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#1838 - Halo is 4 Everyone edition

Halo Infinite's 12th Battle Pass, "Anvil", has launched

Halo Info:
>Latest Community Update (6/20)
>Latest Infinite Update (6/7)

Halo News:
>Bungie and Creative Assembly veteran developer Dan Gniady hired as lead designer for next Halo game
>Infinite Update addresses Nvidia graphics problems
>Operation "Anvil" teased for Infinite

Previous >>485537984
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You are currently browsing /hg/ thread #1838

>Previous Threads
>>485537984 | #1837 - Anvil
those shapes...
it CAN'T be.....
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With everyone investing money into AI, I hope we can get our portable Cortana AI girlfriends soon.
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Reminder that the cycle is a hell of a drug.
5tards have been getting really uppity lately.
Don't let them fool you.
Nutana should have been a loli.
looks pretty good ngl
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you just KNOW
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I will slice the pizza personally
wort wort wort
Why is Cortana not allowed to be sexy anymore?
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Remove Sprint
They Won't, but They Should
Remive Sprint
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delete this
I'll stop sprinting when they remove sliding, because right now it's objectively key to getting power weapons and vehicles at the start of matches
erm I don't get it
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they took this from us
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Swingin' Lil' Methhead
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Time for me to update the list I think.
I usually wait until a Halofest or something major happens, but its been a while and a lot more people have died since.
>grabs his neck like a goose and tosses him in the air
>the exiled
>the formerly
>the forgotten
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Who wore it best?
It's there a lore reason why grunts aren't on your side in halo 3?
3 ruined everything
The reason is shut up we're done with this series but we're under contract to finish the trilogy and then 2 more projects so here take your game and like it or stop talking
Best: 2
Worst: 5 (holy shit wtf were they thinking)
CE because it took up the least amount of screen space, but I like Reach/2A's design overall.
2's is just a straight up improvement's on CE's
2A's is fine.
3's really fucks with things but is usable
reach's (not pictured) is one of the things that game did better than 3
Everything after is a lolcow
switching the sniper from 2x to 5x was a huge benefit
There are lots of times when 5x is optimal
Halo 4 may be the worst Halo, but it had the best sniper rifle. Man it felt so good to aim. Shitter-friendliest sniper rifle in the franchise. Chef's kiss. The sniper rifle is so hard to use in every game that it can barely even count as a power weapon.
Being easy to use makes it a bad weapon.
Same reason the SAW is a bad weapon in 4.
Are rockets a bad weapon?
But it's the only hard weapon to use. SAW is just bad because it's kind of boring. It's good against BRs and ARs because you can keep shooting while they're relaoding at close range but for a power weapon its accuracy/range is pretty bad when you go full auto spray. It also has surprisingly small ammo clip for a heavier type of machine gun. You don't really get much ammo for it in campaign either.
Rockets are fine. They have limited ammunition and most people blow themselves up trying to use them. The SAW is a straight upgrade of the AR in damage, accuracy, ammo count.
The Binary Rifle is also a bad weapon for similar reasons.
Halo mention:
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Maybe the SAW is balanced by being an opportunity cost by going for it instead of a rocket or sniper. Yeah, it might be a straight upgrade of an AR which is boring, but it's not so good that I would drop my DMR or Concussion Rifle for it. That's pretty lame for being a power weapon.
I agree with your stance on Rockets, but I would add that their ease of use makes it as a good weapon for breaking setups. It's infrequent enough and they don't stick around for long enough to totally dominate a game like Reach-5's snipers do.
>SAW is just bad because it's kind of boring.
Agreed. It has no downside relative to other weapons. It has more ammo, better accuracy, a better fire rate, and no damage penalty compared to the AR. At least with a sniper you'd worry about being able to hit shots with a slow fire rate relative to the BR. It could have been made more interesting if the AR and SAW swapped accuracy values. Then there would be some give and take at the very least.
>The Binary Rifle is also a bad weapon for similar reasons.
In 4, definitely. Both of the "big" forerunner power weapons in that game were just "it's a more extreme of this other gun, but with half the ammo." I like 5's because it's rather unique. Not perfect, but I still like its implementation.
>Maybe the SAW is balanced
It isn't
>by being an opportunity cost by going for it instead of a rocket or sniper.
Why wouldnt you? It's pretty much a guaranteed multiple kills.
>Yeah, it might be a straight upgrade of an AR which is boring, but it's not so good that I would drop my DMR or Concussion Rifle for it.
You would drop your AR for it.
>Maybe the SAW is balanced by being an opportunity cost by going for it instead of a rocket or sniper.
That makes some sense, with them taking ordinance into account, but do you think that is a good way to go about designing your weapons?
>You would drop your AR for it.
Yes, but I would also drop my AR for a plasma pistol or a light rifle.
The Endless has arrived
and you wold drop those for the SAW also
The SAW is just an op wleapon. Poorly designed. That's it.
Depends on the situation. In campaign I don't pick up the SAW because there's no ammo for it. If I'm playing BTB I'm keeping the plasma pistol because I hate the Mantis more than I like the SAW. In 4v4 I'm only going for the SAW if it's the closest power weapon but I'd rather have rockets or sniper. It's not very effective outside of close range and it doesn't kill as quickly as other power weapons so enemies have time to stick you or at least take out your shields before they go down.
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>It's not very effective outside of close range
You can just tap the trigger and it'll remain more or less perfectly accurate even at a very long range with a minimal hit to your already high DPS.
If you have to use controlled bursts/fire like that then you might as well switch to your DMR.
Only if you're trying to hit people cross-map. The SAW stays strong even when burst firing. I don't know exact TTKs, but it probably beats out any precision weapon within red reticle range.
Rather force myself desu
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>Here's your Halo killer bro
>Depends on the situation.
The SAW is always a good weapon to have in mp.
>In campaign
The conversation is how it's broken for mp. How it fairs in Campaign is irrelevant. That being said, it essentially has infinite ammo on the pelican mission
>If I'm playing BTB I'm keeping the plasma pistol
The Plasma Pistol is a spawnable weapon. You can literally get your free killing spree with the SAW then switch to the PP
>In 4v4 I'm only going for the SAW if it's the closest power weapon but I'd rather have rockets or sniper.
It is easier to get 4+ kills with the SAW in 4v3 than either of those. At the very elast it' worth securing the SAW for your team instead of letting the enemy have it.
It' just a broken weapon.
>It's not very effective outside of close range
Wrong again.
The SAW has actually absurdly broken range for an auto. It has more dps than the Suppressor (fastest ttk of any starting weapon) but significantly better range than the AR. It can outdual the BR.
Halo 4 is just a broken game from a design standpoint.
The SAW has already been talked to death for how OP it is, but also the Binary Rifle and the insane magnetism on the no scope Beam Rifle.
Then you've got Boltshots being starting weapons when they should be power weapons or at least weapons on map.
Then you've got the Pulse Grenade which is worthless and doesn't even accomplish what it' supposed to as an aoe.
>market game like an alternative to halo
>put game into end of service so you can focus more on development and make an even better game
>turn it into zoomer slop (all games of which have failed disastrously)
fucking hell what a bunch of retards
millennials are in the minority now
It only makes sense to cater to zoomers
devs say this then wonder why their games all fail after trying to appeal to zoomers, who are only interested in fortnite
>literal overwatch shit
i wanna rape that hero in the back
You guys grab the SAW and Binary Rifle, I'll grab Rockets and Sniper.
yeah fucking right race me bitch
>one guy grabbing rockets and sniper
oh so we're going to lose? Thanks for letting me know so I cab quit before the game starts
Do zoomers actually like 'Zoomer'-focused games or is it just some millenials thinking what zoomers should want and trying to force them to like it? Do zoomers actually play games or are they busy on their tablets/phones/tiktok and its really millenials buying zoomer games because they're trying to feel inclusive and support these types of political feel-good products
>Rockets, SAW, Binary, and Sniper on the same map
is there even a single instance on a 4v4 map where this is the case?
Why does it have to be 4v4?
>Do zoomers actually like 'Zoomer'-focused games or is it just some millenials thinking what zoomers should want and trying to force them to like it?
It's a mix of both.
They like being catered to, but sometimes it comes off as a bit too obvious.
Fine, name the Big Team map where this is the case and I'll explain why it's a dumb argument.
they sound like women
Don't worry, I'll die after getting off 2 rocket shots to kill an enemy, so there should still be some ammo left for the rocket and a full sniper clip ready to go if you can get to my body before the enemy does. They probably will get to me first but you never know until you try.

BTB. What other mode is there in Halo?
Aren't their weapon drops in BTB? You can definitely have all three at some point during the match, just not on spawn I think.
Exile has 2 snipers, rockets, and 2 SAWs, but no Binary.
I am alive and inside the inner circle. -tav
Do you prefer the H4 Binary Rifle or the H5 Binary Rifle?
what da
5's, because it tries to be at least a little different.
>Aren't their weapon drops in BTB?
You can't plan your initial "I'll grab the X" if the X isn't already on the map.
So can you think of a map that has those weapons on it by default or not?
He doesn't have one.
just take the W so we can discuss something else.
>So can you think of a map that has those weapons on it by default or not?
Edited versions of Forge Island, Ravine, Impact, and Erosion.
So no maps that are actually in matchmaking. Got it.
Also, Forge Island was never completed.
In conclusion, the SAW is a trash OP weapon that should never have been in matchmaking for non meme modes.
you've done him

He's done you
the SAW or any sort of lmg in halo could’ve been great because unlike the vast majority first person shooters suppressive fire can actually work in halo without implementing gay screen shake and blurry vision filters thanks to the descope mechanic. the focus rifle is the closest we ever got to a true lmg in halo but sadly the fast overheat crippled its potential. all a lmg needs in halo is to just take a normal assault rifle, make it laser accurate with no falloff, give it a long range scope, and maybe if you like gimmicks let it deploy a tripod when crouched that prevents descope for yourself. that’s it no extra damage or anything like that.
I remember I actually got good with the focus rifle at one point in Reach but then the TU made it so that the DMR was just too good to pass up using for 99% of the time
The SAW should have been about the same bullet strength of the AR but shoots at a slower rate like the commando but you basically don't have to reload for a long while because of the massive magazine size. We don't really have a weapon like that where you can actually lay down suppressing fire to keep enemies pinned. Anything with bottomless clip or a single mag usually overheats or has too little ammo. Maybe give it a short scope too, but no headshot damage.
It was still pretty good even post-TU. It killed faster than most regular weapons.
The AR has already always been pretty good as a descope machine, and got better at it post-bloom. Give it decent damage and you won't need a suppression weapon.
The silent SMG sounds almost like what you want, aside from its low per-shot damage.
>According to an individual with knowledge of the situation, Xbox, Amblin TV, and 343 Industries will try to shop the series to other outlets.
Halo doesn't die... it just goes missing in action................
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Now we're truly left with nothing...
fuck Halobros, what does this mean for the Silver timeline reboot in the CE remake?
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look at his triple kill
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oh nonono hahahah
>turn beloved franchise into shitty show
>it does shittily
all they had to do was copy paste halo 1. fucking idiots think they know better. well guess what? you lost your jobs, retard.
So uuuh... whats next for halo? New game announcement soon?
>you lost your jobs, retard.
Lmao, they are already working on another series
this. get owned chuds
Every single time a series fails, the people responsible for it never get fired. They just move to another project.
>hire halo haters to make halo and turn it into CoD
>double down on it with the sequel
>shit out a piss poor attempt at an apology of a game that took 6 years to make but was actually just 2 years of actual development after 4 years of jacking off all day
>take 10 years to shit out a TV show that has nothing to do with the franchise
>"wtf how come our franchise is dying?????"
why is 343 like this?
Seriously? The season 2 bluray comes out in 5 days and they straight up cancel the show? I thought Paramount was pleased with Halo's viewership. Wasn't it doing better than the new Star Trek series?
Are we back, or.....? I can't rightly say we're back, but saying it's over doesn't feel right either. I still don't get how they had an entire franchise worth of noncanon bookshit and somehow decided "let's make a halo show that doesn't involve halo at all" instead
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Another KWAB award for 343, the most incompetent and retarded studio in video game history
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I'm still here.
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Halo, it's finished.
post bussy
fallout fans are laughing at us again.
we need to update this list. There's so many new regulars now.
>part of the same father company
oh nononono hahahaha
or the IP dies or they send halo to another devs maybe the cod dudes
Hopefully 343i is shut down next.
OPI gang....
this is the fastest thread in months!
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Too obvious.
yeeze rape
kill yeeze
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what da yeeze?!
why are we posting vegeta's tranny wife instead of discussing halo? have all the SCHOLARS abandoned these SACRED HALLS?
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why's everyone saying the halo show was cancelled? season 3 is in october!
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>The Regulars
so how does bleach work? i know there's the "real" world and there's also a spirit world. do people who have powers in the spirit world also have powers in the real world? if you die in the spirit world do you also die in the real world?
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It's buddhism. When you die your soul is taken to the next stage of samsara.
so when gigi dies she can come back?
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no she's christian she's doomed to eternal damnation for her sins
Teleporters and ladders are Halo.
not even bungie liked ladders
thankfully, this is true
based and true
And that's why Halo stopped being good after 2.
Ladders were in 3 thankfully.
Not in multiplayer.
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it's over
Now we can finally have the DARK and GRITTY Band of Brothers but ODST's show!
no more fan projects please
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Dark and Griddy bros.. we're so back
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yeeze drew
>he can imagine the kino of DARK and GRITTY
cringey furry odst fans
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I heard the good news about the Halo cancellation.
Congrats, boys!
Halo anime with BUSTY and MILF spartan girls with their SHOTA ODST companions.
no thanks
yes please
no thanks
no thanks
The gravemind has spoken
I never watched the show.
I don't know how bad it was.
I will say that from the masses, it was the most positive reception I had heard Halo get. Now that it's gone, I feel like the plan is to put the series on ice for a bit, which is finally the right call.
MCC failed then failed again.
Infinite took too long to get good.
It's time for a sleep.
Microsoft found a replacement for a green space marine.
we get it you hate halo and love gooning

The Show was actually terrible.
People meme about season 2 being better but that's not saying much. If season 1 was a 10% grade, Season 2 is like a 35%
You can feel it even in the thread.
6 days
7 days
8 days
and the posts that keep it going are all forced

It's time to let /hg/ die maybe
We MUST make it to 1900...
Gotta.... hold on....
a bit.... lon...n...g...e.........
At this rate we'll make it to 1900 in October-November 2025
bleachbro make sure to make webms of yoruichi's little brother
he's so cute
In the same way Halo did a Horde mode knockoff, it should have done a Beast mode knockoff.
Playable Covenant that aren't just same stats as a Spartan is fun.
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it's over
Has been for a while now
>servers down for hours
>no one even mentions it
You guys don't even play halo, do you?
not in a few years no
yeeze, tav's promised consort
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night night
awful dreams halofag
guys i cant play halo infinite mp
sleep tight !
They found the cunny video.
You wouldn't have mentioned it, my dumb primitive brain reacted
Stupid cunny addict.
It's not my fault, if I hadn't seen those posts
Silver Timeline bros...
bro he's melting
You will too when you get to his age
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>tiktok is more toxic than the halo fanbase
im impressed
you kidding, that sagging jowl looks like a chicken’s!
You will sag in places you never thought possible (foreskin)
really? i was not circumcised, could it be worse?
God, it's been like a decade since I watched a fucking anime
Reach a shit
Halo isn't anime
>all those people going "FUCKING HALO COMMUNITY IS SO TOXIC"
Yeah I am sure a bunch of late 20's to early 40's males are the ones on tiktok and not the general tiktok audience who have no idea who Jeff is and he just appeared in their feed one day.
feet* sorry
fi V e
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this would unironically save /hg/
Bro… thank god this shit got cancelled. Stop with the BS and bring the ENDLESS to HALO INFINITE
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Damn… just as the series started getting a glimmer of decency
Stop the cap the series is irredeemable
>series is dogshit that utterly fails to understand the series
>series pivots a little tiny bit in the direction of what people like about the series while still pushing the original shit that nobody likes
>damn... it was finally getting good...

stop settling for garbage
my bed settled and it woke me up
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True, Halo is /m/
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Is Halo finished?
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Where were you when Halo was saved?
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Are we starting to finally wake up from this nightmare?
kek. he better have redundant data storage up there
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>2 Halo 2 Threads
>/HG/ almost dies several times.
>Halo 4 Thread
>Best halo news since Franks and Bonnie’s execution.
Yup yup Halo 4 is truly Halo.
Swap Shota ODSTs with Brute Ugly Bastards and ship it.
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>he needs slide and sprint to get power weapons
>he doesn't get it = he quits
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>the halo shitty show is dead
>tfw there are more people who hate Halo more than we love Halo who get to work on Halo
Why do we live in such a clown world? Why wouldn't you want to work on something you love? Why would you want to work on something you hate? That seems like such a miserable kind of life to live. I'd be so stressed out and depressed if I had to work at a cosmetics/beauty shop or be a maid and clean someone else's house. I would never want to work those kinds of jobs so I'm gonna avoid them like the plague.

So why are these people going out and looking for jobs in areas they hate so much or don't care about? There are so many more options that you could find happiness with, why would you make it miserable for yourself and everyone else. Maybe they enjoy being miserable? I don't know what's wrong with some of these people, man.
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Thankfully, this is false.
Replace the milfs with violet and horny spartan III girls and you got a show
Halo status?
How did it even get a second season though. It should have been clear after the first one. They must have already budgeted for 2 seasons.
>They must have already budgeted for 2 seasons.
They did. S2 was greenlit before the first episode even aired
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>do you still... talk about halo, sometimes?
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>he needs slide and sprint to get power weapons
in infinite, yes
Playing through halo 4 with the mythic overhaul mod and damn, it's actually really damn fun
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Yeah, the mythic overhaul mods are pretty good in general. I like that Chief gets his better armor back too.
Cortana will rape.
4tana is for selfcest.
They're fun on their own but they make all the games feel too samey if you played it on each game
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Why do you post this in the mario bros general?
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Is this the halo thread?
Halo is alive
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Where's my dark and gritty band of brothers inspired realistic down to earth ODST show?
are the servers back up?
343 didnt earn halo.its just a cow that they abuse until it stops giving milk.
Who cares these organizations are fucking useless. Nothing will happen and MS will continue to buy and destroy more shit
Who is fit to be the new franchise lead for Halo?
just grab any homeless guy in san fran
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>halo games
>halo franchise
chat, is this true?
Who cares
halo hater
likely gay
show pp
It’s only going to get worse
yes you are being a halohater now
show your fucking pp
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show us your butt spread your butt
Microsoft... why
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Cortana should have been MTF
Some sides with elites, others side with brutes. They side with whoever seems to give them a better chance of survival
Ur mum ruined everything by getting pregnant
Verification not required
Bungie realized it would be a stupid idea to turn more than half of the enemies you fight into friendlies.
That's a big gun
For you.
Playing co-op campaign doesn't delete the ladders in campaign
You would rather Halo projects be made by non-fans? Retard.
What is your point?
he said lore reason you fucking morons
The lore is that gameplay is more important than the story.
'Lore' means 'story', not 'production', esl fucktard. kys
No, it was actually Bungie didn't realise how STUPID playtesters were and they kept killing the friendly Covenant races.
>shoot grunts for the entirety of two games
>even after the schism
>wtf why are you shooting grunts?
You'll never know who I am lmao
I'll fuck RED too.
settle down, yeeze
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So 343Industries are taking a support roll in development of future Halo Games? Like in the way Games Workshop handles Warhammer?
So does this mean that Microsoft will whore out the Series to random studios and 343I are only consulting? I just dont get it, they didn't really clarify how much power the studio will have over certain decisions. Like if some random niggers make a faithful Halo FPS does that mean 343 can just come in and take a shit on it?

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