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Previous: >>486811320

Latest News:
>Patch notes 3.25
>[3.25] Settlers of Kalguur (July 26th PDT)
>PoE2 close beta soon

>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities
>/poeg/ Ingame Chat and Ban Honeypot
/global 1488
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is lightning arrow dead now?
no e celebs below this line
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What if we all get hyped up about 3.25 and it turns out to surpass our expectations?
Could that really happen?
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Waiting for you fren
Drama Zone
>throws 90 USD into the dirt for some pixels
bro you could buy snacks and pizza and drinks for league start
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I'm on #TeamLance

Ruefags can go get banned by GGG again
ive never actually listened too/watched a ruetoo vid before now
why does he sound like a deformed midget
has he ever actually shown himself
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/r/ tlrd
@everyone Ruetoo is live over at https://www.twitch.tv/ruetoo !
Not poe posts
He's chinese bro are you retarded?
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>he doesn't work
lol poor
>Lightning Arrow: No longer has Added Lightning Damage at all gem levels. It now has 149% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 130%), scaling up to 177% at gem level 20 (previously 154%). Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
>Lightning Arrow of Electrocution: No longer has Added Lightning Damage at all gem levels. It now has 75% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 65%), scaling up to 87% at gem level 20 (previously 75%). Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 11).

>gets an explicit buff
>hurr durr is it dead?!??!
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i do and 90 usd is still a lot to spend on fucking pixels, retard
Does this guy still stream? I kinda get the vibe that these kind of people don't care if someone saw their dick on stream anyways
Lance is factually incorrect
>mfw spend ~100 on genshin and ~70 on TL-I this month
not being (completely) poor is neat
>on genshin
fucking KEK
i'm not throwing it in to the dirt
i'm throwing it at GGG so they continue making great games

This is exactly what the average /poeg/ poster sounds like. Uncanny.
so you think
oh nonononono
>completely inorganic "drama" instead of POBs and builds
White men unite against the bug menace
lol poor
so you are unable to budget aight
Captain lance? More like captain nonce?
Have we seem the challenge set yet?
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>massive drama, likely going to end up with someone getting banned from POE
Last time this happened was kalandra...
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Imagine spending 500 hours playing poe and thinking that spending less than 100 bucks is "being warped in the head" yikes..
when did this happen bro
I bought a 2k mtg card this week. Piece of cardboard yes
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What's everyone cooking? I tried to make some trans Bladefall shit but I'm not happy with it.
Rue is debunking all of Lances lies, we need damage control Lance sisters
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oh no no autoclicker flask macro bros
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you mean TOTA and affliction
Only case of actual sex on stream I know is Lifecoach streaming hearthstone like 10 years ago and he forgot he left the stream on and he started to fuck his wife on camera
Who got league launch banned on those I don't remember
More like Rudetoo.
I remember hearing about a scorching ray totem build that was apparently really good even on very low investment, anyone have a pob?
Somehow no recording of it exists
>i was banned for nothing
sure thing bro lmao
>spending money in a f2p game
Downsides to having "alternative" leveling paths such as endless delve, mapping at lvl 1 etc:
ruetoo just nazi saluted ON STREAM bros WTF
This happened to me as well a few leagues ago, when I was super new and retarded. I think my wagie software triggered a false positive since it's not a high-profile application and I sometimes had it open while playing.
Was a F2P account, maybe they're more considerate with paypigs.
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This man is 24
you are lying
Well according to what I found was that it happened 9 years ago and he was only midly big streamer so there might be a chance that he managed to purge them all of the internet. There used to be some imgur albums but imgur deleted all sexual content ages ago
to what world would he get isekaied too
what's going on in america?
The latest dramas I remember were
>pathofmath banned for BFR
>ruetoo banned for going after subtractem
>boobiesquish goontroon stealing from viewers
>TFT shitstorm
Certainly someone here can remember other examples
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I just think they GGG deserves support, they're the only ones saving the ARPG genre and if we don't support them who will?
>married man with kids

>is ruetoo

QRD on the lance/rue drama? I know rue is an unhinged manchild but calling him "not a build maker" seems like schizo-level cope.
Not defending that guy, but it does happen pretty frequently. Companies who use software to automatically detect & ban accounts is fine, but software isn't perfect and mistaken bans do happen. As an example, I know oldschool runescape has a big problem with this and certain actions will flag their bot detection software and automatically ban your account if it's newly made. Spamming the chambers of xeric for certain skilling layouts for early grinding is an instant account ban if your account is less than a week old.
Last league
>we just took the CTA keystone and made it a gem it's the same you just lose one socket it's no big deal
This league
The trap has sprung
I highly doubt the kids are his and his wife sleeps around.
Got pics of wife?
afaik this whole thing started because lance shit on lily's build making, then rue reacted to a clip of it by calling lance's builds bad
brutal. palsteron put on some weight too. and belton, he was streaming his living room today and it looks disgusting. maybe poe isn't good for your health
defending a fair maiden's honor... chivalrous!
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reminder to anoint this before ggg realizes they forgot to change the recipe
I could be totally misremembering, but I think Lance and Rue were friendly, then Lance jokingly poked fun at Rue and other creators by calling their builds bait in his 'bait or no bait' videos (which are super sarcastic and silly) and Rue took it seriously and has been mad at him ever since. I think Rue is unironically autistic, like he doesn't understand sarcasm and jokes.
>QRD on the lance/rue drama? I know rue is an unhinged manchild but calling him "not a build maker" seems like schizo-level cope.
His builds are legit trash, for real, they only work slightly at level 100 with mirror gear.

Lance makes builds that work at start, the middle and the end.
So been out for a whole year is the game still nerfs and "vision"? New league looks boring asf.
stop projecting your cuck fantasy onto others
>this whole thing started because lance shit on lily's build making
well then I stand with rue. lily doesn't make builds anyways, she gets them from dan I hear dan gets "special" pics out of it
This league buffed the damage of nearly all melee skills by 50-100% damage, gave weapons 20% more phys damage, added a new tier of armor bases and gave armors 20% more defenses, buffed life rolls on armor, made block easier to get, but made phys to elemental conversion harder and nerfed grace/determination's flat amount. Spells got their lower level damage effectiveness lowered, but the same at higher levels.
do you think GGG stleath buffed monster hp/defenses to compensate for the skills damage buffs?
>His builds are legit trash, for real, they only work slightly at level 100 with mirror gear.
>coc dd needed mirror tier gear
So, how can you AFK ultimatums now when DD is dead?
They nerfed t17s, so no
No, they stopped being friends during Subtractem drama, Lance not only took Subtractem side but said Ruetoo's builds were bad
last time i 100% followed a lance build i was stuck on white maps
never followed a ruetoo build 100% so idk
power siphon perfect agony chaos inoculation poison assassin
for me its charisma
Im pretty sure it instead was lance trying to play one of rues builds and fucked it up and called it shit. Rue took it personally and has a vendetta against him now.
It's not a fantasy, retard. Look at him. Unless his wife is an obese hamplanet there is no chance she is attracted to him. He is fat, balding, and plays a video game for a living and isn't even a very big streamer or content creator. Total dead end.
Afaik they were friendly then lance made a bait or no bait vid with other people's builds and called rue's CF champ a 2/10 starter but he built it like shit or something, using a ilvl 2 wand from acts all the way into maps and stuff.
i mean we dont have allflames so the game is much easier than last league by default
You reveal your own ignorance
>rue invented DD
This is the mind of rue bros. lol lmao even
>I saw Ruetoo die with penance brand on a relatively easy map
axe+shield bleed glad
I'm going bleed gladiator, is it bad idea 0dps?
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Where do we get tattoos now? From the shipping league mechanic?
>and if we don't support them who will?
You know GGG is entirely owned by Tencent now right? The largest multi-billion dollar gaming corporation in the world. The company whose net worth is more than $430 billion dollars.
Tencent will support GGG, because Tencent owns 100% of Grinding Gear Games as of a few years ago.
Also, they're doing fine as a company. Pretty steady $75 million in profit annually for the past five years. That profit is sent to Tencent, by the way, as they own the company.
reposted to reddit, so literally everyone know :^)
I'm starting dex stacking siege ballista hiero.
I think ubers and juiced t16 and t17 are going to filter a lot of weaker DUUDE MELEE BUFFED builds so probably no need.
rue's main gimmick is making cheap builds so you're probably replying to bait
Rue just said on steam that he came up with penance brand! The most obvious OP skill of all time.
oh fuck yeah
Bleed should be fine on league start, nothing special, but I don't think you will see it become powerful until someone unlocks the potential of perfect agony with bleed.
Nobody before him even looked at lancing steel as a coc trigger and nobody considered playing it on inquis
You don't have to be disingenuous
wtf i league started CF in 3.22 and it was pretty fucking smooth, and I'm a retard who doesn't know how to think for himself
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There's literally nothing wrong with tencent owning ggg because since then ggg has done nothing but grow and deliver league after league of fantastic content
Are you retarded? How could anyone use it before it existed?
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so are all totem builds worthless now?
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our diets are dogshit and most people don't exercise. and we spend too much time in front of screens but most people on 4chan are probably guilty of that
>maybe poe isn't good for your health
moderation is important, but this game makes it hard to do that. if you play a shit ton just try to exercise each day and don't eat like shit
I swear to god I remember Mathil making or at least talking about using steel skills for CoC. But he probably did some meme shit with it.
He did use it for coc before rue
>purge them all from the internet
doesn't happen. literally impossible. if it's not on the internet it literally never happened.
Yes, Mathil already did it
>I'm 23 and look like I just graduated High School
projecting again
post face
not a chance. he looks older than I do and I'm damn near 40.
I'm 30 and I still look like a kid to the point that people call me kid. Part of it is definitely being a manlet (I'm only 5'7), but yeah. My younger brother is 26 and looks significantly older than me to the point that people think he is the older brother.
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Lily seems like she's going for Pooes permanent non tourist asmongold
>so are all totem builds worthless now?
dont tell anyone
please anon
do not steal my build
shockwave totem will be op as fuck this league due to some changes other places and the gear for it not being premium
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>tfw waiting for anon to post his cool hideouts
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Nope, still got this cluster
this is what happens when you play necropolis for 4 months straight
Did they kill heiro ballistae totems? They always did like 300 million dps but cleared like balls.
I was hoping to play one to kill off pirates.
Fucking retard
First he tried to steal Alk's personality
now he's moving onto Asmonmold?
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There was no need to use the r-word, apologize right now..
nikocado avocado after asmon
I can't imagine what the average Standard player looks like then
>There's literally nothing wrong with tencent owning ggg
Yea there is they're too loose with Chris's leash and not letting us get any CN stuff
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reminds me of our guy
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like this
pretty sure mathil already made an astral proj build with shockwzve tots
probably about the same. same strengths and problems as before
Lance made the build of the league last league and Ruetoo was furious because Ruetoo's CoC DD (that he stole from someone else) wasn't as elegant.
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Why does enabling Determination raise the maximum elemental hit?
I'm never going to say non pg-13 stuff even on 4chan in the post Windows 11 modern internet age
Why, because they fucked with the duelist-totem nodes?
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>CN stuff
you lost some armor from ironwood. That's it.
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>strength stack pillar
>warcry piano slam
feels for this build?

molten shell?
Still cast when stunned DD lmao. Use another spell in your other 6L like Firestorm.
Oh yeah, mystery solved.
>build of the league
by what decision process? imo it's connor's mjolner archmage
Lance invented herald stacker and ignite explosions
i wanna play a charge stacker but it looks like ralakesh is gonna be in demand this league
There is nothing wrong with that
Still not playing melee btw
Being the conductor of an orchestra that's going horribly wrong.
Holy shit the comments are popping the fuck off. We haven't had a video this viral in years.
ruecels gonna get banned again
>loot pets
>more and better mtx
>some pretty pets too
>"rucksack" from necroLeague, they got it for over a year
i think they have or had xp boosts and more events too
for $ ofc
>Lance made the build of the league last league
CoC DD was definitely the best league start and is what lead to DD finally put down
>(that he stole from someone else)
You will take my divine ire totems over my dead body.
cutedog just said that gladiator is going to be insane.
dont forget they actually have an auction house
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I think the chinese market and western market are very different
We're actually glad we don't have those pay to win mechanics
Hateforge = 50 Vaal Lightning Strikes up at the same time next league fyi. You can get 12 rage on hit (with your melee hit.)
ah yes, a full real auction house for everything
true, some of the QOL and mtx would be nice tho
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Life flasks don't work with this, right?
Gladiator can easily get 95% permanent damage reduction. If you can find a cheesy way to actually deal damage glad will be great.
I mean, you could use life flasks with old Vaal Pact I am pretty sure.
Jonathan is gonna call rue a retard and permaban him in front of everyone
currency market mean you can turn 15 stacks of c into a div instantly
this patch is great for f2poors without a single paid tab
especially after they made a million scarabs types
The tragedy of Matt Hill
Actually discovering cool interactions but putting them on the most mid builds imaginable that nobody cares about
A true modern Cassandra
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Captain Lance claims he invented aurastacker
hateforge too rare and is going to be priced in mirrors again this league so whatever
CaptainLance? More like ShitinHisPants
and he did, sneed and cope ruecel
What skills/class for 2H swords and minions?
He is an underrated build creator in terms of actually making use of random uniques and spells, but he never tries to actually make anything super powerful and put real investment into them. He'll spend like 20 divines on a build at max and then move onto the next thing. That is both a blessing and a curse, because you never know how good his shit will be at super high investment but he'll end up killing ubers on most of the shit he makes.
He is also a terminally depressed manlet who drinks wine and almost dies every time he leaves his house, so there is that.
Correct. But projectiles that come out of skills like Molten Strike and Lightning Strike will still leech.
Too bad ubers don't give a fuck about your block.
Not sure, maybe there's a difference between "recovery" vs "regeneration"
>end up killing ubers
remember when he did post-buff cleave and got one uber to 33% health, said 'good enough' and swore melee was in a great spot?

i member. fuck that manlet.
ruetoo, brutus?
>He is an underrated build creator in terms of actually making use of random uniques and spells, but he never tries to actually make anything super powerful and put real investment into them
How's he underrated then? That's completely useless to most people. It's one step from just spinning the wheel for a random combination.
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>Sunder is 1000% damage effectiveness if you use Hydrosphere to shotgun
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I cannot believe they did not nerf Mahuxotl + (optional: master surgeon + replica Sorrow of the Divine), but instead buffed it 1.5x times
I have played a poison version without mageblood and progenesis, but was able to shot bosses exactly like in this video. And yes, on top of that you simply cannot die.
quick rundown on the hatred change? is it ass now?
Don't look up what Vaal Pact (which you get with Mahu) now does.
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i remember trying out 2H energy blade and animate weapon of self reflection on necro for affliction but they changed some nodes since
What I mean is he never min-maxes his builds. He gets to the point that he can kill ubers (or fails to) and moves on. Not to mention I think you vastly overestimate how much the average person invests into a build. Nearly everyone who is gonna put 100+ divines into a build doesn't need to follow a guide or will just use the most tried and true shit. 10-20 divines is probably what most players are realistically gonna get before they wanna reroll or get bored. It is just Mathil is never brought up as a build creator even though he seems to make more characters than most other people who play the same shit from the last 3 leagues.
Nerfed for cold builds, buffed for conversion fire builds.
OKAY! Here is my vigilant strike crit staff jugg 3.25 build, what do you think? Is Divine Flesh + Unbreakable worth it?

>There are now three viable spells to kill ubers with in hardcore league
Splitting steel is melee
I'm just saying I don't see anything particularly valuable about him as a contributor, so I don't think he's underrated.
The quality of his experimentation is about as good as my own, and I'm shit.
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Also one of the two slams that works with Impaler but sadly it deals 629 + 377 instead of 1000% straight up which would send Impaler stacks into the fucking stratosphere. Also, Earthshatter deals like 1098% if 3 spikes hit (3 spikes hitting is unironically harder than it sounds)
is there a way to change the damage effectiveness of skills in pob before the update?
If you're taking underused spells/uniques/ascendancies and killing ubers you're better than 98% of players and that is not exaggeration. Most people never kill ubers even while following a guide for the most meta of skills. Actually, most people never make it to ubers. Or pinnacle bosses in general. Or maps.
Noobs. The added base damage was the only reason you would use offensive auras. It's complete trash now.
Is Slayer Slams with endurance charge investments a more solid bet than Glad with Block+bleed if you want to go melee?
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>Can no longer set my currency as the cheapest and ignore everybody that whispers me
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Watching a series with my missus. I'll do it after.
>4 warcries + hydropshere + banner
yikes, chief.
rue is literally just bullshitting to save face
>the build of the league last league
pretty sure he didn't invent lightning arrow or hexblast builds.
I miss that lil fucker
Best way currently is probably just to look at this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zUxVLEVcR4PkgS78jNSnHcC_o1ivEQv3AY32zVWY7f4/edit?gid=0#gid=0 and add more damage configuration based on the added effectiveness in the last column.
ur making 15 builds per league buddy?
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did heist get any changes
Builds for this feel?
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I'am genuinely interested in this and will give it a try. BONK!
don't be a gaypozzed trannycucked faggot, anon. the CIA agent assigned to monitor you doesn't give a shit about you saying uh-oh no-no wrongthinks on 4chan.
I don't know how Slayer generates end charges before Ralakesh
Glad can take the end charge on block node at least and for mapping can get end charge on kill when using a shield
Corrosive gloves and invest in frenzy charges which gives endurance charges, probably.
activate your windows
Mathil is a softcore kripp who never left for hearthstone
You take masterful form on slayer. It's going to be a great choice now.
coc dd isn't his build. DD coc has been used for several leagues. DD is the most overused skill in the fucking game. He just slapped a lancing steel on it and pretended it was a new thing
Splitting steel is in fact not melee, even though the playstyle is similar with Nimis.

Alk was pobbing ES berserker earlier with custom config and the numbers looked really good. I hope they update pob properly so it all works soon.

Endurance charge stacking looks like it'll be meta, but I have a gut feeling they'll tweak the numbers before release, they're too strong. A shit gear slayer gets what is basically ED with no penalties from endurance charges.

No, and I don't think it's any achievement to make 15 characters that are pretty shit.
Sorry for offending your eboyfriend but he's not even in the same zipcode as other build creators.
>Corrosive gloves
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cutedog says he is picking gladiator
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I'd side with Lance but he's fat and I hate fat people
He ended up switching to Jugg and keeps shit talking zerker. Also keep in mind all his builds are like full 100% suppress shit that barely goes for max res because he wants to do ubers.
jung used it, jung also made coc dd with bows, mathil used it, lancing steel has been used as a trigger ever since it was released retard
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I meant corrosion, sorry.
>DD coc has been used for several leagues
Lancing Steel of Spraying didn't exist in prior leagues, honey.

>He just slapped a lancing steel on it and pretended it was a new thing
No, he made playing a DOUBLE COC build a buttery smooth experience even for total retards.
Most of the people in this thread never played a CoC build before CoC DD. You obviously never played one period.
No, you are describing lance
manni2 said whats the point of picking gladiator for bleed
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DD of chaining is still playable
Jung made CoC VD with Blast Rain/RoA trigger
100% more damage, bleed pops for clear, good defensives
he did invent harold
>He ended up switching to Jugg and keeps shit talking zerker
Looks to me like zerker would be completely fine for SC trade.

>Also keep in mind all his builds are like full 100% suppress shit that barely goes for max res because he wants to do ubers.
Yeah like most people. Although, if they don't nerf endurance charges, this might be the one league where SS isn't so oppressively necessary. Jugg with a few extra endurance charges gets what's basically SS for ele damage.
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>Sorry for offending your eboyfriend

That's okay, but be careful next time
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Any Blight farmers at league start? What are we rolling bros? EA Champ looks really slow out of the gate with the ascendancy nerf, thinking of Fire Trap Elementalist switching to Maw ignite if Marionettes are back
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what's /ourgirl/ Alliee league starting?
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I was considering ES of Precipice, since the number seem really good and it got its damage effectiveness increased by like 75% overall (compared to with totems before). However, I don't know if I wanna go Berserker, Chieftain, Jugg, or fuck even Slayer.
Berserker is gonna do the most damage but I have to imagine it is squishy as fuck. It has twice as many exerted attacks for comfiness too.
Chieftain has a 7 link and you can scale warcry buffs since you will always have max power on them. It can also get to ~85% max res pretty easily on the tree + ruby flask
Juggernaut is probably the tankiest overall but lowest damage and slams with low damage feel like shit
Slayer is a total wildcard. You can potentially stack frenzy + endurance charges for nice defense, over leech, and cull. Also might make crit viable for slams.

At this point I need PoB to update or I need to steal a build from someone else.
hi poeg im neet anime the 3rd, i bought the turtle hideout with 90 jew bucks from money i dont earn, i play games all day whilst you work so you dont have to
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yeah I'm thinking it's dual nebuloch warcry piano tectonic slam chieftain gaming time
Why should I follow some boring ass league starter build guide when I could just boot up 'poch and make a viable fun build completely blind without grinding for currency like it's a second job?
Bottom left in PoB. Click "Options" and then "Opt into beta branch" to get the 3.25 tree.
blight has been power crept out of viability. it's garbage. but blight farmers normally start wave of conviction ignite elementalist
I have the 3.25 tree but it doesn't have the new rage, damage effectiveness of skills, armor/life roll changes, etc. It takes a lot of configuration.
How does Lance have so much money without working
kek thanks
Literally doesn't matter, just build towers. I'm going slams in SSF so I need the oils and also I have a raging hardon for Ritual.
>try a nice looking hideout
>gpu usage increases by 20-30%
nice one GGG
sorry anon its time to pick something else with crimson dance
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Oh nonono lancebros
If your build is not abusing Pyro Mines of Sabotage to clear ubers within the first 24 hours of the league, you WILL be priced out of the economy.
Consider yourself warned, chud.
the obstacle is t17s, not ubers
rue got tilted because all of lance's builds revolve around the same core components and never tries to push boundaries while he played over 11 different builds with different items/scaling/mechanics.

but it's really all just manufactured drama and satire for clicks during this dead week
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blight farming is only viable for bots
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Imagine thinking that spending more than 30 dollars on a video game is "normal".
I understand your frustration but I'm not playing melee
are these fucking retarded women just streaming each others cameras and having a slap fight?
Last league maybe. I'm assuming these are drop only from BR maps
Definitely going for some flavor of minecuck starter. Melee can come after once the nerds get to play around and figure out a properly broken build at high investment
how do you have 3 confirmed sexual intercourses to your name and act a bigger manchild than ruetoo? is his wife uglier than fat form doedre?
do tatoos that grant chance to apply ailments work with all sources of damage? like lighting damage can poison or only phys/chaos
>rue has his sycophantic retards making him weird chink drummer youtube videos and fan clips
>this is somehow not some crazed chink shit for edgy teenagers
you have to be 18 to post on 4chan
Yup that's gonna carry muh slayer through the final 2 watchstones.
enduring cry, multiple passive node options, minimum charge rings, eldritch implicit, endu charge on melee stun <--- the most obvious
I don't know when he stops talking about it, I watched up to the bleed pop talk
Taking the Vanquisher cluster gets 52% increased and also Pride works for the pops
Feels like he never played bleed Glad before or something, the pops delete everything in a pack and they're twice as good now
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What cosmetics do I buy sisters?
If you get rolls with a FC or PC node + anything, or Whispers of Doom + anything those bases will be worth a fuckton.
lmao rue has an entire section of his discord dedicated to fucked up and tranny porn. What a fucking loser
Rue is a fucking retard
Who is the streamer below Ruetoo? I've never seen them in the PoE section
bunch of invisible aura things
Yeah I'm shitting I just found some rando talking shit
I'm going to play gladiator lacerate
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Hasina or other wifes
What is the point of this? You'll never use those amulets
i think this currency market will be more impactful than they even think
there is a silent and large part of the playerbase who don't really craft, and yet end a league with 1000's of horded alts/chroms/fuses/etc they never did anything with. because liquidating to c/div to be able to trade with it is a FUCKING HUGE PAIN IN THE ASS. they just wanna play the game.
alt-tabbing to buy some items is one thing, having to sit around for an hour doing micro-trading before buying items, is another.
these players are gonna feel massively more rewarded and able to trade more, as they can easily turn all this stuff into actual monies

and yes i'm speaking from personal experience. it's literally me and i know i'm not alone - people that get a bit stuck once every little upgrade starts costing 5+ div, and just dont progress because it feels too slow and shitty to keep picking up random smaller currencies you dont even wanna deal with.

it could even have something of a "bad" effect on the economy, i don't know. probably not really though. but i do stand by that there will be waaay more volume, because it'll be so much more accessible to lazy ppl / people that just hate fucking alt tabbing and shit all the time to liquidate random crap.
>xqc of PoE has an army of zoomies watching
wait for the new mystery boxes, those are honestly better than the supporter packs lately
souless weeb garbage for souless asian bugs
>and that's a good thing
quin is not on the screenshot thoughever?
Feels like I just got added to a list for watching this.
There is some fucked up set that looks like a mess from WoW 2007 but I forgot what its name is
Warden research blogpost

So KB frag is weird to calculate any consistent number of hits for because of the high variance. Plus, I have no idea how to see exactly how many times wisps are hitting. But generally, if you use sniper's mark and return with more than 5 projectiles, the most common number of hits I saw on Abberath was 1 fewer than the number of projectiles fired. (Ranging from 1 to 3x proj count depending on range and terrain.) With wisps, that means you're probably hitting (and shocking) 1.5x the number of projectiles you fire every attack. So, to use the shock node to its full potential, with 100% crit rate at 4 APS you should only need about 4 or 5 projectiles to max out shock, even on small bosses, if you're using wisp support.
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Where are those in the shop? I can't find them
Mystery boxes always give me crap
Good idea!!
What it's name?
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what else did you feel?
You can use the oil extractor to get gold/silver oil. Also you can use that kalandras lake item on it? Could be good
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you're right, those might be his wife's boyfriend's children.
Damn. Is there a melee minion build at all? I don't want to summon skeletons and shite.
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Imagine being this poor

>Where are those in the shop? I can't find them
China XD
be kind to the third worlders
whats the drama about? i just came at the pc
Dominating Blow is the melee minion build but it's historically sword & board and its development is all over the place so it's always hard to tell what's actually good on it.
oh no no no
Good for you only specters are viable now and the affliction corpses are back so you can run your hydra for maps
Dont think it would be league starter viable though
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Uh, your Recombinator crafts anon?
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honestly save it for the kirac vault pass, it gives you mtx and multiple gamba boxes for 300 coins every league dont buy anything, in fact if you already finished all your maps you could buy this leagues kirac vault pass if you like this set
ralakesh is gonna be a 50d+ item this league
have fun
Why can't you cum on a tissue?
A list of aspiring fathers?
can you get teh same kind of mod twice with recombinator? like lifex2
>oil extractor
>he doesnt know
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>>So called "Free Thinkers" when Ralakesh + ED
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Stop laughing about poor people. Some monkeys need to work 24/7 to make 10dollaridoos
Theres no way this will work
it doesn't generate them after ralakesh either. it just counts as having them. if your build needs the actual endurance charges as fuel for slams, you'll need a dedicated method of doing it both before and after ralakesh. other than that, ralakesh slayers don't invest in endurance charges at all to begin with. They either stack frenzies that get applied to endurance charges via the ascendancy, or they stack power charges which get applied to frenzies with badge of the brotherhood which get applied to endurance charges with the ascendancy, and the build is absolutely not a starter build. there is no "what do you play before you get ralakesh", you just don't play the build until you have the pieces.
>Attack Rate: 0.81
oh no no no no....
>kirac vault pass
I didn't play necropolis..
Then it's best I save the coins for when I complete the maps this league, thanks for the rec anon-sama
They aren't corrupted, so you can scour + craft on them.
What's wrong with being bald?
So how is heist? Did removal of alt qual gems fuck it up? I rememember there used to be a lot of heisters in this general
It’s a signal of being old -> infertile -> weak
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>its real
rue is winning, lancells are seething
Couldn't be me, I spent ~$500 on one game long time ago, never again.
Maybe you can try and tell me how it feels though.
Theres just no reason to do it anymore. None of the replica items are good and yes no alt quality gems being moved to lab just means theres no more reason to run it
Also fuck gearing and leveling every single character separately every single league
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its honeslty the most worth in the game, if you look at the armour sets they are all 300 each just for the chest piece, as i said before you get the entire cosmetic and gamba boxes for the same price, also keep the 45 for weta boxes when the spend coins get a free mtx box comes out and spend 2 coins to get one
Apex cleaver bases are going to the moon.
Replica Farrul’s Fur is at least double the price this league thanks to endurance charge changes
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Imagine synth ammys with Whispers of Doom and Leader of the Pack
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Where were you when captain lance invented RF builds?
Some people start balding as young as 18, it's genetics not a sign of old age.
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It feels good to be able to drop 100 bucks every league just because you can
Yeah the effects of being able to easily trade shit that used to be a pain in the ass is going to be extremely impactful. I might actually go essences this league. My prediction is that everything will be cheaper compared to chaos/divines
Captain lances mana builds literally shit out the dps just by standing still the rueCat builds does when spamming the same skill for 45 minutes
nta and ur right
but almost all people associate bald = old and that is what 'matters'
yea, it's bad genetics, a sign of being a poor mate. imagine being old and infertile at 18.
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>poison seismic trap league start gone
>coc dd league start gone
>ea champ start gone
>champion gone and made to be some premade rmt faggot cuck
i think the play is to have only 5m bleed dps but every single defensive layer in the game
Yeah IMO nothing is more retarded than nerfing the drop rate on items.
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piss of back to /v/ you faggot ass bitch nigger /v/irgin
its good genetics and a sign of wealth & health & power
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just play slayer like a real man
with determined survivor and the claw mastery would you have 30% or 40% more atk speed?
>frogtard outed and mad
wait wtf lmao double annoint amulets aren't corrupted? that's actually nuts
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frog website
Yeah I never thought about it, thank you for mentioning it
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i didnt think it was possible to leap slam that slow kek
will feel like shit without some aoe
i suspect 20, but we dont know yet
Winterorb Slayer
Balance is irrelevant.

They introduced gold, farmville, and realtime countdowns. This same kinda shit is what tanked WoW. Instead of playing the game, you're flicking between your 12 pages of mini-chores. Play for 20 minutes. Then log out. Only to log back in 12 hours later and flick through all your prompts and reset timers.
>not spending it on blowjibs
pros and cons between penis brand and hexblast mines for sanctum? is hexblast a good skill for leaguestart or does it need too much to get going?
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np desu glad i could help
Turn rue stream, he is doing an ascendancy tier list
Actually what killed wow is that it’s a shit game for chinks
its gonna be a hilarious first week when people realize that their starter builds are all shit
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MELEE BROS WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK. FUCK SPELL TARDS AND RANGED FUCKING BITCHES. ITS OUR TIME NOW!!!! Is this the PLATNIUM era of PoE? I know the golden era has long since passed but is a new era of prosperity ahead of us now that the BFR has been slain?
just not that good without affliction ascendancy tree giving you 7000% aoe, capped chaos, etc, all for free.
What claw mastery?
Dual strike of ambidexterity is the only good build. Anything else isn't a real build. Pee pee poo poo bignose bunger
t.hapa alk
i get those for free from my 17 year old brazillian gf
I haven't used mines since they were changed, hexblast mines are doable early on, iirc they only need skitterbots, but I'd wait until profane proxy. iirc you leveled with pyro mines and they're pretty good on their own.
BLEWBS!!!!!!! On some real shit though. Slams are back on the menu for sure.
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what's gladiator is that only for melee or something
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it's up

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They'll have value either way if they'll still let you combine corrupted shit in the recombinator. Tainted Mythics, Chaos and Exalts will get a lot of use this league
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Playing poe is better than sex
Anyone know if Hextouch works with Dancing Dervish?
ask me how i can i tell you are going to be following Alks jugg build, its because im following it too motherfucker
Thank you for letting me know.
>Alk consistently uses the best possible skills with the tankiest possible mechanics and 100% spell suppress
>Still usually dies and goes slower than Ben
>It feels good to be able to drop 100 bucks every league
Try spending it on a psychiatrist instead.
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all melee is good now some more than others but everything is buffed to the point of everything being viable

i would rather fuck a watermelon than stick my dick inside something so full of diseases of multiple dick roulette of mystery meat shes had for that day, week month or year, you are literally paying to guess if you have pernament STIs after you do this shit
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I weep...
>15% damage per warcry used recently node
>6L autoexertion and as much CDR as you can possibly get
would this work
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I don't like watching hardcore streamers for some reason. I feel that they are semi-cowards because yeah they are on hardcore but they do weird shit like run their red maps blue and do other pussified shit. Once I realized that people run certain tiers of maps as transmute orbed only, I fucking threw up. Isn't the point to always run rare maps?
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Erm....yeah dude...really, erm....cool...
if you hit with the weapon yourself sure
DeArrow browser extension exist and is good.
The concept of "disposable income" doesn't exist. (you) just have a empty life.
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why yes, I am in fact a slayer main
how could you tell?
>look at people using 2h for lacerate bleed
fuck this I want to go fast I want 2 swords nigga I want to dual wield
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Umm I'm already going to a psychiatrist and taking meds, thank you very much
Why would you need auto exertion? Just press the fucking warcrys manually and save a slot. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO AFRAID OF PRESSING BUTTONS IN A FUCKING VIDEO GAME!!!???
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why is he like that? whats his endgame?
someone post a sweep bleed pob pretty please
>ctrl + f "crow"
>zero results
this isn't the /poeg/ I know, what happened while I was gone?
Play yellow+ maps for 2 seconds and you'll understand PooE 1 is fundamentally broken and unplayable as anything other than 1 button autounabomber
someone please give this guy a terminal 4 STD
endurance charge league
new meta
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hey bitch.....hey
how is there not a single video or screenshot on the entire internet that shows just how far the phantasms spawn from penance mark? I know it's far enough that it destroyed poison prolif memes but is it out of chain range too?
pretty much this
can someone post their starter RF build? i don't know how to build it anymore...
Maybe you should find a different one.
having his face show up when you search path of exile 2
don't tinctures suck ass, why make an entire ascendancy around them?
So which melee skill will be so fucking broken that you can just play Jugg and do 10+ million DPS with little investment? No gay piano shit like slams.
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Is it back with the return of Kalandra mechanics?
Didn't RF get indirectly nerfed AGAIN?
would you wear this IRL /poeg/?
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how do you fuckers even begin to theory craft in this game with this much depth to it? i dont even know what to use or where to begin or what class or ascendancy or what to have on the gear or how to scale it.
Did you read the patch notes sir?
dude sounds like he's legit gay, must be from all the cock sucking he does for popularity
Do they help? I went off the meds about a decade ago since I couldn't stand being a zombie.
Now I can't stand being an emotionless husk of a human being. It's difficult to even play vidya after the shift ends these days. Just work and sleep is the usual cycle. I just want to be able to focus on things I enjoy. I just want to enjoy things again.

League start plans, /poeg/?
I'm going to run a totem heiro, slap on the bow for ballistae, and try to focus on the mobile game based city builder & pirate killing.
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Here it is. a remote town that is shaped like v. You start at the bottom on the waypoint and walk to the right to see some villagers and to the left to the map device.
It really is just building a knowledge pool over years of playing. It's a game that feels really rewarding to theorycraft in but you don't actually need to go that deep for a build that is functional. You can make a low millions DPS character literally just focusing on generic damage, cast speed, and life and using like some random spell with spell echo.
Copy a build then reverse engineer it to something a normal human can achieve
This guy is trying to become relevant and he posts himself here too. I already blocked his channel on youtube
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Reave Warden. White Wind into tri-ele claw. Max block. Capped suppression. End charges. Capped crit. 800% crit multi. 6k life. 40k armor. Instant leech. 200% More damage and 150% inc armor from ascendancy alone. Find a single flaw.
i did that for my LA Champ, we maybe hivemind npcs desu

yeah i thought as much
Looks something out of a Balenciaga catalog so no
Here it is
>I already blocked his channel on youtube
How? Youtube removed the ability to block channels because they're a bunch of fags.
It's a mile wide but an inch deep. There are a ton of builds you can play, but most of them break down to only a few dozen different ways to actually build the character.
Play a few builds each league and you'll be able to work out a fairly efficient build pretty quick in path of building.
Pfinder should be in D tier.
How is cold BV Occultist for this league
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Is what?
Are you trying to stop me from playing Eq Bleed Gladiator somehow?
what are you using for end charges?
2 kids more then 90% of the thread
isn't berserker kinda viable for its double exerts? it's double damage for 10 hits with the right setup
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I never really got what was so bad about assassin specifically. It feels like every league start you see some assassin build that clears out maps fast for no currency then just respecs to trickster
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What is here? Ruetoo's shitty opinion that is wrong?
my character last league, its what i end up with a week in usually
removed adorned cause its not worth now
if league is shit like necropolis i just kill ubers once and quit but theres alot of room for improvement
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Do you guys remember this video?
Youtube really shilled it hard to me for some reason. That was his first successful video.
>inch deep
don't know why /poeg/ keeps downplaying the depth of most builds. Yeah they become playable at like a quarter of the mechanics used but every single top end build uses a dozen or more different layers to minmax or pull value out of random items and interactions. It's not just immediately obvious to a newbie to combine something like the Nightmare jewels with Unnatural Instinct or tattoos or use Impossible Escape to hit a cluster of nodes that were converted with a Timeless Jewel.
based homosexual
Bro, whoever says berserker is not good this league is huffing some good shit.
If your build does not have endurance charges, reconsider
Is ruetoo the shitter who baited a bunch of people into spectral throw CF? Or am I thinking about someone else?
I have lost the count on the amounts of times he has been wrong and baited people into dogshit builds but probably yes
A lot of damage, but too squishy. Berserk no longer gives less damage taken.
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well-rounded beast tier list
I don't think so, that build sounds retarded
When will they rework necro? The ascendancy is so ass
tfw ugly hideout
Wish I had aesthetic skills
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i knew jugg dual strike of ambidexterity was the right move

yeah i have been doing that bro, going full melee this league trying a few out
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since luck is more or less a 33% increase, isn't this shield nuts? It basically allows you to hit 86% block chance.
feels good to pick hiero
It's harder to build defenses on it. I don't think it's any good except for rage or exerts.
ughhh fuckkkk
i'm so hungover
i didnt even drink that much man what the hell
i have a dinner party to run today
fuck me
someone said banners are auto pickup whenever you are out of their range. is this true?
>86% block chance
which has 0 contribution to max hit
PoM hasn't killed himself yet?
>block 86% of the time
>die in 14% of the time to some random bullshit
why would elementalist be low?
I mean, we do get better flat armor, we also get max res all around the marauder start, and the damage rage gives now should be pretty juicy, but yea, looks like its going to be very much a rage/slam class now.
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Yeah bro (or sis) you should totally go back to see a psychiatrist and taking meds, you can adjust them so they don't completely zombify you
I assure you it'd make you be able to appreciate poe (and your life) more
I think you want a life gain on block shield.
>muh max hit bix nood
Nearly all deaths are from multihits, unless you are running valdo feared maps or want to tank uber maven memory game explosions, just have reasonable res/phys mitigation.
>86% block chance
all lucky does is roll the value twice and choose the highest one. it can't go above block cap, which this shield lowers to 65%
Who do you trust for a good build?
the act of rolling twice is basically going above the block cap
Myself, who's been playing for over 10 years and made dozens of successful builds in the past.
Alk his build destroyed necropolis
do muthafuckas even still play this game??? og better be capping, this midass slop lmao
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tell him brotha
Palsteron unironically
He makes the best league starters with no filler fake bullshit added to POB and he always makes sure to include the comfy angle
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>do muthafuckas even still play this game??? og better be capping, this midass slop lmao
>slutty stoner Yareli
its not preferable, but hell i'll take it
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Have a (You)
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>tfw comfy turtle hideout
they nerfed it last league. it's ass on purpose.
shit sorry. we're all frens though right?
Stop bullying my wife she's trying her best
I will still be starting bane/blight occy and it even got some buffs this patch
yeah, I have both up
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Redpill me on pathfinder, why are people calling her trash?
recommend me a good melee skill to use as a Ghost Reaver Trickster
Isn't there a third party way to arrange a hideout? Doing it in poe is a real pain in the ass.
taste of hate is kill
>they nerfed it last league. it's ass on purpose
>Minions leech life to you
Last league Necro received a big fat buff.
Do we get a teaser today?
why would it be higher
Both >>486872270 and >>486872475 are kind of right. The one you can trust with the build is the one who fits your playstyle the most. Are you autistic and don't mind grinding a very specific mechanic at start? You can use Captain Lances starter. Are you god tier in execution and can react in 0.01ms to anything PoE throws at you? Just use whatever ben plays. Do you just want to blaze and chill? Just use pohxs rf builds.
they nerfed it this league too. necro got a 10% less minion life and 2% less minion damage nerf on its basically 100% pick rate node.
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is he right?

it's just not really top dog for poison anymore but it's still a perfectly usable class, especially for people who aren't poopsocking for a mageblood
rhino pill
no headache
where were you when taste of hate was kill?
Loss of phys as taken as ele sources mostly. But now we get poison Original Sin on a budget
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>tfw over a 1000 of those veiled scarabs in standard
how am i supposed to open them all

is this too comfy bros?
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>he plays std
No. He's just doing the influencer giveaway suckoff that everyone does to secure a spot before a limited release.
what are we playing next league?
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Im too hyped to sleep
im going to die
check the new anoint + boots
bl orbit's going to be fun with kalandra slower projs, if those tablets are cheap or people are selling slower projs as bricks that'll be cool
Yes but also no because poison LS is going to be superior. Every build in the game can wear grasping vine boots + anoint to poison with any damage type.
poe.ninja HCSSF. Or just regular SSF if I don't mind it being squishy.
I ain't trusting those mirror-tier builds in the regular league.
Is he ever worth listening to on leagues? Even when the game's at its worst and he gives up playing and starts streaming other shit for weeks on end, he still posts shill videos telling people the game's still worth playing.
pretty sure they are gone now
i still cant believe that mark destroyed legacy kaoms stonks
wasn't he playing last league pretty far in?
wait for the commodities trade to go live on STD then just sell them all.

time to make it a home
Lightning coil still exists
>underaged anime tr/a/nny acting like he doesn't ask his mother for a credit card to borrow 20$ (first blood pack)
This one's a classic
>Even when the game's at its worst and he gives up playing and starts streaming other shit for weeks on end
I think Necropolis is the only league has actually quit early. He almost always plays every single league right to the end.
haven't watched the vid yet, but probably. though we know damn sure when it comes to PoE, "most ambitious" has 0 correlation with "good".
i know a lot of people are gonna hate all the micromanaging, the terrible way GGG handles menus on screen being anchored to the game world so they get cut off and hard to use, irl timers like some mobile game, confusing little stats and icons, etcetc. and how it'll release a month too early, lacking QA.
also the BIGGEST PATCH NOTES EVER doesn't mean shit for non-melee it's 90% '[Skill Attack Damage was 175% > now 300%]. reminds me of stuff like Synth, Harvest, etc. too fiddly and annoying for most players.

although, i think it'll probably be pretty cool. more involved league mechanics can be alright if you approach it with the right mentality, and i like town building shit.
plus major thing, they remembered to include bosses. pisses me off when leagues don't have some kind of climax feeling with a new boss.

wrong link this has more to download and import
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Thank you for this anime cat girl!
>cat girl
>cat girl
qrd me on this "drama"
use this link its better >>486874772
Congratulation anon, no more awoos later due to your eyesight
yeah this was pretty dumb. they buffed every melee skill and lowered the dmg coeffect of low level spells like
>Fireball: Now has 260% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 370% at gem level 20 (previously 370% at all gem levels).
which just adds a ton of words.
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When I gaze upon Bleed Glad my emotional cores return zero dps, a million deaths, and no endgame. I choose to be baited.
every fucking instant of PDR ignore and phys pen or wahtever it's called being homogenized is such a word count bloat
pathfinder doesn't scale lightning coil with flask effect.
I just really enjoy leagues that don't feel like playing standard but with some extra map mobs sprinkled in, and all the town building and micromanaging seems like it'll be just that.
Good shield if you don't need damage and your build can't use Aegis.
You know, I see both the criticism of "the patch notes don't share enough they just say added X unique items" and "the patch notes are bloated with too much shit that should've been summarized"

But instead of thinking anon is retarded, I kind of agree with both. Somehow the GGG patch notes always seem to be prioritizing the wrong fucking things.
Yeah I know, I mean that it's not SUCH a huge deal
ok but why would I use this over a surrender or other ehp gain on block shield?
People aren’t really going to fall for using block as a defense right?
Captain lancels, how we holding up?
>muh slayer main
it's losing like 30% physical taken as ele. like all the other phys taken as nerfs, it's pretty fucking huge.
the chink is pulling 5k viewers...
we lost...
>Tormented Spirits now provide 25% increased Item Rarity and Item Quantity for Monsters they touch, and 50% increased Item Rarity for the average spirit possessing a Monster.
Wasn't this like several hundred percent before?
The patch notes are supposed to detail the changes made to the game with each league
Changes each league are supposed to happen to improve balance, introduce new mechanics, and keep things interesting
But all of that falls apart when the devs themselves admit in the league showcase that they threw so much shit at the wall that they don't understand the impacts they will have on the game. That "Balance is hard, okay," and expect everyone to be understanding of our smoll indie game devs.
What the fuck even is this game anymore? We're a diablo 2 clone that's now older than diablo 2 was when it was cloned.
Only now we're a shitty real world clock wait simulator city builder.
>lacerate bleed
i think your problem is that you're looking in the dumpster trash skill department hoping for a good build when all the slayers are playing ralakesh winter orb or cyclone or whatever else.
mt pet theory is they nerfred tormented spirits and its atlas nodes because rogue exiles are going to be pretty good and they'd be busted with exiled will otherwise
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Having meticulously surveyed a veritable cornucopia of freshly buffed melee builds, I have at long last determined to have an exsanguinate trickster as my league starter.
Can an RF Jugg play the big boy game with juiced anarchy, or is a mageblood build a prerequisite to enter?
rue just found out about holy relic
it's joever...
im using 65/65 block (in addition to 20 other defensive layers)
its basically free to cap it considering you get block and damage on the same nodes
I can't believe rue just retro-actively invented Holy Relic builds

Minion chads we eating good
i facetanked like 30+ exiles at a time last league in t16s when the original flame existed. no mageblood or dod.
exiles basically do no damage
rhino pill
no headache
>max Valor is 105 with tree
>taking every node on tree you can only get 4 per second while you're constantly hitting with melee
Jesus Christ that's bad. The only valid source of Valor is warcry spamming for 4 a pop. You'll have your warcries up and War Banner will give 100% more physical damage and 160% increased accuracy. Jugg league again.
how revolutionary, we are back to affliction specters. never done this before
this general is just discord 2.0
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It's funny because, as far as I can remember, I've never seen a handsome Russian man, only beautiful Russian women.
>no pob update
>no teasers
>6 days
and you're the troon
Last build I gave up in t16 maps playing a minion Necromancer with a brass dome, 80 max res and bone offering because the I was getting one shot by the league mobs.

This time I'm gonna play boneshitter and I have such a good feeling about this league.
yejibros we're spending
The fuck is chris looking at?
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we gotta spend to earn, brother
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First time watching Rue ever, he's an obnoxious moron, and he's naming builds that I have personally played having never watched him yet saying he came up with the idea.

Streamers were a mistake
You can opt into the beta under the options, new tree's there.
I am also in this position. having to click on monsters to kill them is just unacceptable.
replica atziri's acuity is going to be crazy expensive this league isn't it
Your build :^)
I took this screenshot during a ZiggyD interview years ago, I don't remember the context, sorry.
My wife has eyes like that
I lost my Animate Guardian to something dumb once (probably my fault) I can't go through the trauma again
Bros the jannies on /a/ deleted my post there
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how am i supposed to get 75% spell block with gladiator
all the spell block nodes are up top and suck ass
best I can do is 65 with versatile combatant, take it or leave it
kek literally my reaction to that webm
you can easily get 40, 50 with an annoint, or 65 with versatile combatant
pick one and build suppress
Pick Versatile Combatant because it's finally usable with Lucky Block
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>Lost multiple guardians and corpses during affliction costing me about 40 divines
At least i know which maps to avoid now
get it from gear or pay up the points
versatile is bad if you're using the lucky block node
we're playing this

Tempest Shield is 26%.
But it's really hard to get 75% without versatile combatant.
Is this impale league ? increased base physicall damage and ignore phys resist means TRUE power multi, right?
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My starter? Why Deadeye LA, of course.
in poe, unlocking the minmax potential of a build functionally means you remade it. A lot of builds exist but aren't considered playable until they are considered broken and he pushes those builds into broken tier.
How would you build a 6L for a double strike of impaling champion ? Double Strike + Impale + Brutality + Melee Damage + ????
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chill, rue, or i'm gonna have you xina'd
>rue the korean build yoinker trying to claim originality
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>versatile is bad if you're using the lucky block node
>Versatile Combatant because it's finally usable with Lucky Block
which is it
>Ass-ass-in in B tier
Perfect agony is that good now...huh
Slayer Ice Crash
>versatile is bad if you're using the lucky block node
I agree, going 40 at league start
This build is MY intellectual property! Anyone making a video about it without crediting ME is a dirty rotten thief!
Versatile Combatant is ezmode. Not using it is hard mode but it's literally 50% LESS DAMAGE TAKEN.
Let me just check this rue pob here
>all flasks checked
>boss with max shock against it
>all "filler" gear that isn't uniques 2 T1 res T1 life
>122/123 points
>random shit added to the config box like 70% more damage with no explanation
>i own the creative rights to all builds because I spend a mirror to get more affixes
Lance is a fine lad.
I just feel bad that he looks like he is locked inside a nuthouse after some steamy 22h/day grinding
This, but unironically
yes, especially cause captainlance has never called someone else for "copying" "his" builds. So he gets the credit for making the baldo's destroyer
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Does the claw mastery that gives life/mana on hit with main/offhand work with projectiles like with Lightning strike or just the melee attack? Do returning projectiles also proc the life/mana on hit?
okay but is it true that captain lance played one of rue's builds to pinnacle bosses with a blue wand and then said it was a bad build
my gladiator league start pob
>that damage is unethical!!!
if it doesn't specify melee, then yes it should for proj from attacks
kinda based desu
Unbreakable + Divine Flesh seems super strong with the upcoming armor changes, especially considering the loss of most damage conversion. This seems like a must have for Juggernauts even with the loss of the 2 x Total Armor
My Inquis tornado of elemental turbulence had 15 million DPS and a 250k max hit with non-GB 75% block/spell block with no gimmicks. Why in the FUCK would anyone play Shitiator for fucking block?????
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is this bait
it's shit anon
75% < 75% lucky
Fucking fantastic that slopbuild shitcore tradeniggers now have AI slop as their thumbnail art. Just to really drive home how pathetic tradecucks are.
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deadass fr fr
My 2013 character only has 1 legacy unique and its a shitty Kaom's sign ring
Xibqua + Incandescent Heart + Endur stacking is gonna be pretty good
No it's a very good league start weapon before you get your Voidforge.
It's fine.
What's bait is planning to get one early. Do not plan around getting one. It's going to be way too expensive for what it offers for the first week or two.
>haha look out how many random stats I get!
>wait what if I want a weapon that does more than 300pdps
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its based
Sis, your Shako?
elemental hit of the autism deadeye
its like 40% more dmg with the glad meme passive, just wearing a good weapon is better
I legit did not recognize that as lance, since it does not look like he just escaped an insane asylum. Man, the poe grind does things to a man.
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oh. my. science.
>19k phys max hit
You might want to send this build to /ourguy/, CaptainLance, to be fixed.
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any good travel/movement skill builds for leaguestart? is trans leap slam bait?
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Since when did utility flasks start having maximum ele res?
Is ritual gonna be good now?
Flicker bros, what do we do about hatred and berserk being murdered?
>We got 2x added dmg eff
>But at what cost?
probably, somebody at GGG loves ritual
still shit and takes up your entire map device + have to buy vessels
a lot of the money I made early on in affliction was from selling corpses so if there are still good corpses around, ritual might be pretty decent.
who cares, tornado of elemental turbulence is a dumb skill that looks dumb
potentially slayer and jugg SS, new end charges stacking is overpowered
i didnt make a duplicate character in over 2 years
Is this finally the league to make Static Strike good? I know melee lost a lot of attack speed from rage, berserk, and protector but this skill got double the damage ratio and it doesn't need attack speed anyway.
just bought some underage girl and her underage friends, 2 packs of cigs, those winston thin blue ones
who /cooldude/ here? they gave me the money, went to the store and got them. lucky little kids 5min before closing. i didint have such a childhood like they did, hanging around girls your age smoking cigs on the streets but.. i will not try to deny them theirs.
I just realized, I can play to tier 10s and respec to something else if my leaguestarter isn't cutting it. aah, so liberating.
Negative 44% attack speed, negative 20% movement speed, negative 60% damage, 20% more damage taken, but now you deal double damage in return (in total you were nerfed bigly.)
played rf jugg since jugg existed
gonna keep playing rf jugg
I thought RF died last league. What happened?
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Why didnt you make this post?
>Warden for 160% More damage from just 2 notables
>ambush for guaranteed crits
>pyroclast mine for FREE 1500 added fire damage
enjoy oneshotting Ubers
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such freaking chad devs
>I mean, you could use life flasks with old Vaal Pact I am pretty sure.
original vaal pact didnt work with life flasks
Essence drain good now?
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found alks dual strike jugg league starter which im going to use

lvl 80

lvl 100

i think a lot of the totem nodes you wont need as totems for melee is dead and will change into something else for damage or defence or retaliation depending on whatever you are going for.
>pyroclast mine
kek you almost had me there
triple ele oath triple ele herald triple elemental tornado warden
what else are you going to do while static strike passively deals damage? just sit with your thumb up your ass? you WILL throw ze mines and you WILL like it
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why is there no ptr
>tfw working tons of overtime the week league launches
Anyone else know this feel?

here is the endgame build
With versatile you need 125% block attack chance to get 65/64, assuming you use shield and lucky node you still need 75% attack block.
Without versatile and with same assumptions you get 75/0 out of the box.
With block mastery, tempest shield and t1 spell block on shield you get 75/75 but you can always settle for less with less investment
nice mirror tier build
>You are all bald fat fucking retards. I am a mazed gooner and love when you take a dump directly into my mouth like necropolis league. This dump looks even better. Hope it's still poo
Oh no they are making him a demigod now. I wonder what his BFR will be.
So gladiator still sucks?
There is. It goes live on friday and then testing of the patch usually concludes a couple weeks later when the finished version of the patch is released.
ask me how I know you're a blizzfag
its around a 8 million dps difference, its not needed but this seems like a long league its something to target or look at how to raise dps and defences
Chris = Bald fucking retard = BFR
Mark = Haired fucking genius = HFG
Johnathan = Roll fucking slopper = RFS
*sip* yep, it's gonna be deadeye again this league
Isn't that the bleed bow guy? He must be coping about the nerfs to his build.
I want to league start CF again... wtf do I play now that champ was gutted
Rue is so easy to bait holy shit
He's gonna get perma'd this time when he says something that crosses the line
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>immortal varunastra slayer prepared
I outdid myself this time
I thought it got a big nerf?
It had reduced cold damage and they balded it.
Clap clap clap brrrrrrrrrrrraap
Is he actually autistic or just baiting for viewership? I used to think streamers were always playing it up but then MethodJosh happened
varunastra is pretty rare right? i wonder if it will be money this league

what will change
>With versatile you need 125% block attack chance to get 65/64
>15mil dps
more like 1/3 of that since the tornados are slow and retarded
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bowcuck and mfcuck still rolling GLAD
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Enjoy your 100divs t0 build enabling weapon
reminder that Gladiator is bait and Warden is the secret S-tier ascendancy of the league
0 damage
3x damage+permafreeze
It's simply no contest.
cant believe there are still seething bugmen in this thread this many hours later. Touch grass you incel tiny dick retards
He definitely has some undiagnosed mental illness.
I don't think his girlfriend even exists.
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what is he mad about this time?
>40% body fat
>ripped abs
Go home, AI. You're drunk.
What to play as warden?
she exists to him
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methodjosh used to smash 2v2 arena with eliot rodger in cata believe it or not
>absolutely zero of the endurance charge ascendency notables
>in endurance charge league

you're going to change that right
Wouldn't that weapon be better on glad with the buff per specific weapon node?
literally anything that can deal all three types of elemental damage
tri-ele claws and daggers are looking spicy with the base crit buffs
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Someone said a thing on the internet. His whole gimmick is getting REALLY LOUD AND SCREECHY to amuse his audience. It doesn't mean anything.
tranny elehit totems
Just 1 thing about the "block chance is lucky if you've blocked recently" thing, I'm pretty sure if you have block cap (at a base of 75%) that having Lucky block means that when you get hit, you roll that 75% twice for an effective ~90+% block chance. Pretty sure he misunderstood what they meant there
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we lost....
how much block do you need for effective 100%? i never bothered with lucky shit but i know that people use the mastery for suppress sometimes
I miss alt art rewards
There's no way. There's no way.
GGG are 100% going to add a line where pulling legacy items from remove only tabs applies a divine orb to the item for their modern rolls.
>poe players still don't understand how game economy works

I plan to steal glad node with forbidden jewels later
Ranged animate weapons seems fine
Pure spectre might be great based on how nerfed the affliction spectres are
I also still think that we will somehow find a way to break bama once again, but we'll see
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>Warden frozen blade
Is it viable?
who cares about standard?
probably, im going to merge this with whoever comes up with a good 3.25 version of the build
yeah maybe shitters
even crappy old basic bitch sunder on juggernaut now has even more damage than exert slam version on zerker from last patch except is invulnerable to damage
You can do literally anything melee as long as you aren't completely retarded and select Juggernaut / Slayer.
can you use something like lightning strike and convert the phys to cold via Winter Spirit and the Cold Mastery?
I got a free week on the 2nd of aug. I actually thought league is starting 29th so it's fine. Turns out I'll kinda miss the whole 1st week
i finna jugg bitch
I'm a bit of a retard but isn't it best with lightning-based skills (that also ignite/freeze a little)?
>huge shock buff
>freeze lasts longer, implying it's needed
>double ignite (scorch), you're trying to attack 15x a second so two ignites is probably going to be weak, though I suppose up to -60% fire res is pretty good
Just use a weapon with flat rolls of all 3 elements and you can use whatever skill you want.
why bother converting the tiny bit of phys?
no, the lightning conversion takes priority. you can however just use Added Cold support or flat cold on a weapon and scale that
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>who cares about standard?
Just took a look at the new glad
The ascendency is still garbage, maybe even more so with the removal of the 20% more bleed damage and removal of chance to cause bleed and blind
Aggravated bleeds are too accessible for it too be a point and crimson dance is still higher dps anyway
Varunastra node is bait
What are people talking about?
>broken items exist in standard
stop the presses
we retaliation stackin
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>buying a $90+tip+tax+handling fees supporting pack when you could sink that same 90 dollhairs into 20 divs from a china man DAY ONE and rocket propel your wealth for the rest of the league
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>Just took a look at the new glad
The ascendency is still garbage, maybe even more so with the removal of the 20% more bleed damage and removal of chance to cause bleed and blind
Aggravated bleeds are too accessible for it too be a point and crimson dance is still higher dps anyway
Varunastra node is bait
What are people talking about?
I don't need to watch the video to see that gladiator is still merely a jewel donor.
>muh Aggravation
Unless the anime anon was correct and GGG is giving everyone FREE 12x damage that node is completely fucking worthless on anything but bleedquake.
>b-but Rupture Perfect Agony Replica Acuity bleed utilizes Aggravation
By the time you get that up and running Slayerchads will already have their Ralakesh boots and your EHP advantage is gonezo. You will not be able to cap crit without an aurabot casting Beachlink on you.
>muh double power explode
Yeah that's nice for early blight farming. You know Slayer can put down War Banner and get a 10% phys explode, Asenath's exists, Hemophilia still exists. Enjoy your negative 20% phys DoT damage you got in exchange for the buff.
>War of Attrition
SSFHC node only and the only source of damage on the ascendancy lmao.
>shield block = 50% or get more block/attack speed from dual wield
Where's the damage in this ascendancy?
>chance to block is lucky if you've blocked recently
Nowhere I suppose. This node is great to steal for a staff-wielding Slayer. Otherwise, completely worthless.
>Varunastra node
>retaliate node

Dead on arrival unless you're a blight farmer.
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sis he has those race rewards in his stashes
Glad will be nice for getting aggravated bleeds on slams like Fist of War EQ, which don't want to use Crimson Dance or 10% chance to aggravate bleed on hit. It is worse for a lot of old Glad builds like Bleed Bow.
>brags about it
gonna get fixed now. dumb little nigger should have kept his mouth shut
Reminder that Neon confirmed directly that fewer than 100 people worldwide printed >99% of all T1/T0 items dropped last league. They are playing a different game than you.
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>she doesn't know
>remove-only race reward tab
Glad is still ass, people are theorycrafting shit that would work better on other ascedencies.
The block and retaliate stuff looks like it could have potential for HC though, somebody could find a build that pulls 3m dps while being unkillable and all of a sudden glad is the number 1 ascedency for HC.
the 100 people that didn't quit first week
Why can't I just league start wander with Pisshitor's now that they gave it an extra 1% crit and ~10% more attack speed?

You've been able to do this for literally a decade....
max lucky block is very very far from unkillable
Retaliate will certainly be garbage damage but I am very curious to see if you can develop it to a point where you can just sit on an uber until it kills itself

Having to activate them really kills any desire I have to try them though, especially when a lot of these synergies seem to assume you're running multiple retaliations for some god forsaken reason
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>darkee and alk saying that you don't need more than 20k armor and therefore don't need determ
i've been getting lied to this whole time
why did you subhuman FAGGOTS lie to me
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I want to laugh at you but I think it's been like eight years or some shit since we last had actual season rewards. Everything's been gated behind a battle pass as of late. Maybe you're just someone who hasn't been playing forever.
There isn't a phys hit in the game that deals more than 10,000 damage. Armor before was good because it went into MS and shit like Armor ---> Ele damage reduction which basically doesn't exist anymore.
They may be right but I've been getting by with phys as ele and defensive auras for leagues now. I have no fucking clue how to layer my survivability now they shot the shit I was using in the foot. Like what the fuck are the other defensive layers even?
>pillar of the caged god
what am i missing?
yeah a month into the league when its already dead and basically just standard
true if you arent jugg and only do blue t10 maps the first month
Retards will see 1 point splosions
I see a loss of:
50% chance to cause bleeding
25% chance to blind
Enemies are maimed
30% more bleed damage taken
and 1 additional point

It's fucking insane how hard they fucked my boy, unless the other nodes somehow end up enabling some busted shit Glad is actually dead.
Attack speed
3.25 winners
>melee anything
>dual strike of ambidexterity
>earth shatter
>Shitstain Steve
>You (based person reading this and agreeing)
>Me (creator of this post)

>ragevortex of berserking
>any ascendancy on top of the tree that isn't hierophant / trickster
>currency price fixing nigger faggots
>wage slaves
>D4 drones
>LE trannies
>Path of Meth
>Captain Lance
>You (cringe faggot that disagrees)
It looks like shit on paper to me but Guardian and Chieftain actually turned out for the better in the end so I'm cautiously optimistic that there's something I'm overlooking here.
ggg is so good at gaslighting retards even without trotting out that pig bex to squeal
post pob gladCHAD
Guardian is ass without srs
Chieftain was instantly recognized for the 90% easy all res node
Where is that for glad?
Attack speed and defenses.
warden is actually pretty sweet for ele tornado but it doesn't solve its core issue which is the slow ass clear speed
I'm gonna go bone this league.
The only question is Jugg or Slayer?
is there any proof of this?
slayer if you're good
jugg otherwise
People didn't even consider SRS on reveal, those set ups only became apparent after the nodes started getting tested. Guardian's problem right now is less that the ascendency is bad and more that its niche is weak because lolminions and lolauras, but it's strong within it. Chieftain got shit talked for ages despite the resistance and people had no respect for it even as a fire damage dealer.

Don't get me wrong, again, gladiator looks like hot garbage to me, but I don't know for a fact that block stacking isn't a much better layer after the nerfs to other layers than we expect that'll open up options somewhere or if retaliation skills will scale well enough to compensate for how fucking retarded shit they look at face value. At this point, more often than not, it turns out that a rework is much better than the initial dooming expects it to be.
Top/right side sisters better be starting trickster, or you'll be dying to a white skeleton in yellow maps.
>Overwhelm gone
>Phys taken as nerfed
Jugg chads won BIGLY
Yeah I think blocking will be an easy layer to lean on now that auras are gutted but if i want to block and deal damage I'm just gonna play necro again not raped in the ass glad.
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having to stand near monsters to enduring cry as trickster sucks though, even if I only have to do it once every 30 seconds.
I think Berserker will bait a lot of people because berserk no longer gives damage mitigation. You will need to invest a lot in defenses, ele res, chaos res and life to have a chance in the endgame. And Vaal Pact is a terrible choice because dots and taking damage when far away from things to hit means death.
Any fun starters this league? If not, I'm not opposed to playing hexblast with a dreadarc again.
Cute cat
tranny lancing steel holy relic
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Wheres todays teaser
Bleed tree sucks. Block tree looks decent enough. War of Attrition is probably shit but maybe it'll work out that it's just something you take for ubers when the rest of your build scales well enough. Weapon Master is boring but it's practical enough.

Big question is whether or not a single one of the retaliation skills turns out to be playable.
>literally every Elemental Hit guide is Of The Spectrum

tornado is irredeemable garbage unless they let you cast it at your cursor
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only degenerate currency goblins are about magic find
I'm glad it's gone
fuck quantity
fuck trading
SSF chad 4 lyfe
The retaliation skills are QoL, I can't see myself relying on them for anything.
And what QOL they give?
They look fucking terrible to use. They need to be enabled first, and then activated. If they were automatic or even if they could be automated by another support they'd be worth considering even if they were suboptimal for gimmick set ups, but as they stand the only possible way they'll see play is if they're actually strong when built around.
Decent clear every two seconds I guess. Put some life gain on hit and maim on them, I dunno
it seems like you can set up your tree so that they're almost always active, I wouldn't be surprised if next league the meme starter is some retaliation build that plays terribly but has huge numbers
I love the kot!
you realize they all have to be manually used within an active time limit after a block
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Yes, but they are instant. Two seconds is an okay window.
It seemed like a nuke button in the trailer. He one shot some rares easily.
Seemed like some ulti out of a moba , only with a 2 sec cd
det was already phased out last patch for taken as lil bro
now that is phased out for ralakesh end charge stacking with ED as the certified hardcuck meta
We don't know how the glad nodes work
Some people are assuming that the lucky block chance node rolls max roll twice which would give you 90% double block chance
And the 1% more damage taken per second node is also weird with its wording, maybe it resets when you leave the area or the boss becomes invul or it doesn't
Rework is looking kinda weird though, it feels like they wanted to make it less mandatory to roll glad if you wanna go for bleeds but that's it
>le ranger is le DEAD
Why do people keep repeating this? You literally never played a ranger to reds without your precious coil (which your pussy ass can still get)? Cry harder while bowniggers and poisonfinderchads continue to provide all your items to you.
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Look at that cast time.
>Some people are assuming that the lucky block chance node rolls max roll twice which would give you 90% double block chance
Why wouldn't it work like that? Lucky means that it rolls twice. It's not even that broken since you have to successfully roll a 75% block first to get the 93% block chance for 4 seconds.
that's what lucky means in poe
Yes and no. Bleed explosions have always been really strong, and the melee changes have giga buffed bleed in general. Plus, you can really easily get 80%+ effective block/spell block, which is an insane amount of mitigation.

Combine the two, and they are in a really good place. It's arguable that Jugg is still better on the tanky side, Slayer better for bleed in general, but it's something new.
/poeg/ pick my league starter:
- ranged animate weapon
- bama if some genious makes it good
- some form of lightning arrow archer
- pure spectres if they're okay
- some variation of mana stacker hierophant
- herald of agony cyclone tank build
Honestly assuming the absolute best case scenario on the % damage node, I just don't know how many enemies will last much longer than 100 seconds for you to get much value out of it.
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>tomorrow its going to be 5 days till the release
retaliation forcing you to react to getting hit, I would legit be amazed if literally anyone makes these skills work lmao. Even link skills are powerful for actual party play. I can't imagine ANY retaliation skills actually being good.

Feel free to SS this
Even if that is the case it's garbage. You are not blocking that much in bossfights which are the only scary content and you have to invest 2 points to get it.
The amount of points on the tree to even get 75/75 is insane.
do something else for 5 days then you dumb retard
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>tfw already decided my league starter
You did decide what you wanna play, right... RIGHT!?
>tfw no good tullina x witch porn to occupy me for 5+1 days
2 seconds is plenty of time to react, with a sign that shows up above your character, on your skill bar, possibly on your buff bar in top left, and probably also an audio cue.

It's not rocket science to say maybe you're playing a clearskill like vaal cleave and then you use sword storm to have a nice single target nuke in your 4L.
Retaliation being made good is simply a numbers issue. It probably won't be too hard to get most of them on a low enough cooldown to be a primary skill, and triggering them in the first place won't be very hard. You should end up with something like a 60% chance of them resetting per use too. They're not so fundamentally fucked that they can't just turn out strong as long as the numbers are good.

They have much deeper issues going on in that at face value they just seem horribly designed. If a retaliation build is good, it'll play like a regular build except that you jump hoops, holding down your retaliation button to make sure you're always casting it as soon as it becomes available and that you're not missing reset, but every time it's not available you'll be awkwardly moving or swinging at nothing and your build's performance will be wonky as fuck depending on how many enemies are on you and how much cooldown recovery you have.
>Keep crying while ran-AAACK!
I'm going to give bleed gladiator a chance. I just hope it doesn't suck.
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i decide 1 hour before league start, every league
start learning how to draw then dumbass
what skill do i use on a warden bros
are rigwald's axe and/or sword viable in 3.25?
literally me
bleedbow puncture+splitting arrow with a bleed tincture and a stun tincture with endurance charge on stun on splitting arrow.
ACK-ing is not exclusive to the right side anymore. Neon has imported falling over to Marauder and Duelist now.
wtf based
Im actually playing other vidya but id rather play poe i just cant enjoy what im doing
>No damage taken as ele
>No free armor off determ/grace
whats the shittest designed boss fight ? maven sirus or uber elder
Im retarded, which melee do i play
SST bleed gladiator back?
Nobody tell him lmao.
do things you enjoy then
Glad for for bleed damage is shit. You take it for the block nodes and bleed explosions. It's damage nodes are some of the worst in the game
yeah these skills are shit and retarded and have no reason to be in the game. These people are out of touch with these changes. They are trying to massively slow the game down to put it in line with poe2
Normal Uber Elder is very well designed imo. Sirus is ok. Maven is a bit weird, melee skills get shafted a bit, especially in the last phase.
Are we getting the actual skill gems this week?
I wanna see if I can make retaliate shit work
It's 6x damage for Quin builds tho.
>no damage taken as ele
Doesn't matter, never used it
>defensive auras gone
More room for damage to offscreen harder

This is a buff
Neon exported overwhelm out of the game for juggs to reign supreme
while nerfing flat aura/phys as x.
I guess bowsissies won't care if they die a few hundred times more than before 600->900.
>This is a buff
Que up those maps to zoom through like a bot
LOGIN bowsissies
but i cant its still 5 days
You'll get them the day before launch and you'll be happy
New thread
Sirus without a doubt
Buggy, shitty, buggy, buggy, buggy, absolutely pants-on-head retarded "le move le storms" bullshit, relies ENTIRELY on barely being able to see what the fuck is happening because it's all a vomit of dark red, buggy, piss-easy once you get used to the visual cues, buggy, WHY THE FUCK DO THEY REFUSE TO FIX THE BUGS

Maven is pretty well-designed, the memory game might be little "gimmicky" but it's not that big of a deal, the last phase can actually be pretty difficult depending on the build, without being gimmicky

Uber Elder is probably the most well-designed fight in PoE although power creep has trivialized it (I can't believe facetanking the slams is now a basic thing most builds can do); it's also deceptively easy
100% MORE
This looks so fucking horrible.
Okay, it's a bit better than regular skills...? But you need to have it in a 6-link for it to be even worth using. And then you can't even use it most the time. Just imagine how bad it is vs bosses that doesn't just auto attack you.
>fix up my old Flicker character on standard to play it for a bit before it disappears
>it's fucking trash for some of its gear
idgi, is Paradoxica Raider Flicker just doomed to be trashcan without the Shako?

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