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Latest News:
>Patch notes 3.25
>[3.25] Settlers of Kalguur (July 26th PDT)
>PoE2 close beta soon

>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities
>/poeg/ Ingame Chat and Ban Honeypot
/global 1488
wheres grimro

someone wake up grim
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SirGOD Won.
Varga Won.
Mark Won.
Chris Won.
beltcuck lost
gypo lost
>m-melee is g-good now!!!!
Give me a melee pob then
>b-but just g-google it!!!
YOU said that melee is good not google. Provide it or fuck off
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Its another Boneshatter league for me
don't fall for the hype
niGGGers are infamous for shadow and undocumented nerfs
you will be weaker
your gear will have to be even more insane to reach your previous power level
Fuck wheat I'm only growing corn
give me an updated pob faggot nigger
melee is google
Wake me up when a new endgame
You all acting like repeating the same mouse movements is something to brag about.
Over two years now poe is stale
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doomsissies are mindbroken
Unironically this, they are touching Quantity and last time they tried to touch this ancient shit they tried to gaslight us saying that the loot was actually the same.
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yeah, i'm thinking it's heavy strike slayer time.
I like how most of the shit I already played got buffed so its just free real estate \o/
What do you mean undocumented? They said it on stream that totems are removed, berserk nerfed, rage no longer gives attack speed
If you are still surprised that melee got nerfed its on you
just take any melee pob from the last couple leagues, remove totems and multiply resulting damage by 2 to 3 depending on how much the exact gem got buffed, you'll land in the ballpark of what to expect.
the real shadow nerf is having to pick up gold in maps to make the new features work
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i dont care what got buffed and nerfed if i see a melee skill that looks fun to use I'm playing it this league. im currently thinking lacerate bleed right now i have no idea how to use it or what ascendancy

if you know a more kino melee skill let me know and ill youtube that shit
What are we playing my dudes?
It's going to be another round of Smite Slayer for me.
what sort of fucking gay shit is this? they couldn't just figure out a good way to divorce warchief and ancestor from melee so they deleted them completely? bfr
I have a 5 million in white gear Dominating blow build that just gained another 2M from the patch
Boneshatter? It got nerfed overall, with totem removal and only 30% numerical buffs, coupled with loss of attack speed from rage. Totems more than doubled your damage, especially with Trauma mechanic. Trauma support got nerfed by 23%. This is a slam bleed league.
I just did that and now my build does 100k dps
So no new endgame I take it
And you all talk like poe is god while kek
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>2024, the year of our lord
why can't they copy what blizzard did 24 years ago? in diablo 2 if your character already made a valid attempt to attack and the mob walks away you still have a chance to hit even if the mob wanders several feet away before you finish your attack animation.
D4 well and truly died on July 18th. Grim. Someone should go buy the "new" class out of pity.

Lacerate & Eviscerate Gladiator, what could go wrong?
I don't use totems at all in my current build so I'm only getting gains. Carnage seems really good though as its max damage effectiveness is 2.25 times higher then before. And considering with no rage your attack speed is going to be gutted you aren't going to get as many trauma as before so Carnage seems the way to go. I think Boneshatter is the only skill left with a flat added phys damage in it too.
>eternal damnation + charges
>capped phys/ele/chaos reduction without fourth vow
>+5000 armor from new base
um poeshitters?
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>free 8% more dmg
Hol up what did i miss? Whats this insane hype around next league?
>eternal damnation
Hope you're getting Ralakesh boots too bro
nothing happened
Melee is """"""""""""""""""buffed"""""""""""""""""" and is now """"""""""""""""""good""""""""""""""""""
Wdym a 45min league trailer is not "nothing"
stupid faggot nigger posts like yours aside it that node also means its easier stay near the rage cap
if no one convinces me with a melee build I'll just do explosive trap again. I'm tired of tryharding it in ruthless and don't feel like experimenting if it risks not being able to engage with the mechanic in regular.
all of you melee niggers WILL be doomsissying so hard. i. can. not. WAIT TO READ THE TEARS IN HERE
>Now I only have to hit the enemy 4 times instead of 5 times to hit the cap!!!!!
>And now I have to do it every time because of the increased rates of loss
Joke's on you, I've been playing melee for the last 4 leagues and doing great
Now we're truly gaming
So archimage with the spell rage eater hat is completely unplayable?
Sad was thinking I might play spark
It's definitely not good. It's just less annoying to play with totems gone. And no I'm not going to press the banner button for 8% suppress.
What's a foolproof SSF build guys?
I want to try the game as god intented, no trading, but I also want to reach endgame, and I only have time for 1 playthrough, I got shit to do in a couple weeks
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Its only the meta following faggots that will be crying. Everyone that's playing melee right now will be happy with the buffs in some way.
I lost my eyeballs in a hotdog eating competition, I can't read the patch notes
grimgod is in gachahell
brother you are the exception. a melee chad amongst fotm cucks. the rest of /pooegg/ melee shitters will be rending their deadpool controllers in half
dual strike of ambidexterity jugg
explosive trap worked well for me last league & its completely untouched.
the music man
i hope they pay the poe music guy a ton because holy shit its so good
with the retard herds going melee it's gonna be so easy to fleece rmtbros for bottom of the barrel melee weapons the first 2 weeks and fund my spectre build
Auction house for tradecucks
Mobile game to get what you already get every single map but 5 times per day for shitters
Melee hits harder, but its slower, basically same shit, yet since you are slower its worst overall
Tinctures are back but they are bad now
Warden is the new ranger ascendancy, complete garbage because there's no defensive nodes and the shit that buffs tinctures don't even bring the tinctures back to Affliction levels of OP.
LA -> TS is back
there's no reason to stop attacking ever unless its some fag mechanic from a pinnacle boss (serves you right for playing melee to begin with). they also reworked rage so you bounce back faster. either way you spend 27% less time hitting the cap with that node with shorter downtime that before, faggot nigger
seems like an obvious glad skill to me, with the ascendency synergy.
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This you?
guy tries to save you from a day 2 reroll and this is how you treat him?
What's a fun bow league starter to make? How do you not die as ranger anyway I've never played pure evasion before.
nah, its cool. he'll be back here on the 28th
What did MegaSatan say?
ok how long until some autists find out how to exploit the boat sailing mechanic?
>How do you not die
Everyone is immortal in softcore. Just shoot in the direction you are running and hope things die off screen.
how nu to blueboards
do tinctures count as spending mana for archmage fuckery purposes
Keep on dooming and dilating, it is fun to watch.
there is no actual dual wield synergy with the new gladiator, just bleed and block memes
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people playing melee already know its objectively the inferior choice for divs/minute or only joined a league or two ago and don't have any other reference besides melee anyway. the point is he's a faggot that can only feel good from schadenfreude, as opposed to something less pathetic like the satisfaction one gets from making their own successful build, etc.
the town seems to require gold to do everything so you can't just afk it.
in spite of the screens full of items and currency I strongly suspect that the loot it gives will be roughly equivalent to the amount of loot you would have gotten for killing the same number of regular monsters as you kill in the league encounters.
Doubt it. They would say spend instead of burn if it did.
We already figured it out. You make 50 accounts and run them all through acts in a few hours with twink gear so that you can have hundreds of boat shipments and map bots going simultaneously. Write some python scripts with pyautogui to do the repetitive clicking for you. Pool all the items on a different account than the ones you are botting with and RMT them to frustrated melee players.
there's the node which gives a bonus per weapon type, i.e. you get an extra bonus if you dual-wield different weapon types
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Give it to me straight, how is self cast looking?
dont you get gold from shipping too?
jesus lmao
great if you can archmage
>have to upgrade town and collect gold on all 50 accounts
>the possibility of getting your ship destroyed or invaded because you haven't invested enough into crew
nah I'm good
sounds like a nightmare
>Town has a map device with a queue
New MTX for a whole FUCKING TOWN are gonna be lit

Also by making players afk ingame theyre pushing up the numbers for tencent
the same as always. penis brand if you don't have an aura-sissy or ek/spark if you do. everything else is a meme without a gorillian divs.
The shipping requires the actual materials from mapping to trade to ports
Bros, isn't flicker kinda fucked because of multistrike changes?
people are retarded go figure
>afk ingame
Ill be running harbringers in last epoch while my slaves map for me
Same bro, they just fixed the servers, I m HAVING A BLAST AND WILL CONTINUE TO BLAST MONOLITHS meanwhile retards play Poop1.5 true beta.
hey guys, quick question
If I die in ssf hardcore, am I moved to ssf, the trade league, or standard?
that to me seems like a no brainer, that you would go
ssfhc>ssf>then if you want to trade league>then after it ends to standard
But I wouldn't know
Its not a change, just a wording different. Flicker is movement skill not travel skill
>the slavery, capitalism, and colonialism league
Wow. Cut BFR out of the picture and all of a sudden things get mega based.
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Ice Crash status?
axe/claw setup looks nice but i'm skeptical block will be good enough for endgame defenses
you can automate mapping
>gets based and weird leagues in BFR command
>first league in true control of ex-fat dude without soul
>its a complete american/western shit league
Fuck me, I hate this guy, next league we will have waifus and vtubers as our consorts?
you don't need to be in-game for your slaves to run maps for you.
Every TIME I see a female in a video game I fucking CUUUUUUM awoooogawoogawoooga
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so the same motifs the game has had since the start over a decade ago? what a stupid nigger post
>dating sim league
>roll high on your cunnilingus check for extra uniques
>Battlemage's Cry
>Look inside
>Battlemage removed
>best Banner effect is 10% more aura effect and 4% more phys damage
Melee is saved, I kneel.
>check builds on poe ninja and they all have magebloods

mageblood needs to be removed
So the currency market is going away after this league right
Chris wants it gone
Can we get tattoos in next league?
Please read the description carefully anon
>all the t17 farmers flooding the market with magebloods which made them cheap are gone
mageblood will effectively be removed by costing 400 divines this league
>you get items for gold
>you can craft items for gold
>you can combine items for stuff and gold

why even bother picking up shit from the ground now
Vampire survivor league when?
Why login to the game at all
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Not sure where from though
chris isn't in charge anymore lil bro
>perfect agony pconc of bouncing
will it be viable or does it lose to much by not having new weapon enchants?
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you were picking shit up from the ground before?
It’s one of the best starters for bossing dude
the items and crafting options you get from gold are limited in power/scope. you think you're going to aquire mirror-worthy stuff using only gold? in part sure but not 100%. I don't see how gold is a good enough reason to hide chaos, div cards, div orbs, etc. from your loot filter in the slightest.
no but they said explicitly that you get good bases for endgame crafting
I miss when Kirac's Vault passes had a bunch of unique effects instead of just an armor set
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haven't you learned by now what niGGGer says and what comes to pass are two different things? whenever they show good items or outcomes in their trailers you can bet your ass 90% you aren't' getting them
me too but there's nothing 'chad' about it. shit's fun sometimes (RF is more fun tho lul)
Meleebros where the FUCK are we at
>75% more damage
>20% more damage with quality
I think I played this shit league to leaguestart for next league. Oh god.
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I think GGG realized you aren't going to sell a lot of kirac's fuck passes when the rewards are skins for items 99% of people won't get or use like headhunter or rumi's concoction, but people will always use armor
>Perfect Agony
>100% crit chance with just shadow/claw crit nodes, a claw with no crit roll and a 0% quality Ungil's Harmony

Let's fucking gooooooooooooooo
they will never be based enough, as they are ledditcucks. stay gay though
>build up rage
>boss enters first of 4 invulnerability phases
>lose all rage in 5 seconds
>build up rage irl
corn is shit where my fellow wheat bros @
Just because you played suboptimally, doesn’t mean the changes are a buff for Boneshatter.
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why did they call him "da nig"
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imagine playing melee
>ingesting the western germ
Good Gweilo
does this mean chieftain is back?

this is a PURE melee league fuck yea
Man I wanted to play TR PF but now I don't know
I guess I'll still league start it then switch to CI Trickster Flicker later
PF got hit hard with the taste, watchers and take as nerfs
>Increase skill gem stats
>vaals pact is back to its former glory
>leech nodes buffed
a way bigger change is vaal pact with mahuxotl. it disables the health regen from potions so that combination is totally unusable on PF now.
Double strike or glacial hammer slayer. New bleed stuff might be fun, but lacking with hammer is also fun. But hatred sucks now. Perhaps the gog will guide me
>But hatred sucks now
Are you sure? You're going to get more weapon scaling, so getting a % of your physical damage might be a quite significant increase.
Kek MF got nerfed to the god damn ground , no quantity
So how much does melee gotta invest to reach 10m damage with this patch? It's still easy day 2-3 on casters and miners
scarabs got another rework
why would you want to play slayer with 100% instant leech?
I'm thinking of picking up the game as a new player. Can I play the game for the story now or should I wait for the new season/patch?
You can play now but you will have to make a new character to play the new league when it comes out.
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>Can I play the game for the story
PoE 'lore' is dogshit anon dont bother
you play for killing monsters thats it
You can complete the story in a week unless you're really obtuse/slow, but don't burn yourself out doing it, new league drops in a week.
Maybe start the game and get a bit familiar with the basic systems at least, but don't nolife it.
So I have to wait, thanks.
I will play my first time as I did Diablo. Going through the story at my own pace.
I like your cats
Is Snipe a fun gem? Is it better to use on its own or as a support?
Yeah we'll see, I'll let the nerds test it for me.
whats the over/under on tyty being trans
As a support, it's a niche but strong meme for ignite or bleed builds. You gotta stand around and draw the bow for a few seconds and then not miss, but it gives a big multiplier.
It's not used that much on its own.
GH raider was already pretty fun. gonna try it on not-raider (and be fucking slow as piss without all that free speed. gayass game)
>he failed to have sex with a woman
>he hailed to have sex with a tranny
>he became a tranny
The speed runner to tranny pipeline is real.
>So I have to wait, thanks.
I'd recommend starting a new character in standard league and just playing a little bit, without committing yourself to finishing anything. it'll make leaguestart slightly less overwhelming and give you an idea of whether you want to go in completely blind or look up a build guide.
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*grabs /poeg/ by the throat*

You WILL play Anno of Exile 1602
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Does it mean I can't leaguestart late?
>run 2 maps
>send my boats out
>come back 8 hours later and I've made half the currency the streamcucky has playing 24/7
wait a week for the new league to drop and play it with the crowd
you can absolutely play it for the story, that's how I play it chum
I play the campaign slow paced, and abandon at maps (when you finish the story)
I also spend a lot of time in Delve and Heist, make sure to do those bits when you have the resources to do it, save those names for later.
with what gold, retard? you aren't gonna AFK your way to a mageblood
Im gonna RMT so fucking hard lads
Is gold tradeable?
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>I play the campaign slow paced, and abandon at maps
What the fuck.
My slaves ingame and IRL (chinese botters) will lower the price for me.
No. You cannot earn gold unless you map.
>but i'm a bossing sissy!
Too bad bitch.
always found it weird that Oriath is just a tiny island
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What do I play in till the 26th?
>some random backlog game
>witcher 3 for the 20th time
Your workers need to be paid in gold and do not earn gold by themselves.
will you actually finish random backlog game
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supporter packs are kinda ehh
the previous ones are cool
the onions guy
give me one reason not to start power siphon locust mines now with the buffs?
nah i doubt it tbqh
>im gonna le afk in hideout and make 999999 divines :)
sorry /poeg/ but you need to actually play the game to participate in this league
then might as well play TFD while its active I guess
its pretty nuts that pohx has built a legitimate career (115k subs on youtube and decent twitch viewership) out of playing one skill in one game
go away pohx you are a retard that did 3k life rf in 2020
here is the thing I never really played boneshitter with totems or the totem nodes anyway so its a buff for ME! get this through your thick skull.
25 mana seems really high for a melee skill
I would actually like some changes to see the atlas runners be worthy
Like, expand the pool of tags that you can't absolutely run with your current build, like " enemies have immunity to Physical" and "enemies have immunity to spell damage", and a couple more
So you can actually make sense of autorunning maps, that would be a cool rework towards ssf, instead of "lol I'll just trade or brick this thing I can't run"
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Reminder that /poeg/ "Our guy" ProjectPT was a leech living off his wife. The moment his wife divorced him he was without money on a country that he doesnt know the language of (despite living there for several years, he did not make a proper attempt at integrating). He spent most of his time at the computer, without even having the decency to put a stream on hold and eat at the table with his devoted wife that constantly delivered him tendies.
Dont be like PT, one day your mommywife will have enough and kick you out of her life.
Now what role model does /poeg/ have? how long until he reveals himself as a fraud.
who and idgaf also kys
Did they mean the affliction spectre corpses come from Blight or did they just mention random stuff in a random order?
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QRD on sirgog? he shall fall soon enough too
its over.
underage detected
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Did the devs say anything about people who start the league 1-2 months later? Will they be able to maximize their city?
>m-muh streamer drama haha
highschool bullshit grow the fuck up

now back to poe
???? he was literally a teacher and quit his job to become a full-time streamer, even though he himself said like a month beforehand that becoming a streamer was dumb as hell because of job security. yeah well doesn't help when you quit a dead game (poe) for an even deader game (WoW).
they said you can start building it whenever, there are no time gates in building/upgrading stuff
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>grow the fuck up

>now back to poe
Didn't Chris say they buffed melee skills by 75% but if you cast both totems its like 1.2x1.2 (if you skip any passives). So it's like 25% more damage and 20% with the quality change. I guess that's significant, i've changed my opinion as i type this
I have played PoE for 11 years and I have never heard of this guy. Sorry not everyone watches shitty e-celebs
I don't understand how melee can reach high numbers still? Double damage for melee still means you're gonna struggle to reach 5-10m without decent investments
he wasnt a teacher, he was a tutor
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>Melee league
Did they even fix this?
So how do you mitigate phys damage now? Everything is gutted.
this is the truth
anon totems are DEAD they dont exist anymore
also you get 10% from blood sand buff
another 10% from weapon quality
I don't know anon, did you git gud?
I hate this nigger like you wouldnt believe. His whole shtick is being obnoxious and annoying as possible.
either way he was a hypocrite that got what he deserved in the end.
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he was big here, disliked by reddit and GGG because he didnt softball them on the only podcast he was in. (replaced by yes-men235)
what a dumb fucking word
The point is melee lost damage from the totems being removed but then they buffed melee to compensate. My assumption was the melee buffs were equal to the totem loss but if you math it out it's still broadly a buff to melee
Is Acrobatics good? Seems trash considering you still get a 25% chance of takin full damage and that's only when you're capped
Kripparian still playing?
>not gonna tell sister so shes surprised when her plan fails :^)
Why does Mathil look like he has hated playing this game for years but can't stop it because his only relevancy is through this game because nobody wants to watch him outside poe content
how bad is wander ST dmg?
i wanna play ele wander with new ascendancy
It's like second spell block, I think that's pretty great. You just have to have other layers to make up for SS not being SS.
No, I didn't...
anons which 30€ or 60€ pack do I get?
Fix what? The players brain?
No, you faggot. ST is Spectral Throw. You mean single target but are too much of a lazy fucking faggot to type it out. Don't use acronyms if there is ambiguity or if noone knows what your autistic retard brain is thinking.
Accept it mazie, Poop 1 will die next week, it will all be PoE2, 3.26 will probably introduced rollslop.
60, best bang for your buck
how come you understood it then?
>theres nothing gay about letting the tranny hooker top you
>shes a woman who simply happens to have a penis
Because I am an exceptional retard wrangler.
Trying to do napkin math in PoE isn't going to get you anywhere. Even with PoB to do the math people still fuck it up all the time because different skills apply damage in different ways. All we can really say is that melee has bigger weapons, bigger damage ratios, and lower attack speed.
or maybe because you can't use spectral throw with a wand?
totems never have full up time especially while mapping or in fights where the mobs moves all over the place. yeah its 1,2*1,2 but in practice its only up 50% of the time.
locus clunky

Firstly, getting 150% spell suppression isn't anywhere near easy. And secondly it's far better to take 50% less damage all the time than to take 100% less damage some of the time. Smoothing out the curve of your damage taken is far more important than big spikes of taking no damage.

I guess it's a different story if you already have 25k ES/Life, but you won't.
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how the hell is it clunky with automation? it has great clear and single target
seem like someone nerve got hit
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>molten strike
>projectiles return enchant
>perfect agony
>pneumatic dagger with dagger crits poison node
find a flaw. you can't
>Watch a portion of one reaction to the league reveal
>Really obnoxious overreaction and then talking over the top of the details
>Close video
Why would anyone watch this shit? I guess autistics can't tell when a reaction is overexaggerated and cringy as hell, but that's not much of an excuse for having no taste.
he explained in a video years ago that he literally plays poe for the money to have a roof over his head.
not even in PoE2 did they fix this
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My brother, why do you think people stream. They get paid to stream, my guy. My dude, they stream in order to make money. The reason why streamers play anything is so they get paid and make money, my person.
>not a clip compilation
why bother
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>My brother, why do you think people stream. They get paid to stream, my guy. My dude, they stream in order to make money. The reason why streamers play anything is so they get paid and make money, my person.
I'm sorry, but the new bases are just bait, they will just work for pure INT/DEX/STR builds, if your build its somewhat in the middle you won't have the necessary attributes to use.
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>these fucking patch notes
spells are slightly worse to level with
phys taken as ele/chaos is much rarer
totem buffs are kill
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what starter is he playing?
most people who stream do it as a hobby if they aren't delusional, and some people like mike matei who don't have to work another day in their life already do it to pass the time. streaming is a pretty competitive and oversaturated market my friend.
divine blessing finally removed
>They get paid to stream
yeah, but not a lot
People actually living off of streaming is very small
One +30 passive is a price im ready to pay to get 50% more defense
cant wait to play factorio in poe surely it's up to you where to build and it's not a premade place for everything
None. He is busy making my happy meal at McDonalds
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i don't think so
His bait EoW trapper.
please tell me this is fake.
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how long until he's homeless? he's too repulsive as a person to have friends that'll let him couch-surf.
>Original text: Retired Dota 2 player Jacky "EternaLEnVy" Mao revealed he's done with trading. He has been involved into this for more than a year,, and now feels disappointed "routinely losing $50k on one trade." The ex-pro shared this on X.
meh its from some dota 2 player :(
you will play strike skills and you gonna like it
what melee build are you niggas starting with? I'm going retaliate glad
play the skill before you post
it's not clunky at all
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I have a feeling that as a Black Desert and Arknights enjoyer this league will be good for me.
I was thinking that, and it'll probably be decent with that ring and yoke. Using mauls on that side of the tree is just lame
What's the best ailment to try and minmax as a bow user? Puncture and bleed seems like the best right? And i I get my crit rate high I can push the DoT even further with Perfect Agony
rmt is gonna go through the roof

ima buy so much currency this league holy
Unironic Ngahamu cyclone rage vortex starter?
>4-link cyclone for clearing trash
>throw a vortex with a billion %more damage on rares and bosses
>lgoh balls sustain you
Bots will be eating good this league.
you are not only running aqueducts for gold, but also farming afk maps with workers and ships and shit
Ship MTX?
Poison bow builds already exist.
There are also burning arrow of vigour ignite builds.
There's no 1 best ailment really.
>6th mapdevice slot
they really think 10 bosses maven is something that most people do?
>tfw never even unlocked the 5th and they'll nerf scarabs/drops to compensate for 6 slots
Niggas how do you get damage as melee?? The buffs still make them feel inferior to top tier skills
Can't you only get gold from actually playing the game? Surely the devs aren't stupid enough to let you be able to get gold from the idle stuff too
say I manage to get maxblock/spellblock and this.
how do I calculate an effective block rate.
i have negative brain power
Bots are good enough to run white maps and acts. AFK activity is simply an extra bonus for what they are already doing.
gib pob pls
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They fucking nerfed life on the tree!?!?
Will poison SRS still be good this league? I want to try minions for a change.
yes because they buffed tiers on gear
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>perforate of bloodshed
>perfect agony
>rupture support
>all the crit bleed nodes
i know what i'm playing
>80% increased life
So... When is Zana coming back? She is not in PoE 2... Where is my waifu?
your block chance will effectively be 93.75% with 75% block chance
or 99% with 90% block chance
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but do you know what you'll be playing when you have to reroll those shit builds?
perforate of bloodshed was buffed by almost 3 times. it will be good no matter what
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thanks friendo
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So, GGG just killed solo mf and let party mf untouched? You lost ~80IIQ from your gear, but got 100IIQ from chisels.
And I bet those currency/div chisels ones will be so expensive they would only make sense if you're MFing in a 6-party.
this doesnt seem right my friend
how so
While what you're saying is retarded, it would only be fair if that was the case. For the past few leagues, solo play has been more profitable than party play.
nah you are right I am just a retard
I'm glad Chris is gone and banned to his cuck shed. He fucked the game up almost beyond saving. Don't even want to imagine what would have happened if he shat out another ruthless league.
There was no need to use the r-word, apologize
The D day of ARPGs
>PoE maitened his crown as the king of ARPGs
>Main Grim Dawn dev behind the game just left the company according discord trannies
>Torchlight Infinite is already hitting new record low numbers after 1 week after league
>Last Epoch servers shitted themselves for no reason
>D4 tried to appeal to safe horny audience and failed
It's so fucking over godammnit, how can PoE win by making a mobile league and nerfing melee and gaslightning the community that is a buff?
>You can finally fucking trade currency without waiting 30 minutes for a chinese bot to respond
At long last...
>>D4 tried to appeal to safe horny audience and failed
But bro I can pay 60 usd for the game I should have gotten on launch bro
I finally will be able to empty my stash tabs after running simulacrum which drops a tons of random shit
160% life on this build i'm cooking. i might actually convince myself to league start this turd
0 melee pobs posted
What happened to that melee shitlling? You claim its good but cant link a single build?
pob isn't updated yet
I did play it. Enjoy your build
>make build
>10C items are now 10D
no thanks go make your own
can someone explain to brainlet if new vaal pact is good for slayer using overleech passive?
champion bros... the bitch nigger fucked us again now we dont get the thingy durning that buff i forgot its name
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nuglad has 97% block for no investment. you literally cannot die with +50 life on block from somewhere. couple it with aegis and you can stack 10k ES and 10k life.
Funny d4 has a 60 USD new class
PoE gets an expansions worth of content in a god damn patch
>30000 - BasedBooru.png
Wait how the fuck do you get a decent phys Max hit on CI after all these changes?
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ssfbros what are wee playing
How was he a hypocrite?
If you're trickster or another build that goes hard on ES, you're going to have a good time with the new chest bases giving gigantic amounts of eva/ES. Raw life/ES are really good stats for max hit.
If you're some build that just barely gets by, it'll be painful.
I think petrified blood will get more popular, it's already much stronger than armour in some scenarios.
the same build we play every league, LA deadeye
>rolls 1 in 3 to not block on a huge hit
ea balista elementalist
Retarded take. Would you pay money for Sentinel or Necropolis?
admission that hes a super mid wit lmao
>D4 tried to appeal to safe horny
Post horny d4
>dots you
Nathan persaneul.
Goalpost moving wow great stuff anon
Earthquake bleed gladiator
We literally got a new class in Warden in next patch
Your post is pretty dishonest to begin with. You left out that they are adding another area, balance changes, new skills to existing classes, new items and what ever else, which I'm pretty sure you'd attest to PoE, but not D4. The upcoming boat league is the first league that can be considered an expansion worthy addition to the game in fucking years. Something we had on a yearly basis back then before they fucked up. And the only conclusion I can draw from your post is that you are a pathetic worm who needs validation. So fuck off.

finna league starting ice nova of frostbolts? its unchanged
Thinking about witch but petrified blood is a good idea.
20 from spell mastery
20 from rainbowstride
10 from body implicit
13 from blue dream at marauder
10 from amulet anoint
1 reckless defense
no its bad because instant leech can't be "stored".
slayer is the niche for non-instant leech.
Chat, is it true?
That shit was so sleepy this league idk if I can be fucked doing it again
>Fixed a bug where some vendor recipes could un-Fracture Fractured Items.
Which ascendancy for cyclone?
Someone have the /poeg/ thread when the live stream started? Please
New stuff seems interesting, but at the same time I hope it's not fucking annoying having to upkeep all this shit everyday. It feels sort of mobile gamey/mmoish in a not so good way, but if they can make it fun to engage with then it won't be so bad.
Just go back two threads you lazy fuck
No! Post a Link
>I hope it's not fucking annoying having to upkeep all this shit everyday
So far, GGG has been pretty considerate in letting us simply skip league mechanics or parts of them.
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Dude, how will this league mechanic help me to blast monsters? After the first week, it will stop being fun.
>connect my twitch to my poe account
>forget to afk on the twitch page when I went to work
>no pirate themed mtx for me
why even live...
>how will this league mechanic help me to blast monsters?
The inmap ore encounters.
it looks like you can control how much you have to engage with it. e.g. don't upgrade workers "job time" if you want to have to check back less frequently, send the boats on longer voyages etc.
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warden elemental venom gyre
>FREE 100% shock
>FREE 2 second MINIMUM freezes
>no scorch but fuck that we dont need that
enter 2 Tamings
>50 shocks x 40% = 2000% INCREASED ELEMENTAL DAMAGE
can drop the avatar node for super barkskin for survivability

Will this be the best league in a very long time or am I coping?
There's 0% chance the taming interaction works like that for more than a day, if it even makes it to launch
>After the first week, it will stop being fun.
yes it's an arpg ;^)

Instant leech
Effects that cause some or all of leech to be instant will still be capped by maximum recovery per leech. For partial instant leech, the duration of non-instant leech will be equal relative to its remain duration after instant leech.

For example, using life leech with the 10% of Leech is Instant mod and no other modifiers to maximum leech, a single hit that leeches life for the maximum amount will recover 1% of your life instantly and the remaining 9% over 90% of the leech duration (4.5 seconds by default).

Instant leech is not affected by modifiers to (leech) recovery rate, since its rate is instant.
The really confusing part of this announcement is how much it takes from POE2, wasn't the whole point of them announcing the games would stay seperate that they would have their own mechanics. For some fucking reason BFR is trying to turn POE1 into POE2 still. Also why is Jonathan talking in this interview he isn't working on POE1.

Did they go back on their "vision" nonsense again?
It will be exciting to begin then you will slowly realize there isnt anything to actually do in the league mechanic besides kill a small pack of mobs and spam open maps until you find the rare ore
The merge is coming.
People asked the same question about Necropolis 4 months ago. Wait until it comes out to know.
boring as hell two button build
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im having the urge to buy a supp pack ... i promised myself i wont buy one ever again.. mtxs are fucking useless if not straight up annoying... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH HELP ME
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>tfw ggg killed tft with one simple trick
>no pirate themed pack
missed opportunity. fuck these cucks and their Cthulhu shit all the time.
Send me your money, I will keep it safe for you.
I just hope the rewards never become good enough that I think "damn I need to login today so I can send my workers out, I'm not being efficient enough" hate when games start to control you like that
Maybe the pirate theme will be the challenge rewards? Have they revealed them yet?
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separate is just an acknowledgement that everything is going to need to be balanced. there will be loads of poe2 mechancis that have poe1 equivalents. see pic, the left masters are carried over from poe1.
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did lightning arrow deadeye get buffed?
Thats all on you, you realize that right?
Elemental Hit of the Spectrum
>10% more damage PER elemental ailment
>50x shock stack
hateforge with investment on tree gives 76% reduced rage cost of vaal skills, what attack skill are you using with the 0 second lockout enchant?
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here bro, message the ggg support through email, tell them you linked and unlinked and watched but the reward is not on your account, they will give it to you manually
send them a screenshot of my twitch inventory and say its yours
>all that gay shit
fuck that
I will still use tft to send an entire essense/scarab/divination tab.
With the endurance charge changes how overpowered will jugg be?
You will beta test features for my game, Poo1 chuddie.
the great confluence approaches
where beast tab?
Is it a good time to come back to the game now that is getting remade basically?
or Baldo and Mark will fuck up again
>it's all on you that developers make decisions based on human psychology to incentivize you to spend as much of your time and money on the game as humanly possible
Sure at the end of the day, it's all up to your decision, but it doesn't make the decisions any less scummy. But when you have a timed league and now you have many different timers to keep track of and constantly have upkeep on, not being able to ignore that just seems awful. If the rewards are too great, then you've just turned the game into some daily login mobage psychological shit.
I'm pretty sure they want players to log on, collect all the loot from finished jobs, play the game for the amount of time they planned, set up jobs using all the resources and gold they found, then log off. repeat.

I don't think you'd want to leave gold/ore unspent and log in just to queue more jobs, you're meant to clear out the stock in a way that the rewards will all be finished by next time.

for example from what I understand you can 100% not go to the town at all until you finish the campaign and it'll be fine.
play for a few hours to brush up and then wait for the league drop.
> but it doesn't make the decisions any less scummy
thats never going away, you need to understand this. nothing is putting that genie back in the bottle. You and I can bitch all we want, but the best course of action is to learn how to make it so that kind of bullshit has no effect on you.
What's the verdict? Is poe good now?
Do you know what else has great rewards? Mapping. Each second you spend here on poeg, eating, jerking off, doing anything aside playing the game you are losing mapping rewards. How scummy from GGG's part isnt it?
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they don't stack.
>now you have many different timers to keep track of and constantly have upkeep on
everything is gated behind collecting resources by doing encounters in zones, so I don't get the feeling it'll be like this.
I can see people with OCD struggling not to stop mapping when they get a "job complete!" notification though.
give it to me straight. lacerate bleed glad?
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They removed this whole node cluster
Should I still play TR PF Totem Ballista on league starter or should I go self cast?
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what's the best bow starter now?
the most important thing is to NEVER make that decision for yourself. better to ask us, the experts, for guidance.
what am i supposed to league start and end while geting 40/40 bros? nigga fuck reroling and redoing the campaign
anon pls
Is there a big difference between now and before? I notice the bow skills got the same treatment of
>flat damage removed
>% of base damage increased
I'm trying to visualize how this effects early acts; I suspect getting flat damage on gear and upgrading your weapon constantly will be more important if you're playing something like lightning arrow for instance
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>RMT legacy kaom's heart a while back
>even though I quit 4 years ago I happen to see that Kaom's is coming back to how it was (1k health)
1. Fuck me that's funny how I managed to RMT it for some $. And 2. how the item still fucking sucks ass.
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dumb fat WARDEN
Added new block passives
Added drops to ultimatum encounters
Did not nerf an immutable force builds
AIIIIIEEEE I'm gonna AFK farm again, but this time with extra drops
I am setting up bots that will instantly scalp every deal that people try to make with weird currencies
they just changed where that +1 ballista cluster is, and it's actually closer to where you'd be pathing anyway. so it's just less points to get +1, which is all that matters anyway.
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Perforate of duality + that new swords fall from the sky retaliation build. Think about it.
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No one is talking about the best part of this patch. With the new weapon runes and the quality buff, meleegods will no longer need to use tranny unique weapons like Voidforge or Rakiata's, and can instead use high pdps Rare weapons like Innocence intended.
>here's some melee buffs
>also all the new bosses are ranged only, if you go close to them you will die from unblockable damage
will "more attack damage" work with bleed? from what I could gather precise technique doesnt work with bleed damage so my guess is the new more damage on rage wont either. am I correct on this one?
Is conversion of damage takne to chaos dead?
anyone got the kalgur music?
>Glacial Hammer Slayer
>oneshot ubers with your 622% effectiveness guaranteed crits
>invulnerable in normal maps due to your 10 END charges
>make necropolis
>overly complicated league
>make settlers of kalguur
>more streamlined and focuses on fun

Chris won
So bleedbow is dead now? If you go gladiator only 6 of your 8 ascendency points are usable with bows.
>bow cuck
imagine being a diablo dev watching settlers announcement
i've never used tft for anything this auction house introduces. Mostly for bulk buying sets of influenced maps, or selling logbooks, or selling essences. I'll probably sell essences with the auction house if it's not too much of a hassle to list them individually, but for bulk influenced maps for example, tft (or maybe wealthyexile) will still be the option.
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Yap, probably league start this, and try out warden as well after day 4
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Okay I see!
But what about the life of the totem? Without those nodes before the +1 the totems have 1.500 hp instead of 3.000..
I haven't played this build before and I'm worried that I may just summon them and get them insta killed
That's pretty hilarious, didn't catch that
Does anyone else feel like some major changes simply won't actually make it in?
Particularly stuff like the new endurance charges, The Taming+Oath of Spring interaction.
you play it as slayer now with haemophilia
Slayer certainly looks a lot better. Shame that Champion had to get killed for it.
Still probably going to league start either DW glad or axe+shield bleed glad
You got new passives and new icons that represent a new class. But ggg did nothing visually to the graphics, animations, or outfits. And they didn't make new skills.
Actually not a single new interesting skill this league and they just shoved more poe2 gobbledygook into a game it doesn't fit into si they could beta test gold and retaliation skills
This game is a bloated fucking mess
melee buffed: the league

fuck yea
This ui is shit
>Shame that Champion had to get killed for it.
It's the age of the caster champion with adrenaline, 25% reduced damage taken (between 15% fort and 10% from Conqueror), and aura effect.
You slap on endurance charges and you're taking very little damage from any hit and aren't totally weak to dots either.
you complain about them not adding new shit and then call it a bloated mess
Because caster defenses got nerfed so much? lol maybe
I'll be honest this league looks like the most unfun shit yet
>gold drops in 2diggits at best and some shit costs tens of thousands of gold
>a full respec looks like it will cost hundreds of thousands of gold, no free respect at act 10
>everything on the league is timegated with shit taking hours to finish (the rewards "look" promising but thats the same shit as getting 60 orbs of augment back in trials)
>permanently dying crew has to be removed
>on top of gold you also need those resources and from what I've seen theres nothing on them to boost drops
This is more of a "enjoy the changes" rather than "enjoy the league" update
Did slayer get any changes? Or is it just the best looking with all the melee changes?
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what fire spell to put in the Fire mjolnir craft?
it doesn't get the zero mana cost when triggered, so Im thinking its hot garbo anyway
>determined survivor
is this straight up 50% block chance?
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honestly, can someone, without memes, explain to me why are people getting so retarded and make retarded expressions?
it's so fucking rage inducing i cuss them out loud whenever it pops up
I think i am going ascendant with slayer for culling and refllet immunity and deadeye for free frenzy charges. With haemophilia of course.
is jugg now viable
Mechanical bloat, and skill tree bloat. The new additions won't be used because they make no sense in poe1 and are only being thrown in here for poe2 testing. Don't be a disnegenuous fuckwad. Things like mana burn, all these shifty new clusters on the tree no one will use, breaking rage up and putting even more nodes o. The tree just to get back to baseline. Adding a whole slew of new base types that are visually identical to shit that's been in the game for 10 yrs. That's bloat you fucking nigger. Try to reason how it's not and make a non retarded post this time
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calm down autist
youtube algorithm favors that kind of clown shit. they unironically get more clicks if they open their mouth in their thumbnails and shit like that.
It just looks perfect for some kind of pain attunement petrified blood build. Might also be ok with multihit slams with the impale node instead of the banner node or something.

It means any shield you put on gives you 50%, no matter what the number on the shield says. You can raise it further with chest implicit, stuff on the tree, Rumi's etc.
it's not just gems, it's weapons too. they added dozens of new endgame bases, the weapons of which are going to have higher base damage than currently existing bases, and quality up to 60% which now works as a more multiplier
>Added a new Thrill of Battle cluster to the east of the Ranger's starting location. Thrill of Battle causes you to Gain 2 Mana per Enemy Hit with Attacks, and provides 15% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks.
wew what a leveling wheel
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loud and retarded face = funny
Now I'm sad that I can only play in October
Normalfags click on thumbnails with faces on them and even more so for basedfaces.
i love traps and these sound good,wiki says the gloves drop from ritual? how rare are these?
glad + new versatile combatant + determined survivor + lucky block seems like a low investment for what it gives.
my nigga faustus just replaced the bitch at my stash
so they shouldn't add new things. or they should. i'm getting mixed signals
Nigger faggot bitch
They should add things only i personally aprove :)
>doomkeks are seething because they PAID for d4 and then saw the new league in a free to play game
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>ctrl+f: dd
>0 results
wtf dd survived?
Melee Jugg

We are back
But which melee skill?
check desecrate changes
try ctrl+f: corpse
there were some changes to desecrate and corpses but idk what that means because i dont play dd
All of em
what options are there? they were designed to be melee totems that scaled off your weapon and gave you buffs. most people only used them for buffs. they could have just removed the buffs but they specifically said they wanted melee to be an active playstyle instead of a "set and forget" totem style, and divorcing them from your weapon damage would have just made them shockwave totem mtx essentially.
Yeah. Then you get a shield with life gain on block and you're invincible to mass weak attacks.
dual strike of ambidexterity (with currency)
sunder or complex boneshitterino (league starter)
it means that monster corpse life went down the shitter so DD's damage did too
Somebody answer please, I'll like the step from hc to trade league but If it's from hc to standard I'll fuck off

trailer musicc
you motherfuckers will hate anything wont you
anyone who has played/plays wow know how easy to just monopolize any item in the Auction house. TFT already has plans to bot divines and mirrors. well, it was a nice dream at least.
i love it
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>i love traps
same, what's your favorite trap build?
Havent played since 3.19 and even then i tried to get into crafting and stuff..... any pointers?
Was playing some Epoch with controller and it was a nice change of pace. How is controller support in this game?
DD basically got a 60% less damage nerf in most cases.
League honestly sounds pretty good the melee changes seem significant
>Varga monopolizes Essence market and lists all essences for 10x the price
>you list your own for 9.5x the price and make fat stacks
Are essences going to be even cheaper now? The main problem was always the hassle of buying/selling them, but if you can just throw them into the currency trader then everyone is going to be doing it
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If you die in HC your character is moved to standard.
If you can ctrl click him to instantly bring up the sell vendor window, maybe. lily is the only one who does that now though with tane gone, unless you paypiggied for cadiro.
Who can say, maybe them being easier to trade will also make people get more ambitious with crafts, in turn creating even more demand.
varga buys all of them in the end, and charge 20x. After strangling the market. have fun with the league
I think you're underestimating how much the market will be flooded with essences, aren't they always the normies' go-to week-one farming strat
any melee skill effects on sale atm?
thats not how economy works
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>clean it up TFT jannies
it works just like that in any game with an auction house. i dont see how it'll differ in POE with all the bots.
You're confusing increased and decreased cooldown recovery i think, they're not very good. These will make your cooldowns longer afaik

Only just understood how this node works, actually really cool. There's probably some meme shields you can use that have low block chance but good other effects
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Should i
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uh oh guys
frankly I don't care because I've never once bought commodities or crafting mats in my life, only sold them for chaos or divs and used those to buy my gear, and this new system is going to be loads better for that than the pricefixers of old.

the only thing I might miss out on is being able to arbitrage the currency bots for profit when they fuck up their exchange rates.
i bit the bullet and grabbed it a few months back
i like the hideout
Hmm i mean its gone in aweek
But the new town is gonna be the mainhub right?
not my problem
who gives a shit lmao
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works on my machine
"only" for pcs that use crowdstrike falcon, and supposedly not even all of them had problems. Don't know how this is relevant to poe
i’m hyping myself for this rupture/perfect agony/crit bleed build. we are so fucking back
don't care, i hope billions of dollars are wasted
At least they didn't make it core. Economy is going to be very dumb this league, but that means opportunity. I predict a lot more variability in item prices.
works perfectly except you have to log out to switch between controller and mkb
unironically based I do this all the time. I pay taxes I don't give a fuck.
The new Glad nodes are neat, War of Attrition is my perfect node because its for shitters and Determined Survivor should have some nice applications. Weapon master seems strong but you kind of feel railed into Varunustra (also they forgot staff)
ill still be hanging out in my hideout like 70% of the time.
that aside i think its a nice bonus for the already pretty cool solar knight set
its poe 1.5, theyre testing the waters with stuff for poe2 in this league
just buff melee reach baseline by a little
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they didn't nerf this did they
Weapon master is for dual wielding since the bonuses you get from each weapon is global, you can not dual wield staffs.
Yeah i was about to say
With all the melee buffs, solar knight looks pretty rad now
Fuck it 100 bucks whatever
Can you at least use MKB in towns to manage inventory or do you actually have to relog to do that?
They did, now it only lasts 60 seconds
If heatshiver never got nerfed I'd be all over glacial hammer varunastra gladiator right now but honestly, it kind of feels like everything just evens out between the nerfs and the buffs and a lot of these melee skills are going to feel pretty much the same as they were
Not necessarily. Dual welding was buffed and you may not need all the features of that node. And you may not want to play a sword.
>The Packed with Energy Notable Atlas Passive Skill now causes you to gain Sulphite Intoxication for each Voltaxic Sulphite Vein or Chest found when you interact with these in your Maps. Each stack of Sulphite Intoxication grants 35% increased Damage, 15% increased Movement Speed and +1% to all maximum Elemental Resistances. Sulphite Intoxication lasts 60 seconds.

>3h video of ziz
wtf that's so fucking gay
Asymmetrical dual wield always looked bad to me because you miss out on weapon specific passives
Slayer brought back no leech cap? Because that's why original vaal pact was op because you could full heal your life bar multiple times a second.
I keep thinking about a zerker that cyclones around and throws big rage vortexes at rares/bosses. Autoexert with intimidating cry for double damage vortexes, and rage changes + rage vortex innate description for 100% more damage starting. It seems nuts in my head but i'm sure it'll be shit in PoB.
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>Doryani's Fist buffed to fuck
>Facebreakers untouched
new basado
Go away
now i wont be the only sucker who bought it thanks anon
Essences is a good example because no one wanted to sell those fucking things on the trade site replies are being dumb half the people that farmed essences probably never wanted to go on the damn discord
>use AI for your antivirus
>AI thinks your PC is racist because white people made it
>deletes system 32
Lmao, no problem.
>The fourth vow
>Divine flesh (+5 max chaos res)
>Saffel's frame (+4 max all res)
>New penitent mask (+4 max chaos res)
>88% chaos res
Any way to deal with the crushed debuff from the helmet?
so does the currency exchange kinda work like the osrs GE?
it's hilarious how slayer always has anti-synergy with everything supposedly related to his archetype
just get more armor
what is this about even?
game sucks
purchase an ad
>It seems nuts in my head but i'm sure it'll be shit in PoB.
that’s been me all day
>get the essences tab
>set it public and manually price every single different essence because they all sell for different amounts
>now you have people messaging you all day long, often for odd amounts instead of full stacks
>prices constantly change depending on market and time of day
>can't right-click them when you want to craft something without privating the tab or pulling them into your inventory
god what a hassle, I might actually consider going essences now even if they are a bit cheaper, the sheer amount of time and grief saved by not needing to sell them manually will make up for it
I'm pretty sure it's just like the steam marketplace
so is lacerate THE melee skill to go?
very based
>>Torchlight Infinite is already hitting new record low numbers after 1 week after league
I can't imagine they intend to keep people around forever. Its feels like its made to be a very quick ARPG you play for a few days each league.
cleave of rage time?
Would the jewels have max chaos res rolls I wonder
No fourth vow, take lightning coil, and play jugg.
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will lightning arrow or detonate dead be the better league starter?
they made efforts to increase its single target damage against beefier enemies with the 100% more glad node and aggravate, but removed a lot of sources of bleed damage on gems, the tree, and weapon mods, so who knows how its top end will play out.
How do you reliably generate your END charges on slayer?
it’s one niche was given to every single melee build, and berserk was nerfed. there’s zero reason to ever play that skill
did I just watch a male testosterone booster supplement advertisement?
Nice looking water!
This league has the potential to be decent or good again, after years of austerity.
Gonna be interesting mana demands this league i think, a lot more mana bullshit. Skills have higher mana, call to arms reserves mana, tinctures burn a really high amount of mana (probably unviable)
Enduring cry, inexorable passive, various cluster jewel nodes like uncompromising and the warcry ones.
A build like that might even want ralakesh potentially anyway.
Bro... play cleave.... please....
DD is big cucked this league. LA lost 13-179 flat lightning damage from the gem and will probably hit like a wet noodle until you start filling out your flat ele with a big dick bow and hyrris or whatever else.
no you have to log out every time you want to switch
just life tap everything
I wanted to buy supported pack for a while but Im still waiting for a set that looks cool and grounded without rgb effects vomit, like some simple edgy assassin look would be good
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maybe this is the league i make my own build
This is Blood Magic league. Life affixes buffed, Kaom's buffed, mana costs buffed.
Ok, so what's one AoE melee that was buffed?
I don't want no single target melee like glaciar hammer, that's a noob's trap on this league
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how far we've come
After so many years
>people still trust that bald fraud to come with a good league?
i want to play cyclone but dont want to play slayer
am i fucked? Mb I will just cook a sweep glad instead
i was thinking this too. if armour values are buffed enough maybe you can skip determ too and just go eternal blessing damage aura. or lightning coil + endurance charges.
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I don't want to play melee, what's a good starter build for a casual like me that isn't super squishy
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I haven't played the last 2 leagues, any general changes I should know?
Melee is still shit
Mathil is the only streamer Sigma males are watching.
mathil is hot
>post a retarded post that doesn't even say what it is about
Good job retard
>add 400% scaling to my 2bill nuke build to match the changes
>it gets to 3.3bil now
They BUFFED it?!
besides almost the whole game changing? nah not much
well that's the end of that company
rf jugg
>more streamlined
You spend half of your league running between houses clicking on windows and refreshing the map queues for your 10 machines that stop every 5 minutes because the mapper died
Anyone got an estimate on the trickster ES & evasion buffs? The new lich's circlet has 37% increased base ES over a hubris circlet. Not sure if it's max rolled, and that's before quality. Everyone creaming their shorts over the melee changes are forgetting that ephemeral edge trickster is even better.
My BMC melee build went from 500 million damage to 50 million with this patch (after all buffs are included.) Defenses are 1/10th what they were before too. Thanks, BFR!!!!!!!!
Some software patch fucked up a bunch of online services like banks/airlines/etc, PoE servers not affected apparently
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Mathil and cutedog are the only based streamers to watch (also the hottest)
Is there any way to get 30% quality other than from drops? Seems like PoE 2 where they want drops to matter more.
>average hardcuck
>[TW/Garena SC]
so funny XD
Sorry you relied on your totem to do dmg
No I'm not get fucked LMAO
cope with what? he looks like the generic sc player.
This is Ghost Shroud trickster league.
>You lose 10 Rage every 1 second if you have not been Hit or gained Rage in the last 2 seconds (previously 1 Rage every 0.5 seconds)
Even with increased rage gen this will probably be uncomfortable
>have to spend 50 points on tree to get 50 rage
>50 rage gives 50% more attack damage
>Berserk will bring it to ~80%
>he doesn't know pohx was a hardcuck for years
lurk more before posting nufag
perfect fossils still work
>well that's the end of that company
this isn't even the first time they pushed a patch that completely obliterated computers. this year

READ NIGGA. Almost all sources of 30% have been removed by Neon the retard.
Read the patch notes
no :D
based. no one liked the 30% bullshit anyway.
What even is there now?
Well it's a big deal in 3.25.
You got a 6th scarab slot now AND you got the new chisels
Shut the fuck up
i liked the beast recipe for safe corruption, the 30% quality was a bonus
I didn't realize perfect fossils got changed, wtf
20% more stats > 10% additional stats
go for something that doesn't require you to stand in place. caustic arrow is a classic. but you gotta like the dot life. unfortunately you cant really play the real chaos stuff like bane, but if you like the dot life caustic arrow is great. super easy to level. you get a white bow at level 5 and you're done till maps.
other things that dont require you to stand in place is explosive arrow which you slap onto a totem. there's tons of build guides for this one. dunno if it got nuked in the patch or not but i doubt it. for this one though you gotta love the totem life. it's just not for some people. there's a brief period of activation that you need to wait for
and speaking of activation you could do a mine <something>. hexblast? especially good at bosses because you just chuck 16 mines underneath them and then when they stop talking, well.
all of this safety is on you, though. but you can at least duck and weave and do other shit while a balista auto aims for you or a dot ticks down or whatever
>Rewards from League content that granted 30% Quality Equipment now instead grant 20% Quality Equipment.
it's very generally worded.
you literally cant. 20% is the new maximum in the game.
i'll just say no. there might be something in the town, but no. syndicate cant do it anymore. perfect fossils cant do it anymore. tainted blacksmith / armour scraps can't do it anymore.
You can get 21-30% qual gear still but its drop only now
Certainly untrue. There's a line that states non-gem items can drop at 30%
Makes sense. Gonna want to have 30% items on filter.
>Elemental Hit of the Spectrum
>This modifier only applies once per each unique ailment
>max block gladiator with retaliation skills
It's gonna be max comfy.
Shield charge into a pack > take z damage > explode pack.
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Sweep. Staff. 75/75 Block. Berserker.
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>trpf untouched
>ea ballista champ slightly better since access to adrenaline
>hexblast mines untouched

well that didn't really help chose my starter. Guess I'll go champ. Pretty happy divine blessing is dead.
Umm, Champ got gutted thougheverbait, sister?
Don't the totem cluster changes make EA champ a shit choice? I was thinking of trying EA warden, but I'm not sure if totems would proc unbound.
Do we know if the effectivness of damage added scales byond level 20 or is the level 20 value the last one?
All of those >untouched builds got nerfed in defenses pretty hard
what the fuck do scarabs and chisels have to do with them removing sources of putting 30% quality on your gear?
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>wait 5 seconds while 3 or 5 survivors are hitting your ass
That's what I want to know too
it’s fine for ea
>Call to Arms: Has been renamed to Autoexertion. It now reserves 15% Mana per Supported Warcry to cause those Warcries to be repeatedly triggered. Autoexertion Support can now support multiple Warcries, and no longer causes Warcries to share Cooldowns
> Now has "Supported Warcries do not grant Buffs or Charges to you or Allies"
So its just for exerts, seems lame
>15% mana reserv
Born dead
just dual wield Varunastra and enjoy all these bonuses x2
Of course there's a melee buff and the babies are playing bow eternally in the back waiting for their dots to do the dirty work
You VILL press the button.
It currently scales more beyond 20, it just isn't worth it because it used to scale poorly
It always has and I didn't see anything saying otherwise.
it's not like ppl will be using Grace/Deter so...
i don't think that's how it works
nah it's fine because they killed determination.
What should I use instead of Determination now?
Do grace and determination get only flat stats now? no % more?
3 warcries
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they still give % more.
They're buffed thanks to quality changes.
Determination: Now provides "You and nearby Allies gain 90 additional Armour" at gem level 1 (previously 179), scaling up to 1026 at gem level 20 (previously 2051).

Grace: Now provides "You and nearby Allies gain 136 additional Evasion Rating" at gem level 1 (previously 227), scaling up to 1545 at gem level 20 (previously 2575).
>So its just for exerts
Seems like you're supposed to use it with overexertion which could be great if it has the numbers
My fellow LTSC 10 chad, 3 more years
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so is Trickster better than Pathfinder for Poison builds now? since Pathfinder is going to get oneshot by everything now
It doesn't say that the %more line was removed, so it should be okay. 1000 less flat armour/evasion is not a big deal
>Seismic Cry is 4 exerts
>Impact Force Propagator +2 exert
>Measured response +1 exert
>War Bringer
>Exert twice as many attacks
>14 exert Seismic Cry
>420% increased area
has it what gem for example ?
>ea champ
what century this nigga in
I'm actually looking forward to farmville league
>Nu Raider
>Trinity Support bownigger
>(NEW) Rising Tempest (prismatic + violet + opalescent)
>"10% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments per Elemental Ailment you've inflicted Recently"
>(NEW) Legacy of the Wilds (prismatic + crimson + black)
>"Tinctures have 40% increased effect while at or above 10 stacks of Mana Burn"
>equip Brittle blight helm
>60% FREE ele shred
>+6% FREE base crit
>100% FREE increased damage taken
>+400% FREE increased ele damage from tinctures
Completely broken insanely good. All you need is 1 prismatic oil and brittle helm to max all ailments with 1 c. If you don't want brittle you can take the permafreeze point and nothing can ever hit you.
elemental hit of the spectrum deadeye
>Probably last major update to PoE1
>They never finished dubbing the unga bunga
Lame I wanted to know what he thought about killing gods and stuff
bro your 1000% damage rings?
>The Unstoppable Hero Ascendancy Passive Skill has swapped positions with Fortitude. Unstoppable Hero no longer grants 20% increased Attack Speed while Fortified, +500 to Armour and Evasion Rating while Fortified, or "Cannot be Stunned while Fortified". Instead, it now provides "Nearby Allies count as having Fortification equal to yours".
Might be the single worst ascend node in the game now and you need it for the now nerfed perma fortify
any reason to update from version 1809?
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is this better than lightning arrow deadeye?
>All you need is 1 prismatic oil
inb4 rare drop from blight-ravaged maps and sells for 10divs
>ebin SUPER DAMAGE build
>"""All you need is this specific set of late game unique!!!!""
kill yourselves
are we back
Taming will be fixed but this...
>>"10% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments per Elemental Ailment you've inflicted Recently"
...is gonna live 100%.
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What to play over the next week before the new league?
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rf chief into whatever melee seems fun once you guys have tested them out for me :)
v rising
wtf is that thumbnail
ER DLC if done do gooning
get your seven days out of last epoch
>2 buttons
If you need more then 2 your build is shit
im playing modded minecraft
You have to hit with the Siege Axe to trigger the spell. He's a retard.
I know this is melee league, but I must know.
What are all my spell chads league starting this league?
get tekken 8 deluxe edition and goon to lidia on monday
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so is melee the new meta or is it just better than before?
I'm very curious about going full phys wand since they buffed the gems, I've never done it before though so not sure how to do it
wintertide brand
better damage than vortex and you don't play in melee and bosses can't just walk out of the damage
Quiet peasant
Sirgog is speaking.
It does more damage overall so I imagine it should be able to achieve the same DPS numbers as other builds. You still need to walk up to enemies though so its still not as good as ranged.
So... Vulconus?
Crackling Lance as per tradition
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this is very problematic
poewiki or pathofexile.fandom?
every melee build "should" have access to 30% more damage from the tree thanks to rage changes, but boss invuln phases mean you'll have to ramp it up again and again.
At the cost of 50 tree points :))))
>Might be the single worst ascend node in the game now and you need it for the now nerfed perma fortify
No, now you DON'T need it, you champ newfag.
..all of them? personally im playing Reave, 500% effectiveness+Nightblade+screenwide clear
unironically it is. now fuck off maga scum
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is RF still shit since they nerfed it for affliction
>For any game
Nah it's actually bad and you should admit that instead of having a weird melty because you hate a specific ascendancy, did a champion touch you as a kid
more like 8 points to get 5 rage on hit if you're playing axes so 3 seconds to ramp up fully, 4 if you spend another point for the extra 10 max rage that's right there.
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doesn't work with bleed
>kb frag warden procs 80% more damage instantly
>ramps from there to 130% more
I think I have to play this, that's like double the damage of any other ascendancy. Playing around Barkskin defenses kind of sucks but there's just no way this feels bad on a league start.
warden can only gain stacks every 0.2s, so not instantly.
PoB when?
I can't take it any more bros...
just use high-rolled ES/evasion bases and you'll be fine defensively. you can get like 8k ES, capped supp, 3 end charges, and 50k evasion which is perfectly fine defensively even if you're playing a glass cannon ascendancy.
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Tfw no idea what build to play
PoB won't do you much since they'll update the gems only after league release, as always
Is this related to yet another Intel fuckup?
Charged Dash Energy Blade Trickster
>base damage increased by 150% More
>ES bases gigabuffed
there's no way it can go wrong
how easy would it be to reach the dot cap with the taming and voltaxic rift?
Unless you're going prismatic you'll proc it in less than a second.

I was worried about losing out on the benefits of armor from barkskin if you play it ES
barkskin is fucking terrible, dude. just ignore it and pick more damage or the freeze.
spells are still stronger than most melee stuff
people are retarded
post em
I keep it in my mind.

I feel like playing some shield+weapon build.
You said
>Might be the single worst ascend node in the game now and you need it for the now nerfed perma fortify

In 3.25, you no longer need to take unstoppable hero to get Fortitude.
You are simply wrong.
buffed thoughever
Any melee builds that use shields?
But aren't almost all gems nerfed now that they removed the flat damage per level that most of them gave?
Lacerate of Haemorrhage axe+shield gladiator or scion, it has 802% damage effectiveness and melee bleed now deals triple damage
should be about equivalent to the quality changes
Can't I just play bleed melee with Bodyswap as my socketed skill to teleport to enemies? Or will it teleport me preferentially to corpses far away from mobs?
>+200 is better than +5000
Do projectiles that chain supported with returning projectiles return on hitting a wall?
Yeah and use reave in maps instead of lacerate. Thinking about doing this myself.
The buffs were like 75% to 150% more damage, and a lot of the lost flat will be recouped from the quality increase to weapons.
I just don't see how you get a big enough pool for relying on ES short of int stacking.
Got a question, not sure if it was answered in the Q & A
> what if i can't pay wages to my town workers? will they leave?
>Do i need to log in daily to farm gold for wages to pay the upkeep? because that sounds tedious AF
>any Glad build
>any claw Nightblade build (daggers also got buffed so you could maybe use a dagger instead)
>any Frostbreath/Paradoxica build with shittons of flat damage
>any Ephemeral Edge Trickster build
>GGG ltierally adds gacha dailies to the game
>pooers eat it up
it should be now pretty easy to get up to like 15k es without any stat stacking or ivory tower fuckery
I think gold is only used for services, so you won't lose gold if you have them sit around its only when you tell them to do stuff
Shit looks fucking retarded.
You probably have to upfront the gold cost. It can be inferred that the workers only get paid while they're doing something.
this is a game for gambling addicts. if you don't love the thrill of the gamble you can keep moving
I want to play a dual wield build, should I go Shadow or Duelist?
mark answered it so you can check back to the qna. it was something along the lines of your city having its own vault thats used for shit like this
100% inc ES on the tree and high-rolled ES/evasion bases is like 6k ES by itself.
For DoT builds do you want one real big attack or do you want lots of small ones? Or does it depend on the type of DoT.
>depend on the type of DoT.
>Or does it depend on the type of DoT.
yes. for example one big ignite and many poisons.
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Warlords of Draenor was the best WoW expansion and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. Garrisons in PoE are BASED.
Wait a minute you actually have to PRESS A BUTTON to retaliate? It doesn't just do it itself like the old ones like vengence?
>wintertide brand
Tell me more. I remember old cold DoT being comfy, but haven't looked into it since vortex got dumpstered.
Either is fine.

Ignite, bleed: 1 big hit, only the biggest one appleis the damage. Notable exception are skills that require some kind of build up to do a bigger hit (explosive arrow, for example), but this is just using the fuse mechanic to cause 1 big hit when it detonates.

Poison: every poison instance applies damage so it can be beneficial to have a lot of hits.
2000g every hour. was so easy getting gold cap. shit was busted
I think Shadow has more incentives to dual wield, dual wielding claws gives you a bunch of bonuses like 20% instant leech. dual wielding on Gladiator isnt that good because attack speed doesnt really help bleed that much, and the new dual wield ascendancy passive doesnt look that great.
>set garrison shit up for today
>not raid night
>log off
You're probably one of those retards that had 10 characters set up making gold to fund your 3rd world housing so it's better in your head
Maybe rue is baiting but you have to admit it's unclear
>setup garrison shit for today
>blast Ashran and world pvp 24/7
damn it must suck being a raidlogging cuck
Thinking about Bleed earthquake champion, seems like huge buffs for it.
Is Boneshatter of Carnage the best one to use now? Complex had is Tramua buffs nerfed and Carnage had the biggest effectiveness increase too.
lol why would anyone play that if that was the case?
For a bow user would ignite or bleed be the better option if you wanted max DoT. I was thinking about using something with snipe.
Essence drain good now?

Essence Drain: Now deals 12 to 18 Chaos Damage at gem level 1 (previously 9 to 13), scaling up to 776 to 1164 at gem level 20 (previously 644 to 966). It now deals 42.2 Base Chaos Damage per second at gem level 1 (previously 31.2), with values of 1818.1 at gem level 20 (previously 1509.4). Now has 160% Effectiveness of added Damage at all gem levels (previously 140%).
Essence Drain of Desperation: Now deals 12 to 18 Chaos Damage at gem level 1 (previously 9 to 13), scaling up to 776 to 1164 at gem level 20 (previously 644 to 966). It now deals 91.6 Base Chaos Damage per second at gem level 1 (previously 67.7), with values of 3959.4 at gem level 20 (previously 3287.2). Now has 160% Effectiveness of added Damage at all gem levels (previously 140%).
this shit is going to be so broken with gmp
how is this chink bugman respected by poe faggots?
he's so retarded its unreal and sounds like a fucking chinese grandma
less clear speed but more damage
What's a fun build?
I want to play power siphon like back in the day but i'm afraid it's gonna be ass
taming wasn't touched in the patch notes. I doubt they'll nerf an item mid-league that hasn't been changed in over 7 years
a few more leagues and ed might be good, i think they buff it every league past few leagues.
if you retards actually believe the taming will go live untouched youre fucking braindead
power siphon locus miner is unironically good and it just got gigabuffed. its a bit clunky, just remember to link automation to detonate mines and throw your mines at least 3m away from you. while mapping you throw them at your feet and then dash forward.
they change shit last second every time
I usually play one build per league. Last league I went with explosive arrow elementalist and it can do all content pretty nicely. Any suggestions for build which can do maps and bosses etc. decently?
I started as witch so I could rush runebinder and runesmith. just throw all three brands on an enemy for single target. the attatch to new enemies mastery really helps out with clear since it applies its current dps in an aoe whenever the brand detatches. this also makes forcing a detatch with brand recall boost single target dps. despite being a dot skill you want cast speed to ramp up the damage quicker. jungroan has a 4 voidstone run of it on his youtube if you're looking for more specific stuff.
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everyone is talking about melee being good now but not a single person posted a new viable melee league. really makes me thing.
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is penance brand a viable league starter?
why would they make random changes to an item that hasn't been touched since 2017. it's not like some overlooked item either. it's literally one of the most commonly used rings. it's not getting changed.
penis brand is still good yes. also warden is another consideration for penis brand because it can stack up shocks very fast.
Neon is a aura cuck of course party play isn’t nerfed
We don't "make" builds here
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it's over
says while partynigs are measuring profits in magebloods/h lol
Yet d4 made more money in a week than the lifetime of ggg
Also has more endgame grinders than the whole poe userbase.
D4 isn’t good but you’d be mazed to think it isn’t a success
rf bros...
What is Warden?
its joever
don't use words you don't understand, doomsister, doesn't look good for the operation
in the case of blizzard you have to consider relative terms. actiblizz is a a massive jew-owned corporation with over 13,000 employees, while GGG is still like 200 dudes in a small office. blizzard needs D4 to make 1000x the money that GGG makes for it to be "worth it" to their jewish asset manager overlords, and because of this all their games are soulless "live service" slop. D4 itself is just an isometric mmorpg masquerading as an arpg.
Ben didn’t use lvl 100 bodies in this bluebonly run.
But I hope the idea that dd is dead sticks so it doesn’t get an actual nerf
ben is a noob
where did they add a gacha? can I roll for sexy alt arts of Gwennen and Tullina?
in 2012 maybe. ggg is 100% tencent owned and has revenue of around 60m kiwi a year
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If you feed a shit-tier baldo map to your map farmers, will they be able to run it without getting voided?
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I don't get what the second line means. Aren't they useable all the time? Like once you block it'll just activate and then goes on cooldown for a bit.
And all of them activate from blocking, they made it sound like there's a variety too them but no its all blocking.
my mouth was incredibly dry this morning because I was pogging in my sleep
Hard to say, not sure what the path for bleed will even be in 3.25, glad/ascendant don't have % phys dots anymore so that's a little compromised next league.
Seems like a worse wardloop
>Like once you block it'll just activate
No, they have to be pressed.
you're a grown ass man, read the tooltips of the retal skills
Bleed can hit cap faster as you don’t have to scale as much but ignite is lazy farming before you’d ever get a good t1 phys bow
there's a limited time after blocking that you are able to actually use the skill. 2 seconds by default
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Any bleed chads here?
dont care still playing poison Reave Assassin with dual wield 10% base crit chance daggers and nu-Perfect agony
they had 120 employees in 2018.
My scion waves as the 0.01% kek
>does 500k DPS with endgame gear in your path
>Have to wait for block
>THEN have to hit button
>THEN have to wait for cooldown
>THEN have to block again
Unless these things have obscene damage I don't see the point.
>Low skill shitter gameplay
Opinion discarded.
you are literally retarded if you think an 800% effectiveness skill with a 210% damage bleed is doing any less than dot cap
Daily player counts are gonna be higher than ever tho and that's all /poeg/ cares about in the end.
my problem with glad is that you would get to like 96% block with lucky blocks, would be amazing if you could get to 100% but now if you get unlucky and dont block you just die
They already were sold to tencent then. The terms to buy the company were over 5 years
fucking hate this aggravate shit
going the block nodes means not getting the 100% more damage multiplier for bosses
taking aggravate is non-negotiable for bleed because it's 200% more damage
there do not seem to be any decent ways to get it outside of glad, hopefully something turns up
bro what lol get 100% block and just never take damage again??
If you PoB any melee build from this league you will be doing 20-95% LESS damage in 3.25, with 50%+ LESS defenses. That's why nobody is bothering.

Unga bunga melee is deader than ever. Bleed melee and ignite melee are going to be a thing.
Show me the pob.

They will do quite a lot, and maybe it'll turn out that one of them has 1000x multihit potential, but I think they're DOA for the most part.
there are 50% chance to aggravate on the tree but you need to go crit which would make sense since they heavily buffed perfect agony.
pooptards would really rather pay 90 burgers for a gimmicky little hideout skin than all this that's included in the Vessel of Hatred™ - Ultimate Edition bundle...
Careful now you might make them add a new t17 affix.
If bald cannot hit
can you post a pob? why would defense be less when you have more armour and everyone will have endurance charges?
For grandpas who can't press a button in 2 seconds. But seriously the real reason is to "save" a big ass retaliate hit for bleed/ignite/poison mega damage on a single target. Can maybe get it to 5-8 seconds.
you are retarded it is ok.
the point is ggg hasn’t been a small indie team in over a decade
There's a few nodes around for it in the bottom left, 50% if you get crits and another 50% if you can stun
So you have +6k to your phys max hit? You'd want 10k es minimum, where's the rest come from? And your regen/leech, are you going ghost reaver? I don't think it works out
>everyone will have endurance charges?
from where?
>the point is ggg hasn’t been a small indie team in over a decade
30 and less people have been / were making poe 1 for like the last 2 years. it got joked as 8 but it was more around 30. and i would wager some of those guys like mark were still doing poe 2 stuff the entire time. it was literally a game made by a small indie (ish?) team
Could I get some feedback on this vigilant strike staff Juggernaut tree?


I was thinking of going maces instead
>Unless these things have obscene damage
>one already shown has 675% at lvl 1
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we can do 2-handed generals cry now? sirs?
ahk and a socket
and you think being owned by tencent means they're not a small company? does tencent provide them with manpower? are you genuinely arguing that they're even remotely on par with a 13,000 employee megacorporation?
stunning bosses regularly isn't going to happen on your bleed build
getting crit scaling also won't happen
there are some % chances to stack, we need to see the value of mods for it
That’s a resource allocation issue and indie devs don’t have that problem as you know they aren’t making 60m a year
I need more information
maybe, that would be a huge pain to build but I'll look into it
So Grace and Determination are still 50% auras? Why did people say they were going to be 35% now?
They aren’t classified as a small company in nz or even the usa
Guy in the teaser had way too much mana res efficiency I guess.
that was debunked immediately because the % didn't line up
tornado of elemental turbulence
ALL the elemental oaths
ALL the elemental heralds
avatar of the wilds

how do I make it not suck?
>indie devs don’t have that problem as you know they aren’t making 60m a year
glancing at the lethal company kid
is Assassin unironically good now? the new Perfect Agony is amazing and has a lot of synergy with it
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You can tell most of the retards here never really worked in actual companies, almost every company is owned by investors in some way, retard.
Help a retard out
For skills that say converts x% of phys damage to cold, like Ice Shot, do you still deal the remaining percentage of normal phys damage or do you deal only cold?
Yes but when the owners cash out it means the product will change.
You must be the boomer if you haven’t seen a private company sell out so the founders can buy more mtg cards kek
Yes but unfortunately all the skills you would want to play with it feel like shit
>Help a retard out
>For skills that say converts x% of phys damage to cold, like Ice Shot, do you still deal the remaining percentage of normal phys damage or do you deal only cold?
well how much of the phys is x. if it's 100% then you deal no phys, just cold. if it's 75% you deal 75 and 25 phys, with a 100% phys hit.
Converts: you do 50% of physical, and the other 50% is converted to ele.
There is also a different mod that says "gain X% of physical damage as elemental" damage however.
you're using the old tree
drop Unbreakable and Unyielding for Unstoppable and Undeniable
staff vig strike jugg sounds decent
And the best part is, you can just pop it via Worm flask and then bleed nuke anything remotely dangerous that your Lacerate can't deal with.

Is that an anoint? I do not see it on the new tree
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is hexblast still meta?
Patch notes
> bleed scaling has been reduced because fuck you melee
> cyclone rage reduced 0.01
>Perfect agony: non-critical strikes cannot inflict ailments
Some crit poison builds are probably on the table but this part seems really annoying to deal with. You'll have to completely cap out your crit chance or else it's not viable
Yes, it's in the marauder starting area, above Born to Fight.
They're going to leave cyclone as is because it's still going to be dogshit
>Got funny purple tree map device from my free* box
>Go look at what kind of hideout decorations would go good with it
>Basically nothing, there's almost no purple decorations that aren't also MTX
>And even then, it's mostly small shit you'd have to buy hundreds of at $5 a pop, big ugly shit from the clown collection, and Celestial stuff that doesn't really fit
base crit got buffed for every dagger, claw, staff, and wand
dude...read the patch notes. you get your crit capped for basically free now.
Shill me a skill gem and ascendency for next league. Something with fast attack speed in melee range.
Wands are still shit
>135% damage effectiveness per second

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