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OT: >>486439773
baraius edition
since this thread is fatherless themed, does anyone have the cs of an adc (samira? nilah?) inting his support because his support has a fag icon? plzzzzzz it's so funny, i think it's recent too
do the swarm achievements track accurelty?
>survive 10 minutes with jinx
i completed the entire story mode with jinx, how did i not survive for 10 minutes?
>pick up 2 boons with leona
same as above, i picked up many but it's incomplete
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With aatrox's chest thing... do you think you could... i mean if you tried... would it be possible to...
>LoL used to feel like a melding of the best parts of other Genres.
Genres..? What genres you're talking about??
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Do you love Sona?
survive for 10 min [hard]
play on hard babe
What's happened to champion spotlight? I am playing Aurora in ranked for the first time in 2 minutes and I still don't know what this champion does.
yes O_O
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Stay positive /lolg/!

Just beat Swarm story mode. Was cool! They should put this much effort into Summoners Rift
I swear to fucking god this game needs a casual mode that lets you disconnect with no penalties, i dont fucking care about ranked i just wanna have the right to leave my fucking team(who refuses to FF) because they're fucking losing, i hope their fighting game flops holy shit
How to fix league:
1) Rework all lane bullies
2) Revert item changes to the patch right before the mythic system
3) Buff Rift Herald
4) Get rid of chat restrictions(everything goes)
5) Nerf dmg in general for everyone
6) Stop releasing new champions, delete/rework old champions
7) Revert mastery changes
8) Bring back 4fun games modes like Nexus Blitz, Twisted Treeline...
9) Introduce overwatch match review system(player gets reported, his replay is reviewed by high elo verified players, if they unanimously vote that hes running it he gets penalized)
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post em
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>3) Buff Rift Herald
they did this
>5) Nerf dmg in general for everyone
they did this
>6) Stop releasing new champions, delete/rework old champions
theyre basically doing this
>8) Bring back 4fun games modes like Nexus Blitz, Twisted Treeline...
theres 2 4fun gamemodes out right now + aram + tft which doesnt really count but almost
>9) Introduce overwatch match review system(player gets reported, his replay is reviewed by high elo verified players, if they unanimously vote that hes running it he gets penalized)
they did this
How to fix league:
Turn every champ into a cute himbo with a big juicy dick
>9) Introduce overwatch match review system(player gets reported, his replay is reviewed by high elo verified players, if they unanimously vote that hes running it he gets penalized)
why would anyone want to waste their time doing that
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Unexpected quickplay matchup in the toplane
I use the poro one when my adc is being cute
Only 5 is a decent change that's not terrible but at the same time they already did this with the durability patch and they slowly undid it with more damage
Ours lost
What does that mean?
>3) Buff Rift Herald
>go outside
>d*nes ask for directions
>day ruined
what champs?
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it mean I'm giving him a lil headpat for being a submissive breedable cute little boy who does what I say
Kill yourself, tranny. Do it IRL
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not a tranny thoughbeit just a full on homo
>submissive breedable cute little boy
Same little pedophile rat, genuinely hope you kill yourself
what do you mean same? is this guy a known pedo?
cringe ass game the most efficient way to play solo lanes is to pick a meta champ and play like an absolute bottom bitch hiding and avoiding interaction until the jungle and support do their job otherwise you lose if you ever try to interact with your opponent and you're all niggerfaggots for trying to gaslight me into thinking that this is not the case at all
nah he's just your average schiz reading way too fucking much into my shitpost probably also thinking I'm some other anon he's obsessed with
"You are telling me that if I'm a pedophile I should stick to 17 years old and not go full out 9 years old? That's not how it works in this world bro." - Sebastian Forsen Fors, League of Legends streamer
Faggots think they're above trannies, when they're both pedophile subhumans that genuinely should kill themselves
Holy shit, hard mode is actually fun
Can't wait to unlock extreme
Are we back?
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Tough one (they won't forfeit even doe I'd rather go to the store and buy some salmon)
>got autofilled jg again
i wanna play the friggin bunny please lemme play her
I kinda feel like this aswell, I play Akali, Yasuo and Katarina. They made Midlane turbo boring, adc with endless lifesteal, and mage who push wave and AFK is now the midlane. Also for some reason as soon as trist or corki has 1 item they outburst and outduel assassins… And to add insult to injury people play 4 tank comps where assassin picks are even more ass…
she can jg
Graves and TF are Riot's posterboys for 'gay representation'. Graves gets a bara skin but TF doesn't get a twink skin. Really makes you think doesn't it?
shut the fuck up she does not
Since these niggers decided to not ff, I lost my motivation to go the store. I now have motivation to queue up as nunu and play very seriously, but I won't do it. I will queue up normally, but still
EUW normal queues are dead right now, whats happening
Nigger, Swarm just came out
chinese bot farms are having tech issues and riot can't make it look like the game is populated

swarm is not populated either
The game is dead. Haven't you heard?
The game balance has only gotten worse. You can put the biggest mouthbreathing faggot on Voli, Sett, Lillia, Brand, Mundo, Zac and they still 1v9. Back in my day when they fell behind you could keep them down with a champ like Irelia but nowadays they just outscale you by virtue of being lvl 16 and having 2 items which is near unpreventable in Gorillow. The only way to consistently carry is by playing a Jungler like Graves and pray they get demoralized and ff. Picks matter too much even in low elo and where is the skill in that?
>newest tranny champ
>look inside
>tranny champ
What was I even expecting?

Its a workday 3PM and im queuing support mid for 6 minutes, this is not normal.
When is the next your shop stuff returning? August?
Dont you see the LONG QUEUE TIMES popup you blind retard? Queue times are long because servers are at capacity
I que jungle and always get insta que but im also silver 2 and perpetually angry
>Get first pick
>Pick Aurora
>Don't have first pick
>Ban Aurora

And then everyone seethed
>pick Kai'sa
>get subhuman team
why does this always happen?
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LOL he's right
this shit game is dead
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hmmm yeah thats pretty fair for the enemy team i think
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He has that giga faggy space skin
>pick anything
>get subhuman team
>carry subhuman team if you didn't pick kai'sa
ded gaem
holy fucking SHIT aurora is useless as fuck in the new gamemode
I can't believe that one patch was enough to halve League's population
Prove your game knowledge by answering this question correctly /lolg/

List 3 of the best 1v9 champs for every role regardless of rank or teamcomp.
thanks vanguard!
I doubt that's the case. there are around as many ranked accs on euw as there were previous split
>play milio
>we do well
>but jinx builds collector, that crit bleed item, and phantom dancer into 2 tanks and 2 bruisers
>our sylas and full ap karma don’t build %pen or liandries either
>nobody can deal any damage and no amount of peel helps us win fights
>we lose
>3 people gave up before the end anyway
I would think that building the right items for the situation would be common sense even down in bronze nowadays, but we can’t even seem to manage this is emerald. They even got mad at me suggesting items for them.
And nobody could dodge any skillshots even with the bonus speed I gave them. I hate this role, thank god I don’t main it. Supporting in a lost game is like trying to stop literal retards from eating their shit
Prove your game knowledge by answering this question correctly /lolg/

How many cocks a day are considered too many?
people have too much of an ego to accept suggestions. enchanters are at the complete mercy of their team's retarded decisions
trick question there is no such thing as a 1v9 champ
trick question there is no such thing as too many cocks
trick question there is no such thing as too many
polygamy is sin
enchanters have been one of the best classes to climb with for a decade

>Stay positi- ACK
How do you beat Briar?
The whole level is super easy but she oneshots me when she's around ~5% HP.
trick question, you're only supposed to take dick at night
That doesn’t change the fact that you lose sometimes. I never claimed they were weak, just that we lost that game in large part due to our teams shit itemisation
Post more...
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I beat her pretty easily as Leona. With health, armor and armor regen stats you are basically unkillable and can facetank a lot of damage. Took quite a while though since she doesn't do a lot of damage, even with her main spells scaling with defensive stats.
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Skinspotlight is shutting down, is league finally going the way of the doodoo in west?
every class is at "the complete mercy of their team's retarded decisions". that's how mobas work
no its not?
yes it is!
skinspotlights isnt shutting down
How to give your flopdc a lead in two lessons :
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Briar lost because she got no new skin
its out next patch
Wow, I can't believe League is actually DEAD after dying for 12 fucking years
Damn... we hopping over to Heroes of Newerth now?
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game... le dying... too many players...
So now Aurora's out, what does Lolg think?
she's a good ADC
I can't try her because there's nobody playing the game

sorry, I'm informed that actually there are too many people playing the game right now that's why I can't get into a match it's like a league renaissance
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Genshin impact character thats going to be 100% played top lane and make top even worse to play. Bunny players deserve to serve in sex dungeons and be sissifed while they atone for the sin of playing a mobile mage in top
why the fuck is there a queue for a goddamn PVE mode???
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has hit 47% win rate already so probably too strong

Uhm, karmACK... who gave you the permission to breathe?
Do you think the games run locally on your machine?
because its hosted on a riot server
>too many players so we can't find you games!
Reminds me of the communist slogan: "In US they have food on the shelves because people can't afford to buy it, here we don't have food on the shelves because people have money to but it"
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Unironically a shit stomper. She's over tuned. And she is a great pick into Zed because the second he ults you just pop W and go invis. It's fucked.
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I have yet to test her out maybe in a sec.
>600RP for a stats tracker
lmao this company is so fucking greedy its sad
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>0 combos
>your "flopdc" kind of 1v2'd in both of these
surely these are not the highlights of your gameplay, anon
but based "can't do anything wrong" volvo sells weapons with stat trackers for hundreds of dollars
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She's very fun, and she's definitely going to be my secondary top behind Urgot. She's Ryze is spirit (Battlemage) and Vayne in excution, so its really easy to play her.
But if I have to lane against her as Urgot, I'm pretty sure that I'll dumpster her. I'll know when I get home.
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Now that league is dead you'll have to play LoR
The only good part of this game was the porn and now 90% is AI...
I'd rather kms
ai porn is LE BAD
le porn is LE BAD
most exciting support clip
ummm... akshually jerking off to AI porn is unethical
I can only get hard when I know some overweight neckbeard sitting in their mom's basement drew it and touched their 2 incher for hours during the process
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new matchup skill acquired: versing trist
anyway, play hwei!
I fucking hate you low elo mongo retards playing normals, you are so unreal bad. Fucking mongoloids, it's so tilting to have to aim skillshots to where you know this downie retard will go instead of predicting. And then after that initial miss where you go "wow this guy is turbo retarded" you're just hitting every skillshot on him for the rest of the game
FUCK you're bad
How perceptive of you... surely with your acute insight you have observed that during the first webm I was completely oom, recharging my mana barely through autos thanks to presence of mind, carefully managing it in order to obtain a double kill, not to mention the perfect execution of flash auto... not missing any uptime in my damage timers...

>0 combos
Isn't EautoQelectrocute a combo though...?
I hit both targets with ice Q, carefully engaging once Sivir's shield was down so they couldn't escape, and igniting Karma so she couldn't heal... they were both doomed after that...

As a Qiyana support I wanna see you do better in this situation, it would make my day...
goodjob cutie fuck trist mid
how do you have tike to grind 15hrs a day?
Housewife/university student/neet.
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>be me
>playing some arams to start the day
>teasing enemy jhin in all
>says hes a guy
>call him princess
>game ends and i play another
>receive a friend request so i accept and then i leave to warm up pizza
>come back and he sends me this copy paste erp message talking about how im vile and to add him on disc
>stare at it for awhile
>name disappears from my friends list

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thank anon! now to practice other my other tough matchups
he's a closeted faggot who got turned on by your behavior but was too autistic to act out on it

which might I say is pretty hot
to be fair if you play enough bot any value the support monkey brings is a highlight enough
Love that I can say hds negerape and not get punished, ty riot for letting me express myself, RESPEKKK
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>the support monkey
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Anima Squad Orb or 4 keys to open chests?
Please say that you added him back and made his day, he just wanted to be dominated
Stolt og modig
there's no way they didn't code in something to make sure you never get the fucking augment you want to upgrade your weapons
He is still higher than your peak though!
I miss Dianaspammer.
I'm not sure how placements work now, but I am pretty sure there's a good chance I will place higher than plat3 after my first game. Don't play with my ego!
>Play Vlad
>Mute everyone
>Have enemy push wave into my tower
>Have peaceful time farming and not giving a shit about the enemy
>Late game
>Turn game into 1v5 situation
>Usually win
I love playing single player in LoL. Fuck my team.
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That's kinda the issue with sharing webms in general, moreso in regard of champs that most people don't play such as Qiyana...
This guy was talking about combos, disregarding the obvious cherry picking, combos are rarely that impressive to the initiated, everybody saw beifeng E-ulting someone against a wall to 100-0 him. But this is neither interesting nor execution heavy, you can buffer everything and it only works if your target has no opposition... For example, R doesn't true combo by itself, between the knock back and its follow up stun against a wall, anybody can flash out, some champs like Zed can even shadow out of it.

What's hard, and it's true for most assassins, is setting the scene to accomplish the assassination. Getting there unnoticed, surprising your enemy with your superior knowledge of cds, range, and power. It's also why I find Qiyana support's plays early extremely interesting. You have to outplay two people at the same time, one them being there solely to neutralize you, while the other naturally pokes you down/kills you since you have no solo xp, less gold and not a ton of damage... The less options you have, the more skill you have to pull out to make plays. It's especially true with a vayne who can scale tremendously, and you can bet your money on Firestorm to win most fights with the slightest lead, but the early struggle is sometimes hard, especially against sivir/karma.
Which is why I don't hate this type of poster... they're just clueless, and that's fine! Won't stop me from posting more cute webms. If anything, I hope it brings some life to the general, and ideally inspire more people to pick up Qiyana. She deserves all the love in the world after all...
>aram is mostly a 60/40 coinflip in our favour
>normals is dead
Think it's time to grind games in coop vs ai
Aram has the worst playerbase in league by far. It’s impressive how subhuman they are.
It’s like they were created from the selective inbreeding of sewer rats with down syndrome. The concept of aram is so good, but the execution is just awful. No wonder everyone who primarily plays it has an extra chromosome.
If you cull every aram player league becomes a better game
he's still here
no cap
no cap?
I 100% fucking agree with you, arams players YOU ARE FUCKING DOGSHIT, FUCKING SHITRETARD N000000000000000000B ARAM PLAYERS.
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That's what I've basically been doing before people find some loophole to start botting ai games and ruin it.
Honestly level 30 below games are kinda kino and funny, the games do get boring as the levels get higher though.
I did not give you permission to reply to my post
Delete your response immediately
Plat elo is really the highest iq elo when you think about it
>aurora releases
>no one gives a shit
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Then watch.

My lobbies are open to everyone... feel free to join next time!
Swainigga always finds a way to reply to my post. Are we really that similar? But you're for sure a lowbob, meanwhile I'm gonna get high elo SOON (maybe)
Why would I want to play with a mentally deranged porn addicted low elo tranny tho? Especially one that is ironically enough also toxic
>Everyone turned Aurora into a ranged top laner
Top lane is a fucking doomed lane
ded gaem
maybe you're into degradation
She was apparently designed to be a toplaner.
Everyone below D3 have exactly 2 braincells that are competing for 3rd place
toplaners are built for femdom
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It's kind of sad because he could've been high elo or at least diamond 4 and improve from there, maybe even make some money out of his addiction with the amount of time he put into this game but instead he choses to play normals everyday with any handless lolg e-queer he can find everynow and then, he's a total bro though which is why it's upsetting to see
All the ritual posters only play aram. I don't take their advice seriously.
>Ezreal does a ton of fucking damage
>They buffed him
Busy playing Swarm. I will try her out in a week
I only play female champs and am manlier than any of you
but i want you all for myself
I can close a 70kg grip trainer with both my left and right hands. I bet you don't even come close.
>We will live to see another assassin meta
Fuc kthsis game i hate thius so much
You will live to see bruisers getting one shot by assassins unless they go full tank because bruiser items are fucking dogshit ahhaahahahahaha
>posts another mediocre clip
artificial estrogen effects on the brain is no joke
my g-d the base skins for soraka and karma are so bad

post ending in 2 or 7 chooses what soraka skin I buy
post ending in 3 or 8 chooses what karma skin I buy
Staying in the elo requires you to have a weird skillset. You must have at least a basic sense of the game, your champ, and itemisation. At this point people stop being completely braindead in lane. They won’t walk into the range of a ranged toplaner over and over and get hit for no reason. They aren’t necessarily good, but they at least seem awake. Junglers will shove your wave for you, your support will roam somewhat successfully, and people seem to be aware of timers and vision at least. On the surface there is some competency and yet people still completely shit themselves and do stuff at random. You will have a teamfight where your team layers your kits perfectly like you are in comms. And then you will get wiped at blue buff with zero vision 5 minutes later. Some of the people you play with seem like they should climb and then you realise why they are still there later the same game. The 30 kill jungle twitch on the enemy team will somehow fail to get a single objective and get picked on repeat after the laning phase is over because they run in and try to 1v5.
It’s a fun retard elo
when does swarm mode get good? simple question that I can't answer...
imagine hating Seraphine. how cringe is that?
Immortal Journey Soraka
Drop Karma and play something else
I don't hate Seraphine, only her players but only because they are fat ugly faggot incels
Start playing hard mode
I only play Aurora in the jungle, no I don't care if it's optimal, and there's nothing you can do about it
How can you play Aurora jungle when I ban it every game?
Have they fixed vanguard to not randomly ban people yet? Any chance they're gonna just remove it?
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I don't play Soraka, should I just reroll her legacy skin into something else?

Pic rel
You should find a husband and become a Soraka main, actually.
been playing valorant and lol with vanguard for thousands of hours now and not a single issue neither has anyone I know who also plays a lot. people are not getting banned "randomly" if you actually believe that I got a bridge to sell your dumb ass. do you think cheating ass motherfucking scum are going to be honest about why they were banned? hahahahaaaaaaa idiot.
femboy soraka
>5-0-4 as Graves,
>enemy Diana solokilled twice pre 6
>2 drakes
>Their Nilah is suddenly 10/2 and we get aced twice despite me playing the teamfights out of my mind
Im gonna need a champ with a point and click stun for this elo aren’t I?
do you get the aurora champion shard for playing swarm?
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Enjoy your permaban, griefing duo abusing freaks.
So no, they haven't fixed anything. Enjoy that corporate boot.
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>mentally handicapped
>gained conciousness, started understanding some basics
>average joe
>average joe with too much free time
>ascended by understanding the game more indepth
>high elo starts here
>The concept of aram is so good
please say sike
Average joe is iron, only people who spend their days playing league climb above bronze anymore
Yeah, by unlocking her as a character (forgot about the requirement)
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>haven't played in almost a week
it's joever
I’m sure they really care about the single euro they spent each to ruin the day of the 30+ people they played with before the ban
there's nothing to fix, kid. no one playing by the rules and not cheating is getting banned "randomly".

what's it like going through life as a gullible ape?
HAHAHHA you thought, you dumbass! It's coop vs ai. Those are bots. My nutsack is on your chin.
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would it really have killed Riot to add some rng manipulation so you don't get 6 weapon upgrades and 17 passive upgrades
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>high elo starts here
More like
>no life loser freaks start here
The amount of people in masters with less than 5+ years in the game is very small and these people may play 30+ hours a week
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Soraka skins, typical classic choices:
Budget choice: Banana
Cool choice: Reaper
More expensive but decent: Star Guardian

Soraka skins, bit obscure and specific:
I like Asses: Dawnbringer Soraka (Blue)
I like night elfs: Spirit Blossom (Tanzanite)
I like overly crowded frilly things: Cafe Cuties (Obsitian)
I like princess peach: Winter Wonder (Rose Quartz)
I like beetles: Faerie Court

I have that skin, I rotate between that, vanilla, banana and sg.
The reaper one is unique because it's the only cool Soraka skin out there since everything else is a bit outdated or fruity. The spell vfx is also not too eye catching and edgy, she's kinda cute on it too desu, in her own unique way. I would say keep it because you will never get it on sale and it's a seasonal legacy skin that doesn't look too bad or old itself. The only other way to get it for cheap except from shards would be to play Soraka lot and pray you roll her in the your shop.
iron is for players that couldnt upgrade their laptop from a microwave state and didn't learn pattern recognition
Don't worry man, you already helped me by letting me know they haven't fixed it and don't have any plans to do so. Thanks.
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I wonder what this guy likes to play
Haha, it's all good pal, we're just goofing around here.
so if I play 30+ hours a week for the next 5+ years does that mean
can't fix what isn't broken
Iron is for people without object permanence
Go play twitch there right now and see what I mean
They are either children, strung out, playing with 15 fps, or started playing that very day
Riot couldn't fix a 1-piece puzzle.
yes if you stick to one strategy and you play those games in ranked on the same account with disabled chat then you can probably reach masters assuming you have over 75 iq
You will certainly hit master if you actually stop and think while practicing during that time and keep up with the patch notes to abuse the meta early
The amount of people in master playing objectively shit off-meta strats reveals that playing more really helps. Even if you aren’t paying much attention you are bound to improve your mechanics and game sense eventually. If you try to think while playing anyway
>mfw masters in EE, been in the army but still only iron in league
I've seen code written by EEs so you being iron in league does not surprise me in the slightest, don't worry.
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my masters friend says that there's a big difference between low Emerald and High Emerald and that that used to be the case for Plat before they changed it. Emerald 4 was described as a "dumpsterfire"
I am interested. Any books you'd recommend for a beginner in EE?
aight buddy see you in 5 years when I sue you for misleading financial advice
>my masters friend says that there's a big difference between low Emerald and High Emerald and that that used to be the case for Plat before they changed it.
>Emerald 4 was described as a "dumpsterfire"
Maybe? It's still easy to climb out of if you're dia+
you unlock rerolls later
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>Drop Karma and play something else
I'm playing them solo lane to support my junglers. Who else do you recommend for that role?
Wait I thought he meant electrical engineering nvm.
How to reach master guide
>step 1 stop listening to gold players on lolg reddit and youtube
>step 2 stop listening to streamers who exaggerate and straw-man every aspect of the game
>step 3 stop listening to coaches like alois who do the same thing with an educational veneer
>step 4 learn from pros instead
>step 5 play the game
>step 6 play the game some more
It’s that simple
I’m silver btw so you can listen to me
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Im currently silver but I know I could easily be Masters+ if I played Jinx or Vayne every game. It’s just too boring tho so I’m not going to. Champs for this feel?
What else would he mean by EE?
Lulu because you are delulusional
You could not play Vayne to gold even
She is the most complicated champ in the game
>learn from pros
I thought pro play was different from soloq?

gookclick games don't look like anything I see in master+ soloq streams so it rings true to me
Those pro players still play solo queue, that's how they rose up to work in pro play.
No idea, I'm not a teacher. If you don't know calculus I'd suggest you start there, then decide what field you want to study so like power, signal processing, embedded etc etc. They're all pretty different so just shop around to find what you'd enjoy studying, some fields like dsp are way more math intensive compared to others
dopa is the undisputed king of soloq and he never went pro
what do you have to say about that?
He did play pro
He was banned from playing this game and he wasn't that interested in playing pro because he earned enough money boosting.
>just play mor- ACK
Even a former challenger player with hundreds of accounts in master that duos with a challenger support can’t climb out of diamond. How could I?
>former challenger player
Current d2 player.
>How could I?
Don't be a diamond player.
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so he was not a pro, got it

btw dopa's gamestyle was to never ever interact with your lane opponent or be proactive in any way, idk about you anons but that sounds like the opposite of playing a video game to me!
He did play pro
absolute cancer but what else is new
What the other guy said, he did play pro, he just wasn't interested in it.
>lowbob thinks killing opponent and hitting them for useless poke is what wins game
Aye caramba
>saying lowbob
holy fanboy
bro am I fucking retarded or does the 2nd map in this dogshit event gamemode not give u a healing zone like the 1st?
>favorite champs all been long since power creeped
>all that's left to add to the game is a bunch of champs i don't and will NEVER give a shit about
do you want to play to have fun or do you want to win? winning and being the best can be tedious and boring but that's the price you gotta pay. it ain't always about FUN
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how ugly is this champion holy shit
yet she looking like a tasty treat to me
But enough about Riven
>Champs for this feel?
master yi top
>every single pro play comentator and pro player watching comp games
"Oh my god they should always prioritize kills, that's what creates space to secure objectives and apply pressure, why isn't (insert losing team) fighting more??"
>the community and those same pro players and comentators watching a ranked game
"Why are you interacting with the enemy at all? you should afk farm until 40 minutes and then somehow 1 v 5 everyone, that's how you're supposed to play the game."

League as a competitive game is a scam and its time to accept it.
And you know I’m a fanboy because…..?
Vi main reporting in
yeah healing zone is only for the first map, upgrade your health regen and get heals from boxes
I said probably. I aint liable for shit goy
that will be 350 euros
yeah no thanks, Im not bothering anymore. The fact that they locked multiplayer until you beat every single thing the gamemode already offers proves just how mentally retarded the trans kids that work for Riot are. The only way I could solo the 1st map was by cheesing with Leona and playing around the healing thing.
skill issue, first map is a walk in the park
Thresh mid is a katarina counterpick.
how long until aurora's clothes become overstimulating and she starts walking around naked?
You kill your opponent for an advantage, not for the sake of killing them. If you deny them farm and exp while getting plates and getting objectives you are winning, even with no kills. When you kill your opponent they are dead, lose resources and can’t act. The 300 gold is only a small benefit. It’s not like killing your opponent is bad since it is often the best way to get a lead, but if you can perma-freeze and zone them it’s the same effect. You kill the enemy team in teamfights so you can take objectives and towers while pushing waves. If they don’t oppose you then it doesn’t matter if they are alive. That is why toplaners ending the game by splitting when applicable is more helpful than winning teamfight after teamfight with bad tempo and no wave to push.
>lowbob thinks killing opponent and hitting them for useless poke is what wins game
but I did say the exact opposite
do you have reading comprehension problems?
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Based. Underrated post.
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You guys know that MOBAs were created for people to have fun in them? The basic premise of an moba is the antithesis to a competitive environment, the teams and map itself are imbalanced, there's inherit randomness to a team game. The original designs is in line with this reality, there were no skillshots, champs were imbalanced as fuck and "meta" didn't exist. Later Riot tried to "inject" skill into the game by having more skillshots, more mobility, more objectives but to your average player the game is still fundamentally random

LoL is just overwatch that players take too seriously
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I already play for fun, stress is the silent killer.
>If they don’t oppose you then it doesn’t matter if they are alive. That is why toplaners ending the game by splitting when applicable is more helpful than winning teamfight after teamfight with bad tempo and no wave to push.

The last time this was a thing was maybe...2017? Riot has done everything in their power to make the game more and more hectic and reliant just on teamwipes to win that you cannot win like that anymore, but most of the community refuses to accept it, because then League will get exposed as the unbalanced mess it is where ranking up has 0 connection to skill and is just about how often you play.
what's topixo's playstyle? let the grooming victims scale?
>there were no skillshots
yes there were.
"while you are prepping drake, I'm prepping kids" - 2pixo
>Meta did not exist
literally who
they locked matchmaking with randoms instead of just friends behind showing you know how to play the game
you got filtered
>there were no skillshots
morgana, sivir, amumu, twisted fate
tyler1 might've been onto something with this whole becoming an illaoi otp thing, she's fun as fuck
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>btw dopa's gamestyle was to never ever interact with your lane opponent or be proactive in any way,


he also tried pantheon but said he was too hard

old panth
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Tips for Swarm mode noobs!

Every weapon you pick up can be upgraded to level 5, however if you also have its associated stat upgrade you can unlock a super special level 6 upgrade that is really strong. When picking up skills and stats you should take this in mind, try to take stats and weapons that go together! You can press tab and see what weapons and stats go together at any time.
Additionally every champ has some specific stats they want. Firstly because of their main weapon skill can be upgraded but also because your active skills and passive usually have ratios. For example, Leona Q scales with max health so you always want to take health upgrades on her and her passive gives you bigger spell area scaling with your defensive stats so things like Armor are also great. All Rivens abilities have duration scaling, Yasuo gets benefits for taking crit, Seraphine gets extra mileage out of projectile count etc
Its always best to prioritize upgrading your weapons asap rather than maxing your stats.
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>No S rank despite going rapist mode
thank you seraphine
How many comeback mechanics are in modern league now? I stopped playing after S6 but after coming back noticed that you get less gold for repeated kills and opponents get more for killing you if you're ahead
You go hard and try to snowball now, the only comeback I can think of atm is kill bounty gold, a jungler that goes hard as fuck and steals elder/baron, late game champs or praying your enemy team do not know how to close games lol.
there are also objective bounties
so if your team is behind you can get extra gold from killing dragon/baron or taking turrets
Leona's Q scales with armor, her shield (which is basically essential to even surviving as her but is locked behind rng btw) scales with max health.

Also none of the stuff u talked about matters. The only way to do anything solo is to play Leona and hope you get her shield + MF's rabits + a ton of ability haste and regen stat rolls. I don't think its possible to do any of the maps except the first solo with any other character.
I can't handle the difficulty spike in Swarm.
I finished the story mode with multiple characters as a solo player (Jinx, Yasuo and Briar, who was probably the easiest of the bunch). Now I moved on to hard difficulty and I can't even last 10 minutes. Even when I get optimal upgrades I still can't do shit when multiple mini bosses start to spawn, they deal too much damage / take too long to kill, I can't pick up their card drops and start lagging behind.
I tried party play instead of going solo and it's the same shit, the 3 randoms I get matched with end up facing the same issues as I do and we all end up destroyed before the 10 minute mark.
I've been gradually spending gold on the upgrades, but they don't seem to help much. You notice the uptick in damage and survivability, but it's just not enough.
Skill issue or balance issue? I'm diamond 3 btw, so not exactly a pisslow dog.
When I say Leona Q I mean her active Q ability shield. It scales with max health. Not her main shield bash weapon which scales with armor.
I have beaten every stage solo lmao
>The only way to do anything solo is to play Leona
You clearly haven't played late game with max anima power
but until then you're right they did a shit job balancing until then
Its Riot. They made a shitty gamemode that barely works just so the community would forgive the poor innocent devs after they turned the game dogshit for the sake of money. Swarm was probably played by one person internally for 5 mins before being shipped out to those youtubers that tested it out, and because those youtubers are on contract with Riot, they creamed all over it.

I'd say to anyone that hasn't tried it yet to not bother at all with it. It doesn't give any extra exp towards the free shit from the event pass anyway.
>niggas complaining about difficulty when they haven't even hit 3 star
explain why i have 33% winrate on kaisa when my kda, cs, damage and gold per minute are higher than on my other adcs that have 60% winrate???? riot literally matches me with complete braindead retards whenever i pick kaisa and then i get nautilus when i pick another adc.
my bad, fangirl
Because doing well on an individual level doesn’t guarantee a win in a team-game and you play in a self-interested way without realising it
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Not MY League of Legends
where is le heckin chogath
ah yes i'm sure an international multi-billion dollar company is conspiring against (You) in your iron games
because Kaisa is the worst champ in the fucking game
stop playing her
sissies won
chuds lost
its over chudbros
What a boring post, consider necking it no cap fr
you wanted coombait you got your coombait
be *clap* quiet *clap* when *clap* a *clap* woman *clap* is *clap* talking *clap* chud
i'm bouta one trick jungle Singed for the rest of the season. wish me luck.
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>splitpushing doesn't exist

how do I complete picrel?
>chase teemo
>he enters a bush and is instantly invisible
what the hell i thought he had to be stationary for 6 seconds to go invisible? did they buff him after season 4?
you seem stupid. are you?
When's the next international. I want to watch good lolisports and western shitters getting punished.
super metroid
That's only when he's outside da boosh.
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The car ride one you do by finding an MF buff beacon. Sometimes her buff is a car.
The bombs randomly spawn around the map.
The Bel'veth trials are similar to the Yuumi quests but they make stuff harder for a while and you're rewarded for surviving.
Bel'veth is too hard on Story Mode
my 4 stack could only kill her with 3 briars and 1 sera
briar OP af btw
>tfw RNG treats you right for once in Swarm mode and you just run across the entire screen oneshotting everything
ummm... story mode basically plays by itself... you're gonna be in for a ride in hard
true and factual
How am i supposed to know which swarm upgrades are good on champions without a wiki?
you hover your mouse over your skills and see who scales with what
Also I forgot to mention but you unlock Bel'veth trials in hard mode but that achievement is for story mode, so you have to go back and play a game of story mode after unlocking hard mode. Hard mode has its own tab of achievements.
>the game now makes you restart your pc every time you play for the first time in the day because every day there are updates that require it
uh-huh... you must have some different client
Thanks for telling me
It has never happened to me or any of my friends so I didn’t notice
i've literally never had to restart mine except when I first installed LOL with vanguard. you on fucking Linux or something like some hipster fag?
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>buy Aurora with Blue Essense
>play 1 match
>level up and get a champ capsule
>open champ capsule
>Aurora shard
anon said that literally being able to push into the nexus while being completely ignored by everyone doesn't exist anymore, and he's right. because of shitty youtube tutorials even the average silver knows how to easily counter splits. Splitting is still helpful but u cant win by it alone anymore.
Spent all day playing something else, gonna try now..
ummm... you literally get an aurora shard simply by playing swarm
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the new champ looks-wise is literally just coomer bait straight out of DoA or a chinese gacha, destined to be artificially stuffed into awful skinlines like Star Guardian
every day is great when my love is around
You dont say
Can you play Swarm without vanguard?
This new gamemode seems awful, it does not play like the the normal game at all..why??
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Look at this slut. It's a whole new low for Riot that once championed being more mature and conservative
>monstrous tits
>exposed fat thighs
>bestial features are really just freckles
>furry bait
riot is just cashing in on the bullet heaven hype because it took them basically no effort to do
looks absolutely nothing like a DoA characters wtf are you talking about
yeah now splitpooshing is skillful and wholesome because people learned how to look at the map after 10 years
and that's a bad thing
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>the new champ looks-wise is literally just coomer bait straight out of DoA
soooo it is good?
fuck riot and their malware
yeah but then I'd like have to play shitty ass stinky fucking Swarm. NO
you can seethe but the truth of the matter is that you lost already

at this very moment the game is so populated that the queues literally can't find you a match; there are so many players right now you can't play a game and you anti-vanguard chuds are powerless to influence it
I will not install it and that's that

maybe they won't care because they have enough retards playing their games but they lost my business
Riot completely killing League on Linux with their amazing anticheat software(i have not run into a blatant cheater in 5 years of league) just to get rid of bot accounts
>Teleport [removed from the game]
Is LoL saved?
Linux is trash who cares and probably less than 1% of the gaming market who cares
>toptroons ack themselves
I'm tweaking rn I need to crack niggalow skulls
why are the post game upgrade costs so fucking high when you can only get a max of around 1000 gold per run?
>(i have not run into a blatant cheater in 5 years of league)
Good for you, I'm glad that all of a sudden people just stopped picking Zeri/Kog'Maw and all the other scripting champs
they just grew tired of playing them :^)
riven is unreasonably hard for what you get out from her ngl
both in swarm and on sr
they should remove Flash as well
I think the problem lies in that braindead easy champs are too rewarding
>Champs without dash are now unplayable
you genuinely think nasus and hecarim are bad in a flashless world
yes unironically why should i pick a champion that requires so much practice just to go even with someone playing their 10th game of garen or mundo?
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they should make it so you can only flash towards enemy champions, that would fix it
Update: 1 vayne game 1 win. Masters will be easy
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champs for this feel?
shut up zed abuser
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She is kind of a monster if you make it to lategame in Swarm
Swarm is too fucking RNG reliant. There's so many things to get spread out between the "items" and the stats, and all of the champs want very specific stats, and if you don't get them in the first like 6 levels, you're better off quitting, and its so frustrating.
yeah, now do it on the beach without any upgrades and compare it to the other champions
Aren't you buying upgrades?
Riot has never added a female character with this body type
for your first playthrough of the story mode you wont have too many, no
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well, they should
Ah I guess you unlocked her through the pass. Usually you get Riven later. Playing her without stuff like ability duration pickups unlocked would be hard since she scales off it and you don't get that until late storymode.
I was hoping aurora would be a little heavier
Its a worthless gamemode cause you don't even play the champs properly. The magic of the old PvE shit and other event gamemodes is that you play with the characters you like and their actual kits, you just get enhanceed/goofy upgrades to it. In Swarm they boil down ur champ to one ability and for most of them its not even their premier ability. And most of the synergies are really awkward between the items and the champs. Xayah's shit scales with pickup radius but if u get it you miss out on crit and other stuff.
Probably the worst event gamemove they have ever did, and that includes the most recent dogshit run of arena.
This but TFT
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LoL cant live without without TFT Pig gods, bitch
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>Maokai vs Malphite tank fight

Song of the thread!
Theme: You are playing support and found an ADC that doesn't need to be taken care of constantly.
My wife, shame she retired.
losers queue doesn't exist.
drink water.
drink greentea.
eat oatmeal.
mental reset.
pick good champs.
don't give last pick (unless redside).
dodge losses.
don't force too many games.
take a break.
never ff.
mental wins games.
losers queue is real and water contains fluoride
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Can someone explain to me Riot's design philosophy? Like you have some champs with kits full of crazy CC, and others with basically nothing.
For example, let's compare mid mages Malzahar and Taliyah:
Malz has a silence that is tricky to land, and a suppression ult that he can lock down on one champ.
Taliyah has a built-in speed buff, two types of slows, a big AOE directional displacement, and a ridiculously huge WALL that spans 1/4 of the goddamned map that she can surf on through all terrain.

Like just reading about those two on paper seems ridiculously unbalanced, like they wouldn't even be from the same game. Why do the devs not correct this type of blatant unbalance and inconsistent design?
>use matchmaking for Swarm once
>3 Yasuos that just die immediately
like pottery
never ever
Powercreep on a 15 years old game, Anon.
Malz is a season 2 or 3 champ, Taliyah is like season 10 or something.
It has matchmaking? I've been doing it solo
You say this but I still consider Malzahar to have stronger cc then Taliyah. His suppression is just that good and its impossible to miss or avoid.
You gotta unlock all teh maps first, hehe
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Ok I'm not good at this new champ (for some reason I thought a DoT with Raylis was good for her because she seems good for those slow deaths with kiting to ensure you hit her passive not a burst build), I think I'm not sold on her now, Ori will continue being my fav midlaner.
>fried chicken
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Nothing wrong with oatmeal, it provides good fibre and can be prepared multiple ways and it's cost effective. Certainly beats rice which provides legitimately no nutritional value.
Am i stupid or swarm solo is extremely hard?
>niggers are terrified of oatmeal
what gives
I would eat it if it can be made more solid
What's wrong with oatmeal? Is this some forced meme?
it's not hard, but it's rng
They design the character first and then build a kit around that. Unfortunately it locks some characters into some really horrible balance.
its gruel for creatures who dont care about their food quality
like filling up on onions
you should enjoy every meal or at least strive to, if you ever sit down to eat and feel like youre just getting it over with you are failing at being human
It's because you broke your pan didn't you, just make oat bars instead?
Or get whole rolled oats and mix some seet and nuts in it then add cinnamon and some brown sugar/honey with some sea salt and bake, the caramelization should make the oats a bit more harder. Unless you mean thicker then yes just go with bars.
Almost perfect i would just add
>do semen retention
oatmeal is a super food you pencil neck fags. mix in some peanut butter and go build some muscles for once in your pathetic life weaklings.

also Swarm fucking sucks but I want the anime skins
non-human just a worm whos mind consists of r9k tier gym mind
Almost all foods are boring when eaten plain that's why you learn to cook, it is part of taking care of yourself like laundry and showers.
I love oatmeal and I weight 188lb of almost pure fat
you won't fool me, gains goblins. I know oatmeal actually helps you climb
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LOLing at you losers that cook your own meal.
need 2XKO to come out, LoL is boring and terrible now
however there are foods you cant turn into anything substantial despite the craft
oats are a food substitute, when you dont have time or dont want to put in the effort for a REAL meal
the food of someone who has to be at their dreaded job at 5 am so they make oats at 4 am and get in their car
the food of an r9k incel whos taken the gym pill and thinks he will finally get the elusive gf if he fills up on oats and gets as roided as Mundo
wot meal
dogshit take
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>support clearly trying to match skins with me
>swap skin at last second to cause a grievous mismatch
why aren't you playing tekken 8 or sf6
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Im sorry to say this but Riot really wants to "rotate out" old boomerino champs but their playerbase simply wont let them do the right thing
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I am but I like League characters and want to still use them in a game I enjoy
malzahar is season 1 anon, in fact all champs starting from Ahri Sejuani are all season 2
Nah I make oat granolas for my family during Christmas they love it, they are instant to eat but that also means you can make one large batch that's seasoned and prepped well instead of the plain stuff. If I made a bowl for you I bet you'd enjoy it, though yes it's less nice compared to a proper breakfast meal.
cause whenever they change and rework a champ people cry and when they don't rework a champ people cry. so why even fucking bother. this community is SHIT
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just pay a modder to turn juri into zeri
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yeah im sure mr 4 am is preparing a full course breakfast expirience within the hour he has of free time
im sure the gymcel isnt looking up every bit of unseasoned growth focused information he can get to find the best way to cut calories
nonono its the CHAD who eats his gruel and smiles
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had the reverse happen to me where adc asked which skin they should use. we all ended up going a pink skin/chroma to match each other and won
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food is for nutrition, not wasting my time making it all fancy when it's going to be literal shit soon. just fucking eat and get it over with and move on to better things
>let's make half of our champs irrelevant because we have retarded zoomer ADHD mentality of constant novelty in a game based around competitive balance
both unhealthy and absolutely fucktarded. All you need to do is update old champs to be competitive against new ones to bring them more in line with the current game state. You retards are so ADHD that even if they just update an old champ, it will feel brand new to your 30 second memory goldfish brains anyway because you haven't been playing them due to your favorite streamer not humping them into muh meta gaem.
got you

not even close to the same archetype
kek, the highest-IQ response
this person is not human
literally a S O Y drinker
kit design team has been trying to one up each other for years now. they feel that adding more and more will outdo that last champ
see: akshan on release
>tfw you reach that point when you literally can't see anything anymore in Swarm
Four players each with their own auras and then whatever the enemies are doing is a little overwhelming
so it ultimately breaks the game by throwing in so much unbalanced shit in favor of short-term profits and hype? great decisions from riot there.
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>All you need to do is VGU'd old champs to be OP and then turned them in to flops after a few months
uhhmmm nyo, i dont mind cancer like Zilean gettin deleted from ranked mode
>not even close to the same archetype
noted I'm honestly unaware of what champ do footfriends like so I just said whatever
i can't even find my cursor to aim half the fucking time when the screen fills with all the bullshit
riot has never been good at foresight, yes
maybe your tastebuds or whatever evolved different but I don't know a single person irl who dislikes oatmeal
>new champs are OP
Did you just start playing yesterday?
It's been that way for over a decade lmfao
Love playing aram when nigger teammates are too scared to engage. Oh my god it would be so sad if they killed themselves actually nooo don't do it
its not about disliking oatmeal its more about even owning and purchasing oatmeal
admitting a defeat in life having to make a decision to buy a non-food that you will eat not to savor your life and food but to get it over with so you can "move on to better things"
like buying an entire fridge of goylent so you dont have to think about what to eat later
its soulless, the original soulless
Word. I had to tank and engage as an adc or mage time to time because people just stalled the game without doing anything but eating up pokes and dying. Absolute humiliation. Had to move to quickplay after to mix things up.
oats are food and eating them is a good experience
your nigger brain just can't comprehend it I guess
>goylent is food and eating it is a good experience bla bla bla nigger bla bla bla
I like that lolg has event slots now. 12pm is oatmeal rage. 6pm is soloq tilt. weekend is spam hours
I prefer porridge over oatmeal.
Yeah, well, I prefer cock
For swarm, do you guys like to prioritize upgrading items or stats?
I find myself bouncing between the two
lane bullies are a cringe concept and exist only for pro players
Jinxtranny on a dilation spree!
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more like shes a quintessential edgy crazy gurl
juri just happens to have footfag as a side thing
>Buy green Infernal Karthus chroma
>VFX and everything except the base skin is still red
>making oats which is a healthy food traditional in white countries is the same as consuming some shartmerican premade zogjuice
craaaaaaaaaazy mental gymnastics here
I take it back swarm is cringe
if you play swarm spare me the work and remove me from your friendlist
>one food substitute is equal to another when they function the exact same way
youve failed your own humanity, you are no different, throw away all that garbage and buy some real fucking food you lazy swine
skill issue
>oats are a substitute because... hmmmmmmmm... it's not koolaid so it's bad
but it tastes good
so what is "real food" exactly? enlighten us sissy.
you all twinks eat min spermtoza as protein only source of protein every morning you are bitch
>you don't like shit? skill issue!
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League of Oatmeal?
How do I get a pair of hands? I can move smoothly on a small scale. I can cancel my auto animation properly and move like I want to when that is my focus. But when I combine them together and am forced to kite and aim I always fuck up sooner or later, often very soon due to a fatal misclick. And don't get me started on fighting in multiple directions at once. Am I doomed to play bruisers forever or is it possible to learn real kiting? I do have like 50 ping but that is not the main issue (I'm not good enough for it to matter)
haha get good
Im sending you to the Doombot's mines if you say ONE. MORE TIME. "swarm bad lol", PvE hater
of course you wouldnt know what real food is
but real food is anything you can make and enjoy that someone lazy who doesnt care about their soul cant

it doesnt taste as good as anything else you could spend time and effort making instead for whatever time of day it is youre making your gruel
Doombots is a better gamemode so sure.
Im so glad Briar is a success and gettin tons of skins unliks other new releases
god why dont we just eat the bugs? itll fill us up so we can move on to better things
The one time I don't ban tristana she gets locked in.

Yeah I'm going to take that dodge penalty. Fuck trist players. Bunch of pedophiles.
it's so crazy how enraged brown people get just by the thought of oats
>Doombots is a better gamemode so sure.
No no no i was joking that gamemode is bad because uhhhhhh no Vampire Survivor's upgraderinos or new map!
god why don't we just jerk each other off furiously and cum into each other's mouths?
yeah sure why not? fry them up. not bad.
I actually feel so hecking valid right now, thank you sis <3
You're such a spoiled boy.
which champs would be pro-oatmeal? which would be anti-oatmeal?
all black and gay champs = anti-oatmeal
all the rest = oatmeal enjoyers
see >>486561782, fangirl ^___^
Toplaners, junglers and supports would be pro oatmeals.
I'd guess midlaners would want something expensive and afford it while adcs would want it but couldn't.
>women want cute female champs
>men want cute female champs
Riot finally fired their DEI group and used common sense for once?
brown champs are anti-oatmeal too
never seen an arab nigga eat oats
which champs would be pro-creampie? which would be anti-creampie?
Havregrynhomsen, slapp av
eg veit du er ein tvink
>Riot finally fired their DEI group and used common sense for once?
Dont worry, Ambessa will save NA!
Wouldn't you like to know.
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>California company
They are like roaches. More of them will just replace the previous ones.
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Im just sad we have to wait for her skin to drop in the 2nd patch, but at least I can play her in Swarm and pretend I have the skin
Does anyone know if refunds reset or refill in time? Or are you supposed to only have 3 refunds ever in an account?
Nobody plays that NPC champ.
Barely anyone cares for Aurora so Rito will see her failure as the sign to stop releasing cute girls.
You get 1 refund token a year but max 3
they reset every season
nigga who the FUCK is Faker? why this shit keep popping up every time I start LoL? I don't give a flying FUCK get it off my screen bitch.
>but at least I can play her in Swarm and pretend I have the skin
Yeah, thats sucks
>Nobody plays that NPC champ.
Agreed, no one really likes Smolder
emperor of korea
So sad not enough women like hunks and are only into twink men or making fujo yaoi stuff, god knows why they celebrate that, literally cuckold behaviour.
what champs are pro fried chicken and watermelon?
Isn't that a scat artist?
tits too big
That SUCKS. Thank you.
how long to get Aurora shard in Swarm? I bought her in the store but might just get refund and grind for her in this mode even though it's fucking terrible.
Too many "hunk" champs are gross and ugly looking. Sett is a hunk and I think he is hot and love his personality. Too bad faggots claim him
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>mogs ahri's skin while being a fraction of the price
what champs are pro insemination and mpreg?
LOL, behave ugly faggot
>2nd skin a year after release
>Tons of skins
Briarfags are truly braindead fucktards.
ahri skin sold 50 billion copies the first minute of its release
Vegetabro btw
why cant they just get rid of her floating bullshit thing and make her look normal
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Females and easterns never liked the hunk character archetypes in media. That's why in anime the obligatory buff dude is comedy relief or a massive jobber . Basically on the same level as monsters aka also jobbers and comedy relief.
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You get it for beating the first level on hard mode which requires you beat all 4 levels on story mode first. It took me like a day but you could probably do it faster. Main difficulty is that to beat hard mode you need to upgrade your stats a bit first.
Yeah a some of the hunk champs are too roided looking it's a bit unnatural. I was speaking more in terms of the likes of Shen and Pantheon, just a beautiful ratio and oomph. Now all we get are twinks, children or ottermodes. Very very sad.
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Then why is Gragas so powerful in this game?
Its all they are good at. Riot lost their touch in designing shit outside their current comfort zone.
Leave smolder alone
They would have to make a walking animation for her. Also she's literally a popstar who needs her own stage so it's part of her identity, the hoverboard isn't going anywhere.
>Design cute girl champ
>Lolg bitches and complains
>Design monster champ
>Lolg bitches and complains
>Designs brown champ
>Lolg bitches and complains
>Designs edgy dude champ
>Lolg bitches and complains
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>Leave smolder alone
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hitler ate oats, if you buy them, you are supporting genocide
>anon finds out that lolg is not 1 person and infact is many people with different opinions
The hoverboard sucks because it doesn’t do anything. If she was actually flying around on it or it was incorporated into her abilities better i would like it but she just stands still and looks dumb
oats are for the homeless? why are all the bilgewater champions oat enjoyers?
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reminder that Nami is soft
>e-whore art style
Not complaining really. I just like hunks. My fav champ who was literally built for me already exists so they can do whatever they like wit new releases.

Oatmeal is a luxury for those people, they'd be eating hardtacks otherwise.
because she is so fucking fat like all of her landwhale players
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Females don't play this game so why make the majority of new champs we get female?
>ashe anti oatmeal
dios mio
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Trying to appeal to the type of faggot loser that watches tranime 24/7 and just lives to consume
wtf I only eat oats now
God these cat ear headphone designs have been a thing since the deviantart days, can't believe I see people wear them irl thesedays sometimes, or see it copied off in games.
shes royalty and shes a prissy queen bee she wouldnt be caught dead eating slop
sejuani is the tough bitch of the freljord she should love oats why isnt she at the top?
Sona's tits are softer than anything the feesh can offer.
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>Trying to appeal to the type of faggot loser that watches tranime 24/7 and just lives to consume
And how we beat them? Im tired too aswell
Do it Riot Games
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gay ass nigger put up this sign ... what league of legends champ does this bitch play?
If there are low numbers of female players they still certainly seem to be buying a lotta sloppa, or atleast keeping the money rolling with simps. Women be shopping. But honestly it's funny seeing women just eat anything up in this game, same with guys who obsess with any design with pussy on.
>a balding 30 year old man is hitting f5 in anticipation of his gay lover to respond
nobody thinks of oatmeal as a slop outside of your ratched ghetto
Too late for that now. They can't bring in kids to the game so they're going for these type of losers who will unironically do shit like post about esports on social media and buy league of legends merch (including skins that they don't even intend to really use)
>Monkey with stripes
Another fucking recolored cartoon animal champ
>the word gruel exists
Fellow /tops/, which of these Champs are good for maining (carry potential, good scaling, not often picked/banned)? Am I missing a gem here?
in your ratchet ghetto language
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Soraka! My Cute Wife!
Riven, Fiora, Irelia. Try all three of them and pick two. There's no way they'd ban two tops thesedays.
all picks for bottoms
that word doesnt exist in my language
Squeezing Xayah's huge tits while she lactates chick fil la sauce.
the eyes really bother me
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>just watched the rabbit girl's spotlight
jesus fucking christ why are her thighs so thicc...
It was a rioters deviantart oc.
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>Too late for that now.
Yeah, i dont blame them for pandering those creaturinos
>Another fucking recolored cartoon animal champ
what about this
gp is either an absolute bastard or kind of useless depending on the meta
kled is mostly an epic counterpick champion

the top qweens (+camille) are very good but fiora in particular has never been bad since her rework dropped
She definitely doesn’t look like that in game
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Ummm... have you worshipped cock yet today?
Are you always a bottom or do you sometimes top Nami?
Are you sure you're looking at the right tab? There is a tab for each difficulty
The champs in Swarm have extremely different power levels, some are unironically unkillable if you're smart about the passives
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>he doesn't know
furry game
The next summer event will be about Oatmeal.
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Breeding will be daily.
Hard mode is hard but also it becomes easier as you get external upgrades
Absolute NPC
ok but how does this make you a woman?
who's getting the oatmeal prestige skin
Need the pubic hair tierlist
>rabbit is built for breeding
it just makes sense anon
Kennen Astronaut Red Chroma
gOatmeal Soraka
uhhh no, u
*ornn combos u*
mostly agreeable list for once
so I see Lilia is still annoying OP piece of shit bitch. thought they gonna nerf this worthless slut???
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But where's the cute?
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why do bot lane champs hoard all the prestige skins? aiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee
wait so is league vampire survivors on live servers?
i opened my client and it said to update but mentioned something about installing vanguard... is that necessary for league now too? cuz if so im gonna have to pass
Lots of paypigs, paypigging pigs duoing, not filled with jobless loser poors etc
Aurora lactates oatmeal.
bye felicia
I am legit baffled at Aurora's kit I don't get what the fuck she's supposed to do at all
Everytime I see Kennen I think of Samurai Pizza Cats.
you know that she is cute overall, right?
it's story
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Me when I finally get a hold of french maid nidalee
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ornn literally is fun, he's stupid tanky and has enough damage to be dangerous
hit them 3 times, slow them, throw a damaging area on them. basically the same as every other champ
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can't spell goat without oat. checkmate atheists
The oatmeal event should also be pig themed desu. Vouching for Sej because of her boar.
Hashinshin was right, truly ahead of his time.
does he still build custom buffed items for teammates? seems like I haven't seen that last couple times I had him on my team which is rare anyway so I basically forget about this champ's existence most of the time
will the fried chicken event be monkey themed?
cant spell league of legends without grueling
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She is a battle mage like Viktor.
Walk up, Q, auto, E away, Q2. Hop back in when your abilities are back up or hop away if they chase
Morgana is built for _____
do your parents know you're using their internet to do this shit everyday?
yes, he can upgrade every finished item now, adding stats for ~1000 gold to it, riot recently changed it so it's every item instead of just a handful like it was before but they removed the cool names the upgrades had instead because its too hard to come up with 20 item names i guess
DDS nynorsksoper
brown men
league of minorities
hds pakkisdansken
>Rolled Swain in Aram
>caring what your parents think about you
Oh yeah. Wait, but can she be metal?
bbcfag is an oatmeal guy
Just beat my meat to VBL's voice
Hvorfor innbiller du deg at jeg er en danske?
why so many BBC enjoyers in the Riot community???
bokmål er dansk, pakkisdanske
there are a lot of brits here, it's their news channel
>Make all female champs morbidly obese
Fixed the game
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does goth counts as metal?
that is not goth
only if their hurtboxes become bigger as a result
they pay their telly loicense
I have an MSI GE66 Raider gaming laptop. Will Vanguard brick me?
87,3% av landet bruker bokmål din dumme soper. Den innavla BØGda din er unntaket.
Det er flere utlendinger til lands enn det er mennesker med ny"norsk" som hovudmål. Bokmål er norsk, nynorsk er et fremmedelement, enkelt som.
pakkisdansken ...
Ambessa will have an oatmeal joke animation.
sluta skriva som ett mongo
>ett mongo
hahahaha åneineineinei
Det er rene /skandi/ her i dag...
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every game is carryable
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What are they even talking about? Can pakkisdansken decipher for us?
>dont show your own kda yet again
Post op.gg
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What mains have the best rizz? pic unrelated
is Lucian supposed to be playable against heavy poke comps? Because I felt like I couldn't do anything
No, sorry. Maybe Nami too soft to be Metal.
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gg i just dodged again two aram dodges in a row fuk
the test levels of this thread is literally down in the double digits
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not even this game mode can make yasuo look good
he is as boring as ever, literally failed concept
though i admit he was a bit fun in LOR
its just a random discord channel now
see >>486596465
Swarm is actually pretty fun
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maybe OR she just needs metal clothes
that Soraka pic is awesome btw
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Some times you just type some stuff that you regret and you just become friends, you know what I mean?
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>not even this game mode can make yasuo look good
>he is as boring as ever, literally failed concept
erm, who told you that?
Yasuo is the MC of LoL
>new mode comes out
>new champ comes out
>new event comes out
>recent patch
>dead thread
Vanguard did not kill league bro!
ok bros it is TIME
i will try to spam bunny girl when i can
I remember cumming buckets to those screenshots when I saw them
she is a battle mage like viktor except she has to throw herself in harms way, doesn't have neither viktor's burst nor sustained damage nor kiting, nor his scaling nor his manoeuvrability. so not a lot like Viktor at all
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Males are so pathetic it's unreal.
OK namifag
Daily reminder that every time some "high elo smurf" shittalkes you that they literally look like Baus or Yamato irl. Scrawny dudes with glasses that almost snap in the wind. And that they have to smurf in bronze games because they get their anus violated when playing in their own elo (low diamond). League is the only thing they got, the only flicker of pride they can muster in their patethic reject lives. It's just sad to watch man.
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anyways come watch it'll be fun :)
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This becomes at least twice as funny when you realize these are two fat gay ugly incels. Like, just imagine the setting. It's so fucking funny man
>caring what other males do with their time and money
She has better burst than Viktor. Decent sustained damage and better maneuverability. Only thing is that instead of a combat ult she has a utility
>except she has to throw herself in harms way
She absolutely doesn't?
It is, but Riot will never do it. Like yeah there's a better chance of both of them getting Goth skins.
we have that here. its nothing new
oh hell naw this nigga got his booty cheeks played like bongo drums by a d4 smurf ... this nigga got fucked from top to bottom ... this nigga got every hole filled ... this nigga had to watch passively as a scrawny d4 nigga dicked him down then took all the egirls in the lobby ... oh hellllllllll naw this nigga zesty for that one fr!
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Thats a boy and boys are toys
all this oatmeal autism just because some nigga dropped his preworkout
>imagining every person you talk to as male
holy shit why is 4chan so gay
Many of them are neets or work dead end jobs. They've spent their entire childhood and youth grinding the game. But their main account looks like trash. Nobody is impressed and so they have to play in lower elos to mask their incredible insecurities. You would think someone who loves to show off would post their main, but they never do. Makes you think.
Get ready for incoming walls of seethe at this truthnuke btw.
boomers itt unironically think girls dont exist on the internet like its still 2005
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yeah, I have no hope after octopus and space tumor skins
Downloading """""""""lore-friendly vanilla+"""""""""" mods was a mistake, I've learned that now. Instead of trying out some goofy fantasy shit that has room to be creative, you get some cringe shit a midwit redditor thinks would fit the elder scrolls world.
90% of "posters" don't even have a gender
ya'll niggas are ai
>space tumor
Please don’t call my favorite skinline that
trannies are so funny, respect for being comedians
Even though it's likely a meme answer I have no choice but to believe it since nobody else responded.
yeah the guy posting female champ pics you're hitting on is actually a girl. don't be an idiot. the ones who are instantly bring it up like talonfag, bardmom, jelly, xaunites, etc...
Name 5 girls then
today I will win at paperio
emily, ashley, charlotte, abigail, millicent
it's a stretch to call that thing a woman even if it has xx chromosomes
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>ya'll niggas
I only ever saw one poster that I truly believed was a girl and the moment she revealed it, this entire general instantly (You)'d her like a bunch of filthy saars. It was probably the most pathetic thing I've ever witnessed here.
It's one thing that you can cast shit like Draven R or allies by accidentally having your mouse close (NOT EVEN ON) on their portrait. It's next level nigger retardation to have you cast shit like Draven R on yourself because your cursor is close to your own fucking portrait in the middle lower HUD. UNREAL retardation, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE I hope that the PM at Riot that has not prioritized this during a cooldown or whatever gets aids in their ass for being gay retarded monkeys
The people doing the "his girl/her boy" cringe shit actually usually are unironically women.
I duoed a British girl from here lots of years ago. It was always awkward and it took a long time to get her to mic up because my name on the acc was something like AH WARRIOR1488 (approximately). But real women on 4chan are worthless, genuinely. Go to a bar and find a fatty, that's much better (srs)
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95% of this board is male and/or single what do you expect? Just remember any girl's shy or platonic gaming is just an act.
she literally doesn't have any of that
viktor qer at level 13 assuming 2 seconds of R is 995 + 370% AP. assuming 200 AP that comes out to around 1700 damage
aurora qer at level 13 is 955 + 245% AP + 7%hp proc assuming 200 ap. comes out to 1450ish damage, the opponent would have to have 3500+ HP for Aurora to deal the same damage

>decent sustained damage
7% health every 3 hits? 6s and 11s cd on her two damaging spell vs viktor's 5 and 8 seconds?
>better manoeuvrability
at these numbers she gets around 13% movement speed from exorcising a target for 4 seconds, compared to viktor getting 30% movespeed on each Q press
>She absolutely doesn't?
850 and 800 spell range on her two main spells. for comparison the first one is about 25 more range than jinx rockets and the second one gets outranged by jinx rockets.
it's not even comparable. Viktor is a teamfight mage, Aurora is a shitty Teemo function
>go to a bar
I'd rather stay single than get with a barfly
Good luck!
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Point being, the girls here are worse. Just ask yourself, what is 4chan known for? What kinda people (men) hang out here? Why would a girl be here? Aren't there other places she could hang out(yes)? That's all you need to know about the girls here. Trannies here are genuinely better, and I am dead serious
can hard mode be solod? i am retrying with max upgrades and mobs have so much health that the only way i can live through like first 7 minutes on the first map is to have best in slot skills and even then i fail
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You think you're too good for any girl that hangs out in the same cesspool you do?
thanks but it's so hard above 25% I don't have a good strat for it yet
Keep going.
i've done the first level with Leona, just pick the freezing thing, stuff that evolves with defensive stuff and owo gun for dps and it's doable
the Item Set feature deserves an update
imagine pursing women online lel
why yes i do enjoy massively pointless teasing with possible good outcomes
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I like pretending I'm a girl online and on league because it just 'feels right'. I know I'll never be a woman but putting up that facade doesn't hurt anyone and makes me feel better.
Since the last two questions went over your head, what kinda girl do you think goes on 4chan? Trannies are alienated by default, so some of the ones on here aren't awful (that's another topic doebeit). But what kinda girl hangs out on 4chan? Place is filled with misogyny and all other types of hate. What kinda woman does that attract? Worthless trash
I meant *no possible good outcomes

the best case scenario is you get a boob pic. What's the point
>sex is all anon thinks a relationship is
>my e-gf is real
I've catfished many men over my time on league. Got some good skins out of it desu.
why do you think you deserve any better?
porn addicted fag who spends all his free time on videogames thinks he will find some pure hearted virgin who shares all his degenerate interests in a fucking bar
Fools departing from their money, fuckem.
Obviously someone you deserve since you also must engage in all the degeneracy that comes along with the site
unironically a lot more likely than finding one here jej
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its as simple as having a girly name and icon. you don't have to vc because you can claim you're shy
0 is not greater than 0
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>All these anons discussing real women, dating, picking up chicks

No thanks. I'll stick to 2D girls.
2D > 3DPD
paperio above 25% is the equivalent of gm+ in league
except it's not 0 because not every girl who goes to a bar is a gutter slut harlot you dumb woman hating virgin
why do support players hate yasuo and zed so much?
When is the Teemo visual update releasing
an internet addicted shut in is way more likely to be a virgin than someone who goes out meeting people at bars all the time. get real
I honestly can't believe virgins actually exist. I was a virgin too, my mind was poisoned by 4channel and so it took until like 25 when I finally snapped and just wrote online "tfw I'm in my mid 20s and a virgin what to do". Then some hot goth chick messaged and we had sex

It's that easy
Never. I think visual update would have to be incredibly precise for that guy. Then there's the mountain of skins they'd have to update.
correct 2d girls can't cheat on you or give you stds or ask for child support
the kind of girl who hangs here is the kind who hangs out in the anime club in college
she will not be with any of the simps surrounding her under any circumstance, maybe she'll lie and say she just doesn't want to ruin the club but everyone but the simp knows its because she isnt attracted to low quality men
she can't hang out with men she is actually attracted because she doesn't stack up compared to the options THEY have
the quirky le 4chan girl is looking for attention and a space to fit in where she couldnt irl
female friendship doesnt exist
the 4chan girl you found that wants to be your gf is either a catfish, trans, or playing you for your money the rest just wont ever be your gf stop trying
>meeting people
no one cares you bang landwhales from tinder
based fox enjoyer
im talking about the women not me. I'd rather a 4chan gf than a bar gf is what im saying
AP irelia tingles my dingle
nta but if it's not that then what it is?
women have 0 emotional intelligence
that's how you lose the jellybowl
you lose the jellybowl by playing it she wont be your gf simp
I am not interested in casual sex, sorry, if it means I have to wait forever I am fine, I'll enjoy my peace and solitude. Buff Leona.
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/lolg/ pickup artist moment
I swear if I get this stupid ass beach volleyball Yuumi mission once more...
don't post soft feesh poster
I got timestamped pussy and tit pics from a /lolg/
Women on 4chan are either mentally ill (most), or just prostitutes looking to use men. There's a big overlap between the two. Even 2/10 giga fat ugly girls (but that are somewhat normal) wouldn't wanna hang out here, they'd rather be on reddit or something.
It's fine new thread soon.
all women are the same bro
>hurrur a 4chan GF would be special and quirky and not like the other girls
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emiru used to hang out on 4chan. there's old pics of her from other boards.
its not that they would be hecking special, simply that they would at least have shared interests whereas some normalfag bar frequenter would be an insufferable faggot with zero things in common
What a wholesome hole! Marriage material for one of our boys!
You are better off playing league and being friendly to people with girl names and trying to chat them up etc. You can find normal girls playing league, no normal girl hangs out here.

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