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Its all fricking Zetas edition.

Evo Day 2.
Evo times and locations: >>486656030

SilentOne tourney
Saturday July 27 @6pm EST

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2197859465 (Congrats Gran gawd)
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2185278056 (Congrats grimnir-anon)

>Older Tournament VODS:
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby
To join, turn Crossplay off in System settings so that you're able to join Platform lobbies.
Then you can join the (un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby at Japan Platform Lobby 1. Image version of joining instructions @ https://i.imgur.com/bCHqtDL.png
Playstation players cannot join the lobby, use the room if needed instead.
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ Rooms
Usually has "gbvsg" as password (check thread). f2players cannot join so ask people to join the lobby instead.
>Upcoming DLC
Versusia @ Evo!?!
>this week's F2P rotation
Gran, Nier, Lowain, Siegfried
>Latest Patch Notes
>Steam page
>Twitter hashtags
>Match replays

Previous thread: >>486749887
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Since someone wont read the op but will click the first image. Here is the evo times again.
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is he proud of the game?
thank you for coming through
Reminder that we're not getting a trailer on day 3 since those retards would rather show it on their gacha stream instead.
Hey, the sale worked (kinda), and that's with a good chunk of the players being there
holy fucking shit bros
It hurts so much...
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Someone finally had enough at the end of the stream. I wonder if it was a ban.
They treated the game like an experiment instead of a product designed to entertain people
maybe we doomposted a bit too hard...?
Anyone up for some games before EVO starts up again? EU here but willing to fight EC.
Maybe Cygames should stop giving us reasons to doompost? Is it really that hard to just give us more info about the patch for their fighting game during the biggest fighting game tournament?
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Someone asked last thread what I expected when I said I was disappointed by the showcase
if I'm not mistaken, during last year's evo the Granblue panel showed tons of stuff, from the side stuff in game like partners, to grandbruise, to announcing Grimnir and showing the road map
I expected them to talk about that road map. how things have been going. the direction they want to take the game. anything honestly.
instead we got... 10 mins of talking about why versusia's asshole is blue, then uhhh a badge for the top 10 online warriors I guess
then ping for lobby matches... nigga, I don't even have a open lobby for my region. and I'm not even masters, let alone top 10 at my character
there were moments in that panel that hurt my soul. the people on the stage would say somw shit then be met with graveyard silence. it was so awkward, I'm glad they managed to turn it around talking about characters getting costumes.
don't get me wrong, the top 10 badge is cool, ping on world lobby is good, costumes returning is good... but that's just not what I need right now
holy fuck they could have just had FKHR explain his vision for the game
but no
it's also likely they won't show a trailer after top 6
sigh man
it's all so tiresome
>top 6
Man, every time I read that I die a little inside.
they showed it off last year because the game wasn't out yet so they used it to generate hype
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The patch won't fix anything.
support will stop after they release sandal
sandal and nier will be top tier forever
it's 5:30 am go to sleep doom Nier, you've doomed enough for today
things will be better tomorrow
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>he thinks I'm a mutt
I would be busy doomposting myself if I were.
Literally just woke up from my beauty sleep.
The patch will improve most everything.
>Saturday noon, literally the prime time for playing video games
>No one here wants to play
>Ranked matches consist of waiting for 15 minutes in order to play either a master rank player or S5 player, no in-between
>World lobby has 13 players in it
Man, this game really became a Discord fighter for real, huh?
>saturday noon
>prime time
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Be glad for the fun you had. Even if the game flops and dies, you still had your fun. Or at least it's how I see it.

If you'll ever play a future fighter and talk to some player about your previous games and you both mention Rising, you'll relive some good memories about the game. No matter the garbage that were the online competitive tournament, you surely had fun with your game playing here in the lobbies with anons or some random retard in the online lobby.

Don't let the past become an anchor.
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It's always darkest right before the dawn.
The game still hinges on the big meaty, yeah maybe cykagames squandered a opportunity to shill the game at Evo, but lights are not going out until we have our hands on the big meaty.
it's not over until it's over.
So when is the big meaty anyway? Early August?
this game has made me cry a number of times already but I wasn't prepared to break down into tears just trying to get some sleep after getting into my bed after today. I hate what this game has done to me. I should be prepared for this. I expected nothing and this is far from the first time I've had something I was really invested in destroyed. but idk, I'm not able to handle this. I'm just really not.
>No one here wants to play
Yeah, it's not like "yesterday" people stayed up late for something and are now sleepy.
Rising will go down as among the most asinine squandering of opportunity in fighting game history
go to gbfg nezu they'll treat you well there
or do us a favor and kill yourself already
All we know is "August" it's not 200% impossible that we get an actual date tomorrow
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Jesus anon. It's just a videogame.
Unless this general is unironically the only social interaction you have or something, in that case I understand but you should also get help.
Normal people do stuff on Saturday nights, so early afternoon is prime time for vidya.
don't get me wrong I'm already like that.
If Granblue were to EoS today, I would do like you said, be glad that I got to experience it, even with it's hiccups, it's ups and downs.
But I don't want granblue to die today. believe it or not I just got two close friends of mine into Rising and I want them to experience it.
And to be even more honest I don't plan on playing more/other FGs, the moment rising dies I'm out.
will only check out 2XKUSO and mash with a few friends but this genre isn't worth it and I don't like team games so I'm off to become a single player casual
good morning haha
how were the matches haha
oh well, back to elden ring
Nyo, saturday morning is for house chores, gaming is for the afternoon since it's to hot to do anything else anyway
it's likely nezumiku, please don't show any kindness to that creature.
Based same
He's decent at the game, I respect him.
>since it's to hot to do anything else anyway
>He doesn't sweat enough to create an artificial lake when playing
Do you even play fighters?
you can't be serious
So what exactly did they showcase? I missed it...
Well, at least he's better than me. If you're better than me in a videogame you can even be the greatest retard ever, nothing I can do about it.
the panel was just 30 minute of FKHR describing versusia's genitals in great detail
Just because someones decent at a game doesnt excuse any shit posting they do. Youre actually retarded if you think that.
>Just because someones decent at a game doesnt excuse any shit posting they do
Yes, it does.
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I've finally decided to finish this today.
Shit was kino.
You didn't miss anything important, they didn't show us jack shit.
Just in time for the big meaty's update.
Gran x Djeeta bros...
Selfcest is best cest
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It's so over
How can danchosexuals even compete
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>>rank resets
What does this actually mean?
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I fought like 4 different djeetas today wtf
so many newcuties today too
The best possible outcome for the patch would be either Sieg or Bea top 1. Having a shoto-like character be top 1 is always the healthiest thing for a game. It puts a limit on how strong the bullshit can be.
Anything is better than Nier top 1. That shit is pure cancer.
How do you not think Sieg is cancer? The healthiest top tier would be Belial.
Nah fuck Belial I'm tired of that fag being top tier in every patch with his +2M shit
Bring back Percy top tier
So true belialsis!
>How do you not think Sieg is cancer?
Lack of strong U-technique
>JP opinion
I think Belial being the "healthiest" top tier is utter fucking nonsense and that fag probably fantasize about being topped by Belial this very moment, but I also know better than to take JP takes.
>Lack of strong U-technique
This isn't actually true, he just doesn't *need* to spend meter therefore his U skills seem underwhelming.
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They hated him, for he spoke the truth.
Belial is at a level that other characters should aspire to be at, and the top-tiers above him should be nerfed down to.
He doesn't need it.
The fact that JP has Sieg players that are as good or better than anyone in NA/EU, and they still only put him around top 10ish, should give people pause. It’s not like an Elphelt/HC situation where they just didn’t know the character was good because no one played them in Japan
>hardest pressure to get out of with bullshit fakeouts, command grab, unblockable setups, great dp and one of the best fireballs of the game
hmmm krill yourself
the japs are fucking retarded, U skills alone don't make a character top tier
>The fact that JP has Sieg players that are as good or better than anyone in NA/EU
They're extremely bad
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legit, zeta is top 3 btw
Yes all that and he's nowhere near as broken as Nier and Seox, really makes you fucking think.
>queue in ranked
>get matched with and raped by the same Grimnir multiple times
>queue in casual
I fucking hate this character
>Generic U fireball, only gives a combo in the corner. Pretty decent, by far his best ultimate.
>Generic U DP, beats safejabs and that's pretty much it, his second best ultimate.
>U Orkan, a meme ultimate to get corner carry at the expense of both damage and meter, nearly pointless considering you already have insane corner carry in H Orkan and a sideswap SSBA. Scenarios where it is a genuinely good option happen perhaps once per 1000 matches. Not his worst ultimate however, since:
>U Verdangen, a complete waste of an ultimate skill, never useful above A rank, having it be identical to H Verdangen would actually be a buff.
He probably doesn't have the worst ult skills in the game, but compared to every other top tier, his are clearly much weaker.
>Generic U fireball, only gives a combo in the corner. Pretty decent, by far his best ultimate.
Also air unblockable, high durability probably good for checkmating zoners (as if zoners were any good right now)
>Generic U DP, beats safejabs and that's pretty much it, his second best ultimate.
U DPs are memes but having the option to DP without worrying about cooldowns and beating safejabs is always better than not having that option.
>U Orkan, a meme ultimate to get corner carry at the expense of both damage and meter, nearly pointless considering you already have insane corner carry in H Orkan and a sideswap SSBA. Scenarios where it is a genuinely good option happen perhaps once per 1000 matches. Not his worst ultimate however, since:
No you're wrong, this is unironically his worst ultimate.
>U Verdangen, a complete waste of an ultimate skill, never useful above A rank, having it be identical to H Verdangen would actually be a buff.
There's many setups to make this essentially unreactable and it's an armored unblockable you can make hit on meaty timing to close out a round. The mental stack that this character already exudes means you're rarely ever checking for this option so when he pulls it out, you won't be ready.
just play in lobby bwo
>you won't be ready.
It's literally over half a second of start-up. And that's even without counting the U skill slowdown. There is no amount of mental stack where anyone even slightly proficient will ever get hit by it. And you can always dodge it even when done meaty. It only has 1 active frame and even if the Sieg times it frame-perfectly, you will dodge it and recover in time to block whatever Sieg does after (not to mention you can just DP on reaction because the armor goes away before the active frame). So any meaty Ult Verdagen is just Sieg throwing away 50% meter to have worse oki.
Imagine there's no heaven
It's not that bad, numbers are the best of the non heavy hitters
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I like to imagine they're siblings so it's real incest
>wtf i swear i was blocking
>turns out my "a" key is fucking up and not registering
>ask friend if he plays Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising
>looks at me perplexed
>ask him if he plays "poo poo piss fighting game"
>immediately tells me he mains Soriz
I'm a Soriz player and I see nothing wrong with that.
oh, hey dylan
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The time of reckoning is nigh...
Sup Bartholomew
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>KEKma out of NOWHERE
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someone is playing next to my house bwo
>only 11 more spots in my block list
they really have to start punishing afkers too
>Sho-san isn’t even here
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>holding back and using the dash macro doesn't backdash
>dash macro + attack doesn't do a dash attack
why would I bind this button?...
>Zooey about to get PAW'D
the only zetas who are even good enough to top evo aren't there
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I was hoping she would be a mobile monster assaulting the opponent with vicious multi-hits of her many limbs, rather than just the biggest and slowest body in the game
I, on the other hand, am thrilled she is a fucking gigantic waifu who brings a completely different feel and playstyle than we've seen thus far.
This but Nier players.
How long until pools, 2 hours?
It's a (You) problem. Stop playing on your laptop or get a keyboard without ghosting.
I was honestly with you for a while. Making use of the extra limbs to do many-hit combos would've been cool. But at the same time, this game has plenty of that and something closer to vaseraga is fine with me.
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I just want a massive buff to grandbruise so i can get the PSN trophy and even the fish without grinding a dead game I never wanted to play in the first place.

I also want granblue relink DLC so we can get more missions.
>>holding back and using the dash macro doesn't backdash
Timetraveler chama? They changed that with a patch
I still hoped for something more animalistic, rather than just pure projectile focused moveset (which it is according the the leaks). Still cool that she will be, it seems like, very unique, which is also good because there wont be a Vers army like with Bea since she will definitely not be for everyone as a zoner.
>dash macro + attack doesn't do a dash attack
They wanted to have an easy wat to choose between dash attack and dash 5X
Every time I play against Yuel I am reminded that this bitch is definitely top tier and no amount of downplaying will convince me otherwise.
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>No rank matches in 30 minutes

I was one of the ones saying 66L wouldn't effect the health of the game at launch and now I regret it. I'm sorry everyone. I take it back.
What are the changes Gran and Lucy got? They said it was a "big meaty patch" but it looks to be just another nothingburger which would be fine if they just kill the top tiers.
Just 66L after her backflip bwo
At this very moment the game is at its highest peak in over a month.
EU just doesn’t play fighting games bro.
Their retarded roadmap I'd what killed the game. Why did they not do a consistent release sched instead of releasing two characters within a month of each other followed by a high break then the same. This combined with how God awful they are at "balancing" led to content droihht and hype death.

There's probably something going to shit within Cygames when they recently delayed the SV remake by 9 whole months followed by the Uma Musume movie underperforming.
>delayed the SV remake by 9 whole months
>within Cygames when they recently delayed the SV remake by 9 whole months
Reminder that Relink was delayed for 4 years
We are literally so back. Everyone was very impressed by the panel yesterday and they know the big meaty will be a huge success.
Keka to the FUCKING roo.
Keky? Pow, even.
>EU just doesn’t play fighting games bro.
I do and I am a bong, I just dont play online because its gay.
Explain why we jumped from sub-500 to over 700 then?
It's not so long the controllers don't touch
Grinding for Master crystals to get top 10
What rank?
>66L wouldn't effect the health of the game
There are much bigger problems than 66L right now.
It's called a steam sale, the panel yesterday did jack shit
it's been on sale for several days now, it only jumped up today
Eu does, but they mainly just play SF or Tekken, anime fighters are truly niche here outside of Strive
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We may have newfriends here with us RIGHT NOW. Everyone be on your best behavior.
Hm yeah, I wonder if there is a certain famous tournament for fighting games going on
Nah it surely must be the 30 minutes of fucking nothing info we got
>it's because of the sale
>uh wait no I mean it's because of the on going tournament (ignores every other tournament)
now what
Probably the Riot fighter will be popular here, regardless if it's garbage or not (after all the most played fighter here is Kekken).
All my friends love LoL.
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It's been increasing little by little since the sale started.
We really need newcuties

I hate to say this but they really need to pander to newfriends rather than FGC veterans
>comparing other tournaments to evo
Come on man
Oh wow, we're back to Vane patch/pre-Bea numbers, let's go...
Add potato sex in the game
That was always the case
>I hate to say this but they really need to pander to newfriends rather than FGC veterans
They've been doing that since Versus anon...
well yeah, it's carried by the league brand name, but that still falls in line with EU generally playing the big name fighting games because they have players, but also in some eu regions fgs are fucking expensive so they dont want to buy the smaller ones.
And again, that's not counting the people who did go to EVO (unless they all play on PS)
the new mechanics introduced in rising were not included for newcuties however
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it is full of newcuties
I must know
Well, unlike Rising, with the LoL fighter 100% sure thing is that it will have a very friendly f2p model, so even East Europe poorfags can play it.
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Did someone say potato sex
Raging Strike, Ultimates and others were to grab the Strive audience, not newcuties.
>Guard Cancel that is +ob
>Braindead easy confirm with RSRC
>Ultimates (besides DPs/reversals) are all safe on block
>Can tech with L/M/H
>Remove all penalties on simple inputs
>Made SBA/SSBA simple inputs even more simple
So yeah, they've been doing that since Versus. Even the focal point of the April's fool video was how easy it was to do specials.
zoi deserves rape
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>Strive audience
>not newcuties
Granblue is not the main game of most of the people who went to signed-up for it at EVO. The game was literally sitting at >300 for hours a couple of weeks ago and dipped below 200 players quite a bit.
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does someone want to play in 6-7 minutes?
EU master charlotta if you want to know to avoid lag or anything else
I havent played in 1 month
Alright, but over 1000 players entered the tourney, even if only some of them play the game regularly that should be a relatively significant boost.
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I just closed my game
...not like I can play with you anyway
And those 1k people haven't been populating the game that much anon, just look at the numbers. The game was getting less than 500 concurrent players until only a few days ago. Granblue is probably just a popular side game.
big meaty is gonna suck ass

they're never fixing any of the actual issues with the gameplay

arcsys literally doesn't know how to make a game that isn't completely retarded
So we can see the steam player count but there's nothing for the PSN side? I always wanted to know what their average player count is.
properly reply to posts stinky or I'll rebaptize you into extra stinky
pass: gbvsg
No, it's impossible, the only real way you could do it is to pull that information from their servers like what strive players did for their elo site
What it did reveal though is that average steam numbers is usually 1/10 of the whole playerbase for a day. so if a game like strive had 2000 average players on steam, there was about 20,000 unique players who did at least 1 match that day. It also revealed that the number of steam players was a lot more than the number of playstation players.
You can probably get an good estimation by looking at the rankings before the leaderboard reset. I tried to do a count last month but was a day late.
>What it did reveal though is that average steam numbers is usually 1/10 of the whole playerbase for a day. so if a game like strive had 2000 average players on steam, there was about 20,000 unique players who did at least 1 match that day.
this is interesting
My cat keeps following me around the house she has gotten SO MANY scritches and kisses already but she wants MORE she is GREEDY and I just want to watch EVO
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Hmm I should go back to playing rising
Just rub that pussy while you watch EVO, man.
you can see it here right now
>Strive currently has ~3000 players average
>in a 24 hour span, there was 20,000 unique players
and the site only tracks people who are playing in the tower, if you play in the parks/lobbies you are invisible to the site.
I will continue just reading the thread and playing danbooru
Translate it weebs
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I would play again but I havent played since early january and I feel like thats a harder position than being brand new
Fuck off vanilla retard
the pleasure of being cummed inside
They're on to you, run!
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The game released mid December, anon, for all intends and purposes you're brand new. Also now that there's an influx of new players is the best moment to come back if you're going to do so at some point.
Ultimates are not all safe on block, I don't know who told you that but they mislead you.
List 5 punishable on block ult skills.
Bea 22U :)
Pools in 10

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>intends and purposes
>for all intends and purposes
Nearly every U fireball except Belial and Kat's are very minus on block, Beatrix's 22U, Grimnir's 214U, Gran's 214U, Zooey's 214U...
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Today we have the evo5 channel for ourselves all day:
Schedule: >>486810558
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mmmmmmmm I'll translate only a single one, but only if you post a funny picture that makes me laugh
>Braindead easy confirm with RSRC
how is it easier than confirming with one button specials?
nta but minus on block ≠ punishable
I hope that anon tears you a new asshole
I'm banned from that one
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the youtube restream/gawdlike restream are better quality
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Post the links?
>click beginner resources
>first thing is "who should i play" which briefly describes characters
>then there's links to all the character pages (these were already on the main wiki page)
>then there's links to other pages on the wiki (which were also already on the main page)
why does the beginner resources page even exist
>cog player isn't a troon
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Hwen do we get Charlotto swimsitu mod?
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do I watch Evo or /gbvsg/ room?
this is streamboar country
the empty seats always kill me...
Is there a reason you can't be doing both?
I don't like using 2nd monitor
had mike ross and his largeness yesterday, im not sure of the official evo one though.
Rocking long hair is fine but why do you gotta use it like that
found it.
Ew these are A ranks
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the patch will be good
She should get a nude mod with pubes like she did in Relink.
> nude mod with pubes
Because it allows you to confirm from hits where a special might not connect, the obvious ones are hits at the upper edge of your attacks hitbox.
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ggs char anon
maybe you don't remember or don't know since Eustace is rare but red nade is unblockable midair, that's how I got you a lot of times
spot dodging 214M (the dash stab) also does leave you minus, it's part of his countermeasures against spot dodging slow kill/flamek/red nade in pressure
incel testament
why weird al on the evo stage in an amish outfit
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everywhere I go I see her face
dogs yearn for their master.
>open link
>literally the first thing I see is a literal troonstament
strive truly was a mistake
nia fate.... not looking so good
Imagine how different the world would be if original Versus had been the first ArcSys game that was playable online and thus would have received the massive pandemic boost instead of dying because of it.
It'd be the same shit, except the troonery plague would've happened since day 1.
Hey, it's Sideshow Bob
from weird al to buffalo bill
>Uno vs Ladiva
Where is the grub strim

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That's honestly kinda upsetting to think about.
Nah, Strive had a massive detrimental effect on fighting games due to retarded devs thinking the popularity was due to the gameplay and not due to the fact that it was literally the only Japanese fighter playable online during a fucking pandemic. I would also argue that Granblue tranny characters aren't nearly as bad as Strive's. Fastiva is a freak played for laughs and Cagliostro used magic and despite that is still a man inside (the entire point of his character is that he is just pretending to be a cute girl while actually being an old man). Meanwhile, Strive tranny characters are a biological man who underwent (forced) surgery that made him a they/them and a biological man who pretends to be a girl and is taken seriously by others.
Thank you anons
You are one of low intelligence.
>Strive had a massive detrimental effect on fighting games
Which was?
>I would also argue that Granblue tranny characters aren't nearly as bad as Strive's
Now this is delusion. Ladiva is not treated as joke in the game at all and is addressed with female pronouns. Cag is literally an old dude that transferred himself into the body of a little, which is the dream of every tranny it seems. Cag would probably end being more popular than Bridget was when he troon'd out.
It wouldn't have changed anything because it was on delay netcode. Strive's huge success was in part because those island monkeys were, for once, forced to pull their airy craniums out of their collective ass and stop ignoring literal decades of technological advances.
>Now this is delusion. Ladiva is not treated as joke in the game at all and is addressed with female pronouns
If you can't see why Fastiva is clearly intended to be a comedic character, I don't think I can explain it to you.
wait charchar didn't dq..? who lied..
holy preset 4 white man
Did you even read my post? That was my fucking point, what if Versus had been the first Arcsys rollback game.
I WILL have sex with Io.
he said he went home but i guess he got another flight?
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my fate is over...
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I did.

Thats nice, I hope you have a good time anon.
You forgot to type rollback so now you're going to have people around here that are going to act like the delay based shit was cool.
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ggs thank you for the matches!!!
yes my problem is being too obtuse to adapt mid game lol
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I hate how hard troons latch on to Cag. He's literally just a pervert wearing the face of his dead sister like a Fortnite skin and the moment it becomes inconvenient for him he drops the little girl sthick and acts like the egotistical old man he is. He's genuinely one of the most interesting characters grub has and still manages to be likeable despite how fucking nuts he is. But secondary troons who don't even bother to read the fucking Fates on the wiki see this and think 'omg literally me!!!1"
Yet the game doesn't treat him like one, which is the point. All the troons will see is Ladiva being accepted as a tranny and then they'll claim him.
I'm still thinking of that big popoff of yesterday...
thank you whoever turned japanese voices back on you are truly a hero of the skies.
of the skibidis*
>I will not provide argument, I am right, you are wrong
I think I'll take that other anon's take instead of yours.
Anon troons literally act like cag and have a cutesy demeanor but the second you call them out they ape out. Nice deep character you got there
>All the troons will see is Ladiva being accepted as a tranny
trannies have a debate on hating ladiva because ladiva has a line about being happy with the body you are born with. and thats not heckin valid.
>Covered nipples
Steve doesn't stand a chance...
That's literally what trannies irl are lol
theres no such thing as vira nation, theres the vira piss toilet, if you are thinking of that
>Anon troons literally act like cag and have a cutesy demeanor
Cag actually succeeds when he needs to.
you don't understand cagliostro. I don't care if you say cag isn't a tranny, that's your call, but saying the cute demeanor is just all fake is just wrong.something something true self exists in the false self.
he has a shirt on, what a massive debuff
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>. Cag is literally an old dude that transferred himself into the body of a little, which is the dream of every tranny it seems
yeah troons are usually really into getting inside little girls bodies
Is it just me or do the changes found so far in the patch demo not feel very "meaty"?
Not the fighting game troons. Granblue has 2 troons, 2 dykes (yes, they will use Yuel's SSBA finisher to claim her as a dyke), 1 one faggot and 4 fujobait. Granblue would be labelled as the most tranny friendly game if it was the one that exploded and not Strive.
I would have liked rollback for GBVS at launch, what's so weird about that?
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>Ladiva is not treated as joke in the game at all and is addressed with female pronouns
Only in English. In Japanese they say he(female) or call him a manly woman as a joke because he's an Okama stereotype.
I once heard a theory that trans is fake and just the result of inverted sexuality. that meaning they all think they wanna be little girls because they want to fuck little girls and the alternative their brain devised was the more realistically possible of the two, for self preservation. this makes sense with the increase of transness over the years corresponding with the more hostile attitudes against male pedophiles over the years. it also makes how many troons virtue signal against lolicons logical. I don't understand how nezumiku fits into this theory though. he is public about both things at the same time rather than using one as a shield for the other. which doesn't add up with this theory saying all trans is fake.
4 fujobait
>lancelot, sieg, perci, vane, belial, abel, eustace
for me that's 7, at least 5
>street shitter 6 at 20k
>soive at 3.7k
>grub at 1.8k
charlotta 22U
beatrix 22U
gran 214U
sheep 214U
grim 214U
squarefag panicking because he might lose his square
Don't forget Grimnir. We had a fujo playing him just last night.
to add to this, there are genderlocked events in the gacha, and one you needed female gender for it and could not choose ladiva
now, i dont know the details or if it was a bug and got fixed, ive just seen a pic of that posted a few times on /gbfg/
eustace isn't fujobait, he's 10yearoldboybait
Belial and Abel are the same character.
Eustace is for yumes.
Gran 214U
Katalina 214U
Vasaraga 214U
Grim 214U
Sheep 214U
Beatrix 22U
Charlotta 22U
Narmaya 236U
Every Ult DP
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sf6 is unironically botted and always has been.
20k viewers yet chat will move slower than some 300 literallywhostream
>I hate how troons latch on to Cag. He's literally [just a tranny].
Again, this doesn't matter, because all the troons will play in english, where he isn't treated as joke and addressed with female pronouns. The intention doesn't matter to troons, the only thing that matters to them is how they interpret it.
time to die
sorry I mean Vas [4]6U
also lowains 214U
nah it's just a coincidence that this happens every time
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I think they just embed streams somewhere
because they don't have botted viewers in their viewer list, they just have a slow chat compared to the number of views every time
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unironically a brain damaged pedo with uncanny autism levels
Holy shit there I am!
there is more than one reason for trooning out
being sexually abused as a kid
sometimes, all of the above
usually it's just autism coupled with one or two more others though
>troonimai profile pic
not reading that shit
because not everyone is a pink square dodging faggot like you
there was accusations of them doing that when sf5 came out and its probably true.
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wasnt this the nigga that wanted to an hero because people didnt give him enough attention

also can he please just fix his hair and shave how the fuck do you end up like this. man shouldnt be playing video games he should be fixing his life
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orange percy here, once I get my pink square i will fuck you up charlottafraud count on it
pink nier is next on my hitlist
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if you only knew how cringe things really are
>gamera already won evo
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Such ugly people shouldn't exist. Like not even talking about the way his face is but the lack of hygyeine and fatness makes him go from meh to holy fuck what the fuck is that goblin type shit. As always America is to blame. Take care of yourself, anons
that nigga is gonna swap to djeeta in grand finals lets be real
lmao djeeta lost and they cheer for her... nyo nyot again...
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I'm extremely ugly but I'm not fat and I take showers...
>Jasfags are troons
what a shocker
Impregnate Ladiva
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kizzington es blanca
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what did he mean by this
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cow fag?
i thought he was showing udders bros...
thats not a girl cow...
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she's hot. the mod is great.
imma jump
sorry about your AGP bro
Taking care of yourself (losing weight, taking showers, taking care of your skin) won't make you go from blackops2cel to chad but it definitely won't make you look uglier
you don't need to be a greek god
I don't have agp. the reddit troons you're looking for are down the hall and to the left.
>you don't need to be a greek god
Except you do if you want to score
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Touch the cow
do it now
Why is it that every time there's a Soriz on stream in a tournament, it's always a retard that can't even do a simple BnB?
Eustace is yumebait tho
i don't get the joke
was it supposed to be a reference to something or is it just some discord injoke we have no context for
that's not even a loli at that point, it's straight up baby/toddler shit
wait, I've said this before...
hey apologize to the soriz at frostys...
he pushed buttons good i think.
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almost like.. only retards play soriz
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he showed a picture of a cow to the camera for zero reason
who the f
Real female?
charlottas strongest soldier (female)
It's /ourgirl/ Sarina!
no it's a tranny
>"real" female
>playing vira
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>double perfect
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Vira is the straight man character
>Game have been nothing but one-sided rapes
This is putting me to sleep.
Charlotta gods please
welcome to seeding
The single female we've seen so far was using a plain white t-shirt with a Siegfried stamp
The trannies we've seen so far either have dressed extremely ''female'', like a caricature, or with so much shit you can barely tell if there is even a person underneath it (like right now)
God help me I'm starting to nootice patterns...
>normal looking dude vs tranny
>the normal looking dude is playing vira

every time...
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>welcome to seeding
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damn they really letting the charlottas run a train on stream...
An actual female that is into fighting games will give as much of a shit about her appearance as the regular male player.
I did this
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Is that a Nobeta shirt?
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Everyone loves Charlotta!!!!!!
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she's six. that's not a toddler retard. also you have said this before havent you...
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I'm tired of seeing Charlotta
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we are getting so many exploitables with this evo
first fkhrt phone now this
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aww yeah
just in time for my HERO
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you SUCK
>here bro, I've improved your 'lotta
Charlotta general
Xerom needs to show a picture of a box to the camera
He's got the goon glove on
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oh nyo...
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>gamera immediately after
Siegfried 22U.
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Ladiva Anon, do you agree? That Ladiva has a match up issue against Charlotta? WELL I DONT

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That's just Razia cosplaying
Ladiva wants to stay in melee and the same goes for Charlotta, so he gains advantage from that.

Also his annoying j.H easily stopping any spin that would usually fuck everyone not perfectly timing their j buttons to hit her out of the spin
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Someone did this to me
>gamera being this patient against pools jobbers
I kneel, top player
this match reminds me of people that think gamera wins in master because people respect him way too much and that he would lose to lower level players who dont respect him
maybe he's just good
Gamera has the expression of someone who's dead inside.
>THIS is America's finest?
>Masaka, such shamefur dispray...
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How do we stop that beast?
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I love Charlotta and Beatrix :)
Galleon's husband...
fitting champion for a dead game
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He's not impressed, burgerbros...
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>join tournament
>first match is against gamera
his nintendo switch is broken please understand
pools suck
wake me up if there is a bubs or a cool match
>Is that it, America?
>The extent of your power?
>...Bring me XEROM.
lurking the general during evo is bad vibes
Remember when some anon started making shit up about gamera being autistic?
What was that all about?
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bend over and accept your fate
desu, bend her over
Does anyone have a link to that youtube event where gamera was sitting in the chair with rookies?
You guys DID thank your Chipotle Overlords for gracing us with such grand entertainment, right? You DID donate to our Chipotle Pope Sajam the First himself, right?
>Remember when some anon started making shit up about gamera being autistic?
I mean most fighting game players are, at least a little bit.
oh shit weve been demoted to marvel commentary
I bought a Chipotle burrito for FREE 500 tekken coins
Maybe I wanna try Qdoba today
So what is the counter-play to Cag teleport, both grounded and air? Both are insanely fast, don't have recovery and have no visual tell to be able to predict where she teleports. You can't 2H the air one, it has a hitbox for some god-awful reason and even when I manage to swat him out of the air with air-to-air, my characters follow-up normal on the ground goes into the wrong direction and he recovers and punishes the whiff. Even anti-air super whiffs most of the time, and anti-air DP is completely useless, it either whiffs by going into the wrong direction or else turns into back special which doesn't anti-air. And that's not even getting to ultimate air teleport, that seems genuinely not to have any counter-play. Oh hey, Cag on screen, maybe we can see some counter-play...
Weird that Tororo is playing Sieg... everyone knows that Perci is stronger...
>game has 32 characters
>we only see the same 10
why the fuck have we not seen an Anila yet?
sieg is only A tier.. why is tororo playing him..
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Tororo-senpai! Guide me and teach me new tech
>have no visual tell to be able to predict where she teleports.
they actually do
I went to chipotle today but didn't know how to get the tekken coins, so at the registered I just muttered "s-sajam sent me"
The person at the register looked at me confused and said, it's $14.23.
I decided I was being to bash, so I just said, "Sajam said you would give me coins"
They still didn't know what I wanted and I started to feel embarassed, so I just left.
There was an Anila yesterday
>that combo limit reset combo
bottom 5 btw
Because he's just percival but better
literally the first game in pools had an anila
Is it an actual tell you can tell immediately during the heat of the match, or is it Vira-tier "akshually his hand is at a slightly different angle" bullshit?
not giving a (you) in the offchance it's the tranny
>just look at her hand and react to the 5 frame animation bro
Anila was literally the very first character we saw on stream.
We've seen at least 2/3rds of the roster on stream, probably more.
>or is it Vira-tier "akshually his hand is at a slightly different angle" bullshit?
that and quite literally also her hands
Already had this discussion with him in the past and he basically silently acknowledged I was right and her teleport are retarded without realizing it, since the moment I mentioned her spears (which I told him had MUCH better clues and are easy to dodge thanks to her pose and audio) he immediately started talking about those.
she makes a different pose depending on whether or not shes teleporting towards you or away from you
but even then if shes teleporting on the ground, you can always just hit her, or at least attempt to hit her since whiffing while she teleports away is a nothingburger. So you don't even need to care whether shes teleporting towards you or away from you, you can do the same option and she can't punish you if shes teleporting away but will get punished if she is teleporting towards you
Her teleporting away without being punished is a huge victory for her since she has far superior long-range options and forces me to try to close the gap again while she pollutes the screen with nonsense and throws unreactable fullscreen instant tracking projectiles that knock you back on hit.
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Anila appearance
is he okay bwo?
anila is lame
where is that fucker who told me nobody raws a ultimate sheep ride
>someone complains about no anila
>anila appears shortly after
>haha.. sheep
issa sieg sba
>people still wear masks in 2024
I have fun watching this, what the fuck.
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>another sheep player seething live
What the fuck?
imma stop time
>pools are trash, everyone is bad and it's always one sided
>also /gbvsg/
>did you see this character in pools do X? people in the thread told me no one (good) does this, but they just did it!
Mexico has fallen.
he's having fun bwo
people wore masks before covid lil sis
>welshman comes
>walks away smiling
sheepbwos are so based it's insane
did you catch his labial?
he clearly said
Bob Dole would have won if he was on siegfried.
Someone needs to stop all the Siegfrieds from winning
so did pink nier ass fuck you or did you dodge her as usual charlottafraud
why are the chipotle commercials the most shit
what did anon mean by this
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This creature strikes fear in the hearts of sheep players.
they lack funding, please buy 3 burritos if you are going to continue to watch FREE CONTENT
People smell like shit.
Also some people don't have hood hygiene and come in sick (mostly troons) so no shit some people are going to wear masks.
reminder to not buy chipotle unless you walk in store and record them. otherwise you get a tiny as shit burrito
You forgot it's convenient to hide your incel jaw.
I just won't go. Only blacks do that.
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I feel like I'm having a stroke when I read made up languages that stole english letters but then just rearranged shit around to pretend it's their own.
this shit should be illegal
Apparently people are being advised to wear masks because the venue smells like shit.
do those masks even help with smell
I can attest it does smell like shit.
Worse when smash was here but got better. There's so many sweaty and unclean players too. Also yesterday apparently some retard tested positive for covidand still went.
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Did all the Zetas die yesterday?
By itself no. If you line your nose with petroleum jelly or anything similar with the mask, yeah.
To an extent. Although some people put smells inside the mask to help. Like some people put lemon or mint smells.
ive been watching grub evo all day and any time i switch to any other evo channel the little bar on the bottom left with the other evo channels never show me granblue
which i guess doesnt help with numbers
No, I'm still in. I'll be on stream in a bit.
>still being afraid of the chink coof in 2020+4 or even caring about it at all
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I gave her 2 sets (2-0 1-2)
then I ran away
BC is fine
>djeeta is honest
the one and only time I got it I had non stop coughing and vomiting/diarrhea for 2 months. the coughing stopped after the third.
I don't wear a mask but I don't blame anyone for not wanting to get that shit again.
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Ganbare, anon!
cute baubau shirt
>SF6 pools have more viewers than KoF grand finals
show Ar Tonelico on stream and good luck
Djeetachads stay winning
Total Lesbo Death
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This game isn't on Switch and my PC controller stopped working. My drivers are so fucked that my games freak out when I try to use a Switch controller and I can't even begin to figure out what random thing I installed that I need to remove to undo that because I have collected so many weird fucking games over the years that required special drivers and plugins.
I want to play Granblue Versus, but I'm flat ass broke and refuse to learn keyboard...
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This is the mask I use to not have to smell the venue
No shit, SF6 is botted to hell
Not like it wouldn't have more viewers but the SF event numbers mean shit
who cares
>I want to play Granblue Versus
everyone says this until they actually play it
Arigatou, Nier.
*attaches to face and inhales deeply*
KoF is a 2/3 mirror, I closed the tab.
also KoF is some real shit, no one fucking plays kofxv but kofs always get a lot of views, some youtube vids even rack in more views than sf vids
nigger EOP 45% of english comes from french not the other way around, try learning another language before talking.
Why are there so many Ladivas? Not that I'm complaining
onegai... win and then ask for maglielle and tikoh...
issa top tier
Actual high level matches rn
I played it a lot, I'm having fun.
Until you get matched with bot Grans who will just do the same combo over and over and don't care how many times you counter it, they'll just keep doing it cause they have perfect input and infinite patience cause they're not human. Even when I win I'm not having fun.
>nier dayo vs balance bear
ill stick to my fewwy slop for now
Does Ferry really need that range with 2M.............? Can we reduce that please
Call me when Mirri shows up
>ferry is honest
ladiva has a based stick
that wasn't even fun to watch
I know zoners don't win tourneys but they have the power to completely destroy anyone without an amazing neutral skip
bepaw just gapped
weegeeplus1 sisters its over.
basudj suiasdk lkzxcoasdj sdjahsdlkjhasfd

that's what you sound like
that's turkish
>i feel like shes in a good spot
no fucking way he said that live
>english letters
It's literally called the Roman alphabet you thieving gypsy.
Nier is fine
leave her alone chud
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I think she's in a good spot too!
She's in a great spot
*looks down at nier*
yeah, shes in a great spot
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desu... remove this alchemical abomination from the evo stage.
oh he's not happy...
She's in a great spot
*look up Nier's skirt*
yeah, she's in a great spot
It is quite telling about how obnoxious and awful character Cag is that I am rooting for a fucking Nier...
nobody who lost to a nier this tourney is ever going to play the game again...
you stop that right nyow
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Get lost weegee
huh, kolulu color for cag
>cag vs nier
fuck, i wanted both to lose
Christ top 24 is gonna be all niers isn't it
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it's all siegfrieds currently
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choco cog
Nier was a mistake
I really hope so, it would be the perfect final nail for the coffin for this kusoge
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lets go elsa!!
Why is this game FT2 still
trash tournament
How can Elsa be a "she" when guy doesn't even pretend to a guy.
The big meaty will fix it!
a princess is a princess
you vill respect xer's pronouns chud
He isn't a she, the casters just assumed his gender based on the name since trannies are the rule and not the exception in heavily autistic spaces like the FGC.
>have to root for fucking belial
the goon gloves arent working bros
Shove Nier into a locker
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Kinda, it's full poses though.
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>beat sheepirl
>get to fuck his bussy in the suite later
only grands matter in people eyes and it will be a Nier mirror 100% anyway
*gets aids*
Another fucking hideous tranny larping as a girl.
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xewom browsing /gbvsg/!
it's just a male with long hair
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it's just a female with a dick
So these things just walk into the women's bathroom with no issue? What a nightmare if you're a dad and you send your little girl with those things present
suspiciously xeromlike fingers made this post
issa porn addict
That's a a nonissue, after all what kind of a terrible father doesn't accompany their little girl to the bathroom to protect them?
where did our camgirl go??
but enough about satyr
I'd just bring her to the men's bathroom like many do anyway
>frauded one and then scrambled before the download kicked in
FT10 her faggot
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what color is this
whats the difference between a pedo and a tranny
trick question
there isn't
how do they go out in public like this
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I want Naru to make it pls
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Yuel anus licka
ft10 me
for the longest time elsa has been "whatever you want" but everyone defaults to she because they fear the 'roons
He almost didn't fist bump him lmao
wtf was that
Dropkick Nier through a door
>outplay nier entire game
>lose anyway
Incorrect, a tranny is a specific subset of particularly mentally ill pedos. All trannies are pedos, but not all pedos are trannies.
what did i just watch? holy slop
>people not even spot dodging aver scrambly RS
no wonder you look carried
>protein of choice
okay desu kill these commentators
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Naru got robbed.
*punches narm in the stomach*
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Grimnir is cool
meanwhile mirri almost defeated socky after working overtime
hope she gets nerfed to shit holy
anudda socky tournament
>rush in ex dp > ex dp
>mash spears from fullscreen like a tard
I have no respect for Cag trannies, suck my fat cock nezu if you see this.
I really hate the name Zane.
dat 2H range tho
I like both Cog and Grimnir
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that's an autistic stance if I ever saw one (I see it ever day in the mirror I am very autistic)
These femboys gotta start exercising bro where's the MEAT
We would have missed that match if not for Chipotle.
that's a "i don't know what to do with my hands" autist stance
source: me
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Thank you Chipotle™ for the extra match
Hm... I think I'll order a chipotle burrito now.
Thank you Chipotle.
If I keep my hands folded nobody can accuse me of bad things
The straightjacket stance
I need more granblue cosplay kneeling
dudes coping a feel on his mantits
>remove top 8
>add chipotle duels
that's why i always hold my phone in my hand so i can pretend to look at it if things get too awkward
>for the longest time elsa has been "whatever you want" but everyone defaults to she because they fear the 'roons
This is what happened with Umisho in the Strive community too.
I need more tranny twinks cosplaying cag
fenrir shirt I'm rooting for you
i cry everytime anila says "hiii" in the corner after being bopped
no, umisho is a full blown troon groomed by another troon
Diaphone, work on your posture.
How the fuck do people go to evo and not lab against 2B, Seox, Nier, Siegfried?
diaphone is so handsome....
Netplay anilas are kinda better than this
I will pay 1700 dollars to fly to evo and get a hotel but I am not paying 8 dollars for 2b.
Yes, that's the case now but back when he was still somewhat tolerable he said "you can refer to me by any label". But dating another tranny turns you into a tranny 100%
Issa side game!
he makes me question my sexuality I don't know if I want to be him or fuck him
that said, 2B is still upper high tier dont be deluded 2B gooners
i used to run into that guy, he's only s++. honestly did a pretty good job getting this far imo
What controller was that man using?
>asia vs asia
sucks, we need as many asians in top 8 as we can
we sloppin' hard
SQ is out already... he lost in round 2 pools...
he won a game?
(((top))) player
we need to buff sheox...
Belial is so cool man, fuck what anybody else says.
Chin Satonaka
top strive troon
Holy fucking slop
bwos this doujin is pretty good
its awful and awesome at the same time
Lmao, he isn't even the fifth best tranny player in Strive.
He looks like a low test Diaphone, even moreso now that he trooned out.
NTA but charlottanon its a bit sad how obsessed you are with your pink square
the bullying from your middle school must have been real bad
GOD advancing normals are so fucking good in this game
if diaphone succumbed to waifuism and sissy hypno'd himself, he would be SQ
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Yeah your posts aren't funny they're just kinda sad and obnoxious.
I yo-yo between pink and yellow all the time, it's no big deal.
Yeah your posts are funny they're just kinda joyful and endearing.
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except yuel's :(
Diaphone's jawline is way too fucking sharp to even think about becoming a tranny.
This man pumps up asian pussy every night btw.
Unless we're talking about Soriz's fH
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>Diaphone's jawline is way too fucking sharp to even think about becoming a tranny.
That hasn't ever stopped trannies before, see for example Deb.
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SQ is a retard that deluded himself into thinking he was a lesbian woman after playing Persona 4 and seeing Chie.
>Zeta-player switches to a Bea
Top 5...
being 6'2" stopped me a decade ago
Man why does this keep happening to ArcSys games in particular? Are the waifus so hot that they rewrite brainwaves?
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Deb will 41% soon, let's not even talk about him.
Remember when people said 2B was dead after the nerfs?
Remember when people said Bea was dead after the nerfs?
>lowaintard doesn't want to block
>tranny strive pro player tierlist
Bea is le bad! I'm quitting the game because of her nerf!

-That one Anon
That's not a radar, that's some weird ass clock tower
that's not zeta, that's a bald man carrying a spear
Yeah but Zeta is top 5 right?
They nerfed Bea in the worst way possible and let her keep all of her bullshit while just slightly lowering her damage.
>boomer checked
Anime + fighting games attract autists. Autists are especially vulnerable to trooning out, most troons are on the spectrum.
Isn't that just Strive pro player tierlist?
I was the orange perc he sharked to boost himself back to pink
he even posted about it here to brag how he sharked me for his pink
pink nier beats the shit out of me but you know what? he doesn't brag about it and he actually gives me tips how to improve when i whisper him, that's a real fighter you dickhead faggot
I'm still gonna git gud and fuck up pink nier like the sith i am one day tho mhmm nyess
fuckin kek
Looks like a scale just make it look like the dragon radar with lines and beep boops
I like cosplaying my main, don't judge...
fuck you respect my parabolic antenna
>he doesnt know the chad to tranny pipeline
>he hasnt seen the mengelian skull surgeries troons have subjected themselves to
Zeta is top 5.
Shosan admitted it.
>ok an-
Just fucked your wife, bitch.
They should nerf Yuel.
>>They should nerf Yuel.
SQ's chin is literally a deadly weapon with how pointy it is, he can't travel to EU because he would have to bin it to be admitted into the continent.
>8 minutes
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>They should nerf Yuel.
>no fluffy ears
who the fuck is that abonimation that's not yuel
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Yuel is fine Ferry is the one they need to deal with.
wow who is this cutie
>he would have to bin it to be admitted into the continent.
The only country in Europe with absurd weapon laws and bins is the one that's not part of the continent nor the EU.
Next remove Charlotta's crown.
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But where is DNF in Evo...?
wow DNF never got a single appearance at evo. that's so funny.
Yuel's fM is a god button, yeah Yuel herself isn't great but that does not mean everything she has is garbage
Dead, Nigger Faggot.
you guys should play a real game like zzz

Game is really fun too. And pretty. Nen Master makes me coom.
>he fell asleep while trying to recommend zzz
tick tock fox fags..
>Yuel gets caught in the cross fire
>300 buckeroonie smackerdappers for an onahole
is this cheap guys
>wasting a perfectly good onahole
I actually hope we see Virum play, his percy is pretty good
we might see shinku vs coach steve on stream
steve finna get his booty gaped of course
bweans... nyo...

I can't not laugh when I hear the commentator say his name and I think he's shitposting
he fucked somebody up yesterday
Brick tier list, this is NOT a drill
I know these are high-pressure games with lots of mental stacks, but I hsve yet to see a dodged Raging Strike.
is this guy even good?
He’s Master rank
that doesn't answer the question
t. s ranker
Wheres my boy Tako? He's play this kusoge no more?
thanks brick please continue to shill your content here.
I'm tired of this shitty meme of people saying Belial doesn't use U skills when they are so strong in a tournament environment
Shitters shouldn't be allowed to commentate
This game sucks and everyone in the arena knows it
>H-H-Hes master rank durrr
He's still a shitter. I've seen many S++ players play better than this shilling cunt who can't shut the fuck up
ladiva is pretty high on the fraud list which indicates an easier climb to master rank
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nyot for long...
A rank actually
as a S+5 shitter that struggles to get out of S+5 and have defeated a Master Rank player
your ranks mean nothing and still means nothing
preach mah nigger. This fraud was struggling so hard to get to masters on soriz even though soriz is a fucking fraud as well, just not ladiva levels of scam
I don't know if it's more of the skill gap or bubs is just really worse than I think he is
>I was the orange perc
I don't believe you
Seox 214X is just a better version of Bubs 214X lol
and that includes Unisonic
What's stopping Bubz from using U karma on empty hand
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yor makeng me hongy
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>as a S+5 shitter
say no more
1v1 me fgt
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(⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
No more
I know for a fact that Ferry is pretty.
It's true! I was there!
>is actually a rushdown 50/50 machine
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stop nyoticing...
many such cases
That’s just Arcsys games. You should see what the Strive “zoners” can do
2 fags fighting
JP running a rapetrain on NA
All is right with the world
>siegtard trying to play footsies
just mash your specials you retard
n-now say "I'm a good slut"
uhhh JP?
Happy Chaos fullscreen self looping guard break zoning with also unfuzzyable 4 way mix into guaranteed okizeme and setplay into another loop will forever go down as the most embarrassing failure of fighting game "balance"
The only difference is that Strive players say he's mid tier because their top players who play HC say he's mid tier.
2B… Weight of the World… home…
god i want to rape 2b
god I want to rape Yuel's feet
He’s gotten multiple rounds of nerfs, the last one pretty significant. So for the current patch, the HC players tried to start the meme that he was mid tier. But we’ve had enough HC mirrors in winners finals/grand finals on the current patch at this point that people aren’t buying the bullshit anymore.
with or without her weird little leg guard sock thingies
I don't want to root for Siegfried but holy fuck, 2B is such a fucking faggot character...
not like this
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you are in a room alone with a 2b player
what do
is zeta anon in yet?
Does anyone think gamera paid a hooker to dress up as beatrix yet
I don't care for either
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i forgot merp even played this still
>2b don't press 5m challenge impossible
Do I root for Merp or 2B…
yep just walk into trap
>Redeemer vs Gamera
Kino match-up.
Is Merp the only normal looking Cagliostro player?
Do you like hearing Weight of the World?
I always see his circle jerk in the public lobby
issa low tier
It's their 66L
the lalilulelo?
Doesn't he use a female model when he streams? It is that one Shadowverse character
there was a jp cag player i believe
here it is!
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yeah he's definitely a lolicon
Rare Uno
gamera looks so tired bwo
what the fuck that nigga 'just' guarded 5 times in a row wtf is gamera on
Cant Uno U parry the U fireball
nothing, you can do that to any multihit move by just mashing back
IBing is something you should always just passively do, it's free meter
he looked okay this morning
he needs his nap
Happy Chaos isn't a failure of balance (although yes he is obviously a very broken character), he is a failure of fundamental design. If someone suggested adding a character to a shooter who does not aim but instead hurts every enemy visible on screen instantly when you press your mouse, HC would still be the bigger failure. He is a character that can literally punish you for trying to punish him for whiffing, completely eradicating any sense of fighting game fundamentals of spacing, movement, forcing whiffs and punishing them. His very existence showcases that the designers clearly do not understand fighting games on a very basic level. I genuinely had to strain my brain trying to think up that shooter example, concepts that so utterly violate the core mechanics and skills a game is supposed to be about the way HC does is genuinely difficult. Even if HC was the perfect mid tier character in his game, he would still be the worst designed not only in his game, but in his genre. Fucking Ivan Ooze is more well designed than him.
okay i didn't know it was that easy
Beas 2H might be my favorite pits.
Who is going to stop the goon glove?
stop nodding
why's this nigga agreeing with getting killed?
Medium Rakshasa is just is not worth to use. Locks you in to long.
IBing basic strings are a lot easier than you might think, just tapping down back while in blockstun is completely safe and it gives you IB if they true blockstring you
Bea players are just that much better that they can gap with their nerfed mid tier
if i see cag one more time
That dark wooden fightstick looks classy as fuck.
I was indifferent to it before but after all this shit I will never, EVER eat there, I have fucking had it.
dude are you trying to get evo cancelled wtf is your problem.

apologize to sajam right now
>just tapping down back while in blockstun is completely safe
It's not, if opponent hits you with a low when you aren't holding down back you will get hit even if you are in blockstun, it's why you can't mash your punish button when you block Bea 22H.
no, if you aren't holding down you will get hit, e.g. are standing.
learn how the game works

you can hold down and let go of back and not get hit if it's a true blockstring.
you can even mash throw while only holding down and you still won't get hit because the game won't force your character to stand
is this nigga gonna post a suicide note after he gets gaped again
I don't want stick to die...
It already happened again earlier today. they cheered for the loser...
huebert sisters.
they didn't put any of my pool on stream so I'm chilling until 5
is that u birdman
wait this is the guy that was crying because a ladiva player he lost to popped off and cheer on by the crowd
Yes. But even worse than that: he plays/played DNF Duel.
B-Beabros stay calm... all these top players are switching to Bea because she's a sexy and beloved character from the gacha... it's not because she's broken, SHE DOES NOT NEED TO BE NERFED AGAIN PLEASE GOD
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>you can even mash throw while only holding down and you still won't get hit because the game won't force your character to stand
What the fuck are you talking about, crouching doesn't prevent you from throwing, you can throw while crouching.
huebert is fat
kizzie color 2
my defense is kinda clean desu
and very ugly
all that extra meter... amazing.
coach steve bros..
spoken like a true meterlet too afraid to lean into clean defense
not a single RS has been dodged
nice beard
1.50 patch will give you 3% meter per IB, then who will be laughing you bloody bitch bastards
and an asshole who besmirched rising
the fact that raw fucking random raging strike (when you wanted bc) actually works so often just proves this game is badly designed
ok damn he murdered that nier
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Nyo.. Steve please.
So how would you describe the chicken?
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/our/ faggot
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thats one.
PS5 is badly designed
it reminds me of gaara vs sakuke you know what I'm saying, I fucking love bleach! homie, I have all the displates of my hero fist of the north star especially the ps5 arc where they visit astro bot.
Xerom you gonna get some of those sick nasty 1337 Evo™ Chipotle™ Sajam™glasses™?
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I want a mod that replaces all the weapons with chipotle burritos
and the sound effect when you hit people should be sajam saying extra guacamole
shinku gonna job to a belial again isnt he..
bea has a much better matchup into bel than vira
if he jobs now it's 100% skill issue
dodged every yggy attack wow
the what now
naruGAWD, technical commands off by accident and he still won
>lowain player gets obliterated and its all smiles and laughs
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Any onien?
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no, they banned zooey from the tournament
thank you
yes but diaphone killed her...
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No Zois and Eustaces
ixis is in round 3 losers
Go play vanilla nigger
How long will it be going?
>one falseflag did this much damage to horseposting
dumb cow in the corner
not really funny but cute
because it is not what the player wanted and yet it works in most cases for some reason
across all players and sets. literally the only person i've seen dodge it is xerom
this fucking commentator has said alot of characters are in "a good spot"
you can be nice
No Yuel players in top 24?
all day
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This is why we are getting rat instead of pig in Rising. Thanks a lot Chloe
vasbros we are SO going to get fucking destroyed
lets gooooooo
>have oki
>doesn't armor up again
I choose to believe the horseposter plays the game and that a nefarious retard set him up for unwarranted hate.
BC really needs to cost 2 diamonds
Anon, getting something different than what you wanted and still landing a hit is something that happens in literally every fucking fighting game, I assure you.
It's just significantly easier to spot in this case because of the visual tells.
wasn't a falseflag
Horseposter is a vanillatard.
Neat, sleep is for the weak.
lets go ibis get that fucking chipotle card!!
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You don't need to assure me, I have over 10 years of experience in this shit genre, I know when something is clowny or not.
Ibis check
The funny thing is "we" kinda asked for this, in the first beta BC required the block button which could've potentially prevented accidental RS
Nyooooo dont job
Our Djeeter
you're being too passive ibis-kun..
>cheering when he didnt even get one round off
huh? alternative universebros?
Ibis was definitely reading the thread right up before his game
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our chipotle... nyo...
Artorias failing all these boomer checks man, I don't feel so bad
good try djeeter
damn, ibis is old huh
ew he's asian, I thought we were all white
man this sieg is just fucking mashing 66m
cringe ass game
I see you looking bwo
unironically one of the best sets on stream
holy shit artorias has negative ass
Siegfrauds at it again
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My dancho is going on a diet...
theres too many fucking siegfrieds
make it stop
ibis bwo....
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Good job Artorias! I'm like you bro!!!
second hit should not be special cancelable

you did wyell
so damn close to a sick comeback...
Nice fight Ibis. Get his ass in top 24.
Which one was Ibis?
i thought artorias was supposed to be good?
he looked carried as fuck
>he had gbvsg in his team tag
one hour... eubros...
every "good" set just reminds me that his game fucking sucks because the frauds always fraud it out
he only plays god tier characters.
he tried to go to djeeta for a bit and flopped so went back to sieg
>back in an hour
Is...is that a typo?
the asian
Same. Every set that is actually good always ends with me going "aww, this game sucks"
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>I thought we were all white
you know what genre this is white boy?
>sieg player
No shit
And dailies done
fat one or skinny one
everybody in this thread is honorary
nyow what do we do
>watch stream, have fun
>open thread, fun stops
You guys are poison.
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CUTE shota.
I don't know
Play the game?
Nothing. No room. Let this thread 404.
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go hungwy...
more like what site he's in
he's been playing like shit all day
this isn't the usual artorias
is granblue over for today?
Metera please, he's too young, giving him AIDS is too cruel...
he is saving his adderall for top 48
2 more hours of pools then top 24
they are taking a break for 1 hour
hmmm nyo
top 48 in an hour
I thought I was the only asian here...
goon time
they better show shinku on stream
>tfw eu
evens stay
odds go to sleep
hes 5-0 so its not happening until finals.
gbvsg is just asians and blacks, it's china town with the occasional European tourist getting mugged
Strive is on a 1 hour break too
And I opened SF6 and was instantly met with a female voice, so that's off the list as well
Guess gooning it is
Can you bake it I am playing with my dog.
bend over rice boy
SEA does not count as Asian unless you have Chinese ancestry.
What do you not understand
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Am I good Narmaya or just average Narmaya? I honestly can't tell anymore.
it seems the guestbook was overtaken by a Nier nigga and every other thread is about him
Watch the real honest neutral footsies Street Fighter is known for: Third Strike!

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