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Previous: >>486624632

>Version 2.4 "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue" Special Program will be released on July 19 at 19:30 (UTC+8)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC2F2dAXuus (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl3MagK3uyM (JP)

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>A Moment Among the Stars — "Bonajade Exchange"
>Myriad Celestia — "Stoneheart's Oath Ring"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
Firefly love!
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This thread will last 6+ hours too so I'll post Fofo early. That way people will be forced to see Fofo every time the open the thread.
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Firefly love
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robot fish never ever
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How do you end domestic violence?
With MORE violence!
bro robin works as a replacement for banjo on dothag comps, until they add a proper dot harmony that's gonna be your replacement
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>Opal keeps getting fanart
Feels good
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Thank you Fofo poster. We love Fofo here
I still don't have a Yanqing yet, maybe next patch will be the one.
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Moze likely being on Feixiao's banner means depending on my JQ pulls, I may not be able to E6 him like I want to.
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I am going insane.
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It's all my fault bros. My preemptive shilling of Firefly in the months leading up to Penacony altered the timeline and caused her to become a main character in the story instead of just a random NPC that dies to showcase death-kun.
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>Ying Xi Ping
>44 the reddit
>Jiacheron's brick
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What's his endgame?
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>he replies to redditposter
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This is canon
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When you start the game and check that Herta portrait, Kafka comments on how old Herta is and then brings up how most of the Genius society all had normal deaths (around 80-ish years old) but that there was one member that only lived a dozen or so days. Was that the picrel? I mean who else would be accepted into the society as a baby basically.
Protect Belobog.
i voted for the pink fox in the poll... fofo can stay
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>retards keep spamming how every single character is a "le brick hue hue so funny hue hue ebin memes!"
what is the average age of subhumans in this general if this is your go-to type of humor?
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There's also #29 Sserkal who was a spider with normal spider lifespan.
She got in for inventing the Phase Flame.
Reminder, genshin won BIGLY, Natlan designs MOG xiaofuchinkslop
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All hoyofags are either paid shills or underage, and minors are actually the majority on the internet. I'm 23.
It says right there that the worm wasn't accepted into the genius society though so he wasn't a member unless future lore reveals more on this
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>Natlan designs MOG
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what the fuck is wrong with these people
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let it go anon... it's over
You have a bricked mind unironically
>has to resort to npcs
it's over, lmao
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That's just how academics are. There are real life research papers just like that
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big tits and armpits!
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I did it bros. My first time getting all the stars for the three modes.
no need to show her off like that geppie...
All more based than Gaycio
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can we skip space china and go straight to corporate glowie kino?
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congrats bwo
Damn, I should use honorific itt
It was a spider actually
Enigmata schizo is clearly 13
What's with the bad Pagfly threads and spam during this time of day?
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happy birthday bwo or late one
Which of the upcoming Luofu bitches are worth any notice? I stopped following the releases back with Sparkle and want to decide who to save for.
All of them. All Xianzhou women are wonderful and special and deserve to be rolled for.
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This snek, she's a sub dps harmony break effect that happens to make your team not die and have a cleanse
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Boy oh boy if you ever wondered why CIA started project MKUltra and Stargate, or more board appropriately, why Pokemon added the Psychic type it's because in the 80s to 90s it was the scientific consensus in the field of psychology.
We got research papers from places like Stanford and everything proving how Zener cards actually work, among other stupid things proven to be fake by today's standards.
It's why tying politics into science is retarded, because then it can distort scientific reality.
We got organized science figured out very late in the grand scheme of things, who knows what kind of theory we believe in now becomes a ridiculous lie tomorrow.
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I'm 22, turning 23 later this year.
Feixiao and Lingsha, I guess Yunli too since you have sparkle.
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uhhh im 23, im just chilling here
Am I missing out on something by unlocking divergent universe early?
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yanqing and jingyuan
i'm 32
i come here to fap
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Thanks bro, it was yesterday technically.

No need, I don't really feel 29 haha.
it even works in game
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depends on what you want i guess. yunli is good. jiaoqui if you have acheron or want 5* pela. Feixiao and lingsha we need to see the beta but they sound good.
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not falling for it this ti-
And they don't even let you do the same for other events. Fucking Hoyo
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>Jade's slow ass banner unironically killed the game
Firefly slopped bigly
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Sparkle's slow ass banner killed the game
It's very likely to go above topaz with 2 weeks left.
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>literal who IPC bitch
>ruined quantum by not being a hebe
Should just delete her from the game
So the team is Clara/ Huohup/ Harmony MC/ and Jade
Jade makes Clara her debter
Clara becomes poor
Clara has to sell her shoes

from there you just let enhanced svarog retaliation attacks proc fuas from jade
>no good characters until tingyun

man they are really giving zzz's launch and natlan a wide berth here
no good characters until Phantylia*
>Huohuo is the weakest performing individual banner before reruns
Entirely (you)r problem for being a faggot and not liking Yunli, Feixiao and Lingsha
Honkais for this feel?
Will I regret pulling Fofo?
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>what now, bitch?
Nope. She's one of the best and most generic sustains.
depends, are you gay by any chance?
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So long as there's wolves respawning next to you you're in the blasting zone, gobblet nigger
>best and most generic
So she's doing her job fine but bland?
She's fine as long as you don't mind sustain that actively eating your sp instead of generating them.
>being straight means you must like/roll for all females
Do you guys not believe in quality control?
opal and stephen
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>hit 50/50
>it's clara
Well....now she's E2 and I'm still a Jadelet. At least I have a guaranteed for Feixiao or Lingsha now haha I'm gonna kill myself
lol nobody is spending money on banners past day 3
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sorry gro, maybe next time
>chinese clara, ugly yukong and sparkle mei

I'd rather be a faggot than somebody with no standards
They haven't released a single mom or a fat femoid so I'm rolling on every female banner to tell Dawei that I support the game.
She does her job better than most sustains- only 2 DPS despise her. The rest either don't mind her or she's the best offensive sustain.
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Congrats on your Clara!
Tail should've been a solo unit.
tbf, i might've spent money on the last day if i didn't hit e2s1 early
You are really braindead then. Many people especially those that are the average people spend money more towards the end of a banner. I've looked at many of these. It's always the same. Only about 50-60 % of sales are within the first 1-4 days.
>Ugly yukong
What a redundant statement
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Please ask for an option to turn off Robin's song in your surveys
I can goon to this
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NTA but are a faggot. You love that dick up your ass don't you.
Yeah yeah, Jade still flopped bigly
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>divergent universe threshold 6 completed
>24/24 achievements completed
Now what?
Can't do the other game modes without having to spend stamina farming for characters.
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I actually got a call for an interview for one of the jobs I applied to and I think I'm gonna be sick and throw up. It's too fucking soon I can't handle this honkai star rail
Is the next thing you are going to tell me to play wuwa? Or genshin that got outsold by jade in 1 week?
Spend stamina to farm for your other characters so you can do Herta's SU
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you can do it anon, i believe in you, honkai star rail
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At least you got something. I'm a minimum wagie until I get my accounting degree. I'm 30 btw.
No, I don't give a shit about that blud
You can try unlocking all boundary equations for all paths I guess (it's even harder than clearing V6)
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Hope the next update lets us veto paths
>>chinese clara
clara is so cute
svarog is cool
somehow her kit makes her relevant in most content. viable at worse. she is god tier for story kind of hard boss fights. she is also good for adventuring in automode and you can see her feet.
while afk'ing you also see a cool robot
You can now play other games.
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Oh interesting, do I get rewards for this like in SU?
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Stop bullying Fofo. She tried her best
No you fucking faggot. I love it everytime she sing's. The most I'll handshake on is cycling through each of her songs.
Many people in the Hoyoverse community are disgusting

I recently started playing Honkai star rail and am obsessed with the game. I wanted to watch some content creators and browse the subreddit. I'm surprised to find it full of grown men in their 30s calling 16 year olds their "waifus". Hell even some as young as 8 oh my gosh. I'm repulsed by it and many seem to normalize it and not reprimand it at all. This idea that you aren't a pedo because something is digital makes no sense to me. I wish there was a female only community for these games at this point because some men ruin them.... But let me not only blame the community these games also sexualize 15-16 year olds. If they wanted to sexualize a character they couldve easily just made them 18+. Also Genshin only making the child characters girls, having no boys. I dont have an issue with child characters and I don't think they're done weirdly but the implications of only having girls to appeal to these people is creepy. I say all this while acknowledging HSR is probably the most tame of them all, I saw how overly sexualized ZZZ was with "lolis" I stopped playing. Lord knows how that community is. Sorry for the rant yall but I gotta get it out here where I hope some will resonate with me
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Accounting is one of the things AI will most easily replace
you won your 50/50 and then your 1/7
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Thanks anons it's for a call center job that I can work full-time in the summer and then hopefully transition to part time after I start my Masters in October. I feel way less anxious after re-reading the job advert and remembering which of the ones I applied to it is. The pay isn't amazing (2x minimum wage roughly, but our minimum wage is pisslow), but it seems like a relatively chill job compared to summer jobs I've worked before - supermarket cashier and electrical substation maintenance engineer.
AI cannot account for the amount of stupidity or insane demands clients need.

t. accountant
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it really isnt her fault. she came in the banner after the update where the content was the amazon warehouse simulator and lots of hardcore starting players quit
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Clara is eating good this fine Friday morning.
But can you account for the stupidity of CEOs trying to save money?
>Dealing with customers.
I rather just get a warehouse job as a waggie or construction, even plumbing. Lol
True, I kneel actually.
Yukong can't be ugly. I want as much Yukongs as possible.
I like Robin. I pulled her E1S1, I even like her songs. But after using her in every team since her release I have grown extremely tired of the combat version of it and I would like to be able to hear the normal game sometimes too.
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grats on your clara relics bwo
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From what I've seen, it's actually one of the safest from AI automation legacy careers, plus I'm too low iq to do anything else more mentally demanding
Hope it goes well anon
Nice, I'm waiting for one like this for the new set
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I need her full kit now
Outerplane Bwo...
hope it goes well bro
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My girlfriend is so cute
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you will now rewatch Jepella Rebellion
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That body and pretty face doesn't look right on sparkle. Sparkle is a loser.
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i miss kafka bros...
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last good character...
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My first job was call center. It's actually nice if you have night shift or work at holiday and get day off on weekday.
But yeah, the mass complain is annoying though
CEO of a SME so I’m not sure if I count, but my accounting staff is the last thing I’ll skimp money on.
All that auditing, inventory, tax compliance etc. Its way too easy to get fucked and I just dont trust AI enough to not fuck something up and having me owe millions if something goes wrong.
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Yes. So instead of giving the high performing employees a raise, they'll remove overtime pay but compensate them with a pizza party (at the wagie's expense).
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good night/evening/day bros, have a good one
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>call center
LMAO shitholes like those will hire anyone. Are (you) indian or a thirdy? kek
>yunli and feixiao are confirmed having boyfriends
it's fucking over and i am out of this kusoge
Yunli's boyfriend is me. Good, leave. Stay away from my girl.
They're also some of the worst jobs you can get without breaking your back
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Sparkle is still a friendless clingy pathetic loser.
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Yeah and they're both me. It's your own fault for being slow bro
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Europoor (emphasis on poor) so basically a turdy, yeah. The job listing emphasizes that you need fluency in English, which really isn't a given in my country.
(You) already have a girlfriend (Firefly)
Why do you care about some random chinks love lives?
You arent an unfaithful whore right anon?
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MC calls her a friend and has her contact so they are friends
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KINO. I hope we get skins for all of our Stellaron Hunters
I thought this was Senti before I ZOOMED in
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>MC calls her a friend and has her contact so they are frien-ACK
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Also march
Which is set to get the firefly treatment next few patches
Anyone that posts on 4chan that isn't a newfag has the qualifications to not lose their mind at someone shitposting irl.
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You lost
>1 point in ATK%
might as well scrap it for relic xp. it's good fodder tho
>Topaz flopped
>Jade flopped
>Pagurine moderately successful?

Aren't the Stonehearts supposed to be the flagship villain faction of this game? Your Fatui Harbingers?

Why are they having middling sales?
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My local store has the spinning Herta figure in stock and I'm so tempted to get one. This general made me unironically like Madam Herta
Imagine Kafka's skin is the pompom hoodie
They don't make for good villains.
You like Herta so much? Prove it. 33 SU runs. Now
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Live, kings.
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>Your Fatui Harbingers?
>Why are they having middling sales?
Bro don't check how well the genshin harbingers do on sales.
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And ONLY the hoodie and black side-tie panties?
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It's not the prank calls that break you anon
It's the stupid people who are genuine
Aaaaiiiieeeeeeeee forgive me Madam Herta
Plenty of retarded people on here that are genuinely retarded
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unlike here. you can't call them flaming retards
Yeah, but you don't have to be nice and polite to them
Imagine having to coddle every retard you see posting here without even a bit of lip
We have those here too. Though I guess you can also cope like I do and just assume they're trolling even if it doesn't seem like it.
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Is Sparkle the most popular character in the game or something? Her being the only character to know of Amphoreus besides Black Swan (meaning she'll appear there), the potential hi3 collab (dim datamine), and the literal copy of her that is Lingsha and her being the director behind penacony story makes it seem so
stfu Sparkle
Hence newfags. An oldfag can notice it and not rage at the post like a newfag may immediately do so.
You're still obligated to help them
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She's super fucking hot, she had the best leaked design of 1.0
And they'll give Sparkle double the monologue time of Aventurine when we finally get to Space Japan(not that dead ass Izumo).
Much easier to do if you don't lose your cool.
why is one foot larger than the other?
Sparkle got crept in every way by ruan Mei and Lingsha. Now she's friendless.
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All day
Every day
I'm fully convinced that so many scammers are indians cause they went through a villain arc on tech support
h*man-drawn sloppa
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>Had to stare at it for like 10 seconds to notice the left foot is like 10% larger then the right one
I see you are focusing on the important parts of the work.
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Everyone loves Sparkle here
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Things further back seem smaller than ones closer to you, it's perspective.
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actually, the left foot is fine
the right one is fucked up imo
>I see you are focusing on the important parts of the work.
that's how I know if an artist is actually good or not
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No way...
I know about perspective but I actually think that's not the problem here
her right foot actually look bigger than it should
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Literally me
Sparkle is the reason why wuwa is saved because yinlin is sparkle ripoff but bigger tits/taller.
It looks perfectly fine to me
Why does the IPC characters make some anons here seethe so much? kek
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Miss pink elf doko
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Lingsha looking like Sparkle is a plus to me, cause I find Sparkle super hot but I dont want to pull for a hypercarry/monoquantum brick. Lingsha is the non bricked alternative
you're not a feet connoisseur like me
>non bricked
- Wuwa is struggling
- Arknights retentiuon rate is poor, but it is constantly sucking Mihoyo's blood
- Snowbreak is the cancer that is destroying the industry
- Mihoyo's only real target demographic is "people who don't play games"
- Mihoyo's stratergy is buiding a loyal fanbase of dicksuckers, and this stratergy includes attacking other companies' fanbase
- Reverse 1999 doesn't make money or lose money
- Feminist data analysts are misinterpreting market and player data
- Chong is an incompetent producer and is trying to imitate Snowbreak
- Aether Gazer has 20+ female writers constantly failing to understand its male playerbase
- ZZZ and Reverse 1999 are meant to appeal to Western players, but failed
- Mihoyo employee turnover is very high and this is messing up their production line
- Mihoyo's evaluation dropped sharphly, and its revenue decrease every year
- Mihoyo is trying to defuse the gender war
- After Snowbreak's resurrection, other gacha devs now have the mentality of "if it doesn't work out, I will just delete all males and make a harem game"
- The gacha players' demand has turned completely undecipherable, and everyone is scared of stepping on landmines
- Cai Haoyu tried to made GTA, costed twice as much as Genshin but only completed 10%
- No one knows when will Promilia release
- iOS Android ratio of 1:2 is completely inaccurate. It can vary between 1:0.8 to 1:3.5. It doesn't average out to 1:2, either.
I've begun to hate topaz because she's kind of an insufferable smug bitch who thinks she's hot shit when she does fuck all. Her overall attitude and espressions just rub me the wrong way. The line where she said she wouldn't be friends with us if bronya hadn't intervened combined with the ~ struck something in my autistic brain too, as if we couldn't fucking manhandle her irrelevant brick ass. Sigga is unironically the better one of the three
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It's funny she thinks I'm her friend~
No you don't count. Only applies to CEOs who get the company handed to them, i.e. the richest ones.
>Mihoyo's stratergy is buiding a loyal fanbase of dicksuckers, and this stratergy includes attacking other companies' fanbase
I will defend Mihoyo until my last breath! Wo Ai Zhongguo!
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I like smug bitches though. Topaz has every right to be smug because she's doing a job she likes and is earning TRILLIONS. The most normal out of the Stonehearts and it shows.
I don't seethe at any of them. I just don't like opal and will never like opal. I find Jade quite hot but I'm not a yunli roller so I skipped her.
>Mihoyo employee turnover is very high and this is messing up their production line
Yeah, she's slurped up the IPC coolaid hard, some people think she would still be friendly with us even if the Express and (you) had no monetary value to the IPC, but it's obvious the opposite is true.
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>injured my leg and now can't walk properly
>get some time off to do whatever I want
>already cleared everything in hsr
Got any recommendations?
Jade is a quantum blast basic attack
that is so unique and powerful for an sp engine
Yes my uncle at mihomo said so
I just hate corporate jews who take pride in it. The IPC are just really a bunch of weak cowardly vultures. I wouldn't be surprised if she and the Sigga suffer stockholm syndrome after being indoctrinated by Jade, although that would make them decent villains instead of the awkward frenemy role they're stuck in now, but I guess that's what corporate jews do, they never fully commit or align to others
Depends on what games you like
Just fap
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World of Horror
>I find Jade quite hot but I'm not a yunli roller so I skipped her.
get a gf or a pet
>literally nothing to do in HSR
>yet I can't bring myself to keep playing ZZZ for the inevitable Kiana, Mei and Elysia
It's over. This shitty game has me by the throat
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The ~ is playful not smug. But who cares, just dick her down. Honestly I'm still super curious about her stone
Nice headcanon, but we're very good friends.
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Topaz and Aventurine can't even leave the IPC and along with Jade's grooming and all the money I'm sure they're not all in for them. Topaz used the IPC to help people even if she knows they're bad and Aventurine might have gone in in order to get revenge. Instead of complaining about jews you should reslly be bitching about how the Astral Express caves in to the IPC just with some shares. That's why we're allies with them in the first place.
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>$10 mobile plan
>20 GB and uncapped 5G speeds
>uncapped data but 2 (TWO) MEGABITS per second speed
What the fuck is wrong with telecoms? Who would ever get the second option? You can't even properly browse the web with 300 kb/s speeds. 20 GB per month is fine if you have Wi-Fi at home and just need it for shitposting and music while on the go.
Honkai Star Rail
how is jade relevant for yunli and vice versa?
New Path of Exile league next week maybe you're still injured by then!
I don't want to roll a character just for pf. So she would need a blast main DPS to work with in moc and the best one for that is yunli with robin
AE are a spineless piece of shit tbqh I don't have any respect for them because they know about stuff like Boothill's backstory and still basically lets IPC get away with their bad deeds
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Do they even know, actually?
>Moze's English VA
Didn't he apologize like 5 years ago? Why are they NOW dragging this back up?

Is it their goal to ensure someone like him never gets any kind of work again? Its like they don't care if the person feels bad or apologizes or not, they won't accept anything other than suicide.

Shit like this is why I can't stand most parts of social media nowadays
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I could've swore he told Dan and then later when TB meets Aventurine and Boothill they sort of mention it, but maybe they all don't know
i don't even know what did he actually do outside of breaking the nda and posting on t*mblr
I don't know much about details but some kind of abuse thing too
Just checked it for (You) specifically. He said he apologized but then the people he harassed said "no he didn't lol" and that was the end of it and everyone stopped caring.
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Summer JIngliu
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>She says that during sex
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You shouldn't have had any respect left for the AE after they let Dictator Bronya come to power.
On rate occasions I shitpost on that site. And told one of them the exact thing. And they deleted their post after getting called out that their post makes it look like they just want him to die for it.
Boothill tells TB he's going after Oswaldo with Aventurine's help but that's all TB knows.
I'm guessing it's only being brought up now again because he's in Star Rail and they just want to ensure he can't ever get any decent work again.

With the whole "not dark enough" fiasco with Natlan, it feels like the most normal Hoyo community is of all things, Tears of Themis
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You get what you pay for. Where I live it's 50 USD for one line.
Yeah thats what I think about stuff like this.

No amount of apologizing will ever be enough for those people, they just want the accused to kill themselves, regardless of what the evidence or events happend.

Same shit with Kinger's VA, there are some things off about the accusations but I get the feeling they only came out now because they wanted to ruin a big VA
The zzziggers are pretty normal too, besides maybe being a little too attracted to little girls.
God Belobog was a shitshow LOL
Anyone else planning on dropping HSR if the livestream sucks?
I can't even play on phone, I have bad eyesight on smaller screens.
So Yunli is only Clara sidegrade who works better against 1 enemy but worse against 3+ enemies?
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>finally got to the Mei secret ending
>Pendant starts playing
my heart, I can't.
>E6S1 Clara
Is that missable? If so how do you get it?
>he doesn't have E6S1 Clara yet
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Uh oh... you've been bricked.
Yunli at e0s1 = E6S1 Clara. So do you have E6 Clara? If you don't then it's just a straight upgrade and any eidolons on yunli make her a much better than Clara character.
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Exhaust all talk options when you say goodbye to her.
mom cute...
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27 this year
write that down glowies
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E6 yunli...
>certain terms apply
>Yunli won't get cucked by a stray disable that Clara 33%s
Here’s a revised version:

since we’ve lost a lot of waifupags to zzz, what will the future of HSR look like? are they going to start pandering to homo?
>to homo
Sis there hasn't been homopandering since 2.1
We're going pure hetero
i wish i'd missed it, i thought you'd get an achievement for that shit. wouldnt talk to ACK otherwise
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If they added the flute solo, I'd sob so hard like a faggot

after you finish visiting Gallagher, Mikhail, and the Nameless' graves and March does her Trailblaze monologue, do not go back to the express. You must talk to Acheron somewhere near Tiernan's monument. Pick the third dialog option and never pick the second one in the next 3 succeeding dialog chains
It's already known that there will be even less males in all of mihoyos games. Not just hsr but genshin too.
Retard. You didn't say goodbye to archeron. You just went back to the train and missed the eroge flag.
Decent sloppa
Who is the CEO of Sex in this game?
Why would they? Genshin started flopping in fontaine after they stopped releasing males and ZZZ is flopping bigly already.
AI tards really are something
you get two nice CGs
don't be greedy
The master Diviner Fu Xuan
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If you missed Acheron, you don't deserve her
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Genshin starting flopping because of the males they released in all of sumeru all of the Fontaine males bombed hard. Neuv the most popular male and he had 2x and sold worse than furina
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They really went hard with the references
how can I not miss her?
I want to be her everyday for the rest of my life...
time to make a tulpa
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I don't remember making this post
>what will the future of HSR look like?
The same as it is now? What the fuck kind of question is this?
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She has to go anon
She can kill with a smile, she can wound with her eyes
And she can ruin your faith with her casual lies
And she only reveals what she wants you to see
She hides like a child but she's always a woman to me

She can lead you to love, she can take you or leave you
She can ask for the truth but she'll never believe you
And she'll take what you give her as long as it's free
Yeah, she steals like a thief, but she's always a woman to me
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it looks like she doesn't want to tho
We will now have to wait 1 year+ for her to show up again...
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I need Topaz gf
Bro? Im seeing it
Firefly was lying, selfish and wasted a lot of our time in Penacony whether we agreed or not.
Acheron was truthful, caring and gave us space if we didn't want to talk to her.
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She can't be CEO because she's unemployed
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Cute and Canon and Coworkers
I like both
But I like Acheron more
I pay $20 for unlimited cap and one line.
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Acheron owes me sex and marriage
I didnt felt like i was wasting my time thoughveit, did both the acting side and secret CG's
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You ain't seen shit. Bronya is saint compared to other dictators in the universe.
cum in clara
God i hated that bitch, too bad Gray knight fate is sealed no matter what
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>even his nui is a rapist
Bronya is a benevolent dictator, an overworked christmas cake at that. Seele should stop sleeping in that fucking tent and start reading books
This will be Bronya in like 5 years as she gets more and more paranoid someone will discover her dirty little secret, causing a vicious cycle as her actions get more unreasonable->More rebellion->becomes even more unreasonable etc.
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Firefly skin when
>Christmas Cake
She's young, confirmed around Topaz's age who is also called young so like 18
Firefly skinned when
>her little secret
>christmas cake
no, she's not
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She did nothing wrong.
Even avenpaz gets doujins. I'm happy for the art renaissance it was good while it lasted.
Theres still hope for the kafka skin schizo in 2.5, i am surprised they havent tried it yet, though i hope they dont release sloppa if they do...
N-nothing at all, miss Intelligence Officer of the Silvermane guards. J-just baseless rumours haha...
>Pom-Pom has personally rode with the dead Nameless in Penacony
how old is fucking Pom Pom then? Is he Akivili all along?
I miss Hertaschizo
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fuck you, mine rolled like shit
Does Himeko need 134 SPD?
tits way too small
PomPom can't leave the train so I'm pretty sure that it's just an manifestation of the train
I dont care about the 9999 nameless faggots, it just sucked seeing her turning her back on her only caretaker, family is always your priority bro
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Yeah, I think 2.3 boosted Avenpaz specifically but yeah Penacony was good for fandom production everywhere . It was definitely because of the nips becoming more interested in HSR overall. Before, it really didn't feel like they latched on. Too bad it's gonna end soon...
pompom is like the davy jones of the astral express
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The guilt of lying to the people eats at Bronya and makes her think of herself as the fraud that she is.
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Pom Pom is the (spirit of the) train. He is not akavali because we show him Akavali's memory bubble where THEY are talking to Pom, and pom-pom starts crying afterwords.
reminder that Astral express literally help IPC takeover Penacony and take 5% share from the IPC too.
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it depends
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On what?

I'm currently simultaneously building both Herta and Himeko's relic sets for PF. Do I give both 134 SPD then focus on crits?
i already forgot about zzz
i start sobbing every time i think about acheron(2-3 times every hour), i miss her so much
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nobody cares, sunday
>Mihoyo's only real target demographic is "people who don't play games"
i've been called out...
I got 5% of disney and a cool ship for my wife? Holy shit the jews are so cool
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there's no way Akivili and Idrilla are actually dead. Nobody saw them die, unless Akivili ascended into Terminus
Fake, she barely has (forced) interactions with scampo, only way she's not a virgin is IF she pays for it
he's saying himeko can just be there for FUA spam with herta's assistance and doesn't need 134 speed
Keep them both on Attack boots if you have RM to help trigger all the procs and fuas. Himeko can go either way but it's probably better to stay on zero speed and get boosted by a unit like Sparkle if you don't have rm.
Scampo hating Sparkle means they'll never be shipshit atleast
That’s a lot of water lost
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Yes. I love the IPC, they gave me a free blimp!
Robin gave you the blimp
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I love Firefly art getting equal boost from both Gender (Caelus Stelle).
>Belobog just gives you problems
>The Luofu gives you a jade abacus thing, when cellphones are a thing.

This is why the IPC are the best
don't worry gwo acheron can replenish it with her breast milk, sweat and saliva, at least according to that one pasta
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Jiaoquibros... h-how bad is it?
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he's 4*-tier, below pela and SW
don't bother if you aren't willing to get e2s1
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The only thing he suffers from is a terminal case of doomposting.
He is going to be THE acheron support but people just don't want to pull males. Those people will be left behind.
Yeah, shes so cute in all of them
Robin is honorary IPC anyway along with Ratio.
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I love her so much...
I'm kinda sick of using Acheron even without rolling a dedicated support just for her desu.
He's fine by the sound of things. 20% better than pela. People are complaining he's not 100% better so he's a waste of pulls.
Don't care. Rolling him for my food team
>Jiaoqiu (spicy hotpot)
>Gallagher (soda)
>Hunt March (milk tea)
>Sushang (chicken) until a better food dps arrives
I'm into gacha for the big booba waifus. The only thing I don't like about hoyo is them covering the pantsus and cleavages. Too bad they make the better games.
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how does /hsrg/ feel about the current state of this general where only fireflyposters remain
Same gro
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How would you have sex with this version of Black Swan if your penis was not allowed to enter her mouth?
You don't really need nipples to enjoy paizuri...
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this one is disqualified, otherwise true
You can mod it bro, its not really hard to do, and there's no risk as long as you are not as retarded to post your UID
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no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the bedroom, from the bathroom sink to the shower, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, while i gasp for air, scream and see the light, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cow girl, doggy, backwards, forwards, sideways, upside down, on the floor, in the bed, on the couch, on a chair, being carried against the wall, outside, in a train, on a plane, in the car, on a motorcycle, the bed of a truck, on a trampoline, in a bounce house, in the pool, bent over, in the basement, against the window, have the most toe curling, back arching, leg shaking, dick throbbing, fist clenching, ear ringing, mouth drooling, ass clenching, nose sniffling, eye watering, eye rolling, hip thrusting, earthquaking, sheet gripping, knuckles cracking, jaw dropping, hair pulling, teeth jitterbug, mind boggling, soul snatching, overstimulating, vile, sloppy, moan inducing, heart wrenching, spine tingling, back breaking, atrocious, gushy, creamy, beastly, lip biting, gravity defying, nail biting, sweaty, feet kicking, mind blowing, body shivering, orgasmic, bone breaking, world ending, black hole creating, universe destroying, devious, scrumptious, amazing, delightful, delectable, unbelievable, body numbing, bark worthy, can't walk, head nodding, soul evaporating, volcano erupting, sweat rolling, voice cracking, trembling, sheets soaked, hair drenched, flabbergasting, lip locking, skin peeling, eyelash removing, eye widening, pussy popping, nail scratching, back cuts, spectacular, brain cell dissolving, hair ripping, show stopping, magnificent, unique, extraordinary, splendid, phenomenal, mouth foaming, heavenly, awakening, devils tangos, he could put a nuclear bomb inside me and I'd still ride.
aesthetics, bro
tits without nipples is like a dick without balls
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His tiny Sigonian penis could not please you sis....
it's not even close to ratio, you only say that to cope because she boosts your fua team
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I see no issues
If it was tiny he wouldn't have been a sex slave

PF-bot Himeko would be better with atk boots. If you want to bring her to MoC/AS then go for speed.
after testing he's actually fine in pf after the nerf
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I didn't know these two had a dedicated shipfag artist
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Ummmm nyeah I'm saying that because they're in the team with Topaz and Aventurine precisely.
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You ready?
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she'll get the boot soon
i pray it's pearl
Its giga-niche because its a DMC-like. Chinese were mind-raped by Bayonettaslop so they can't feel joy unless you enter 10 second bullet-time after a dodge.
Arknights has out-dated garbage like base-managment, several-hours long weeklies. Also gameplay loop is a midwit simulator where you simply re-try until you win. Actually smart games allow even the hardest content to be cleared first try.
Snowbreak is the TRUE gacha. Every gacha must have THIS EXACT level of fanservice. If its existence pisses off HoyoFaggots like FatXiao and Dawei that, considering all thats happened since the release of Genshin, are obviously faggots and are only married for smoke-and-mirror purposes.
>Mihoyo's only real target demographic is "people who don't play games"
True. If you unrionically like ZZZ you're even less of a gamer than average Zoomer Fortnighter.
>Mihoyo's stratergy is buiding a loyal fanbase of dicksuckers, and this stratergy includes attacking other companies' fanbase
>Reverse 1999
Yuri-game's destiny. As it should be. Azur Promilia and Endfield deserve this as well btw
>Feminist data
It was known since forever unless you're an actual retarded subhuman working at Mihoyo
Whos chong? If he's in Mihoyo then he's doing a poor fucking job at imitating Snowbreak because there were no game as straight-men focused as Snowbreak since GGZ.
>Aether Gazer has 20+ female writers constantly failing to understand its male playerbase
Its under Yostar. Just ask some Azur Lane coomer dev to elaborate.
>ZZZ and Reverse 1999 are meant to appeal to Western players, but failed
Censoring females and adding furries? Just admit it meant to appear to LGBT+ Californians
>Mihoyo is trying to defuse the gender war
No. Fuckoff. Pantsu and visible boobs or eat shit. Bare fucking minimum.
>After Snowbreak's resurrection, other gacha devs now have the mentality of "if it doesn't work out, I will just delete all males and make a harem game"
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I was wondering why belobog hags were so good looking
Then I realized they all basically worship qliphot
They're very well preserved
Yeah Pearl is either a sustain or harmony character
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Who does Sparkle get shipped with?
Suppa Bureaku first half
Acheron 2nd
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Can I get a toot?
My dick x Sparkle
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This looks too hard!
How many hours until the stream?
>Himeko in Belabog
Stop Bronya! you can't sign shady contract with the IPC!
>Himeko in Penacony
Hehehe thank for 5% share, miss Jade.

What the fuck happened?
Where's diamond?

AS bosses have massively boosted non-weak resistances. Brute forcing with wrong element is a pain in the ass. Also the Doomsday Beast will have some new mechanics.
Toot bro, all cr
he's a m*le character who works with sexy hags, so he's terrible
designers are either retarded or "experimenting" (read: sabotaging)
I'm very hard for Kafka, indeed!
Snowkeks do be like that.
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1.5 hours https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC2F2dAXuus
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Reader x Sparkle
She's schizobait
Your narrative crumbles into dust when you see that Reverse 1999 does better than Snowbreak, lol...
I will now self-insert as shampoo
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How am I meant to take Sparkle being racist towards Aventurine seriously when she's half he's height?
Built for full nelson
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Finally done with relic mines. Now it's time for planar mines, HAHAHAHA
Same, I wish I could hug her.
Not bad in the context of the set desu.
i woke up early today but slept until later in the night because of a headache and been drowsy since i got up but feel like ill barely sleep if i try to force myself to for another few hours should I just stay up for the stream andjust stay up all day or try to get a few hours? honkai star rail
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Why is Firefly so violent?
Sparkek deserved it
My condolences
Weapon of mass destruction
>Attack Kafka with Firefly and Superbreak: 200k Damage
>Firefly gets dominated and is attacking my Team: 900 Damage
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We need to contain them
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>she cant bring herself even brain washed to hurt (you)
Yep, cute and kino
>Snowbreak is the TRUE gacha
I just checked the characters and they all look like shit, no wonder it's flopping kek
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From my experience falling back asleep after waking up too early is always a bad idea and always causes me to oversleep.
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I'm thinking BA wonned
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Yahoo /hsrg/!
Moe is not fat
Hi march7th forma (chink)
haha wouldn't it be awesome if enemies could break your units? and then firefly could just pop off on your own team?
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Just stay up. Is that headache on the backside of the head? I also suffer from that few night ago. Almost only sleep for 3 hour for 2 days. I unironically booted my Gacha on midnight just because my head hurt but I don't want turn on my computer. Get aspirin or something
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BA would have won if it wasn't a chibi auto battle game.
It's a shame really, I wish it had real 3D renders.
snowbreak beat one open world game in this week's revenue (global + CN)
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This wouldn't have happened if they just let him keep his fucking hat
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haha, don't remind me...
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My Yunli farming is going horribly
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President Qing
Is that really her best set?
I figured that it's my cue to drop it when I started having issues remembering the names of the girls. Also, the more time went on the more obnoxious its gameplay became, so. Why play it, really.
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I used to grind my teeth in the night and wake up with headaches, or maybe its sleep apneia cutting your oxygen
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ZZZ is right now having a Jade duel event. Why aren't you playing it so your Jade become the big Jade?
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yeah but cope pieces aren't that far off
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Yes, I'm racist towards Sigonians
Yes, I'll ride Aventurine until my ovaries explode
No, there's no contradiction here
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I'm 23, I was told this game was for boomers but honestly I see both zoomers and boomer's playing this game.
yeah not really worth farming again unless it's 10%+
What's the purpose behind all the bot posts?
I guess he's trying out something new since his racism postchain always gets banned
BA is reclining and the anime is a flop
Hyped as an Acheron support
Nerfed to oblivion
I'm not a bot, just really horny
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sex with coworkers
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Good morning Firefly frens
Feixiao will be only good in AS, she's designed to be shilled there and they'll make it hard as fuck with both sides weak to wind
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I haven't paid attention to any kit changes, really. Nothing will deter me.
You always post the same things and ask the same questions
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Bless all posters on /hsrg/
Only usable as an Ack support. Mid in everything else and is basically just pela but expensive.
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Who's the Genshin version of Firefly?
Good morning firebwo

In terms of forced main quest date it would be Ayaka.
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Cute & Canon
I still don't really get why they specifically push multiplayer for the snek and the dog thing.
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You posted cringe
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no other posters left?
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But I didn't attach a HuoHuo image to my post though?

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