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LastSoftware: >>486701015


>The main information documents for Elden Ring (/erg/), Dark Souls (/dsg/), Bloodborne (/bbg/), Demon's Souls, Sekiro, King's Field and Armored Core (/acg/)

>Soulslike games like Nioh, Lies of P, Code Vein, Lords of the Fallen, etc...
Mohg did nothing wrong.
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Ds2 is objectively a good game and you fell for herd and mob mentality because your favourit reddituber told you it was bad
shit2 is putrid catshit
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I like this boss a lot; it's like a cooler version of one of my favorite base game enemies.
Post DLC Rl90-125 invasions are unwinnable if you get a coinvader. Every fucker keeps spamming some Sote AOW that takes you out before you out unintentionally even when the coinvaders aren't smoothbrained
125 tiff has like no sweats left, this looks almost like 90 tiff
that's because they all trooned out and killed themselves or are currently chasing down reds in belurat
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how did he do this
anyone else starting to feel like sunk cost fallacy is at play? i've been coping for a long time but i've yet to enjoy any FS game nearly as much as i did ds1 while they've been slowly stripping away the features i liked from that game in all of their new titles, starting from good world design and memorable OST and characters and ending with covenants
ds1 sucks
fr fr it's so clunky and the bosses are mid af
aging sucks
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Say what you will about DaSII, but at least it let you buy unlimited Titanite Slabs from a bad bitch after you beat Nashandra.
If some random "reddituber" (that I've never watched) could decide it was bad, why couldn't I decide it was bad also?

I decided it was bad after like three days when the honeymoon phase waned. The first thing I remember disliking was being unable to organize your inventory.
which ruins your sm and makes you unable to play with anyone
Is your character called Guts?
Unrelated issue.
spending Souls doesn't affect SM you retard
I didn't say it did retard
Then how does buying slabs ruin SM?
Play my single player game with other people? Smelterfly is fun to see on the way up but I don't really miss these guys in high ng+.
Everyone playing DS2 today is in the maximum SM range.
how come every soulstuber was shilling the demons soulless remake when it came out? i thought those guys at least would have the decency to call it out on its BS. fucking vaati had videos about it, surely the lore guy pays attention to detail like atmosphere and art style and OST? was it really just for a paycheck
ansbach blade is SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTT
>how come every soulstuber was shilling the demons soulless remake when it came out?
They were leaning into the hype to get views because their job is to get views because that's how they make their living. This isn't an issue you should think about. You're mentally unhealthy.
>stop thinking goy
gotcha, thanks for the advice
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no its called artorias the abysswalker
that name is too long
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no its not
the max character limit is 16 so it's too long
Beginner question: I have a longsword +10 that I turned into a lightning longsword (which is now +2) -- is the longsword +10 technically stronger than the lightning version, at least at first? I'm a bit confused as to how the damage breakdown works when looking at weapon stats
how do you deal fighting latent frenzy niggers
No, I mean this isn't an issue which any sane person would think about. There's literally no problem here. I don't know why you brought antisemitism into it.

If you killed yourself, all of your friends and family would breath a sigh of relief.
What rings do you guys run in ds3? Is cloranthy even worth it if you manage your stamina well? In fact i dont even find myself leveling endurance past 20
havel's/lloyd's shield/hornet
hp ring
only run chloranthy ring if you're too lazy to eat green blossoms
Stamina recovery is always good. Pve or pvp if you're actually playing and not being a turtle passive fag like average players. Green recovery items are better but have to reapply compared to rings but take a ring slot
Ratshitman says he hates it. I personally dislike DeS so I don't really care that they changed the look and the music, if you can roll in 8 directions and get rusted iron ring to bypass that dogshit swamp then the remake is already leagues better than the original.
keep like 5 (or 25) cat rings to switch to in case of emergencies
>b-but thats cheating
so is latent frenzy
>Replaying the game after 2 years
>Use a str build with frost claymore and misericord
>Simply smash anything with claymore then switch to misericorde for almost instakill

Why do people shit on greatswords? I stunlock literally anything. Gonna swap to flamberge soon
They shit on them for pvp and only because there's so much that outclasses them.
there is 0 point in greatsword existing now that we got rakshasas great katana which also gets ugs tier damage for some reason
i hate fighting great katanas why do they have so much range ughhhhhh
Greatkats are the only reason to play the dlc
meowthinks it's too hate to play
akshually that would be 'fumes (they will do 133 poise dmg in 5 more days)
I can’t wait for the r2 feint 200 poise damage fumes zoning bill
someone help this sorry fool
Why unga bunga with a greatsword instead of unga bunga with a colossal sword
DS2 is, by every metric, by every sense of the word, by every conceivable method you could use to judge quality, a terrible piece of shit game. There NUMEROUS major issues with it. Objective, actual issues, not just “grr me no like”. ADP, hit boxes, enemy placement, boss design, movement, life gems, human effigies, and I could go on but that is more than enough to get the point across.

Only plebbitors defend it. You are not cute by being an annoying contrarian and pretending it isn’t dogshit. No one thinks it’s funny when you shit up the thread by going “uh well DS2 is actually really good because uh it is and you’re a redditor jewtuber”. There is an entire sub and even a yearly event called “return to drangleic” on plebbit for DS2. If you defend this game, you are the plebbitor more than anyone. Your bait is tiresome and weak. Please do us all a favor and fuck off back to whence you came and stay there.

Thank you.
Unless you CE in that katana you have to play through the game with a greatsword until at least through Caelid
Why would anybody defend tranimura. That fag was probably the one who pushed for open world shit and horse riding
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Every criticism of DS2 like ganking and poor boss design is true of the other games too
depends on enemy but usually its stronger
split damage is usually weaker but lightning in particular is very strong on most shit
Why did Miyazaki push for dragon form to be a starving deer monster in DS3 and ER? It looks awful.
Also if youre not planning to stay low level, regular upgrades are usually better since lightning removes scacaling from str and dex. If you have no str and dex chaos or lightning is good
dumb nigger award
whats the supposed problem with human effigies?
blame monks
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Limited resource item tied to a dumbshit mechanic of permanently losing hp every time you die.
just got back to my computer after fucking your mother, and i gotta say, this comment was mean and uncalled for
were you gonna say why its bad? humanities are limited in dark souls too and used to get estus
>Intentionally disingenuous
Right. Not engaging with a troll.
in arabic you are abid in english you are nigger
It's a 6.5, which is still good and better than DS3. Also better than Elden Ring, but only because ER has dogshit input delay and input eating.
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ds2 bad
sorry watering tge cat and cleaning up tge gardens poop and vacuuming the houde
It might become funny next time you post it.
not elden ring
>DS2roons being BTFO bigly yet again
Do they ever tire of being humiliated? Or do they just really crave the attention?
Just wear the fucking ring for Christ's sake. You can wear 4 of them. How do you finish the game without having more FEGs than you know what to do with? What are you dying to, platforming?
I'm playing ds3 for the first time and the guide I read said that I can jump from a tree to get an estus upgrade and a ring early. But I have been trying to do it for like 10 minutes now and I just can't. Did the jump get patched or something?
stfu weird fag do this on /v/ you are getting zero serious responses
>Just waste a ring slot to deal with this terrible mechanic
Yet another reason why Dog Shit 2 sucks, thanks for the reminder, bro!
i responded idk if i care
idk how ppl suck this hard at ds2 i assume its all bait anyways or everyone here is actually 15 years old
its not patched. u r doing it wrong
jump off the cliff for playing thru a game first time with a guide
Is the Golden Order a standin for America?
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erg's latest meltie made me want to draw poorly

>using a guide on your first playthrough
i like the new sword but i do wish it was different and not just a copypasted model
I was also disappointed with the messmer axe just being a worse warped axe
DS2 would be getting shat on harder than LotF if it wasn’t made by From Soft and all of you know it.

Disingenuous posting is not an endearing personality trait.
thst was a good meltie
its also like the smallest concern i have regarding elden ring dlc being retarded so it gets a pass for now. i like phalanx ugs but in a perfect world men like- in a perfect world there would’ve been one blue troll ugs with a combo of the two asses. this is the next best option since fs cant drstically change an existing wealon
can you just shut the fuck up already and take it to /erg/ or /v/ man nobody cares
You don't have to wear it if you don't die a lot. You know the saying.
it didn't bother me at all because i love the butchering knife and always wanted a version of the troll knight's sword with greatblade phalanx. the knife is a bit disappointing because the ash is so slow and you're stuck with the base greataxe moveset without a proper L2, which is what salvages the weapon class otherwise.

lotf(2) is okay, though. i enjoyed it more than ds2 despite its flaws.
does the charge attack modifier not give the axe some niche?
DS2 is only shat on because it's different from DS1 and plin plin plon niggers pissed their pants when they didn't get their first arpg v1.5
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Hey, guys.
eh it barely hits harder than warped still and you're giving up range for it
Desert sorceress' owe me sex
dont die
the butchering knife is also like im just okay with it just because i kinda missed sharpening from ds3’s butcher knife. So it’s cool the animation made it in and we have the one with an empty ass slot for ppl who don’t like the dlc one
jeenine media's opinion on elden ring is ten trillion times more important than a million zoomer's opinion on elden ring
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yeah but the charge attack modifier is probably multiplicative

i should remake my charge / roar build with it
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>adding offhand thiollier's needle to my level 200 mage plus making a stack of eternal sleep bombs
to my understanding it just has a higher MV on the move itself so I dunno if roaring would even retain it

>1h sword bounces off
gotta love dragonbolt blessing
That shit did no damage.
Ain't that the truth. I hope he finds a new game he likes.
Hold on, what RL is this? It may have actually done good damage
i think they look really good. lets see what you had in mind though
I miss when colossal weapon R2s were actually so powerful in pvp that they would offset the bad aspects of the weps
i think most people want ds1/2 dragon form because nobody likes the starving vietnamese monk aesthetic
GOD3 zwei r2 was perfect but tranimura decided to get rid of it because hes a nigger
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basically something less dessicated and with way more personality like pic related
I will never forgive whichever no-fun-allowed gook nigger neutered the UGS golfswing in DS2, too
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When I played DS2 I thought it was good and I enjoyed the PvP, I only learnt that it was le bad after watching faggy youtubers' opinions
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how it feels to use back handed blades/thrusting swords/great katanas
gkats and nu-rapiers are honest thoughbeit
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How do I get to this upper part in the starting area?
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What an epic battle.
Friede and the Demon Princes are probably the most interesting bosses I have fought in Dark Souls.
I wish that the Dreg Heap had less of those angels.
gkats with any sort of lat are dogass to fight against. im so tempted to chainsaw one whenever i see them
it had by far the best weapon variety for pvp. you could totally ignore the meta and just do whatever the fuck you want
my most successful build to this day was double clutching raw bandit greataxes. yes, greataxes, not the hatchet, the extremely low range greataxes. Power stancing them would do absolutely absurd damage since they didn't use the over the shoulder greataxe moveset
The other most successful pvp builds I made involved setup parries and counterstabs with a zweihander (parrying WITH the zweihander mind you) and using a pickaxe to fish for sweetspot pierce counter oneshots which was only possible if you literally pierce their skull with the head of the pick
explore around the entrance stairs to belurat better
Somewhere between 40-60, I can't remember. Old build.
Thanks, there's so many things to miss in this DLC.
bro your seamless invasions
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i never tried seamless invasions are they actually bussing?
they are literally saving slurm pvp, the latency is so low and good
GODyui did it again
I had some fun with them but there are a couple severe issues that made me stop for now
>elevators etc are totally broken
>hosts can finger sever you out
>1 in 5 invasions the spic host will turn on their infinite HP trainer standalone exe (portuguese ui) so every couple invasions you just cheat to btfo a retard (this may be fun to you, I personally don't enjoy)
and most of all
>a LOT of people (i'd say a third) just do the thing in seamless coop where one guy stands at the bonfire and keeps resetting while the other guy runs through the level unbothered which is absolutely fucking gay for invading cause you kill one guy at the bonfire and then you can't get to the other guy and you can't tell where he is cause he hasnt killed any enemies

for fairness sake here's some things that make it fun
>you can summon spirit ashes
>you get full estus
>pvp scaling seems disabled
aw hell nah this nigga playing ds3 on low graphics
over half the things you mentioned got fixed in an update that got released yesterday
Oh and by the way
>>a LOT of people (i'd say a third) just do the thing in seamless coop where one guy stands at the bonfire and keeps resetting while the other guy runs through the level unbothered which is absolutely fucking gay for invading cause you kill one guy at the bonfire and then you can't get to the other guy and you can't tell where he is cause he hasnt killed any enemies
This shit actually makes me mad when I witness it. Like these fags install a mod to do coop together... then they just cheese via some mod unique mechanic instead of actually playing coop together. How gay and faggoted do you have to be?

ok based had no idea
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I don't know how I missed this. Thank you.
ds1 dragon form is the ugliest
Did ya start Lapp's quest?
cool weapon choice
unfortunate that you are a BUG KILLER....
I spoke to him twice. He was thinking about collecting treasure.
Good. You'll see more of him. Iconic npc.
hmmm hrmm hemm.. yep, that's it. yep
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>60 vig
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kek, yeah I didn't know what I was supposed to do so I just whacked it.

Is it possible to explore the top of this area?
I think that part is not accessible
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anyone wearing the solitude armor is getting banned
what's the point of nyasu if you're not using it to plan out your 'swapping
just imagine that the two fingers heirloom and the two-handed sword tally are empty flex slots
It looks cool and it's heavy armor I don't care if's the sweaty armor
sweatlords still wear veterans chest doe
2022 called
why are you doing an uninfused weapon run
but it doesn't look cool
I didn't want to use the wrong infusion and screw myself out of a good weapon. It is my first run.
you can remove or change infusions, dummy...
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hourly reminder that red man bad
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i wonder if the claws of night are gonna be fixed this week
tick tock slurmies
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Thanks. I think I'm done in this area now. You're a kind man, anon.
oh god i remember the soulframe announcement
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wtf even is this lmao
I love how much attention these shitty attempts at copying souls always get. Do you remember the one they showed after DS1 at some point?
I lol'd really hard when it was just straight u pcancelled after people insisted it would kill fromsoft
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i thought this game was good, explain this
You can tell just by the camera that this isn't a game meant to be played, but a game meant to be watched play itself out, sorta like god of war. See >>486861247 it had the exact same thing.
Like you can instantly tell how interactive the game is if your camera focuses more on getting a nice bullshot frame than actually being conductive to gameplay
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Someone explain BB to me.

Nerds find magic blood.
Church is formed to make magic blood religious cult thing. Magic blood heals, everyone happy. Oh no, it makes you a beast, but it isn't the blood doing it, trust us. Some old dude gehrman forms S.H.I.E.L.D. you, the player, sign up. You murder the beasts and shit. There is also a fuckpillow doll for reasons.
The vicar has become a beast, you kill it. Some village is beastly, you kill them all and their shaman witch for good measure. The woods people are also beasts, more killing. You kill a triple gank boss and make your wat to some observatory, presumably origin of the first nerd to study the magic blood or the ayys that broight it or sone shit. You kill a spider for some reason. You wake up? In a nightmare? You kill some amalgamation of arms and legs, then you kill some dude who's nightnare we're in? (So just inception at this point).
Oh no, the magic blood actual is from outer space, the cult has its own inner cult that studies them and the cosmos and some society that did this whole spiel before. One of these cult nerds has sex with one of the space people (?), they form a baby that dies, but not really because the space baby sorta kinda exists on another plane. This baby is a problem for some reason. It vexxes gehrman so much he makes a pact with the moon. S.H.I.E.L.D. gets tasked to kill the space baby, oh and while you're at it also kill its wetnurse. You have a "are we the baddies" or so moment and turn on gehrman and the moon. You kill them.

This is what I got from my playthrough, I am assuming most of it is wrong, and even if it is right I still don't understand it.
Ds2 is for stupid trannies kys.
looks like dogshit but the UI is kinda soulful
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i hate the sunflower
No quests will be locked out after I kill a second elden lord right? The raya lucaria one
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thing to note, "nightmare" and "dream" in bb refer to different planes of existence, rather than literal states of unconciousness, though there is some overlap
The church is getting their blood from they ayy under it
The school is more radical than the church and has been doing some massively fucked up shit trying to become like ayys
The baby is fucking things up because all the ayys can't have kids on their own so they use humans (or pthumerians in the case of yharnam) as surrogates, but also the moon just wants it dead
gherman is trapped in the dream by the moon ayy who is using him and the hunters as grunt work, you fight him to free him as he tries to do the same to you. you then kill the moon ayy because it's a bitch and really mean
in the DLC you see why gherman is being punished and the church is as fucked as it is
god3 is a melee game, retarded slurm nigger
>beat game
>pvp gets old quick since it’s 3v1 almost every time or boring duels
>doing another run fills me with the same dread as ds2

fuck..pc bloodborne when…
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I'm like 8 hours into Sekiro and it just ain't clicking with me. I like the world and characters but the gameplay itself feels like an absolute chore.
I get the feeling that the entire game is just gonna be memorizing enemy attacks and deflecting them accordingly, which is absolute least interesting element of the game for me and the part I keep feeling myself trying to avoid more and more as the game goes on. The issue is I can definitely see myself hitting a roadblock when it's what I'm forced to do (like in a boss fight) so I'm not sure I really want to keep playing now if I'm just gonna drop it later when it stops being fun and starts feeling tedious.
I get that recognizing and reacting to enemy attacks is part of every Souls game but Sekiro seems like it's missing every combat option beyond "parry" which really takes the variety out of the combat for me.
Regardless of whether I can git gud at the deflection timing, I don't really see myself enjoying memorizing enemy movesets and it's becoming increasingly obvious to me that playing on reactions alone won't carry me much farther.

Am I wrong and I should keep trying or is this game just not for me? Is there just something I'm missing or it really just "memorize the attack pattern of every hard enemy and tap block as they come out"?
I'm basically stuck at Longsword Ninja, the Ten Spears of Ashina dude, and the purple spirit dude in the dungeon; I haven't explored the actual castle after Blazing Bull yet since I figured that would progress the story, but it's next on my to-do list.
>Finger on the monkey's paw curls
>Bluepoint is in charge
Bro why did you do it?
There are only two good bosses before your rematch with Genichiro: Gyoubu and Butterfly. The other ~20 bosses in that gauntlet are complete garbage. Just suffer through it because the game does get good when you reach the top of Ashina Castle. It will click then. For some reason they put all of the game's worst content right at the start.
IDC im willing to give godpoint a second chance
artificial difficulty
>pvp gets old quick since it’s 3v1 almost every time or boring duels
same as BB outside two areas you mean
if it gets a remaster they will sure as fuck introduce weapon memory and at matching levels BB's pvp is stale as fuck
youre supposed to be the one hitting them and deflecting their counter
if you arent hitting the enemies non stop theyre allowed to do whatever they want to you from neutral
have u never played bb before?
Chalice dungeons
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which one and why?
They're alright. They get stale once you figure out all the layouts
iris of grace gives u a poopy spirit ash
iris of occultation gives u a good weapon for dex nikkas
grace for ash
occult for weapon
where is the fucking fc
Thanks! Got the Ash summon.
start one lazy cunt
Great in theory, fucked up by mandatory chalice dungeons
IDEALLY there's some fun pvp in them, but it was rare as fuck and mostly devolved to duelfaggotry in hizzniggr or whatever that one chalice was called
if you find a certain thing in the world you can upgrade it in a special way
Nice, what's the thing?
wrapping up my str build rn
Why does everyone hate story chalices so much lmao.

also hizzniggr is fucking empty these days. rip in piece.
you find a doll of a similar lady
The puppet Anna? I found that already, if that's what you mean.
Friede, yes. What's so interesting about the Demon Prince, though?
yeah u can go back there now
Gotcha, thanks!
>Why does everyone hate story chalices so much lmao.
Because they are a repeated content in what should be a completely randomly generated. I have no idea why they exist. It's 5 hours of filler before you actually get to good shit.
kek 1v4 horseback fights in the openworld in seamless pvp is so retarded but fun
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who the fuck is slurming
I have no idea why they were so adamant against horseback pvp and coop traversal, it's literally a non issue
>hit a host a few times
>he falls off and you can finish him
Even groups are a non issue because Torrent doesn't have poise
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busy making my life build
because canonically there's only one torrent and you all share him. There can't be two torrents in the same room
Dark Souls 3 has significantly more forgiving boss runbacks.
what armor for dragon head in ds1 to maintain fashion if not whole dragon form?
havel is kinda thematic but i dont know
headcanon, albeit
>that ice skating
Jesus Christ

It looks like modded Skyrim
modded skyrim was supposed to kill elden ring
Not headcanon, there are never two torrents in the same room unless you mod the game
i have never played skyrim
bitch that's still headcanon
No it's not
the idea that two torrents can exist together is headcanon because it's never depicted in the game
Click + R1 to kick is still the most awkward control input in the history of videogames, I hate it so fucking much
i didn't say that tho
can we have an unique fc for once
what about spirit ashes enabled
or a themed fc like the good old days that no one here is old enough to remember
name a theme
Why would I want a worse fc
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too hot to start up the ring
I will melt
This is definitely not a souls killer, from the video it has warframe mechanics and plays more like warframe but with a souls aesthetic, so fromsloppers are going to despise it given that they already hate DS2 even though it's 99% like a souls game. You can already see that fag talking about the camera even though it's just similar to warframe camera, and since it plays like warframe then there will be no bosses made in a way that fromsloppers love like Radahn, Kalameet, and Artorias, it'll just be bosses initiating random combos at your general location with some gimmick. I'd even say that it's very risky for them to do this because the appeal of how warframe plays is being a robot ninja in space flying at 200km/h with unga bunga shooting/melee/skills, so I'm not sure how it's going to translate to open world medieval fantasy. I'm betting that both fromsloppers and framesloppers are going to absolutely hate the game
>also crowd going crazy only then petting le doggo
ok then I'll say it again bitch
two torrents are never depicted in the same room together
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Well, I finally finished it.

My final say is, that it sucked. Any cool moments it had were completely ruined by the ridiculous, downright horribly level design. The rate of the times at which i died to enemies vs the times i died to bosses was like 10 to 1. The absolute slog of the Forest of Fallen Giants, The Gutter/Gulch, the Shrine of Amana, Iron Passage, Frigid Outskirts..the list just goes on and on and on. Every time i think i'm getting to 'the good part' you have some ridiculously annoying area. It's like they decided 'hmm yes, annoying runbacks are great, let's put one in every single fucking boss'

I really wish I could like DS2, but it just ruins it with the enemies. Or maybe i'm just retarded, I thought the 'leave the throne' option was age of dark, not an entirely new option.

Well, it's time to install Dark Souls 3, and finally finish the trilogy...
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>You can already see that fag talking about the camera even though it's just similar to warframe camera
Wow you're making a strong point here. The camera isn't bad because another game does it. Best part? The game that does it is also dogshit and only mentally ill people play it because they're addicted to grinding brown bricks and different RGB sliders on the gear they already have
you missed the blue dew on the image
calm down faggy it's not personal lmao
then why did you respond in such an outraged tone
is this real is someone joining
it's text, how can you be so sure about the tone?
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0 underrail
1 ds2 randomizer ack run
2 post something about er sucking
3 post something about bb sucking
4 bb
5 the'fic
6 the'fic's jetski western spinoff that takes place 100 million years in the future
7 go outside for a run
8 buy some snacks outside
9 read about microscopes
These uppity Nox priestesses need correction.
modding skyrim is too complicated
Wasn't there already a fucking game like this shown off or is this the same one? I swear I saw someone show medieval fantasy warframe at E3 or something but this doesn't look a lot like it
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bb sucks because all of the weapon movesets are stupid when you can just r1 spam everything to death dogshit game design
youre gonna be a victim soon lil bro
It's probably the same but was in an earlier stage, they've been teasing it for some years
did you know that the Shrug gesture exists in ds3 game files
LoP is just BB but without all the cringe parts and better combat.
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bb also sucks because there's no blood vials nad then u have to farm them and it just sucks the fun out of the game also chalicce dungeons suck also most of the bosses are just giant fucking asylum demon tier retard enemis that u spend 3 minutes hacking away at their ankles also gem system is half baked and shitty and the fashion sucks you have to wear full sets to look good, and you can't tank anything also you get weapons at the end of the game with retarded nonsence sclaing and stat requirements for players to organically use them not to mention the dogshit 10 fps this game gets thanks to console also none of the characters are particularly interesting or charismatic
tonitrus is dogshit
tonitrus is mega based actually, the fact that it doesnt have a transform and is just a mace adds a coolness factor to it. the simplicity of it.
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also the humanoid bosses are all parrybait easily worse than ds3 and er bosses and maria is deviantart oc tier trash
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OKay i'm tired of complaining about 10fpsborne here's my greatest copypasted post of all time
The jp version hints radahn was born with a female and pretends to be a guy which is why there's so much cuntboy radahn art. He was never a guy, just an ugly tomboy who trooned out pretty much
I do wonder how the western community will react, Miquella essentially went "you will never be a real man, I'll marry and impregnate you to remind you you'll always be a woman" to radahn on fucking pride month of all months.
>The jp version hints radahn was born with a female and pretends to be a guy
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that's the best part, it came from my asshole
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I'm thinking fth won
are those good
i only ever use the big one for the retarded tracking
its mid
both of them are good
golden arcs always hits if someone rolls into/towards you
why would you roll away/into someone casting that
poopa freakout spotted in mmcg
at least he’s white
isn't that pic him? looks anything but to me
did you guys ever heard of a game two worlds 1?
its a lot like dark souls
he he he
oh no
I guess now we know why jeenine has been a forced meme here for the past years
what do you mean, 23
>skip ahead
>guy walks up to definitely not sif
>press x to pet heckin doggo
>small crowd of redditors cheer
All I needed to see
every groyper is a spic just like their leader
This looks nothing like the other picture
utterly soulless than ER doesn't have new animations when using the crit talisman. I would use it just for that
By the way poopmask is about as white as reggie fils-aime and he's considered to be a black man by the media
They showed it before, it was much more brown at the time. The person who does post-processing at their studio is a mongoloid.
all this doxing over this past week proved one simple assumption to me: anyone who tries to build a persona on an anonymous imageboard is an ugly loser
yemmy yem it dog theregs 'tiff slurm 3/4
best post itt right now
dogged contender post
hi noxy
Okay guys, I'm gonna try and playthrough DS2 after all these years. Best starting class for pyromancer? I'm assuming deprived.
Pyromancy now scales with int and faith (caps at 30/30 or 60 in one)
qrd on noxy
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dark soul 2? that shit is jank
i much prefer Elden Slop™, game of the century
probably sorcerer but deprived is fine too
eroge won is nox
thats a pig
hello zem
piggy wiggy enjoying his ELDEN SLOP™
what's the future
can you take a look for me
I love dog shit 2 doe
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allah is live
back when games had sovl
that piggy is eating good food though compared to what they usually eat
shadow of the colossal sword
it looks like utter slop get your eyes checked
games stopped having soul when they started censoring K***ht
tfw you found out half the dev team of ds2 stopped working at fromsoft :(
rip.. no great games coming out anymore
i made that up btw
fuck u
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do the needful and find the truthful information now pls
heard ER pvp is complete shit
why don't people return to ds3 instead?
it's absolute shit too
come to DS2
but they did
that's not him. he's the selfie guy tho.
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stopped working on my str build to buy 4 huge lemon blueberry cookies for only 6 dollars
pchain on non-elemental bill... *dies of cringe*
i miss umaru
pyro was better when it was a soul investment instead of a level investment, made it stand out from the rest thematically
*black flames you for free*
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i dont
where did he even go
throat cancer </3
i wanted to start a club earlier today but unity and bl ender work got in the way. i cooked up an absoltuely devious arc/dex build though
Pigs are quite intelligent and he seems to be enjoying a healthy meal of vegetables
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6 feet under
hopefully he's fucking dead lol annoying piece of shit
I miss playing a sl1 Darkwraith in DaS1 using ascended ppyromancy flame +5 with blackflame one-shotting everyone and getting hate-mail. It was the only game where I could play as an asshole and immersively at the same time.
no way i thought he recovered did it get to his lymph nodes or some shit
he never recovered
>brings his cancer into every fc
>ultimately succumbs to it
you can probably do similar shit in demastered still
stacking humanity up to 99 will increase your defense iirc so that's a bonus
what if i made a mokfel bill in slurm
umaru hated fcs doe
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if thats true then explain this
a hbsc falseflag
yeah that checks out it's why he ruined every single one he attended
So I did get most of that right, amazing. I don't ubderstand hkw the baby fucks shit up though. It is the result of tryong some hybrid human-ayy, how does it's existence hinder anything. It's a testament to the thing being retarded and that it should be abandonned.

Also, the plains of existence don't make sense to me. There is the "baseline" human plane, there is the plane the ayys (and the spindly stoneheads) are in, but what is the third plane?
Also why is there a spider in(on?) a lake? Is he some sort of gwynn character protecting one dimension with the facade of another?
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my only memory of umaru is when I played er on release invading in haligtree and he kept trying to catch invaders there, probably partially because of my posts. And I kept raping him with rat games and cheesing him with golden halberd stab fishing over and over to the point he got really asshurt and started putting on his most tryhard loadout, in response to which I took the elevator down to malenia, sat on the button and afkd there until he suicided

good times. I think it was umaru anyway maybe it was some other faggot from here idk it's been a while and i don't actually know any of you
The only good thing about like half of the ER DLC bosses is that they move in flashy ways. Coincidentally, it's the only thing they ever get praised for.
I don't think that's necessarily a good thing, but not a bad thing either inherently
I certainly think the opposite is cooler personally
what about TheIrregulars?
>The baby
Mergo is Yharnam's kid, and the source of the Nightmare of Mensis
>The spider
Kind of, Rom's purpose is hiding the blood moon and all the fucked up shit arising from the Church and School's fuckery
>The planes
Yeah the nightmares are layered. From top to bottom:
Nightmare of Mensis
Nightmare frontier
Fishing Hamlet
Hunter's Nightmare
with the lecture hall, hunter's dream, and waking world being mixing in there somehow I don't remember
You can see the shipwrecks in the Hamlet from the Nightmare Frontier
remember when fromsoft were known as the devs that made good games instead of the devs that made le epic hardcore prepare to die bosses
more like theergulars
The only good game they made was ds2
ds3's pvp was a fluke
get off it 13.
unfortunate but that happens to every franchise eventually. they lose track of what actually made them good and worth playing and instead focus on gimmicks
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>poise damage buffs for every new weapon class
>pata nerf
>messmer WA damage nerf
>swift slash is untouched
>increased stamina consumption on smithscript weapons
Can't wait for next week's patch
haligtree invasions were the only fun part of ER pvp and niggers kept trying to ruin it by abusing it as a bonfire dueling spot
they should nerf all the dlc items pvp is broken
>poise damage buffs for every new weapon class
Nah thats some gay DS3 shit

>>increased stamina consumption on smithscript weapons
Nah just the shield throw

rest will happen
backhand blades damage nerf pls
best of all
>rain of fire and divine beast tornado small damage buff instead of reworking them to something usable
er was almost entirely pve focused
next game is gonna be more pvp focused with crossplay and more customization including being able to change your clothes color. the covenants will play a key role in the story and gameplay and it will have long-term support
bitch h2h and lgs deal negative poise damage
the game should be fvcking hardcore bro
the game is so hard that 95% of the mechanics are there just to make it easier for babies and boomers
they have to make the bosses harder just to compensate for the amount of easy shit they keep adding like rolling and parrying, and then you need a boss that catches rolls and you have to make parry have less impact just to compensate for those training wheels mechanics
the peak of this game is to play sl1 with only weapon, no rolling, no parrying, no consumables, no op spells, no op rings, no bs, if you want to use a ring it better have drawbacks like making enemies hit harder, and if you use spells it better be slow as shit to compensate for you being a distance faggot
Did you skip base slurm or something
unusable weapons
This raises more questions. Who is the source of the various nightmares? Who made (?) rom. Why do the ayys want hybrid children? Where do the ayys come from? Do they breed with non humans? What are the amygadala? Why are hinters hunting beasts when they're the sideshow symptom? Kos or kosm? What do the eyes signify? Why do I need (want?) eyes on the inside? Does the wetnurse signify anything more than being a wetnurse? Kinda weird wetnurse desu, where bobba? Why do all the other hunters want me, a hunter, dead?
*raughs in 30 poise damage*
dumb esl
>use light weapon
>wtf why can't I break poise
so let me get it straight you want BOTH the benefit of being the passive player of the match and being able to whiff punish AND the ability to win trades by poise?
rom was a human
all the basegame light weapons get to shit on people tho. dagger r2 is guaranteed poisebreak but a light greatsword r2 can be tanked. do you even play the game...
you now remember that DS2 had built in voice chat
It doesn't surprise me that stuff like Swift Slash exists when the developers unironically believe that a 100 stability shield, insta-bleed builds and a quickstep that travels quicker than sprinting and has near 100% iframes is completely balanced.
>but it got nerfed
Why were those a thing in the first place?
they design for pve first and then adjust pvp
>Who is the source of the various nightmares?
different great ones, notably the Orphan of Kos
>Who made (?) rom.
The Church, she's formerly human
>Why do the ayys want hybrid children?
they literally cannot have kids on their own
>Where do the ayys come from?
space nigga how the fuck would we know
>Do they breed with non humans?
>What are the amygadala?
a great one with a lot of bodies
>Why are hinters hunting beasts when they're the sideshow symptom?
gotta keep society together a but while everythings falling apart, not like anyone can see the ayys
>Kos or kosm?
different name for the same mom dead on the beach in the dlc
>What do the eyes signify?
seeing things as they are
>Why do I need (want?) eyes on the inside?
so you can see the truth of the world, ie more insight letting you see fucked up shit pre-rom's death
>Does the wetnurse signify anything more than being a wetnurse?
>Kinda weird wetnurse desu, where bobba?
Oeden, the absent father, literally has no body, hence "formless great one"
>Why do all the other hunters want me, a hunter, dead?
they're all fucking crazy dude have you seen how things are going
Is there a way to turn off the PVP content in DS2 outside of going offline completely?
I keep getting invaded by the same guy over and over again. And right before boss fights. Apparently, he has found himself a good griefing target. I lost so many souls because of him.
Not esl. Your post doesn't answer anything and only serves to antagonise so your ego is aknowledged. Here you go, I aknowledge your ego. Now answer my questions.
you can burn an effigy at a bonfire. it turns off all coop and pvp for the area. when u kill a boss u get that effect too iirc
Why did he turn spider?
is his name forlorn by any chance
Those break PvE as well and also the mimic tear which can solo any boss in the game among other stuff. They're either clueless even after working on these games for 15 years or they genuinely believe those are good and fair additions or they designed to game to be a skilless braindead buttton-mashing game
can't wait to listen to all the bitching about the extremely, extremely deserved discus hurl nerf
Tough luck, I've just run out. Thanks to this asshole, actually. I used my last effigy to get a summon for a Smelter Demon and he invaded me just before a boss fight.
one of multiple (failed) attempts at humans becoming great ones; also see the one reborn
when you finish the game by killing the moon presence you are literally the only person ever to successfully ascend to godhood without losing your mind or sacrificing a bunch of villagers or some other stupid shit
No, I know what Forlorn are. I can tell a PVP player from a dumb nickname.
im not dead i was just in belgium
yeah i know i'm just jokin
time to man up and beat his ass to get an effigy
>poopa is a 15 year-old who got groomed on minecraft
yeah that makes sense
Haha, no way in hell.
>nobody is on discord youre imagining it!
>people keep getting doxed here via discord
really really makes you think
Isn't poopa the anti-goon guy though
whats his build like and whats your build like, i will analyze his weakspot and give you the winning strategy
>dox drops
>thread posts per minute slows down by 300% while trannies scramble on discord to figure out who leaked and why
every time it happens, beyond funny
meek and servile waifu
>why does the thread slow down after off topic dogshit
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poopa won fuck the regulars
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finally hvme
time to not play slurm
Yeah why does it? And why did the entire tranny crew instantly post random shit the moment I pointed it out? Fucking clowns man just stay on discord and dox eachother there
abyssal gem schloppa
what are you even talking about?
this nigga like 18 years and 1 day old
kill yourself retard look around you
Im way older than that and my voice sounds younger (Im on hrt doe)
gemmy killed someone
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dude you're so bahhhhhd
gemmy killed umaru!!
this is like a month-old doe
as is the girl in the image u just jacked off to doe
umaru killed gemmy
Why did people hate nyeko again
marge i only yoink it in the shower
I don't know and I don't care, I just want to play the fucking game without being griefed every 10 minutes. Is there a way to report a player somewhere?
He's gone insane
lmao faggot. Enjoy being a little gay baby then
Thank you. Still not sure if I entirely understand things.
Why didn't the ayys simply abduct humans to breed with? Why give blood and turn everything to shit?
What is so great about the great ones? They can't breed and just live in nightmares
>magic blood heals stuff
I mean, just take a paracetamol or some shit.
Who/what is the moon presence?
Why does the blood echo?
Where is the hunter's dream?
What exactly is the relationshio between amygdala and celestial beings?
Why are the celestials beings visible in my plane of existence without insight?
just stop getting owned
Acquire skill
just go offline if this guy is bugging you that much
btw you are lying because there is a cooldown between invasions so the same person cant keep invading instantly
nuh uh i think it resets if you die
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are there any other true combos with the new dlc weapons apart from the sword of night wa > r2 and pata running r2 > r2/barbaric roar r2?
Its the mentally ill guy who kept baiting about ds2 being the reddit game earlier. His mental illness and obsession goes deep
not sharing my combo list with you
1h smithscript axe yump r2 -> blinkbolt at medium range
Mutually exclusive with using discord.
I just keep all fromslop games open and when I die to invasion in one I switch tabs to another one
sword lance r2 -> r1
blinkbolt also has a lot of rollcatches on heavier weapons
>Fighting Friede
>Get behind her
>Press R1
>Doesn't register as a backstab, just a normal attack
>This phenomena sucks me out of literally like 8-9 backstabs throughout the fight
Am I stupid, is her backstab angle ridiculously overly precise, or is her fight glitched somehow? I don't get it. There's not even elevation in her arena like how this situation normally happens.
she doesn't owe you backstabs, soulcel
It is very precise, and it is also dependant on her stance (which also makes it phase dependant as her stances can be different in phase 3)
And yet he does. He just waits for the cooldown to end and invades again.
Well whatever the reason, it pissed me off. Like the very definition of "we added this to deliberately frustrate you and ruin your fun" gimmick. Don't even care if it succeeds in making the fight harder, it's irritating as hell.
let's imagine, hypothetically, i go all the way to max ng+ to try using undead rapport on the beefy buff as fuck mobs when i get invaded
is this a waste of time
she's twisted in a weird way so you probably tried to backstab her side

I find backstabs in DS3 frustrating all the time.
Use a rapier
Yes, because I am just going to sit out the timer and/or move on to the next bottleneck you need to pass to get to the boss.
Fromsoft support will actually ban people who do this, you have to send an email you can find it on their website. Get that griefer removed
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Imagine deflecting this spell
even doe it's deflectable...
is that spell any good even, havent tried it out on my faith dude yet
golden land x3 but you can strafe it lol
even though it's so easy to get lol
whattt it looked like it had tracking when i tried it out on pve
what a scam
even though pve and pvp is different...
well thats why i asked if it was good in pvp, never tried it out there.
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it has a littlwe shockwave at the very beignning of it. its mid tho
Golden arc into glintstone arc....
even though i already mentioned that
=dough you didn't
I guess the Iron Keep wasn't this bad compared to the Gutter.
What is with Fromsoft's obession with platforming sections in a game that does not support platforming?
Gutter is unironically one of the best levels in the franchise. Skill issue.
>What is with Fromsoft's obession with platforming sections in a game that does not support platforming?
japanese tradition autism
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the gutter is peak
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Is Deep Protection ever worth it?
Based coomer
>is damage+defense+stam regen worth it
Idk man
this is...... art...
It's fucked up how much more useful embers feel than Great Runes. One, Great Runes don't act as a full heal. Two, even runes like Morgott which give comparable +HP to embers feel like they do nothing because of the sheer amount of damage enemies do. They also don't work as the entry point to the online anymore, you gotta do that dumb shit with finger remedies. I don't get why they cucked this mechanic so hard, it worked really well in DS3.
godrick's great rune is goated
Shit game. Genichiro is the only good fight and the devs know it since they used it 3 fucking times.
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Great Runes would be good if both sides got them
>I don't get why they cucked this mechanic so hard, it worked really well in DS3.
well, as they say, elden ring is dark souls 2 2. it had to do shit in its own retarded way
You are just bad at these games and should stop playing them for the sake of your own mental health. A wise man once said: if you don't like dark souls 2 you don't like dark souls.
Did you consider that the levels being hard is actually good game design and that you should die way more times against regular enemies because there are way more of them?
The only actual shit level is Frigid Outskirts because it isn't a real level. It is a low effort demo for the dlc.
Falls off lategame, Morgott or Radahn are the goat
good job anon
still has insane utility, the +5 can be make or break depending on your build. also +5 mind is no joke. it's my preferred rune over mohg's, although i use mohg's for when i need a little extra health for learning bosses.
Skill issue
I wish I could wipe my memory of the gutter so that I could approach it with no prior knowledge again. I absolutely love the level and the first few times I completed it. But now I know where to go so the maze aspect is completely lost.
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Requesting Jeff Goldblum behind the pile of shit.
My only gripe with this is how I keep getting hit when jumping as it does that spinning gas attack
>Skill issue
I beat all the faggots in this game and it's just not that fun. Ape is the only other memorable boss and the devs know it because they reused that too in a very shitty duo fight.
even though sekiro has no pvp
godyui added it
>Did you consider that the levels being hard is actually good game design and that you should die way more times against regular enemies because there are way more of them
Because DS2 is just so great in level design, right? Poison spam statues? Great! Amana snipers? Wonderful! Everybody just loves the Iron Passage. There's nothing better when they put 10 minutes of walking and 40 enemies between a difficult boss and the bonfire.
Low IQ take. Every boss other than the apes are kino. The apes are the least fitting in sekiro and feel more like a soulsboss with rolling/dodging being the name of the game.

Soulsbrainrot, many such cases.
I enjoyed all of these things you just sound like a pussy who doesnt enjoy dungeon crawlers. If there was a boss rush mode you would probably play it wouldn't you? In any game, not just DS2.
All of those things have a reasonable counter.
>why can't I just walk from boss to boss unopposed
>NoOoOoOO, it's good!! Le cancerous spam is actually le good!!!!! How can you dislike gank squads??? Stop calling out why DS2 is bad!!! You
The reason Ape is more than than dogshit like monk is because it's not just L1 spam and you engage with in more than one way. Demon of hatred is also a good boss for this reason and it's very telling that most Sekirotards hate that boss too. The most braindead sect if Fromfags.
meltie uh oh
>Gank squad
Meme lie. Just walk into rooms slowly and peek around. Every instance where there are a lot of enemies you can draw them into manageable fights.
>Shrine of Amana
Just use cover. I'm sorry it upsets you that you can't just sprint and jump attack.
lol'd, did you smash your keyboard and hit enter on accident?
just play titan souls you'll enjoy it
Retard take, you don't engage with the ape at all, it is THE L1 spam boss with the typical "stand in asscrack" known from souls. The fact that you find him engaging and did more than L1 speaks volumes of your skill issues.

By the way, even is souls all the demon bosses are the worst, most boring bland L1 spam shit.
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my first ever invade in a souls game and i won!
Good work, now bathe in their blood
The fact that you have to slowly, painfully comb through every single meter of space is a bad thing, fool. At least DS1 allowed you to just sprint through - but of course, that would be fun, and we can't have that in DS2, which is why every enemy has a gigantic aggro range and probably some kind of ranged move too.
not true ceaseless discharge is extremely strong
>playing the game is a bad thing
>sprinting through and ignoring 90% of the game is fun
have you ever considered you might just not enjoy this genre a lot? You can just use CE to teleport yourself to the boss rooms if this is your genuine view on things
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>complaining about ranged
0 Int
Amana is a breeze with spell parry shields
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i actually like the lion helmet
>Lion on a melee build
>heaviest armor in the game + stat helmet
daring arent we?
>not l1 spam
It is, outside of a grapple to close distance, the only thing you can do. No room or need for heavy attacks, no parrying, no blocking, no mikri outside of the deathblows. You just chase him around the arena slapping him with your stick and maintain spacing when he does some chimpout move. He looks looks and the headless transition is a nice "oh shit" moment when you go in blind. As fights go however, it is the dullest one and suffers too much from the DS3 and ER thing: boss that LOOKS cool, but the fight itself is boring from a mechanical pov (e.g. nameless king)
>You don't rike endless hordes of annoying enemies?
It's funny how they literally downgraded from the first game. There isn't a singular area in DS1 on the same level of horrible design as most areas of DS2. Even Blight Town was mostly annoying because of the lag causing you to fall to your death.
DS2 is my guilty pleasure, but I can never get over how it looks like a PS2 game (and worse than DS1).
you literally just explained how you would sprint skip through ds1 but apparently you didnt actually mean that and its a baseless accusation i make
What weapon is that?
oh ho, you know me!
urm jeenine is streaming and youre arguing here?
worse than demons souls, too
>Kill invader
>Try to mouse over to Wave
>Misclick and hit Point Down instead
I unironically feel bad
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beginning to understand why you guys pick on erg so much
my ashen one got a BBL in londor and now he got a fatty
>I hate the game
>this makes the game bad
Ok. Do you also play racing games and complain about other cars being in the way?
You can sprint past stuff in DS2 just fine btw, mobs don't enter the boss room and I can't think of a single instance where some mob naruto runs to keep up with you.
bullgoats is heavier tho
Sprinting through an area you already went through is not the same as literally using CE you mongoloid
it has amazing scenery though, very atmospheric. copse, drangeic, majula...
God I love the Dancer fight. I could show up to her overleveled as fuck and kill her easily first try with CBV and still behaving fun. I love how unnatural and flowing her attacks are, the way everything about her fight sells the "dancer" theme, the music and footsteps, the way the arena catches on fire, the way her ass jiggles when you hit it. Solid 10/10 fight, I unironically wish they would learn back into "it's a spectacle because it's cool" rather than the "it's a spectacle because it's HARD AS FUCK LMAOOO" philosophy they embraced in ER.
>it's another guts freak
Again, what skill issue? There has never been any boss in any soulsborne game or sekiro that require skill. I did the little rhythm games and it wasn't as fun. Souls is better because you can just throw fireballs and tell the devs' gay faggot to fuck off without learning some gay dance.
how did they irk you
erg you
You dont even need a spell parry shield u can fucking unlock and walk around the projectile
good job
i like your haracter
i like fightering her eaely on with my broadsword
>it's a spectacle because it's cool
your rykard?
your rennala?
your godrick?
your elden beast? (yes he's incredibly fucking easy, he's a victory lap boss but with actual mechanics)
your radahn festival?
your golden godfrey who's basically a dark souls boss?
>your rykard?
>your rennala?
>your godrick?
>your elden beast?
>your radahn festival?
All dogged.
>good job
>i like your haracter
thank you! i like her aswell, wish the witch trousers had fishnets and boots like desert sorceress but alas
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Vordt is better.
rennala is rom but good
truth nuke
rennala exists to cuck casters that didn't find physical spells
I'd be interested to know how/why this came to be
Ya, it looks good, graphic fidelity isn't everything and atmosphere is more important, I just find the quality so jarring compared to DS1 (itself also very atmospheric)
i like how ds2 has some cute female witch clothings
fume sorceress, desert pyro, lion mage, black witch, singers dress.
Again, you can sprint ignore just fine in DS2 too. Do you just intentionally walk into mobs and wait for them to hit you?

Post a webm of you running from bonfire to a boss and failing to do so because mobs get in the way.
idk each area was probably worked on by different people and the shitty lighting and repeating textures were probably just slapped on due to time constraints and rewrites or something.
Anon, have you literally ever played DS2? What kind of build do you have that you can run through places like Black Gulch, Iron Keep, or Iron Passage?
Dark souls, but the setting is one of coomers.
People can choose who to invade to coom on. In your own world you are your waifu character, which is what shows up in the invasion list. As invader you are your lecher coomer character. You design both appearances at the start, and they are two sides of the same coin (i.e. character). How often your character coomed and got coomed on is public record.
dumb esl
kys gooner
Dark Souls but it's level based and you get rankings for how you complete the level.
i ran thru shrine of amana, black gulch, and iron passage (had to go naked because of the twop spell and thenr eequip eveyrbting in the bossfight) but iron keep run sounds like fucking aids bro
megaman zero 1 is the dark souls 1 of megaman games if you think about it
you can just CE through the DS2 areas after you beat them once, then
dishonesty and ds2 apologism name a better combo
The "I hold down circle while using my eyes" build.
dishonesty and sotfs hate
NTA but its literally impossible to run through all those alonne knights and captains to enter smelter demon
you can run through if you have like 40 poise but it's not guaranteed because the captain might shoot you in the ass with a greatarrow as you enter the fogwall
It's not though
Playing the original DS for the first time and I accidentally aggroed Solaire in Anor Londo. I went all the way back to the first bell tower to repent for my sins which supposedly makes him friendly again, but now he's completely gone. Can I still summon him for the bossfight?
hmm maybe he’s luring all the jnights onto diff platforms? idk it sounds like some benny hill shit
>forced to travel from anor londo back to fucking parish AND shell out some cash as punishment for fucking up
they don't make them like they used to...
I think your idea is very unique and cool
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Insane boss fight. Probably the tankiest entity in all of Dark Souls.
One big criticism is that I actually had to look up a guide to find his arena. It was behind an illusory wall. Imagine buying the DLC and missing out on this battle.
>No thrust attack
Why do they do this?
why the fuck is your sword still uninfused
He'll decide on str or dex before he fights Gael, OKAY chuddie?
Skill fucking issue.

You can do this youtube.com/watch?v=5PbRpX6aecE without killing the three dudes he kills in the clip, and even if you insist on doing so to "be safe" it is a bonfire run of fucking nothing.
He looks kinda weird from that angle
Choice paralysis. There are over a dozen infusions and I have no idea which one is best.
The +10 Broadsword is more than acceptable for now.
You can unlock the bridge to smelter demon. Yes, you'll have to fight a few alonne knights. They are very easy if you aren't charging in like an idiot. How many times exactly would one die on smelter demon such that this would be a huge problem?
don't reply to me with shit that i already know you fucking moron
whatever aligns with the stat that you leveled the most... that's literally it.
Iron Keep Smelter Demon boss run is the only area that I fully cleared out :)
You may have guessed: I'm not very good at rolling.
I really don't understand what is to like. He has a ton of HP and most of the time he is doing sonething that doesn't engage with the llauer unless you intentionally walk into like a dumbass. You then just wait for the moves that can be punished and you swing your weapon at him a few times. Its tracking is awful, its spacing too forgiving.
Ya, it looks cool. That is about the only thing I have to say for it.

Congrats on beating it, I'll just never see the appeal.
If you killed a single enemy it doesn’t count
broooo the animation and sound design on that weapon makes it seem like it weight like 500g and is made of aluminium how is this game even real
That is one thing about DS2. Eventually it will just despawn the enemies, so you always have an out should you want it.
My recommendation though is using bows to pull out enemies. Short bow requirements are so low nearly anyone should be able to. It is a DS1 classic strategy, but is even more useful in DS2.
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>in DeS it hits with the hammer end and does blunt damage
>one of the best weapons in the game
>in every game after they turned it around so you hit with the tiny spike end
>in DS3 and ER they shrunk it down as well for no reason
Why did they do it
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They absolutely massacred this thing. Fortunately the halberd in DS1 has the same moveset at least, though the damage type is worse.
you can't even poke with the pointy end in 3
the ds1 flamberge is so ugly
i like how they made it a ranged spell in 3
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just like my tamashii
>Search for comfy "magic only" walktrough
>Its all faggots minmaxing while naked and cheesing the bosses
I hate this fucking community.
>I know this
>but I'll still come here to whine like a toddler about bonfire-boss runs in ds2
From demonS to Sekiro, you don't need to fight anything but a handfull of key enemies to complete the game (without even glitching).
If you don't want/need the items or levels, you can beeline to everyboss, only ever stopping to defeat key progress enemies (very few of these).
even doe i didn't say that. learn to read.
>wanting to watch someone else play the game in a "comfy" way
You might be gay. Or, you just need a hobby.
>not making your own builds
elden ring would never
>From demonS to Sekiro, you don't need to fight anything but a handfull of key enemies to complete the game
my soulslike will have mandatory arenas a la DMC
if you open the shortcut you can throw em for a loop
requires an iq above 80 though
>Searching for builds in a game where the most fun part is making the build
>searching for walkthriughs and pretending youre above cheesers
vagetakino...take me back
Every person I replied to said it couldn't be done with the best offer being a "maybe at 40 poise, and even then risky". So you need to either stop being a whiny lying bitch, or you aren't one of those three people and you are retarded for butting in pretending to be one of them.
Why did ds2 have the only axe with bleed
pretty sure the guy who starts every single post of his with "even though" just has severe brain damage unironically
40 poise is to guarantee that you cant get hit out of fogwall by the knights. obviously you can get lucky and have a flawless run like in the video, but that's not guaranteed so 40-whatever poise is the easiest possible for selfish fucks who need to run past everything.
>"chyaaat, don't backseat"
>*plays like an absolute retard*
>"Oh nooos I'm out of flasks" right beside an obvious shortcut
Kill streamers
The fact that shit like this gets posted here with such confidence is why I treat all of you like room temperature IQ monkeys. I respect none of you and you monkeys like this anon to blame for it.
just something you take with you when u get in the gender swap coffin
That's not innate blee thobeit
i'm a girl.
forked hatcjet
A lot of them. I have to close the tab when I start screaming "two hand your weapon! Press triangle!" out loud
Again, skill issue. Nothing to do with luck.
My point stands, you can run by pretty much everything in the game and focus on bosses only if that is what you want to do. Everyone arguing the opposite with me is, objectively and demonstrably, a retard.
Don't (you) me ever again.
didn't say that tho so idc
Im not doing it to beat the game. I want to watch because Dark Souls Walkthroughs are very ambience heavy and its very relaxing for some reason.
now here's a face you can trust
who said that
>plays like an absolute retard
>starts whining
>chat turns into a whining echo chamber
yeah that's fucking autism
why don't you watch actual things like films, series, whathaveyou
vidya are meant to be played
the sound design and visual design are unmatched by any other game in the series that's why
>No leveling up
Fss.... I guess asking for someone to just play the game normally is too much to ask for Dark Souls players.
i need a hero
Invading high wall is fun
4cuck meltie
I do the same thing with old armored core. The sounds are very soothing.
>he used le racist word??? MELTIE!!
sl1ers are in the same boat as speedrunners. They are both trannies.
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go listen to asmr like a man
OMG is that a SPIRAL SAVE ME >>486919568
spoken like someone who got raped by dickwraith twinks in their childhood
git gud lol
So concludes our journey...
From the Asylum Demon in Dark Souls 1 to Gael in Dark Souls 3.
I give the Dark Souls trilogy + DLC a 9/10.
is mommy loves you asmr the best in slot background video type for invading
What build should I use to get to ng++ in Ds2?
gooners with a mother fetish are disgusting
what is so disgusting about loving your mother
they do it on purpose to generate more engagement nigga

New setting, fresh lore.
>decayed, futuristic city mixed with gothic ruins, like if Blame! and Dark Souls had a love child.
>still medieval vibe, but twisted with advanced, arcane technology.
>main shtick: you're a voidbound, a cursed warrior tethered to an artifact called the voidheart.
>lets you manipulate shadows and phase through reality, but it eats away at your soul.
>gotta balance using its power and not turning into a mindless husk.

>classic weapons, but add in tech relics that shoot dark energy, summon spectral blades, or create barriers.
>"grappling hook" tentqcle fro.your Voidheart that lets you yank enemies or launch yourself across gaps.

>City’s built on an ancient cataclysm, something that merged AI and ayys and fucked everything up.
>you're piecing together the history, fighting eldritch horrors, rogue AI knights, and ayys trying to ascend to AI-hood.

>massive, grotesque amalgamations of flesh and metal. Imagine fighting a dragon that’s fused with a skyscraper, or a knight whose armor is fused with sentient shadows.
>each one drops unique Void Shards that you can use to upgrade your Voidheart or craft new gear.

PvP and co-op
>keep invasions, but now you can summon players as shadow echoes to help you out. Invasions come with new mechanics where invaders can manipulate the environment, set traps, or temporarily obscure your vision.

>mainly dark
>neon glows mixed with ancient ruins. >environments change based on your actions, like using your Voidheart too much makes the world more hostile.
No bb or sekiro, I give your journey adjourned a "not complete" out of complete.
How's the hormone treatment coming along, sis?
>dragon that’s fused with a skyscraper
Wat the gogo inspector gadget shit is this
Only on gaystation. 7/10 game anyway
No, retard-kun, a game being made by FromSoftware doesn't make it a Soulsborne game.
Oh, forgot to tell you to kys
I did buy Sekiro so I will be sure to try it out when the time is right.
I agree, armored core isn't soulsborne, sekiro is. Now try again, this time try to get a better ending.
>Sekiro is soulsborne
Holy shit you are retarded. This "community" has never played any other video games.
dumb esl
>Invasions come with new mechanics where invaders can manipulate the environment, set traps, or temporarily obscure your vision
I just want a souls game with proper multiplayer and not the temporary summoning shit, but I guess people would dislike it because of griefers fucking up your world
Being an "acshully" unlikable dweeb is not an argument. Try again.
I could probably lift you up by the collar
Hello German who claims everyone who he disagrees with doesn't speak English as their first language.
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trying to be an irl tough guy on the internet is the saddest shit ever
kek looks like I was right on the money. nuFromers have literally only played half a dozen games.
The Dark Souls protagonist is probably the toughest guy in the universe and he is only 5'11''.
You mean like some sort of mmo open world thing?
Aa for griefers, my favourite game to this very day is Shadowbane. No handholding and two safehaven towns in the game. The rest was the wild west. Got PKd with a full inventory of loot? Aww that's too bad, no longers yours. You trysted that player to protrct your group and not sell out your position to the opposing guild to come TP in and murder all of you and take your stuff? That was misguided.
Too bad it is dead any every MMO and game since has daddy dev protecting all of your assets. Eve is the last bastion of the "grief" genre, but then I'd be playing Eve which I really don't enjoy.
He's 6'00 with proper posture
Source on that figure. Also the Dark Souls protagonist is a girl.
And yet Sekiro still remains a soulsborne game. Amazing.
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i ciuld lift you remaciated skeleton great grandma bitch
spoken like someone whose head fits perfectly into a toilet
skibidi toilet
I noticed this too. It is so often Germans saying this, which is ironic considering their foreign language skills are gutter-tier.
I went to Holland, and most of them speak English, many French and German too. I then go to Germany and its German only, and the few who can speak something else you usually wish they hadn't bothered.
stupid euro
I love germany
When's the germ poison build
The guy on here who does it is some kind of Slav or similar third worlder that moved to the west. He explained his story of how he's better than everyone else for not being a poor, alcoholic gopnik or something. I don't care if you're a doctor or a lawyer, you're still a faggot if you post on this website and this and in this general in particular. Bet he still uses "since" wrong like every other outlander.
i dont remember that ever happening here
I want to replay ds2, what weapon should I try out?
Getting cucked over and over againdespite being the largest European nation (anything east of the danube does not count) has given them a complex.
They have even managed to turn the holocaust into a pro by priding themselves in how openly they aknowledge their crimes and teach about the dark parts of their history.
Bravo you, you shit in your bed and now you want praise for openly admitting to shitting in your bed and telling everyone how bad you are for doing so. Like some kind of twisted religious shtick.
So ye, no surprise they go around all smug and shit. Which is what the esl thing really is, passive aggressive smugness (for the modern german fears being assertive)
Explains a lot.
germans usually suck total dick at german too. they have a total dogshit education system except at the very peak
there have been zero germans at the fcs. the guy who cries about being called esl also doesn't show up to fcs. grim times...
>like some sort of mmo open world thing?
I guess? I haven't played those big mmos and I find those pvp games with loot griefing to be pretty cancer lol. I'm thinking more about "normal" coop like in minecraft or factorio where you create a world but other players have the same permissions as you, so in the case of dark souls they would be able to do everything such as lvl up, talk to npcs, kill npcs, initiate boss fights, and loot stuff (loot should probably dupe locally though because it would be really annoying to have shared loot), and this is what I mean by people disliking griefing, because they'd have the same permissions you do. I think that maybe the host having access to a permission system would work, so randoms would get the regular coop souls games have, and for invasion you just can't give any more permissions because it's guaranteed griefing, but it would be fun if invaders could "possess" enemies to fuck with the players. It would be fun to have all the settings so you could make a world where it would be like those pvp grief mmos but I'm pretty sure people would only join in to quickly kill all npcs and leave
stfu stupid annoying bitch we're talking about germans in dark souls
He will often reply with only "retard" to posts.
But anon, nobody other than the discord troons care about fcs.
yeah there are some germs in the gutter
that's exactly what a newfag would say. lurk more or something even though i also don't want you to fit in because i hate you.
5 minutes pass without someone giving this tr00n (negative) attention and he has to make it about him. Like clockwork.
<3 lets be cute women together
You mistook my comment for something other than a statement, you dumb discord troon.
That is what you get for posting your Dark Souls playthrough.
thanks for censoring that word
blatant falseflag discord op
What fcs?
It's pretty good. I don't like the lightning phase that much and the desperation "multi-dance combo" at the end but the other two are good What base game enemy though? The guard lions?
>things germans being called out would say
Ain't fooling nobody Hans. Krauts and slavs in this game (and others) are a scourge.
i just block chinks and euromutts so i dont think about them too much
Osaka - Demon's Souls
Sakaki - Dark Souls
Tomo - Dark Souls II
Kagura - Dark Souls III
Chiyo - Bloodborne
Yomi - Sekiro
hot girl in you're pic
esl fail
retarded newfag
No, I don't. In 664 replies there are 5 fcs mentions ITT. Three state negatives about them. One is your attention post. The last is my rethorical question you decided to answer anyway.

What fcs?
you're not cool for making references
It is "dumb esl"
It is just "retard"
wasn't aware that i was talking to a goldfish
I like this. It won't happen, nor anything like it though.

I just want an ass&titty FromSoft game
we should have gatekept harder
I know you aren't aware, it is a recurring theme with you.
you can't gatekeep on 4chan
blub blub blub
Has anyone here done hitless radahn yet
i dont want to play the dlc again for a while
There's only so much you can do. Unsurprisingly the only people still interested in the shitty pvp for a decade old game are mentally ill. All the normal people moved on and gave up on gatekeeping, so now these troons fester in here.
Hi secondary
Anyone want to play ds2 coop tmrw. We can start from the beginning of the game.
fuck off enma you mentally ill autist
what's your excuse for posting every single day in the dogshit trannygeneral then
Which god?
Why would I do a challenge run of a shitty boss? I'd rather do something fun than grund for a clip to share with my trooncord sistas.
can you hitless it next time
I'm proud to be esl though, this dogshit language can't even do pronouns properly lmao
>singular they/them, """"themself""""
>a single dude with a male voice, nickname "bigjoe135", profile pic is a dude
the ergites have gone insane
We would have been stuck on DeS. We didn't open the floodgates. FS did by making a game with broad market appeal. The difficulty of these games is a meme used as marketing ploy. Any idiot with functioning hands and eyes can finish souls. Take something like N++ though and the gate is held firmly shut, because no casual is completing those types of games.
Kremmel. I'll make a post tomorrow when I'm on.
They need more madness moss balls
We should have self policed harder
singular they/them is improper in that case tho. it's no wonder that you're not an efl yet.
Behold, the troon.
Trannies using their language wrong doesn't mean the language is bad. Same goes for nuggets saying y'all.
that's how the average efl writes now, retard, it's not just le troons
I've been doing hitless runs so when I replay the game i'll never struggle and it always works except it's not working for Radahn I can't beat him 3 times in a row.
My niggerphone autocorrected the word nigger there. My apologies.
they're spiritual esl retards...
stop posting from your huawei then
Why would anyone want to replay From's worst DLC? I had 1k hours in this game and I got halfway into a second run of the dlc and just realized it is dogshit and I uninstalled the game. SotE was such a disaster it really makes me question where FS goes from here.
Seems like NG+ is where the action is at. Frequent invasions in nearly every zone; 3 sunbro signs outside the Throne of Want. Honestly surprised by the level of activity.
I genuinely think that Souls discourse would improve exponentially if everyone was required to attach 5 minutes of their own gameplay to any written comment about game design / balance.
They could start by making an actually hard game. One designed with mechanics that are hard to master. Not just jannky bosses with weird hitboxes and fubard camera tracking.
Deflect tear run with the star-linned katana
pressed n twice award
I like to think that Ashen One goes around inviting all the NPCs who survive till endgame to the new Painted World. Firekeeper, Anri, Andre, Patches, the vendors who don't get btfo. Londor can fuck off but everyone else can come. We're just riding it out in a comfy fresh painting until a new fire shows up one day.
I mean that's doable right? Just start doing it and disregard anyone who doesn't. Though I'd bring down the time from 5 to 1 or 2 minutes or "an action". 5 minutes is pretty long for shitty soundless webms on a taiwanese macaroni art forum.
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In DS2, are there any other spears that are mainly just slashes like Yorgh's Spear? Or are Halberds my best bet?
radahn has true undodgeables unless you got blind spot so good luck
Beach episode Friede. Would.
she's dead, idiot
There's already no hit runs for the boss though?
I was less thinking in terms of WebMs, more thinking in terms of a utopian world where we can look up anyone's gameplay at will, and have casuals identified and marked so that their opinions are worth less than dirt. Maybe make them wear armbands so we can identify them on sight, and segregate them into casual-only communities where they can be happy and productive with their own kind.
From misunderstands hardness. They think Radahn 2 is the way to do it. They think Isshin or Owl is the way to do it. Time your dodge/block or get fucked, Simon didn't say, nerd. I'd rather they add some depth that isn't necessary to fully grasp to beat the game but is required to 100% the game. Like if you can't pull off a mechanic consistently and plan out how to use it in the right context you stand no chance.
There are, they're very safe but they're there.
I don't think there's a no-hit no-roll yet.
revived her with the power of my nose, her ashes still had her feet aroma
you can backstep or deflect tear those
She'd be beef jerky hollow though, you kill her and steal her soul
She's an undead, they just respawn
dlc is breaking my spirits in the spell randomizer run can't take this shit no more
Just stop playing. You'll be glad you did. Sometimes the real challenge is knowing when it's not fun anymore and walking away.
That's basically one slash, I meant a hybrid sort of thing like how Yorgh's Spear is half Halberd moves. Something you actually slash with.
Maybe I'll just use this Dragonrider halberd.
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it was fun until i just blew myself up 30 times in a row
syan's halberd is a halberd that has some spear moves if u want that idk
santiers spear is a mix of spear and twinblade
what is the absolute worst place to invade in the dlc
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specimen storehouse
yeah by praying he doesn't do the one undodgeable hard to parry attack
>Elishoquan's Razor
>Finest work of Elegablucas the great wizard-blacksmith of neo-detroit, given to jamarshel the bold in his expedition to umpalumpaland.
Fromsoft fans get erect reading this stuff.
which attack?
his cross attack is fucked up and evil so you have to use deflect tear and backstep tali for it
gaysteel L:MAO
so what's the appeal of this? all of the webms I see of this is just you killing yourself with this shit, it's not even cool like how tetris works
what are the best talis for blind spot bhb blades
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It's fun get random spells that blow enemies up and the occasional lucky heal spell, but there are so many effects taht will just insta kill you that it's getting tiresome. My favorite spell is probably this purple laser that can't hit enemies locked on so you have to unlock and turn your character in roder for it to hit anything. Also the snake lady's head is a spell which does a lot of damage, it's pretty funny.
the multi-hit talis and alex shard
Thanks, anons. For now I'll go farm Syan Knights in Drangleic Castle because I forgot how evil the Veldstat area was.
>walk up to enemy
>press l1 and pray
doesn't sound like much fun
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unlock or strafe actually*
I like rng and it's also funny to see all of the effects in ds2.
why is the flower hammer actually good
I have never read a single item description. I just don't care. I think you have to be a woman or lgbtqp to bother with this flavor text mumbo jumbo.
end of the run? u did dlcs already?
banning flower hammer debuff and r1s from the fc also poise is banned too
most altruistic aryan award
i fully cleared brume but im taking a break from shulva to kill nashandra since i want her chime.
*zaps you with the L2*
what is this.
flower hammer is good swappa
what about igon's harpoon
>but with a chargeable wa and poise
the flower is a god3 weapon
How much VIG should I have for DS3 pvp?
37 with p.chain
40 to 46
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Just loaded up my DaS1 (The original prepare to die, not the remaster) and I'm at the kiln after I defeated Gywn. I cant decide if i should go into NG+ or try to load up an old NG save file I have saved in another folder.

What would /fsg/ do? Do you prefer NG or NG+?
i would start a cool sl1 run

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