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Latest News:
>Patch notes 3.25
>[3.25] Settlers of Kalguur (July 26th PDT)
>PoE2 close beta soon

>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities
>/poeg/ Ingame Chat and Ban Honeypot
/global 1488
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Anyone else have exactly 0 idea what to play?
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what build are you playing?
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literally me ^^
Probably some flavor of melee Bleed Glad.
I'm inclined towards Lacerate.
Dual wield league. Gladiator league.
>only 172 hours of gooning left until leaguestart
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what's stopping me for playing /ourgirl/ allie's build and have tripple damage and defense this league?
My heart wants to slam but my brain is telling me it's going to be pain
same as every league, flickerstrike. Probably slayer this time
Last league I made a frostblades Raider and a reckoning Juggernaut, now they are both gone. A sad day indeed.
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>wanted to play it safe for once and just pick a tried and true leaguestarter this league
>announcement happens
>already brewing dumbfuck shit like Poison Swordstorm Glad
I think it's time to accept that I can't be fixed.
I'm gonna play arc totems
I'm gonna farm blight
I'm gonna try the new scarabs and atlas passives
I'm gonna sell the new oil to people who haven't figured out the new annoints suck
I'm gonna get mad because the build still sucks
I'm gonna get mad because blight still sucks
And i'm gonna enjoy every second of it
uh, sis...that isn't a melee build. you can't play that.
I hate it when they completely redo the ascendancies (I always miss the old ones) but Frost Blades Warden looks pretty fantastic to me so there's that..
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>melee league
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>ssf sc
>hc trade
what should I pick?

Kamil is OP
Divine Ire Totems/Scorching Ray Totems.
Explosive Trap (safe).
Wild Strike of More Elemental Damage Warden.
Burning Arrow Warden.
Bleed Glad.

One of these. Probably. I'm really shit at PoB, especially when PoB hasn't been updated, so I'll probably go totems or lacerate glad
whats some good occultist starter? planning to pick some easy starter then respec into cyclone coc memery.
idk but im sure ill play 20 builds this league
damn nigga what century you think we in
I WILL place totems from far away
I WILL read the news while i wait for them to kill the map boss
I WILL loot all the shitty bubblegum currencies the boss drops
I WILL make 6xT1 weapons for the build to make it deal decent damage
I WILL buy a double-corrupted soul mantle with +2duration/+1gems to further pump up the numbers
I WILL struggle to reach 1M dps with each of my 5 totems even after all this
I WILL keep using arc instead of switching to ice spear or storm burst, because arc is kino
...and after sinking hundreds of hours, divines and cum into the build, I WILL kill the (non-uber) pinnacle bosses and pretend that it was a great achievement.
Haven't played in a while (since the league that added the Atlas tree I think? It was one with a fire boss and a tentacle boss at end game). How is Necro these days? I always end up playing Skeleton Man but I know Chris Wilson from Grinding Gear Games doesn't like that.
Snipe with an elemental arrow but not sure which yet
A silly retaliation only build
Boneshatter of carnage max stun later on once all the losers that hate melee get bored of their first character thinking melee is op now
Dual wield assassin
still deciding on frost blades or BV or viper strike
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will I be able to get max blox on dual wield glad
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>maxroll.gg STILL hasn't posted a new starter build
What the FUCK do I do? Only one week left and IDK what to play!
Sure there's a bunch on the tree.
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It’s only 10% less block than having a shield. You’re good.

Ty! I wish we had the updated trees already so I could plan stuff
bleed something glad
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then my plan is complete without even opening pob
still not point to playing the game desu
no new content
>no new content
whats your definition of content?
nice release times for EU
10 pm when last league was 6 pm
eat shit GGG
New glad is shit for bleed builds, aggravate is only a dps increase when the target isn't moving and in that situation before you were already using ensnaring shot. So you lose 20% more phys dot and 20% action speed for better block nodes of which basically state gain 30% block and gain 20% block respectively.
Only if the retaliate node is out of this world can Glad's damage be saved.
: o ty
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what's going to be the best bow build now?
Bleedquake Chieftain
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not my problem
Isn't it far less if you're taking the glad node?
>dual wielding bonuses are doubled
>Your shield gives 50% block instead of the shields value
Or at least that's how I read it.
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anyone else mad that MF was deleted? Almost feel like jumping ship too Diablo 4 or Last Epoch
shut the fuck up mf cuck
nope because mf is for niggers.
Feels like a total waste of points because you have the 25% to aggravate bleeding with an exerted attack mastery.
The ascendancy point should give some phys dot multi or blind or something.
dual wield bonus is now 20% block now so it would be 40% with that node I think?
Oh it does too, for some reason I thought that was referring to the new value.
Yeah the base block chance from dual wielding is 20% so it get’s doubled to 40.
Versatile Combatant reduces max Block to 65%
>43% from Glad (43)
>20% from As the Mountain cluster, and also 5% max Attack block via it + mastery (63)
>16% from Wall of Steel (70, 18)
>18% from Blade Barrier (70, 54)
>6% from Dervish (70, 65/66 if you take the Spell block Mastery too)
killing story pinnacles still puts you in the top 2-4% of players.
chat, what does andy mean?
"basic bitch."

where does it say cyclone buff
i gotsta know
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Trickster starters, RISE UP!
If you don't care about tempest shield for some extra spell block you're ok.
>muh dps
Bleedplosions and easy block is fun. If all I care is DPS I wouldn't be playing bleed, of all the things you can play.
Yes, you will have 43% attack block just taking the first block notable.
Not me because nothing valuable was lost.
Beating act 10 at level 40 puts you in the top X% of players.
Beating act 10 at level 100 with 100 divs in gear puts you in the top 100% of players.
Control+F Cyclone
Melee will be still shit the buffs barely moved melee damage up without totems and you still lose attack speed
I cant wait to see people complaining for getting baited to play melee this league
You aren't tricking me into doing that again.
what about beating pinnacles in hc ssf btw?
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>Only if the retaliate node is out of this world
It's right there and it sucks.
>Ret skills are usable for 2 more seconds (pointless because you're popping it as often as possible)
>Ret skills have a 50% chance to be immediately usable again (can only push this up to 70% via an Anoint-locked passive), which will be inconsistent at best
nobody has ever leveled to 100 in acts (it would take literal years of play due to xp penalties). the only way you would have beaten kitava at level 100 is by getting powereleveled by people in high maps to 100 then going back to the acts later to finish them.
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>anyone else mad that MF was deleted?
It wasn't. It was altered.
>go glad
>easily fill in attack block on the tree because the passives got buffed
>go the new DW mastery that changes the base block to 20% spell block
>40% spell block
>block mastery for 1% spell block per 5% block to 55% spell block
>Careful Counterattack retal skill cluster gives 13% if a retal skill has been used recently to 68%
Not sure where to get that last 7% (probably jewels) but yeah block is back
dual wield mastery gives 40% spell block so you effortlessly get 75/75 with some gear
Weapons are getting nearly 20% extra base damage because of the changes to Quality.
While it's not perfect losing all your flat Phys on every single fucking skill except for Boneshatter, it's not a nerf.
Gladiator is a mapping ascendancy idk what this shitposting about muh uber maven dps is for.
>Bleedplosions and easy block is fun. If all I care is DPS I wouldn't be playing bleed, of all the things you can play.
Bleedplosions can be obtained by anyone just weaker which was always the case for Champ anyhow and it outperformed Glad. While not as easy ascendancy node block is pretty obtainable via gear and passive points.
The point is the more you invest the worse your achievement is.
there isn't an achievement for it, so no public % achieved numbers.
Or you can just take Versatile Combatant and Anoint Safeguard to easily hit 70/70 Block for less than 20 passives + Anoint. Without Anoint it's still 70/67.
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Anyone thinking about starting with a cheeky molten strike champ?
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He posted the other song as well, comfy ost to listen to
I'm not sure what I should use as bread and butter skill, if I wanna go Swordstorm. Cleave of Rage, maybe?
It has 1 node that is for mapping and it can be recreated at half power by a pair of common gloves. The loss of damage matters because eventually you are going to get to red maps.
>Sacrificing gloves that are a HUGE slot just to get shit explody
>Champ was nerfed
>Doesn't understand what "easy" means
well then uhm small ree
not really. it stands to reason that people who beat acts at all are all pretty invested in the game. very few people beat act 10 and discover the atlas then go "nah I'm done I beat the game" so everyone past that point is highly invested, and even then only a small percentage of people actually complete the atlas to the point of beating story pinnacles, even when accounting for people who just get a friend or some carrycuck to do it.
Can't wait for the trade window to end up duping shit and every trade you try to do be "already gone" so you have to refresh the window 200 times to get some shit trade through
Smite Slayer
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Bleed glad with with the new block skills
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Anyone know a good combination of hideout objects to make this purple tree thing look good?
I'm sifting through shit on the hideout website and there's nothing quite right so far.
Block is way better for maps than bosses as there’s way fewer ways to get onehot through your effective 88% chance to take no damage.
200 attempts per trade? So it'll be no different.
After sleeping over it I came to the conclusion that the buffs are real but not enough and that the league itself looks like absolute fucking mobile tier dogshit, which will be the futue of this game.
I don't know yet
I'll probably go some Warden build if dataminers can grab all the Tincture mods and they look good.
Otherwise I'll go Slayer or Glad melee, not sure which. Dual Strike of Ambidexterity is 100% guaranteed to be incredibly strong, might do that.
ROFL, LMAO, she was hired for Riot MMO but Riot MMO is Dead so she is back into sucking Jonathan cock.
I want to do SSF this league so I can actually make my own build and not just mindlessly rely on a guide telling me what to do. Was thinking of doing Bleed Gladiator with Lacerate, what should I be focusing on in the skill tree besides life?
Riot MMO hasn't released yet.
damn kamil is great
they fired her from what I heard
can you blame them? she tries to make 1-2 posts and then goes on vacation
Are they seriously just hiring her for reddit upvotes? There’s 0 difference between now and when she was community manager.
Log into Hero Siege and I can give you a almost full set of mf gear, including charms.
Probably gave her the ol' "What exactly is it that you do here?"
Riot MMO has gone through multiple reworks because Ghostcrawler and co. can't stop changing the game they are releasing.
Champ gets 15% damage reduction on every hit but also debuff enemies you hit by 25% damage (which includes dots) and you get 30% Aura effect which makes you even tankier.
90% block is great no doubt but you still can't get hit and Glad has no defensives in built to it while still having less damage then Champ.
Nah. Companies know that community manager is a benchwarmer position you stick women in to keep those quotas filled
They're still expected to do shit, usually revolving around social media and managing PR by helping people with questions or issues.
Why the fuck is my 4chan having all replies to a message put under the original comment? Instead of every message just appearing to the bottom. This shit is aids. Did I break my 4chan chrome extension or something?
I don't think it's going to be a full, open, instant auction house where you can see everything listed all the time and to where bots will snipe everything before you even have a chance. that's not how the console trade or the chinese trade works either. I think you're going to set the trade and ratio you want, e.g. "10 divs at 150c:1d" and click "ok" and it's going to passively sort through and refresh listed trades for you until it finds ones that meet your requirements then match up people with the same ratios like a digital middleman and give you notifications when the trades are done.
That's not how it works though, it just adds your trade to a queue that's fulfilled automatically when a matching trade is found
Any juggernaut enjoyers itt
it's like the guild wars 2 AH retard
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>Haha after 5 years in dev we noticed that we made a mmo in the riot universe, that people expected us to do
>How silly of us!
>We will restart development to make Something Totally New™
>Don't worry tho because we will reuse some assets!
Riot devs are legit all retarded and incompent. They are only big because they caught the moment in time to take the market away.
>pic related ex Riot devs making making their game around being in top 30 of steam and failing
They could literally copy some random korean shitty p2w mmo and slap league models to it and make millions a month because people would slurp that shit no matter what
>mixed reviews
yikes, no thanks
You use the redditfied 4chan botnet 'addon'
they're still working on it. they basically just scrapped it and re-started from scratch because their CPO thought it was too soulless, like every existing mmo on the market.
>Riot devs are legit all retarded and incompent.
Yep, its impressive how they can bend the knee to China and Korea and get easy money from poor gooks and chinks, but holy shit all the company is cooked, they have the worst devs and the worst leadership on the market, they killed LoL in NA for pure incompetence and are planning to sell everything to the Saudis now because they are tired of working with Tencent.
The ONE league I wanted to go SSF has a fucking currency exchange in it, kill me
We gave your moms butthole a mixed review last night.

Excuse the long ass link but this is my current idea for a staff vigilant strike jugg tree. Would love any and all feedback
NA is shit at lol both esports and normal play. If anything they overinvested into that 3rd world shithole way too long when so many other regions are a bigger market for them.
Incel game
you're not a real continent
>life sim settlement mechanic
Solo MF is dead, party is fine. Just tested a full rarity run with 4 bots (aura + 3 dummies). With +100% IIQ chisels I think there will be no big difference.
If they did not touch Scarab of Stability cause my dummies are dying every second map we gucci
sst build
I might unironically start with EA Champ to farm double-anointed ammys in Blight-Ravaged maps
>4 bots
I'm thinking the same, you basically just need one good annointed to hit big, the second will always be a bonus.
>poetards having melties because the league mechanic isn’t another iteration of kill things in a circle slop
Breach was 8 years ago. Grow up.
kill things in a circle slop is literally in next league
next league is literally poe 4.0
Lmao, tell us how you haven't watched the announcement, the entire league mechanic IS AROUND KILLING THINGS IN A CIRCLE, LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO DUMB NIGGER LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I liked Omega Strikers, but I can't fathom how it would have taken them 25k concurrent long term players to maintain.
>your ship has returned!
>with three pages of trash items and low-level currency!

It's pretty good :)
Holy shit Warden is garbage because it doesn't have a node to have a infinite Tincture and no defensive nodes and Gladiator is still shit because its just a "softcore" ascendancy for memes now, even the aggravated shit is just a small QoL.
What melee build is going to have the best survivability
hey MARK. why should I bother with boats when I can just spend all my gold gambling for items on the black market? why should I fucking bother with your new overcomplicated clickfest, MARK??
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Kinda sad that we lost auto-regen enduring cry. But it's nice to have ez Bloodnotch/IF with perma-fortify on Champ now without the forbidden jewels
juggernaut bonk
isn't gold just the trading fee? you still have to buy using existing currencies
I have like 20 pairs each of max quant sadimas, goldwyrms, greed's, etc just from 5 years of casual play, and also at least half a dozen god ventors with 30+ all res, max quant, and good life and rarity.
that shit is going to be fucking alt art tier in value after awhile.
Anyone who has the space turtle hideout, how is it? Any particular issues or annoyances with using it? Thinking of getting it
I-is Tec Slam playable again? Please say yes...
jugg endu charge stacking with ralakesh and the maven belt
I prefer
>my legs are STARTING TO SPREAD!
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>Breach was 8 years ago.
RIP Voltaxic Rift Vaal Spark..
So how do you get 30% quality semi reliably now?
Because it's fun, anon.
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>The low IQ tards are starting to catch on
Yeah that sounds wild lmao
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Double Strike of Impaling Glad with varunastra for all weapon type bonuses, thoughts?
that's just something you do as you map. the actual league is nerding out over building the city and micromanaging all your little things like shipping and sending goons off to run maps for you etc.
no its shit
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Is melee truly worth it now?
Bestiary has a 30% Qual craft that corrupts still.
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Haven't watched the patch video yet. Are we back?
nope, it's just gold paid to faustus
always was, you fell for the reddit maymay
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I won a demigods in a 2 week event thanks to voltaxic spark. you could literally run the build on any character so I just played the second-lowest chosen class. simpler times.
>The Bestiary Recipe to Corrupt an Equipment to have 30% Quality now instead Corrupts a Map to have 30% Quality.
45 minutes anon
grab a drink
its poe 1.5 basically
Did you guys noticed how ZiggyD was almost crying at the end of the interview? Its his last interview as the "interview cuck" after the announcement, in PoE2 all interviews will be made by SirGOD, he hinted on his discord yesterday.
thumbnail looked like he was about to punch the screen
More nerfs spoiler for you btw
>What is this retard smoking?
>Wait what the fuck, it's real
I even double checked and it looked fine. Guess I control+F'd the wrong word.
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>GGG hiring a fat, idiotic slob to slurp their dick every league launch
only works on maps now
Anyone get the new supporter packs yet? I like the flying corpse
with General's Cry, yes
ZiggyD was making the Marks look fat. something had to be done.
New end game
no I buy them while in queue on league start for maximum loot bonus
The real glad build is dualweild block spell caster
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TR PF, unless a PoE influencer convices me not to
Why'd they have to rework Rage? They could've just changed it to apply to melee attacks only
RF good now?
Show your tummy now
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>Why'd they have to rework Rage? They could've just changed it to apply to melee attacks only
He is brittish, he is basically a femboy, have you ever seen an actual FAT brittish guy?
Woman spotted.
I haven't played since 2017 (when there were still only 4 acts) but some friends are convincing me to pick the game back up for this new expansion. I know there's waaay too much shit for me to get caught up on but are there any important things I should know about?
Also, any advice for solid league starter builds that don't require too much clicking? I'm an old man with sore wrists.
>krautposting in 2020+4
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>105% increased warcry buff effect
>20% life regenerated per second
>36% added weapon damage off your 2hander
>36% increased movespeed
>50% MORE armor and 150% increased stun threshold
>Probably like 100% uptime if you just slot increased duration and get as much warcry cooldown reduction as you can
Is it actually worth it? It seems like each warcry basically becomes a flask
But im a minion player
>11% base crit dagger
>another 2% from Assassin
>another 2% from Nightblade
>200% inc from power charges
>little bit of inc crit on tree and gear
>literally crit capped for FREE
Wouldn't be worth it if it wasn't for the rage node that just gets you 5 rage every Warcry. With it, its probably insane, since now it gets you all those benefits if you piano + permanent rage uptime which is something everyone else will struggle with.
im still in shock at how fucking amazing this incoming league is
just bee yourself and also play RF chief
>4 warcries
Going to be suicidal to play but those bonuses are insane. 36% movespeed is a quicksliver for your troubles. Also the fact that you'll be getting like 36% more off Overexerted if you're insane enough to slot Rallying as your 3rd exertion.
If i use the shock tincture do i also need to get chance to shock somewhere?
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Thank fuck I don't have to up to Influence for my PF now
>removed stun immunity from Zerker
For what purpose?
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I'm just not gonna play melee.
>are there any important things I should know about?
poe.ninja is one of the most useful all around resources, if you didn't already know about it. I can't really think of anything else. a lot of little things have changed but the core game is pretty much the same. RF is still the go-to low-click league starter.
Don't I need a unique for RF? I'm a self-found chad
tfw the "async trading" anon was right
10% more minion life and 2% more damage nerf from necromancer ascendancy node.
you will cyclone with awakened infused channeling and you will like it
You can start using RF as early as Act 2 now.
All you need is a bunch of Fire Res and sufficient HP Regen (which you can get solely from skill tree).
sort of. maven drops Legacy of Fury boots that make your life a lot easier as RF. they're pretty cheap in trade but it's gonna take you awhile to SSF them even though they're a common drop from her.
>what build are you playing?
arc witch (enki)
no you can start it ssf just fine, you'll want a cloak of flame which is common enough, and the shield and boots are both targetable for upgrades later
ggg has been saying for like two leagues that they were "looking into" some form of async trading for a test run.
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Oh that's very handy, I thought I needed the shield I've forgotten the name of. Time to set myself on fire, thanks lads.
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what build do shortstack enjoyers play?
Chances of Varunastra skyrocketing?
one of the warcries give flat crit as well
the weapon is giga ass
the glad node not giving attack speed kills it
anyone got the turtle hideout, is it worth it?
you can use rise of the phoenix or saffel's frame for RF but neither are required and both are relatively common. there's a div card set for RotP that's easy to get a set of if you target it.
Tits too big.
I wanna play meele this league
Preferably an AoE meele skill like Cyclone (don't wanna play Cyclone though)
What's the skill for me? Reave? Lacerate?
Honestly, it's probably easier than ever for new players to play RF, cause once they get to maps they can just see which maps give ROTP cards.
>peaked at 19k
>highest average was 10k
Reave is good
Anyway as mentioned earlier, poe.ninja is a great place to check builds to see what they look like. Here's a list of SSF Righteous Fire builds from the recent league, to see the kinds of things you should be aiming for.

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it's up!!!! hell yeaah!

>91% chance to block attacks / spells
I mean its nice on paper but I dont know... the remaining 9% will 1shot me, wont it?
Damn, Ziz is looking like a cute HUNK, would suck him off dry easily in Exilecon 3.
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ziz is giving me mrbeast vibes lately
Depends on how much you're investing to get that 91%.
it was also multiplat so they probably had a few thousand from each console it was on. ultimately it looked and played like a mobile game, and they didn't put a lot of resources into advertising it on mobile. i don't know if they even had an iPhone version or asian language translations.
with the totem changes, were ballista builds nerfed? i want to try tr pathfinder next league
you don't forgo all other defenses
>gold is picked up automatically
how about doing the same for currency?
>b-b-but muh botters
that's a shit excuse
12 nodes on the tree and 4 ascendancy nodes for the glad block shit. seems reasonable for 91%. that's without any block shit from gear just the tree.
I already played boneshatter and don't feel like playing it again
>summarized in 12 minutes
>not 5 hours
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>marohi erqi
>Vaal EQ
>Tempest rising
>soul ripper
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Why not mathil or cutedog or lily instead?
it still blows my mind that ziz isn't actually a homosexual.
>Pinnacle Bosses, Shaper Guardians and Elder Guardians can now have up to 50% Action Speed reduction (previously 30%), which buffs the Effect of Freeze on these Bosses.
Gotta make sure Warden doesn't flop I guess.
use a filter and don't pick up trash
there you go
It's just to make the game feel like... A GAME, imagine farming 50+ maps without clicking anything.
looks fun and theres a bunch of them on poe ninja, i think i can manage.
Gold doesn't go in inventory does it? If it isn't tradeable I would assume it's some internal counter.
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>Glacial Hammer of Shattering (622% damage)
>every third hit is a guaranteed crit
>Multistrike Support = 44% more attack speed to get thru your third attack faster, and 44% more damage (yes this works faggots)
>Hatred = 39% phys as extra cold, not affected by nerf since we're ignite
>Cold to Fire support = 29% cold as extra fire, 50% cold converted to fire
>Avatar of Fire = 50% remaining cold converted to fire
>bigass thundercube phys weapon (like Winds of Fate)
>Perfect Agony
622% *1.4 *1.39*1.29*(all your crit multi including Marylene's) base damage ignite on a 3L

Find one single flaw. You can't.
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>4 ascendancy
Not 2? Cause if you're putting Lucky in there too, that's a lotta block.
it's a massive boost if you weren't doing the gay retarded
>weapon swap to bow
>use retarded clunky bow skill
>repeat every 3 seconds
why are we defending it?
>The Tawhoa, Forest's Strength Ascendancy Passive Skill has been removed. This can no longer roll on Forbidden Jewels, though existing versions will still function.
So they just removed it and didn't replace it with anything?
>Find one single flaw.
Its a strike build.
well its 2 labs, 2 big nodes or just 4 nodes in total. depends on how you word it. yeah I planned around the lucky shit otherwise 91% would have been impossible.
The fact you can't clear a white T1 in under 6 minutes.
why are you attacking it?
post your favorite Project PT truisms
"Not all builds are created equal" -ProjectPT
"my wife left me"
I only play true ethical SSF hardcore. I delete every meta unique I find because it is unethical to keep it. When my character dies, I delete every item in every stash tab because it's not true ethical SSF hardcore otherwise. I Vorici break every six-link I land because it is unrealistic to ever six-link an item in true ethical SSF hardcore. I skip the Labyrinth because Ascendency Classes are unethical powerhouses. Every time a Vaal Orb drops, I immediately use it on a randomly equipped piece of gear to increase the challenge. I've had global chat and trade chat disabled since I got my beta invite back in 0.9.2d, the Merveil fireball optimisation and curse duration patch, because player interaction gave too much advantage. I've sent at least 84 emails to GGG support over the years asking for unlimited ignore player space so I can make sure that no one talks to me when I'm in town. I read and listen to every lorestone, notes, books to fully immerse myself in the true ethical SSF hardcore experience. Every time I go into this general and read the word "meta", "trading", "blade flurry", "clear speed", "Headhunter", so on and so on, I make sure to thrust my giant vibrating dildo one to three times to punish myself accordingly for tainting my TESSFHC experience. I've stolen at least a dozen credit cards from my parents to pay for the 3,250 normal stash tabs that I have to show my support for GGG and the true hardcore game that they have developed. It deeply saddens me that PT left, he was the only one that spoke only truth. Why do you self-proclaimed SSF hardcores even try to pretend that you're truly SSF hardcore? You make me fucking sick. -ProjectPT
No, they replaced it with Sun's Roar, which gives Warcries infinite power.
Ah, I see now. Versatile Combatant setup format.
>7k evasion in the body armour
100% they are going to nerf Trickster before launch
why not have currency autopickup after certain levels?
like at lvl 1 you have to pick up everything manually, but at like lvl 50 you can set it so alts are auto-pickup
and at lvl 60 you get option autopickup alch orbs
or maybe you have a certain amount of autopickup-points to allocate?
they could make a fun system with it I bet.
I think it would be a massive QoL improvement
"My only regret is never having touched a boob" -ProjectPT shortly before committing suicide.
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how do i update this manually in pob?
Post some of your favorite art pls
you have to do the math and apply equivalent numbers as a mod on your gear.
write the difference in custom parameters
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It's freaking useless now wtf
No they replaced the totem node with Sun's Roar.
>The Arohongui, Moon's Presence Ascendancy Passive Skill has been replaced with the new Sione, Sun's Roar Ascendancy
It's unchanged.
Alright dudes! Where can I find the best spectres that increase damage / give auras for me and my skelly bois. I think I saw the determination turtle is back. any other suggestions?
guys ruetoo is going frost blades and it looks broken, what do WE think?
it's literally unchanged stupid idiot
Double strike with trauma. gotta use that sweet 800% dmg effectiveness. but what class, pooeegee?
what do i write
it has broken clear, single target sucks larry cock tho
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I haven't played in a long time, it used to be this
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here is your mandatory bis shield on every build bro
WE don't think.
We essentially make builds with a bogosort algorithm.
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They can say whatever they want, the fact is:
They replaced Tawhoa with Sun's Roar because it gates Tukohama.
They also swapped Hinekora and Ramako and made Hinekora a possible pre-req for Tukohama.
They removed Arohongui cause it had an actual 0% use rate.
>perfect agony has full crit multi scaling
>but loses inherent 50% more damage from the crit
So many will be baited into thinking perfect agony is good now because they don't understand the 2nd part. It's barely even a buff to a 0% playrate keystone.
Once again we got monkeypawed. People wanted party quant removed and instead they killed individual players. This game is an rmt shitfest
>removed life gain on block and life% recovery on block
just a heads up for all the block bros...
I still don't know how people kill bosses with it
They removed Arohongui because they removed melee totems this patch.
>Barely any Armor
>-10% Max (-20% with Versatile Combatant since you're not capping Spell block without it or insane investment)
Not really no.
wtf when did this get nerfed
>use new taste of hate
>be pathfinder
>150+% flask effect
>all your fire and lighrning damage is taken as
please post the a shield with better stats than 80% damage avoidance
nobody cares about that. it was used pretty much exclusively for the phys taken as.
chris wilson is actually fucking dead right? how the fuck did they get this update past him?
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Arohongui works with regular Totems and has since his "rework."
>Recoup datam taken by your TOTEMS
>TOTEMS Regenerate
Did they even out armour piece values while doing the new balancing? I remember not upgrading boots/helmets/gloves for ages because they didn't contribute shit. Like, there's no reason not to use a goldrim until yellow maps unless you luck into a great one.
im gay
>there's no reason not to use a goldrim until
You want an Arm/ES hat so you can get +max Res from Armor mastery and Suppression from Evasion mastery.
your not
You're going to have to actually explain to me how that shield provides 80% damage avoidance.
either use the tag "purple" instead of searching for a word on that website or look for "Navali's Lost Swamp" there are some great purple hideouts out there
same except the opposite
Vortex died AGAIN for this piece of shit.

Unironically underrated shield though. Shock Nova + Overshock for free 60% more damage, shit out a Vortex or Cold Snap, lots of options.
I can play and enjoy Cyclone again.
Yeah and was still shit because was the only totem node on the ascendancy, it's better in every way to go Hier.
Tawhoa was unusable garbage too, people only took it because it was a requirement for a +1 link. If you looked at the math it contributed almost no damage at all.
>cyclone gladiator instead of slayer
yes or no? i really dont want to play slayer again
It is a nerf to any build or weapon with less than 500pdps numerically before quality. One handers are even worse than before now
...We're not discussing whether the node was good or not.
The nodes were both shit and I never said anything to the contrary.
The original discussion was what they replaced Sun's Roar with and the answer is Tawhoa.
Then Anon changed topics to say that Arohongui was removed because of (arbitrary reason that isn't correct).
Then Anon changed topics to say that the node sucked, which is completely unrelated. Nobody believes it was even remotely good.
lebros..... where is our last epoch general?
PoE patch notes flopped btw
>The original discussion was what they replaced Sun's Roar with and the answer is Tawhoa.
Patch notes say otherwise. Take it up with GGG.
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they shouldve just removed the totem buffs
totems was cool
all me
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says here in my notes poch flopped. worse retention than necropolis.
The tree data they provided to the community says otherwise.
Take it up with GGG.
no cap?
They probably did it because the totems themselves provide more dps since they scale with weapon stats.
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What the HECK do I do for 1 week until the league starts?
Ty anon : )
Thinking about trying POE. Really like 2h swords/spears and spells. Like a Dark Knight or SpellBlade. Can you do something like that here?
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do they still have gems to reveal or is everything already out?
i... he.... he's built like me. i... thank you.
>The tree data
You mean the tree data that's in line with the patch notes?
>X is removed
>Y is replaced and moved to X's spot
Besides the point remains that a node was removed and nothing replaced it.
sure but so do ballistas
Frost Blades does 30% less damage this league because of the loss of totems, POST BUFF and not including flat damage loss. You also lose Divine Blessing, Hatred, flat damage...

Even if Valor can be gained from projectiles you're still better off playing Lightning Strike or Molten Strike.
20/20s soonish, then the torrent, then the data mine.
last epoch
play the first descendant until you unlock hard mode and realize there's nothing to do in the game and you need to put all settings to min to get max framerate because higher framerate = higher fire rate = higher damage
There are no "spears" but there are long pointy swords. There are 2h swords.
Depends on your definition of Spellblade. Probably, yeah.
The red ones are STR, genereally melee-based.
The green ones are DEX, generally melee or range.
The blue ones are INT, generally spells.
Keep in mind some skills have weapon requirements (e.g. Axe or Sword).
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is this finally a league where i will level a character past level 40 without uninstalling due to how boring it is?
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>Navali's Lost Swamp
It's slightly too small, but overall this is great. Thank you Anon.
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>double damage will save melee
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did they kill my icicle sanctum build

what were the reasons for nerfing the Hatred aura so much?
Oh yeah, Tornado of Elemental Turbulence was a thing.
Gold per hour is the most important metric of a build now which means you MUST play bownigger or another full screen giga clear build. I can't believe people think they're going to sit in melee range and hack and mobs.

Ice Spearniggers.
lacerate of butchering with berserker war bringerr intimidating cry will save melee tho
Red Trail
poe doesn't really have much class fantasy and I don't think there are any effective builds that use 2h swords and spells, if you're using a sword you generally want to be attacking. there are some attacks that kind of feel like spells like smite or rage vortex though
based penis appreciator
no since poe is still trash
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So if I have 90% all res, Endurance Charges/Fortify will NOT reduce the elemental damage I take any further, right? You can't reduce ANY damage taken past 90%?
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what's the cheapest build to clear t16?
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90% Res is not % Reduced. It's just a raw multiplier. Endurance Charges and Fortify will further mitigate damage.
you could get 90% max res and 90% ele dmg reduction which stacks multiplicatively for a total of 99% less dmg taken
then there's other sources like fortify
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Soooo, thinking about getting back in after 2 leagues of absence.
Does anyone have an idea what a good leaguestarter build will be that isnt braindead totems, triggers or mines?
I am willing to compromise on brands and minions
i cringed
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Chat is this real?
>make poison build
>amazing damage
>but its impossible to get above 120% life in the ranger area of the tree and there is no more phys as ele for defense
bros...how do i survive?
ggg cooked ong
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>reflecting mist
>helical rings
Wow, there's only a single melee build? i didnt know!
Kill yourself
You're so fucking pathetic
mist only works on basic types
I'm ok with poe streamies knowing that there's an even bigger grifter out ther
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i cant kill myself the league is only a week away
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I've done them all, i've been 40/40ing most leagues. But doing all ubers in necropolis with poison bv pathfinder feels less like an achievement than doing non-uber pinnacle bosses with a shitter build. It also gives me time to think what build to make next, even more so with so much shit gutted. My default op builds (armorstacker, mahuxotl anything) are probably gone or severely hurt with the nerfs.
this nigger doesn't even play poe
>even his video shilling PoE has less views than the last gachashit game that he played for 20 minutes
Its so fucking over, the hype is dead.
how do we know? helicals didn't exist in LoK
mageblood lightning coil ralakesh
>only find 2 of them the entire league
>both result in garbage
1 - 0.45^2
when is /ourguy/ making a return?
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Archmage Ice Nova Hierophant seems like an easy call.
>retards will go melee at start
>league mechanic is based on clearing fast + blowing up a small area, which ice nova does well
>untouched in patchnotes
men cant get pregnant.
it didn't work on synth/fractured or even unset ring lmao
Or you could just play Glad instead and reach 91%.
he will be streaming from his coffin on friday
wtf icenova or frostbolts didn't get nerfed?
heirophant op
Smite melee ignite templar.
>ascendancy is barely one shield slot
>has played the game for many leagues completely off stream
>glazes the game constantly
>likes age of empires, so likes the new age of empires mechanics
>"nah dude is a grifter fo real"
/vg/ never ceases to amaze me with their idiocy. Can't someone just simply enjoy a game?
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Mmm, let's see how much currency I've made today... Been quite a busy day, huh? Alright, focus. Time to break it all down. First off, mapping. Mmm, completed 50 maps. Now, shipments. Total transactions: 45. Hmmm, that's a good number. Major transactions (high-value items): 15. Yes, very nice. Minor transactions (low-value items): 30. Mmm, steady flow. Alright, currency earned. Divine Orbs. Earned through mapping: 8. Not too shabby. Earned through shipments: 12. Hmmm, nice boost. Total Divine Orbs: 20. Good haul. Now Chaos Orbs. Earned through mapping: 250. Mmm, steady income. Earned through shipments: 350. Excellent! Total Chaos Orbs: 600. Solid total. And the other currencies. Vaal Orbs: 100. Hmm, stockpiling nicely. Gemcutter's Prisms: 50. Useful. Regal Orbs: 80. Hmm, that'll come in handy. Mmm, today’s strategy worked well. High-tier city settlements and efficient shipping really paid off... Yes, that’ll ensure a consistent currency influx and strengthen my market position.
Damn bro I'm sorry I criticized your friend I read your post and I still don't like him
>10m video with anime tits
>hour long video without anime tits
I wonder what the zoomer youtube audience will prefer!
>make flesh and stone not shit
>kill challenger charges on glad
What did Mark mean by this?
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Holy shit, why would they do that? He's so anti-charismatic. His egg shaped head and whole appearance is repulsive.
Anon, you're in a thread with attentionwhores who have spent the greater part of a decade doing everything they can to make this place as shit and the people in it as miserable as humanly possible.
Do you honestly expect them to not be insufferable faggots who throw out buzzwords nonstop and expect you to replace to them endlessly to fill the vacuous space in their hearts?
He was so happy to make 10c killing that beast.
ES RF chieftain build seems dead now, guess i will try hiero RF with grasping mail mod for a change...
can't wait for the inevitable /biz/-lite shitposting
>divcoin bros, we are mooning
>buy high sell how
>altbros... hold it
>regalCHADS, how are we feeling today?
>are YOU buying the dip right?
>OH NO NO NO veiledcucks what's this?
>*pink/green wojak spam*
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>left my doctor buy order on overnight and hh crashed
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Bros, I can't decide between Chieftain or Berserker for slams, and I don't know how to really lean into it.

>F R E E 7 link for slams
>Warcries always give maximum buffs
>Allows for leaning into warcry buffs on tree for things like MS, life regen, Max resist, Armor, etc (You can't use them all but get to choose)
>Is able to get ~85-90% max elemental resistances
>Easy rage generation via warcry notable that gives 5 rage per warcry (at max power)
>Tankier but less damage

>50% more effect of rage is insane with more multiplier
>~8 rage per hit, not too hard to get to max rage
>60 max rage on tree -> 90% MORE damage, 90% increased attack speed, 18% increased MS if you want, 90% increased armor
>Helps to make slams feel better via said AS
>Double exerted attacks means much higher uptime on Intimidating Cry (goes from 2->3 on passive tree, doubles to 3->6)
>Able to use berserk much more effectively (59% increased effect of rage means more MORE damage, more AS, more MS)
>Squishier but noticeably more damage

And then I don't know if I should be leaning more heavily into impale (possibly with the Impaler keystone) or just focusing on other sources of damage. For Impale you need to use a support gem + 6-7 points on the passive tree, but gives a ton of damage. Impaler seems stronger on chieftain due to slower attack speed, but berserker does more damage meaning the 6 impales you get are a higher damage anyways.
Crit seems like something you just cannot get at all, at least not until you're dumping divines into it. The investment for crit + accuracy is just too much, especially with warbanner not really being a thing anymore for accuracy.
enjoy clearing a map with that dumbass
hard pass
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have you met bobo?
>Each Mine Adds (4-37) to (6-56) Fire Damage to Hits against Enemies near it, up
to a maximum of (133-1249) to (200-1873)
I mean.. yeah. What'd you expect.
You don't need the extra damage vs trash. You just prolif nuke everything.
At worst, you weapon swap in a Bino's for clear.
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Any fun Original Sin builds to go for in week 2/3? Still Penis Brand?
Guys where the fuck is the mastery effect
"Stun Threshold is based on Energy Shield instead of Life"
Did GGGers remove it? Only Valyrium is the way to get it?
I'm so fucked up, I play in top gook/chink hours, I will never be able to sell shit against their army of bots, people that play in US/Europe hours is safer from them.
I don't see Berserk being worth it. Rage already falls off hard, has a much lower cap, and is more of a pain to generate if the boss teleports away or goes invuln, unlike Chief who just gets to keep screaming to keep the rage up. Double exerts also don't seem great. It matters for Intimidating and only intimidating, and if you're slamming, you're attacking so fucking slow that they might as well be infinite on 3.
I'll take this
Varunastra - check
Reave 2x buffed - check
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And yet...
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rmtbros is he right?
Actually, I take it back. Rage generation is huge meaning you might be able to keep it up for longer when you get like 20 every .5 seconds. Still, warcry buffs seem retarded defensively with the recovery, movespeed and armour.
I will play melee.
I will not manually cast warcries.
I will not place banners.
Fuck you.
We literally did this last league with scarabs bro
what the fuck is that buff to power siphon? that shit was already strong with locus mine now it's going to be insane together with the wand crit buffs
exchange orders cost gold so botting them is hard
however, autistic chink/gooks will find a way most likely
Reave Slayer or Glad?
What is your opinion on impale and possibly The Impaler keystone? Seems good on Chieftain since it attacks so much slower than berserker.
glad has a cooler profile pic...
slayer, glad is shit
>Can get with no investment and just a weapon swap
Enjoy that loss of 20 phys dot and 20% action speed so you can inflict more damage on white mobs oh wait they were already moving too so not even white mobs
Hey, where did you get this picture of me?
You're limited to two slams
>Ground Slam
Because the rest hit more than once. Other than that, the real issue is that you need that node that rends them from the enemy, since otherwise, you're not getting 6 impales off the boss before they dissipate. If you can account for all of that, and get as much +%impale effect on unimpaled enemies, its kind of massive. Sunder becomes a fucking cataclysmic nuke while mapping, but the single target on it will make you want to blow your brains out. Gem slots being freed up by totems getting day of the rope'd might allow you to run Hydrosphere pain free, though, which is a +60% damage boost from the shockwave.
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what were the niggers thinking?
this is what i get instead of comfy 20% action speed?
challenger charges did not give action speed you freaking poserr
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>Double strike of Momentum
>Tri-elemental claws or swords (claws give Life/Mana on hit, Swords give more damage)
>Double scorch
>Easily getting tons of shocks
>100% increased melee elemental damage tincture
>Can either invest in tinctures or go for avatar and or freeze
>Shitload of AS
How retarded am I?
>the real issue is that you need that node that rends them from the enemy, since otherwise, you're not getting 6 impales off the boss before they dissipate
Herald of Purity
>otherwise, you're not getting 6 impales off the boss before they dissipate
...Impales have a time limit?
blackpill me on retaliation skills
>Dominating Blow of Inspiring
>460% dmg, and a FREE 10000% inc damage from stacking minion dmg clusters
>FREE max crit from newly buffed staves
>FREE max block from buffed staff nodes
find. a. flaw.
Groundslam of Earthshaking was the initial skill I was thinking of using, but what other slams are better? I fucking hate EQ to be quite honest with you family, so I wanna avoid that like the plague, and I want to actually be able to kill bosses. Don't even have to kill ubers, but Jesus I at least need my watchstones.
8 seconds. Its like 12 if you have Harpooner, but you're attacking once every 1.5 seconds so good fucking luck.
it's clunky as fuck to use and sucks for bossing
well 20% more movement speed and attack speed is basically 20% action speed
actually slightly better since it probably stacks multiplicatively with action speed from other sources
I don't think the scorch is going to be very useful. If you can attack often enough to trigger the big 80% buff often then you're attacking too fast to deal big fire damage aren't you?
For Impaler? Only Sunder. That and Groundslam are the only slams that hit once and only once. For non-impaler builds, Earthshatter has insane damage if more than 2 spikes hit the boss. Earthshatter of Prominence is good.
>2 leagues
I havent played since archnem
Hitting an enemy will always be better than waiting to get hit
And how many source of action speed exist?
Maybe I should just drop impaler and go for Earthshatter of Prominence. I just thought Impaler was awesome, but I've heard a few people say Earthshatter is really good.
hoard all retaliation uniques for week 2
Your damage is nothing compared to your minions.
Last I remembered it was like 200k/multiple millions.
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my build is so good i can play literally any ascendency. i could just use a defensive ascendency to not randomly or basically never die but my autism forces me to go for that 20% faster kill.
not a lot, but everyone can get it on boots
Is leaguestart Reave viable? If so which variation/ascendancy?
Nice try Ziz, We all know you're a weakling twink.
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convince me not to go chieftain ignite warcry slammer
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>no more covered in ash on infernal cry
elementalist is probably better
is that image real?
does shitmerica really look like that?
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>go to ziz stream for the first time
>ask if hes gay
>dont get nuked or banned
>mod posts a chat command !gay saying he is not gay
If you're not using that mine cheese the damage increase isn't that good since you lose the flat. Only a 60% damage increase or so. With mine cheese it should be 3.3x damage.
Phys->Lightning->Chaos after getting alberons
poison is a noob trap
how new are you that you don't recognize the quintessential burgerpunk image?
that image has been circulating for so many years now
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>100% increased warcry buff effect on tree
>Warcries have infinite power
at the end of that question lies only sadness my oldfag (last summer) friend.
Shame they fucked up all the Warcry buffs.
The buffs are really strong though. The only issue is their duration. That is something that needs to be solved. I am not sure what the CDR of the gems is gonna be at max level + quality now.
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I am not gonna play melee and no one can force me to!
is there a full list of all new base items? i want to know if i can make a good anime weapon build with it.
>gets called out the newfag he is
>"nuh uh you are the newfag!"
It's only helm, chest, boot, glove.
nta anon btw
interchanges in europe look basically the same too
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He who consorts with exiles
thanks for the (You), xister
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Why there are so many trannies in here?
shush, the american public latrine does not match the splendor of the parthenon, point and laugh
what gamerplug should i wear in order to beat the campaign faster?
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how do you know how much something like a div orb costs in the currency market? you can't see other peoples listing right? do you just type in the price you want to buy it for and hope someone has it set to that price?
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pob update when
i wanted to clear up your confusion. stay gay.
autism = trans
poe = autism
hope this helps
really wish we knew the numbers on overexertion, i feel like that gem is either going to be broken as hell or totally worthless
a vibrating and thrusting one obviously
I think I will try reave for real. it looks great
why does he talk like a fag then
With increased duration support + warcry duration nodes you can hit just shy of 10 seconds of buffs

Cooldowns with quality are 4.8 seconds
actually thinking about this bros, help me cook. I tried the build for the first time in ToTA league and it was ok but capped out around 5 mil dps before I got into extreme currency and even then the falloff was large. I was hoping there would be some way to get "all damage can ignite" again from wildwood but it doesn't look like they're adding that stuff back in so I'm stuck.

Biggest issue before was most melee skills didn't have high enough base damage to make it work so I used the Stormfire ring to get ignite from lightning damage and then pumped it out via smite and the new (at the time) melee ignite gems. Smite got massively juiced alongside everything else so I could try that again or just go for a fire damage skill to begin with and avoid Stormfire and open up a ring slot. Honestly I'm kinda lost, like:

>Smite: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 12 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels). Now has 225% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 196%), scaling up to 488% at gem level 20 (previously 273%).

So is this saying that level 20 smite will have 215% more base damage than it did before? Vaal smite was already ridiculously high base damage. I'm thinking that this patch will enable many more melee ignite skills but smite will probably still be one of the best of them.
Reddit needs people to be fag passing before they will push them. See Mathil so its just business at the end of the day.
he probably gets that question constantly because he of his extremely gay affect
dude is weird. I once told him that his mods are assholes and niggers. he wrote me a private message and asked if any of his mods did anything serious to me. like dude I am just shit posting with a few 1000 other people, he took that shit so serious.
He's married with a kid.
can someone explain how you reach 5m+ dps as melee?
hes just fruity
ive made a dozen builds and all of them suck...how do i cope?
>opening chat every few seconds to type /oos
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There was a "market ratio" on UI. They could get it from the best bids/asks. DOM would be perfect of course.
pneumatic dagger molten strike assassin.
its time to ditch determination for perma sand stance flesh&stone + aspect of the spider.
outside of facetanking uber sirus meteor it should be less damage taken overall (you still have over 100k armor right?) and we gain 20-30% more damage depending on eldritch mods
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>Inextricable Fate (1c day 2 - near guaranteed normal Eater drop)
>nu anoint for free vines (prismatic+black+silver)
>Pathfinder bownigger with ele bow
Find a singular flaw.
gay people do that all the time, especially in south america
you equip heatshiver and rakiatas dance
>Added 60 new armour base item types: 18 Helmets, 18 Body Armours, 12 Gloves, and 12 Boots. These can be found in the endgame
I really hope there is some cool shit in there and not just bigger numbers.
He isn't South American, he's Scottish (or at least I think he is, his name's Norwegian).
How do I Molten Strike ballmaxx with reduced projectile speed? Wiki says spread is 2-25 with an AoE of 9 so if I get 64% less with Kalandra amulet will all balls hit?
i don't miss it, but i kind of miss it.
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wow i completely missed that, thanks.
it'll be interesting to see how it handles orders in big bulk that span multiple prices.
/oos /oos/ /oos /oos lf dock farm party
he is norwegian
just equip your energy blade skill gem and play trickster
Wither and no need to run Petrified Blood to keep life flask up (needed to inflict vines.)
>walk up to white skelly pack
>they start long casting animation
>they miss you because you didn't stop moving at the right time
>they all slowly walk away
>wind up a cast again
>you're standing still waiting
>they connect their spells
>lose 80% of your life from spells you didn't block
>NOW you can use your retaliation skill
>it misses 3 of them
>need to do it again
repeat every pack
>Find a singular flaw.
You would be playing poison bownigger pathfinder
just gonna go PS mines and hit 5-10m damage day 2 with easy rares
fuck melee
Sounds like a nice guy actually
2 week league cope and seethe
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d4 won. green monk was all it took to kill poe once and for all.
youll use petrified blood anyway
*dies in one hit*
enjoy your no phys taken as ele, evasion loser LMAO
nigga you play it as trickster
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I think the same way stock market works. I'm more curious if they implemented the proper FIFO or not.
Also my body is ready for bots making an instant 1501/10 bid just on top of my 1500/10. Some assets with liquidity issues will cause a clownfiesta when you just cannot buy things with the price lower than asks (which can be fully controlled by some group)
I miss the old shatter sounds
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ourgirl is coming up with a great build
Why is Rue so mad?
nta but ziz seems like an alright dude, he just positioned himself as the go-to for noobs and now has to suffer with that as his main audience.
every single one of us would
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do you want a cookie?
He's dooming
sounds like he got triggered by one random chat comment
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what would chimp leaguestart?
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does blood and sand work on dual strike of ambidexterity?
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>go to d4 subreddit to see the hype
>posts about the reveal have no interaction
>post complaining that everyone makes fun of diablo 4 : 1k comments
many people are not saying this
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>d4 had a druid
>they added another druid ($60)
No it does not stinky vtuber poster
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she cute
It’s a druid for brown people instead of that freaking wh*toid
>it's real
>1.1m members
>329 online
Wow it really is only dads that play d4 huh
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>white wind is now an insane weapon
>hatred is kill
I would never actually watch rue but I appreciate his spergy autism creating drama out of nothing
he's good at making builds
Kino wind will save the league.
It's over for captain lance
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>go to his twitch channel
>listen to his voice for 3 seconds
>close browser tab
i miss bakedchicken
poe died with his sanity
how does my leaguestart Scion look? 7 mil bleed while half-naked is pretty decent, right?
how the fuck do you scale cold damage on minions without hatred now?
are cold minions dead? are we forced to play chaos/poison now?
Any lads still trying to get challenges done in Negroleague? Lemme know I can help
There's a legitimate chance that tinctures still have a +projectiles modifier. So, like, Dying Sun but good.
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>Less than 7 days for the BEST poe league ever!
How can doomsisters cope?
Why did everyone turn on captain lance
>10pm eu launch time
kill me
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So bleed gladiator is viable now?
he just became more popular and that makes a lot of people seethe no matter what
there are other sources of aggravate so I don't really see the point in playing gladiator specifically for bleed
I have skipped last few poe leagues and cant get hyped anymore. It's just a giant list of powercreep changes with bloatware.
He is good at the game and was a factor in ruining the Mageblood market for two leagues straight.
I don't know, maybe it's cheaper with Glad
what builds has ruepoo even made in the last 2 years the only thing I know is CF champ
It's a single Mastery on tree.
The only difference Glad makes is that you're guaranteed to Aggravate, meaning you don't have to shoot several times.
play ruthless then
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>ancestral totem are fucking gone
I actually enjoyed that shit and they just took it away
It's cheaper
>2 asc points v guaranteed on crits with perfect agony which requires gearing as well
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Ruthlessbros we bussin'
Where we at?
What we startin'?
losing 20% damage from glad ascendency node
just go glad if you want to play bleed, the removal of bow swap ensnare is super garbage
only thing i see the schizo make is DD thats it
ah so it's rmters having their little melty
Waaaaaaaaaaait a second. Endurance Charges now give 4% PDR *and* 4% ele damage reduction per????
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RIP leaguestart Heist runner Raider. I would've liked to zoom with it again if (when) Heist gets unnerfed
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gets triggered by based captainlance being positive about the direction of the game. Chinks can't help but mald at happy white chads since we steal all their women
>Frostbolt nova + archmage untouched
so starting hiero to swap into mjoler is an option
>hexblast untouched, base crit on wands buffed
hexblast miner eating good too.

Hiero seems tankier though.
Found my league start melee ignite build. Just needs 50 div to get started.
Isn't that a male?
my dick doesnt care anymore.
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Got the turtle hideout pack im ready for 3.25
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She's a cute girl anon, the best female poe player in fact
Are poison ot chaos bow build still a thing?
>AHHHHHH loud funny
i just don't get it sorry.
Does less damage and less QOL then old glad but has easy access to block
yeah his name is dick suckin larry if you wanna hit up hist onlyfans
Archmage Ice Nova Hierophant with mjölners?
he's good at making shit builds for mediocre results that are overbudget memes
I don't think he was trying to be funny, he just gets autistically invested into shit
he knows that he's a really boring person in truth, so he spazes out for reddit threads and twitch clips to increase his viewership
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Me neither
He is the proof that a kid that acts gay and talks like a gay dude is not gay, its just that, its the BLACKEST pill on the world, people today if they see a afeminated sounding man it means that he is gay, just like a woman that likes boys things is a dyke.
I've league started his builds a couple of times and they were very smooth, haven't looked at his builds past that
yeah no they aren't. CoC DD was smooth. But his shit builds like vortex ignite and other shit he made were jank as hell and needed 5-10divs before they even came online
So how hit dps compares to dot dps?

I played ea elementalist last league and I was at dps dot cap so something like 35m dot dps.
>the removal of bow swap ensnare
Wait, did they actually remove it?
Seems like a bad idea to introduce gold as intended for two major core systems (respec and currency trade) but also to use gold for the temp league mechanic. Makes it hard to gauge if there is a problem.
nah you start archmage icenova of frostbolts then swap to mjolner ball lightning + lightning conduit/shock nova
how to hiero?
I remember signing up for poe2 beta ages ago and thought it was supposed to be coming this month. Did they push it back again?
yeah ensnare doesn't make enemies take bleed as if they are moving, you need to get aggravate for that and the only good ways to get that are being a glad or going crit
idk why they would nerf bleed like this, no one played it
acquire mana
disregard women
it's mostly there to stop botting since you need to actually play the game to get gold
filter for hiero
snapshot: day 3
>thinking this will be a temp league
Captain lance is getting fucking obliterated
I played CoC DD and CF Champ, both were great
IIRC Vortex ignite was just WoC Ignite until you farmed currency, it's a fine build but I'd rather not league start it
please keep your melty contained to twitch rue
this. this guy completely smacks of the people that try to tap into the zoomer market as a side hustle. I've seen some youtubers that have multiple channels and when one of them is something like a "let's play minecraft" channel they act completely different for it; they'll act like autistic spergs and pitch a bunch of garbage while they act normal for like their movie review channel and don't have a billion sponsors or whatever.
is it a good idea to leaguestart archmage?
>no poedb update for league launch
It's over
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What cosmetics can I buy with this?
Not really. You need all of your gear for the build to come together. You're gonna struggle before you're built. The point of a starter is that it works right from the get-go.
imagine thinking being a shitposter for chilled streamers is normal and when they act appropriately in response your 2 brain neurons fire and you go "lol y is dis guy being so srs".
>chilled streamers
>or going crit
Or Vulnerability curse (Quality is .5% chance to Aggravate per %).
Or Exerted attacks.
A Weta for 2 points to get your FREE box.
Post results.
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Catching up on leagues I missed. Was this really necessary?
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>7% reduced ele dmg taken per endurance charge
dual wield nebuloch jugg is so back
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hey I would really appreciate it if you did not post that webm. thanks.

Kino coming through
>spend time hitting warcries
>finally land your huge bleed attack
>it doesn't aggravate because the percentages are super low
>your damage is shit
>Makes it hard to gauge if there is a problem.
Gold is going to be a major currency in PoE 2, so they're simply using PoE 1 as a testing ground for it.
And 5% per-charge against Dots.
And 8% Chaos res.
Assuming no other investment besides tree and these, that's 35% reduced Ele Dot damage and 49% reduced Ele hit damage taken.
And 56% Chaos res.
thinking of picking up poe again
is the new league gonna be any good?
also I am still a noob to this game so I am most likely just gonna follow a guide
whats a fun low effort build to play?
>lets put recombs back
>lets also put reflecting mists back so you can merge 3 t0 prefixes with 3 t0 suffixes
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if you're in trade league it doesn't really matter. that will be especially true this league since everybody is going to be fawning over melee and melee equipment which means archmage shit will be even cheaper.
>is the new league gonna be any good?
how the fuck are we supposed to know
I mean, there're definitely leagues that everyone knows will be bad from a mile away...
Minion gods, what are THE builds to play this league?
i dont know most of you no life this game for several leagues in a row so you should know if the new league is gonna be good or not
A massive balance patch was announced so it is hard to tell what will be good or not. The league itself is one of the most complex they've made as well.
>want to play frost blades warden
>jungroan hates FB
Too many changes. Even the devs don't know if the balance is fucked or not.
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Is there a cooler portal effect?
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Or you know, just hit them a couple times.
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for me, it's this bad boy
Legacy portal best portal.
it really sucks for slow hitting builds though
but what if you're playing bleedquake..?
eh well I mostly never got past t6 maps so I will probably only be playing for a week or two until I get bored
seems most people are saying melee is gonna be good. Is spin to win gonna be a thing? I want it to be a thing
Then you just Leap Slam on them a bunch. Biggest bleed always applies.
Rue is cooking frost blades
The less male classes I play the better
>league so good it actually got quinn to look at patch notes
It was always a pretty strong node for minion builds.
yes all the non-Crimson Dance bleed builds that have high attack speed
it's not known for super slow attacks like slams or snipe or anything
If you can manage to get 100% buff effect you get like 20% life regen from Enduring and only Enduring, and degen damage is a massive threat to any build.
If you're running Snipe, you're already set up for this node in particular. Just bring Barrage as a followup.
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>he is unaware
bleed is overpowered as fuck now
ez dot cap, 91% block, capped suppression
how can other archetypes even compete?
Thoughts on the retaliation "rework"?
How much pain will I endure if I try to leaguestart something that retarded?
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Who else can’t wait for Redditors to realize what the currency market actually means? Retards think that they will be able to buy items easier, but once everyone has easy liquidity, the price of chase uniques will skyrocket. It’s basic economics. I’ll constantly laugh for the first couple weeks, since it will be incessant crying.
Ok i just beat ghost recon advancer warfighter 1 it was complete cancer
recommend me a game to play till the new league hits
Yeah, people are really underestimating Eviscerate.
>with the nerfed grace+determ
enjoy your 2,000 armor
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nguyen shut the fuck up nigger
This won't happen, stay doomy sissy
>getting obliterated
k, keep us posted
yeah I'll be league starting it
I recently bought Mortal Sin on Steam. It’s a decently fun rogue lite, with ”rpg elements”, meaning you get randomised loot drops and powerup choices, in addition to choosing specific class every run. I recommend.
What it really means is that the price of metashit like scarabs will INSTANTLY skyrocket to worthlessness the second streamerman makes a video. All currency strats should even out much faster now.
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build for this feel?
It's not retarded, it's just a vaal skill that's triggered on block instead of with souls.

Should be just fine as part of another build. Maybe Double Strike with Eviscerate for aoe, or a slam build with (i hope this works) crushing fist exerted by ambush.

The only meme would be trying to play these exclusive multi use 4l 'using one removes cooldown of another retaliation move' stuff they have going on; that one's probably best left for Jousis to figure out for us.
Is there a bleed build I can league start with that doesn't move at 0.00000001% movement speed? Without stacking attack speed it's too slow to get around.
>triple T1 wands
>5 uniques
>fake resistance pobwarrioring
>6mil dps
Won’t affect me, lol, I play HC SSF. >>486749762
ass too small
2 nodes and some armour mods provides 100% suppress. >>486750065
Already happened last League. That being said redditors whine about everything.
>and some armour mods
So you're talking about a build after you've already beaten the game, since that shit is a bitch to roll.
Jugg. It’s the class and ascendancy built for sissies.
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That dps seems low though? At least compared to my explosive arrow build in necropolis league.
Scion Gladiator+Pathfinder with Tides of Time belt and invest in perma juiced flasks
Just do expedition. Easily achievable the first two days of league. You can watch Carn on league launch, if this is your first league.
How are totems these days
why do you think hitting with subsequent skills is going to aggravate the big bleed?
totems be like:
>full unique build
lmao, I hope noobs get baited by this shit
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I will sloom, and I will be happy
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Crimson Dance gives FREE 4x damage (so long as target is *not* moving) and Aggravate gives FREE 3x damage on Gladiator for a total of 12x bleed damage on a stationary target? It can't possibly go live like this...right????
is this you or is this what you're putting your penis inside of?
read what crimson dance prevents and what aggravate does
you can't aggravate crimson dance bleeds, ditsy animeposter
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I decided to play Ancestral Protector this league. Can you guys link me a pob?
Because it explicitly says that.
>10% chance to Aggravate (the Bleeding debuffs) on targets you Hit with Attacks
What, do you honestly think GGG would make Aggravate only apply to the Bleed that is applied by the selfsame attack?
New POB when?
here you go
Right now? Just opt in for the beta patch, you cuckold retard.
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Anon totems are DEAD!
EA Ballista wins again baby
thank you my king you may now fuck my wife
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>Certain effects causes bleeding to be Aggravated. Bleeding which has been Aggravated always deal higher Damage as though the target is moving. Aggravate lasts for the remaining duration of the bleed.
This says nothing about moving, only "as though" moving. Gladiator's presence makes the monsters aggravated, therefore "your bleeding does not deal extra damage while the target is moving" does not apply to Aggravation while the target is stationary.

It's a reverse Uno of the way bleed worked before. 12x FREE damage on gladchads.
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Why Doublestrike of Momentum over Doublestrike of Impaling?
Momentum is for elemental based damage, impaling for phys.
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Flicker Strike?
All my max hits are 50-75% lower now bros. Why did they have to gut defenses again?
to better represent the authentic melee experience
man locus power siphon mines feels so fucking good to level with when you hit level 40+
clears entire screens and it has pretty good single target
can't wait to deal almost double that next patch
I dont understand chris' fascination with getting shot 1 from off screen. No other ARPGs are this AIDS when it comes to defenses
bro your end charges?
armor got a blanket 20% more multiplier from quality and a new tier of armor though
Is there an updated list somewhere of all the new skills and their damage? Or was it all basically evened out?
And provides nothing else. Champion got its flat removed, grace/determ got half their flat removed, and the only way to get any of that flat back is to use straight armor bases. You're better off going max res at this point, ESPECIALLY with the new tree.

Like, really. Explain:
>Block nodes (Need a fucking ton for block cap, or you're spending a ton of points on jewel slots
>Bleed nodes (need a ton)
>Suppress nodes (paths you directly away from all the bleed nodes)
>Still need life
>Still need some other defensive layer
Just slotting armor/eva armor and capping suppress is fucking dead. Ben did it because Champion was a broken faggot class and he abused grace and determ and those are done too. Walking into maps with 10k armor is going to be the most miserable experience of your life, and a shitty little flask isn't going to save you.
ohnonono he got too used to defenseslop
get fucked and get ready to actually use your brain
or just play jugg
I did it before with Marohi Erqi Earth Shatter of Prominence from the generals, and regular earth shatter on a 4 link to clear/make corpses, worked real nice desu. Not sure which class to do it with now because it was impale with champ. Maybe that's still the best but you don't need heaps of power to summon 5 generals
guess its just fuck spellcasters
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>more armour
>more evasion
>easier max res
>endurance charges
>more life on gear
>still easy suppress
>now max blox
holy shit I'm never going to die
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>or just play jugg
>Have to have mirror-tier rares to have decent armor now
>Uniques all got fucked when 99% of uniques were terrible anyways
>Everyone is just gonna use Lightning Coil regardless
They could have easily buffed armor on gear and kept grace/determination the same.
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bleed lacerate slayer with 10 frenzy+end charges will be the ultimate meta this league
screencap this shit RIGHT NOW
damn Lily's looking good
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Keep in mind that totems were two 20% multipliers while they were active, so these aren't just 3x more damage multipliers you're seeing.
you gotta deal damage as well
1m bleed dps is enough
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PoB warriors are going to have a shitfit when they realize getting 80% block to both spell AND attack is nearly impossible, even with Tempest Shield, without taking Versatile Combatant or using 30 jewels.
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ur 2 gay LMAO
4 years ago maybe
with t17s and ubers that damage is laughable
>dont need as much armor to mitigate chaos from xibaqua
>drop determination and add 2 25% auras for dps or extra defense
seems like a buff to me
slayer unironically top 3 ascedancy this league but most people sleep on it
why would I want to do t17s or ubers?
>Mob with 80m health that regenerates 6% of its life per second (not counting consecrated ground) and has 40% PDR blocks ur path*
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this except gladiator and steeling masterful form
Realistically it was a 30% more and a 45% more that every skill lost because of vaal AW and panopticon.
sorry I forgot this general doesn't play the game
Because it's the only content that drops loot worth picking up.
Frenzy stack slayer is going to be very popular this league with the endurance charge change. Just hope muh Replica Farrul's stays cheap.

Bro the pair of jewels is going to be 500 div starting.
Versatile Combatant is definitely the play for the 3 classes on the bottom half of the tree. 65/65 block is free with a couple block wheels that are literally right there next to Versatile Combatant keystone. Top half of the tree can go GET FUCKED, though.
I get 40/40 every league, by the time I want to do challenges for things like that I will have dot cap
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>respec with gold
>giving a shit about glad
He fell for the blocknig meme
There are people who don't carry around a Frost Bomb prior to reaching endgame level damage?
You mean 70/65 since the best Block cluster in the game gives 3% max Atk block and you get another 2% from the Mastery. Maybe even 70/67.
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plz let me cope
Ok tomorrow im going to play shadow of colossus
What am in for
I can't be bothered to think very hard I'm just going to go dominating blow and not think about totems or warcrys
>3 wheels, 2 masteries, and 4 ascendancy points to get under normal max block
slayer achieves functional immortality with 2 ascendancy points btw
The best ps2 game
Not much.
don't know why people want this so much, regrets were plentiful. It cost like... 70 chaos max to do a near full respec
so… 1 mill isnt fine then?
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how the FUCK did they make this change but leave the anoint recipe the same???
this is bis for defensive anoints
block without a shield when
You don't need an ascendancy to go for versatile combatant. The only reason block is good now is because it has a low opportunity cost so you can still get armor and suppression.
>the damage of this just got tripled
Mambagods WON
You can LITERALLY do that with dual wield, bro. It gives 20% by default. If you want to two hand, staves do it too.
what are staves
cant really do it until endgame, gold means you can change little fuck ups while levelling
Spoiler: the evil demon that is speaking to you is evil and sealed in the colossus. You free him because you're a dumbshit. But your girlfriend actually does revive at the end, so whatever. Pussygame ridiculous.
all the damage there is carried by the flat on the skill which was removed
what if I played melee ignite witch?
How does this work? Is it abusing low life stuff to cheese the boss that wouldnt work during mapping?
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this is unironically why i play melee templars so much. im addicted. staff of the caged god str stacking is the most straightforward thing possible.
pyroclast mines give thousands of flat fire damage which the pnematic dagger enables poison for
Not on bosses, the only thing that matters, because your mines are 100% of your damage. It's 2.5x * 1.33x more damage this league.
can this do anything but kill bosses? do you use some other skills for mapping?
Rearguard Unique quiver.
wait a fucking minute...Ambush with the newly buffed Perfect Agony on a Bleed build. Holy shit.
You weapon swap to standard Mamba shit with Bino prolif.
Love how every new """melee""" build requires you to throw pyroclast mines of sabotage over and over before you're allowed to deal damage. Every relevant melee skill of 3.24 is unusable because they removed instant warcry and battlemage cry buff from the game.

Slayer ralakesh tectonic slam is the same shit. Hey niGGGers, if I have to press 50 buttons to deal 1/2 the damage of a bow character your game is big shit.
Who the fuck is using pyroclast mine on a melee build?
La goblina
2 stupid 2 live
uh...everyone? it quadruples your dps for free.
It's a shitpost because of a video posted earlier where someone nearly instagibbed Phoenix by spamming a bunch of Pyroclast mines (for 1000 added base damage) and Pneumatic daggers for "all damage with this weapon can poison" and then Mamba popping them.
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>autoexertion now 15% reserve
>but it now pops out the generals cry bois quicker
>they buffed complex trauma
>they didn't remove its flat
>only capped its more at 200% per stack
>generals clones still only count your stacks
yeah nah shits cooked
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Are you guys (and gals) seriously gonna play melee?
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i miss raider
I'm going to play """"melee"""" (slam that hits 2 screens)
>has a low opportunity cost
you're putting points into like 5 wheels if you dont have the base 50% block from Glad.
this but screenwide reave (((melee)))
>melee league
>still fit in cyclone nerfs
>shut the fuck up about frost blades
Ruebros...Jungroan killed us....
Huh, I hadn't really thought about how fucked Battlemage is now. What're the premium ways to trigger spells this league?
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I'm really excited for this league mechanic. Finally we get something thought out and full of effort. And I've always loved farmville/cookieclicker games so this hits the spot for me!
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yeah but not as my league starter.
I know Champ was widely used but did it really need one of its nodes thrown in the trash?
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Sources of phys taken as now:
>Lightning Coil
>Cloak of Flame
>chest eldritch implicit
Did I miss anything else?
Does Flicker Strike of Power PA Poison stacking count?
Helm eldritch implicit is still in unless I missed it being removed. Would make sense if it was shifted to body armours though
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I just woke up
Whats today teaser
>he doesn't know
Just wait til they post the unique changes in a few days.
>flat damage removed from all skills
>% base damage slightly increased
>quality is multiplicative with base item damage
>1 whetstone gives 20% quality until act 4+?
Might be better to actually use your whetstones instead of redeeming them for wisdom scrolls while you're in the early acts this league
I also think it looks really cool but I've never played a game like that before
are the betrayal crafts still a thing? I didn't touch that in necropolis
nvm missed it in the patch notes, they're out
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SSF Oni-goroshi cyclone chieftain, yes im gonna farm a kaoms heart too
why are bois like this?
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Fuck it's gonna be a pain to get T1 rares again. Unless that shipping shit and nerfed recombinators are actually rewarding
New thread
did they nuke it from watchers eyes
also from Lethal Pride jewels
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>wait a minute.. cumtrumps with the newly buffed cock and ball torture on a gimp build? Holy Shit.

>shart blast
>gnome wizard

>guys what if my wifes boyfriend actually isnt nerfed and I get to play my nintendo build???


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