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I have to throw 15 mines instead of placing 2 totems to play melee now edition


Latest News:
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>Bleed Sunder Glad w/ Retaliation
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Reminder that Aggravation does not conflict with Crimson Dance and as long as the enemy is not moving you do 12x bleed damage FOR FREE on Gladiator.
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Reminder they removed the added cooldown from urgent orders so piano warcries are somewhate less clunky to play now.
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Is there any point of running grace + determination anymore?
I don't know how to make any builds that aren't necromancer
>groundslam of earthshaking
>stack endies
yep that's it
no, you run warcries now
Captain lance? More like Captain Nonce
How does Earthshatter of Prominence work? Basically instead of spawning a bunch of pillars it just makes one big one, but you can still have multiple if you keep attacking? Or will it just auto blow them up if I attack again?
it's a block + lightning coil league
If you're stacking armor or evasion then they're still good. You can't just go Flask + Aura anymore, you need to actually get some armor/evasion rolls on your gear.
you still run both because there is no other option, theyre just shittier now and require more from your gear.
you're wearing gear that has a substantial amount of armor or evasion on them? sorry you can't just ignore phys damage on your 2k life witch for 50% mana res anymore
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you can still make 5 individual ones then blow them up, Or....
Use generals Cry and have them make 5 for you. You can also use regular earthshatter on a 4 link and they have separate counts of pillars, so you can have 20 pillars in total...
Remember the only /poeg/ approved PoE streamers/build creators are
1/4 correct anon. apply yourself
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Chris Wilson please tell me what build to play next week
you may see billion dps frenzy of onslaught builds

sorry sir, we'll go back to talking about eceleb drama
It's not too late to nerf Ralakesh boots for 3.25.
you did before too honestly. who the fuck was running a witch with no increased armour on the tree and no armour on their gear? determination just by itself would only give you like 3K armour which is almost worthless by itself.
dont you do it you bald headed FUCK
I haven't played pooe in like 3 years but I just had to come here and say LOL @ bfr shitting on the value of legacy items forever, kaom's is just the first of many to come I bet
thank you
500000000 melee builds were released today and every single one is either "me slayer, me stack frenzy charge, me get free endurance charge" or "me trickster, me stack frenzy charge, me use replica badge, me get free endurance charge."

Ralakesh boots are going to be 20 div on league start again and everyone's """league starter""" will be garbage.
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is doryanis touch good now?
or ill just make another pillar build
>defense is more gear dependant
>that makes build-defining uniques considerably worse because they're likely to have fuck all defense
RIP my nigga uniques.
>found my old flicker character on standard
I must rebuild her. I must flicker!
can you can some of these build defining uniques
>using your entire ascendancy for block chance
That seems a bit much don't you think for something that provides 0 defense against dots. Purely defensive ascendancy have never been great.
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did bow nigs get btfo?
bfr is out of the picture. this is mark's game now.
besides it's not like you can sell your legacy items for money like a black lotus... that would be against ToS...
cwdt chain hook
the wording on perfect agony is kind of weird. it sounds like crit multi replaces dot multi and you basically don't anything from dot multi on the tree or on gear, right?
My favourite eceleb is ben
hmmm me see ralakesh, me see slayer, me peepee go boing, me Grog
Our favourite eceleb is gog
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Talkative Tri's league starters:
> Bleed Lacerate Gladiator
> Cleave of Rage Berserker
> Boneshatter Slayer
> Elemental Hit Warden
> Sunder Chieftain
Yay or nay
This is exactly why POE needs a legendary potential system of some sort
Energy Blade is insane for nu melee but nobody will use it because PoB doesn't inherently tell you how much damage you're doing.
deadeye got frenzy charge generation and the league mechanic gives vengeant cascade as a weapon enchant
Yeah, I honestly think that this balance patch is not gonna over as positively as GGG thinks. They effectively nerfed every unique piece of armor in the game which creates an even larger gap between bad uniques and uniques that are so powerful or have such important modifiers that they will get used regardless. Rare gear now has significantly more life and armor/evasion/ES. PoE is the one ARPG where uniques need to actually get BUFFED because they're so bad compared to rares unless your build is entirely 100% dependent upon a unique.
>Leap Slam is 660% dmg effectiveness
>Fist of War is now a FREE 98% More damage for ailments
>Ambush gives us guaranteed crits and 138% dot multi for Perfect Agony
This will break the game in half. 10 mil dps bleed, half-naked and not optimized at all. fully geared it will reach dot cap and 91% block.
Doesnt work that way. you think there's a loophole cause aggravated says "as though you were moving" which is not the same as saying "counts as moving", but i guarantee you it will not work.
>elemental hit of the spectrum
>10% more damage PER elemental ailment
>50 stacks of shock…
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does anyone have a pconc build guide to shill me
That weapon enchant is not going to be available for bows. It's going to be locked so that only either lightning strike or molten strike can use it.
Anyone else feel like they're prepping to shut down PoE1?
Just a thought, as a lot of poe2 features are being put into poe1 to ready us for the change.
I mean, they're outright using the same assets and systems now.
Its obviously 1 per type
I think Jungs from last league should still be fine except Ralakesh boots are gonna be 20 div this league after the endurance change.
think its more to bridge the gap between the games so people arent to shocked by the change from game to game
ill use your ASSet
>oh no my standard league economy

Sir, you forgot your needful equipment
Anons convince me to not go VS/PS/MS PF... I saw this old guide and I'm somehow tempted...
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>Anyone else feel like they're prepping to shut down PoE1?
they said to expect patches this big for poe1 in the future, so no
like sort of but no. everything the do on the game now is just with new tech, why would they make old quality assets that makes no sense
What's actually happening is that they're slowly feeding us PoE2 features so that they don't have to design stuff just for PoE1 while transitioning over.
How do you make up for 0def with a soul mantle/shavs? You can't just discipline+grace your way through it.
I think its more to test stuff if poe 2 sucks thats going to be it for the game it will alienated normalfags so the playerbase wont grow
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What streamer do I watch to steal melee builds from?
Is it still viable after nerfs? Walking with two life flasks at the start of the league sounds pretty grim
path of matth
>play nu raider w/bow
>shoot bow
>screen frozen for 2 full seconds
Why would I ever need defenses?

Reminder that your slaves will be farming maps and bringing you currency for free. Goldmaxxing is the only farm that matters. You need a mobs per hour maxxer like bownigger to do that.
What nerfs? Anyway Trickster is gonna mog this league.
>not clearing the game naked
Trickster was probably the best ascendancy in the game as is even WITHOUT considering the ES/Evasion nodes, imagine now...
and 100% chance for 20% phys explode
and 100% more damage
>13 Frenzy charges
>Replica Badge
>52% multiplicative ele damage reduction for free
Yeah enjoy ur fucking 5k evasion chest I hope bfr leaves this shit untouched lmao
investing into 13 frenzies and an amulet isn't free anon
they are absolutely gutting fucking attack speed and move speed from all angles. Gameplay is going to feel like shit for melee this coming patch, yeesh
all angles you mean rage and berserk? cuz that's it
Calling it now. Versatile Combatant minimum 50% representation on poe.ninja. The other 50% is either bows, abusing Energy Blade, or life stacking.
theyre cramming retarded poe2 shit into poe1 because they don't give a shit and are burning the game down. OR they are just completely unaware that poe2 design flies directly in the face of poe1 and forgot what actually made poe1 interesting to play. They've completely forgotten their roots in favor of this slow, rollslop vision and it's creeping into everything
Relic of the Pact, we meet again...
is endgame molten strike bad for shit pcs? like my pc couldnt run endgame spark for example, or am I good?
And then people will wonder why they're dying because without 100% stun immunity or immutable force you only block 1 hit instead of the 500 hits you take at once.
if dodge makes it into poe1 then they are 100% shutting it down
melee feels like shit without the movespeed and attack speed from rage. Youll be moving at act10 pace through maps. Fucking absolute shite
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this new league looks kinda cool
but I don't want to have to play the story again
is there a way or does the game still require playing the story over and over and over?
What are they adding in this new league that flies in the face of PoE1? Removal of MF that the community in general wanted gone for the longest time because it's pretty much always abused by some groups and you end up with a fucked economy? Asynchronous trading that everyone has been begging about for the last decade or so?
Kripp jsut said the most broken build is going to be bleed dualstrike
you don't. shavs has sucked for a while now
don't know why you would go bleed but dual strike of ambidexterity might legit be the strongest skill in the game
can't believe they buffed it
i wonder what broken means to him, he was never one for the speedrunning gorge meta back then.
Broken for me, would imply giga clearing, juiced t17's
He said you could scale the time so that in one hit you get 20-30 sec bleed and 30m+ dps per sec
don't reply to doomsissies sir, nothing they say makes sense
he was always a spreadsheet warrior, and while that's fine in its own way, double strike is going to feel like shit for everything other then bossing
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let her cook
>inbred vegan hearthstone streamer opinions
who cares?
No one plays PoE without stun immunity, anon. Maybe Deadeyes, but the hit that stuns them also one shot killed them anyway.
bros its approaching the dot cap already...
cooldown skills, trying to enforce "reactive gameplay" when retaliation skills actually just require you to stand there and get hit like a retard to use, removing scaling vectors wholesale from melee to enforce gameplay feel over player agency, removal of niche gameplay mechanics, homogenization of defense mechanics, creeping toward forcing you to remove auras so you can cast your skills on an open mana bar (this will continue to get worse, they are boiling you slowly).
>What are they adding in this new league that flies in the face of PoE1?
you cant ask this then answer it yourself, <these things>, but with a question mark on the end of it like it's not happening
i cooked to her bikini pics if you know what i mean.
I jacked off to them.
it's probably fine with glad explodes, though I think it would be much better as hit based
this is literally just copying dans build, and its just frost nova but 1/2 the damage anyway. Complete bait
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>Make melee league
>All the melee ascends are nerfed and bad now
>play poch
>drop my weapon to test the filter
>it doesn't show
>press x
>it's gone
Kek, I mean come on nigger what is this?
you got poch'd
>half the damage of ice nova
Would still be plenty of damage considering how busted that shit is. I don't know how it exists in the same game as Fireball.
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>go to sleep
>time passes
>its 6 days till the release instead of 7
>melee bleed is now 6x more damage starting, 8x more damage if using Perfect Agony meme
>still nobody can make a build around it because it's too shit
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can I learn this power?
Ralakesh Frenzy of Onslaught mogs all of your Lacershit/Dual Strike garbage because it's both fast and strong.
Wasn't melee always incredible broken with the savior? Why do melee retards always act like a fucking victim?
I can't, as a man he doesn't belong in the kitchen.
Paradoxica Saviour has always been a somewhat decent setup for some skills but it's never been "broken".
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2 more shits until leaguestarts
>with the
they said theyre reducing requirements to use / have specific things to make it work.
maybe you should inform yourself before speaking like an authority on a subject.
did you enjoy fornicating to the image of… a MAN?!
>not the fat monke
you disgust me
kys eric
Alright, so now it's broken then.
It was a question melee retard.
Damn cutedog is ripped
she's an idiot. the first time she played the build she didn't even know to use frostblink wintry. the build is only nice for low content and won't scale
75% (fact checked number) of "melee is le bad" is a reddit meme everyone took at face value
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I'm building kinetic blast QOTF and you can't stop me.
>this was my plan before I found out wanders got huge buffs, btw
ds_lily is a girl
>warden has 180% more damage and access to deadeye jewels
Why did they bother with the melee changes?
That's not good for you anon. Being constipated is not fun.
Learn from that one gore/horror manga I can't find about people getting constipated then panicking and blowing their asshole open with firecrackers.
we're playing warden melee dude get in
Melee still has fundamental problems that make it so it won't be broken as a concept in general. There might be 3-5 actual BROKEN skills (combining SC, HC and SSF), but I don't think any of them will be on the Saviour plan long-term. It's certainly a viable "cheaper" alternative until you can craft actual melee phys weapons though.
afraid so
>just hit one enemy 50 times to start dealing damage
>melee warden
>melee lost all its AS
>hmm yes let's play the thing that wants to hit 20x per second
Warden's so broken that literally anything elemental works as long as you have galvanic field or trans tornado or whatever, but there's not really a reason to play it melee. Especially given tree position.
give enough damage to something and its other problems will just go away unironically
Anyone got a decent up to date pob for a cold Flicker without Shako?
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did any of these not get a nerf?
Its more than 180% but unleash is kind of annoying, in best case you can proc it every 8 seconds but it'll probably be way longer than that
Are you retarded or trolling? Strong ascendancies have 40% more multipliers. Warden has
>0% more for .8 seconds (during DR for bosses)
>80% more with a 90% uptime afterwards
>shocks that linearly increase damage taken with your hit rate up to 100% more
Skipped necro, back for Settlers. Are any of these builds buffed?

>Storm Burst Decay
>Archmage Hiero <insert lightning skill here>
>Exsang Trickster

I wanna do a bleed slam glad but I don't wanna play EQ. Any other slams work well with ailments?
the build guides will be out for them in a couple days if they weren't, don't worry there will be meta builds to play
>meta starter
>trickster anything is good
Oh it's 100 stacks not 10, nevermind Warden sucks boring class
so what's the best way to reliably get endurance charges? is using forbidden rite with inexorable too much of a meme?
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I played LA DE for the first time this league that shit sucks to play until you get around 5-10 div
chieftain gets FREE 50% armor and FREE 36% movespeed and FREE 20% life regen and FREE 36% added phys from your weapon thoughever????? all it costs is every passive point you have going towards warcries. huge win, tbqh
What happened to that holy relic splitting steel build that was hyped hard?
is penance brand the build?
everything sucks when youre very stupid
*also requires pressing 4 buttons every 10 seconds
jugg only sorry
I don't see any nerfs but I'm not a minion fag.
you mean lancing steel of spraying? it still works and is still good.
it lived, it was the coc detonate dead chain reaction that got surprise buttsecks
>he thinks auto warcrys exist anymore
He's being factious. I think he knows you have to piano to get those buffs. But honestly, 36% movespeed is...really good. Like almost worth the ascendancy point good, if you also consider the fact that it makes enduring cry give permanent endurance uptime.
That's the one.
If i want the 3.8 solar guards farming blight experience what build should i go for? No bama please, bows are for fags. I intend to farm blight btw.
what if you reserved them all though. would that be insane? something a real sick freak would do?
If you use autoexertion you don't get the warcry buffs
Dude, I am SO login in!
You get no buffs if you automate or reserve them. You have to do it manually for those benefits, and you're pretty much only getting those benefits with heavy investment on Chief since he gets infinite power.
bleedchads won
spellsissies lost
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whens we getting back the head enchies
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So what are meleeshitters anointing without Pano now? Just a life node of our choice?
overexertion support will determine my build 2bh

if its good chieftain
if its shit gladiator
anointing panopticon was poeninja warrior shit. anyone that actually did it got baited.
charisma of course
PoB'd your Lacerate of Hemorrhage garbage. 800k league start DPS at level 75. Up to 2.3 million with Ryslatha's and a couple rings at level 80. Maybe 3 div investment.

It's ok. Not giga nigga OP real shit but at least it has explosions. For real DPS I need to frenzymaxx + Ralakesh which would be too expensive at league start. Nah just gonna play bownigger and do 500% more damage with nu raider for free.
>wowtroon still having melty
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how bad are you at making builds
huge discrepancy for warden, trailer shows all shocks are 2% (basically minimum and maximum) and stacks up to 50 but beta trees show that its only maximum shock meaning if your damage is low enough, it just won't proc shock.

Wonder which one will be the release version
I'm not sure I understand all the survivability changes. What should I take away from it practically?
You are never not getting hit in this game so you do not need to "stand there" to use the retaliation skills.
Guys we should stop being mean to each other
Think of all the epic builds we could make if we worked together and offered constructive criticism instead of posting the meme frog and smug anime girls.
defenses from gear buffed
defenses from auras nerfed
damage taken as X largely removed from the game, mostly just on uniques and at a reduced value
much larger life mods on rares
Melee cucks be like 'Yo I'm retarded'
hard to say just cause it seems like it was more or less moving more base stats like armour to gear and less of a reliance on phys as ele/chaos and more on block
make a cast on death build, tranny
endurance charges are epic now. basically amount to +1 max res on a character with 75%
1-2 Hexblast trickster
3-4 Frostblades slayer
5-6 Dual strike jugg
7-8 Archmage heiro
9 Sunder glad
0 Bane
>"what the fuck???? mageblood is now 500 divines due to the lack of supply from MF chads?????? SHIT GAME!!!!!!"
be ready for this
And it will be the same people who where mad that it was too cheap this league.
great now can they unfuck soul eater so HH also has a reason to be worth something again
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me 2
>1-2 whispering ice trick
>3-4 molten strike warden
>5-6 Complex trauma Generals cry abuser
>7-8 Archmage heiro icebolts
>9 CoC lancing holy relic
>0 RF Chief(suffering)
What is the point in reserving them now anyway? I will miss call to arms enduring cry.
Unironically thinking i might try slams and chieftan but then i'm stuck with like 3 warcries. Seismic Cry + Tectonic Slam or something seems fun because it would have crazy area
How the fuck do I get endurance charges into my Witch build? Don't say Ralakesh.
I didn't want to reply to a doomsissy who clearly doesn't play the game but yeah. they are like a vaal skill you get by just beeing yourself not some reactive gameplay thing
manual cast enduring cry have fun
If you cared about exerts and only exerts. But the bonuses for the cries are pretty insane so if you're just getting exerts you're going to be lackluster.
They have paypiggies like you that will always buy the memebelt because "muh mapping bufferinos". You also will buy it even if it become worse.
It's basically just for the exerts now, assumedly that's why its called autoEXERT. Might be ok if you autoexert shit with bad buffs then just manually press your own cry but you're still losing out
try four
either intim + rally + seismic if youre phys or intim + infernal + seismic if youre fire. enduring is always auto include. better start taking piano lessons.
Affliction Spectres lmao
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Think I'm gonna play a Slampion. I want to be tanky with endurance charges.
50/50 on Sunder or Earthquake. What are the key differences between building these two skills?
And do slam skills benefit from impale as well as, say, Dual Strike or Boneshatter?
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if you can handle the screaming it's pretty cool, I did tec slam of cataclysm with endurance charge stacking in affliction
Ele hit (meele) or ele hit of the spectrum (bow) warden?
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When making my PoB, what is a 'realistic' physical DPS two hander I can give myself? Is ~700 with the new 20% more modifiers acceptable?
you have to have 100% chance to impale if you're gonna do impale slams, you want to do that anyway but still, it's more important when you're hitting less often
>melee ele hit
>And do slam skills benefit from impale as well as, say, Dual Strike or Boneshatter?
No. Your delay before you benefit from impale is determined by the speed of your hits. Also the flat damage benefits 1H weapons more than 2H weapons.
they are back...
dual nebus?
What about the impaler keystone?
regular strength stacking with brutus' golden shower
the question is, how much worse are they now?
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isn't this op with ralakesh?
it's getting bugged to 472% dmg effectiveness.
Thanks. I was trying to avoid playing Slayer as he's unchanged and I hate building defense for him, but with the global buffs to Leech, local defenses, and life prefixes I might just give it another shot.
no because you have to consume the endurance charges. with generals cry though...
i assume you cant consume ralakesh “charges” for it
It says removed, homie. You need to actually remove the endurance charges.
Damage should be high enough to do some dumb stuff with it if you want. It might be enough to bring back the one tap elementalist version for boss killing after the cluster nerfs, but I wouldn't bet on that one. Warcry changes are too different.
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How am I doing /poeg/? It looks worse than it is cause I've only got weapons on but holy fuck its hard to make cuts for life.
it's flicker, accept your fate as Cast-On-Death+Portal
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I was planning to play Doryianis fist with archmage Hiero but then i realized archmage only works with spells :(
Oh well i guess i can still try it with the arcane cloak buff.
>warcries are automated at the cost of 1 gem slot
>well that's kinda fair
>btw we're taking away left click warcries
>btw we're undoing that free automation, now it costs 15% reservation :^)
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Tec Slam with totems/General's Cry looked fun for mapping in Aflliction league. Idk if I would ever use it for T17s even, we'll see. Juiced map bosses from the new div scarab seems to be the mapping play this league
id give up 80% reservation for quadruple damage
Is Allie our girl?
Also it doesn't provide buffs.
It's up!
yoink (troonily)
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>New skill gem: Cloudstrike
>Billions of tears per second
>C-suite level bosses insta-phased
Rue invented that build btw
It's mediocre damage at best and requires heavy investment. Not a good starter and nor worth investing in
Is it true that bow builds have been gimped hard because phys teken as ele has been nerfed?
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Bros defenses seem so fucking bad. Even with 40k armor, lightning coil, and 5k HP (though it will be higher in the league) my phys max hit is fucking 12k and my EHP is 16k. Those are the kind of numbers that will never hit level 91 or 92.
start stacking endurance charges boy
when are you taking a single 12k phys hit in maps
>take away call to arms keystone
>say it's cuz you want melee to have access to easy warcries
>add cta support in the same vein
>rip it all away next patch
Anchored. Mazed. Bamboozled. And STILL paypiggin
as of now me think poison cyclone/shockwave slayer :^)
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jesus christ you have no idea how many escalations we got
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if by invented you mean stole from koreans then yes
PoE bros... Are we back? Is this league going to cement us?
its mines though
i have never feel as much relief to be unemployed as i did today
can't imagine the absolute headache it must've been for IT depts all over the world
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uhh nonjugg bros are you ok?
Even with 3 endurance charges it barely helps, and that is with manual enduring cry.

By any number of random fucking league mechanic shit
wait automation costs reservation now? i didn't see that change
why do reddit niggers snitch so much
yes guy everyone with 70+ iq see this interactions
shut the fuck up
shut the fuck up
shut the fuck up
shut the fuck up
shut the fuck up
so many things lost and prenerfed before hitting live
It's gonna suck so hard having to deal with their shit juiced rares and t17s without phys convert. Gonna be aids and I'll probably sit it out for a week or two to see how fucking gay the defenses are
Can elemental penetration go negative? I mean, if i have for example 20% pen and the enemy has 10% resistance will the damage dealt be as if he had 0% or -10%?
It rolls over and will be like the enemy has 90% res
>GGG cant go to poe.ninja to look up their own game…

Such as? It's funny you cry about shit like this but will cry for them to nerf the same things after you get to play it
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someone repost this to reddit and see how many updoots it gets
>Call to Arms: Has been renamed to Autoexertion. It now reserves 15% Mana per Supported Warcry to cause those Warcries to be repeatedly triggered. Autoexertion Support can now support multiple Warcries, and no longer causes Warcries to share Cooldowns. It now grants Supported Skills 0–19% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate (previously 30–11% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate), and now has "Supported Warcries do not grant Buffs or Charges to you or Allies". It also now cannot support Retaliation Skills. Quality now grants Supported Skills 0–10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate (previously 0–5%).
Can support multiple warcries now but each has a 15% mana reservation.
grace + determ + no armor to ele + unrelenting gutted
get bent, quinigger69
youre missing the only defense that matters (end charges)
boo hoo baby can't use his epic 1000% increased damage ring
Doryani's Prototype abuses this.
show dps
Wear improved armor bases and use 100% increased effect of buff seismic for 50% MORE armour. Boom, fixed.
Should I want until PoE 2 to start playing?
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>mfw slayer mains only need 9 or 10 endurance charges+ sand and stone and can dump everything else into dmg (alrdy get dmg from 9-10 frenzy charges too)
holy fuck I feel bad for non slayers
Cool. For a long time i though that penetration was basically ignoring the defenses, like that inquistor passive but only for positive resists.
>dude just get ralakesh + eternal damnation day 1 (you instantly fucking explode otherwise but its okay :p just have 6000 deaths)
>Not playing the 150% Recoup version of slayer
even if that shit went through it would get gutted day 1 or 2
tamingfags are retarded as fuck
You stack frenzy charge and chargemaxx with Replica Farrul's on Slayer or use Replica Badge of the Brotherhood. You get 90% of your damage from everyone's favorite: Pyroclast Mine of Sabotage!

You can't play it regularly because the damage is too low (yes even at 472% kek.)
just press enduring cry every once in a while retard
You don't need defenses just take Vaal Pact
slayer gonna have so many shenanigans goin on now
>no infinite power
>no fast warcries without investment
>no aoe so you get no charges when the pinnacle boss teleports away
lmao even
uh no you just play generals cry nice try though sister
idk I'm offscreening act 5 bosses with a wand I picked up off the ground. seems pretty good to me
Impaler can work against bosses where you can set up and specifically hit them with your strongest hit at the start of the fight, but even after the setup, you still have to hit them the same number of times to extract the impale damage. It got nerfed hard last time it was any good at all and it has never recovered. I don't think the melee rebalance will make it good, honestly.
it's very strong
it's not even a complicated build
Nah I'm good
how the fuck do i stack melee physical damage
Oh i did not realize you had to hit again for the impale deal damage, i though it would deal the damage in the same hit it was inflicted lol
when can you start using the locus mine setup? I imagine you have to get a decent wand first ?
Herald of Purity solves that. Either that or the 20% chance to remove impales mastery.
you'd be surprised how many dumb fuck deadeyes you can find with like, determination + armor flask + lightning coil and that's all they have for armor
act 3
It was never really nerfed. It just had the Call of Steel interaction stopped.
is it better to have 20k armor or 20k evasion? assuming you have other layers of defense
20K evasion with lightning coil
What build are you trying to do?
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not using determ/grace, this is post nerf numbers
15m if i turn vaal rf on
you can do it as soon as you get the gems, but charged mines is what really makes it feel good. you don't get the normal power siphon power charge generation otherwise.
hit based leap slam of groundbreaking slayer
i usually only make elemental spell builds so i don't know what's good
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every league until you like it
>RF Jugg
Oh, nevermind. You're posting joke builds. Very funny, be sure to post this for Quinn to rate.
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Why is nobody talking about 1000 health Kaoms? (Other than the fact that it got nerfed to T0/T1 rarity)
what would you recommend
youre telling me you can clear with a white wand without getting lucky with an essence or two?
everyone is getting like 1k more health from the affix change and when everyone has 8k hp kaoms looks like shit
>Mark is going to power creep PoE 1 so much that PoE 2 is going to flop from the collective seethe of people who relied on Diablo 3 levels of damage boosting
I just want to know if the Warden's shocks stacks have individual durations or nah. Because shock base duration is only 2 seconds.

The other newer life chest is basically as good as a 1000 life Kaoms. 1000 life Kaoms has been powercrept real hard. You might use it because you can't be bothered to use anything else, but it's not a best-in-slot option.
I'm just not looking at any 2H builds right now. When I eventually look at a 2H build (probably crit staff) I'll be comparing it with a rare. Kaom's Heart not having armor might end up killing it more than not having sockets.
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the dubs prevention system stole my sextuple digits
abyssus and essence'd steel rings
also remember that you lost a huge chunk from rage support
>Alk still using armor/eva bases
Its over
Fine. I've never fucking played RF but if it got buffed and I don't know about this melee shit... just give me a fucking quick rundown. Maybe I'll actually play RF for the first time in my life.
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>shitstain steve immortalized in the new league
holy fucking shit
I wouldn't mind playing around with some build ideas for it but it's probably not that overpowered anymore even after they undid the nerf.
nothing about the defense changes made spell suppress not mandatory
No new tranny gems?
are there not new hybrid bases
its not even a buff at this point, it would unironically be balanced if it gave 2k hp instead
The game has changed so much that it doesn't really matter
Mr. Shitt is even a miner
You already had Utla's Hunger which is more or less the same (inb4 some semantic bullshit)
>get xibaqua
>get max armor chest
>get 90% chaos res
>get life/regen everywhere
>never die again
'fraid so, tranny
I mean you could if you really had to, but by act 3 you'll have crafting recipies to improve any wand you find with decent attack damage. locus mines are like 140% more damage in this build. just stack up flat attack damage and you'll be good.
why is no streamer making bleed lacerate tree?
too complicated?
bladeblast of unloading or bladefall of volleys archmage. Need it or sneed it?
just play jugg or slayer with a slam skill and stack end charges
Maybe you could put it in a chaos build with sacrifice support? Maybe hexblast?
just converrting 100% of phys to ele
is rank iv the highest tier of miner?
devs read this board, nothing new
too hard to get the right number of volleys on bladefall so your single target sucks shit
bb unloading is ok
How do builds work? You pick 1-3 main skills and design your character around that? Classes don't really matter much?
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I bladeblasted an unload into ur mom last night lmao
Your class matters because of where you start on the tree + ascendancy class. You typically are building around one main skill with support skills, though some set ups do allow for more than one skill to be used regularly.
>go to poe.ninja
>study the build section for 100 hours
>come back with further questions then
pick 1 skill
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I wanna try 2x Taming Warden but the defensive options seem so shit you'd almost need a Progenesis for it
i unironically believe that I got Far Shot removed by posting "remove far shot" here
if you want a spoiler for what's coming down the pike
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man is there a single fucking good trans gem thats fucking usable in this shit game?
>finally ask your question after 100 hours
>get called filtered newfag retard tranny sissy
I'm shit at the game but i don't even think this is really the case anymore.

The game is more like (pick a gimmick that has lots of scaling: defence or offense) then you pick a skill that works with it
uhh dual strike ambi is probably the best gem in the game
trans bama gems
ele hit of autism
It's baffling how adverse the PoE community is to giving advice when we all know this is the most obtuse ARPG to ever exist
>not stacking endurance charges which reduce the fire dot from RF now
>dual strike ambi is probably the best gem in the game
imagine being Alk and playing this fucking snoozefest garbage right after being in the cuckshed using Spectral Helix for 30 leagues straight until GGG had to step it and nerf the shit out of it to stop him from boring his audience to death
honestly uber based
>think about builds
>literally no reason to do anything that's not ralakesh
skill you want to play then class that make that skill better
play it as a trickster with energy blade or eph edge, then you dont have to cut dmg for life cause you're getting both at once
This would work great if "unaffected by bleed" wouldn't randomly fall the fuck off for no reason and instakill you. The 2k pool is sometimes a problem as well because any big hit kills you as a meleetard, even with all that damage reduction.
>999 div unique
just slot mageblood and eternal damnation and original sin while you're at it
dont forget your 5x 3 passive voices
>War Bringer now doubles the number attacks Exerted
>Seismic Cry now Exerts 6 attacks
>12x30% area = 320% increased area
Shame Berserker seems bad now with rage changes (also kind of anti synergy with slams)
that's because it's so complicated that giving advice invites questions about the advice
the whole situation could be avoided by the adviceneeder logging in and trying things

not going to lie to you i barely know what alk plays. i loaded his stream once and he was mumbling onomatopoeia like a toddler with some kind of Impediment so i haven't really paid any attention. everyone played helix though
>kalandra rings with 120 str, 150 life
>20k life pool with Dissolution
I dont play melee or bows. I want a big dick spell. Also didnt they kill BAMA by making them choose an element with each hit? You wont get the flat added from your bow
This is pretty much how it works. Taking your favourite skill and just playing the game doesnt work. You need to go for some insane standout interaction to make it a thing. Just look at fucking raise zombies. Try making that stupid skill work. And i dont even mean ultra clear and boss melting. Just basic function.
maybe you should read the dual strike of ambi gem
Lol wait until you see how much shit is going to cost.
it's fucking wild that they still can't just adjust 90% of skills not to be shit so people can just pick something and be reasonably happy with how it performs...
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steve-sama... the league's over...
w-what drives you?
uhh firestorm pelty, bl orbit/static, penis, wintery frostblink, storm brand of indecision are all good blue gems
>didnt they kill BAMA
Damn GGG really just fuck everything up lmao they can't do anything good can they. Sentiment seems good atm but i'm in a bad mood now. Guess i'll go entirely negative
Oh shit, I missed the part where it reads
>Stupid hapa niggers use this
My bad!
you can do that, you just need 8k hours in the game first
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watching the content reveal slowly now and pausing to check the league mechanic stuff
Yeah and on strength stacker I could play the EXACT same skill with Battlemage's Cry and do 25 (twenty five) times the damage, with double the life pool, completely negating your "ebin new ele damage reduction tech." Oh and the build was cheaper too.
who fucking cares
maybe he's using the gem because it's incredibly strong?
NiGGGers stole MY BUILD from ME!
Slams are probably okay, aside from gearing and the tree generally being absolute cancer to build around. You can ignore damage almost entirely and rely on
>War Banner
>Base damage of skills
To carry the shit out of you.
How is berserker bad at all? The changes to rage made it even better. If you get 60 max rage (which you can via the tree) you're getting 90% MORE damage and 90% increased attack speed.
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>Join global 1,488 on EU
>no one is saying a word
anime posters are the only ones on poeg that play the game it seems
There are like 200 people playing PoE. Its the end of a hated league.
bl static is shit i played it and it is strictly inferior to frost nova. Frostblink is a movement ability only. Indecision is completely fucking dead since last league nerf. Firestorm i know nothing about. If it doesn't get access to instant leech and get at least 3mil dps on league start i dont want it
hes almost at the 7th layer
If 3.15 was the downfall

is 3.25 redemption?
yeah but compared to what you got before it's lower damage, especially for slams. war bringer just by itself was like 50% more damage.
I genuinely, and I do mean genuinely, believe that character power level will be lower overall without the borrowed power of overpowered rune crafts from the league. I believe defense will be worse across the board. I believe the melee buffs will not be enough. I believe that the nerfs to determination and grace will not be counteracted by improved gear. I believe that the removal of flat damage from many phys skills, along with lower initial scaling on spells will make the campaign feel worse.
i think the game keeps getting worse
the best campaign skill was sunder though, is it not still?
they're fucking with mana again so it's more like a 3.15 repeat
uh oh doomsissies alert
I'm gay
It's really hard to give good advice because it's so complicated and there's no good first principle thing that can be communicated in a 4chan post.
Because the barrier to entry is so low (it's free and easy to pick up), it makes more sense to jump in yourself.
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You're not looking at it correctly. You're trying to look at each change individually and not as a whole. You lost 50% more damage on exerted attacks and gained 90% more damage when at max rage, which is easier to achieve with ~8 rage gained per hit. This is in addition to melee skills getting massive increases to their damage scaling, along with weapons dealing 20% more phys damage. Berserk actually got better for most builds too.

Yes, if you somehow changed everything except war bringer I guess it might be better, but if you want to know if slams are in a better place now vs 3.24, it is obvious now. Berserker is still gonna be the highest damage for them by far, and it has 3 great damage nodes + 1 QoL node. The double exertion is gonna feel great for having intimidating cry's uptime and will lead to similar damage as before across longer fights, which is ultimately where it matters because normal shit is just gonna get one or two shot.
The difficulty of just jumping in is that compared to the usual comparisons, it's very easy to fuck your PoE build and not be able to reasonably recover it after you've invested like 30 hours in as a new player. Not that I have a good alternative suggestion. When I started playing I had a ton of time to do research but I don't know how many newer players could possibly work out a proper league starter that doesn't just become a trap because the builder is stupid or is meant to farm for a separate character they'd need to start up.
deleting dd and full phys conversion was a great start
now they just need to deal with spell suppression and we'll finally have a game again
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I genuinely, and I do mean genuinely, believe that character power level will be higher overall without the borrowed power of overpowered rune crafts from the league. I believe defense will be better across the board. I believe the melee buffs are enough. I believe that the nerfs to determination and grace will be counteracted by improved gear. I believe that the removal of flat damage from many phys skills, along with lower initial scaling on spells will make the campaign feel better.
>Jung's archmage of DD necro is 2 million DPS basically naked at league start
>once it gets the autocast enchant on an axe it's the same 10 million DPS 1 button goodness we had last league
DD lives!
what is the biggest PHYSICAL sloom? vaal ground sloom since it can be exerted?
>The difficulty of just jumping in is that compared to the usual comparisons, it's very easy to fuck your PoE build and not be able to reasonably recover it after you've invested like 30 hours in as a new player.
not to get all faggy or anything but what exactly is a person playing for if not to brick their build in the acts? is the idea that a brand new player should be making it to red maps / defeating uber content / maximizing their divs per hour on their first / second playthrough? like, just tell people to not fucking play the game if you somehow need to include, ok, so the chaos recipe will...
I have 65% block/spell block (no glancing blows) and 100% spell suppression with really strong regen. I can basically get away with just not having any evasion and using unwavering stance right? Feel like my PoB EHP is misleading and it isn't as big of a dip as it makes it seem.
half full, half empty. but there's liquid shit in the glass though
So you have a 35% chance to get oneshot is what you're saying.
yeah block and evasion kind of do the same thing
should get an immutable force though
>and gained 90% more damage when at max rage
yeah but everyone gets 60% more. unless you really want attack speed, which slams don't really need that much to begin with, i don't see why you would ever play berserker over something like slayer.
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>want to play bleed glad
>want to play GC chief
>want to play zerker sloomer
this is not good I am very autistic and need to get each of my characters to 100 before starting a new one
If the game isn't for them then it isn't for them, but there's a difference between a player discovering that they don't like the game and a player getting a bad start to a game they could've enjoyed then becoming one of those posters you see elsewhere that goes "PoE is hot garbage you need to spend 100 bucks to get going and nothing is viable unless you're an autistic faggot"

We're entrenched so a bad build for us is like, it caps out at yellow or it farms slowly. But the accessibility issue of PoE starts a lot earlier with builds that kill Kitava and then immediately fall apart when they eat the resistance debuff. These are basically players who don't get to experience the real game at all.
feel like a low/medium amount of evasion really isn't going to be helping much for one shots
PoB is stupid when calculating EHP with things like evasion and block that completely avoid damage. As long as you have SOME form of avoidance, you can just focus on max hit.
people don't ask questions that can be answered in fewer than 10k words.
do you think you could answer the question "how do builds work?" in less than a book?
>open pob
>options in bottom left
>opt in to weekly beta builds
congrats now you have your 3.25 tree

im probably gonna play sunder of earthbreaking berserker. eventually grab an echoes of creation and see if i can slam without killing myself. heist mace with +2 exerts, +1 exert on tree for 10 intimidating cry slams per use. basically permanent uptime on war cries.
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minion CHADS are we exited about corpses from ritual or nah
what the fuck i dont remember that option in that menu

thx anon
"You allocate passive points to increase your stats and specialize in a few defensive, offensive and utility aspects."
retard ESL
kanker amerikaner
why sunder of earthbreaking over regular sunder?
how did mark gained so much weight again?
stress eating
trapped inside all day with no opportunity to exercise and infinite food available
The office boys learned that if they put donuts on their dicks he'll suck them off to taste the sugar.
Chris is forcing him to eat all the cake they had in reserve. They had a stockpile of a decade worth of cakes when Bex was in the office.
preference. i liked old sunder more than the reworked one. slow slam with slow skill would probably make me not want to play it. if attacking again didnt delete your old wave i wouldnt mind, but it does so fuck that.
life stacking
don't forget about recovery. if you're focusing on avoidance, you need to have enough regen/on hit/leech/etc to recover your life assuming you're attacked ~10 times a second by map monsters
huh killing oak is actually a small boost to my build at the absolute top end where my last few points (to 95) are just not as good as 40 max life
>Yeah i'm so sick of these fucking totems
>Has to warcry 4 times a second forever instead of totems every now and then
this is not a helpful answer
dont forget the banner :)
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berserker is dogshit. like this shouldn't even have a downside.
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he wants to go like this with OG Sunder
>Melee still dogshit
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most people think of diets as temporary things, and not something you do forever.
They think
>glad thats over
and not
>never letting that(thinking) happened again
except they gigabuffed rares to justify putting that shit in. Just like they've slowly given enemy ai giga speed and reaction time to combat player powercreep. And none of that shit has been removed when they strip away shit from the player. It's a shit sandwich
Warden or slayer for glacial hammer. Or just go retard double strike slayer bleed build, dipping into the glad bleed ascendancy? Someone pick for me
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wait a second they changed ventor's gamble. how do i justify wearing two of these at all times
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same, GGG didn't do anthing to Ice Nova (did Occultist this league) and Archmage (want to try it out) but these Melee and Ascendancys changes are calling me to play them
or at least make it self-damage instead for a buff and still be thematically relevant
his pob is fucking bait. He's got full suppression gear on his starter like that happens. I want to be doing 3-5mil dps the moment i step into reds in garbage rares. Not taking fucking 3 days to get my voidstones
good. players need to die instead of afking every single enemy
nah. deaths in this game are always horseshit. The best gameplay that possibly comes from any arpg is getting into a grind flowstate where you are cruising through content and picking up loot. If i wanted to worry about how fast i was button mashing and reacting to shit I'd play a fucking fighting game or a moba.
be an auraslut
you have to gain charges to actually remove them so yes it does work since you can gain with ralakesh and still count as full
Rarity, life, res, and mana reservation efficiency are all amazing stats.
You're fine, champ.
That said there's really no reason not to wear two andvarius rings for nearly twice the rarity.
speaking of progression, jugg is gonna have some damn smooth early mapping with unbreakable not important until xibaqua.
merc lab unstoppable and 28% ele reduction from the start WE ZOOMIN
there are going to be a lot of changes to patch notes over the next week
I wouldn't go melee Warden as a starter
Andvarius is interesting, did they change drop rates of items in general at all? is it that they have applied the Quant is now Rarity thing everywhere? Are there going to be less drops in general but they're "better"? I think they described this in a PoE2 clip
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>pick any slam or melee character
>get all 3 endurance charge nodes
>functional immortality
What did they mean by this
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It's called being based
They weren't thinking. As it stands endurance charges are just functionally better fortify except you still have fortify
give me 1 good reason why i shouldnt play Jugg, stack 11 end charges and use eternal damnation+ralakesh for perma 90% phys and ele damage reduction.
24% dmg reduction doesn't make you immortal
>pob still not updated

Fuck this shit
Andvarius puts a lot of stress on a build that isn't juicing real hard elsewhere. Ventor's gaining that reservation efficiency means quite a bit compared to some other good stat since it opens up the possibility of sticking on another reservation to compensate for whatever you're losing giving up other rings.
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They'll probably make so eternal damnation doesn't work with charges. Like remove the positive effects from charges.
If they don't it's definitely really op.
Time gating though. That's kinda.
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click on options and opt in.
Kinda what? You gonna piss your diaper? Shid your panties?
isn't fist of war only a 29% buff?
>23k armour and endurance charges are good enough for ubers
Alk has spoken. You don't need 50k armour, chud
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is he right?

he's a fag so I shan't be watching this vid
watch it.
we only support one content creator here and it's cutie dog
>Be Heirophant
>Blessed with 4 endy charges at all times
whoops. looks like you misspelled sirgog there sir
why not
Left Side
>Bleed Glad
>Lacerate or Slammer
>Any phys retaliation you want

Right Side
>Blockmaxxing Glad
>Smite with Phys to lightning
>Divine Retribution - retaliation

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Didn't realize I never opened my Affliction box, so got two boxes to open.
Not a big fan of it, but its better then the crab heads.
>9 minutes of a clown in front of a greenscreen saying nothing useful or at least, entertaining
no ty
What mouse do you use /poeg/
do i play bleed slam glad or power siphon mines trickster?
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Elementalist melee ignite using Lacerate of Butchering, rebuke of the vaal, and emberwake
you will die 50x a map. anything not named trickster got its defenses ruined.
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are we going to use the 1k hp kaoms?
Scorching Ray Juggernaut
logitech g305, the thinking mans mouse
Jugg is even more busted defence wise now
always look forward to our coked out televangelist brother while every other tuber or twitcher sits down like a lazy SACK
maybe if its 10c on day 2
>divine retribution
is it a spell or an attack? Big piece of data I'm waiting on here.
nah i need my 7L
razer basilisk v3 pro
i love it a lot but i still don't think it was worth the money
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If Raider got deleted does that mean it's deleted from POE2 as well?
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G502 for the wheel unlock button.
There are no PoE2 ascendancies yet.
wasnt poe2 supposed to have twice as many ascencendencies?
yes because there are twice as many classes
>Carn considering dropping melee
>Alk saying you still need capped suppress (armor/eva cucking) + 7 jewels + endurance charges to play the game
sorry sisters, your 'melee league' is already dead :/
oh fug, its a spell.

I'll just pop this on my archmage backup build then.
So how are facebreakers looking this league?
Haven't read the patch notes yet but facebreaker champ has been my league starter of choice ever since they added impale.
Hearing all this talk about melee rework has me pretty excited.
>Alk saying you still need capped suppress (armor/eva cucking) + 7 jewels + endurance charges to play the game
for what? the uber nerfed t17s? lmao
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every melee skill does double/triple dmg. no mandatory determination means another 30% More dmg aura. Plenty of passive points left for defense. You lost, doomsissy.
Alk and Carn are dooming hard for some reason.
>no mandatory determination
Determination is just as good as it was before, it's buffed if you're getting armor on every piece or Iron Reflexes
I'm trying to watch carn but I genuinely can't understand a word he says
its not because everyone is stacking End charges now, and if you have 10 end charges you only need enough armor to reach 50% phys damage reduction to reach the 90% cap, which is easy enough to achieve without Determination
I've been waiting for the day that FB slammers are a thing again. I miss it so much.
every attack lost its flat damage
I actually liked it more when he didn't show his face. He's so ugly its distracting
It's the usual streamer shit they all do. If a patch buffs anything the world burns. If they nerf everything it's going to be the best league ever praise be to GGG.
I swear all the streamers got together eight years ago and made a pact to kill the game. Ruthless has practically everything they've asked for since before the first Exilecon and yet none of them touch that shit.
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i can never blame people that know the game more than I do when ggg does there
>looks into
Should be good to go with any of the buffed melee skills. You lose totem buffs and Champion is nerfed, but you get higher damage ratios on pretty much every skill.
The grind is inescapable.
ruthless would be gigabased if it had moveskills, everyone seems to agree on this
I skipped Necropolis, tell me bro can I make it with cyclone now?
I think its good on a build that can use a influence helmet and has good defensive layers. I can imagine a maxres chieftain using it if they invest in endu charges and armour

yes, cyclone of tumult with shockwave support
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so what this list is saying is I should go glad lacerate of haemorrhage
no Fist of War gives 98% More ailment damage now, the best bleed skill is either ground slam or earthshaking for 2h or leap slam of groundbreaking for 1h
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SLOOMgods feasting this league, I almost can't believe it
The story is the game. You go through a zone, kill mobs, aquire power, go to harder zone, repeat. If you cannot cognize this you are not fit to play the genre.
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Girls shouldn't be doing things like that
he's delving until he comes out the other side of the world in china poe and gets an anime loot pet waifu
how do we make sweep fun and interesting
>Leap Slam for 1H
huh? what the fuck is that about?
ignite glad
660% effectiveness, it beats every other slam including earthquake
omni pillar of the caged god ascendant
It always has been
Make it bigger.
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>70% (Glad + Annoint) chance for Retaliation skills to remain usable and not consume a cooldown use
>35% (1 notable + mastery) chance on using a Retaliation skill for a different Retaliation skill to become usable

Once you get 2 retaliation skills usable you pretty much have infinite DPS, 3 skills to be reliable
>T. Has never gone beyond alching his map
Because it's dog shit. It's not 2014 anymore.
whatever this is that came with my $20 logitech wireless combo
The top 1% of delvers should get a Waifu Witch Pillow pet that follows them around
OFFICIAL list of league starters that i kind of want to play
1. warden wands
2. bl orbit hiero
3. pconc trickster
4. sweep glad
5. firestorm inquis
Dancing dervish on weapon swap will be comfy for mapping
Ice Crash has 600% BAD now. We used to mock diablo for the crazy numbers, now we're them
>4. sweep glad
>Sweep without a 2-hand
>glad without a shield
Uh what
I've PoB'd a bunch of shit and basically it boils down to melee players now taking 50% more damage unless endurance charge stacking, they're moving 20% slower, they're attacking 40% slower, but the overall damage no longer requires totems and is neutral to 10-20% buffed. Actually well crafted BMC melee lost 90% of its damage and is now unviable.

You can't just load up a skill and use it because you'll die to a breeze and they added so much nonsense with rage and retaliation that you have no points for. You MUST endurancemaxx or die. You MUST use Maven belt before you get your Mageblood or you'll do zdps. There are no longer any choices.
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this is the league
peak poe
how are you using a maven belt and gaining endurance charges
Now that nobody wants this shit anymore my Doryani's Prototype build will get off the ground for free. Glad they changed it.
you can craft a rare better than this now and without the downside
what a worthless fucking item, kek
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any more questions
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>well crafted
You're wearing Ralakesh boots like everyone else in 3.25, chud.
im so glad i got the turtle instead of the rhoa race track this shit is nice
you don't need capped suppress on top of charges unless you're a hardcuck
you do need a ralakesh and coil on every character though
but the GOOD news is you can use a maven belt over mageblood sometimes now
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You know what? I'm just going to play bownigger nu raider, get my first 2 watchstones 5 hours into the league, and buy the last 2. I'll be farming legion T16s after that for the next 10 hours and then I can quit in peace. Can't believe I almost considered playing fucking MELEE in this game lmao.
just changing helmet to crown of eyes (and adding accuracy if needed) I lose 40-50% damage on all my strength stackers before new gems. how are you getting -90% or just exaggerating for effect
>pconc trickster
Why? You go Pathfinder for a reason.
Anyone noticed in the Interview Mark wanted to tell everyone they actually had no lore on the league and just took all the art from PoE2 to save time and Ziggy used some codeword "Andy" to cut him off? Dont know how to use timestamp on Twitch. Around 2 hours 9 min in.
With Eye of Malice the Warden can get pretty close to the -200% resistance cap for cold and fire damage. With just exposure, elemental weakness, flammability/frostbite, double 30% scorch. That's 136% elemental shred and then 1.5x their resists before penetration. That extra 30% scorch shred is pretty big.

Kinda hard to find the gem slots for all the curses, but still seems pretty good.
ralakesh will be 100 divs week 1
My volcanic fissure of snaking loses 90% of its damage. Nah I'm not gonna mess with it. It has gone out to pasture in the PoE graveyard, never to be played or thought about again.
I mean yeah because you are just completely losing iron will if you just take out the gem but if you don't know how the build works why are you yapping
no, ass or trickster is better
predictions on how many builds will be running marylene's fallacy now that daggers wands etc have more base crit?
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>rework glad
>everyone plays slayer
I would love to be a fly on the wall in the ggg office when they see how players receive their 'buffs'
>lose all crit
>lose all acc
>lose BMC scaling for Crown of Eyes
Not engaging further. Melee is dead.
You can play glad, just gotta use Replica Badge of the Brotherhood.
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I don't understand why you would ever go suppress if you have 85%+ all res from the tree, full stop. You're paying out the ass in gear slots, mod slots, and passive points for like 7% DR. Just get the fucking fortify on hit node and call it if you're slamming.
reminder all channeling builds got 10% less damage taken + you are generally point blank so flesh and stone is another 20% less
phys spells still rip up your ass
You know people played STR stacker before 3.15? I mean who cares I guess people like you who have public tantrums are good for stuff like this, it goes back to being niche with cheap gear like so many other "dead" builds
Doesn't stop degens, only hits and ailments. Might as well just run endurance charges, fortify at 90% res and take 2% of the damage of the spell. At that point suppression does fucking nothing for what you need to feed it to make it work.
>jewels now roll max res
>Rise of the Phoenix
>tree + 8 max fire resist jewels for 90% resist all + transcendence
Find a flaw.
what ascendancy for cyclone coc firestorm of pelting? it'll probably be shit but it's been like four leagues since my last spin2win build
You aren't a real melee player.
Yeah, just socket 8 additional jewels into your build. Easy. Because we're gonna be swimming in 1-Voices.
>Find a flaw.
the reason these HC bossers rate suppression so highly is because uber bosses have so many sources of ele pen, which suppression is better at mitigating than max res.
>10 non-BMC characters over 10 million DPS
>1500 BMC characters over 10 million DPS
>I'm supposed to just roll over and play the same build with 90% less damage because muhvision
I know this is a community of mazed cucks but holy shit. Is this an Alkaizer board?
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Why are you a glad if you aren't using a shield, and why are you playing sweep unless it's 2-hand. Pick any other right side ascendancy and it will be better.
no you're supposed to play a new build
that's the point of a meta shakeup
alk is literally doing the same thing with replica alberons and says it's going to be the best melee build so it's possible
>100% roll adorned
that'll be 400 divs plus tip sir
Poison LS is unironically going to be up there as an A/S tier build by league's end.
uhh your phys mitigation, bro?
It's better than regular ass vanilla boneshatter, but of course it is. It always has been. Vanilla is for SSF where you can't get the gear.
>2.9B damage
I think it'll be fine
These changes are so shit and I can't believe people are excited about them. They are so obviously fucking bad I can't understand how anyone with a basic understanding of math thinks this is good. Ripping the flat damage from these skills absolutely destroys their scaling on one handers. Now every skill is just going to be a fucking two handed axe. They still didn't unfuck scpetres or two handed maces. Still didn't unfuck staves. Still didn't unfuck swords. What a half assed fucking patch so they could throw poe2 assets into the game for beta testing. Not a single trans gem got a balance pass
Gobble gobble gobble
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wait a second...
we lost?
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He's right you know. Gladiator will do 12x bleed damage to STATIONARY targets. Lawyered. GGG will change the wording to "your bleeding cannot be Aggravated" to get around this.

You WILL sell me -25% lightning res rings for 3c and like it.
No downtime of totems dying or having to recast so it's better
are they not calculating banners and warcries??
But not in the realm of bownigger, thoughever.
How often did you have AP + AW + VAW up though? That's as bad as the new warcry spam.
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why is frost blades nerfed
Was ground slam playable with panopticpn before? Than it won't be now after
animetards and redditors alike unable to interpret the spirit of crimson dance's design and just assuming the text is a programming language
>panopticon (like 5 passive points that we just freed up lol)
>aw + ap + vaw all up at once
>doesn't factor in the rage rework??
>his totems never die
somebody fat fingered the 0 and 9 obviously
you guys realize totems pumped dps too right?
They're always up on bosses which is where it counts. They also nontrivially contributed their own dps
i kind of want to just login, click glad, pick up a 2h axe, equip sweep, not PoB anything, and log out after voidstones day 2
u realize that banners are the new totems and he never looked at them at all?
fuck totems
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reminder that if you cant eat a max roll crit uber maven fireball without molten shell your build is bad and you need to remake it
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>tranny holy relic untouched
>tinctures unusable
>every tardo getting baited by the gigantic obvious melee nerfs
well, this is an easy choice
it is not allowed to be a good skill
Examples of restricted or repetitive behaviors and interests related to ASD can include

Lines up toys or other objects and gets upset when order is changed
Repeats words or phrases over and over (called echolalia)
Plays with toys the same way every time
Is focused on parts of objects (for example, wheels)
Gets upset by minor changes
Has obsessive interests
Must follow certain routines
Flaps hands, rocks body, or spins self in circles
Has unusual reactions to the way things sound, smell, taste, look, or feel
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So....bleed lacerate gladiator, uber viable?
It's going to be a hard pill to swallow for bowtrannies, but melee is back
>well, this is an easy choice
Scorching Ray Totems.
now I can Frigid Bond my nearly invulnerable Dancing Dervishes and then swap to my cold dot wand, nice
>It's going to be a hard pill to swallow for bowtrannies, but melee is back
Melee is actually nerfed/the same
>65/65 block
>100% suppression
>30k armor/30k evasion
>4 end charges
>20% instant leech
ok now how do i get damage? t. melee warden
This is the 3rd league I´m playing from the start, I have always followed a build cuz I suck at doing viable builds. Is it too difficult to reach endgame maps while eyeballing it?
>This is the 3rd league I´m playing from the start, I have always followed a build cuz I suck at doing viable builds. Is it too difficult to reach endgame maps while eyeballing it?
Every build can make it to red maps. All of them. No guide needed
Just don't play hardcore and you'll be fine.
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can I get suppression on armor bases with recombinators?
>offensively overloaded ascendancy
>where do I get damage?
This is average player plaguing this general
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>casts frigid bond
>swaps weapons
>dervishes die as expected because GGG's incompetence only applies on things that would improve the game or your build
>clicks resurrect in town due to malding blindness
Shut up and tell me how to get ignite chance as an elementalist.
i wonder how mathil's cumstorm cyclone exsanguinate will go this league,i always wanted to try it
poo of excrement

glad is a bait ascendancy, very mediocre
melee buffs are actually nerfs
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my guess is something like "up to a maximum of 100%"
don't act like it was some secret. it's an obvious interaction to think of if you've made a build around the taming before.
tamed dot com
just crashed after killing belly piety, didnt get next waypoint, think im quitting this practice run
even if the taming thing made it to league start it would have been nerfed day 1
ill be doing 20 mil DPS with a blue wand and a marylene's fallacy. how can meleecucks even compete?
had the same shit happening to me. try switching to dx12
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3 days into league and people will miss putting down totems for that 30% more attack speed
>you only need enough armor to reach 50% phys damage reduction to reach the 90% cap
not how armour works
that's the most boomer way to keep track of porn
i wanted to use this with the new call to arms to reserve mana for warcries in place of auras but then read that it doesnt give you the buffs, so back in the trash can it goes
>pure degenerate secret wordpad bookmark enjoyer
any gay ecelebs go over the passive tree yet?
>drake makes cock explode

>saving your favies as hyperlinks in wordpad
why not just bookmark at that point
please understand, he plays RF
it is if you set the damage for uber shaper slam
yeah ruetoo and mathil and dslarry
Anon, look at him
I don't see anything on mathil's youtube
i was considering it with mind over matter, but you just give up too much for it
What am I league starting with?
this >>486773549
You are starting something you feel comfortable with as having fun is priority for you.
does this game have a singer barb type build? I want to yell at mobs to death
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>that moment when you realize you just stumbled onto something that's going to become top meta
It's too busted. I can't post it yet, they WILL nerf it pre-launch if they find out
Why save them in a wordpad document? Also boring porn choice, you should be ashamed of having such normie taste
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>Everyone endurance charge stacking
>MFW Immortal Call will finally be good
you missed out on the perfect build for that during ancestor league
I'm just gonna play a melee Inquisitor with a staff and do the warcry + banner minigame. The buffed base types look nice and I can eventually get the enchant for 40% of physical gained as every element.

>b-but how will you get to maps in 3 hours and farm a mirror on day 1
I won't. I'm done tryharding in this stupid game.
corrupting cry...which kinda got buffed with the autoexertion change. stick on some tattoos and the cooldown should feel pretty good now
Gladiator with a 2 handed weapon is wasteful. Better go Slayer or Any of marauder classes
NTA. I haven't played since Ancestors but tattoos were made core? Neat.
Need some help because i am retard

I got time off and i get to actually play the league, and i'm a sucker for city building shit so i want to get farther than usual

I was thinking Double strike because i like shaddow nigga's and i like impale so probably that one. No idea what would be best ascendency wise.
yes i think so if you go Lacerate of Butchering for mega strong initial hits.
type chance to ignite into the search bar and it'll highlight the skills you need
i also feel this way
starting spells anyway
so new melee is still stronger than it was with both nonvaal totems up which is the usual setup while bossing, much stronger in mapping and killing random rares, and you now also don't have to path straight south for the totem wheel and waste a 4link on the. also bleed and ignite didn't really benefit from totems, while poison only cared about one. it also doesn't account for more accessible vanilla way of gaining flat due to quality changes and new enchants... yeah I'm thinking bleed is going to hit Uber dot cap easily.
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I really don't wanna play slams and constantly press war cries bro i don't wanna do it bro. I just want to hold right click. I don't want to have the play the game bro, my fingers can't press 1 war cry every 2 seconds for hours. If i described this to people you'd sound insane bro, they can't know
Too bad. You VILL press ze buttons, fat frognigger DEMANDS it
if your mom cant eat a giant shit you need to put her down
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do it pussy
I'm not doing this
Sweep without the rage/berserk attack speed is gonna be niggercattle-tier
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champion is probably gonna be the best ascendancy if you want the most damage. it has an impale notable and everything involving impale on the regular passive tree is around the duelist area.
there's a warcry automation support gem.
Call to Arms support gem???
Yup, I'm thinking Perfect Agony Burning Arrow
cool, thanks. I might be too retarded to start off by playing this but i'll seeeeee
>just costs 99.99999999% of your mana (attacks now cost 696969 mana btw) also no buffs also no charges :^)))))))))
It's why I'm hesitant to play slams still. Warcry upkeep sucks.
But I guess it will be we preview of playing PoE 2 where they want you to cycle all of the skills all of the time.
what is BMC
battlemage's cry
With berserker you can literally make seismic cry exert 18 attacks before you have to warcry again. Warcry buffs are actually bait, exerts are the only thing that matter.
>Mark notes that The Taming is being changed, since this interaction is a bit excessive. We'll post the new version and update the patch notes early next week.
Big Mediterranean Cock
Why don't you guys just put your warcry on left click?
>on the meme ascendancy nobody cares about anymore you can exert a couple more attacks
You lose out on the buffs the warcries grant if you use autoexert support and it's 15% mana reserve. It might be worth it with the overexert support, maybe the weird helmet. I can't tell if the buffs the warcries provide are good, some seem ok
i mean what else are you gonna do except warcry while you wait 3 seconds for EQ to go off
>/poeg/ going to play bait builds
you are all gonna get owned this league :)
steelskin is already there
Any minion content creator that isn't ghazzy? His builds are too expensive.
That warden freeze node seems overpowered btw and everyone be sleeping on it. Ironically the warden seems nicer than elementalist
>Dominating Blow was considered high potential leagues ago
>Keeps getting buffed
>Is considered whatever currently
What's it missing?
Not being melee
how am i supposed to plan a build on PoB if its not updated to the new stuff?
>we add more better basetypes but keep the same art that is also used like 20 times so you will have to look up every item or wait week for filters to work
Dude you reuse assets all the time to make updates faster but can you fucking spend like 5 minutes to make new art for the items
most of the buffs are who gives a shit tier. they're just conveniences really. enduring cry is the only genuinely good one.
>T.has never fought a boss in an area level 85 arena.
double strike chuds ww@?
Unless i'm missing something the go might be to self cast enduring cry and automate the other ones
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if you have to ask there's no hope for you
just hold on a few days for this lazy fuck to copy and paste 100 lines
Hey poo egg, how is the game right now?
I never got too far into it but last time I played was when here was in mega doom mode because of the bald man fucking the game really badly, maybe last year
Should I try again? Are spellcasters cool? Can I play one without picking the witch?
im new :3c
casters are fine, there are a bunch of decent templar/shadow caster builds if you don't like femoids
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if u know what you're doing you can go into the configuration tab and manually add all the new values for your skill
the most epic league in years is starting in a week
templar for old serious man, shadow for murderous possible homosexual
We're getting a huge patch in 7 days. Come back then.

You can play anything you want on any class, but it will probably suck unless you follow a guide.
How impactful are endurance charges for minions now? Is it worth using a replica victario's charity shield and necromantic aegis to grant them 3 basically permanent ones? 12% reduced ele damage doesn't seem like much for such a loss.
I genuinely, and I do mean genuinely, believe that character power level will be lower overall without the borrowed power of overpowered rune crafts from the league. I believe defense will be worse across the board. I believe the melee buffs will not be enough. I believe that the nerfs to determination and grace will not be counteracted by improved gear. I believe that the removal of flat damage from many phys skills, along with lower initial scaling on spells will make the campaign feel worse.
Only if you get showered in currency and gear. The league mechanic looks nice so far, but people are overall fed up with getting one tapped out of the game in the blink of an eye.
If I can cap out block and stack armour comfortably, how fucked am I without other defensive layers?
Retooled my build to use Supreme Ostentation to cover all my stat requirements, allowing me to turn every node into tattoos (hitting 100% spell suppress and flask uptime), including a couple of fire resistance tattoos around The Red Nightmare jewel to get generic attack block for block cap which I can convert into ez spell block cap with the buffed Versatile Combatant.

Neat interaction
You still need either suppression or max res.
just wanted to let you know I did not read your post
click options next to the check for update button, then tick beta builds
best ways to build a trickster? i just think he's neat. getting a bunch of big nodes on the tree is fun
Luckily for you, Trickster is invited to the melee league too. Just grab a Frost Blades gem and go to town.
Warden, Jugg or Chieftain for Shield Crush of the Chieftain?
>no more heist base fracture reset
>rich fucks are going to kalandra heist bases now
heist bases are going to be mirrors now
1000% multiplier (diablo 3)
5000% damage effectiveness (PoE)
Obtain suppression, ghost dance, escape artist, use whatever the new evasion/energy shield chest and energy shield helm are with T1 prefixes and congrats you are now basically unkillable.
not even going to acknowledge this as a shitpost, this is a legitimate problem and it's a good thing poe 2 is a very near reset
What are the best archmage skills for sanctum?
Poetards love that their game is dedicated to casuals and they still dont even want to play it
I theory crafted a 200 million dps animate guardian of smite build last league. It was not anywhere near max. Bought the items literally nobody cared about for 10div with perfect double corruptions. I was ready to nuke the atlas into shapers asshole.
Turns out AG has the dumbest AI in the whole fucking game, no contest, no matter what you do.
Almost the same problem with every spectre btw. Numbers gud. AI shit. Thats why the only minion builds that are generally recommended are SRS and spider.
How bad are retaliation skills and is there a mechanic of self reflect or some shit which allows triggering more blocks consistently or does it sound like a meme
I tried this bait earlier in the thread and it didn't hit so i'm glad you're trying to refine it
thanks cuties sounds good
nerf everything except melee
>everyone in turbo meltdown mode
buff melee and leave everything else
>everyone praises GGG
>The Ravenous Passion Unique Helmet no longer has "Rage Grants Cast Speed instead of Attack Speed", this change affects existing items. It now has "Gain 7-10 Rage after Spending a total of 200 Mana" (previously 10-15).

Is this supposed to be an end game CHASE UNIQUE in the year 2024? A helmet that gives you 10% more melee damage for 2 seconds after spending 200 mana? Is this a fucking joke?
>You can get to over 100% reduced cost on the tree for attack skills
I wonder if there's a scenario where this is worth it over just eating the Lifetap tax.
The observation you could do for years now is that GGG can do no wrong. Even leagues that are generally disliked don't stop people from chanting the same dick sucking paroles over and over again. It's a cult at this point and no different to blizzard drones, which is the biggest irony here.

You're here scrounging for armour, endurance charges, and other shit to get one shot by a white mob while party players have perma-invuln bubbles and map wide 100% reduced enemy movement speed
because D3's builds are all intentional and dictated by the devs. the 14,000% increased damage is written right there on the item set itself. when someone discovers a super powerful interaction in poe it's always unintentional, it's breaking the game and that's the fun part of arpgs.

not that I expect a shitposting incel to care either way.
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You can't use 3 retaliation skills because one requires you to have shield and the other requires dualwielding.
And also one that doesn't require either is spell so scaling is going to be shit. Who ever came up with this notable+annoint is fucking retarded
I don't give a shit how strong their characters are. Just take away the party quant bonus unless you're also going to make the party players pay 6x as many scarabs to open the map. Scarabs shouldn't be priced for party players who extract more value from every scarab they buy.
Added a new Strength Skill Gem, Crushing Fist: Retaliate against a blocked hit by slamming a huge armoured fist into the ground in front of you.
Added a new Strength Skill Gem, Vengeful Cry: Retaliate against a savage hit with a warcry, taunting all nearby enemies to attack the user. The user and nearby allies gain a buff which grants rage and prevents rage from being lost.
Added a new Strength Support Gem, Overexertion: Supports melee attack skills which can be exerted, causing them to deal more Damage for each Warcry exerting them. Cannot modify the skills of minions. Vaal skills and channelling skills cannot be exerted.
Added a new Strength/Dexterity Skill Gem, Eviscerate: Retaliate against a blocked hit with an arcing slash that releases two waves of force. Enemies in front of you can be hit by both waves. Requires a Sword or Axe and a Shield.
Added a new Strength/Dexterity Skill Gem, Swordstorm: Retaliate against a blocked hit with a hail of blades that rains down in front of you. Requires Dual Wielding Melee Weapons and deals the damage of both Weapons with each hit.
Added a new Strength/Dexterity Support Gem, Expert Retaliation: Supports Retaliation Skills, causing them to have more Cooldown Recovery Rate, and become usable for longer.
Added a new Dexterity/Strength Skill Gem, Glacial Shield Swipe: Retaliate against a blocked hit with a sweep of your Shield, unleashing a wave of ice in a cone in front of you.
Added a new Dexterity/Strength Support Gem, Rupture: Supports attack skills. Critical Strikes which inflict Bleeding with Supported Skills also inflict Rupture.
Added a new Intelligence/Strength Skill Gem, Divine Retribution: Retaliate against a blocked hit with a surge of divine power, causing multiple waves of lightning blasts to expand outward from the target location. This skill cannot be Triggered or used by Totems, Traps, or Mines.
Ret skills annoy me because they're yet another button you have to slam you face on when you take damage. If anything counters needed more flexibility in what you could do with them as automation.
OK I guess I'm the retard then
I think it'll be more worth it to have enough skills cost life instead of x% of mana cost to lower mana cost to 0 with elreon enchants for melee
EQ Bleed Jugg let's gooooo
What are the reasons for picking sabo over occultist for hexblast mines at leaguestart? Occultist ascendancy bonuses look better to me
Sounds like zdps. You know Gladiator gets triple bleed damage on a node, right?
sabo goes faster and is tankier with no gear
occultist pops do nothing because hexblast damage is already overkill
But I need endurance charges so I can be immune to physical damage.
you can reroll into trickster but as occultist you're forever stuck on witch ascendancies and all of them are mid
So Chieftain can just press a button and instantly get up to max end charges? Cool.
>they made an entire suite of gems that are about as useful as thorns
what were these niggas smoking
same crack they smoked when they made link skills lmao
Am i retarded or does consecrated path of endurance look like an endurance charge flicker with more damage and aoe
Surely the values are good enough that they're not just outclassed by any cast when damage taken build
RF status?
We're all running Ralakesh boots, brother.
fruity as ever
So it's useless as a league start, because they're gonna be expensive as fuck.
So the whole point of the Rage "rework" was making it poop?
give raider builds
as per every rework
did you forget what game are you playing?
They're bringing them in from PoE2 because the development is already done. There's so many because skills in PoE2 are weapon specific. Reread the skills and notice that they're indicative of a weapon type
>Eviserate big slash (axe)
>Swordstorm (sword)
>Big fist (mace)
Isn't there an actual monk class in poe2?
unarmed playstyles do not exist
honestly they should remove them from poe1 as well since balance retard forget they exist and one with nothing only useful in leveling
What skill would you use on hiero at start until you can get nova of frostbolts?
>Pestilent Strike Pathfinder
Am I crazy?
people so hype even tytykiller reach 4k viewers
I don't know what they're doing with unarmed in PoE2, there is a monk though
tyty would have good viewership if he was just consistent and stopped doing the whole "lol im a zoomer and I talk fast and slur my words" thing
Pesti Strike Ignite Chieftain

just gog
gogGODS where we @
Why did they cuck all spells for the campaign? Did they really have to force melee so much? I played melee for like last 5 leagues and now they buff it and fuck spells while I wanted to go spellcuck
someone needs to donate him a new cam and mic, other then that, hes a total bro, love his content.
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>pooegg now unironically worships this fat cuck
>half the thread are garbage posts about streamers
new /ecopoeg/
I forgive you anon, in your ignorance you have not yet embraced the light of sirgog.
Here's my plan
>Get a bunch of strikes additional enemies
>Get like 5 strikes additional enemies
Maybe Molten Strike of the Zenith (i thought people would hype that more) so you can just have an insane amount of orbs
I think dominating blow might've gotten the highest damage value buff... I wonder how feasible it is to just make a build around scaling the attack portion of the skill using minion buffs as an extra multiplier instead of an actual strategy.
don't pretend it some kind of a new development
4kanal is just reddit without karma
it's been like that for about 10 years
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diablo 3 was fun and PoE should let me have a sexy enchantress hireling
Zenith is bait, just play normal. Hit-based or poison works.
so is laceration glad passable as a leaguestart?
Luckily that's just a boy, doing boy things

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