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Previous: >>486610581

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Yuyu love!
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>stays on castoria, koyanskaya, and oberon
Summer Shuten when
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Kama Love!
post them ibuki funds
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Added fingers to hands and working on shadows.
Post your grailed Jeanne d'Arc.
That's how I feel after hitting pity for Merlina.
still waiting on that folder share bro
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Lip love!
Does it matter when you collect the profits if you're already max rank? It doesn't accumulate faster if there's already some there, right?
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>oh lets just dick around on /alter/ after [blogposting shit]
>brand new thread
Well...how are you gentlemen?
I am only mildly concerned about having 400 SQ.
holy SOUL
AIkeks could NEVER
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I dickbought this because of all the Illya posting in the previous.
I hope you guys are happy!
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>What if I have quick servants I like?
>Wait for them to get alts that turn them into arts or buster
Sakurachads keep winning!

Even Parvati turned Arts for Durga.
I want to be friends with all the Douman rollers
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Just enough for pity and a few leftover rolls. Here's hoping I can at least get NP2, but if I get stuck with NP1 then so be it. I got NP5 Arc in 700sq so I really cannot complain at present.
Post video of you hotglueing it when it gets here bro
I aleady had douman from their last rate-up though.
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he's been very funny so far this event
Based Cunny goonerbro
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let her cook
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I will still get Skadoo as well since she is good for regular Kama...
>I want to be friends with all the Douman rollers
253,287,187 moumantai
180sq no douman
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something is very funny about about a vet missing shiki (DURING ANNIVERSARY), and deciding to quit
might not be real but is very funny
I already got him during last year's summer
Your parents will look at it and think you're a disappointment
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>retards fap to this
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I got a copy in 8 multis, NP2 Doughman stonks. Would grail him to 100 if I wasn't under crippling grail shortage right now
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>I will still get Skadoo as well since she is good for regular Kama...
Aren't you forgetting someone?
dont add this guy, they are an asshole
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I dumped 300 SQ and not gotten him, I'd not be fussed going hard pity but I want to get skadi first,dont want to drop under hard pity and need to buy big packs to get them both
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Having Arc at NP1 can be useful, after all.
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bromantai would never roll for douman...
Why is he an asshole
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How do you explain anime figures when you have girls over?
Whats the problem with this?
I dont get what those lines are supposed to mean.
There's plenty of human-generated art that overall looks worse.
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>summer skadoo next week
>also new deadpool movie on same day
oof, its gonna be a tough week for my pocket
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Oberon lifestyle
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So lvl10 seems to be the max for the park renovations.
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Melt gf
>how are you gentlemen?
All your base are belong to us.
you're not watching alone right? you're going to sneak in drinks with friends right?
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Bros...this succubus was too strong...now I barely have anything left for Skadi...*cough*...go on without me...
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How do you explain owning this to people
Are you 12? How is a movie ticket hard on your pocket?
Very nice bro, I wish they'd release a Miyu one so I can have the whole set...
You only need 1 SQ (p)
I'm not going until people say it's great. Last few Marvel movies I've watched were trash.
I don't want her but that proved to be an EX-tier catalyst to get the succubutt and gareth so it'll put aside 15 rolls for her and see what happens
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Loli and hags have their pros and cons, I don't judge if you like them. Loli are innocent, cute, funny, tight and easy to handle during mana exchange but very fragile since the cunny isn't that big to manage an adult dick so most loli are built for anal, check Mamezou for more info. Hags are looser but more sturdy and can withstand intense sex positions like mating press and prone bone, also they sweat more, get wet more easily and are fertile if you want to scream plap plap plap get pregnant get pregnant. I like both worlds but I tend to go for the loli, just look at their petite bodies and smell, their socks and underwear must smell like heaven. Just saying...
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I conceal my power level, of course.
>too strong
>not new
why did you go for more than np1?
Not him but my cool Baki figure will act as a smokescreen
>paying for marvel slop
You're either a woman or a manchild
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>I dickbought this because of all the Illya posting in the previous
The preorder window for this ended months ago and it hasn't shipped yet. you bought a fake.
I am so sorry.
Can't wait until mine gets here though, it's been so long a wait.
They for sure going to be surprised. Like I have a couple figures already, but none of them are 15 inches tall. I honestly don't know where to put it.

That's the thing, I don't!!
I gave up a long time ago of ever getting a girlfriend.
>claims to be a dragon
>is just a snake with a fat ass
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Because she's hot.
I show them my Jack/FGO cunny collection.
And you get to repeat it again tonight.
Other places aside from Amiami still have it up, you can probably check Myfigurecollection to see which stores still have it.
And thats why lolibabas are the best, all the pros and no cons
yes as in you're watching it alone or yes with friends?

bro it has huge jackman you gotta see it bro. It stars Huge Jackman bro
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This is how I grind.
Every. Single. Day.
You do not know the meaning of dedication.
This is why I am an alpha, and you are desperate for pussy.
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Post FC sweaty

He's a cool guy but he also hasn't been on the past 5 hours, falseflagger
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They are STRONG
>You don't like redditpool? You must love tumblr universe!
Brilliant argument
well im a regular poster here, so ill let you decide based on that information, btw i could be on your friendlist and you will never notice.
alone and sneaking in snacks, fuck you kinoplex, this is for firing robert.
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can yo do some mix & match with the birds? swimsuits or whatever, wonder if the different hairstyles and colors result in some weird shit
>The preorder window for this ended months ago and it hasn't shipped yet. you bought a fake.
It's up in Amiami. My guess is people cancelled their pre-orders, so they opened up the page again. Lucky me, as the figure is out next month!
I am going to roll for loliz and I will rape correct her! Damn brat! Grrr!
Her tit at the bottom of her bikini top doesn't match to her tit at the top. It looks like it was chopped in half. Fucking horrible.
I really and honestly hope that you are an AI chatbot of some sort and can communicate with the image generating AIs and teach them to fix this shit.
A real human male would never look at that abomination and be fooled into thinking it was an artistic representation of a female created by a living person.
But I don't want to be hidden, I want to show my love for my cunnywife
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Two shits
This is what happens when you don't inpaint.
If you aren't at least player level 155 you are a retard on friend lists.
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Yakisoba Beni...
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Post figures
For me it's at least level 160 unless I can tell you're a latelet
Bro what if the wind gets her
>randomly, CUCUMBER
gotta bring in the drinks
thank you, i stole it from a /co/ post
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If you want to make it big in life, you need to be ready for anything.
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got sexy clown in 1 multi with my bf on video call
my funds are safe for castoria in november
Did you know that cucumbers are fruit?
>15in tall
my diiiick, I shan’t be tempted
Strand type mom...
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You're two shits.
What about 146
Hardworking momtato
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>Alter Ego
Sis, you gotta go for a second copy.
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you don’t belong here
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The peach one is good. Don’t like the middle 2. Never had the left.
Why did you grail a loli? I fell in love with Abby the first time I saw her, it was love at first sight.
Cucumber is good though. Better than pineapple on its own by a mile.
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Here are my latest 2, don't have an updated photo of my 3 other cabinets.
>Why did you grail a loli?
I haven't
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Here's mine
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Kama GF...
Post supports, gain friends!
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What kind of psychopath thinks that cucumber tastes better than pineapple?
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I'm a leaf, do you still want to know
post servant ass
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Tested Merlina against whip only Kiara and the team was untouchable as expected. Although BB giving 20% NP charge every time she NP probably helped.
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Because they are cute and funny with Nursery Rhyme and Santa Lily being one of the first gold servants I ever got in this game. With Illya and Miyu, it's that plus I want to be them.
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What's up, bro?
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Can grails fix Melt's numb body? I want to have bed-breaking foundation-cracking hip-fracturing sex with her but it's kind of disappointing if she barely feels it.
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what's that cat figure from?
>Pre-orders closed
The fuck!? Who bought the last one? I know it was someone here.
>custom rayshift
uber cringe
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best i can do...
>Custom Rayshift
Kinda based
I'm trying to be positive, so I'll approach this issue positively. what arts servant does female merlin make pop off in particular? someone like MHXX? boomerlot? I was thinking of using her for the trunk sisters since they could use some crit help as well.
The preorders closed ages ago, as I originally said.
Anon is coping hard that he bought a chink knockoff. If he's lucky it won't be too visibly divergent from the real deal and won't have the glue holding it together rot for at least 10 years.
She's shit she doesn't make anyone pop off.
She's just arts merlin bro. You use her for stall and long term quests. She's just more compatible with arts than normal Merlin is. So Castoria/Merlin/any AOE/ST arts servant.
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Bros I'm selling the polar bears cokes
I'm obsessed with jack for unexplainable reasons
I grailed bnnuyan cuz cute
I love short hair girls
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Imagine furiously pounding Melt's pussy and then she asks "is it in yet?"
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It's a cheap prize figure from Apocrypha. Still begging for a nice scale figure, or anything for alter.
Arts crits suck in general since they have the lowest damage and the point of crits are big damage.
Is she down for a nipple fuck?
She has the same issues in supporting crits that Merlin does. Her crit buff only lasts for one turn. If you want a dedicated Arts crit support, roll for Pope Joan. Merlin/Merlina are used for stalling.
>bottled coke
Based. I'm trying to go glass only if I ever decide to buy sodas.
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Swing and a miss, lmao. I'm so excited for Fantasia, too bad I'm missing out on the Mononoke movie scheduled for the day right before my vacation starts. Would've been funny to replay Ooku after it
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No, anon, you are just retarded and have a gambling addiction.
>I love short hair girls
>i love boys
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>Custom Rayshift
moderately indifferent
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looks decent for a prize figure
No, I actually had the figure in my cart,but just as I was about to buy it I got an error message. Someone here snatched it off my hands.
I need a 1/1 scale Illya figure.
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Skadi is really cute...
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>wait for event
>don’t play it
NTA and I don't ride public transit very often, but I have never seen a fentanyl zombie in the Toronto subway or anywhere else.
I keep seeing variations of this image what’s the story
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Time gates
I like cute, simple as. My favorite is a perfect mix of cute and cool, I don't even lewd her, she's just that perfect for me.
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It's decent, and I love it either way. I really hope one day she finally gets one in between the endless Jannu and Astolfo figures they pump out.
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Skadi is really thick
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I kept a related thread on /a/ last night bumped with ed bebop and aura bella fiora posting through the night
Short hair loli supremacy.
What do you use for these?
She's asking for it.
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Lip Swimsuit this year JP for sure!
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Reminder that those who say Skadi bad are literally retarded and gay.
>t. Stevie Wonder
Teacher time, nice.
This one still needs your dps servant to have kscope, right?
She's kinda plump.
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Just Stable Diffusion. Someone recommended another program but I'm too much of a brainlet to even install it.
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Is it worth it to hit pity for a beautiful yet airheaded succubus imouto?
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Nice as always
I'm actually smart and gay.
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I'm so ready, bro.
You are right, Sam is retarded and gay
OL mom…
Shes not bad. Just mediocre. Quick in general is bad
Servants like Caren and Hopeman can run MLB Black Grail. Caren can use Oberon, not sure who Hopeman runs. This isn't because of Summer Skadi btw, just their buffs that they've gotten over the years.
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I'm just gonna get Erice with the ticket next year
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Yummy mummy...
Erice was a welfare, dude. You can't ticket her.
She's not bad, but she doesn't do much for Quick. 30% more Quick and 40% attack over three waves are nice, but not enough to use over Arts or Buster unless your favorite is Quick. The Buster crit buff is cool with mighty chains in the game, but really depends on your DPS' cards.
well shit. I'll have her replace tamamo as the designated plugsuit slut or something. I can't even think of an arts servant I'd try to use like how I use the himeko/morgan/merlin team.
Glad you liked it.
Literally demoted to a lower tier once 90** nodes have started to come out on JP now. Our summer rate-ups will also overlap for a few days with JP anni so we have the unique opportunity on deciding whether she's even worth the SQ in the first place or simply skip her and wait for the true Quick savior Tamamo Aria.
Roll? Isn't she welfare one?
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So I've got pity ready for Skadoo, but in the event she doesn't totally suck me dry, which of the other two aquatic sluts should I roll for? I find both Proto Merlin and Summer Erice hot as fuck, so I'm torn.
JK girls did a pose when a Google street view car was passing by them, and it became a meme when someone found about it in Google maps.

Please, stop making me want to fap to Illya again!
>I can't even think of an arts servant I'd try to use like how I use the himeko/morgan/merlin team.
Merlina could theoretically replace Merlin for the Morgan team, she just won't have 50% Buster for her NP. However, she has MLB Black Grail anyway so damage isn't too much of an issue. Morgan's super Arts card would allow her to refund massive amounts of NP.
I hope I could live up to 2101.
I named the festival, if you actually cared to look it up you would have immediately seen which city it was. Our metro system was nice enough that when US friends first visited they took pictures, heard the MTA is modeling their new cars after the ones we have here too. I love being in a walkable city with several public transit options and think ours is better than Toronto and NYC, I've seen it being way worse elsewhere
>Merlina could theoretically replace Merlin for the Morgan team
But why would you even do that, it's objectively worse than using Merlin.
I love Illya so much.
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How soon until Wu? I need to chu my Wu!
Cool thanks for info
May your rolls be blessed
They can't no. It's ingrained.
Because i love stheno
Imagine her dragon bitchstink
>urban jungle hellholes
I would recommend that you read Ulysses, it gives very organic insight into the cozykino nature of truly walkable cities....
I curse this Wu
Prove it. When was the last time you nutted to her?
>But why would you even do that, it's objectively worse than using Merlin.
I don't want to go around and try to fish for a support Merlin with MLB Prisma Cosmos. So I'd rather just use my own Merlina with MLB Prisma Cosmos and grab the lore.
Yes, but it's going to take multiple Grails with the first being used to incarnate her into a human body.
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Are you the same person who did these?
If so thank youu
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>Why do people jerk off public transit so much?
Because it is convenient
>Even if it's "good" there is no world where I want to share transport with the general public, let alone the lowest caste of the general public that uses public transit.
I'm sorry your goverment and your own countrymen failed you so bad anon I hope things get better in your 3rd world country one day
>I would recommend that you read Ulysses
...yes, let me read about walkable cities when the world's population was a single digit percentage of its current amount.
This morning, 6:25am. Mda Illya set. 4.5ml.
More like that last one please.
Mom sexo
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What do we call these hours?
based nut chronicler
>I can't even think of an arts servant I'd try to use like how I use the himeko/morgan/merlin team.
It's not immortal team levels but I like using Beni and Da Vinci with them. Both are specially good in that comp because Beni provides the hugely practical buff removal protection, and Da Vinci's team charge on NP makes you virtually able to fire off NPs every single turn.
However, I'd say both of them benefit more from regular Merlin more because Buster crits > Arts Crits.
I don't have anyone else to tell but I pulled Douman twice in 10 tickets and Proto Merlin in 6!
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The hours of the fellas
"Europoors who are bored at 3am" hours.
>I named the festival
>an upcoming international film festival
Ever single fucking film festival is [insert city here] international film festival.
niggas who are mad at rocks
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10 PM
You first.
Niggas mad at trains
>Buy an old deathtrap while vehicular deaths increase every year
No thanks
Bros, how do I get an /alter/ gf/bf?
Pregnant Illya gives me life. If you have the time please do Miyu next, but with an angry expression.
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I don't go for np2 of anyone...that's too much work
nobody I know plays this game and I can only yap about it to him for so long
In a high trust society any system works
In a low trust society no system works
Tokyo and New York both have trains but only one has people shitting on the floor and screaming at you and that’s not the trains fault
First of all, be a big boy and take the bus
Cunnies are built for semen
>Caren is voiced by Best Umineko
Bless this woman.
Nigga, I am talking about logistics. Stores, goods, commerce, services.
I have a car.
That's completely fair. A RL buddy of mine is a weirdo magnet, every time he goes out he bumps into a new homeless schizo so he's extremely wary of just coming to downtown. He may be cursed, while I'm fortunate enough that the most I ran into was some drunk/high dude ambling over and asking me "what's so funny" while I was talking with a bro and waiting for the next metro to come. He moved right on after we gave him a shrug, that was years ago. I'll stick to it though, much more preferable than doubling my living expenses by adding a car into the equation. There are plenty of rentable bikes in the summer here too come to think of it, never used them myself but I appreciate the option
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>Someone might be weird on a train

>Any other city in the US
>Get hit by a drunk driver and die

I'll take the former thanks
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don't care, didn't read. trains are objectively cooler than cars. humanity went off the rails after we abandoned trains as our main form of transportation
Nah, their system SUCKS they just have no appreciation or care because retards will go
>just get a car bro!
Their goverment failed them.
>Nigga, I am talking about logistics. Stores, goods, commerce, services.
Then surely you understand a walkable city is the best option, right?
>highly anticipated summer event is out
>/alter/ talking about anything but it
Explain this.
>went off the rails
Why do all of Lady Avalon's ascensions look like shit compared to her base design?
Samurai writing.
Carchads be like "I drive."
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It's 12:04pm?
first time here?
>Someone might be weird on a train
she's cute, but she's probably super irrelevant
Nope, but that's the bro who inspired me to get into this AI stuff. I only do these Raikou ones.
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Almost the same for me but It's because I was used to live with my pet pigeon that I really love birds. Also her story touch my soul and she deserves a lot of fans since she's always doing her best and taking care of many people.
My nigga
I love how everyone pretends Tokyo trains are perfectly peaceful and it's not like they have a molestation epidemic
>highly anticipated summer event
No, you mean
>highly anticipated summer servants
After you summon, that's it.
>pet pigeon
: )
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>5 FIVE arrows of 0AP that amount to 'go find out why skadi made a singularity'
Skill issue unironically
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I Kam and go as I please
If Merlin gives all the women in Chaldea dicks, does that mean she's going to give all the men vaginas?
shes child prostitute
a whore
>reddit song only relevant when it plays on r/a/dio (reddit stream) during holidays
kill yourself
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Are you ready for these two sisters to get their swimsuits this year?
Careful, you'll get your post deleted.
easiest skips of my life
Again, yes, that's preferable to someone with a 0.5 BAC driving an F150 and turning me into fine paste. Why are you paranoid about stupid bullshit and not the thing that kills tens of thousands a year?
HSR and MRT are both trains.
Legs btw, are superior to every form of animal or artificial transport.
Hoes mad.
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I am ready.
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Fine, dozo. Made me look the metro here up on Wikipedia btw
>Canada's busiest rapid transit system in terms of daily ridership
>It is North America's third busiest rapid transit system, behind the New York City Subway and Mexico City Metro
Really? How much does she charge?
Big wife is in 6 days and 1 hour 51 minutes.
No cunny no roll
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she's chea(r)p
>Insurance: $45/mo
Bruh u lying like a dog
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>>take the bus
>>be happy
It is that easy.
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I'm 25 and I don't have a driver's license or a car.
>(((french))) canadian
I'm sorry, I didn't think you faggots considered yourself part of Canada, lol. It's even worse than I imagined.
Yes, happier than being stuck in traffic for hours a day. At least I can shitpost on the bus.
i only had these, dont have a sub right now but I can make 2-3 Miyu pics, any specific postion/clothes? or just Miyu?
I feel like we were a married couple. And I kid you not. I got one Semiramis in one ticket. Read about her and knew it was destiny to play this game with Heroic Spirits who enjoy birbs.
I can fix her.
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List 5 plot points you would like to discuss about the story sections we were allowed to play today and I will discuss them with you.
>At least I can shitpost on the bus.
This is more true than you think. A 'shitpost' was originally a low quality post that you could make in the time it took to take a shit.
You can indeed shit on the floor of most metro lines in the world while phoneposting and suffer no repercussions.
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i still don't have a license or id. i just carry my passport around
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Which servants feel this way about Gudao?
sure, let's talk about it.
>sprites bouncing up and down, flashing character to character to simulate a conversation
>shitty conversations that are just repeating what each other are saying
>entire cast reeks of sakurai or sakurai having a hand in choosing them
>worst cast/picks for summer servants in the history of the game
>worthless nodes, if you want to farm the event starting now is retarded past natural ap
I thought summer 5 was bad, and summer 6 was slightly better, but summer 7 is the worst summer event in the history of the game. it makes so much fucking sense why summer 8 is as good as it is now.
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miyu's asshole...
Yeah it's pretty comfy here, the French are unironically the strongest weebs in the world and I get to read much higher quality and varied manga releases here. Gonna be fun watching Kizumonogatari Koyomi Vamp on the big screen this year too. Back to /pol/ with you
I'm so sorry you shart yourself on the bus bro, but it's not common over here.
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During Covid I worked for a company that gave me a work car. Driving through the city while everyone was on lockdown was one the most cathartic things I can remember doing. Empty roads, I could park wherever the fuck I wanted, getting from one end of the city to the other in like 20 minutes, shit was amazing. And I was hardly doing any work, to boot. I miss covid so much.
Doggy pose or full nelson are my favorites, so that please. In either cow print bikini or naked in a public space. Thanks a lot for this anon.
>Maybe if I keep yelling about people pooping on the bus everyone will forget about 40,000+ people dying in cars every year
medb said herself that she loves him
yu mei-ren
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This is what carkeks pretend every day is like
a car is one thing sure, but why not get your license?
she loves you like a queen loves a peasant.
>Gas is less than $3 where I live
>anon drives 10 miles a day
>oklahoma has the lowest price in the usa
Ohhhhh I really doubt you live someplace nice if you're only 5 miles away from you work in Oklahoma. That smells like a trailer park and a Walmart job to me.
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>Public transit is ok if there aren't weirdoes
>Driving is ok when there aren't other cars
Bad Civilization is the problem all along
>all voiced by Hayamin
Coincidence? I think not.
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Yeah, Medb has promoted us to Pity Sex!
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I shouldn't start farming anything yet right?
Not Oklahoma and I live close to my work because it's a hospital.
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>SERAPH is the only way.
BB did nothing wrong!
Motorbikes actually make sense, though. Only cars are dumb
Every city in the world with a theater chain has anime movies in [current year] dude. I live in a town of only 30K people in bumfuck nowhere Burgerstan and saw new at premier all the Heavens Feel movies, the Demons Slayer movie, and just last month a Ghost in the Shell rerun at the theater.
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>/fgoalter/ - Urban planning and transportation General
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i have a driver license but no car its been years since i was behind a wheel and i kind of lost all my confidence and driving skills, i hope they comeback if i eventually need to drive again
There should be a doujin where, because she finds Gudao not quite worthy, she uses a magic run to turn him into a faceless Celt gigachad.
Scathach only fucks strong mighty warriors that are able to beat her in a duel. Literally her right of passage for training under her and ultimately besting her to pass said training is sex with her.

Brynfags are forever cucked and will always be second fiddle to Sigurd. Sorry.
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Everything about Proto Merlin is pure sex.
Better than low quality AI slop spam.
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Still the queen.
how about another cuck doujin instead
>living in the city
I love me the suburbs.
I wish Medb would fuck me.
explain why is Scathach training (you) to become one?
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Yeah, basically.
The fact that some dunce from Montreal of all places thinks that his metro is free of druggers is beyond belief. Quebec is the highest welfare dependent territory in Canada.
yeah of a dead timeline and wich only like 5-6? citizens remain on a small sub.
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EUhours are all goodmornings and talking about each other
UShours are all about random off topic things
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Hey, I'm not complaining. Urbanism can be fun.
Drugs are bad m'kay?
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Is Summer Gareth good enough to invest in and use over the other 90 billion 4 star sabers?
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I wish I had 4 daughters just like her
No, summer Oi is easily the best of the SR sabers and Boomerlot follows just behind her.
Bedivere is likely more useful than Gareth.
I didnt drive for like 8 years, and it took me genuinely about 15 minutes before it felt like I was back to my previous level of skills. Just take it slow when you first get back in a car, don't have anything playing on the radio/bluetooth, and drive somewhere low-density to begin with. No problemo.
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you cant see it but my dick is between her boob and bikini top
She is, unfortunately, genuinely fucking horribly bad. All because of a 20% NP charge skill instead of a 30%. Fuck Nasu.
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Before or after the grails?
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You'll be fine. It's like riding a bike. I stopped driving for 5 years at one point and when I got back into a car I had more trouble with the new car handling differently than I did the driving.
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There aren't that many AoE Buster 4* Sabers.
That said, she already gets outclassed by Kurotoria, and next year EVERY AoE Saber will get outclassed by Kurotoria.
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Wow, you're really small, bro.
Rosa really needs a man to fix her.
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We're all super excited to go to Erice Land tomorrow, right?
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>summer gareth in 3 ascensions has one swimsuit
that isn't to say her 3rd ascension isn't cool but what a fucking waste of a summer servant slot. her attack stat is also just as laughably bad as her lancer version despite having a kit full of buffs. what a joke.
>Marin needs 45 eggs
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Yeah, I drive.
I'm more excited to see Heianland
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Waku Waku? Erice seems kind of strong!
Why does purin like cute boys?
>highly anticipated
By whom
In what manner
Anime movie making rounds over American theatres=/=world premiere. Mononoke: Phantom in the Rain is having its world premiere here. The rest of the world will get it in a few months, sure, but I don't think you understand the difference in scale. I'm going to be watching way more than just anime movies too obviously when this festival goes on for like 2.5 weeks, there's a bunch of titles that are international/north american premieres and such. Threw anime titles around because this is a weeb general and I doubt people would recognize anything else, but there's no point continuing this since it's not like dropping the catalogue here will make you take a look or change your mind

You're probably not the Marvel anon who started all this, so enjoy whatever you get in theaters in your bumfuck nowhere Burgerstan dude
A1 is a lifeguard
I'm so happy. i got all 4 units i wanted in a few tickets and SQ
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So they made a Summer version of a much loved low star Servant...and despite elevating her to a higher star tier she's still basically a self nerf over better, older Servants you likely already have for free?
The only good 4* is Erice, and she blows away the competition.
>NP charge
>Arts up
>Anti Servant buff
>curse on demand
>NP does fuckhuge damage against cursed enemies AND has insta kill with a really high kill stat
>and she blows away the competition.
I mean to be fair both summer gareth and summer wu are fucking awful units
Cute new bro *smooch*.
Post FC bby.
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Yes. She is just about the worst AoE 4* Saber. Definitely the worst of the Buster ones.
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Must be nice having lots of money
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Gimme Gimme GIMME GIMME GIMMEE Aaaanddd it's gone...I'm also out of mats and pure prisms...shit.
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alright, lifeguard is "summer-adjacent" so I'll give you that one but it sure as hell isn't a swimsuit.
her face when she sees my cock
>shota waver
Go back.
>I'll pay you 100m QP to fuck off
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Don't worry bro, hop in, I'll give you a ride.
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t. muramasa
>inb4 Skadi gets a Strengthening quest that includes a 100% NP Dam buff like Oberon during Anni9/Summer9
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We all told you to go hard on Salters last rate up.
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Yes, actually. I'll see my cute kouhai working hard, failing like always, and needing my help.
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>buffing an existing servant instead of releasing a shiny new broken servant to force whales to pay up
You must be new here.
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You'll get to see her being a smug little shit, actually.
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I want to gush in erice-anons pirate ship
Just as good.
not that guy, but saber alter was on a 2-way split with gorgon on her last rateup and in going for her I walked out with an ass full of np5 davinci's (that is, 5 copies of davinci rolled with no saber alter) massive horsecock and I'll never be the same.
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It's in like two hours.
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Wait a minute that's just FSN...
>her face when she sees an unmolested shota
I'm level 130 and have a lot of level 160s. Some people are kind and allow a latekek like me to leech
it's a honeypot. why would any 30 year old man go visit a 14 year old girl?
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So this is Japanese Ryan Gosling.
>why would any 30 year old man go visit a 14 year old girl?
Why indeed...

because of the boats?? wouldn't you want to see and maybe even drive one of the boats?
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>makes a singularity
>summons beast candidate
>alters a minor's spirit origin without consent
>steals (You)r servants
>Makes them do it for free
What the fuck is her problem?
drive but with swords instead of cars
Two hours from now is tomorrow.
Was it a split? I really feel like the surprise NA rateup was not a split. I didn't get any more copies of Gorgon as far as I remember and had to pull 2 copies of Salter out of it.
She's out of control and needs constant supervision. Probably a short leash too.
>>beast candidate
Don't flatter yourself, Dough Man.
I want to mating press her until I pass out from exhaustion.
She just knows we like big boobies in swimsuits
This event is pretty fun so far, I don't get why people are hating on the writing, though I do agree it gets a bit annoying how every character has to say a line, including Fou. Are they being paid by wordcount or something?
I can't wait to finally roll for Ibuki and Erice too.
I'm talking about femerlin
For sex, duh?
it absolutely was a split. you were just fortunate.
she hates and wants (you) to suffer
When the previous level cap raised I kept track of everyone’s levels to see how much they play. Majority do the bare minimum during events. Discovered a few veterans I didn’t expect. And one latelet I added years ago blew me away with how hard they go. They were one of the first people on my list to hit 160. Anyways, anyone not 160 already clearly doesn’t play the game much.
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>Dough Man.
>I do agree it gets a bit annoying how every character has to say a line, including Fou. Are they being paid by wordcount or something?
the sakurai special. if nothing else, you are absolutely guaranteed a bloated wordcount.
i have been enjoying it generally though. the douman gags are funny.
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We all do.
We have been doing that for 7 years now without her fucking things up
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Do you love your big sister?
we should make a Sakurai bingo, because I'm pretty sure this event will be hitting all targets
Women moment
Hag moment
Spinster moment
Horny spinster moment
I thought he meant Ibuki
>I caused you some trouble this time. …I apologize. …Hm? This is not like the usual admirable me dealing with you, you say? Uffu, that is right. That might be right. Then I shall stop. I caused you some trouble but that is that! O' Servant of mine. Bring me ice cream! Uuuuuum!
She even had the gall to treat you like a lackey after all this.
Worse, (you) got to put up with her bs without reprimanding her or the likes, because Guda was such a cuck.
Fuck whoever wrote this event.
She is looking at /alter/ btw
NOW it's a party.
Yes, I love my Big Sis Oryou.
So if I can only afford to roll for one, should I be going for Ibuki or Skadi? I already have regular Skadi.
We all know who it was, sakurai
>screen bobs up and down
Oh I see now. It's HER event huh. The skip button have never been seems more pressable than before.
this event really puts into perspective how utterly dogshit summer 6 was
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What would be on the Sakurai Bingo?
>extremely bloated wordcount
>confusing translation
>shipping between two servants
>Musashi is there
>A sakurai servant (probably Musashi) is fellated by the cast at length
>The central conflict is resolved by something completely pulled out of nowhere at the last second
Anything else?
>whoever wrote this event
It is clearly Sakurai, only two of the main characters aren't her purview.
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To be fair, this Beast Candidate is very dumb and can't even run a garden properly.
I don't care about whatever arctic she is up to.
But I will suplex her for only giving me only a pair of Valkyrie.
That is simply unforgivable.
in next sakurai event guda will suck bull semen out of skadi cunt
those titties are making me thirsty
A bird or more flying at the sky
I will never know since I have committed to [SKIP] for this event.
Skadi is useful at np1. Ibuki is useless at np1.
>heian servants appear despite no relevance to the setting or scenario [free space]
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ended up making a bunch lel
The translation sucks because the NA team can’t do their jobs. Her writing is tricky to read so it trips them up more than isual.
Ah the turds from a dead general are crossposting again as usual.
Way too much of (Character thoughts) in writing.
>A sakurai servant is fellated by the cast at length
So who's the star in this event?
I agree with that. Whatever Sakurai's writing looks like in Japanese, it's the fault of the NA team that it comes out looking like a fucking mess in English.
/n/ is a dead board, not a general.
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people roll for this shit?
One retcon of any kind
>bro she zero sailed on her own!
>bro she recreated our comms
>bro she is like...so cool
Ibuki and Skadi
>FOUFOUFOOOOOU *Special translation:
>obvious red herring
>nipwank to the highest level possible
>trash first act, good/okay middle act, dogshit final act
See you tomorrow boys. This is my ride.
Unlike you stupid faggots, I know how to control my emotions and impulsive
...skadi, they even gave her a more gameplay alt
>servants took like a few hours or a few days to get to the Arctic Sea from the Antarctica
>on foot
Isn't that crazy?
Servants are superhumans bro
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sure, but
>on foot
They zero sailed or rayshifted, skipbro.
gareth is so pretty
she's quite literally an onahole
>dies in a violent motor accident
Should've walked bro...
>is a literal succubus
>gee I wonder why people want to fuck her???
already did that during the muriken singularity, seems consistent to me
Look what they did to my boy
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Is my attraction to Kiara something to be explained away by mommy issues?
why would somebody want to fuck a boring looking succubus over options like barghest or jalter?
>emiya is there
>beni isn't
How do you explain this
Because they aren't succubi. If you know you know. If you don't then you don't deserve to get the soul sucked out of your dick.
>20kg so you can super easily do all those doujin sex positions with her easy
gee wiz I wonder why people roll for her too
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>Don't roll for sskadi
>quick is dead
I can't wait for all of you to regret blowing your loads on coombait when quick is saved in a month
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the nodding shit is what really blows me away, it's like a 3rd grader padding their word count for an essay or something. every single scene has it at least twice, sometimes from servants too
Thoughts on the gremlin?
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Her boobs are bigger than her red flags
unnecesary flashbacks
Oni pussy is the best pussy
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>extremely bloated wordcount
LB6 is absurdly long, longer than a lot of full visual novels by a sizeable margin
>confusing translation
Aesc/Tonelico Tam Lin/Fairy Knights, etc
>shipping between two servants
Melu and Percy , Cnoc and Castoria
>Musashi is there
Her actions are alluded to, which is the most you can expect since she just died
>A sakurai servant (probably Musashi) is fellated by the cast at length
Caster Binchi is literally so pure and amazing that she reforms a fairy (who are known sociopathic monsters) just by running around in a skimpy maid outfit and telling him about recipes
>The central conflict is resolved by something completely pulled out of nowhere at the last second
"Oh yeah, I know Castoria just died, but I'm back and I'm not Castoria, I'm just nearly identical to her and have her memories. Yay!"

Conclusion: Sakurai wrote LB6
From now on I'm just going to call her Marin, while the dude is Merlin
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Don't know what this is. I have never seen or heard of this Quick that you mention.
Probably a lack of love and affection now forces you to gravitate to any 2 bit whore who gives you a little attention.
I can just roll on the return banner if Quick ever un-shits itself.
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This woman makes me low inhib, I can't help myself.
I just had sex with a real girl.
I suddenly don't feel like playing FGO anymore.
No if it was that I would like her
yes succubus are known to prey on humans for their lifeforce, why give a shit about that when i could fuck jalter everyday instead of dying
Long and bloated aren't the same thing, retard. No wonder Mo is your son.
She's there. A shame she doesn't have a chibi version
What's happening in a month?
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For a second, I thought he was holding a gigantic cellphone
Judge Holden servant when?
>brings up Barghest in his previous post
>ummm, actually I don't really want to die via snu-snu I was just using her as an example...
JP summer.
Go back to /lit/.
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Gains Goblina
>Bargy Wargy
Gains Goddess(maybe)
Seems like an easy choice to me bro.
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every sakurai story is the same shit
>background characters doing the dumbest shit imaginable
>sakurai forgets/ignores seemingly important trope
>everyone fawning over sakurai favorite (kintoki, gorlodof, random shitter)
>mordred shows up to suck jekyll cock
>paenis joins mordred for second to say that she will suck golondorof cock now
>everyone telling guda that s/he is useless cuck
>guda agrees that s/he is useless cuck
>random shota no ping pong wa tanuki ochinchin dayo curry rice yamato fuji reference
why is this hack still allowed to work on fgo
Female Merlin is both a Beast candidate and Grand candidate. Same as male Merlin actually.
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Post lolibabas.
So uh when is her rerun?
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I wish they shipped Helena with (you) more.
She's a petite woman with a FAT ASS. I feel like Raita got a little carried away with the description of Shuten. Even more proof, Aoi Yuki (who Shuten is based on) is a petite woman with a FAT ASS. No one calls her a loli/lolibaba.
i had hope an emiya face was the last beast but it will probably a merlin face.
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I've always liked that fan comic "Shuten is a loli despite legends about her being massive because she's actually just her decapitated head shapeshifted into a smaller form" headcanon.
If you’re up for it, can you do Gudao fucking a pregnant Jeanne Alter wearing a bunny outfit? Give her big lactating tits too.
Anytime I see Sakurai hate I think of that guy who vandalized the type moon wiki for years with made up "Japanese interviews" as sources for his hateboner.
3DPD can't be loli, retard. Of course nobody calls Aoi a loli.
Beast lair is literally full of retards being addicted to smelling their own farts
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>avada kedavra would have the highest insta kill check of any caster
What did he claim those made up interviews said?
loli is a 2d term your gaslighting retard, stop trying to mix reality with drawings
Hopefully I still have enough for summer skadoo after trying to NP5 Ibuki
sakurai looks like this?!
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I decorate my bedroom like this.
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Mom protecc
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We need 8 more entries for a proper Bingo bros.
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>asclap wasnt chosen by the valkyries
>lancer scathatch messed with his origin just because
kek i love these 2 retards.
>sakurai hate is le bad!
>you can criticize Sakurai-sama you bigot retard!
Prove it.
>>you can criticize Sakurai-sama you bigot retard!
Oh I can? Excellent, thank you.
Touko can get it
Merlin's imouto owes me sex!
Touko is so damn based
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I love my NP5, level 120 Onee-chan.
>summer Oi is easily the best of the SR sabers
Her refund is pretty sus compared to Vergin, but he doesn't have any form of charge whatsoever. Unironically haven't used her that much since Summer 4. My NP5 Lancelot does more consistent crits and NP4 Vergin loops better.
Omniscient narrator using exclamation marks.
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Summer Assclap...
Where is "Dantes shows up and then fucks off"
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Ooh shit those are both good ones.
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She's for CQs ans Salter is the best farmer. All other SR sabers are pointless.
>No one calls her a loli/lolibaba.
They absolutely did before. Her nickname used to be legal Loli among her fans. Idk about now with her being older and trying to look more mature.
ugly face
Summer Ibuki is better than any other universal Arts looper released thus far. However, if you have any of them at NP2+, there's really no reason to go and chase Ibuki. If you're really into farming with Arc, Ibuki is a good plugsuit choice for her. As for Skadi, depends if you want to keep using a Quick favorite.
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What is with Sakurai's attachment to Mo-san anyways.
It's rare for her to have good taste.
Who cares what her face looks like when your face will be buried in all of that titty.
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great map
And you took it and still fucked around.
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You know the point of me saving all these gender bender images was to dump them because of the Merlin give girls a dick meme but inverted.
I wish lasagna would make a 2nd teatime. there's too many supports for only 3 teatime slots.
Skadi owes me hag sex for this event
I think this is a good thing at times, but Sakurai tends to make Gudao more skilled in her chapters. Like I remembered you were able to heal Nursery Rhyme from the brink of death while Medea lily couldn't.
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But I am too tired for pointless spam tonight. l8r
that large sun is making me think the secret villian is sutr again
assclapius is male?!
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So that she can ship her with Jekyll
What's the difference between hag sex and sex?
Someone post the comic with (you)
that sounds like a very hot thing tp try out, but I already used more credits than I expected with pregnant Miyu lel
any specific artist tho, maybe i will
>there's too many supports for only 3 teatime slots.
The only definitive ones worth putting Teatime on are Castoria and Vitch. An argument can then be made whether to put the third Teatime on Summer Skadi or Oberon. But they're both pretty niche compared to Castoria and Vitch.
The mass
Post bad luck stories. Make me feel better getting just 2 SSRs and 3 SRs in 750 quartz + 22 tickets.
Sex is with women young enough they don't have age related increases in the odds of a birth defect or complication to their child.
>less than 25
Some others I haven't seen mentioned yet:
>random child character (not a servant) inserted into protagonist group and given dialogue for no reason (as seen in: heian-kyo, shimousa, olympus...)
>previous antagonist is shoe-horned into new story as a companion with a totally different personality (as seen in: tunguska, this event)
>random info dumps that have nothing whatsoever to do with the story (Olympus, Heian-Kyo, others I can't think of specifically)
Hag sex has the best techniques, while non-hag sex has the best tightness. t. knower.
They did mention the larger-than-normal Sun didn't seem to have any connection to Surtr but you just know it's gotta be him
jekyll's whore
>bad luck
>2 SSRs and 3 SRs in 750 quartz + 22 tickets.
Is she for (you) tho
Only 1 SSR and 1 SR were rateup
First of all, you didn't hit pity, so that's a win. Second of all, you got 2 SSRs, that's a double win.
Try hitting pity on someone like Oberon who is a must and then having your entire rolling plans completely destroyed. I didn't even get an extra SSR.
I feel you. I hit Pity on Lady Avalon.
1st roll was NP1 Bradamante, then I only got 2x Gareth and NP1 Circe before Merlina.
I'm still miserable.
I dumped 360 SQ and 20 tickets and the only new character I got was roland. Im waiting until summer skadi to continue rolling but i'd be pretty fuckin brick tier if I hit hard-pity for just 1 SSR character
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I'm gonna save my SQ until April of 2025 now. I hope that's enough time...
I hit pity twice for servants I wanted this year. While for a servant I didn't care I got NP2 in 150sq, I was rolling for the SR btw
>you were able to heal Nursery Rhyme from the brink of death while Medea lily couldn't.
That one is bullshit though. You using atlas debuff clear in shimousa? Yeah, that's skilled in a reasonably manner. Heian kyou you somehow outhealing fucking Medea is just bullshit even by TM pull shit out of ass standard.
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Bros I'm fucked up. I'm at my aunt's 70th bday party and I been drinking hand over fist. We got a hibachi chef, Mexican dude had a leaf village headband over his chef hat lmfao.

So lady avalon is here. Gareth is here. Did anyone 120 np6/11 either of them yet? Any giga chads make their way into the white/green list already?

Personally I think merlina's a fuckin retard. Basically a bimbo but with an imouto kink. Anybody actually like her so far? Anybody roll her only to realize she's worse Merlin?
Anyone have the opposite experience and really enjoying using lady avalon so far?

Maybe that's part of her appeal. Maybe she understands that men want a stupid incompetent woman they can treat like a stupid pet, in which case she passes with flying colours. "Anon-kun, please call me your imouto and overlook my silly mistakes, teehee!" Probably gets most of you pathetic suckers harder than tungsten.

Imma go talk with my family. Catch ya next thread you lovable pathetic succubus masturbators you.
Surprise, it was KONO SUN GOD OZY DA!
Then sakurai can write another scene of Nito jerking Ozy off.
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>these fucking requests

Friendly reminder you retards are frying what little dopamine receptors you have left in your brain like a tweaking meth addict that's been binging for 3 days straight. This ever-increasing quest for novelty is TEXTBOOK clinical addiction behavior and you are feeding it with super-steroids in the form of NAI(no pun intended).
is Merlina good for the immortal comp or having Merliin is enough?
it was (you)r funny suit power
Repetition (same paragraph/lines, like that eagle shit in Shimousa)
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why are you like this...
Odin uses 4D chess and basically serves her up to you for her to find happiness and ice cream.
>Anyone have the opposite experience and really enjoying using lady avalon so far?
Her passive along with mana loading gives her 40% starting charge. If you use 2x Castoria along with Merlina during a CQ, you can use everyone's NP on turn one.
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Heading to a career fair. Should I give the interview guy my resume even if I don't have relevant experience?
Why are you responding to an unironic cuck thats trying to chase cucksucker’s shadow?
>character jerked off
I feel like this is a little too general, there's typically two types:
1. 3rd party going 'no way, is that so and so from where who did some feat'
2. characters have conversations between each other and can't stop going oooh xxx-sama you're too humble over your powerlevel and the other party going no, no, no xxxx-dono you too are a legendary whatever too
Fine, I won’t request more but that’s not going to stop other anons.
You might as well, worst case scenario is you don't get the job but that'd be case regardless.
Just show him your support page instead.
The only Sakurai servants I've ever rolled for are Raikou (co-created by Nasu), Musashi (co-created by Nasu) and Skadi (purely for gameplay).
Post CEs that porn artists made.
Yes. You miss every shot you don't take
Yes, try everywhere you think would be nice.
i might stop fapping
so I can be ready for video AI hentai making
Marie Antoinette reverse harem wrangling
Motherhood complex
Yes, often companies actually stack way more requirements than they actually need, especially for entry level shit.
>going camping with friends this weekend
>sudden realization that I don't really want to
Bros, I just want to play FGO and sleep.
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He needs a servant already, Punopupupu as well.
Enjoy time with your friends.
Increase the resolution, this is needlessly small.
I haven’t fapped in nine months. Don’t feel too different honestly but I guess I’m not worse off?
10 tickets on Gareth and LA:
Nothing above a 3
No Xu Fu either
I got Lady Avalon, I didn't get Gareth. Though I only did a single x11 summon on the rateup and want to save for Skadi and Ibuki.
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Ban sama...
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Literally the 3* CE from this event.
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You're free to do whatever you want anon, I just feel like I'm watching rats in a lab walking into fire and thought I'd say something. A lot of dopamine-centered addictions have a lot to do with "pursuit" and NAI has one-upped even internet porn and made that pursuit literally infinite.

Have your fun if you must but control it and realize what you're dealing with and doing to yourself.
>patron saint of homemaking looks like this
>He needs a servant already,
Male or female?
You wouldn't want one of those in your home?
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He needs a servant already, no I'm not goign to post CE or artist name.

>in nine months
Congratz, preggo sis!
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No, instead tell him how worthless and unlikeable you are and demonstrate a profound lack of self-confidence, then he will be sure to hire you.
Depends, did you summon medb?
Someone give me a quick rundown on Erice
What’s the context for this? This anon was briefly my /alter/ crush until I learned I’ve liked his meaner doppelgänger all along.
*Demonic laughter echoes*
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Not CE but he does scat porn
>server busy
Daily reset literally just happened.
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>>server busy

Buy faster internet, mongoloid third worlder. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it
If you don't have any of the the Big support Units (Merlin, Scathach-Skadi, Tamamo, Castoria) but I got a Waver Is it worth rolling for Lady Avalon or should I just save my Quartz for Ibuki-Douji (Berserker)?
I knew I should have preordered this when it was up. Fucking hell why didn't I?
You like my event support bwos?
No idea, but around this year, that veteran came back to /alter/ and seems to have cuck stancer's brain rot and decide to be an annoying attentionwhore who come here to blogpost and whine about random shit.
Play dohna dohna
You should save for Castoria, Vitch, and Oberon in that order.
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>I'm... le tired!
>out of a job...
>almost out of money (after GSSR and Jew Order btw. Love sucking Albert ding dong)
>and my family hates me...
>and the only happines I got from cancer 4chin /alter/ gachacoomer general
>>>to discuss Fate

Just kill youself, /alter/bro. This is the only option for (you).
Lady Avalon is just Merlin but arts flavored and like Merlin you don't really need your own. I would focus more on saving for Castoria's rate-up in the winter this year.
Split your fucking support lists. Holy shit.
Thanks, I needed the push.
>np is only 3 turns
>invin is 8 turn cool down
She's a worse Art Merlin
>adding normal/events in the first place
Literally your own fault.
The bot population is growing too much
You can't even properly use Summer Ibuki without supports for her.
Honestly from a gameplay/meta/efficiency standpoint you should save your SQ right now and not spend any at all to make sure you can get Castoria, Oberon, and Koyanskaya whenever they come around the next time.

Summer Skadi and Lady Avalon are obviously great, especially if you don't have normal Skadi or Merlin yet, but those other three are far, far, far more important for the meta.
I want to play with mandricardos nipples
Try your best from tomorrow on
Fix things it's that easy
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5 more days till the great Wurship
Also, don't forget to watch the Mr Vampire series, Wu bros. It's the film that sparked pop cultural interests in jiangshi and taoist priests that control/ fight against them.
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before deleting yourself, don't forget to buy 1 last big pack, pigger~
>have that one moron who doesn't realize support list is still set on event
>Castoria with Nerofest CE
Save for Castoria. This year's summer thots will rerun next summer anyway
She's the only person in her post apocalyptic Akihabara utopia who doesn't have her personal Servant and grail fragment which gives her eternal youth and general post human QoL.
Instead she acts like a cop and kills rogue Servants with her cursed blood that she can mold into weapons.
She is a huge Servant fangirl and is thus conflicted about her job.
Her grandmother won the global holy grail war and runs Akihabara.
She admires a Caren AI interface which is wear she gets her exhibitionistic fashion tendencies. She likes spicy food.
She finally gets a Servant, Voyager.
She has a genki friend Karen with a dinosaur servant whom she saved from Avenger Louis' torture dungeon and she feels guilty about killing him and thus brings about Marie Alter.
Profile spoilers:
She is the daughter of an Izanami's Divine Servant instance
If she leaves Akihabara's grail's influence she starts to slowly degrade
>np is only 3 turns
This is only a problem at NP1. At NP2+, she either roughly gives the same amount of NP as Merlin or more.
>invin is 8 turn cool down
In exchange for NP charge and enemy NP charge delay. In a LA + Castoria team, you're really only going to use it once or twice anyway thanks to all the super invul stacks.
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Ummhow about you just do it instead?
>got merlina in one multi
if i have over 2K SQ, what are my chances at NP5 summer Ibuki?
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Inversely, you could attempt lucksacking Ibuki soon so you have the most busted Arts looper available to use with Castoria.
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They retconned Goredolf remembering serfest
Do not roll for incubus anon.
You do not understand the damage the wing flap of this particular butterfly is going to have on your life.
Do not belive her lies
hello alter why do you have two active threads again
>attack buff only buffs herself
She's overrated trash.
Because its fun!

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