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Happy birthday Childe/Ajax/Cheld/eleventh of the nine fatui harbingers

Previous: >>486829275

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
recycle or nah?
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For me, Its Fischl!
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I think you need a reminder of who the first Archon and banner was.
based drawnigger >>486872363
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>me laughing at the controversy while pretending to not be affected by the negaitve comments about natural skin colors like mine
why would you be affected?
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Decide /gig/
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>Venti the Femboy Archon
Fujos hate femboy/traps archetypes, retard.
Im so glad that the furries in ZZZ filter all the retarded normalfags like the femcel nahida chestlet

I would rather deal with furries than with retarded woman
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Was this view necessary?
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And who was the second Archon? Surely he was NOTHING like Neuvillette
I want Fontain Kirara to step on my balls
im brown
Error: Duplicate file exists. here.
Funny enough, Venti is such a gigachad that I dont mind his gay braids. He could do without and it would fix his design immensely but whatever. Still would drink a beer with
correct, zhongli is not effemminate and actually earned his position
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do you hate yourself?
Auntie Eula Abyss Cycle
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for me it's emiSEX
don't worry it's all ironic shitposting by friendless autists, don't let it get to you
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so true
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>make one of the best elemental systems
>make a new gamemode that restricts it so much it practically doesnt exist anymore
>make the strongest character/team treat it as an afterthought
fire the chink niggers working on gameplay already jesus christ
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it's event time
Don't summon him again, koko
>>make one of the best elemental systems
>ruin it with dendro
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sex with Alhtham
>actually earned his position
Didn't he just go around squashing jobbers like the God of fucking Salt?
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the highlight of 5.0
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sex with alhaitham
.. is mualani.
>furina of all people as the hydro applier
Impressive, even if a c6r5 whale.
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Childe SOON
Im going to roll on the weapon banner for sure.
>I win and get her weapon
>I lose but get Yelans weapon
>I lose and get shit
I take the 66% odds
are you brazilian?
God of Salt died because of her and her people's retardation, not because of Zhong. He fought stronger foes during the Archon war.
why would that team need a hydro applier? it's just a generic eula team with raiden as the superconduct bot
what a funny post!
such a jester you are
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Well, who are you choosing?
that's still x1000 of what neuv did, which is lazing around at his nepo job while children were playing the hunger games in his nation
he didn't kill havria tho that was some random npc
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>not funny
>not cute
>not sexy
>not interesting
>not mysterious
>not smart
>not stupid

this character contributes 0% for the enjoyment of every event she's in, i simply can't feel anything towards Navia and if she were to be replaced by literally any other character nothing would change
her personality was created to be le mafia baby with daddy issues, you take away the issues and her goons and all that's left is this super generic girl with no salt.
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he's here!
>Land of the Dragons...
>teehee have a chinchilla girl, the only one of her kind in the game
>also she wears modern day sneakers and modernday tennis cap as a miner because...... shut up she just does!
Pedophiles really have 0 standards
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rate them
liyue was a thunderdome of gods and he was the one to come out on top and he lost a bunch of his homies so it doesnt seem to be a one sided stomp
salt goddess jobbed to her people iirc but it been a long ass time since i played that quest
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I'm picking the gifting sovereign
>God of Salt died because of her and her people's retardation
Only her people were retarded
shes a genshin barbie
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in the card game
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Truck is pretty strong. Why did people doompost her again?
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at least you admit it, a lot of people swear they're white just because they're not black
There's 2 pyro lectors you need to defeat very quickly, because they're in a 3-wave floor.
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Remember when Zhongli had a panic attack over HIS presence in Chenyu Vale?
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she just came out
>shitposters dont play the game
Dont respond to people who use the jewish term for Latinas
she is a filler character that just exists for the sake of existing
but she is a step above npcsloppa since she has a unique model
>everyone has battles fought 20+
lmao this is /gig/'s best
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For me, it's Iansan.
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>The camera is positioned correctly
oh right lol I forgot about those, well maybe he just cleared the first side very quickly
did you just realize that every single female in fontaine is for boring ass woman to self insert

why do you think a man with pants like furina is so popular among woman
This anon
>not funny
>not cute
>not sexy
>not interesting
>not mysterious
>not smart
Huh, seems like you have a plus here
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give me cunny and I will be happy
I will buy every top-up after the reset to C6 her
2024 > 2021 > 2023 > 2022
>using homolab
>he doenst try different teams after he clears
I have both recency and winter bias
I skipped through all of her dialogue this event because she’s absolutely boring.
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How can anyone ever forget this shameful display?
I cleared it on my first try, just wanted to try different comps
I dont think you guys should say anything about standards after going awooga for a half naked vtuber ripoff.
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for me it's on reverse, while the earlier years showed more skin, I like the newer faces better
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It's just more elemental application on top of Raiden and Charlotte, a DMG booster for Eula and Raiden. And Raiden can battery Furina without me needing another Hydro character.
I guess as an added benefit I can get freeze + shatter for Eula but it wasn't the point.
Eula's burst detonated instantly when the lectors appeared, and then I broke the totems and shields by spamming elements. Eula took care of the knights after it.
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not really, but some of the those comments made me feel a little bad when i watched tectone's vid. then i have to remember its a societal thing and not reflective of me.
lmao everyone who plays genshin has an account
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success breeds jealousy
this art hurts my eyes
Server lagged out during mine so the characters still say 12 but it says 14 battles
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>avoiding him
>on his own turf
You know Neuv laughed his ass off on the way back to Fontaine
It's okay because the shitposters here have likely never played the game.
if every other enemy gets melted in 10 seconds by whaled out c6 units there is more than enough time for raidens electro furinas hydro and charlottes cryo to melt to the lectors
>sold less than fucking DOAya
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Jokes on you then cause I absolutely detest all of the Natlan designs shown so far. If you werent able to get that from my criticism regarding geo child, then not only do you suffer from a lack of standards, but also brains.
opinion discarded
Anon, she put herself in a tight spot by trying to evade the war as best as he could. She was losing lands rapidly and would die either way. She was a retard simply for not looking for alliances and preferring to stay passive without having any means of defense. Even if her people didn't kill her, another God would sooner than later.
Uh you know you can't play the game without one right?
make your followers private so i can follow you retarf
I dont think he even knew the Geo Archon was nearby.
He is kind of a doofus in that regard.
there are different login methods than hoyolab, though yeah hoyolab is definitely the safest and easiest
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What are you scared of?
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no, but im mixed with african and portuguese so i could probably pass as one
she refused to fight and consneeded territory until she had nothing
some faggot had enough and said bitch if you aren't going to do anything we're getting conquered, so they killed her and they all died to the post-death elemental blast. which doesn't exist anymore now lole
Sis, you're not going to like the alternative
"geo archon" doesnt exist anymore
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Are you okay bwo?
dont respond to a 2016 tourist.
sis, we're all bwos here
Ok sis
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I'm going to clear out as many chests in Sumeru as I can, wish me luck
Repeat after me.
Raiden Shogun
Dori as event protagonist fucking when?
she's one of the funniest characters but she rarely has any long screentime
>have a perfectly likeable cast
>ruin it with wand*rer
why did they do it?
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>post-death elemental blast. which doesn't exist anymore now lole
isnt that how remuria flooded thet just forgot it in the AQ because hack xiao is retarded
they gotta hit the catkilling quota
Hydro archon doesnt exist anymore, the geo archon sure does. Even if he doesnt have a form/only exists in the gnosis or whatever.

Not like the geo sovereign got his power back.
I like wanderer
okay father
These are all underaged and can be reported as such.
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good luck
he couldn't even tell he was there, that's just how weak the god of china is. He thought he was a regular rice farmer
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They're going to see that I'm a pay piggie and I'll lose my F2P rights on /gig/...
>500 years
>no one thought to modify wanderer to look more buff because he was already extremely durable as a puppet
i feel bad for him
I like her positive attitude
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she is by far the most hated character by the larger fanbase
they will never do that
The pom poms are cute.
MHY should stop being cowards and make her an event's antagonist instead
geo throne still exists
geo archon doesnt
hmm true
>I like wanderer
you have HIV
you have AIDS
you have GRIDS
you have HPV
you have anal worms
you have severe brain damage
uh oh, anti-bwo melty
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bro you forgot someone...
You posted a Primordial God (Genshin), though?
I thought he just proclaimed himself retired and faked his death like Christian Bale Batman?
Age is truly a bitch
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Reminder: You can easily get 80% of all Sumeru collectibles by just pressing T.
The T-key will be your best friend!

I hope you are watching something on the side while pressing T, cause otherwise it will be a very boring experience!
calm down blud
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>incels like boring femoids with the same personalities and calling them "a likable cast"
No wonder they flopped qmong normal people.
This sister is twelve btw
Hey, /gig/ bros.

I've never used twitter before. How do I type of a "twitter hash tag" so people see it?

I want to tell the boycotters how stupid they are.
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The streaming event is going great!
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Remember unironically, wholeheartedly and sincerely posting pic related?
Every event should be nothing but Neuvillette and Furina throwing sexual innuendos at each other.
Suck to be you, being stuck in a game for children and unable to leave due to sunk cost.
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>4.8 is out
>5.0 is in beta
>still no playable hydro archon
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I love you bwos
sounds boring
This but unironically
what was it about? looks or stereotypes?
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Will it really stop Hoyo? Sometimes I think they just tell the stories they want to tell. For example we got the Inazuma event with Xinyan.
Fanart already does this enough with hidden cuckshit. There's always a body or container of water in every Furina fan art (which represents Neuvillette).
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>No wonder they flopped qmong normal people.
wuv u 2 bwo
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Ganyu sized AOE, nice
Crazy. I only just hit 5h, gonna hit the 6h min threshold once I get up lol
literally only kavehfag sisters hate Dori
Here's a special secret
If you switch to your Qiqi and spam the climb faster button, you can fit through the cracks of the GIGA TREASURE ROOM without doing the quest and you can look at all the chests! They are locked though.
and we haven't seen xinyan since
despite the whole thing about rock coming from fontaine, she hasn't shown up at all. even in the latest music festival event.
based schizo
Nilou and Navia are terrible characters. Only Kirara is good.
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You type whatever random shit you want to say and then use the hashtag
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Does she want crit rate at c0 and when used as just a support? How much should I aim for??
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You rike? His magnum opus btw.
she appeared for ten minutes in that cooking mini-event in liyooe
cry harder, that's what you are
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>No wonder they flopped qmong normal people.
Most people don't care for Shitto or Klee yet they still shill them like crazy.
Do you just type "#whatever" and it comes out blue?
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that would make the trannies seethe and talk bad about mihoyo...oh wait...
Akihito Tsukushi is mega based
Nahida Nahida on the wall, who is the sleepiest of them all?
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just don’t let shitstirrers get to you bwo
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go back, you belong there
she gets like 24% free crit rate from her passive with over 1k EM, she does decent dmg even at c0, EM/dendro/crit is ideal but if you have bad artifacts or just really want that EM boost and dont need extra dmg you can go em/em/em
Genshin is a nuclear tier flop right now but Firefly could still save it
50/160+crit 700+em
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The banner isn't doing well, it's definitely because people don't like the characters and not because there's still a new character later in this patch as well as the teasers with all the upcoming Natlan characters including the archon making people choose to save, definitely not that.
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Nahida already gains free crit rate with EM
like 30% should be more than enough
she has a scene in Sumeru side-quest in this event but it's kinda lame because she knows Alice and they could use her in a better way for the Summer event.
>The "Goddesses" in Simulanka are based off of each of the previous Descenders.
>The Goddess of Creation is The Primordial One, who created Teyvat and all living things.
>The Goddess of Prophecy is The Second Who Came, who rules over the Abyss and is responsible for the night sky and constellations
>The Goddess of Fate is The Third Descender, who is responsible for Visions

you can go EM/EM/EM if you are lazy or EM/dendro%(or EM)/crit, get as much EM as you can and aim for 40-50% crit rate
yeah, when I did it just now it even gave me an autofill list with popular hashtags so you can probably just pick some random ones that sound relevant
idc about him as a character, or the story as a whole i play him squarely for the fun gameplay. i love flying and shing shing shing attacking. couldn't imagine trying to explore without him, he makes it so easy
this moment was easily the highlight of the event
a gods archon status is tied to recognition by celestia and ownership of a gnosis
that is why deshret, despite being the strongest and most powerful of sumeru gods, was never an archon, he didnt want to accept that shit
azdaha himself said he was able to tell morax is no longer archon
To all the North Americans reading this, you aren't welcome on 4chan. Go back to twitter and reddit.
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>3 fucking bimbos that do nothing other than playing along the script

this is the worst summer event and its not even wanderers fault
No. This is my home.
So are we the fourth goddess or the first god
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tortellini is to based.
heis always worried about us and give us good gifts.
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Just go full EM.
>Interaction in certain gameplay modes
No clue what it does, never used it
I'll keep it in mind, might be fun. I have Qiqi, but does it work with other small characters?
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Thanks anons, I was doing her wrong then, she has 400 em and 45 crit rate
The only good Summer event was gaa1.
kinda annoying they keep tying the more fun exploration mechanics to insufferable manlets
How will Tiffany ruin natlan?
i'm gonna log into genshin and kiss him rn
Femcel devs are bitter and actively try to ruin good things
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Mr Sony kissing Dawei rn
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we run this shit and are here to stay
deal with it, nerd
go back to your san andreas facebook group, you don't belong here
wanderer was the real hero the whole time?
This made me chuckle :/
Klee peeing in my mouth
>400 em
based give him another from me too
holy cope
I'm trans btw dunno if it matters
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I know that's a hard concept for your zoomer brain, but there's only 2 genres.
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Kirara is hard carrying this event though
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Nahida's stats are optional if you're playing her as pure support. Just put on 4pc Deepwood with EM/EM/EM and EM > ER substats if possible.
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i can definitely see how if you don't like him he can be annoying, his voicelines are super chatty. but again to me at least his gameplay more than makes up for it
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so uh...why the fuck is Navia the "king" of buttfucknowhere and not the "queen"?
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Gros I unbricked my account
>there's only 2 genres
country and western?
where is the rest of the natlan cast?
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I mean it doesnt really matter.
Who cares about the literally whos you are talking about say?
Love yourself and believe you are the best is the key to victory.
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sorry paco but you're on the same level as troons in the social pyramid
/gig/ says that PS4/5 doesn't count
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Unironically there's clearly a bunch of higher ups on the Genshin team who are deliberately taking decisions that come maybe from their own preference, or their own pettiness, rather than taking into account the best interests of the company, and seeing the nature of those decisions through the direction the game has taking you can tell it's women who've been calling those shots. I've gone through far too much corporate bullshit at this point to not be able to see through this sort of thing.
I dont know why you guys are complaining, the writing is very funny again just like last years.
>traveler - camera
new player here, i like kinich but i would prefer nahida over emilie if he needs a second dendro for burning, would skipping emilie and waiting for nahida be good?
there's no coming back from this
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I'm not fat.
i don't get why people dislike Wanderer
he's pretty much the Vegeta of Genshin, the villain who joined the good side but is still kinda scummy, he's not your average goody two-shoes like everyone else and can add some spice to the story, characters like that are appealing to me.
Meant for
>peruano being nice to spics
real men have fat tits deal with it chud
don't forget to grab her weapon now too
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yes good
Fate reference. Event has a couple of them
if it weren't for Wanderer in the event I would've uninstalled this kusoge already
we will have to stare at those hips and thighs for the better part of act I...
retarf, you only need 800EM.

she wants 800EM and crit (more crit dmg than rate because she boosts her own rate up to 24%), ER is usually unneeded but doesn't hurt to have 110% if she is solo dendro.
you can go EM/dendro/EM or EM/EM/crit, all depends on your substats.
reminder wandertrannies never gave any proof this happened
why is their umbilical cords touching the faces of genshins
that tribe will be so angry when they update genshin and the characters are all white
they will be relocated to the animal crossing team soon
trust the plan
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What did she mean by this?
Those are smell squiggles
And Navia was the best they could find for a Saber equivalent? Grim.
All he does is being a fucking nagging annoying kid
that just makes him even worse
I doubt any of them will acknowledge this, but still.

Thank you, anon. Appreciate it.
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Babala hasn't gotten her daily reipu yet
I’d recommend skipping Emilie just so that you can have a better chance at getting Kinich or his cons desu
King is a position, there were female kings in some European countries if they couldn't find a male heir
>woman is called father
>a femboy is called lady
>nation is ruled by a faggot in drag
4.X is pozzed as fuck
I want to kiss "him"
Why didn't they introduce any natlan characters during fontaine, like they did with charlotte in 3.7
This fossil is 3.7 billion years old
Maybe they'll be happier working for a game like that instead of selling 3D models for horny people
breast envy
It's confirmed fake
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>daigo lost against an aki
>4.8 event sucks ass
>mualani got nerfed

fuck this shit
Fontaine CRUSHED social conventions on gender, deal with it chud
well he sure as hell is much better than the majority of the other shotas
most of the retardeds who hate him are mentally ill porn addicts who think Nahida is cucking them with him (this whole general)
you will also have to level characters to lv100
spread your ass for dawei
>event is fun
>go on /gig/
>femcels seething at navia
>incels seething at wanderer
another good day to not be mentally ill
This mode is such a lost cause and they can't scrap it because of all the fancy assets it has
kys nahitroon
>a femboy is called lady
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goddamn that's hot
he fucked my child wife
Navia is so pretty.
FLOPtaine also crushed this game sales...
This image has CP embed on it btw
I like her facial hair
bro literally anyone that critiques dragonball crap on the part where bejita just starts living at capsule corporation after what he does on namek

if you weren't a mentally ill shotacoomer you'd be aware fat xiao has only had nahida interact with the manlet out of all playables
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>Post this on hoyolab
>instantly blocked by user
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how do you know this??
thats your own headcanon
>85kb jpg
yea right
i had to reset twice because my first teams jobbed hard both sides, changed teams and it went smoothly
Just as a joke, haha
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GAA2 vibe...
The mode would've been fine if you weren't forced to build so many fucking characters. What would've been a better idea is forcing you to use built trial characters that are moderate F2P levels of investment with 4 star weapons and 60CR/120CD alongside some of your own built characters.
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Rosaria bullied Barbara to the point that Barbara's EN voice lost all joy, and in return Barbara prayed for Rosaria to lose her breasts
Daigo is old and washed and alcoholic
i went out of my way to search for a stream with 15 hours but theres so many people at 1 viewer that i just ended giving up lmao
they're literally reusing assets everywhere all the time
>event is fun
Cool buzzword
cool buzzword
Just because something is fun doesn't excuse its flaws. Don't call it fun; it becomes a buzzword at that point.
why is it white?
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It took me 15 attempts because I had to reset three times on the fucking defend the spire chamber because of shit rng.
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So which one of you is spamming scat in /bag/?
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I love kirara so much, cant believe it took me this long to get her, the last 4* I was missing, I also get to get her c1 for free tomorrow...
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Just realized that the new daily commission system means that I might end up being low on Natlan monster materials (so I have to prefarm instead of already having a giant stash) since I won't be mowing down random enemies while doing dailies
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Did they really had to ruin this event by bringing the void of personality that is Nilou?
what's Wanderer's personality?
Only thing that bugs me about doing this is I can't use mods while streaming (I mean they're probably not checking, but not worth the chance), so I can only play with them in the 2nd half of a patch.
cool buzzword
Xinyan was in the summer event before Fontaine as well...Then she sang with Hu Tao later...
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>washed and alcoholic

just like me....
Annoying 10 year old you want to kick
Isn't it just the usual scatmonkey? I thought he stopped
I'm still trying to get her c4 to make her usable as solo dendro in aggravate.
>n-no u
concession accepted
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Why'd she do it, bwos?
Saiyan Saga Piccolo.
Only dumber.
Furina is a guy?
Natlan's natives are cursed and can't leave the country. It's why that Fontaine NPC decided to move to Natlan to be with his girlfriend.
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Tsundere with a crazy murderer side
Basically a cat
intelligent, nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor
The lolcow is still sperging out in the previous thread, holy kek.


Replace wanderer with neuvilette

does the event become better??
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Cute Fontainian boys...
Whiny faggot, just like his fans
>apologize for making the gamemode shit
>double down and make it worse
sasuga da wei
im still not playing honkai
I posted girl nipples on /gig/ today and got away with it. How cool am I?
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so no natlan foreshadowing in the event??
At least 8 inches, maybe more
Don't mind the retards, just enjoy
You just brought him here
abusive edgekino bf
I am using her as an EM buffer for nahida but I really want c4 for her too since it would help nahida proc more Es, I am low on primos but im using all I can on the banner since I do want nilou, the kirara is a nice bonus but 4*s are pain
shut the fuck up !akemi
Yea, Neuv's autism is more endearing than whatever Wanderer has going on
>uhhhh it's definitely women
He will not refuse to address because he is not a coward
>crazy murderer side
not anymore, he's a complete sweetheart and would never hurt a fly
Yes more navia x neuv moments
This is what Wanderer's son looks like btw.
His unique model basically confirms that he's permanent and will appear after the event.
I'd sooner believe a wanderer tranny themselves would do some shit like that given how insanely mentally ill they all are.
What is Navia personality?
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cool buzzword
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whose pov is this?
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Bwos, I am not gay, but I've been jerking off to Freminet porn for the past four days. What does this mean?
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Hot Natlanian hags...
being my wife
>State that 14 is an acceptable age to start lusting after young teens IRL and unironically calls themselves a MAP
>Gets called a pedo
>Applies this same logic to anime characters
>Gets called a lolicon
>"Why do people not accept me."
It's cool how the devs added Solar Beam into the game. Anyone else pulling for Kinich?
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It's literally never anyone but you, !Akemi. You are ALWAYS the one causing problems and ruining threads.

You will ALWAYS start shit in new threads because this is all you have in your life.
yes because I like neuv's soft autism over wanderer's snarky shit
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>corrupted abyssal dragon looks like a shitty plush
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She drives a truck
Shes uhhh uhh uhhhhh
sounds like perfectly straight behavior to me
I'm the father
Taunting someone for hours because you know they have a mental disorder sends you to Hell, just so you're aware. It's despicable behavior whether you're online or not.
>I've been jerking off to Freminet porn
you have HIV
you have AIDS
you have GRIDS
you have HPV
you have anal worms
you have severe brain damage
>Durin looks like that
Scaratroon ruins everything he touches
The kind of person to roll a seduction check on a table corner
oh was it a pretty song?
I told you you brought him here kek
>!Akemi starts raging hard as fuck as soon as he sees posts he dislikes
>he LITERALLY can not stop himself from going ape shit and spamming
And as always, you are the only one with mental disorders, !Akemi.
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Don't forget who owns you, /gig/
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>Wanderer also got himself a Digimon/Pokemon
holy kek
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You know who...
earnest and headstrong.
Bimbo who likes desserts.
can someone explain why /vp/ fags moved here to fight?
I think he is confusing black people for arabs.
im here
natlan crumbs???
>there's already art of Venti with Mavuika
Kinda based
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playful, confident and optimistic, who has grown into a good a reliable, empathetic yet blunt leadership role
He must've gotten bold enough after spending the past half year baiting with yuri
It is the history of the creation of Teyvat
It was both.
1. Christ cuck lol
2. He's been at it for 10 years, so whatever.
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Is there really no Furina? I've been avoiding leaks, but his me with it.
It's so fucking funny watching you BEG people to think you're more than one person.
Thanks to kimchi now solar beam is canon on natlan
yeah whatever we all know paimon will just give it her own stupid name anyway
Is natlan going to be another island like inazuma?? Didn't they learn nothing?
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>Area 100% explored
>treasure compass finds more chests
>anemo statues 100% completed
>find another anemoculus half-buried in the ground a mile up a sheer cliff
It's a boy
So how many years have you obsessed over him?
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>not a single of these characteristics were here during AQ
Some people still think it's a good story and definitely wasn't rewritten couple of times.
Durin looks like THIS??
daaawww that is so cute
didn't we have enough of this pitybait trash
The game marks a location 100% explored when you get like 95% of the actual stuff

Yes its retarded.
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now THATS a woman
>it's impossible, that in over ten years, there has never been more than a single person who wants to me to stop shitposting and ruining threads
This is how delusional you are, !Akemi.
That makes no sense.
lost ALL aura
I remember tuning in and just seeing mika koharu spam months ago. as someone who likes Mika I just laughed at it and moved on
and you tell me this game isn't for fucking toddlers man what the fjuck
Kurumi and Xolze are literal Hoyoverse games goddesses.
Wormvillette did flop. FraudFly is a shit overrated unit. Love me autistic Asian women.
>He doesn't know
literally all of them were, not from the start though as she went through character development
Don't you want to behave honorably so that you can be proud of yourself as a person though?
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>dreamt of Nahida
>wake up
>want to do nothing but go back to napping
How do I escape the cycle
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Only two more em pieces to finally make a koko for my new nilou team...
Stacy who isn’t one because every scene she is crying about her daddy
Gig swears that Xinyan, Candace and Dehya are black women
You, !Akemi, have been obsessed with "ack" every single waking second of your life for past 12 years.
No one else would care that you are told to stop shitposting. No one would try to "troll" people who tell you to stop shitposting. You are totally alone.
psychedelic drugs
It's a straightforward question, really. You lolcow obsessed faggots are just as mentally ill as the spergs you spend years obsessing over. Now how many years have you been emotionally invested in tormenting this sperg in particular?
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Judge it for yourself bwo. Most people prefer the jpn Xinyan and chink Hu Tao edit though. English version sounded like dogshit.
Find the real dreamer
Durin was always a silly shota in an abyssal creature body, lorelets.
He saw the world similar to melusines and didn't realized how deadly he is.
Did you fags think Wanderer would have a giant dragon appear every time he's in an event
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Nahida is really sexy.
12 years. !Akemi has been obsessed with "ack" now for 12 years. And literally the only thing that qualifies someone as being "ack" in his mind is that they tell him to stop shitposting.
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>while walking and jumping you can hear little bells jingle
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just exchange the n from napping for a F
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I finally understand... He's raising Rhinedottir's son... To think that it was Wanderer, and not Traveller who was... *it* all along... Bravo Fat Xiao... To think you would collaborate with the data miners just to set up this twist... My kneels are kneeling....
Every nation has 1 extra culus above what is needed. And some varying amount of chests above "100%" (I think there's just one Mond area that is the only one where you need true 100% to get 100% showing on the map).
that was elynas retarded lorelet
Thats Elynas.
I hope my favorite never interacts with troonderer
you cracked the code
This event really has some great hidden lore.

That said, given recent events Mona probably knows Barbeloth wanted her to stay in Mondstadt. Barbeloth is a visionary, far better than Mona. She knew Mona would open her book.
Durin as well you cumstain, he wrecked shit thinking he was playing with Dvalin
>playful, confident and optimistic
It's opposite actually - you could see them during first trial investigation, but later she got struck by one disaster after another and all she done was BWEEEEEEH hard.
>reliable, empathetic yet blunt leadership role
Definitely we didn't saw it during AQ.
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Durin is the giant machine dragon in the trailer. Then everyone prays for him to become small so he can lives with the people of Simulanka

Also Wanderer and Nilou aren't prince and princess
while i don't care about her father you better put some respect on melus's and silver's names. they were true bros to the end. managing to hold onto their individualities and off the torrent of resentment to protect her was true loyalty
Again, that doesn't make sense. Are you mentally ill and obsessed with Genshin Impact because you play it every day? If he's /here/ I say ack or solar beam, or something. That's all.
Hmm it sounds bad but in a funny way
ack deserves it for shitting on my husband
>he doesn't have Festering Desire

This was a story from long ago...

Unborn life, unfulfilled wishes,
Tragic dreams at the edge of the universal darkness that could never come true,
Indwell my body, and descend unto this world.

Then, my lovely children,
Like rainwater flowing into creeks, and plants growing towards the sun,
Go unto a lovely place, and display your own beauty there with pride.

This is a memory, a memory that a child namedDurinhad ofhis mother...

"Thank you, Mother, thank you."
"You gave me wings to soar and a mighty form."
"Mother, I wish to go to a land of lovely songs,"
"I will tell them about you, Mother, and about everyone else."
"I shall tell them that the place where I was born is beautiful."
this summer event is far better than expected. probably the best so far. It is kinda obvious that something in the development team changed for the better
The guy you're replying to tried to make a thread about "ack" on kiwifarms, and the very first reply he got was him being told that he had no proof "ack" is real. And by the end the mods locked his thread, called !Akemi a spamming sperg. And now refuse to let him make another thread about "ack".
I'm so sorry. But you tested positive
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my nubian queen
i will shoot my vanilla cream into your chocolate milkshake
nahida is going to adopt the traveler at this rate isn't she
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Asian bros, is there an Alice statue like the Barbeloth statue?
hope they're not fischl albedo or klee then
>Wanderer was *it* all along
Makes sense since THAT mentioned a 'he' who'd appear after a thousand years later.
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you can use this site to cross check with your achievements to see if you got the max chests in any area
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i like klee
>just wasted 20 spins on the fabricator
Am i bricked or can i still get all the furnishings?
no it isn't unless you are a woman or under 12 years old or a newfag
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I got slapped for interacting with him earlier so I'll just sleep gn bros
lolcows should just kill themselves
It's so fucking funny how obvious it is you went out of your way to make sure you posted twice in the same minute.

"ack" will never be here, !Akemi. He doesn't exist. It's something that only exists in your head.
If I have c1 Neuvillette, who would be a better pull, Navia or the Hydro Natlan girl?
I don't have Itto, but have c6 Ningguang.
Is a Geo Main DPS necessary?
by the end of the event if you get everything you'll clear out all possible rolls
So you're a speedreading retard who stopped paying attention after you saw her cry once (after she lost the two most trusted people she had in her life), even though she goes back to her confident self after that
>Definitely we didn't saw it during AQ.
we literally see her leading her side of the rescue effort at the end of fontaine and personally lifting and saving people from the flood,so no, you're wrong
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We'll have Wanderer, Durin, Albedo, Klee interaction in 2 days
>went out of his way to make sure he posted twice in the same minute again
Do you really have nothing else in your life, !Akemi?
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During will digivolve in Natlan, just wait for it
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Is this what women from Iansan's village looks like?
I couldn't post images for a bit on mobile, weird
Nah this is not my safe space, filters are for people who seeks a hug box
this is probably the first event i might skip from how fucking ass it is
shit feels like a joke the developers made to make fun of the playerbase
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I spent 20 rolls on a machine I already had all the collectibles on...
Is this all Nahida's fault?
>dumb attention whore forgets how it works
if you look it will tell you how many times you can roll on it
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>look in the back of my pantry
>whole gallon tub of cookies and cream flavored drink mix
>I bought this 4 years ago
>only used once
>smells ok, doesn't look like theres anything wrong with it
Is it safe to eat? Genshin Impact.
Man, Digimon was fucking awesome. I coomed to Angewoman so much. Literally coomed solar beams at times. One time I was playing Pokemon and coomed on my GBC. Good times. Glad to see it still being a thing and Mihoyo taking inspiration from it.
Can you get coins from replaying minigames or do you never get them again?
This is probably the best event for lorebros. It beats even Albedo's 2nd event.
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>ADHD lorelets are seething about kino event
it's cute but it does actually get kinda annoying.
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Don't hate the player. Hate the game.
>Navia or the Hydro Natlan girl
Mualani wants completely different team and has a lot of potential for exploration in Natlan.
>Is a Geo Main DPS necessary?
Yesn't. Having more flexible roster is nice, but you can live with some holes - especially with geo. Still, Navia is fun to play but her teams are imo too restrictive right now.
Kinich will be the first male I roll for as a digimonfag
Your life is a joke.
>!akemi and ack shitting up the threads
proof that genshin is truly back
Never forget who rules you. Never forget who your rightful God is.
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I have ADHD and I am enjoying and understanding everything in the event
did ack invented retarf?
lmao loser, I got nothing
I don't have ADHD and this event is pure shit
How about you play fiddle on your wrists? Fucking loser.
I'm thinking mostly about long term stuff.
I basically only have Zhongli, Albedo, Ningguang as well built characters with Noelle semibuilt.
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>almost midnight
EUbros, I'm dying.
Yes she wanted puppet dick so badly she kept the abortion alive
For me it's blue zhongtao yantao and futao
He is our God. You morons would never understand his genius.
just get an extra blanket, is your heater broken or what
>Genshin's fall started with the retcon tree
100% her fault.
Just turn on the AC bro.

"ack" will never exist, !Akemi. And you are the only one making threads bad.
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Freminet is THAT fuckable.
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try wearing wet socks
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Please stop bullying him
This kind of cosplay is creepy af, unlike the usual big mascot outfit.
So is she gonna be the best Navia support?
>toes not separated
Imagine paying for this
I'm hoping there's enough coins to max out each machine
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I can't beat it without switching parties
>Is a Geo Main DPS necessary?
having a usable heavy hit (overload klee claymore geo plunge) team will probably be very nice for when they put the centaur cunt in abyss and navia is very good for him
idk if mulan or kinich have heavy attacks but they might since one attacks like klee and the other is claymore
Imagine being !Akemi and spending every waking second of your life obsessed with a boogieman that exist only in your head.

And !Akemi, please stop deluding yourself into thinking you can "bully" anyone.
>stopped paying attention after you saw her cry once
I paid enough attention to know she cried multiple times during AQ. Found it extremely annoying too because it feels more like devs showing up "look what we can do with this engine now!" rather than organic tears of someone of her position, at least in most cases.
>even though she goes back to her confident self after that
Bro, she did NOTHING after it.
>but the riot
Hold my case.
>we literally see her leading her side of the rescue effort at the end of fontaine and personally lifting and saving people from the flood
No, it was all offscreen, we didn't saw shit, which was fucking shame because it would be way better scene in a lot of ways.
Anon... that's not a cosplay outfit.
turn the pc off before it's too late
well the rewards want you to make 30 spins on each so they will, you also can see there is a limit to it
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Try putting some ice cubes on your balls, heard it helps.
I just came back from one hour of skinny dipping in the pool. Get rich.
men are so weird
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I think Genshin Impact SUCKS
weak, just buy a fan
Your boogieman will never exist, !Akemi. And there literally isn't a single person in the world who doesn't think you're mentally ill.
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hutao using solar beam on zhongli to give him a tan
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Routine reminder that Peruvians are Gods.
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I think Genshin Impact ROCKS
>b-but ack ack ACKKKKEMIIII
You lost.
>!Akemi INSTANTLY ban evading just to keep trying to attack his boogieman
Do you think Emilie will work well with the Pyro Archon, bwos?
What kind of character will Chasca be?

Brazilian here. Confused about this post. Isn't that a normal, comfy temperature where you don't need blankets?
I mean, we saw some leaks with geo lector, I believe, so expending roster in this direction definitely won't be a bad idea. Still, if they want to push them you can easily assume it will be close to Xilonen and she's gonna have some way to deal with them, so pick your poison.
Personally, if I wasn't big Noelle fag, Navia would be very high on my wishlist, because I like to have picks in every ele and she's the strongest+the most fun pick here.
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I would like to fuck Yoimiya
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Is that her C6R6 skill?
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It's so funny watching you, !Akemi, reply to yourself desperate to pretend you're liked by people and trying to "upvote" your own posts.

Cry harder, !Akemi. You will never be the "epic troll" you think you are.
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Yoimiya Yoimiya Yoimiya Yoimiya Yoimiya Yoimiya. Today was a good day. Tomorrow will be better.
>if I wasn't big Noelle fag
>Do you think Emilie will work well with the Pyro Archon, bwos?
Yeah, more than likely.
>What kind of character will Chasca be?
Cryo or Anemo bow DPS depending on whether the Anemo vision is a placeholder or not, so gigabrick.
>geo lector
What the actual fuck
Wouldn't that just screw over literally everyone but geo characters and maybe claymores?
So does Wanderer really save ur ass or what
The problem I have is that I ended up going all-in and c6'd my Furina, so I don't have enough primos anymore. And I also am very strong on Hydro.

So, it will be a choice between Navia, Emilie and Hydro girl since I obviously will have to get the Pyro Archon.
Not even Origin Palkia could tank that.
25°C isn't comfy at all, 15-18 is optimal
hot brats
overload could do it
>Alternate universe in which Furina is a hag and is superceded by boy-in-shorts neuv

I don't think this would have gone over very well
the devs are willing to do anything to make you roll geo short of making a usable geo character
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which genshins could tank this?
What's it like fucking your life up so badly, !Akemi?
shota neuvi....
Chasca will probably be an anemo dps if she'll be in the same patch as Xilonen aka 5.1. Xilonen's going to be a shielder according to dataminers. Mihoyo doesn't really release two NEW supports in the same patch.

And if the Pyro Archon is a support, that probably will be the case, yes.
C6R6 Hu Tao the Best Pyro DPS
I think that across Genshin and Star Rail, HoYo has (deliberately or unintentionally) turned the profession of "diviner" or "fortune-teller" into an allegory for generic white-collar jobs.

Across both games, there are currently six playable characters whose primary profession is "diviner" or "fortune-teller." Five out of six of them use the medium female model for their game. While certain quests zoom in on the specifics of divination as a profession, for the most part, the nitty-gritty of fortune-telling is kept vague, so as to focus on other aspects of the character.

Black Swan from Star Rail being an exception, these characters potentially represent different lifestyles and stages of life that a white-collar worker might wind up in.

• Mona (Genshin): Passionate about her field of expertise, but probably did not expect her only stable job involving it to be writing about said field for a newspaper. While the income is good, she is inept at budgeting, spending excessively on paraphernalia for her field and leaving little money for food and rent.

• Layla (Genshin): Still a university student. Highly dedicated to her field of study, but often sleep-deprived.

• Qingque (Star Rail): The inveterate slacker. Slyly dodges responsibility and maneuvers herself into office positions that allow her to loaf around and play games, yet just barely give her a stable income. Sometimes fantasizes about becoming an entrepreneur and getting rich, but then remembers that it would be too much hard work (Luofu Myths: Pillow Whisper).

• Fu Xuan (Star Rail): The successful one, having ascended to a high-ranking position despite considerable complications involving her well-off family and her initial job elsewhere (character story III). While she has many underlings in the hierarchy, she is not at the pinnacle, and therefore finds herself subservient to people even higher-up.

• Citlali (Genshin): This diviner's lifestyle remains to be seen.
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Is it a pokemon or a digimon?
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She's so much hotter with hairs down it's unreal.
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Navia feels kind of underwhelming desu
>!Akemi is so mad he's literally just spamming posts as hard as he can to try and harass people
You can tell how spastic he is. Literally not even trying to talk. All his posts are short zero substance nonsense.
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Whatever bwo
Both can evolve
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You're just not playing her right.
Try this team comp.
Clears faster than your Neuv, although let's be real, it's mostly driver issue.
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Enkanomiya used Solar Beam!
It's not very effective...
>Chasca will probably be an anemo dps
>anemo DPS

My favorite character in Mondstadt is Klee... My favorite character in Liyue is Shenhe... My favorite character in Fontaine was Clorinde... My favorite in Natlan is Chasca... Why other than Nilou and Raiden my favorite characters end up being terrible in meta?
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Nice Yelan, bro
Looks more like a Digimon than a Pokemon, especially because of its face.
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I only got her to fill my Noelle team's third geo slot
You will never accept that you're not "triggering" anyone, because "trolling" is all you have in your life after failing at everything else.
Navia shakes like a goddamn TRUCK
>Clears faster than your Neuv
Let's not go that far
It's a sign you're not meant to be a metaslave.
>didn't get the joke
>The Bell
I miss getting to pick up all the items in domains
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she’s wearing a cryo vision in the teaser
Hey, Shenhe is good. It's just she only has Ayaka and Wriobrick to support as of now. We really need a new good cryo dps.
it looks ugly as fuck
zhongli plush looks better than this abomination
>venti enters
How do you explain this, !Akemi?
Or rather, how do delude yourself into thinking you win when everything constantly proves you wrong?
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Do we have any solid DPS calcs for the new units yet?
Even gouba can deal more damage than her
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wtf was I baited, I got my amo bow to level 90 and it does less damage than proto
Will you ever move on with your life, or do you actually plan to die this way?
i like how it just says 'good job'
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>rocket launcher
Finally I can pretend this is a FPS
>demon name
so is it her internal development name and leakers made fanfiction up or what
Let's hope its not clunky like Bronya's bike
>using Amos in the year 2024
>already mogged before release
Is there any difference?
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There is no way this won't look utterly retarded
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Wow, who could ever see that coming from a character wearing a biker outfit
Digimons are cooler.
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why a biker though?
it's so out of place
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she TANKED that
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Who am I supposed to put this piece of junk on if I don't have Navia?
Kill yourself nigger
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>Aim (Hebrew: אים), also known as Haborym, is a Goetic demon from the Lesser Key of Solomon. It is the 23rd demon summoned by King Solomon.
Too bad she's a flop
>Archer: Venti
>Lancer: Zhongli
>Berserker: Raiden (in the neetosphere with the Shogunbot on autopilot)
>Caster: Nahida
>Seiba: Focalors
>Rider: Mavuika
The Tsaritsa will be our assassin, or berserker if we consider Raiden assassin
lol, its a bad stat stick too, less crit rate than a circlet, its just awkward
Digimons are evolving into tanks and furries, while pokemons are just becoming bigger and cooler.
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Bronya sisters....
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>fate shit
its useless without navia
still kinda useless with navia since shes a fucking brick
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Ever seen a pokemon scarlet/violet video of the motorcycle dragons? That's what I'm expecting
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This but Mavuika
>reddit may cry 5
Which character has the fewest good options for viable weapons in the game?
She didn't flop; she's unique
I remember when people were criticizing Garbodor and Gen V Pokémon designs for looking like ass. I don't know what Gen they're in now but I can only imagine how they look now
well its my only 5* bow
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this shouldnt have make me laugh like that lmao
See >>486889891
Probably another pokemon reference since Natlan is full of those, especially because a biker symbolizes mobility the most and that's the main theme in the kit of Natlan characters
She flopped uniquely, she’s a unique flop
don't look up goldango or whatever its name was
>>486889294 was right, it looks utterly retarded
In terms of “not having the best weapon is a drastic drop in firepower”, probably Emilie
In terms of “there is fucking nothing you can use with her that makes a difference”, Kachina or Yun Jin
At least 5.0 brings a craftable def% spear for her and Kachina
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>They thought Mavuika is Himeko expy
>She's actually Ceaser expy
yuri is unironically boring

clorinavi is especially boring and turns clorinde into moemush ooc shit
So Mualani is r1 b8 right?
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Sac jade is fine
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>still nothing on Capitano's kit
He is not gonna be playable yet isn't he?
fuck off shounenfag
5.0 has 2 hp% 4* catalysts that seem to be made for her so you will get options as a poorfag
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can I trust quick equip?
>turns clorinde into moemush ooc shit
I only see this when people pair her with wriothesley.
Friendly reminder that to this day nintoddlers still seethe at Genshin for having a simplistic and stylized appearance that looks better than this (and BOTW)
>make great looking 4 and 5 star weapons
>Kinich doesnt even use them with skill and burst
Capitano's gonna be like this isnt he
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We need a playable shota
>that macaroni thing is the 1,000th Pokémon
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If Mavuika is using the Pyro Sovereign as her personal koraidon, I'm gonna laugh.
Anecdotal but I find that it ends up prioritizing weird shit on anyone who's not just an NA spammer using gladiators
in short no
There needs to be a mod that makes the potatoes look like not potatoes
would be cool if there's an exploration talent where you can ride around quickly with a bike
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>biker archon is real
she's just bayonetta
every new thing i hear about natlan sucks
give us something actually new for fuck sake
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I don't give a single shit about Pokemon or Digimon
Wanderer will groom him.
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>jump skill
<<It's Time.>>
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Today I learned that hydro reso bonus HP boosts to 45% if you're using a 4man hydro team.
not at all the craftable is crazy on her

doesn't work, she overcaps CR with new artifact set + sac jade even with 0 crit rate substats, use new craftable (hp substat + 32% dmg bonus)
wandurin won
yumes lost
It's pretty pointless to run a pure mono team without a VV user but I guess Furina is a good enough buffer to make it work. You won't be getting much elemental reactions though so that pretty much only works with Neuv
Based Dinosaur KingSCHOLAR
>Bayonetta is canonically 5'9
remember what they took from you
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Mihomo deserves this
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Now Scarahida has a child...
Alice said that the Traveler is a "witness"... a camera...
>doesn't work, she overcaps CR with new artifact set + sac jade even with 0 crit rate substats
God almighty, the best theory crafter of them all. He who CALCS. Jstern disagrees with you. Just roll for CD, bro.
Yumesisters? Why is love and deepspace flopping?
>[Excludes Android, PC]
nice try tho
xingqiu reduces res so it's actually good
That's why the Wanderer exists, he is the true hero of this world.
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>excludes android, pc
Bayonetta used to be cool though
I'm not sure there's enough shit cluttering your screen, could you make it worse somehow?
Who is Durin's JP VA...
Female players don't spend money in gachas.
it's very simple math

mualani is crit rate ascension
new set gives 40% CR
qed she has 65% CR baseline and sac jade gives 37%

use your tiny brain for once sac jade literally does not make sense
It's higher than Flop Archive and Flopkke combined in all months since its release though. Both of those are female character only gacha lmeow
Oh right I forgot about the water twink since I never use him
It works if you have C2 Siggy for res shred.
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>losing to chibi tower defense
Why are you afraid of level 90 anon? It's not going to hurt I promise
Genshin Impact is my first gacha game, and I am now acting like I know all about gacha.
>you have to eat up the toddlerslop before you can get to lorekino
tried it some time back.
looks like shit and not because the model is ugly, but because of how it works.
hurry up
the models are uncanny valley as fuck, trying too hard to look realistic. it's revolting
so why did they censored nilou's navel?
Half of all modern gacha gamers...
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all you really need to learn is the mechanics involving pity. It's more simple than you'd think but complex and difficult to explain in simple terms.
do you poo in the loo?
his first was arknights thoughbeit
Believe the calcGOD jstern. Or some random retard on /gig/? Just roll for CD, bro. It's only an overcrit of 1%.
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Literally me.
No I'm never playing another gacha, they all suck.
Not my first but surely my last. Other gachas are shit after trying this one
omg pet?
QQposters deserve extended sentences in the rape dungeon
You know what sucks?
All the recent 5* weapons are so strictly designed that nobody but their intended user can really use them at all.
Look at Siggy’s bow, where it’s literally impossible to get all three stacks up and get the burst crit rate bonus unless Siggy is using it.
Or compare Neuv’s signature to Mualani’s signature. Both are 88% crit damage with a bonus to max HP and boosts to charge attacks and normal attacks respectively.
But Neuv’s signature only requires the user to take damage or get healed to get stacks; you can use it on Wanderer or Klee just fine if you have Furina.
Mualani’s signature however has you lose stacks unless you vape, which requires you to be pyro or hydro. And what a surprise; the only hydro or pyro catalyst that wants to spam normal attacks is Mualani!
It sucks.
this but unironically
stop pretending to be me
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I felt that way at first but it grows on you
Literally how? ZZZ and HSR respects your time more than Genshin.
I feel like I caught the last helicopter out of Saigon by getting PJC before they stopped running it.
Not my first, but definitely the first one I got into more than 6 months.
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digimon are sapient creatures that can talk and reason. I mean some pokemon can as well but all digimon can.

Digimon can also de-evolve. They usually hold a second or third level digivolution just hanging around but they evolve into much higher states temporarily for big moments and then get scuffed all the way back down to the first level.

Also digimon cannot exist in normal physical space, they need to be in the digiverse or some kinda overlap liminal space. At least that's what I remember. I haven't watched it since I was like 8 and that was over 20 years ago.
I'm reading the story not collecting things
I'm praying it comes back in a Liyue chronicle banner
I'm not a fan of it either. I guess they got tired of people skipping the wep banner because they had older signatures lying around which either had decent effects or simply served as adequate stat sticks
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>respects your time
I'm surprised they haven't just gone the Honkai 3rd route where the weapon effects flat out reads "When this weapon is equipped by *insert designated character*, grants...."
I also do not count mahjong soul, that's just a mahjong client for me.
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>respects your time
The only shit weepons are the 3 BoL ones. Everything else can be fully used by more than one character
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don't threaten me with a good time.
>monkey's paw curls
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I'll never like it because I prefer anime boys
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Candace is named after a black nubian queen and hoyoverse has a tendency of giving their few canon black characters straight hair

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