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Previous: >>486713529

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Yuyu love!
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Kama Love!
A new era of Holy Grail Wars emerges.
Instead of the bloody battle royales of the past Holy Grail Wars will be decided with dance competitions!
Specifically the 15th century traditional French dance the "Twerk"
Contestants will perform the dance in groups of 2 and the audience will vote one of the contestants out sending the Servant back to the Throne until 1 best dancer remains.
The competition will be overseen by Jeanne D'Arc who is considered one of the best masters of this dance to ensure the participants arent cheating.
post them skadi funds
Where's Morgan
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let her cook
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reckon with this HSR+fsn collab we'll see HSR stuff in new year stream?
Post progress.
8m qp per day for doing nothing is pretty nice. That's like 160m over the event.
I prefer Bepis
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Holy kino soul
This is the kind of quality that AI just can't replicate
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probably won't hear anything of it from the FGO side
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Yuyu would win in a dancing competition.
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>Avengers must always avenge or they're not allowed to exist
Silly Sakurai. Rulers aren't always ruling! Sabers aren't always sabering!
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where the fuck is this coming from
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feel like ive developed testicular torsion and im not sure why bros
You are propagating a mistranslation.
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OMG they are eating the seal!
Or its another bear? cannibal bears?!
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Everyone has both facilities at level 10, right?
What? It's just two bears hugging each other, weirdo
Reid, my broest bro, please separate your event support list from normal one.
Are people even doing these early events nodes? What are you guys picking for support?
Why are fleshpencils like this
We're not brainlet apple eaters so no.
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>spent the past 7 hours generating AI art

Maybe I should take a break.
Cubs nursing their mother?
You did this to share for bros right?
im not wasting apples on early nodes when I know as soon as I unlock the 90++ everything gets completed super quick
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Oberon love!
I'm just picking Lady Avalon for everything so far because I'm just using Archer Jannu for everything.
How many times did you squirt, sis?
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I pick MLB'd currency CEs to buy the shop CEs asap
Just switch to something cute if your dick hurts. I'm constantly generating something in the background.
i do one every couple hours to not cap AP
i take a castoria with the ingots
Squirting is just pee btw
no bro
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>literally 2 days after anniversary


Convince me this isn't lb6
Its SAO bro
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it's time to face the facts bro...
I have not being efficient with my AP yes, it is related to my SQ count, the desire to play the game is fading away
I really want to suck cocks now
When is the purple drank dragon banner?
I hope it's dark souls anime
Just enough for NP2 Ibuki!
Looks like it. JP's anni is on the 3 and 4 so they'll probably show some teasers there too.
what's stopping you from doing so, bro?
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The only SSR I got in my last 1500 SQ was a single Arc copy
It's LB6
I got 3 CEs from the shop already. I've been taking castorias with MLB currency CEs.
Shoutouts to veneno for full dumping for the succubus. Between Bob and merlina, a vampire and a succubus, he really has a thing for demon girls.
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Fingers crossed…
only women around me
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Easy. Logistically speaking they are unable to adapt LB6.
French behavior smfh
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>7 + 142 quartz
How pathetic...
Unital Ring is dogshit, SAO should have ended with Alicization
Correct, but it's way hotter because it's involuntary.
>highly anticipated
Don't get your hopes up
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Zaaaaaamn that gyatt ong deadass y'all need Jesus's fanum tax zero rizz ahhh bruh :skull:
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KINO if true
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no argument there
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I hope it's Elden Ring
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/ourgirl/ Love?
Anytime now she'll be back from the void...
kino webm
Does kadokawa have anything to do with FGO or type moon?
Why they didn't give her brown skin this time?
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An LB6 anime could easily be even better than the original story if they clean up some of the weaker elements and show a little more of Morgan, Bob and the past timeline.
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Does Fgo have a returning player reward? I stopped back on the fairy boy banner
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>4 months till Morganfest
Not really
I'm not seeing anything there, bro?
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So when JP players want a Skadi support, they go to the Extra slot? Will people care about standard Skadi as a support for most usecases?

Just wondering what changes I might need to make my supports if I successfully get S. Skadi since I feel like having both would be overkill.
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Wife, mother of my 7 children.
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>Too Moe animated
Please let it be true.
86 most likely, it's a new big thing
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Damn that is an erotic outfit aside from the poofy arm sleeves
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/ourgirl/ absolute love!! my fucking dick.........
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>thinking this will be anything to do with fate
>JP's anni is on the 3 and 4
No it's July
Kadokawa is a huge company that has published some TM works
Aniplex is the bigger relation to TM/FGO though of course
>when JP players want a Skadi support, they go to the Extra slot?
Yes, all is reserved for favs
>Will people care about standard Skadi
Only when no dupe CQ
>having both would be overkill
You don't have to
Honk honk
Honk Honk
holy shit! FGO: Singularity F - Flame Contaminated City: Fuyuki??
huh? What will happen on Morganfest?
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Very well said, fanservice version of Rin
>has published some TM works
Did they publish FGO? Or something like Tsukihime even?
>Reddit The Elf
go back
It’s the next lotto with a little bit of story concerning Morg, Tam Lins and Britomart
Did you masturbate to her outfit?
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>All is reserved for faves
imagine not liking enough extra servants to do this
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Long awaited anime announced on the 2nd
FGO anniversary on the 3rd and 4th
>4chan the Elf
Stay here.
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>did Kadokawa publish FGO?
>Tsukihime even?
No. They've published mostly print stuff like TM Ace and stuff.
don't have to imagine
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I guess that means I can show off another Caster instead, but not sure who that'd be.
put castoria, oberon, vitch and summer skadi up for events
do whatever you want outside of events. I will make blapples then.
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Koyan’s back
So it's not FGO or any other big Nasuverse work then lmao
Yeah but we're talking about Skadi. Barely anybody likes her.
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Thank you, fanservice version of Morgan.
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Do the ember profits get sent to the present box or straight to the inventory?
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>her story chapter
>her manga
>her summer event
>her game
>her anime segment for NY
>her story chapter anime soon
/ourgirl/ simply cannot stop winning!!!!!!!!
The original story is good as it gets stop being filtered
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They've also published basically every manga retelling of FGO I believe. They did publish aversion of FSN too. They're a huge company and it's a bother to look at everything they've done.
She manages to stay boring even with this insane shill she gets.
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A genki girl cannot be boring, sweaty...
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I’m clean
There's plenty to criticize about Musashi's character without resorting to subjective shit like "she's boring", bro.
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>Unlimited Blade Works collab announced for Honkai: Star Rail on 2025

Why we can't get a collab like this as well?
It's over...
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that's it, we're at war now
expect kudzu bombs in your front lawn and glitter boxes hidden in your amazon packages
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>what does Kadokawa have to do with FGO or type moon?
Because we don't want one
>Prisma Illya
Wtf I like Kadokawa now
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Filthy REDDIES getting uppity, huh
>chinkshill AI designs of Emiya and Gil
yikes, can't wait for the shitstorm
It wouldn't be a "kadokawa announcement" if it was FGO

>Publicity Assistance
Lmao who cares
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>kudzu bombs
>glitter boxes
Alright you fucking monster, gloves off then. I'm calling Oberon and he's going to infest your home with bed bugs while I fry all your potatoes and delete your 3.5E campaign notes.
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I finished making ALL 120 sheet and summed it up.
I will update it frequently as new data becomes available.
When will we get a Frieren collab? I would be okay with this
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it's fucking over merlina drained me of my mats and i can't even 10/10/10 her skills
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*unintelligible nerd screeching*
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Now that's some soulless shit right there
I can't believe Jeanne D'arc is that popular!
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>most 120's maxed is Kiara
>most 120's total is Melusine
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>I'm on the list

Well, that was quick. Very nice spreadsheet though.
The shitshow in past 2 threads have already proven how unwanted this collab is.
Yes, I'm glad it's not FGO. Thank you UBW for the sacrifice. You earn my respect Ufotable.
Hey that's me!
>19 Morgan 120s
>only one of them is maxed
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new with more explanations
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Mom slowly getting higher
Gameplay grails suddenly count now?
unironically, do you have a job where you earn a living wage?
>gameplay grails
There are 2 NP5 120 2000/2000 10/10/10 Appends fully Fou Pawd Bazetts?
There are at least 6 120 bobs on alter
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Too strong.
>not relevant enough because I've been hardlocked at this for like a year because NP3 Bond 12 with Append 2 unlocked


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kill yourself
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Oh, both Kamas are roughly the same huh...very nice
Mom Love!
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thanks for reminding me of my autism lmao
> With the anouncement of the new LB6 anime, all masters will receive a either a free Castoria, Morgan or Oberon to choose.
Holy shit.
Keep your worms contained here and out of hsrg. HIV chasers
Why isn't your Circe maxed?
Show love to your favorite, reddie
>Gameplay grails
She sucks
Onii-chan told me that the Seiba pick doesn't give RP or coins.
>/fgojalter/ doesn't care about gamepl-
coins yea, but if shes np5 getting np6 wont give you the whale wheel
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The SKIP button should be bigger
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This event fucking sucks. Does it get any better or is this really what we have to deal with for the next 2 years?
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Mom Love!
what >>486742848 said, the FSN campaign copy won't give coins
t.JP alt
Me and my six 120 Gogh fellas...
Fuck off anti-FGO turd
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i think you listed my lancer twice
Now I'm even more confused...
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Where did the soul go?
Oberon doesn't need anything besides 10/10/10, that's SOVL
>Does it get any better
fairly soulful maxxed 120s though
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Anyone who fell in love with an LB6 character - the proper way, through reading the story, not deciding they liked them beforehand and saving paws for them - has not had enough time to properly max out an LB6 servant yet. They are most likely working on their paws right now. On the other hand, if you see a maxed out oberon or whatever, it's because they simply liked the design and nothing else and saved paws for them beforehand, not caring about the story. Likely skipped LB6 as well.
Seems like the stats in these lists are very detached from /alter/ discussion. Hardly anyone likes Melu here, and yet she has the most 120s.
One is sorted anon
I think the left side is unsorted while the right is sorted from greatest to least. This guy could use some organization lessons
We had this discussion already, she does and there's recorded evidence she does that I've seen myself. However she doesn't give a USO even if you already have her NP5.


You can see he gains coins when accepting her from the box.
I have NP5 Arc and i still have to use supports to clear stuff anyways.
Shes kinda useless.
Like cool shes the referance to that Nekoarc meme but shes not very good.
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Holy copium OVERDOSE
please go outside
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>hardly anyone likes melu here
I do??
Yeah you always gain coins, but any kind of freebie SSR hasn't ever counted for USOs because Lasengle fucking suck.
Gameplay grails
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>Enkidu: 2
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This is why I remain anonymous in /alter/a. I will never post my support, I will never post my IGN, I will never post my SSN, I will never post my legal name, I will never post my nationality.
No, there are only 2 120 not maxed Bazetts.
Yet I have seen only one on my friend list and only one on the previous list and I think the same only one during support posting, unless I missed them all because I am only just a human.
The one isn't sorted by the amount of servants and the other is. What >>486743321 said. I guess there was more complicated way to write a formula to generate that list in one go but I gave up.
Doesn't matter. Some schizo is going to get triggered from your posts anyway.
Some guy in /hsrg/ is saying I'm gay for rolling Oberon, is he right? Didn't you say it was fine rolling for Oberon specifically?
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its a gogh party!
You have less of a life than lucksucker, go the fuck outside for once
>i can finally stop being a reddie and max my broberon
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THE list is our content now
/alter/ is utterly hypocritical when it comes to gameplay grails. Only a few posters actually do what they preach
Melusine is your gf
Morgan is your wife
Arc is clap
SpIshtar is clap
Oberon makes girls wet.
It was always soul read:lust
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>13 120 Arcs in 2 weeks
Why does /alter/ love Shiki's gf that much?
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Based, me and my bro (Myself)
I'm with you this time, that shitty list is one of the worst things that happened here. Just fuel for shitposting.
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i think its because a lot of you are gambling addict retards who impulse summon all your sq and we got 1k sq for free when arc came out. just a theory though.
they read tsukihime when they were 14 and went "wow, shiki is literally me"
>comfy summer event with characters I care about to look forward to
>big rolls soon to get hype for (I'm very excited for Skadi and Wu)
>comfy Friday with /alter/
Hope you have a comfy weekend. I'm lying on my bed farming in the event and watching youtube with my Switch, love you all
Shiki is literally me
t. chaotic evil schizoid
Oh yes this is me
I like how I have two unmaxed 120s and I’m still not on that silly list
There's that and you know, the fact that she doesn't come back outside of GSSRs. It was pretty do or die for them.
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When the Fate/Stay Night remaster comes out, there's a commemoration campaign giving out CE of each of the original servants. You can only pick 1 CE.
You then get the servant of the CE you picked.

So if you pick the Seiba CE, you get a free copy of Seiba. If you pick the Kojibro CE because you love him, you get fucked in the ass and get 1 copy of a 1 star servant.
Reminds me of an sao fic i saw on /a/ called Nightblade where the main character is LITERALLY me
Absolute kino
>watching youtube with my Switch
Weirdo, who does this?
Based anti-retard filter
The main chapters(LB7, OC1, 2) are fine.
Gudaguda 7 kinda mid I like 8 more than 7.
Arcade collab was the best collab after CCC.
Summer 8 was fine but overhyped.
If you are not into Mahoyo you won't really immerse at all for Mahoyo collab. It's a Mayoho 2 teaser and has nothing to do with FGO whatsoever.
>get dumped 800-1k SQ for little to no effort if you got plenty of servants levelled up to final ascension, easy to roll and dump it to try get np5 arc
>everyone saying that her damage is shit if you dont grail her to 120 too
>half AP hands with nothing else to do for anniversary
easy explanation why you'll see a ton of people with 120 arcs but way less 120 summer skadis or komahimes
99% of players will pick the Seiba CE for the free Seiba.
i only have 16gb of ram so i cant use youtube on my second monitor while playing a heavily modded skyrim.... i have no choice...
>Caring about Fou paws
Holy schizoism
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>watching youtube with my Switch
Read Mahoyo, slut.
Shiki is every bit (you) as Ritsuka is (you)
Stop mentioning your boyfriend, retard.
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i dont really need saber past np1 so i'll probably just pick the emiya ce because its kino.
Medeabros... Meduselessbros...
I used to use an old iPad but the YouTube app stopped working on it

Already have and it's great
>not giving your favorite every possible boost imaginable
This is why you'll always be a red
>Ordeal call
>Main chapter
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>love you all
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Arcbros, post your Arcs
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it would be less gay if someone made a list on the size of every /alter/ bro's cock
im holy based
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I am working on it bro
Don't care. Trash characters from a trash game.
>Summer 8
Too late
Don't care about irrelevant TM slop.
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Surprisingly Kamfy Friday...because of the windows crashes effectively giving me 70% of the day off
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What do these 10 say about /alter/ and its taste?
Holy fuck you're a faggot. Pick up a pencil.
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5.4 inches just in case you're wondering. dont know the girth.
Absolutely soulless
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Why yes, I will waste my pick for a badly cropped CG from the VN.
Its a collab with the anime and not FGO so might not see anything at all.
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>Hardly anyone likes Melu here
Just because I don't post her 24/7 and avatar with her doesn't mean I don't like her. I imagine it's the same for a lot of anons here. Also, posting her too much attracts the schizo.
>Parrot Kama higher than Kama
>Penguin Meltryllis there but no Meltryllis
This is weird.
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>nowhere to be seen
/alter/ has fallen, we are reddit now
First 5 are gameplay shit
Next 5 are soul love picks
Interesting how that worked out
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Would Lugh Beowulf have been able to maul Morgan?
>water mirror
Assuming she didn't use this.
pornography addiction
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I did my part, blame others for it
Melt is in the same situation, both Kamas and Melts are roughly the same (1 off)
my gameplay grailed oberon has finally been exposed... its over...
>2 people with 6 120s
>Neither have a maxed 120
>5 people with 5 120s
>3 have at least 1 maxed
Melusine, Morgan, and Oberon represent the great writing and beloved story of LB6.
Arc represents the Tsukihime fans.
Raikou represents the Japanese history otakus.
Summer Kama and Summer Melt being disproportionately high relative to their non Summer alts is interesting.
Medea would want you to pick Seiba.
We've always been reddit
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what a truly strange design choice
>Summer K*m*
>Melt Lancer
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5.4 inches just in case you're wondering. don't know the length.
I will 120 her summer version in the next year
>Oberon represents the great writing and beloved story of LB6.
Fixed that for you
we can make a perfect cube bro... hit me up...
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If only we were as based as nips.
6 inches
>like the servant
>can't post her
But I want the Lancer Cu CE from this…
There'll be another 120 coming by next anni.
Ours looks kind of similar...we just dont have OG grails
Use your knowledge of literary theory and tell me right now. What events had good writing?
The list is missing Nathan and he's king of the jalter posters so I don't really care about it.
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>Hardly anyone likes Melu here
That's not true, you know.
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i have a 120 morgan but i dodged the list another time!
>disproportionately high
>basically the same amount
I don't think you know english
End of list
Sea Monster Crisis
You made us lose to Melusine...
>open shop
>MMMMMMM jumpscare
fuck you DOUMAN
Nathan is dead
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We're superior. We appreciate cunny
Should I be sad or happy the list maker missed me?
>only 4 Benis
you disappoint me /alter/, hope you accidentally burn your rice
>would've been the only representation of my servant on the list
>also dodged
it is what it is
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GUDAGUDA 2023 - Showa Kishin Project: Ryouma's Narrow Escape! The Mystery of the Disappearing Nobbu Head
GUDAGUDA 2022 - Super Ancient Shinsengumi History GUDAGUDA Yamataikoku 2022
All-Out Nobunaga Assault GUDAGUDA Final Honnoji 2021
GUDAGUDA Legend of the Imperial Capital Grail
GUDAGUDA Meiji Restoration
CCC was okay too
>0 120 Kuros
it's over...
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>both Kamas
>Almost rolled for Douman and Merlina
>Remember hes an extra class and i have like 20 diffrent extra class servants already and only 3 extra class support slots.
Phew that was close.
I need to get a 5 star of each class not keep rolling for extra type servants because it makes me look like i only have 3 SSR's
15 Bespectacled Intellectuals
Imagine if at least they gave us a copy of the servant that was identical gameplay-wise but came with that Fate/Stay Night artwork as their 4th Ascension.
It would be a unique one of a kind copy of the servant with a special altered artwork that you could only get by picking them there. It would be so nice for the players that didn't just pick the Seiba CE for the free SSR and feel really special and you could really appreciate that copy that you got for your low rarity servant.
wait for evocation and summer 8 bro
Just post your supports.
GUDAGUDA 0 bros...we are forsaken...
Kadoc lost to this.
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>because it makes me look like i only have 3 SSR's
why does it matter what you look like? summon the servants you want. i dont care about you at all.
your supports.
I have, multiple times. I just never get accepted.
It would still be 0 because we are going to EoS
On working on it!
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>Hardly anyone likes Melu here

I may grail her a bit at some point, since she came to me with an NP2 so quick. Not even for gameplay, but she is a cutie that deserves a grail or two. All bark no teeth with that Choco curse and scanning Melu's artbooks though.
I have not posted my support here in literal years how the fuck am I on here
the dudes on your friend list probaly
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>Oberon post
the guy, instead of including only supports from people posting, just went through old FC google sheets and grabbed them.
>Hardly anyone likes Melu here, a

No, unironically what? Do you take all the shit posts at face value or something?
holy shit Rindr is too cute
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List maker has Sure Hit CE equipped in real life.
He went to the archive
your still my friend and on my friends list bro *smooch*
This event was written by Sakurai, right?
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There are rats among us.
You can't just blame Sakurai for every bad event.
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What did you mean by this. I'm just here to post all things Oberon love, outside of the occasional Melu mention.
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I don't see pro-Melu posts very often. If I had to guess, I'd say there are at MAX 3 bros who post in /alter/ about Melu regularly.
You can play the "oh I like her I just don't ever post about her" card but I don't buy it, if you like a FGO character usually you want to post about that character, you know post cute and funny images and stuff, if not make edits with that Servant, for example I like Gogh so I made this edit of Gogh.
Most likely the main story part, but as usual, most summers will have different writers writing different parts. Meteo doing Erice's part is likely.
Living off those QP dividends bros, life is good
>Expression that says "Obviously you retard."
Is there any part of the event worth reading?
are you a real life girl?
sorry bro he promised to bump me up the list if I ratted on you
>i'm not
>been kicking around since 2017
skill issue, tbdesu
>Creating OC for a place that continuously shit on that character
Master of Photoshop/Paint I kneel!
Obviously you retard, only girls use Gudako.
The issue with your logic is why would I post her if I know she'll get shit on because Le funny shit post culture. I have little to add to an already toxic well of discussion relating to her. That doesn't mean I don't like her.
I have Summer BB NP1 and Jeanne d'Arc summer NP1. Should I roll for Merlina?
I didn't say it was bad, but it features her servants like Skadi, Valkyrie and Ibuki.
dont ask me i skipped it all.
i dont know anon, make decisions for yourself for fuck sake
soulless individuals who like a servant because she, upon summoning and ignoring everything of her story, becomes for (You) are not going to be creating soulful OC like you and I do for our favorite servants.
The parts where Erice is on screen.
You will protect Skadi's smile, right /alter/?
Post your OC turd.
You are correct and countless of times this last year, I've called people retards for accusing an event of being written by Sakurai, but this event is most likely Sakurai main writer.
The majority of /alter/ doesn't create OC of their favorite though, that's the norm.
Why was Erice picked for a summer slot? Does she have any actual fans other than that Erice schizo we had, who basically just fetished her anyway. Her shitty ln was cancelled anyway
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>/alter/ has a lot of melufags
>dislike melusine
>melufags are afraid of posting her
Works for me, I guess
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not everyone has autism. I am fine with not my posting my favorite
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Despite there being only 3 120 Medeas, every one is maxed. Don't know how many other servants can boast that. SOUL.
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IDK, I guess people like you are the reason shitposters shitpost, because you actually care. Me personally? I'll post Servants I like regardless of people shitposting, that person is just giving you attention in the desperate hope that you'll give them some attention back, but if you just don't care about their posts then it's a non-issue.
When did Goghtards become so insufferable
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bruh she's F2P it'd be embarrassing if they weren't
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I mean I'm not saying I never post Melusine. I discussed her a ton around and after LB6 and then again when we saw the Summer version and then again when her Ques Q figure got announced.
Wait WHAT. I haven't started the summer event yet. There are QP dividends? I figured I'd wait a week or so until the time gates are all gone.
I don't think Nefertari would approve of Ramesses II being surrounded by all of these female servants...
I've got a 120 jalty in all . Going for whale list later this year. I'm doing my part
Code 766,298,340 free opened right now for more.
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>Does she have any actual fans
It's hard to say. She's one of those servants who most fanart is just porn CGs.
There's a niche subset of players (like me) that think she has great chemistry with Guda, and that her brattiness is cute and inoffensive.
It has autogenerated rewards, yes. So far QP and EXP.
You would think so, but there are four 120 Annings, and yet none are maxed.
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The parks give mats the more you lvl them up the more you get.
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Hey there are at least 5 of us and only 2 are the most active and I made most captions for fun but that doesn't mean anything.
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it's over...
Disgusting veteran and pedo
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Godspeed, bro
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I have favorites and rarely post them because I'm not an attention seeking faggot like the Dutch
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It's hard, being so lucky.
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yes,yes, but how many SSRs/SQ this year?
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>no battles
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>NP4 lv 100 Melt: can 3T 6ce farm the Archer node with foumes only supported by Castoria and Xu Fu with a 10% charge CC
>NP1 lv 90 Vritra (no append): can NOT 3t 6CE farm the Archer node in the same comp
Vritra, you have failed me.
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I don't like to brag, but at least half of /alter/ OCs are produced by me, included, but not limited to: edits, crops, macros, drawings, voocaro audios, collages and more.
/alter/ would break without me.
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>made this in 2018
>along with a bunch of other similar text edits
damn, kinda sad looking how little I interact with the game now.
>I put a cropped picture in a pre-made template.
None of this is OC
You are a total stvd.
literally same
>voocaro audios
you lie and post it. I made a vocaroo once and I managed to fish at least 2 kys's, so that was nice.
Morgan is most peoples side fuck. Not enough fou paws to go around.
Nodes with battles have story too, so either A) you'd be reading regardless, or B) you'd be skipping regardless.
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I made this some time ago but I almost never browse this shit heap
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Looks like we need to have a requirement of at least 5 OCs created for your 120 servant to truly be considered MAXXED.
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>probably dead or a veteran
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As you can see here, a melu poster, who was counted on the 120 list claims that he ALMOST NEVER posts in /alter/. And yet he is counted on the /alter/ 120 list. Absolutely ridiculous. The system is broken.
The only OC/Edits I make are to give shitposting fuel against other servants, like the hand edit on the Morgan gif.
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holy based
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Because it's boring as fuck /alter/ isn't even 10% of what it used to be, nowadays it's just shitting on popular girls to get a rinse out of people, it used to be Kama, then Morgan and now it's Melusine's turn
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>Use her for the card art
>Replace her with some dyke for the 3rd ascension
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/alter/'s hidden goho tea club...
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I made this Morgan edit and I smile whenever bros post it.
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Post support and I will move you upwards.
Now post the one where Morgan lies in psych ward room
About 15!
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This shithole doesn't deserve OC honestly
We used to be kings...
How do I submit my info? Is it just me posting my friend code on here?
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Wait is Raikou actually a mother? Who is her child? I thought everyone just calls her mom because of her body and aura.
Bros? Anyone?!
Man, why the fuck do Summer Kiara and Draco have unique summoning animations? I highly fucking doubt we'll be getting another Beast class servant any year soon.
Eric Bloodaxe
I'm not sure how I feel about this scene.

I'm not sure how I'd feel if I became Captain myself, I've always thought of him with me not as me. If anything is be sad he couldn't be with me if I was him. This scene made me uncomfortable.
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Kintoki is her adopted son
Why do you retards care so much about the list
She is not technically a mother, she never gave birth, she could even be a virgin
Kintoki is her adopted son
Any servant with unique summoning is a Nasu preference servant
She’s not, her “children” weren’t actually hers which is why she gets mad when you bring them up.
She chose not to have kids because of her demon blood.
a list killed my parents when I was 10
NP1 level 90 Vritra can 6CE Illyafest!
She was gangbanged by k pop dude, kintoki and two others
We're all starved for attention here sister.
No, she wasn't, idiot
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umm... I'm shy...
She was forced to have a... Raitabortion...
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imagine trying to goon in your church but these fuckass highschool kids keep coming to you every night with some booboo and the ginger you are convinced is autistic keeps glaring at you for no reason
Don’t reply to the turd
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I have lots of OC. You losers have no idea how much I do for this thread. I'm alter core as fuck. I fend off russkys and defend your waifu's honor. I make copypasta. I make posts so cool other people turn it into copypasta. I carry on the legacy of the fallen. I tell Lippers to kill themselves. If anyone gets uppity I bring them in line. I am the defender of /alter/. You're welcome.
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Yeah, it's sad that the Nemos were being abused by Skadi. The likelihood that Skadi will get off scot free after abusing and hurting the Nemos by the end of the event is annoying, I feel no reservation about skipping that dumb bitch.
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I was about to point out bro...
The reason of not using fou paws probably is just saving for someone. It doesn't mean dead or veteran necessarily.
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Skadi is innocent! She didn't know about Erice's slave labor!
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No kidding? Post proof.
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Kintoki, she adopted him.
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But raikouschizo is supposed to like raikou?
>anonymous filename
Stop impersonating A.
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Saving my paws for Koma!
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I made this last year during LB6's peak.
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it's wild how nice latelets will have it when the Evocation stuff hits
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>no append
why haven't you gotten her to bond 6 yet you fucking monster
Tiamat doesn't have one?
And Archetype Earth has one
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>This retarded asshole
Why does Jets attract so much mental illness
I don’t like Raikou character and her design
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Not him, but here
That's the reason I was trying to use her for this node. I used Melt first because she has a bond bonus for this event, but then I thought about how nice it'd be to get Vritra's append so I was going to use an apple and farm the node a couple times with her, but she can't farm the node with support Castoria and Xu Fu.
Gee I wonder
same, but she's so popular here that you have no choice but to accept her.
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Playable Tiamat isn't Beast class
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I'm not turd but here's some LB6 OC I made.
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>tourist not knowing the turd has attacked mombros when he wasn’t attacking the Kamabros or Bobbros.
>Tourist doesn’t know the turd is also the one to have made up the claim of Raikou’s interlude being about raped until it arrived over her in NA and nothing like that actually happened.
I still don’t understand her popularity here besides the coomer reasons
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>besides the coomer reasons
So you do understand then
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Post support list.
You can spoiler it...
Are Extra Kotomine and Taiga technically siblings of BB if they were all made by the Moon Cell?
mother surrogate for fags who likely had poor relationships with their real one
but mainly the coomer thing yeah
>Bazett (NP3) + Vritra (NP2) + Arash + Liz love! + Caster Artoria

NP1 Vritra works with a more powerful Bazett. She clears the Arash and the Hydra even at min-roll.
You can take a support Bazett for this.
Not a turd but I’ve made a lot of bob crops, captions and gifs
Does my dick count?
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>tourists have never seen the "you have no idea how much I do for this general" shitpost and don't recognize a parody
Sad times.
I have a suggestion, “Kiara Sessyoin” is a strange and entirely made-up name and very awkward to say in English; I therefore suggest we use the name “Clara Sessy” to refer to her instead, let’s also submit advice to the localization team to consider changing Kiara to Clara to help her be more identifiable
I know these events are just side stories that don't really need to make sense, but why is Douman in our Chaldea again? He's a foreign disciple and a bad guy who is dead.

Found Kuro's Twitter acct
I can see she's NP2.
Most of our servants are bad guys who are dead.
He became summonable after dying and Chaldea takes all the help it can get. Same reason there's like 4 other beasts running free
Klare Smith
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/alter/ has fallen, its over
We defeated him and then summoned him. Same as every other villain servant in Chaldea.
Remove iphone bobfag from your friend lists.
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>what do you mean i'm a clown
give me 5 reasons why
>Just use your np4 level 100 Bazett bro
I like the vocaroo the most.
NP1 works, see pic-related.

You can take a support Bazett!
>1st wave is an Arash clear
>2nd wave is a Bazett clear
>3rd waves is also a Bazett clear
I don't consider this a Vritra clear at all, might as well say it was a Castoria clear, they used their NPs the same amount of times.
it's just ati shilling her maxxed out bazett again
as if refreshing for that specific one over and over is worth the hassle
Is this maybe why Alaya is mad at us. We keep summoning evil people
I would never remove a member of the /alter/ nobility >>486742393
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I am saving for her, I need help. I must have her. I WANT HER.
>3 MLB CEs to boot
Huh? But he has a 120 Bob.
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>tfw you see an updated version of a meme whose older version made you feel old
It's an abstract kind of feel.
“Sessy” is a real last name though, so it’s a more valid name for the localization than the made-up word “Sessyoin”
Unless another last name from the ones starting with “Sess” works better?
You weren't supposed to point that out...

You only need 2 of your own, since you'll take a support Bazett or Caster Artoria...
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Kiara is a black person name THO
Ati is a disgrace to this general. Her comps are all lies. She's only good for sex.
You can't use AI to make me want to roll for the city.
You can't make me roll for the city just by putting her in twintails.
I just wanted to post Liz and Vritra being good friends and playing together...
What would sex with young Morgan feel like?
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posting those should be a bannable offense
Kiara is an honorary nigga
She has dreadlocks
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>posting those should be a bannable offense
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I look like this
NP3 100 Bazett works with NP2 Vritra, and we have other Bazettfriends on /alter/... It's a cool set-up since Liz and Vritra get to play together and have fun while also having synergy with Bazett due to both of them applying Skill Seal to the enemy...
This but lippas
The better question you should be asking is why Kirei/Rasputin visiting Erice's land to eat some spicy mapo tofu and nobody did anything about it.
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>10% charge CC
I assume you mean MC, in which case why not just using plugsuit Mary Anning (or Ruler Da Vinci) so you can level new plug instead of wasting MC exp?
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Don’t have to be blood related to be a mom.
Please keep in mind that this requires someone to have multiple MLB CEs on their support so they're not taking one away from their Castoria/Vitch/Skadi/Oberon/Arc and that means you're only gonna see like 2 max
I would not shill those kinds of comps since they're so niche they might as well not apply to the majority of players
So let’s talk about Clara - Why do we allow Clara to run around Chaldea unopposed and have a swimsuit, is it because we don’t remember her and what she could be capable of?
I miss part 1 when events were canon and made sense in the timeline

here we are 5-6 summers in and the earth has only been bleached for a couple of months at best
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Okitabros!!! The Ramen Stores are out...
you WILL love the motherland
I do have it as the last video in the Illyafest set-ups post because of that, but I do want to include more niche stuff like that and not just post "NP5 120 Arcueid". I think it's a cool set-up due to the Skill Seal synergy and Liz and Vritra being friends...
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I made this one last Christmas and seems that it was well-liked.
Me to the right.
I have 106,500 points now, is this average?
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i want to fuck this woman
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Just woke up bros, what'd I miss?
>in which case why not just using plugsuit Mary Anning
Because I'm a latebro who used the anni RPs to buy some MCs from the RP shop and a couple of those MCs have 10% charges.
my meltdown
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I enjoy and appreciate Sakurai. That is all.
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Same. What's your favorite position with her?
dumb appler
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yeah he made some good games
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Remember newfrens: her name is Jalter. Say that and the other /alter/bros will respect you
I used a few apples so I can get max return on the QP and EXP farms. I think that's a good compromise.
Shut your fucking mouth you Lip ass nigga
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lost my edits this is all i have left
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found an old support list on my laptop. pre-covid. welfares, no skills, only 1 grail, man what an era.
hooooooly based chadori
tertiaries will never know
Sending a request right now.
It looks like Nero is laughing at Gil since Jets is right there with a higher level.
wtf bro my saber is not there...
Vgh, back when grails, silver fous and skill/NP levels were all it took to max out a servant... simpler times.
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Prisma Illya should show nipples.
Everyone is smiling except Penthesilea, but I don't see Achilles anywhere...
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This is quite the development.
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>Last refresh: 7 days ago
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Bros, my image HDD finally kicked the bucket. I need as many Type-Moon reaction images/GIFs/webms as possible
beat up all women
https://rayshift.io/na/764232771 764,232,771
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Lip isn't a Nazi...
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I just had a cold shower and now my balls are cold
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Then why is she wearing a Nazi uniform?
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Hi friends! Is the summer event worth reading so far?
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>last refresh: over a year ago
I live in obscurity...
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I wish I was obscure. There is nothing notable about my supports other than a Lv100 Medea and a Lv120 maxed out Okita.
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100% of /alter/ would gladly be pegged by Medb.
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>last refresh: 9 hours ago
someone is stalking me
Why don't you have 6 support pages that are full?
>Last refresh: yesterday
Does the word "NOBBUcoin" ring a bell to anyone here?
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>Last refresh: 8 hours ago
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post good tamamochi art please
Are you feeling better now?
Some people get mad if you put a bunch of "useless" shit up so I just stick to the essentials for event lists.
Don’t forget, Jeanne Alter suMMER is nicknamed Jammer here
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>Never in any of these autistic lists, not even the original pastebin even though I used to post my FC fairly often
>Add Shrek and a bunch of other autistic thread celebrities
>Still nothing, everybody goes on about their day
>All of sudden add a group of people here again like I usually do
>Start getting namedropped semi frequently
>I'm in two of the autistic collages
>Rayshift keeps getting refreshed
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120 saber
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>last refresh 5 months ago
>not on the list
I just cant stop winning
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>last refresh: 9 days ago
is it over for me?
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>Last Refresh: 3 days ago
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Perfect image for /alter/.
>Last refresh: 2 days ago
So this is what it's like to fade into obscurity...
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i thought she has 50% charge...
Jeanne d'Arc Alter = Jalter
Jeanne d'Arc Alter Berserker = Jerker
Jeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily = Silly Jilly
Jeanne d'Arc Summer = Jalter White
>All of sudden add a group of people here again like I usually do
Name them
>This degenerate kept doing shitty degrading stuff for Tamamo
>Goes on to make vanilla doujins for BA
You just got new content ungrateful fuck
It's okay, when it's time for him to see himself as worthy again to stand in a company of heroes as their equal he will call upon Hector's Duridanda to inherit his Durendal once again while facing a God and protecting his precious Master.
Because he's a hero, worthy of being part of Jason Neo Argonauts.

Because he's my friend.
>last refresh: 13 hours ago
>not on the list
She's Merlin(blue), not something that's up to post-Skadi support standards
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don't "hermano" me while posting THAT
That was many months ago, had I known this would have happened I would have definitely kept track of it, i though we were way past this
>mother surrogate for fags who likely had poor relationships with their real one
I have a great relationship with my mom, and I still love Raikou.
>Last refresh: 9 days ago
>Not on the list
What does this mean?
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>Last refresh: 9 hours ago
tranquilo viejo!
That you don't have 120 so I may skipped you. Or it wasn't me.
Dear hoyo tourists
The watch order for Fate begins with Prisma Illya
When you have finished the entire series you can come back for what comes next.
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My 120 is clearly right there so I must have dodged you
You wont redeem right sir??
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hermanos, triste....
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>Last refresh: 3 months ago
you either play the Stay Night vn or watch Prillya, no compromise
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based, fuck tamapoo
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Who else is ready for Skadi?
You might have... wanna fix it?
sar, do not redeem sar!
I'm sorry Hassan, I'm skipping Skadi.
>Watched My Girlfriend is a Gumioh
My respect for Tamamo has increased. Shin Min Ah is so cute...
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So it WAS true, Hassan was here all along
Is best girl in the summer story?
No, Castoria is next summer
Yeah, Erice appeared today, her parts were better than the rest so far
Yes mom is
She’s probably only sad because her pimp didn’t let her keep more money.
No, Chloe is next summer
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t. Hassan
yeah dude you saw jalter in the intro scene.
>Hassan Bakshi
Jeanne Alter talks with her new avenger kouhai later. Probably about maximizing her chunni appeal.
Bro it's too late...
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>Notice that I'm a Serf, realise I never unlocked my second append despite being able to do so.
Thanks for the reminder, now I'm merely a peasant. A few more bond coins and I'll be nobility.
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>it was real in my mind
Meds, now. Specifically, the euthanasia kind.
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Servant for this feel?
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>i'm a serf
Hi Hassan Bakshi. Your brown hands will never touch my waifus. Refer to the Terms and Conditions for /vg/.
Is that the famous oil prince of /alter/
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I love Red.
Abby, there's your obvious answer.
Not until Sunday
Hmmm... I never thought about it that way.
she canonically likes Souls games so Nasu
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>Wake up at 1am
>My entire appartment smells like food because my neightbour is cooking in the middle of the night again
>The smells and my post sleep hunger cause me to eat 20k+ calories in one sitting even though im trying to be on a diet
Im going to remain a fatass forever arent i?
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Phew! That didn't take long, did it?
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time to sleep
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I have seen this guy before is this some kind of double falseflag
Why did he even share his emails?
I understand mena, but why do you also have to be a nigger?
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I’ll just be a peasant anyway
Yeah I've seen that pic here already, too.
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>still working their paws
Anon, everyone had enough time to save and max paw a LB6 servant at release, specially by today, it will only be an issue if it was their second max paw servant.
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there are many reasons i could name, none of which i would repeat out loud in public
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>guy named hassan fails at opsec
there's a cosmic irony there
I do not understand your implications. You would not repeat them out loud in public because...? Are they embarassing? Are they illegal? Do you want to hide your powerlevel? None of the reasons that come to mind would qualify for [reasons to share your emails].
use those surplus calories to lift dingus
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chat is this real
this image has been posted multiple times before
It's not a bad thing.
its been so long since i've been in this shithole i forget what this is even referencing
Archetypy you FUCKING WHORE
Stop alteraposting
Kiara seething because she can't do that with Hans in the back
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Only if you stop breathing
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good night bros, see you tomorrow
I wasnt going to but now im rolling for Douman so i can do this and hold my wifes hand with Douman.
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Another one to the mountain of reasons why Arc is superior.
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keep it real nigga
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I hate that I have more than enough fou paws but still not enough coins to fully max my servant
5 minutes
We just had one like a month ago...
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Night bro
I didn't notice.... im sad............. and i also missed the bunny rate up we just had for anni. sucks. oh well.
This seal is rad.
Why are Summer Raikou, Jeanne Archer, and Lady Merlina are types of nuts in the head about you
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>last refresh: 2 years ago
Ironically the only guy who has a maxed Morgan is the person everyone calls soulless
looks blue to me
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In the second archive, dinner was always a big thing. And we had a pasta course, and then we had a meat or a fish. Skadi did the prep work, she was doing a year for reaching bond 15, and she had this wonderful system for doing the garlic. She used a razor, and used to slice it so thin and it used to liquify in the pan with just a little oil. It was a very good system.
Then Melt was in charge of the tomato sauce...
Mom, Big Sis, and Little Sis power
that fucking look Kiara is giving from the corner is sending me
>look what they're doing, master
my wife (#1)
here's hoping I finally get her saber versions in december, but gotta save for Draco too
odds I skip the rest of summer for Kukulkan
evens I do a ten roll each for Ibuki and Skadi
0 I fuckin shove money at things
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Stop grailing extra servants like Jeanne Ruler and Jeanne Alter.

t. Upper management Chaldea summoning system
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good night bro
>1 hour ago
who keeps doing this?
Too late
guess what, theyre gonna grail bob.
ok, I'll save them for Tiamat and Draco
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That's the point. Everyone who organically read LB6 and liked characters after reading did not have a set of paws ready, because they gave it to one of their previous favorites. By the time ordeal call comes out, you'll see a lot of paw'd morgans, melusines, castorias, bargs, etc. because they have read lb6 and have now saved up enough for their 2nd favorite, which they started on post-lb6.
If someone declares themself to be a "servantbro" before their release, like you would an LB7 servant right now, they're probably a skipper
You should only grail like 1 or 2 Extra type servants because you can only put that many on your supports screenshot and whats the point of grailing if you cant put it in the screenshot.
You should have a wide array of grailed units from each type.
You will regret your grailing of Extra Class in 1 year. t. Chaldea summoning system
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I have all my paws to Kiara first, now I am giving them to Morgan. Maybe you should consider how some /alter/ bros feel about giving paws to which servant
Sister your SIX support pages mean that you can fit 8 Extra classes in All and Extra slots.
Are you saying Morgan is a cuckquean?
They's gonna grail Bob?!?!
more like Moregoon
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Morgan? More like MORON!
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So Skadi will release Thursday?
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I will never regret grailing her
Plowing Summer Ibuki daily the moment I pull her.
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How many sq you got
>Why is one of the few FGO originals with depth if you actually took the time to read her stuff so popular here.
Being a mommy type badass samurai also helps. Also trying to use coomer as an insult is enough to tell your post is worthless to begin with.

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