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Previous: >>486540684

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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What’s Merlina’s stance on giving footjobs?
Stop talking about AI niggers
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Kama Love
Let's talk about how shit this event is because sakurai sucks
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>Yeah, that is absolutely perfect. Thanks bro.

Good, here's the new images you requested
Here with a more "innocent" expression, I used embarrassed and flustered, but IMO they look about the same
Here some tanned Merlina
This one is odd and funny
With this I will go to sleep, I will finish the Draco stuff the other anon requested later today
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Do you think Moriarty is sad that he got his "careful Im sure he is planning something evil" role stolen by Douman?
How long until this event is reran? I need to start saving for Summer Gareth all over again.
A non retard would have immediately clocked this as AI thoughever
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Content is finally here
What is Arc's big sword called?
It will never replace humans, just a tool bro no soul like this >>486554179
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Beni Rabu!
>200k damage on the last single enemy wave
>With an AOE noble phantasia
Holy shit I think I won the game now
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That's dumb.
Then when do the banners rerun?
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Here lies APEX. He will not be missed
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Fluffy summer soon.
nta but night bro
Good moming
I hate this
I hate Raikou
No, because Douman's been reduced to a joke and is easily manhandled by Sei. Meanwhile, Moriarty still retains his mastermind cred.
>Merlin gave Artoria big dick.
then Merlina must have given Arthur big...?
>when your dommy mommy is so filthy rich she gives you a giga cruiser Yacht just for yourself

Don't forget to take screenshots on your new Yacht background, it even comes with a unique bgm!
Based Anti-Turd white knight
Morning bro
Bros I nearly had a fucking heart attack... I need to get out of the redlist, this was a wakeup call...
>Mcadoola hula dance.gif
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Kama Spinny
I love this
I love Raikou
I thought that was BBs job,
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Morning mom
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Got Purin bros! 510sq on the dot.

Along with:

>NP7 Gareth (she just didn't stop coming what the fuck)
>NP upgrade Martha
>NP1 Vritra spook
>a bunch of summer CEs but surprisingly almost no 3* CEs

Vritra in particular shocked me. She came on the 10th roll out of an 11 roll and I was about ready to fume, but stayed calm. And then the very next roll, the last one, was Purin.

I choose to see it as Vritra tested me, and I passed.
Arc is not in the event why she has 50% bonus?
kek I'm imagining what led to her dual-wielding drinks in that pose and it's hilarious
>3 turn using at most 1 NP
Event bonus damage is neat.
It's been 7 years you should know this shit already
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Anni always does.

Which makes it annoying that Xuxu doesn't.
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Morning momtato
Pretender class on Merlina plus event bonus damage on this Saber node makes it a breeze. As an aside, holy shit she is fast to get her NP going with that third skill and passive helping.
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Late cutie
Does Chunguska have free quests if I run through it again? I'm desperate for quartz... Still not reading tail retcon slop
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Hell yeah
Now we're goin' plundering, with a goddamn Yacht
par for the couse for anni servants to have event bonus for the subsequent event (which is usually summer)
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let her cook
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When will we get this level of kino in an event again?
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I call it the Epstein yacht.
This year's Christmas when Santa Voyager becomes Baby New Year.
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For what Vinci said, Holmes is still in Chaldea after Traum?
So all these servants go out and see the bleached world and don't talk much aside from Skadi, which reminds me, they don't let servants react to seeing the bleached world at all. It could've been a sombering moment to see how different servants react to seeing their homeland being erased and reminding us how much damage the alien did to Earth
Cut the bluplles instead. Those have been pilling up atm.
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>when he calls you Turd
>Chance to evade
>Evades 12 attacks across three turns flawlessly
Fuck off.
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>1.4K sq
>Dared to hope for np2 Merlina but that was fucking brutal
>Hurts but still have enough to pity Skadoo
Albert has yet to receive a single dollar from me which makes it not sting as much
Felt like a lot of spooks happening this rateup. Like the bad old days even.
Summer Skadi or Merlin (Female)? I can only really roll for one.
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Looks like a really nice place for kid servants to gather
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What does your heart tell you?
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what did she see
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Me rn
Thrud is the Aryan choice.
are you concerned with gameplay? anons might give you a QRD of what you're aiming for, if you ask nicely
Most of the posters here are tamamoes though
1 for now. I am going to roll Skadi and then see how much sq I have left to judge whether to go for another NP level or two for her.
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unironically (You). She makes this face on Valentine when (You) tease her with flirting
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What 'winter event that Skadi was involved in this year' was Assclap talking about?
Sleep well bro. Do you also happen to have a link to all the images you've made?
unironically him>>486557924
anything more is bait
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10 or so
2 because Gareth was being stubborn.
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skadoo is better if you want gameplay value
merlina does get future reruns and by far she's the lowest priority for this summer's ssr's
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5, she was a Welfare.
The ones made today?
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0 I'm only rolling for Wu.
I think they're both hot, so at this point the question is, which one is more useful overall/harder to get.
Oh yeah, that happened.
Is Xu Fu in the FP gacha yet?
tho you've probably read it already
you had a whole year to save
this is nothing but your own fault
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>don't know whether to roll for Gareth, Wu, Erice or Douman
>Lady Merlina came in 16 tickets
This slut is for ME!
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>save 1200+ SQ and 50 tickets for summer
>cums in 5
I LOVE WHORES. I hope Skadi is as much as a dirty slutty whore as Purina
Fine, the succubus will get 60 of my quartz, but no more.
Yes, she was added when Arc's rate up ended. Rates are pretty low though, I still haven't gotten the Traum dude.
> Albert silently pushes THE BUTTON for your account.
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Nah, just everything in general, or if you have folders for certain characters or something.
720,000 FP/copy avg
I said heart, not dick.
Got Gareth, not a total loss.
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Who's there?
Hot period going on. Quick roll for her. What are you guys waiting for
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>Ericebro dies before summer Erice
>Ati dies before summer Skadi
>Wukek dies before summer Wu
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Hoooo boy
I WILL summon Ericebro
0, shes cute but I want to get skadi first and dont want to dump 800 SQ on np1
/alter/ is healing
>Spend all 300 quartz i have rolling for summer Gareth
>No Gareth only 2 Merlinas and i dont care for her i wanted Gareth
>Spend 4 hours straight crying
>Regain my composure
>Do some free quests for 30 quartz
>Roll again
>3rd Merlina still no Gareth
>Spend another hour crying
>mexiliz arrested before the liz event reruns
Don't forget that one, everything fits together.
It's actually slightly worse since that Traum caster was added also, it's:
1%/(3* pool)
She’s for (you)!
Am I a certified fudanshi if I’m fantasizing about Douman and Yan Qing hatefucking based on their interactions already
Skin walkers are dangerous, let this be a lesson
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my imaginary headcanon is your not actually summoning summer erice, your actually summoning erice-anon who actually managed to get his wish and become erice in the game
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I do have folders sorted by servant/character and artist style
My slop stash is not online, but if you want something in particular I can upload it later
If I can only get NP1 is SSkadi a better choice than SIbuki?
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Why exactly have Sabers riding skill by default but not lancers?
Wouldn't make more sense for lancers to have it as default as well?
I love Gareth not Merlin
I thought you were going to sleep bro
holy mentally ill and hebephile and based
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>independently Pseudo Zero Point Sails to the Arctic
>somehow actually brings all 3 Valkyries with her aswell
>gets a grail
>emotionally blackmails the hesitating Valkyries to do her bidding (fails)
>makes a pouty face then summons another Valkyrie trio
>creates Arctic Amusement Park paradise
>sends new trio back to Chaldea so they can turn other servants into their swimsuit dresses and invite them to her Eternal Amusement Park
>bunch of servants arrive
>we Rayshift there too
>gives us a rune powered cruiser Yacht to navigate the place
>Rayshifts Goredolf in there just to make sure we have a pilot
>invites animal families to the park
>reverse engineers Chaldea's comm system device just to say hi
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>Choco jack
Oops forgot spoilers.
Hello Otome I am awake but might be a bit sporadic in conversation. I have looked at Salammbo and want to put it on my kindle. Do you recommend a certain translation? I have read Polybius so it will be interesting to see how the Punic war is portrayed in novel form. Speaking of primary sources, if you want a good survey of Roman historians, I'd recommend The Historians of Ancient Rome compiled by Ronald Mellor, and for a snapshot into roman society, both high and low, the anthology Roman Letters compiled byZeiner-Carmichael. I forgot to mention last night that in terms of "new stuff" I have been reading Gore Vidal: his Julian was great and I am starting Creation.
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>500 SQ
>1 purin
>np8 Gareth yikes
>a whole bunch of event CEs
not too bad, now I just wait for Skadi and I'm done for this year
pretty impressive ngl
I'm starting to think this Skadi chick isn't very smart
Because saber is the best class, numbnuts
Are you going to 120 your Gareth
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'Member when, 2 years ago, people saw the fluffy Wu silhouette and thought she'd have a loli ascension?
Good times, good times.
If you don't mind sharing your Morgan pics later, that'd be appreciated.
she's eating his brain...
too bad she's ugly
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Thats...something, I dont know what exactly but...something
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Can someone help me cope and explain me what she is good for?
I got way too many copies of her before I got my own np5 Gareth and im kinda fumming
Arts Merlin, plain and simple.
lol no
fuck you, she is the worst 4* ever
Why does she have to be an Extra Class?!
Being a Sakurafag is suffering...
Man if she were this smart in her LB, it would have been second best after Olympus.
she's good at np5
immortal team (forma de arts)
I think so, specially if you have some decent Quick servants to use. You should get more value and enable more with SSkadi at NP1.
Sidegrade of Castoria. Critical focused. Great in stall comps but kind of irrelevant since those are already perfected without her.
death to humblebraggers
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Summer priest when?
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>600 SQs, 20 tickets
1x Lady Avalon
4x Sexy Gareth
1x Rider Marie
1x Indian Artoria
...1x fucking NAPOLEON!
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Lostbelt Queens are scary...
Or Ana.
wow she's uglier than Skadi
no wonder Kadoc ditched her for Nitocris
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fuck off this is not your discord server
Fuck you, I have to roll for Erice now.
Why exactly does Gareth have Clarent
Tried for Merlin and missed bros. It's over.
Won't be getting Skadi now...
New event, new reason to come back to /alter/
Morning/evening bros
Fuck on this is YOUR thread
fuck on this is your discord server
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It would be pretty embarrassing if your dad was a sex symbol and got summer-ed before you.
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just wanted to say good morning to my bros here....
>Is a support better than an np1 attacker
Unless your dick or heart tell you otherwise, yes.
>0 SQ, 0 tickets
0x anything
>goes around ASSAULTING innocent Servants with Primordial Runes
She is a menace.
Just do one ticket bro. What’s the worst that can happen
didn't know we had people who wanted gareth
I thought it was a joke
160 sq (all i have, lost 250 on failing np1 arc)
1x Lady Avalon
x2 Summer Gareth
no xu fu
>looping these weak nodes with Jeannu onee-sama
Brings me back to my latelet days of Summer 3.
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>was robbed from first ascension ibuki swimsuit
>was robbed from proper hag wu
>was robbed from assassin wu swimsuit
>one spot taken by completely new servant instead of swimsuit version
Shut it bragger
Gareth is the love of my life.
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god, I love Melusine. Imagine waking up to this
0 SQ, 1 ticket
1x ParacelSUS
Pretty sure they actually tried to veer away from cunny and then got blindsided by BA
Cunny came back HARD afterward
Mo is a cool imouto
>1x Purin
>1x Vritra
>1x Martha
>7x Gareth
And other shit.
Not that anon but I wanted her too. If I see a servant in a cute hat I'm summoning her.
When it comes to sales BA doesen't hold a candle to FGO and it certainly didn't do so 2 years ago either
1 big pack on Douman

-1x Yan Qing
-A bunch of CEs

Fuck this
She couldn’t afford a flute
20kg of perfection
How come Herc doesn't have a summer alt?
Or Spartacus?
Thank you hot period
But I wanted Gareth…
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Late the arrival might be, but the best shall come last!
>Pretty sure they actually tried to veer away from cunny and then got blindsided by BA
Hilarious if true, because that game picked up no steam till the titty monster bunny girls showed up.
BA is more popular in those days. FGO is kept alive by giga-insane whales at this point
Fine, the succubus will get one months worth of my semen, but no more.
because they are men?
It's about the subset, not total sales
Literally nothing to roll for the entire year for that segment
Does it matter why? It still makes 10x more money than BA. I bet the game costs half as much to develop, too.
So was Merlin!
Is there any gacha that's kept alive by something other than giga-insane whales?
She learned with the best...
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Thinking about Merlina’s feet right now…
>you can only pick one
But Ati logged in not even an hour ago
Twintails? She's my girl.
Bros, will Erice Summer be useful in 90++ at all? She's an Avenger with a 30% charge and anti-servant and bonus vs cursed, but does she have the damage?
When is next GSSR?
I need to get my 6th Arcuid copy for appends.
Costumes and skins?
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I'm still alive...
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She seems familiar…
Why are you describing Lady Avalon?
90++ is only clearable with Sabers so no
It has like 3 million HP but takes 10x damage from sabers or something.
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Not for long
Cunny summer when Lasengle?!!
>2024S capcha
AIbro I am gonna need to have sex and impregnate with handholding this cutie in Takeuchi style
I'm dead
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NovelAI, generate Hildr and Run giving me a double blowjob!
She's not Kriempie or Sono-G tier but she's still pretty good as far as ST 4*s go.
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The damage already done though and assassin wu swimsuit lost forever

I wont argue popularity because certainly BA seems strong, you go to pixiv or booru and everything is fucking BA spam.
But its kind of impressive FGO still does more money, specially considering how little fgo costs are compared to other gachas


Its absurd FGO does this good at this point.
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Understood, now generating Anytime taking it up the ass.
I guess this event is supposed to take place before the wandering sea got nuked and before holmes got dead?
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Which BA girl is the most like Melusine?
>But its kind of impressive FGO still does more money
FGO is a lot of people's secondary gacha, so while they are playing the new fotms, they always come back to it when there is a new event/servant to whale for, especially on the nip side.
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ring some bells?
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Nice, got her in 60sq
Something between Hina and Mika personality wise desu
60 sq, no merlin, but np5 gareth. im not even upset, i dont care too much, but that is pretty funny
>For what Vinci said, Holmes is still in Chaldea after Traum?
You didn't notice that we are still inside Wandering Sea? Event takes place before we got attacked by Lovely U.
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>open thread
>see this
Why are you people like this?
sex with these girls
>content arrives
>retards from ba need to shit the place up with their unwanted slop
Skadi is really the same thing as her caster version, so quick memes
Merlina is literally arts merlin, so if you enjoy things like Lancelot arts critting people to oblivion she's your gal
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I remember that but I love small wu and big wu
Damn, unlucky. Usually I get at least NP10 with that amount.
It's a pretty chill thread rn desu famalam
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I’m going to need to see receipts of you getting 3 Gareths in one roll
3 sq, NP5 Merlina and NP20 Gareth. Pretty unlucky i would say.
Skadi... Merlin... correction is needed!
>NP2 S. Ibuki
It's over
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beep boop. Here you go, Lady Altera.
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So what’s /alter/ opinion on Lady Avalonussy?
Something doesn't seem right about that.
I am accusing you of cheating.
I will analyze this later and conclude with more information later.
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Does NP2 on Merlina make a noticeable difference? Or should I stop at NP1?
not the current 1 thats recently released since thats 90** and hard-shilling sabers only but you can use her for the OC QP or other quests since the mobs have low instant death resist making it easy to cheese it with insta death NPs https://youtu.be/3NEVUIfG53k?t=284
where is it then? your gen
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I like trains
Where's the content.......
it's 2,5% more NP per turn, if you don't care don't bother cause she needs NP5 to regen 10%
I also got Purina in sub 10 tickets and am wondering if I should attempt NP2/Gareth or just quit while I’m ahead. Read too many horror stories of people getting NP1 early and then going 1000+ Sq chasing NP2.
Being completely serious I have no clue who this is or what she’s from
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Ye gods...
avg is 48 rolls per gareth, pick your poison
> Those 3 days of SQ self-control between Ibuki's banner and Skadi's banner.
It will be hard.
Its 2.5% per NP level so not really.
Unless you're going for NP5 its a waste of quartz.
Tell that to this person >>486558863
Np2 on the Second twist
Not rolling anymore for Gareth.
Just one multi, anon. What's the harm? Maybe two multis. Come on.
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None. BA has lot of nice girls and lots of them may overlap with some servants, Wakamo is basically just Tamamo and Mustuki is pretty much Kuro, for example

But I don't think any overlap with Melusine.
Mika may have some traits with the infatuation, aesthetically Hina could be a match but its some traits, there isnt really an equivalent
I've gone past pity without getting the 4*, I've been there
Explode, be revived, and then explode again!
I like how Goredolf despite everything is still the one with the most senses though in a funny way. If this was another mage he would have fired any servant that joined this shit.
Love the dolfbro.
That was me with Bob. I got NP3 Morgan and ~NP10 Barghest without a single fairy Liz.
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Well, maybe...
> First x10 pulls gives Erice.
>Hey, maybe I will have luck...?
> One empty wallet later...
bros, imma make some hamburgers, what servants should i invite?
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Can someone fill me in as to what the steps are to farm with Arc and double Oberon? I think I messed it up
there are anons here who try to get a 4* np5 they really want and dump 1200 SQ for nothing and you get np5 in 60 SQ. thats just not fair bro
>switch Merlina to 2nd ascension
>she doesn't do wink np and she isn't in her swimsuit.
What gives?????
Ouch. Mine was single rate up Summer Nito
I didn't even get Nero either, this was before pity was implemented
First step was getting NP5 and getting her to 120. Go back and do that first
So if I ended up with NP5 Gareth who I didn't actually want in less than half that, I should stay quiet?
That's pretty much a reenactment of the event 4* CE.
Nah do whatever you want bro
People will always be mad and it's fun seeing freaky luck
AI, generate me a warpgate so I can travel through spacetime at my leisure
if its 60 SQ yea, 600ish and you really like them or want to to get the 5* instead its sortof ok
I'm just infinitely rolling in infinite amount of universes for infinite amount of time and i still have no Merlina or Gareth. Life just isnt fair.
I got mine NP2 in like 90 SQ but I was lucky af, don't push it, only if the other banners don't entice you
I want to creampie her from behind
I've noticed when she does her NP, even if she is 1st or 3rd in lineup, she will magically be in the middle, and then suddenly not be in the middle.

It's really annoying.
>Read too many horror stories of people getting NP1 early and then going 1000+ Sq chasing NP2.
I'm still seething after Traum.
If you're unsure then stop, bro.
She’s pure magic. Teleportation is child’s play for her
I was instructed to generate it, not to distribute it.
for me it's making eye contact during insemination
What happened to you
Well we can't talk about naturally intelligent niggers, now can we?
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Do black people play fgo?
Why did he do it?
Haven't you seen this thread?
No Albert banned them
Why in the actual fuck do i need to call their names everytime AFTER they are done talking?! At least do it before they start talking.
That's the idea, creampie from behind, and kissing/tongue kissing while locking eyes.
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>there are people choosing to roll for Gareth (forma de White Woman Moment)
Arc with any rank Append 2

>Blow Koyans everything on Arc, swap turn 1 for second Oberon. Arc should be 60% gauge.
>Use both Oberon's 20% np charges = 100%
>Arc NP 1
>Use Arc's battery = 100%
>Arc NP 2
>Use all the rest of your skills, two 50%'s from your Oberons = 100%
>Arc NP 3
Emiya Alter isnt black hes an extreamly tanned white man called Emiya Shirou.
The softest
she cute thoughbeit
black people only care about shonen
fatefags are all SEA
>world is a post-apocalyptic dead salted hellscape
>Skadi decides to make a paradise on earth and...it'll be permanent!
Oh fuck no we must put a stop to this!
Shirou is japanese.
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She likes her second ascension and whathever reason I have to see her smile, I WILL do it.
after 810 sq and 20 tickets I could only get 1 (one, una, anre) Merlina copy, the rest were:
>NP7 Gareth
>Parvati spook x2, Herc spook x1
>10 Xu Fus
>plenty of shitty CEs
>a fuckload of Zenobia and Koyan + Nikitich CEs
The scenarios of this event are so fucking pretty. Some great art assets here, Skadoo's castle is truly majestic.
I rolled for Lady Avalon. If I could, I would have rolled for just her and Erice, but the setup for the rateups is a really shitty split.
>love futa
>rolled 2 merlinas
Bro your Skadi funds??
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I'm not paying for rolls outside of guaranteed special banners ever again. Only thing I got was the last Medusa I needed to unlock her last append skill...
>tfw Suttr is in there too
Skadi doesnt have a dick.
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>horror stories of people getting NP1 early and then going 1000+ Sq chasing NP2.
2023-18-1. Ashtart rateup. PTSD flashbacks.
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Can I replace Hildr with this cutie?
do you have summer jeanne d'arc archer
Bro? Your Primordial Runes?
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>got her in a tenner
>wanted perlin but refuse to roll more
This Zenobia snow globe ce is fucking nice.
>yet ANOTHER event where the SSR I want is the final banner, long after event shop is cleared
>yet ANOTHER event where the SSR is paired with the SR I give less than zero fucks about
Give us a damn dropdown menu to select the accompanying rate up SR already
Bros this Zenobia CE is doing things to me that are unfathomable. I want to her.
>Read too many horror stories of people getting NP1 early and then going 1000+ Sq chasing NP2.
I got Arcuid on 2nd roll and NP took a total of 420 quartz for me.(including the first copy)
1320sq+54tickets and I only got NP1
I really hate how the pity disappears with the first copy and you could theoretically roll 5000000000000 SQ and not get a second. If anything the pity threshold should be less
how does this fucker of a boat work anyway?
where's the propulsion coming from?
No, she's matched with a different Valk.
>ANOTHER event where I want every single ssr.
It's so over.
da powah of da wunes
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That’s something that would get me to uninstall
Why don't you have Jeanne d'Arc?
Cute dogs
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sex sex sex sex
Primordial Runes.
>Actually have enough lores for once to use them freely
I will now finish getting some summer servants skilled and actually put them on event support for once.
Jesus how many spooks is that
>ANOTHER event where I want every single ssr.
>It's so over.
Also all sr are dogshit.
I'd say she's something between Hina and Mika
yes i know that's powered by runes, but how does that thing go forward on ice?
W-what? Want to WHAT her?
I'd knock knock her up, if you know what I mean.
There was one Bargbro who got 15 Morgans, 17 Bobs, several spooks both 5 and 4 stars before he could get NP5 Barghest.
Siberian wolf next right?
summer erice bro?
To her.
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I hope to get lucky during his Morganfest rate-up, but it was painful.
He was my only SSR during that rate-up.
you could work on maxing your circe up so your no longer a redlist bro
post supports with your code.
>Fumbled my twisting strategy for Traum, instead of going all in on just Chuck or Moriarty I split my funds and saved some for the funny Gundam X man too
>Got nothing
Moriarty came on destiny at least. A lot of people were saying this was a dead year with barely anything to roll for but I have been absolutely run ragged.
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Mom sex
The frost giants drag or carry it.
Dont care I want to sex Merlin Ibuki and Skadi so I must roll them.
>Circekek starting shit now that Ati is too sick to defend Skadoodle
Don't get uppity, at least Skadi is useful and doesn't have stupid fake wings.
Quite the nice grove to be found at the Arctic.

Was also wondering, the Back Spear boys are obviously a reference to Summer 1, but now Bazett is in there, and there's this fanart I recall of Bazett with Cu in farming clothes, was that also referencing something else, maybe a scene on the Capsule game?
Skadi threw Sitonai in jail again and is forcing her polar bear (made invisible by runes of course) to pull it
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>He was my only SSR during that rate-up.
Bro... My condolences.
Hi, reddie(t) Sam
Yeah, who wrote this summer? It's been nothing but servants repeating each other's lines for the entity of it so far.
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Can this overworked salaryman clear 90++ with just two Castoria?
Zenobia teaching us how dates go on a Yacht...
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90++ deez nuts
The same person who wrote last summer's shit show.
Yes, Zeno, you already talked about this in my room
What’s the skill order for Arcueid and double Oberon please?
At NP3+ I believe so, think he needs Oberon too.
Needs Oberon and NP4+
I have new friend spots prepped https://rayshift.io/na/806972473 806,972,473
Did Sakurai write this event?
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>opening is nothing but sakurai servants and jeanne/erice
I wonder
Arc needs Lv. 1 append
Start with double Oberon out front, use his 20% team charges so Arc gets to 50%, then use one of the Oberon's targeted 50% charge to get her to 100%
Turn 2: Arc's 100% charge
Turn 3: Plugsuit in Vitch and use her and the other Oberon's 50% charge on Arc
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NP5 level 100 can make do with just Double Castoria.
Sounds like you have basic bitch taste.
Thanks bro
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>Kama moved up from BB-Mart
Good for her
Who is writing this event before I roll?
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>previous thread
>some chud and others got only NP1 Merlina in 700-900sq

>now this nigga also got NP1 in 800sq
Zamn... Looks like a lot of chuds got her in pity...
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It's an old april fools art, from before FGO was a thing
Aren’t runes way too convenient?
Post your friend code.
a lot of people are having bad luck apparently even though i bagged her with 200 SQ so good for me I suppose.
Douman is totally going to do a betrayal, right?
I still need plugsuit Vitch? The way people talked about this comp made me think you didn’t need any other supports, ugh
>Yan Qing
Isn't it obvious?
Why are people replying to Cucksucker again?
Skadi has some Authorities right?
Given she created the Valks out of nothing maybe they're just using her power as if she were their Master or something.
This was the piece I was thinking. Danbooru says it's a piece from over 9 years ago, so maybe the scene in the event is actually a reference to this particular fanart?
Buster looping sucks
Don't be silly.
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>210 SQ
>NP1 Merlina
>NP2 Summer Gareth
>5 copies of the 4* Summer CE
Not bad. I hope I got at least 1 5* SummerbCE though
My gacha has been SHIT lately. I might just give up on summer and save for Kirei/Bazett at this point. Summer Skadi has probably ended up my most wanted of this event just because I want to use my quick servants more, but I’m already set on farming and have regular Skadi.
if only so he gets stuck in the jar again
That sounds very ridiculous, he is being nothing but helpful bro.
Just use double vitch edison
>every character has to give their 2 cents
>no battles

Yep, i'm thinking it's Sakurai kino.
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Any 50% charger is sufficient btw, but damage is another story
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Kam home already, Kama...
Ah I see. Surprisingly old, seems to have been from some time after Extra.
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They are beating you over the head with the fact that he's le evil betrayer man. He's an obvious red herring
The last time he was forced to mow the lawn and sealed inside a jar. What do you expect?
Just just 3 Kscope Junao Alter to farm.
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but douman's a good boy now, he wouldnt do any more evil backstabbing bullshit right?
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In before
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After whaling and hitting pity for Merlina my motivation to play FGO is gone. What should I do?
So let me see if I'm getting Lady's Avalon personality right, she's just a pretty dumbass? Like a bimbo?
>Junao Alter
Play a real game. You shouldn't be grinding summer yet anyway.
What a shit event. When is the next GudaKINO?
She's literally pretending to be an idiot. Fou is calling her out on her bullshit.
stop being a bitch, you knew the risks and had 2 years to save
She's the same as Merlin, pretends to be retarded but is actually a keikaku expert who can see all of the past and future. She's just better at manipulating men than women, where Merlin is the other way around.
Wait, so she's actually smart? Why is she pretending to be retarded, then?
when is skadoodle banner I’m going to kill myself
1 more week
When you say whaling, do you mean actually spending money on big packs
Girls are cutest when they're almost retarded
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Next wednesday.
next week
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Such is the gacha, sis
Not for me though, i got Merlina in 120sq
How is everybody in the event stupid enough to not recognize who Merlina is
Easier to get (You) to do what she wants. In her ascension lines she starts talking in what sounds like lewd implications for what she wants out of (You) as her onee-chan.
Does Merlin (female) have heroine creation bros? this is important
I literally don't care, I just want to suck on her asshole
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>Wait, so she's actually smart? Why is she pretending to be retarded, then?
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How fun
It's a Sakurai woman writer event? This is obvious now.
who the fuck is merlina
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lady avalon
How many did you have to buy to hit pity?
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That's what cucklicker calls Perlin.
Holy sex
That’s official art and it comes from the 2015 Tmitter April fools, that’s where the reference originally comes from
merlins little sister
>Merlin Proto sends Arthur to exterminate all other beasts and beast candidates
She does this so she can become a beast without any competition
Why is she called Purin?
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Who else are tailors/seamstresses?
>Light Unto Thy Hands: B
>A blessing to those who reach out and fight against something mighty beyond imagination.
>She appears to be celebrating the target's journey itself, rather than their ambitions.
>(This is actually a variant of the "Hero Creation" skill.)

Why can't ruler jeanne read while archer summer jeanne can read.
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If it makes you feel better, i failed Oberon near pity twice so i'm waiting for December with a boatload of SQ
third time's the charm
Protestant reformation.
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Do you like Eresh?
Prototype Merlin -> Puroto Murin -> Purin
Speak with a racist Japanese accent.
So she can job to Gudachad like every other Beast?
Yeah. I even rolled for her.
Is Jeanne d'Arc the best looper this time
I actually thought the P stood for Pretender
kys Anti-FGO schizo
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>Dantes shows up and immediatly fucks off
Now this is Sakuraicore
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I like her peach
I'm not a big fan of the government.
Yui a cute, Milly a cute.
...medeabros not like this
Reminder that unlike Merlin's Avalon, which is sealed off, Purin's Avalon is open and waiting for humans to arrive.

>『Utopia That Beckons From The Distance』
>Rank: A
>Type: Anti-Personnel Noble Phantasm
>Range: 1-100
>Maximum targets: ―

>Winds of Avalon.
>Avalon will continue to exist until the end of humanity.
>She recognizes that Avalon is the "ideal future that humanity aspires to reach."
>For that reason, the Avalon she resides in is not locked, but instead left open as the finish line for humanity.
When's a good time to just fuck off from the main story to grind up some characters? I'm up to Solomon but I have a bunch of SRs and a few SSRs that aren't even ascended yet.
I haven't started yet.
I only care about Erice and the Nagiko cameo.
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I say we double, no, TRIPLE his pay for being our loyal mind janny!
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>Noble Farmtasm
Why the fuck do you want to start this kusoge this late?
Never ever.
Thank you, I roll
>Purin's Avalon is open and waiting for humans
yeah she made that obvious in last night's gangbang
You should have did that during anniversary when we had 1/2AP embers and x3 succ, but don't worry the 26M DL Campaign is in August and it's pretty much the same thing but with x2 succ. Get your shit done then.
Same. I love how entertaining he is due to the absurd situations that happen
>it's not so strange to have a DIFFERENT sister in your dreams
I'm curious about this line
Do (You) actually have a little sister outside of Chaldea
Do you like succubi?
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>Medea summer or summer Medusa
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Of all the servants I’ve ever rolled for, she came the quickest to me
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He's come a long way from "let's just copy that one fat dude from Apoc, that's a funny design"
How confident are you that she's finally getting her summer swimsuit this year?
Wanting something that doesn't exist in JP yet to be in a current NA event is a sign of insanity.
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Niggerman pancakes
RIP your semen
Fuck Arc
Prove you're not a clapfag
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Wait does that mean I maxed Arc’s append for nothing since even with it she still needs a plugsuit support to farm
I started playing in January because I found a cute Saber alter santa figure at a con but didn't want to be a secondary. I'm just a slow reader and I get sidetracked by other games easily.
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I see content
i got her np3 in ~200sq so no
At least he is event bonus based on that, got him in his latest rateup so he's still got very low bond
Speaking of event bonus, Cu is truly the anti-Emiya. Dude is in EVERY event and is never a bonus servant while Emiya gets to be bonus in every event where something red shows up (all of them)
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I hate Liz
I hate Lip
I hate Kama
I hate Raikou
I hate /alter/ core Servants
I remember the early days of part 2 where everyone was dressing him up as this super ntr man
Merlina is actually for (You) with her valentine
Unlike Schizuka, which is A BIG MISUNDERSTANDING
Is she for (you)?
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You're going to like the way you look.
No, half the reason I play this game is to clap for Type Moon references. I wouldn't have even started if I didn't know Void was going to be available. Rest assured I will be adding NP5 SUGOI SUGOI to my roster in due course.
I don't care, dumbass. That wasn't the point at all.
Nah, she still needs the append unlocked for that setup to work, but maxing it is unnecessary but can be useful in weird hybrid comps
In the future Chaldea has the Laplus simulator you can use to check comps beforehand
Succubi are sex demons so they are for everyone who asks
Same with Incubi
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Isnt the second ability supposed to say 'for all allies'?
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I'm waiting for the real deal.
You just keep playing the story normally, as the only true way to "grind up" characters is thanks to lottos and the next one requires you being all caught up
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>log in
>read story
>do new (shitty) node 3 times
>get locked behind time gate
>go to j/alter/
>complain about time gate
Albert is a nigger and they should lock him in chastity. I know he's very unlikely to have sex, but it's a precautionary measure to make sure he never reproduces.
Post your NP5 Murachanga, Saber, Gil, and DUDE then
yeah, report it and create more work for Albert
The moment you post Schizuka you will get the big misunderstanding accusation

Do not misunderstanding her saar
yea, its probably just alberts intern pushing it out instead of properly describing the skill
You should do the event, try to complete the main story and farm as much as you can.
Focus on leveling certain good servants so they can carry your teams.
Since you're new, max ascension is more important than skills. Use the white prism to buy materials, but be careful not to overspend them.
Save quartz so you can hit pity for god tier support like Castoria. She can make your FGO life much, much better.
Other than that, welcome to hell, friend.
Liz is so cool...
You need the append to use the double oberon comp.
What did Suzuka do to warrant such seethe?
Earn (you)s
she didn't jump on master's penis
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You don't if the event CE is a 50% charge, but that's rarer. Or not that rare, actually, it seems like more and more that happens from here on out because they realised that Buster (read: Morgan and the other 50%/30%+append gang) needs a 50% charge to get going without being janky.
Existing? Being a literal who?
Keep saying EoS back in her schooldays in Kivotos
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Her valentine's alone made her one of the shittiest girls in this game
No idea why people thought the summer one would be any different. Her writer hates self insert fags
And he's not a self-insert?
Does Lady Avalon voice lines comment on Jeanne d'Arc summer?
God damn it, I smiled.
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Yeah. Going to grail her and summer bob to 120.
Waiting for oc3 Bob-type succubus as well.
>Her writer hates self insert fags
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i got 8 copies of gareth trying to get lady avalon until i reached pity, do i have to level 120 her?
need more archimedes fanart on danbooru in particular
At least the clown is fun
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Imagine a Servant that was not for you. It's a bit of a joke, but whatever.

Then a Summer version comes out who is all over you, all event. Takes over from even most of the other event servants. Always up close, taking part. Acting flirty, lovey dovey even. Also she's a semi slutty gyaru with extremely high quality art that includes tits.

Then after the event is over, and you finally get the bond line that was locked away from you, it states DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND SHE DOES NOT LIKE (YOU) SHE IS ONLY A FRIEND DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND. Then her Valentine shits on it yet again, she is ONLY allowed to be for the self-insert of the person who writes her.

That's what makes it so funny and worth posting misunderstanding whenever she is mentioned.
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So we all agree Mississippi Mythicizers was the best event in FGO history, right?
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I despise Liz
Her voice is horrendous, would make your ears bleed.
Pumpkin Liz is ugly and worthless, literally a caster version of regular Liz with nothing distinct about her. A literal waste of space
Brave Liz is a shameless whore, parading that unsexy body of hers in an oversized bikini armor.
Robot Liz is stupid, why would anyone make a robot version of Liz? Not only that, there are two of them so it's double the stupidity.
Cinderella Liz is a narcissist, literally only there because people whined about not having Kintoki instead of settling down with Ushiwakamaru
I have and will continue to hate Liz
I will continue to deny Liz Love
And I will embrace Liz Loathe
Makes sense. I’m an excessive gooner and I love whores. I didn’t need a catalyst. I was the catalyst.
Thanks for reminding me. That shit was so spiteful. Truly worst girl
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Good morning, bros. Lip love!
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World cruise with Bob…
They're just waiting for the anniversary this year when he'll be added. His card will start as a lancer and then change through several other classes, showing all the Liz cards, then the final Liz card will be destroyed and pulled into a spiral then reform as his card.
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Why is she wearing a Burkhini in her FA?
This is retarded, I'm skipping
>she is ONLY allowed to be for the self-insert of the person who writes her.

Not this shit again. Fucking read Foxtail, the dude you call the author self-insert never loved Suzuka and she died knowing that he rejected her.
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When are we getting good events again like Ooku and Scramble?
Hell no. The Con event is still the best of the year so far.
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Summer Assclap...
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i had 1400+sq before i got her
but got 2 off banner 5stars, 10 5star CEs
im convinced that a game with out an actual pity in 2024 is not something i should play anymore, its time to uninstall
Because shes muslim.
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And it was all thanks to Mike Fink, a legendary roughneck who is also known as the "king of the keelboaters." He was a real person in the nineteenth century, but he became an infamous and reviled character in well-circulated tall tales. He was said to be a large man with a booming voice who was quick to a fight. Reports also claimed he was an excellent sharpshooter on par with the famous folk hero Davy Crockett. One of Mike Fink's famous snappy and boastful remarks: "I'm a Salt River Roarer! I'm a ring-tailed squealer! I'm a reg'lar screamer from Massassip'! WHOOP! I'm the very infant that refused his milk before its eyes were open, and called out for a bottle of old Rye and now I love the women an' I'm chockful o' fight! I'm half wild horse and half cockeyed-alligator and the rest o' me is crooked snags an' red hot snappin' turtle. I can hit like fourth-proof lightnin' an' every lick I make in the woods lets in an acre o' sunshine. I can out-run, out-jump, out-shoot, out-brag, out-drink, an' out fight, rough-an'-tumble, no holts barred, ary man on both sides the river from Pittsburg to New Orleans an' back again to St. Louiee. Come on, you flatters, you bargers, you milk-white mechanics, an' see how tough I am to chaw! I ain't had a fight for two days an' I'm spilein' for exercise. Cock-a-doodle-doo!"
Melufags hate her the most from what I've seen
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I'm planning for future gachas and seeing if I can afford to roll on this summer. I'm thinking that I shouldn't roll if the amount of SQ isn't enough to give me a 75% chance.
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Good morning, lipbro
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Sorry for being sexy Suzuka
Kurofags hate her the most from what I've seen
did you keep going after pity or something
Poor senile Skadi...
Case Files (latelet) > Pikmin > Bazett thing
I'm still here...
And yet every incarnation of Suzuka is only for him, regardless of the rejection. She is only for his self insert.
Fate/Samurai Remnant event
600 quartz
10 gareth
No lady avalon.
I quit. Goodbye.
Because they think she stole what they thought should have been an entire event for Melusine, not realising that they were only a side story.
But we have pity.. you can’t have gone past 900 SQ and not have gotten het
A luxury cruise with my King! I don't usually like being spoiled, but how could I refuse...
Shirofags hate her the most from what I've seen
Bro it's literally impossible to not get the rate up SSR in 900 SQ we can tell you're lying
Post FC so i cant delete your ass
He's for Ayaka, sis...
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Licking Skadoo all over while she's doing her henshin
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Don't do that, I like his ass
Melufags are based then
I went to sleep myself. Thanks, bro.
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>waaaah why doesn't she jump on my peepee!? I HATE HER!
Really now?
Lavinia sex
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But did you job to Liz ?
I would gladly take him from her as she watched. She's not a threat to me. He's mine.
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FGO Suzuka doesn't even know he exists Mobro. She simply isn't interested in Guda.
I was asking about teaming up Arc and Muramasa for farming yesterday, and I just realized they have synergy because Muramasa is a living human and gets the 30% charge from Arc’s NP, meaning Arc can give him 60% charge total
But now I can see the problem with this being Arc’s ability to clear wave 1 with minimal buffs and her NP alone…
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Seeing a character with 2 daggers reminds me of him.
I miss him.
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I cannot comprehend allowing a single line of text to ruin one's enjoyment of a character. Schizo shit.
Why don't you guys just be satisfied with Mash?
yeah pretty much
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we all love Lady A here!
Why don't you speak English?
>female character isn't romantically interested in the MC
>"what the fuck, every woman in this game needs to be begging the MC to let her suck his cock, I'm going insane!"
I don't really get it either, but then I've also dissociated manga suzuka from fgo suzuka from porn suzuka so maybe I'm biased
>every woman
What about the men?
>I don't really get it either, but then I've also dissociated manga suzuka from fgo suzuka from porn suzuka so maybe I'm BASED
>>>>>>>>>>>replying to /fgog/ autists
Uhhh when it's otome pandering it doesn't count
>He hasnt unlocked the Bond lvl 15 sex scene where she turns back into male Merlin mid sex and rapes the mc.
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Suzuka was the one misunderstanding everything all along
my god she's so cool and fabulous
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>that look she gives you when you walk in on her smearing the peanut butter for her dog
Probably because the line was deliberately hidden until after the event was over and the money had been spent on her. That is a generally dickish thing to do in a waifupandering gacha.
What kind of autism do people have that they need a servant to be for (you). Can’t you just like the character for who they are? I like Cu Lancer even though he’s for Bazett. I like Shiki even though she’s for Mikiya.
But that's what my vagina was made for
Name ONE male Servant that doesn't want to cum inside Gudako's pussy
Bros always share.
That's weird, a lot of people are having bad luck rolling for Merlina. Did Albert secretly undertune her rate or something?
Which way master?
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I can’t stop thinking about Tametomo again…when will he spook me…
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bros, I missed the twitter feed gimmick…
We've seen that servants can have their NPs modified at Chaldea, could they, for example, be given access to an NP they would be qualified to wield but currently don't have access to in their class? For example, could one of the Artorias give Mordred a Rhongobongo to wield, and would it work for her? Would she be able to sustain it as her own weapon in Saber form or would she simply have the expertise to wield it but it would still be manifested as a part of the Artoria and disappear should she be unsummoned? I'm aware this is an autistic point of lore, but it's been bugging me today for some reason, maybe because I used Summer Bryn and got to thinking about her double team NP.
Xiang Yu.
Out the door and to where Melusine is
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sorry, I'm not into f*e
I hope there's a repository with all the possible lines somewhere since they change as you progress the park
Sakamoto Ryouma?
Ericeanon has custom filenames.
Oh no! The pope's not gonna like this...
which one has a fully functional womb?
Right with all of my passion.

Most of the Shinsengumi. Doesn't Hijikata have a thing where he only likes big tits and Gudako is too flat for him?
Isn’t Astolfo the only one who can receive noble phantasms from other servants
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no one is rolling in the MALES banner, right?
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>First node includes a prolonged breakdown of what Skadi did despite literally no one caring
Yep, definitely a Sakurai chapter
Don Quixote.
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Well one of them has children already so...
they are servants, so neither. you need a grail to turn a servant into a real human
Don't think I ever have, not that I have a problem with males, but they never pick ones I like for summer.
Mmm, couldn't be me!
>FSN collab
>Saber goes through the entire story reminiscing the memories with Shirou, she has a date or two with him when (you) encourages her and be the matchmaker
>suddenly at the end Saber tells Shirou to drop his nonsense dream of being a hero and declares that (you) are the true hero for saving the world multiple times without ever begging Alaya for a powerup unlike him
>Saber then kisses (you) as you two rayshift back to Chaldea
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1/2 ap when
wrong morgan
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I really want Douman but it’s still more important that I try to get Ibuki and Skadi before rolling for him (and Merlin)
>Servants from Chaldea know that singularities are the threat to humanity
>Servants from Chaldea also immediately agree to follow strangers to singularities to keep the singularity around
Why is everyone so stupid?
Mordreds birth proved the existance of a futa potion in the Fate universe
Altoria drank it to impregnate Morgan despite both of them being girls and Merlin brewed it for them so they could have their lesbian baby
If I'm playing a shitty gacha game and you try to sell me characters to roll for, especially if you paint them as waifus, and waste money, resources and time, yeah, I want them to be all over (me). If you going to sell them as some bitch or "oh i want my boyfriend", I am not going to roll or bother, but at least make it clear from the get go.
Suzuka is not only a shitty bait and switch, but the writing is way more spiteful than girls like Semiramis or Bryn
My Yan Qing is grailed and NP5 already and my Doughman is NP2, so not this time.
Morgan was a shit mother
Both to Mo and Bob
>could they, for example, be given access to an NP they would be qualified to wield but currently don't have access to in their class
GOLDEN did get to wield the Susanoo sword given by Ibuki in Heian.
they are bunch of backstabbing niggers
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Doesn't matter, fertility is equal across all alternate realities.
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I'm going to engage in wishful thinking that there is some degree of Authority involved
If theres a Female to Male potion is there a Male to Female potion?
That was the actual Golden and actual sword though?
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Ehhh I'm choosing m
Bro? Your Knight of Owner?
LB6 fae don't reproduce sexually though
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Well duh.
read lb6 retard
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Was this necessary?
Late October/Early November at the Morgan fest lotto pre-campaign (it's on the roadmap too). Same for interludes iirc.

We should probably have put the roadmap in OP.
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anon got kidnapped.....
he's right though
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this way
Imagine all the valks as Rinfaces...
do you know the why though
read lb6 retard#2
he was lying
he's right though
If you're talking about the parenthesis, no they weren't.
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Why do we constantly allow Skadi to do dumb shit unsupervised? I propose we throw her in the second archive for a month as a punishment.
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>summer goredolf
but aren't girls the cutest when they are retarded?
This is how you treat your fellow purple quickbros as soon as you get an alt?
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Thoughts on brown servants?
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Come home white man
*smack* silence traitor
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I love hags so damn much
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>walk into the library
>see this
What do?
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Best I can do is correction.
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do 360 and walk away
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I cant believe Skadi is a traitor.....
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Honestly I'd have all LB Kings, beast candidates and Dark Jesuit Sorcerers locked in the highest security section of the Spirit origin graph at all times between sorties, and on sorties I'd have some sort of unsummon protocol built directly into my fucking body that could be remotely activated by Mash or some shit. The lack of security and fail-safes in Chaldea is unreal.
>Better put a kill collar on the dude who can make a barrier to stop wolves coming to eat your sausages while camping
>This... beast candidates larping as a servant? Give her 20 grails and set her loose! I'm sure she's turned over a new leaf!
Absolutely fucking deranged.
Desire to put a baby in there growing rapidly.
i hate this bitch so much its unreal
why did he do it?
Ask mom to read me a story
The first one was about penguins
I'd turn araund and walk away.
Tits are disgusting.
My bro Gordy is looking good!
homo EX-
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I think it could be possible.
You're right they're way too lax, but the summoning system itself already has some conditions on it regarding who can be summoned (barring cases of independent manifestation)
Adequate? Maybe. Sane? Nope lol.
I'm gonna have ramen tonight...
Grand Homo
no, Samyang
get the Buldak
Tit fags be like
>Omg i wish she would sound my prostate with that stick i wish she would whip out her futa cock and fuck my ass with it
But then when you call out their disgusting mentall illness they call you gay.
I really want douman for gogh & later for insta death memes, but im gonna wait until I get skadi first
The lack of summer Schez and summer Drake is a tragedy
....why did artoria fuck Morgan?
....why did Morgan allow it?
...why did Merlin in all of his wisdom never saw anything wrong with the idea?
are you ready for 100 free pulls?

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