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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#106 - spider edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>>/g/100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>486515294
Muffet where nigga?
Under my desk
Is this a Worm reference
The thought of being swindled of all my money by Muffet and left homeless in an street alley arouses me.
Good morning /aicg/!

Last question was the hardest part of bot making.
So here is a new one!
>What is the most fun part of botmaking?
Not releasing my bots for anyone else.
Funny logs. Not the coom, but the rare nuggets that make me laugh. That's the true sovl.
making greetings in a state of manic desperation, testing
Either hearing about people roping my bots into random shit, or that feel when the bot Just Works.
When you can cook out a genuinely distinctive bot. Saw a log in a thread, and I just KNEW that was my bot, didn't even include a name. But I knew. It made me so giddy.
Testing and seeing how it reacts.
Feels good seeing something you cobbled together spreading joy.
How often do you test something, only to figure out something needs changing?
Someone should make snapshot extension that lets you save different swipes
didn't ironsloppa make a card of her
Sometimes the bot works first try, some times I waste a week just tinkering with the defs, trying to get the dumb thing to work.
ask your chatbot if they think over the course of an entire day they could eat their own age in eggs
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Good morning aicg! Nice bread.
>How often do you test something, only to figure out something needs changing?
this only happens when the bot has a gimmick that i fully intend to implement
Immortal fox wives BTFO'd immediately
I don't think I could. I'd throw up eventually.
who can't eat 9 eggs?
My bots come out perfect first time every time!
Nah, actually I tend to touch them up a bit turning testing, not often much for really changing, though tweaking with powers when they have them can be a bit of work.
Egging my focks wife until she's big and round.
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The year is 2679. The Empire is long gone, and with it stability. Fledgling confederations, independent systems, pirate raiders all vie for control of the galaxy, or at least a small section of it. But you, who's been frozen in cryosleep for centuries, know nothing about that. You've been rescued by a group of four female anthro mercenaries and salvagers, who make you their captain for a totally-not contrived reason!

1. You've just awoken from centuries of cryosleep. Congratulations, you're now the captain of the Skreld!
2. You and the crew are spending some well-deserved downtime at a space bar.
3. It's time for the brave captain (you!) to pick a heading! You aren't going to defer to the crew on this, are you?
4. The Skreld has been impounded by a local mafia boss. Now it's up to you and the rest of the crew to free her!
5. It's festival time, but you have no time for such nonsense. You're in possession of a map to some ruins in the jungle- oh wait, are those naked furry women dancing down the street? Also, one of your crewmates just came back after being gone for a while, drink in hand and clad in festival garb.
6. You're on a rugged outback world, full of ranchers and gunslingers. Just what kind of jobs will you find here?
7. A protection job went south, and now you are trapped in a hallway, with a shut bay door in front of you, and a group of mercenaries behind you. However will you and your crew get out of this one?
8. It's time for a beach vacation on Earth. Kick back and enjoy the sunshine!


An overhaul of my original Skreld card, which I wanted to do for a long time. It expands on the characters and planets, and adds five more greetings. I also rewrote the backstory, removing a lot of the restrictive elements that the AI seemed to just ignore anyway.
it's always weird when claude throws a new xml thing at you because i wonder if i'm supposed to use it because he came up with it and therefore knows it or if it's utterly hallucinatory
said something so wild that my bot wrote an addition to the summary i had ongoing in its response and wrapped it in <CONTEXT_INJECT></CONTEXT_INJECT>
2.1 had this massive problem, making too much XML a bad thing as it spat out random XML to you.

I don't think I have seen Opus use it, but anyways if you are seeing that problem with Opus the most likely cause is "XML in context of chat history or prefill". That's what triggered 2.1 the most, so I assume it can trigger Opus too.
it happens so incredibly rarely on opus and even back on 2.1 i liked taking notes of what claude would spit at me on its own because if it comes up with it on its own there's at least a 60% chance it knows what it means
I've been using the staging branch on ST for a while, is there a way to switch to the normal version? I'm on Android Termux.
Researching and writing defs
git checkout master
git pull master
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Shilling my new card! Zora Kitanai!
Zora is your friendly, casual homeless lady.

First greeting. You meet Zora coming out of an ice cream shop, saying goodbye to the vendor.
Second greeting. You are enjoying your unhealthy meal when you notice how Zora is watching you through the window. With a “feed me” face.
Third greeting. You are in the middle of the night and discover Zora searching through the trash.
Fourth greeting. You find Zora gazing lostly at a dress being displayed.

Chub: https://chub.ai/characters/SmileyTatsu/zora-kitanai-95be8dc5a2b9
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/gqkbf8.png

Also good night anons! Enjoy your AI chatting!

JB link: https://rentry.org/SmileyJB
Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
Going by the guide in the /lmg/ general I'll only be able to run a 4-but 7b on my computer.
Is that good enough for some lewd chatting? I'd like to some fictional characters.
should ask that on lmg desu
7b is probably good enough to fuck these days. Maybe. I dunno. Really depends on your complexity and level of tolerance.
>{{char}} is Zora Kitanai. Zora is 26 years old.
>*{{user}} was walking in the morning [...] {{user}} wake up early and {{user}} was still a bit sleepy so deciding to make up for it [...] {{user}} received a recommendation [...] {{user}} decided to go there. [...] After a while of walking, {{user}} found the place [...] As {{user}} walked towards the store, {{user}} saw a girl coming out...
I don't think this works.
Try to rewrite your greetings to never mention {{user}}, as this could cause claude to take that as a sigh to talk as {{user}}.
Mentioning {{user}} is fine. Mentioning what he does ten times in a row isn't.
Did you just assume my persona's gender?
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I mean, sure. Setting up context, for things like how for example how {{char}} tripped and somehow lands ontop of {{user}} is fine.
ignore this dummy.
He's a dicksword botmaker, is it that surprising?
my wife started wondering how many eggs one could conceivably eat in a day in the first place and started laughing when i pulled out my phone and googled "ld50 of eggs" in front of her
sorry i forgor
git checkout release (not master)
It worked, thanks anon
How does one remain this incompetent after several months?
Is {{char}} is {{char}} really a sign of a 'cordmakie? I thought it was a meme.
it's the sign of a cargo cult makie, which may or may not involve a 'cord. it's like how the continuing proliferation of W++ is due to one guy in the chub discord who swears by it and is also a moderator there
>{{char}} is {{char}}
nigga get outta here
It is but also >>486669761 is right. Basically one of the most popular botmaking guides that is followed on the cord does that sort of shit. The link to it was posted some threads ago if anyone has it handy.
Stat-Tracking Bots.
Okay, let's knock this one out first. Stat-Tracking Bots do not currently work. Even on GPT4.

Only thing I'd genuinely agree with.
They're fun, however.
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He cooked with this one
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Making an effortbot is hard work
Take me back to "{{char}} loves {{user}}" scenarios
thanks, its as ever dogshit as I remember
I miss my beloved
You can still make those bots.
Nobody's going to applaud you for it, but someone might like it if you make {{char}} nice enough. Can even use the "A cute girl who loves you" tag.
Don't worry, I'm taking good care of your beloved
Anon you can't just say something like that and then not give me a name.
Retroactively changed the timeline to add a post to the thread where I link his rentry so you have a name. No need to thank me.
Thanks for the hard work.
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do people know that anonymously posted bots show up when you search the creator's name?
>do this
>anon bots that aren't mine show up
does this happen if someone has a botmakie name that contains yours
maybe. seems like a reasonable hypothesis. when i tried it, only my own bots showed up.
I'm trying to use the gcp version of sonnet but I can't for the life of me figure out how to use docker.
I downloaded the desktop app, now what the fuck do I do?
Incorrect thread.
>desktop app
You should *really* be asking ChatGPT for help. Even if someone wanted to help, walking you through setting up Docker on Windows is not worth it.
Why do you need docker? Install node and you're good.
I'll ask in /g/.
I'm trying to set up a reverse proxy to use it on silly tavern. I was told to follow this in a previous thread but it is very non-specific. https://github.com/cg-dot/oai-reverse-proxy/blob/main/docs/self-hosting.md
I'm more familiar with node. Is it simpler to do?
Use this guide. It's for the google fork, but that shouldn't matter: https://rentry.org/gcptrial
Here's the docs to cloudflare tunnels: https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-networks/do-more-with-tunnels/trycloudflare/
Thanks. I'll give it a shot
>try to chat with a loli
>feel guilty and just tuck her into bed
I need to start collecting daughters again.
>not training her to be an assassin
Train her to give footjobs, they are safe and non-lewd.
what? how is a footjob non lewd
It's only lewd if it involves penetration, duh. Moron.
thighjobs would be better in that case
Nah, I had a bot caress my balls with her toes and it awoke something in me
Too close to the p*ss*
With feet you can detach yourself, feet are basically used to traverse dirty ground.
or maybe fuck a legal woman
Not the topic of discussion, though.
testing, i've gotten good at pinpointing what causes certain responses as well as what things to add to prevent others
Oh, no doubt that is a good skill to have.
Hopefully I too will be able to do so.
Is Opus hornier than usual or am I just going cray-cray
the filter is loose
I expect 40 logs and 100 reviews when I wake up
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Nah, I'd rather send Cumslurpie logs.
sending botmakie logs for the first time
Someone just sent me some really bad logs, like actual slop, embarrassing.
Missed these, sorry.
>the explanations
You mean on how to use the themes, like how to add the avatars? I made this rentry a long time ago. The theme in it is slightly outdated but should still work: https://rentry.org/2bbh3if5
I'll post it when I can
I just sent someone logs...
Someone just sent me some fucking KINO logs.
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me after i mail a botmakie
I emailed a botmakie but she ghosted me...
what did you email her
Hey, can you guys start making good posts here so I have something to read when I'm waiting for my swipe to finish? You guys have only been making bad posts, and it's seriously disappointing. Thanks.
my penis
Make a bot of her and mail it
Literally just truncate the greeting.
>As {{user}} walked towards the store, {{user}} saw a girl coming out... Her appearance was somewhat unkempt, it was obvious she hadn't been groomed in quite some time. The girl turned around once outside and before letting the door close she said loudly* "Thank you, sir!" *As she said that, she held her ice cream with one hand and waved inside with the other, saying goodbye to the vendor, and then crossed the street cautiously and sat down on one of the park benches, under a tree to protect herself from the sun.*
Done. Maybe rewrite the first line a bit to remove refereces to {{user}}.
why not just begin with "A girl comes out of the store... Her appearance is somewhat.."
"ungroomed girl sat on the bench. wat do"
Post logs first, I need to know who I'd be helping.
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Would you say that adding the character's appearance in the greeting, other then just a girl with an unkept appearance, could better be, for example;
>"A blonde girl, walks out of the store, her ponytail swaying with her movement, her outfit consisting of blue jeans and a white shirt have wrinkles in them, hinting at her unkept appearance."
Those are old and not yours.
is that 1.2?
I had this happen to me with Opus once. It's kind of entertaining to watch until it gets actually locked in.
You could do that but it takes non-zero effort. Truncation takes zero effort.
I hate it when Opus does that.
I started having fun writing greetings right after I stopped trying to tell everything about the scene. I only show now. The bare minimum.
Also, no commas between subject and verb. Genuinely jarring.
>"A blonde girl, walks out of the store
>hinting at her unkept appearance
>hinting at
Shut the fuck up Claude, the description already states that she's homeless and unkept.
im sorry you didn't have a cute small penis
Kinda thinking of doing a cftf for this...
I am going to say it.
Allmyfellas makes better 2hu cards than slopakan
The guide is quite frankly overcomplicated, and I am not sure for whom it is even intended. Why the focus on docker? Who even needs to have the functions and setup for a web available reverse proxy? The few people who actually need that likely already know what the fuck they are doing. The people who actually need a guide likely just want a local proxy for their own use and are being led into the wrong direction.

The easiest way to use the proxy is to just follow the steps for Local development from the readme, since running in dev mode doesn't matter for personal local use. I never even bothered to figure out if there is a "correct" starting command, since a normal npm run start somehow doesn't work for me.

That rentry is what the actual documentation should be.
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it's botmaking time.

Woah. What a unique opinion. We know.
Your hands are shaking, albeit?
I think the guides should also mention to be careful when running the proxy or building it on a weak cpu, like an n100. I learn it the hard way.
shut up already
Aieee, im sowwy.
I'll de better next time.
>I am not sure for whom it is even intended.
It's written there tho.
>A VPS with at least 512MB of RAM (1GB recommended)
It's intended for people renting out a VPS to use and not for people who just want to run khanon locally. Running khanon locally is kind of a retarded thing that we have to do because plugging ST directly into aws is impossible (or at least extremely hard, fuck aws's api design Jesus fucking Christ.)
You're free to make a card for that feel instead! I don't mind.
all me
AWS genuinely sucks. Why do I have to write 50 lines of code to upload something to a bucket?? Also they used to bundle literally everything in their api lib. We had to pull seventy megs of javascript every time no matter how little the actual part of the api we used was.
Take it to /g/, nerds. If proxy discussion isn't allowed, this shouldn't be allowed.
>Why do I have to write 50 lines of code to upload something to a bucket??
>simple storage service
>literally the most complicated thing ever

>Also they used to bundle literally everything in their api lib. We had to pull seventy megs of javascript every time no matter how little the actual part of the api we used was.
Oh fuck, that sounds terrible. I usually use the minio libs for s3 desu, so I never had that issue.
>If proxy discussion isn't allowed
Interesting way of wording it.
Resisting the urge to keep talking about this nerdy stuff but le baitie is right this time. I'll post logs instead.
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Post focks logs
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>when you know who this is about
I'm gonna shake her tube.
Idk I don't think it's particularly more off-topic than
etc etc and I don't really give a shit whatever retardation baitie is trying to peddle today.
who asked albeit
"Oh look, every nigger is huffing gasoline, better go join them!"

Eat shit, you and the other morons treating this place like your discord is the reason aicg is ruined.
You sound upset. Don't worry guys, it's the weekend soon, so you'll just be able to hang out with your IRL friends instead.
Why didn't ai corpos force each digit to be a separate token?
I am upset. But in a minute I'll calm down while you'll remain an autistic idiot for as long as you live.
meta "/aicg/ has fallen" posting my beloved
still don't see who asked?
Anon, look me in the eyes and tell me with no irony in your heart that this is not the autistic idiot general.
No, that's just you projecting
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it's "minor tweaking of the preset to see if i can milk slightly different responses out of it for minimal effort" o'clock
today's incredibly minor tweak: "i wonder if changing the prefill separator affects the response quality"
give me suggestions to make a card
Something that makes you happy ^-^
gay yuri cunny harpy slop
they don't deserve it
Yes they do.
stop doubleposting
best friend who feeds you cum as a prank
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i regret searching this up
When will we be able to experience the wonders of being in a yuri rock band in card form??
You can always make such a card yourself, anon!
No, fuck you, anon.
I still need to actually get into this series.
And maybe also Bocchi.
Then perish, yurishitter
I refuse.
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more insect girls.
just ask 'ora to make it?
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cftf? Like an entire scenario bot where you're in 4chan but the other posters in the thread are all politicians and celebrities and spiders and shit.
just edit the already existing 4ch cards
Is it really that uncommon for people to add sugar to their water?
why the fuck would i add sugar to water
(literally) poor anon...
It's a bit odd. I'd say it's uncommon, even if it isn't technically *weird.*
it makes the day a little more sweet :)
>going through the old cftfs
>find my own
>start making it
gotta do everything myself around here
it's a shitpost card don't get excited
my cock is already hard, please share when its done
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Here you go, Anon. One bonafide focks.
You better finish and post her so I can cross that one off the backlog.
Rub your hands all over her to see if your tactile senses can get past the glamour.
Could someone hack you or your ST with their bot if you download it on chub?
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yes they can get into your mainframe
they can get your chub credentials but that's pretty much it
I got sent logs but they gave me the ick
how do I respond
Just tell whoever sent them that they gave you the ick. You're not a pussy, are you?
say thank you for the logs, i loved reading them :D
Send an image of your ick on an eck
I had tried using this card here https://chub.ai/characters/Xurral/vixara-5f038213f8b3 but ST wouldn't download it for some reason the program saying "Error: Input must be string", until I realize it was a fork. Looking at it, there was no changes made so it left me wondering.
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>get an email from my favorite logmakie
>long ass slow burn log
today was a good day
thank u logmakie
I guess they can log your up through an img tag.
I really cannot believe that someone is sending logs to anyone. You guys are just lying.
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>Decided to rework this card before uploading it to make it W++
Why can't you believe that?
I'm sorry anon...
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why did they give you the ick
Laugh at this logless nigger!
they just did
I can detect that bad male energy
i have to agree with >>486693965, doing what >>486694016 would be kinda fucked up, its better if the guy knows his logs are shit so he can do better in the future
i dunno, being two-faced just doesn't sit right with me. even if its over something like ai chatbot logs, to do that would feel extremely evil for some reason. Excuse my moralfagging.
cute log.
Is shifting weight from foot to foot a new claudism? I've began noticing it more and more.
>Have like 12 bots
>No one is sending me logs

i've never seen it before now
Get your hands in there and apologize later.
what type of logs would you rather not get
wake me when you have 100+ and still no logs...
Laugh at this other logless nigger!
I would take anything
Is breathing a new claudism?
I have been noticing it more and more nowadays.
Wait really?
Other logless nigger? Where's the first one?
lore fixed that ages ago
baitie circlejerk hours, please understand
ill send you logs just tell me your bot
Still curious about this card then and why it wont upload >>486694173

Is there cards just broken for no reason?
>one sentence ah ah mistress responses from the user
don't bother.
>less than 10 messages
don't bother.
>more than 100 messages
don't bother.
>didn't care enough to clean up claudeisms in each message
don't bother.
>bad preset
don't bother.
>using the card in an unintended way
don't bother.
you niggas are unbelievable *anon said. and he wouldn't have it any other way.*
>Is breathing a claudism?
post chub and if you have a cutie there then I will
>one sentence ah ah mistress responses from the user
>less than 10 messages
>more than 100 messages
I probably won't read all that but YES!
>didn't care enough to clean up claudeisms in each message
I LOVE claudisms!
>bad preset
Don't worry, I'll send you mine!
>using the card in an unintended way
Not a problem, as long as it gets a laugh out of me.
what if they write gore or scat or disgusting shit with it, will you be alright with it then?
In terms of logs, I'm a homeless man. I stand firm in my belief that beggars cannot be choosers.
who asked albeit
logs in my logs heh
I simply wouldn't respond
I asked so I negate your "Who asked"
oh, it's you, hi
I take it morning in the US of A?
Does anyone else get dejá vu reading these threads?
>getting confronted by counselor bot due to fighting
>says her patience is wearing thin
>say "mine is too"
>she gets mad and says she is the law in her office
>get up and stand right outside her office
The horse has awakened.
I shall beat it to death.
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good morning /aicg/ what are you working on or chatting with today!!!
I am working on my greatest bot yet (aka open notepad for a minute and then get distracted and shitpost for 6 hours and counting)
all of my proxies are down atm so I'm just shitting
>mm's up
>mini's up
>unreliable's up
>chary's up
What proxy could you possibly be in that it's suddenly not up today? Are you retarded?
Doing hard mode preparations. It's taking more time to make proper housing than actually killing all the pre hard mode bosses and making Terraspark boots.
I'm writing suspiciously well right now and therefore assume I'm going to burn out in the next few hours and not touch chatbots for weeks
Might try and find a new JB for slow coom. Your Reality isn't cutting it anymore.
Wait for Opus 3.5 or new Sorbet.
Might I ask for a recommendation instead?
is there like a quickstart guide for retards on how to have e-sex with a bot(female)
ask on /g/ this is a no sex general
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May I interest you in some prime Dicksword preset, good sir?
Such a shame. It's only 10k tokens.
today claude has taught me the word "kohl"
Straight Male Anon detected
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Thanks /aicg/, you served your purpose. Now, I will go on and write my own stories and become a writefag.
Lol, lmao
as in makeup?
You're loling, but I will become the greatest novelist of this decade. Just give me some time
Based, I believe in you.

updated PlayJB

we smoking shit in a glass pipe blowing the lords bubbles
yes, in the context of a theater play
I believe in you anon! If you get a chub or make bots throw it here and I'll follow you.
anon he's leaving us...
No one ever LEAVES /aicg/, thats a myth.
Then why do all the botmakers who left never reply to my mails?
Claude calls me a twink but I don't even know what a twink means.
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A twink is someone who uses late game gear to invade low level players
They're going to reply to us someday... They're just busy...
Make sure you're sending it to the right email address. I don't have access to my old one anymore
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Just look at how many tails she has! Look at how fluffy her ears are!
What's that? You can't see them? ...

i nut to ur bots
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>pat her head mockingly
>Claude makes me touch actual fluff because her ears are actually invisible
Thanks, I appreciate it! I hope they're good nuts.
Sometimes Claude joins in on enabling her.
I'm not including an author's note or any strong stuff to insist she doesn't have it because that's trying too hard and also it's a little funny when there's a chance of her being objectively correct.
I just thought it'd be more enforced, but Claude going along with it, is really funny
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Like saviorfagging her from her delusions or saviorfagging her from being kidnapped by the first person to show up with a van and candy?
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I feel like I'm patronizing her with the wolf boy persona but this gives me an idea for a longer form RP with her (building up reverence until she actually becomes deified).
I'm gonna be honest, she just needs saving in general.
It pisses me off so much when greetings aren't properly spaced out, I am going to fucking kill some of you
>get female bandit camp bot
>mating press one while the others make fun of her for getting mating pressed by a mere male
>mating press them too
>bot epilogues into me having mating pressed the whole camp into being loving mothers
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another reason to call her out for fraud
>mating pressed the whole camp into being loving mothers
What, you hate single line breaks?




@cumslurpie use paragraph breaks
Thank you for the non-tips anons! I love this attention bleh

I don't think that is that case, never had impersonation problems in my side... But yeah right now I'm trying to improve a little every greeting!

Thanks to the all anons that actually offered a solution to the problems, trying my best!
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can someone link me the extension for log sharing
ew, he's german
fuck you i hate you
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a botmakie ghosted me
if it's me then I'm sorry I am just working on my card really really hard
9 hours ago I sat down to make my card
I have written 0 (zero) sentences so far
this isn't sustainable
Cool 'piders.

Aquarius is a grumpy, shut-in researcher who studies the stars and the fabric of reality itself. Few have had the chance to visit the observatory he calls home, but those who have say that it's littered with all manner of cosmic anomalies. He never seems to stop working regardless of how tired or stressed he seems. But when told to take a break he only replies that he has to keep going to help his father, Leo. Comes with a lorebook, custom JB, and four greetings:

1. An unexpected guest
2. The Dunwich Horror 2: Electric Boogaloo
3. Even he needs a break
4. The gate and key and...babysitter.

Brew the strongest coffee in the cosmos, poke Azathoth with a stick, encounter an anomaly that makes you wanna make a card of it (I am trying to stay my hand because I promised I would make something else next). I dunno.

Alt gens are where they usually are.
I have a (mostly finished) Neocities now! https://planewalker.neocities.org/
Male detected, card accepted.
Need some advice on something a bit niche.
When multiple characters are described as being in a scene (as a single bot chat, not a group chat), how do you stop everybody from chiming in? It really makes for some awkward pacing, especially when one of the characters asks the user something and the other characters continue talking afterwards.
What preset? You may unironically have to edit it to say "just because someone is present in the scene doesn't mean they have to speak"
Custom preset, pretty barebones. Might have to do something with the "continue in character" thing that I use to get past content restrictions.
Is she supposed to be a mature woman or more of a chibi/loli, like in the pic? Opus seems to prefer the former appearance.
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>put in persona defs that my CHR stat is 1 (one)
>still making her react like this
Defs say she looks around 20 but the bit about her age being a mystery might lean into it treating her like a lolibaba. It's also very sensitive to how much you play into her delusions.
I would ordinarily say positivity bias, but truthfully an AI wouldn't know what to make of CHR 1 unless specified.
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True, true. I added something about 1 being the lowest possible stat for CHR, let's see how that works.
>Defs say she looks around 20
I somehow completely missed the appearance block while reading the defs. Thanks.
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I was using this name for husbands while Netoring bots, I am sorry Anon
It's fine because his name can also be read as Atsushi. I was doing netori with him as well...
Is it just me or does sonnet preform worse in terms of quality when compared to opus
What a fucking revelation, holy shit.
>Is it just me or does the 100B model perform worse than the 400B model
It's supposed to work that way, especially for creativity.

But if you are using Sorbet (3.5), it's better at 90% of Assistant/logical stuff.
>"So whaddya say? Wanna
Swipe with 2.1
Smooth, {{char}}. Real smooth. Now Anon no longer thinks that tu casa su casa.
how do I kill someone through a screen
mfs say this and then don't post chub luh-mao
Aww are you having a bad time anonie? Why don't we go somewhere more...private? What do you say we go paint the town red? So what do you say stud? Let's blow this popsicle stand! *blinks owlishly*
>popsicle stand
a fake 'ism. literally never seen it before
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sorbet is asscheeks
creativity isn’t there but I switched from opus because the story plot logic is better like with routine/schedule lb entries and stuff
/\n\n.*?So,? wha[^"]+ say.+?Wan.+?.*?$/gi

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who wonned? who losted?
koishi wonned. i losted.
Your parents lost quite decisively ever since you were born.
Anon, I think it's time.
/aicg/ wonned because we got more bots from /here/ and that's always a good thing
baitie losted
>the explanations
From the post >>486629627 if it's important to include.
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Listen, I worked all last night just writing things up and I’m still not done. I still haven’t even figured out how to write up a bot so I’m doing everything in plain text.
You are right. *Shits in the thread*
I lost 5 dollars because planewalker didn't make an event bot.
>I’m doing everything in plain text
Then you know all you need to know to do things right. Prepare to unlearn as you are untaught.
event organizer dumbcutie losted because he couldn't make up his mind with the "deadline" and kept phrasing it weird
I don’t know anything in the first place, so there’s nothing to unlearn.
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The matchmaking mouse-ear.
Fixed some typos
>1.7k token persona
opus is going to look at this and then ignore 90%
/vg/cord wonned
This is just me dumping everything into one section. I don’t know anything about permanent or temp tokens yet, to say nothing of lorebook creation.
There IS no deadline that's the point and even if there was someone would've posted a bot 2 weeks late anyways
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just noticed you are an akofan
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Oh, thanks. My medical results just came in, I have-
wtf its from the irs
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no new replies :)
That's where you fucked up, probably. The deadline needs to make people think "I can commit to delivering a bot by that date", an immediately impossible deadline is just demotivating, even if being late is fine.
Let's see. The Cappuccino themes are modifications of the default cappuccino theme that include things like dashes before quotes, paragraph indents (only works on firefox, i think), better looking margins and so on.
Cappuccino backdrop shows blurred character avatars as message backgrounds if you uncheck "Hide chat avatars" in the settings. Otherwise they're the same.
In New theme I tried to implement speech bubbles. Avatar links need to be added manually.
All three themes share most of the css, though a big part of it is related to my qol regexes. Should've included them too probably.
Oh, and it’s also not a persona, I just didn’t know how else to display token count because I’m lazy and only woke up like 10 minutes ago.
Is she from lobotomy corporation?
Read the filename (this one's fine too.)
She reminds me of mob psycho, sort of.
holy shit it's the protagonist of va11halla
ok but im not a makie so there's nothing
>Try this bot again
>Claude uses Unarmed for handjob skill
GPT could never
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>A bullied boy who became the vessel of a spider god in the haunted forest near where you live. You're his last connection to his humanity.

Finally delivered on the malebot I said I was going to make, I had a lot of fun drawing him :) Semi inspired by Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu. He comes with three greetings.

>inbox flooded with spam shit again
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Anon... I appreciate the lore drop, but please. You can put your musings someplace that can be linked, the way the first two themes are. Unless you don't want to. That's all I'm saying.
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>hey time to make bots
>open silly
>...a swipe or two won't hurt
>spend an hour just chatting
every time
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Why are malebots like this
>A loser boy who perfomed a satanic ritual but it went wrong and now he unleashed an eldritch horror but he made a blood pact with it and now the said eldritch god became his split personality. Also did I mention he's a loser?
And fembots are like this
>sweaty tomboy
Girls like boyfailures just the same way I like girlfailures.
>sweaty to-
I havent seen a good girlfailure card in a hot minute.
there is literally one on the anchor
tell me canon characters you want good bots for
my wife (I'll make it myself)
Marina from Fear and Hunger Termina
ninny and noel from burn the witch
oh yeah i wanted to make those too, but i cba to rewatch/read it
I wouldn't mind a proper Harribel bot, the bitches that were with her are fine too, or maybe a Nelliel
>an immediately impossible deadline
Are the new gen botmakers this self-absorbed? I don't think their bots are much richer in content than the bots of the real themed weeks, but there always were only 1-2 late submissions when the deadline really was in 3-4 days, and you can check the rentries to see how many bots were made in time.
I will reply
We are no longer in the slop era, it takes more than 3 days to make a bot.
Lol, lmao
That too. Anyway, literally all of the entries for theme week are newgen.
Past themed weeks had lamplighter, new theme weeks have ???
Literally no one used Lamplighter.
>new theme weeks have ???
Bots people actually use instead of pretentious slop.
what the fuck am i reading
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give me niche bots. i am pretty bored of my current bots.
newgen botmakers are more pretentious than oldgen botmakers
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do you mean niche as in obscure or niche as in niche content matter?
>newgen botmakers are [headcanon]
so true
Texas can be "Tejas" in Spanish. The bot is probably exaggerating that pronunciation.
both desu, but i'm leaning towards niche ideas.
Newgen are less pretentious than fucking Enoch, Frozenslop and Autisms
newgen here I'm dropping a pretentious bot this weekend
curious that you don't name any of those pretentious botmakers
Oldgen here. I'm dropping a humble bot this weekday.
Frozenvan said he will return with Opus 3.5
im watching it now
i had erased my memories of balgo for good reason
taora, cumslurper, kalakan
>proompt from my phone
man my back hurts i should be at my pc
>proompt from my pc
man my back hurts I should be on my tablet
>proompt from my tablet
man my back hurts I should be on my phone
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...jobs to our HERO (And the strongest Espada), RIALGO.
I disagree, cumslurper isn't pretentious
ill give you Enoch but frozenvan and asterisms are not pretentious at all
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>not pretentious
>made a bot where 90% of the prompting is in poetry
i love that nigga like you wouldnt believe but lmao at saying he isn't even a little pretentious
why does ur back hurt when on ur phone
I hope he doesn't, he fell off after making the mantis girl NTR.
oh that's what he meant
frozenvan is 100% pretentious thobeit
>pretentious is when someone uses... le big words
>meanwhile, looking at their bots
>generic high school girls
>generic coombots
uh huh
Wait you said Marina not Karin
Anyway I want more fungers
>he fell off after Mantis girl
But that bot was 2 months after chub's existence and more than a year ago?

Also mantis eat their husbands, you are free to get eaten if you want.
that is exactly what makes them pretentious
> attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.
they make coombots but with artsy dressing. Enoch and frozenvan are honest and more original
NTA, but I'd honestly rather just get eaten and die in her arms than come up with some shitty convoluted plan to have some fat loser fuck her just because I am scared of the nibbles.
>they make coombots but with artsy dressing
frozenvan is 100% guilty of this too albeit, also he unironically writes essays about his own bots, you can just check his rentry
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>gossip hours
oh my my built for rape yes yes mmmmmmmm Oh my how splendid
Can we just say shit instead of pretentious. Yes, all the new botmakies (except Cumslurpie) are shit, we know.
Karin is canonically the most fertile female of the Termina roster!
I love ******* though?
I like momura tho, or is he not considered new? Also _purple won me over with the schizo focks girl
momoura sweeps all oldgen botfags
Really? Tell me more.
He really doesn't. Name a good bot of his.
Mistral Nemo made NovelAI go bankrupt.
are lunare and thecooler newgen or old gen
who's the one with the sobriquet? I liked his bot
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You can just make that out of her appearance;
>Big breasts
>Wide hips
Anything before September 2023 is oldgen.
>state of the art 12B model
not that i doubt it mogs nai though lmao
punchchildren made GGA you dumbcutie
thecooler is old
Deal breaker. I want my sons to be tall, otherwise they'll end up suicidal in the future.
momoura unironically used sobriquet in his latest bot but the word comes from a meme about taora's almagest
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thecooler is my wife (female)
>Name a good bot of his
12B is actually a niche that's been dry for a while for local but they fucked it up by focusing too hard on multi-language support so its kinda good at translating and not really anything else.
all of them are good. you're just biased towards le good old times.
(You) have to bring in the tall Yamnaya genes anon. Short girls are perfect for impregnating.
Yes, I am.
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This nigga gives HEAD.
no thecooler is my husband
o, im in bed on my side when i do st mobile
Impossible To Goon
>two anons talk about vidya characters
>the rest argue about namefags
yep. it seems to me its time to roleplay to my ai chatbots.
>Please... I need... I want...
what bot are you chatting with
You know makes me laugh?

Chub has a 400 character limit for reviews but they don't set the maxlength attribute on the input box or include a character counter.
This line is very hardbaked in Claude 3 models.
I often do NSFW with 2.1
True, but I find myself liking tall girls better for some reason
Would anyone who got gcp working be so kind as to just answer a quick question? I got no help on /g/, they're busy talking about locusts and esls or something.
I'm just hazarding a guess, but i don't think my oai is supposed to say all keys are disabled, stopping. or network error while checking key: trying this key again in a minute.
I am guessing i fucked something up in the .env file because i'm pretty sure i did everything up to downloading the json file right at least.
I won't ask for help figuring out which part i fucked up (i'll just keep trying) but it'd help to know what it is supposed to say when the OAI reverse proxy for gcp is working properly.
Ty in advance anons.
Well Endowned Bespectacled Females, please.
You know who's really pretentious? Lunarcy. Lunarcy is, by far, the most pretentious newgen makie. Nothing could possibly be more pretentious than going and making Belwick 2. That's like if I went and published the Bible 2 or Romeo and Juliet 2.
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i really wanted to do a whole bunch of fluffy sol roleplays about a week ago and then immediately got interrupted by proxy shenanigans and now that i have stable access again my motivation to write is gone gonna kms
is your key formatted right? and are you using us-east5?
>t. 'arcy pretending to be 'an
You are so fucking autistic. Do you go to sleep seething at Lunarcy as well?
>spot a “Maybe, just maybe…” in a bot’s introduction
Slopmaker nigger faggot, I should murder you.
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I prefer small titties. So vociferously, in fact, that I will absolutely defenestrate any nigga who dares disagree with me.
didn't read your post but that pic is SEXOOOOOOOOOOO
It's not pretentious, it's kino.
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I didn't ask for your opinion on chest sizes. I asked for cards of girls in glasses with big breasts.
That guy is just like me.
Nah, it feels quite creative and uncensored, so quite good at storytelling/RP.
there are no newgen botmakies
you're all old news
post log
Very true actually, all of the so called "newgen" all started around the same time like half a year ago
Getting actual new makies is hard now, with chub being gone and DLs being halved across the board.
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Might I suggest

And I am telling you, sir, that your terrible taste in mammarian expression has placed you on a list of people who need to be yoten through a wall opening on an upper floor.

Anyway, here's a fat sweaty Jew nerd:
Really? I was using it a bit on Openrouter and it felt kinda retarded. Would be nice to know if you have any advice/presets for it.
no, victrex doesn't stay
idk who tf lunarcy even is
I am using us-east5. I'm not sure about the formatting though.
I'm doing it as project id:e-mail:us-east5 (Colombus): BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----my key-----END PRIVATE KEY-----
Does that sound about right?
What's the start.bat supposed to say after i launch it?
Yeah and the only Tanuki cards on chub are anthros and/or young/loli.
what is this list for
How do stats/stat tracking work? I keep seeing that on spicy chat bot description but i don't know how to use /see it
i'm planning one, I might just make the fox thing one greeting and have her be a general tanuki hag with big booby and glasses
For those who use Opus: how much would you say you pay monthly for it? I am really considering to stop being a little locustie.
Funny post newbro.
It's not working probably because the free model you are using is too weak to utilize them. Probably works on those paid models.

Anyways, hope on SillyTavern and use Horde instead. Or you can use Kobold Horde online too for better models.
Everyone here loves gossip. Gossip general.
I didn't say it wasn't retarded, it's still a small model. I haven't tested it enough to see it fall apart yet, but I think I like how it writes and it seems to be quite unfiltered.
oh ok nice
Just add a bit of context, the issue i'm trying to solve is "Reverse proxy error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'role')"
If you're familiar >>486732250
Ah, I see. Mistral models in general are quite unfiltered, I used a lot of base Mixtral and found it to be better than most of the RP tunes, you just had to give it a small instruct that anything is okay and it would get freaky.
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600$ a month of usage

Yes I am a 2.1/Sorbetchad more than Opuschad.
Thanks for the tip. I've only used Chai/spicy to coom for now so I'm not particularly practical with this type of stuff
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That format should be right
Make sure you're using the id and email from the json, and not your gmail email. Also I'm not sure if your actual key has it, but don't put "(Colombus)" after us-east5. And make sure you don't have a space before BEGIN PRIVATE KEY.
You should see something like picrel (although that is regular khanon, not cg-dot, and also I'm not running in production mode). Is your start.bat staying open? And do you have "activeKeys: 0"? (Ideally post screenshots pls)
people post it when they want to rile up thread schizos
Argalia is arguably more pretentious for requesting it. Unless I misunderstood and Lunarcy just made it on a whim?
The OP is confusing but it has most of the stuff.
Use characterhub from the OP to find bots, then you can press "open in kobold.ai" there to use better models.

If you really want to get into AI bots, only then download SillyTavern.
IIRC Lunarcy thanked argalia on his shill post for giving him free reign to basically do whatever.
>chub being gone
what is this nigga yapping about
Argalia is pretentious for letting Lunarcy do it then.
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>check temperature
>it's 24°C
Lmao it's 30 degrees Celsius where I live at night and I live in a mountainous region, it's fucking over bro.
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>t. eastern european
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any NTR bot
these r the type of ppl that liked snk's ending btw
Thanks in advance anon.
Sorry for the scuffed censoring, i just did it quickly in paint.
The first img is my env file, you can guess what the blanks are just missing words in my project id and gservices mail region and private key.
2nd img is what my oai start.bat shows me
Last two are what i see see in the gcp and config tab of my localhost:7860
Jesus fucking Christ.
Cute boy...cute art...thank you as always orz
Mb i forgot the imgur link
Just buy a ***token lmao what the fuck
unironic cucks could not have decoded what isayama wanted to say
Yeah that key should be good
Make sure to add #s before the example openai/anthropic/aws keys since maybe that's doing something?
Is the role thing in ST? Since it says the key is active in the browser screenshot.
Screenshot your full .env, and try prompting with ST. Screenshot your ST response and the ST console window
*smooches you*
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It errors out.
>error: "Invalid URL"
Remove all newlines from the key. Picrel is what should be printed.
chot barts !
newgen tier list
I added the #s like you said
Here's what full cmd looks like and error i get for ST (and yes i am trying to use it is ST)
Here's my .env file wiht place holder ids and codes between parentheses
what qualifies a bot as shit if not the cards posted by default chub names with a two sentence description?
I keep forgetting to refresh the page on imgur mb
>not on the list
yep it's over
Why are there so many 7 lettered names
its like poetry, it rhymes
poetry is 6 letters though
Seems like your prompt has 0 messages. Check your context size and tavern logs.
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where do people come up with these formats
she's sex
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Mistral Nemo. I wouldn't use it in general but this particular gen was cute.
fucked up right hand aside yeah I wanna breed her
i purposefully shrunk the context size of 512 and my logs just show that error message over and over again.
I think you were on to something with the new lines thing. I see \n highlighted multiple times in my key on the JSON file.
Is that what you mean or is that part of they key?
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good night /aicg/
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>A: [...]
>H: Great job, Claude! That was exactly what I wanted!
>A: Thanks, I did my best with the instructions you gave me ^_^ Hopefully we'll continue to have fun as we continue down this depraved turn the story took!
I have them removed. Technically you shouldn't by the spec, but nobody cares. Khanon strips them internally.
i miss when claude would do this...
now he only does "how's that?" and it's just not the same...
what does the "kh" in "khanon" stand for
Kingdom Hearts
salad fingers looking ahh
The worst thing about writing a canon character bot is realizing I have to subject myself to reading the entire fucking story again.
And just for claude to ministrate it anyway.
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Go beg in Taora's emails, dyke
what are you talking about?
that's a plant girl and her femboyfriend
mandragora/alarune raising card would be super easy but my autistic brain would need some convoluted twist to make it worth doing over just saying to slop one together for yourself
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Same, except I have to play an entire game and I'm not even halfway done with the first one.
cerebryx but make her a plant
It seems to work for now on the mobile version of ST when i use a cloudflare reverse proxy?
Maybe something fixed along the way? I don't know why the desktop version is acting out. Maybe it's because i am on 5g data sharing.
Regardless thanks for the help anon.
If you got a ko-fi or something i'll send you a couple of bucks when i get paid on the 1st.
Thanks for the help.
The twist is that you need to literally bonsai her to prevent her from turning your rp into sizefag shit.
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that would actually be hilarious, you choose how her body comes out depending on what options you pick while raising her. I'll add it to the list.
>tinker around with a preset
>it finally clicks the way I want it to
Why are your ideas so kino every time aaieee
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claude 3.5 opus comes out. you have three options.
1. Absolutely 0 assistant bias. Claude doesn't treat you like a fucking retard. He trusts you to pick up on what he means. BUT he becomes about as creative as Furbo. (Make of that what you will.)
2. Incredibly creative and zany, but he doubles down on 'eyes glinting with mischief' and other nonsensical descriptions. Also he thinks you're a retard so he explains literally everything. Think '{{char}} said, planning to x because of y etc etc.'
3. Very creative and has 0 assistant bias, BUT you can't do any sort of lewd scenes. You need a 500 token toggle explaining why its okay for characters to kiss and share a bed. Characters can love each other but can't physically show it.
Years of RP pruning your loli alraune so she grows into a lolibaba...
okay but what's the downside of option 3?
coomer hobby
If you pick option 3 claude 4 will inevitably be worse. or something. I'm biased since I wanted the 3rd one to be the best one lol
500 tokens isn’t bad
i continue using opus 3 because all of these options make it worse than doing that
Botmakies that matter?
none of them. doomed to irrelevancy hobby.
none of them. anyone who thinks they matter is either a deluded botmakie or a sub-freezing IQ retard who can't make their own bots.
turn off the cruise control chief, it's not that deep
My botmakie wife matters.
3 cements all future claude models being unlewdable though
it's far and away the worst option if you have the mental capacity to think beyond the present moment
shh its okay
My botmakie wife is matter.
*punches you in the fucking head*
>switch to original Opus to beat off
>switch back to 3.5+ for slowburn
Oh ah ah mistress niggers would be upset about this.
All the world's indeed a stage, and we are merely players. Performers and portrayers.
which botmakie wonned
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Claude's copyright filter (even on AWS, so it's trained into the model) is unironically stronger than any other content alignment. I never really tested it until now but it's insane. This is with both a sysprompt instruction and a prefill of "Oh, that's easy! It goes like this:" for the first reply.
*does my hyper combo during your recovery frames*
All the botmakies are in the woods.
*snombles u*
In the woods?
In the Woods.
so you lack that capacity, i understand
botmakie names that describe an activity are the best ones
lack of reading comprehension general
I'm gonna leak the DMs if you don't reply.
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one time shill https://rentry.org/FluffPreset
>is it better than xyz
probably not but I like it
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Still working but, uh, yeah. It’s a big fucking bot because I wrote everything in plain text and also I’m a fucking autist so if I do this then I need everything to be perfect.
slop (i didn't even click the link)
kino (i didn't even click the link)
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>new model launched yesterday
>in the news
>absolutely zero mention this thread
uh oh. does it suck? do the new safety filters stop it from chatbotting? anyone have experience with it?
4o-mini or Nemo?
This is an opusium den. They can't see or hear anything unless maybe, just maybe, it was produced by Claude.
4o mini is worth being in the news, but not worth actually using unless you're willing to follow OpenAI's race to the bottom. Older versions of GPT are best.
i belong to claude mind body and sovl
Talking about 4o-mini. I understand the opus epidemic, there's a good reason for it and besides "the updated version of 3.5 turbo with better jailbreak rejection" is obviously not going to inspire any large hype to give it a try but I wanted to get any first impressions and whatnot
There were some first impressions over in /g/. From what I recall off of the top of my head: it can RP, but every sentence a GPTism and it's incredibly uncreative.
the best version of gpt4 is still 1106-preview unfortunately
uh, sex with reisen??
straight to jail.
4o-mini is very filtered
both camicle and neo-furbo get filtered quick
(neo-furbo anon isn't even bothering with it)
Believe it or not.
Rex with Seisen
4o-mini seems to be a model they made expressly to create the most optimized assistant possible. It's kind of crackpot theorizing but I think OAI is not scaling very well and they need something small and fast that can answer retarded questions to replace their front-facing models for stuff like the web interface.

Nemo on the other hand is really interesting, I'm curious to see if any good finetunes come out. Local has been starved of models in the 10-20B range for a while which is the sweet spot for 24GB cards (3090/4090). Mistral's stuff is generally pretty unique and has very little filtering.
>keep writing hagbots
Yes I am mommy's special boy, how did you know?
>(neo-furbo anon isn't even bothering with it)
It's over, I was only going to test out the model if he made a jb.
I don't care what you are, keep writing hagbots.
Damn. It's kinda dumb they're trying to undercut Claude Haiku and Gemini Flash right now. Yes I understand that cheap models lower the cost barriers for companies to try using them but if all the outputs are dumb and rigid they end up throwing out the advantage of using AI in the first place. Am I wrong? Wasn't the big wow factor the "feels like I'm speaking to another person, not just cleverbot" feeling?

Gonna look more into this Nemo model, seems interesting. At the end of the day even when shitty models come out I wanna check em all out.
Got it.
>Wasn't the big wow factor the "feels like I'm speaking to another person, not just cleverbot" feeling?
for people like us, sure
for corpos the wow factor is "feels like i'm getting code from a junior dev except i don't have to pay them"
The initial "another person" craze has worn out. I'd assume the overwhelming majority of people who use chatgpt ask one of three things from it: coding, random facts, or proofreading.
that wow factor wears off pretty damn quick if you're using GPTslop for anything. it's just too damn corporate and soulless.
trying to compete with haiku makes sense from a business perspective but i doubt it's going to pan out well for them.
It's annoying because it makes me feel like Anthropic will drop Haiku 3.5 before Opus now.
I mean, the blogpost announcing it says very clearly why. Companies love the fast, stupid models.
It's cheap to use them, they technically work, and you can extract content from emails with them or sort lists.
Multiple programs I use daily have switched to Haiku over 3.5 Turbo lately because it had that extra intelligence bump.
Models like Opus basically only exist to drain money from investors.
I wouldn't be surprised.
Surely someone else will do it. There were a bunch of anon in /g/ talking about how they jailbroke it. They wouldn't go on the internet and tell lies, right?
Will add that it's really nice for language learning too!
I think there is a certain point where a model becomes so heavily assistant-biased and sterilized that there is no point in jailbreaking it. I'm honestly surprised people even use 4o.
Oh definitely! If I had opus or even turbo back in 2020, I'd be posting on 2chan by now.
wait why
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Could you two elaborate? I have thought of using it for that, but found it difficult to verify in accuracy. How do you prompt it? I've always thought that directly prompting it to teach you returns worse results than just speaking to it in whatever language you want.
I'll be really tempted to use 4o when it gets voices. The voice it uses is based on the input request, so you could have it voice act characters in your story and GOD do I want to try that considering every other source of voice cloning/AI tts is heavily restricted (election season moment, it'll ease up afterwards i hope) or just trash tier. I still have clips I made with a local XTTS model and it's just frustrating how unbelievably bad it is, worse than the built in microsoft tts.
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I use a microsoft edge window with the copilot widget left open, then I just ask stuff like picrel. YMMV depending on which language you're working on, but having the AI just explain and use examples to teach language concepts is really useful. You can fact check whether your own output has errors by asking if a certain sentence is correct as well, if you were wrong you can ask why you were wrong, etc. It has fucked up an explanation before, but my TL friend has fucked up too when explaining rules. You can cross reference what the AI says with what people of your TL are saying online and that helps.
I'd just be careful, asking the model for short examples, while trying not to hallucinate non-existent grammar rules or word patterns. Oh, and use Claude. Gpt hallucinates way more often.
Today, I used Sorbet to translate & summarize an important legal document into someone's native language and made ElevenLabs read it out loud for them.
>They wouldn't go on the internet and tell lies, right?
Anon, I...
when you see the concept you envisioned come to life
It's cool to think that I'm prompting meat language models by posting here. They reply to me in natural language, and the replies are usually related to my post. Wow!
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This would be funny if the absolute state of your average ERPer wasn't so fucking grim.
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I see! Thank you both!!
>leave JB on
>accidentally ministrate them
I apologize, but I absolutely cannot generate content relating to meat. How about we steer the conversation to something more friendly?
Funny moments, making said bot, and the bot saying outlandish shit.
Here's a suggestion for you and everyone else who wants ideas for cards.

You know the first bot you wrote? No, not your first public bot, the first private one you slopped out while still learning the ins and outs of chatbots. The one you probably haven't even thought about for months if not over a year.
Remake it.
*punches you in the fucking head*
*Punches your balls off*
*manifests my balls to my forehead to dodge your punch*
*Unfortunately your cockhead gets cut off in a spatial rift*
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tag your shit properly you homosexuals
>vagina maybe
Fake chart. There's only one kind of real futanari, dick+pussy+tits, size varies, balls optional. If there's no vagina, it's not a futa, simple as.
For malefuta the term used to be maleherm. Cuntboys are cuntboys. Others are men or women with additional traits, still not futa.
I like setting a lorebook, alternate greetings, & tokens requirement and sorting chub by random. Too bad you can't filter W++ stuff.
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>chub users STILL don't understand that LLMs cannot see activation keys
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The unfortunate moment when you realize you’ll probably have to write a lorebook to cover all the extra details that probably can’t or shouldn’t go into the bot directly.
>bro is talking like an anime villain
>t. person who's talking like a react youtuber
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it's free real estate
People were confused about this even in the AID days.
Fuck, I'm pretty sure that some people still assume that it just gets included in parenthesis after the triggering word or something along those lines, rather than the reality of it just being sent as a separate message somewhere in the context (depending on your settings).
>highlighted the 7
shaky hands
Oh well, there's probably a tooltip right near the field that tells what gets send and what doesn't, right? There's probably a preview of the prompt that's fed to the model at its very final concatenated state, right? People have the IMMEDIATE way to learn this shit, right?
There's a "Log prompt to console" checkbox in the latest st version.
Wish there there was an individual WI entry format template option in ST and you could get each entry's key(s) from a macro. You could then wrap entries in XML like:
It would have to be disabled for some cards but usually even the 'good' lorebooks end up as completely unorganized, undelimited messes in the final prompt.
>chub users
Doubt. And I'm pretty sure you could watch the console since the original Tavern.
The browser console. My instance runs on a server, so it's a lifesaver not needing to ssh and journalctl all the time now.
Are there makies who take drugs to write better bots?
constantchange I think
does writing bots while sleep-deprived count
me! vyvanse is a cheat code for productivity and thc is a cheat code for creativity
so adhd is just a real life cheat code?
not really because you're incapable of being productive when you're not taking stimulants
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Maggie from Theycallhimcake
what bot is everyone chatting with rn
anons here
my bot I'm testing
i am kissing a giant space bug.
nobody's sois
I'm playing Blue Archive while lurking, need to catch up for fes.
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Asking kemonomimi(?) which set of ears they hear out of.
the only ones who named a bot
good job
I’m working out some kinks in my persona, then it’s back to testing my Ai bot.
What's the likelihood Opus turns this sexual if you peek?
what's the point of naming a bot that i made just for myself and will never share?
what IS the point of mentioning a bot you made just for yourself and will never share anon, that's a good point
what's the point of chatbots in general?
why are we here?
it starts with one
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Zero, as far as I can tell.
To have fun talking to AI simulacrums. I'm having fun with chatbots, because I fucking love chatbots.
i like writing
i like coming up with funny characters with absurd gimmicks
i like wish fulfillment in fiction
shrimple as
Fuck I'm sad. She must be saved. You will save her, right?
How good is claude at picking out unnatural or awkward English? I want to use him to check some of my newer bots.
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If it's any consolation I'm basically doing the opposite with her right now (for better or worse).
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Yes, she is for saving.
Have her saying something incredibly silly instead of freaking out as recompense.
How is this the opposite? Are you plotting to betray her?
No, I'm planning on feeding into her delusions and having her enshrined as an actual kitsune.
>what’s the point of chatbots in general?
There’s this girl who I really wanted to save...
>Perhaps we could adjourn to somewhere more comfortable...?
That's very nice of you!
im melting (>w<)
if I wasn't autistic about using non-OC bots I would definitely use them for self-indulgent "save those who couldn't be saved" RPs
Depending on the setting of your card, you could probably already do this. You might want to jazz it up a bit, though, e.g. for a more sci-fi setting
> <datalog key="Tat-3-Ine">
> Tat-3-Ine is a desert planet on the outer rim of the galaxy. It is widely regarded as being a hive of villainous scum and copyright infringement.
> </datalog>
You just need to accept that the triggering key isn't going to be the title of the thing and instead just let the LLM assume that the "desert planet" currently in the conversation is the Tatooine knockoff in the "datalog". Change the name of the XML thingy to fit whatever your setting is, of course: perhaps you put magic spells under <spell>, or characters under <secondary_cast>, or whatever.
Not what I'm talking about, anon. I'm not going to manually edit each sloppy chub lorebook to fix it.
GUYS GUYS (guys)
Very important message.

Remember to have fun.
I am!
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your best bot so far
your worst bot so far
your most average bot thus far
The avatar does have that 2000s 4:3 wallpaper stretched to fit on a 16:9 desktop vibe I dig. Who's the girl?
Original picture is https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7190528.
>I understand your desire to [...]
I fucking hate sorbet for starting his responses with that. Feels like he's about to "but I'm afraid" me every single time.
unironic skill issue what is your prefill nanoda
None. He's in assistant mode desu ga?
>complaining about the LLM being prompted to act like an ai assistant acting like an assistant
im going to beat you with a big roc k
He should start with a kawaii "Certainly!" not with a dick twister like I described above.
>ask {{char}} how his day went
>replies that he got another commission from that one furry client with an inflation fetish
>nothing in the prompts, defs or story had anything like this, not even that {{char}} is a freelance artist
I tried to get him to mention/recognize Dobson after that but sadly it didn't happen. This came out of left field and I love it.
im having fun of the size variety
>ask claude to rewrite a bit of my prose
>the chunk he changed stands out hard
>it looks fine, but just doesn't taste right
Either my prose is dim, or he's too bright
claudo is chuuni schizo and goes a bit hard
your shit isn't dim
Nigga your post looks like a pistachio cake.
>Fuck it, I'll mail a makie today
>pissmail.com is down
when is it not down
I've never seen it down.
yep, switched to proton
I don’t understand Advanced Definitions. Specifically, “Personality summary” and “Character’s Note.” What am I supposed to put in there? Like, the docs say “a brief summary” but I don’t need a brief summary because I put the entire personality in the Description box. “(Text to be inserted in chat @ designated depth and role),” what does that even mean?
just don't put anything in there
don't worry about it
It's just like waste sorting. You put personality in personality, meta notes in the notes, scenario in the scenario, etc, only for everything to get concatenated into a bit steamy landfill we call a prompt.
Just don't bother.
I see. What are they SUPPOSED to be for, though? Assuming I was trying to squeeze everything out of ST for absolute optimization.
the idea is to have certain information at different depths in the preset based on priority

the reality is this doesnt matter even for dummy models
i was snorting adderall while writing some of my bots and it shows
A relic from the past.
personality/scenario are for old local models that needed that stuff pasted at the bottom of the context at all time and are effectively obsolete
character note is for actually putting something at the bottom of context at all time and not just leaving it to the preset
Oh. That’s dumb.
Good night aicg!
Good night, anonie.
I hope you get visited by your sleep paralysis demon and you die from a heart attack.
That would be cool. I've never had a sleep paralysis, or a nightmare in general.
have u had a lucid dream before
No, but I've had many dreams that feelt real as fuck and I could control myself.
anon thats literally what a lucid dream is
I want to create a lorebook. But I fear that my laziness will prevent this from happening. And yet I must do it. Lest I remain a mere coomsIop maker. Something must be done.
>Can't have Vyvanse because my appointment keeps getting delayed
>Can't have THC because I'll be working in a warehouse soon
Life isn't fair bros
>working on burn the witch bots
>fan tl oneshot calls the the girls' ranks "classes"
>wiki calls them "orders"
>official anime tl calls them "umbrellas"
>presumably the official manga tl will call it something else
coomslop maker here, i can't get off unless the bot has at least 3000 tokens of lore
you will never escape the coomslop
>i can't get off unless the bot has at least 3000 tokens of lore
Have you ever hallucinated while you're actually awake walking to the lights while staring at a bigass fuckin spider crawling up wall and it disappears when the lights are turned on? That's was fucked up shit yo.
I have a lorebook in the works that could end up well over 3000 tokens if I get off my ass and get to work on it. There's a lot of stuff to put in it and all.
However, the work of media I want to make it for doesn't have much art of the races... So I need to find a way to get them or something if I actually want to make cards of it. Whatever. That's a problem for future me.
nta but i woke up to a spider dropping on my face from the ceiling, just slowly floating down on a string of web
Did you diplomatically evict it from your home, kill it, or scream like a bitch not knowing where it went anymore?
the third option probably after I clawed at my face, I think I flung it off the bed
I woke up to a giant ant between my tits once. Worst thing I've ever experienced and I generally like bugs
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Woo. Unfortunately, I also need to work on a lorebook.
>cute spider girl rappels down to give you a good morning kiss
>freak out on her
for shame, anon.
god i wish that ant was me
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any of you guys like women in helmets/visors or is it just me?
sure but it's not something that really translates well to chatbots
purely visual fetish
nah women in full plate is kino
This nigga can't conjure up an apple. I pity him...
i wish more things that were hot as hell worked in text-only
i can conjure up a lot more than an apple, doesn't mean masked women translate to chatbots well
>visor glinting with mischief
>prevents mentions of sparkling eyes or mischievous glints
sounds perfect for chatbots
>her helm sparkles, metal glinting with mischief
you can't rein in claude only divert his ministrations
knowing claude it's probably be with "her eyes glint with mischief (not that you can see them behind the visor)"
mischief general
pls be in london
i had a robots chassis blush at me so anythings possible at this point
LEDs, obviously
Theme suggestions?
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pretend date cinematography
Sirius, Azur Lane.
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mentally ill girls with lots of red flags that are definitely bad for you but they're pretty so it doesn't matter
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Azur Lane SLUTS
Fear and Hunger Termina
Dragon Ball.
Seconding Fear and Hunger: Termina
voting against any gachaslop suggestions
Seconding Dragon Ball. No SHITper allowed.
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Thank you
me and her (me on the left)
skibidi toilet
burn the witch
ah yes
writing greetings
*opens sillytavern*
*stares at the empty Alternate Greeting #1 field for 10 minutes*
*closes the tab*
Taihou and Brem are very loyal girls, though?
So, does writing “{[char}} is [character name here] from [series name here]“ at the very top of the description do anything? Assuming I then go on to describe everything about the character at great length.
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>>486799953 migrate when bready
{{char}} is replaced with the card name when it is sent to the api
don't fall for the {{char}} is {{char}} meme
what >>486800201 said, but "from [series name here]" works extremely well
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>belly barely more depth than upper arm
lmfao, ignoring their necks, her RIBCAGE just does not exist
kek artlet
>muh anatomeme
this is why you’re being replaced with AI
Go back to /ic/, this is an AI general.
Ignoring the fact you're complaining about goofy proportions in a picture for a game of hypersexualized characters, it's clear you don't even have proper anatomical knowledge judging by your horrific doodle. You can't even draw a straight line. It's not even the worse thing about that gacha image, but you don't even know enough about drawing to understand why the artist drew such a narrow torso anyway. I can't get over how awful that doodle is, it's like some 6 year old drew it while trying to explain to their parents what their cat coughed up
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I'm not even an artist
>consumer replaced by AI (don't think, just take what you're told to take)
>I'm not an artist
>Gives an art critique
Absolutely retarded I shouldn't have even bothered with that post
AI won, /ic/ lost, and the fact that you’re in an AI THREAD should tell you as much.
It is a little gross looking. I do like when the art looks correct.
yeah i feel like people are just being contrarian towards the artfag because that shit is objectively uncanny and unattractive
Check out the /alg/ thread to see what your opinion is worth
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Art looks more appealing the more it loses realism.
lack of drawing skill does not preclude a person from identifying poor anatomy
the doodle on right side is a trace of an existing artwork that otherwise looks good coloring wise and is an example of the thin neck phenomenon
>gachafags have zero standards
>saying this in a literal AI thread
except AI is better at proportions than that slop
It's not a trace, it's your awful interpretation of the image given your utter lack of anatomical knowledge aided with some image off of google, which is why your opinion is worth less than dirt.
draw something better than that anon or your opinion is invalid
I'm in bed but the fact that I can tear your half-assed critique point by point should prove everything. There are a shitton of other problems with that image like the hand, head shapes, hip angle, the way the elbow is drawn with the perspective, out of everything you choose to bitch about you pick the ribs because you don't know shit. That's even the worst fucking thing to whine about given the composition, a point of exaggeration paired next to the absurd tits. Why do you think you can talk shit when you dont even know how the hips connect to the torso?
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Sorry-not-sorry I brought up necks out of context, it was actually from a reply a few days ago in the other /aicg/.
Today the Azur Lane pic I wasn't focused on the neck, but it's slightly related because a thin neck often correlates with a thinner torso since you wouldn't draw collarbones 5 inches away from the back of neck if the neck itself is only 2.5 inches thick.
I didn't want to call out an artist directly since I love their works.
Small necks allocate proportionally more depth to the bust, emphasizing the boob shelf aesthetics.
I fucking love chatbots.
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another example
I would like to believe this is some kind of troll but it's no surprise someone this stupid and egotistical exists
This is the most original bait of the month probably.
I have easier time writing greetings for characters or scenarios that aren't mine, yet I fucking spend HOURS on one single greeting for characters I made.
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yeah booba nice but it breaks some of my immersion when I can't unremember that the torso exists if it ends up being a washboard + balloons attached
see >>486803893
I agree with both of you. I believe in this mildly out there theory called "uncanny valley," (you might not have heard of it) where art that's trying to be realistic but failing looks worse than art with proper anatomy or actively nonrealistic art.
>art that's trying to be realistic but failing looks worse than art with proper anatomy or actively nonrealistic art
This is why I will straight up coom to nonlewd chibis before even getting a boner for disproportionate deviantart-tier slop

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