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Previous thread >>486618953
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oh yes, i really love my wife
They came for Boxbros and I said nothing
They came for Hallebros and I said nothing
They came for Foxbros and I said nothing
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.
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I love my wife as well
I can't post pic though
image banned?
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You too? It seems like a lot of people are banned these days.
No such thing
I said it before.
You better save for Magisa. I truly believe it will be her "Halloween" costume
The four heavenly queens of /gbfg/
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here's yours, bro
no, I'm just outside
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Mama is about to show the world her bright red asscheeks
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you talkin shit m8?
I hate her name but at least she looks like a more proper humanoid Baha compared to Id's shitty dragon form
Flopxes have attracted nothing but profoundly mentally ill schizos with a peculiar shared trait of cuckposting other characters. There's no such thing as "foxbros".
this better be our next dirt grand
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i love my neechang
I hate neechung but I love name
>bahamut vessel
She will get a dark summon like Bubs at most
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da sex pose...
Yuelschizo was based, but he also knew when to quit.
I bet Galleon would look really pretty with a nose hook while crawling on the ground and grunting out buhi.
You know it's ironic they advertised evo with that one pic of gran vs faa when nobody is going to play those characters because they are terrible in Rising
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Cygames will show this at evo but they wont have Vikala running out on stage doing her dumb little dance and then pissing herself in front of the western audience
they are both getting buffed this evo
I was always under the impression that fighting games was more about skill level.
However rising has really shown me that people will just flock to what's most bullshit and pretend to be good.
>characters like Yuel and Kat desperately need buffs
>buff G*an and Faag instead
Just FKHRT things
>I was always under the impression that fighting games was more about skill level.
Since fucking when
Fightan autists obsess over tier lists harder than almost anyone else
And to be fair in every fightan there are characters who are simply worse than others, when real money is at stake you aren't going to play those
Don’t look up KoF, MVC, or DBFZ top 8s.
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Gran and Faa are literal bottom tier, not solid mid like Yuel and Kat
Gran is the worst shoto in the game (I guess Anila is technically worse but whatever) with no reason to be picked over the others and Faa is just shit, his cooldown gimmick gimps him more than it helps him.
Gran and Lucilius are terrible characters everywhere however
Yuel is fine.
Touhou 12.3 Hisoutensoku is the one and only fighting i have ever approved and bothered to learn. It was extremely enjoyable and after a couple hours of fighting my brain felt like i didnt slept for 3 days. The best fightan ever created.
they and versusisia are the only ones playable in the evo demo bro, we have no idea what the fuck the other chars are getting in the new patch
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Unusable trash belong together
dat dog is barking
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Sheep is upper mid after her last buffs.
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good afternoon
since you guys are on topic for fightanslop
will they ever put Faa on the free rotation?
Now I have galleon but no ring for her. I feel bad.
Maaaaaaaarge why is shart talking as if he knows what the fuck he's talking about when he got humiliated when rising dropped
Probably not since he’s DLC.
no DLC chars
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grim, thanks
He's a DLC character so no
I hope that at the very least she's more interesting to play and watch than vane and beatrix. Holy shit letting players vote was an absolute mistake.
vane is a dev's shill club. no one is really voted for him. dont believe their lies
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I have rings but no galleon alt for them.
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It would be incredibly hard for a 7 foot tall 4 armed dragon woman with a big tail to not be more interesting than human with sword and human with polearm
I have got nothing to say
not interested
>Relink EoS announced
>Rising EoS going to be announced soon
When’s main game EoS?
Rising still has season 2 DLCs and main story update
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>join diaspora host of some idiot who opened before y100
>push a100 in two turns and retreat
>letting players vote was an absolute mistake.
Following the results to a tee was the problem, having a set of candidates to fill the roster and using the votes to see who the most voted user of a group, weapon proficiency, race, etc so they could build the future roster around those choices would've been ideal.
why are dog posters like this? kots would never do such a thing.
We all know it's going to be Sandalphon, Siete, a shillgon (prob Fediel, favoritism, poll made before her summer version, tall mommy fightanfaggotry), Cassius and some wildcard that arrives too late
>Rising still has season 2 DLCs
it has sandal as a single release like vira(no belial avatar equivalent this time) and then the game is done
sandal was the finishing blow to both spinoffs and will be to gacha grub as well
Even if Vane wasn't on the popularity poll at all they still would have added him.
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How ironic
snek will poison us a few months from now and then we'll be dead in two years.
Your ID is now on the nip blacklist, enjoy
Sure, he didn't need to be in the first season, though.
nips do this all the time themselves
it's the only way to teach host that they made an annoying mistake that grubbers don't appreciate
Remember this is the dev team that added Uno purely because they wanted to cover both a harvin rep and an eternal rep. Then they added Six in the same season pass.
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1 more character after Versusia
Uno also brings a defensive shield/counter-based playstyle which is fairly common in anime fighting games, he covers a lot of ground in terms of both aesthetic and gameplay appeals
Probably vikala but she'll be quietly announced at some nip only event
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When are they going to put my JC mom in the main game?
you have a tranny mom at home
they will make her a hag in MSQ and ruin the whole appeal anyway
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Ferry lets you sniffa one but only ONE part of her body to your heart's content
What will your choice be?
> pits
> tits
> panties
> feet (stockings on/off)
Armpit ez
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i'd go for feet but her wakipai is the strongest part of the character
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13 year old milf sex
>implying she won't be projectile + uppercut + gapcloser + command grab
that will be 5 dollars plus tip
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all these characters are shilled flops
I hate the Japanese
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More than SEA?
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seanig picks are way worse
>Literally the only newcomer not on this shitty normalfag list is Grimnir
Grim... GRIM
Just Ilsa (when this poll happened) and Vane
Big SEAgod W
this is literally statistically impossible.
*EuroGOD W
You can tell this is rigged since literally nobody ever has said they want Troondalphon or Troonfried in Versus.
why do people want aliza?
>voted the same guy thrice
seapags are fuckin nuts
Nah, Ilsa has negative shilling compared to the rest of the Society and specially flopius
Sheep is just about alright, but she's also the first zodiac, so she should be getting shilled (and she also had negative shilling until 2020)
Bea is ok, but she's still less shilled than zetavase
Why the fuck did they even allow people outside of the main granblue game to vote anyway, fightanfags would have accepted anyone, not like they know shit about the Granblue setting, certain characters clearly only got so high because they already appeared in Versus with models and everything
so funny how this gen tried to shit on grimnir when he's legit the best new char from rising so far <spoiler>other than nier, though obviously they fucked up her balance so everyone hates her now even though everyone loved her on reveal</spoiler>
><spoiler> </spoiler>
fuck i'm retarded please pretend i didn't use another sight's spoiler method instead of making fun of me
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Because she’s a kick fighter and has a great design.
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some fgc newsite was shilling her before Versus released so tourists thought she was popular
Average Troonnirpag
Yeah, because Grimnir was a character actually picked, at least to an extent, based on what he could potentially bring to the game with his wind gimmicks, instead of "hurrrrrrrr I love all these fire emblem lords rejects" from drooling morons who don't know anything about grub and probably think it's a generic medieval fantasy at this point
>not like they know shit about the Granblue setting
This is the problem with the votes, there are tons of spicy picks that would be cool but the votes are done by people who know only the most basic bitch chars because they're what FKHR shills the most anyway (or they're from the era when people still played this game in the case of Jeanne/Black Knight/etc)
There's a reason why we call him Galgenir around here
It's this
The whole poll is garbage but the non-Asian regions in particular are straight up fraudulent
It's ok bro
Every newfag does that
Chinks, Gooks and Pajeets count as Asia/Oceania
really vane and bea were the mozt boring pick killed the game
Imagine the reaction if secondaries heard black knight's voice lmao. Most of these retards only know her from doujins.
trust me i've been shitting up this place for a long time now i know i can spoiler shit with ctrl-s
Ilsa isn’t shilled
We have known that Lucifaces are thirdiecore characters
i shill ilsa
I voted in multiple polls...
Didn't they say after 2B there would be no more guest characters?
ArcShit garbo OC is not a grub character therefore guest.
Lying scum.
Nier killed the game not Vane. If anything Bea did more damage to the game than Vane by being broken.
Show Bubs some respect
>China and Korea
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sexy whores are allowed to be broken. faggots not
POZ.......... WON!!!!!!
FKHRT do be a dishonest lying rat like that
It's not just that she was broken, it's that she was broken while being yet another boring sword shoto except this one gets to be cracked because she was paid DLC and they couldn't come up with anything compelling enough for her to justify her DLC status.
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what a waste of a slot, why do they give these homoflops an event every year again?
year of dirt...soon!
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Grubs for this feel?
Wait what other guest character is there?
guess i might have to skip sunday after all...
Why just Unlimited Blade Works?
To the trash it goes. We are HF CHADS here
Grub could never
>HSR gets UBW
>Granblue Archive gets Railgun
>GBF gets troonjutsu gaysen
why does everyone collab with galge franchise but us?
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true, grubbers are used goods enjoyer
grub gets boku no pico with extra cumflation
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new bea content
>double suicide
disgust but also curiosity
You guys are boring
You just know Hoyo will make it playable Archer instead of Rin
I miss Shaygod
Their director did say Archer is his favorite character
that's not that bestiality shit that was posted the other day is it?
Zero is the only good Fateshit desu.
Kiritsugu vs Kirei was peak of the entire franchise.
they will add wormslut becauce of "rape" and "NTR" tags
as they should, what's that bitch gonna do, throw some gems? that's lame
It's UBW retard
No that's Kirei vs Shirou
>Unlimited Maleringer Works
Should have been Galge’s Feel
ah, first one? only archer and seiba then
zero was trash
heaven's feel is the peak
That's just because Kirei is the best character in fate
>Cuck's Feel
shan't engage with wormed goods
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>bone of my kino
I won’t play Shart Rail but it would still be based.
Grubbas would happily eat Shinji’s cum out of Sakura’s vagina
Hello time traveller
We are in 2024 when everyone has already admitted Urobuchi is a hack that they only liked when they were teens
no retard, HF is part of the first game too
this is a collab with the anime adaptation of Rin's route from the first game
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based Gar
>calls it galge
>it's clearly cuckshit
damn think Shay is a HFkek?
what happened to no collabs rule? nasu sold out lol
I'm still waiting for the Illya route...
My neverever...
That's FGO, FSN has been a collab slut since forever
Ilya and Berserker vs. Clara and Svarog
How do Sakurakeks cope with this?
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Highly doubt Illya will make an appearance though
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hello fellow grubbers
how do Nierfags cope?
ratschizo comeback?
>Nier has the same VA as Sakura
It’s like pottery, it rhymes.
Nier is cute unlike Slopura
literally the only reason people like Ni*r is because she and the wormslut are the same character down to the voice
make of that what you will
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Why do Japs love Chinkslop so much?
señor no redima
The only good parts of HF are Sparks Liner High and Shirou vs. Kotomine.
Because despite being slop they actually put effort into it unlike Cygames who stopped caring a long time ago.
chinese games are galge unlike japanese games (with the sole exception of idolmaster)
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The only good parts of HF is reminder that Illya route was scrapped and Nasu is a fag
>have to sift through 800 Indian spam bots on every single tweet nowadays
When is Elon going to fix this?
Good morning, sir.
Closer to galge than Cygroomers anyway.
kek dude he said the view quotas were temporary but they're still there
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Because the nips have generally lost their touch. Grub is a good example.
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This one is definitely spot-on.
chink gachas are jewish as fuck, particularly mihomo
only exception is azur lane where it's entirely free
as for gook shit, I guess there's BA which has the right balance between f2p and p2p
Still less bux than Rengoku
you already tried this a few days ago and got btfo sis
oh man i can feel a big mr p coming bros
Is there GW or honor racing for blue chests in Mihomo games?
>shay on the scene to defend his chinese overlords
isn't homosexuality illegal in china?
The only thing that improved about twitter since Elon took over was the likes hiding. Somehow everything got worse, and it certainly didn’t fix the alphabet people problem like /v/ or some other board said. I can’t even find recent art for my wife anymore, even though she actually does get art. I have to hope and pray it gets recommended to me now.
likes hiding sucks because now i can't stalk hrpg devs to see if they're literally dead or just slacking
So what's going to happen to Japan once China makes better anime and console games?
>likes hide
nothing good about this
it was so much easier to surf specific topic through likes tab
>hidden likes
It made twitter literally unusable. How am I supposed to discover new porn artists if I can't see which posts my favorites liked?
Fuck, I forgot I did all that too. I take it back, nothing good came out of Elon taking over.
we don rike japenis in here
It's a mess now because so many people already jumped to misskey and other sites.
Everyone scattered to the winds or stayed, so it's hard to find anything now.
Hating chinkslop for being lazy or uninspired is understandable but calling them jewish while playing grub of all things is just hypocritical
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Non JP games have always been more bold when it comes to collabs
Something that I fuck troons would never do because he thinks 12 years old that like skip no yaiba or troonjutsu play this game (lol)
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our Super Sonico collab will get twice as many xeetbux
a tiny wife every day!!
a tiny wife every day!!
For the record, Pochaco is hotter.
>wake up
>my desire too strangle fukuhomo has not waned in the slightest
You don't even play this game
Wrong, everything in that picture is wrong. The problem is with the players. These niggers are coomers, so the degenerate the game gets the more money it makes. Grub is a good game, and good games don't need to bend the knee to coomers.
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cute family photo
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Nice trolling attempt
Here is your (You)
>buy Nitroplus
>still no grub eroge spinoff
what's taking them so long?
Galleon isn’t shillclub
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you can't see it, huh? not surprised.
N+ only makes gay porn like Touken Ranbu and Thunderbolt Fantasy nowadays
>what about Caro and Cantate?
they keep noticing...
female logia was a mistake
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Yes yes, we know, FKHR. Grub is “too sophisticated for that basic galgetard shit”.
Sky Philharmonic Orchestra bros…
yeah, and still, here you are.
based troll
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Trolling this place is too easy since everyone gets buttblasted by everything
I'm convinced they made her uhly on purpose.
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What were they thinking?
Sorry to distract you from more important discussions but does anybody wanna do hexa?
Hexa is basically Nectar raid and i don't do shillclub content
bahamut is peak shillclub albeit, you'll need to hand back your bars
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where the FUCK is my wife's ssr?
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If everything causes buttblasting, nothing causes buttblasting. Meaning: if there is no way to distinguish buttblasted state from not-buttblasted state, the state is always simply normal.
Too kino for modern grub
getting a response is not trolling. the real trolls are the ones who put you in a state of confusion.
>what is figure of speech
she is shillclub but she's my wife so I don't mind
S. Cantate 10.0 trust the plan
in dirt so hrunt can carry her no matter what
No, it is trolling when I post something I know is false then flipflop on my stance depending on which response annoys the other person the most
trips confirm
she will give MC flurry
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In a better game this would’ve been a skin at least
especially razia
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>ummm ackxschually my words don't have meaning
I accept your concussion
>low level
you still have a long way to go, sister.
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I don't remember asking for random jap xitterers opinions
I'm asking for random jap xitters opinion on Cantate.
I asked
Sounds like someone is mad that he might have danced to my tune before
I rembered
I forgor
still not amused, sis. put more effort into it. you can do it, right? you're not stupid, are you?
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rat content?
C.Rat cuddling date near fireplace
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It's Cantate, not Cantante
It's can the can
maleringers are dyslexic, don't be too hard on them
trooneraph is freaking CRAZY
C. Rat roasting over a firepit before I throw her in the stew.
Big galge win if true.
>galgeturds shilling games they don't play again
Cantate, more like Cantdrawadimetate
It's Andrew Tate
>trooneraph acking out again
She's musician not an artist.
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You ever notice how they keep pushing these ultra failed characters that can't even come close to comparing to organically popular abandoned by the devs characters, even if you combined them all?
>276 days since last Vikala alt
It certainly makes you wonder…
I need an assistance of clockschizo on this one
Why does FKHRT hate Vira and Cog so much? Without them nobody would know about this kuso homoge.
>galgeturds spamming the same low effort unfunny pics, just like they did yesterday and the day before
I've been thinking a lot about Cassius lately...
What kind of character is Yuni?
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Okay, what about faa0? Is that also shillclub content?
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70% muh Coz
30% humans le wacky xD
No but nobody joins sufaa
Shilled flop
Faag is ultimate shill club albeit
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>still not playable
Faa is oppression club
Perhaps a symptom of intellectual disability.
she's so pretty bros...
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i say this
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>less than 200 pixivbucks for this
We love Faa and our local Faayume
No we don't
All thread celebs get the rope
Also Forte's last two grandblues were wasted on shilling Yuni, those strips are literally the only thing she has left in this game and now they have been hijacked by some odious shilled flop and her unfunny forced meme
I'm glad Pozni and Pozmos flopped hard
>organically popular
Unless it's my beloved shay whom I always reply to in agreement in hopes of getting his attention, don't know if that matters
we know kou
At what point is a character officially considered failed and given the boot?
>inb4 never
There have been a few cases, for example Lecia
The three righteous musketeers of /gbfg/
since when do posters here must be part of a schizo fanclub or another
on my dick
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Remember when we got a granblue orchestra and it didn't include a single musician? What was THAT all about?
More like the 3 stooges
It was for the 10th anni and featured anni characters, nobody cares about the "musicians" in this game anyways.
Since they removed the IP counter
ruria should count as musician
Why did they do that? I hope they bring that back and add IDs.
I'll give you that much, she does count actually.
troon moment
Why is sandal standing next to vyrn and lyria instead of danchode?
Jap moot wants to bolster viral marketers that use bot to shill their shit here
Shay disrespected Granblue Archive, for his crimes he should be put in a pillory receive 1000 lashes
Get over it retard, you already had your flop musician orchestra years ago (before you went insane enough to give a fuck about character selection in these things)
Nobody cares about yuni either but there she is
rat = mating press
I care
Yuni is more popular than every non-Nio musician character in this game
You are nobody so my post is correct
Who the fuck cares about Cassius?
you know... THAT guy
Most normal people. He was pretty well liked even here before Ilsafags forced a narrative about him
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No I don't think I will, I shall continue to remind you repeatedly and with conviction how much of a disgusting tranny you and the aids riddled faggot director you worship so much are.
Your shillclub picks are GARBAGE, this orchestra is a FARCE and you should kill yourself. NOW
And you should eat cum instead of shitposting Yuni
You keep referring to normal people but never show any cases of such.
Stay upset and impotent, not like you've accomplished anything by acking out anyways.
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>le 'most'
>le normal people
You tried this with ghandagoza and homoknights, huge fail
I hope they put the Extra Fes stuff on the official Buyee section of Cystore. I want that new Naru.
>no argument
Yep yep, this one's ANGERY
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are we all hyped for Dread Barrage?
Surely if I walk into a CVS I’ll find some of those normal people Cassius fans.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dead garbage
No, only GW matters
I’ll only be hyped if they turn it into Bread Barrage instead.
spent entire threads talking about how "normal people", by which he means the kind that play gacha spin off jrpgs are gonna LOVE ghanda lmfao

metera died for this homo that no one played, complete insanity
It makes you slurpers mad so mission accomplished.
Mongoloids will never be normal, you will always have a smaller skull with a smaller brain than normal people. Sorry.
Has anyone ever been hyped for Dread Barrage?
>females are more popular than males, even the harvin ones
why is this so hard to comprehend for cygames?
You may be right. Most likely this place has become an AI training zone. This also explains the increase in word salad and the abundance of spam here.
They know, fkhr insists on doing this anyways and even admitted to it in an interview
Because it isn't actually true, for a variety of reasons. Hope this helps!
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It’s not that they don’t comprehend, it’s that FKHR’s too gay to care.
Numbers speak for themselves, pretty much nobody gives a shit about Yuni nor her forced unfunny meme that they have already dedicated 20 (twenty) grandblues to try (and fail) to normalize it among players.
Yuni exists purely to gatekeep Zoi out of relevancy. If they ever need to do someone Cosmos related they have her cute daughter
Nobody cares which group a mentally handicapped person like you consider to be normal. Hope it helps!
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Today, I remind them.
>Least popular society character by far
>Uhhh people like him, I swear!!!
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>Because it isn't actually true, for a variety of reasons
why is seraph defending this shill orchestra anyways? just being contrarian for the sake of it?
>Least popular society character by far
That's Gwynne or Isaac
Ahh...shillkoh...or some say...flopkoh...
>could have used Nio instead of Siete to represent Sneeds
>could have used Cantate instead of Sandalphon
>could have used Robertina instead of Cassius
>could have used Selfira instead of Troonlogia
FKHRT is nuts
Because I haven't been dropped on the head like y'all mouthbreathers have. It's a 10th anni orchestra featuring anni characters from anni events, get upset over this is completely retarded as per galgetard usual.
shillknights literally lost to shillotta
yes retard we have known that for 1 year by now
he didnt even shill guys like caro or elta, he went EXTRA shill for that one
Tikoh hasn’t been shilled anywhere near as much as Shillsiuss so it’s pretty pathetic that he’s only barely beating her.
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>they should use gigaflops because.....THEY JUST SHOULD OKAY????
damn it was slurpraph i just said that randomly again haha
more like "Shillblue Fantasy" amirite?!
Seraph won this one.
>Using relevant gigaflops... le bad...
>Using forced characters that still fucking flopped... le good...
>"j-Just pick anyone but them."
>Tikoh hasn’t been shilled anywhere near as much as Shillsiuss
Yes she has. 4+ event appearances in 3 years, MC of her own flop event saga. 3 character releases in 3 years, forced usage in revans, and still zero popularity to show for it.
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>they should only do things that are successful!
As per usual.
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balance is important
Never met a zoifag who didn't want to violently murder yuni, they are probably the ones behind the shitposting.
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Which creature could be behind this...?
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Funny how none of those characters are at the orchestra, and yet you think a flop like this should be
Marry, fuck, fuck
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That mugen guy? needs MULTIPLE annis though
So you do know. Why are all orchestra characters shillclub then?
I like Zoi. Yuni is ultima cute; Cosmos is badly drawn, ugly and has an idiotic story behind her.
>trooneraph woke up acking out about the orchestra
This motherfucker is absolutely unhinged.
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Anni characters? le bad
flopchestra? ZAMN
Good. Their case is supported by legitimate motives.
An important event requires the appearance of important figures.
I liked moe cosmoth and i don't think her personal story was bad but revival made me care less.
Feel bad for Zoi but i love Yuni
If Raiden and Yngwie can get multiple events, the orchestra girls can be used for the orchestra.
>Far more effort spent on yuni despite existing for less than half the time zoi did
People are never asking for OG orchestra group out of their popularity or lack thereof, why is Shitraph so low IQ?
Women scare the fuck out of this deranged homo, so asking for the orchestra girls to be used in the one thing they were meant for is bound to send him into a frenzy.
The were used for the first orchestra, this is a different one. Maybe things would be different if they all weren't gigaflops.
Just happens that yuni was part of replisharting for longer, i started working on zoi recently
999emps is not an effort
Ringing makes tends to bring down mental faculties.
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where's my mama's multiple anni appearances?
Instead you're asking for them for no actual reason other than thinking they're obligated to be associated with a 10th anniversary celebration because it's an orchestra, ignoring why the actual characters have been chosen for it because you're willfully ignorant and NEED to complain about pointless shit 24/7 like a broken bot.
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>they should use characters who don’t play music instead of the actual musicians because… they just have to okay?
Seraph is such a fucking clown.
do not waste your time. some people are not gifted.
There is legitimately no defending the usage of shillclubs over the actual orchestra character group that does not involve popularity. He had to strawman that lest his entire stance falls apart
>they should use non-anniversary characters for an anniversary characters because....they just have to okay?
Not how it works roon
Poor soul.
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Bros, I don’t think this is doable without nip ping…
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>anniversary characters
speak english latinx
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Ok so cuckraph thinks popularity matters here
Then instead of Shartsius let's pick Zeta
Instead of Sandalphon, Cagliostro
Instead of Yuni, Zoi
Instead of Siete, Song
And instead of Logia, Raziel

All of these are far more popular than the picks we got and present in their respective annis
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Raiden’s event flopped hard once before and he still got another. They can clearly afford to use gigaflops, so why not give the orchestra girls another go? Can’t flop any harder than this, I assure you.
If you ringed cog you are a maleringer.
This place is full of idiots who don't even know the ABCs of business management.
This is true but not part of the current discussion
It’s an anniversary what? What is it? Tell me what the event is. What are they promoting? It’s a what? Say it.
Because it is an orchestra event. Yare yare apparently you are too uneducated to comprehend a simple argument
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Gonna need two rings for mama
no balance try again
Correct, Seraph only knows how to ring males and clean toilets with his tongue.
trooneraph is actually fucking insane im convinced of it now
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Is that why Galleon’s there? What anniversary is she repping?
Since when did they say it is an anniversary event anywhere?
If it’s about anniversaries why is Siete there instead of Six? Sneeds was more about Six than anyone else.
By the way the actual anni was 4 months ago
>muh all year long celebration
Is that why the game itself has literally zero new content?
shut the fuck up
I said "idiots" not "idiot" and you are no better.
i liked the varieties of these shots they took
good smile on my 3dwife on the left
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None of them are the mcs of those anni events. Popularity was only a reason why the flopchestra group was ignored for this new event
There is no 10th anni representation too
You know, the actual anni event of 10 years milestone
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Pure reddit
>None of them are the mcs of those anni events
Again, neither is Siete. And again, why is Galleon there if that’s the case?
i hate 3dpd so much it's unreal
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Reddit Gold even
Galleon and Siete are not MCs either also Siete is less popular than Six
stop hating yourself
Oh shit, you’re right! This is the 10th anni orchestra, but no 10th anni main character is present… curious…
Another day, another Shitraph L
>Again, neither is Siete
He was the most important character of the 9th anniversary, got the poverty ssr, and got the raid. They probably chose him over six since he was also in the 10th anni and 9th anni, along with sneeds
The Japanese text is an announcement for an orchestral concert celebrating the 10th anniversary of "Granblue Fantasy." Here is the translation:

To commemorate the 10th anniversary of "Granblue Fantasy," an orchestral concert will be held at the Tokyo Garden Theater for the second time in 8 years!

In this space, memories of the companions met and the stories accumulated, the fierce battles with numerous formidable enemies —

We will deliver the tracks that color the footprints of the adventures so far, set to the beautiful melodies of an orchestra.
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>tfw I see the shill orchestra
>He was the most important character of the 9th anniversary
No, he is not. Not by any means. That is still Orologia, who is already there.
....in Lil schiz's head.
Goalpost status: moved
>He was the most important character of the 9th anniversary
That was Orologia and Granjita, actually
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An orchestral concert, eh? Surely the orchestra characters would show up…
pozni shilled flop
Facts. And Orologia is there as the 9th anni rep already.
According to what? Your headcanon?
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Reminder that we have an entire orchestra:

We have crew musicians like

We have memes like

We have literal GOD tier musicians like

And we have of course the one, the only, CAKEY:

And what does grub orchestra get?

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Prove me wrong then. Right now.
What I already said. Siete got the unit, got the raid, and had the most important plot reveal of Godiete in the event. That being said, he's the 6th anniversary representative
Yes, because it's a 10th anni event. Why are you finding this so hard to understand?
CC trvth nvke just dropped
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Reminder of the objective popularity rankings a certain creature cannot fake
homoflops stay flop
This might be the only actually organically grown and genuinely cute Cantate that I've ever seen.
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This orchestra is anniversary-themed as in they pick characters from anni events based on their preferences, which may or may not coincide with popularity. In the case of less popular picks, we have a term called 'shilled flop' to refer to them.
Why can't ACKTRN stop hating dwagon?
Reminder that Dragon and Bunny got nothing and Bunny had a shitty 2015 fate episode + vyrnsexual
I dont know why FKACK is trying to kill the zodiacs so bad but he's NUTS thats for sure
None of those things make him the MC of the event. He’s not even the final boss, that’s still Orologia. He doesn’t even show up again after he fights the alternate dragons for a bit. The problems in our world only show up because of Orologia, alt Siete’s role in that was minimal. The topic isn’t even brought up after the resolution, and Logia doesn’t talk about him IN HIS OWN FATES. Logia saw him, conversed with him a bit, but by the end of it even he didn’t care enough to mention it to anyone. Alt Siete was nothing.
>he got the raid
No he didn’t, that’s regular Siete.
Sorry, it's also AI
>got the unit
>got the raid
So did Cosmos, what is Yuni doing there?
>plot reveal of Godiete
Which is yet to matter in the slightest
>important plot reveal
lmao that plot is going nowhere and you know it
>he's the 6th anniversary representative
You just said he was the 9th.
I assumed it is. But it looks cute.
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>Kinga shinnen!
Dragon is even MORE oppressed than Bunny, just mentally ill Fukutranny things.
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>shit that happened in the 9th anni
>he's the 6th anniversary representative
Very sound reasoning
missed opportunity to add her nipples back...
Orologia is only the point of view character, nothing they did in the event actually mattered of had lasting consequences, aside from inadvertently making Godiete contact Siete. It's like how the movie Akira isn't actually focused on Akira, though Akira is ultimately more important to the story Kaneda.
Six didn't get in because he is not an anni main cha- oh shit... uhh he is unpopu- ummm shit....
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Yuni got the release Grand and is also part of the Cosmos raid.
>You just said he was the 9th.
Never said that
I told you he ended up being the representative since he's a major part of the 9th and 10th as well.

When you really think about it, the character that really shouldn't be there is Galleon, but of course And Troon gets 2 reps lol
Cantate posters are so WISE
>Siete is the 6th anniversary representation because he has more importance in the 9th
GalgeGAWDS are high IQ like that
You need a very high IQ to truly understand Cantate
>nothing they did in the event actually mattered of had lasting consequences
Just like Godiete then.
>aside from inadvertently making Godiete contact Siete
Which also doesn’t matter anywhere.
>bringing up Akira
Even by that analogy, the more important one is Logia. Godiete has nowhere near the impact Logia does.
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Cantate the goddamn Cunnycake. This girl... God, she's just such an amazing fucking character. Not only did she establish herself as the most popular character in the franchise WITHOUT shilling, but her mere existence and the observation of her actions and personality can teach deep lessons of philosophy and ethical nuance if one has the proper intellectual capacity and mental fortitude to embrace such lessons.

No lie: since becoming a Cantate fanatic, my IQ has gone up an unprecedented 20 points. My friend is an English professor at an esteemed institute of wisdom and knowledge, and he deemed my incredible lexicon and masterful grasp of the English language astute enough for me to come in and guest lecture on a subject I could relate to the importance of the written word. Naturally, I chose Cantate the Cunnycake. I can't tell you how amazing it was to see all the heretofore unenlightened individuals and the looks of pure, innocent understand that came over their faces as I elucidated the truth about the single greatest and most important character in all of fiction. A philosophy professor happened to overhear my musings and invited me to guest lecture in his class next week, so I'll probably spend the next few days preparing a lengthy expose on how Cantate’s characterization espouses themes heavily present in esotericism and dichotomism, as well as the more subtle but no less evident influences stemming from ancient religious codes such as Zoroastrianism and Confucianism.

None of this would have been possible without Cantate the GREAT'S influence. I humbly thank her from bended knee, and encourage you all to do the same. Rise to my intellectual heights by accepting Cantate into your hearts. Ascend, brethren.
FKHRT is mad nobody cares about trangelflops they have even lower pixivbux than bland Gran despite infinite shilling.
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God damn, no wonder Shitraph works at mcdonalds. He's a fucking idiot.
What is this falseflag
You can say they have lower pixivbux then Djeeta because that one is objectively correct
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i wonder how many japs will show up
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Not enough.
Eternal winner
attacking the selections from the "muh orchestra characters nobody has heard of" angle is dumb. it's better to attack from the perspective of, why the fuck is galleon there when oro already is, why the fuck is siete there over six, why the fuck is yuni there over zoi, where the fuck is fenie or even raziel
wind host
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Not sure what you are trying to accomplish by shitposting in a serious discussion. If you don't have the capacity for anything but aiming at low hanging fruits then I suggest to just sit this one out.
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I literally did all of them because of his constant goalpost shifting, and not once could the fraud win a round of the debate.
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When did I mention Djeeta in my post trangelsis?
Don't be a terminal shitposter. It is not healthy
blud is shocked to find out trangelflops lost to gran
From a purely business perspective, hiring the same employee is less expensive, easier to manage, and more effective to implement. Yes, this means that instead of expansion and comprehensiveness, the company chose instead stagnation and continuity. It's better to get used to seeing the same people from now on.
tl;dr: Instead of concluding new contracts and addressing all the obstacles that arise, they preferred to appoint a group compatible with their demands.
Faceless gran doesn't count as a granbux
JJKgalgegawd is the smartest poster on this board.
Take your own advice.
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I am not the one saying false things though. Seek help.
>why the fuck is galleon there when oro already is
Because without her you end up with 4 dudes, 2 lolis and a lizard
>why the fuck is siete there over six
A valid question
>why the fuck is yuni there over zoi
Also a valid question, FKHRT really hates Zoi for some reason and this isn’t even a schizo theory at this point
>where the fuck is fenie or even raziel
The most confusing one since this is supposed to be the 10TH ANNI CELEBRATION
I don’t know why slurpers can’t admit this is just arbitrary shit
You can't even post their pathetic pixivbux, you lost.
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even in vtubing world it’s been proven time and time again that homolovers are extremely vocal about wanting more males but don’t actually spend money on them, let alone participate in the ostensibly free content
catering to them doesn’t even net them more twitter likes so i don’t k ow why companies keep hitting this pitfall
despite all of that trainwreck, Fenie is still way too galge for fkrt
Zoi's anni btw
Are you confused? I am not arguing in favor of the trangels.
So you have alzheimers too
>why the fuck is siete there over six
Siete is the leader of the eternals and isn't faggy yumebait
>why the fuck is yuni there over zoi
No idea who Zoi is...
Should be Wammy instead of Galleon
Fenie instead of Sandal
Nio instead of 7Man
Mahira instead of Cassius
And Cantate instead of Orologia
Why Cantate? Because i like her.
fenie dayo
Zoi sucks
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No, you just can't read or follow a replychain.
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looks like you grubbas are having fun huh
Did Zoi even do anything during that anni?
Here, let me help you remember what the conversation was about
Why’s Trooneraph going nuts today?
it looks like that fake dragon is really tired of their shit
Nyess, as usual.
Someone said bad things about trangelflops.
And I am saying you are falseflagging by bringing up Gran when Djeeta is objectively the more popular MC with more pixivbux than all the trangels combined. Get some reading comprehension
>12 days until the 3 year anniversary of the death of this game
What are we going to do to celebrate?
Celebrating with lotto2.0
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eat cucumbers and grapes
my favorite activity - nothing
That is whataboutism, so you admit dxita is a male?
>getting BTFO
>brings up the "jita is male!" thing again
dishonest posts are fashionable again I see
I knew it was dxitasis lmfao trangelfloppers do be mentally ill like that.
Why does gender suddenly matter here? The post that started all this >>486695535 said danchode. Djeeta is danchode. You are the one jumping the gun with Gran.
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Maleringering djtroons are nuts like that.
FKHRT is in Vegas right now.
You could always go and personally voice your displeasure about the orchestra to him.
And trangels are (supposedly) male so I went for the more fair comparison, But then you admitted dxita is a male so yeah.
a fate spared me from being born as an american
why is padjeetasis like this. Could've just said angels flop to both MC bux instead of seething about Gran again
They should have put Vyrnball on the Sphere
>organic flop
It's even more hilarious when bland Gran basically gets sidelined in most events and the homoangels get shilled nonstop.
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You are never trying to be fair since you said an objectively false statement which is Gran having more pixivbux than trangels.
>angels flop to both MC bux
Because that is untrue? They flopped to Djeeta, not Gran.
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>dishonest logic
>dishonest arguments
>trying to spam his way out of taking a L
yup, that's our Lraph alright
He does have more than every other trangel, you're now coping after checking the pixivbux of each one.
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How many days is this running? I have an idea.
Not sure why you are falseflagging to pit trangeltards against grantards. Stop being a shitstirrer.
Is it really Lraph? What a fucking mentally ill creature
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>scribbles over the face
>nyup thyat's an art direction
July 19-21
the only person being owned here is you. stop projecting your flaws onto others.
who else would defend homoangels to this degree
this place is deserted so the chances of it being done by randoms are close to zero, it's either him, sandalhomo (who isn't here and doesn't participate in shitflinfing like this generally) or someone falseflagging as Lraph.
Truth hurts huh
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Apparently *I* am Seraph now? Get a grip, /gbfg/. That IP counter removal sure destroyed your minds.
He’s the only one stupid to actually try to argue with the mentally ill dishonest mongrels that infest here.
Not enough time for me to up and go, but I can still work something out with a scammer friend I made there.
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looking forward to the stream this weekend grubbas?
>who else would defend homoangels to this degree
Possibly Faayume
>you're X
It's just a defense mechanism for fragile souls
>mentally ill dishonest mongrels
Lraph arguing with itself?
Trooneraph is a blight, maleringers are a blight, and me? I’m the cure.
I get warns every other "granblue" stream so not really no
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>curing blights with stupidity
faayume is supposed to tigerpost and kiss her husband, not argue against me...
Sandalphon is the 10th anni event's rep because he was the protagonist of it (which is why he got a grand for it).
Worse, she could defend someone like beliflop who literally made faa homo shipshit instead of for (you)
All women are retarded whores. We tried to warn you.
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Which is a problem all its own.
If there is anything /gig/ taught me then it's the fact femoid channers are catty as fuck
Good job, Faayume!
Somebody should crack a coconut over Troonerpahs skull
He does reply to himself a lot.
faaschizo is supposed to fuck right off along with all the other schizos
>getting owned by a woman
Big L
>shipshit character #567858 is gigashilled
ACKTRN really can't stop containing his cuckold fetish
who is going to bump this shithole then
Women are either empty headed vapid whores or catty vapid whores. It all depends on how hard they were molested as children. Same way with homosexual men. You can tell Trooneraph was raped hardcore with how insane he is and how many males he rings.
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Pure facts
that's a man
why does it always have to be some schizo with this place
maybe, just maybe you are responding to a regular anon?
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Regular anons left this general years ago
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for you
You sound angry. Take a breath, it's just a joke.
normal people don't make arguments like that.
Because it almost always is actually a schizo
I just ringed a male with my freaking mind.
Regular anons don't ring males and go nuts at the sight of a woman.
There are only 6 posters tops in /gbfg/
Feel free to prove otherwise
nobody, let it die and move to the vmg thread instead of keeping the vg thread alive solely via schizo wars
Too factual for this place
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You call everyone schizo even though we don't really have one
>op is still the samurai event
>even though we don't really have one
Galleon poop nuggets?
If you choose to make yourself an identifiable poster you are not a regular anon, by definition. Not a hard concept!
I'd argue /ffxiv/ /gig/ etc are populated by roons and biofems are rare.
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/gbfg/ unironically should merge with /gbvsg/, /gbfrg/, /pcrg/ and /uma/ to form /cyg/
we are unironically the fastest general out of all the cy-game generals here on /vg/ and we would be as dead as those generals I mentioned if not for schizo wars.
maleringers are crazy
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>there's a /vmg/ thread
You're gonna regret telling me that.
>wuz grubbers n shiet
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creating an imaginary monster to which all your problems belong is an essential skill.
Trvth nvke
>merge with pricunny and uma
yeah that would be entertaining
but you are all schizos that see everything as a mark of your boogeyman
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>/gbfg/ should flood galge generals with our homos or they wont survive
I told you yesterday, and I'll tell you today: galgeturds are a rampant cancer, and eliminating them will make this place a healthy, thriving environment.
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Yep. Marge supremacy.
LITERALLY hiv behavior hole kek
...for cockroaches
tbf we ARE alive right now, much more alive compared to /pcrg/ and /uma/
I dunno how long this place will stay alive though, assuming this game actually refuses to EOS and live for another 5+ years.
the way this general immediately implodes upon any post that cannot be categorized into maleringer or waifufag faction should be studied
seems reasonable, this game is not alive enough to justify more than one thread every several months
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I wish we were a gluege
Marge is a hag, why do you associate her with monki?
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Monki is Maggie
galgeturds are, without question, barking dogs by nature and are only good at barking in their language, which lacks all the characteristics of a normal human. Their existence is an incurable disease in itself, their existence is a major crime against every normal human being.
fate won grub lost
kidney stones oishii
Dragon = Marge
Cock = Lisa
Monke = Maggie
Bunny = Homer
>hivbrain schizo babble
Yep yep another galgeGAWD W
get help please
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Marge has fluffy hair, Monki has a fluffy cloud. Marge is a mother, Monki will become a mother soon.
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this simpsons "joke" is never funny
Please stop trying to associate Monki with awful shitposts
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Fat monki ass
Who is the Al Sneed of grub?
Based JJKgalgegawd
>MD5 filtered.
600 soon
>schizoGOD who does what he wants
Gran, duh.
Marge is a maleringer
Oh boy I sure do love humanblue fantasy!!!
It didn't take long for the proof to appear. galgeturds are really cancer.
No, Monki is Maggie >>486708227
Your mom is a maleringer
>she isn't
Why are you a rape baby?
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Uhhh actually my mom's a dyke who got in vitro fertilization
Ever hard of miraculous conception?
What are you, a mortal?
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>loli erunes are the best
>doctor erunes are the best
>hag erunes are the best
I fuck this
This kills the Trooneraph
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Fediel onahole holder...
You will never be Jesus
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koo kee hal
ever heard of not being married?
>You will [Headcanon]
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star wars is too galge for this general
The face of LGBT
The Trooncolyte isn’t Galge Wars.
Man I can feel a big mr p coming hold the fort boys gonna be busy here
this dude is enjoying his life right now. acting in movies, having fun in burgerland and etc. You anons should take it easy
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Did Monki seduce Danchou on purpose or is she just an innocent girl and did it by accident?
We are under a training raid. Don't help train the AI.
Ever think about how Slurpraph named xirself after the troon from DDS2?
I’m enjoying myself. Trooneraph is prime entertainment.
Semi accident
that's an M3 alright(major maleringer moment)
Why are you linking your own xitter?
A what?
uhh... nwyell... ACCCCCCCCK!
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Satyr cumming all over the thread
Remember that episode where Marge got breast implants and flashed the town?
Remember that episode where Marge starts taking steroids and rapes Homer?
>farming for terminus weapon
>only drops from a very tedious fight
>less than 5% droprate
>randomized drop, so there’s one in dozen chances from that 5% droprate that it’s the actual weapon you want
i see why this game had no player retention
>innocent until noticing the effect she has on danchou and then provoking him even more
*takes out straw*
Only stupid people enjoy the above activities. Now imagine that these activities are daily, repeated in quantity and quality for years. Yes, the only conclusion is that you are in front of a crowd of robots.
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>kills any character that's liked more than xir's faves
>begs you to buy scamchas
>uses your scamcha money to fuck around in the US
>the usual pozpects in this thread still defend xir
Oh hey, it's this thread
My lawyer never got back to me...
he's calling us out, bros...
>get exposed
>futashittery starts up out of nowhere
I’m starting to notice…
that's why i love monki
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Great work guys
>futaraging out of nowhere
meds rex
We love big meaty around here
Nobody cares Kimilers
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I work hard every day
so grim
I’ve seen /gbfg/ claim before that it’s acceptable for women to ring males but I don’t think that’s right. Any m*le ringed is telling FKHRT that releasing homos is okay and acceptable.
dont worry, he wont live long
Faayume is Kimilers
Deep breaths Kimilers
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Women ringing males is perfectly normal behavior, the problem is they need to go the fuck back to Touken Ranbu or whatever other game they came from and ring males there instead of ruining Grub.
Looking a bit nutty there Ruria
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I don't even like Poolial much less use him as my pfp.
So.... when's S. Sochie?
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Rising's thread is having some fun right now.
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I wouldn't mind kissing 3DPD Marge, if I'm quite honest.
>being a guy comes with more disadvantages as far as responsibilities and expctations
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Put the ACK edit
disgusting creature
thats a sick shirt actually
i think that short animation was the best shit this kusocompany did in the last 9 years
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EVO soon
I was about to ask a question but then got lost in the sea of schizophrenia and I forgot what was I gonna ask
Only retards farmed relink extensively; i can forgive new players but old granblue players? no. Turn on the cheats and get what you want easily.
Rough Thursday night?
You were about to ask if I wanted to go out with you. The answer is: No.
>restricting it to 3 characters
for what fucking purpose
I used to like watching it every year but the amount of ad breaks is just too insane now.
Post pp
he doesn't look too healthy
I don't think the HIV medicine is working...
you WILL use our homoangel, gaijin
Gran and Granmom are not angels
/gbfg/ sisters
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It sucks. But there are multiple streams, unless they do synchronized ad breaks (which, granted, I think they might have done recently) there could be always something going on. Plus, I can just do soemething else at the breaks.
for now
we love Faa around here thoughbeit
/gbfg/? words without meaning
Faa's rape dungeon will fix that
If we had a DMC collab I would ring Vergil and I don’t care if that makes me a maleringer.
>shitty demo version
>lame DLC characters
>even lamer humans to be revealed
this IP is cooked
I won't, but I won't judge you too.
Why’s Trooneraph ratraging?
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the training raid ended, and the analysis phase began before embarking on another training raid.
more popular than all maleflops combined
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Monki is artistically gifted.
All it takes is one brave person in Las Vegas to save millions.
people like him are majority there
I've reported you to uhh the hunters
Faayume should be my gf, I'm a pale ottermode manlet I can probably manage a Faa cosplay.
This is the cancer killing Grub. Every person here is pure poison for the game.
Why can't you be that person?
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>no photos video or audio recording
It’s actually insane how scared FKHR is of any sort of public backlash.
post abs
She already said she doesn’t want a boyfriend and she’s just waiting for her parents to set up an arranged marriage.
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.......or make him more powerful than ever
Naobou is innocent
too fat.........sorry............sis................................
My guy is working on it.
>for her parents to set up an arranged marriage
chinks are freaking nuts
I've got someone in there
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Wait, how is FKHR supposed to be in a live stream broadcast from Nagoya if he's in Vegas at the moment? I am missing something or just retarded?
It only takes one bullet.
She’s the reason we got S. Seruel last year instead of S. Cantate.
You fat fucks will just sit in your roach-infested room desperately wishing for someone else to remove your muh evil boogeyman
That one is next week.
You are incredibly retarded. Look at a calendar.
>fusion between a man and a woman = troon
It seems to be an ingrained Western trait since the seventeenth century.
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>Kage Troonshin no jutsu!
yeah where's nkmr?
…is what I say to myself when I remember that galgeGODS keep winning all the time.
i will simply outlive his worm infested brain
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You will buy the homoangels cookie cutter right?
All FKHR edits are sovlfvl /gbfg/ culture, xitards and rebbitards can't compete.
Seruel didn't take her slot and he's cool for breeding his sister
Oh. I thought it was this weekend since people started to talk about it in this thread. Some even >>486704923 insinuating it was this weekend. Guess I'm retarded.
Do you really hate him that much?
no, just stating the fact
why do they start including bubs and lucio in merchs now
>Just like Godiete then.
Wrong. Godiete has appeared in relink and multiple events since then, he's the avatar of the boundary, already more important than roonologia, as shown in this past anni event.
>Which also doesn’t matter anywhere.
Why was it brought up in relink then?
>Even by that analogy, the more important one is Logia. Godiete has nowhere near the impact Logia does.
Roonologia has zero impact, everything it did was in simulations before it trooned out. Like I said, introducing Godiete was the most important thing that happened in that event and has already had lasting consequences, which will only grow as the boundary becomes more important.
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Nigga put his name back on lmao
No one knows when he will die
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FKHR edits are twitter culture albeit
*cucks you*
faster than average hetero. faggots are dying pretty fast
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it really isn't that big...
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Took you two hours and every word you typed was still incorrect and oblivious to what actually occurs. And here I thought you played the game and read more than the “galgeturds”.
Fair enough but that's only one way to die. The possibilities are many.
Rizz Squad
>normal FKHR face
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Continuing her guest for girth from the last time.
The possibilities are WHAT
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how old is he right now again? tick tock
>blud really acting like ACKlink is relevant or matters
There is no need to repeat what you said, I have answered you, go back, read and understand.
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i didnt repeated myself. i added the details/numbers. this is indeed only one way to die, but it may be pretty soon
Facts. It’s not even relevant enough to get a release celebration.
They're not dying fast enough
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>already had lasting consequences
Where? All he amounted to was a voice in Siete’s head that does nothing.
>which will only grow as the boundary becomes more important
And when is this supposed to happen outside of some vague “soon” that will never come? The plot point was so forgotten that it’s only appearance in a whole year was a brief passage in Relink outside of the main story. It matters so little to them that it occupies the same importance to Relink as the story about Zeta getting hit on by a child. Meanwhile in the main game Siete’s shown up some two or three times and not once is it brought up. Again, it isn’t even brought up in Alt Siete’s own fate episode. And when we the MC get the power of god himself there is no moment where Siete voices concern or his alternate self chimes in. That was this anniversary. A whole year after the fact. So when is this super important man supposed to matter if not then?
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>forbids demo players from leaking any information about upcoming DLC
>puts her in the DLC characters lineup art anyway
Godiete’s last appearance was in Tomoi’s coma. That’s how important he is, he’s now a fucking niggercats joke.
it's the next arc after estalucia
I hope suzuken gets a nice eternal hiatus.
Get your creature back thank you
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hmm... nyo
HOLY KEK maleringers are warped across boards
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Can grub really be considered a zomnbie game when it gets outdone but an actual, unironic zombiege?
Numperscord is spreading...
Numperscord is a virus and GODraph is the vaccine
hourly maleringer meltdown
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Going to resub to WoW now that Grub is dead
world of warped
Let's play ffxiv together, we're already good at larping,
Only if you’re a girl (female)
Doesn't that game have a hyper shillclub character?
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