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Latest News:
>Patch notes 3.25
>[3.25] Settlers of Kalguur (July 26th PDT)
>PoE2 close beta soon

>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities
>/poeg/ Ingame Chat and Ban Honeypot
/global 1488
/poeg/ what are you on about?? DD didn't get nerfed. not a single word about DD in notes. DD is just as powerful as before.
Reminder that a staff will give you 60-70% more crit than a 2H axe.
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was the hatred nerf really necessary?
>ctrl+f DD = no results.

This is a melee league. This is the shit my hipster ass has waited for. I love melee.
Please, my dumbass hipster brain. Don't make me brew Cobra Lash Deadeye.
unfunny forced meme
ancestors weep looking at your posts
only suicide can restore your honor
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settlers will be the kinoest league of all time and it will filter all of the brainlets and anti-comfy tryhards
you be on a boat selling shit
i be on a galactic turtle selling shit
we are not the same
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There are more variables so its not entirely reflective of reality
almost called you a blizzshill by reflex for defending garrison
the town management aspect doesn't really seem that complicated. I think having menus and sliders implies that it will be but it's probably just "send required number of X"
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I think I'll play "melee" this league
you mean buff?
I like that Kingsmarch has a bunch of Australian (and i guess NZ) colonial architecture. It's neat to see it in game. Colonialism League baby
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Rue's ability to make a strong, comfortable build out of cheapest uniques is awesome.
he might be gay, but he's smart atleast
Garrisons are great and I love an option to single player in the game while I wait for the multiplayer
I rather have garrisons that fucking gay "hubs"
People are already speculating about double strike but is pestilent looking any good with this?
So did Ragestorm get buffed or nerfed? You get way less rage now, but you can generate it way quicker.
>most micromanage intense league mechanic
>blatant diablo 3 tier power creep
>basic features which should've been done 10 years ago
So how bad do you think this league will flop?
>strong, comfortable build out of cheapest uniques
You say that as a praise for outstanding achievements, when it should be the norm
Cant wait for HC DD crutch shitters like Ben rip 10 characters this league
you and people like you are the reason mmo died as a genre
god bless
You know a league wont flop when the cool generalist streamers like the xpac release
If the poe dedicated sweatrats farmers niggers like it, it's when the league flops
Wait until poetards see poe 2 take away their zoom
uhm, doomsissies...
our response?!??!??!
>goy streamers who need poe viewers to live will love the league
The same people who said necropolis (verified worst league ever) was good?
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It took 3 whole years for PoE to get good again, and it's not even as good as 3.13.

Doomchads won.
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ok im intrigued to play this i just seen the lvl 100 its ehp is 185k
Mmos died on their own weigh, the "massive" in mmo was unsustainable
Capping at 2005 graphics,I can give you the reason and you would be right.
On 2024 the bar to make an mmo is too big to make new ones, for too little return of investment, and you are the delusional playerbase that demands wow quality as a base for any new mmo.
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>40% More damage, 50% PDR and EDR from one node
Slayer League?
Slayer League.
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I know melee is the thing that everyone's focusing on, but this seems like an insane buff.
sure thing bud let me just whip out my day 1 replica farrul's
yeah, wandcucks got an entire helmet slot
im willing to try, maybe as 2nd character
have you heard of endurance charge on melee stun and literally any way to gain frenzy charges
Huge buff for Pestlient Strike and Perfect Agony, there should be a build there imo. Just hard to get defenses on starter when you have to cap crit.
I wonder if Rising Tempest will make it in.

>10% increased effect of non-damaging ailments per ailment inflicted recently

That's good. That's a lot of ailment effect.
So this is an uber maven drop, is there any other reason it's so highly priced? Is having more wisps really that strong? I want to make a wandzerker with buff kinetic blast

A lot of non-damaging ailment
Ubers were harder to get into last league. T17 maps were super-rippy and acted as gatekeepers for Ubers.
Makes sense, what were the retards talking about in the live show about the buffs or nerfs to the tier 17 life and damage? Did they buff the values twice before the initial release or did they nerf them twice after realising how fucked they were ahead of this patch?
I wonder if T17s getting nerfed actually means the uber fragment supply will go up. Most things economy-wise don't really reflect the "difficulty" of the content behind it except like Original Sin. They didn't say they increased the rate of T17s dropping so I'd imagine the uber shit will still be just as rare.
>some higher up said to buff values of t17
>two different retards buffed values without coordinating it
>shit it twice as hard for the entire league no reason
>hotfixing is a lost tech unknown to ggg
>Fixed an issue where Lesser Shrines, created by sources such as The Gull Unique Helmet, were difficult to interact with.
>Makes sense, what were the retards talking about in the live show about the buffs or nerfs to the tier 17 life and damage?
Just nerfs, to monster health and damage. Simple flat nerfs. The goal of T17s is to not be harder than Ubers, Ubers are supposed to be the hardest content in the game (not counting super-rippy rolls on maps).
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Allflames were fun but otherwise Necropolis proves that if you cater to the 100 or so top players and nobody else, player retention is going to be fast.
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give it to me straight
Allflames werent fun at all
They just slowed down mapping and randomly printed 5div for the average player, or 5 magebloods for the top
I miss crucible. It was a fun shitleague
>sanctum had 16%
roguelikechads stay winning
Whats the go to minion build to go through campaign/early map at launch? Didn't SRS get shit on league or two ago?
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I hope Chris got fired for that one
>I can stay permabossing without going to the trade site for fragments
this league is going to be sweet
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Chris-sama, I kneel
yeah, so many resources I wouldn't bother to buy are now available to me, dis gonna be gud
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just remembered that there is new league soon, what big changes are there and are slams viable, was busy at work so i didnt play last league pretty much, just started watching the stream recording
With life rolls being way higher, does that mean low life is gonna viable for more builds?
that used to be someone's son
More viable than before for sure. Bloodthirst might see some use even.
I gotta imagine without the friction of trade site the profit for bossing is going to be nearly non-existent, basically just a pure gamble for big ticket items.
post bp
Raider turned into Warden. Melee skills got gigantic damage ratios but all their sources of free attack speed are kill. Slams and bleed are prob viable but the old shit like hexblast mines and bows will be better. New league has asynchronous trading for currency.
>mfw found a fun raider build last league and it got removed
Bald fucking cunt
probably, as they also lowered the mobs damage
low life buidls are trash tho and you are subject to the usual instakills of any other glass cannon build
raider had basically nothing going for it that warden doesn't make significantly better
>Pillar of the Caged God
>Strength/life stack
Find a flaw
>Find a flaw
500k dps and no tank
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propaganda bots on youtube be like
>Strength/life stack
Find a flaw
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He's Extremely Based
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thats a female
Thanks, league seems to be a huge shake up, hope after i read patches it will still feel like it
its slower by a lot
jerma at home
>thats a female
no thick cock = no interest
I don't know what the opposite of a silver lining is but even though I expect this league to be great, it actually somewhat pains me that this dude's obscene levels of shilling and cock gargling was rewarded
Why the patch notes are always unfinished and don't show everything? Like fucking baldo show me all the returning shit from the previous leagues instead of saying "yea these type of things return"
doomsissies are never rewarded
sanctum was kino
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you should go for diablo thread for that, oh wait its catatonic
>thats a female
MARKETING (incompetence)
Ggg has to be full of nigger and diversity hires
>build a deli AFK farmer
>find some resources in maps
>get my slaves to mine and chop that shit
>timer starts
>hit the new 15 wave sim
>complete it in about ~15 minutes
>workers are done
>rinse and repeat
yeah, im thinking comfy
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which gave birth to the most kino league ever made
Jugg now has no chaos resistance per endurance charge my dude
You are subject to spell chaos deletion now if you go jugg
Didn't you heard the news
No matter how much I cope I just can't see retaliation skills being good. This gimmick of multiple retaliation skills feeding into each other sounds insane too. Do they expect is to slot up multiple skills force them into one piece we're inevitably going to be using the support gem and an automation support on? What the fuck is the idea here. They're obviously backported from PoE2 but they could've just not bothered
>thats a female
anon there is no girls with dicks
only men with tits
you say that like its a bad thing
Is there any use for the new prismatic oils? Every single annoint using them fucking sucks
thats right and there is no dick here
>suppression is still in the game and its another shitty mandatory stat to have
>life is still in the game and its another shitty mandatory stat to have
>suppression is mandatory
not if you have 90 all, or even 80ish all and fortify/endurance charges
no it isn't, dead stat for CI chads
however, even CI chads need suppression
>there is a map runners for shitty maps i cant/want to use
Okay, i am sold, still not buying the pack tho
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>500 life recovery on block
>"Crushing fist"

uh oh?????
wish there was something actually useful that cared about how many uniques you're using. My build now is basically entirely built with uniques and would be cool for there to be some extra benefit to that.
It's the retaliation skill but we still don't know what it does
It’s a pricy on start league like 5-10 div
so is laceration glad passable as a leaguestarter?
This is kinda dogshit unless it's like day 2
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I hope so for ggg's sake...
we can't encourage set bonuses or thematic gearing because that's diablo and bad
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>There is stock market now
Fuck, its over for me
Would it kill those fucking retards who own Onlyfans to put a fucking thin black border around the text they watermark onto every fucking image?
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more like in the first hour if you dont have 392 million dps your build is dogshit
what s the go to league starter now
>equip a bunch of 1c uniques
>1 gorillion damageg, health,resists, damage reduction for free
hear me out bros: aspect of the crab + glad + block.
anything melee
That's more or less a day 1 pob. Also katabasis has a weird splash overlap against multiple targets.
Does that whore pay you to post her or why do you keep posting this shit to the video game forums? Kys
vaal eq with the runeword enchant where socketed vaal skills have 100% reduced soul gain prevention duration seems very fun. Obviously the runes are going to be expensive, but probably not insanely prohibitively so
does AI companies or Anime studios pay to post their slop?
How do I calculate the new skill damage in PoB? If my skill got 1.8x effectiveness buff, would it be the same as 80% more damage?
Will Jugg surpass Deadeye as most played this league? Most people trying the new melee numbers will probably go for it and there's also the usual glut of Pohx's Fire Trap cult.
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GGG kinda evil putting discard all right next to take all lmfao
I'm sure there's a yes/no confirmation prompt if you click discard
>steady influx of bubblegum and some c and div
Tujen getting snobbed this league
iirc he was the harbormaster so he's probably making more off your shipments now
>regrets still in there
nice to see that its still around, was kinda afraid you would need like 1 mil gold to do a full respec
They should introduce a "power curse" that handicaps you for using too many unique

Where are people finding these updated items? or are people faking them
So are there any good damage taken physical to chaos items anymore?
Guessing these ship voyages will take a bit of (real) time, so the inevitable meltdown when your ship sinks is gonna be pretty funny
>They should introduce a "power curse" that handicaps you for using too many unique
yeah let's just introduce a mechanic which does nothing aside from making less builds possible
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This one convinced me. Haven't played a duelist in fucking years.
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basically none
What do you think is going to be comfortable rage per hit generation with like 40 maximum rage?
like 10 aps should be fine
there is an ebb and flow to unique/rare balance. Early on uniques were broken and then after influenced rares came along they were top dog and then they kept throwing in more and more chase uniques and now uniques are back on top again. Runewords not being able to be used on uniques is funny though cause they were basically the one slot where a rare was almost always better.
Is 4th vow+divine flesh still good? I am a brainlet and still trying to read all the notes
Is there a way to get instant warcries without automation or are we going to stunlock ourselves with 3 warcries every time cooldown is up, just so we can fit Determ into our character?
>ability to make a strong, comfortable build out of cheapest uniques is awesome.

Hmmmmmm, imagine if the unique items had special properties that make them more valuable that the bases and not the other way around.
how doest take all work since clearly all of that doesnt fit in ur inventory
So streamers will get Magebloods and Headhunters so that people get epic youtube clips out of them meanwhile rest of the players send 100 ships for that 1 divine
is ele hit a meme? they only buffed ~35% of added dmg
If I want to get on the slam, exert, rage, warcry meme, which ascendancy is better in 3.25? Even with the new damage numbers on the gems it will still feel like shit without attack and movement speed investment, and then you need res, defenses, life etc.
War banner should buff all melee damage and not just physical. Flat ele bros we're getting robbed
So true sister
Feels like slayer to me. Slayer has always been a feelgood dmg ascendancy, and now it has retarded defenses because of how good new endurance charges are.
You can only get rage from hit once every .5s now but i don't quite understand what that means. There's a bunch of sources of rage on hit which i assume stack but rage gen has a shared cooldown so idk
>Where are people finding these updated items? or are people faking them
its already on the poe wiki.
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>buy treasure hunter weapon effect whilst its on sale to watch gold drop from enemies prior to 3.25 ggg live reveal
>GGG adds gold drops to the game
I'm Nostradamus
Fair enough, and then endurance on melee stun for generation, but which slam to use?
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For me? Perfect Agony Burning Arrow Slayer
>that body
unreal curves
Lots of other ways to generate, enduring cry, charge on being hit from inexorable, ultimately ralakesh.
As for which slam, can't really tell you, you gotta play what appeals to you. Just think that ascendancywise, slayer will probably shit on p much anything.
What should I look into if I never played Neely builds, and I don't even understand the accuracy/crit/evade mechanics?

Is there a high quality melee guide like RF Jugg?
>you can invest to this thing like never before
>2 nodes
Bad dps, sacrificing shield slot for minimum dps increase, bad ehp. Fun skill though
I will socket behead support in my karui chopper and sweep all the karui niggers from the wraeclast
then I will impregnate maven and peacefully retire in totally not drenor garrison
the lvl 100 has a shield to its build im still thinking lacerate bleed gladiator for this league just like the look of it, reminds me of the blood katana from elden ring you get from the samurai
whats a good blight build?
and how does one blight correctly? I remember trying one blight-ravaged map and it was impossible while normal blighted maps were a breeze
I know it's not really league start material, but thinking about all these gigajuiced damage effectiveness numbers with Hollow Palm is getting me turgid.
League start is gonna be rough having that Fissure of Snaking Warden just tantalizingly out of reach for a while.
What if we kissed in kalguur
kys troon
>endurance charge on melee stun
Does it work vs ubers?
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>how does one blight correctly?
haven't looked into it in a while but iirc, in order of priority, chill/stun towers (select based on lane immunity) to level 3 in choke points, then empower them with the power towers. At this point lanes are pretty locked down, and you start building meteor towers and go afk. Annoint your rings for chill towers freeze, and meteor towers drop burning ground (gets around fire immune lanes).
Whats the point of the helmet that shares your charges with minions? Its ass to generate most of them on a necro its another Ralakesh slurp item
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why the fuck did they do what they did to champ?????????????????????
>whats a good blight build?
prolif and explosions
Is sanctum the best post act currency maker, or shall I be a heist cuck. I don't like expedition
>let's just introduce a mechanic which does nothing aside from making less builds possible
What are
>proximity shields
>drop bears
>pretty much every monster modifier from kalandra league
>union of souls
>mana burn
>whats a good blight build?
RF Jugg without the RF Unironically.

You don't deal damage in the blighted maps, you just need to survive and while plopping down the towers. Curses might help but not really, so just go for the fattest most obese build possible.
i pobbed a build around it with farruls an pcoc brand for generation, and the victario timeless jewel for sharing charges, and then the sewer discharge dudes as specters. It was ass but fun to try and make work.
>post act
why do you need to finish acts
I've seen hc farmer getting mirror and osin before killing kitava
Real easiest way to do it is just kill everything with prolifs and various things like meteor towers because there's a lot of mods that can brick stuns and freezing when you corrupt your maps (retarded not to corrupt them because corrupted oils are always at least a div each)
Any ignite elementalist with pops will effortlessly 1tap a whole blight lane on a budget of change you find down the back of the couch.
Towers are what >>486819545 says but if you're just getting started you can also get good value out of the empowering tower aoe anoint.
Blight ravaged is the same strategy except bosses have a gorillion hp so you either need a shitton of damage yourself or enough clear to keep your chokepoints from overflowing while the bosses slowly die to towers.
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>thinking ben is going to rip with the end charge change
Freeze and stuns can be bricked, but not the ice wall.
you can roll your blight maps so they don't have bricking mods then corrupt them to 30% qual with the beastcraft now
>30% qual with the beastcraft
Build for this feel?
read patch notes
>and I don't even understand the accuracy/crit/evade mechanics?

Accuracy: add accuracy until POB says 100% chance to hit or until you have "hits can't be evaded"
Crit: self-explanatory, chance to deal more damage
Evade: Increases chance to avoid attacks, more is always better, but don't rely on it exclusively because you will still get hit sometimes. There are a few non-evasion sources of avoiding damage from attacks.
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Oh actually I'm the retard this time, disregard
Isn't there some complicated shit like under 70% you never crit, over 70 you crit more?
If you don't have evade the enemies always crit?
we're not getting mounts until PoE2 bud, nice try.
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>more health in items
>RF scales with health

RF Jugg buffed?

I actually enjoyed playing the minion Necromancer, is it gonna be as good this time around?

I'm scared of starting slayer, because I never played anything meelee.
but deep inside I always wished to try and play the returning projectiles molten strike
Anything with chain pops is good like the other anon says, ignite prolif or the profane bloom one are. Totems are also ok because you can use remote damage. I think melee is bad
I never heard of it and it's really completely irrelevant.
If you play a crit build, you aim to get 100% in 90% of the cases, very few exceptions are ele overload builds.
If you play a non-crit build, you usually take things that disable crits.

>If you don't have evade the enemies always crit?
Never heard of that.
any afk build
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That's pretty good for SSF. It's without totems, just edited the damage effectiveness to the new one in pob
Deep inside you already know the answer to those questions sweetie
Hey /poeg/! This league I'm planning on
same here
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I'm building Flicker Strike this league anon. You can't threaten to shoot a man trying to jump off a bridge...
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new poe waifu just dropped
i'm cuter
I did a pillar build with it a while back. Damage was fine, but the attack speed was so terrible you could die due to the animation.
So maybe don't do that and use an actual weapon instead.
how would you even build slayer or warden with LS? on paper it seems way better than katabasis
Returning molten strike Jugg?
Can I do it?
I haven't read the notes, one of the highlights in the trailer was "campaign improvements" but all they mentioned was adding more things to the campaign when people have specifically told them they want to do LESS things in the campaign. What did they actually change?
>What did they actually change?
mystery shit. they havent told us, just a few hints. they want us to figure it out on our own.
what happened to transfigured gems??
I don't know anon, the last time they added stuff to the campaign it was actually good. I have high hopes for this round of updates too.
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we glad?
Don't they generally get previewed in the week going up to leaguestart since they tend to get tweaked up to the last second?
This is pretty general it just means new props, art things like that. They might add new voice lines for people

They still exist, there's just no new ones this league. Thinking about it, there's a bunch of skills that still don't have them and they never showed up this league
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Of course, I believe in you sister!
You glad. I slay.
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glad to meet glads
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I have some BIG ideas for 3.25
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I ass
I'm going GH.
>yoke or maylenes if going crit
>build it like every slayer build, just stack damage and frenzy points.
tell me
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no! you guys will only laugh
Then stop attention whoring you fucking inbred retard. Your ideas are shit anyway.
If you play this you're actually fucking retarded
How exactly is he going to kill bosses with southbound? I don't think he'll hits big enough to freeze pinnacle bosses with that
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Why are people sperging out about the "bots" that run maps for you?
I could not think of a wrose mechanic to add to the game that literally ruins the gameplay loop
I knew they will add mechanics to ruin the game but this is something else lol, lmao even
i won't.
i promise
>gameplay loop
opinion discarded
the dot from the alt frost blades, southbound "only kill when frozen" only applies to hits.
it's not a bossing build
sure you'll kill normal shit but frostblades has always been awful for bosses

on his build you can probably swap around some stuff and use molten strike and you'll have double/triple damage but way worse clear
le meta shift balance philosophy. champ had it too good for too gone, that means it has to get shit on to make room for the other ascendancies. after all, game balance is a zero sum game and its impossible to have more than a few good things at once
Day1 guarantee people will complain they are going back and forth from cargo to their stash because ggg is gonna have you manually carrying all these fucking lemons.
I'm thinking RF chief for getting my 4 stones and doing blight weeks 1-2 but I'm a little worried about single target damage vs the blight bosses, and actually being super slow at blight maps as a result. Will the towers compensate?
towers will comensate and chieftain explode will also compensate
imagine a skill so weak that it hits a pack of monsters 49 times and doesn't kill a single one of them
>The Taming
reddit got it nerfed
What's the breakpoint for precise technique vs crit. Or does any have the math. Assuming I don't have 100% crit obviously. Or is there too many variables
ty best softcore trade leaguestarters
>lightning arrow -> ele hit of the spectrum
>pyroclast mines -> hexblast
>archmage, ball lightning of orbiting

these all really seem like AIDS to me, did he release the ssf list yet?
it's not even that. the league was just super fucking boring. the mechanics didn't actually add anything to do, just slightly modified monster packs while mapping. it was lichrally just playing standard.
the shipments in Ruthless are going to be so hilariously sad lmao
Precise technique is a 40% multiplier yes? So whenever the sum of your crit chance and multi gives greater than 40% more damage
Sorry, it's Jugg's turn on the controller now. Trust the vision.
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>played on and off since early release
>still have never made a good build that wasn't bricked
Varunastra gladiator while abusing clusters, heatshiver, and trinity support. Steal slayer crit node with forbidden jewels later in league
they need to make everyone play the stuff they buffed so they know how much to nerf it next patch.
so slayer could finally be the best duelist ascendancy
the fact that they clearly give you more items and currency that can fit in your inventory yet have a "take all" button seems to suggest that it'll go straight into your stash, but who knows. maybe they expect you to only take what you want/need and discard the trash.
Isn't the math like
chance to hit x chance to crit x crit multi =< 40 precise technique is better
but you still need the accuracy rating

I'm a shitter so take this with a grain of salt
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>every single league starter build suggestions video is bait
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This is your only warning. Get in before the pump.
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My best build was Essence Drain Contagion Occultist.. in like 3.10.. but it'd be insane to play that for this league.. or would it?
This is the yolo league. Everything's juiced to shit. Just do what you want.
lol anime posters are retardos
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Did anyone here use Divine Blessing support to give haste or malevolence? What are you planning to do next league now that its gone?
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it's his last chance to grab some (You)'s while the thread is alive
eternal blessing since I need all the mana anyways for indigon
>have to do two 0-damage weapon swings before hurting anything, every single time
no thanks
>taming 20% inc ele dmg per shock
>warden gets 50 shock on enemy
>1000% inc ele dmg
wow 2000% inc dmg with 2 tamings
they're said they're changing it before release. It's funny they forgot and had to read reddit/here to find out though.
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I'd like to play the league but I don't want to think too much about a build
Is it good or bait?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs12_bjELNA
Yeah but they got no life on them
I used it with hatred on an ice spear mines build once, kind of funny because now both hatred and divine blessing are nuked from orbit. People who think hatred will be just as good this patch don't understand multiplication
Is it going to be a good wand league? I'm itching for some Kinetic Blast action.
The release patch notes early now so they can ruin all the interactions, you can only escape by hiding it till league release and even then they might post rationalise a change as a "bug"
Man, Empower gems are gonna be expensive as fuck.
locus mine is shit to play. you have to throw the mines away from you and not walk over them or they won't detonate
wand bases got a shitload of added crit chance this patch, so there's that, yeah. The real winner is power siphon in my opinion, crown of eyes got baked into the skill so you can just wear an ES shield with spell damage on it for FREE 150% inc attack damage
Jungroan builds are always about not killing yourself due to the awful playstyle
Yes I'm dumb, guess I just need to pob it with my items to find my breakpoint, because it's obviously dependent if I can stack crit/multi.
I'm doing something similar to this, but with deadeye instead of trickster because I want the galeforce and chaining projectiles. Yes most people consider locus mines to be gimmicky aids but I don't mind them, just be aware of how difficult that skill is to use
Deadeye buffed,wand base stats buffed, wand gems base attack speed buffed, gonna be ok
I did love some INT stacking ES wanders. Maybe that's what I'll go for.
So, is Rage Support now the biggest meme gem in the game? Fuck, they completely killed it.
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my tits are bigger
la got nerfed, gotta play shit until you get spectrum and no MF this time
hexblast is just day 1-2 sanctum farmer
ball lightning is mediocre as fuck but everyone is hyped for it because poedan got 2nd place in the 4 stone race unexpectedly
huh. Poison power siphon assassin/occultist/pathfinder?
just reserve it normally and drop determination
Can someone give me a TLDR on why people always choose trickster for mine/trap builds instead of sabo/deadeye? I don't get it
post your hrt tities faggot
Isn't hexblast strong for like every content?
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anyone have that website that shows the entire history of price decrease sales for mtx specifically for the faith guard portal? im pondering getting it because i need a new portal and if the price isnt that big in decrease i might just get it now
they never would have claimed taming interaction was a "bug". that's exactly the kind of shit they want redditspoilers to catch and tattle on pre-league so they can nerf it though. otherwise they might accidentally let everyone have fun for a league.
not fucking wander
you'll have shit single target until your gear is good
it's much better to go locus mines into an int stacker
locus PS mines is going to be absurd but you gotta deal with >>486825608
he's exaggerating obviously, it's not that bad unless you're shit at the game
but they look like bananas >.<
I like minors, not miners.
Nah this shit is fantastic. Obviously you don't use meme dagger forever, you use it to get 5-10m before you're able to craft a proper weapon. Second pob has 11m.
The build is rock solid, it's pretty much this patch's CoC DD, starts great, can handle everything more or less.

Katabasis has a non-negligible dot component which southbound doesn't affect.
sure but there are way better builds for that
most roll it so you can jump straight into sanctum which is by far the best currency farm in the game (at least the first couple of days)
monke want nanas. post your nanas.
Is LA dead, like totally dead? I only played it once, never got to do the MF swap, just had some mediocre gear with a mageblood and it was pretty fun. I wanted to try it again this league, is it a bad idea?gh
Sabo got gutted beyond all belief a while back

People do build this as Deadeye sometimes.
you play LA until you get spectrum
can it be SSF'd? I don't play actual SSF but I prefer builds that don't need to trade, especially if they're being hyped by a well known streamer/builder.
looks super squishy without having a way to recover life. Youll die to chaos damage constantly. Good for 4 stones maybe, and little else
>locus PS mines is going to be absurd
this, I was testing it the other day on an absolutely scuffed character. Swapped to locus mines, power siphon, charged mines support, added lightning in act 4 and even with a completely shit wand it still trivialized everything. But the hamfisted playstyle really can't be understated, and what people are also forgetting to mention is that on top of dealing with the minimum detonation range, you ALSO have to cope with the bug where mines don't detonate properly depending on cursor position lmao. It's the most extreme QoL-to-DPS exchange in the fucking game
Can you please elaborate. I am unfortunately not a good enough player to make my own pobs, maybe you can direct me to some pobs or a guide that would more or less work in 3.25 with some tweaking (that I should be able to do myself I believe)
I need my other auras since I play minions
Yeah, a lot of things have changed for the worse. Lots of builds inadvertently lost damage.
Hopefully without determination or other defensive auras we will get defenses elsewhere.
it lost a lot of flat damage on the gem so it'll be significantly weaker early with bad gear. i wouldn't call it "dead" though. still gonna be a perfectly good skill to speed map with in the mid and late game.
because escape artist
with the new bases and no nerf trickster already giga tanky will be unkillable
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How dead is determination really?
white wind builds have always been comfy as fuck for league starts but nobody ever believed me. I miss doing it with old phase acrobatics
it's still great you just need armor on gear and can't just use determ, defiance banner and flasks to reach high armor
they chopped its flat armor in half. you're going to have to fit in 1026 more flat armor somewhere on your build to make up for it.
To a point it's totally SSFable but Rue's final version has ED and Ralakesh and that's tedious to get in SSF. The other uniques are easy to find.
You can adapt the build for SSF, the main idea is using a currently overpowered ascendancy (Slayer) and a comfortable skill which excels in mapping (katabasis cold dots deal splash damage when you take splash on the tree, so you obliterate packs) and stacking Frenzy charges where you can find them (which in turn give you max endurance charges and that tanks you up all around).
so the core of the build is actually just a ralakesh slayer charge stacker? I already played one of those in affliction. it was fun but I don't think I want to play another one so soon.
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to be real with you
>fuck pajeets in the uk
>fuck south east asians in the us
>fuck nigger
and fuck jews. thats about it desu
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So does increased rage effect also increase the benefit you gain off the previous berserker ascendancy? Previously it didn't gain anything but the wordings been changed
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People are making Warden and other versions as well, I don't have pobs for that though.
It's just hard to justify not enjoying the completely OP endurance charges if you're optimization minded.
It's Kino time.
>4 000 HP

I think I will pass
This, but unironically.
fuck this psychopath looking motherfucker
wasnt katabasis mechanically dogshit? or is this just hit based?
he says it's hit-based in his video. the dot component is just to kill things through southbound.
It's about as melee as normal frostblades, probably less.

>4 000 HP
It's probably 10x tankier than whatever you'll be playing as it has 10% reduced damage taken by leeching and 40% ele damage resistance from having 8 endurance charges.
Feel free to prove me wrong but unless you're playing some kind of endurance charge stacker yourself, I don't see it.

This is indeed hit based, because of the obscure hit/splash multihit interaction when there are multiple enemies.
I cant read her name, what is it
kiddo's first ytb drama
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I meant to type "while leeching" and "ele damage reduction" instead of resistance.
they removed overwhelm on mobs so armour is now a viable way of phys mitigation
Don't they have chance to ignore now
Damn /poeg/ you really set him off
Not dead at all, you just can't slap it on totally armourless builds and get a good amount.
Remember that they buffed armour on gear with the new bases, so the % will be doing more work than before.
Why is Captain Lance so cringe now
>want to play bleed
>but gladiator sucks and does zero damage
what ascendancy do i play?
>runs in act 6
>doesnt kill a single mob in 1 hit
Ruetoo is fucking retarded. Its a miracle he has an audience when he whines every league cause he is dogshit
100% more damage isn't enough for you? cuck
Has kids
large change after having kids
happens occasionally
slayer or jugg but glad got buffed so I'm not sure that you're talking about
>zero damage
are u ok?
Kys yourself rueshit
A man needs a name
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I wonder what he's trying to show by going into an area with a white weapon on a one link
really makes you think (except you're retarded and are not capable of rational thought)
You reveal your own ignorance
>Lance says slam berserker is good now
My bait senses are tingling
Anything that can make use of the absolutely crazy Marylene+new Perfect Agony interaction.
>pianoing warcries is good
never gonna happen lol
hopefully don't need it as glad but we'll see
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>open weta pet lootbox
>get gloves again
What does empys crew feel about the mf changes
Everyone needs 200% dot multi. The question is whether you can handle the crit requirement or not.
I seriously wanna play Jugg now with all the changes
>More all res nodes
>More health and armor across the board
It's definitely the jugging time, but so far I've only played RF and only in the bad leagues, skipped each good one and only touched the shit leagues like crucible and Necro.

What should I do now that they are bringing the god league? RF again? Boneshatrer? Something else?
nice lloyd christmas haircut, faggot
it's not like dot cap changed this patch, so not everyone needs it
Help I'm actually considering perfect agony power siphon assassin.
Two medium clusters with overwhelming malice and you have unholy might up all the time, the phys/chaos nodes in shadow area double dip, and the wand nodes with damage/damage from ailments double dip. Wand cluster jewels has TWO explode notables. Just don't know how to build defenses but something ES with ghost shrouds and soul tether/soul drinker flesh/flame should be good enough
I enjoy this new era on /poeg/
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HOOWR League
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Serious question: How do you build a staff melee build? The staff nodes are all out in the no-man's-land of the Templar area, which you can't really justify traveling to as a melee build, as its more efficient to stay in the marauder/duelist area. I've always wanted to play staff melee but it just seems so terrible, even with the huge buffs it just got.
Not a fan of the furries, but the 80s anime poster is pretty cool.
Shame none of the tit posters will survive the first three days of the new league.
so he just made a video to talk about how much he was seething? I don't know who this guy is, but every "kys" comment aimed at him was deserved.
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>Every single "content creator" is making melee starter builds
Ranger sisters.. what do we do!?
Play the exact same three ranged builds you've been playing for the past four years.
Nothing has really changed
100% more bleed damage might push bleed glad up to 1 million dps!
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I don't know but he should apologize
Where is Ventrua??????
Hope forbiddens for weapon master gonna be cheap since noone except varunastra bros gonna use them
Takes 100 seconds around the same enemy to get it as well.
So you're saying Toxic Rain is still viable? Can I trust you about this?
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But since everybody is playing melee now.. I kinda want to play melee too!
Toxic Rain has survived literally every nerf thrown its way since its inception.
I refuse to acknowledge the possibility of the skill dying. It's just too amazing on a core mechanical level to ever be shit.
I'd imagine it's one of the cheaper ones. As both the node and weapon are shit
What's Waggle's leaguestarter?
why is a cat pretending to be human?
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Typical woman attitude
I don't think you understand how amazing degen builds feel at 1 million+ dps.
Are all the corpses back from Affliction? I want my auras
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Bruh time passes too slowly
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One of the oldest skills in the game
Yet completely forgotten
Honestly I'm amazed they ramped up its damage so much without shilling the fuck out of it with a new MTX. Or any MTX really.
Are phys golems with 2x Cold Iron Point still a thing?
Glad lost 20 phys multi and 20% action speed. It's only single target damage nodes are aggravatenode which you already had from ensnaring and ramping 1% more bleed a second node which sucks as it requires being close to the same target 30 seconds just to be equivalent to most dps ascendancy nodes
You buff them so people buy the old MTX and then you release the new one to double dip
>Yet completely forgotten
There was a time when Vigilant Strike was bugged for like 3 leagues and no one noticed because no one ever used it
I hate this faggot so goddamn much
There is apparently a projectiles return to you enchant in the next league. Isn't that essentially a Nimis for free?
For me? I'm gonna farm sanctum with energy blade penance brand and then transition to RF stat stacker with adorned. Done last 3 leagues gonna do it again
Yes, for free ;) no cost at all ;)
"Free" costs runes and can bbe used on daggers I think
Yes but since they put it in the promo it will probably be rare
i will never
play some shitty warcry barb
fuck you
>daggers only
I don't think it's true
>No longer has +0.2 metres to Melee Strike Range. This is a buff.
There is no old MTX to buy.
jesus christ why do friendless chuds enable these kinds of poe "content" creators
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>two hundred THOUSAND damage
>30% spell block
yeah, my starter is looking pretty good so far
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Based. Keep going, king.
>energy blade penance brand
is that some zhp assassin no hit build?
best deep delve build for standard to stick around?
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Yeup it's Starter Time.
Do the meele buffs somehow benefit the skeletons/zombies?
Okay honest fucking question time.
If a build dont have open slots in helmet/body/shield for big armour/evasion item then its now a SHIT BUILD cause determination/grace lost half its flat and those kind of builds can compensate with new bases?
Sounds like build diversity is taking another fucking hit.
This is PoE, player power always skyrockets at the high end each league.
You're going to get shit on the first few days but that's the norm. Git gud (gear) and you'll be fine as always.
Like most changes ggg does entry levels are nerfed and top end is buffed
if build uses uniques in big defensive items slot then its disproportionately fucked by grace/determ nerfs
So I didn't play Chris's lootbox in 2 leagues, I watched the stream and I have to ask: where is Chris? Weren't Mark and Jonathan working on PoE2 while he is still on 1? Why are they the ones doing it?
Melee looks tankier this league, with more room for warcries since you don't need to use slots for totems, and most melee skills have been buffed to compensate.
>he doesn't know
How do I see what items can have a certain stat on poe.db? It just shows a stat exist but not where it can be
>Gravicius' signature Veiled modifier is now Banner Aura Effect, instead of Physical Damage taken as Fire and Lightning Damage.
>Korell's signature Veiled modifier is now Warcry Buff Effect, instead of Physical Damage taken as Fire Damage.
>Many Modifiers that granted Physical Damage taken as an Element or Chaos can no longer roll. This includes Incursion Temple and Delve modifiers on Helmets, Corruption modifiers on Shields, Fire Warbands modifiers on Helmets, and all Watcher's Eye modifiers.
>The Taste of Hate Unique Flask no longer has 10-15% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage during Effect. Instead, it now has 20-30% of Fire and Lightning Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage during Effect.

fucking hell. rip evasion builds.
>which you already had from ensnaring
you did on bleed bow but who the fuck was weapon swapping for that shit on bleedslams
Any suggestions on what to do with a Snipe build?
I really want to make something around Snipe but aren't to share what to make it support. I was thinking Puncture or Burning Arrow as the snipe stages help with ailment damage too but aren't sure if there's enough general over time damage nodes around to make it worth it, plus I'd need high crit to make perfect agony work too. Or should I just not even care and instead go for something like Ice Shot and just freeze stuff as much as I can.
I don't even really know what ascendancy or even class to play Ranger, Shadow and Duelist all seem to have ways of making it work. I've honestly never used bows before so aren't too sure how to make them good.
use craftofexile
>Melee looks tankier this league
acktually, thanks to the Deter/Grace nerf most builds are going to be less tanky until they acquire crafted rare items with the new base types. lots more people dying in lower-tier maps probably.
Is the drop really that severe? I thought for most classes that were already full armor/evasion benefited more from the more modifier rather then the flat base?
flesh and stone + endurance charge buff
When are we getting the PoB update?
I need to theorycraft my starter for at least 5 days straight, only to reroll 10 hours into the league.
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He died some months ago. They used AI and CGI to pretend hes still alive to sell more supporter packs, but after some social engineering players are now willing to pay without him being around. They trained reddit to suck Mark&John instead of Chris.
No one really played bleed slam or bleed bow to begin with because bleed damage sucks. That's why the best bleed builds are just CF where the bleed damage is almost non existent.
But yeah you are crazy to think people would not weapon swap ensnaring on uber ubers which is the only place aggrevate matters. Most enemies you encounter are in fact moving.
>tier 1 life rolls are 190
>armor bases significantly buffed
>easier than ever to hit phys % cap in defenses
>+max res fucking everywhere now
Stop being retarded
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skill issue
bleed bow damage was very good since they introduced snipe. but you had to play snipe which a lot of people didn't want to do.
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Maybe I'll try to play RF again this League.
It was Kino last league
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>he doesn't know
you could use iron mass, sure
The anime posters have many generals to hype
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I can't wait for normlafags to try to play slams for the first time. The gameplay is so fucking slow they will bounce right off and then cry about it
>most builds
melee is going to be okay... other than from being melee

a few leagues ago in ruthless they changed Grace/Deter to be ALL "more" bonus, removing the flat part entirely, because players who got the auras early (as a drop, because you can't buy them in ruthless) would immediately shoot to the top of the rakings. players who found both could have zero skillpoints invested in EV/AR.
it's probably only going to be noticeable pre-red maps, but a lot of SC players are going to be wondering why they're dying so much more than normal.
also >>486834861
>melee league

best witch melee build with easy and fast screen-wide aoe?
>Removed most conversions
>But its okay we added more items with higher bases?
But how does this help for when Evasion DOES get hit though? Just die instantly?
probably lightning strike but just play ele hit of spectrum
Evasion was always a risky way to play, seethe about it
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Bleed Slam Charge-stacking Slayer. 12% More damage, 4% faster bleed and 4% dot multi per frenzy charge. 98% More damage from Fist of War support. reaches the dot cap in shitter gear. easily reaches 100k+ ehp due to 10 end charges, suppression, evasion+armor and fortify. Find a single flaw.
Every League I try it, it feels like shit and I just don't get what I am doing wrong even when I read up on it via that one RFtard's website dedicated to it or check how he was faring at that point and it looked just as terrible there, yet people call it comfy/kino/etc.
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The ONLY people that should be crying about this league are pathfindercucks (lol owned again) witchcucks (just play berserker / deadeye retard you'll die the same amount and it'll be faster)
Every other class/ascendancy (champ is no longer an ascendancy) is going to be fine or better than before past white maps
its a 0 damage poison setup with golden rule used to test how many times a skill can hit targets you fucking idiot
>lightning coil
>petrified blood
>endurance charges
Nothing personnel, phys damage
>just use these late game uniques broo ;^)
grill yourself
>petrified blood
>endurance charges
lightning coil is t0 now
oh no evasionbros we need to use a lightning coil instead of a rare our builds are dead
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Will his grind to be the mathil of PoE 2 work?
I don't know who that is, don't care who that is, and you should kill yourself shill
nah, he's too shit at the game
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>adding back the best features from the wildwood
>removed item quantity
>removed totemshit and buffed all melee skills
>added a stockmarket exchange to the game
>killed DD
Doomposters BTFO
Surely you're not trying to suggest that you somehow can't make up for ~20% phys taken as ele early on. Those crafts barely make a dent in your phys max hit on their own, they only pop off when you have layered many of them and put other layers on.
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>day 2 of the league
>reddit cries that league mechanic is unplayable without streamer guides
I can already feel the seethe bros
I don't think its a good idea, at least not at first. You still see them fairly frequently even if its just the low tier ones. They're handing for ensuring you get the most amount of content on your higher well rolled maps. The passive might be worth it if you've already cleared a ton of maps and have enough passives in it to guarantee a bunch of events that you can further juice with the 20 atlus points.
But that'd still mean you're missing out on stuff like the more uniques and card ones which apply to all content so I still don't think it'd be that great.
p*hx's version has always been bad, its especially bad now that he started focusing on chieftain since chief is dogshit.
post pob and i will
>the best features
You mean the worst, Wildwood juicing was chaotic, inconsistent without abusing schizophrenic pathing "tricks" and amped things far beyond reasonable difficulty, meaning only the best of the best (read: meta) could do it.
I used that last league for a few days or maybe a week, cant rember now.
Most Scarabs are cheap af and the pricey ones are rare drops.
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Anything new for spell totems or ballista?
...Do you have anything else in-depth and "good" then?
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The new perfect agony should work with elemental overload right?
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>1 week after league release they nerf a mechanic that people were abusing to get 100+div an hr
>reddit proceeds to cry because they didn't get a chance to abuse the mechanic despite not even being in maps yet
if anything it look too easy, like just being given free stuff by the game.
the pages of loot almost have to require maxed resources and hierlings from juiced tier16s as we're talking about 1 encounter per map here.
I've been thinking about that myself, and wondering whether Inextricable Fate or Cospri's can force it.
Its basically an inquisitor only build.
Any sunder league start bros?
i found the source if anyone cares

path of exile
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I've played staff earthquake last time in 3.21, it was great but slow. I imagine right now it's going ot be much, much better.
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Ailments never count as being from Critical Strikes.
Imagine having this face and this voice, yet choosing to be in front of a camera talking. This guy's whole demeanor is basically the gay version of a desperate nice guy who wants to suck your dick. Like try getting a different haircut and stop talking so overly lispy and sensual, jesus
>great but slow
what does that even mean?
"Good damage, good defenses, bad clear."
>Ailments never count as being from critical strikes
What does this mean? Does not being "from" a critical strike prevent you from preventing ailments with crits in the first place?
that sounds not great
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I got these weird fish boxes and tested it out in a vaults of atziri map. it also procs on breakables like pots which caused a hilarious giant fucking explosion of hundreds of fish.
Ruetoo is a tranny that is jealous of Ben who is a DD crutch babby that will get filtered and get 20 deaths in HC this league
TL;DR: It doesn't work.
>Ailments never count as being from Critical Strikes
So even if you Crit, the Ailment is always from a non-crit hit.
And because it is non-crit, you will never inflict an Ailment.
You never die, you one-two shot most bosses, the feared is easy, but you have to deal with sluggish 1 attack per second, also your clear is not that great and comes mostly from vaal earthquake.
If you value clear above all else you shouldn't be playing earthquake, that's about all I can say
Going to sunder league start as in I'll be using sunder to level my league starter
Can you say with certainty that Inextricable Fate+Cospri's Will won't make you poison regardless?
I have a HC character around lvl 98 and it has ok gear. Is this the moment to try to buy cheap super gear to try my luck at ubers? I have never tried them before
What does never count mean here? Does it mean crits can not creat ailments or does it mean ailmenats do not benefit from the 50% dot multi that comes from a crit.
Can I start Simulacrum farming with DD Ignite in that league? I can't understand how strong is that Desecrate nerf.
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hows the fps?
The 2nd one.
makes sense to me, thanks anon
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You can now trade for scarabs asynchronously.
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Why yes, I am a Slayer main, how could you tell?
>These Spectral Corpses are now unusable for most purposes, and can only be used by Minion Skills such as Raise Spectre or Bone Offering.

Its dead, Jim.
Well then perfect agony should work with elemental overload.
And what am I supposed to do with Simulacrum now? I've been running this build for 4 leagues straight. Any ideas what build i can use for Simulacrum now?
Didn't seem to affect it at all, but I have a beefy rig.
>Auction House
Way to ruin the trade league
its been made useless to get the top players stop playing it every league so ggg can gather data on melee. they'll probably buff it back to useability eventually.
What's a good ratio of reduced enemy stun to damage?
Picking Mace's means a fair share of your nodes come with reduced enemy stun.
50% reduced enemy stun still needs almost 25% of the enemies HP gone in one attack, where as if you push it to 100% you only need about 7%.

A skill with it built in gives 25% and a good belt and weapon can give another 20% - 40%. But at that point I'd still strongly consider using the stun gem, but that's a whole gem slot of no extra damage. Would that gem slot be able to give me enough damage to pretty much mean I'm dealing enough to stun without it?

I've got a build right now that's all stun and though my damage isn't the highest, I can definitely reliably stun lock most enemies apart from real juiced rares, even though it still takes a ton of taps to drop them. I guess next leave it'd be even better considering all melee is buffed so maybe I should just do what I've done now again.
It's going to be a literal mobile game tier "city building", you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
Delve is dead and you're laughing.
i switched to vulkan it seems to fix all my fps issues i had on dx11 and dx12, ive been meaning to upgrade but never really had a reason to
What about scion? By picking the deadeye node you get a frenzy charge for free by just walking around, which are important since faster attack speed makes sniper charge faster, 1 extra arrow for clear, and a 8% action speed increase, then you can either get the assasin node for extra crit chance if you are going crit or the slayer node for culling strike and phyisical reflect immunity.
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There's literally no downside to what they're adding.
>alk takes 8 hours to make the exact same build hes done the past 10 leagues
who watches this retard?
yep, i'm playing bleed glad. i've done the math and it's good. don't (you) me
Is that how it works? I would never have guessed. Well no reason to not try it on league start.
Just start WoC ignite instead, it's like 50% slower vs. pinnacles but more comfortable in maps anyways.
Where are the blue ones?
I am listening to delve autists and I am going zenith
Thanks for the advice, but i'll choose something more universal for maps. Usually i'm leagustarting something fast and/or universal, farm divines and building up a simul farmer.
you’re better off doing vaal flameblast ignite with wave of conviction on a 4 link for comfy clearing.
The gog approved this build
So with the new Perfect Agony, you pretty much ignore all sources of actual dot multi right? Since your dot multi "is equal to" your crit multi, stacking crit multi is the only thing that matters?
>they add it after killing matth
>now everyone will fail like him postpoe
>Path of Exile Builds
lmao they are really still trying huh?
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can't wait for the new league
I watch him for the repeated phrases he says every 2 minutes
Ball lightning or nova of frostbolts for starting archmage hiero?
how do I get spell block on glad? do I just have to bite the bullet and take versatile combatant?
You can inflict ailments with critical strikes with elemental overload allocated already, this current patch. The 'don't count as being from critical strikes' line is specifically there to make it not work with perfect agony's old text. It should work with the new text as written, but who knows if it'll get balded up.
I used to watch him but he's an actual retard and his chat is worse
Any melee witch builds? I can't play the male chars.
I didn't see the Scion ascendancy changes so that could work. Is Scion a good character to start a league with? She feels so sluggish to play as until you get to ascendancy three to get the spawn move and then you normally need a bunch of regret orbs.
they buffed it so it’s really not that bad to take
>only 15mil with everything checked with huge investment
its so over sisters...
Archmage + spell + grasping vine enchant/boots + gladiator + Broken Faith + Agnostic.

Big deeps, 25% chance to wither on hit, all damage poisons, shield goes from 0% block to 50%. Find a single flaw.
Block mastery and Tempest Shield are 40%.
That's what I'm going in with, could also annoint Safeguard if I wanted more. I don't think it is as pressing to get spell block cap when also getting 100% suppression. 40% block on glad is effectively 64% block anyway.
I'd rather have 75/40 than 65/65 for sure
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you tell me
Really curious if there's some power siphon mines thing with perfect agony considering all the free crit and multi inherent to the skill, too bad crafting a phys wand is such a pain in the ass
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Are you dumb
>2k regen
what where's this coming from
You don't have enduring cry checked do you anon?
i switch to the offhand redblade banner instantly geting 50/50
Where was the Witch taken to exactly?
TWWT isn't coming back
Excellent build to run before transitioning into Ralakesh stacker.
its my standard toon
>reave with nearly 550% damage effectiveness
So is Reave just the new ele buzzsaw?
It's good if you're just a T16 shitter. You shan't be doing T17s with it til you have 10 divines in gear, at which point everyone has already passed you by.
anyone got a warden molten strike pob? I just want something to look at and compare
PConc of bouncing bloofcultist made me completely faceroll blight last league.
>meele skills are buffed the fuck out of
>Cost 10 man's

So what if
[Spoiler]Archimage lightning strike?[/spoiler]
Archmage can only support spells, newfriend
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>Its out
>ungils harmony for ez perfect agony crit cap
i figured out the formula. now what would be the best skill to apply rupture for my main skill?
>no leech
>19k phys max hit
>50k ele
that's a big nope from me dog
>want to play max block glad
>want to play bleed
>want to play slams
starting to get the feeling I'm gonna have to just pick two of these
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>bricking your PA build by not using Marylene for 200% (two hundred) multi
maybe hollow palm sunder slayer could be viable
its easier to cap block as dual wield now and end charges should make you a lot tankier.
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>can't decide if I want to just go all in on rage or lean into ignite on my tectonic slam warcry chieftain
I don't see why, you pick both block nodes, bleed pops, and then you get a choice between 3 relatively meh nodes.
>that webm
Did he die?
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>New Eldritch Implicit modifiers for Body Armours have been added that grant Physical Damage taken as Fire, Cold, Lightning, or Chaos.
Which would be better a Kinetic Blast or Kinetic Bolt build? Or would a tranny version of one of them be good?
uhhhhhhhhh when is the 3.25 patch reaching PoB
Obviously you take the more damage against bosses node, what kind of choice is that?
The aggravate node is super ass unless you can't aggravate big bleeds after the fact
kinetic bolt is a main skill kblast is for clear while you single target with power siphon
Please don't let yourself be baited into league starting wands. They're the most gear intensive build in the game. You'll struggle to even clear blood aqueducts day 1 without a dedicated group feeding your gear.
are they going to omega nerf lightning coil? coil still seems to be the way to go as long as you dont have 100+k armor.
you can aggravate old bleeds, there's a mastery that does it after 4 seconds
someone upthread was saying its tier 0 nao
enter the blue nightmare
yeah but i’m not doing some ambush shit.
I swear to god I hope he was lying.
It's not in the patch notes so I guess not? Lightning Coil and Cloak of Flame are going to hit 90% use rate
>Obviously you take the more damage against bosses node
I don't know what retaliation skills will be like. Vengeful cry might have potential imo.

I could see wanting aggravate if you're playing EQ of amplification or some other fantastically slow shit.

You don't need to be doing ambush shit to get crit cap with marylene's.
I think it should be fine but you will not be able to go full crit early, you should instead go resolute technique and change later, save the spawn move to 4th lab too since you do not really need it early.
I would say it's bullshit too, but the Raider->Warden change got leaked here and no one believed it
If you want good builds, check out Jungroan, Ben, Ruetoo, and Uberdan
arent there still the coil cards. they seem very common. no way they are going to make them t0 as well.
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6 (six) days to go
So does the new armor pretty much mean for defenses most non highest tier unique will suck now? As in their base defenses will just suck compared to even an average rare of higher tiers?
why is my mouse a lot faster ingame than in windows?
you absolutely do on a reasonable budget.
bro let em cook
>implying you cant do all 3
add marylene's and rsylatha's coil for ez dot cap
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>Jungroan, Ben, Ruetoo, and Uberdan
Ruetoo plays sc. He has no bragging rights. The other dudes are alright.
>oh nyoooooooooo I can't get 75% spell block
Tattoos are back retards. Blue Nightmare left side of tree. 10 FREE spell block from jewel position, 3% FREE spell block per tattoo. Tempest shield = 25, mastery = 15, 11 tattoos to cap. If you want you can even take the +2 max block/spell block nodes for 95% damage avoidance.
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Im really not seeing the difference here?
How does this build get perfect agony?
>he boughted supported packs
read the gloves
that was already true for most uniques but yeah its doubly true now.
also the increased life bonuses on all armour indirectly harms all uniques.
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lol you are like those fuckin nigger faggots on the forum which rush to say nice every patch notes
Cool but what's the difference between them?
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Will you be able to enchant unique items with the league mechanic or is it just for rares?
Does anyone know
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>3% spell block tattoo
are these new also what color are them? you usually dont take many blue nodes as a melee glad...
is it a thing to use a macro so that rightclick both throws a mine and also detonates it?
200 points
tldr? whats the S+++ builds then in a week?
upgrade vs buy the whole pack
> no b/g
How would one make a Retaliation only build? Sword and shield Glad with big bleed for eviscerate?
Gonna get the 70 Pack then
Upgrade from the previous pack?
>frogtroon meltdown over anon spending money
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true ggg supporters buy THIS
if you have to ask, then don't play wands.
im not a giga autist so no in depth stuff
just aspirational gear
I'm retarded, but not that retarded
wtf this is bussin no cap
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heres your sleeper melle build
Is that melee weapon day one viable?
jack the axe is only like 20% less dps if you count the aura, and its a 1 alch weapon
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>supporting a great free game is retarded
If I get Unwavering stance, does that mean every block would be a free block with no recoil or penalty?
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Do we have more info on runesmithing? Are these mods supposed to be enchantments?
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did /pooeg/ figure out the new meta yet?
I'm buying 1 60 euro supporter every year. That's about it.
Correct. 100% chance to avoid stun is mandatory if you're not using Immutable Force to get down to 1 frame of stun.
what's a cool melee skill i can get a discounted mtx for right the fuck now
>50% phy as lightning conversion from coil
>90+% spell+attack block
>little bit evasion
>3 endu charges
>25k armor
>life recovery on block
>5k life
give it to me straight, is this enough to comfortably map?
Yes, enchantments using the rare Kalguur currency that are only usable on specific weapon types, and only usable on rare items.

Whichever weapon type gets free pre-nerf Vengeant Cascade is gonna be litty.

Wander, bownigger, poison molten strike.
is that going on right now?
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you already bought a pack from that supporter pack, the 70 is to upgrade to get the full pack, the 90 is the exact same thing if you didnt buy a pack previously its retarded they should remove the 90 when you buy a pack im surprised they have not done this yet

i got the elementalist from that one and im running the cosmic turtle with the slow and steady hideout from hideoutshowcase website
>really like 2h swords
try flicker strike idk if it will be viable this league or if it was nerfed though
>you already bought a pack from that supporter pack
I uhm bought the one with the mimic i guess that counts?
No. You need 8+ endurance charges or 100% spell suppress or 90% resist all in there or you will be oneshot.
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tfw no idea what to play. I don't want to do EA elementalist again
>$480 pack
>not their $12,500 ruler of wraeclast pack
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this one? i dont know if you can mix them another anon should know if you can do this
Yeah that one, i wouldn't be getting the upgrade button otherwise i guess? Ugh this is a bit confusing
please stop spreading this, I don't want replica acuities to go sky high
>GGG mixed lightningstrike damage effectiveness with vaal LSs which results in a heavy nerf to the skill
How does this happen
they said they're going to change it
It's surprisingly difficult to find old path of exile information online these days. Damn.
Anyway, here's a screencap of the infamous pack.
File deleted.
Give it to me strait, are wanders a viable league starter now?
KYS pedo shit
are these 1000 year old dragons?
i mean worth a try you might be able to get both, if you dont you can just message them and they will fix it and refund you might as well try it since its there i presume you want the turtle hideout
double strike slayer frenzy charge stacker
I guess yeah, alright, here goes nothing
No, they're just kids. Dude's a freak.
if you buy a low tier supporter pack, you can then buy the tier above it for the difference in the money. for example, if you buy the 30 dollar pack, you can just have that and be happy, or you can pay 30 dollars to get the sixty dollar pack.
you can only do this in, like, the pool of the packs, though. you cant spend 30 dollars on eldritch and then run over to the core packs and go i spent 30 bucks so discount that please. you're in the eldritch pool now.
i spent 60 bucks on the pitfighter a hundred years ago. the assass pack was 90 dollars. because i bought the pitfighter i could have upgraded to assass at any time for 30 dollars. i should have done this
So if i understand you correctly, i can upgrade if i get the 30 bucks solar knight pack first?
Wait so PoB won't have the new gems until after launch? How do I plan my build?
One on the left is like 50 iirc
yea endurance charges
i might log in later and test KB frag's single target hits per attack with regular fork support. i think if it's over 20 then it's viable, if not then you'd be better off playing something else.
let the arpg gods bless you in this endeavour
Is TR mines still viable?
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didn't that get a big nerf?
>new eternal damnation: you cannot gain endurance charges
>ralakesh boots: you count as always having maximum endurance charges

so ralakesh negates the new damnation change?
yes, if you buy the 30 buck one now, and then two weeks from now get another paycheck, you can then buy the 60 dollar one for 30 extra dollars. (as long as it's the solar knight of course)

>can upgrade from the cheaper one in a series to one of the more expensive ones later.

>Upgrades: You can upgrade from one of these Supporter Packs to another in the same series by clicking "Upgrade" on the desired pack. This will credit you with the difference between the pack you're upgrading to and the one you already own.
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Holy molly!
Is there a list of monster created based on people who bought that?
They were before and they are even more so now.
ralakesh gonna be expensive
>P2W revealed
oh no
Who gives a shit?
Hollow palm early is impossible on ssf so I’ll pass on it
>wake up
>still 6 days
>shitpost on poeg
>go back to sleep
the dropbears. think that faggot charan made them
>retaliation skills
based, I feel like those gems are going to have some insane numbers
This was from like 13 years ago, anon.
I distinctly remember drop bears being one of them, because they single handedly required every character to slot in a cwdt setup to not die.
There weren't many sold, I think only four packs in total with two of them being meme purchases that GGG refused to refund.
>literally no attack speed
gonna feel like shit also leap slam of groundbreaking has a really short range
>83 max ele res possible with the skill tree alone
>endurance charges gigabuffed with the changes from ele res to ele damage reduction

What the heck
give it to me straight guys

whats the biggest bait build going to be?
>bleed glad
the numbers dont add up.
Guys...I'm hyped as fuck right now. I think I found something extremely MEATY that's so far been overlooked, we're talking 1000% MORE damage multipliers with off-meta uniques interacting with new mechanics, and PoB seems to confirm with bonkers numbers. I'm gonna keep this in the covered grill for now so reddit doesn't spoil the meat, but if it turns out well done in-game I'm inviting all pooeggers to the barbecue.
anything not running endurance charges or only running the base number of them
>every 5 seconds you can do the same damage as two normal skills!
any pointers how to get into crafting?
i really want to start a league for once without rmting some currency to start
>endurance charges gigabuffed with the changes from ele res to ele damage reduction
I dont like this change before i had a bunch of endurance and would be res capped in ele weakness maps
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Anything melee
anything by jung or rue
protection mastery is easily accessible on both sides of marauder and can give you immunity to ele res curses.
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what am i league starting with to get 40/40? bleed gladiator? frost blades trickster?
they fuckin dabbed on my bitch black ass with the dd merf and nimis is 100div
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who ready for SEASON OF EPIC
Warden league starters
just get the nimis enchant for 95 div?
(bows only)
so k another follow up question regarding ralakesh and eternal damnation. lets assume I have 70% chaos res. that would give me 35% ele mitigation. now assume we have 10 endu charges, which will give me another 40% ele mitigation. will I have 75% or is it going to be 35% multiplied by 40%
I will blast with Frost Blades Warden
hawg deez nuts
Oh god it's discount asmongold
>ls damage effectiveness is now 456
holy shit bruh
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how many div do you need for RF to clear t16 now?
I didnt want to play but they trade market and some other stuff looks good. i probably will.

But some cool and approved streamers have to call it that for it to become its official name. Fuck these nobodys
You can do it in white gear probably
Best build for luring out and killing pirates with my merchant ships?
I don't really want to do anything else this league. I just want to send all my ships out to trade and then kill off any pirates who try to interfere.
From the video shown it looks like mobility & single target damage are the two essentials.
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where did that faggot even come from?
fail, yes
Bleed lacerate is the only good one the other 4 are bait except sunder which is just shit to map on
That's the funny thing about making retarded thumbnails with youtube.
You don't have to come from anywhere.
The algorithm will promote you as if you were the 1% in that entertainment category.
does ziz usually do a "explains everything" video now?
i find them comfy as a beginner to watch and play
probably ruetoo's frost blades build but I'm running it anyway
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i got told on 1488 they are removing bleed from gladiator, is this true?
>RF to clear t16 now?

RF actually got buffed
>More health on items
>More armor
>Buffed the endurance

The only shit that got nerfed is some pinnacle stuff like the damage shifting. While the early and mid game should actually be considerably easier.
damn didn't know jungroan transitioned
add xp to each and every passive
earn xp to unlock new passive levels
also make passives vaalable
this could lead to some degenerate and replayable gameplay
only suffering might be bosses
that's it
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the GOD
to this anon
you should look up mind of the council
and then still abandon this idea since you can only utilize 3 out of the 4 ascendancy nodes
what's the easiest way to get endurance charges? I don't do stun
Alright fuckers, whats 3.25s meta gonna be
doomsissies killed themselves
Thanks bro
That bullshit niggerfaggot change was made explicity to kill Discharge, and my Tectonic Slam of Awesome caught a stray because of it. I'm still mad.
Me when no sst build and the sst buff is actually dogshit
How do you do ubers after the change to atlas? Didn't play the previous league
the algo works based on other people clicking and watching videos. it doesn't just scan a thumbnail and say "yep that's getting promoted because it looks like other high traffic video thumbnails" it's that weird ass uncanny valley thumbnails get those clicks to trigger the algo, e.g. those recent "criminal children react to death row sentences" AI thumbnails that were getting literally millions of clicks.
>literally ruins the gameplay loop
>I knew they will add mechanics to ruin the game but this is something else lol, lmao even

You will be drowning in the excess low tier maps that aren't even worth selling. Now you can hand them to the bots and get back some chaos orbs, nice.

This league is testing a lot of shit people asked for but GGG was reluctant to try
>Currency market
>Item recycling
It makes sense but GGG wasn't sure so now they are testing it before the POE2 beta.

I really hope they integrate the trade website directly into the fucking game without having to alt+tab.
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He can't compete as a poe1 eceleb so seeing his chance to become the Vaatividya tm of poe 2 he started spamming videos about it
new fragments that drop from t17s I think. people were complaining about it all last league because the t17s were harder than the ubers.
People just grabbing a weapon and making their own melee tree or bleed tree is going to be a DISASTER. Campaign will feel ok and then they're going to hit a wall and ragequit and throw a fit because everything kills them before they can even attack.
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They live rent free in your head. They won. And I don't really see anyone dooming, let alone anyone dooming in the past few threads apart from a couple of people being suspicious about the changes. So in total, doomers living rent free in your head have eternally won. You lost.
>videos without his dysgenic freak face in the thumbnail get 10k more views than the ones where it is included
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wtf is alks build 2 minutes into the video?

>sounds like a cartoon character
>still somehow probably soon a millionaire with a wife and a kid
How did he do it? Is it just because he is very sfw person and is easy to sponsor/sucks GGG dick?
What's a bbl?
lacerate block gladiator
those thumbnails are the exact kind of extreme obnoxiousness that I instantly ignore
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bleed is going to be so fucking crazy its unreal
people will be at dot cap within 24 hours
trans rage vortex
>>sounds like a cartoon character
I was going to say he sounds more like the recipient at an all-male gangbang, but yea, cartoon character works.
bleed doesnt benefit from rage and the new flesh and stone. fucking sucks.
how is it going to reach dot cap when the removal of bleed damage mods from the tree and weapons.
literally me
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So many people are going to get baited by Replica Acuities Ambush
>increasing your hit doesn't benefit bleed
can I just play regular vortex if I'm not an angry transsexual?
are you new?
+ min charges or exarch chest if you have enough charge duration
>Nearby Enemies take up to 10% more Physical Damage from Hits while in Blood Stance
yes it actually doesnt. same reason why precise technique does nothing for bleed.
rage vortex of berserKING is the patrician gem, it spawns windmills of peace
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Im gonna freaking do it
I want that turtle!!
Does enduring cry still give endurance charges?
Well, let's hope the respec costs stay low and people use them to correct their build, instead of copying someone's build.
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so bleed lacerete glad right bros?
i wanted the turtle but league was shit so I decided to not get it
it looks great but fuck me if Im giving them money after the disappointment that was necropolis
Not correct.
yes but...
based retard
...but what anon?
damage taken is not the same thing as damage dealt retardanon
Open pob, or the game, and check bleed damage with rage vs no rage.
Sorry that I have to be the one to educate you retards about this.
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>mark pissed off the chinks
ohnononono HAHAHAHA
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>about to buy something for 685-700
>all cost that or more
>see one for 50
Thanks bro.
Cant wait for this to be PoE Pineapple Gameplay
AW SHIT rue about to eat another league launch ban
Warden will be good if you build tanky, just get 200% More dmg from your ascendancy and then stack armor/end charges/supp/max block/life on the tree
Don't do it. Turtle takes forever to load.
As a person who loves building hideouts, I hope you find good use for it. As cool as it looks, it comes across restrictive due to the limited space. But overall it's still nice. The price on the other hand though is something.
Ele hit deadeye - mageblood or headhunter?
Lance couldn't resist making a video about the retard? Doesn't he realize that now he's retarded too for engaging?
Post hideouts
Le epic glorping reddit turtel!!!1
>Ele hit deadeye - mageblood or headhunter?
Start with Headhunter, then mageblood after you can buy it
90 bucks man 90bucks can get you a lot of food or other shit
you could get 90 $1 prostitutes'
Ah, I see you follow the BUDGET LEAGUE STARTER 300 BILLION DPS DAY 1 forum build as well.
or 11 and 1/4th $8 prostitutes.
this here is the reason why you should never take build advice from people in this general
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haven't been this excited for a league since metamorph/sirus
Brazilian butt lift

FUCKING GET HIS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I recognize the samefag.
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>90 bucks man 90bucks can get you a lot of food or other shit
Not everybody on poeg is a neet
Some of us have jobs and disposable income that we don't spend
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how big of a nerf did lightning arrow and toxic rain pathfinder get?
lmao why does rue sound like a midget
I can do that next thread later.
rue got mogged
doesnt matter if youre a neet retard
90 bucks is a lot compared to some pixels
That's the thing. You're comparing it to what it actually is. Whales don't see it is pointless pixels. They see it as collectables for a hobby.
They're warped in the head. $90 won't break a bank, but there's no reason to drop that on a cosmetic item in a free to play game.
Ruetoo sounds like a retard.
I really really like this image,.
explain how its bait, dumb frogposter
Need more attack speed on warden
any ideas?
Remember to leave a negative review
automation on it got completely gutted and prevents the endurance charges
>and that a good thing
this literally happened to me and made me quit the league. the fucking exploit everyone was doing got STEALTH patched like 2 hours before i got home and had been planning to do it. i burned my entire map pool rerolling for it then found out it'd been patched and said fuck this bullshit and alt-f4d

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