Sumeru
So I guess I'll get mine tomorrow because nothing came today
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mfw [unintelligible african chanting]
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>Vennessa from Mondstadt
Kino incoming
The internet is full of National clears. You can watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVqyo7pCpfM if you want for full 1.0 unit clear, expect Heizou who acts as an worse Sucrose.
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MetaGODs won. Roll for Neuv.
Damn that actually looks fun
Honestly I hate being immobile while attacking, that’s been my main gripe with this game
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Kazuha was released in 1.7
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Just so we are clear, I'd have sex with every version of Kinich. White, Red, Brown, Black, whatever.
I still don't understand how she's related to the Pyro Archon but is darker than her due to her tan but lives in Mondstat
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I ghostwrote this
No to anything. Its a secluded region like Inazuma without any of the cultural goods and exports.
But that doesnt matter because Natlan is the most advanced nation to date, spotting modern day clothing and leaning heavily on current day urban trends.

And all just to further war... SPORTS WAR!!!! Pick one of your pokemon and participate in the NotOlympic games! I wonder if Takahashi is able to run the 800m dash as fast as last time! Oh the excitement of war!
Kazuha. You only need to swirl the right element.
His kit being brainded simple unlike the conditional stuff we're getting (e.g. lose x% of HP for +DMG%) will make him relevant until EoS.
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jenshins for this feel
Sevy clears with 4 stars with shit builds always reminds me how shit I am at the game
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do you look like this? because if not, that's not your clear. post your clear.
Kinich if he was designed by Tiffany
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Your Amy?
It's impossible to clear the content with only 1.0 characters.
Natlan looks like sumeru on steroids
Ayaka flopped
Kazuha and Zhongli also warp the game mechanically for you
Everyone else at least requires some effort and skill to play
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Goalpoint moved. Concession accepted.
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Your clears post em

I played on my phone at work, how do mobile players clear this shit?
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Hopefully it's not HIV positive like Sumeru is.
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>Arlecchino is as much owned as Alhaitham
That’s crazy actually
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It's impossible to clear the content with only post 1.0 characters.
File deleted.
Why nerf something in game with no esports scene, no competitive modes, zero rankings and no stakes? Wizards are about to ban card Nadu and it makes sense in that game. Why waste time with Neuv? Should they only fix bugs that make characters worse? Loss of frames, memory overload, crashing, shit like that. Also people mentioned Mona c1, what's wrong with it?
Now that the dust has settled.
Who won?
Who lost?
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>Can't clear with keka
fuck off thai tranny
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What do i do with this brick
I wonder what Genshin is going to do after they've shown all areas. That's not that far into the future at this point.

New celestial realms?
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>though they do exhibit some unique behaviour as a mating ritual
what does this even mean?
I want to taste those pits....
>Arlecchino is as much owned as Alhaitham
...by self-reported metafags.
They got rid of the disease with the retcon tree anon.
Alhaitham was never that popular in the first place desu
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>Kazucuck 92% ownership
Proud to be a 1.0 player that regularly clears 36* and don't have Kazuha
Nice 1.0 characters retard.
Ayaka didn't flop with Aether ;)
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Our favorite boy Bennett was actually misteriously found by adventurers completely alone as a baby in Mare Jivari, Teyvat's most feared place, located in Natlan, those advendurers brought him to Mondstadt and adopted him. Bennett's originin is one of the biggest mysteries in the game and 5.x will finally reveal it.
>Who won?
>Who lost?
Everyone else
Probably new chapter where we get isekai'd to shmeibat or whatever the hell the new continent is called.
ah yes, my favorite 1.x characters furina, nahida, yelan, baizhu, clorinde
Don't post Fischl.
It makes me erect.
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>You can't clear with Keka
>N-No it d-doesn't count
I accept you concession
>nobody is posting about the no-text 5.0 archon quest video that dropped an hour or so ago
Is it really that fucking bad?
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Why did Venti in the manga seem to have such thorough knowledge of Natlan and its tribes when we haven't met anyone from there in four years?
It seems pretty jarring to me how differently it was portrayed back then. I think it's clear that, between the cartoonish landscapes and the dino toons, it was pretty heavily rewritten.
Do you guys realize that that venti rate means we’ve lost 70% of the original player base?
The what now?
Is this true?
so... you think you could just slather butter on your cock and visit that melusine that likes butter...
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Your C6 Gaming?
>no text
what's there to discuss exactly?
trash it, its an awkward crit rate stat stick, less than a circlet
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anon what the fuck do you want us to say about it
not only does it not have dialogue, but also most of us would rather not spoil ourselves
Why would you even watch that video?
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I want to lick Kachina's sweaty navel
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>xiangling as pyro app
>burst energy instantly refilled
>stationary enemy
All of them are 1.x characters.
>No healer
>XL with no battery
>Yelan who will make vaping worthless and also won't maximize her burst uptime
why are all these showcases always so garbage, the kinihc c6 one against raiden is even worse
Roll the brick who could use it optimally
Don't trust Siggy.
She's evil.
nobody cares about archon quests anymore ever since fontaine took a big fat shit on the game's story and universe
We are not that mentally ill
Do share any screenshots of two characters standing side by side so we can start shipping though
>most of us would rather not spoil ourselves
lmao you must be new here
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thanks to Neuv I got Nilou
on an alt account that I don't play
These characters are obviously meant to work with Mavuika because Bennett and Xiangling are still our only good options for off field pyro after 4 years
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Argentina won.
France lost.
>looks strong
>does less damage than Navia less frequently whilst having a perfect build
This brownoid was supposed to powercreep Neuvillette?
Sweetheart, next time before you post, learn how to read and how conversations work overall, ok?
She looks awesome
No wonder neuvcucks are gasing up the manlet to take attention away from her
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imagine if someone sealed the pyro sovereign in Bennet and he have been holding it all along like Naruto and the 9 Tails
Natlan MUST have an "Africa the videogame" region
>Who won?
>Who lost?
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>nooo you can't use OP supports
Almost every single C0 DPS in this game, 1.x or not, falls off a cliff if you don't use busted supports, Arle and Neuvi are the only exceptions and only if they are decently built
Say that again after the Olympics
There is another arc after Teyvat, with a bigger threat.
Alice is far stronger than any of the characters we have met and she is concerned about a cataclysm that will be involve not only Teyvat but the entire Genshin universe.
Maybe the next story will have Alice mentoring Tabibito acquiring the undying flame and becoming another Phanes to protect Teyvat and the universe in general.
you can clear the abyss with a 1.x team just fine just ermmmm ignore the first half thanks
>Arle and Neuvi are the only exceptions
wow it's almost like the whole argument was about powercreep characters such as those
Wtf is that second team
Misfortune is fate trying to kill Bennet so the power within him can resuscitate.
Are you retarded? Is this bait?
Keka shits on first half right now.
Use Xianyun.
Klee has like 500 teams, she can clear first half right now fine.
Not a DPS.
One of the fastest clearing characters right now since he obliterates the pyro shitters but is also good against bosses too.
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I never play Sucrose National and I'm not going to bother changing my artifacts around or actually learn to play the team, but even I can manage with a 1st try.


The rest of the chambers are easier.
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I love female kid tummies
No, the argument was about trash characters like Diluc and Keqing not being able to clear abyss
>quit after arle got dindu'd
based, fuck the retcon
She needs C2 to have uptime close to his but she still does less damage.
Her main strength is being able to use the new set since geo works with the other 4 elements so she can give 90% of the cast 50% damage boost.
the problem is that you have to use the same 5 or so supports doesn't matter what dps you play and the other 80% of characters are useless
You can only use Mondstadt and Liyue units, no five stars and no males. Also no 5 star weapons. THEN it is sovl.
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Genshin for this feel?
Nice clear bro
I never switch my artifacts either, I just keep noblesse on bennett and emblem of xingqiu like usual
kazoo is a 1.x character retard
Yeah and they can't, unless you pair them with overpowered characters from later regions.
Just because you can slap a useless character in a team with 3 overpowered characters that do all the work, doesn't mean that character is usable.
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What is the move that Kinich does after using the hook and before landing at 0:05 of the first video? Is he jumping mid-air? Attacking?
It's been 4 years and Bennett is still the best pyro.
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you think she's a tsundere?
Is that a motherfucking Kazuha, motherfucking Yelan and motherfucking XL showcase?
Who is that gay insect with the plushies and shark?
>u cannot clear abyss with characters like keka
>ok heres my keka clear
cheap fix for pyro lector
Mid air attack, Mualani can also do something similar while she's on the shark. Don't know how useful it's gonna be.
>nooo only my character is allowed to use strong supports
Nobody said any of this. People thought Navia was trash (she got buffed in beta), Arlecchino was a "Hu Tao sidegrade" until she released and even nowadays nobody gives a fuck about Clorinde.
There are idiots who think 'Chino is as good as Neuv NOW but pre-release nobody thought she was on his level, much less could powercreep him.
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It's possible.
>me, Noelle fag
Fuck, true.
look at all that movent
you could simply trhow Yelan and Sayu in the fucking trash with these characters
It literally does because that's literally what being usable means, it's not like Dehya who literally doesn't work at C0 no matter what you do with her
Else by that logic only Neuvillette and Arlecchino would be considered usable characters
It's literally a nobody who walked into three gods.
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>It's been 4 years and Xiangling is still the best pyro.
>I will continue to play UNMATCHED
>I will continue to play Keka
>I will continue rolling who I like because there’s no pressure for me to clear content
>You will continue to seethe
>, it's not like Dehya who literally doesn't work at C0 no matter what you do with her
You can slap dehya on a team with c6 wormvillette and clear fine though, doesn't that mean she's usable by your logic?
Navia and Clorinde had no calcs where they powercrept him
Arle did powercreep him in DPS. not in ease of use but nobody was saying that
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The Oratrice Mécanique d'Analyse Cardinale hath determined that I shall discharge inside Mualani and give her Fontainian babies.
you said you could clear it with 1.0 characters >>486544915
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Neuvillettechads, I kneel.
she is carried by bennet
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It's his enhanced NA
New player here and wanna ask for pull advice. Only want two characters from this patch really and it's between Navia and Yelan. Yelan looks more universal but I already lucked a Furina last banner..... Should I still go for the Hydro character or will the Geo be better for me??? They're both 10/10 aestheticswise to me.
Are you having a good day? Want me to ruin it for you?
There was at least one schizo who kept trying to pit every new female DPS against Neuvillette
There is maybe like two people still working in genshin team since that manga dropped.
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Is the Encounter Points rate positive? If you add up all the Natlan quests and map, it will be enough for a year of daily commission skips?
She’s technically better than him at max potential but tbf that can be said with a few other characters and most players aren’t good enough to reach that potential like with Neuv anyway
>I wonder what Genshin is going to do after they've shown all areas.
From what Pierro says at the end of the Lazzo Trailer, the fatui plans on completely remaking the world so if they were successful, we're probably just gonna get a fucked up version of Teyvat (There's also an unconfirmed leak about Fat Xiao mentioning that Dottore does burn the tree at some point)
>That's not that far into the future at this point.
We don't even know if Khaenriah is gonna be in 8.0.
You just saved my day
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what the frick
mualani movement creeps xiao yelan and furina
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for me controller is harder than mobile
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>but pre-release nobody thought she was on his level, much less could powercreep him.
>shit builds
Are you blind, shill? She got the minmax on all those characters, almost 70/200 crit ratio.
I’d just go for Navia now and gamba for Yelan later if you like both desu
Navia works with 4 stars anyway
It resets every patch
I'm loving the new music
I don't want Emilie for Kinich. So that means Burgeon? Is Kinich's whole kit compatible with Burgeon? I heard that burgeon/bloom wont count for Kinich because he will almost never create a bloom, the hydro character will.
she carries Bennet and everyone else by abusing the shit out of snapshotting. why do you think they haven't made a pyro equivalent of faruzan/sara/gorou yet?
Just to be clear, we are talking about C0 characters, not whaled ones
roll with your dick, both are good. I'd choose navia though
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Mavuika's kit will be Bennett + Xiangling.
I hope the hereroshits leave our general soon. I thought ZZZ would drive them away but nope. They still here.
Obviously it boils down to whom you like, but Yelan is still excellent and the better unit
imaging rolling for troonderer/c1 yelan/c1 CR lmao
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Aloy redemption arc
xianyun (especially with c1) already crept all of those hard
>Dat infinite surfing
I amn SO glad I didn’t fall for the exploration meme and skipped Xinyan Yelan Scaramouche
never forgettin momspaghetti
i remember that kek
If you don’t have a dps better just go with that first unless you want to play dps Yelan mono hydro or something
No, unless you are saying a patch is a year long update. It resets in 6 weeks (5.0), then it will take a year to reset (6.0)
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They're going to be racemixed babies
You are arguing in bad faith. Most people use 2-3 5*s C0 no matter what team they're running. The assumption that anyone is using any constellations to make a character viable is retarded.
Keqing specifically can easily clear the current abyss with her being the ONLY 5*. You use Keqing, Fischl, Sucrose and then literally whatever 4* dendro you want and it's enough DPS to 90s every chamber on the first half right now. That is in no way comparable to throwing Dehya into a C6 Neuvillette team and going "look, she's viable!"
Cheld specifically CAN clear with a full 1.x team. Even if you somehow ban Kazuha because you forgot he was 1.x, you can replace him with Sucrose and the damage fall-off isn't enough to make clearing abyss impossible.
I'm surprised nobody brought up Xiao, who WOULD struggle with only 1.x characters but if you allow him to use his actual best team he absolutely dabs on most fo the content in the game right now.
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i still think you guys are retards for spurging out because of a bugfix, but thanks for the +10 rolls for Mualani, fags
yeah but bennet can be used without her too, try to use XL without B
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Then I won't use her, because I don't use Bennett anyway and I'm not kicking XL out of my teams. Maybe she can find some use in the B team.
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>Design the sexiest male character
>Make him gay
What was Mihoyo thinking?
it's only infinite because it's on a private server, retard
the one who will close the reaction is your pyro character anyway.
It’s realistic. Hot men are always gay
>infinite non-clunky exploration skills
it only took 5 fucking years
Unless it's an alternate dimension dark world thing, that sounds lame. I hope they don't do that.
Hispanic here. Please do NOT lust over the girls of this region. They werent made for you whiteoids.
I started the conversation faggot, go back to r*ddit "sweetheart"
fujos don't think
How good is Kachina going to be for exploration
xianyun already provided that mostly
and these arent infinite, it's only this way because it's on a private server
what is the % of whites here? 10?
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R5 Rust HYPE R5 Rust HYPE
They want to be the girls, they're transgenders. They hate Aether for a reason.
I think he meant how you can stay on the shark if you time your jumps right while being out of shark stamina
I honestly hope they take a break from expanding the world after that and just keep building the one we already have. Crafting, Cooking, Fishing, Mining and Hunting should all be an engaging aspect of Exploration yet I can't remember the last time anyone gave a shit about those unless it's about fishing Le Catch. Make exploration rewarding with some stronger universal craftable weapons or artifact stat adjusters.
Also hopefully they use empty areas and the abandoned onetime domains to expand multiplayer experience, maybe roguelike boss hunts with a free 5 Star Standard weapon for winning competitions. Nothing wrong with just taking a break and building on what we already have for a while because there's a shit ton of space they can still fill.
just because you find him hot and are a fag yourself, doesnt mean that a character is ga
Are you still optimistic about Natlan's Archon Quest?
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Pretty easy this time around
That's exactly what they're made for, now go back to the beheading block.
unironically funny
> it's not like Dehya who literally doesn't work at C0 no matter what you do with her
why do people say this shit? literally just use the same shit as everyone else, bennet furina sucrose whatever and she will work easily
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Kaveh will turn any man gay. It's not Alhaitham's fault sis
motherfucker level up your characters
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>It’s realistic. Hot men are always gay
Do you have evidence to back up that claim?
I mean, her damage is close to his, but as an actual unit he clearly outperforms her. I guess I should have been clearer there. I was being hyperbolic because I distinctly remember basically everyone saying Arlecchino was "mid" so it's a lie to say there was a general consensus that she'd surpass Neuv.
Navia is similar, most of the people who wank her came out after she was released and they did Eula-burst damage with an E, then Navia fell off since nobody actually cares about that character even though she is quite strong.
I used her with Raiden/Sara/Chevy (c0). It was almost as cluncky as catching particles.
It can’t be that much worse than Floptaine’s
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I'm fucking all of them and there's nothing you can do about it
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Hot ngl
My dick in Rosa's mouth. I rest my case.
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>Best Hag
>Sexiest Hag
>Strongest Hag
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What do you mean?
The pyro archon made it clear Kaveh is a honeytrap. I don’t blame Alhaitham
do not doubt far xiao’s capabilities
Nobody cares about this stupid fish anymore.
>Surely Liyue characters will powercreep Mondstadt ones, I may as well skip.
>Surely Inazuma characters will powercreep Liyue ones, I may as well skip.
>Surely Sumeru characters will powercreep Inazuma ones, I may as well skip.
>Surely Natlan characters will powercreep Sumeru ones, I may as well skip.
>Surely Snezhnaya characters will powercreep Natlan ones, I may as well skip.
>Surely Celestia characters will powercreep Snezhnaya ones, I may as well skip.
>Surely Khaenri'ah characters will powercreep Celestia ones, I may as well skip.
>Surely Abyss characters will powercreep Khaenri'ah ones, I may as well skip.
Imagine pulling for characters lmao, bricked!
Yelan is a better character but they're both strong, just follow your dick.
Navia will get a decent supoprt with the new geo loli in 5.0, so you'll have an easy time building a good team for her, but Yelan can be used basically in any team and pairs exceptionally well with Furina in vaporize teams.
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Reminder that most of /gig/ got filtered by pyro lectors because they don't know how elemental application works. Those are the people who complain about "powercreep" and "hp bloat"
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Is Alhaitham team better when you replace XQ/Yelan with Furina? I never tried it because Neuv and Furina are always together
There's nothing to be optimistic about genshin. It's obviously for kids and trannies with anime girl discord avatars.
pick one
>white women are getting fucked by bbc left and right
>now white men have to go for brown women instead
balance in all things
Mualani Furina Xiangling Jean a viable team?
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me on the right
Why are you so gay? You'll never be a woman.
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I met a hot man once and he opened his phone and the home screen was a photo of him and his bf
>they don't know how elemental application works
i just plap everything on it and it just werks
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WMLF is the most common interracial couple dummy
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>Pre-sunken Remuria
>Prime Deshret Civilization
I honestly don't care as long as they give me an entirely new area featuring these two
>trans neuv/kazuha pag still seething
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I choose both.
I thought every version meant every .x
Kogsgirl you are trans
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I still do but you're right :(
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What happens when I unzip her fully?
i want to play with mualani in a full girl team and I want a pink room irl, my dream
She probably becomes naked
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>have to
It's just natural
siggy would be t0 if she was a catalyst user
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Why didn't you post her then?
Remember when Mona was the most popular girl?
it's viable but don't expect it to be great
She already has 4 smoking hot husbands
>Mond has a 4* loli and a 5* loli
>Liyue has a 4* loli and a 5* loli
>Inazuma has a 4* loli
>Sumeru has a 4* loli and a 5* loli
>Fontaine has a 5* loli
>Natlan has a 4* loli and a 5* loli
I NEED my 5* jap loli
I'll gladly take a 4* Fontaine loli too
she reveals she has a cocka
thats impossible, disgusting faggot
But what about the tiny drip of exp I get from killing overworld enemies? I can't let that go to waste just because I have 1000xp books lying around.
Most of these teams seem like absolute garbage.
>They banned geo characters and several others because uh...
So it's a completely pointless metric since nearly every enemy has some sorta gimmick where bringing certain elements/characters to it makes the run easier. They're never going to have a single enemy with 10mil HP in abyss, let alone 14mil.
When were these tests even done, do they account for theater buff?
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It would be extremely painful... for you!
Female clothing doesn't have to make sense.
that is the price of not having anal worms
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I love Kino just as much, so I'm fine with either.
Why do they have Khaenrian eyes
Bros should I roll Navia or she's useless?
I still haven't gotten Chiori btw
Only for hilichurl porn and for SEAfemcels to self insert as so they could imagine getting hate fucked by Scarashit. Other than that, no.
This will never get past Tiffany uncensored.
how do you turn off the UI in domains
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You can't because she's got zippers on both sides, they will eventually meet. She can never be fully unzipped.
Then better characters came along, and she also got glued to one of the most obnoxious unlikable characters in the game.
Its revealed she was actually an engineer from the Prometheus movie all along.
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i hate farming newest artifacts
i can do the domain in ~30 sec but its still gay
not a hag
Okay bwos I'm going Navia and gamba for Yelan. Then I'm gonna pray that the Blond Mocha Girl in the Natlan Trailer is a Geo Support instead of a dps because I want her to support Navia so bad
>Ignores Kaveh’s retarded shoes
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That's not what I see on the ads, tv shows and movies though? What's your source?
yes, she still has the most doujins to this day
can someone explain to me the "worms" meme?
Thank you Iudex, much obliged
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no, go back to plebbit
newcutie ...
remember when people said the first cryo cat would be t0 no matter what which is why it took them years
then we got wrio and charlotte
I love Paimon
She crumbles into ash because she's an Akiba's Trip vampire.
That's how you beat her boss fight.
no sex, only fap to tummy
I want to get brutally gangbanged by Hilichurls...
These colors..
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Are we retarded here? Which grown man/woman enjoys this? MINECRAFT is more challenging than this.
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Apparently gays have intestinal parasites and someone forced it very hard during Sumero
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Did I just waste my luck with bricks?
>Why do they have Khaenrian eyes
No one knows
it's a gacha game, everything will be powercrept by Dainsleif
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why is he keeping distance?
Navia came out like 6 months before Chiori and she was good back then.
I'm rolling for Mualani for the shark exploration and for her plump tanned cumdump body. If she can be used in the abyss that's just a nice plus
Do you spend all your gems as soon as you get them?
I like sexy designs but this looks stupid
The poster below me has chronic anal worms, and anyone they've replied to is also infected.
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> Mualani
> Plump
Charlotte is nowhere near being bad, especially when 4*s like Kaveh, Freminet, and Lynette exist.
they're both great for their respective characters
and verdict looks amazing on navia
>someone forced it
It's only one guy, a guy who cry and yeall every time that there's a male character banner, and of course, the fag can't bear a male MC either. In other words, just a ERP underaged tranny making excuses for his faggotry.
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pick both
>one of the frogs is called cracker
they just rubbing it in
no, I play on gi beta private server and gave myself 10 rolls to trick myself into thinking that I am on live server
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There's no need to be modest. These are for you.
are those thong tan lines?
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NEW Yu-Peng kino dropped... what could've been for Fontaine
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Because the last time they gave the players puzzles with a little bit of challenge, everyone (retards) got filtered
The moral of the story is that women should be beaten for their own good and happiness?
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I don't mean thks in a homosexual way
I want Navia and I know I don't want either of the next banner's 5*, so I don't see a reason to hoard primos until the last minute
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I saw people asking help for this puzzle just a while ago
post her tits
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What the fuck? I don’t even have Neuv, what just happened?
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>See news
>10 rolls in mail
Thanks Iudex
Navia functions without reactions. This retard is showing a reaction based character without actually letting her do reactions by including Yelan like a retard.
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>no sex
>not emptying your balls inside a perfectly fit and flexible sex rodent
Your loss
Am I bricked if I don't roll Emilie + her weapon to get ready for Natlan?
I don't need your pittance, disgusting faggot. keep your primos and buy yourself a less gay outfit
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>The above effect can be triggered even if the character is off-field
Man, I wish they would rework VV, it feels so bad to use.
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We are going to meet all of them in Natlan
how does this fit in the hoyoverse lore? does ToT take place in ancient Khaenri'ah before the archon war caused by the Aoen of Destruction after his world was destroyed by a honkai event?
fuck you, i went to 70+ 3 times
They're tribal markings that just happen to look exactly like thong tanlines, please don't report them to the CCP
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i did 2 story quests yesterday, only 9 more to go
show your keyboard
they will make this artifact set bricked in 3 years too, don't worry, so don't farm it
It's only worth getting her if you want to make Kinich's best team. Otherwise she's an easy skip for now.
Yes. Genshin Impact is an ultra casual shitty game and anyone who plays it and replies in this general is a giant retard who should be bullied.
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Giving apologems to people who don't own Neuvillette is stupid
>strong supports
Retard, that team is dog shit.
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>1600 primos deducted from future events
nothing personell
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I don't care about meta.
I don't care about powercreep.
I do care about cute brown waifus.
But I will still roll for Sasuke over Mualani.
Maybe it's the alternative timeline where Khaenri'ah won?
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She filtered millions
Get in line.
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>Heavenly Principles nuked Khaenriah because it's filled with worms
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>mfw anniversary came early
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I am officially owned by GODvillette
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i should really work on this, right?
The neuviggers are gonna hold this against us until this game dies................FUCK
Why do you care so much about bullying
Most people here have graduated years ago
>that drop at 4:25
>into the piano leadup at 5:50
Because if Neuv's 10er I have enough primos to get Emilie and Sasuke, when I was gonna skip Emilie...
Still dunno if I wanna do it since she's so ugly.
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I redeemed and deleted the mail like the bandit I am.
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same. literally who asked for these quests
They are all straight dummy
You're ugly
Wizard Cowboy Santa (or viking/smaurai if it's a mall santa and not the real one). Obvious picks since they're the ones with power, range or combat experience.
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>Most people here have graduated years ago
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We BULLY Genshin players around here
The summer event last year was so much better than GAA2
>easy puzzles
>short and quick story sections
>easy singleplayer minigames
>easy to travel area
>treasure compass meaning I can actually get every single limited-time primogem
>fun theme park vacation
compared to
>insanely difficult and long puzzles
>fischl's birds
>no compass meaning I lost primogems for refusing to comb through the gigantic map
>no Klee
>worst of all primogems gated behind forced co-op
>tedious chores
I rated this very highly unlike 2022
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Neuvhaters have been extremely quiet after getting 1600 gems lol
Don't look behind you and start burning all papers in your house. You've angered the ancient one. Don't ask how I know.
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Shouldn't that be Siggy?
no amount of primogems can stop wormvillette from flopping
fishl was better. mona was peak pseudo philosophy
For once I will not redeem. Saar.
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She turns into gorilla
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Why does the new event treat the player like a toddler?
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NeuvGOD...I kneel...
I already kneeled and explained yesterday. I did not give a fuck about Neuv but if he wants to give me 10 rolls then he is based and a real dragonking.
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The Aloy team has to be with C6 Shenhe right
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Genshins for this feel?
Thats the playerbase. Also women.
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You have a folder full of screencaps of people that are bullied. What new kink is this?
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I didn't get my 1600 primos, wtf Neuv?
All philosophy is for pseuds.
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convince me to roll for emilie lawrence
White Samurai and Asian Cowboy. Then it's a toss up between Black Viking and White Pharoah. Black Wizard and White Monk are a definite no-no. Black Jew and Asian Santa are the obvious joke choices and Asian Lumberjack simply falls short of the top 3/4
I can't wait for the next dragon sovereign to replace the archkangz.
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Literally none of the major streamers are playing Genshin now.

I think the boycott is actually serious…
you alrea du y ro ll ed eu
restart the game
>3 hours after rolling nilou
>already fully built
you weren't joking about how fucking easy this is
lolicons are punished for lewding Nahida so much.
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Nilou can read????
I got his c3 with my neuvgems
still useless
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congrats on your new worm
Alhaitham taught her how to read
sorry I meant I have no sex image
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I guess they're willing the skirt the CCP's ban on promoting "anti-harmonious" media as long as the character is a cute waito blonde waifu.
They nerfed the glider quest and raiden's battle.
Mihoyo is a cocomelon market, they know they can trick children in several ways in-game and online, one of theses ways is how easy it is to attract and feed on idiots by making generic characters on top of everything being braindead, girly and cute. It's basically straight forward: The mainstream will defend them as long as them make anime larp content for these retards.
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Mualani got BLACKED
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THIS is what Mihoyo thinks of us Genshin players. We are perceived by our own company as a bunch of FAGGOTS

there were anons who had trouble with this puzzle...
>He redeemed
oh no no no
I like how everyone who complains about bad designs and hecking racism cannot draw for shit.
I want a breather from the stressful adult life and find comfort in easy games, I buy dinosaur shaped nuggets and happy meals for the toy, my wife engages in AB play. Stay mad.
They've abandoned the difficult puzzles, I'm almost ashamed to explore now
Why did you skipped Fontaine...?
>Are we retarded here
The only retard is YOU for being intentionally disingenuous and cropping out the actual tricky part of the puzzle. Of course it looks easy when you just show a section that looks like it only needs one input to be solved
doomkeks are pathetic
the jumpy frogs are fun and cute
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Should I tenroll character banner or try for Xiphos?
Anybody exploring the new map or is is everybody just discussing meta
>want Emilie because love burning memes
>first synergy is new Sumeru boy
>just get some bonuses when enemies Burn, rather than do anything interesting with it
>forcing you to run double dendro, which is ass in burning teams and limits your team building a lot
>reaction still sucks
>probably won't make another synergy with Emilie till eos, outside of probably Mavuika (which gonna synergise with majority of roster regardless)
Why Hoyo devs are so incompetent? Probably still gonna roll her for Dehya and cope with some meme teams, but why are they making everything so lazy?
Zy0x’s childhood lmfao!
pay for an ad or fuck off
Today I learned there are people who did not skip fontaine.
he doesn't have a folder, all he has is his phone's motherfucking photo reel
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Did Hoyo really bend the knee?
Most people probably did the exploration yesterday, and the new area unlocks tomorrow
I like the difficulty level of puzzles in HSR, especially some of the later clock puzzles in Penacony.
Genshin also did have some good ones in Inazuma, but other than that the make them very easy.
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Go for Xiphos. What could possibly go wrong?
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>everything being braindead, girly and cute
That explains why I'm trans lol
Genshins for this feel?
No, they still ignoring twitter outrage
She's the self insert of some rich french faggot, what did you expect.
Eula Lawrence
Genshin players deserve every bit of bullying they get from society ngl
She's good with Kinich and will be good with Mavuika. If you plan on getting Chasca or Citlali you might want Emilie for burn melt teams. But we don't know their kits yet.
first tell me who the artist is
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Another trainposter from South Asia?
>Smartest man alive but universally despised
I regret rolling for Emilie Lawrence
Nah that’s Koult, the RDR2schizo.
Does anyone have those AI chatbot retard Nilou screenshots?
Emilie is unironically all I ever wanted for dendro in burning team. Problem is, direction they are approaching it is fucking ass.
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Thank you.
Got r4 Rust too, great.
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The writers skipped fontaine, so I did as well.
Based escapepilled joymaxxing GOD I kneel.
Do you happen to have an IQ of 146?
>inazuma puzzles
which one?
At least you didn't roll for Chiori Ragnvindr
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>More rolls as compensation than the yearly anniversary events
I kneel to the judgement of the Oratrice Mechanique D'Analyise Cardinale.
i care, she cute. never rolled tho
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To the cunnychad dragon yes, woke twitter morons no
just use her with arle of goat
whats your biggest summon regret?
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every single cryo unit
C6R2 Dehya
Ganyu c1
Navia Caspar
Can you blame them?
They made Kinich super cool with great gameplay and gave mualani, a woman of color, a dry boring ass kit with really clunky gameplay
Naganohara Yoimiya
Alhaitham because of the fujo allegations
Use her in melt or mono pyro.
yoi in 2.0
Annivs give 20 rolls though.
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I care about the fish, I pulled nilou for her
Isn't Chasca anemo?
Why is there barely any porn of this beautiful boy?
They ones where you reposition the crystals to connect electricity, and the ones where you have to get the arrows that aim at electric charges to point in a specific direction.
They weren't super difficult, but they required spatial thinking in ways that 2D puzzles usually don't.
I pulled for Xianyun, built her, but never used her, not even once.
Can't say that I regret, I'll come around to use her any day now.
I'm doing it though? Noelle - Amber - Lisa
>What new kink is this?
It's called mental illness. Seems to be quite common in this general
I wouldn't say a regret but I was really excited for Ganyu and rolled her C1 straight away, was my first con on a 5* and to be honest, she feels really weak in abyss and any challenge content. I do use her in the overworld for long distance oneshots but I pretty much never use her anywhere else.

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